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It is a chronic non-infectious inflammatory skin disorder, characterized

by well-defined erythematous plaques bearing large adherent silvery

scales. It can start at any age but is rare under 10 years, and appears most
often between 15 and 40 years. Its course is unpredictable but is usually
chronic with exacerbations and remissions.
Cause and pathogenesis
The precise cause of psoriasis is still unknown. However, there is often a
genetic predisposition, and sometimes an obvious environmental trigger.
There are two key abnormalities in a psoriatic plaque: hyperproliferation
of keratinocytes; and an inflammatory cell infiltrate in which neutrophils
and TH-1 type T lymphocytes predominate. Each of these abnormalities
can induce the other, leading to a vicious cycle of keratinocyte
proliferation and inflammatory reaction; but it is still not clear which is
the primary defect. Perhaps the genetic abnormality leads first to
keratinocyte hyperproliferation that, in turn, produces a defective skin
barrier (p. 11) allowing the penetration by, or unmasking of, hidden
antigens to which an immune response is mounted. Alternatively, the
psoriatic plaque might reflect a genetically determined reaction to
different types of trauma (e.g. physical wounds, environmental irritants
and drugs) in which the healing response is exaggerated and
1. Skin.--Dry, scaly, itching. Marked exfoliation of
skin in large scales, leaving a raw exuding 1. Unhealthy skin, slighjt injury suppurates.
surface beneath. 2. Wilted wrinkled skin.
2. Ichthyosis. Enlarged scrofulous 3. Skin dry, festers easily, won’t heal.
glands. Venereal bubo. Debilitating night- 4. Psoriasis. Eruptions of fingers and hands, itching
sweats. and stinging eczema.
3. Eczema of the beard; watery, oozing, itching; 5. Ulceration of the feet from rubbing of shoe or
worse, washing. Emaciation. boots.
4. Psoriasis. Acne hard, shotty, indurated base
6. Dread of downward motion in nearly all
with pustule at apex.
complaints. For homeopathic purposes, the peculiar
nervous symptoms are very characteristic, and have
frequently been verified, especially in the
therapeutics of children. Of much value in
epilepsy. Aphthous ulceration of mucous


1. Skin.--Unhealthy; readily ulcerating;
flaccid. 1. Eczema; no itching, exudation forms
2. Small wounds do not heal readily. into a hard, lemon-colored crust.
Glands swollen. Nettle rash; better in 2. Suppressed eruption causes brain
cold air. disease.
3. WARTS ON FACE AND HANDS. Petechial 3. Elevated eruptions, as large as peas.
eruptions. Chilblains. Boils. Chronic impetigo.
4. Pustules coalesesce into thick,
yellow massive scabs, worse head
and face.
5. Barber’s itch. Baker’s itch.
6. Red vesicles on right scapula,
painful to touch.
1. Red, burning, vesicular, scaly, scabby.
2. Itches terribly; worse, washing in cold 1. Red, flat ulcers. Coral-colored, then
water; worse face and hands dark red spots, changing to copper-
and scalp around occiput. colored spots.
3. Glands hot, painful, swollen; worse 2. PSORIASIS OF PALMS AND SOLES.
inguinal glands.
4. Glandular indurations and tumors of
breast. Varicose ulcers.


1. Rough, hard, persistent dryness of
portions of skin unaffected by eczema. 1. Ulcerates. Abscesses beneath skin;
Early stage of keloid and fibroma. worse warm applications. Hives;
2. Pimples and acne. Eruptions, oozing out a worse, warmth. Violent itching;
sticky exudation. Rawness in bends of fissured eruptions.
limbs, groins, neck, behind ears. 2. Skin becomes thick and indurated.
3. Unhealthy skin; every little injury
Varicose veins, nævi, erectile tumors.
suppurates. Ulcers discharging
a glutinous fluid, thin and sticky. 3. Brown spots, freckles worse on left
4. Swelling and induration of glands. Gouty side of face and nose. Dry, shrunken,
nodosities. Cracks in nipples, mouth, especially palms; hair becomes
between toes, anus. prematurely gray. Dropsies.
5. Phlegmonous erysipelas of face; burning 4. Offensive secretions; viscid and
and stinging pain. Swelling of feet. Wens.
offensive perspiration, especially of
Chronic Poison Oak. Psoriasis.
feet and axilla. Psoriasis.
1. Herpes zoster,
associated with gastric 1. Like all Potash Salts, this weakens the heart and lowers
derangements. temperature.
2. Pustular eruptions. 2. General failure of mental power, loss of memory,
3. Psoriasis; irregular melancholia, anæsthesia of the mucous membranes,
patches with shining especially of eyes, throat, and skin; acne; loss of sexual desire,
4. Eczema, with nightly
itching. 3. Leading remedy in psoriasis.
4. Acne of face, pustules. Itching; worse on chest, shoulders, and
face. Anæsthesia of skin. Psoriasis.
5. Acne: simplex, indurata, rosacea; bluish-red, pustular, on face,
chest, shoulders; leaves unsightly scars (Carbo an.); in young
fleshy persons of gross habits.


