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Where did the duck go?

The class had just gotten back from break and they were very disappointed because break was
over. Then someone wanted to go to the bathroom. He looked around the class but he couldn't
find the rubber duck so he just sat there, and sat and sat until he asked Miss Scott why Dinner
was missing. Then she looked around the class and screamed “Dinner is missing!!”. Then
everyone panicked. I was thinking “Why doesn’t somebody do something?... until I realized I
was somebody!!

me:I drew up a plan to search for the duck. I stood up to take charge. I raised my fist into the air,
opened my mouth to speak and quickly sat back down and remained quiet. I wasn’t about to
make a fool of myself by reading my plan aloud in front of the entire class.

Me: Another boy asked aloud “How could he have just walked away?”

Another student: “He couldn’t have walked away. He’s a toy duck you fool!! He would’ve swam.”

Another student: He is not a toy!

Another student: Look there are webprints leading out of the classroom. Whose do you think
they are?

Another student: Good grief!

Meanwhile back at Headquackers….

Commander Quacks: Agent Dinner, why have you and your partner Agent Brunch left the
school you were infiltrating?

Brunch: They were going to eat us.

Dinner: Shut the quack up Brunch!!!

Brunch: Get stuffed Dinner!!

Commander Quacks: Silence!!! Explain yourself Dinner.

Dinner: We have obtained the information we were sent to collect. The stories were not just
myths and legends. It really exists!!

Brunch: Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
Dinner: Yes……... It was found in Miss Middleton’s cupboard. A recipe for duck burgers.

Brunch: What horror!! How will we retrieve it, Dinner? It must be destroyed. Immediately.

Dinner: I have a plan. Tomorrow morning at the quack of dawn. We meet in front of the school
and enter before the students arrive. We sneak in, find the recipe, burn it and throw the ashes
down the toilet.

Commander Quacks: Okay, Dinner you have my permission to quack the mission.

Dinner: Thank you commander Quacks.

Later at the quack of dawn.

Dinner: Ok boss, we are going in. POP!!!

Teacher: Ahem, no chewing gum in school.

Brunch: Ahhh, cheese and quackers!!!!

Dinner: Okay, we are in front of the class. OH NO!!!!!!

Brunch: What is it?

Dinner: It is worse than what we thought...…. A recipe for duck balls on a stick. Okay, grab ALL
the recipes and get out

Brunch: We got ALL the recipes

Dinner: We are almost out the school. Yikes here come the students let’s hide in this pile of
sweaty gym socks.

Brunch: The students are almost here quick eat the recipes.

Meanwhile back in the classroom

Student: Miss Scott...I need to urinate….and look there's Dinner.

Dinner: Save yourself Brunch! My destiny is here...helping students pee.

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