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Answers to the Multiple Choice Questions

from Volume 1, Number 2
Chronic renal disease in pregnancy 6 In a pregnant nniiian with chronic renal disease
increasing proteinuria is ;in indication for delivery .....FALSE

In pregnant woiiien with chronic renal di:ctse, 7 A woman with a satisfactor). renal transplant can be
hypei-tension is a iiiajoi- factor in fetal prognosis .........TRUE advised t o become pregnant within ;I year of
1ran:iplantalion ........................................................... ..,.FALSE
The presence o f a renal transplant in a pregnant
n m n a n is an indication for c x s a r e a n section FALSE 8 Peril oneal dialysis is more adbantageous than
haelnodialysis during pregnancy................................... FALSE
1,ithotripsy is usef~ilin the manageitient o f renal
c~ilculiin pregnancy ....................................................... FALSE 9 With inoderate chronic renal disease pregnancy
complications before 28 weeks can influence
Syntlictic ei-ythropoietin (rHuEpo) should not he long-term tnaternal prognosis ........................................ TRUE
used in pregnant dial) sis patients ................................. FALSE
10 Adult respiratory distress syndrome can he :I
l reterm delivery is c o ~ n m o nin pregnant rend cornplicati8:m in pregnant woineii bvith
transplant patients ........................................................ ..TRUE pyclunepl-1ritis ............................ , , , , . . , .TRUE


The treatment of ovulatory disorders

,\lild obesity Iias z i significant association \vith 6 l aticnts with polycystic 01 ar). syndrome (I CoS ) are
:inoc.ul;t~ion................................. ............... .TRUE ant t o cilation iiiduction with
gonadoti-ophins............... ........................... .FALSE
I ulsatik gonCidotrophinreleasing hormone (GnRH)
:tdministration in the tiratinent of primary 7 Rec(irnhn:int human FSH is prod~icetlfrom
hypotlialainic 1iypogon;idisiii is ;I genetically modified E. coli bacteria ...............
Kites of multiple pi-egnancy.......... ...............FALSE
8 Gonadotrophin preparations which contain n o
Patients undergoing o w r i m drilling should he Iutrinising hormone (LH) are inore c ffic;icjoLis than
counselled almut a high risk of multiple pregnancy ...... FALSE LH-mntaining preparations in ovnlation induction
in women with polycystic o\,ar). syndrome (PCOS) ......FALSE
RCOG guidelines state that all uonien t a b k g
cloniipliene should ha\;e ;iccess t o monitoring with 9 Clomipheiie is responsible for more triplets in the
ovarian ultrasound ......................................................... ,.TRUE LJK than is the use of gonadotrophins for ovulation
induction ......................................................................... . T R W
The Conirnitter o n Safety of Medicines ; that
clomiphene should not normally he ~iseclfor longer 10 Ovulation induction is rcsponsihle for more rnultiple
than six cycles ................................................................. TRUE pregnancies t l i m irz zlitro fertilisation (TVF) ................ ..TRCE


The management of tubal pregnancies
6 There is n o evidence t o support the use of anti-l)
iinniunr)glolxdin (Ig) in a non-sensitisecl H i
Suturing the t u l x ;ifrixr s;ilpingotoiny provicles no negative vminan following surgery.............................. .FALSE
Ixnefit .................................................................... ,,,,,,,.,.TRuE
7 In rion-randomised trials. sulxequent intrauterine
I ersistent trop1iol)last following treatment requircs pregnancy rates were similar ~~1ietlie.r
further surgery ............................................................... FALSE o r 1ap:irotc)my was used as the method of treatment ...TRI_IE
Tlir laparoscopic approach is no cheaper than 8 Siic cessful treatment with niethotrexate is directly
lqxirotoiny .................................................................. ,,,.FALSE proportional to the serum level of PliCCr ..................... FALSE
The incidencc o f cic:lth Iias irisen t o 4.9/1000 9 Salpingectomy is t o be preferred t o salpingotomy
ectopic pregnancies .......... .................................. ..FALSE in t h e presence o f a healthy contralateral tube ............TRUE
I ersistent tropholilast is more common following
10 I h eincidence of side effects in patients treated
laparoscopic surgery compared to laparolomy .............TRUE with systemic inethotrexate exceeds one in five ..........TRUE