Adapted to the rheumatic, gouty diathesis;
constitutions abused by alcohol (Colch.). Haemorrhage 1. Itching at night. Chilblains, moist, itch and burn.
into anterior chamber after iridectomy. Contusions of Bed-sores. Skin dry, constricted, very sensitive,
eye and lids, especially if much extravasation of blood; rough and cracked, leathery. Herpes. Slightest
ecchymosis of lids and conjunctiva. Rheumatism or scratch makes skin suppurate (Hepar). Intertrigo;
gout; begins in lower limbs and ascends (descends, psoriasis of hands.
Kal.); especially if brought to a low asthenic condition 2. Thick, greenish crusts, burning and itching;
by abuse of Colchicum; joints become the seat of redness, raw; cracks bleed easily. Eczema.
nodosities and "gout stones." which are painful; acute
Rhagades worse in winter.
and chronic arthiritis. Affects left shoulder and right
hip-joint (Agar., Ant. t., Stram.). Very marked skin symptoms, acting on sweat and oil
1. Acne on forehead, sticking pain therein. Eczema glands; Ailments are worse during the winter season.
(facial). Itching of feet and ankles; worse, Ailments from riding in cars, carriages, or ships;
scratching and warmth of bed.
lingering gastric and lung troubles; chronic
2. Ecchymosis. Long discoloration after
diarrhśa. Long-lasting complaints follow mental
injuries. Carbuncles (Anthracin. Tarant cuben).
3. Antidote to Rhus poisoning (Grindel; Cyprip;
states-fright, vexation, etc. Chlorosis in young girls
Anac). with or without ulceration of the stomach.
1. Wounds bleed very
much, even if small; 1. Skin.--Itches, becomes dry, shrunken, pale. Papular and pustular
they heal and break lesions. Most useful in early stages of cutaneous diseases.
out again. Jaundice. 2. Disposition to boils, and when sloughing occurs. Squamous
eruptions. Syphilitic eruptions. Swelling and induration of glands.
Little ulcer outside
3. Venereal buboes. Scarlatina-like rash. Warts and moles.
of large ones.
2. Petechiæ. Aching, soreness, restlessness, prostration, are general symptoms guiding
Ecchymosis. Purpura to Phytolacca. Pre-eminently a glandular remedy. Glandular swellings
hæmorrhagia. with heat and inflammation. Has a powerful effect on fibrous and osseous
Scurvy. tissues; fasciæ and muscle sheaths; acts on scar tissue. Syphilitic bone
3. Fungous hematodes pains; chronic rheumatism. Sore throat, quinsy, and diphtheria. Tetanus
and excrescences. and opisthotonos. Decrease of weight. Retarded dentition.

Skin.--Burning and intense itching; worse,
contact. Hard excrescences. Herptic
eruptions, with great itching. Shingles, bluish
vesicles. Itching in palms. Blister-like
eruption in palms. Corns sensitive. Horny
skin. Finger-tips and palms chapped.
Vesicular and pustular eruptions.

Acts especially upon the muscular tissue and

skin, and its most characteristic effects are
upon the chest walls, like pleurodynia. Bad
effects of Alcohol; delirium tremens.
Spasmodic hiccough. Hydrothorax. Shocks
throughout the whole body. Sensitive to air
and touch. Chronic sciatica.

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