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World Conference on Educational Sciences 2009 

Comparing the old and new 6th - 8th grade mathematics curricula in 
terms of Van Hiele understanding levels for geometry 
Cemalettin Yıldıza*, Mehmet Aydınb, Davut Köğcec 
aFatih Faculty of Education, Department of Primary Mathematics Education, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon/Turkey 
cFatih Faculty of Education, Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education, Karadeniz Technical University, 
Received October 19, 2008; revised December 09, 2008; accepted January 02, 2009 
This study was conducted with the aim of comparing the behaviors and attainments related to the plane geometry in the old and 
new 6th - 8th grade mathematics curricula (MC) in terms of Van Hiele geometry understanding levels. With this purpose 
document analysis method was used. In the study, the levels of behaviors and attainments in the old and new 6th – 7th grades 
MCs were determined according to Van Hiele theory. As a result of the study, it was found that although the number of 
attainments in the old MP related to plane geometry decreased in the new one, the percentage of levels of some of the topics was 
increased. Moreover it was found that both the old and new MCs involve higher order behaviors and attainments for 6th grade 
such as deductive reasoning. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. 
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. 
Keywords: 6th – 8th grades mathematics curriculum; Van Hiele geometry understanding levels; Behavior; Attainment 
1. Introductıon 
Geometry is the branch of mathematics, describing the point, line, plane, plane and space shapes, the 
relationships between these shapes, the measures of geometrical shapes such as length, angle, area and volume 
(Dursun and Çoban, 2006). The aim of the geometry is learning the properties of the geometrical shapes in plane and 
space, finding the relations between them, describing geometrical position, explaining transformation and proving 
geometrical arguments. Students start to see, know and understand the physical world around them from small ages 
and in the following years they continue their education with higher levels of geometrical thinking that is supposed 
to develop inductively and deductively in later years. Moreover they can analyze problems, solve them and build a 
relation between mathematics and life. In fact, the solutions to many everyday problems the people face require 
basic geometry skills (Hızarcı, 2003). For this reason, geometry education occupies a prominent place in primary 
education. Geometry may be a hard to understand subject because it is constructed on abstract structures. Since these 
abstract structures do not address students’ lives directly, this brings learning difficulties (Mullis et al., 2000; cited 
by Durmuş et al., 2000). In order to minimize these difficulties, geometry lessons in primary and *Cemalettin 
Yıldız. Tel.: +9-462-377-72-62. E-mail address: 
1877-0428 © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. 
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2009.01.128 
Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 1 (2009) 731–736 
Available online at 
732 Cemalettin Yıldız et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 1 (2009) 731–736 
secondary education should be presented compatible with the understanding levels of the students. 
* The researches conducted to understand geometry were usually built upon Van Hiele geometry understanding 
levels (Fuys, 1985; Burger and Shaughnessy, 1986). These levels show the approaches and understanding levels for 
geometry (Baki, 2006). Because transition from one level to other depends on the quality of the education and the 
subject matter, an educational approach driving students to discovery, critical thinking and discussion will promote 
the development of students in these levels and will enable the rapid transition to higher levels. If Van Hiele 
geometry understanding test is conducted to teachers before instruction and their geometry understanding levels are 
determined, teachers may consider these levels as well as the attainments of the curriculum during their instruction 
and will be successful in leading the students to higher levels (Yılmaz et al., 2006). Besides, knowing these levels 
will help teachers organize their instructions (Altun, 2006). 
Van Hiele Geometry Understanding Levels 
Van  Hiele  theory  was  developed  by  Pier  M.  Van  Hiele and Dina Van Hiele-Gelfod in Utrecht University during 
doctorate  studies  (Olkun  and  Toluk,  2003).  According  to  Van  Hiele  theory  there  are  five  phases  of  geometrical 
understanding (Güven, 2006). These are; 
Level 0: Visualization Level 
A  student in this level deals only with the image of the shape given. Can not distinguish geometrical properties of 
the  shape  and  perceives  the  shapes  as  a  whole.  The  students  defines,  names  and  compares  the  shapes  with  their 
appearances.  The  characteristics  of  the  visualization  Fuys  et  al.  (1988)  described  are  as  follows  (To  gain  more 
detailed knowledge about this and the other levels, the Ph.D. thesis of Güven (2006) can be referred): 
• Can identify a shape as a whole and define it verbally according to its appearance. 
• Can construct, draw and copy a shape. 
• Can name geometrical shapes with standard or non standard names. 
• Can solve problems that do not highlight the properties of the shape. 
• Knows the parts of a shape but can not analyze the shape according to these parts. 
Level 1: Analysis Level 
A  student  in  this  level  distinguishes  the  properties  of  the  shape  but  properties  are  perceived  independently.  A 
student may list the properties of a geometrical shape but can not relate these properties with each other. Some of the 
properties of analysis level determined by Fuys et al. (1988) are as follows: 
• Recognize and can test the relations between the parts of the shape. 
• Can determine the properties of the shapes experimentally and can generalize the properties in a shape class. 
