Complications: Virus Produces Antigen That Destroys Pancreas

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Diabetic Ketoacidosis 3.

CBG- target 350 mg/dl decrease gradually to 250

1. absolute deficiency- no production of insulin 4. Potassium replacement
2. relative- decrease production 5. pH- bicarbonate: below 7.1 target 7.2
Causes: missed or inadequate dose Complications
Increase requirement of insulin- infection 1. Hypoglycemia
pneumonia and myocardial infaction 2. DVT
* Virus produces antigen that destroys 3. Pulmonary edema
pancreas 4. Cerebral edema
Insulin deficiency causes: 5. increase blood sugar
Lipolysis- releases FFA and glycogen HONK/ HHNC- Type 2 DM
Ketones leading to ketosis Relative deficiency of insulin
Decrease uptake of glucose- causing Signs and symptoms
hyperglycemia, diuresis, dehydration and electrolyte 1. 3P’s
imbalance. 2. weightloss
Counter regulatory hormone of Insulin: 3. Obtunded- leading to coma
1. glucagon 4. poor skin turgor
2. epinephrine- inc. blood sugar 5. tachycardia
3. cortisol- inc. blood sugar 6. decrease BP
4. growth hormone Causes:
Signs and symptoms Stopping of medication
1. Kussmaul’s breathing Infection
2. acetone breath MI, Stroke, Injury
3. dehydration ABG, Xray
4. frequent urination Treatment
5. polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria IVF 2L in 2 hours
6. Ileus- decrease K Insulin
7. concentrated urine Electrolytes
8. tender abdomen Risk: Decrease potassium.
3 Criteria
1. Blood sugar greater than 300mg/dl
2. Acidosis
3. Ketonuria- ABG: pH 7.35; HCO3 <15meq
1. RBS, FBS, HBA1c- <6.4, Fructosamine- blood sugar
for the past 2 weeks.
2. Serum electrolytes- K+, Na+, Cl-,
3. BUN, Creatinine
4. CBC- Anemia, infection
5. Urinalysis- Sp. Gravity (concentrated)
6. Chest Xray- Pneumonia, TB
7. ECG- peaked T waves, MI
8. ABG
1. Fluid resuscitation (PNSS) 20mL/ kg X 1 hour X 2
2. Insulin- Regular IV; 0..1 unit/kg- IV bolus
0.1 unit/ kg/ hr. drip

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