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VA is} i “ SGor tidag wseh Carahii va 82. is How Aust 2000. Qyeir waiga urate. { @ emyuysir. ) ayn Me ET Co oe Ligmeey “a Sf “sr Preaco Se un “a Se FSF Fava was red, Behwe, 1958. tt Asiddhadreams ebook se ni Wa ayurveda & Sidhe) MADRAS 1. Books may be rotained for # period nat ‘exceeding one month. 2, Books may be renewed on request atthe discration of the Librarian or on spacial permission from the Incharge of the Inatitute, 3. Books marking or writing therein with ink or pencil. tearing er taking out its pages or otherwise damaging it i Constitute an injury to = book and the borrower shall be required to replace the book or pay ita price. Help to keep this book fresh and clean Swe 22a (4 Rw) #P- 4- 6S~ SOs eyhaif werd Gaiafui® aoe 82. (® aon Susi 2000. Gyros ure. ( 2 eosny_cir.) U@suseteg. THANJAVUR, Tr. S, Qaumget_prgpdr, L. 1M. (Regd) sayiCars uainge., crdeaiP usr. posi Soul Cm LimraRyY * Torrpmesa / 4 <— Pier ertof ward saree adn tie - Gear ertusie wi S. Garuasosi, B.a., 8.1, wateanasy Poof cues). * Dorp. PBared G1, wor aye. 1958, [eto 4, 1-36. A siddhadreams ebook @ PREFACE. This publication contaigs the second part of AGASTIYAR 2000. Itisarare work of Agasti- yar's, not found elsewhere. The preseriptions com- pare favourably with- those found in other works ‘of Agastiyar’s and other Siddhas. It is hoped that this work will benefit our medioal practitioners and the general public. 7 Our thanks are due to Dr.S. Venkatarajan, : | ‘L.1-M, who has edited the text with a prose ver- } sion as he has done it the first part of this work. Weare grateful to the Government of our : Indian Union for their timely grant that bas helped > ~us to publish this and other valuable manuscripts of this Library. RARY LITERARY RESEARCH AND DOCUMENTATION DEPARTMENT C.R.1.45) TANJORE, S- GOPALAN, 3.4.1. 28—3—58. Honorary Secretary. TH. 8.5, M UBRARE. a MADRAS mai > *F rRiaen A siddhadreams ebook Bis Qasticad gamgut Qraacmind sayid ates mosBu gress Qror sey vrais Cupar 8iCur saoraig Bgute 8) (<1) wa sBS Gig 2250p), Gorditsr Amgpcier sFapib Cotags. amy Sand ofehguer useia. Qoosd ub, Agugnd ecin_ei. 29 ars Gis woe eiadr. Boish angig sp Bud src Castes Usigt masrigrd TBitwsy Ussupupess Saqgaeger® watepid Had Psaan8 aces ee Gung Gutigiter (17) ossriscie upumre Pasd: srapib. seg 5:9 yd. Prod @mpay 6 HG. BesACogw spose oiaa. Gung wis Sw Cog gu epwCogrs sergib Quince era bet Gugé srime hGucigrd Cured 8 ob Cunt BStoIu (18) BevtwiGure a8 gua BSS0e teaser Begin ge wf, peer hn chip a oy (a) | — sp etes . 2c debtoassur Soo r,t they iGo. Bout «Sa 80ig god pact. _ edi means 8085S CO Beis wr ZB gh Catég OGss Camireng. a igh Curgiguss urstin (2) Asiddhadreams ebook (2a) PRsRS sikhyaed yarogb. gavergPa GF gig raps SPsaupagh. tedmawP shésb. Qua qpan gueine-mcatb. 