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NNRXXX10.1177/1545968314523679Neurorehabilitation and Neural RepairShiner et al

Clinical Research Article

Neurorehabilitation and

Bilateral Priming Before Wii-based

Neural Repair
2014, Vol. 28(9) 828­–838
© The Author(s) 2014
Movement Therapy Enhances Upper Limb Reprints and permissions:

Rehabilitation and Its Retention After DOI: 10.1177/1545968314523679

Stroke: A Case-Controlled Study

Christine T. Shiner1, Winston D. Byblow, PhD2, and Penelope A. McNulty, PhD1

Background. Motor deficits after a stroke are thought to be compounded by the development of asymmetric interhemispheric
inhibition. Bilateral priming was developed to rebalance this asymmetry and thus improve therapy efficacy. Objective. This
study investigated the effect of bilateral priming before Wii-based Movement Therapy to improve rehabilitation after
stroke. Methods. Ten patients who had suffered a stroke (age, 23-77 years; 3-123 months after stroke) underwent a 14-day
program of Wii-based Movement Therapy for upper limb rehabilitation. Formal Wii-based Movement Therapy sessions
were immediately preceded by 15 minutes of bilateral priming, whereby active flexion-extension of the less affected wrist
drove mirror-symmetric passive movements of the more affected wrist through a custom device. Functional movement
was assessed at weeks 0 (before therapy), 3 (after therapy), and 28 (follow-up) using the Wolf Motor Function Test
(WMFT), upper limb Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA), upper limb range of motion, and Motor Activity Log (MAL). Case-
matched controls were patients who had suffered a stroke who received Wii-based Movement Therapy but not bilateral
priming. Results. Upper limb functional ability improved for both groups on all measures tested. Posttherapy improvement
on the FMA for primed patients was twice that of the unprimed patients (37.3% vs 14.6%, respectively) and was significantly
better maintained at 28 weeks (P = .02). Improvements on the WMFT and MAL were similar for both groups, but the
pattern of change in range of motion was strikingly different. Conclusions. Bilateral priming before Wii-based Movement
Therapy led to a greater magnitude and retention of improvement compared to control, especially measured with the
FMA. These data suggest that bilateral priming can enhance the efficacy of Wii-based Movement Therapy, particularly for
patients with low motor function after a stroke.

rehabilitation, cortical excitability, interhemispheric inhibition, upper limb, brain priming

Brain priming has emerged as a strategy to improve the effi- more conventional priming strategies.4,5,12-14 A custom device
cacy and retention of rehabilitation after stroke and help facilitates rhythmic, bimanual flexion-extension movements
reduce the global disease burden of stroke. The aim of prim- of the wrists in which mechanical coupling enables active
ing is to enhance the brain’s responsiveness to motor rehabili- flexion and extension of the less affected wrist to drive the
tation by modulating cortical excitability to create a more passive, more affected wrist. Active-passive movements have
neuroplastic environment prior to therapy.1-5 Priming may be been shown to modulate corticomotor excitability when per-
used to rebalance the asymmetry in inhibition known to formed specifically in a mirror-symmetric manner.12,14,15 Brief
develop between the hemispheres after stroke.1-3 This inhibi- bilateral priming sessions can (1) increase excitability in the
tory imbalance reduces the excitability of the lesioned motor resting, ipsilesional hemisphere; (2) increase transcallosal
cortex,1 further reducing motor output and limiting functional
movement and the potential for motor recovery.3,6,7 Therefore, 1
Neuroscience Research Australia and the University of New South
rebalancing interhemispheric excitability to prime the brain
Wales, Sydney, Australia
after a stroke and improve rehabilitation outcomes is a devel- 2
Centre for Brain Research, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New
oping clinical construct. 4,5,7-11 Zealand
Bilateral priming with repetitive, mirror-symmetric
Corresponding Author:
active-passive movements (active-passive bilateral priming Penelope A. McNulty, PhD, Neuroscience Research Australia, Barker
[APBP]) is a novel priming approach in which a peripheral Street, Randwick, NSW 2031, Australia.
movement paradigm circumvents many of the limitations of Email:
Shiner et al 829

Table 1.  Patient Demographics.

