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ICT60115 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology

ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects

Distance Learning Activity Week 1

Submitted by: (insert your name)

This Distance Learning Activity is due at the end of week 1 (Upload on Sunday by 11.55pm

via Distance Learning - Submission Point via Moodle).

Consider the following energy-saving opportunities:

Available sustainability projects


Did you know that nearly 10 million tons of material was diverted from landfills last year

alone as a result of recycling efforts? This success is largely due to voluntary participation of

citizens across the country, who have made "reduce, reuse, and recycle" a personal

commitment. Your participation in recycling means fewer one-use products, cleaner water,

and cleaner air. But recycling may someday pay off financially too. Many now see waste as a

resource, and one that we shouldn't squander by filling up the garbage can instead of the

recycling bin. Imagine a future where the garbage man drops off a check for your

contributions to going green.

Computer Disposal

Did you know that the average American will own nearly 20 computers in his or her lifetime?

This means not only will you purchase 20 computers for your use, but you will also discard at

least that number. The disposal of old machines is becoming a great concern to communities

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Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: July 2018 Review: July 2019
across the globe, as many machines contain potentially toxic materials. What can you do to

responsibly dispose of old technology? Many states now require manufacturers to recycle old

machines, so contact them first. If no opportunity is available through the manufacturer, check

with your local recycling center, or go online to find a reputable recycling company.


Did you know that spam or unwanted e-mail has an environmental cost? McAfee, a virus and

spam filter software provider, estimates that spam e-mail consumes the equivalent energy of

over a million cars driving around each year. What can you do to help limit this consumption?

Beyond supporting legislation to limit spam and prosecution of those who create spam, you

can filter your e-mail. Skipping over spam sent to your account has environmental electrical

savings, which means you can feel good about not reading those pesky intrusions in your


CDs and DVDs

Did you know that CDs and DVDs can take over one million years to degrade in a landfill?

The migration of many applications to the Web has had a measurable impact on the

environment, as fewer obsolete compact discs end up in landfills. For example, most software

developers provide their programs directly over the Web as well as on CDs or DVDs. Until

the time that all software is delivered this way, what can you do to limit your environmental

footprint? Some companies now offer free recycling for used discs. A quick search on the

Web will identify many disc recycling companies. You can also be conscientious about

purchasing music and other entertainment discs. If you know you will be playing the discs on

your computer or other devices that can access the Web, skip a step and buy directly online

over the Web.

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Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: July 2018 Review: July 2019
Downloading Software

Did you know that downloading software can actually generate energy savings? Microsoft is

actively researching the impact of various aspects of computing on the environment. As part

of their study, Microsoft compared the impact of downloading music directly to a computer or

music player via the Internet versus using a CD. They found that directly downloading music

resulted in an 80 percent reduction in CO2 emissions. What can you do to encourage energy

savings like these? Instead of purchasing music or software CDs, download the content from

the Internet. You'll be saving trees and keeping delivery trucks off the road.

Green Software

Did you know that software is going green? While utility software used to focus solely on

making computing safer and easier, new utility software is focusing on making computers

more environmentally friendly. These utility programs track your computer use and your

computer's operations. The programs then analyze the data for ways to minimize your

computer's energy consumption. The results are then presented and suggestions made to make

your computing greener. Environmental utility programs are expected to quickly become a

standard part in all utility suites.


Did you know that robots may someday help clear our oceans of pollution? Investigators are

currently exploring the use of robots and special companion ocean vessels for just that

purpose. The robots would roam the ocean bottom looking for garbage, oil, and other

pollutants. Once located the robots would either clean up the mess on their own or radio other

robots for assistance. When full, the robots would resurface and deposit the offensive

materials on the companion vessel and then go back for more. The future of robotics promises

many opportunities for this kind of robotic cleanup.

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Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: July 2018 Review: July 2019
Operating System Efficiency

Did you know that your operating system might just be worried about the environment? The

most recent version of Microsoft's Windows operating system, Windows 7, is designed to do

more computing with less energy. For example, it has a new power management system that

uses fewer system programs that run automatically, dims the screen to minimize energy use,

and turns off power to unused ports on your machine. What does all of this mean for the

environment? Experts attribute 2 or 3 percent of worldwide energy use to desktop computers

in the home. Environmentally aware operating systems can have a significant positive impact

on the environment.

Green PCs

Have you given any thought to buying a greener PC? A marketing and manufacturing race is

now on to create the greenest computer available to consumers. Some manufacturers are

going to great lengths to make computer components from recycled materials and to make

computers that are completely recyclable. That would mean that there is no waste and no

computer parts that would end up in a landfill. But even this isn't enough for some ambitious

technology designers. They hope to create a machine you could plant in the backyard when it

reaches the end of its useful life on your desk.

Printing E-mails

Did you know that printing your e-mail instead of reading it on the screen contributes to

global warming and clogs our landfills? According to the EPA nearly 40 percent of the waste

in American landfills is paper waste, much of it from business printing. What can you do to

prevent waste like this? Consider whether you truly need to print that e-mail before clicking

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Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: July 2018 Review: July 2019
the print button. Consider the soft copy, the image on the screen, your ticket to saving paper

and the planet.

Printer Cartridges

Did you know that the ingredients in most printer cartridges contain hazardous chemicals? In

fact, much of the production of new printer ink and toner has moved to third-world nations as

a result of pollution concerns. One approach to minimizing the impact is to recycle printer

cartridges. However, some have approached the problem from a completely different

direction. What if the ink your printer used was a by-product readily available in your house?

