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October 4, 2010

Dear Friends of Third Wave Foundation:

We are pleased to invite proposals for financial grants of up to $15,000 for our Fall 2010
Reproductive Health and Justice Initiative Grant Cycle. Full proposals are to be received by
November 5, 2010 though our online application, which can be found at

As a national feminist activist foundation, Third Wave supports grassroots projects and
organizations that are led by and/or that prioritize leadership by young women and
transgender youth. Through grantmaking, leadership development and philanthropic
advocacy we amplify feminist youth-led efforts and leadership capacity, promote effective
alignment of resources in the field, and advance the role of philanthropy as a tool for
transformative social change.

This grant opportunity is focused on issues of reproductive health and justice. Support is
available for non-profit projects, organizations, and collaborations engaged in community-
based work to achieve gender, racial, economic and social justice. We seek to support work
that employs a range of strategies that expand reproductive health, rights, and justice for
their communities.

In addition to reaching out to organizations that explicitly locate themselves within the
reproductive justice movement, Third Wave also encourages applications from
organizations that have not historically identified with reproductive health and rights
movements, but that take an intersectional approach to their work.

For more information on Third Wave and for our Fall 2010 Grant guidelines, forms, timeline
and application instructions, please visit our website,

Toward justice,

Third Wave Foundation


Third Wave Foundation is a national feminist activist foundation that supports grassroots projects
and organizations led by and for young women and transgender youth. Through grantmaking,
leadership development and philanthropic advocacy we promote strategies that expand and
amplify feminist, youth-led efforts and leadership capacity, facilitate in-depth dialogue to
promote effective alignment of resources in the field, and advance the role of philanthropy as a
tool for transformative social change.

We are pleased to invite proposals for financial grants of up to $15,000 for our Fall 2010
Reproductive Health and Justice Initiative Grant Cycle. This grant opportunity is focused on issues
of reproductive health and justice. Support is available for non-profit projects, organizations, and
collaborations engaged in community-based work to achieve gender, racial, economic and social
justice. We are also seeking non-profit projects, organizations, and collaborations that use a
range of strategies that expand reproductive health, rights, and justice for their communities.

Overview of the Issue Area

Reproductive justice is both an expansive field and framework, and we recognize that not
everyone who is doing reproductive justice work chooses to use this label. For Third Wave,
reproductive justice work is premised on principles of self-determination and equity related to
our choices around bodies, sexuality, health and well-being, and reproduction. This expansive
framework means that social justice work often includes a reproductive justice component. Here
are just a few examples of what that might look like:
• Campaigns to reduce exposure to toxic chemicals that have impacts on reproductive
• Harm reduction approaches to street-based work, including sex work and the sex trade;
• Campaigns that seek to increase access of LGBTQ youth and youth of color to health and
social services; and
• Work that seeks to respond to sexual and gender-based violence.
For more examples of organizations that Third Wave has supported in the past, visit

Focus of this RFP

This year, we are particularly interested in supporting strong and scalable leadership
development models. We recognize that in order to sustain a movement for reproductive justice,
we need to identify, develop, and support emerging leaders at the local, state, and national
levels. We will prioritize supporting organizations that have demonstrably strong leadership
development models that contribute directly to reproductive justice efforts. We will also
consider organizations that are developing new models that have the potential to grow and/or
have the potential for replication in different locations or with different communities. An
Third Wave Fall 2010 RFP

organization’s capacity to document their leadership development process and learnings will also
be a consideration.

Third Wave believes that those most affected by inequity are valuable and necessary architects of
change. To that end, we seek to fund organizations that are actively building the leadership of the
youth most impacted by inequity. When we say leadership development, we recognize that there
are many different forms of leadership, all of which are critical. These include: leadership of and
within coalitions, intra-organizational, within a membership base, and community or movement
leadership. We also realize that leadership development can be exercised within non-hierarchical
organizational models, such as within collectives or circular management structures.

Movement-building continues to be a critical approach to reproductive justice work. To that end,

we encourage applications from organizations that have an intersectional analysis of oppression,
and work strategically with diverse local, state, and/or national coalitions to move their work

We will continue to maintain and deepen our focus on constituencies that are deeply impacted
by intersecting oppressions and marginalized within mainstream reproductive health and rights
movements: young people of color; young mothers; young people engaged in and impacted by
sex work and the sex trade; and transgender youth. We are also especially interested in regions
that have traditionally been under-resourced within the movement, and yet are politically critical,
such as the Southeast and Southwest.