i%e Obstetrician C Gyaaecologist Jariutay 2000 Vol. 2 No. 1 23


ANSWERS TO MCQs SET 6 DISCUSSION: The risk of inalignant progression or \'IN is difficult
The management of vulval cancer and related t o cletermine. Few. if :my: series r e p )i-i on sufficient nutnt)ers o f
conditions women nianaged without any treatment. This is Linderst:mldde
given that the majority present \vith sy-iiiptoms ;and therefore
A The following are recognised risk factors f o r vulval require some form o f intervention, which is also likely t o influence
cancer: the natural history of tlie disease. One snlall and \velI-piiblicised
1 Smoking .................................................... ........... .TRUE series has documented progression in seven of eight c i s c s of \TIN
2 Lichen sclcrosiis ................ .......... ,.TRUE 3. This report. hom.ever, is ~iniisiial,with tlie majority rcxcording
3 Herpes genitalis ............... .........,.FALSE rates o f progression from 3% t o 1O(x1,One niiglit expect. with
4 Cer\ i u l c;aiicer ................. longer follow-up and more carefully documented and categorised
5 h~lolluscunicontagiosunn . . lesions. that this figure .might well incrrase. Suffice it to say at
present that our belief is that a lo\v rate o f progression iiistifies a
DISCUSSION: ,4Itliough the ;issociation hetween smoking and conseiwtive appro:ich to iilanageinent given the moi-hiclity such
vulv;il cancer is n c i k , it is more pronounced for vulva1 intra- manageirient a n inflict. A consenuti ipprc-iach requires cnrefiil
epithelial neopl:isins (\’I[c). The putative inechanisni is that surveillance,as any change in symptoms o r appearance may be the
cigarette smoking. either inclependently Lia DNA atlducts or as earliest sign o f invasion and should prompt hiither hiopsy. Biopsy
I: cofactor thro~igliimmune suppression. may enhance onc’o- is the only safe inetliod o f excluding inusion ;it present. Multifocal
genesis in the pi-esence o f oncogenic viruses. The association is and niulticcntric \'IK map tie associated with ;I higher progression
mwker than ~ l i a tnoted for cervicil c3nc’er. cite. pirticularly in itninunosuppresssed women. There is. of course.
The iricre:ised prewlence o f cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grearer scope for sampling eri-or at the time of the original chgnosis
and cen,iGil c;incei- ,scym in p;itients \\.it11 \ulval cancer (and I?CC> in these cases. Loc:il excision ~ o i i l dappear t o lie the current
WKW) is again suggesth e of ;I coinmon aetiological agent, in this trettrnent of choice for most cases o f VIK. This conhines the
instmce oncogenic hiiman papillomavinises, u hich may account :icculacy of good liistopathology ivhile minimising d;image t o the
for approxim:ately one-third o f v i i l \ d cancers. Other sexually \-~ilviilanatomy. Simple milvectomy remove; f:ir more tissue in
transmitted agents ha\ e I)een e\duated as potentid ;retiological tei-ins of depth than is requirecl and is disfiguring. \ ; u l ~ i l Paget’s
agents. I x i t there are no rotxist data iiiiplicating herpes si~nplex disease is associated with other malignancies in approxinxitely 20%
\ii-cis or molluscuiii cotit;igios~ini.There is continiiing detxite over of cases and should prompt 21 thorough srarch.
the possilile milignant potential o f lichen sclerosus. The current
coiisensus is t1i:it rlierc possildy is a link, h i t the lifetime risk D With regard t o t h e diagnosis of carcinoma of t h e vulva:
rcmains re1;ttibely siixill. 1 1,esions should ala~aysbe t>iopsied prior t o
instituting definitive nianageirient ................................. FALSE
Stage Pa vulval carcinoma: 2 Excision biopsies slioulcl include I: riiargin o f 1 cin
Is ;ilso known as supcrfici;iIly inrasive \uIval can of normal tissue ............................................................... TRUE
Is carcinoma 0 1 less tlixi 3 i i i i i i depth. measured from 3 Computed tomography scanning SlKJLdd I x
the adiacent papilla ............................. performed to exclude pelvic lymphaclenop~thy..........FALSE
Involves the groin lynipli noclrs in only 5%) of cases ......FALSE 4 A ccivical snicir should he perfoi-niecl if the cervix
Is besr man;ige!t"I17y cirlion dioxide laser vai""isation ....FALSE is i i i sitri ...................................................................... .....TRUE
(kin be distinguished from \?h l i y viilvosc~opy................FALSE 5 Dizignostic biopsies shodd include the zirea
Iietnwn the lesion and normal skin ............................. TRUE
DISCUSSION Stage 1:i \ uI\~alcincer is ;ilso k n o w n ;IS superficially
in\xiie carcinoiii:i and is defined as a tunioiir measuring 1nim in DISCUSSION: In gener:il. all lesions sliould be Iiiopsied prior t o
depth \\here the Ixse of tlie adjacent skin papilla is used ;as ;I instit~itingprimary management. There are, however, exceptions.
rcfcwnce point. Tlie tunioiir sliould l i e no grcater tlian 2 ciii iti The first and most ohious is that of the small suspicious lesion
l a ~ e ~extension
il t o tie inclcidcd in this substage. Tnvolvcnient of tlie where 21 wide local excision may be tlie only loc:il treatiiient
lytnph nocks is \.eiy rare indeed bvitli less than fi\,e rases repcirted required and will also provide tlie diagnosis. It is only \Then an
in the world 1iter;it~ire:tliiis. it represents ;I situation nhere groin- extensive resection is contemplated that it m-oiild Ix considerc~tl
node dissection is nor required. As the major difficcilty in this ’ e t o I>iopsy first. A second exception is that of the elclerly mcl
condition is ensuring adeqiiate excision margins (and providing ’oman. Here. :I radical wide excision will pro-
good. iioii-distorted matenal fot- tlie pathologist), destructive md symptom relief. F~irthertreatincmt may lie
methods 01’ treatiiicnt slioiiltl he avoided. ’1’11er.e are no cl;issi~al contemplated and L I S U ; I ~ is ~ ~ required. h i t it scenia illogic’;il t o clela),
\-ulvoscopic features tllat dlo\v \,’IN t o he reliably diagnosed aiid syniptc~iii-controllinp treatment when there is a high suspicion o f
ceit:iinI~.none that :iIlo\\~superfici;illy invasive disease t o tie cancer iincl where only excision can provide that reliel. Wide local
recognised \vitliin ;I field o f k l h . excision is associated with control cites siiriilar t o tliose for i-xlical
y long 21s clearance margins :ii-e at Icmt H 111111. Aiiiiing
v ~ i l v ~ . c t o i n;is
C Regarding pre-invasive vulval disease: to excise :I margin o f normal tissue 10 niin in a.idth allocvs for ;I
1 ’l’he risk o f inalignant progression o f Vln’ varies sninll inargin o f error. While computed toinogcipliy (C’l’), magnetic
fr0111 LO'!.i, t o HO’X/;,......................................................... .FfLSE resonanace iiinging M U ) and ultrasvuiid might detect enlxged
2 (:hanging syniptom and o r appe;irances of the pelvic lymph nodes, they cannot e x c l ~ i d rmalignancy ;it this s i t r
lesion slioulcl proiiipt Icirtlier biopsies ...................... ,,,.TRUE and sh~iildtherefort. not tie relied o n to do so. As there is :I recog-
3 The I-isk of progression iiiay he higher in niscd increased risk (of pre-invasive and invasive cen.ic:il clise:ise. it
niiiltifoctil \’In ancl niulticentric disease ........................ TRUE is good practice to a:,sess the cervix along \vitli the rest o f the lonw
4 Simple \ul\,ecromy is the treatinent of choice for genital tract. ;ind cervical cytology shoulcl he performed if not done
VIK 3 .............................................................................. .FALSE so recently. From the histopatliologiail perspective. interpretation
5 I’aget’s disease is associated with other and reporting are more accurate if the sul~mitteclIiopsy contains
malign:incies in 50(%1o f c;ises ........................................ FALSE the xea o f transition from normal t o turnour.
E With regard to the treatment of vulva1 cancer: relate to Tl and T2 turnours. It is recognised that malignant nielan-
1 All cancers. other t h n stage Ia squamous, have a omas have a high risk of metastases that include the groin.
high risk of involved nodes ............................... However, as the depth o f penetration of Inelanomas is the strongest
2 lxeralised T1 and ’1’2 tumours invohre contralateral prognostic indicator. prophylactic groin node dissection is unlikel!.
groin nodes rarely ......................................................... .TRUE to influence outcome. There may be a case for considering e?z-hlo(:
3 Eiz-bloc groin node dissection should always be dissection if thy nodes are enlarged, but this is Pal-gely palliative.
performed for malignant melanoma ............................. FALSE Squatnous cancers of the vulva are no more or less radioresistant
4 Vulval cancer is relatively resistant to radiotlierapy ....FALSE tlian squtimous cancers elsewhere. ?lie problem lies in the morl,id-
5 Lymphoedema is a frequent problem associated ity of trying to achieve high doses in this sire. With careful planning
with groin node dissection ............................................ TRUE and management of problems such as moist desquanution, good
responses can be seen n-ith radiotherapy w-hich is incorporated into
DISCUSSION: Basal cell carcinomas and veniicous cancer rarely, if multirnodality approaches, paiticularly with large turnours where
ever, metastasise to tlie groins. It is for this reason that the hist- surgery may adversely affect function. Despite quite radical improve-
ological nature o f the primary should be defined prior to addres- ments in approaches to morbidity avoidance and inanqqment,
sing the potential f o r disease in the groin. Sixill latenilised tumours lymphoedema rcniains a problem following inguinofemoral node
generallj, only spread to the contralateral groins if the ipsilateral dissection. A lyniphoedema nurse specialist should lie ;I part of the
nodes are found to be positive. The data in suppolt of this only multidisciplinary team managing these a-omen.