At least one manufacturer thinks this is the way of the future. Their new green printer design

uses coffee grounds to print your text and images.

Hard Disk Storage

Did you know that hard disk storage requires more energy than solid state storage? Unlike

solid state storage which has no moving parts, hard disks have to be rotating in order to save

or to retrieve data. Almost all large data centers have thousands of hard drives running 24

hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. This means that hard drives are tremendous

energy consumers. Solid state storage requires only a fraction of the energy requirements to

provide comparable storage capacity and access. For this reason, many data centers are

switching from traditional hard disk to solid state storage.

GPS Devices

Did you know that GPS devices in cars might help protect the environment? GPS devices are

now common in many cars and they can help save fuel by providing drivers with the shortest

route to a destination. But newer devices also provide traffic avoidance data, which can really

save on carbon emissions. Cars trapped idling in traffic get zero miles to the gallon and

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Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: July 2018 Review: July 2019
pollution from gridlock can affect the air quality for miles around freeways. Networked GPS

devices now make it possible to find the cheapest fuel and maximize your fuel economy with

the most direct route and least congestion.

Task 1: Select at least two appropriate sustainability projects from the above examples

to improve energy usage at ACBI

GPS Devices

Did you know that GPS devices in cars might help protect the environment? GPS devices are

now common in many cars and they can help save fuel by providing drivers with the shortest

route to a destination. But newer devices also provide traffic avoidance data, which can really

save on carbon emissions. Cars trapped idling in traffic get zero miles to the gallon and

pollution from gridlock can affect the air quality for miles around freeways. Networked GPS

devices now make it possible to find the cheapest fuel and maximize your fuel economy with

the most direct route and least congestion.

GPS-is the best technology to embrace on. It helps in directing, research information

concerning your destinations and any traffic jumps available in the road thus reduce more

energy which can be utilized in other expenses.


Did you know that robots may someday help clear our oceans of pollution? Investigators are

currently exploring the use of robots and special companion ocean vessels for just that

purpose. The robots would roam the ocean bottom looking for garbage, oil, and other

pollutants. Once located the robots would either clean up the mess on their own or radio other

robots for assistance. When full, the robots would resurface and deposit the offensive

materials on the companion vessel and then go back for more. The future of robotics promises

many opportunities for this kind of robotic cleanup.

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Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: July 2018 Review: July 2019
Operating System Efficiency

Did you know that your operating system might just be worried about the environment? The

most recent version of Microsoft's Windows operating system, Windows 7, is designed to do

more computing with less energy. For example, it has a new power management system that

uses fewer system programs that run automatically, dims the screen to minimize energy use,

and turns off power to unused ports on your machine. What does all of this mean for the

environment? Experts attribute 2 or 3 percent of worldwide energy use to desktop computers

in the home. Environmentally aware operating systems can have a significant positive impact

on the environment.

Task 2: Research and report the purpose of virtualization and its relation to cloud


Refer to


Relationship of virtualization and cloud computing

Virtualisation and cloud computing are closely related in one way or the other. Virtualization

is a software that is used to manipulate hardware which results from service obtain in cloud

computing. Virtualization is a key element of cloud computing and it helps to deliver service

or values of cloud computing. Both virtualization work hand in hand to provide different

types services.

Purpose of using virtualization

i. It help in utilizing hardware resources

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Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: July 2018 Review: July 2019
Virtualization play a key when utilizing hardware resources to avoid idle resources in the

system. Virtualization can help subdivide processor running different applications using

different OSes into one processor. Virtualization creates a pool in which you can assigned

desired resources to every application.

ii. Used to minimize space required

Virtualization help in utilizing fewer servers and thus reduces space required to install servers

since servers are stacked in a rack that carry few servers that play a major role in different

application in an organization. In current days, space is a premium resources and thus

virtualizations come as a boom to current society.

iii. Protect Investment in Existing, Legacy Systems

As the technology advances, hardware servers eventually become obsolete and changing from

one system to another one is very difficult process. To continue providing services from this

legacy systems, you run it as a virtual machine on new hardware and this allow to run as if it

is running the new machine. By doing so, it will the organization time to change from new

process without having worry about new hardware issues.

iv. Help to Automatically Protect Applications from Server Failure

Virtualization help to reduce additional cost for buying new hardware since it can allow

implementation of redundancy in the system. Redundancy in the sense that, using same

application can be run in different or multiple server with safe data and incase of failure of

one server the same data or information can be retrieved in another server. If one virtual

server fails, another take over and this promote data security and reliable system in an


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Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: July 2018 Review: July 2019
Task 3: Research and report at least two online collaborating platforms for digital


i. ProofHub

It is very marketable platform that collaborate all online project management that link and

manage people with small and big projects, freelancers, remote teams and large enterprises to

deal with any problems they are facing or come up.

They help them to manage post their updates in any interesting topics, share ideas, notes,

individual and group chat, share documents with both remote teams and clients among other


ii. Wrike

This is a large collaborating platform that link large number of business users in the market. It

help users interact through this platform by login in their work, discuss with their workmates

on different task assign to them, share files, track time and gate real time updates on their

progress in their projects in the same application. Having all work collaborating in one or

single system, user or team members will save time, cost of traveling to meetings or getting

updates. Collaborating platform can link different people from different and diverse group

such as marketing, operations, IT, projects among others.

iii. Messenger

Messenger is the best and secure platform form communication when passing private

cooperate information. Diligent messenger is a platform that help integrating virtual board

meeting software for example diligent boards to provide a safe massaging and give room for

real time collaboration.

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Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: July 2018 Review: July 2019

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