Time after Pretherapy Pretherapy

Patient Age, y Sex stroke, mo Stroke type More affected side Dominant side WMFT time,a s FMA scoreb
1 75 M 10 Hemorrhagic L R 3.2 59
2 23 F 13 Hemorrhagic R R 74.4 42
3 62 M 123 Ischemic R R 8.1 54
4 60 F 24 Hemorrhagic L L 105.2 18
5 77 F 34 Ischemic L R 120.0 5
6 74 M 7 Hemorrhagic R R 12.1 48
7 64 M 24 Ischemic R R 97.3 20
8 68 M 19 Hemorrhagic L L 67.5 46
9 71 F 108 Hemorrhagic R R 4.1 61
10 72 M 4 Ischemic R R 82.8 19

F, female; L, left; M, male; R, right.

a. Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT) mean time for 15 timed tasks (maximum possible time of 120 seconds per task).
b. Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) upper limb motor subscale (maximum score of 66).

inhibition from the ipsilesional (passive) to the contrale- months after a stroke. Patients were recruited from Prince
sional (active) hemisphere; and (3) increase intracortical of Wales and St Vincent’s Hospitals, Sydney, and all were
inhibition in the contralesional hemisphere.4,12 These hemiparetic with an upper limb deficit following a unilat-
changes outlasted the priming session, were shown to accel- eral stroke. Inclusion criteria included ≥3 months after a
erate motor learning in a healthy cohort,14 and contributed to stroke, stable blood pressure, able to communicate in
rebalancing interhemispheric excitability after stroke that English, and cognitive competency assessed as a Mini-
was associated with improved performance in subsequent Mental State Examination score ≥24. Exclusion criteria
motor therapy and increased retention of therapy benefits.4 included receptive aphasia, comorbidities affecting upper
Few studies have trialed APBP in a population after limb sensorimotor function, and participation in other for-
stroke. Since the feasibility of this technique was first estab- mal rehabilitation programs. All patients gave informed,
lished after stroke in 2004,12 only three studies have inves- written consent, and the study was approved by the Human
tigated the use of this active-passive movement paradigm as Research Ethics Committee, St Vincent’s Hospital, and
a brain-priming strategy before stroke therapy: one with conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
self-directed therapy;4 and a pilot study,13 and a randomized Each patient was case matched to an unprimed control
control trial5 in conjunction with standard in-patient physi- patient from an historic cohort who received the same stan-
cal and occupational therapy. The present study extends this dardized protocol of Wii-based Movement Therapy but with-
work into a chronic patient cohort undertaking a highly out bilateral priming. A weighted, hierarchical algorithm was
structured rehabilitation program without the confounding developed to identify the most appropriate case match for
of concurrent rehabilitation strategies. Here, we assessed each patient based on assessments of pretherapy functional
the efficacy of APBP as an adjuvant priming modality to ability and demographic information (Table 2). Each item in
Wii-based Movement Therapy16 after stroke. We hypothe- the algorithm was scored for the match between the primed
sized that the combined therapy protocol would be well tol- patient and the candidate case match. The weighting assigned
erated by patients after a stroke and that those who to each parameter reflected its perceived importance to case
underwent bilateral priming before Wii-based Movement matching. To verify the accuracy of this algorithm, each
Therapy would have greater functional improvement imme- primed patient was scored against 4 potential unprimed case
diately after therapy and better retention at 6 months than a matches by 8 blinded assessors. The case match with the
case-matched cohort of patients who had suffered a stroke highest overall score was identified as the most appropriate
who received Wii-based Movement Therapy alone. unprimed control. Case-matching results are summarized in
Table 3. There were no significant differences between
primed and unprimed groups for any parameter at baseline.
Methods Motor functional assessments were performed at week 0
(immediately before therapy), week 3 (immediately after
Participants the 14-day protocol), and week 28 (6-month follow-up).
Ten community-dwelling patients who had suffered a stroke Patients’ upper limb functional ability was assessed using
were consecutively recruited (Table 1), with a mean ± stan- the upper limb motor Fugl-Meyer Assessment17 (FMA) and
dard deviation age of 64.6 ± 15.7 years and 36.6 ± 42.8 the Wolf Motor Function Test18 (WMFT). The Motor
830 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 28(9)