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QBO ying Prd Carsnezeoray TPA gO vsaicr wr gids a1 Pandroraych, 3 Oe Crtapsies “ant Giaskk sopruss” Sn Qéartesd = Biaslor srgindzciven_ Qarglered GanierPenys were givens wonarGamd mt” Geb qotapterd agte spe sranp gpsiaridhs Oncanig a gor Gar wGEBOS or_oeperd sDLLHCD (22) @ay) Sm_QésrtemaZ pins 8 Biss towra® piss Seer BargSeritea Corey Bargeti2, Bai Rast ypirg ae Lyolay dor dS pies Qoustr wesdgs It wrrsQecx_ ais Beis = 5 tb Rs BBOOS sdnegen 8 aos cic aoe Devry, Aso. onsen gs So agte e al epuGrramasr fringe, go alan Sig % “and Gdaghor weiss” anlQisrterd sharon systuged Byis: Cor erigsun ns Yoder sine Srciy ae coget@ pring Burd Carsmasg gaié Susi gear tsrii Eun L aaiCeraGune gatas ups (@#) feat Sr Das @tenad pics Gages Sip ones egonan Dips Spain ae Qmast: wasig HorraSarai_wertePes Q485 9G Ute BrsRAG, it Chg. corps ges pepe Asiddhadreams ebook a2 Hate AD HOnIG GwI0 59 Sus mudsops. 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Bie af. é in? 2tQarer al es Aipms reyes BIG dr eye? 2 Qarer Bias ywtas Zon. 4p pe soGo “red orm wee” . é wafer pAQucivGon Ur Boarsr ATsArBener erfS gn’ Dancin _ Garages Pepe uray es Cuss stag ID wrirgC @ uraiinisnp Pareninng. § wiaantelaemrs » 8 Dasiy arc aph seag sd G97 iBip" Darcrorapih. Pip qpeact Birgit, ord, wipe, Seales “Helal Sapin” BisIoh qporismigis Quarters Rerapenin BankID Biateday Byars Quorioypi 2LUG marduemerp. Ooradsrrs £82 Seany ervisdan ond arinsCuré uesicareGus (28) ami BG suites poison? ang he aapthga Denti gech wmadazey Beal 2es Sodalyeyp davies cinys ginnieg Quine QaxcealseBdo 9B qpeunigidsrah sureapés gina Burda (29) (a) sain sBaG9 aig echatans Demy Bastard BideF Qugpirsmenb al senterris . goed, wi, sib, Syren, serra, wscruiiyp sBuumasct Bob. Breegoit. usin Gaps “giatigui” SOREL gto Yee URSA DE sr OIPERE Bpr Fads wGige Garéranpd une gs 7 Cotéaniee Gun Genes? 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UBS: —tyony, macegs ustissdakeg edoraph. GeyresQaat_on 550% Arid. sie Cader Grged ani sadré Qarevg vis, ner passé maurud Oaryala, Oder é ammains siugpieys peivantids Cur D 1 neciepep aig expmmdaoia. warsrsr Batons aepltudsgid Barérerayih. @ craps Obes Carico Gusset Gomis. Reiccorinng. yl + SeGugH Gann danie ergaryp RipticmsIav Fonts Sreravade an pants Ignite Iatb PS 6Bi52siuadbaesksos Lawsrst BrOr BoKb Sarstaxcre® ucxomeesr Ssuriys BGSIus BOIS uoace eraoris worgtmumis Poagse. ranges gorse any gg Fuck emnb epeig Qerct ecrapa wrsds (85) 39 (a4 ss Gsnibeyéarider tg Psvertnu, } PS srwcwss sar Peis a QrostrQure y andy erpim_Gaut sSgsirem Bost Cned PCat Gea wmsig 2und nt wp wanes + vend Qugiarind 2 B58 % » omuphiab 2 ,, Qrasinied 9 war Serdang tO, singe UMES. cones oydd apaté Geog se Gar Sisoas sues Bd Bosh, onem ins OaraxQ Galeries 1 Ppescinpuer IESE ax Os 9 gy td torboD gu 21Garsrergis. astapariscr Bob. Rarapenin, UpsPNED SS, “\atiousTipdig Opals” mua pars Voxtor gy e072 3 2 crafeteeray Ptryoeth; a wosi 5 9.58 MasGS spite Pander gS Bturapand 1) napenss #7 gapapsror Oped Genk Qunggs exordiSurw sh Ce amsig Curis ; SeG0 (58) @#) aiaus Bsrmadipirs — 4 um aOeg sees WOES ASsGieduee; ypUOs, wsinyd saiggal Urs ams gIsOS95 usted Iu — Qufewy pore tc amis aOceIdr CuCaeFs u25BG Qns@ ant soph, Asiddhadreams ebook 0 Bsr 93 srwqusIaGsg a areQor (ABonb Qos Cevdor) acirapant arshapsad apgomeronas Bea. Mpepme hoes “ Cpdandsed Gps” Catan: popsras BxSiGsi Ata Sorti srenyp undead enygel Cut sGsrd usurdgég w Be Garig ~pise(s) wed Ieitare mys g Teal arayyaty Cpisrecrgy worsIstigs Soogpas %ppS0 (87) (a) Ostig 3 CsteristriuGig esos Soa Gs AOS BS Hes SSP arHarepd. Qaes Seiremnsng, 2 sApurer unaeer Osis » @ Baws urd g avis, arygd Cuter srayego8 2 ued Biydod Wiss sors Dy 1Gsisres WaQss gerteraa Barki exis Isinp Ome