JPM Newswire: Jeremiah Prison Ministry

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Volume 11, Issue 12

JPM Newswire
I was in prison and you visited me – Matt. 25:36b

Jeremiah Prison Ministry

We are serving him by serving them! ”His mercy endures forever” Psalm 106:1

We Are Celebrating 11 year of Ministry!

♦ I made mention in our last newsletter that “Time is in
God’s Hands!” What a true statement as we celebrate
11 years of prison ministry this month. I am thankful for
our God giving us the strength, support and vision to
pursue His will. We want to always be in His will! We
thank you for making this possible.
♦ An update on me: the ultra-sound results of my liver
show that I have an enlarged liver which more than likely
is from the Simvastatin (generic Zorcor) but can also be
Tom & Monica
a fatty liver (which can be medication induced from my
research). I am off of this drug and I will have follow-up labs in January. The ultra
sound results of my thyroid shows more cysts, (this is also the result of a past
medication) but these are benign, which is awesome! I continue to pray I am the
Inside this issue:
healed of the Lord, agree with me!
Celebrating 11 years 1
♦ In this newsletter are two testimonies published before but does bear repeating
Testimonies 2/3
from two of the inmates that we have been seeing for 11 years. One is Jeremiah
Pastor Tom’s Preaching Corner 4 who the prison ministry is named after and Larry our dear friend that is serving
Prayer Corner 4 life but we continue to pray for a reversal in the Supreme Court of teen offenders
serving life with out parole, agree with us for this reversal decision to come to
pass. We minister to many men that were teens when their crime was committed
are serving life, judges need compassion like our Jesus. They be serving life but
they are free in Jesus! God is a God of Grace and full of mercy and they are free
in spirit! Its much better to serve prison time with God then without and we are
Special points of interest: so glad that the inmates we minister to have made that choice!
• Our Mission & Our Vision.

• You are an extended hand.

Our Mission & Our Vision
• 11 years in prison ministry!

 OUR MISSION..........To help men in prison reach their fullest in the Lord.
 WHAT WE DO.....… Ministering to their spirit, soul and body, through one on
one mentoring as their spiritual advisor and friend.
 HOW WE BEGAN......... Jeremiah Prison Ministry began on November 30, 1999,
and was birth out of a bond for a young man that made a wrong choice in life
 OUR VISION……. To be able to go into the prison chapels without the inmates
having to take us off their visiting list. “With God all things are possible!”
Page 2 JPM Newswire

Jeremiah Reynolds’ Testimony

Yes, it is hard to believe that it will be 11 years, Praise the Lord! Who
would of thought?

I need to start this off by thanking the Lord for being so good to me, for
bringing me through yet another year. I feel like the Psalmist when he
writes, “If it had not been for the Lord on our side, where would we be”?
Where would I be? Well, I am sure if we would all be honest with
ourselves we would all be in a messed up state huh?

I want to thank you all the readers and supporters of JPM, I want you to
know that your prayers, encouragement, and support is not in vain. I am
sure you have all read or at least heard the scripture out of Matthew
25:36 were Jesus was instructing his disciples on how the Lord will
separate the sheep and the goats, and he (Jesus) makes a profound
statement that confuses his disciples. Jesus said, “When I was hungry
you fed me, when I was thirsty you gave me drink and when I was naked
and sick you looked after me, and {When I was in Prison you came and
visited me}”. The disciples could not understand when any of these things
happened to Jesus and He even said when you did this to the least of
Jeremiah & Valerie these my brothers, you did for me! So thank you for not only giving to me,
but also for giving to Jesus!

Rev. Cohee or as I call him Tom has been such a Blessing to me. He is
truly one of my Best-Friends. My Father told me when I was young that if
you can find 2 Best-Friends in your Life Time, you have got something
Special, and in Tom I have found something special. I could pick many
stories to tell you about how much his visits have meant to me, but the
one that sticks out the most is when they allowed Tom to come into the
Prison for the first time and preach at our Chapel service, and I was able
to introduce him to the congregation. There were not many dry eyes in
the chapel by the time I was through, or maybe it looked that way
because my eyes were so teary. Tom has been a great friend and a
wonderful inspiration to me through my time of incarceration. We
continue to rejoice together patiently waiting for the day of my release so
we can be together side by side sharing some Awesome, Mind Blowing
Testimonies that the Lord has done for us. Oh how I could easily venture
into them, but I will save them for another time.
 Going past the Once again I thank you all so much for your prayers and encouragement
prison walls to it is so appreciated by all of us. Please continue to keep me in your
take the Love of prayers as I do for you also.
Jesus. Your Faithful Brother in Chains Physically But Spiritually Flying Free!!

By Jeremiah
Volume 11, Issue 12 Page 3

Larry Markle’s Testimony

Well another fall is upon us again, and I must say, God does make a lot of
beautiful things this time of year, he paints the earth many beautiful colors
such as, reds, oranges, and yellow, but one of the most beautiful things of
all, that I seen him create in the fall, was the Jeremiah Prison Ministry, 11
years ago this month. As you know it all started because of the love for one
man, and from that one man, many more would follow.