Table 2.  Criteria and Scoring System Used for Case Matching. Active and passive ranges of motion at the shoulder,
elbow, wrist, and digits I and II were assessed using a hand-
Case-matching criteria Score
held goniometer.20 Spasticity of the shoulder, elbow, and
Functional status   wrist was assessed using the Tardieu Scale.21 Lower limb
  WMFT timed tasks, mean time 0-3 function was assessed using the Berg Balance Scale22 and
  Upper limb FMA score 0-3 6-minute walk test.23,24 Patient satisfaction and self-per-
  MAL-QOM score 0-3 ceived functional improvement were rated on a 10-point
Demographics   visual analog scale during posttherapy assessments.
  Months after stroke 0-3 The Box and Block Test25 (BBT) of gross manual dex-
  Dominant vs nondominant hemiparesis 0-3 terity was used before therapy to stratify patients accord-
  Stroke type (ischemic vs hemorrhagic) 0-2 ing to upper limb motor function. Patients capable of
 Age 0-2
picking up and moving >1 block before therapy were clas-
 Sex 0-1
sifed as having high motor function, and those unable to
Maximum possible score 21
pick up or move blocks were classified as having low
Each primed patient was compared to 4 potential control patients motor function.26
(from a total pool of 28) using the functional and demographic criteria
outlined. A score was assigned to each parameter, indicating how closely
the primed patient matched a given control, with weighting assigned Therapy Protocol
so that the maximum possible score for each component reflected
its perceived importance to case matching. For each potential match, Patients completed an intensive 14-day combined protocol
component scores were added to give a total case-matching score out of bilateral priming prior to the standardized Wii-based
of 21. The control patient with the highest total score was selected as
Movement Therapy program, which specifically targeted
the most appropriate case match. FMA, Fugl-Meyer Assessment; MAL-
QOM, Motor Activity Log Quality of Movement subscale; WMFT, Wolf the more affected upper limb (Figure 1). Formal sessions
Motor Function Test. were guided by a therapist, while home practice was self-
directed and when necessary supervised by a carer.
Table 3.  Comparison of Mean Demographics of Primed and
Case-Matched Control Cohorts. Bilateral priming. Each formal therapy session began
with 15 minutes of bilateral priming using a customized
Case-matched table-mounted device. Patients were seated with elbows
Primed patients controls
flexed, forearms semipronated, and both hands secured to
Age, y 64.6 (23-77) 60.5 (22-74) the adjustable hand pieces (Figure 1). They were instructed
Sex, n   to perform rhythmic, voluntary flexion and extension of
 Male 6 6 the less affected wrist and allow the more affected wrist to
 Female 4 4
be passively driven through mirror-symmetric movements
  Time after stroke, mo 36.6 (4-123) 20.3 (5-46)
Etiology, n  
via a mechanical linkage that confers an inertial advan-
 Ischemic 4 5 tage.4 Patients were instructed to focus on the active, less
 Hemorrhagic 6 5 affected wrist, keeping the more affected side relaxed. The
Hand dominance, n   number of wrist flexion-extension cycles in each session
  Dominant more affected 8 5 was recorded, and patients were encouraged to increase the
  Nondominant more affected 2 5 number of movements per session.
Pretherapy WMFT time,a s 57.6 (3.2-120) 56.1 (3.2-120)
Pretherapy FMA scoreb 37.2 (5-61) 36.8 (4-61)
Wii-based Movement Therapy.  The intensive 14-day pro-
Pretherapy MAL-QOM scorec 49.5 (0-133) 51.2 (0-134)
tocol was that developed by Mouawad and colleagues.16
Data are presented as mean (range) unless otherwise specified. APBP, active- Patients completed 60 minutes of formal, supervised ther-
passive bilateral priming.
a. Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT) mean time for 15 timed tasks (maximum
apy on 10 consecutive weekdays, immediately after bilat-
possible time of 120 seconds per task). eral priming. Home training commenced on day 2 of the
b. Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) upper limb motor subscale (maximum score of program and progressively increased from 15 to 180 min-
c. Total score for 30 items of the Motor Activity Log Quality of Movement utes per day depending on progress and motor ability. Nin-
subscale (MAL-QOM) (maximum score of 150). There were no significant tendo Wii and Wii Sports (Nintendo, Kyoto, Japan) were
differences between groups for any parameter.
used as an upper limb rehabilitation tool. Depending on
individual deficits and functional progress, different games
Activity Log Quality of Movement subscale19 (MAL- were introduced and varied to tailor rehabilitation to each
QOM) was used as an index of the transfer of therapy- patient’s needs. Progress was monitored daily via a motor
induced improvements to the performance of unrelated activity diary, completion of the MAL-QOM, and patient-
activities of daily living. centered problem solving and goal setting.
Shiner et al 831

