21 Essential Khmer Phrases You'll Need in Cambodia: Chom Reap Sour (Chom-Reap-Sore) / Hello (Formal)

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21 Essential Khmer Phrases

you’ll need in Cambodia

If you’re heading to Cambodia, then picking up a few
Khmer phrases is a good idea. While many Cambodians
(especially younger ones) can speak pretty good English,
knowing a few phrases in Khmer will warm the hearts of
locals and bring about a few smiles – and even better
deals. Here are 21 useful Khmer phrases to swot up on
ahead of your trip.

© DenisShumov / Shutterstock.com

Greetings and essentials

Chom Reap Sour (chom-reap-sore) / Hello (formal)
Cambodians have an extremely respectful culture, with elders and those of a higher social
standing greeted using this more formal hello.

Susadei (Soos-a-day)/ Hello (informal)

This is a more informal greeting that is used between peers or friends. It is also
accompanied with a sampeah.
Soksaby (soks-a-bye) / How are you and I am fine
It may seem strange but the Khmer way of asking “how are you?” and responding “I’m
fine” is the same.

Chom Reap Lear (chom-reep-lear) / Good bye (formal)

Again, this is the formal way to say goodbye in situations where respect is required. Don’t
forget to throw in a smile.

Lee hi (lee-hi) / Good bye (informal)

This is the more commonly used and casual way to wave goodbye.

Bah (bah) / Yes (male)

Jah (chaa)/ Yes (female)

You’ll here a lot of “bah, bah, bah” from Cambodian men and “chaa chaa chaas” from
women. Usually said several times.

Ot Teh (ot-tei)/ No
Learning how to say no will come in very handy for turning down the heckling tuk
tuk drivers visitors face.

Arkun (Ar-koon) / Thank you

A polite thank you always goes a long way, wherever you are in the world.

Som Dtoh (som-toe) / Sorry/ excuse me

This is another useful phrase that is well worth picking up before you land in the country.

Melanie van Leeuwen / © Culture Trip | Melanie van Leeuwen / © Culture Trip
Baht schweng (bart-shweng) / Turn left
A tuk tuk is likely to be your main mode of transport in Cambodia so learning a few
phrases will come in handy.

Baht Saddam (bart-sadam) / Turn right

Another handy phrase for getting around.

Chop (chop) / Stop

You can throw a “som” (please) in front to be polite.

Tini (tinny) / here

Why not place some of your newly learned words together to say, “please stop here”
or “som chop tini”.

Da Trong (da-trong)/ Go straight

Another handy phrase when your tuk tuk driver looks like he wants to take a wrong turn.

There are swathes of eco-experiences to be had in Cambodia | Melanie van Leeuwen / © Culture

At the restaurant/bar
Chhnang (ch-nang)/ Delicious
Cambodians love talking about food as much as Brits enjoy moaning about the weather,
so saying “delicious” will bring about a smile.
Som tach (som tack) / Water please
Cambodia’s heat means staying hydrated is essential.

Knyom khleam (knoym-kleam)/ I’m hungry

If you grasp this phrase, then you’ll soon find yourself being ushered to the nearest
restaurant or street stall.

Som ket loy (som-ket-loy)/ The bill please

Cambodians don’t so often use the word “please” or “som” so this can be dropped for

Melanie van Leeuwen / © Culture Trip

At the market
Bo man (bow-man)/ How much?
Picking up a few phrases to take to the market with you will be rewarded with much better
prices when bartering.

T’lay (t-lay)/ too expensive

You’ll definitely need this one if you want to haggle. Place more emphasis at the end of
“lay” to highlight your level of horror.

Moi, bee, bai, boum, bram, bram moi, bram bee, bram boum, dop/
counting from one to 10.
Getting to grips with counting is a good way to get around as streets tend to be numbered
rather than named in Cambodia.
Make some friends!

Making friends
Chhmua ei? (cham-moo-ey)/ What is your name?
This is an essential phrase for forging friendships with locals.

Knyom Chhmua ___ (knyom-cham-moo)/ My name is _____

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