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°° Oxford | a eu abels 7 eee a Oxford Very First Dictionary ‘For Rose, Amy and Eleanor’ — C.K. OXFORD (Great Clarendon Street, Oxand OX2 «DP Oxford Univesity Pressis a depariment ofthe Universty of Oxo, 1 furthers the University's objective of excellence in research echolarship, ‘nd education by publishing werldvide ie Oxon New York Audiland Cope Toten Dar arSslaam Kong Kong. Karahi Kuala umpur Mads Metboune Mexieo Guy Naitoo. ‘New Delhi Shaughat Taipei Tororo ‘wit ores in Argentina Austen Qrasl Chile Casch Republic france Greece Gustemala Hungary ‘(aly pan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzeriand Thailand Turkey Ukvaite Viethan ‘Oxforls a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK andin eertsin other coustries © Oxford Univesity Press 199 ‘The mote rhs of Ue author have been assertee Databate sight Onford University Fre (sake) First published in. 1909 26 My Very Fst Oxford Ditinary First published in 2008 as Oxford Very Fist Dictionary Al ight reserved Ho pat of this pubiation may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system. or transmuted, in any fm a: by any means, ‘without the prior permission in writing of Caled Lnmersity Pres, ‘oras expresily ermited by law, ortinder terms agreed wits the appropsate reprogrephiks sights erganizaticn, Fnguirles conversing reprociction ‘arside the scope of te above shuld be sent to the Righee Denarrmnere (Gxiond Univerety Prove ache actress axons You must not creulate this took inans other binding or caver ‘anil you must iepote fake same condition ea day sequirer Bits brary Cataloguing in Publication Data aallable Handlack IBN1S: 9780199111189 Hardback SBN-10: 0199111189 Papethack IS8NA3; 9740-199111190 Paperback SBN-10: 0195171157 2108 ‘Typeter in Cl Sans Schoolbooie ‘Printed i Chine Oxford Very First Dictionary Compiled by Clare Kirtley Illustrated by Georgie Birkett Contents Introduction A-Z dictionary Words we write a lot Verbs Colours Shapes Days of the week Months of the year Numbers The alphabet 50 52 36 57 58 59 60 62 Introduction The Oxford Very First Dictionary helps young children enjoy and discover the features of a dictionary. It contains over 300 words in alphabetical order, each with a simple definition and a colourful picture. There are also additional end sections with words that children will find useful when writing. The words have been chosen to support and develop speaking, reading, and writing. Here are the main features on the A to Z pages: aeroplane ‘Anaeroplane has wings and | an engine and can fly age Your age ishow olé you are. alphabet “The alphoherisallthe letters used in writing address Your address is the place where you live The Oxford Very First Dictionary is an ideal introduction to dictionaries and other alphabetically ordered reference books. It helps children acquire basic dictionary and reference skills in a simple and enjoyable way: apple An apple is a round cexisp fruit ibulance go in an ambulance if ore illor injured. arm——____| ‘Your hand is atthe end of —| your arm. author You are an author if you write « book our ankle is where your 5 polis your 0% they can learn about the alphabet and about alphabetical order; they can find out how to locate a word by using the initial letter; they can check their own spelling; and they can learn how to use simple definitions of words. nem £ ee OU TATOOS NEXE A very first alphabetical 4) dictionary for young children ee aged four upwards CON mei roc Cet rerip rc eoneny simply and clearly explained Every word accompanied by a colour picture “Special topic words at the back to help Eaascdenye siento men earouccieacereel eden at Ideal for extended word level work ca cS es s . bstorer ecrarte Cl meresoeCeraty and reterence skills ) INR SpE Gt \) Cor iaeOneto cell ete) oneal \| Oxford First Dictionary Oxford First Thesaurus OXFORD tnt ‘UNIVERSITY PRESS IRIAN 70312) 35000

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