Data Analysis from 2.1 ± 0.5 to 3.1 ± 0.6 at week 3 and unprimed patients
remaining unchanged (2.3 ± 0.7 at week 0 and 2.4 ± 0.7 at
Data that were normally distributed were analyzed using week 3). There were no other subsection interactions
repeated-measures 2-way analyses of variance (ANOVAs) between group and time.
with factors of group (primed, unprimed) and time (week 0,
3, 28) and post hoc Holm-Sidak analyses for multiple pair-
wise comparisons. Data that were not normally distributed WMFT
were analyzed using a 1-way ANOVA on ranks with a post The 2 WMFT strength-based assessments showed no sig-
hoc Tukey test for multiple pairwise comparisons. Normally nificant differences with time or group, and therefore, the
distributed data are presented as mean ± standard error of WMFT data hereafter refer only to the 15 timed tasks. The
the mean, and data that were not normally distributed are mean WMFT time for the primed patients revealed a non-
presented as median and interquartile range (IQR). significant trend toward improvement at week 3, decreasing
Differences were considered significant when P < .05. from 57.6 ± 14.6 seconds to 53.1 ± 14.7 seconds (P = .059)
(Figure 2F). At week 28, there was additional improvement
Results for the primed patients, with the WMFT mean time further
reduced to 40.8 ± 13.5 seconds (F2,17 = 5.5, P = .015). The
The primed Wii-based Movement Therapy protocol was WMFT mean time also improved for the unprimed patients
well tolerated and successfully completed by all 10 patients. at week 3, decreasing from 56.1 ± 15.1 seconds to 53.0 ±
The 6 patients who could not move any BBT blocks with 14.3 seconds, but not significantly. At week 28, the mean
their more affected hand before therapy were classified as time taken by unprimed patients to complete the WMFT
having low motor function. The remaining 4 patients with timed tasks was further reduced to 48.7 ± 15.1 seconds
high motor function moved a mean of 41 blocks (range, (F2,17 = 8.2, P = .003). There was no interaction between
29-51) with the more affected hand. Due to an unrelated group and time for the WMFT (P > .1).
medical condition, 1 patient from the primed group was
unable to complete week-28 follow-up assessments. For
this reason, follow-up data are reported for the 9 remaining Use of the Hand in Everyday Activities
primed patients and 9 unprimed case matches. There was a main effect of time on the MAL-QOM (P <
.001), indicating that both groups made significant improve-
ments in the use of the more affected upper limb in activi-
FMA ties of daily living. Median MAL-QOM scores at week 3
There was a main effect of time on FMA upper limb motor increased from 44 (IQR, 8.8-68.5) to 69 (IQR, 27.3-109) for
scores for all patients. The FMA scores improved from the primed cohort (H(2) = 13.6, P < .001) and from 41
37.2 ± 6.3 to 43.7 ± 5.6 for the primed cohort (F2,17 = 16.8, (IQR, 4.5-79.3) to 66 (IQR, 27.5-114.25) for the unprimed
P = .002) and from 36.8 ± 7.4 to 40.0 ± 7.3 (F2,17 = 5.238, group (H(2) = 11.6, P = .001). These improvements were
P = .008) for the unprimed cohort at week 3 (Figure 2D). sustained without differences by both primed and unprimed
When normalized to pretherapy values, the increased FMA groups at week 28, scoring 69 (IQR, 26-131) and 61 (IQR,
scores for the primed cohort of 37.3% ± 12.8% were more 50-117), respectively. There was no effect of group on
than twice those of the unprimed group of 14.6% ± 7.0%. MAL-QOM scores.
Despite this, post hoc analyses revealed no difference
between the primed and unprimed groups immediately
Range of Motion
after therapy (P = .08). At week 28, there was an interac-
tion between group and time for the FMA, with primed Passive and active ranges of motion increased at all joints
patients making greater improvements than unprimed for primed patients (Figure 3). Improvements were seen at
patients (F2,32 = 4.3, P = .02). Primed patients demonstrated week 3 for passive measures at digit I of 6.25° ± 2.5° (F2,36
additional improvement at week 28 with a mean score of = 6.4, P = .04) and active measures at digit I of 12.1° ± 4.3°
48.9 ± 4.7 (F2,17 = 16.8, P = .02), whereas unprimed patients (F2,36 = 6.4, P = .004) and digit II of 13.0° ± 4.9° (F2,36 = 4.3,
scored 42.2 ± 8.1, maintaining but not extending the imme- P = .02), but not at the shoulder and elbow. The pattern of
diate posttherapy gains. improvements in the unprimed group was different. Passive
The FMA data from each upper extremity subsection (A: range of motion increased by 9.2° ± 4.8° at digit II (F2,34 =
shoulder, elbow, forearm; B: wrist; C: hand; D: coordina- 3.8, P = .03), with no changes in active range of motion,
tion, speed) were examined independently. There was a although there was a nonsignificant trend for increased
group by time interaction for the coordination and speed sec- shoulder movement of 4.5° ± 2.4° (P = .07). At week 28,
tion (F2,34 = 3.5, P = .04), with primed patients improving primed patients maintained their gains in distal active range
832 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 28(9)