ANSWERS TO MCQs SET 7 C Fatal shoulder dystocia

The lessons of CESDI 1 lhis event is considered to be predictable and
therefore a\vidable ...................................................... ..FALSE
A Regarding the CESDI process: 2 Most cases occur during an operative vaginal delivery ..FALSE
1 CESDI IS the College’s method o f addressing tlie 3 The head-to-body delivery intend u a s less than
effects of surgical complications and deaths in five minutes in nearly half o f the c;iscs ......................... TRUE
pregnant women ............................................................ FALSE 4 Three-quarttrs of the babies weighed 4 kg and
2 CESDI conies under the umlirella of NICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T R U E a I3ove ............... ............ ......................... .TRUE
3 Cases reviel.\red are graded 0-3, where a rating of j It would h a i ~ been less likely to have occurred
I implies that suboptimal care occurred but different had fundal pressure and the Zavanelli technique
management would not have affected the outconie ....TRUE been iused ....................................................................... FALSE
4 CESDI aims to assess all deaths in infancy and
stillbirths........................................................................ ..FALSE DISCUSSION: This event is generally unpredictable, and factors
j The assessments are anonymous and there is no such as estimated weight of the baby are ineffective screening
feedback to individuals or their units ............................ TRUE tests. Most cases occur during a spontaneous vaginal delivery and
the rniclwife is the prtifessional most likely to tie present. Surpris-
B Uterine rupture associated w i t h the death of a baby: ingly, 47% of the cases had a head-to-body delivery interval of
1 Occurs hetween one in 140 and one in 100 less than five minutes recorded. This iniplied that there was
women who labour with a uterine scar ....................... FALSE unrecognised feral distress prior lo the event. Funddl pressure is
2 1s associated with induction of labour in wornen t o tie avoided. Suprapubic pressure is recommended. ln none of
with a uterine scar.. .................................................. .TRUE the cases was the Zavenelli technique used. This is not a standard
3 Occurs most freque at near (9 cm or more) full procedure for nianagement o f shoulder dystocia.
dilation ........................................ .....TRUE
4 Is generally thought to tie an u Intraparturn-related deaths:
and not associated with problems in the provision Account for nearly jc% o f the 10 000 losses reported
........................................ .FALSE to CESDl every year.. ............................................. .TRUE
Always die in kabour ...................................................... FALSE
likely to lie necessary .......... ...........TRUE The most common category o f StlbOptimdl care is
failure t o recognise delay in labour .............................. FALSE
DISCUSSION: The event o f scar rupture occurs in between one Resusciration of tlie baby was a problem in 10% of
in 140 and one in 300 women who labour with a pre-existing the liveborn babies ........................................................ FALSE
sc;ir. It is not known accurately lvhat the risk of tlie death of the In a significant proportion (20?410 tlie cause was
l x h y occurring in such an event is, hut it has been estimated at attril2uted to an indiviclual’s action (failure to
around one in ten. In the review o f 42 cases (5th Annual Report), recognise o r act appropriately (ir communicate
18 women with prc-existing scars had been induced. At least effectively) ...................................................................... FALSE
lialf (20) occurred at near full dilatation. This event W;IS judged
t o he particularly associated with suboptim;il care (95% were DISCUSSION: Inlrapartum-relatei1ipartum-rekateddeaths are rare events. occurring
grade 2 or grade 3 ) . It is recommended that any scar rupture is in approxiniately one per 1569 deliveries. They account for nearly
tlie subject of a departmental review. Nine out o f 42 women who 5% of the losses reported to CESDI. The term refers t o babies that
had :I death of a liaby associated with uterine scar rupture in die as a result of an event in L h u r and not necessarily t o the
19()4/95 unclerwent hysterectomy at the time. timing of {.hede;ith. The most coininon cornmenrs rnade by the

i%e Obstetrician C Gyaaecologist Jariutay 2000 Vol. 2 No. 1 25


panels in the cause of death of these babies concerned problems 4 The liver is the most common organ to be retained
in the use and interpretation of the cardiotocographs. Twenty-two following a postmortem. ................................................ FALSE
percent of the neonates were noted to have suboptimal resusc- 5 Consent is unnecessary for a coroner s postmortem ....TRUE
itation. It is very rare that an individual s action is responsible for
the death, which is usually a combination of factors. DISCUSSION: The postmortem rate has been falling since 1993
from around 58% to j4%. Neonatal deaths are the least likely to
Postmortem undergo postmortem (44% rate) and the cause of death is altered
The national postmortem rate has been increasing in stillbirth in approximately 12% of cases. The organs most likely
recently and was 60% in 1997....................................... FALSE to be retained are the heart and the brain and, legally, consent
Neonatal deaths are less likely to undergo a for a postmortem is necessary for all deaths from 24 weeks
postmortem than stillbirths .......................................... ...TRUE gestation onwards. Good practice is to ask for permission in all
In the case of a stillbirth the cause of death is circumstances. However, it is technically unnecessary for a
altered by a postmortem in 25% of cases .................... FALSE coroner s postmortem.