ss pages antg, aDICwIwsH, aged DarPae ups UzsBO Qpdaap. Qisious «fg Getu moiSeig any Ty sas? CotrIuni gag I cvyoarIadasa Sond 2 Gador 21° Qercroropd. A iirepanis Sieg. edrepiGrrest pes ‘Fgigpce Gweir Gans’ Ppg re Irciven_Cort sardsrrés 69350 70 Coterg usa at) ferzrs5% 4 CES Basta Pert anpeg choi Gury Dabg g on se8e Cori wag Gugésre unde “ wags g Orsi? arto ews ancien PIgws sys CrrabiQQucrer atetas Origuy sixeystudTp (38) @) Ryspce savenyib Spek ‘ ve octal Bovstr wosks tarretea J s2u0 4 gi usd V4 Grb SCD, sage wars sriQarsrorer sy at Pama QeoaiyQemds sx08D Pies Facog aga (39) 6 Asiddhadreams ebook 42 (B-) sorisDee etn, thy Curgsmaar Qawss emsis i ved ars tum Qawadr sradtutery 5D serge sg. sradtoiarsy Parantnng egmdont » * adDwav Dowd + Soenay-1 ws Geis ani Caled otis ‘@oiedcarescrers. Bisé 2925 95 prance sane Gaur Saved) 4 aypraQeren_ apb 1 Gavlerdeg 21 Garcrorepb. Pyspwwbads Bqid. 4jepebbaas “ere Siar: Cares” Bre Giang BIS ages?ra Sarg GsigS ystar’s an_oayye Cor ~setésarg gaour gx Sug depp arf gis BLO up Fesivond U5 sacnhéaniss Opoi Dew 1) pai D4 Dairy. agave uplase) Qotsmas ard Cacnhisralu Gast off gus yartordan ware Passer eee Pppapend eta SOR (0) Bass aehrds (a6) prec Diarii sere B58 sacsPrah dong oly afer oo Qaaskr Oorgsigudd 9 s252 BESs, $5 Fag mor a und BOS sige mana om Qspe, #3 sasaddnwess tyes Gascon 10 end. Qewstas Weiag aditer Qutne gi m7 si DwavDeme) oD ah GE Sing peepee SDA pm Gh Careers, —denticet Bade og gras va rinsmane ereGsss Pd Quitte Sberrabies “ um af sopeusic~ Ot BBG? Qigua sFand wrphrTer Ge wésrés eigideoartes wpaad ermnics, fiona Si ynte sigs) Baisé artis igpis Serer Gonine afiors agian @n ae Bani os ois wBeionr_and Bec wrstem. 109, Gude 99 WARISBS Qs 245 gens Adrentug. 1 ck _D, Meus conat os aypdars app euggidere on @ienrusani Ustes aBoorsisc Zoi. bas § £76 “Cugurinn_ enue Zé coprand” aguderid® apdara » casera sySedaph Seeger wor glare wRisg 2 Serpae 9520 44RD 6350s waryscos Marden ie (42) Asiddhadreams ebook a Cucgorinn en Bunn neler bcd PuPsotrs Ganlys a58 gerd 9G ah! 0, aGIeCuWns S96 apéarad anid one Rin, srachileo pena eurtngoor Geut wrgieGorp puted seus SABC sh aC dite Qraake meds 9G Ap2er os udsrIaPE9 YsCercier aqyrurd oO sage wasig. 28Cabu SS iaeacae weBorpiass Zap. GpypohSoe wGbgi amaadr. “pang d aeoru “barsé GPdegod” sheentsiters Peinennsg. 2 Pevannsg. aos ‘earl eth Ged SeGs ura pPI GS ungreresirared when g mgord eima® Mendes bfa sa0_sg ausgé Car PTnOe Czeurd gs ues igeGarse. pris IDs. press: eparapler ast sag BRE Usa WEA 96 ahsurer oCaowIO is WEQIAS 46056 Gu Serrated, apdre Ser uginpuie nagcrchO, ace gariiss gasuy 95 wana sg (gs Fuck Oeiuyh Qetudaw soa g.gid Qarciroray, wie weniy Csragpiqurer GPPag, SEPSH BaCon Hpepips Gri g@sscreop, Bo + seq Spd Gu GeiGheiuin Gita se. 6 Surg Paass Pigs oO Siar Osrimume aude opbe wra, sr agi aLigsice wig, serrind Séars Canimés ants Qo 4 antomth Qurgsaursma sg. Si gmed «Sond aus escos convent Ges yon 58.5 oe_opie. Seeeri, endorser Ouninwssnss £98 grb Geewsar WEEE yi eh. ee UgiPSeigs Oactargd ogerd Piards Boies urdu Gerort, ay mat srépegurs "O4G4 Msnsmss USRIRCisend. Bsa5d “ys Ys send” weber g “GPS oped” rer Conic. Osh ase “ arpooguTag Si” ssiengiite, #7 Gorbasexh Qaredpoircm_aph nb24 wader Oat GS Gurtss. ge Gacitars gwontud 90s Gyag gale (spy), artemenatens wasp