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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
North III District
Iligan City North Central School
Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Education
Tibanga, Iligan City

Demonstrator Jasselle M. Quiapo Subject Mathematics

Cooperating Reynaldo N. Concepcion Grade/Section Grade IV-Rizal
Date No. of learners 38

A Detailed COT in Math IV

I. Objective

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of concepts of continuous

Standard and repeating patterns and number sentences.

B. Performance The learner is able to identify the missing element in a pattern and
Standard number sentence.

C. Learning Determines the missing term/s in a sequence of numbers (e.g. odd

Competency numbers, even numbers, multiples of a number, factors of a number,
3, 6, 9, __
4, 8, 12, 16, __
(e.g. odd numbers, even numbers, multiples of a number, factors of a
number, etc.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ___
( M4AL-IIIe-5)

II. Content Patterns and Algebra

III. Learning

A. References K to 12 Grade 4 Curriculum Guide

1. Teacher’s Teacher’s Guide Pages 223-226
Guide Pages

2. Learner’s
Material LM in Math Grade 4 pages 166-168

3. Additional Power point presentation


Chingcuangco, G. O. (2019). Soaring High with Mathematics 4. Pasig:

A. Other Saint Matthew’s Publishing.

IV. Procedures Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

1. Preliminary A. Prayer Our father…
(4mins) B. Greetings
Good morning children! Good morning
Ma’am Jasselle!
C. Checking of attendance
Who is absent today? None ma’am.

D. Checking of assignment
Did I give you an assignment? Yes ma’am.

Alright let’s check it. Get your

assignment notebook and exchange it
with your seatmate.

Everybody kindly read the instruction. (pupils read)

Instruction: Identify the kind of angle described.

Choose from the following:
Acute Angle Right Angle

Obtuse Angle

_____1. I have an angle more than 90˚ 1. Obtuse Angle

_____2. I have an angle less than 90˚ 2. Acute Angle
_____3. I have an angle of 90˚ 3. Right Angle
_____4. I have an angle of 145˚ 4. Obtuse Angle
_____5. I have an angle of 45˚ 5. Acute Angle

Count the number of correct answers

and pass your papers forward.

A. Reviewing A. Drill (3mins)

previous lesson
You are all familiar with skip counting right? Let Yes ma’am.
or presenting
us skip count-
new lesson Multiples of 2. Go! 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14,
16, 18, 20.

Nice! Multiples of 3. Go! 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18,

21, 24, 27, 30.

Good! Multiples of 5. Go! 5, 10, 15, 20, 25,

30, 35, 40, 45, 50.

Very good! Wow! Let’s give everyone a Dionisia (pupils do the

Clap. You’re all an expert in skip counting huh? Dionisia clap)
Were you able to follow the sequence of our
skip counting? Yes ma’am.

It was obvious. It meant that you were really

alert earlier. Not only in class that you are
required to be alert but you should also be alert
everywhere you go.

Example right now, the earth is quaking, what

do you do Kobe? Hide under a hard
desk ma’am/ Dock
and cover ma’am.
Alright Kobe is alert and awake. How about if
one of your classmates bleed because of a glass
shard? Kate? Call a teacher
Very good I see that Kate is alert too and we call
a teacher because the teachers will know what
to do about the bleeding.

Let’s give them both a Nice Clap. (pupils do the Nice


B. Review (2mins)

(show this on tv screen)

2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14… = _ _ _ _

1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15… = _ _ _


What are these numbers? Can you fill in the E V E N and O D D

missing letters? numbers ma’am.

Very good! These numbers are odd and even


Now how about this. Give me the factors of

these numbers:

6? 2 and 3 ma’am.

20? 4 and 5 ma’am.

Well done children! It’s crystal clear that you

already understand these terms. I did a quick
review about that previous lesson because
today that lesson will be very helpful to you.

A. Motivation (4mins)
B. Establishing a
purpose for Have a look at this.
the lesson
(Motivation) ?

What shape do you think should be put on the

blank? Circle ma’am.

Very good it should be a circle. Because it is as

follows: circle, square, circle, square, circle,
square- and blank, so the next shape must be
circle too! It follows a pattern.

Let’s take a look at another one.

Is something changing or unchanging? What are

these shapes? The unchanging
number of shape is
the star ma’am.
And the changing
number of shapes is
the circle ma’am.
How does it change?

1 1 1 2 1 3

1 ?
The question mark is the number of circles we
must put in the blank. What is it? 4 ma’am.

Very good! Now how about this one.

6, 10, ___, 18, ____ (let pupils try to

This will be as easy as a chicken pie if you will
listen to our discussion for today which is- can
anyone guess? (let pupils try to
(The teacher will post the title and objective on
the board)

Everyone read.


At the end of the lesson we will be able to:
Determine the missing term/s in a number

After our discussion, you are expected to be

able to do the listed goal. So make sure to listen
to pass this mission okay? Yes ma’am.
B. Unlocking of Difficult Terms

Pattern- arrangements of things that repeat

in a logical way

Number Sequence- list of numbers arranged

in a row

Term- each number in the sequence


instances of I will group you into 4.
the new lesson
But before everything, what do we do during a
group activity? (pupils answer)

I will grade you based on this rubric.

10 8
Content All content 2 or more
presented are content are
correct. incorrect.
Behavior All the 2 or more
members of the group
group members
participated. did not
Presentation Content is Presentation
presented well lacks
and energy.