I soon became a part of the Jeremiah Prison Ministry right after it started,
and right from the start I knew my life was going to change, God was giving
me a special gift, he was going to put me in touch with someone who would
put me in touch with him, that I would be able to learn the love of God, and
know that all things are possible through Jesus Christ.

Eleven years ago my heart was heavy, and cold, I hated life, I only lived for
one day to end another to start, I couldn’t feel love, or knew that anyone
Larry & Monica
cared. But soon things would change, I would have my first visit with Rev,
Thomas Cohee and right from the start I knew that I was in the present of a
wonderful man, a man who had a love so strong for God, that you could see
it all over him, he made me feel calm right from the start and as he started
to share the word of God with me, my heart started to crack, and after many
more visits, with his kindness, his love, his caring, and understanding, and a
big dose of the word, he cracked all the way through my heart, the love of
God poured in, and life soon would return, and I found someone cared,
someone loved me, I have thanked God many of times for bringing someone
so special as the Rev. Thomas Cohee into my life.

And when I thought God couldn’t bring anything better, over five years ago
he brought the Rev. Monica Cohee into the Ministry, and little did I know,
that she also would share, care, and love, just as Rev. Thomas did, I must
say what a powerful couple they make, I know God must be pleased to see
the beautiful work they are doing in his name. God picks very special people
to do his work, and he has picked the very best to run the Jeremiah Prison

I would like to thank God, and the Rev. Cohee’s for helping me through my
walk, for letting me know that Jesus Christ is alive, and he died for me, and
through him I will have life, and all I have to do is trust, and believe in him,
and live the word. I am not perfect but through the help of the Jeremiah
"We loved you so much that
Prison ministry I am on my way. In ending I would like to thank the Cohee’s
for a beautiful 11 years, and how ever long I am in prison I hope the ministry we were delighted to share
will be with me, and to all of the many supporter’s I would like to say thank with you not only the gogos-
you for your support, and many prayer’s, with out God and you this ministry pel of God but our lives as
could not be what it is today, and remember you are doing Gods work also well, because you had be-
with your support, and prayers, I love you and so does God, many, many come so dear to us."
thanks, and may God Bless us all. With all my love to you Thomas and
Monica, you have made me a new person thank you. 1 Thessalonians 2:8

Your Friend Larry

Jeremiah Prison Ministry
To Our Family & Friends
Revs. Thomas & Monica Cohee
128 Conodoguinet Mobile Estates We love you!
Newville, PA 17241
Phone: 717-776-3535
Fax: 717-776-3235

I was in prison and you visited me – Matt. 25:36b

Pastor Tom’s preaching corner
Proverbs 23:7a; Philippians 4:13
“ For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.”
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  You are an Extended
1. The Bible talks a lot about attitude. Hand and a vital part of this
2. Attitude is an inward feeling that is expressed by outward behavior. Whatever is ministry. Together we are
making a difference with Jesus
happening on the inside will be revealed on the outside. How you see yourself has Christ, taking life to a dark
an impact on your attitude. place! We go because you send
us. Thank You so much!
3. The choices we make in life usually determine success or failure. If you truly
want to change your life, you must take responsibility for your attitude. When you
chose to improve your attitude, you will improve your life.
Continued next month

Prayer Corner There Is Power In Prayer

 Hebrews 13:5b
 Pray for Kevin, Chris, Mike & Domingo that God blesses them financially above and beyond
their expectations. They faithfully stay in touch with us. “Jesus will never leave
 Pray for Randall V. in prison falsely accused of a crime. you nor forsake you.”
 Pray for Larry, Lewis, Corey, Bob, Greg, & Eric for favor to receive commutation. Believe
with them for a miracle with God’s favor.
 Pray for Jeremiah as we continue to believe for a miracle for his release.
 Pray for healing for Larry, Bob & Corey.
 Pray for Kevin D. from NY. Kevin is 17 and had Leukemia, he is in remission. I haven’t
heard from his mom in some time but we can still pray for them.
 Leah is now 15. She remains cancer free, 5 years off chemo & is now in the survivor’s
clinic! God is so faithful & continues to hear our prayers!
 Pray for our grandson, Andy, is recovering from pilonidal tract surgery & back problem.
 Pray for our son-in-law, Dale, recovering from surgery . Pray for my daughter, Vickie, as
she has found out she has food allergies & low thyroid.
 Pray for Terri & Tayler they are doing much better but still miss Alan.
 Pray for my brother Norman he needs a job and needs knee surgery.
 Pray for the Salvation of every man, woman, boy and girl not saved in this world. Our
prayers are heard!
 Please pray for all the inmates, their families, our nation, our leaders, our military and their
 Pray for reform in the prison system, for lives to be changed & a spiritual renewal across
this land with men, women, boys & girls being touched.
 Pray for Bill our dear friend who goes with us to some of the prisons, he had back surgery
and still having pain, pray his health is restored. Jesus will carry you!
 Pray for Dotty another dear friend in prison ministry, she has lymes disease.
 Pray for us for strength and wisdom in all that we do, for Tom & Monica to stay cancer free
& healthy to do God‘s work.

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