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ICT60115 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology

ICTICT610 – Manage copyright, ethics and privacy in an ICT

Distance Learning Activity Week 2
Submitted by: (insert your name)
This Distance Learning Activity is due at the end of week 2 (Upload on Sunday by 11.55pm via
Distance Learning - Submission Point via Moodle). Grades depend on the quality of the answers and
also to proper referencing.

1. What is the concept of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)? Explain in your own
Refer to:
It is a business strategy that aims in contributing sustainability of business
developments, ensuring stable and growth of economy, social and environmental
benefits to all owners and stakeholders of the business.
CRS is a government body that deals with all issues concerning human rights, issues that
concerning environment, factors that affects health and safety, concern on employees
working conditions and the main aim is to promote economic development. Also
another aim is to fight for change in promoting sustainable changes in the organisation.
Unilever Company is a largest company that process food and beverages and has a very
simple and easy to understand CRS strategies. It has been in position 11 worldwide on
food sustainability index. One strategy that this company uses is the implementation of
partnership by sourcing out all their products to other partners and the company certify
their different products and they implement SRC to the community through using their
unique products in the market through socially, economically and environmental
2. Why does an organization require code of conduct? Explain.
Refer to:

i. Code of conduct acts as guiding rules for all employees in the company
through daily work and duties assigned to all employees in the organisation.
ii. Also code of conduct give a clear clarifications of principles of the
organisation that promote values and missions of the company by acting as a
link between individual and professional conduct of all employees
iii. Organisation uses as a reference on day to day procedures relating to ethical
issues and behaviour that define how employees should present themselves
while working in the organisation.

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Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: January 2019 Review: January 2020
iv. Code of conduct enhance compliance in the organisation (Leipziger, n.d., 227).
v. It is used as public statement that the company use to ensure all standards are
adhered to all rights of individual
vi. It also helps to promote employees career development and help them to grow
in their areas of expertise
3. How can we ensure that company stakeholders are aware and understand the code of
ethics of a company?
By following simple instructions and all rules governing everyone in the organisation
such as the following:
i. By offering face to face or one-on-one training- by training employees, it is easy
to comply to all rules or code of conduct if someone if trained to know what is
right and what is wrong.
ii. Offer training courses that teach students on the importance of code of conduct
in school. Code of conduct can help everyone in the institution to comply with all
policies, rules and other university regulations (Cinaglia, n.d., p. 170).
iii. Provide employees and student handbooks that contain code of conduct
guidelines to allow everyone understand what is required to them to follow.
iv. Put all noticeboards all regulations that guiding students and staff to follow and
adhere in day to day school activities.
v. Upload code of conduct to organisation intranet to allow everyone to read and
understand every part to allow compliance.
Refer to:
4. You are the customer support manager for a small software manufacturer. The newest
addition to your 10-person team is Sofia, a recent college graduate. She is a little
overwhelmed by the volume of calls, but is learning quickly and doing her best to keep
up. Today, as you performed your monthly review of employee email, you were
surprised to see that Sofia has received several messages from employment agencies.
One message says, “Sofia, I’m sorry you don’t like your new job. We have lots of
opportunities that I think would much better match your interests. Please call me, and
let’s talk further.” You’re shocked and alarmed. You had no idea she was unhappy, and
your team desperately needs her help to handle the onslaught of calls generated by the
newest release of software. If you’re going to lose her, you’ll need to find a replacement
quickly. You know that Sofia did not intend for you to see the email, but you can’t ignore
what you saw.
Should you confront Sofia and demand to know her intentions?