ANSWERS TO MCQs SET 8 3 In the presence of meconium-stained amniotic fluid

Intrapartum fetal monitoring - basic knowledge it is better to expedite delivery by augmenting
labour with a syntocinon infusion ................................ FALSE
A In the presence of an abnormal CTG, fetal hypoxia 4 A scalp electrode is necessary to monitor the fetus
and acidosis may develop faster or may affect the when there is an abnormal fetal heart-rate pattern
neonatal outcome in the following situations observed with the use of ultrasound transducer .........FALSE
compared with an averagely grown fetus at term 5 A fetal scalp blood sample is essential prior to
1 In the presence of thick meconium with scanty fluid..TRUE delivery in cases with prolonged bradycardia ............. FALSE
2 When there is intrauterine infection ...........
3 When the fetus has intrauterine growth re DISCUSSION The ultrasound transducer picks up the maternal
4 When the fetus is preterm <32 weeks ........................... TRUE vessel wall movement or the fetal heart wall movement. The rate
5 In a labour with rapid progress ..............FALSE will depend on the rate of the vessel or heart wall movement. When
the fetus is dead, the ultrasound may pass through the soft tissue of
DISCUSSION Reduction of the amniotic fluid volume in the the fetus and may pick up the maternal vessel wall movement and
absence of ruptured membranes and fetal urinary tract obstruction give a trace that is identical to the fetal heart rate. In some cases of
may indicate the possibility of reduced renal perfusion and less intrauterine fetal death, there may be marked oligohydramnios. The
urinary output. This may be as part of a compensatory mechanism maternal heart ECG signals traverse the pericardium, maternal
whereby the essential organs of brain, heart and adrenals are per- diaphragm, uterine wall, the dead fetus and, via the scalp electrode
fused in preference to skm, muscle, liver, gut and, finally, the applied on the fetal scalp, produce a trace on the fetal monitor
kidneys. Passage of meconium may be as a function of maturity. similar to the FHR trace For these reasons it is important to make
It is also postulated that this may be due to hypoxia and relaxation sure that the FHR is different from that of the mother. The presence
of the anal sphincter. In such cases reduction of perfusion to the of meconium may indicate an element of hypoxia in the fetus. The
placenta via the fetal or maternal circulation reflected by abnormal use of oxytocin will increase the frequency and duration of uterine
fetal heart rate (FHR) patterns may lead to rapid development of contractions. This is likely to reduce the perfusion to the fetus.
hypoxia and acidosis. When the FHR is abnormal in the first stage Hence, oxytocin should be used judiciously only when indicated,
of labour there is significant excess of low pH at delivery. The such as the slow progress of labour. The latest fetal monitors have
metabolic rate is increased with infection, resulting in increased facilities for autocorrelation. The time intervals of fetal heart beats
use of oxygen and substrates. Lack of oxygen due to compromise are correlated in an overlapping manner. If the reflected ultrasound
of placental perfusion is likely to cause rapid development of beam is entirely at a different frequency to that reflected off maternal
hypoxia and acidosis.* Intrauterine growth restriction is associated bowel or muscle movement, the machine does not print a heart rate.
with a small placenta. Some cotyledons may be infarcted and As a result, the baseline variability produced with the use of the
appear pale compared with healthy buff-coloured cotyledons. In ultrasound transducer with fetal monitors present is good and
such situations when there is reduction to placental circulation the reliable. Hence, there is little need to use a scalp electrode when the
much needed extra placental surface is not available for gas trace is abnormal. If there is difficulty in obtaining a cardiotoce
exchange, leading to hypoxia and acidosis.3 Preterm fetuses are graphic (CTG) trace with an ultrasound transducer then the use of
known to develop rapid hypoxia, and acidosis can predispose a scalp electrode may be advisable. Fetal bradycardia, especially
preterm babies to develop hyaline membrane disease and respira- with a rate 4 0 beats per minute (bpm), is associated with less
tory distress ~ y n d r o m e .A~ fetus need not necessarily become circulation through the placenta. This interferes with gas exchange
hypoxic or acidotic because the labour was rapid. With normal and initially results in respiratory acidosis due to slower elimination
uterine activity the cervix may dilate rapidly and the baby may be of CO,. With the progress of time, less oxygen delivery to the fetus
born in good condition. results in anaerobic metabolism and metabolic acidosis. If the
bradycardia continues for more than nine to ten minutes there is a
B Concerning Intrapartum CTG: greater chance of acidosis. If the bradycardia recovers to normal
1 The CTG trace produced by pulsation of maternal FHR, CO, is eliminated and more oxygen transfer takes place, result-
vessels picked up by an ultrasound transducer is ing in normalisation of blood gases. Hence, there is little to be
distinctly different from that from the fetal heart ........FALSE gained by fetal blood sampling (FBS). If bradycardia continues for
2 Maternal ECG may be transmitted to the fetal >10 minutes with no signs of recovery, there is a need to deliver the
monitor via fetal scalp electrode to produce a CTG fetus immediately. However, if the FHR recovers, the blood gases
which resembles that of FHR ................................ .........TRUE will correct and there is no need to i n t e ~ e n e . ~

