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Laura Daniela Peña Castaño.


1. Why did Taylor mean by the terms natural and systematic soldiering?

Taylor's summary of the four points is under the administration of "initiatives and
incentives" virtually every problem is "depending on the worker," while under the
scientific administration entirely one half of the problem is "depending on the
administration." It is up to the administration to determine the best method to complete
each task through a study of times and movements, to train the worker in this method and
to keep individual records for an incentive-based pay.

2. How convincing were Taylors claims that systematic and scientific time study would
improve productivity?
Very convincing since the thought that guided it is the elimination of wasted time, money,
etc., through a scientific method. It states that "the main objective of the administration
must be to ensure maximum prosperity, both for the employer and for the employee."
Creating principles that support this method and giving results in a short time to be used
in companies.

3. What were the three core principals of Taylor system?

 First they developed a science for every element of man's work that relocates the
method of the old rule of the thumb.

 Second scientifically selectable and subsequently trained, taught and developed

the worker, while in the past he chose his own job and trained himself as best he

 Third, they vigorously cooperated with men to have to do all the work that had
done the agreement with the principles of science that had been developed.

 Fourth there is a division of labor and responsibility between the administration

and the almost equal worker. The administration is in charge of all the work for
which it is better than the workers, while in the past almost all the work and the
great part of the responsibility was prostrated in the men.
4. Why were trade unions generally hostile to Taylor’s ideas?
Due to the implementation of piecework, bonuses, internal promotion, job ladder, the
increase in the number of managers and supervisors, in short, the introduction of
Taylorism contributed to starting working conditions. These changes to a decline in the
influence of trade unionism ex officio, to give way to branch unionism or industry.
Revolutionary trade unionism was prepared for these innovations, in 1913; the first
international congress of revolutionary trade unionism held in London was adopted
industrial branch unionism, previously done by the French CGT.

5. How convincing were Taylors arguments for individual incentive payments?

The piece rate is based on the production of an employee. The employee receives a
certain amount of money established for each production unit above a certain standard or
fee. A commission is similar to the payment per piece, but is used for sales staff rather
than for production. Employees receive a percentage of the volume of successful sales.

6. Why did Taylor call for a mental revolution on the part of managers and workers?
Taylor believed that the administration was the cause and the potential solution to the
problems of the industry, his main interest was the acceleration of productivity through
greater efficiency in production and the highest salary for workers through the application
of the method scientific. Taylor concluded that workers always used dilatory tactics
because they believed that if they worked faster they would be unemployed and because
of hourly or daily wages they destroyed the individual incentive to achieve more effective
production, requesting a mental revolution where interests were pressed of the workers
and the administration in a whole benefit for both. This revolution was based on four

 The creation of the best working method.

 The selection and scientific development of workers.
 The relationship and union of the best working method and the developed and
trained worker.
 The close cooperation of the managers which includes the division of labor and
the responsibility of the manager in planning the work.

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