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The Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands’

Adolescent Mental Health Initiative


Anxiety Disorders Edna B. Foa, Ph.D.

Depression and Bipolar Disorder Dwight L. Evans, M.D.
Eating Disorders B. Timothy Walsh, M.D.
Positive Youth Development Martin E.P. Seligman, Ph.D.
Schizophrenia Raquel E. Gur, M.D., Ph.D.
Substance and Alcohol Abuse Charles P. O’Brien, M.D., Ph.D.
Suicide Prevention Herbert Hendin, M.D.
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and Preventing
Mental Health

The Commission Chairs

of The Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands’
Adolescent Mental Health Initiative

Dwight L. Evans, M.D.

Edna B. Foa, Ph.D.
Raquel E. Gur, M.D., Ph.D.
Herbert Hendin, M.D.
Charles P. O’Brien, M.D., Ph.D.
Martin E.P. Seligman, Ph.D.
B. Timothy Walsh, M.D.
and Preventing
Mental Health
What We Know
and What We Don’t Know

The Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands’

Adolescent Mental Health Initiative

Oxford University Press, Inc., publishes works that further
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The Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands

The Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Treating and preventing adolescent mental health disorders : what we
know and what we don’t know : a research agenda for improving the
mental health of our youth / edited by the commission chairs of the
Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands’ Adolescent Mental Health
Initiative, Dwight L. Evans, . . . [et al.]
p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13 978-0-19-517364-2
ISBN 0-19-517364-3
1. Adolescent psychopathology. 2. Teenagers—Mental health. 3.
Mental illness—Treatment. 4. Behavioral assessment of teenagers. I.
Evans, Dwight L. II. Annenberg Foundation at Sunnylands.
RJ503.T75 2005
616.89'00835—dc22 2004019185

2 4 6 8 9 7 5 3 2 1
Printed in the United States of America
on acid-free paper

Adolescent Mental Health Initiative xi

Foreword xxiii
Kathleen Hall Jamieson
Introduction xxv
Dwight L. Evans and Martin E.P. Seligman

P a r t I Depression and Bipolar Disorder

Commission on Adolescent Depression and Bipolar Disorder

1 Defining Depression and Bipolar Disorder 3

2 Treatment of Depression and Bipolar Disorder 29
3 Prevention of Depression and Bipolar Disorder 55
4 Research Agenda for Depression and Bipolar Disorder 69

P a r t I I Schizophrenia
Commission on Adolescent Schizophrenia

5 Defining Schizophrenia 77
6 Treatment of Schizophrenia 109
7 Prevention of Schizophrenia 133
8 Research Agenda for Schizophrenia 157

P a r t I I I Anxiety Disorders
Commission on Adolescent Anxiety Disorders

9 Defining Anxiety Disorders 161

10 Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 183
11 Prevention of Anxiety Disorders 221
12 Research Agenda for Anxiety Disorders 247

P a r t I V Eating Disorders
Commission on Adolescent Eating Disorders

13 Defining Eating Disorders 257

14 Treatment of Eating Disorders 283
15 Prevention of Eating Disorders 303
16 Research Agenda for Eating Disorders 325

viii Contents

P a r t V Substance Use Disorders

Commission on Adolescent Substance and Alcohol Abuse

17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 335

18 Treatment of Substance Use Disorders 391
19 Prevention of Substance Use Disorders 411
20 Research Agenda for Substance Use Disorders 427

P a r t V I Youth Suicide
Commission on Adolescent Suicide Prevention

21 Defining Youth Suicide 433

22 Universal Approaches to Youth Suicide Prevention 445
23 Targeted Youth Suicide Prevention Programs 463
24 Preventive Interventions and Treatments
for Suicidal Youth 471
25 Research Agenda for Youth Suicide Prevention 487

P a r t V I I Beyond Disorder
Commission on Positive Youth Development

26 The Positive Perspective on Youth Development 497

P a r t V I I I Summary of Conclusions,
Recommendations, Priorities
27 Stigma 531
David L. Penn, Abigail Judge, Patrick Jamieson, Joyce Garczynski,
Michael Hennessy, and Daniel Romer
28 The Research, Policy, and Practice Context for Delivery
of Evidence-Based Mental Health Treatments
for Adolescents: A Systems Perspective 545
Kimberly Hoagwood
29 The American Treatment System for Adolescent Substance
Abuse: Formidable Challenges, Fundamental Revisions,
and Mechanisms for Improvements 561
Kathleen Meyers and A. Thomas McLellan
30 The Role of Primary Care Physicians in Detection and
Treatment of Adolescent Mental Health Problems 579
Daniel Romer and Mary McIntosh
Contents ix

31 The Roles and Perspectives of School Mental Health

Professionals in Promoting Adolescent Mental Health 597
Daniel Romer and Mary McIntosh
32 A Call to Action on Adolescent Mental Health 617
Kathleen Hall Jamieson and Daniel Romer

References 625
Index 791
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Adolescent Mental Health Initiative

Project Director Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Ph.D.

Professor, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania
Director, Annenberg Public Policy Center, University of Pennsylvania

Commission on Adolescent Depression and Bipolar Disorder

Commission Chair Dwight L. Evans, M.D.

Professor, Psychiatry, Medicine, and Neuroscience, University of Pennsylvania
Department Chair, Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania
Chief of Psychiatry, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Presbyterian
Medical Center, Pennsylvania Hospital

Commission Members William Beardslee, M.D.

Psychiatrist-in-Chief and Chairman, Psychiatry, Children’s Hospital Boston
Professor, Child Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

Joseph Biederman, M.D.

Professor, Psychiatry, Harvard University
Chief, Clinical and Research in Pediatric Psychopharmacology, Massachusetts
General Hospital
Chief, Adult ADHD Program, Massachusetts General Hospital

David Brent, M.D.

Academic Chief, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Western Psychiatric Institute
and Clinic
Professor, Child Psychiatry, Pediatrics & Epidemiology, University of
Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Dennis Charney, M.D.

Chief, Mood and Anxiety Disorder Research Program and the Experimental
Therapeutics and Pathophysiology Branch, National Institute of Mental

Joseph Coyle, M.D.

Professor, Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Harvard Medical School

W. Edward Craighead, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology, University of Colorado, Boulder
Director, Clinical Psychology Program, University of Colorado, Boulder

Paul Crits-Christoph, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology in Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania
Director, Center for Psychotherapy Research, University of Pennsylvania

Robert Findling, M.D.

Director, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Case Western Reserve
University and University Hospitals of Cleveland
Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Pediatrics, Case Western Reserve University

Judy Garber, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology and Human Development, Vanderbilt University
Senior Fellow, Institute for Public Policy Studies, Vanderbilt University

xii Adolescent Mental Health Initiative

Investigator and Fellow, Kennedy Center for Research on Human

Development, Vanderbilt University

Robert Johnson, M.D.

Professor and Chair, Pediatrics, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New
Professor, Psychiatry, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
Director, Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine, University of
Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey

Martin Keller, M.D.

Professor, and Chairman, Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Brown University
School of Medicine

Charles Nemeroff, M.D., Ph.D.

Professor and Chairman, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory
University School of Medicine

Moira A. Rynn, M.D.

Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Medical Director, Mood and Anxiety Disorders Section, Department of
Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

Karen Wagner, M.D., Ph.D.

Professor and Vice Chair, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of
Texas Medical Branch, Galveston
Director, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of Texas
Medical Branch, Galveston

Myrna Weissman, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychiatry and Epidemiology, Columbia University College of
Chief, Division of Clinical and Genetic Epidemiology, New York State
Psychiatric Institute

Elizabeth Weller, M.D.

Professor, Psychiatry and Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania
Vice Chair, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania

Commission on Adolescent Schizophrenia

Commission Chair Raquel E. Gur, M.D., Ph.D.

Professor, Psychiatry, Neurology, and Radiology, University of Pennsylvania
Director, Neuropsychiatry Section in Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania

Commission Members Nancy Andreasen, M.D., Ph.D.

Chair, Psychiatry, University of Iowa
Director, Mental Health Clinical Research Center, University of Iowa

Robert Asarnow, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, Psychology, University of
California at Los Angeles

Ruben Gur, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychiatry, Neurology, and Radiology, University of Pennsylvania
Director, Neuropsychology and the Brain Behavior Laboratory, University of
Adolescent Mental Health Initiative xiii

Peter Jones, M.D.

Professor and Chair, Psychiatry, University of Cambridge

Kenneth Kendler, M.D.

Distinguished Professor, Psychiatry, and Professor, Human Genetics, Medical
College of Virginia of Virginia Commonwealth University
Co-director, Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics

Matcheri Keshavan, M.D.

Professor, Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Director, Schizophrenia Inpatient Services, Western Psychiatric Institute and
Clinical Services Core, Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders,
Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic

Jeffrey Lieberman, M.D.

Distinguished Professor, Psychiatry, Pharmacology, and Radiology, University
of North Carolina School of Medicine
Director, Mental Health and Neuroscience Clinical Research Center,
University of North Carolina School of Medicine

Robert McCarley, M.D.

Professor, Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
Chair, Harvard Department of Psychiatry at the Brockton/West Roxbury VA
Medical Center

Robin Murray, M.D.

Professor and Chair, Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College

Judith Rapoport, M.D.

Chief, Child Psychiatry Branch, National Institute of Mental Health

Carol Tamminga, M.D.

Professor, Psychiatry and Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics,
University of Maryland at Baltimore
Deputy Director, Maryland Psychiatric Research Center

Ming Tsuang, M.D., Ph.D.

Professor, Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
Superintendent and Head, Harvard Department of Psychiatry at the
Massachusetts Mental Health Center

Elaine Walker, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology and Neuroscience, Emory University

Daniel Weinberger, M.D.

Chief, Clinical Brain Disorders Branch of the Intramural Research Program,
National Institute of Mental Health

With contributions Kristin Lancefield, MBBS MRCPsych

from Honorary Specialist Registrar, Institute of Psychiatry, London

Commission Stacy L. Moore III, B.A.

Coordinator Academic Coordinator, Department of Neuropsychiatry, University of
xiv Adolescent Mental Health Initiative

Commission on Adolescent Anxiety Disorders

Commission Chair Edna B. Foa, Ph.D.

Professor, Clinical Psychology in Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania
Director, Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety, University of

Commission Members E. Jane Costello, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University
Medical Center
Director, Center for Developmental Epidemiology, Duke University

Martin Franklin, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology in Psychiatry, University of
Clinical Director, Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety, University
of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

Jerome Kagan, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology, Harvard University

Philip Kendall, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology, Temple University
Director, Child and Adolescent Anxiety Disorder Clinic, Temple University

Rachel Klein, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychiatry, New York University School of Medicine
Director, Anxiety and Mood Disorders Institute at the Child Study Center,
New York University School of Medicine

Henrietta Leonard, M.D.

Professor, Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Brown University
Director of Training, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Brown University

Michael Liebowitz, M.D.

Professor, Clinical Psychiatry, Columbia University
Director, Anxiety Disorders Clinic, New York State Psychiatric Institute

John March, M.D., M.P.H.

Professor, Psychiatry, Duke University
Director, Child and Adolescent Anxiety Disorders and Psychopharmacology,
Duke University Medical Center

Richard McNally, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology, Harvard University

Thomas Ollendick, Ph.D.

Professor, Clinical Psychology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Director, Child Study Center, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State

Daniel Pine, M.D.

Chief, Section on Development and Affective Neuroscience, National Institute
of Mental Health
Chief, Child and Adolescent Research Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program,
National Institute of Mental Health
Adolescent Mental Health Initiative xv

Robert Pynoos, M.D.

Professor, Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California at
Los Angeles
Co-director, UCLA–Duke National Center for Child Traumatic Stress
Director, Trauma Psychiatry Program, University of California at
Los Angeles

Wendy Silverman, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology, Case Western University
Director, Child and Family Psychosocial Research Center, Florida International

Linda Spear, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor and Chair, Psychology Department, Binghamton

Commission on Adolescent Eating Disorders

Commission Chair B. Timothy Walsh, M.D.

Chair, Psychiatry, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University
Interim Executive Director, New York State Psychiatric Institute
Director, Eating Disorder Research Unit, New York State Psychiatric Institute

Commission Members Cynthia M. Bulik, Ph.D.

Professor, Eating Disorders, Department of Psychiatry, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Director, Eating Disorders Program, University of North Carolina at Chapel

Christopher G. Fairburn, D.M., F.R.C.Psych., F.Med.Sci.

Professor, Psychiatry, Oxford University
Wellcome Principal Research Fellow, Department of Psychiatry, Oxford

Neville H. Golden, M.D.

Professor, Clinical Pediatrics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Co-director, Eating Disorders Center, Schneider Children’s Hospital

Katherine A. Halmi, M.D.

Professor, Psychiatry, Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Director, Eating Disorders Program, Cornell University

David B. Herzog, M.D.

Professor, Psychiatry and Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School
President and Founder, Harvard Medical School Eating Disorders Center
Director, Eating Disorders Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital

Allan S. Kaplan, M.D., F.R.C.P.(C)

Professor, Psychiatry, University of Toronto
Head, Program for Eating Disorders, Toronto General Hospital
Chair, Eating Disorders, Toronto General Hospital

Richard E. Kreipe, M.D.

Professor, Pediatrics, University of Rochester
Chief, Division of Adolescent Medicine, Children’s Hospital at Strong,
University of Rochester
xvi Adolescent Mental Health Initiative

James E. Mitchell, M.D.

Professor and Chair, Neurosciences, University of North Dakota School of
President and Scientific Director, Neuropsychiatric Research Institute

Kathleen M. Pike, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology in Psychiatry, Columbia Presbyterian
Medical Center
Chief Psychologist, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center’s Eating Disorders
Clinical Research Service

Eric Stice, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Psychology, University of Texas at Austin

Ruth H. Striegel-Moore, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology, Wesleyan University

C. Barr Taylor, M.D.

Director, Laboratory for the Study of Behavioral Medicine, Stanford University
School of Medicine
Director, Adult Residency Training Program, Stanford University School of
Co-director, Stanford Cardiac Rehabilitation Program, Stanford University
School of Medicine

Thomas A. Wadden, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology, University of Pennsylvania
Director, Weight and Eating Disorders Program, University of Pennsylvania

G. Terence Wilson, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology, Rutgers University

With contributions Meghan L. Butryn, M.S.

from Graduate Student, Drexel University

Eric B. Chesley, D.O.

Fellow, Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, University of Rochester

Michael P. Levine, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology, Kenyon College

Marion P. Russell, M.D.

Clinical Fellow, Psychiatry, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Commission Robyn Sysko, M.S.

Coordinator Graduate Student, Rutgers University

Commission on Adolescent Substance and Alcohol Abuse

Commission Chair Charles P. O’Brien, M.D., Ph.D.

Vice-Chairman, Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania
Chief, Psychiatry, Philadelphia VA Medical Center
Director, Center for Studies of Addiction, University of Pennsylvania

Commission Members James C. Anthony, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair, Epidemiology, College of Human Medicine, Michigan
State University

Kathleen Carroll, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology in Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine
Adolescent Mental Health Initiative xvii

Director, Psychosocial Research, Division of Substance Abuse, Yale University

School of Medicine

Anna Rose Childress, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Psychology, University of Pennsylvania
Division Director, Penn Addiction Treatment Research Center

Charles Dackis, M.D.

Chief, Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center–Presbyterian
Medical Director, Adult Community Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry,
University of Pennsylvania

Guy Diamond, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Psychology in Psychiatry, Children’s Hospital of
Director, Center for Family Intervention Science, Children’s Hospital of

Robert Hornik, Ph.D.

Professor, Communication and Health Policy, Annenberg School for
Communication of the University of Pennsylvania
Member, Health Communication Group, Annenberg Public Policy Center

Lloyd D. Johnston, Ph.D.

Distinguished Senior Research Scientist, Institute for Social Research,
University of Michigan

Reese Jones, M.D.

Professor, Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco
Director, Drug Dependence Research Center, University of California, San

George F. Koob, Ph.D.

Director, Division of Neuropsychopharmacology, The Scripps Research
Director, Alcohol Research Center, The Scripps Research Institute

Thomas Kosten, M.D.

Professor, Psychiatry, Yale University

Caryn Lerman, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania
Associate Director, Cancer Control and Population Science, University of
Pennsylvania Cancer Center
Director, Tobacco Research Program, Leonard and Madlyn Abramson Family
Cancer Research Institute

A. Thomas McLellan, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology in Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania
Director, Treatment Research Institute

Howard Moss, M.D.

Associate Director for Education and Career Development
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Helen Pettinati, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology in Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania

Richard Spoth, Ph.D.

F. Wendell Miller Senior Prevention Scientist, and Director, Partnerships in
Prevention Science Institute at Iowa State University
xviii Adolescent Mental Health Initiative

Commission on Adolescent Suicide Prevention

Commission Chair Herbert Hendin, M.D.

Medical Director, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Professor, Psychiatry, New York Medical College

Commission Members David A. Brent, M.D.

Academic Chief, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Western Psychiatric
Institute and Clinic
Professor, Child Psychiatry, Pediatrics and Epidemiology, University of
Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Jack R. Cornelius, M.D., M.P.H.

Professor, Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Tamera Coyne-Beasley, M.D., M.P.H.,

Assistant Professor, Pediatrics and Internal Medicine
Co-Director, Adolescent Medicine Education
Principal Investigator, Firearm Injury Prevention Project, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill

Ted Greenberg, M.P.H.

Research Associate, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Columbia University

Madelyn Gould, Ph.D., M.P.H.

Professor, Psychiatry and Public Health (Epidemiology), College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Columbia University
Research Scientist, New York State Psychiatric Institute

Ann Pollinger Haas, Ph.D.

Research Director, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Professor, Health Services, Lehman College of The City University of New York

Jill Harkavy-Friedman, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology in Psychiatry, Columbia University
Research Scientist, New York State Psychiatric Institute

Richard Harrington, M.D., F.R.C. Psych.

Professor, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of Manchester

Gregg Henriques, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, James Madison University

Douglas G. Jacobs, M.D.

Associate Clinical Professor, Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

John Kalafat, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology,
Rutgers University

Mary Margaret Kerr, Ed.D.

Associate Professor, Child Psychiatry and Education, University of Pittsburgh

Cheryl A. King, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Psychology, University of Michigan

Richard Ramsay, M.S.W.

Social Work, University of Calgary, and President, Living Works Education
Adolescent Mental Health Initiative xix

David Shaffer, F.R.C.P., F.R.C. Psych.

Irving Philips Professor of Psychiatry, College of Physicians and Surgeons,
Columbia University
Director, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, College of Physicians and
Surgeons, Columbia University

Anthony Spirito, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychiatry and Human Behavior, and Director, Clinical Psychology
Training Consortium, Brown Medical School

Howard Sudak, M.D.

Clinical Professor, Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

Elaine Adams Thompson, Ph.D., R.N.

Professor, Psychosocial and Community Health, School of Nursing, University
of Washington

Commission Ann Pollinger Haas, Ph.D.


Commission on Positive Youth Development

Commission Chair Martin E.P. Seligman, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology, University of Pennsylvania
Director, Positive Psychology Network
Scientific Director, Values-in-Action Classification of Strengths and Virtues
Project, Mayerson Foundation

Commission Members Marvin W. Berkowitz, Ph.D.

Professor, Character Education, University of Missouri, St. Louis

Richard F. Catalano, Ph.D.

Professor, School of Social Work, University of Washington
Associate Director, Social Development Research Group, University of

William Damon, Ph.D.

Professor, Education, Stanford University
Director, Center on Adolescence, Stanford University

Jacquelynne S. Eccles, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology, University of Michigan

Jane E. Gillham, Ph.D.

Visiting Assistant Professor, Psychology, Swarthmore College
Co-director, The Penn Resiliency Project, University of Pennsylvania

Kristin A. Moore, Ph.D.

President and Senior Scholar, Child Trends

Heather Johnston Nicholson, Ph.D.

Director of Research, Girls Incorporated

Nansook Park, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Psychology, University of Rhode Island

David L. Penn, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill
xx Adolescent Mental Health Initiative

Christopher Peterson, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology, University of Michigan
Director of Clinical Training, University of Michigan

Margaret Shih, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Psychology, University of Michigan

Tracy A. Steen, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania

Robert J. Sternberg, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology and Education, Yale University
Director, Center for the Psychology of Abilities, Competencies, and Expertise,
Yale University

Joseph P. Tierney, M.A.

Director, Civic Initiatives for the Fox Leadership Program and the Center for
Research on Religion and Urban Civil Society, University of Pennsylvania

Roger P. Weissberg, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology and Education, University of Illinois at Chicago
Executive Director, the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional

Jonathan F. Zaff, Ph.D.

Co-Founder and Executive Director, 18–35

Commission Tracy Steen, Ph.D.


Summary of Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

Joyce Garczynski, M.A.

Senior Research Assistant, Annenberg Public Policy Center, University of

Michael Hennessy, Ph.D.

Senior Statistician, Annenberg Public Policy Center, University of

Kimberly Hoagwood, Ph.D.

Professor, Clinical Psychology in Psychiatry, Columbia University
Director, Child and Adolescent Services Research, New York State Office of
Mental Health

Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Ph.D.

Professor, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania
Director, Annenberg Public Policy Center, University of Pennsylvania

Patrick Jamieson, Ph.D.

Associate Director, Adolescent Risk Communication Institute, Annenberg
Public Policy Center, University of Pennsylvania

Abigail Judge, B.A.

Graduate Student, Clinical Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel
Adolescent Mental Health Initiative xxi

Mary McIntosh, Ph.D.

Principal and President, Princeton Survey Research Associates International

A. Thomas McLellan, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology in Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania
Director, Treatment Research Institute

Kathleen Meyers, Ph.D.

Senior Research Scientist, System Measures, Inc.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology in Psychiatry, University of
Pennsylvania School of Medicine

David Penn, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill

Daniel Romer, Ph.D.

Director, Adolescent Risk Communication Institute, Annenberg Public Policy
Center, University of Pennsylvania
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Because the first sign that a person has a mental This book is significant not simply because it
disorder often appears in adolescence, one synthesizes a body of research on an important
would expect library shelves full of books for topic and charts future directions for research
doctors, guidance counselors, and parents on the but also because it combines the disciplinary per-
subject. Since early diagnosis and treatment in- spectives of those on the front lines of research
crease the affected adolescent’s chances for a pro- and treatment. The work of psychologists and
ductive adult life, one would expect that under- psychiatrists as well as scholars of social work is
standing how to prevent and treat depression, represented here. Noteworthy too is the fact that
bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, eating disor- this book was produced without support from
ders, schizophrenia, and alcohol and drug abuse the pharmaceutical industry.
would be a national priority. One would expect The publication of Treating and Preventing Ad-
as well a concerted national effort to prevent ad- olescent Mental Health Disorders is the beginning
olescent suicide and to find ways to promote of the Sunnylands Trust’s multistaged effort to
mental health among the young. Although re- increase the likelihood that adolescents with
searchers have made sometimes stunning prog- mental disorders will be diagnosed and success-
ress in treating adolescent mental disorders and fully treated. In partnership with the Annenberg
in understanding ways to promote adolescent Public Policy Center of the University of Penn-
mental health, there have been surprisingly few sylvania, the Trust plans to widely disseminate
attempts to digest what is known and what this volume to scholars and practitioners. Com-
needs to be known. panion volumes are now being prepared for
To address this need, The Annenberg Foun- school counselors and parents. A Web site,
dation Trust at Sunnylands, founded in 2001 by CopeCareDeal, will speak directly to teens.
Ambassadors Walter and Leonore Annenberg, The result, we hope, will not only help teens
convened seven scholarly commissions in 2003. secure the care they deserve but also encourage
Made up of leading psychiatrists and psycholo- those who shape the health policy of the nation
gists, and chaired by Edna B. Foa, Dwight L. to tackle the research and create and fund the
Evans, B. Timothy Walsh, Martin E.P. Seligman, delivery system needed to ensure the mental
Raquel E. Gur, Charles P. O’Brien, and Herbert health of the nation’s young.
Hendin, the commissions were tasked with as-
sessing the state of scientific research on the Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Ph.D.
prevalent mental disorders whose onset occurs Director, Annenberg Foundation Trust at
predominantly between the ages of 10 and 22. Sunnylands
The collective findings of these commissions are Director, Annenberg Public Policy Center
presented in this book for the first time. As im- University of Pennsylvania
portant, our commissions each identified the re- Philadelphia, PA
search agenda that would best advance our abil-
ity to prevent and treat the disorder on which
they focused.

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Dwight L. Evans
and Martin E.P. Seligman

At least one in five youth suffers from a current to give the reader an understanding of the im-
developmental, emotional, or behavioral prob- portance of this period of life to mental health.
lem (Burns et al., 1995; Institute of Medicine, This includes a brief introduction to brain de-
1989; Irwin, Burg, & Cart, 2002; U.S. Department velopment during adolescence and an overview
of Health and Human Services, 1999; Zill & of genetic and environmental processes that are
Schoenborn, 1990). The prevention and treat- important at this stage of life. We then orient the
ment of such difficulties in adolescence is one of reader to the history and structure of this volume
the major public health problems facing the and provide the rationale for the set of conclud-
United States. To help adolescents achieve their ing chapters.
full potential both as youths and as adults, it is
important that we focus resources on this issue
now. Helping adolescents reach their potential WHY FOCUS ON ADOLESCENCE?
involves the identification, treatment, and pre-
vention of mental disorders that interfere with Adolescence, which we define here broadly as
the adolescent’s development into a successful ages 10 to 22, is a unique and distinct period in
adult. However, getting rid of the disorder is not the development of human beings. The unique
enough. We need also to instill positive values aspects of this developmental period have enor-
and behaviors that enable formerly troubled mous implications not only for mental health
young people to flourish, contribute to society, and disorder among young people but for adults
and be happy and healthy. as well. Adolescence is a critical period of devel-
Our goal with this book is to provide a com- opment characterized by significant changes in
prehensive evaluation of what we know, and brain development, endocrinology, emotions,
what we don’t know, about adolescent mental cognition, behavior, and interpersonal relation-
health to create a road map for further scientific ships. This period of life is a transitional period
study and point the way toward needed changes of development that is foundational but also no-
in social policy. Our hope is that the current ticeably malleable and plastic from a neurobio-
volume can advance the field through a state- logical, behavioral, and psychosocial perspec-
of-the-art summary of empirical research on tive.
adolescent mental health, positive youth devel- From a mental health perspective, adoles-
opment, and the treatment and prevention of cence is important because most of the major
mental disorders in this age group. mental disorders begin not in childhood but dur-
In this introductory chapter, we set the con- ing adolescence. After onset in adolescence,
text for our evaluation of adolescent mental many chronic mental disorders carry over into
health. We first address the question, “why focus adulthood, leading to ongoing significant men-
on adolescence?” Following this, we provide an tal health impairment during the adult years.
introduction to the specific mental disorders This later influence of adolescence applies to not
that are the main focus of this book and define only the major mental disorders but also a range
some of the terms used throughout the book. We of health habits that influence adult behavior
next give an overview of some of these special and may influence medical diseases in adult-
characteristics of the adolescent period so as hood. Specifically, adolescent development and

xxvi Introduction

behaviors set the stage for adult behavior in man, 2003; National Drug Intelligence Center,
terms of use of substances (both legal and illegal) 2002). Compounding the potentially negative
and dietary habits and can have an impact on consequences of harmful environments is the in-
the development and outcome of medical ill- creasing behavioral independence of adolescents
nesses, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, in association with less parental or even adult
obesity, osteoporosis, and HIV/AIDS. influence.
The past two decades of research have re- There are many unanswered questions about
vealed that many mental disorders are relatively the ways in which the interplay between biology
common in adolescence. Details of epidemiolog- and environment lead to the alarming numbers
ical studies of mental disorders in adolescents are of adolescents we now see afflicted with mental
presented in each of the disorder-focused chap- illness and why this seems to have worsened in
ters in this volume. Some of the more striking recent years. However, what is clear is the need
examples are the following: to make adolescent mental health a major public
health priority. A decade ago, early childhood
• The lifetime prevalence rate of major de- moved into the spotlight and became a major
pressive disorder in adolescence is estimated health priority, but from the point of view of
to be about 15%, but 20% to 30% of adoles- mental health, adolescence may be the more
cents report clinically significant levels of critical transitional period given its neurobio-
depressive symptoms (Chapter 1). logical and behavioral plasticity. It is, moreover,
• Over half of young people have used an il- likely the optimal time for prevention and treat-
licit drug by the time they graduate from ment of psychopathology, and for the promo-
high school (Chapter 17). tion of mental health and positive emotional
• The 12-month prevalence estimates for anx- and behavioral functioning. By increasing our
iety disorders in adolescents range from 9% knowledge of the causes, treatment, and preven-
to 21% (Chapter 9). tion of mental disorders that begin in adoles-
• Suicide is the third leading cause of death cence, we will help reduce the suffering and im-
among youth (Chapter 21). pairments associated with these disorders and
reduce overall health care utilization. Further-
What is especially alarming is that the preva- more, progress in adolescent mental health
lence of some of these disorders has been on the could prevent mental disorders in adulthood
rise over each successive generation. Certain that have onset in adolescence and modify the
changes over time in the nature of adolescence, prevalence or course of medical illnesses in
and the environments that adolescents find adulthood that are related in part to adolescent
themselves in, may be responsible for these ob- behaviors or mental disorders.
served increases in the prevalence of psychopa-
thology in adolescence. A major factor is that ad-
olescence itself is now more extended. Puberty WHY THESE DISORDERS?
has been occurring progressively earlier, partic-
ularly in developed countries such as the United For the current volume, we have chosen to con-
States (Parent et al., 2003). At the other end, full- centrate on mood disorders, anxiety disorders,
time work and marriage now occur later in life. eating disorders, suicide, substance use disor-
Thus, if adolescence is defined in terms of the ders, and schizophrenia. These disorders repre-
onset of puberty, the total time spent in adoles- sent the major mental disorders or public health
cence is now longer than in the past, and if its issues among adolescents, with the exception
upper end is defined as the end of formal school- that conduct disorder and attention-deficit hy-
ing, the total time is now much longer. Access to peractivity disorder, two important disorders of
and availability of potentially harmful environ- adolescence, are not represented in the current
ments and substances have increased. For ex- volume. This decision was made because these
ample, many types of abusable drugs can now be disorders have clearer roots in childhood and
ordered through the mail via the Internet (For- they were extensively covered in the parallel
Introduction xxvii

book, A Guide to Treatments That Work (Nathan anxiety and phobic disorders) are more common
& Gorman, 2002), which focused primarily on in early childhood and then become less com-
adults. mon by adolescence, whereas other disorders
(panic disorder and agoraphobia) show the op-
posite developmental profile, increasing in ado-
Mood Disorders lescence. These changes suggest that something
especially relevant to the nature and course of
Although for many years depression was consid- anxiety disorders is happening during the ado-
ered a problem that afflicted only adults, in the lescent years and may provide clues to the eti-
last 30 years there has been increasing recogni- ology and prevention of these disorders.
tion that this disorder can and does occur in chil-
dren, particularly in adolescents. Fifty years ago,
its mean age of onset was near 30, but now it is Eating Disorders
closer to 15. As mentioned previously and re-
viewed in the chapters on mood disorders, major The two major eating disorders, anorexia ner-
depressive disorder is now seen as not uncom- vosa and bulimia nervosa, typically have their
mon in adolescents. When it occurs, it often has onset around the beginning of puberty. Aspects
a severe impact on school performance and in- of adolescence provide a fertile context for the
terpersonal relationships of afflicted youth. development of eating disorders during these
Since depression is a recurring disorder, its onset years. As discussed in the chapters on eating dis-
in puberty predicts an increase in the incidence orders, there is a marked increase in energy re-
of major depressive disorder. This constellation quirements required to support normal growth
of facts about depression suggests that the ado- and development, with caloric requirements for
lescent years are key to understanding the etiol- girls increasing by almost 50% and for boys, by
ogy and course of depressive disorders. 80%. Moreover, dieting related to self-perceived
Although bipolar disorder occurs at a mark- weight status is now extremely common among
edly lower prevalence than that of major depres- adolescents, with two of every three female high
sive disorder, it often has an onset during ado- school students trying actively to lose weight.
lescence and can progress into an extremely Both of these eating disorders are of concern
disabling condition during adulthood. More- from a public health point of view. The mortality
over, bipolar disorder is associated with high rate among individuals with anorexia nervosa is
rates of suicide in adolescence. Identification particularly a concern. For bulimia nervosa, only
and treatment of major depression and bipolar about half of those with the disorder can be ex-
disorder in adolescence may be the key to pre- pected to recover, with the rest displaying an on-
venting the insidious progression of these ill- going significant impact on physical and psy-
nesses and thereby reducing the burden of the chosocial functioning.
illness on the individual and society.

