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The study is about lived experiences of teachers handling children with disabilities for the

purpose of getting to know the different strategies of handling children with disabilities.

In this study, the method used is interviewing. Observation and interviews were conducted

in collecting vital information during the research process.


Presented in here are the findings based on the analysis and interpretation of data

that are presented in the previous chapter. The researchers found out that:

1. Strategies of Teachers:

1.1 One on One Strategy

One on one strategy is typically used with children with disabilities since teaching one

on one give you more control and guidance. Special children are usually slower in academics

compared to normal students

1.2 Behavioural Intervention

Behavioural intervention is ---quote “stepping into a child’s world” before teaching a

child, all the more a special child you must first tackle it behaviour, their willingness to learn.

You cannot teach a child who does not want to be taught.

1.3 Visual Aids

Visual aids are instructual aids commonly used in school. Visual aids are mostly used by

teachers who teach deaf and mute children, because they are reliant on their eyes. Visual

aids are not only instructual tools but they also help arouse the interest of the learners.

2. Experiences of SPED teachers:

2.1 Expectations of Parents

As a parent of a special child, they would always want the most for their child. Their

expectation gradually gets higher after hitting every improvement. This is often the cause

of pressure for SPED teachers.

2.2 Language Barrier

SPED students who use sign language ----first language is English, because the medium of

language used in sign language is English. This creates a problem, especially for language

teachers like Filipino and MTB. SPED teachers often get confused when they write in

tagalog/bisaya and sign language in English.

2.3 No Progression

On some cases, special children are hard to warm up to. They are uncomfortable being

around people whom they are not used to. So when their parents leave after they have sent their
child to school, tendency is, they will cry or throw a fit. This creates a problem for the teacher,

because for one, they will not make progress or meet the expected coverage for the year.


Proposed Action Plan Teachers Handling Children with Disabilities


The researchers formulate this action plan with the intention of having the study

improved. In addition, the researchers include plans as suggestions on encouraging parents and

knowing the limitations of their child, reducing teacher turnover and treating non-intellectually

challenged children equally which are based on the recommendations in the study where the

quality of education is prioritized. The researchers firmly believe that children with disabilities are

equally entitled to the education that suits their needs. Hence, the researchers proposed a raise in

salary for SPED teachers to minimize teacher turnover and parent awareness seminars.


The researchers intend that the proposed action plan achieve the following objectives:

1. To serve as a guide the researchers can use in executing certain recommendations in the

2. To serve as a basis on formulating future action plans necessary to execute other

recommendations in the study.

Area of concern Objectives Strategies Persons Output


1. Efficiency To ensure Holding Teachers, Better

success of the compulsory DepEd understanding of

said plan with seminars for officials, their child and

minimum parents President of the less pressure on

wasted efforts school, & the teachers

and expense. researchers

2. Functionality To have Holding Teachers, Increased

optimum compulsory DepEd number of

education and seminars for officials, employment

child care. parents President of the

school, &

3. Staff To ensure that Improving the Teachers, Decreased

Accommodation there are more condition of DepEd number of staff

staff willing to work. officials, turnover

work than President of the

resign school, &


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