7be Obstetrician G Gynaecologist Janua y 2000 Vol. 2 No. 1

Concerning the interpretation of features of a CTG Concerning fetal scalp blood sampling in labour:
A normal baseline FHR of 110-160 bpm is an It is compulsory to take an FBS prior to caesarean
adequate indication that the fetus is not hypoxic .......FALSE section for an abnormal trace ....................................... FALSE
A fetus exhibits a baseline FHR of 170 bpm and On the basis of scalp blood pH if an operative
has two accelerations in 15 minutes. The presence delivery is to be performed the cut-off value is 7.10..FALSE
of tachycardia suggests the presence of hypoxia ........FALSE A baby with scalp blood pH value of 7.10 is likely
A fetus with a baseline variability of 10-25 bpm for to be born with low Apgar scores ................................ FALSE
20 minutes prior to delivery is usually not associated The greater the delay between decision to delivery
with fetal acidosis ................ :........................................... TRUE the more chance there is that a baby delivered
Late decelerations suggest that the fetus is acidotic ....FALSE operatively based on abnormal FHR pattern may be
A fetus with a baseline variability of <5 bpm is born in poor condition .....................................
usually associated with fetal acidosis ........................... FALSE Scalp blood pH can be normal but the fetus may be
born in poor condition when there is intrauterine
DISCUSSION The reassuring signs of a non-hypoxic fetus are the infection .................................................................. .........TRUE
features of accelerations (two accelerations >15 beats lasting for
>15 seconds in a 15-minute window - reactive trace) and normal DISCUSSION It is not compulsory to take an FBS prior to
baseline variability (10-25 bpm). These features indicate adequate caesarean section for an abnormal trace. A typical example is
oxygenation to the autonomic nervous system and brain stem one of prolonged bradycardia > l o minutes with no signs of
centres. A normal baseline rate alone does not indicate fetal health recovery. The scalp blood pH cut-off or threshold is defined as
in the absence of accelerations and reduced baseline variability of 7.20 and has worked well to date.1 The baby delivered with a
<5 bpm. Non-hypoxic fetuses can have moderate baseline tachy- scalp blood pH of 7.10may have respiratory acidosis and may
cardia (170 bpm) but should have accelerations and normal base- have a good Apgar score at birth.ll It is well known that, once
line variability.’ Good baseline variability indicates good oxygenation the decision is made to deliver the fetus for an abnormal FHR,
to the autonomic nervous system and it is unusual to find fetal the greater the delay there is the greater are the chances of the
acidaemia when the fetus has normdl baseline variability in the last baby being born in a poor condition.12 The fetus with intra-
20 minutes of trace prior to delivery." Late decelerations indicate uterine infection may have a normal scalp blood pH. At delivery
that the retroplacental pool of blood during contractions is not the baby may cry but soon afterwards may develop tachypnoea
adequate for the oxygen needs of the fetus and there is transient and respiratory problems. In the presence of intrauterine infect-
hypoxaemia. There may be other changes such as a rise in base- ion and an abnormal trace, labour should not be prolonged by
line rate and reduction in baseline variability prior to the fetus performing repeated FBS.Z
becoming acidaemic. This is an important reason to perform FBS
when indicated.’ The baseline variability changes and it can be <5
bpm for many reasons, the most common of which is fetal sleep?
The other causes of reduced baseline variability of 1 5 bpm are References
drugs, infection, congenital malformations and, rarely, cerebral 1 Steer PJ, Eigbe F, Lissauer V, fkdrd RW (1989) Interrelationships
haemorrhage. among ahnormdl cdrdiOtOcOgrdmSin labor, meconium staining of the
amniotic fluid, arterial cord blood pH and Apgar scores. Obstet
Concerning decelerations in a CTG: Gynecol74,715-21
variable decelerations are due to cord compression. ...TRUE 2 Gibb DMF, Arulkumardn S (1977) Fetal Monitoring in Practice, 2nd
Variable decelerations may be due to head edn. Oxford: Hutterworth Heinemann
compression.. ................................................................ ...TRUE 3 Low JA, Karchmar J, Hroekhoven L, Leonard T et al. (1981) The
A CTG with variable decelerations is categorised as probability of fetal metabolic acidosis during labor in a population at
. . risk as determined by clinical factors. Am J Obstet Gynecol 141,
4 Hobel W, Hyvarinen MA, Oh W (1972) Abnormal fetal heart rate
patterns and fetal acid base balance in low birth weight infants in
relation t o the respiratory distress syndrome. Obstet Gynecol39, 83-8
........................ 5 Ingemarsson I, Arulkumaran S, Ratnam SS (1985) Single injection of
terbutaline in term labor. Effect of fetal pH in cases with prolonged
DISCUSSION: Variable decelerations are due to cord compression. bradycardia. Am J Ohstet Gynecol153, 859-65
Head compression also can give rise to variable decelerations. 6 Ingemarsson I, Ingemarsson E, Spencer JAD (1993) Practical Guide
Variable decelerations are more common in breech presentations to Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring. Oxford: Oxford University Press
and in cases of occipito-posterior positions of the vertex compared 7 Arulkumaran S, Chud S (1996) Cardiotocograph in kdbour. Current
with occipito-anterior positions." Variable decelerations are sub- Obstetrics and Gynaecology 6,182-8
classified into simple and complicated variable decelerations. 8 Spencer JAD, Johnson P (1986) Fetal heart rate variability and fetal
Some of the features of complicated variable decelerations are: behdViOUrdl cycles during labour. BrJ Obstet Gynaecol93, 314-21
9 FIG0 (1987) Guidelines for the use of fetal monitoring. IntJGynaecol
0 duration >6O seconds and depth >60 beats
Obstet 25, 159-67
0 combined decelerations - variable followed by late component 10 Beard RW, Morris ED, Clayton SG (1967) pH of fecal capillary blood
slow recovery to baseline. as an indicator of the condition of the foetus. J Obstet Gynaecol Br
Cwlth 74,812-22
In the presence of these features variable decelerations are 11 Sykes GS, Molloy PM, Johnson P et al. (1982) Do Apgdr scores
categorised as abnormal.9 Early decelerations are due to head indicate asphyxia? Lancet i, 494-5
compression. It is unlikely for the head to be compressed until 12 Dunphy HC, Robinson JN, Sheil OM et al. (1991) Caesarean section
the late first stage and second stage of labour. The decelerations for fetal distress, the interval from decision t o delivery, and the
observed at 3 cm are more likely to be variable than early relative risk of poor neonatal condition. journal of Obstetrics and
decelerations.’ Gynaecology 11, 241-4

The Obstetrician G Gynaecologist Janua y 2000 Vol. 2 No. 1 27


ANSWERS TO MCQs - SET 9 C Recording of uterine contractions:

Intrapartum fetal monitoring - medico-legal 1 Is not important in spontaneous laliour ....................... FALSE
implications 2 Is of value but not essential when oxytocic agents
are used to induce or augment labour
A Medico-legal claims related to birth asphyxia are 3 Is niancbatoiy in a woman with augme
mainly due to: and a previous caesarean scar ..............
1 Inability to understand the significance of abnormal 4 Should be nith intrauterine catheters in a woman in
FHR traces ................ ................................... .TRm augmented labour u,ith a previous caesarean scar.,, , , .FALSE
2 The actual loss experienced by the wonian and the 5 It is adequate to store the trace of the FHR and
need for costs o f future care of the baby .....................TRUE uterine contractions with the case notes ...................... FALSE
3 Poor conimunic:ition by medical personnel leading
parents to believe that the truth is not being told.,......TRUE DISCUSSION: Jt is important to rccorcl uterine contr;ictions in
4 Driven by advertisements from law firms to claim labour. These could be quantified by palpating the frequency and
large sums of money ............................. .FALSE duration. Alternatively. they could be recorded by using an external
5 The feeling by parents that no one else should tocotransducer o r an intrauterine catheter. Should there be ;I s l o n r
suffer t h e same way and that such legal action progress of labour the action taken n4l be hased on the recorded
would reduce recurrence o f such events ......................TRUE uterine contractions. When oxytocics are used t o induce or ;tug-
inent labour the close is increased until adequate uterine contract-
DISCUSSION: In the majority of cases the inability to interpret ions are achieved; hence the recording of uterine contractions i s
traces o r delay in taking action has been linked t o medico-legal important." It is important to record uterine contractions in aug-
c1aims.l The niain driving force for parents to file action is the mented labour with a previous caesarean scar. Hypt:rstimulation of
actual loss experienced b y the woman and the need for the pro- the uteius if not detected and the oxytocin infiision stopped or
vision for the costs of the future care of the baby, which can be reduced may lead to uterine rupture. There is no strong evidence
quite expensive. Many parents feel that the tnith has not been to suggest that the use of an intrauterine catheter is preferalde in
told to them and that taking legal action will bring out the truth. cases of previous caesarean where labour is augmented. Features
There are legal firms which advertise to consult them and under- of sudden decline of pressure with scar rupture liave been reported
take to split the compensation if they win, but cases based on and may help to detect a rupture earlier. If the external transducer
this reason are few-. In most cases the parents are emotionally is not recording the contractions adequately it is important t o use
devastated by the incident and some file a case with the convict- an intrauterine czitherer in these situations.’ Currently. FHR record-
ion that such incidents should not recur.? ings are stored in the case notes. After a few years thc recordings
may be missing from the case notes :IS they niay have dropped
B Intermittent auscultation is adequate or preferable: from the envelope or the trace may have faded, as niost recordings
1 If the CTG is of poor technical quality despite are on thermally sensitive papers. Should there lie litigation a dec-
attempts at using different transducers or electrodes...TRUE ade later it would be useful to have the recordings. A computerisecl
2 In a low-risk labour after an admission CTG ................TRUE archiving and retrieval system would he useful.
3 In a low-risk labour without an admission CTG ..........TRUE
4 When there are two different rates of 70 bpm and D Birth asphyxia leading to long-term neurological
140 bpm seen on the trace ............................................. TRUE sequelae is likely to have:
5 When a high-risk mother is not willing to have 1 Profound umbilical arterial acidaemia of pH <7.O ........TRUE
continuous monitoring ................................................... FALSE 2 Persistence of low Apgar score ~3 for >5 minutes .......TRUE
3 Abnormal neurologicd signs during the neonatal
DISCUSSION: It is important to have good-quality reading while period ............................................ ...................TRUE
performing a CTG. A poor-quality reading may have missing 4 Evidence of hypoxic damage to kidneys and
sections and artifacts and inay be difficult to interpret. In these gastrointestinal system ................
situations it may be wise to perform intermittent auscultation. 5 Early imaging evidence of acute c
In low-risk labour intermittent auscultation is the accepted
form of care with or without admission CTG. There is inadequate DISCUSSION. These statements :ire’ taken from the consensus
evidence to suggest that admission CTG followed by intermittent statement of the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand
auscultation is a better form of care compared with intermittent and international contributing experts \vho have provided ;I
auscultation only in low-risk When there are two FHRs template for defining a causal relationship between acute intra-
displayed on the trace, one at 70 bpm and the other at 140 bpm, partum events and cerebral
this may be due to:
’double counting’ of a slow FHR by the monitor (counts the E The following steps are useful to reduce litigation for
atrial and ventricular beats separately instead of 21s one) reasons of birth asphyxia
1 Regular education o n interpreting CTG and
c detection of separate atrial and ventricular rates of the fetus, appropriate action ............................................... ............TRUE
as in cases of systemic lupus erythematosus in the mother 2 Attempts t o shorten the intewal between decision
with the fetus having a conduction branch block ........................................................ .TRUE
fetal death in utew and detection of miternal vessel-wall isk m:in:igemcn t tea n1 . . ................ .FALSE
movement of two vessels together at times and at other times 4 Fetal scalp blood sampling when encountering an
of only one vessel wa1l.j abnormal CTG ...................................... .............FALSE
5 Umbilical cord arterial Iiloocl samplirlg for pft anct
One cannot compel a mother with high-risk factors to have blood gas analysis ........................................................... TRUE
continuous electronic monitoring. She should be made aware
that it is preferable to have continuous monitoring of the fetus DISCUSSION The 4th CESDI report rcconimeiicls rrgLilar ecluc,-
and should have the risks explained. ation sessions in CI’C m d reduction in the decision to deliveiT

interval to reduce the cases of intraparturn-related deaths. This also 2 Vincent C, Young M, Philips A (1994) Why d o people sue doctors? A
applies to intrapartum-related morbidity? Although the establish- study of patients and relatives taking legal action. Lancet 343,
ment of a risk management team should logically reduce the 1609-13
number of cases of litigation there is no evidence to support this 3 Ingemarsson I, Arulkumaran S , Ingemarsson E, Tambyraja RL,
view. Fetal scalp blood sampling helps to establish the diagnosis Ratnam SS (1986) Admission test - a screening test for fetal distress
in labor. Obstet G ~ o l 6 8800-6
of fetal acidosis and in decision making. This step mainly helps in
avoiding unnecessary operative delivery. There is no evidence to 4 Nelson JP (1994) The usefulness of antepartum and intraparmm fetal
monitoring. Contemp Rev Obstet Gynaecol6, 72-8
suggest that performing fetal scalp blood sampling helps to reduce
cases of medical litigation. An abnormal CTG and the action taken 5 Gibb DMF, Arulkumaran S (1977) Fetalhfonitorfngin practice, 2nd
edn. Oxford: Hutterworth HeinemaM
may be interpreted differently by the experts. If the baby was
found to have neurological deficits in later life, it may be attributed 6 Amlkumaran S (1994) Uterine activity in labour in: T Chard, JG
Grudzinskas (Eds) The Uterus, pp. 356-77. Cambridge: Cambridge
to the abnormal CTG. Performance and documentation of a good University Press
umbilical arterial pH should help to defend the case. Performing 7 Chua S, Arulkumaran S (1997) Trial of scar. Aust N Z J Obs?t?t
umbilical arterial pH on every case may i n m s e the workload and Gynaecol37, 6-11
expenses and may not be necessary. Certain guidelines should be 8 Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand (1999) A Consensus
drawn up to i d e n e those cases that will benefit from umbilical Statement from the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand
artery sampling. and contributing expem. A Template for Defining a Causal
Relationship between Acute Intraparturn Events and Cerebral Palsy.
References 9 Confidential Enquiry into Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy (1997)
1 Ennis M, Vincent CA (1390) Obstetric accidents: a review of 64 cases. Fourth Annual Report: Concentrating on Intraparturn Deaths
WW, 1365-7 1994-95.London: Maternal and Child Health Research Consortium