Anxiety Disorders
Suicide among young people has become an in-
Each of the specific anxiety disorders (general- creasing concern over the past several decades.
ized anxiety disorder; panic disorder; agorapho- Although there has been a decrease in suicides
bia; obsessive-compulsive disorder; posttrau- among youth recently, the suicide rate among
matic stress disorder; simple phobia; social youth is now over double what it was 50 years
anxiety disorder; separation anxiety disorder) ago. Possible reasons for this increase, as dis-
seen in youth occurs with relatively low preva- cussed in the chapters on youth suicide, include
lence, but combined together these disorders are higher rates of depression and substance use,
relatively common. As described in chapters on lower family cohesion, and higher availability of
anxiety disorders, some disorders (separation firearms (which are used in about 60% of sui-
xxviii Introduction

cides). It may also be that increased awareness of pendence (Chapter 17). The behavioral and psy-
suicide and documentation of suicides has con- chosocial effects of alcohol and drug abuse and
tributed to an increase in recorded suicides over dependence are alarming, with school perfor-
time. Although actual suicides are rare—about 8 mance and social functioning deteriorating sig-
per 100,000 among 15- to 19-year-olds—an nificantly. Addiction to illicit drugs such as her-
alarming number of adolescents attempt suicide. oin and cocaine can lead to a variety of illegal
Among U.S. high school students, almost 9% activities, including dealing, prostitution, and
will have attempted a suicide in the past year. robbery as ways to pay for a drug habit. Excessive
Despite the widely acknowledged importance of drinking among adolescents has been linked to
increased attention to the problem of youth sui- high-risk sexual behaviors, date rape, assaults,
cide, the scientific evaluation of suicide preven- homicides, and suicides.
tion programs and risk factors associated with Of equal or greater concern are the long-term
suicide is in its infancy. This area remains a high effects of substance use on the developing brain
priority for the health of our nation. of adolescents. While the general public largely
still views addiction as a moral or character prob-
lem, the scientific community increasingly has
Substance Use Disorders moved toward a disease model of addiction, with
particular focus on the brain. Evidence for ge-
Substance use is a ubiquitous problem among netic vulnerability to addiction and the neuronal
adolescents. Heroin, marijuana, cocaine, ec- basis for many of the clinical features of sub-
stasy, methamphetamine, inhalants, as well as stance dependence, including craving, toler-
new so-called club drugs such as gamma- ance, and withdrawal, have raised questions
hydroxybutyrate, flunitrazepam, and ketamine, about the lasting effects of chronic drug use. In
are all used and abused by youths. As detailed in addition, as reviewed in the next section in this
the chapters on substance use disorders, educa- chapter, the adolescent brain is developing.
tional and preventive programs have had some There is a key neural vulnerability during the ad-
success, with use of substances among adoles- olescent period: although the brain’s reward sys-
cents decreasing slightly in recent years. Unfor- tem is fully developed in adolescents, other areas
tunately, there is historical evidence to suggest of the brain involved in decision making and
that as soon as one birth cohort of adolescents judgment are not yet fully developed (see Chap-
shows reduced drug use after learning about the ter 17). Thus, the adolescent brain is ripe for ex-
dangers and consequences of a particular drug periencing the rewarding effects of drugs but
through either education or personal experi- without the decision-making capacity and judg-
ence, the next cohort of children enters adoles- ment that would allow weighing the conse-
cence without such knowledge and is prone to quences of drug use.
experience the dangers of a particular drug on
their own. Moreover, new drugs continue to ap-
pear, such as the newer club drugs, for which Schizophrenia
there are few scientific studies of the short- or
long-term effects and little accumulated street Finally, although schizophrenia is often viewed
knowledge of the consequences of use. The ad- as an adult disorder, it was included in this vol-
vent of these new drugs further contributes to ume because its onset is often in adolescence.
the ongoing high levels of substance use among The outcome of schizophrenia is often devastat-
adolescents. ing, with long-term chronic impairment lasting
The largest substance use problem among ad- from adolescence or early adulthood throughout
olescents is not illicit drugs but alcohol. Surveys life. Basic research with neuroimaging and other
have documented that 0.4% to 9.6% of adoles- techniques have begun to map out the relation-
cents meet diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse, ship between brain development and the occur-
and another 0.6% to 4.3% meet criteria for de- rence of schizophrenia in both children and ad-
Introduction xxix

olescents. Thus, a focus on schizophrenia in crucial for understanding why this period of de-
adolescence can provide hope for a better un- velopment is particularly important for mental
derstanding of the disorder, and early interven- health.
tions at this stage of life can potentially lessen,
if not prevent, some of the devastating effects of
the disorder as it continues into adulthood. The Developing Brain

The brain undergoes changes throughout life,

WHAT IS ADOLESCENCE? with intervals of modest change punctuated by
periods of more rapid transformation (Spear,
Adolescence is a distinct developmental period 2000). Periods of more dramatic change include
characterized by significant changes in hor- not only prenatal and early postnatal eras but
mones, brain and physical development, emo- also adolescence (Spear, 2000). There are a num-
tions, cognition, behavior, and interpersonal re- ber of specific changes in the brain during the
lationships. It has been defined as beginning adolescent years. These include synaptic
with the onset of sexual maturation (puberty) changes, myelination (extensive maturation of
and ending with the achievement of adult roles myelin), changes in the relative volume and
and responsibilities (Dahl, 2004). As mentioned level of activity in different brain regions, and
previously, in terms of chronological age, the hormonal interactions with brain structures.
range for adolescence is broadly inclusive, Technological advances, particularly the devel-
roughly 10 to 22 years of age. For a number of opment of functional magnetic brain imaging
reasons, this range is only a guide. First, there are techniques, have contributed substantially to
wide individual differences in development. The the recent increase in knowledge about these
onset of puberty, along with its associated hor- brain changes.
monal and physical changes, occurs significantly The primary synaptic change seen during ad-
earlier for some youth than for others. A second olescence is, counterintuitively, a major reduc-
reason is that different facets of adolescent de- tion in the number of synapses. Rakic, Bourgeois,
velopment are on a different time course. While and Goldman-Rakic (1994) estimate that up to
hormonal changes occur at the beginning of ad- 30,000 cortical synapses are lost every second
olescence, certain executive functions of the during portions of the pubertal period in non-
brain are not completely developed until the human primates, resulting in a decline of nearly
early 20s. Moreover, different developmental tra- 50% in the average number of synaptic contacts
jectories have been found for different cognitive per neuron, compared with the number prior to
and emotional processes (Rosso, Young, Femia & puberty. There is a similar loss of synapses in the
Yurgelun-Todd, 2004). A third reason for the human brain between 7 and 16 years of age (Hut-
difficulty in specifying an exact age range is ev- tenlocher, 1979), but the scarcity of human post-
idence showing that, particularly in developed mortem tissue makes it difficult to provide a
countries such as the United States, the onset of more detailed description of this phenomenon.
puberty is at an earlier average age than seen pre- Although the implications of the massive prun-
viously (Parent et al., 2003). At the other end, ing remain speculative, it is likely that it reflects
cultural changes, such as expanding enroll- active restructuring of connections and the
ment in postgraduate education, have kept sculpting of more mature patterns, with a cor-
young people from assuming adult roles until responding pruning of connections with very lit-
well into their late 20s. Thus the typical age tle activity. And we know, for example, that
range of adolescence has been redefined over some forms of mental retardation are associated
time, and there are differences in age range be- with unusually high density of synapses
tween cultures and countries. Regardless of the (Goldman-Rakic, Isseroff, Schwartz, & Bugbee,
specific age range of adolescence, the nature of 1983).
changes in the adolescent brain over time are The elimination of large amounts of synapses,
xxx Introduction

which are presumed to be excitatory, accompa- the end of adolescence there is improvement in
nied by a reduction in brain energy utilization, prefrontal executive functions, including re-
transforms the adolescent brain into one that is sponse inhibition and organizational and plan-
more efficient and less energy consuming (Chu- ning skills (Fuster, 1989).
gani, 1996; Rakic et al., 1994). These changes There are also developmental shifts in pat-
may permit more selective reactions to stimuli terns of innervation, including the circuits
that in younger children activate broader corti- involved in the recognition and expression of
cal regions (Casey, Giedd, & Thomas, 2000). fear, anxiety, and other emotions (Charney &
Myelination is another brain process that oc- Deutsch, 1996). The responsiveness of the cor-
curs during adolescence. The speed of neural tical GABA–benzodiazepine receptor complex to
transmission is greatly increased during myeli- challenge increases as animals approach puberty
nation as a result of the glial cell membranes (Kellogg, 1998), and there are maturational
wrapping around axons. Although certain areas changes in the hippocampus in humans and in
of the brain, such as the visual cortex, show mat- animals (Benes, 1989; Wolfer & Lipp, 1995), es-
uration of myelin during childhood, myelina- pecially increases in GABA transmission (Nurse
tion continues for the long-distance neural con- & Lacaille, 1999). Further, pubescent animals
nections in the frontal, parietal, and temporal show lower utilization rates of serotonin in the
areas throughout adolescence (Luna & Sweeney, nucleus accumbens than do younger or older an-
2004). It is hypothesized that the myelination imals (Teicher & Andersen, 1999).
seen during adolescence further contributes to Developmental increases in amygdala–
the development of executive functions of the prefrontal cortex connectivity are seen during
brain, including faster information processing, adolescence, in work conducted in laboratory
by facilitating the integration of distributed animals (Cunningham, Bhattacharyya, & Benes,
brain areas and enhancing local connections 2002). There are also alterations in amygdala ac-
(Luna & Sweeney, 2004). tivation (Terasawa & Timiras, 1968) and in the
Adolescence is also marked by changes in the processing of emotional and stressful stimuli. Le-
relative volume and level of activity in different sions of the amygdala have opposite effects on
brain regions. For example, there is an increase fearfulness to social stimuli according to
in cortical white matter density (due to myeli- whether those lesions are in infant or adult mon-
nation) and a corresponding decrease in gray keys (Prather et al., 2001). Although levels of
matter, especially in frontal and prefrontal negative affect and anxiety have been correlated
regions (Giedd et al., 1999; Sowell et al., 1999a, with amygdala activity in adults (Davidson, Ab-
1999b). The overall result of these varied ercrombie, Nitschke, & Putnam, 1999), recent
changes is a net decrease in volume of the pre- studies using functional magnetic resonance im-
frontal cortex (Sowell et al., 1999b; van Eden, aging (fMRI) to examine amygdala activation in
Kros, & Uylings, 1990). In the hippocampus and response to emotionally expressive faces in
the amygdala, however, gray-matter volumes younger individuals have yielded a varying mo-
continue to increase during late childhood and saic of evidence (Killgore, Oki, & Yurgelun-Todd,
adolescence (Giedd, Castellanos, Rajapakse, Vai- 2001; Pine et al., 2001).
tuzis, & Rapoport, 1997; Yurgelun-Todd, Kill- Maturational changes in the cerebellum and
gore, & Cintron, 2003). While frontal white- in the circuitry connecting the cerebellum to the
matter volume peaks at about 11 years of age in prefrontal cortex continue throughout adoles-
girls and 12 years of age in boys, temporal gray cence. Lesions of the adult cerebellum disrupt
matter volume peaks at about 16.7 years in girls the regulation of emotion and interfere with per-
and 16.2 years in boys (Giedd, 2004). In contrast, formance of tasks requiring executive functions
the dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex, which con- (Schmahmann & Sherman, 1998), although this
trols impulses, doesn’t reach adult size until the is less apparent in those younger than 16 years
early 20’s (Giedd, 2004). Consistent with these of age (Levisohn, Cronin-Golomb, & Schmah-
changes in brain structure is the finding that by mann, 2000).
Introduction xxxi

These brain changes related to the circuitry (Dorn & Chrousos, 1997; Rupprecht & Holsboer,
that involves emotions interact with hormonal 1999). Neurons contain receptors for adrenal
changes during this period, leading to parallel and gonadal hormones. When activated, these
emotional and behavioral changes during ado- receptors modify cellular function and influence
lescence. Early adolescence is characterized by a neurotransmitter function. Short-term effects of
lack of emotional regulation, but by the end of steroid hormones on cellular function are be-
adolescence there is substantially greater emo- lieved to be mediated by membrane receptors.
tional stability and control over behavior, partic- Longer-term effects (genomic effects) can result
ularly impulsive behavior. from the activation of intraneuronal or nuclear
There are several other changes in the human receptors. These receptors can influence gene ex-
brain that, while not unique to adolescence, oc- pression. Brain changes that occur during nor-
cur from birth through adulthood. One of these mal adolescence may be regulated by hormonal
is postnatal neurogenesis (development of new effects on the expression of genes that govern
neurons). This ongoing development of new brain maturation.
neural cells is now known to occur in several Gonadal and adrenal hormone levels are
brain areas, including the hippocampus, the ol- linked with behavior in adolescents. In general,
factory bulb, the cingulate gyrus, and regions of both elevated and very low levels are associated
the parietal cortex (Nelson, 2004). Neurotrans- with greater adjustment problems. For example,
mitter systems in the brain, which are key to cur- higher levels of adrenal hormones (androstene-
rent biological perspectives on many mental dis- dione) are associated with adjustment problems
orders, also do not reach full maturity until in both boys and girls (Nottelmann et al., 1987).
adulthood (White & Nelson, 2004). Children with an earlier onset of puberty have
significantly higher concentrations of adrenal
androgens, estradiol, thyrotropin, and cortisol.
Hormonal Changes in Adolescence They also manifest more psychological disorders
(primarily anxiety disorders), self-reported de-
Puberty results from increased activation of the pression, and parent-reported behavior prob-
hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal (HPG) axis, lems (Dorn, Hitt, & Rotenstein, 1999). The more
which in turn results in a rise in secretion of sex pronounced relationship between testosterone
hormones (steroids) by the gonads in response and aggressive behavior in adolescents who have
to gonadotropin secretion from the anterior pi- more conflicts with their parents demonstrates
tuitary. Rising sex steroid concentrations are as- the complex interactions between hormonal
sociated with other changes, including increased and environmental factors (Booth, Johnson,
growth hormone secretion. Granger, Crouter, & McHale, 2003).
There is also more activity in the hypotha- It is conceivable that hormones partially exert
lamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis during ado- their effects on behavior by triggering the ex-
lescence. This neural system governs the release pression of genes linked with vulnerability for
of several hormones and is activated in response behavioral disorders. Consistent with this as-
to stress. Cortisol is among the hormones se- sumption, the heritability estimates for antiso-
creted by the HPA axis, and researchers can mea- cial behavior (Jacobson, Prescott, & Kendler,
sure it in body fluids to index the biological re- 2002) and depression (Silberg et al., 1999) in-
sponse to stress. Beginning around age 12, there crease during adolescence. Further, the relation-
is an age-related increase in baseline cortisol lev- ship between cortisol and behavior may be more
els in normal children (Walker, Walder, & Reyn- pronounced in youth with genetic vulnerabili-
olds, 2001). ties. For example, increased cortisol is more
The significance of postpubertal hormonal strongly associated with behavior problems in
changes has been brought into clearer focus as boys and girls with a mutation on the long arm
researchers have elucidated the role of steroid of the X chromosome (fragile X syndrome) than
hormones in neuronal activity and morphology in their unaffected siblings (Hessl et al., 2002).
xxxii Introduction

Genetics spend time and model interactions with adults

and peers, and these contexts provide the gen-
Genetics plays a significant role in our under- eral framework for adolescents to develop their
standing of adolescent mental health. Histori- own outlook on life. As youth move from child-
cally, diathesis–stress models of mental illness hood to adolescence, there is an increase in time
suggested that a constitutional vulnerability in- spent with peers and a corresponding decrease
teracting with environmental stress led to the in time spent with their family. Typically, there
development of mental disorders. Research in re- is also a natural tendency for conflicts with au-
cent years, however, has shown that more com- thority figures, including parents, to increase.
plex models are needed to understand many dis- These conflicts allow adolescents to find their
orders. Genes are turned on and turned off own path in life and to begin to acquire the skills
throughout one’s lifetime, and multiple genes needed to succeed as an independent adult. As
are likely involved in many mental disorders. mentioned previously, the successful acquisition
Many of the mental disorders prevalent in ad- and application of skills to live independently
olescents are the subject of promising, ongoing mark the definition of the transition from ado-
genetic research. Schizophrenia is one example. lescence to adulthood. There are also cultural dif-
Several candidate genes have been identified ferences in the nature and timing of the acqui-
that influence the development of the brain, in- sition of these adult living skills during
cluding processes that have been linked to adolescence. Thus, environmental and cultural
schizophrenia such as the excitability of gluta- factors are inherently interwoven into the fabric
mate neurons, hippocampal function, and reg- of adolescence.
ulation of dopamine neurons by the cortex. The Each of the major external environmental
authors of Chapter 5 on schizophrenia specu- contexts to which adolescents are exposed can
lates that disruptions in these processes during have positive or negative influences on their
adolescence may be particularly problematic be- mental health. Parents, friends, coaches, and
cause of the dramatic changes in cortical devel- teachers provide social support to adolescents
opment that occur during this period. that can bolster them during difficult times and
Another example of the role of genetics is re- help them develop in positive ways by serving
cent research on the relationship between a ge- as role models. But if these people are abusive,
netic variable, polymorphism of the serotonin rejecting, or overly controlling toward a youth
transporter gene, and the development of de- who is emotionally attached to them, the youth
pression after exposure to child abuse (Caspi et can suffer detrimental effects. Abuse, which is all
al., 2003). Individuals with a certain polymor- too often physical and/or sexual abuse from
phism of the serotonin transporter gene were adults, and trauma are also clearly risk factors for
found to be immune to the depressogenic affects the development of mental disorders, such as
of child abuse, whereas those with a different posttraumatic stress disorder and major depres-
form of the polymorphism were highly likely to sion. Unfortunately, trauma and abuse are not
develop depression after child abuse (Caspi et al., uncommon in some settings. For example, a
2003). study of African-American male youth living in
low-income housing in Alabama found that over
three-fourths of the youth had been victims of
The Environmental Context of Adolescence violence. An even larger proportion (87%) re-
ported witnessing at least one violent act (Fitz-
In the developing adolescent, the environmental patrick, 1997). Finally, a measurable impact of
context provides an influence that interacts parental mental health, particularly parental de-
(positively or negatively) with that child’s biol- pression, on child and adolescent mental health
ogy to produce behavior. Families, schools, is beginning to be uncovered (see Chapter 1).
peers, youth sports and after-school activities, Although parental behavior or mental health
and community and religious organizations are has an impact on that of the child or adolescent,
the main social contexts in which adolescents a case can be made that, beyond the extreme sit-
Introduction xxxiii

uation of abuse or neglect, parents are not the followed by the potential for further deteriora-
major influence on adolescents; instead, sociali- tion with the occurrence of each subsequent ep-
zation that occurs in peer groups outside the isode of illness. Therefore, rather than waiting
home may be the more potent influence. Harris for an individual to meet all diagnostic criteria
(1995) describes a number of influential pro- from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for
cesses that occur in peer groups. Adolescents Mental Disorders (DSM) for a psychiatric disorder,
who are part of a peer group are subject to “in- it may be far better to identify and treat individ-
group” favoritism and “out-group” hostility. uals who have risk factors or display some of the
Peer groups also elicit within-group jockeying for early signs of the illness. In the case of schizo-
status. Moreover, peer groups encourage adoles- phrenia, such early-intervention programs have
cents to form close dyadic relationships, includ- shown promise in reducing the annual inci-
ing the development of love relationships. Dis- dence of first-episode psychosis (see Chapter 6;
ruptions in these processes are part of the Falloon, Kydd, Coverdale & Laidlaw, 1996).
emotional turmoil of adolescence. These early-intervention efforts and the tar-
Peer groups, along with the media, also expose geting of high-risk and other nondisordered
adolescents to popular culture, which can im- populations speak to the importance of inter-
pact adolescent beliefs, values, and sexual behav- ventions that have a preventive perspective. Al-
ior. One important example of this is described though treatment of actual disorders in ado-
in Chapter 17: particularly during the 1960s to lescence will remain an essential aspect of
1980s, popular culture affected the degree and adolescent mental health research and practice,
nature of adolescent substance abuse. prevention may be the key to diminishing the
Within each of the parts on mental disorders burden of adolescent and adult disorders on so-
in adolescents, the role of environmental con- ciety. Accordingly, the current volume has a ma-
texts as contributing factors or triggers in the de- jor focus on prevention. There are many forms
velopment of such disorders is discussed. The of prevention, therefore, a brief history of the
positive influence of such environmental con- concept and definitions of relevant terms are
texts is highlighted in Chapter 26 on positive presented here.
youth development. These environmental con-
texts are important to understand, not only be-
Early Public Health Prevention
cause of their etiologic or protective factors in
Classification System
regard to mental health, but also because they
are the settings and vehicles for interventions Different types of disease prevention efforts were
among youth, as we discuss below. first defined from a public health point of view
in 1957 by the Commission on Chronic Illness
(Commission on Chronic Illness, 1957). Three
Intervention in Adolescence types of preventive interventions were identi-
fied: primary, secondary, and tertiary.
With all of the changes occurring during adoles- Primary prevention was defined as the reduc-
cence and the associated neurobehavioral vul- tion of the incidence of a disease or disorder
nerabilities and resiliences, it is clear that this through the prevention of the occurrence of new
phase of life is an ideal time to target with inter- cases of a disease or disorder before they occur
ventions aimed at improving young people’s (Commission on Chronic Illness, 1957). This def-
lives. This is true for both the treatment of ado- inition was expanded to include interventions
lescent disorders and the prevention of both ad- designed to promote general optimum health by
olescent-onset and adult-onset disorders. the specific protection of persons against disease
For many mental disorders, it is increasingly agents or the establishment of barriers against
clear that the earlier the intervention, the better. agents in the environment (Leavell & Clark,
For example, disorders such as schizophrenia 1965). Widespread vaccination is an example of
and bipolar disorder have a progressive course, primary prevention.
with onset in adolescence or early adulthood, Secondary prevention was defined as the reduc-
xxxiv Introduction

tion in the prevalence in the general population Gordon’s Definitions of Prevention

of recurrences or exacerbations of a disease or dis-
order that already has been diagnosed (Commis- An alternative to the Commission on Chronic
sion on Chronic Illness, 1957). This includes Illness (1957) definitions of prevention was pro-
early detection and intervention to reverse, halt, posed by Robert Gordon. This new system was
or at least retard the progress of a condition (Rie- based on the “empirical relationships found in
ger, 1990). An example of secondary prevention practically oriented disease prevention and
is the use of antihypertensive medications health promotion programs” (Gordon, 1983).
among those with high blood pressure to reduce These included programs designed for universal,
the risk of cardiovascular complications such as selective, and indicated prevention.
stroke. The definition of universal prevention included
In contrast to primary and secondary preven- all interventions targeted to the general public
tion, tertiary prevention efforts do not seek to or to an entire population group not selected on
reduce the prevalence of a disease or disorder. the basis of risk (Gordon, 1987). This would in-
Tertiary prevention is only concerned with the re- clude interventions such as use of seat belts and
duction of the disability associated with an ex- immunization programs that are desirable for
isting disease or disorder (Commission on everyone in the eligible population. Selective pre-
Chronic Illness, 1957). For those with allergies, vention is defined by Gordon as interventions
removal from exposure to the allergen would be that target individuals, or a specific subgroup of
a tertiary prevention approach. the population, whose risk of developing a dis-
Although these prevention terms were widely order is higher than average (Gordon, 1987). For
used in various public health domains, there are example, condom use programs among sexually
clear problems in attempting to apply this clas- active adolescents is a selective prevention effort.
sification system for prevention efforts to the Once an individual in a high-risk group exhibits
mental health field. The system requires an ap- the early signs or symptoms of a disorder, indi-
preciation of the linkage between a disease or a cated prevention efforts would apply (Gordon,
disorder and the cause of that disorder at differ- 1987).
ent stages of development (Haggerty & Mrazek,
1994). For example, the primary prevention of
adolescent depression requires knowledge of the
Institute of Medicine Definitions
causal factors related to depression and their op-
erational relationships. Secondary and tertiary To reduce confusion emanating from the use of
prevention require a similar knowledge base. In both the Commission on Chronic Illness (1957)
practice, however, prevention interventions are and Gordon (1983) systems, and to suggest def-
often applied without this level of knowledge. As initions more appropriate to the mental health
a practical matter, many preventive interven- field, the 1994 Institute of Medicine report, Re-
tions have been based on indirect associations or ducing Risk for Mental Disorders: Frontiers for Pre-
statistical relationships with an outcome that is vention Intervention Research, offered new defini-
desirable to prevent. The strength or lack of tions. The term prevention was used in this report
strength of these associations has often dimin- to refer only to interventions that occur before
ished the effectiveness of these efforts. As more the initial onset of a disorder. Prevention in-
has been learned about etiology, it has become cluded all three elements of Gordon’s system. Ef-
clear that physical and mental health events and forts to identify cases and provide care for
outcomes cannot be explained by simple causal known disorders were called treatment, and ef-
relationships. Rather, they are the result of the forts to provide rehabilitation and reduce relapse
complex interplay of biological, social, environ- and reoccurrence of a disorder were called main-
mental, and intrapersonal risk and protective tenance. Further distinctions were made within
factors. Thus, the original definitions of preven- the prevention category using Gordon’s (1983)
tion break down when applied to adolescent terms. These are the definitions that we have
mental health. used for the current volume. The specific dis-
Introduction xxxv

tinctions within the prevention category are the first onset of a disorder, they may change in
given below. response to development or environmental
Universal mental health prevention interven- stressors. Protective factors include factors that
tions are defined as efforts that are beneficial to improve an individual’s response to an environ-
a whole population or group. They are targeted mental hazard and result in an adaptive out-
to the general public or a whole population come. These protective factors can be found
group that has not been designated or identified within the individual or within the family or
as being at risk for the disorder being prevented. community. They do not necessarily lead to nor-
The goal at this level is the reduction of the oc- mal development in the absence of risk factors,
currence of new cases of the disorder. but they may make an appreciable difference in
Selective mental health prevention interventions the influence exerted by risk factors. We have
are defined as those efforts that target individu- adopted these clarifications offered in the Sur-
als or a subgroup of the population whose risk of geon General’s (1999) report here.
developing the mental health disorder is signif- It is also important to distinguish between the
icantly higher than average. The risk may be im- risk of onset and the risk of relapse of a disorder.
mediate or lifelong. Biological, psychological, or This is important because the risks for onset, or
social risk factors associated with or related to protection from onset, of a disorder are likely to
the specific mental health disorder are used to be somewhat different from the risks involved in
identify the individual or group level risk. relapse, or protection from relapse, of a previ-
Indicated prevention interventions are defined as ously diagnosed condition. In this book, the pre-
those efforts that target high-risk individuals vention of relapse is included in chapters on
who are identified as having minimal but de- treatment, whereas the prevention of onset of a
tectable signs or symptoms that predict the men- disorder is discussed in chapters on prevention.
tal disorder or biological markers indicating
predisposition to the disorder. For example, in-
dividuals who have some symptoms of major de- Pharmacological Intervention in Adolescence
pressive disorder but do not yet meet criteria for
the disorder would fall into this group. Although Psychopharmacological interventions in chil-
this definition includes early intervention, it ex- dren and adolescents are now common. In part
cludes individuals whose signs and symptoms because of the availability of selective serotonin
meet diagnostic criteria for the disorder. In the reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) as well as increased
Institute of Medicine (1994) definitions, inter- recognition of depression and treatment seek-
ventions with individuals who meet diagnostic ing, there has been a substantial increase in an-
criteria would be considered treatment. tidepressant prescriptions for children and ado-
lescents (Ofson, Marcus, Weissman, & Jensen,
2002; Zito et al., 2003). The U.S. Food and Drug
Definition of Additional Prevention Terms
Administration (FDA) has now granted approval
A further clarification of potentially confusing for the SSRIs fluvoxamine, sertraline, and fluox-
terms used within the prevention field was pre- etine for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive
sented in the 1999 Surgeon General report on disorder in children and adolescents, and for
mental health (U.S. Department of Health and fluoxetine for the treatment of major depressive
Human Services, 1999). In this report, first (ini- disorder in patients 8 years of age or older. In
tial) onset was defined as the initial point in time 2002, approximately 10.8 million total pre-
when an individual’s mental health problems scriptions were dispensed for the newer anti-
meet the full criteria for a diagnosis of a mental depressants among those 17 years and younger
disorder. Risk factors were defined as those vari- (Holden, 2004). About half of children and ad-
ables that, if present, make it more likely that a olescents treated for depression in the United
given individual, compared to someone selected States receive medication (Olfson et al., 2003).
at random from the general population, will de- Similarly, stimulant prescriptions for attention-
velop a disorder. Although risk factors precede deficit hyperactive disorder have also been on
xxxvi Introduction

the rise, with one study finding that 9.5% of Positive Youth Development
children 6 to 14 years of age were receiv-
ing such medication (Rushton & Whitmire, In addition to our focus on the treatment and
2001). prevention of mental disorders in adolescence,
The use of psychotropic medication in youth this book adds another important perspective on
has recently come under scrutiny because of a adolescent mental health: positive youth devel-
possible link between use of antidepressants and opment. Rather than focusing on symptomatol-
increased suicidality. On the basis of an inspec- ogy, disorders, or problems, positive youth de-
tion of safety data, in late 2003 the U.K. drug velopment deals with each youth’s unique
regulatory agency recommended against the use talents, strengths, interests, and future potential.
of all SSRIs, except fluoxetine, in treating de- There are two major reasons why positive
pression among youth under age 18 (Goode, youth development is an essential aspect of ad-
2003). After examining reports by pharmaceuti- olescent mental health and is therefore included
cal companies of their drug trials and listening prominently in this book. The first is our em-
to testimony at a public hearing on the issue, the phasis on prevention. Preventive programs that
FDA issued a public health advisory on antide- target nondisordered populations (e.g., universal
pressants in March 2004 (FDA Public Health Ad- mental health prevention) often are oriented to-
visory, 2004; Harris, 2004). In their statement, ward building strengths, such as social compe-
the FDA asked manufacturers of 10 specific SSRIs tencies, rather than directly addressing negative
to place detailed information about the drugs’ behaviors, emotions, or symptoms. A full under-
side effects prominently on their labels, and to standing of the range of positive virtues and
specifically recommend close observation of strengths and their relation to competencies,
adult and pediatric patients for the worsening of well-being, and the development of disorders,
depression and the development and/or wors- problems, and symptoms is therefore necessary
ening of suicidality. to successfully design preventive efforts and
In September 2004, an FDA advisory commit- evaluate their effectiveness.
tee met to further review the issue of suicide and The second reason that positive youth devel-
SSRIs. The committee concluded that there was opment features prominently in this book is our
evidence for an increased risk of suicidality in view that adolescent mental health is much
pediatric patients, and that this risk applied to more than symptoms and disorders. As parents,
all drugs examined (Prozac, Zoloft, Remeron, teachers, and mental health professionals, our
Paxil, Effexor, Celexa, Wellbutrin, Luvox, and goals are to prepare young people for the de-
Serzone). On the basis of this risk, the advisory mands of life. Having no symptoms or disorder
committee recommended that any warning re- is not likely to be sufficient to insure that ado-
lated to an increased risk of suicidality in pedi- lescents thrive and form positive connections to
atric patients should be applied to all antide- the larger world as they transition into adult-
pressant drugs, including older antidepressants hood. Successful achievement of positive mental
and medications that have not been tested in pe- health, satisfaction with life, and adjustment to
diatric populations. However, the committee society may have more to do with certain posi-
also recommended that these medications not tive characteristics such as curiosity, persistence,
be removed from the market in the United States gratitude, hope, and humor than with the ab-
because access to these therapies was important sence of symptoms. Indeed, research has shown
for those who could benefit from them. The FDA that positive external (i.e., family support and
subsequently announced that it generally sup- adult mentors) and internal (commitment to
ported these recommendations and was working learning, positive values, and sense of purpose)
on new warning labels for all antidepressants. factors in youth are associated with academic
The chapters on mood disorders and suicide in success, the helping of others, leadership, and
this volume carefully consider the risks vs. ben- decreased problems (Benson, Leffert, Scales, &
efits of antidepressant use in youth. Blyth, 1998; Leffert et al., 1998; Scales, Benson,
Introduction xxxvii