• Can solve geometry problems by using the known properties of a shape. 
• Uses the properties of shapes and formulizes them. 
• Can not formulate and use formal definitions. 
Level 2: Informal Deduction Level 
In  this  level,  the  student  starts  to  relate  the  properties  with  each  other.  Definitions,  axioms,  postulates  are 
meaningful  for  the  student  but  deductions  are  not  understood  yet.  In  this  level, students may follow a proof step by 
step  by  they  can  not  do  it  themselves.  Some  of  the  properties  of informal deduction level determined by Fuys et al. 
(1988) are as follows: 
• Can determine the minimum number of properties to define a geometrical shape. 
• May follow a proof and can give recommendations about the steps. 
• May give multiple explanations for a proof and tries to confirm this using diagrams. 
• Can not distinguish the difference between a statement and its inverse. 
Cemalettin Yıldız et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 1 (2009) 731–736 733 
Level 3: Deduction Level 
A  student  in  this  level  can  order  the  relations.  Moreover,  he  can  use theorems, axioms and definitions in making 
geometrical  proofs. He can determine the if and only if conditions and can use these in a proof. In this level different 
theorems  can  be  proven  by using previously proven theorems and axioms. Some of the properties of deduction level 
determined by Fuys et al. (1988) are as follows: 
• Understands the necessity of undefined terms, definitions and postulates. 
• Can find the relation between a theorem and its inverse and prove both. 
• Can compare different proofs of a theorem and describe the differences. 
• Can determine the if and only if conditions of a formal definition or can describe the equivalent of a definition. 
Level 4: Rigor 
A  student  in this level can interpret and apply the axioms, theorems and definitions of Euclidean geometry in non- 
Euclidean  geometries.  He  can  recognize  the  similarities and differences of different axiomatic systems. Some of the 
properties of rigor level determined by Fuys et al. (1988) are as follows: 
• Can compare axiomatic systems. (Like Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries) 
• Can understand the independence of an axiom, and equality with another axiom. 
• Searches an area where a mathematical theorem or principle can be used. 
• Can produce theorems in different axiomatic systems. Considering the cognitive development levels of 
Piaget, Olkun and Uçar (2006) stated that the grades 1, 2 and 3 are in visualization level, the grades 4, 5 and 6 are in 
analysis level, the grades 7, 8 and 9 are in informal deduction level and grades 10, 11 and 12 are in deduction level 
in the development of geometrical thinking. The levels of some grades can be shown differently in literature. Since 
the researchers find the classification of Olkun and Uçar more appropriate, it is more common. From this 
classification, it is expected that the behaviors and attainments in 6th grade in the old and new MCs should 
concentrate on analysis level and the behaviors and attainments in the 7th and 8th grades should concentrate on 
informal deduction level. In this context, determining the levels on which the behaviors and attainments of the 6th - 
8th grades MCs and comparing these levels with Van Hiele geometrical understanding levels are important. 
1.1. The Aim of the study 
This study aims to compare the behaviors and attainments related with plane geometry in the old and new 6th – 
8th grades MCs in terms of Van Hiele geometry understanding levels. 
2. Method 
A  document  analysis  method  was  used  in  this  study.  Document  analysis  is  an  examination  in  which  related 
records  and  documents  are  gathered  and  are  coded  according  to  a  norm  and system (Çepni, 2007). In this study the 
behaviors  and  attainments  in  the  old  and  new  6th  –  8th  grades  MCs  were  examined  and  these  behaviors  and 
attainments  were  classified  considering  the  properties  stated  by  Fuys.  For  example  in  the  old  6th  grade  MC,  the 
behaviour  of  “Naming  a  line  segment  and  reading and writing with symbols” was grouped in the visualization level 
since  there’s  a  property  such  as  “Can  name  the  objects  with  standard  and  non standard names” property. The same 
processes  were  followed  for  the  other  behaviors  and attainments. Later the levels determined by two researchers for 
the  behaviors  and  attainments  were  compared.  The  reliability  was  calculated  with  the  formula  Reliability  = 
Consensus  /  (Consensus  +  Dissidence)  and  reliability  was  found  a  high value as 0,89 (Miles and Huberman, 1994). 
Later  the  behaviors  and  attainments  placed  in different levels by the researchers were discussed and these behaviors 
and attainments were placed in more suitable levels by taking expert support. 
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3. Findings and interpretation 
3.1. Findings Related to the behaviors and attainments in 6th grade MC 
In Table 1 the behaviors and attainments related with plane geometry in the old and new 6th grade MCs were 
compared in terms of Van Hiele geometry understanding levels. 
Table 1: The Van Hiele geometry understanding levels of behaviors and attainments in the old and new 6th grade MCs 
Van Hiele Geometry Understanding Levels 
Old 6th Grade MC Number of 
New 6th Grade MC Percentage (%) 
Number of Attainment 
Percentage (%) Visualization Level 16 24 2 9 Analysis Level 37 56 11 50 Informal Deduction Level 13 20 9 41 Deduction 
Level 0 0 0 0 Rigor Level 0 0 0 0 Total 66 100 22 100 
When  we  look  at  Table  1,  we  can  conclude  that  the  number  of  behaviors  related  with  plane  geometry  in 
visualization,  analysis  and  informal deduction level in the old 6th grade MC is double the number of the attainments 
in  the  new  curriculum  and  in  both  MCs  there  are  no  behaviors  or  attainments  in  the  deduction  and  rigor  levels. 