pre pre-therapy assessments (week-0)

APBP + formal WMT
WMT home training
Wii Fitness

Guest C
Wii Fitness Age: 60

post post-therapy assessments (week-3)

Speed Stamina





pre post
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Figure 1.  Combined active-passive bilateral priming (APBP) and Wii-based Movement Therapy (WMT) protocol. During the 14-day
protocol, patients participated in 10 formal therapy sessions (filled symbols). These commenced with 15 minutes of bilateral priming,
which was delivered via a custom table-mounted device (left) in which patients performed rhythmic flexion-extension movements of
their less affected wrist to drive their passive, more affected wrist through mirror-symmetric movements. Priming was immediately
followed by 1 hour of formal Wii-based Movement Therapy. Home practice consisting of Wii-based Movement Therapy activities
began on day 2 of the program (open symbols) and progressively increased in duration. Functional assessments were conducted
before (week 0), immediately after (week 3), and 6 months after (week 28) the intervention period. Patient progress was monitored
daily throughout the 14-day protocol.

of motion in addition to making improvements at the shoul- Priming Repetitions

der of 11.6° ± 3.5° (F2,55 = 9.0, P < .001) and at the elbow of
19.5° ± 7.3° (F2,17 = 5.3, P = .017). There were no changes The number of wrist flexion-extension cycles completed in
in range of motion for the unprimed patients at week 28. the first priming session varied between patients from 113
to 962. Regardless of the initial count, all patients increased
by a mean of 101.0% ± 20.3%. In session 1, the mean was
Spasticity 626.5 ± 96.47 repetitions, which increased to 1156.4 ±
There were no between-group differences for pretherapy 175.96 by session 10 (P < .001). There was no correlation
Tardieu Scale scores of shoulder, elbow, and wrist spasticity between the number of priming repetitions and patient
or between joints (mean, 1.8 ± 0.3 primed patients and 2.2 improvement on the FMA, the most sensitive measure of
± 0.3 unprimed patients). Neither the primed nor unprimed functional ability. Similarly, patient improvements on the
group had any change in upper limb spasticity at week 3 or FMA, WMFT, and MAL did not correlate with (1) age, (2)
week 28. time after stroke, or (3) lesion location for either the primed
or unprimed group.

Lower Limb Measures

Satisfaction and Improvement
For both balance and walking, there was a main effect of
time but not of group. Berg Balance Scale scores at week 3 Regardless of age and level of impairment, all patients
were increased from 42.2 ± 4.3 to 45.1 ± 3.3 for primed reported high satisfaction with the combined therapy proto-
patients (F2,17 = 3.5, P = .02) and from 44.9 ± 4.3 to 47.8 ± col. The mean satisfaction score for the primed patients was
3.5 for unprimed patients (F2,17 = 6.3, P = .02). Improvements 9.0 ± 0.4, and their self-perceived improvement was rated
were maintained at week 28, with primed and unprimed 6.9 ± 0.6. The scores for the unprimed group were 8.7 ± 0.4
patients scoring 48.5 ± 2.3 and 47.7 ± 3.8, respectively. The and 6.8 ± 0.5, respectively.
mean distance of the 6-minute walk test increased for the
primed patients from 340.2 ± 56.2 m to 375.4 ± 63.2 m at
week 3 and increased further to 401 ± 60.1 m at week 28
(F2,17 = 3.7, P = .045). Similarly, the unprimed patients’ This is the first study to combine bilateral priming with a
mean distance increased from 305.3 ± 59.2 m to 338.3 ± comprehensive structured therapy protocol in the chronic
63.5 m at week 3 and further improved to 346.0 ± 61.8 m at phase after a stroke. The dual therapy of bilateral priming
week 28 (F2,17 = 4.7, P = .027). There were no between- and Wii-based Movement Therapy was well tolerated and
group differences on measures of lower limb performance. improved functional movement ability for all patients. This
Shiner et al 833