Leffert, & Blyth, 2000; see Chapter 26 for more incentives under managed care. Thus, a research
details). agenda for the future would not be complete
The emphasis on positive youth development without an understanding of and improvement
is complementary to the treatment and preven- in the relevant service delivery systems.
tion of disorders. Adolescents will obviously con-
tinue to experience problems and disorders that
School Settings
need attention and treatment. Disorders them-
selves may be preventable or reducible through Schools have long been recognized as an impor-
development of strengths and virtues. But by tant context for adolescent mental health devel-
also addressing positive values and strengths, in opment and service delivery. In fact, schools
disordered and nondisordered youth, we believe have been described as the de facto mental
we can maximize the chances that successful health service delivery system for children and
lives will ensue. adolescents, with between 70% and 80% of
those that receive any form of mental health ser-
vice obtaining such services from within the
The Settings for Interventions in Adolescence school setting (Burns et al., 1995). Higher prev-
alence rates of mental disorders and higher rates
The Mental Health and Substance Abuse
of comorbidity have been found among children
Treatment System
and adolescents receiving services within the
Each of the chapters on disorders in this book special education services of school than in spe-
identifies treatments and prevention programs cialty mental health clinics or in substance abuse
that have been found to work. What has become clinics (Garland et al., 2001).
increasingly clear is that the development of More than any other setting, schools provide
such efficacious treatment is only a first step to- access to adolescents for assessment and inter-
ward improving public health. It is also essential vention. Student functioning, at least in terms of
to take into account the settings in which the cognitive functioning needed for successful ac-
interventions occur. Currently in the United ademic achievement, is tracked regularly, and
States, there are significant challenges to provid- behavior is assessed by multiple observers
ing quality care for youth and their families (teachers). At the first sign of problems, interven-
within the mental health and substance abuse tions could be initiated, rather than waiting until
treatment systems that serve these populations. serious disorders develop and the adolescent is
The severity of these challenges are highlighted brought to a psychiatrist. Preventive interven-
in two chapters on service delivery systems for tions designed to target large populations of ad-
adolescents, one by Myers and McLellan regard- olescents are particularly well suited for the
ing the substance abuse service delivery system school setting.
in the United States, and one by Hoagwood on Unfortunately, as described in Chapter 31 on
the mental health service delivery system. Both adolescent mental health and schools, the cur-
of these chapters document systemic barriers to rent state of mental health services in school is
implementing evidence-based treatments in our poor. There is wide variability across states and
existing service delivery system. One of the pri- between urban and rural locations in the avail-
mary barriers, reviewed in greater detail in Chap- ability of mental health services in schools, with
ters 28 and 29, is service fragmentation—that is, only about half of high schools having on-site
the fact that treatment of children and adoles- mental health services (Brener, Martindale, &
cents is performed by at least six separate sys- Weist, 2001; Slade, 2003). Increasing the avail-
tems: specialty mental health, primary health ability and quality of school-based services for
care, child welfare, education, juvenile justice, the assessment, treatment, and prevention of ad-
and substance abuse. Other barriers include poor olescent mental health problems is therefore a
access and use of services among minorities, lack central component of any plan for improving
of sustained family involvement, and fiscal dis- the lives of adolescents.
xxxviii Introduction

Primary Care Settings mental health problems in their adolescent pa-

tients. These results suggest that enhancement
A particular component of the service delivery of the recognition of mental disorders and refer-
system, primary care medical practice, merits ral practices in primary care represents a signifi-
special attention in regard to adolescent mental cant opportunity to increase appropriate treat-
health. In a typical year, over 70% of young peo- ment of adolescent mental health disorders.
ple visit a primary care physician (Wells, Ka-
taoka, & Asarnow, 2001). Primary care physi-
cians typically serve as the gateway to obtaining THE PURPOSE AND STRUCTURE
specialist care, including mental health services. OF THIS BOOK
However, primary care physicians are typically
poorly trained in psychiatry and psychology. Re- We have four main objectives with this book.
sults of a national survey of primary care resi- The first is to review and summarize the adoles-
dency programs revealed that the average pro- cent literature for the six disorders and for posi-
gram devotes about 100 hours over the course of tive youth development. To understand similar-
3 years of residency to psychiatry training, with ities and differences between adults and
little or none of this specifically in child and ad- adolescents with these disorders, an additional
olescent psychiatry (Chin, Guillermo, Prakken, objective is to review and briefly summarize the
& Eisendrath, 2000). Compounding the problem adult literature for the six disorders. On the basis
is the fact that primary care physicians have of these literature reviews, each chapter provides
enormous time constraints, especially since the recommendations for future research directions
advent of managed care and health maintenance that we hope will serve as a template for guiding
organizations. These time constraints make it scientific developments in adolescent mental
difficult for primary care physicians to ade- health. By fostering a specific scientific agenda,
quately diagnose mental health problems. A re- our larger objective is to help promote good
cent study of over 20,000 youths visiting a pri- mental health and positive youth development
mary care physician revealed that such among adolescents.
physicians identified mood or anxiety syn- This book was designed to be similar to a par-
dromes at a rate substantially lower than that allel volume addressing adult mental disorders
found in epidemiological studies (Wren, Scholle, (A Guide to Treatments That Work, Nathan & Gor-
Heo, & Comer, 2003). Inaccurate or missed di- man, 2002). Despite many similarities, unique
agnoses will lead to inadequate treatment. aspects of adolescent mental health necessitated
Chapter 30 addresses in more detail the issues some differences from the Nathan and Gorman
of identification and treatment of adolescent (2002) volume. The primary differences are the
mental health problems in primary care settings. overriding focus on prevention and the theme
A unique aspect of this chapter is the presenta- of positive youth development. In addition, we
tion of a new study, commissioned by the An- have included several chapters that address the
nenberg Adolescent Mental Health Initiative, settings in which adolescent mental health and
which evaluates the practices of primary care positive youth development efforts occur, and
physicians who treat large numbers of adoles- one discussing an important barrier (i.e., stigma)
cents in the United States. This study found that to enhancing adolescent mental health.
physicians are concerned about the mental A substantial amount of effort went into the
health of their adolescent patients and regard planning and creation of this book. The work be-
mental health as an important responsibility. In gan with the creation of seven commissions de-
addition, the vast majority of primary care pro- signed to discuss the issues and challenges in ad-
viders believe in the efficacy of treatment for olescent mental health regarding schizophrenia,
mental disorders. However, primary care provid- anxiety disorders, mood disorders, eating disor-
ers report low confidence in their ability to di- ders, substance abuse, suicide, and positive
agnose mental health problems, and only half youth development. Researchers and clinicians
employ any screening technique at all to detect from around the world with expertise in these
Introduction xxxix

areas were recruited for participation. Each com- After thorough presentation of scientific
mission initiated their work with a meeting dur- knowledge concerning the nature of the disor-
ing which initial ideas were presented and cri- der, each part then addresses intervention. This
tiqued. Following this, initial drafts of chapters begins with treatment. A brief review of psycho-
were prepared. A meeting of participants from all social studies in adults, including acute treat-
commissions, approaching 100 individuals, was ment as well as relapse prevention studies, is first
then held in January 2004 to review and critique given, followed by a more extensive review of
summaries of the literature and future recom- adolescent acute-phase and relapse prevention
mendations. Final chapters were then prepared. studies. Pharmacological treatment studies in
Throughout the preparation of the book, adults and adolescents are then reviewed. The
there was wide agreement among participants concluding chapter of each part presents the
that the six disorders represented a somewhat ar- commission’s recommendations based on their
tificial way to delineate the problems of adoles- literature reviews. These recommendations are
cence. There was recognition that more work outlined in terms of a research agenda for the
was needed on the current DSM system in regard future, summarized in regard to three questions
to criteria for diagnosing adolescent disorders. asked separately about the nature of the disorder,
More importantly, however, was the awareness, treatment of the disorder, and prevention of the
documented in a number of research studies, disorder: (1) What do we know? (2) What do we
that comorbidity was extremely common not know? (3) What do we urgently need to
among adolescent mental disorders, and know? Chapter 26 on positive youth develop-
therefore that the disorders as presently con- ment necessarily deviates from the above struc-
ceived may not “cut nature at the joints.” Fur- ture but retains several of the elements, includ-
thermore, it may be that what is most relevant ing parallel recommendations.
to treatment and especially prevention is not the As mentioned previously, to improve adoles-
DSM disorders themselves but common path- cent mental health, some additional issues be-
ways to these disorders. However, the six disor- yond research on treatment, prevention, or fos-
ders were judged the best way to start the process tering of positive youth development also need
of understanding adolescent mental health be- to be considered. Four chapters on service deliv-
cause the empirical literature is oriented around ery systems (mental health, substance abuse, pri-
these disorders. The concept of common path- mary care, and schools) provide the larger con-
ways is addressed within the recommendations text needed for understanding how to foster
of individual chapters, and again in the sum- improvements in adolescent mental health and
mary chapter. positive youth development.
Each of the disorder-focused chapters follows Chapter 27 addresses another significant bar-
a common structure. The chapters begin by de- rier to improved mental health care: stigma.
fining the disorder, including discussion of dif- Penn et al. point out that often adolescents hold
ferences between childhood, adolescent, and stigmatizing attitudes about those with mental
adult manifestations of the disorder. Next, a re- disorders. By conveying these attitudes, the like-
view of epidemiological studies is presented to lihood is reduced that those with disorders will
convey the public health significance of these seek and continue treatment. This chapter iden-
disorders. This is followed by a review of theory tifies factors that elicit or reinforce stigmatizing
and empirical studies pertaining to etiology and attitudes in both adults and youth, including
risk factors for the disorder. A broad perspective negative labels, lack of contact with those with
on etiology and risk factors is taken, so that em- disorders, and negative portrayals in the mass
pirical literature on personality and tempera- media. The reduction of stigma is another way
ment, cognitive vulnerability, stress, interper- to increase the likelihood that adolescents will
sonal relationships, biological factors, genetics, engage in treatment and prevention programs.
gender, and early life traumas is summarized for The concluding chapter of the book summa-
each disorder, if relevant. All chapters then dis- rizes what has been learned about adolescent dis-
cuss comorbidity. orders, their treatment and prevention, service
xl Introduction

delivery systems, and barriers to care. In this we believe the recommendations contained
chapter, a review of the key recommendations here, if acted on, have the potential to (1) pro-
made by the seven commissions culminates in a mote improved adolescent mental health and
call to the nation to make a sustained effort to related physical health; (2) prevent adolescent
enhance adolescent mental health through sci- and adult mental illness and related physical ill-
ence and policy changes. ness; (3) promote positive youth development
Adolescent mental health in the United States and help adolescents reach their potential; (4)
is, simply put, much poorer than it ought to be. advance the treatment and rehabilitation of
We hope this book provides the reader with a mental illness and related physical illness; and
new and comprehensive focus on adolescent (5) raise the level of adolescent mental health to
mental health and positive youth development. a standard that this nation can look on with
To the extent that we have achieved that aim, pride.
Depression and Bipolar


Dwight L. Evans, Chair

William Beardslee
Joseph Biederman
David Brent
Dennis Charney
Joseph Coyle
W. Edward Craighead
Paul Crits-Christoph
Robert Findling
Judy Garber
Robert Johnson
Martin Keller
Charles Nemeroff
Moira A. Rynn
Karen Wagner
Myrna Weissman
Elizabeth Weller

p a r t

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Defining Depression and
Bipolar Disorder

c h a p t e r
4 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorders

The development of adolescent mood disorders MAJOR DEPRESSION

involves a complex, multifactorial model (e.g.,
Akiskal & McKinney, 1975; Cicchetti, Rogosch, For many years, children and adolescents were
& Toth, 1998; Kendler, Gardner, & Prescott, thought incapable of experiencing depression,
2002). No single risk factor accounts for all or according to the psychoanalytic concept of the
even most of the variance. The most likely causal underdeveloped superego. Thus depression was
model will include individual biological and psy- considered “an adult disease.” However, case re-
chological diatheses that interact with various ports from as early as the 17th century described
environmental stressors. There is little question adolescents exhibiting symptoms resembling
that early onset is highly related to recurrence in those observed in adults with depressive disor-
adulthood, whether the data derive from clinical ders. In 1975, the National Institute of Mental
samples (Kovacs, Akiskal, Gatsonis, & Parrone, Health (NIMH) convened a meeting of thought
1994), long-term population studies (Kessler and leaders to discuss the incidence and diagnosis of
Walters, 1998), studies of high school students depression among children. This meeting, fol-
(Lewinsohn, Rohde, & Seeley, 1998), or studies lowed by the publication of a book by Shulter-
of depressed patients (Rao et al., 1995). Over 50% brant and Ruskin (1977), finally made clearer the
of depressed adolescents had a recurrence within diagnosis and the existence of depression ac-
5 years (Birmaher et al., 1996; Lewinsohn, ceptable in this population.
Rohde, Seeley, Klein, & Gotlib, 2000), although The last two decades have witnessed a bur-
only a small portion continues to have signifi- geoning database on the age of onset of mood
cant psychopathology in any one year. The few disorders. Major depressive disorder (MDD) is no
studies of depressed adolescents followed into longer seen primarily as a disorder of the middle-
adulthood show strong continuity between ad- aged and elderly. Epidemiologic and clinical re-
olescent and adult depression (Frombonne, search from the United States and elsewhere has
Wostear, Cooper, Harrington, & Rutter, 2001; clearly documented that the age of first onset of
Harrington, Fudge, Rutter, Pickles, & Hill, 1990; major depression is commonly in adolescence
Weissman, Wolk, Goldstein et al., 1999; Weiss- and young adulthood and that prepubertal on-
man, Wolk, Wickramaratne, et al., 1999) and an sets, while less common, do occur. It is now clear
increased risk of suicide attempts as well as psy- that adolescent depression is a chronic, recur-
chiatric and medical hospitalization. Studies of rent, and serious illness. The offspring of de-
prepubertal depression also show continuity pressed parents, compared with children of non-
into adolescence (Kovacs & Gatsonis, 1994). The depressed parents, have an over 2- to 4-fold
most serious outcome is suicide, which is the increased risk of depression. Depressions occur-
third leading cause of death among adolescents. ring in adolescents share similar features with
Other outcomes include lack of social develop- those of depression at other ages. Across ages,
ment and skills, withdrawal from peers, poor symptom patterns are similar; rates among fe-
school performance, less than optimal career males are higher (2-fold risk); there is high co-
and marriage choices, and substance abuse morbidity with anxiety disorders, substance
(Frost, Reinherz, Pakiz-Camra, Fiaconia, & Le- abuse, and suicidal behaviors; and high social,
kowitz, 1999; Rao et al., 1995; Weissman, Wolk, occupational, and educational disability can ac-
Goldstein, et al., 1999). company depression (Angold, Costell, & Erkanli,
This chapter reviews the epidemiology and 1999; Costello et al., 2002). In contrast, child-
definitions of mood disorders in children and ad- hood MDD tends to be male predominant,
olescence. The psychological, social, and biolog- mood reactive, and commonly associated with
ical factors that have been shown to increase the high levels of irritability and dysphoria and
risk of mood disorders in children and adoles- tends to have very heavy comorbidity with the
cents are also discussed. disruptive behavior disorders (Biederman, Fara-
one, Mick, & Lelon, 1995; Leibenluft, Charney,
Towbin, Bhangoo, & Pine, 2003).
The epidemiologic data on childhood and ad-
Chapter 1 Defining Depression and Bipolar Disorder 5

olescent bipolar disorder are considerably Table 1.1 Symptoms of Depressive Disorders
sparser than those for MDD, in part because of
Categories Symptoms
the earlier erroneous belief that bipolar disorder
begins in adulthood. It is also often quite diffi- Affective Anxiety, anhedonia, melancho-
cult to assess boundaries between normal mood lia, depressed or sad mood, irri-
table or cranky mood
and mood irritability in youth, especially in
community studies, and the first signs of bipolar Motivational Loss of interest in daily activities,
feelings of hopelessness and
disorder are frequently uncertain (Nottelman & helplessness, suicidal thoughts,
Jensen, 1998). Most evidence on juvenile bipolar suicidal acts or attempts
disorder comes from clinical samples in which Cognitive Difficulty concentrating, feelings
efforts have been made, especially recently, to of worthlessness, sense of guilt,
characterize early clinical presentations of bipo- low self-esteem, negative self-
lar disorder. image, delusions or psychosis
Unfortunately, until recently, persons under Behavioral Preference for time alone, easily
age 18 were excluded from epidemiological stud- angered or agitated, oppositional
or defiant
ies. Thus empirically based information on prev-
Vegetative Sleep disturbance, appetite
alence, risk factors, course, and treatment is
change, lost or gained weight,
scanty, especially for bipolar disorder. This situ- energy loss, psychomotor agita-
ation is finally changing, but not rapidly tion and retardation, lack of en-
enough; the consequences of mood disorders on ergy, decreased libido
future development in school, work, and mar- Somatic Physical or bodily complaints,
riage and on the next generation are often pro- frequent stomachaches and
found. This chapter will highlight the empirical headaches
basis for understanding the epidemiology, phe-
nomenology, course, and comorbidity of MDD
and bipolar disorder in youth. Because a sharp • Psychomotor agitation or retardation
distinction between childhood and adolescent • Fatigue or loss of energy
onset cannot be readily made, information on • Feelings of inappropriate guilt or hopeless-
childhood (prepubertal-onset) disorder will be ness
included when relevant. • Indecisiveness or diminished ability to con-
• Recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ide-
Diagnosis ation, suicide attempt

The same criteria defined in the Diagnostic and At least one of the following two symptoms
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., must be present: depressed or irritable mood, or
with text revisions) (DSM-IV-TR) (American Psy- markedly diminished interest or pleasure in al-
chiatric Association, 1994) to diagnose MDD in most all activities. These symptoms must cause
adults are used to diagnose MDD in adolescents clinically significant impairment in social, oc-
(Table 1.1). Five or more of the following symp- cupational, or other important areas of function-
toms must be present nearly every day during ing. They cannot be due to the direct physiolog-
the same 2-week period to diagnose an adoles- ical effect of substance abuse or a general medical
cent with a major depressive episode: condition. Also, the symptoms should not be
better accounted for by bereavement or schizo-
• Depressed or irritable mood most of the day affective disorder. A major depressive episode
• Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in cannot be superimposed on schizophrenia,
almost all activities, most of the day schizophreniform disorder, delusional disorder,
• Significant weight loss or gain, or change in or a psychotic disorder not otherwise specified.
appetite; failure to gain expected weight More precisely, MDD can be rated as mild,
• Sleep disturbance moderate or severe; with or without psychotic
6 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorders

symptoms; in full or partial remission. Depres- attributed to the stress of starting of a new school
sion should be diagnosed as chronic when the year in the fall. Postpartum depression in female
episode lasts more than 2 consecutive years. Fur- adolescents is considered when the onset of de-
thermore, if loss of pleasure in almost all activi- pression is within 4 weeks of childbirth.
ties or lack of reactivity to usually pleasurable Another often undetected diagnosis in adoles-
stimuli exists, the depression may be stated to cents is dysthymia, which is defined in adoles-
have melancholic features. In addition, at least cents as depressed or irritable mood that must be
three of the following are required for melan- present for a year or longer and the youth must
cholia: never be symptom-free for more than 2 months.
In addition, two or more of the following symp-
• Depressed mood, which must be distinctly toms must be present:
different from one felt from death of a loved
one • Change in appetite
• Morning depression being worse than that • Change in sleep
during the day or night • Decrease in energy
• Waking up several hours earlier than normal • Low self-esteem
• Evident psychomotor retardation or agita- • Difficulty making decisions or poor concen-
tion tration
• Significant weight loss or anorexia • Feelings of hopelessness
• Inappropriate or excessive guilt
Similar to depression, dysthymia should not
Two of the following must be present to clas- be diagnosed if it is a direct result of substance
sify a depressive episode as having catatonic fea- abuse or a general medical condition, or if it oc-
tures: curs during the course of a psychotic disorder
such as schizophrenia. Moreover, if a major de-
• Motor immobility, catalepsy, or stupor pressive episode is the first psychiatric disorder
• Motor overactivity that is purposeless and in an adolescent or the person has a history of
not in response to external stimuli manic, hypomanic, or mixed episodes, dysthy-
• Extreme negativism or mutism mia should not be diagnosed.
• Voluntary movement peculiarities such as Because dysthymia often starts in childhood,
posturing, grimacing, stereotypy, and man- adolescence, or early adult life, it is often referred
nerisms to as a “depressive personality disorder.” Dys-
• Echolalia or echopraxia thymic disorder is considered chronic and if the
age of onset is prior to 21, it is classified as early
It is sometimes difficult but also important to onset. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
establish the seasonality of the mood disorder (ADHD), conduct disorder (CD) specific devel-
because a major depressive episode can present opmental disorder, and a chaotic home environ-
initially as seasonal affective disorder in children ment are some of the more frequent predispos-
and adolescents. To establish the presence of a ing factors for dysthymia in children and
true seasonal mood disorder, there must be a reg- adolescents. Kovacs and associates (1984) have
ular temporal relationship between the mood reported that dysthymic children are at risk for
disorder (depression or mania) and a particular developing depression and mania on follow-up.
time of the year. A full remission or switching Adolescents who have dysthymic disorder
from depression to mania must occur within and subsequently develop a major depressive
that particular time of the year. The adolescent episode are considered to have a “double-
also needs to experience two episodes of mood depression.” When dysthymia coexists with dis-
disturbance during the last 2 years and the sea- orders such as anorexia nervosa, anxiety disor-
sonal episodes should greatly outnumber non- der, rheumatoid arthritis, somatization disorder,
seasonal episodes. Seasonal mood disorder is of- or psychoactive substance dependence, it is re-
ten missed in adolescents because it is often ferred to as “secondary dysthymia.” In addition,
Chapter 1 Defining Depression and Bipolar Disorder 7

adolescents can also exhibit atypical depressive House, 1992; Rutter, 1996). Some studies of pre-
features. Atypical features include mood reactiv- pubertally depressed children have not found
ity with two or more of the following for a period continuity into adulthood (Harrington et al.,
of at least 2 weeks: 1990; Weissman, Wolk, Goldstein, et al., 1999),
whereas others have documented such conti-
• Significant weight gain or increase in appe- nuity into adolescence (Kovacs et al., 1994). Pre-
tite pubertally depressed children often develop a
• Increased sleep variety of psychiatric disorders in adulthood, es-
• Feelings of heaviness in arms or legs pecially increased rates of bipolar, anxiety and
• A pattern of long-standing rejection sensi- substance use disorders (Kovacs, 1998, 1990,
tivity that extends far beyond the mood dis- 1996; Kovacs et al., 1984; Kovacs 1998).
turbance episodes and results in significant There is good evidence to suggest that the on-
social or occupational impairment. Atypical set of puberty as measured by Tanner stage and
features are quite common among depressed hormonal levels, rather than by chronological
adolescents. age per se, predicts the increase in onset of MDD
in girls. Angold et al. (1998) studied 4,500 boys
Clinically it can be challenging to discern the and girls, ages 9, 11, and 13, over 3 years who
difference between MDD and dysthymia in chil- were sampled from the Great Smoky Mountains
dren and adolescents. However, with careful his- region of North Carolina. At each interview, as-
tory taking with the child and the primary care- sessments of major depression and pubertal
giver, this can be accomplished (Table 1.2). status with Tanner staging (Tanner, 1962) were
undertaken. Pubertal status, not chronological
age at onset, was a better predictor of the emer-
Differentiating Prepubertal and gent preponderance of major depression in girls.
Adolescent-Onset Major Depression Consistent with the epidemiologic data, boys
had a higher rate of MDD at prepubertal Tanner
There are compelling reasons to differentiate be- Stage I, with girls increasing and surpassing boys
tween prepubertal- and adolescent-onset MDD after Tanner Stage III.
(see Angold, Costello, & Worthman, 1998; Kauf-
man, Martin, King, & Charney, 2001). Although
the frequency of MDD before puberty is not well Epidemiology
established, it is hardly uncommon. Some esti-
mates suggest that it may afflict as many as
2% of children at any one current period. Epidemiologic data from large community sur-
Childhood-onset MDD tends to be male pre- veys in the United States on the incidence of
dominant, is commonly associated with irritabil- MDD among children and adolescents are
ity, and frequently is comorbid with disruptive sparse. This is in part due to the long-held view
behavior disorders (Biederman et al., 1995; Cos- that MDD was rare before adulthood or was a
tello et al., 1996; Kessler, Foster, Webster, & self-limiting and normal part of growing up. In

Table 1.2 Comparison of Major Depressive Disorder and Dysthymic Disorder

Major Depressive Disorder Dysthymic Disorder

Dysphoric mood Dysphoric mood

Symptoms severe Symptoms mild to moderate
Impaired functioning, common Impaired functioning, less common
Psychosis may be present No psychosis
Symptoms present every day Symptoms usually fluctuating
Symptoms present every day for 2 weeks Symptoms on and off for 1 year
8 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorders

addition, there has been controversy over the percentage of those with major depression have
means of assessing young people and over who onset while young.
is the best informant, the child or the parent. A The most comprehensive epidemiologic data
few surveys of adolescents have used self-report in adults come from the National Comorbidity
depression symptom scales assessing 1 week to 6 Survey (NCS; Kessler & Walters 1998), a nation-
months prevalence. Rates based on established ally representative sample of over 8,000 persons
adult cutoff scores for clinically significant cur- from U.S. households ages 15 to 54 (Kessler &
rent depression range between 20% and 30% Walters, 1998). Although only 600 persons un-
(Offord et al., 1987; Reinherz, Giaconia, Hauf, der age 18 were included in this sample, the rates
Wasserman, & Silverman, 1999; Wickstrom, from this U.S. population are consistent with
1999). However, self-reported symptom scales do published rates on adolescents. The lifetime
not differentiate between mild and severe mood prevalence for 15- to 18-year-olds was about 14%
disorders, type of mood disorder, or other psy- and an additional 11% were estimated to have a
chiatric disorders. Prevalence rates with self- lifetime history of minor depression, with higher
report scales are generally considerably higher rates among females than among males. While
than those found in studies using diagnostic as- the NCS did not sample persons under age 15,
sessments. the sample was young enough so that reasonably
Published epidemiologic studies of adoles- good information from retrospective reports of
cents have been limited to school districts and age of first onset of MDD in childhood or ado-
high schools in one community (Lewinsohn, lescence could be obtained. Kaplan-Meier age-at-
Hops, Roberts, Seeley, & Andrews, 1993; Whit- onset curves for major and minor depression in
taker et al., 1990) or limited geographic areas the NCS are presented in Figures 1.1 (major de-
(Cohen et al., 1993; Costello et al., 1996), or have pression) and 1.2 (minor depression). Both
been conducted outside the United States in curves show that meaningful risk begins in the
Canada (Flemming, Offord, & Boyle, 1989) or early teens and continues to rise in a roughly lin-
New Zealand (Fergusson & Woodward, 2002). ear fashion within groups of cohorts through the
With few exceptions (Flemming et al., 1989; mid-20s (Kessler, Avenevoli, & Merikangas,
Lewinsohn, Hops, et al., 1993); the samples of 2001). The general shape of these curves is very
adolescents have usually been too small, under similar to that of the onset curves reported in
1,000 and usually under 500, to be reliable esti- other epidemiologic studies of adolescent de-
mates. The diagnostic methods and age groups pression (e.g., Lewinsohn et al., 1998). The peak
of the adolescents vary widely among studies. rise in rates in the late teens and early 20s is also
The current lifetime prevalence rates of MDD consistent with the mean age of onset reported
from these studies have been estimated to be in the cross-national studies of adults (Weissman
about 5%. The similarity between lifetime rates et al., 1996). Both curves show evidence of sub-
in adolescents and adults suggests that a large stantial prevalence increases in cohorts born af-

Figure 1.1 Kaplan-Meier cumula- 0.25

tive lifetime prevalence curves for

major depression in the total Na-
Cumulative %

tional Comorbidity Survey sample 0.15

by cohort.
0.1 χ2 3 = 99.0, p = <.011


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Years Onset
Born Born Born Born
1966–1975 1956–1965 1946–1955 1936–1945
Chapter 1 Defining Depression and Bipolar Disorder 9


Cumulative %

0.15 χ2 3 = 11.2, p = .001



Figure 1.2 Kaplan-Meier cumula-

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 tive lifetime prevalence curves for
Years Onset minor depression in the total Na-
tional Comorbidity Survey sample
Born Born Born Born
1966–1975 1956–1965 1946–1955 1936–1945 by cohort.