In summary, this RFP prioritizes reproductive health and justice work that demonstrates:

• Impactful and scalable leadership models;

• Movement-building approaches that include meaningful and diverse coalition work;
• Leadership by and for young people of color, young women and transgender youth; and
• A strong intersectional analysis and agenda.

Third Wave Grant Guidelines

Third Wave will prioritize the following strategies:
• organizing • transformative service provision
• advocacy linked with organizing and advocacy
• leadership development • participatory action/community
participatory research

Our funding can provide either General Support or Project Support. Areas of support include:

• general operating costs;

• long-term, planned projects or campaigns;
• timely and strategic opportunities; and
• capacity building, organizational and board development, transitions of leadership.
Third Wave Fall 2010 RFP

Grant applicants are encouraged to use the narrative portion of their application to explain the
context of their proposal and what kind of support they are seeking for their work. If you have
questions regarding this or any part of this request, please join us for a briefing call on this RFP
on Monday, October 18, 2010, at 1pm EST. To receive the call-in information, please RSVP to if you plan to attend.

We want the application process to be inviting to all groups who fit our criterion. If the online
application process creates a barrier for your organization, you can request a mail-in version. If
you are experiencing difficulties with the online application or are having technical problems,
please direct your questions or request for mail-in applications to

After you enter “Submit” on your online application form, you will be e-mailed a confirmation
that we have received your application. If you need to make revisions or additions to your
application, email Rye ( by the application deadline. We will post a
link to the online application form the week of October 4. Be prepared to upload all necessary
attachments when you fill out the online application form.

Please note: The invitation to apply to this initiative is open to anyone who matches the above
outlined criteria. No group may apply for a Third Wave grant through this initiative more than
once per calendar year, with a sole exception for groups that are also part of a collaborative,
multi-group project proposal.

Grant decisions for this RFP will be made by staff and board members of Third Wave Foundation.
Awards will be announced between December 3 and 8, 2010.

2010 RHJI Timeline

Monday, October 4: RFP issued.
Monday, October 18, 1pm EST: RFP Briefing Call. If you have any questions about this RFP, please
RSVP for this call to
Friday, November 5: Proposals must be received online by 5:00pm EST.
December 3 - December 8: Decisions announced.

Given our focus, Third Wave will not fund:

• Individuals • Organizations with budgets

• Programs that are not primarily led exceeding $500,000 (unless grant is
by and serving young women, project specific)
transgender youth, and/or people of • Any one organization more than once
color per calendar year, with a potential
• Intermediary or subsidiary exception for collaborative, multi-
organizations partner projects.
• Organizations outside of the United
States (US territories are welcome to
Third Wave Fall 2010 RFP

How to apply
Please submit your complete application by 5pm EST on Friday, November 5, 2010,
including all items listed on the checklist below, through our new online application
system. We strongly encourage you to use our new online application system. If this
presents a major difficulty, please submit one full copy via postal mail to the address
below. Postal applications must arrive to us by Friday, November 5.

Third Wave Foundation

Attn: Fall 2010 Grant Cycle
220 E. 23rd Street, Suite 509
New York, NY 10010

We will not accept incomplete, faxed, or hand-delivered applications. All organizations

selected as grant partners for this grant cycle must, as a condition of their acceptance of
the grant, also complete an organizational profile and grant report.

Application Checklist
All items listed are required in order for your application to be considered.

 Cover Sheet (contained in online form)

The Cover Sheet must be fully completed, using only the space provided.

 Budget Information (upload on online form)

Please include:
• 2010 and 2011 organizational budget. Note all funding or income
sources, including in-kind donations, as well as information about
salaries, benefits, and general operating expenses.
• 2011 project budget (if applying for a specific project).
• Most recent audit. If you are a fiscally-sponsored organization, then
please include the most recent audit from your fiscal sponsor.
• Most recent 990. If you are a fiscally-sponsored organization, then please
include the most recent 990 from your fiscal sponsor.

 Narrative (Narrative up to 8 pages double-spaced, upload online)

Please provide us with a narrative that addresses the following questions:
Consider this narrative an opportunity to share with us work that you’ve done,
and work that you plan on for this upcoming year.

• What are the organization/project’s mission and goals? What are the
social problems that your organization is seeking to address?
• How has your organization evolved or grown over time?
Third Wave Fall 2010 RFP

• What are your organization’s main accomplishments? Please include

recent accomplishments.
• What is your organization’s approach and relationship to reproductive
• How will the grant money be spent, and within what timeline?
o What strategies will you employ toward your
organizational/project goals?
 If leadership development is one of those strategies,
please elaborate.
o How do collaborations, coalitions and/or networks help you meet
your organizational/project goals?
• What is the role of young people in the work of your organization/this
• How will you evaluate the effectiveness or success of this work?
• Do you anticipate any challenges this coming year in terms of
organizational capacity?

