Determinants of The GFR

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Chapter 27  Glomerular Filtration, Renal Blood Flow, and Their Control

Afferent Efferent
arteriole Glomerular Glomerular arteriole
hydrostatic colloid osmotic
pressure pressure
(60 mm Hg) (32 mm Hg)

(18 mm Hg)

Net filtration Glomerular Bowman's Glomerular

pressure = hydrostatic – capsule – oncotic
(10 mm Hg) pressure pressure pressure
(60 mm Hg) (18 mm Hg) (32 mm Hg)
Figure 27-4.  Summary of forces causing filtration by the glomerular
capillaries. The values shown are estimates for healthy humans.

the proteins in Bowman’s capsule (πB), which promotes

filtration. (Under normal conditions, the concentration of
protein in the glomerular filtrate is so low that the colloid
osmotic pressure of the Bowman’s capsule fluid is consid­
ered to be zero.)
The GFR can therefore be expressed as
GFR = K f × (PG − PB − π G + πB )
Although the normal values for the determinants of
GFR have not been measured directly in humans, they
have been estimated in animals such as dogs and rats.
Based on the results in animals, the approximate normal
forces favoring and opposing glomerular filtration in
humans are believed to be as follows (see Figure 27-4):

Forces Favoring Filtration (mm Hg)

Glomerular hydrostatic pressure 60
Bowman’s capsule colloid osmotic pressure 0
Forces Opposing Filtration (mm Hg)
DETERMINANTS OF THE GFR Bowman’s capsule hydrostatic pressure 18
The GFR is determined by (1) the sum of the hydrostatic Glomerular capillary colloid osmotic pressure 32
and colloid osmotic forces across the glomerular mem­ Net filtration pressure = 60 − 18 − 32 = +10 mm Hg
brane, which gives the net filtration pressure, and (2) the
glomerular Kf. Expressed mathematically, the GFR equals Some of these values can change markedly under dif­
the product of Kf and the net filtration pressure: ferent physiological conditions, whereas others are altered
mainly in disease states, as discussed later.
GFR = K f × Net filtration pressure
The net filtration pressure represents the sum of the
hydrostatic and colloid osmotic forces that either favor or
oppose filtration across the glomerular capillaries (Figure
27-4). These forces include (1) hydrostatic pressure inside The Kf is a measure of the product of the hydraulic con­
the glomerular capillaries (glomerular hydrostatic pres­ ductivity and surface area of the glomerular capillaries.
sure, PG), which promotes filtration; (2) the hydrostatic The Kf cannot be measured directly, but it is estimated
pressure in Bowman’s capsule (PB) outside the capillaries, experimentally by dividing the rate of glomerular filtra­
which opposes filtration; (3) the colloid osmotic pressure tion by net filtration pressure:
of the glomerular capillary plasma proteins (πG), which
opposes filtration; and (4) the colloid osmotic pressure of K f = GFR / Net filtration pressure

Unit V  The Body Fluids and Kidneys

Because the total GFR for both kidneys is about 40

125 ml/min and the net filtration pressure is 10 mm Hg, 38 fraction

Glomerular colloid
osmotic pressure
the normal Kf is calculated to be about 12.5 ml/min/ 36
mm Hg of filtration pressure. When Kf is expressed per

