13.9 Jumbled Up Phrases

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UNIT 13 : Work Hard, Work Smart


Stage Learning Standards: Lexical Sets:

3.3.1 (b) arrange, weeds,

leaves, classroom,
refreshments, tired,
picked, sweep, branch
Learning Outcomes: Materials:

Able to write and form simple descriptions  Phrase strips

Sentence about pictures accurately.  Picture cards
(recycled from the
Assessment: first activity)
Whole Text
Educational Emphasis:


Verbal linguistic,

Task Procedures:

Jumbled up Phrases

1. Each pupils is given a phrase strip.

2. Teacher places picture cards (a gotong-royong situation) at different places in the
3. Pupils open and check their phrases. They move to look for the matching picture to
their phrases. They move to look for the matching picture to their phrases. Once they
have gathered to form groups, they work co-operatively to arrange the phrases to
form correct sentences.
4. They re-write the sentences and form simple description about the picture on a piece
of paper.
Managing errors and mistakes:
 
1. Teacher uses (raises) ques (smiley sign): -ben -sara

a)  - given to correctly followed instruction

b)  - likewise, to alert the pupils that they are not on the right track.

Reward and Feedback

1. If the one’s name is listed under the happy face () side, one will get a ‘smiley’.
Collect 5 ‘smiley’s to redeem a gift from the teacher.

1. Jumble up Phrases.

Last Saturday, there was a

gotong-royong at The headmaster
gave instructions and the teachers and pupils

Some pupils arranged the tables

and chairs in the classroom.
Some of them wiped the windows
and swept the floor.

Other pupils pulled the weeds

outside the classroom. There were some pupils
picked up the branches and

In the afternoon, they had refreshment

at the canteen. Everyone was tired
but happy.

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