I. List of Examples On Academic Text

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Usana, Ashley Nicole M.

November 20, 2019

English for Academic Purposes

I. List of Examples on Academic Text:

1. Research Paper 6. Book Review

2. Conference Paper 7. Essay
3. Feasibility Paper 8. Academic Journals
4. Thesis & Dissertation 9. Reports
5. Case Studies 10. Abstracts

List of Example on Non- Academic Text:

1. Personal Opinions 5. Fiction or Non- Fiction

2. Letters to Friends 6. Writing Newspaper
3. Memos 7. Digital Media
4. Magazine
II. Essay

Topic: The Power of Resilience in Volleyball

Volleyball is a sport that demands resiliency. The game can spiral

downward quickly because of a team or player's inability to mentally bounce back
after mistakes. If you love the game of volleyball, discipline yourself to improve
your mind-set and develop the habit of greater resilience. Those with PMA
(positive mental attitude) expect to bounce back when they encounter difficulty.
They are completely confident in their ability to rebound from hardship. This
confidence begins with their attitude. They speak with confidence and they
disregard thoughts which question or doubt. You see the good. They are masters
of the silver lining. They don’t pretend something is good when it is bad, instead
they are able to make something good out of something bad.
They have gratitude in difficulty. Resiliency and gratitude are tied hand in hand. It
is the best medicine. Joyous laughter has incredible health benefits. Resilient
people laugh often and are able to laugh at themselves. They don't have to be
perfect but they find joy in life. They don't laugh at another's expense. Their
laughter is authentic and brings greater connection to others. Everything in life
comes down to your meaning and purpose -- your why. If someone is struggling
with school, motivation, or feeling defeated, it is because their purpose has been
thwarted or isn't strong enough. Your purpose should be internally motivated
rather than externally motivated. Resilient people have a strong purpose and a
reason to bounce back. The discipline in volleyball look like when you are:
Taking technical skill development seriously, and striving to continually improve
and sharpen our skills in practice. Developing a fundamentally sound skill set is
vital to long-term success in our sport. This kind of development requires
discipline; it takes countless hours to hone your skills and expand your volleyball
IQ without getting discouraged at the lengthy process this entails so that you can
thrive on the court. Getting to practices on time (even early -- if you're 10 minutes
early you're right on time) so you can use your team's full practice time wisely. I
still vividly remember attending a team's practice in an earlier season as a player
and watching as most of the other players arrived between five and 10 minutes
after practice was scheduled to start, then took another five to 10 minutes to
change into their knee pads and volleyball shoes. Not surprisingly, this was a
team that wasn't competitive in most matches, and most of its players stopped
playing volleyball the next season. You practice with passion. This refers to the
level of energy the players pour into training. Do you compete in each drill with
competitive zeal? Are you fully engaged in every aspect of practice? Do you
approach practice with the same drive that you demonstrate when playing in the
playoffs of a weekend tournament? Do you “practice the way you want to play,
and play the way you practice"? You should take care of your body. Proper sleep,
a healthy diet, plenty of fluids and regular fitness and exercise are instrumental to
preparing our bodies to be at peak levels of performance in practices and matches.
We can't expect to be at our best if we don't properly care for ourselves. How we
treat our bodies before a tournament also says a lot about our level of commitment
to our team. You should have the right conduct on the court. Studies show that
our mental approach to competition has a large bearing on our performance as
athletes. Keeping an upbeat mental attitude, delivering positive verbal affirmation
and words of encouragement to teammates and maintaining confident body
language and tone of voice on the court are crucial to success. All of these traits
take discipline to incorporate into our on-court demeanor. You are able to ride the
highs and lows that come with sports competition. Wild swings of momentum are
common in volleyball. One minute your team has a 12-3 lead. The next minute
your opponent has tied the set at 14-14. Discipline is essential to having the poise,
confidence and grit to overcome the many challenges thrown our way in this
sport. It takes practice to develop the habits necessary to be able to weather any
storm on the court, from your team playing shorthanded one day to falling quickly
behind and needing to rally from a large deficit. Training when you don't feel
your best. This doesn't mean coming to practice with a 103-degree fever. But it
does refer to pushing through the minor aches, pains and illnesses that lesser
athletes lean on as excuses to avoid practicing and instead showing up to practice
ready to get "3-percent better" even when we don't feel like training. Individual
improvement is largely a choice. We can either choose to only practice when we
feel great or miss out on opportunities to truly grow, or we can commit ourselves
to the process of player development even on those days when we're sore, tired,
less motivated or a bit sluggish. Choosing the harder but better path to individual
growth requires discipline. Like a muscle, discipline develops into a hardened
habit when we exercise it regularly.

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