A stratification - primed B stratification - unprimed primed low

primed high

BBT blocks moved

unprimed low
unprimed high


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
WMFT mean time (s) WMFT mean time (s)

C baseline (week-0) D change

70 20

pre FMA score


30 8

0 0

120 10

pre WMFT mean time (s)

Δ WMFT (s)

72 -10

48 -20

24 -30

0 -40
primed unprimed week-3 week-28 week-3 week-28

primed unprimed

Figure 2.  Improvements in functional movement ability. All panels contain individual patient data, with mean (solid line) and standard
errors (dashed line). Primed (filled) and unprimed (open) patients with low upper limb motor function are denoted by circles,
and those with high motor function are denoted by diamonds. (A, B) Pretherapy Box and Block Test (BBT) scores plotted against
pretherapy Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT) mean time for primed (A) and unprimed (B) groups. There was a bimodal distribution
of functional ability in both groups used to stratify patients with high or low motor function. (C) Total upper limb Fugl-Meyer
Assessment (FMA) scores at week 0 for primed and unprimed patients. Maximum possible score of 66 indicated by dashed line. (D)
Change in FMA scores at week 3 and week 28. Primed patients had significantly greater changes than unprimed patients at week 28
(P = .02). (E) Mean time per task at week 0 for 15 timed tasks of the WMFT for primed and unprimed patients. Maximum time
allowed per task (120 seconds) indicated by dashed line. A lower time indicates better function, F. Change in mean time per WMFT
task at week 3 and week 28. Pretherapy completion time indicated by dashed line. A reduction in time represents an improvement.

was despite the heterogeneity of the cohort, ranging from completion of in- and out-patient therapy. While the sample
very low to high motor function before therapy; the extent size of this study is small, its demographic and functional
of chronicity after stroke (up to 123 months); and the prior diversity (Table 1) reflect the broad spectrum of
834 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 28(9)

A 25 primed B 25 unprimed week-3


20 20

15 15

Δ degrees
Δ degrees

10 10

5 5

0 0

-5 -5
shoulder elbow wrist dig I dig II shoulder elbow wrist dig I dig II

Figure 3.  Changes in range of motion. Pooled patient data, with mean changes in active range of motion at each site tested and
standard errors. (A) Change in active range of motion for primed patients (filled symbols). The solid line indicates change at week 3,
and the dashed line indicates change at week 28. Primed patients had significant gains at digit I (P = .004) and digit II (P = .02) at both
time points, in addition to improvements at the shoulder (P < .001) and elbow (P = .017) at week 28. (B) Change in active range of
motion for unprimed patients (open symbols). Again, the solid line indicates change at week 3, and the dashed line indicates change at
week 28.

