(2P2) GROUP 2 - Muscles

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GROUP 2 – 2P2


AUTAJAY, Paula Patricia
BERINIA, Louie Rae
BONITA, Andre Dea Marie
CABALIT, Carla Pacita
CABRERA, Angela Beatrice
DE VERA, Jamie Racquel


1. FLEXION Anterior deltoid Lateral (outside) portion of Deltoid tuberosity of the
the clavicle, which is also humerus.
known as the collarbone.
Pectoralis major Sternal end of clavicle, Both located on the humerus, Shoulder
sternum, cartilage of ribs, & one is the bicipital groove and
aponeurosis of external the deltoid tuberosity
oblique muscle
Biceps Brachii Scapula of shoulder girdle Proximal radius Elbow
Brachialis Distal humerus Roximal ulna
Iliacus Anterior surface and Base of the lesser trochanter
transverse processes of the of femur
vertebrae Hip
Psoas major Along the iliac fossa of the Lesser trochanter in company
ilium with iliacus
Flexor Carpi Radialis Medial epicondyle of Bases of second and third
humerus metacarpal bones Wrist
Palmaris longus Medial epicondyle of Palmar aponeurosis and
humerus flexor retinaculum of the hand
Pectineus Superior ramus of pubis Upper end shaft of femur Thigh
Popliteus Lateral femoral epicondyle Posterior surface of tibia Leg
proximal to soleus line
Gastrocnemius Superior to articular Tendo calcaneus into mid-
surfaces of lateral condyle posterior calcaneus Leg
of femur and medial
condyle of femur
Flexor digiti minimi Fifth metatarsal bone First phalanx of the fifth toe Toes
Rectus Abdominus Pelvis Fifth, sixth, & seventh ribs, Vertebral
lower part of sternum column and
Longus capitis muscle Anterior tubercles of the Basilar part of the occipital
transverse processes of the bone Neck
third, fourth, fifth, and sixth
cervical vertebrae
2. ADDUCTION Carpi ulnaris Lateral epicondyle of Base of 5th metacarpal Hand
humerus & posterior (posterior)
border of ulna
Palmar interossei Sides of metacarpals facing Bases of proximal phalanges, Fingers
midline extensor expansions
Coracobrachialis Coracoid process of Inner aspect of humeral shaft Arm
Adductor brevis Inferior pubic rami Posterior surface of the linea
aspera Thigh
Adductor magnus Pubis, tuberosity of the Linea aspera and adductor
ischium tubercle of femur
Inferior rectus muscle Annulus of Zinn at the 6.5 mm inferior to the limbus Eyeball
orbital apex
Masseter Zygomatic arch and Angle and lateral surface of
maxillary process of ramus of mandible, coronoid Jaw
zygomatic bone process

