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ICT60115 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology

ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and

design projects
Distance Learning Activity Week 3
Submitted by: (insert your name)
This Distance Learning Activity is due at the end of week 3 (Upload on Sunday by 11.55pm
via Distance Learning - Submission Point via Moodle).

Task 1: Estimate CO2 emission at your college. Refer to

To come up with a clear calculation for emission of CO2 in the collage, it is easier to list the
number of devices and machines that release CO2 emission to collage environment. It is the
best way to differentiate different energy used in the organization e.g Deiseal and Petrol

i. Collage generator
ii. 4 collage buses
iii. 3 Boilers
iv. 2 Institution Van
v. 160 Staff and student vehicle


1 liter of diesel contain 720 grammes of carbon per liter diesel. In order to combust this
carbon to CO2, 1920 grammes of oxygen is needed. The sum is then 720 + 1920 = 2640
grammes of CO2/liter diesel.

i. If collage bus uses 100 liters of diesel per day will be:

2640 CO2/liter * 100*4 collage buses =1056000 CO2 Emission to collage environment

ii. Institution Van

720 grammes of carbon per liter and to combust 720 grammes of 1 liter diesel you need 1920

Therefore, 720+1920=2640 of CO2/litter

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Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: July 2018 Review: July 2019
2640*40 liters pay day*2=211200 CO2 emission to collage environment

iii. Collage generator

If collage bus uses 30 liters of diesel per day will be:

2640 CO2/liter * 30*1 collage buses =79200 CO2 Emission to collage environment


Students and staff vehicles is approximately 160 vehicles


1 liter of petrol weighs 750 grammes. And it contains 652 grammes of carbon per liter of
petrol and in order to totally combust CO2, it need 1740 grammes of oxygen.

∴ 652 + 1740 = 2392 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙

Every vehicle approximately uses 20 liters of petrol per day

=160*120*2392=45926400 CO2 Emission to collage environment

Total emission in collage environment will be:

1056000 + 211200 + 79200 + 45926400 = 47272800 CO2 to collage environment

Task 2: Given you can replace 20 desktops ($20,000) with 5 servers ($20,000) using
virtualizations. Report technical advantages (including the use of elasticity and scalability).
In addition, calculate the payback period for the purchase of $20,000 using the resources
i. It is a business model that promotes smart business which promote business trendy.
Scalable business is most utilized by most companies that mostly deal with photo-
sharing website like SmugMug is a good example of a successful business in this field.
ii. Scalability improves capacity in network operators which help to meet real time
demand by utilizing all available hardware resources to avoid any resource lying idle
and thus meet demand of customers especially during high peak demand loads.
iii. Scaling the system provide flexible features which the business utilize. It give the
company an advantage to offer scalable products. A good example of this company is
Lunarpages. This services also promote cloud hosting service that provide enough
bandwidth that the company use e.g. 50 GB of SSD storage, 1000GB of bandwidth.

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Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: July 2018 Review: July 2019
iv. Capacity help to meet every day growing demand in the organization for any new
services. This help to cut cost associated with specialized installation procedures in
the organization.
v. Scalability help to build NFV infrastructure which help to cut cost of generic hardware
which offers more processing power using low cost as compared to specialized
network hardware.
Calculate the payback period for the purchase of $20,000
Formula for calculating payback period will be:
Investment of the measure divided by the savings
Investment / Savings

20/5= 4 years
$20,000(20 computers)/$20,000(5 server) = 20,000/20,000= 1
Payback period will be 1 year.

This will be economical to the business because a lot of energy will be save and thus cutting
cost of running 20 computers in the business.
Task 3: Report the advantages and disadvantage of virtualization and cloud computing for
a small office (of less than 20 computers).

i. Saving cost
Virtualization and cloud computing play a major role in saving business operational
cost no matter the size of the business. Since cloud computing does not require any
cost to hire premise for operation it will help the business to save a lot of cost. Also, it
will help the business to cut other cost such as power for 20 computers, air
conditioning and administration cost. Also cloud computing does not require any cost
to buy servers or renting rooms to install server or computers because it will cost the
business only the space that they hire to store their date and it depends on the size and
usage of the space hired.
ii. It is more reliable
Cloud computing and virtualization is more reliable since it offer services 27/7/365
and 99.9% available in service delivery. It is more reliable and consistent as compared
to IT infrastructure that most of the time break and west a lot of time in
troubleshooting. Virtualization of server provide a reliable system and in case one
server fails, the other server pick up the service. The business will benefits from a
wide range of services offered by cloud computing since it provide a pool of resources
that the business can utilize in their operations.
iii. Manageability of the business
Cloud computing provide a clear and management of business since you don’t need to
install any IT infrastructure in your business instead the vendor provide all services
you require to run your business. Installation and maintenance is being done by the
vendor and thus management of your business operations is very simple. You enjoy a
simple web-based user interface for accessing software, applications and services
without the need of incurring cost of installation and the vendor ensures timely
delivery of services are guaranteed.
iv. It allows for faster deployment of resources

Resource provision is faster and reliable by using virtualization and this is possible by
using virtualization. Physical machines are not necessary or needed. It needs only one

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Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: July 2018 Review: July 2019
access point in order to access virtual environment and spread though out the business
departments or different functions.

v. It promotes digital entrepreneurship.

Using virtualization, digital entrepreneurship is possible since it require only platform

to run in and thus cloud computing is making possible by providing servers and
storage services to the business owners. Platforms like Up-Work and Fiverr make
digital entrepreneurship possible.

vi. It provides energy savings

Virtualization can help the business to serve a lot of energy in the business. This is
possible since it requires only one server and thus reducing a lot of power which can
be used to save energy to be consumed by 20 computers. Cloud computing and
virtualization help the organization save a lot of energy.

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

i. Downtime

Cloud computing serves a large number of clients and sometimes the system is down and thus
suspend business operation for sometimes. This can lead to loose of customers in the
business. Also cloud computing depends on internet connection and in areas were internet
connection is a problem and bring unreliability in the business.

ii. Security

Even if cloud computing try their best in securing their clients information by using
certifications and following industry standards, sometimes hawkers and threaten security of
information. Using cloud-powered technologies means you need to provide your service
provider with access to important business data.

iii. Limited Control

Since business owner has no full control of the platform, sometimes it create inconveniences
when you want important information and the system or internet connections is down.
Sometimes managing or controlling your customers is a difficult situation because you have
little control over the system. Customers only access and manage applications, data but
service provider has full control of other functions of the system.

iv. It can have a high cost of implementation.

The cost of implementing virtual severs or cloud computing is high. It is not worth to
implement virtualization of server because of the size of the business despite operation cost is

v. Vendor Lock-In

When making agreement with service provider, they gives a lot of promises that the system is
flexible and reliable, switching to another provider will be difficult to change. The business
might find difficult to migrate their services from one vendor to another.

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Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: July 2018 Review: July 2019
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Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: July 2018 Review: July 2019

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