Gagaenb. cpend Yaronepd PNT BOs Bisg Taste a OG yma sro. Bs BitSca erie Gore PacQeerep_ a GyprI yovauss SpyrehS5u wie wesgubd ymauyic. Craaei saying GupasresGer Sedo Beaipevenopd ses WHismrs5 wen ag, anise, Bierrdatd Tess BOF wogsect Cys oD Qyovenops Sasa srbeg UMABH GPG Ene diapsraté expand. aemseie eee Gung usivest Oargag. Quan exer yafasieeraies ‘ —S Qiuy. 7 arse yma 8 a gis A siddhadreams ebook 6 @peib mcoyas “idgyssr Cooub” = omragdeng scien even BQoapcrc, pay asrgad arly. posh #55 Sng. ebGigu “Cudisgndau tones” Cuiss abodes wanes gd a eonsd gs Tapio eosS gs “aetomsdypiog an_aid" sgimsBpinss GardssPs a Aoworemectiss 93 Spins sdFo0 {és anit egs Cusmus Bi ype Cadod Coisgs atyumssgs a2. egoraus®, 9g aGerm Gurtherite yxy. qoxGawd gio 2 saiscr Birerou>. Posie “Giri adrafuGtornyos” Cried sratun @ ase GSS) wreg, Qimt scrotiiés Qe gis ants Orbada Design a550 ymaiges 2o8 aos Sap, SOESSS “ney WHSSI” S@asrnd age eayherni sigs bub ursprasna Dany Gerssinn co Draated sia,s B94 Gurgsies® 2 veer. seve Me BI ci7d gohTd pe? Boor wes Pr Gus Bi ads, pam, sidsiseBab spud usirera. aad Garad. gad angégs ark Sagi. 47 ePnGr 252050 yons. «SRoeis mous tony - ungroib serePéon gy | » Gaégarb POOUrqued? 6 Come aris gd yansee sob ‘© fily:- . YRS srigposupd Qaizaamsyb shaZ BSH ocr OS wm ass atpiursis Uaeri swsms ged Gurguréss Cit65 win ugigatry Corse a a Da gring ser880 96 ymadsapb, omnjnsans ong hed ups Ipsaons, anend seguyo, Saou sen reba. sdQasvGmnid enisrontmsGuryzayis, Cueps OCD a8 3 ge BGR gests Gur Dares yainey gi. BOS6HG% asiahGutcyms. scrofisant a@eiaiBet epéapuréna oe ager satiny Cancrgxciah GarsiCary Curgwes? gi Oe gma oi4252Q Cagdyd CurlD Coden ganmd’S apg Gury. ugg Gun gar (ytégs userande ye 94. 80nd. ests yaeps atthe; 5am,0uid. caobiies woivadt ere 108Gb. UESBLaTeS gavel é ult od ysir Gb 10d Sen? Pa5a —sBopd. Say s— vs Dorden gigs Deiat ermsiebe aig BE ParaD. gE amwsssy a:“pe g° Segoe! GCOS serB_ap. 2g songs up psPeran Te, Asiddnadreams ebook 8 Pa By grnG"D yosyiiurg QsBqg gt BL aigdig® aeison yop — gtrenpawats ys ag Csrurcitd gues gers sBe Qo ots geval? useirg. ule yeep 0b. galas gametes arg. papi ts QarGasapd. Darhtie ale egd Carded aig. anyZess a Gb wBES- ahmmips Gor gpub corm THE BS cS sTEmyp we OBE me sgde tend obey Fag. Shy ote) = antics, aiaigee £0. miQesGerie Qaisss oped piclt Phe Gureinid. Po ugsed aiegsamags aq Canitoiant. aqtaciters, aitelgigs udeod Faint sal Bavg.g Sarerapb. ond, aGiny, Fgigé “apf ana” agtmd Epics Owamaggd Ipdrond urbrd GSS; wal, sis, Bog, aLyumseg Cader uid 4 aly dg Parnes ad, Sita, Fepsnn Fagib. 2 Mgaadds Spey. Greve gmaisp oouy Garda ends Six, sir ana_ Gout aig, Bong Saseseet pub 205 48 omsiigsypsoript seit aide wpb wad Qudsgmasgs 3 arc QarGezend. Bawadr wacked api sri Gunes, BonbSrcian. gsmipd gs Bed Sesmepapas i og 5 wiped Bur qurésora Jares® arp pien sud geacpa. epiy— Baits: md 9g urézcray 22° Qercu® azar, asheré Opis Comune, arigd Sud ag Fond aOéarigZsre?.. deastaCat ,, Pra 1, GargQerdat erg te croréenm 2 Pixies tn GeiBanion 8 ,, Piriiepors 3, Grek usve! @se5ank eqirst pigs Jurg Big, Gates 25 wend ured? vB Surygrd Corterdund Sor 96 ar otéarwere Fersroaph. Py -— srigih, CriJan oi Qadravin cps aA P2eig Barcrevapi. aghud? pins ania@? Grae eis masse Qanctarapi. ? 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