What Is An UPVC Window and Doors

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What is an uPVC window and doors?

With the appearance of modern glass in the architectural space, individuals are rediscovering the
advantages of glass windows and doors. The versatility and flexibility of this material have garnered
a lot of attention due to its ability to offer several functional and aesthetic benefits. Some of these
include energy efficiency, acoustic insulation, privacy, safety, security and stylish aesthetics. As the
glass solutions come equipped with these functional solutions, the mess of added accessories like
drapes, blinds etc. is removed. However, often people invest in a good glass solution but don’t pay
adequate attention to the frame.
Traditional materials like plywood or metal which were frequently used are highly prone to damage
while also compromising the fitting of the frame in turn affecting the performance of the innovative
glass solution. Instead, with the advent of uPVC frames, one can experience phenomenal
functionalities with exquisite aesthetics for a complete interior solution.
Benefits of uPVC over other frame solutions
Insulation properties: Unlike other materials that offer no barrier against external heat, uPVC
solutions aid energy efficiency by preventing the transfer of heat. When combined with a solar
control glass, the features of this solution are further exemplified. With uPVC and glass windows,
one can enhance its interior comfort by maintaining a cooler temperature naturally and significantly
reduce the dependence on artificial temperature control gadgets thereby saving on the
electricity bills. Also, this frame protects against unwanted sound, keeping your interiors more
Safety and security: uPVC frames are quite sturdy and tough to break into. When wrapped around a
core of galvanised steel and supported with the correct uPVC window hardware, this material offers
significant protection against attempted break-ins. Also, based on the location and requirements, it
can be fitted with single or multiple locking points to secure the interiors against theft and break-ins.
To improve interior protection one can also opt for safe glass type or laminated glass solution on the
windows and doors.
Stunning aesthetics: For a window to contribute to the interior décor, along with the right glass a
good window frame design is also significant. The different traditional materials often start nice but
get damaged soon after installation affecting their visual appeal. On the other hand, uPVC can be
customised in a variety of colours and finishes that do not fade or rot, allowing for stunning interiors
at all times. Individuals can customise this material in a variety of shades and finishes for the perfect
décor solution.
Highly resilient: uPVC does not get affected by changing weather conditions enabling extensive
longevity. Long term exposure to heat does not fade it like other materials while it does not rot,
swell or corrode after contact with water. This also maintains the integrity of the fitting while saving
individuals a lot in terms of repair or replacement work.
Multiple window solutions: uPVC windows manufacturers frames can be cut and sized to adapt
themselves perfectly to any window style or shape. These can range from classic sliding windows to
casement windows, awning windows and even hung windows. Regardless of the space or location,
modern glass and uPVC ensure that you can fit a window wherever you like it to be.
Easy to maintain: The amount of dust and dirt in the environment can make any window solution
look unkempt and shabby. However, uPVC is dust resistant which prevents the accumulation of dust
on the windows. Further, it is extremely easy to clean and maintain and can last for years giving your
space a clean and fresh appeal.
Eco-friendly: With global warming and climate change massively on the rise, eco-friendly solutions
have become the need of the hour for everyone. uPVC single shutter casement manufacturers
are completely natural and recyclable while also using minimal resources during manufacturing.
Thus, this non-toxic and natural environment can last for decades and also protect the environment
adding greatly to its appeal.

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