ter the mid-1960s. A cohort effect (that is, secular 1998). Disruptive behavior disorders are fre-
changes in rates) has also been shown in cross- quent and emerge before puberty. Substance
national epidemiologic studies of adults, span- abuse in late adolescence with MDD is also com-
ning a considerable older age range (Cross- mon. Comorbidity with medical conditions in
National Collaborative Group, 1992; Klerman & adolescents has been less well studied. However,
Weissman, 1989). These statistics need to be rec- a few studies have found an association between
onciled with data derived from clinical samples adolescent depression and obesity (Pine, Gold-
documenting that more than 30% of children re- stein, Wolk, & Weissman, 2001); headaches
ferred to clinical centers suffer from major de- (Pine, Cohen, & Brook, 1996) and asthma (Mra-
pression and that in many of these cases, the dis- zek, Schuman, & Klinnert, 1998), as well as an
order starts in the preschool years. Moreover, increased risk of medical hospitalizations and ac-
recent reports from student health services on cidents (Kramer et al., 1998).
college campuses note a marked increase in re-
quests for counseling for depression over the last
decade and list suicide as the second leading Risk Factors
cause of death among students (Voelker, 2003).
In summary, there is good evidence that the first Information on risk factors for adolescent MDD
onset of MDD is frequently in adolescence and comes both from epidemiologic and clinical
not uncommonly in childhood, and that the studies. The two most consistent risk factors for
rates of MDD, especially in the young, have been MDD in both studies of adolescents and adults
increasing. are female gender (2- to 3-fold increased risk) and
a family history of MDD. The offspring of de-
pressed parents are at 2- to 4-fold increased risk
Comorbidity of MDD, an earlier age of onset, and recurrent
episodes (Hammen, Burge, Burney, & Adrian,
Comorbidity with other psychiatric disorders in 1990; Weissman, Warner, Wickramaratne, Mo-
youth, as in adults, is the rule rather than the reau, & Olfson, 1997; Weissman et al., 2004). The
exception (see Angold et al., 1999 for a compre- risk is transmitted across generations to grand-
hensive review). Anxiety disorders are the most children (Warner, Weissman, Mufson, & Wick-
common, with over 60% of depressed adoles- ramaratne, 1999).
cents having a history or a concomitant anxiety Other risk factors that contribute to both the
disorder. A frequent pattern of onset includes onset and recurrence of adolescent MDD are ad-
anxiety disorder, particularly phobias before pu- verse family environments characterized by ab-
berty, with an emergence of major depression in sence of supportive interactions; poor parental
adolescents (Pine, Cohen, Gurley, Brook, & Ma, bonding; poor primary attachments; and harsh
10 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorders

discipline (Fendrich, Warner, & Weissman, 1990; eral longitudinal studies showing that neuroti-
Garber & Little, 1999; Sheeber, Hops, & Davis, cism predicts both subsequent diagnoses and
2001). Separating out the effects of parental chronicity of major depression. Since this re-
MDD from the risk factor studied is problematic, view, studies reported by Hayward, Killen, Krae-
because parental MDD is frequently associated mer, and Taylor (2000), Kendler and colleagues
with the risk factors (e.g., divorce, poor parental (Kendler, Kessler, Neale, Heath, & Eaves, 1993;
bonding). One study of offspring at high and low Kendler et al., 2002; Roberts & Kendler, 1999),
risk of depression found that parental depression and Krueger et al. (1996) have each obtained re-
was the strongest risk factor for offspring depres- sults consistent with the conclusions of Clark et
sion, over and above other family risks, such as al. (1994). For example, in a large adult female
divorce or poor parental bonding. The rates of twin sample, Kendler et al. (1993) found that
MDD were considerably lower in the offspring of neuroticism predicted the onset of MDD over a
nondepressed parents (low risk), but when MDD 1-year period, and recently, Kendler et al. (2002;
was present in the low-risk offspring, it was as- Kendler, Kuhn, & Prescott, 2004) tested a mul-
sociated with poor parental bonding, parent– tifactorial model and showed that, after stressful
child conflict, and parental divorce (Fendrich et life events, neuroticism was the strongest predic-
al., 1990; Nomura, Wickramaratne, Warner, tor of the onset of major depression.
Mufson, & Weissman, 2002). The relation between neuroticism and depres-
sion may vary somewhat by age. Hirschfeld et al.
(1989) found that whereas among 31- to 41-year-
Personality and Temperament
old individuals neurotic-like characteristics of
Several theorists have hypothesized a heritable decreased emotional strength, increased inter-
trait vulnerability factor common to most, if not personal dependency, and increased thoughtful-
all, emotional disorders. This trait has been de- ness predicted the first onset of depression, this
fined slightly differently and given various labels was not the case for younger 17- to 30-year-old
by different theorists, including harm avoidance individuals. Similarly, Rohde, Lewinsohn, and
(Cloninger, 1987), neuroticism (Eysenck, 1947), Seeley (1990) found that adult participants who
trait anxiety (Gray, 1982), behavioral inhibition experienced a first episode of MDD had exhib-
(Kagan, Reznick, & Snidman, 1987), and nega- ited elevated levels of dependent traits 2 to 3
tive affectivity (Watson & Tellegen, 1985), al- years earlier. Rohde, Lewinsohn, and Seeley
though the conceptual and empirical overlap (1994), however, found no differences with re-
among these constructs far outweighs the differ- gard to prior levels of dependency between ad-
ences. Each implies a trait disposition to experi- olescents who later developed a first MDD and
ence negative affect. The term neuroticism is of- adolescents who were depression-free during a 1-
ten used to refer to this trait, and is consistent year follow-up period.
with the emergence of the Big Five model of per- In contrast, studies using other measures of
sonality as the dominant model of personality neurotic-like traits in children have found evi-
structure in children (e.g., Digman & Inouye, dence of a link with vulnerability for depression.
1986; Digman & Shmelyov, 1996), adolescents Elevated levels of behavioral inhibition have
(e.g., Digman, 1989; Graziano & Ward, 1992), been observed in laboratory tasks with young
and adults (e.g., Goldberg, 1992; McCrae & offspring of depressed parents (Kochanska &
Costa, 1987). Kuczynski, 1991; Rosenbaum et al., 2000). Caspi,
Longitudinal studies have shown that neurot- Moffit, Newman, and Silva (1996) reported that
icism predicts later negative affect and symp- children who had been rated as inhibited, so-
toms of emotional distress (Costa & McCrae, cially reticent, and easily upset at age 3 had ele-
1980; Larson, 1992; Levenson, Aldwin, Bosse, & vated rates of depressive disorders at age 21. Sim-
Spiro, 1988), even after controlling for initial ilarly, van Os, Jones, Lewis, Wadsworth, and
symptom levels (Gershuny & Sher, 1998; Jorm, Murray (1997) found that physicians’ ratings of
Christensen, Henderson, & Jacomb, 2000). behavioral apathy at ages 6, 7, and 11 predicted
Clark, Watson, and Mineka (1994) reviewed sev- both adolescent mood disorders and chronic de-
Chapter 1 Defining Depression and Bipolar Disorder 11

pression in middle adulthood. Finally, Gjerde herently concordant with diathesis-stress theo-
(1995) reported that gender may moderate the ries. When confronted with stressful life events,
relation between temperament and mood dis- individuals who have such negative cognitive
orders. Whereas females with higher levels of tendencies will appraise the stressors and their
chronic depression during young adulthood had consequences negatively, and hence are more
been described as shy and withdrawn at 3 to 4 likely to become depressed than are individuals
years of age, males with chronic depression ex- who do not have such cognitive styles.
hibited higher levels of undercontrolled behav- Several types of cognitions have been pro-
iors as young children. Thus, there is some evi- posed to be related to depression, including low
dence of an association between neurotic-like self-esteem, negative automatic thoughts, dys-
traits during childhood and subsequent depres- functional attitudes, and cognitive distortions
sion, though it may depend on gender as well as (Beck, 1967); self-control (Rehm, 1977); control-
how these traits are measured. related beliefs and self-efficacy (Bandura, 1977);
Neuroticism also has been found to be a risk depressive attributional style (Abramson et al.,
factor for other forms of psychopathology, how- 1978); hopelessness (Abramson et al., 1989); and
ever, and thus it is not specific to mood disor- a ruminative response style (Nolen-Hoeksema,
ders. For example, neuroticism has been shown 2000). Cross-sectional studies with clinic and
to be a risk factor in the development of post- community samples of children have consis-
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following tently shown a significant relation between neg-
trauma (Breslau & Davis, 1992; Breslau, Davis, & ative cognitions, particularly low self-esteem and
Andreski, 1995; Helzer, Robins, & McEvoy, a pessimistic attributional style, and depression
1987). Behaviorally inhibited children are at (Garber & Hilsman, 1992). Meta-analyses of
greater risk for the development of multiple pho- studies reporting on attributional style and de-
bias and various anxiety disorders in later child- pression have demonstrated moderate to large
hood (Biederman et al., 1990; Hirshfeld et al., effect sizes in cross-sectional studies suggesting a
1992) and social phobias in adolescence. Hay- strong concurrent association between negative
ward et al. (2000) also found that neuroticism attributional style and higher levels of depressive
predicted the development of panic attacks in a symptoms in children and adolescents (Glad-
4-year prospective study in adolescents. Thus, stone & Kaslow, 1995; Joiner & Wagner, 1995).
neuroticism appears to be a significant predictor Longitudinal investigations of the role of cog-
of depression, though it might not be a specific nitions in the prediction of childhood depres-
vulnerability marker. Moreover, it is still difficult sion have yielded varying results. Global self-
to distinguish among common cause, precursor, worth (Allgood-Merton, Lewinsohn, & Hops,
and predisposition models of the relation be- 1990; Garber, Martin, & Keiley, 2002; Vitaro,
tween neuroticism and depression (Klein, Dur- Pelletier, Gagnon, & Baron, 1995) and perceived
bin, Shankman, & Santiago, 2002). self-competence in specific domains (Hoffman,
Cole, Martin, Tram, & Seroczynski, 2001; Vitaro
et al., 1995) have predicted child and adolescent
Cognitive Vulnerability
depressive symptoms (e.g., Allgood-Merton et
According to cognitive theories of depression al., 1990; Vitaro et al., 1995) and diagnoses (Gar-
(Abramson, Metalsky, & Alloy, 1989; Abramson, ber, Martin, & Keiley, 2002), controlling for prior
Seligman, & Teasdale, 1978; Beck, 1967), de- levels of depression. However, these same cog-
pressed individuals have more negative beliefs nitive constructs also failed to predict depressive
about themselves, the world, and their future, symptoms (Dubois, Felner, Brand, & George,
and tend to make global, stable, and internal at- 1999) and onset of new episodes. However, in
tributions for negative events. These negative one of these null studies, participants were se-
cognitions are expected to be both concurrently lected from a drug and alcohol treatment clinic.
associated with depression and to contribute to The mean depression score in this sample was
the onset and exacerbation of depressive symp- lower at the second assessment. Treatment pro-
toms. Cognitive theories of depression are in- cedures may have reduced depression levels dur-
12 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorders

ing the assessment interval, making it difficult to For example, in a longitudinal study of children
predict maintenance or exacerbation of depres- in grades 3 through 8, Nolen-Hoeksema et al.
sion. (1992) showed that attributional style alone and
Attributional style generally has been inves- in conjunction with stress significantly pre-
tigated in the context of stress, though several dicted depressive symptoms in the older but not
studies have tested main-effects models or re- in the younger children. Similarly, in a cross-
ported main effects in the absence of interac- sectional comparison of children in grades 4, 6,
tions. Significant prospective relations have and 8, Turner and Cole (1994) found that nega-
been observed between attributional style and tive cognitions contributed to the prediction of
later depressive symptoms in children and depressive symptoms for the oldest children, but
young adolescents (Nolen-Hoeksema, Girgus, & not for the two younger groups. Thus, the rela-
Seligman, 1986; 1992; Panak & Garber, 1992), tion between the cognition–stress interaction
though a few studies have failed to find this re- and depressive symptoms appears to be increas-
lationship. In a longitudinal study of the devel- ing from middle childhood to early adolescence.
opmental trajectories of negative attributions If negative cognitions contribute to the devel-
and depressive symptoms, Garber, Keiley, and opment of mood disorders, then “high-risk” off-
Martin (2002) showed that attributional styles spring of depressed parents should be more
that were increasingly negative across time were likely to exhibit a cognitive vulnerability than
associated with significantly higher initial levels children whose parents have not experienced
and increasing growth of depressive symptoms mood disorders. Indeed, children of depressed
during adolescence. mothers report significantly lower perceived self-
Prospective studies in children and adoles- worth and a more depressive attributional style
cents have also found support for the cognitive than do children of well mothers (Garber & Rob-
diathesis–stress model of depression (Dixon & inson, 1997). Thus, children who are at risk for
Ahrens, 1992; Hilsman & Garber, 1995; Lewin- depression, but who have not yet experienced
sohn, Joiner, & Rohde, 2001; Nolen-Hoeksema depression themselves, have been found to re-
et al., 1992; Panak & Garber, 1992). Using differ- port a more negative cognitive style that likely
ent stressors (grades, peer rejection, and school represents a vulnerability to later depression.
transition) and different time periods, Garber In summary, correlational, predictive, and off-
and colleagues showed in three (Dixon & Ah- spring studies have provided evidence that there
rens, 1992; Panak & Garber, 1992; Robinson, is a cognitive style that represents a vulnerability
Garber, & Hilsman, 1995) different short-term to depression in children. This cognitive style in-
longitudinal studies that cognitions (attribu- volves beliefs about the self and explanations
tions, self-worth) measured before the stressors about the causes of negative events. Future stud-
occurred moderated the effect of the stressors on ies need to examine the development of this cog-
depressive symptoms in children. Among chil- nitive vulnerability over time, and whether it
dren who experienced high levels of stress, the needs to be primed in children (Ingram, Mir-
relation between negative cognitions about the anda, & Segal, 1998).
self or causes of events and depressive symptoms
was stronger than in those without such nega-
tive cognitions. Lewinsohn et al. (2001) found
that among adolescents who had experienced Common to all definitions of stress is a focus on
negative life events, intermediate levels of dys- environmental conditions that threaten to harm
functional attitudes predicted the onset of de- the biological or psychological well-being of the
pressive disorders a year later. individual (Grant et al., 2003). Stress may occur
Developmental theorists (Nolen-Hoeksema et either as an acute event or as chronic adversity,
al., 1992; Weisz, Southam-Gero, & McCarty, and as a major life event or as minor events with
2001) have suggested that negative cognitions accumulated effects (either additive or multipli-
emerge over time and that their relation with de- cative) (Grant et al, 2003). Stressful events may
pression becomes stronger with development. be normative (e.g., school transition) or patho-
Chapter 1 Defining Depression and Bipolar Disorder 13

logical (e.g., abuse) and may be independent of, between stress and depression. Given the asso-
or directly related to and thus dependent on, an ciation between dependent stressors and depres-
individual’s actions. Objective environmental sion (Garber, Martin, & Keiley, 2002), it is pos-
consequences of a stressor (i.e., can be reliably sible that depression contributes to the
rated by objective observers) are hypothesized to occurrence of stressors. Depressed individuals
have a direct effect on the development of de- have been found to generate many of the stres-
pression. The subjective threat of a stressor in- sors they encounter, and these stressors then
volves individuals’ appraisals of an event as serve to exacerbate and maintain the depressive
stressful, which then may impact their psycho- symptoms (Bennett, Pendley, & Bates, 1995).
logical well-being (Lazarus, Delongis, Folkman, Laboratory animal studies have shown that
& Gruen, 1985). Finally, there may be specificity antenatal stress impacts the developing physi-
in the relation between stress and psychopa- ology of the fetus and later physiological and be-
thology such that certain subdomains of stres- havioral outcomes in the offspring of stressed rat
sors may be more highly related to depression and primate mothers. These studies are reviewed
than others (Beck, 1967; Grant et al., 2003). in part in this section and in further detail later
Stress plays a prominent role in most theories in this chapter. Henry, Kabbaj, Simon, Le Moal,
of depression, and a clear empirical link exists and Maccari (1994) showed that prenatally
between stressful life events and depression in stressed rat pups had an elevated corticosterone
children and adolescents (Compas, Grant, & Ey, response to novel environments and reduced
1994). In infants, depressive symptoms have hippocampal corticosteroid receptor density,
been associated with stressful life circumstances suggesting that prenatal stress may affect the
and often are responsive to changes in the en- neurobiological development of systems associ-
vironment (Moreau, 1996). One stressor partic- ated with depression. Behaviorally, rat pups
ularly linked with depression in infants is sepa- stressed in utero had greater distress and defen-
ration. Spitz and Wolf (1946) noted that a sive behavior (Takahashi, Baker, & Kalin, 1990)
common feature in depressed infants ages 6 to 8 and reduced environmental exploration when
months is separation from the mother. Separa- exposed to aversive or stressful conditions (Pol-
tion in young children has been found to be as- tyrev, Keshet, Kay, & Weinstock, 1996).
sociated with grief responses characterized by Prepartum exposure to stress also may result
negative changes in sleep patterns, activity, heart in hyperresponsiveness to later stressors. Clarke
rate, temperature, monoamine systems, immune and associates (Clarke & Schneider, 1993; Clarke,
function, and endocrine function (Kalin & Wittwer, Abbott, & Schneider, 1994) randomly
Carnes, 1984). Spitz noted the phenomenon of assigned pregnant rhesus monkeys to stress and
hospitalism, referring to evidence that infants control conditions. The prenatally stressed off-
subjected to long hospital stays experienced a spring were less likely than control offspring to
number of psychological difficulties. Longer and play and explore the environment and were
more frequent hospital stays and earlier age of more likely to engage in clinging, which is as-
entering the hospital were associated with more sociated with distress in primates. Clarke and
depressive symptoms in infants (Moreau, 1996). Schneider suggested that hypothalamic–pitui-
In school-aged children, cross-sectional stud- tary–adrenal (HPA) axis activity was implicated
ies using either life events checklists or interview in the hyperresponsiveness to later environmen-
methods consistently have shown that depres- tal stressors of prenatally stressed rhesus mon-
sive symptoms and disorders are significantly as- keys.
sociated with both minor and major undesirable Thus, these data from animal models and ad-
life events in children, particularly cumulative or ditional data (see below) indicate that stress that
chronic stressors, and negative life events are occurs as early as at conception likely contrib-
more prevalent among depressed than nonde- utes to an increased vulnerability to depression.
pressed children (Goodyer, Wright, & Altham, In human infants, stress during pregnancy is as-
1988). Cross-sectional studies, however, are not sociated with negative outcomes for offspring
informative about the direction of the relation (Lou et al., 1994). Although the mechanisms by
14 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorders

which stress impacts the developing fetus are moderates the relationship between stress and
still unknown, it is hypothesized that fetal neu- depression. Cohen (1987) reported that negative
rophysiological development may be sensitive to events predicted depressive symptoms in girls
the intrauterine hormonal environment, and who had experienced minimal positive events in
neurophysiological vulnerability (e.g., HPA axis the same time interval, and Ge et al. (1994)
dysregulation) may make these offspring more showed that growth of stressful life events over
sensitive to stress and thereby predispose them time predicted growth in depressive symptoms
to depression as they mature. Recently, Stowe for girls but not boys.
and colleagues (unpublished observations) Although no one specific type of stressful
noted that infants of women depressed during event invariably leads to depression in children
pregnancy or postpartum had significantly and adolescents, certain stressors consistently
greater salivary cortisol responses to a standard- have been found to be associated with depres-
ized stressor than offspring of normal control sion. Childhood abuse or maltreatment is an es-
women or women with a past history of depres- pecially robust predictor of depression (Andrews,
sion who were not depressed during the index 1995; Bifulco, Brown, & Adler, 1991; Trad, 1994),
pregnancy/postpartum period. and this is particularly true for women (Weiss,
Longitudinal studies in which stressors are as- Longhurst, & Mazure, 1999). Sexual assault dur-
sessed prior to the onset of symptoms can be in- ing childhood or adulthood has been found to
formative about the temporal relation between increase the risk of depression by 2.4 in women
stress and depression. Prospective studies have (Burnam, Stein, Golding, Siegel, Sorenson, For-
found that stress predicts depressive symptoms, sythe, et al., 1988). Poverty also has been shown
controlling for prior symptom levels in children to contribute to vulnerability to depression
(Goodyer, Herbert, & Altham, 1998) and adoles- (Bruce, Takeuchi, & Leaf, 1991; Grant et al.,
cents (Allgood-Merten et al., 1990). The relation- 2003; McLoyd, 1998). For example, the rates of
ship is stronger when children’s self-reports are depression among low-income mothers are
used than when parents’ reports of children’s de- about twice as high as in the general population
pressive symptoms are used (Stanger, Mc- (Bassuk, Buckner, Perloff, & Bassuk, 1998). Re-
Conaughy, & Achenbach, 1992). cently, Caspi et al. (2003) elegantly demon-
Fewer studies have examined the contribution strated the relationship between a genetic vari-
of negative life events to the onset of depressive able, polymorphism of the serotonin transporter
disorders in children. Stress has predicted the on- (SERT), and the development of depression after
set of depressive symptoms in previously asymp- exposure to child abuse. Individuals with the l/l
tomatic children (Aseltine, Gore, & Colten, form of the SERT were immune to the depres-
1994) and the onset of clinically significant de- sogenic affects of child abuse, whereas those
pressive episodes, controlling for prior symptom with s/s allele were highly likely to develop de-
levels in samples comprised of both children and pression after child abuse.
adolescents (Hammen, 1991) and adolescents Events such as disappointments, loss, separa-
alone (Garber, Keiley, et al., 2002). Only three of tion, and interpersonal conflict or rejection are
these studies (Aseltine et al., 1994; Garber & Ka- also linked with depression (Aseltine et al., 1994;
minski, 2000; Monroe, Rohde, Seeley & Lewin- Goodyer, Herbert, Tamplin, & Altham, 2000;
sohn, 1999) controlled for lifetime history of Panak & Garber, 1992). This is especially proba-
MDD to rule out the possibility that earlier de- ble for individuals who tend to be more socially
pressive disorder contributed to onset. dependent or sociotropic. According to the spe-
Reports of stressful life events have been cific vulnerability hypothesis (Beck, 1983, Blatt,
shown to increase for both boys and girls from Quinlan, Chevron, McDonald, & Zuroff, 1982),
childhood through adolescence, with increases individuals whose self-esteem is derived from
being greater for girls (Ge, Longer, Lorenz, & Si- interpersonal relationships (sociotropy) are at
mons, 1994), paralleling increases in rates of de- increased risk for depression when they experi-
pression for boys and girls (Hankin et al., 1998). ence stressors within the social domain; in con-
However, few studies have found that gender trast, those who derive their self-worth from
Chapter 1 Defining Depression and Bipolar Disorder 15

achievement-related goals are at greater risk for with the environment and a lack of such attach-
depression when they encounter occupational ments may lead infants to seek protection by
failure. Studies investigating this specific vulner- withdrawing from the environment altogether
ability hypothesis in children have been suppor- (Bowlby, 1980; Trad, 1994). Two-year-old chil-
tive (Garber & Kaminski, 2000). dren with secure attachments have been found
In summary, a clear link exists between stress to be more cooperative, persistent, and enthusi-
and depression. But by what mechanisms does astic, show more positive affect, and function
stress increase an individual’s vulnerability to de- better overall than those with insecure attach-
pression? Although stressors often precede mood ments (Matas, Arend, & Sroufe, 1978). In adoles-
disorders, not all individuals exposed to stressors cents, depression has been linked with less se-
become depressed. Thus, there is not a perfect cure attachments to parents (Kenny, Moilanen,
correspondence between exposure to negative Lomax, & Brabeck, 1993). Moreover, adolescents
life events and the onset of depressive symp- undergoing stressful life events are more likely
toms. How individuals interpret and respond to to become depressed if they had insecure attach-
events and how resilient they are also differen- ments to their parents than adolescents with
tiates who does and does not become depressed. more secure attachments (e.g., Kobak, Cole,
Some of the individual variability is due to dif- Ferenz-Gillies, Fleming, & Gamble, 1993).
ferences in appraisals of the meaning of the Beyond attachment, other kinds of dysfunc-
events with regard to the self and future. tional family patterns have been found to be as-
sociated with depression in children (Rapee,
1997). Serious abuse and neglect interfere with
Interpersonal Relationships
normal expressions of infants’ emotions and
Interpersonal perspectives on depression em- lead to avoidant or resistant attachments, espe-
phasize the importance of the social environ- cially if the mother is the perpetrator of the
ment and the development of secure attach- abuse. Maltreatment also leads to withdrawal be-
ments. Vulnerability to depression presumably haviors in infants and self-esteem deficits later in
arises in early family environments in which the childhood (Trad, 1987). The parent–infant rela-
children’s needs for security, comfort, and accep- tionship is inevitably worsened from such abuse,
tance are not met. Bowlby (1980) argued that which in turn puts the infant in higher danger
children with caretakers who are consistently of being abused again (Trad, 1987).
accessible and supportive will develop cognitive Two main parenting dimensions particularly
representations, or “working models,” of the self associated with depression in children are accep-
and others as positive and trustworthy. In con- tance/rejection and psychological control/au-
trast, caretakers who are unresponsive or in- tonomy (Barber, 1996). In retrospective studies,
consistent will produce insecure attachments currently depressed adults recalled their parents
leading to working models that include aban- as having been critical, rejecting, controlling,
donment, self-criticism, and excessive depen- and intrusive (Parker, 1993). Currently depressed
dency. Such working models may contribute to children have described their parents as author-
the development of negative cognitions about itarian, controlling, rejecting, and unavailable
self and others, and presumably increase individ- (Stein et al., 2000), and they tend to perceive
uals’ vulnerability to depression, particularly their families to be less cohesive and more con-
when exposed to new interpersonal stressors. flictual than do nondepressed youth (Walker,
Reviews of the literature on the relation be- Garber, & Greene, 1993; although see Asarnow,
tween the family environment and depression Carlson, & Guthrie, 1987, for contrary findings).
(Beardslee, Versage, & Gladstone, 1998; Rapee, Mothers of depressed children similarly describe
1997) indicate that families of depressed individ- themselves as more rejecting, less communica-
uals are characterized by problems with attach- tive, and less affectionate than mothers of both
ment, communication, conflict, cohesion, and normal and psychiatric controls (Puig-Antich et
social support, as well as poor childrearing prac- al., 1985a). In observational studies, mothers of
tices. Security in attachments helps infants cope depressed children have been described as being
16 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorders

less rewarding (Cole & Rehm, 1986) and more (1995) noted that rejection by peers predicted
dominant and controlling than mothers of non- higher levels of self-reported depressive symp-
depressed children. toms among antisocial, but not among non-
Several longitudinal studies have found a sig- antisocial youth. Panak and Garber (1992) found
nificant relation between the family environ- a significant relation between peer-rated rejec-
ment and subsequent depressive symptoms (e.g., tion and self-reported depression, and this rela-
Barber, 1996; Sheeber, Hops, Alpert, Davis, & An- tion was mediated by perceived rejection. Kist-
drews, 1997), whereas others have reported null ner, Balthazor, Risi, and Burton (1999) similarly
findings (Burge et al., 1997). Barber (1996) found that perceived rejection predicted in-
showed that children’s ratings of parents’ psy- creases in depressive symptoms during middle
chologically controlling behavior predicted their childhood. Finally, in a longitudinal study of
depressive symptoms, controlling for prior levels children in sixth grade, Nolan, Flynn, and Gar-
of depression, although children’s prior depres- ber (2003) found that a composite measure of
sive symptoms also predicted their ratings of rejection by peers, family, and teachers signifi-
their parents’ behavior. Burt, Cohen, and Bjorck cantly predicted depressive symptoms across 3
(1988) found for girls’ ratings of family expres- years. Thus, depression in children is associated
siveness predicted depression after controlling with high levels of interpersonal conflict and re-
for prior depressive symptoms. Other studies jection from various members in their social do-
have shown that adolescents’ reports of family main.
adaptability and cohesion (Garrison, Jackson, Finally, relationships between depressed par-
Marsteller, McKeown, & Addy, 1990) and per- ents and their children have also consistently
ceptions of family support (McFarlane, Bellis- been found to be disrupted. Depressed parents
simo, & Norman, 1995) contribute to adolescent report more conflict and less coherence in their
depressive symptoms, controlling for prior families (Billings & Moos, 1983), are less in-
symptom levels. In addition, maternal hostile volved and affectionate with their children, and
child-rearing attitudes have been found to sig- experience poorer communication in parent–
nificantly predict increases in children’s de- child relationships than nondepressed parents
pressive symptoms (Katainen, Raikkonen, Kes- (Weissman, Paykel, Siegel, & Klerman, 1971).
kivaara, & Keltikangas-Jarvinen, 1999). Using Moreover, depressed mothers tend to feel more
observational data of parental warmth, hostility, hostile toward their children and less positive and
and disciplinary skills, Ge et al. (1994) reported competent about their parenting than do well
that increases in adolescent internalizing symp- mothers (Webster-Stratton & Hammond, 1988).
toms were predicted by lower levels of parental Observations of depressed mothers interact-
warmth and higher levels of maternal hostility. ing with their children reveal that these mothers
In this same sample, Rueter, Scaramella, Wallace, are more negative (Lovejoy, 1991), more con-
and Conger (1999) found that escalating parent– trolling (Kochanska, Kuczynski, Radke-Yarrow, &
adolescent conflict predicted increases in adoles- Welsh, 1987), and less responsive and affectively
cent internalizing symptoms, which in turn in- involved (Cohn & Tronick, 1989) and use less
creased the risk of the onset of internalizing dis- productive communications (Gordon et al.,
orders. 1989). Depressed mothers spend less time talk-
Depressed children also have significant peer ing to and touching their infants and show more
difficulties and social skills deficits (Altmann & negative affect in their interactions with their in-
Gotlib, 1988). Self-reported depression signifi- fants who themselves show less positive affect,
cantly correlates with teachers’ reports of peer less activity, and more frequent protests (Field,
rejection in children (Rudolph, Hammen, & 1995). Parental depression can also lead to dis-
Burge, 1994). In laboratory studies, children turbed attachment behavior and an inability by
with depressive symptoms were rated by their the infant to regulate emotions, thereby putting
peers more negatively than were children with- the infant at greater risk for developing depres-
out symptoms (Peterson, Mullins, & Ridley- sion (Gaensbauer, Harmon, Cytryn, & McKnew,
Johnson, 1985). French, Conrad, and Turner 1984). Offspring of depressed parents have more
Chapter 1 Defining Depression and Bipolar Disorder 17

insecure attachments than do offspring of well tion between depressed individuals and their
mothers (DeMulder & Radke-Yarrow, 1991; Teti, social environment.
Gelfand, Messinger, & Isabella, 1995). Moreover,
insecurely attached offspring of depressed moth-
ers tend to have difficulties in their relationships BIPOLAR DISORDER
with peers (Rubin, Booth, Zahn-Waxler, Cum-
mings, & Wilkinson, 1991). Finally, negative re- The view that mania in younger people is ex-
ciprocal interaction patterns have been observed tremely rare or nonexistent has been increas-
between depressed mothers and their children ingly challenged by many case reports and by
(Radke-Yarrow, Nottelman, Martinez, Fox, & Bel- large-scale community surveys of adults; for
mont, 1992). example, Akiskal et al. (1985), in a case series of
In summary, two important findings emerge adolescent relatives of “classic” adult bipolar pa-
regarding the link between interpersonal vulner- tients, found that despite frank symptoms of de-
ability and depression. First, families with a de- pression and mania and frequent mental health
pressed member tend to be characterized by less contacts, none of these youth had been diag-
support and more conflict, and such family dys- nosed with an affective disorder. Weller, Weller,
function increases children’s risk of developing Tucker, and Fristad (1986) reviewed over 200 ar-
depression. Second, depressed individuals are ticles published between the years of 1809 and
themselves more interpersonally difficult, which 1982 and identified 157 cases that would likely
results in greater problems in their social net- be considered manic by modern standards. How-
work. Thus, the link between interpersonal vul- ever, approximately half of those subjects retro-
nerability and depression likely is bidirectional spectively diagnosed as manic according to
(Gotlib & Hammen, 1992). Longitudinal studies DSM-III criteria were not considered so at the
examining the contribution of family dysfunc- time of referral. More recently, Wozniak et al.
tion, parent–child conflict, peer difficulties, and (1999) reported that 16% of psychiatrically re-
interpersonal rejection to increases in and main- ferred prepubertal children satisfied diagnostic
tenance of depressive symptoms in children criteria for bipolar disorder. Biederman et al.
have shown both that social problems tempo- (1996) reported that a sizeable minority of chil-
rally precede depression, and that depression dren with ADHD has bipolar disorder. These re-
contributes to interpersonal difficulties. More- ports suggested that mania in children/adoles-
over, interpersonal difficulties appear to persist cents (pediatric mania) may not be rare, but
after depressive symptoms have remitted (Puig- difficult to diagnose. Despite continued debate
Antich et al. 1985b). In addition, social adversi- and controversy over the validity of the diag-
ties such as persistent poor friendships, low in- nosis of mania in children (Biederman, 1998;
volvement of fathers, negative attitudes by Klein, Pine, & Klein, 1998), there is a growing
family members, and stressful family environ- consensus that many seriously disturbed chil-
ments can contribute to the maintenance or re- dren are afflicted with severe affective dysregu-
lapse of depressive disorders in youth (e.g., Asar- lation and high levels of agitation, aggression,
now, Goldstein, Tompson, & Guthrie, 1993). and dyscontrol that may be early bipolar disor-
The interpersonal environment clearly is an der. These issues have received increased scien-
important and sometimes stressful context in tific attention, as evidenced by the scheduling of
which children develop schema about them- two NIMH workshops on bipolar disorder in
selves and others, which can then serve as a vul- children and adolescents and in exhaustive re-
nerability to depression. In addition, children’s views that have supported the validity of the dis-
own reactions to these environments can exac- order in youth (Faedda et al., 1995; Geller and
erbate and perpetuate negative social exchanges, Luby, 1997; Weller, Weller, & Fristad, 1995). The
which furthers the interpersonal vicious cycle, NIMH Strategic Research Plan for Mood Disorder
thereby resulting in more rejection and depres- Research recommended the establishment of a
sion. Thus, a transactional model of mutual in- multisite network program on pediatric onset bi-
fluence probably best characterizes the associa- polar disorder (Costello et al., 2002).
18 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorders

Agreement on what constitutes the first pre- replicable diagnosis of bipolar-NOS, it was rec-
sentation of bipolar illness is critical for epide- ommended that careful assessment include all of
miologic studies to obtain the true age of onset the behaviors that are impairing (Leibenluft et
and estimate of prevalence and risk. The follow- al., 2003).
ing questions need to be addressed: Does pedi-
atric bipolar disorder differ from the adult form?
What are the early signs and symptoms? What
is the relationship of ADHD and other disruptive
disorders to juvenile onset bipolar disorder? An-
Pediatric mania tends to be chronic and con-
swers to these questions are complicated by the
tinuous rather than episodic and acute (Carl-
uncertainty about the duration of a manic epi-
son, 1983; Carlson, 1984; Feinstein and Wol-
sode; that stems from the fact that youth more
pert, 1973; McGlashan, 1988). In a recent review
frequently report manic symptoms that persist
of the past 10 years of research on pediatric
only a few hours or days (Carlson and Kelly,
mania, Geller and Luby (1997) concluded
1998; Geller et al., 1995), and therefore do not
that childhood-onset mania is a nonepisodic,
fulfill adult criteria.
chronic, rapid-cycling, mixed manic state. Woz-
niak, Biederman, Kiely, et al. (1995) also found
that the overwhelming majority of 43 children
Differentiating Prepubertal
from an outpatient psychopharmacology clinic
and Adolescent Onset
who met diagnostic criteria for mania on struc-
tured diagnostic interview had a chronic and
In April 2000, the NIMH convened a meeting of
mixed presentation. Carlson, Bromet, and Sie-
experts to discuss diagnostic issues impeding re-
vers (2000) reported that early-onset manics
search on children/adolescents bipolar disorder.
were more likely to have comorbid behavior dis-
There was general agreement that a diagnosis of
orders in childhood and, compared to adult-
bipolar disorder, using DSM criteria, is possible
onset cases of mania, to have fewer episodes of
in prepubertal children. Children fall into two
remission over a 2-year period. A review by
categories: (1) those who clearly have a bipolar
McElroy et al. (1997) described “mixed mania,”
disorder (because they meet DSM-IV criteria for
which affects 20%–30% of adults with mania.
bipolar I [the classic form of the illness charac-
Subjects with mixed mania tend to have a
terized by recurring episodes of mania and de-
chronic course, absence of discrete episodes, on-
pression] or bipolar II (A form of the illness char-
set of the disorder in childhood and adolescence,
acterized by milder episodes of hypomania that
a high rate of suicide, poor response to treat-
alternate with depression) and (2) those who
ment, and an early history of neuropsychologi-
may be bipolar but do not completely fit the
cal deficits highly suggestive of ADHD. Determi-
adult phenotype defined in DSM-IV but suffer
nation of the adult course of pediatric mania
from severe mood disturbances and symptoms
awaits data from longitudinal studies with larger
of bipolar disorder and are highly impaired.
samples. Presently, the same criteria defined in
Currently, severely ill children with an im-
the DSM-IV-TR to diagnose bipolar disorder in
paired mood disturbance, but not meeting full
adults are used for adolescents, as follows:
DSM-IV criteria for bipolar I or II, are not in-
cluded in research studies of bipolar disorder
because of the perceived uncertainty of their di- A. A distinct period of abnormally and persis-
agnosis. It was recommended that “bipolar- tently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood,
NOS” (not otherwise specified) could be used as lasting at least 1 week (or any duration if hos-
a “working diagnosis” for advancing research on pitalization is necessary)
this broader phenotype, as long as the children B. During the period of mood disturbance, three
are well described (with particular attention to (or more) of the following symptoms have
symptoms of ADHD). Because available diagnos- persisted (four if the mood is only irritable)
tic instruments may not generate a reliable and and have been present to a significant degree:
Chapter 1 Defining Depression and Bipolar Disorder 19

• Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity United States of over 8,000 subjects ages 15 to 54

• Decreased need for sleep (Kessler et al., 1994) and provided the best cur-
• More talkative than usual or pressure to keep rently available epidemiologic information. The
talking younger age included in the NCS was based on
• Flight of ideas or subjective experience that the ECA findings that many psychiatric disorders
thoughts are racing have a young age of onset. The overall lifetime
• Distractibility prevalence of bipolar I disorder in the full sample
• Increase in goal-directed activity was 1.7% (median age of onset, 21 years); in the
• Excessive involvement in pleasurable activ- sample ages 15 to 17 it was 1.3% with equal gen-
ities that have a high potential for painful der rates. Both the ECA and the NCS suggested
consequences that onset of bipolar disorder in adolescence and
childhood is common.
In addition, the symptoms do not meet the cri- In the 1990s, the Cross-National Collabora-
teria of a mixed mood episode, in which both tive Group was formed to directly compare rates
criteria for a manic episode and for MDD (except and risk of psychiatric disorders by standardizing
for duration) are met with symptoms nearly analysis to overcome the problem of disparate
every day during at least a 1-week period. For data among studies. Seven countries (U.S., Can-
hypomania, the elevated or irritable mood lasts ada, Puerto Rico, Germany, Taiwan, Korea, and
for 4 days. The mood disturbance causes signif- New Zealand) provided data on bipolar disorder
icant impairment and is not better accounted for (Table 1.4). The lifetime prevalence rates for bi-
by other psychiatric disorders or medical condi- polar I ranged from 0.3% in Taiwan to 1.5% in
tions. The DSM IV-TR notes that adolescents are New Zealand (Weissman et al., 1996), with equal
more likely to exhibit psychotic features and gender ratios across sites (with the exception of
may be associated with school difficulties, sub- Korea) and median ages of onset of 18 to 25
stance abuse, and antisocial behavior. It also years.
notes that a significant minority of adolescents Efforts have been made to study children and
have a long-standing pattern of behavior prob- adolescents directly in epidemiologic studies. Ta-
lems that may represent an extended prodomal ble 1.5 presents the prevalence rates from these
phase to bipolar disorder or, in fact, may repre- efforts. There is considerable variability across
sent a distinct disorder. these studies in the age ranges, diagnostic meth-
ods, and diagnostic criteria. All of these differ-
ences affect prevalence rates and may account
Epidemiology for discordant findings.
The Methodological Epidemiologic Catch-
ment Area study (MECA) was conducted in a
Epidemiological data on juvenile bipolar disor- population-based sample of children and adoles-
der must be seen within the context of these di- cents (Shaffer, unpublished observations).
agnostic uncertainties. The 1980s Epidemiologic Probability household samples of 1,285 youth
Catchment Area study (ECA), based on over aged 9 to 17 years were selected at four sites
18,000 adults ages 18 and over for five U.S. com- (Atlanta, Georgia; New Haven, Connecticut;
munities, provided the first community-based Westchester County, New York; and Puerto Rico;
data using modern diagnostic criteria and the see Lahey et al., 1996 for methods). Data were
first epidemiologic clue about the youth onset of collected for both children and their parents.
bipolar disorder (Robins & Price, 1991) (Table The current (6-month) prevalence for mania was
1.3). The lifetime prevalence of bipolar disorder 1.2% and for hypomania was 0.6% (unpubli-
was about 1/100, with few gender differences in shed); 4.5% of youth with suicide ideation and
rates and an overall median age of onset of 18 7.1% with suicide attempts had mania, com-
years. pared to 0.9% of those who had neither suicide
The 1990 National Comorbidity Survey (NCS) ideation nor attempts (Gould et al., 1998). Sig-
included a representative national sample in the nificant associations between bipolar disorder
Table 1.3 Lifetime and Annual Prevalence/100 (SE) and
Incidence Rate per 100 of Bipolar I Disorder in Five U.S. Sites

New Haven, Baltimore, St. Louis, Durham, Los Angeles,

Factor CT MD MO NC CA Total

Number in sample 5,034 3,481 3,004 3,921 3,131 18,571

Response rate (%) 77 78 79 79 68 76
Female (%) 59 62 60 60 53 59

Lifetime Rate/100
Total 1.2 (.21) 0.6 (.20) 1.0 (.20) 0.3 (.14) 0.6 (.16) 0.8 (.09)
Males 1.0 (.27) 0.7 (.22) 1.1 (.30) 0.1 (.11) 0.6 (.23) 0.7 (.12)
Females 1.3 (.30) 0.5 (.24) 1.0 (.27) 0.6 (.25) 0.5 (.21) 0.9 (.12)
M/F 0.8 1.4 1.1 0.2 1.2 0.8

Annual Rate/100
Total 1.0 (.16) 0.5 (.14) 1.0 (.20) 0.2 (.08) 0.4 (.13) 0.6 (.07)
Males 0.9 (.22) 0.5 (.21) 1.0 (.30) 0.0 0.3 (.15) 0.5 (.09)
Females 1.1 (.23) 0.5 (.18) 1.0 (.27) 0.4 (.16) 0.5 (.20) 0.7 (.09)
M/F 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.7

Annual Incidence/100
Total 0.6 (.12) 0.2 (.09) 0.1 (.07) 0.3 (.10) 0.5 (.15) 0.4 (.05)
Males 0.4 (.15) 0.0 0.0 0.1 (.09) 0.5 (.21) 0.2 (.06)
Females 0.7 (.19) 0.4 (1.6) 0.2 (.13) 0.5 (.18) 0.5 (.20) 0.5 (.08)
M/F 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.2 1.0 0.4

Age of Onset (years)

Mean 21.3 (1.6) 22.3 (3.1) 14.6 (1.6) 20.7 (3.6) 16.1 (1.0) 18.6 (0.9)
Median 22.0 18.0 17.0 22.0 17.0 18.0

Data from Epidemiologic Catchment Area study; age ⫽ 18⫹ years.

Table 1.4 Lifetime Prevalence/100 (SE) Bipolar I Disorder in

Cross-National Sample Lifetime Prevalence/100 (SE)

M/F Age of Onset Median Age of

Country Overall Males Females Ratio (Years) Onset (Years)

United States 0.8 (.14) 1.0 (.15) 0.7 18.1 (.68) 18

ECA, 1980 0.9 (.10)
NCS, 1990a 1.7 (.21) 1.6 (.29) 1.8 (.30) 0.9 24.0 (.92) 21
Edmonton, Canada 0.6 (.16) 0.7 (.25) 0.5 (.21) 1.4 17.1 (1.12) 22
Puerto Rico 0.6 (.23) 0.8 (.38) 0.5 (.27) 1.6 27.2 (3.40) 18
West Germanyb 0.5 (.37) — 1.0 (.71) — 29.0 25
Taiwan 0.3 (.06) 0.3 (.09) 0.3 (.07) 1.0 22.5 (1.90) 22
Korea 0.4 (.09) 0.6 (.16) 0.2 (.09) 3.0 23.0 (2.54) 18
Christchurch, New Zealand 1.5 (.36) 1.7 (.56) 1.2 (.45) 1.4 18.2 (5.90) 18

ECA, Epidemiologic Catchment Study.

Age 18–54 years in National Comorbidity Survey (NCS).

Only one case of bipolar disorder was reported from West Germany.

Chapter 1 Defining Depression and Bipolar Disorder 21

Table 1.5 Prevalence Rates/100 of Bipolar Disorder from Studies in Children and Adolescents

Sample Age Range Diagnostic Time Rate/

Reference Country (Year) Size (Years) Method Diagnosis Period 100

Shaffer, unpublished USA (1992) 1,285 9–17 DISC Mania 6 months 1.2
Lewinsohn, et al., Western Oregon 1,709 14–18 KSADS BPD Lifetime 1.0
1995 (1987)
Wittchen, et al., 1988 Bavaria, Ger- 3,021 14–24 CIDI BPI Lifetime 1.4
many (1988) BPII 0.4
Aalto-Setälä et al., Helsinki, Finland 647 20–24 SCAN BPI 1 month 0.2
2001 (2000) BPI, II, NOS 1 month 0.9

BPD, bipolar disorder; BPI, bipolar I; BPII, bipolar II; CIDI, Composite International Diagnostic Interview; DiSC, Diag-
nostic Interview Schedule for Children; KSADS, Kiddie Schizophrenia and Affective Disorders Schedule; NOS, not otherwise
specified; SCAN, Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry.

and risk for suicide in youth has been previously polar disorder was also associated with adverse
reported by Brent et al. (1988), highlighting the outcomes in adulthood, but not with increased
long-held notion that bipolar disorder in youth incidence of bipolar disorder, which questions
is associated with not only high levels of mor- the relationship of subsyndromal bipolar disor-
bidity but also mortality. der in children and adolescents to true adult-
Lewinsohn, Klein, and Seeley (1995) studied hood bipolar disorder.
1,709 adolescents (14 to 18 years) randomly se- A study from Bavaria, Germany, on a sample
lected from nine senior high schools, represen- of 3,021 adolescents and young adults age 14 to
tative of urban and rural districts in western 24 found a lifetime prevalence of 1.4% for bi-
Oregon. The lifetime prevalence of bipolar dis- polar I disorder and 0.4% for bipolar II disorder
order (primarily bipolar disorder II and cyclothy- (Wittchen, Nelson, & Lachner, 1998). Ninety-
mia) was approximately 1.0%. An additional four percent of the youth with either bipolar dis-
5.7% of the sample reported experiencing a dis- order considered themselves socially and eco-
tinct period of abnormally elevated mood, ex- nomically impaired.
pansive or irritable, although they never met the A 5-year follow-up of over 500 students of ages
criteria for bipolar disorder per se. Both groups 20–24 years in Helsinki, Finland, found a 1-
exhibited significant functional impairment and month prevalence rate of bipolar I of 0.2%. How-
high rates of comorbidity (anxiety and disrup- ever, when bipolar II and bipolar-NOS were
tive behavior), suicide attempts, and mental added, the prevalence rates were 0.9/100. In
health service utilization. The prevalence, age of summary, the epidemiologic studies of adoles-
onset, phenomenology, and course of bipolar cents and adults show an early age of onset of
disorder did not differ by gender. In a follow-up bipolar disorder and prevalence in adolescents
study, they found that less than 1.0% of adoles- close to what is found in studies of adults.
cents with depression switched to bipolar disor-
der by age 24 (Lewinsohn, Rohde, Seeley, Klein,
& Gotlib, 2000). The bipolar disorder and sub- Comorbidity
syndromal bipolar disorder subgroups both had
With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
elevated rates of antisocial and other personality
Disorder (ADHD)
symptoms. Both groups showed significant im-
pairment in psychosocial functioning and had The symptomatic overlap of childhood mania
higher mental health treatment utilization. In with ADHD is one major source of diagnostic
general, adolescents with bipolar disorder controversy. Rates of ADHD range from 60% to
showed significant continuity across develop- 90% in pediatric patients with mania (Borchardt
mental periods and adverse outcomes during & Bernstein, 1995; Geller et al., 1995; West,
young adulthood. Adolescent subsyndromal bi- McElroy, Strakowski, Keck, & McConville, 1995;
22 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorders

Wozniak, Biederman, Kiely, et al., 1995). Al- among the offspring of adults with bipolar dis-
though the rates of ADHD in samples of youth order all found higher rates of ADHD among
with mania are universally high, the age at onset these children than in controls (Faraone, Bie-
modifies the risk for comorbid ADHD. For ex- derman, Mennin, & Russell, 1998).
ample, while Wozniak, Biederman, Kiely, et al. Wozniak, Biederman, Mundy, et al. (1995)
(1995) found that 90% of children with mania used familial risk analysis to examine the asso-
also had ADHD, West et al. (1995) reported that ciation between ADHD and mania within fami-
only 57% of adolescents with mania had lies of manic children. They found that relatives
comorbid ADHD. Examining further develop- of children with mania were at high risk for
mental aspects of pediatric mania, Faraone, Bied- ADHD that was indistinguishable from the risk
erman, Wozniak, et al., (1997) found that ado- in relatives of children with ADHD and no ma-
lescents with childhood-onset mania had the nia. However, mania and the comorbid condi-
same rates of comorbid ADHD as manic children tion of mania plus ADHD selectively aggregated
(90%), and that both these groups had higher among relatives of manic youth compared with
rates of ADHD than adolescents with adolescent- those with ADHD and comparison children
onset mania (60%). Most recently, Sachs, Baldas- (Wozniak, Biederman, Mundy, et al., 1995). Al-
sano, Truman, & Guille (2000) reported that most identical findings were obtained in two in-
among adults with bipolar disorder, a history of dependently defined family studies of ADHD
comorbid ADHD was only evident in those sub- probands with and without comorbid mania
jects with onset of bipolar disorder before 19 (Faraone, et al., 1998; Faraone, Biederman &
years of age. The mean onset of bipolar disorder Monuteaux, 2001). Taken together, this pattern
in those with a history of childhood ADHD was of transmission in families suggests that mania
12.1 years (Sachs et al., 2000). Similarly, Chang, in children might be a familiarly distinct subtype
Steiner, and Ketter (2000) studied the offspring of either bipolar disorder or ADHD.
of patients with bipolar disorder and found that
88% of manic children had comorbid ADHD and
With Conduct Disorder (CD)
that the onset of mania in adults with bipolar
disorder and a history of ADHD was 11.3 years Like ADHD, CD is also strongly associated with
of age. These findings suggest that age of onset pediatric mania. This has been observed sepa-
of mania, rather than chronological age at pre- rately in studies of children with CD, ADHD, and
sentation, may be the critical developmental mania. Kovacs and Pollak (1995) reported a 69%
variable that identifies a highly virulent form of rate of CD in a referred sample of manic youth
the disorder that is heavily comorbid with and found that the presence of comorbid CD
ADHD. heralded a more complicated course of mania.
Although ADHD has a much earlier onset Kutcher et al. (1989) found that 42% of hospi-
than pediatric mania, the symptomatic and syn- talized youths with mania had comorbid CD.
dromatic overlap between pediatric mania and The Zurich longitudinal study found that hy-
ADHD raises a fundamental question—namely, pomanic cases had more disciplinary difficulties
do children presenting with symptoms sugges- at school and more thefts during their juvenile
tive of mania and ADHD have ADHD, mania, or years than did other children (Wicki & Angst,
both? One method to address these uncertainties 1991). These reports are consistent with the well-
has been to examine the transmission of co- documented comorbidity between CD and ma-
morbid disorders in families (Faraone & Tsuang jor depression (Angold and Costello 1993), be-
1995; Faraone, Tsuang, & Tsuang, 1999). If cause pediatric depression often presages mania
ADHD and mania are associated because of (Geller, Fox, & Clark, 1994; Strober and Carlson,
shared familial etiologic factors, then family 1982). It is not surprising that mania and CD are
studies should find mania in families of ADHD also frequently comorbid.
patients and ADHD in families of manic pa- Biederman et al. (1999) (Biederman, Faraone,
tients. Studies that examined rates of ADHD Hatch, et al., 1997) investigated the overlap be-
Chapter 1 Defining Depression and Bipolar Disorder 23

tween mania and CD in a consecutive sample of adults show that mania is often an antecedent
youth referred for treatment. They found a strik- and is strongly associated with SUD (Wilens et
ing similarity in the features and age of onset of al., 1997b). Mania has also been shown to be
mania, regardless of comorbid CD. Whether or overrepresented among youth with SUD (West
not CD was present, mania presented with a pre- et al., 1996; Wilens, Biederman, Abrantes, Spen-
dominantly irritable mood, a chronic course, cer, & Thomas, 1997a).
and was mixed with symptoms of major depres- Wilens et al. (1999) found that mania signifi-
sion. Only two manic symptoms differed be- cantly increased the risk for SUD independently
tween those with versus without CD: “physical of conduct disorder. Furthermore, they reported
restlessness” and “poor judgment” were more that the risk for SUD was carried by those sub-
common in the mania-with-CD group than in jects with an adolescent-onset form of mania.
the mania-only group. Similarly, there were few While this may be consistent with the notion
differences in the frequency of CD symptoms be- that, like adults, adolescents self-medicate manic
tween CD youth with and without comorbid symptoms with substances of abuse (Khantzian,
mania. Nevertheless, it is important to assess for 1997), it is also consistent with the hypothesis
both diagnoses because delinquency and mania that child and adolescent onset mania are etio-
require different treatment strategies. logically distinct forms of the disorder with dif-
ferent risk profiles and natural courses.

With Anxiety Disorders

Although anxiety is frequently overlooked in Risk Factors

studies of mania, pediatric studies of youth with
panic disorder and youth with mania document Given the paucity of epidemiologic studies of
a bidirectional overlap. Biederman, Faraone, bipolar disorder in youth and the fact that
Marrs, et al. (1997) found that subjects with the relatively low lifetime prevalence (about
panic disorder and agoraphobia had very high 1%–2%) would require very large samples, risk
rates of mania (52% and 31%), which were factors have not been clearly identified from
greater than those observed among psychiatric community-based studies. The most consistent
controls (15%). Wozniak, Biederman, Kiely, et al. risk factor for bipolar disorder is family history.
(1995) and Bowen, South, & Hawkes (1994) re- While studies vary considerably in methods,
ported significantly more panic and other anxi- sample size, and controls, they consistently
ety disorders in children with mania. These find- show offspring of adult bipolar patients as
ings indicate that mania at any age is frequently having an increased risk, over 3-fold, of bipolar
comorbid with severe anxiety that requires ad- disorder as well as mood disorders, compared to
ditional clinical and scientific scrutiny. offspring of controls (Carlson and Weintraub,
1993; Decina et al., 1983; Gershon et al., 1985;
Hammen et al., 1990; Klein, Depue, & Slater,
With Substance Use Disorders (SUD)
1985; Nurnberger et al., 1988; Todd et al., 1996).
There is an extensive and bidirectional overlap Because most of the offspring have not lived
between mania and substance use disorders through or even entered the age of risk, an ac-
(SUD) in youth (Biederman, Wilens, et al., 1997; curate estimate of prevalence rates is not possi-
West et al., 1996; Wilens, Bierderman, Abrantes, ble. However, it is important to note that al-
Spencer, & Thomas, 1997b) as well as in adults. though the risk to offspring of bipolar patients is
Juvenile-onset mania may be a risk factor for increased, the majority of high-risk offspring will
SUD. For example, a prospective study of chil- have neither a diagnosable bipolar illness nor
dren and adolescents with and without ADHD any other mood disorder.
found that early-onset mania was a risk factor for
SUD independently of ADHD (Biederman, Wi-
lens, et al., 1997). Similarly, controlled studies in
24 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorders

BIOLOGY OF CHILD AND ADOLESCENT equivocally associated with mood disorders, re-
MOOD DISORDERS gardless of age of onset. However, linkage
studies, especially in bipolar disorder, have iden-
Although there has been an exponential increase tified a number of regions on the human ge-
in our understanding of the pathophysiology of nome associated with high heritable risk for af-
major depression in adults, we are largely de- fective disorders (Schulze and McMahon, 2003;
pendent on extrapolations from these findings Tsuang, Taylor, & Faraone, 2004; Table 1.6).
to inform us on the biology of childhood and Given the evidence for interactions between risk
adolescent depression (Coyle et al., 2003). In the genes and environment, and the important role
last two decades, considerably more research on of early trauma (Heim, Newport, Bonsall, Miller,
the biology of depression in children has been & Nemeroff, 2001; Nemeroff, 2004), the risk for
forthcoming. Moreover, the neurobiology of bi- early-onset depression may be magnified by the
polar disorder even in adults remains poorly un- impact of a parent with depression (e.g., post-
derstood (Berns & Nemeroff, 2003; Wang & partum disorder) on a genetically vulnerable
Nemeroff, 2003), though it represents an active child (Weinfeld, Stroufe, & Egeland, 2000).
avenue of investigation. Not surprisingly, our
understanding of the biology of childhood bi-
polar disorder is virtually nonexistent.
Early Life Stress

In unipolar major depression, environmental in-

fluences are clearly substantial. Consistent with
predications from early psychoanalytic models,
As noted above, the age of onset of serious mood
losses early in life, maternal deprivation, and
disorders is now known to occur in children and
physical and sexual abuse appear to be major risk
adolescents and to persist into adulthood. Thus,
factors when controlled for heritable risks. Re-
much of the information that has accrued con-
cent research has highlighted the seminal im-
cerning the pathophysiology of mood disorders
portance of early psychological insults contrib-
in adulthood would appear to be applicable to
uting to the neurobiological processes thought
the childhood onset mood disorders. One im-
to underlie the pathophysiology of major de-
portant difference, however, is the apparent lack
pressive disorder. The pronounced effects of
of efficacy of tricyclic antidepressants in youth
early life stress (ELS) throughout the lifespan are
as compared to that of the selective serotonin
believed to be mediated by the substantial plas-
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), though controversy
ticity of the developing central nervous system
surrounds the latter contention; clearly both
(CNS) as a function of experience. It has been
classes are effective in adults (Wagner & Ambro-
proposed that stress and emotional trauma dur-
sini, 2001).
ing development permanently shape the brain
Although heritable factors appear to be the
regions that mediate stress and emotion, leading
most consistent predictors of risk for major de-
to altered emotional processing and heightened
pression in children, environmental factors also
stress responsiveness, which in the genetically
play an important role (Rice, Harold, & Thapar,
vulnerable individual may then evolve into psy-
2002). Especially with regard to bipolar disorder,
chiatric disorders, such as depression.
twin, family and adoption studies have shown
that heritable factors are substantial predictors of
risk (Smoller and Finn, 2003). In the case of bi-
polar disorder in the parents, the risk extends to Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA)
major depressive disorder and early onset of
mood symptoms in their children (Mortensen, The system that has been most closely scruti-
Pedersen, Melbye, Mors, & Ewald, 2003). No spe- nized in mood disorders is the HPA axis, with
cific genes have yet been identified that are un- evidence of its hyperactivity in adult patients
Chapter 1 Defining Depression and Bipolar Disorder 25

Table 1.6 Genomic Regions Associated with High Heritable Risk for Affective Disorders

Location Principle Report Independent Confirmations Comments

18p11.2 Berrettini et al., 1994 Stine et al., 1995; Nothen et al., Paternal parent-of-origin effect;
and 1997 1999; Turecki et al., 1999 see Schwab et al., 1998
21q22 Straub et al., 1994 Detera-Wadleigh et al., 1996;
Smyth et al., 1996; Kwok et al.,
1999; Morissette et al., 1999
22q11–13 Kelsoe et al., 2001 Detera-Wadleigh et al., 1997 and Velocardiofacial syndrome re-
1999 gion; possible overlap with a
schizophrenia locus
18q22 Stine et al., 1995 McInnes et al., 1996; McMahon See Freimer et al., 1996
et al., 1997; De Bruyn et al.,
12q24 Morissette et al., 1999 Ewald et al., 1998; Detera- Principal report in a Canadian
Wadleigh et al., 1999 isolate
4p15 Blackwood et al., 1996 Ewald et al., 1998; Nothen et al., See Ginns et al., 1998
1997; Detera-Wadleigh et al.,

with unipolar depression and bipolar patients in and behavioral responses that parallel signs of
the mixed state (Evans & Nemeroff, 1983; Swann stress, depression, and anxiety, including loss of
et al., 1992). Upon stress exposure, neurons in appetite, sleep disruption, decreased sexual be-
the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) havior, despair, increased motor activity, neo-
secrete corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) into phobia, and enhanced startle reactivity.
the hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal circula- Laboratory animal studies have provided di-
tion, which stimulates the production and re- rect evidence that ELS indeed leads to height-
lease of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) from the ened stress reactivity and alterations in the afore-
anterior pituitary. Adrenocorticotropin in turn mentioned neural circuits that persist into
stimulates release of glucocorticoids from the ad- adulthood. For example, adult rats separated
renal cortex. Glucocorticoids have marked ef- from their dams for 180 minutes/day on post-
fects on metabolism, immune function, and the natal days 2–14 exhibit up to 3-fold increases in
brain, adjusting physiological functions and be- ACTH and corticosterone responses to a variety
havior in response to the stressor. Glucocorti- of psychological stressors compared with control
coids exert negative feedback control on the HPA rats (Ladd et al., 2000; Plotsky and Meaney,
axis by regulating hippocampal and PVN neu- 1993). Maternally separated rats also develop
rons. Persistent glucocorticoid exposure exerts marked behavioral changes, including increased
adverse effects on hippocampal neurons, in- anxiety-like behavior, anhedonia, alcohol pref-
cluding reduction in dendritic branching, loss of erence, sleep disruption, decreased appetite, and
dendritic spines, and impairment of neuro- cognitive impairment. Subsequent studies re-
genesis. Such damage might progressively vealed multiple CNS changes that likely underlie
reduce inhibitory control of the HPA axis. physiologic and behavioral sensitization to stress
Corticotropin-releasing factor neurons integrate after maternal separation or lack of maternal
information relevant to stress not only at the hy- care. These findings include increased activity
pothalamic PVN but also in a widespread cir- (increased CRF mRNA expression) and sensiti-
cuitry throughout the limbic system and brain zation of CRF neurons in hypothalamic and lim-
stem. Direct CNS administration of CRF to lab- bic regions, decreased glucocorticoid receptor
oratory animals produces endocrine, autonomic, density in the hippocampus and prefrontal cor-
26 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorders

tex, increased mineralocorticoid receptor in the 2001). The fact that adult patients with major
hippocampus, decreased mossy fiber develop- depression exhibit HPA axis hyperactivity and
ment and neurogenesis in the hippocampus, as profound CRF hypersecretion as evidenced in
well as alterations in norepinephrine, GABA, and studies of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and post-
other systems (Heim, Plotsky, & Nemeroff, 2004; mortem tissue (Flores, Alvarado, Wong, Licinio,
Ladd, Huot, Thrivikraman, Nemeroff, & Plotsky, & Flockhart, 2004; Merali et al., 2004) and that
2004). Behavioral sensitization to fear stimuli these findings are also observed after ELS raises
have been observed in nonhuman primates the question as to whether the HPA axis in gen-
reared by mothers exposed to unpredictable con- eral and the CRF system in particular play a role
ditions with respect to food access over 3 months in the pathogenesis of childhood mood disor-
(Coplan et al., 1996, 2001). Taken together, ELS ders.
induces manifold changes in multiple neurocir- Steingard and colleagues (2002) found signif-
cuits involved in neuroendocrine, autonomic, icant reductions in frontal lobe volume and in-
and behavioral responses to stress. If similar creased ventricular volume in a large cohort of
changes also occur in humans exposed to ELS, children and adolescents with depressive disor-
these changes might indeed confer an enhanced ders. In resolving white and gray matter, they
risk for depression. found significant reductions in frontal white
As noted earlier, several clinical studies have matter in adolescents with major depression.
evaluated the long-term consequences of ELS in Furthermore, orbitofrontal choline levels are el-
adult humans. In astonishing parallel to findings evated in depressed adolescents (Steingard et al.,
in rodents and nonhuman primates, women 2000), consistent with findings in adults. A sin-
abused as children, including those with and gle photon emission computed tomography
those without current depression, exhibit greater (SPECT) study found a significant elevation of
plasma ACTH responses in a standardized stress the density of serotonin transporters in the hy-
paradigm than controls. The increase was more pothalamus and midbrain, but no change in the
pronounced in abused women with current de- dopamine transporter in children and adoles-
pression, and these women also showed greater cents with major depression. Chang and col-
cortisol and heart rate responses than controls leagues (2004) used functional magnetic reso-
(Heim et al., 2000). Several studies have reported nance imaging (fMRI) to compare 12 children
similar neuroendocrine and neurochemical and adolescents with bipolar disorder who had
changes in abused children, which are reviewed at least one parent with bipolar disorder and 10
in detail elsewhere (Heim & Nemeroff, 2001). age- and IQ-matched healthy male controls. Sig-
nificant differences in brain activation patterns
in prefrontal areas were noted in the bipolar sub-
Magnetic Resonance Imaging jects, compared to patterns in the controls, when
performing both cognitive and affective tasks.
Among depressed patients, magnetic resonance Brain areas affected included the anterior cin-
imaging (MRI) analysis has revealed decreased gulate cortical and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
hippocampal volumes only in adult women with This same group (Chang et al., 2003) had previ-
ELS (Vythilingam et al., 2002). Because hippo- ously reported a reduction in dorsolateral and
campal volume loss is not observed in abused prefrontal cortical N-acetyl-aspartate concentra-
children or young adults (Teicher, 2002) (al- tions, a marker of neuronal integrity, in children
though corpus callosum, amygdala, and cortical with bipolar disorder, as measured by magnetic
development seems to be impaired), some have resonance spectroscopy (MRS). Children during
suggested that repeated bursts of cortisol secre- a manic episode were also reported to exhibit in-
tion over the course of time may eventually re- creased anterior cingulate concentrations of
sult in smaller hippocampi. Enhanced CRF se- myo-inositol (Davanzo et al., 2001).
cretion during development may also contribute
to progressive hippocampal volume loss (Brun-
son, Eghbal-Ahmadi, Bender, Chen, & Baram,
Chapter 1 Defining Depression and Bipolar Disorder 27

Gender Puig-Antich and colleagues (1985a,b) ob-

served a blunted growth hormone (GH) response
Gender is well known to be an important but in adolescents with MDD when challenged with
poorly understood factor influencing the risk of insulin or growth hormone releasing hormone
MDD. The prevalence of MDD, while equal be- (GHRH), a finding previously reported in adults
tween boys and girls prior to puberty, doubles in with major depression. However, the link be-
young women after puberty. This increase in fe- tween this abnormality and the underlying
males has been hypothesized to be secondary to pathophysiology of depression remains obscure.
hormonal changes occurring during puberty.
These endocrine changes surely influence brain
function, but the attendant social and psycho- Conclusions
logical factors of puberty cannot be ignored.
Nevertheless, twin studies suggest that the im- Accurate epidemiologic data are useful for deter-
pact of genetic risk factors become more promi- mining the magnitude of the problem, identi-
nent as girls pass through puberty and enter ad- fying risk factors, monitoring changes of rates
olescence (Silberg et al., 1999). (epidemics), and identifying the underserved.
An early and logical focus of biological studies Accurate estimates rest on accurate diagnosis.
of child and adolescent mood disorders was neu- The explosive developments in neurosciences,
roendocrinologic, motivated by the findings de- genetics, and neuroimaging will undoubtedly
scribed above of significant HPA dysregulation in help advance our pathophysiological under-
a sizeable proportion of adults with MDD. How- standing of these complex mood disorders af-
ever, the results of a number of studies have flicting the young. Such advances can help shed
found rare and only modest abnormalities in 24- light on etiology, identify dysfunctional brain
hour cortisol secretion, the dexamethasone sup- circuits and, most importantly, define subtypes
pression test, and the CRF stimulation test. Re- of the disorder. This will undoubtedly lead to im-
cently, Feder and colleages (2004) reported that proved treatment of afflicted youth and their
of 86 children (depressed, anxious, or normal) families. Longitudinal studies focusing on the bi-
tested, those children who exhibited an abnor- ology and treatment response of childhood and
mally elevated cortisol concentration during the adolescent mood disorders are sorely needed.
evening and an abnormal delay in the rise of cor-
tisol during the night, whether depressed or not
as children, exhibited depression as adults.
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Treatment of Depression
and Bipolar Disorder

c h a p t e r
30 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorder

Although it is clear that adolescent mood disor- world, and the future. Such negative cognitions
ders exist and lead to significant immediate and are one factor that plays a role in the initiation
lifelong impairment for the child, as shown in and maintenance of depressive symptoms. Cog-
Chapter 1, there exists limited treatment re- nitive therapy, typically consisting of 16 to 20
search in this special population. This has led cli- sessions over a period of 12 to 16 weeks, involves
nicians to consult with the adult literature to the application of both behavioral and cognitive
provide guidance in their treatment approaches. techniques. The behavioral techniques serve to
In fact, the adult research studies have provided help patients engage in activities that give them
the template for the present interventions being pleasure, while cognitive techniques are used to
explored in adolescent treatment studies. To ap- help patients recognize negative cognitions and
preciate how the adult literature informs the to evaluate the veracity of their beliefs.
field of adolescent mood disorder treatments, Three meta-analyses of studies of cognitive
the current status of the adult literature for both therapy for MDD concluded that it is at least
psychosocial and psychopharmacologic treat- equal and often superior to other forms of treat-
ments will be reviewed. This will be followed by ment, including antidepressant medications
an appraisal of the same treatment areas for ad- (Dobson, 1989; Gaffan, Tsaousis, & Kemp-
olescents. Wheeler, 1995; Agency for Health Care Policy
Research, 1993). However, the comparison of
cognitive therapy to medication continues to be
PSYCHOSOCIAL TREATMENTS FOR MAJOR controversial. While several studies have sup-
DEPRESSIVE DISORDER ported the finding that cognitive therapy and
medication yield similar outcomes (Hollon et al.,
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the 1992; Murphy, Simons, Wetzel, & Lustman,
most common adult psychiatric disorders seen 1984), another study (Elkin et al., 1989) failed to
in the community and in outpatient psychiatric demonstrate that cognitive therapy is superior to
settings (Kessler et al., 2003). There is now sub- pill placebo and yielded some evidence that, for
stantial evidence that MDD can be treated suc- more severely depressed patients, medication
cessfully with certain targeted psychotherapies. (imipramine) is superior to cognitive therapy
This literature is briefly reviewed below. (Elkin et al., 1995). Practice guidelines have rec-
ommended medication rather than psychother-
Psychosocial Treatment of Major Depresssion apy for more severe depressions (American Psy-
in Adults chiatric Association, 2000; Depression Guideline
Panel, 1993). However, a direct examination of
The strongest empirical evidence exists for three the comparative effects of cognitive therapy and
manual-based psychotherapies for the treatment medication across four studies revealed no evi-
of MDD—behavior therapy, cognitive therapy, dence of a difference among those with moder-
and interpersonal therapy—with less evidence ate to severe depression (DeRubeis, Gelfand,
existing for two other forms of psychotherapy— Tang, & Simons, 1999).
brief dynamic therapy and problem-solving Some further evidence on this issue has
therapy. emerged from a two-site study by Hollon and
DeRubeis (DeRubeis et al., in press) comparing
standard cognitive therapy (N ⫽ 60), antidepres-
Cognitive Therapy
sant medication (Paxil with augmentation by
The most widely studied psychotherapy for other agents if clinically indicated) N ⫽ 120;
MDD is cognitive therapy (Beck, Rush, Shaw, & more patients were randomized to medication
Emery, 1979). This treatment is based on the because of a subsequent continuation phase in
model that the cognitions (conscious or readily which acute-phase medication responders were
accessible to consciousness) of depressed indi- randomized to continuation medication or pla-
viduals are negatively biased. This negative bias cebo), and placebo (N ⫽ 60) as acute treatments
is evident in negative beliefs about the self, the for moderate to severe MDD. At week 8, only
Chapter 2 Treatment of Depression and Bipolar Disorder 31

25% of placebo patients met criteria for clinical ioral marital therapy for MDD was found to be
response, compared with 45% for cognitive ther- not different from cognitive therapy when the
apy and 50% for medication (placebo treatment couple was distressed, but inferior to cognitive
was ended at week 8 for ethical reasons). At week therapy when the couple was not distressed (Ja-
16 (end of acute treatment), response rates for cobson, Dobson, Fruzzetti, Schmaling, & Sa-
medication and cognitive therapy were identical lusky, 1991). Another study that included only
(57%) and comparable to response rates from distressed couples also found behavioral marital
previous studies of cognitive therapy and medi- therapy to be equally effective to cognitive ther-
cation in MDD. apy, with both therapies being better than wait-
Despite the lack of evidence that cognitive list in the treatment of depression in the wife.
therapy is uniquely efficacious in the treatment The behavioral marital therapy, however, im-
of MDD, and some controversy over the com- proved marital satisfaction more than cognitive
parative effects of medication and cognitive therapy did.
therapy in more severely depressed patients, the As with cognitive therapy, there appears to be
overall weight of the evidence is that cognitive evidence that behavior therapy is an efficacious,
therapy is an efficacious acute-phase treatment but not uniquely effective, acute treatment for
for MDD. MDD.