impairments after stroke. In this study, patients who well documented,28-30 safety concerns31,32 and stringent
received bilateral priming before Wii-based Movement selection crtieria29 may render them less suitable for patients
Therapy had a significantly greater functional improvement with low motor function. The present results demonstrate
on the FMA than unprimed patients from an historic cohort that with appropriate rehabilitation, even patients with
who received Wii-based Movement Therapy alone. This extremely low motor function are capable of substantial
extends previous findings4 and suggests that bilateral prim- improvement and should be targeted for rehabilitation..
ing can increase the efficacy of Wii-based Movement This study was the first to investigate the effect of bilat-
Therapy, particularly for patients with low motor function eral priming in patients with low and very low motor func-
after a stroke. tion after stroke. The 6 patients with low motor function in
APBP modulates inhibitory pathways both within and the present study were unable to move any BBT blocks
between hemispheres in healthy patients and after before therapy and could not have performed the block
stroke.4,5,12,14 There is growing evidence to suggest that manipulation tasks previously used for bilaterally primed
these inhibitory changes occur via GABAergic pathways in self-directed therapy.4 When stratified according to motor
the cortex,14,15 and it is hypothesized that priming promotes function, the FMA and WMFT results of the present study
plasticity in the lesioned hemisphere via down-regulation of suggest that these patients may benefit the most from APBP
GABAergic inhibition.4,5,14,15 In the present study, bilateral and Wii-based Movement Therapy (Figure 2). Given the
priming may have enhanced the efficacy of Wii-based challenge of identifying suitable and effective rehabilitation
Movement Therapy by creating a cortical environment strategies for patients with low motor function after
more conducive to therapy-induced plasticity. stroke,33,34 these results suggest that further investigation of
adjunctive bilateral priming is warranted.
Functional Status and Its Impact on The quantitative assessment of motor ability and its
improvement in patients with low motor function is chal-
Rehabilitation lenging. The FMA was the most sensitive measure in this
The exclusion criteria for this study were deliberately mini- study comprised of patients with predominantly low motor
mal to capture patients who may otherwise not receive function. This replicates previous findings, which suggest
upper limb rehabilitation due to their functional impair- that the FMA may be a more salient assessment for patients
ment. Wii-based Movement Therapy provides a unique after stroke with low motor function than the WMFT.27,35,36
opportunity for patients with low motor function to receive Despite a comprehensive suite of functional assessments
rehabilitation.27 While the efficacy of more conventional including the FMA, it was evident that no single test ade-
strategies such as constraint-induced movement therapy is quately captured the diversity of improvements made by
Shiner et al 835

patients with extremely low motor function. The 6 patients Methodological Considerations
with low motor function in the current study perceived their
improvement as equivalent to that of the pooled unprimed There is growing evidence to support the efficacy of both
group (6.2 ± 0.8 vs 6.8 ± 0.5, respectively). This suggests APBP and Wii-based Movement Therapy, although optimal
that the improvements of those with low motor function therapy implementation is yet to be fully characterized for
were functionally relevant, even when such changes may either. We saw no evidence of a correlation between the
not have reached statistical significance or the minimal effect of priming and (1) patient age, (2) lesion location, or
clinically important difference. (3) time after stroke, suggesting that these parameters may
have a limited influence on individual responsiveness to
priming. In contrast, stratified FMA data suggest that base-
Differences Between Primed and Control Groups line functional ability may influence priming efficacy,
When FMA data for each upper extremity subsection were whereby patients with low motor function made the greatest
examined independently, a significant effect of priming was gains (Figure 2). Significant spasticity at the wrists or digits
observed for the coordination and speed subsection only. It was previously an exclusion criterion for APBP4,5 but not in
is possible that the rhythmic, bilateral nature of priming the present study (n = 4). Bilateral priming was well toler-
movements contributed to greater improvements in coordi- ated by those with distal spasticity, although preliminary
nation for the primed group. However, this effect has not heat and passive stretching were applied before positioning
been seen previously4,5,13 and requires further investigation. in the priming device. Movement speed during priming was
The patterns of improved active range of motion for limited by spasticity, paresis, and bradykinesia in the pres-
primed and unprimed patients at week 3 were strikingly dif- ent study, and this introduced considerable variability in the
ferent (Figure 3). The most prominent improvements for number of priming repetitions per session. It is not clear
primed patients occurred distally at the digits, while whether either movement speed or the number of repeti-
unprimed patients showed greater changes in the more prox- tions is a critical factor for the efficacy of APBP. We saw no
imal elbow and shoulder joints. Bilateral priming may focus correlation between the number of priming repetitions and
therapy-induced improvement to distal muscles by preferen- FMA improvements, suggesting that simply increasing the
tially modulating inhibition in cortical areas that supply the number of repetitions may not increase the net effect of
muscles directly engaged in the priming movements of wrist priming. However, patients with the most priming repeti-
flexion-extension. Passive stretching of the muscles cross- tions had high motor function, and thus, their improvements
ing the wrist during priming may also have contributed to may have been underestimated when using the FMA.36
these differences by altering muscle tone. The different Similarly, such patients may have less asymmetric inhibi-
proximal-to-distal patterns of improvement for the primed tion to rebalance and hence less scope for priming-induced
and unprimed groups were less divergent at week 28. Primed improvement.
patients retained the distal gains in addition to substantial An unexpectedly high incidence of contraindications to
improvements at the elbow and shoulder, resembling those transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in our primed
of the unprimed group immediately after Wii-based cohort (9/10) prevented neurophysiological investigations
Movement Therapy. It is possible that priming masked or of priming-induced changes in cortical excitability and is a
delayed posttherapy improvements in proximal range of limitation of the present study. We can only hypothesize
motion for the primed group. However, it is uncertain that similar cortical inhibitory changes to those previously
whether between-group differences in active range of motion reported4,5 were induced by bilateral priming in the present
are a direct consequence of priming or reflect the natural study, but how these interacted with underlying cortical
variability of the population with stroke and the inherent changes induced by Wii-based Movement Therapy remains
challenge of accurate joint goniometry after stroke.37 uncertain. We acknowledge that adopting a case-controlled
Assessments from week 28 indicate that bilateral prim- design for the present study also has limitations. However,
ing may influence the retention of therapeutic effects as taking into account the sample size and inherent variability
well as their magnitude. Monitoring during therapy and in the population with chronic stroke, this design circum-
detailed histories at week 28 suggest that between-group vents the potential for significant differences between ran-
differences at week 3 and week 28 were not due to dispari- domized patient groups at baseline, which may confound
ties in patient compliance and real-world activity levels. later comparisons.
The groups were well balanced for both adherence during
therapy and for later continuation of self-directed therapy Advantages of Bilateral Priming and Wii-Based
and/or return to real-world activities. The lack of any sys-
tematic differences between groups suggests that compli-
Movement Therapy
ance, daily activity levels, and/or continuation of therapy Both Wii-based Movement Therapy and APBP are inexpen-
activities were not confounding factors. sive, portable, and suitable for home implementation,
836 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 28(9)

