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ZOO/II/02 Student’s Copy

( Pre-CBCS )
( 2nd Semester )


Paper : ZL–II

( Biology of Chordates and Comparative Anatomy )

Full Marks : 55

Time : 2½ hours

( Marks : 20 )

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

( Marks : 5 )

Tick (3) the correct answer in the brackets provided : 1×5=5

1. Which of the following is not a protochordate?

(a) Balanoglossus ( )

(b) Herdmania ( )

(c) Myxine ( )

(d) Branchiostoma ( )

/378 1 [ Contd.
2. Which of the following types of locomotion is seen in eel?

(a) Thunniform locomotion ( )

(b) Ostraciform locomotion ( )

(c) Anguilliform locomotion ( )

(d) Gliding ( )

3. Monotremes are well-known as

(a) egg-laying reptiles ( )

(b) egg-laying mammals ( )

(c) egg-laying birds ( )

(d) None of the above ( )

4. Three-chambered heart is found in

(a) Scoliodon ( )

(b) frog ( )

(c) turtles ( )

(d) crocodiles ( )

5. A cartilage having glass-like semitransparent matrix and fine collagen

fibres is

(a) hyaline cartilage ( )

(b) white fibrous cartilage ( )

(c) elastic cartilage ( )

(d) calcified cartilage ( )

ZOO/II/02/378 2 [ Contd.
( Marks : 15 )

Write notes on the following : 3×5=15

1. Salient features of Protochordata

2. Neoteny and paedogenesis

3. Affinities of birds

4. Functions of integument

5. Ligament

( Marks : 35 )

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. Classify Agnatha with salient features up to orders. 7


Write a note on the post-embryonic development of Amphioxus. 7

2. Give an outline classification of Pisces up to orders. 7


Describe the different types of scales in fishes with diagrams. 7

ZOO/II/02/378 3 [ Contd.
3. Give an account on migration in birds. 7


Discuss the principles of flight in birds. 7

4. Give a brief account on the respiratory systems in chordates. 7


Write an account on the integumentary system in vertebrates. 7

5. Give a detailed account on the dentition in mammals. Write the dental

formula for deciduous teeth of human. 5+2=7


Describe the structure and composition of bone. 7


ZOO/II/02/378 4 8G—70

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