(mm Hg)
100 grams of kidney weight, it averages about 4.2 ml/min/
mm Hg, a value about 400 times as high as the Kf of most 32
other capillary systems of the body; the average Kf of 30 Filtration
many other tissues in the body is only about 0.01 ml/ 28
min/mm Hg per 100 grams. This high Kf for the glomeru­
lar capillaries contributes to their rapid rate of fluid Afferent Efferent
filtration. end Distance along end
glomerular capillary
Although increased Kf raises GFR and decreased Kf
Figure 27-5.  Increase in colloid osmotic pressure in plasma flowing
reduces GFR, changes in Kf probably do not provide a
through the glomerular capillary. Normally, about one fifth of the
primary mechanism for the normal day-to-day regulation fluid in the glomerular capillaries filters into Bowman’s capsule,
of GFR. Some diseases, however, lower Kf by reducing the thereby concentrating the plasma proteins that are not filtered.
number of functional glomerular capillaries (thereby Increases in the filtration fraction (glomerular filtration rate/renal
reducing the surface area for filtration) or by increasing plasma flow) increase the rate at which the plasma colloid osmotic
pressure rises along the glomerular capillary; decreases in the filtra-
the thickness of the glomerular capillary membrane and
tion fraction have the opposite effect.
reducing its hydraulic conductivity. For example, chronic,
uncontrolled hypertension and diabetes mellitus gradu­
ally reduce Kf by increasing the thickness of the glomeru­ plasma protein concentration increases about 20 percent
lar capillary basement membrane and, eventually, by (Figure 27-5). The reason for this increase is that about
damaging the capillaries so severely that there is loss of one fifth of the fluid in the capillaries filters into Bowman’s
capillary function. capsule, thereby concentrating the glomerular plasma
proteins that are not filtered. Assuming that the normal
colloid osmotic pressure of plasma entering the glomeru­
lar capillaries is 28 mm Hg, this value usually rises to
about 36 mm Hg by the time the blood reaches the effer­
ent end of the capillaries. Therefore, the average colloid
Direct measurements, using micropipettes, of hydrostatic osmotic pressure of the glomerular capillary plasma pro­
pressure in Bowman’s capsule and at different points teins is midway between 28 and 36 mm Hg, or about
in the proximal tubule in experimental animals suggest 32 mm Hg.
that a reasonable estimate for Bowman’s capsule pres­ Thus, two factors that influence the glomerular capil­
sure in humans is about 18 mm Hg under normal condi­ lary colloid osmotic pressure are (1) the arterial plasma
tions. Increasing the hydrostatic pressure in Bowman’s colloid osmotic pressure and (2) the fraction of plasma
capsule reduces GFR, whereas decreasing this pressure filtered by the glomerular capillaries (filtration fraction).
raises GFR. However, changes in Bowman’s capsule pres­ Increasing the arterial plasma colloid osmotic pressure
sure normally do not serve as a primary means for regu­ raises the glomerular capillary colloid osmotic pressure,
lating GFR. which in turn decreases the GFR.
In certain pathological states associated with obstruc­ Increasing the filtration fraction also concentrates the
tion of the urinary tract, Bowman’s capsule pressure can plasma proteins and raises the glomerular colloid osmotic
increase markedly, causing serious reduction of GFR. For pressure (see Figure 27-5). Because the filtration fraction
example, precipitation of calcium or of uric acid may lead is defined as GFR/renal plasma flow, the filtration fraction
to “stones” that lodge in the urinary tract, often in the can be increased either by raising the GFR or by reducing
ureter, thereby obstructing outflow of the urinary tract renal plasma flow. For example, a reduction in renal
and raising Bowman’s capsule pressure. This situation plasma flow with no initial change in GFR would tend to
reduces GFR and eventually can cause hydronephrosis increase the filtration fraction, which would raise the glo­
(distention and dilation of the renal pelvis and calyces) merular capillary colloid osmotic pressure and tend to
and can damage or even destroy the kidney unless the reduce the GFR. For this reason, changes in renal blood
obstruction is relieved. flow can influence GFR independently of changes in glo­
merular hydrostatic pressure.
With increasing renal blood flow, a lower fraction of
the plasma is initially filtered out of the glomerular capil­
laries, causing a slower rise in the glomerular capillary
colloid osmotic pressure and less inhibitory effect on the
As blood passes from the afferent arteriole through GFR. Consequently, even with a constant glomerular
the glomerular capillaries to the efferent arterioles, the hydrostatic pressure, a greater rate of blood flow into the

Chapter 27  Glomerular Filtration, Renal Blood Flow, and Their Control

glomerulus tends to increase the GFR and a lower rate of and glomerular colloid osmotic pressure increase as effer­
blood flow into the glomerulus tends to decrease the GFR. ent arteriolar resistance increases. Therefore, if constric­
tion of efferent arterioles is severe (more than about a
threefold increase in efferent arteriolar resistance), the
rise in colloid osmotic pressure exceeds the increase in
glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure caused by effer­

The glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure has been ent arteriolar constriction. When this situation occurs,
estimated to be about 60 mm Hg under normal condi­ the net force for filtration actually decreases, causing a
tions. Changes in glomerular hydrostatic pressure serve reduction in GFR.
as the primary means for physiological regulation of GFR. Thus, efferent arteriolar constriction has a biphasic
Increases in glomerular hydrostatic pressure raise the effect on GFR (Figure 27-7). At moderate levels of con­
GFR, whereas decreases in glomerular hydrostatic pres­ striction, there is a slight increase in GFR, but with severe
sure reduce the GFR. constriction, there is a decrease in GFR. The primary
Glomerular hydrostatic pressure is determined by cause of the eventual decrease in GFR is as follows: As
three variables, each of which is under physiological efferent constriction becomes severe and as plasma
control: (1) arterial pressure, (2) afferent arteriolar resis- protein concentration increases, there is a rapid, nonlinear
tance, and (3) efferent arteriolar resistance. increase in colloid osmotic pressure caused by the Donnan
Increased arterial pressure tends to raise glomerular effect; the higher the protein concentration, the more
hydrostatic pressure and, therefore, to increase the GFR. rapidly the colloid osmotic pressure rises because of the
(However, as discussed later, this effect is buff­ered by interaction of ions bound to the plasma proteins, which
autoregulatory mechanisms that maintain a relatively con­ also exert an osmotic effect, as discussed in Chapter 16.
stant glomerular pressure as blood pressure fluctuates.) To summarize, constriction of afferent arterioles
Increased resistance of afferent arterioles reduces glo­ reduces GFR. However, the effect of efferent arteriolar
merular hydrostatic pressure and decreases the GFR constriction depends on the severity of the constriction;
(Figure 27-6). Conversely, dilation of the afferent arteri­ modest efferent constriction raises GFR, but severe effer­
oles increases both glomerular hydrostatic pressure ent constriction (more than a threefold increase in resis­
and GFR. tance) tends to reduce GFR.
Constriction of the efferent arterioles increases the Table 27-2 summarizes the factors that can de­
resistance to outflow from the glomerular capillaries. This crease GFR.
mechanism raises glomerular hydrostatic pressure, and as
long as the increase in efferent resistance does not reduce 150
renal blood flow too much, GFR increases slightly (see rate
Glomerular filtration

Figure 27-6). However, because efferent arteriolar con­

Renal blood flow

rate (ml/min)

striction also reduces renal blood flow, filtration fraction 100 Normal 1400

RA 50 800
Renal blood
0 200
0 1 2 3 4
flow Efferent arteriolar resistance
GFR (¥ normal)

250 2000
Glomerular filtration

Renal blood flow
rate (ml/min)

RE 1400

PG Normal

Renal 100 Renal blood 800

blood Glomerular flow
50 filtration
GFR 0 200
0 1 2 3 4
Afferent arteriolar resistance
(¥ normal)
Figure 27-6.  Effect of increases in afferent arteriolar resistance (RA,
top panel) or efferent arteriolar resistance (RE, bottom panel) on renal Figure 27-7.  Effect of change in afferent arteriolar resistance or
blood flow, glomerular hydrostatic pressure (PG), and glomerular fil- efferent arteriolar resistance on glomerular filtration rate and renal
tration rate (GFR). blood flow.

Unit V  The Body Fluids and Kidneys

Table 27-2  Factors That Can Decrease the

Glomerular Filtration Rate
Physical Physiological/Pathophysiological
Determinants* Causes
↓Kf → ↓GFR Renal disease, diabetes mellitus,
↑PB → ↓GFR Urinary tract obstruction (e.g., kidney
↑πG → ↓GFR ↓ Renal blood flow, increased plasma
↓PG → ↓GFR
↓AP → ↓PG ↓ Arterial pressure (has only a small
effect because of autoregulation)
↓RE → ↓PG ↓ Angiotensin II (drugs that block
angiotensin II formation)
↑RA → ↓PG ↑ Sympathetic activity, vasoconstrictor
hormones (e.g., norepinephrine,
*Opposite changes in the determinants usually increase GFR.
AP, systemic arterial pressure; GFR, glomerular filtration rate;
Kf, glomerular filtration coefficient; PB, Bowman’s capsule
hydrostatic pressure; πG, glomerular capillary colloid osmotic
pressure; PG, glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure;
RA, afferent arteriolar resistance; RE, efferent arteriolar resistance.

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