3. EVERSION Peroneus Longus Superior two third of the First metatarsal bone and
lateral shaft of fibula and medial cuneiform bone
intermuscular septa Leg
Peroneus Tertius Distal anterior surface of the Dorsal surface of the fifth
fibula metatarsal bone
Peroneus Brevis Lower two-thirds of the Lateral side of the base of the Ankle
lateral surface of the fibula fifth metatarsal bone
4. EXTENSION Lumbricals Tendons of flexor digitorum Dorsal extensor expansion of Foot
longus lateral four toes
Tibialis anterior Shaft of tibia and Medial cuneiform & base of
interosseous membrane first metatarsal Leg
Extensor digitorum Shaft of fibula and Extensor expansion of lateral
interosseous membrane four toes
Quadriceps  Straight head from quadriceps tendon into
anterior inferior iliac patella; into tibial tuberosity by
spine patellar tendon
 Upper end and shaft of Thigh
 Upper end and shaft of
 Shaft of femur
Triceps brachii  Infraglenoid tubercle of Olecranon process of ulna
 Upper lateral aspect of Arm and
humerus forearm
 Lower medial aspect
of humerus
Erector Spinae Lower four thoracic Upper thoracic vertebrae and Spinal column
vertebrae cervical vertebrae
Extensor Digiti Minimi Lateral epicondyle of Extensor expansion of Hand
humerus fifth digit
5. CIRCUMDUCTION Pectoralis major Sternum, clavicle, and first Proximal humerus Chest
to sixth ribs
Latissimus dorsi Lower spine and iliac crest Floor of intertubercular Back
groove of humerus
Supraspinatus Supraspinous fossa of Superior facet of greater
scapula tubercle of humerus
Teres major Lower lateral border and Medial lip of the Shoulder
inferior angle of the scapula intertubercular groove of the
anterior humerus
Teres minor Lateral border of the Inferior facet of greater Shoulder
scapula tubercle of the humerus
6. SUPINATION Supinator Lateral epicondyle of Lateral, posterior, and Forearm
humerus, radial collateral anterior surfaces of proximal
ligament, annular ligament, 1/3 radius
supinator crest of ulna
Biceps brachii  Supraglenoid tubercle Radial tuberosity
of humerus Hand
 Coracoid process of
7. ROTATION Sternocleidomastoid Manubrium of sternum & Mastoid process of temporal
medial portion of clavicle bone & superior nuchal line of Head
the occipital bone
Rhomboid major Spinous processes of T2-T5 Medial border of scapula Shoulder
Piriformis Anterior surface of sacrum Greater trochanteric fossa Thigh
Superior gemellus Spine of ischium Greater trochanteric fossa
Hamstrings Lower back part of pelvis Upper part of tibia and fibula
and femur Leg
Sartorius Anterior superior iliac spine Upper medial surface of tibia
Deltoid Clavicle and spine of Upper part of humerus
scapula Arm
Pectoralis major Sternum, clavicle and first Upper front area of humerus
to sixth ribs
External oblique’s Lower ribs Front upper part of pelvis Vertebral
Internal oblique’s Top of pelvis Lower three ribs column
Gluteus maximus Outer surface of ilium, Iliotibial tract and gluteal
sacrum, coccyx, tuberosity of femur Thigh
sacrotuberous ligament
Gluteus medius Outer surface of ilium Greater trochanter of femur
8. DORSIFLEXION Extensor hallucis Shaft of fibula and Base of distal phalanx of big Foot
longus interosseous membrane toe
Fibularis tertius Inferior of the extensor Fifth metatarsal
digitorum longus
9. PRONATION Pronator teres Medial epicondyle of Lateral aspect of shaft of
humerus, coronoid process radius Hand
of ulna
Pronator quadratus Distal anterior aspect of Distal anterior aspect of Hand
ulna radius
Brachioradialis Lateral supracondylar ridge Styloid process of the radius Forearm
of humerus
10. ABDUCTION Gluteus minimus Outer surface of ilium Greater trochanter of femur Thigh
Gluteus medius Outer surface of ilium Greater trochanter of femur
Dorsal interossei Adjacent sides of Bases of phalanges and
metatarsal bones dorsal expansion of Toes
corresponding toes
Coracobrachialis Coracoid process of Inner aspect of humeral shaft
scapula Arm
Deltoid Clavicle and spine of Upper part of humerus
Gemelli Upper border of ischial Middle part of medial aspect
tuberosity of greater trochanter of femur Hip
Abductor pollicis Posterior surface of radius Base of 1st metacarpal &
longus & ulna trapezium
11. INVERSION Tibialis anterior Lateral condyle & upper 2/3 By tendon into inferior surface
of tibial shaft, inter- osseous of medial cuneiform & 1st Foot
membrane metatarsal
Flexor hallucis longus Mid-shaft of fibula, inter- Tendon runs underfoot to Toe
osseous membrane distal phalanx of big toe
12. OPPOSITION Opponens pollicis Trapezium, transverse Metacarpal bone
carpal ligament
Opponens Digiti Minimi Hook of hamate and flexor Lateral border of fifth Fingers
retinaculum metacarpal (in hand, third
digit is orientation of mid-line)

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