overcoming the rehabilitation limitations of geography,38 improvements in spasticity after APBP reported by patients.
resources, and service availability.39,40 Growing evidence By encouraging an awareness of upper limb movement and
supports the benefits and suitability of Wii-based Movement coordinated controlled actions, bilateral priming also
Therapy for a diverse patient population, including those appeared to promote more purposeful and efficient move-
with little residual function after stroke who rarely receive ments bilaterally.
conventional upper limb rehabilitation.27 The present study In conclusion, this study provides preliminary evidence
provides the first evidence that bilateral priming is also effi- that a novel movement-based method of brain priming can
cacious for patients with low or very low motor function enhance the efficacy of a novel upper limb rehabilitation
after stroke. The active-passive design and inbuilt inertial protocol after stroke. Patients who received bilateral prim-
advantage of APBP minimize fatigue to accommodate all ing prior to Wii-based Movement Therapy had functional
patients after a stroke, including those with little or no vol- improvements assessed using the FMA that were approxi-
untary movement of the more affected upper limb.4 Also, mately twice those of unprimed patients who received Wii-
APBP is suitable for patients with contraindications to more based Movement Therapy alone. This improvement was
conventional brain-priming strategies including those that significantly better maintained at week 28, suggesting that
use cortical stimulation.8,41-43 The high incidence of TMS APBP can enhance both the magnitude and retention of
contraindications encountered in the present study high- therapy-induced improvements after stroke.
lights the need for safe and effective priming alternatives.
Rehabilitation strategies have diversified recently to Declaration of Conflicting Interests
include nontraditional methods of upper limb rehabilitation, The author(s) declared the following potential conflicts of interest
such as bimanual upper limb training.44,45 While some stud- with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
ies suggest that bimanual therapies promote superior motor article: Professor Byblow is a named inventor on a patent for a
outcomes to unimanual interventions,46,47 the evidence is training device assigned to Uniservices Ltd. Ms Shiner and Dr
inconclusive,48 and the translation of bimanual therapy McNulty declare no conflicts of interest.
gains to everyday tasks is less successful than more conven-
tional approaches.46,47 In the present study, we used Wii- Funding
based Movement Therapy as a unimanual therapeutic The author(s) received the following financial support for the
approach to reflect our primary focus on translating therapy research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: The authors
gains to improved functional ability and quality of life. gratefully acknowledge funding from the National Health and
Bilateral priming was used as a rehabilitation adjuvant Medical Research Council of Australia and the New South Wales
rather than a therapeutic intervention and as such is distinct Office for Scientific and Medical Research of Australia.
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