In this section, please also tell us if your proposal is for General Support or
Project Support. Supporting materials are welcome (such as press materials,
organizing or logic models, zines, video samples, posters, letters of support, etc.).

 Organizational Constituency Chart (download from our website and upload in

online form)
Please fill out the provided organizational profile chart, noting that each answer
requires both a number and a percentage. Our online application will calculate
the percentages for you.

If you have questions regarding this or any part of this request, please join us for the
briefing call on this RFP on Monday, October 18, 2010, at 1pm EST. You must RSVP to if you wish to attend.
Thank you for sharing your work with us!
Third Wave Foundation
220 East 23 Street Suite #509  New York, NY 10010
RHJI Grant Cycle Fall 2010

Cover Sheet

Date of Application: Year Founded:

Name of Organization:

Request for (check one):  General Support  Project Support

Name of Program/Project (if applicable):



Region: Northeast Southeast Midwest West Coast Northwest Southwest


Primary Organizational Strategies: Arts & Culture Organizing and Advocacy Research

Political or Peer Education Direct Services Leadership Development Other

Phone: Fax:

Email: Website:

Contact Person: Title:

Setting of Organization (Check all that apply): Rural Urban Suburban

Scope of Program/Project Work (Check all that apply): Local Statewide Regional
___ National

Scope of Influence (Check all that apply): Local Statewide Regional National

Amount Requested: $ Prior Third Wave Grantee: Yes No

2010 Operating Budget: $ Project Budget (If project specific): $

Tax Status: 501 (c)(3) Tax Status Pending* Fiscally Sponsored *

*If tax status is pending, or if you are not a 501(c)(3), please fill out this section.

Fiscal Sponsor’s Organization Name:

Contact Name/ Title:
Address/City/ State/ Zip:
Phone: Email:

All applicants: Please give a three-sentence summary of proposal in the space provided.
Third Wave Foundation
220 East 23 Street Suite #509  New York, NY 10010
RHJI Grant Cycle Fall 2010


Section 1: Organizational Constituency Definition

In the space provided, please write in the constituency your organization seeks to serve:

(Examples: “All residents of Queens County,” “All transgender people of color in Atlanta,” “Low-
income immigrants in Minnesota”, etc.)

Section 2: Leadership Profile

Paid Staff Active Members Board Interns

(full-time and Volunteers* Members

Total number in each

category (as applicable):
Tell us how many people in each organizational role represent the constituency you defined?
Please answer each category with a number; then calculate and enter the percentage (percent will
calculate automatically on the online form).

For example, say you define your constituency for us as low-income immigrants in Minnesota. If
you have 8 total board members you would have entered that number above. Of that number, 5
people are low-income immigrants in Minnesota.
Now below, under Board Members, you would enter 5 under “#” and then divide 5 by 8 to find
62.5, which you would enter under “%”.
Paid Staff Active Members Board Interns
Volunteers Members
# % # % # % # % # %

How many people in each

category represent the
constituency you defined in
Section 1:
Third Wave Foundation
220 East 23 Street Suite #509  New York, NY 10010
RHJI Grant Cycle Fall 2010

Section 3: Demographic Chart

Demographic Percentages for Organizational Constituency by both number and percentage

Paid Staff Active Members Board Interns

Volunteers* Members
Category by number (#) and percent # % # % # % # % # %
African American/Black
Arab American/Arab
Asian American/ Pacific Islander
Latina/Latino or Hispanic
Native American/American Indian
Individuals age 14 and under
Individuals age 15-18
Individuals age 19-24
Individuals age 25-30
Individuals age 31-45
Individuals age 46 and older
Individuals with a disability (including
physical, mental, physical, emotional)
Low income (locally defined)
Moderate income (locally defined)
High income (locally defined)
Gender Queer
Gender non-conforming
Third Wave Foundation
220 East 23 Street Suite #509  New York, NY 10010
RHJI Grant Cycle Fall 2010

Two Spirit
Level of Education
Middle School
High School
Vocational program
Advanced degree

In this space, please list the name of each staff person and the Board Chair(s) or Board
President if applicable, along with their age and title.

*Please provide the activities done by Active Volunteers (phone calls, workshops,
budgeting, etc.) here:

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