ANSWER!3 TO FREE-STANDING MCQs SET 10 B Systemic methotrexate in the mmqement of

Reproductive medicine -P- ectopic Presnancyr
1 Is the treatment of choice in cases of hetemtopic
A In the UK, the success rate for in vitm fedisation pregnancy ....................................................................... FALSE
OVF) treatment is: 2 Compared with conservative surgery, leads to a
1 Of the order of 25% live births per cycle started ........FALSE significantly higher subsequent patency rate of the
2 Higher in women with tubal disease compared with affected tube ................................................................... FALSE
those with endometriosis............................................... FAISE 3 Is contraindicated in cases associated with ovarian
3 Dependent on the age of the woman ........................... TRUE hyperstimulation syndrome .......................................... .FAISE
4 Dependent on the past obstetric histoly of the woman ..TRUE 4 Is associated with a success rate similar to that of
5 Less than 1% live birth per cycle in women aged laparoscopic surgery........................................................ TRUE
40 years ........................................................................... FALSE 5 Is contraindicated in cases of cervical pregnancy........FAISE

DISCUSSION The world s first IVF baby was born on 25 July 1978 DISCUSSION In haemodynarmcally stable patients with unrup
in Oldham, near Manchester in England. Although IVF was first tured tubal pregnancy, systemic methotrexate and lapamscopic
introduced as a treatment for tubal infertility, the indications have salpingotomy are equally successful. In a controlled trial, 100
widened and it now has a place in the treatment of almost all haemodynamicdy stable women with laparoscopically contirmed
causes of infertility. The current widespread use of IVF is unruptured tubal pregnancy were randondsed to receive a fourday
illustrated by the fact that, in 1935 alone, 141 130 IVF cycles were course of intramuscular methotrexate (1 mg/kg/day) on alternate
performed in 775 centres world-wide.* It was originally thought days, alternating with folinic add m e to minimise side effects, or
that IVF was more successful in women with tubal disease than in to have Iaparoscopic salping~tomy.~ The treament was s u c c e d
those with other causes. However, it has been shown that the in 82% of patients treated with methotreme compared with 72?!
female cause of infertility has no effect on the success rate3 The of those treated with salpingotomy (a statistically non-slgruficant
presence of male factor, on the other hand, reduces the chances difference). Those in whom treatment failed received htha
of success because the lower rate of fertilisation reduces the methotrexate or surgical intervention. Overall, the tube was pre-
numbers of embryos available for transfer. The most sisruficant served in 90% of patients in the methmxate group vmus 92%in
factor affecting IVF success rate is the woman s age. According to the salpingotomy group. After m, the affected tube was
the UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFFA), the patent in 55% of patients in the mehotmate group and in 5946 of
live-birth rate per IVF cycle (often referred to as the take-home- patients in the salpingotomy group. On follow-up 18 m o n h later,
baby rate) was 15.3% in 1%/97, based on data from 25 281 IVF there was no dihence between the two treatments in terms of
cycles where the woman s own eggs were used.*The live-birth intrauterine pregnancy and recummt ectopic pregnancy6 There are
rate decreases with advancing age, being 20.1% at the age of 30 certain circumstances where mthotrexate may be preferable to
years, 14.4% at the age of 35 years, 9.7% at the age of 40 years and surgery. These include cervical pregnancy, where surgical jnter-
1% at 45 years and over. Other factors which affect IVF success are vention may be associated with a high risk of bleeding (because of
the duration of infertility, previous pregnancy, previous live birth the proximity of the implantation site to the uterine arteries) which
and the number of praious unsuccessful IVF cycles3Women with may necessitate hysterectomy. In cases where ectopic pregnancy
primary infertility of long duration with previous unsuccessful rvF coexists with ovarian hypmtimdation syndrome, the pelvic
attempts have the lowest chance of success. Women with organs are vascular and surgical intervention may be better
secondary infertility of short duration, particularly if they have had avoided On the other hand, in hetemtopic pgnancy whae a
a live birth in the past, have the best chance. This is even more viable intrauterine pregnancy coexists with an ectopic pregnancy,
evident if the previous live birth was from IVF. mthmmte is conrfaindicated.

