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This research explains about two variable that is job satisfaction and performance,
which aims to know influence of job satisfaction to performance. Hypothesis of
work/alternative (Ha) proposed in this research are: "There is a positive influence of Job
Satisfaction To Performance of Assistant Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia
Representative Office of Papua Province”.
This research is an quantitative research to know the influence between two or
more variables, with linearity approach. The population of this research are the Assistant
Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia Representative Office of Papua Province.
While the sample using Saturation Sampling technique which means that the sample used
is the entire population of 10 assistants. Techniques of collecting data through
observation, questionnaire, and bibliography. The next is processed by editing, coding,
scoring and tabulation.
The Likert scale was used as the measurement scale in this research. While the
quantitative data analysis using Simple Regression Analysis, which previously tested the
validity of data using Item Analysis technique (Bivariate Pearson) and Reliability test
using Cronbach's Alpha technique, as well as the Prerequisite Analysis Test.
From result of data analysis, showing job satisfaction influence as much as 40,3%
(R2) to Assistant performance. In the test results hypothesis F Test, obtained value Fcount
(5.391) > Ftable (5.318) with probability value 0.049 <0.05; In T test obtained tcount
(2,322)> ttable (2,228) and tcount (2,322) is outside the range -1,976 and 1,976, which means
Ha accepted is "The influence of job satisfaction on performance Assistant Ombudsman
of the Republic of Indonesia Representative Office of Papua Province”.

Keywords: Job Satisfaction and Performance.

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