 No- all employees has right of expression and therefore, they should be given
chance to express her position and make her personal decision without the
influence of her boss. As manager of the company, I will give all employees
chance to give their feelings on situations that they are in and create a
suggestion box where all employees should write their concerns and
comments that need to be improved to create a comfortable working

ICTICT610 - Distance Learning Week 2 Version: v19.0 Page 2 of 4

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: January 2019 Review: January 2020
Should you avoid any confrontation and simply begin seeking her replacement?
 No- I will discuss with her to know her decision concerning our job working
condition and what should be improved to give her comfortable working
Could you be misinterpreting the email?
 It will be possible to misinterpret the email because Sophia has never given her
position concerning new job position
What should you do?
 I will involve her in all decision of the organisation. By encouraging interaction
with employees to management team, it is easy to understand issues that
employees face.
Write your answer in steps of actions you would take.
i. First step: clarify some doubts that you have with Sophia-clarifications help to
clear issues with your employees and this step also can help in handling any
disagreement between management and employees. Also clarifications can also
solve any doubt between management and Sophia.
ii. Second step: Identify common goal between you as a manager and employee
(Sophia)-both parties (I as manager and Sophia an employee) will discuss our
common goal in the organisation and try to understand her position in terms of
job and any challenges that she might be facing in her position. Both parties
must be understood and all complains must be solved in a way that everyone is
comfortable (Goodstein, & Kaplinski, 2014).
iii. Step three: Discuss the best way to meet common achievement- this part entails
a clear communication and figuring out the best way that all teams should work
together. Give Sophia all options to choose that best work in their team to ensure
they are having one goal since she is the pillar of the team. Ensure all options in
step two have been meet.
iv. Step four: be determine until all barrier/misunderstanding/doubts has been
clear to achieve common goal- in this step, both parties should acknowledge any
challenge that they are facing and they should be open to talk and come up with
common solution that will help solve the problem at hand. Also as a manager, I
must accept things that cannot be changed. Discuss in details on issues that can
be changed or those that cannot be change and come up with final decisions.
v. Step five: make an agreement on how to solve the conflicts- I will come to a
conclusion with Sophia on the best way to resolve the problem. Start by facing
real situation that face Sophia and identify the best solution between manager
and the Sophia as an employee and accept reality that we can live with. Also this
opportunity can be used as the best time understands the root cause of the
problem. Understanding plays a key role in this step since a solid solution must
be achieved.
vi. Last step: acknowledge all agreements and the best solutions that work well-
determine and assigned everyone a responsibility that plays in solving a conflict
that arisen earlier and express positively and loudly on the agreed solution in
conflict resolution process.
5. Explain the ICT code of ethics?

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Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: January 2019 Review: January 2020
 Always contributes to social and human well-being avoid harm to others –
don’t use your skills to harm someone by taking advantage of having ICT
technology skills to steal or change someone records for your selfish interest.
Ethical conducts can be enhancing through this process ("Code of Ethics,"
 Always be honest and trustworthy- honest is paramount in all ICT specialist.
All employees trust ICT experts when they are giving their details to them
troubleshooting their machine problems. Avoid using someone details to cause
harm. A good example is financial details of someone must be handle with
care to avoid losing his or her properties or money.
 Honour all property rights such as copyright and patents-don’t use someone
property rights such as copyrights or patents to benefit you by selling duplicate
things with poor quality that will harm someone name or picture in the market.
 Respect privacy of others-don’t expose someone information such as medical
records e.g HIV AIDS status which will cause a lot of discrimination to
 Confidentiality is the key to your professionalism- always handle someone
rights records with a lot of care to avoid third party from accessing sensitive
information such as financial or medical records.
 Be fair always and avoid discriminating others


Code of Ethics. (2016). doi:10.1044/policy.et2016-00342

Cinaglia, V. (n.d.). Character, Ethics and Human Relationships: Aristotle and Menander on

How We Learn to Be Good and How We Become Bad. Aristotle and Menander on

the Ethics of Understanding , 170. doi:10.1163/9789004282827_007

Goodstein, L. D., & Kaplinski, E. (1986). Briefly: Steps detailed for complaints. PsycEXTRA

Dataset. doi:10.1037/e389212004-035

Leipziger, D. (n.d.). Fair Labor Association: Workplace Code of Conduct. The Corporate

Responsibility Code Book [2nd edn], 225. doi:10.9774/gleaf.978-1-907643-27-9_17

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Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: January 2019 Review: January 2020

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