Behavior Therapy Interpersonal Therapy for Depression

The predominant behavioral model of MDD Klerman & Weissman (1989) interpersonal psy-
treatment is Lewinsohn and MacPhillamy’s chotherapy (IPT) for depression assumes that al-
(1974) approach. In this model, the primary goal though depression is caused by a number of fac-
is to increase the frequency of pleasant activities tors (genetic, biological, social) interacting in
in the patient’s life. Using a group format for complex ways, it is usually triggered by problems
therapy, Shaw (1977) found that behavior ther- in four interpersonal domains: role transition,
apy was superior to a wait-list control at the end grief, interpersonal deficits, and interpersonal
of treatment. The largest study of behavior disputes. In IPT, the interpersonal problem that
therapy for MDD found it to be significantly triggered the current depressive episode is ad-
better than psychotherapy (an unstandardized, dressed and the person is helped to build com-
insight-oriented approach), relaxation therapy, munication and interaction skills to resolve it.
and medication (amitriptyline) (McLean & Hak- The acute phase of IPT typically lasts for 16–20
stian, 1979). In another study of MDD, Jacobson sessions.
et al. (1996) compared three treatments: behav- Several studies have supported the efficacy of
ior therapy (behavioral activation), cognitive IPT for acute treatment of MDD in adults seeking
therapy with behavioral activation techniques treatment in psychiatric and primary care set-
plus techniques designed to address automatic tings. In one study, the efficacy of IPT was similar
negative thoughts, and cognitive therapy with to that of amitriptyline, and both were superior
behavioral activation techniques and automatic to a minimal contact control in outpatients
thought modification plus the addition of tech- (DiMascio et al., 1979). In the National Institute
niques designed to address enduring maladaptive of Mental Health (NIMH) Treatment of Depres-
beliefs. At the end of acute-phase treatment, re- sion Collaborative Research Program, results
mission rates (Beck Depression Inventory [BDI] with IPT were not different from those with ei-
score ⬍8, no major depressive disorder) ranged ther imipramine or cognitive therapy. However,
from 56% for the full cognitive therapy package among more severely depressed patients (with a
to 46% for behavior therapy, but no significant Hamilton Depression Rating scale [HAM-D]
differences were evident on any measure. ⬎20), imipramine and IPT were superior to pla-
One version of behavior therapy has been de- cebo whereas CBT was not (Elkin et al., 1989). In
veloped specifically for couples in which at least a primary care setting, IPT was found to be bet-
one member has MDD. The outcome of behav- ter than usual care, and results from IPT were
32 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorder

not different from those with nortriptyline at an similar to IPT) was found to yield comparable
8-month assessment of depressed medical out- outcomes to those with CBT (Barkham, Hardy, &
patients (Schulberg et al., 1996). Interpersonal Startup, 1994; Shapiro et al., 1994). Similarly, in
therapy has also been tested with depressed an elderly sample, brief psychodynamic therapy
HIV⫹ patients and was compared with imipra- produced equal outcomes to those with behav-
mine, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), and ioral and cognitive therapies (Thompson, Gal-
supportive psychotherapy. The IPT and imipra- lagher, & Breckenridge, 1987), although an ear-
mine showed similar efficacy and were both su- lier study using inexperienced therapists showed
perior to CBT and to a lesser extent to supportive an advantage of CBT over psychodynamic ther-
psychotherapy (Markowitz, Svartberg, & Swartz, apy for depressed elders (Gallagher & Thomp-
1998). son, 1982). A study of clinically depressed elderly
In the area of geriatric depression, IPT showed caregivers of frail, elderly relatives also found
efficacy comparable to that of nortriptyline, but comparable efficacy for individual brief dynamic
both failed to show significant difference from therapy and CBT (Gallagher-Thompson & Stef-
placebo in a 6-week trial (Schneider, Cooper, Sta- fen, 1994). However, the duration of caregiving
ples, & Sloane, 1987). Interpersonal therapy has was an important factor, with brief dynamic
also been used to treat antepartum and postpar- therapy showing relatively better efficacy among
tum depression. Treatment with IPT was supe- the depressed elders who had been caregivers for
rior to a parenting education program for a relatively briefer time period (⭐3.5 years),
women with antepartum depression in all mea- whereas the CBT was relatively more efficacious
sures of mood at termination (Spinelli & Endi- with those that had been caregivers for longer
cott, 2003). Also, for symptomatic relief and so- than 3.5 years.
cial adjustment, IPT was superior to a wait-list Although brief dynamic therapy appears to be
control for women suffering from postpartum a promising possibility for the acute treatment
depression (O’Hara, Stuart, Gorman, & Wenzel, of MDD, more data on comparisons to credible
2000). In a different study, IPT for postpartum control groups are needed.
depression was found to be as effective as a
mother–infant therapy group and superior to a
Problem-Solving Therapy
wait list control (Clark, Vittengl, Kraft, & Jarrett,
2003). Finally, in the only randomized, clinical Problem-solving therapy for MDD (Nezu, 1986)
trial of a Western psychotherapy adapted for Af- has been examined in several controlled studies.
rica, group IPT was better than treatment as Nezu (1986) and Nezu and Perri (1989) found
usual for depressed people in rural Uganda for problem-solving treatment to be superior to a
depressive symptomatology and social function- wait-list control group, using samples that were
ing (Bolton et al., 2003). primarily female community volunteers. In each
of these studies, the full version of problem-
solving therapy was found to be better than a
Brief Dynamic Therapy
version that had some but not all of the key el-
Psychodynamic psychotherapy comes in many ements of the treatment. Problem-solving ther-
forms. Brief versions of this treatment typically apy has also been found to be as efficacious as
have a clear interpersonal or intrapsychic routine medication treatment by general practi-
focus and use therapist interpretations as the tioners in one study (Catalan et al., 1991) and
key intervention designed to increase self- equal to amitriptyline but better than placebo in
understanding about interpersonal or intrapsy- another (Mynors-Wallis, Gath, Lloyd-Thomas, &
chic issues that might be contributing to or Tomlinson, 1995). In an elderly sample, Arean
maintaining depressive symptoms. Manual- and colleagues (1993) found problem-solving
based, brief psychodynamic psychotherapy has therapy to yield roughly equivalent results to
been evaluated in the treatment of MDD in sev- those with reminiscence therapy, but better re-
eral studies. In two studies, an interpersonally sults than those with wait-list.
oriented psychodynamic therapy (somewhat Problem-solving therapy also appears to be
Chapter 2 Treatment of Depression and Bipolar Disorder 33

promising for the acute treatment of MDD. Ad- nitive therapy targeting residual symptoms with
ditional larger studies are needed, as are com- clinical management among patients who were
parisons to other standard psychotherapies for successfully treated with antidepressant medi-
MDD, with samples recruited in psychiatric set- cations (in both treatments medications were
tings. gradually tapered and discontinued). Cognitive
therapy resulted in substantially lower relapse
rates than those after clinical management (Fava
Prevention of Relapse and Recurrence
et al., 1996) over the course of a 4-year follow-
Studies that use naturalistic follow-up assess- up, and there were fewer depressive episodes at
ments of patients who have received a short- a 6-year follow-up assessment (Fava, Rafanelli,
term course of treatment have suggested that Grandi, Conti, & Belluardo, 1998).
cognitive therapy reduces relapse relative to dis- In one large study of recurrent MDD mainte-
continued medication (Blackburn, Eunson, & nance, IPT (alone) was found to be inferior to
Bishop, 1986; Evans et al., 1992; Kovacs, Rush, medication and to medication plus IPT, but bet-
Beck, & Hollon, 1981; Simons, Murphy, Levine, ter than placebo (Frank et al., 1990). In a geriatric
& Wetzel, 1986). In addition, for patients with sample, MDD patients treated to remission with
residual depressive symptoms following phar- IPT plus nortrityline fared relatively poorer in
macotherapy, cognitive therapy has been found maintenance IPT plus placebo treatment com-
to reduce recurrence rates relative to mainte- pared to IPT plus nortrityline (Reynolds et al.,
nance medication only (Paykel et al., 1999) and 1999). Maintenance IPT plus placebo, however,
treatment as usual (Teasdale et al., 2000). Several was superior to placebo in preventing recur-
studies have examined continuation or mainte- rences of depressive episodes (Reynolds et al.,
nance psychotherapy for MDD patients who 1999). Thus, overall, the evidence is stronger for
have achieved a clinical response or remission of cognitive therapy than for IPT as stand-alone
symptoms following acute-phase treatment. In continuation or maintenance treatment to pre-
patients with recurrent MDD, continuation cog- vent relapse or recurrences.
nitive therapy has been found to reduce relapse
relative to short-term cognitive therapy without
continuation treatment (Jarrett et al., 2001). An
earlier study found that both continuation- A relatively large and growing body of literature
phase cognitive therapy alone or combined has substantiated the efficacy of targeted psycho-
medication and continuation-phase cognitive therapies in the treatment of MDD in adults. Re-
therapy produced lower relapse rates than those search evidence from controlled clinical trials in
with medication only (Blackburn et al., 1986). particular supports the efficacy of cognitive ther-
However, a subsequent study found that main- apy, IPT, and behavioral therapy for MDD.
tenance medication and maintenance cognitive Problem-solving therapy and certain forms of
therapy yielded similar prophylactic effects brief dynamic therapy appear promising, but fur-
(Blackburn & Moore, 1997). Similarly, in patients ther research is needed. Acute-phase cognitive
treated to remission with fluoxetine (20 mg), Per- therapy reduces the risk of relapse or recurrence
lis et al. (2002) found that continuation treat- of MDD, and continuation treatment reduces
ment (28 weeks) with cognitive therapy plus such risks further. Cognitive therapy and IPT
fluoxetine (40 mg) yielded similar relapse rates generally have been found to be equally effica-
to those with continuation treatment with cious to medications, even with more severely
fluoxetine (40 mg) alone. depressed patients. However, a recent study sug-
Because residual symptoms of depression after gests that chronic depression might best be
successful treatment predicts the relapse or re- treated with the combination of medication and
currence of MDD, research has examined the psychotherapy.
role of cognitive therapy in the treatment of Although many of the psychotherapeutic in-
such residual symptoms. Fava, Grandi, Zielezny, terventions studied in adults have been adapted
Rafanelli, and Canestrari, (1996) compared cog- to the treatment of adolescents, including IPT,
34 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorder

cognitive therapy, and behavioral therapy, the frequent interrelationship between depression
adult literature is characterized by a much and suicidal behavior, we review the published
broader set of studies than in the child and ad- clinical trials for the treatment of adolescent sui-
olescent MDD treatment literature. Even with cide attempters.
this relatively large number of MDD studies con-
ducted to date, numerous questions remain
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
about psychotherapy for MDD in adults. Despite
of Youth Depression
the success of certain psychotherapies in the
treatment of adult MDD, it may be risky to as- In this section, we review controlled clinical tri-
sume such treatments are likely to be the best als of treating child and adolescent depressive
psychosocial treatments for childhood and ado- disorders with CBT. The cognitive-behavioral ap-
lescent MDD. The biological, developmental, proaches for youth depression focus on identi-
cognitive, and experiential differences between fying and modifying negative thought patterns
children and adolescents and adults raise the and improving disturbed behavioral self- and
question of whether wholly different interven- social-regulation skills thought to underlie the
tion strategies may be most effective with chil- etiology of depression. In youth depression treat-
dren and adolescents (Mueller & Orvaschel, ment, these foci have been addressed through
1997). For example, psychodynamic psycho- the application of cognitive and behavioral tech-
therapy, especially variants that rely heavily on niques such as (1) mood monitoring; (2) cogni-
symbolic interpretations, may not be appropri- tive restructuring; (3) behavioral activation,
ate for younger individuals who lack the cogni- pleasant activity scheduling, and goal-setting
tive maturity to understand such interventions. strategies; (4) relaxation and stress management;
Treatments that have been little studied in (5) social skills and conflict resolution training;
adults, such as family therapy, may have much and (6) training in general problem-solving skills
greater relevance among children and adoles- (Kaslow & Thompson, 1998; Kazdin & Weisz,
cents. New treatments that incorporate devel- 1998). Although the total number of youth de-
opmental issues may be needed. Although it may pression treatment studies is relatively small,
be hazardous to export treatment modalities de- and different investigators have used varying
veloped for adults to children and adolescents, combinations of these CBT techniques, prelimi-
research on children and adolescents can benefit nary evidence suggests that overall, CBT pack-
greatly from the methodological developments ages have beneficial effects on depression symp-
in the treatment of MDD in adults, particularly toms in youth. In two more recent meta-analyses
the study of prevention of relapse or recurrence. of treatment of adolescent depression, mean ef-
Ongoing dialogue and interchange among in- fect sizes for comparisons of CBT to controls of
vestigators in the adult and child areas is likely CBT were estimated to be quite large, 1.02 and
to facilitate the more rapid development of lit- 1.27 post-treatment, respectively (Lewinsohn &
erature on treatment of children with MDD. Clarke, 1999; Reinecke, Ryan & DuBois, 1998).
To date, there have been 13 randomized stud-
ies of CBT with depressed youth—three in clin-
Psychosocial Treatment of Adolescent ically referred samples, three in diagnosed com-
Major Depression munity samples, and seven in symptomatic but
not diagnosed community samples. Four studies
In this overview of psychosocial treatments for were conducted in depressed children, and the
early-onset depression, we review the random- remainder in adolescents. Most studies relied on
ized clinical trials in children and adolescents samples of depressed youth recruited from
with depressive disorders and symptomatology. school or community settings who may have
The vast majority of the intervention trials have mild to moderate symptoms of depression, as as-
used CBT techniques. In addition, we review the sessed by dimensional screening instruments;
handful of studies that have used interpersonal these studies are discussed only briefly here.
therapy and family therapy. Finally, given the Within the past 5 years, however, several inves-
Chapter 2 Treatment of Depression and Bipolar Disorder 35

tigative teams have published controlled trials in and at 9-month follow-up (71% vs. 75%) (Vos-
youth who meet diagnostic criteria for depres- tanis et al., 1996a). However, 46% of patients
sion and are often clinically referred. We will be- across conditions reported experiencing a “de-
gin our discussion with these more recent and pressive episode” at some point during the
well-developed treatment programs, and then follow-up period (Vostanis et al., 1996). On av-
briefly review historical work with subclinical erage, patients in both the CBT and NFI
samples of community youth. A summary of conditions attended six sessions with a therapist,
studies on clinic samples is shown in Table 2.1. but the range of sessions was from two to nine,
Wood, Harrington, and Moore (1996) com- occurring over a 1- to 5-month period.
pared the impact of a five- to eight-session CBT Brent and colleagues (1997) tested CBT, de-
intervention with a comparable dose of relaxa- rived from Beck et al. (1979), against systemic
tion training in the treatment of early- to behavior family therapy (SBFT) and a nondirec-
middle-adolescent outpatients with depressive tive supportive therapy (NST), using a primarily
disorders, with 54% of the CBT group and 26% clinically referred sample (2⁄3 vs. 1⁄3 from news-
of the relaxation group remitting by the end of paper advertisements) of depressed adolescents.
treatment. Similar results were obtained on self- In comparison to the treatment used by Wood et
report measures of depressive symptoms, self- al. (1996) and Vostanis et al. (1996), these treat-
esteem, and general psychosocial adjustment. ments were much longer and more regular (12
Upon 6-month follow-up, the groups had con- to 16 weekly sessions).
verged, because of continued improvement in At posttreatment assessment, significantly
the relaxation group and symptomatic relapse in fewer of those subjects receiving CBT (17%) than
the CBT group. Younger age of diagnosis and NST (42%) continued to have diagnosable MDD.
higher level of functioning at intake were associ- Remission, as defined by the absence of MDD
ated with better outcome (Jayson, Wood, Kroll, and at least three consecutive BDI scores ⬍ 9, was
Fraser, Harrington, 1998). The addition of a me- more common in the CBT cell (60%) than in ei-
dian of six monthly booster CBT sessions after ther SBFT (38%) or NST (39%). Reductions in sui-
acute treatment resulted in a much lower relapse cidality and improvements in general psycho-
rate than acute treatment alone (20% vs. 50%; social adjustment were not different across
Kroll, Harrington, Jayson, Fraser, & Gowers, 1996). groups. Cognitive behavior therapy resulted in
Using a similar CBT treatment package to that greater change in cognitive distortions than did
of Wood et al. (1996), Vostanis, Feehan, Grattau, either SBFT or NST, although changes in depres-
& Bickerton (1996) randomized depressed out- sive symptoms were not mediated by changes in
patients to either individual CBT or an attention- cognitive style (Kolko, Brent, Baugher, Bridge, &
placebo condition termed nonfocused interven- Birmaher, 2000). Across treatment cells, poorer
tion (NFI). CBT and NFI were equivalent with response was predicted by greater cognitive dis-
regard to the proportion not meeting depressive tortion, more severe depression at intake, and re-
criteria at the end of treatment (87% vs. 75%) ferral to an advertisement rather than by clinical

Table 2.1 Results of Cognitive Behavior Therapy Conducted in Clinical Samples (% Improved)

Rate of
Study N CBT/IPT Family Supportive Relapse

Wood et al., 1996a 53 54% — — 50%

Vostanis et al., 1996a 63 87% — 75% 46%
Brent et al., 1997a 107 60% 38% 39% 30%
Mufsont et al., 1994b 48 75% — 46% —

CBT, cognitive-behavioral therapy; IPT, interpersonal therapy.

There was no major depression and a significant reduction in symptoms; CBT was an active comparator.
Interpersonal therapy was used.
36 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorder



% No Remission
Figure 2.1 Failure to achieve remission as a
function of self-reported maternal depres-
sion according to Beck Depression Inventory
[data from D.A. Brent, D. Kolko, B. Birnaher,
M. Bauger, J. Bridge, C. Roth, et al. (1988).
Predictors of treatment efficacy in a clinical
trial of three psychosocial treatments for
adolescent depression. Journal of the Amer- <9 >9
Matemal BDI
ican Academy of Child and Adolescent Psy-
chiatry, 37, 906–914, used with permission].

referral. Removal from the study and dropout & Brent, 2004a). Subjects who entered the study
were predicted by double depression (depression via an advertisement fared much better than
comorbid with dysthymia) and greater hopeless- clinically referred subjects despite having nearly
ness, respectively (Brent et al., 1998). identifiable demographic, clinical, and family
In the Brent et al. trial (1998), comorbid anx- characteristics, and were 12 times less likely to
iety was associated with more robust response to have a recurrence of their depression on follow-
CBT, and maternal depressive symptoms were as- up (Birmaher et al., 2000; Brent et al., 1998). The
sociated with a poorer response to CBT (Fig. 2.1). differential outcome of those who entered via an
At posttreatment, CBT was superior to NST and advertisement was in part mediated by hopeless-
SBFT, even in the presence of multiple adverse ness (Brent et al., 1998). At 2-year follow-up, dif-
predictors. This suggests that CBT, in addition to ferences between treatment groups on the pres-
being efficacious under controlled conditions, ence of current MDD were not significant,
may also be efficacious for use in real-world ser- although the descriptive data again favor CBT
vice settings with clinically complex cases (Fig. (6%) over SBFT (23%) and NST (26%). Recur-
2.2). Lifetime suicidality was associated with a rence of depression over the 2-year follow-up pe-
poorer response to supportive treatment, where riod was predicted by greater severity of depres-
CBT appeared robust (Barbe, Bridge, Birmaher, sion symptoms at intake, higher levels of parent–
Kolko, & Brent, 2004b). A history of sexual child conflict, and a lifetime history of sexual
abuse, however, was associated with a poorer re- abuse (Birmaher et al., 2000).
sponse to CBT (Barbe, Bridge, Birmaher, Kolko, Table 2.2 shows a summary of the studies per-

Figure 2.2 Depression at the end 100

of treatment as a function of the Overall: χ2 Test of Trend = 9.72, df = 1, p =
number of adverse conditions, in- 80 0.002
% Post MDD

cluding comorbid anxiety, clinical Within NST: χ2 Test of Trend = 6.52, df = 1, p =

60 0.01
source of referral, high cognitive
distortion, and hopelessness [data 40
from D.A. Brent, D. Kolko, B. Bir-
naher, M. Bauger, J. Bridge, C. 20
Roth, et al. (1988). Predictors of
treatment efficacy in a clinical Zero or One Two Adverse Three or More
Adverse Conditions Conditions Adverse Conditions
trial of three psychosocial treat-
ments for adolescent depression. CBT SBFT NST
Journal of the American Academy
of Child and Adolescent Psychia-
try, 37, 906–914, used with per-
Chapter 2 Treatment of Depression and Bipolar Disorder 37

Table 2.2 Results of Cognitive Behavior adolescent-plus-parent, and wait-list control

Therapy Conducted in Diagnosed Samples conditions, respectively, no longer meeting
(% Improved within Samples) diagnostic criteria for MDD or dysthymia
Study N CBT IPT WLC posttreatment. In this trial, there was a re-
randomization to a one- to two-session booster
Lewinsohn et al., 59 43% — 5% condition that did not reduce the rate of depres-
sion recurrence for those who had remitted by
Clarke et al., 123 65% — 48% the end of treatment. However, for patients who
had not yet recovered from depression at the end
Rossello & Bernal, 71 59% 82% —
of the acute treatment phase, booster sessions
did accelerate their rate of recovery. Across both
CBT, cognitive-behavioral therapy; IPT, interpersonal studies assessing the effects of CWD-A with di-
therapy; WLC, wait-list control.
agnosed samples, a positive treatment response
There was no major depression.
was predicted by a less severe initial depression,
A “significant reduction in symptoms” was reported.
higher initial engagement in and enjoyment of
pleasant activities, and fewer irrational thoughts
formed with community samples. The following (Clarke et al., 1992; Rohde, Clarke, Lewinsohn,
set of studies used community samples of youth Seeley, & Kaufman, 2001).
with diagnostic depression recruited either from Clarke et al. (2002) examined the efficacy of
schools or via advertisements. group CBT for depressed adolescents whose par-
Lewinsohn, Clarke, Hops, and Andrews ents were depressed. The sample was obtained
(1990) randomized 59 participants to either through sampling the offspring of depressed par-
Coping with Depression–Adolescent version ents. Subjects were assigned to either a 16-
(CWD-A) alone, CWD-A plus the parent group session group CBT program plus treatment as
(consisting of 7 weekly sessions), or a wait-list usual (N ⫽ 41) or treatment as usual alone (N ⫽
control. The CWD-A consisted of 14 two-hour 47). Assessments were conducted at intake, after
psychoeducationally oriented group sessions de- treatment, and at 12- and 24-month follow-up.
livered over 7 weeks. The focus of CWD-A is on According to intent-to-treat analyses, there was
increasing social skills, pleasant events and activ- no advantage of group CBT over treatment as
ities, and problem-solving and conflict resolu- usual on rate of depressive disorders, depressive
tion skills, while reducing anxious and depres- symptoms, nondepressive symptoms, or func-
sive cognitions. At the conclusion of treatment, tional outcomes at the end of treatment or over
43% of the adolescent-only group and 48% of the follow-up period. These findings are consis-
the adolescent-plus-parent group no longer met tent with those of Brent et al. (1998), who also
diagnostic criteria, compared to only 5% of the found that CBT, delivered individually, was no
wait-list control subjects. Significantly decreased more effective than either family or supportive
scores on self-report depression measures were therapy in the face of significant maternal de-
also obtained for both treatment groups relative pressive symptoms.
to the wait-list control group. Treatment gains Rohde et al. (2001) examined the impact of
persisted at 1-, 6-, 12-, and 24-month follow-up. comorbidity on treatment outcome in an aggre-
The adolescent-plus-parent group did not result gated sample of depressed adolescents treated in
in better outcomes than the adolescent-only the Lewinsohn et al. (1990) and Clarke et al.
condition. Poor outcome was associated with (1999) samples. Of 151 subjects enrolled in these
greater depressive symptomatology, comorbid trials, 40% had one or more comorbid diagnoses.
anxiety symptoms, and greater cognitive distor- Those with comorbid anxiety disorders showed
tions at intake (Clarke, Hops, Lewinsohn, An- a greater decrease in depression scores at post-
drew, & Williams, 1992). treatment, similar to Brent et al. (1998). Lifetime
Clarke, Lewinsohn, Rohde, Hops, and Seeley substance abuse was associated with a slower
(1999) replicated these results, with 65%, 69%, time to recovery. Subjects with attention-deficit
and 48% of subjects in the adolescent-only, hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and disruptive
38 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorder

behavior disorders were more likely to experi- could not meet criteria for a current mood dis-
ence a depressive recurrence. In general, the au- order. Ninety-four adolescent subjects were ran-
thors concluded that the effects of CBT were ro- domized to the experimental treatment (N ⫽ 45)
bust to the impact of comorbidity. and to usual care (N ⫽ 49). At 12-month follow-
up, the cumulative rate of incident major de-
Symptomatic Community Samples pression was much lower in the experimental
condition than that with treatment as usual
There are several community-based studies of
(9.3% vs. 28.8%). The odds of new-onset depres-
symptomatic children and adolescents in which
sion was nearly six times higher in the control
CBT is compared with other active treatments
than in the experimental group, after adjusting
(e.g., relaxation treatment, self-control, model-
for gender, age, past history of depression, and
ing) as well as a wait-list control (Butler, Meizitis,
intake self-reported symptoms of depression (ad-
& Friedman, 1980; Kahn, Kehle, Jenson, & Clark,
justed odds ratio [OR] ⫽ 5.6, 95% confidence in-
1990; Liddle & Spence, 1990; Reynolds & Coats,
terval [CI] ⫽ 1.6-20.4). Significant treatment by
1986; Stark, Reynolds, & Kaslow, 1987; Weisz,
time interactions favoring the experimental
Thurber, Sweeney, Proffitt, & LeGagnoux, 1997).
treatment were found for self-reported depres-
In general, all active interventions are superior
sion and global functioning. On average, those
to wait-list control conditions and the impact is
exposed to the experimental group experienced
sustained on follow-up, but with few exceptions,
33 fewer depressed days than those in the
CBT showed no differential impact compared to
treatment-as-usual condition.
the other active interventions. These studies are
One study examined the effect of CBT “bib-
important because they are some of the only
liotherapy,” or therapy involving pertinent
CBT studies of depressive symptoms in children,
reading materials, on adolescents with mild to
are usually delivered in a group format, and,
moderate depression who were symptomatic vol-
therefore, may guide future efforts to prevent
unteers (Ackerson, Scogin, McKendree-Smith, &
early-onset depression.
Lyman, 1998). Twenty-two subjects were as-
signed to either reading the Feeling Good book by
Burns (1980) or to a 4-week delayed-treatment
Clarke and colleagues (1995) tested the efficacy condition, after which they received the bib-
of an adaptation of CWD-A, termed “coping liotherapy condition. Significant treatment by
with stress” (CWS), in preventing diagnosable time interactions, favoring the experimental
depression in adolescents with subsyndromal condition, were found for interview-, parent-
depressive symptoms, but without a diagnos- and self-rated depression, and dysfunctional at-
able depressive disorder. One hundred fifty high titudes. Gains for the experimental condition
school students who scored high on the Center were maintained at 1-month follow-up, and
for Epidemiological Studies–Depression scale there was even evidence of continued improve-
(CES-D) but failed to meet diagnostic criteria for ment. Approximately 60% (59 to 64%) of sub-
a current depressive disorder were randomly as- jects experienced a clinically significant im-
signed to the 15-session CWS or “usual care.” At provement in their symptomatology, with
12 months postintervention, fewer cases of de- evidence of sustained and even continued im-
pressive disorder (15%) had developed in the ex- provement on follow-up. Partial support was
perimental group than in the control group found for mediation of changes in depressive
(26%). Clarke et al. (2001) conducted a random- symptomatology by changes in dysfunctional
ized clinical trial comparing the efficacy of group thinking.
CBT plus treatment as usual versus treatment as
usual alone for the adolescent offspring of de-
Interpersonal Psychotherapy
pressed parents deemed to be at risk for the de-
for Adolescent Depression
velopment of a depressive disorder (e.g., pres-
ence of subsyndromal symptoms of depression Although CBT interventions have received the
and/or a history of past mood disorder). Subjects most attention from researchers of youth de-
Chapter 2 Treatment of Depression and Bipolar Disorder 39