Furthermore,  it  is shown in Table 1 that the percentages of the visualization and analysis levels decreased in the new 
MC,  though  the  percentage  of  deduction  level  increased.  This  situation  was  interpreted  by  the  researchers  as  a 
student  in  6th  grade  is  in  analysis  level  and  in  transition  to  7th  grade  his  level  shifts to informal deduction level so 
the  visualization  level  is  decreased  and  the  informal  deduction  level  is  increased  in  the  transition  from  6th  to  7th 
grade to enable the students to think more complexly. 
3.2. Findings related to the behaviors and attainments in 7th grade MC 
In Table 2 the behaviors and attainments related with plane geometry in the old and new 7th grade MCs were 
compared in terms of Van Hiele geometry understanding levels. 
Table 2: The Van Hiele geometry understanding levels of behaviors and attainments in the old and new 7th grade MCs 
Van Hiele Geometry Understanding Levels 
Old 7th Grade MC Number of 
New 7th Grade MC Percentage (%) 
Number of Attainment 
Percentage (%) Visualization Level 10 8 0 0 Analysis Level 48 38 17 46 Informal Deduction Level 68 54 20 54 Deduction 
Level 0 0 0 0 Rigor Level 0 0 0 0 Total 126 100 37 100 
When  we  look  at  Table  2,  we  can  conclude  that  the  number  of  behaviors  related  with  plane  geometry  in 
visualization,  analysis  and  informal  deduction  level  in  the  old  7th  grade  MC  is  more  than  the  number  of  the 
attainments  in  the  new  curriculum  and  in  both MCs there are no behaviors or attainments in the deduction and rigor 
levels.  Furthermore,  it  is  shown  in  Table  2  that  the  percentage  of  the  visualization  level  decreased  in the new MC, 
though  the  percentage  of  analysis  level increased and the percentage of the informal deduction level did not change. 
Because  the  researchers  regard  a  student  in  7th  grade  as  in  informal  deduction level, the decrease in the percentage 
of visualization level is found positive. 
Cemalettin Yıldız et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 1 (2009) 731–736 735 
1.2. Findings related to the behaviors and attainments in 8th grade MC 
In Table 3 the behaviors and attainments related with plane geometry in the old and new 8th grade MCs were 
compared in terms of Van Hiele geometry understanding levels. 
Table 3: The Van Hiele geometry understanding levels of behaviors and attainments in the old and new 8th grade MCs 
Van Hiele Geometry Understanding Levels 
Old 8th Grade MC Number of 
New 8th Grade MC Percentage (%) 
Number of Attainment 
Percentage (%) Visualization Level 0 0 0 0 Analysis Level 11 30 4 29 Informal Deduction Level 26 70 10 71 Deduction 
Level 0 0 0 0 Rigor Level 0 0 0 0 Total 37 100 14 100 
When we look at Table 3, we can conclude that the number of behaviors related with plane geometry in analysis 
and informal deduction level in the old 8th grade MC is more than the number of the attainments in the new 
curriculum and in both MCs there are no behaviors or attainments in the visualization, deduction and rigor levels. 
Furthermore, it is shown in Table 3 that the percentage of the visualization level decreased in the new MC, though 
the percentage of analysis level increased and the percentage of the informal deduction level did not change. Since 
the researchers assume that a student in 8th grade is in informal deduction level, the uniformity in the percentage of 
visualization level and the increase in the analysis and informal deduction level in the new MC is perceived as 
4. Results and Recommendations 
The following are the findings of the study: 1) Considering that a student in 6th grade is in analysis level, it was 
found that both the old and new 6th grade MCs involve too high attainments and behaviors such as deduction. 
2) It was found that the percentage of informal deduction in the new 7th grade MC did not change. 3) The 
percentages of the analysis and informal deduction levels did not change in the new 8th grade MC. 4) When we 
consider that the students in 7th and 8th grades are in informal deduction level, it can be interpreted that both the old 
and new MCs in these levels do not involve too high behaviors and attainments. 
Regarding these findings the following are recommended: 1) When we consider a student in the 6th grade as in 
analysis level, we can recommend an increase in the number of attainments in analysis level in 6th grade. 
2) Considering the students in 7th and 8th grades as in informal deduction level, a recommendation may be to 
increase the attainments in the deductive level in the new 7th and 8th grades MCs. 
3) To prepare the 8th graders to 9th grade and the 7th graders to 8th grade, attainments in deductive level may be 
added to the new 7th and 8th grades MCs. 
4) Similar studies may be performed for the behaviors and attainment in the 1st – 5th grades and 9th - 12th grades. 
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