me dbstetrician G Gynaecologist Januuy 2000 Vol. 2 No. 1 29


C Fertility rate is improved in infertile women with E Premature menopause is associated with:
minimaVmild endometriosis: 1 Hot flushes in approximately 90% of patients .............FALSE
1 After surgical ablation of endometriotic lesions 2 Galactosaemia .................................................................. TRUE
2 After medical treatment using danazol ......................... 3 Mumps .............................................................................. "’RUE
3 With the use of ovarian stimulation and intrauterine 4 Autoimmune diseas ...........
insemination ...... .................................. .TRUE 5 Chromosomal abno .......................................... .TRUE
4 After medical tre
releasing hormone agonists ......... DISCUSSION: Premature menopause is commonly defmed as ovar-
5 After a period of ovarian suppression using the ian failure before the age of 40 years. It affects approximately 1%0 of
women in that age group, t o t a h g over 100OOO affected women in
the UK.15 It is associated with primary amenorrhoea in 25% of cases
DISCUSSION: There is a considerable spontaneous pregnancy rate in and with secondary amenorrhw in 75%. In most cases the condition
cases of infertility associated with minimavmild endometriosis? is idiopathic with no identifiable cause.Recognised causes include
Therefore, any claim of successful treatment should be tested in a chromosomal disorders (such as Turner syndrome and pure gonadal
randomised conrrolled trial ( R O , with a no-treatment (or placebo) dysgenesis), metabolic defects (17a-hydroxylase deficiency and gal-
arm. Many of the treatments that were thought to be effective on the actosaemia), immunological disorders (Di George syndrome and
basis of uncontrolled studies were later found to be no better (some- ataxia telangiectasia), autoimmune diseases, infections (mumps ooph
times worse) than no treatment when tested in RCTs. Additionally, oritis and pelvic tuberculosis) and iatrogenic causes such as pelvic
medical treatment will cause delay in ovulatory cycles. A systematic irradiation, ovarian surgery and chemotherapy. In general the diag-
review and meta-analysis to determine the effectiveness of ovulation nosis is based on a triaa of amenorrhoea, elevated gonadotrophin
suppression (with danazol, medroxyprogesterone acetate, gestrinone, levels (particularly FSH) and symptoms of oesmgen deficiency. How-
the combined oral contraceptive pill or gonadotrophin releasing hor- ever, only about 50% of patients with primary ovarian failure will have
mone agonists) for the treatment of infertility associated with e n d e hot flushes and genital atrophy. Some might not be amenonhoeic and
metriosis showed no benefit? The common odds ratio for pregnancy may ovulate and menstruate sporadically,with reported pregnancies
following ovulation suppression versus placebo or no treatment was in rare cases.16Long-term care should include hormone replacement
0.83 (95% CI 0.5-1.39). On the other hand, a multicentre RCT involv- therapy, as these patients are prone to osteoporosis as well as the
ing 341 infertile women with minimal or mild endomemosis showed other ill effects of long-term oestrogen deficiency. The only effective
that surgical ablation (performed laparoscopically) increased the cum- treatment for infertility associated with primaty ovarian failure is it?
ulative probability of pregnancy by 73% in the fvst 36 weeks follow- uitro fertilisation of donated eggs.
ing the procedure; cumulative incidence ratio was 1.7(95% CI 1.2-2.61.’
Similarly, a number of RCTs showed that ovarian stimulation and References
intrauterine insemination (IUI) are more effective than no treatment 1 Steptoe PC, Edwards KG (1978) Birth after the reimplantation of a
or IUI alone in infertile women with minimal or mild endometriosis.1 human embryo (letter). Lancet G, 366
2 de Mouzon J, Lancaster P (1997) World collaktrative report on in tWo
D Sperm suitable for intracytoplasmic sperm injection fertilization: preliminary data for 1995.JAssM Reprod Cenef 14,251-65s
(ICSI) treatment may be obtained in the following 3 Templeton A, Moms J, Parslow W (1996) Factors that affect outcome of
conditions: in-vitro fertilisation treatment. Lancet 348,14024
tion and Embryology Authority (1998) Sewnth Annual
1 Sertoli cell only syndrome .............................................. TRUE
Report. London: HFEA
2 Congenital absence of the vas ..... 5 Hajenius PJ, Engelsbel S, Mol RW et al. (1997) Randornised uidl of
3 Azoospermia with systemic methotrexate versus laparoscopic salpingostoiny in tubal
hormone (FSH) of pregnancy. Lancet 350,774-9
4 Following vasectomy ................ 6 Dias Pereira G, Hajenius PJ, Mol RW et al. (1999) Fertility outcome after
5 Following chemotherapy with a1 systemic methouexate and laparoscopic salpingostomy for tubal
prepubertal males ....................... pregnancy (letter). Lancet 353,7 2 4 5
7 Hull MGK (1992) Review. Infertility treatment relative effectiveness of
DISCUSSION In conventional IVF, where the sperm is incubated conventional and assisted conception methods. Hum Reprod 7,785-96
8 Hughes E, Fedmkow DM, Collins J, Vandekerckhove I’ (1998)
with the oocytes, about 5000&100000 sperm are needed per ’Ovulation suppression versus placebo in the treatment of
oocyte to achieve fertilisation. ICSI involves the microinjection of a endometriosis’ in: iThe CccbraneLibmy, Lrue 2. Oxford: Update st)ftwarr
single live sperm into the oocyte to achieve fertilisation." It is used 9 Marcoux S, Maheux R, Berube S (1997) Iaparoscopic surgery in infertile
to overcome severe male factor infertility where there are very few women with minimal or mild endometriosis. Canadian Collahrative
sperm available in the ejaculate. In azoospermia, sperm suitable for Group on Endometriosis. NEngl JMed 337,217-2
ICSI can be obtained through testicular biopsy or fine-needle aspir- 10 Tummon IS, Asher LJ, Martin JS, Tulandi T (1997) Randomid controlled
ation. The sperm characteristics do not seem to be important to uial of superowlation and insemination for infertility asstxriated with
success following ICSI.12 In all conditions listed in the question, minimal or mild endometriosis. F a i l Stetil68, S.12
pregnancies have been reported following treatment with ICSI.13 11 Palermo G, Joris H, Devroey P, Van Steiteghem AC (1992) Pregnancies
after intracytoplasmic injedon of single spemtozoon into an t ~ ~ y e .
Sperm can be retrieved relatively easily in obstructive cases such as Lancet 340,17-18
absence of the vas and following vasectomy. However, it is import- 12Mansour K (1998) Intracytoplasmic sperm injection: a state of the arf
ant to recognise that there is an association between congenital technique. Hum Reprod Update4,4 5 5 6
bilateral absence of the vas and cystic fibrosis carrier status. Before 13 Mansour KT, Kamal A, Fahmy I, Tawab N, Serour GI, Aboulghar U4
embarking on ICSI for congenital bilateral absence of the vas the (1997) Intracytoplasmic sperm injection in obstructive and non-
patient should be screened for cystic fibrosis and counselled accord- obstructive aZ<KX3peMlid.Hum R e d 12, 19749
ingly.14 In cases of Sertoli cell only syndrome it was originally 14 Dohle GK, Veeze HJ, Overbeek SE et al. (1999) The complex
thought that the disorder was present throughout the testicular relationships between cystic fibrosis and congenital bilateral absence of
tissue. However, the concept of ’focality’ is now well recognised, the vas deferens: clinical, elecvophysiological and genetic data.. Hum
Reprod 14,3 7 1 4
where there are foci of normal spermatogenesis in the testis from 15 Barlow DH (1996) Premature ovarian failure. Z?uillk?res Cfin Ohstet
which sperm for ICSI may be obtained. In about 50% of cases of Gynaecol 10,36144
testicular failure, even when the FSH is over 25 iuA, sperm have 16 Cohen I, Speroff L (191) Premature ovarian failure: update. Ohsfef
been retrieved and pregnancies using ICSI reported. Gynaecol Suw 46, 1 5 6 6 2

The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Januay 2000 Vol. 2 No. I

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