pression, there are a number of clinical trials that ity, acceptability, and efficacy of 12 weeks of
focus on changing the interpersonal aspects of IPT-A in acutely depressed adolescents in reduc-
depression. Interpersonal psychotherapy for de- ing depressive symptoms and improving social
pressed adolescents, family therapy, and social functioning and interpersonal problem-solving
skills training have all been investigated in at skills.
least one controlled trial (Mufson et al., 1994; Mufson and colleagues assessed the effective-
Diamond et al., 2002; Fine, Forth, & Gilbert, ness of IPT-A in school-based mental health clin-
1991). All three treatments target behavioral ics in New York City: they randomized 63 de-
and environmental processes, although the so- pressed adolescents referred for a mental health
cial domain targeted by the interventions dif- intake visit to IPT-A or treatment as usual, both
fers, as do the techniques used to affect change. performed by the clinic staff. The adolescents
Interpersonal psychotherapy for adolescents had either MDD, dysthymia, depressive disorder
(IPT-A), an adaption of IPT, is a time-limited, fo- not otherwise specified (NOS), or adjustment
cused psychotherapy that addresses common disorder with a depressed mood. At termination,
adolescent developmental issues that are closely the adolescents in the IPT-A treatment experi-
related to depression: separation from parents, enced significantly higher symptomatic relief
authority and autonomy issues in the parent– than the treatment-as-usual group (Mufson et
teen relationship, development of dyadic inter- al., 2004)
personal relationships, peer pressure, loss, and Rossello and Bernal (1999) compared the ef-
issues related to single-parent families. Interper- ficacy of a 12-week, individually administered
sonal therapy has been adapted and tested for CBT program to a similar dose of IPT and wait-
depressed adolescents (Mufson et al., 1994; Muf- list control in adolescents with diagnosed MDD
son, Weissman, Moreau, & Garfinkel, 1999). In and/or dysthymia referred by school personnel.
a controlled, 12-week, clinical trial of IPT-A, 48 Both active interventions were adapted to be cul-
adolescents (12–18 years old) with MDD were turally appropriate for use with Puerto Rican
randomly assigned to either weekly IPT-A or bi- youth. Attendance problems occurred in both
weekly to monthly 30-minute sessions of clini- treatments, as only 68% of IPT cases and 52% of
cal monitoring. The sample was largely Hispanic CBT cases completed over seven treatment ses-
and female. Thirty-two of the 48 patients com- sions. To assess outcome, a clinical cutoff was se-
pleted the protocol (21 IPT-A-assigned patients lected on the Children’s Depression Inventory
and 11 patients in the control group). At termi- (CDI) that was approximately 3 points lower
nation, a much lower proportion of those in than the mean intake CDI score for the sample.
IPT-A still met criteria for major depression As measured by these criteria for clinically sig-
(12.5% vs. 41.6%). As measured by the Clinical nificant change (Jacobson and Truax, 1991),
Global Improvement scale, 95.5% of those 59% of adolescents in the CBT condition and
treated with IPT-A were rated as significantly 82% of IPT cases achieved clinically significant
better than at intake, compared to 61.5% of improvement in depression symptoms by post-
those treated with clinical management. More- treatment; data were not provided for the wait-
over, only 4.5% of those treated with IPT-A were list control condition. Using an unspecified nor-
rated as significantly worse, compared to 23.1% mative cutoff point for the CDI, the authors
of those assigned to clinical monitoring. Pa- indicated that 56% of the IPT cases, 48% of the
tients who received IPT-A reported a significant CBT cases, and 61% of wait-list cases were “se-
decrease in depressive symptoms and greater verely depressed” at intake. At posttreatment,
improvement in overall social functioning, these percentages were 11%, 24%, and 34%, re-
functioning with friends, and problem-solving spectively, and 17% and 18% at 3-month follow-
skills. In the intent-to-treat sample, 18 (75%) of up (for IPT and CBT, respectively). Although this
24 patients who received IPT-A compared with investigation has several methodological diffi-
11 patients (46%) in the control condition met culties (e.g., substantial attrition and no intent-
recovery criterion (HAM-D ⭐6) at Week 12. to-treat analyses conducted), these results pro-
These preliminary findings support the feasibil- vide some of the first information on the efficacy
40 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorder

of CBT for depressed Latino youth and the only olescent major depression, and that it is effica-
extant comparison of CBT and IPT for adolescent cious in a poor, African-American population. It
depression. is important to note, however, that in the one
clinical trial comparing CBT with family therapy
for depressed adolescents (Brent et al., 1997),
Attachment-Based Family Therapy
family therapy produced significantly worse out-
Diamond, Reis, Diamond, Siqueland, and Isaacs comes than CBT. The model of family therapy in
(2002) conducted a randomized clinical trial the Brent et al. (1997) study focused on problem
comparing Attachment-based family therapy solving and communication, but it did not ad-
(ABFT) with a wait-list control in 32 clinical re- dress attachment issues as in the study of Dia-
ferred adolescents meeting DSM-III-R criteria for mond et al. (2002).
major depression in a largely (69%) African-
American, poor, inner-city sample. On average,
Social Skills Training
subjects received eight sessions of ABFT, which
focuses on strengthening family bonds, reduc- Fine, Forth, Gilbert, and Haley (1991) compared
ing conflict, improving trust, improving cross- two forms of short-term group therapy, either so-
generational empathy, and, subsequently, im- cial skills training or therapeutic support, for de-
proving affect regulation, communication, and pressed adolescents in a randomized clinical
promotion of competence. Those in the wait-list trial. Subjects in the therapeutic support group
condition received 15 minutes of weekly tele- showed significantly greater reductions in clini-
phone monitoring of their clinical condition as cal depression and significant increases in self-
well as a face-to-face assessment at Week 6, at concept, although there were no group differ-
which point those still meeting criteria for major ences by 9-month follow-up. Subjects in the
depression were offered ABFT. The treatment support group maintained their gains, and those
data from these latter cases were not included in who attended the social skills group caught up.
the primary outcome analyses. At posttreat-
ment, 81% of those treated with ABFT no longer
Suicide Attempters
met criteria for depression, compared to 47% in
the wait-list control group. A significantly A high proportion of adolescent suicide attempt-
greater number of those assigned to ABFT re- ers have mood disorders, and suicide attempts
ported a BDI ⬍9 (62% vs. 19%). A significant are a serious complication of mood disorder
treatment-by-time interaction favoring ABFT (Lewinsohn, Rohde, & Seeley, 1996). Therefore,
was found for interview-rated depression, self- we examine the three randomized clinical trials
reported anxiety, and child-reported parent– of adolescent suicide attempters that have been
child conflict, with nonsignificant trends favor- conducted thus far.
ing ABFT for attachment to mother, suicidal Rotheram-Borus et al. (1996) compared the ef-
ideation, and hopelessness. ficacy of a cognitive behavior family therapy
One limitation of the study was that ABFT was plus an emergency room intervention with that
12 weeks in duration whereas the control treat- of family CBT alone. The family CBT plus emer-
ment lasted 6 weeks, so that it is hard to differ- gency room intervention resulted in greater
entiate time versus treatment effects. Therefore, compliance with treatment. No baseline char-
analyses were conducted focusing on the first 6 acteristics were reported, but end point analyses
weeks. While most of these analyses were not on maternal depression and general psychopa-
statistically significant, a significantly greater thology, patient ideation, and parent-reported
proportion of those treated with ABFT showed a family interaction favored the combined inter-
BDI ⬍9 by 6 weeks (56% vs. 19%). Fifteen of vention.
those treated with ABFT were followed up for 6 Harrington et al. (1998) compared a four-
months after the end of treatment and only 13% session, home-based family problem-solving in-
had a depressive relapse. These results suggest tervention with treatment as usual for 162 ado-
that ABFT may be a promising treatment for ad- lescents who had taken an overdose. Subjects
Chapter 2 Treatment of Depression and Bipolar Disorder 41

were assessed at intake and at 2 and 6 months Iyengar, & Birmaher, submitted). Efficacy also
after intake. There were no differences between appears to be robust to format (group vs. indi-
the two groups with respect to suicidal ideation, vidual), emphasis (behavioral vs. cognitive), and
hopelessness, or family variables. A post-hoc dose (5 to 16 sessions).
subgroup analysis showed that nondepressed While these results are promising, many pa-
subjects who received the family intervention tients continue to have clinically significant
(vs. treatment as usual) reported lower suicidal levels of depression following CBT, and near ma-
ideation. However, the authors note that the de- jorities of patients experience at least one recur-
pressed subgroup had much more severe idea- rence of depression within 2 years of treatment
tion, so that the intervention was not effective termination. It is perhaps not surprising that
in the more severely suicidal group. many patients (estimates range from 29% to
Wood, Trainor, Rothwell, Moore, and Har- 48%) seek additional services following acute
rington (2001) randomized 63 adolescents who, CBT (Brent, Kolko, Birmaher, Baugher, & Bridge,
prior to randomization, had made at least two 1999).
suicide attempts within a year to either a six- These studies provide some clues about the
session group intervention or to treatment as improvement of depression when CBT is used.
usual. The group treatment consisted of a com- Treatment with CBT fared more poorly in the
bination of interpersonal skills training, anger face of maternal depressive symptoms, greater
management, problem solving, addressing of de- severity, and double depression; family discord
pression and hopelessness, and conflict resolu- also retarded recovery and predicted recurrence.
tion. In intent-to-treat analyses, those who re- Therefore, additional interventions that target
ceived the experimental treatment were 6.3 maternal depression and family discord may
times less likely to have made two or more at- well augment outcome. Moreover, particularly
tempts over an average of 29 weeks of follow-up refractory and chronic conditions, such as dou-
(6% vs. 31%). Subjects in the experimental treat- ble depression, may respond better to combina-
ment were 60% less likely to make at least one tions of medication and CBT than to either as
attempt, although this effect was not statistically monotherapy alone, as suggested by comparable
significant. They were also less likely to use rou- data in adults with chronic depression (Keller et
tine care, had better school attendance, and had al., 2000). Further work on improving outcome
a lower rate of disruptive disorders than those in patients with these poor prognostic risk fac-
who received treatment as usual. However, the tors needs to be conducted. There is little in the
two treatments did not differ in their effects on extant literature about the transportability of
depression or global outcome. CBT to community settings. We do have evi-
dence from benchmarking studies that CBT ap-
pears to be superior to community treatment
and that it can yield similar results in clinical
Cognitive behavior therapy for youth depression trials and in open treatment, under less con-
appears to be more efficacious than no treat- trolled conditions (Weersing et al., 2003; Weisz
ment, wait-list control, or attention placebo con- & Weersing, 2002). We currently have very little
trols. There is also evidence in clinically referred information on the treatment of serious depres-
samples that CBT can produce better results than sion in preadolescents, and it is unclear how CBT
alternate active treatments (Brent et al., 1997; may need to be adapted to take into account the
Wood et al., 1996). Cognitive behavior therapy more concrete cognitive style and greater depen-
may also be “robust” in the face of many of dence on parents seen in most preadolescent (as
the adverse clinical predictors of poor outcome compared to adolescent) patients (Weisz &
(e.g., comorbidity) (Brent et al., 1998; Rohde et Weersing, 1999).
al., 2001). A recently completed benchmarking Much less is known about the efficacy of
study has also suggested that much of the ad- other forms of psychotherapy, such as interper-
vantage of CBT found in clinical trials can be sus- sonal or family therapy. Interpersonal therapy
tained in outpatient clinic settings (Weersing, for adolescents appears to be a promising treat-
42 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorder

ment for adolescent depression and has been that have the best outcome in adults may be sig-
well accepted and efficacious in Latino popula- nificant for the treatment of adolescent depres-
tions. The one direct comparison of CBT and sion.
IPT is difficult to interpret, but IPT appeared at
least as efficacious as CBT and with respect to
some measures, more so (Rossello & Bernal, Pharmacological Treatment of Adult
1999). With additional studies of IPT it will be Major Depression
important to understand which factors predict
good and poor response.
Despite numerous studies implicating family At this time the first line medication treatment
factors in adolescent depression, there have only for adult MDD is the SSRIs, which include fluox-
been two studies that examine the efficacy of etine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft), paroxetine
family therapy in child or adolescent depression. (Paxil), fluvoxamine (Luvox), citalopram (Cel-
A skills-based family treatment did not appear to exa), and escitalopram (Lexapro). They have a
be as efficacious as CBT, whereas ABFT that fo- greater affinity for the serotonin transporter
cused on repairing and strengthening emotional than for the noradrenergic transporter, and each
bonds achieved results that were as good as those compound selectively inhibits 5-hydroxytryp-
either with CBT or IPT-A (Brent et al., 1997; Dia- tamine (5-HT) reuptake and has unique second-
mond et al., 2002). This treatment mode clearly ary binding properties. This class of drug is rarely
requires further study. associated with fatalities and given its safety pro-
Relatively few studies have examined the im- file provides an easy treatment option for the cli-
pact of psychosocial intervention on the preven- nician (Farvolden, Kennedy, & Lam, 2003).
tion of recurrent suicidal behavior, in part be- The latest generation of antidepressants is the
cause those teens at higher risk for recurrence of selective serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake
suicide attempt are usually excluded from treat- inhibitors (SNRIs), such as venlafaxine (Effexor),
ment trials for adolescent depression. The few duloxetine (Cymbalta), and milnacipran. It ap-
studies that have been conducted are not defin- pears that venlafaxine possesses a selective high
itive but suggest some utility for family cognitive affinity for the noradrenergic and sertonergic
behavior approaches and skills training. This reuptake sites; however, it is only at higher doses
vulnerable population deserves further scrutiny (150 to 225 mg) that its noradrenergic reuptake
and study. becomes activated. This dual reuptake inhibition
may contribute to the high rates of remission of
depressive symptoms compared to those with
PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENT SSRIs (Thase, Entsuah, & Rudolph, 2001). Al-
OF MAJOR DEPRESSION though venlafaxine’s side effect profile is similar
to that of SSRIs, at higher doses ⬎200 mg there
In adults, effective antidepressants for the treat- is a 5.5% clinically significant elevation of blood
ment of adult major depression include mono- pressure and at higher doses ⬎300 mg the inci-
amine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) and tricyclic dence of hypertension reaches 13%. Duloxetine
antidepressants (TCAs), selective serotonin reup- is a newer SNRI with reportedly dual reuptake
take inhibitors (SSRIs) and dual-action agents. inhibition that is equal at clinical doses. Rebox-
Through these treatments at least partial symp- etine is a selective norepinephrine reuptake in-
tomatic response is achieved, but often complete hibitor not approved in the United States for the
remission is difficult to obtain. The existence of treatment of major depression. Mirtazapine,
residual symptoms may be the best predictor for which belongs to the piperazine-azepine group
a relapse or reoccurrence, which may have very of compounds, has not been investigated in the
significant implications if the first episode occurs treatment of pediatric depression.
in adolescence (Keller, 2003). Therefore, deter- Another novel compound used for the treat-
mination of the psychopharmacological ap- ment of adult depression is bupropion, which
proaches, both monotherapies or combinations, has it effects by blocking noradrenergic and do-
Chapter 2 Treatment of Depression and Bipolar Disorder 43

pamine reuptake (Dong & Blier, 2001). It has the TCAs and MAOIs have been more often reserved
side effects of insomnia, nausea, increased anx- as second- and third-line agents for patients who
iety, and restlessness. Another potential side ef- have failed treatment with one of the newer an-
fect is an increased incidence of seizures, which tidepressant classes.
occur at a rate of 0.4% with daily doses below
450 mg and 2.4% with daily doses between 450 Pharmacological Combination and
and 600 mg (Johnston et al., 1991). However, Augmentation Therapy
one important advantage of this compound in
treating adults is that it has been found to cause The definition of treatment-resistant depression
no weight gain or sexual dysfunction. is the failure to clinically respond to one or two
Nefazodone and trazodone inhibit the 5- antidepressant trials with an adequate amount
HT2A receptors. This class of compounds is ef- of time and dosage. There are several strategies
fective for the symptom of insomnia; however, for treating adults with this clinical problem:
sedation is a common problematic side effect maximize the dose and duration of treatment;
along with orthostatic hypotension. A common switch to another antidepressant within a class
clinical practice is to use low doses of trazodone or another class; use a combination of antide-
for insomnia while simultaneously starting an pressants; and augment with other compounds.
SSRI. Trazodone is associated with a rare side ef- Response rates when switching to another type
fect of priaprism. In addition, hepatic toxicity of antidepressant have ranged from 40% to 60%
and liver failure have been found to be associ- (Thase, Trivedi, & Rush, 1995). There is evidence
ated with these compounds. that supports the use of lithium and triodothy-
Older classes of antidepressants efficacious in ronine as augmentation treatment for patients
treating adult MDD, such as the tricyclic and het- who are TCA nonresponders (Aronson, Offman,
erocyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline, amox- Joffee, & Naylor, 1996; Freemantle, Anderson, &
apine, clomipramine, desipramine, doxepin, Young, 2000). There are limited data available on
imipramine, maprotiline, nortriptyline, and pro- the efficacy of lithium and triodothryonine aug-
triptyline) inhibit different combinations of se- mentation with SSRIs (one study with citalpram
rotonin, noradrenergic, and dopamine recep- and one with fluoxetine) and newer antidepres-
tors. Their antagonism at other receptor types sant nonresponders (Baumann, 1996; Katona et
causes difficult side effects such as dry mouth, al., 1993). Open studies of combinations of an-
confusion, orthostatic hypotension, tachycar- tidepressants from different classes suggest pos-
dia, weight gain, urinary retention, and con- sible usefulness for the strategy, but more con-
stipation. In addition, doses outside of the trolled research is required (Seth, Jennings,
therapeutic range may be lethal because of con- Bindman, Phillips, & Bergman, 1992). In addi-
duction abnormalities. The MAOIs (phenelzine tion, there is some evidence for the usefulness of
and tranylcypromine) irreversibly inhibit the novel antipsychotic agents in combination with
monoamine oxidase isozymes A and B. It is antidepressants for treatment-refractory depres-
thought that the blockade of the isozyme A lends sion, such as the combination of fluoxetine and
these compounds their clinical efficacy (Mann et olanzapine (Shelton et al., 2001).
al., 1989). One major issue with this class of anti-
depressants is the required tyramine-restricted Pharmacologial Treatment of Adolescent
diet, which if not adhered to can prove to be fatal Major Depression
with dangerous elevation of the patient’s blood
pressure. Also, drugs that increase synaptic mon- The FDA has issued an advisory to physicians
oamines must be avoided, such as over-the- that the use of antidepressants may lead to sui-
counter cold medications, TCAs, SSRIs, stimu- cidal thinking or attempts in depressed youths
lants, and cocaine. There is also a risk of lethal, (see Part VI: Youth Suicide, Chapter 4). The FDA
rare hyperthermic reactions that occur with me- has requested that a warning be added to the
peridine and other opiates. Given these issues of product label of these antidepressants, with in-
tolerability and potential serious adverse events, formation highlighting the need for close obser-
44 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorder

vation for worsening of depression and the mary efficacy measure of the HAM-D total score,
emergence of suicidality in adults and children there was no statistically significant difference
treated with these medications. This advisory is among the groups (Keller et al., 2001). Adverse
based on the available evidence from pediatric events most commonly reported for paroxetine
major depression trials that seem to suggest were headache, nausea, dizziness, dry mouth,
modest efficacy of antidepressants for this illness and somnolence, which occurred at rates similar
and a small increased risk for suicidal thinking to those in the placebo group except for som-
in some of these studies. This is a complex issue, nolence. The most common adverse events in
and the available pediatric data do not clearly the imipramine group were dizziness, dry
support or refute these treatment concerns for mouth, headache, nausea, and tachycardia. In a
pediatric depression. However, these issues high- multicenter double-blind, placebo-controlled
light the need for continued research to examine trial of paroxetine treatment of children and ad-
the efficacy and safety of both acute and long- olescents with major depression, there was no
term use of these medications in the pediatric statistically significant difference in the response
population. rates between the paroxetine and placebo groups
To date, the only medications that have dem- (GlaxoSmith Kline, data on file).
onstrated safety and efficacy in double-blind, Citalopram treatment for major depression in
placebo-controlled trials for children and adoles- children and adolescents was assessed in 174
cents with major depression are the SSRIs. youths, ages 7 to 17 years. In this double-blind,
Fluoxetine was the first SSRI shown to be effica- placebo-controlled, 8-week trial, patients were
cious in the treatment of children and adoles- randomized to citalopram (mean 23 mg/day) or
cents with major depression. In a single-site 8- placebo. Significantly greater improvement in
week trial, fluoxetine 20 mg was significantly depression, based on change in CDRS-R scores
superior to placebo. Fifty percent of the fluoxe- from baseline to end point, was found for the
tine group compared to 33% of the placebo citalopram group compared to the placebo
group were much or very much clinically im- group. Remission rates, defined as a CDRS-R
proved (Emslie et al., 1997). In a subsequent score ⱕ 28, were 36% in the citalopram group
multicenter study of 219 outpatient youths with and 24% in the placebo group. Headache, nau-
major depression, significantly greater improve- sea, rhinitis, abdominal pain, and influenza-like
ment in depression as assessed by the Children’s symptoms were the most frequent side effects in
Depression Rating Scale–Revised (CDRS-R) the citalopram group (Wagner et al., 2001).
scores was found for the fluoxetine group com- The efficacy and safety of sertraline were as-
pared to the placebo group. Fifty-two percent of sessed in two identical multicenter studies of 376
the fluoxetine group was much or very much children and adolescents ages 6 to 17 years with
clinically improved compared to 37% of the pla- major depression. Patients were randomized to
cebo group (Emslie et al., 2002). On the basis of sertraline (mean 131 mg/day) or placebo during
the positive findings of this study, fluoxetine re- this 10-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled
ceived FDA approval for the treatment of major trial. On the basis of change in CDRS-R scores
depression in children and adolescents. from baseline to end point, the sertraline group
The efficacy of paroxetine has been assessed showed significantly greater improvement in de-
in two pediatric studies, one with adolescents pression than the placebo group. Response rates,
only and one with children and adolescents. In defined as a decrease of ⬎40% in the CDRS-R
a multicenter study of 275 adolescent outpa- score, were 69% in the sertraline group and 59%
tients with major depression, patients were ran- in the placebo group. Headache, nausea, insom-
domized to paroxetine (up to 40 mg), imipra- nia, upper respiratory tract infection, abdominal
mine (up to 300 mg), or placebo for an 8-week pain, and diarrhea were the most common side
trial. Sixty-six percent of the paroxetine group effects in the sertraline-treated group (Wagner et
was much or very much clinically improved, al., 2003).
compared to 52% of the imipramine group and With regard to other antidepressant classes,
48% of the placebo group. However, on the pri- nefazadone was evaluated in a double-blind,
Chapter 2 Treatment of Depression and Bipolar Disorder 45

placebo-controlled trial of 195 adolescents with and adolescents with depression. Dietary restric-
major depression. Adolescents were randomized tions markedly limit the utility of MAOIs for pe-
to nefazadone in targeted daily doses of 300–400 diatric patients.
mg/week or placebo over 8 weeks. Although Therefore, for medication treatment of major
greater improvement was found with nefaza- depression in children and adolescents, only the
done than with placebo, this was not statistically SSRIs have demonstrated efficacy and tolerabil-
significant. In a second multicenter trial for chil- ity in acute, short-term treatment studies. The
dren and adolescents ages 7–17 years, nefaza- SSRIs are currently first-line pharmacological
done did not differentiate from placebo (Rynn et treatment for children and adolescents who are
al. 2002). suffering from depression, although care must be
Double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of taken to monitor the possible emergence of sui-
TCAs in the treatment of depressed youths have cidal ideation.
not demonstrated superiority of TCAs over pla-
cebo. Approximately 500 children and adoles-
cents have been included in aggregate in these Conclusion
studies (Ryan, 2003) (Table 2.3).
The efficacy of venlafaxine, mirtazapine, and Controlled, large-scale studies demonstrating
bupropion have not been established in children the efficacy of antidepressants in the treatment

Table 2.3 Selected Monotherapy Studies in Treatment of Adolescent Depression

Length Sample
Study Agent(s) Used Study Design (weeks) Size Comments

Esmlie et al., Fluoxetine Double-blind, 8 64 Fluoxetine 20 mg superior to

1997 placebo- placebo
Esmlie et al., Fluoxetine Double-blind, 8 219 Fluoxetine effective 52% vs. 37%
2002 placebo- placebo; FDA approval in pediatric
controlled MDD on the basis of this study
Keller et al., Paroxetine, Double-blind, 8 275 Overall response rates were as
2001 imipramine placebo- follows:
controlled Paroxetine ⫽ 66%
Imipramine ⫽ 52%
Placebo ⫽ 48%
GlaxoSmithKline Paroxetine Double-blind, 10 Not statistically significant
(data on file) placebo- between paroxetine and placebo
Wagner et al., Citalopram Double-blind, 8 174 On the basis of CDRS-R scores,
2001 placebo- citalopram showed significant
controlled improvement over placebo
Wagner et al., Sertraline Double-blind, 10 376 Sertraline showed significant
2003 placebo- improvement over placebo
Rynn et al., 2002 Nefazadone Double-blind, 8 195 Nefazadone not superior to
placebo- placebo on primary outcome
controlled (CDRS-R), but significant on
secondary outcome (HAM-D)
Ryan, 2003 Tricyclic Aggregate 500 Tricyclics not superior to placebo
antidepressants studies

CDRS-R, Children’s Depression Rating Scale–Revised; FDA, Food and Drug Association; HAM-D, Hamilton Depression
Rating Scale; MDD, major depressive disorder.
46 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorder

of youths with major depression are limited to sponse to an antidepressant. Lithium augmen-
acute SSRI trials. Moreover, it remains to be de- tation (Ryan, Myer, et al., 1988; Strober, Free-
termined whether children and adolescents re- man, Rigali, Schmidt, & Diamond, 1992) and
spond similarly, since these trials were not ade- MAOI augmentation (Ryan, Puig-Antich, et al.,
quately powered to determine the relative 1988) to TCAs for depressed adolescents have
efficacy of treatment between these age groups. been reported. However, since TCAs are now
There are a number of limitations to these rarely used to treat depression in youths, these
acute SSRI treatment trials that limit their gener- earlier augmentation studies are less clinically
alizability to the pediatric population. Com- relevant.
monly occurring comorbid disorders were often There is little known about the long-term
exclusion criteria in these studies. For example, safety of antidepressant use in children. The
in the study of citalopram treatment for major longest duration of safety data available is from
depression, ADHD was an exclusion criterion. a 52-week open-extension study of sertraline fol-
Comorbidity has been shown to affect response lowing an acute 10-week trial for the treatment
rates of SSRI treatment. In a subset analysis of the of obsessive-compulsive disorder in children and
study by Keller and colleagues (2001), the pres- adolescents (Cook et al., 2001).
ence of comorbid ADHD significantly reduced There is a pressing need to identify effective
response rates in all of the treatment groups. On medication alternatives to the SSRIs for treating
the basis of Clinical Global Improvement ratings depression in youth. It is important that future
of very much improved or much improved, the studies be powered sufficiently to determine ef-
response rates among patients without ADHD ficacy and safety of antidepressants in both child
were as follows: paroxetine, 71%; imipramine, and adolescent populations. Ethnic diversity
64%; and placebo, 59%. For patients with should be an aim of subject inclusion. Long-term
ADHD, response rates were as follows: paroxe- studies of antidepressants are required to evalu-
tine, 25%; imipramine, 31%; and placebo, 13% ate their safety profile in children. This infor-
(Birmaher, McCafferty, Bellew, & Beebe, 2001). mation will enable a risk-benefit analysis of
Substance abuse was an exclusion criterion in all extended antidepressant use.
of the SSRI treatment trials. There was minimal Maintenance studies are needed to guide op-
ethnic diversity in the patients included in these timal medication treatment duration. Strategies
trials—i.e., the majority of patients were Cauca- for relapse prevention need to be developed.
sian. Studies of antidepressants should focus on re-
Other than the SSRIs, there are no data avail- mission of symptoms rather than treatment re-
able to support the efficacy of other classes of sponse. The role of antidepressant medications
antidepressants in treating children and adoles- in improving cognitive functioning, peer rela-
cents with major depression. Because children tionships, family harmony, and overall quality
have been shown to have high placebo response of life needs to be assessed.
rates in depression studies, open studies with Predictors of treatment response and remis-
other antidepressants provide little information sion should be evaluated in pediatric pharma-
about the efficacy of these agents in youths. cological studies. Some factors that may influ-
Very little information is known about the op- ence outcome are age of onset of illness, severity
timal treatment duration for a child with major and duration of illness, comorbid disorders, fam-
depression. The only controlled data available ily history of major depression, and current ep-
for children and adolescents are from a study by isode of parental major depression.
Emslie et al. (2001), which showed that extend- Medication augmentation strategies and the
ing treatment 19 weeks after the end of acute role of psychotherapy to enhance treatment re-
treatment with fluoxetine decreased the relapse sponse require further investigation. The order
rate to 34%, compared to 60% in the placebo of treatment selection—i.e., medication, psycho-
group. therapy, or combined medication and psycho-
There is a paucity of data about augmentation therapy—should be established, particularly as it
strategies for youths who have an inadequate re- relates to depression severity.
Chapter 2 Treatment of Depression and Bipolar Disorder 47

Information is needed as to whether early examining nefazodone, cognitive-behavioral

treatment interventions affect the course of the analysis system of psychotherapy (CBASP), and
illness or prevents its later occurrence in adult- the combination, as treatments for chronic
hood. A new area of investigation is treatment forms of MDD (Keller et al., 2000). The CBASP is
for youths at risk for the development of major a new psychotherapy, developed specifically for
depression. Clark et al. (2003) found that adoles- chronic forms of depression, that draws ele-
cent offspring of depressed parents who had sub- ments from cognitive, behavioral, and interper-
syndromal depressive symptoms benefited more sonal therapies. Using a problem-solving ap-
from a group cognitive therapy prevention pro- proach, the treatment teaches patients to
gram than from the usual health maintenance examine the consequences of their interpersonal
organization care. At 12 months follow-up, cu- behavior as a means of resolving interpersonal
mulative major depression incidence was 9% in conflicts. In the Keller et al. (2000) study, com-
the cognitive treatment group and 29% in the bined nefazodone and CBASP resulted in signif-
usual-care group. It remains to be determined icantly greater acute depression–phase treat-
whether pharmacological treatment of youths at ment response rates (73%) than those with
risk for depression will reduce the likelihood or nefazodone alone (48%) and CBASP alone
prevent the occurrence of major depression. (48%). Although these results for combined
In summary, a medication treatment algo- CBASP and nefazodone deserve attention, the
rithm based on empirically derived information lack of a placebo control or alternate form of psy-
in pediatric populations is necessary to provide chotherapy prevents any inferences about
optimal care to children and adolescents suffer- whether CBASP is uniquely effective in combi-
ing from major depression. nation with nefazodone, or whether any other
form of psychotherapy would have achieved
similar results.
Adolescent Major Depression
Adult Depression
The comparative efficacy of medication, psycho-
Reviews of controlled studies have historically therapy, and the combination of medication and
concluded that the combination of medication psychotherapy remains to be determined. A
and psychotherapy does not yield appreciable NIMH-funded multicenter, randomized trial has
benefits above the effects of either medication or just been completed to determine the efficacy of
psychotherapy alone (Conte, Plutchik, Wild, & fluoxetine vs. CBT vs. fluoxetine plus CBT vs.
Karasu, 1986; Depression Guideline Panel, 1993; placebo in the treatment of adolescents with ma-
Robinson, Powers, Cleveland, & Thyer, 1990). jor depression (Treatment for Adolescents with
However, the combination of medication and Depression Study Team, 2003). The preliminary
psychotherapy may be especially beneficial for results from the first 12 weeks (N ⫽ 378) showed
certain subtypes of MDD. Along these lines, that 71% responded well to combination treat-
Thase et al. (1997) combined the data from six ment, compared to 61% who received fluoxe-
trials involving cognitive therapy, IPT, and/or tine alone, 43% who received CBT alone, and
combined medication and cognitive therapy or 35% of those treated with placebo (March et
IPT for acute-phase treatment of MDD. The re- al., 2004). The study also reported that patients
sults revealed that combined treatment and psy- became significantly less suicidal regardless of
chotherapy alone were equally effective for non- the treatment that they received. For suicide at-
severe, nonrecurrent MDD, but combined tempts, 4 occurred in the combination treat-
treatment was more effective than psychother- ment group, 2 in the fluoxetine alone, and 1 in
apy alone for recurrent or severe MDD. CBT alone. There were no completed suicides.
Particularly striking results for the value of It is hoped that with subsequent analyses of
combined treatment were evident in a recent trial this study there will be a better understanding
48 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorder

of the treatments that work best for particular Psychosocial Treatment of Adult
adolescents. Bipolar Disorder
There are no data available about treatment
strategies for depressed youth who fail to re- Several different manualized psychosocial treat-
spond to usual treatment with an SSRI. An ments have been applied to the treatment of bi-
NIMH-funded multicenter trial is under way to polar disorder in adults; although they are based
assess the efficacy of treatments for SSRI-resistant on different theoretical orientations, they share
depression in adolescents. In this study, ado- the goal of diminishing relapse to ultimately im-
lescents are randomized to an alternative SSRI, prove quality of life. Common areas of treatment
alternative SSRI plus CBT, venlafaxine, or ven- focus include increasing treatment compliance,
lafaxine plus CBT. enhancing protective factors (e.g., support, self-
care routines), and decreasing risk factors asso-
ciated with relapse (e.g., stress, substance use).