Instruction: The pupils will be given a cartolina

and an envelope. The envelope will contain the
materials that the pupils need for the activity
(marker and a few shapes).


7 14 21 28 35 __ 49 56).

Does anybody have a question? None ma’am.

D. Discussing
new concepts
and practicing
new skills
Take a look at this. Do you see a pattern? Yes ma’am.

What is it? Triangle, circle,

crescent, triangle,
circle, crescent,
triangle, blank/
Every other shape
has a shade/color

What do you think is next? A shaded circle

Why? Because it follows a
pattern ma’am.
Very good! There is a pattern and you saw it. In
our everyday lives, patterns are everywhere.
Can you tell me the different patterns you see in
this classroom? (pupils answer)

Good answers. Patterns are very easy to spot


7 10 ___ 16 19

This is the same as the first one except these

are numbers and not shapes. This is called a
number sequence. And each number in the
number sequence is called a term. Can you
guess what the missing term is in this number
sequence? (pupils guess)

If your answer is 13, then you are correct. How

did you get it? We looked at the
number sequence
ma’am and it
looked like we
needed to find the
difference of two
terms to get the

Yes very good. Let’s all do the Batang North (pupils perform the
Clap. batang North clap)

We got 13 from finding the difference of every

term in the number sequence.

7 10 ___ 16 19
3 ? 3 3

Can you see the pattern? Yes ma’am.

How do we complete the number sequence? By placing in the

missing term
ma’am. 7, 10, 13,
16, 19
Very good.
E. Developing Another example. Get a scratch paper- any
mastery (Leads paper. Now help me figure out the pattern and
to formative find the missing term.
6 10 ___ 18 ____ 14, and 22ma’am.
The pattern is +4,
+4, +4, +4.

1 ____ 4 8 16 32 ____ 2 and 64 ma’am.

The pattern is +1,
+2, +3, +4, +5, +6…

15 12 9 ___ 3 6 ma’am. The

pattern is -3, -3, -3,
-3, -3

22 ____ 11 7 4 2 1 16 ma’am. The

pattern is -6, -5, -4,
-3, -2, -1

1 3 5 7 9 ___ 13 15 11 ma’am. The

pattern is all of the
numbers are odd

Let’s give ourselves a Batang North Clap. (pupils do the

Batang North Clap)

F. Finding We see patterns everyday in our daily life. Your

practical/ uniforms have patterns in it. Your curtains have
applications of patterns. The door, board, windows, and even
concepts and your thumb have a pattern. Do you see it too? Yes ma’am.
skills in daily
living Alright, here on the screen are numbers. I will
roam around and pick whomever I fancy to
choose. Inside these numbers are questions. My
candidates will pick a number and answer the
question inside. Do you understand?

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. It is the list of numbers arranged in a row. 3. Number


4. What do you call each number in a number 4. Term


5. 2 4 6 _ 10 5. 8

6. 8 16 24 32 __ 48 6. 40

7. 20 21 23 __ 30 7. 26

8. 10 11 13 16 __ 25 8. 20
9. 18 15 12 9 6 __ 9. 3

10. 60 __ 40 30 20 10 10. 50

G. Making
Generalizations What did you learn today? (pupils answer in
and their own words)
about the How do you find the missing term/s in a number To find the missing
lesson sequence? term, we use the
difference between
terms ma’am.

G. Evaluating Instructions: Find the missing term in the

learning following number sequences.

1) 25, 23, 21, 19, ____, 15 1. 17

2) 19, 27, 35, ____, 51, 59 2. 43

3) 3, 8, ____, 18, 23, 28 3. 13

4) 1, 4, 9, 16, 25 _____ 4. 36

5) 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, _____ 5. 16

6 Additional Write the missing term in the number

activities for sequence.
application or 1. 105, 100, ___, 75 1.
remediation 2. 6, 10, 15, 21 _____ 2.
3. 3, 7, 19, ___, 163 3.
4. 4, 6, 10, ____, ____ 4.

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection

A. No. of
who earned ___ of Learners who earned 80%
80% in the above
B. No. of
who require
additional ___ of Learners who require
activities for additional activities for remediation
who scored
below 80%
C. Did the
work? No.
of learners ___Yes ___No
who have ____ of Learners who caught up the
caught up
with lesson
D. No. of
continue to
require ____ of Learners who caught up the
remediation lesson
Strategies used that work well:
E. Which of ___ Group collaboration
my teaching ___ Games
strategies ___ Power Point Presentation
worked ___ Answering preliminary
well? Why activities/exercises
did these ___ Discussion
work? ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method Why?
___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s Cooperation in
doing their tasks
F. What __ Bullying among pupils
difficulties __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
did I __ Colorful IMs
encounter __ Unavailable Technology
which my Equipment (AVR/LCD)
principal or __ Science/ Computer/
supervisor Internet Lab
or can help __ Additional Clerical works
me solve? __Reading Readiness
__Lack of Interest of pupils
G. What Planned Innovations:
innovation __ Localized Videos
or localized __ Making use big books from
materials views of the locality
did I use/ __ Recycling of plastics to be used as
discover Instructional Materials
which I wish __ local poetical composition
to share __Fashcards
with other __Pictures

Prepared by:

BEED – SCH Student Intern

Submitted to:

Cooperating Teacher/DTL - Math

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