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Christmas in Spain


A. As you read Christmas in Spain, look carefully for the meaning of

each Spanish word. Match each Spanish word with its correct
translation. Careful, though, because three of the Spanish words
are not translated in English.

Spanish words Translation

1. Nacimientos ____ a. Special nougat candy

2. Los regalos ____ b. Christmas Eve

3. Luminarias ____ c. Traditional Christmas plays

4. El trineo ____ d. bonfires

5. Los seises ____ e. Nativity scenes

6. Turrón ____ f. Ancient dance to honor Virgin Mary

7. Las pastores ____

8. La Noche Buena ____

9. La iglesia ____

B. Circle the word that does not belong.

1. In Spain families decorate their balconies with ___________________.

a a. flags b. carpets c. candles d. flowers

2. Small instruments such as _____________ are given to children who go

from house to house singing carols.

a. castanets b. tambourines c. guitars d. maracas

3. Burning candles are used around Spanish homes during the Christmas
holiday except:
a. above the door b. by the fireplace c. around the nacimiento
d. in the windows

4. Spanish Christmas Feast includes: a. almond soup b. cod fish

c. baked red cabbage d. roasted meat

C. Underline the correct answer:

1. In Seville’s great cathedral, Spanish families watch _____ boys perform

an ancient dance called Los Seises.

a. six b. five c. ten d. eight

2. During the Christmas Season, friends and neighbors


a. gifts b. evergreens c. small instruments c. sweets

3. On Christmas Eve or Noche Buena, children set out their __________

with straw for the three king’s camels.

a. small buckets b. stockings (calcetines) c. shoes (zapatos)

d. hats (sombreros)

4. Baked in the kings cake a small prize is said to bring __?___ to the person
finds it.

a. hope b. good luck c. bad luck d. happiness

Be ready to answer these questions about the reading orally:

1. When does Christmas Season begin in Spain? When does it


2. Can you identify some similarities and or differences between

Christmas decorations in Northern Spain and Philadelphia?

3. You have read “Spanish families may travel to Seville…” why

do these families travel to Seville? Do you travel anywhere during
the holiday season? Where?

4. Why do children in Spain go from house to house during

Christmas? Can you think of a holiday in the U.S. when you may
go from house to house? How is it different?

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