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The English Language Circle (ELC) is the official academic organization of the Far Eastern University’s
Language and Literature students.
Driven by our mission of advocating and developing the linguistic and holistic competencies of our
members while experiencing the fun in learning, the ELC finds its way to be collaborative with its
upcoming event this 1:30 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. on 25th November, the Author’s Talk with renowned Mr.
Ricky Lee.
It envisions to empower its member and the whole university through the effective use, as well as
the creative, and strategic expression of language. We believe that your organization, Far Eastern
University (FEU) Film Society, can help us achieve this goal.
This event is also partnered with FEU Bookstore and FEU Library; however, the success of this event
would be more than guaranteed through your support by means of partnership. Enlisted below are
the agreement of both parties:
In return, we would like to request for the following to guarantee the partnership:

 Participants from your organization ranging from 10 to 15 persons for the said event
 Help to promote the said event using social media accounts (Reacting, sharing, and
posting of materials regarding the said event)
 Coverage of the said event (photographs from the said event)
 One personnel from your organization which will be responsible for the registration

The English Language Circle expresses its gratitude and is hoping to hear from you as soon as
Thank you!

Team ELC

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