Mood disorders by definition disrupt function- Cognitive Behavior Therapy

ing in several areas of an individual’s life, includ-
Cognitive behavior therapy conceptualizes
ing school, family, and peer relationships. Prac-
mood swings as a function of negative thought
tice guidelines for the treatment of bipolar
and behavioral patterns. These maladaptive pat-
disorder in adults recognize both pharmaco-
terns are then targeted in the therapy. Three ran-
therapy and psychotherapy as essential compo-
domized, controlled clinical trials with bipolar
nents of optimal treatment (American Psychiat-
adults (for a review see Craighead, Miklowitz,
ric Association, 1994). From a developmental
Frank, & Vajk, 2002) suggest that adjunctive CBT
standpoint, research supports the notion that
leads to increased medication compliance, fewer
early psychosocial impairment tends to promote
hospitalizations, and improved social and occu-
later impairment, as the individual arrives at each
pational functioning.
progressive stage of development with inade-
quate resources available to meet the challenges
unique to the ensuing developmental period
Interpersonal Therapy and Social
(Cicchetti, Rogosch, & Toth, 1998). Thus, it is cru-
Rhythm Therapy
cial that treatment be provided promptly and ef-
fectively to maintain a normal developmental Interpersonal therapy, as discussed earlier, is a
trajectory as much as possible, and minimize the short-term, present-oriented, problem-focused
effects that symptoms have on functioning. individual therapy developed and supported for
Given the more recent recognition of bipolar the alleviation of symptoms of major depression
disorder in childhood, it is not surprising that (Klerman et al., 1987). In IPT, the onset of the
little is known about treatment strategies, both depressive episode is placed in the context of in-
pharmacologic and psychotherapeutic, for this terpersonal relationships, and current interper-
population. To date, no randomized, controlled sonal difficulties are addressed. With the knowl-
trials of psychosocial intervention with a pedi- edge that circadian rhythm disturbances are
atric bipolar disorder population have been com- linked to bipolar disorder (Ehlers, Frank, & Kup-
pleted; however, several are currently under way. fer, 1988), Frank and colleagues supplemented
Potentially promising treatment approaches for IPT with social rhythm therapy (SRT) to create
pediatric bipolar disorder rely on the literature IPSRT for bipolar disorder. The focus of IPSRT is
for treatment of adult bipolar disorder. In the on the regularization of both social and circadian
next section we review the literature on the psy- rhythms to control mood cycling. Results of a
chosocial treatment of adult bipolar disorder. controlled trial with bipolar adults indicate that
This is followed by suggestions for adaptation of IPSRT is most effective in controlling the depres-
adult psychosocial treatments for use with chil- sive symptoms of bipolar disorder, and also af-
dren and adolescents. fects greater stabilization of sleep–wake cycles
Chapter 2 Treatment of Depression and Bipolar Disorder 49

than case management treatment (Frank et al., Life Goals Program (Bauer, McBride, Chase,
1997). Sachs, & Shea, 1998), consists of psychoeduca-
tion, behavioral skills, and individually tailored
goals; at present, no data are available on out-
Family-Based Therapies
Several randomized, controlled trials of family-
based treatments have been documented in the
literature. Inpatient family intervention (IFI; Psychosocial Treatment of Adolescent
Clarkin et al., 1990), a nine-session intervention Bipolar Disorder
focused on psychoeducation, aims to modify
negative family patterns and increase coping In adapting existing psychosocial treatments
skills. Results indicate that female patients had used with bipolar adults for children and adoles-
better global and symptomatic functioning than cents, several considerations should be made.
those receiving standard hospital treatment For example, modifications should take into ac-
(Clarkin et al., 1990). count the developmental level of the patient.
Miklowitz and Goldstein (1990) developed Thus, information provided within an age-
family-focused therapy (FFT), a 9-month treat- appropriate context may be more understanda-
ment incorporating psychoeducation, commu- ble and more widely accepted by the patient and
nication skills training, and problem-solving family members; this may include the use of age-
skills training. In a randomized trial, patients re- appropriate language rather than medical ter-
ceiving FFT experienced fewer depressive symp- minology. Psychoeducation conducted against
toms, increased compliance with medication the backdrop of a normal developmental trajec-
regimens, had fewer hospitalizations, and expe- tory may help distinguish normal childhood
rienced a longer period to mood relapse than pa- tantrums and adolescent moodiness from bipo-
tients in a case management condition (Miklo- lar disorder. Given the high rate of comorbidity
witz et al., 2000). in pediatric bipolar disorder (Papolos & Papolos,
At present, a multisite, randomized, con- 2002), information about comorbidly existing
trolled trial of family-focused therapy for adoles- conditions may be included as part of psycho-
cents (FFT-A; Miklowitz & George, 2000), a education. Comparative risks and benefits of
modified version of Miklowitz and Goldstein’s psychotropic medications used with this popu-
(1990) FFT, is under way. We know that familial lation should be included, given that medica-
climate is related to relapse in bipolar adults tions commonly used for the treatment of pedi-
(Miklowitz, Goldstein, Neuchterlein, Snyder, & atric bipolar disorder have been understudied in
Mintz, 1988). Therefore, family-based interven- randomized, controlled trials and are often used
tions among the families of bipolar children and off-label (Ryan, 2002). Psychoeducation may fo-
adolescents may shed light on the role of family cus on the manner in which early-onset bipolar
involvement in intervention with a pediatric bi- disorder differs from adult bipolar disorder—
polar population. childhood bipolar disorder often manifests in
less discrete episodes and more frequent mood
swings (Papolos & Papolos, 1999). Additionally,
Group Psychotherapy
the manner in which symptoms manifest them-
Among adults with bipolar disorder, several dif- selves may need to be considered within a de-
ferent group approaches have been successful. velopmental framework, as children exhibit sev-
For example, Colom and colleagues (2003) dem- eral affective symptoms differently than adults
onstrated increased time to relapse of mood (Geller et al., 2002). Similarly, the literature has
symptoms, as well as lower rates of rehospitali- indicated that there may be symptoms of bipolar
zation among remitted bipolar adults attending disorder that are unique to this population (e.g.,
a psychoeducational group, compared with gory dreams; Papolos & Papolos, 1999). Further-
those receiving standard treatment (medications more, age-specific issues may be targeted, includ-
alone). Another structured group approach, The ing substance use, suicide prevention, family
50 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorder

conflict, teasing, and academic concerns, that gain, increased urinary frequency, and gastroin-
may not be relevant in an adult population. Fi- testinal distress. Long-term treatment with lith-
nally, because bipolar disorder is highly familial, ium may lead to hypothyroidism, renal compro-
it is likely that at least one of the parents of a mise, and cardiovascular side effects. Patients
child with pediatric bipolar disorder has either who are diagnosed with mixed states, rapid cy-
unipolar or bipolar mood disorder (Geller, Fox, cling, and mania due to medical disorders may
& Clark, 1994). The course of a parent’s mood be less responsive to lithium treatment (Bowden
disorder is likely to be intimately related to the et al., 1997).
child’s presentation, compliance, and manage- Divaloproex and carbamazepine are anticon-
ment. Given that parental depression may inter- vulsants used to treat acute symptoms of bipolar
fere with a mood-disordered child’s response to disorder as well as for long-term maintenance
treatment (Brent et al., 1998), it is particularly treatment. Bowden and colleagues (1994) pub-
important that the parent’s own affective illness lished a double-blind, randomized, parallel-
be addressed when treating a bipolar child or ad- group trial in which patients hospitalized with
olescent. acute mania (N ⫽ 179) were randomly assigned
to 3 weeks of treatment with lithium, divalo-
proex, or placebo. Both lithium and divaloproex
significantly reduced patients’ symptoms of ma-
nia compared to placebo. Bowden and col-
leagues (2000) completed a double-blind, ran-
The empirical literature on psychosocial treat-
domized maintenance treatment trial of lithium
ment of adult bipolar disorder suggests that sev-
vs. divaloproex vs. placebo for patients diag-
eral forms of therapy, including CBT, IPT supple-
nosed with bipolar I. The study’s primary end
mented with SRT, family-based treatments, and
point was the time to develop any mood episode
group therapy, are useful adjunctive treatments.
and there was no difference found between the
These treatments have been found to produce
three groups. However, divaloproex was shown
better medication compliance, fewer hospitali-
to significantly reduce the number of patients
zations, and improved social and occupational
who dropped from the study because of relapse
and it also showed a significantly improved out-
come of secondary mood measurements.
Lamotrigine has been shown to be an effective
PHARMACOTHERAPY FOR BIPOLAR treatment for bipolar I depression (Hirschfeld et
DISORDERS al., 2002) and for long-term treatment of in pa-
tients with bipolar II disorder and rapid cycling
Pharmacological Treatment for Adult (Bowden et al., 1999). Treatment with lamotri-
Bipolar Disorder gine is associated with a 5% incidence of a skin
rash. Most of these rashes appear in the first 8
Mood Stabilizers
weeks of treatment and resolve with cessation of
Lithium has been shown through placebo- drug treatment. However, these skin rashes can
controlled trials to significantly reduce episodes evolve to a more serious form of a skin reaction
of new manic and/or depressive episodes in such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome (Wong, Ken-
adults. However, approximately 42% to 64% of nedy, & Lee, 1999). At this time, there are limited
patients do not respond to lithium (Solomon et data to support the use of gabapentin or topira-
al., 1995). To obtain maximum benefit and pre- mate as mood stabilizers.
vention of relapses, it appears that the blood
level of lithium needs to be titrated to and main-
Atypical Antipsychotics
tained at a blood level range of 0.8 to 1.2 mmol/L
(Gelenberg et al., 1989). At this higher blood Olanzapine is presently the most studied atypi-
level the patient may experience an increase in cal antipsychotic medication for the treatment
side effects, such as tremor, diarrhea, weight of bipolar disorder and was approved by the FDA
Chapter 2 Treatment of Depression and Bipolar Disorder 51

for treatment of acute mania (Tohen et al., 1999). pediatric bipolar disorder are uncontrolled, fo-
The most concerning side effect with this cused on the manic phase of the illness, and of
medication is weight gain. Segal, Berk, and brief duration. Therefore, definitive conclusions
Brook (1998) showed in a randomized study that about the best way of treating mania or depres-
risperidone, compared to lithium and haloperi- sive symptomatology both acutely and over the
dol, produces similar improvement in manic long term cannot be made.
symptoms. It has also been shown in combina- Fortunately, there has been a substantial in-
tion as an add-on therapy with a mood stabilizer crease in the number of medication studies
to have superior efficacy to that of monotherapy, within this patient population over the past few
as found in a study using quetiapine (Sachs, years. These data can provide practicing clini-
Grossman, Ghaemi, Okamoto, & Bowden, cians practical information on rational treat-
2002). ment approaches to the pharmacotherapy of this

There are conflicting views on the use of anti-
Several agents have been examined within the
depressants for the treatment of bipolar depres-
context of acute prospective monotherapy treat-
sion. However, there is agreement that antide-
ment trials (Table 2.4). More research has been
pressants should only be used in combination
done to examine the use of lithium for the treat-
with a mood stabilizer for the treatment of bi-
ment of mania than any other compound. Al-
polar depression (Thase, Bhargave, & Sachs,
though several open-label studies have been
2003). For patients who are suffering from a se-
conducted, at present there has only been one
vere depressive episode it is recommended that
published, methodologically rigorous study that
lithium or lamotrigine be used as first-line ther-
has examined the acute efficacy of lithium in the
apy. If the patient is nonresponsive, then a com-
treatment of mania in young people (Kowatch &
bination is recommended, such as the addition
DelBello, 2003). In that study, 25 adolescents
of lamotrigine, bupropion, or paroxetine. An-
with bipolar-spectrum disorders with secondary
other option would be to add an SSRI, venlafax-
substance abuse dependence were randomized
ine, or an MAOI. It appears that SSRIs have a
to receive either lithium monotherapy or pla-
lower risk of inducing mania than that with
cebo for 6 weeks. The average age of the subjects
TCAs (Moller & Nasarallah, 2003). For bipolar
was 16 years. The authors found that subjects
depression, there are limited data available that
treated with lithium had superior global func-
compare the treatment outcome of treating only
tioning and fewer positive urine drug assays than
with a mood stabilizer versus the combination
those who were treated with placebo (Geller et
of a mood stabilizer with an antidepressant.
al., 1998).
A review of the available treatment studies
suggest that lithium carbonate may often be use-
Pharmacological Treatment of Adolescent ful in ameliorating symptoms of bipolar disorder
Bipolar Disorder in young people and is generally well tolerated.
The available data also suggest that approxi-
Compared with what is known about the phar- mately half of patients treated with this agent
macotherapy of bipolar disorder in adults, rela- will respond to acute treatment with lithium
tively little is known about the medication man- (Chang & Ketter, 2001; Kowatch et al., 2000).
agement of bipolar disorder in young people. The implication of this observation is that a sub-
This is unfortunate, as there has been an in- stantial number of patients will not experience
creased appreciation over the past few years that a meaningful response to lithium treatment
bipolar disorder is a chronic, debilitating condi- alone. Moreover, many patients treated with
tion when it occurs in children and adolescents. lithium monotherapy who benefit from substan-
Most prospective pharmacotherapy studies in tial symptom reduction will not experience syn-
52 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorder

Table 2.4 Selected Monotherapy Studies in Treatment of Pediatric Bipolarity

Study Length
Study Agent(s) Used Study Design (weeks) Sample Size Comments

Geller et al., Lithium Double-blind, 6 25 Lithium superior to

1998 placebo- placebo
Wagner et al., Divalproex Open-label, 8 40 Divalproex effective with
2002 sodium prospective 61% response rate
Kowatch et al., Lithium, Prospective, 6 41 (13 to Overall response rates
2000 carbamazepine, open-label, CBZ, 13 to were as follows:
divalproex random Li, 15 to CBZ ⫽ 34%,
sodium assignment DVPX) Li ⫽ 42%,
to one of the DVPX ⫽ 46%
3 agents
Frazier et al., Olanzapine Open-label, 8 23 Treatment was noted to
2001 prospective be effective in 61%. Mean
weight gain ⫽ 5.0 kg

CBZ, carbamazepine; DVPX, divalproex sodium; Li, lithium.

dromal remission when treated with lithium neuropsychiatric conditions. Most reports de-
alone. scribing the use of this drug in young people
At present, there are no published placebo- with neuropsychiatric conditions lack method-
controlled studies that have examined the effi- ological rigor. At present, there is only one pro-
cacy of divalproex sodium (Depakote) in the spective study that has examined this agent’s
treatment of pediatric mania. There are several utility in young people with bipolar disorder. In
open trials that have examined the acute effect- that trial, Kowatch and colleagues treated 42
iveness of divalproex sodium (Depakote) in youths with an average age of 11 years, 20 of
young patients with mania or mixed states. In whom met diagnostic symptom criteria for bi-
the largest of these trials, 40 youths between the polar 1 disorder and 22 of whom met diagnostic
ages of 7 and 19 who were suffering from either symptom criteria for bipolar II disorder (Ko-
a manic, hypomanic, or mixed episode were watch et al., 2000). In order to be enrolled in this
treated with open-label divalproex sodium for trial, the subjects had to have moderate symp-
up to 8 weeks (Wagner, 2002; Wagner et al., toms of mania. Upon enrollment, subjects were
2002). Overall, the authors reported that dival- randomized to open treatment with carbamaze-
proex sodium was an effective and reasonably pine, divalproex sodium, or lithium. Of the 41
well-tolerated intervention in the study subjects. youths who completed at least 1 week of medi-
Approximately 60% of the subjects were consid- cation therapy, 13 were treated with carbama-
ered to be treatment responders. zepine. Treatment with carbamazepine was as-
On the basis of results of this trial and other sociated with an effect size of 1.00 with an
published reports, the available data suggest overall response rate of 34 percent. Although
that, similar to lithium, divalproex sodium may these numbers were more modest than those
be an effective treatment for young patients with seen with lithium or divalproex sodium, no sta-
mania and related mood states (Wagner, 2002; tistically significant differences in effectiveness
Wagner et al., 2002). Like lithium, it appears that were noted between the three different study
a substantial number of youths will not respond drugs.
to monotherapy and only a small number of pa- At present there is one prospective open-label
tients will experience syndromal remission with trial that has examined the use of olanzapine in
divalproex sodium monotherapy. youths suffering from a manic, mixed, or hypo-
Carbamazepine has historically been given as manic episode (Frazier et al., 2001). In that trial,
a treatment to young people with a variety of the 23 patients (mean age, 10.3 years) were
Chapter 2 Treatment of Depression and Bipolar Disorder 53

treated with olanzapine in doses that could These youths, who were between the ages of 12
range between 2.5 and 20 mg/day. The authors and 18, had prominent symptoms of psychosis
noted that treatment was associated with reduc- as well as moderate symptoms of mania at the
tions in symptoms of mania and that the agent time of treatment initiation. At the end of the
was generally well tolerated, with the most com- trial, almost all of the subjects had their psy-
mon reported adverse events being increased ap- chotic symptoms fully resolved, with most sub-
petite and sedation. The average weight gain jects experiencing significant amelioration of
over the course of the study was 5 kg. mood symptoms. The authors then took some of
There are several other agents that have been the subjects who responded to combination
noted to have possible roles in the treatment of treatment and discontinued their antipsychotic.
bipolar disorder in adults. These include lamo- The authors found that most patients experi-
trigine, gabapentin, omega-3 fatty acids, vera- enced clinical deterioration during lithium
pamil, and topiramate. At present, none of these monotherapy. This response suggests that they
agents have been examined in a methodologi- would have benefited from continued combi-
cally sound prospective treatment study in pe- nation treatment.
diatric patients with bipolar disorder. Therefore, In a chart review study, Frazier and colleagues
definitive statements about these agents’ possi- (1999) examined the use of risperidone in a
ble utility cannot be made. group of 28 young people with bipolar-spectrum
disorders. All but one patient was being treated
with one or more concomitant medications dur-
Psychopharmacological Combinations
ing risperidone administration. These concomi-
Since a substantial number of patients do not ap- tant agents most commonly included mood sta-
pear to derive optimal clinical response from bilizers and ADHD medications (stimulants and
acute treatment with a single drug, investigators α2-agonists). At an average total daily dose of 1.7
have begun to explore whether treatment with mg, the authors noted that risperidone appeared
more than one agent may be useful in the acute to be effective in symptom reduction and that
therapy of young people who present with the risperidone appeared to be generally well tol-
symptoms of mania. The majority of these stud- erated.
ies have explored treatment with an atypical an- There is one published study that has rigor-
tipsychotic combined with a traditional mood ously examined quetiapine treatment as an ad-
stabilizer. junct in young people ages 12 to 18 suffering
In a retrospective chart review, Kowatch and from bipolar I disorder (DelBello, Schwiers, Ro-
colleagues (1995) described five youths with bi- senberg, & Strakowski, 2002). In that 6-week
polar disorder and mixed presentations between trial, 30 hospitalized adolescents with mania or
the ages of 8 and 15 years who were treated with mixed presentations were treated with dival-
clozapine. In four of these five cases, clozapine proex sodium at an initial dose of 20 mg/kg/day.
was an adjunct to other psychotropic agents Half of the subjects were randomized to receive
(most commonly lithium). At clozapine doses adjunctive quetiapine and half were randomized
ranging from 75 to 150 mg/day, the authors to receive adjunctive placebo. The quetiapine
noted that all five patients had a “marked” re- was titrated to a total daily dose of 450 mg. Re-
sponse to clozapine. The authors also observed sults from this trial noted greater reductions in
that clozapine therapy was generally well toler- manic symptomatology in the cohort of youths
ated. The authors concluded that clozapine randomized to receive combination therapy.
might be an effective treatment for treatment- However, sedation was also more common in
refractory patients. these youths.
The response of 35 adolescent inpatients The largest prospective trial that has exam-
treated predominantly with lithium plus halo- ined combination pharmacotherapy in pediatric
peridol or lithium plus risperidone for up to 4 bipolar disorder described the response of 90
consecutive weeks has been described (Kafan- outpatients with a mean age of about 11 years
taris, Coletti, Dicker, Padula, & Kane, 2001). who were treated with combination lithium and
54 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorder

divalproex sodium therapy for up to 20 weeks There is one unpublished prospective trial of
(Findling et al., 2003). In that trial, the authors maintenance pharmacotherapy in pediatric bi-
observed that the response rates were larger than polarity. In that trial, 60 youths who had re-
those seen in other prospective trials in this pa- sponded to acute treatment with combination
tient population. The authors also found that re- therapy using both lithium and divalproex so-
sponse rates were higher than those described in dium were randomized to receive monotherapy
adults using a similar combination treatment treatment with either lithium or divalproex for
paradigm. In addition, it was noted that combi- up to 76 weeks in a double-blind fashion (Fin-
nation treatment was well tolerated. Of particu- dling, Gracious, McNamara, & Calabrese, 2000).
lar interest was the observation that residual de- The authors found that the overall median sur-
pressive symptomatology was not manifest after vival time in the study was approximately 100
combination lithium plus divalproex treatment days. It was also noted that lithium and dival-
in this patient population. This is in direct con- proex sodium had similar effectiveness as mono-
trast to adults, in whom depression was often therapy.
seen as a problematic residual mood state.

Conclusion Conclusions

On the basis of available evidence, it appears that There are only limited data from methodologi-
combination pharmacotherapy with more than cally rigorous trials in pediatric bipolarity. Evi-
one mood stabilizing agent may be a rational ap- dence, predominantly from open-label trials,
proach for some youth who have manic, hypo- suggests that monotherapy with lithium, carba-
manic, or mixed states. Whether treatment mazepine, divalproex sodium, and olanzapine
should begin with drug monotherapy or com- may be useful in the treatment of young patients
bination pharmacotherapy should be a topic of with mania and related mood states. A consis-
further study. tent theme from the extant literature is that a
substantial number of patients do not respond
to monotherapy with these agents. For this rea-
Maintenance Trials son, investigators have begun to explore com-
bination pharmacotherapy. It seems that simul-
At present, there are no published prospective taneous treatment with more than one agent
trials that have examined the maintenance phar- may be a rational form of intervention for some
macotherapy of pediatric bipolar disorder. The patients. What has yet to be identified are those
first data to suggest that lithium maintenance circumstances in which combination drug ther-
therapy might be useful in the treatment of ado- apy might be most rationally employed. Because
lescents with bipolar disorder were published in pediatric bipolarity is a chronic condition, it ap-
1990. That report described the results of a natu- pears that young people suffering from this ill-
ralistic, prospective, 18-month follow-up study ness will need long-term treatment. Although
of 37 youth with bipolar I disorder who had re- maintenance pharmacotherapy data are lacking,
sponded to lithium treatment (Strober, Morrell, patients who respond to a given acute pharma-
Lampert, & Burroughs, 1990). In that trial, the au- cotherapy regimen may continue to benefit from
thors found that in the 13 youth who discontin- ongoing treatment with the drug(s) that led to
ued lithium maintenance therapy, the relapse successful symptom amelioration.
rate was 2.5 times greater than that in those who In summary, pediatric bipolarity is a chronic
continued lithium treatment. Despite methodo- condition associated with substantial dysfunc-
logical limitations inherent in this study design, tion and human suffering. There is a paucity of
these data suggest that maintenance lithium methodologically sound pharmacological treat-
treatment in young people who respond to ad- ment studies, thus more research on this topic is
ministration of this compound may be beneficial. sorely needed.
Prevention of Depression and
Bipolar Disorder

c h a p t e r
56 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorder

The prevention of an individual’s first episode of 2. Priorities for Prevention Research at NIMH: A
depression is worthy of greater study among in- Report by the National Advisory Mental Health
vestigators concerned with mood disorders. Not Council Workgroup on Mental Disorders Preven-
only is the first episode devastating for individ- tion Research, National Institutes of Health,
uals and those around them but it is a major bur- National Institute of Mental Health (1998)
den within our health system and society (Mur- 3. Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General,
ray & Lopez, 1997). Once the first episode of U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser-
major depressive disorder (MDD) occurs, the se- vices (US-DHHS), Substance Abuse and Men-
quelae are substantial. Following an episode of tal Health Services Administration, Center
MDD, the probability of subsequent episodes is for Mental Health Services, National Insti-
significantly increased, even to the point that tutes of Health, National Institute of Mental
many now consider MDD to be a chronic dis- Health (1999)
ease. As noted in Chapter 1, the sequelae to MDD
are numerous and include poorer social relation- In 1998, the National Institute of Mental
ships, increased substance abuse, increased use Health (NIMH) established an ad hoc committee
of medical services, interference with long-term to review the progress of mental health preven-
cognitive functioning, significant comorbidity tion research. The committee’s report, Priorities
with major health problems, and younger ages For Prevention Research at NIMH: A Report by the
of death (even when deaths by suicide are taken National Advisory Mental Health Council Work-
into account). Most investigators of mood dis- group on Mental Disorders Prevention Research,
orders believe that the first episode lays down traced the history of prevention in mental health
neural pathways that are difficult to overcome and proposed the following generational tax-
and, without modification via medications or onomy:
psychosocial interventions or their combina-
tion, are likely to be lasting pathways that im- The first generation of efforts to prevent
pact individuals’ lives. mental disorder began in the 1930s when, as
Even though prevention of MDD is an impor- an outgrowth of the turn-of-the-century
tant topic, empirical work in this area is difficult mental hygiene movement, the focus gradu-
and has been slow to progress. Some recent work ally expanded beyond ameliorating the
has been conducted on the prevention of second plight of those in asylums to include the pre-
and subsequent episodes (Craighead, Hart, vention of many forms of social and emo-
Craighead, & Ilardi, 2002), but the work de- tional maladjustment. The new goal was to
signed to prevent the first episode of MDD has assure the well-being and “positive mental
been meager. Before addressing the empirical health” of the general population through
work on prevention of MDD, it is important to primary-prevention interventions aimed at
note again the conceptual and historical context creating health-promoting environments for
in which general prevention research has been all. These efforts were based on humanitar-
defined. ian concern, but had few, if any, research un-
The second generation of interventions to
prevent mental disorder, which began in the
late 1960s, reflected the impact of a growing
A Brief History of Prevention in Mental Health
health and mental health research knowl-
edge base. Some scientists retained their
During the last decade, three reports have estab-
broad-based emphasis on primary preven-
lished a historical context and defined the men-
tion, while others began to target specific
tal health prevention classification system:
“at-risk” groups for study and intervention.
1. Reducing Risk for Mental Disorders: Frontiers for During the 1960s there had been a burgeon-
Prevention Intervention Research, Institute of ing of research on the causes, mechanisms,
Medicine (1994) and effects of stress on bodily and mental
Chapter 3 Prevention of Depression and Bipolar Disorder 57

functioning. “At-risk” persons were defined necessary to develop a clear terminology for in-
as those who would predictably experience vestigators to follow.
periods of substantial life stress, such as do-
mestic violence, divorce, bereavement, or
Early Classification Systems
unemployment as precursors of mental dis-
tress or disorder. Changing behavior for The Commission on Chronic Illness (1957) de-
health also became an active area of study veloped the original public health classification
and prevention during the same period. system of disease prevention. Three types of pre-
Those studies placed a strong emphasis on ventive interventions were identified: primary,
preventing lung cancer and heart disease secondary, and tertiary. During the last 40 years
through programs to prevent or reduce the definitions of these types of prevention have
smoking, obesity, high cholesterol intake, expanded to include an array of nuanced but re-
and sedentary life styles. lated meanings.
NIMH, 1998

Gordon’s Definitions
This NIMH committee observed that over the
next decade mental health prevention interven- In 1983 and in 1987, Robert Gordon proposed
tions continued to proliferate. After reviewing an alternative classification of prevention that
progress in this field, however, the 1978 Presi- was based on the empirical relationships found
dent’s Commission on Mental Health deter- in practically oriented disease prevention and
mined that previous investigation had been “un- health promotion programs. These included pro-
focused and uncoordinated.” As a remedy the grams which he labeled universal, selective, and
commission recommended the establishment of indicated prevention.
a Center for Prevention at NIMH to coordinate Although Gordon’s classification system was
and enhance research in mental health primary to be distinct from that of the Commission on
prevention research. The NIMH report deter- Chronic Health, the use of these two classifica-
mined that “during the last 20 years The NIMH tion systems slowly deteriorated into a confus-
Center for Prevention Research and its program- ing, merging and mixing of definitions, e.g.,
matic successors have stimulated considerable “universal primary prevention.” This confusion
progress in building the scientific foundation of was particularly problematic when this termi-
an interdisciplinary field of prevention research nology was applied to the classification of the
in areas of epidemiology, human develop- prevention of psychiatric disorders, because the
ment, and intervention research methodology” classical public health prevention classification
(NIMH, 1998). The committee concluded that system and Gordon’s reclassification were both
sufficient progress had been made in establish- designed for use in the description of the pre-
ing the scientific basis for mental health preven- vention of biological disorders, not of interven-
tion science to declare that we were then in a tions to prevent psychiatric and psychological
third generation of prevention activity. Thus, disorders. The 1994 Institute of Medicine (IOM)
prevention research could build on prior accom- report, Reducing Risk for Mental Disorders: Frontiers
plishments of prior preventive interventions and for Prevention Intervention Research, presented a
integrate these with advances in the biomedical, cogent discussion of the inherent pitfalls in ap-
behavioral, and cognitive sciences. plying general prevention classifications to prob-
Despite the described significance and need lems in mental health:
for prevention research and this sanguine view
of the 1998 NIMH committee, the amount of One of the main problems has been the no-
work studying the prevention of an initial epi- tion of “caseness” that is used in public
sode of depression has remained meager. In con- health. It is often more difficult to document
trast, considerable progress has been made in the that a “case” of mental disorder exists than it
development of a nomenclature for prevention is to document a physical health problem.
research. In order for the field to progress, it was Agreement regarding the occurrence of a
58 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorder

case of mental disorder varies with time and those efforts that target high-risk individuals
with the instruments and diagnostic systems who are identified as having minimal but de-
employed and with the theoretical perspec- tectable signs or symptoms that predict the men-
tive of the evaluators. Also symptoms and tal disorder or biological markers indicating
dysfunctions may exist even though criteria predisposition to the disorder. For example, in-
for a DSM-III-R diagnosis are not present. Fi- dividuals who have some symptoms of MDD but
nally, the outcomes in very young children do not yet meet criteria for the disorder would
(birth to age 5) are often not diagnosable as fall into this group. Indicated prevention ex-
“psychiatric caseness” but rather as impair- cludes individuals whose signs and symptoms
ments in cognition and psychosocial devel- meet diagnostic criteria for the disorder.
opment. The IOM identified three aims or desired out-
IOM, 1994 comes for mental health prevention: (1) reduc-
tion in the number of new cases of the disorder;
(2) delay in the onset of illness; and (3) reduction
Recent Attempts to Define Prevention
in the length of time the early symptoms con-
The IOM report chose to resolve the confusion tinue as well as halting the progression of sever-
in terminology by using the term prevention to ity so that individuals ultimately do not meet
refer only to interventions that occur before the diagnostic criteria. The 1999 Mental Health: A Re-
initial onset of a disorder. In this system, preven- port of the Surgeon General agreed with the IOM
tion included all three elements of Gordon’s sys- and defined prevention as the “prevention of the
tem (1983, 1987). Efforts to identify cases and initial onset of a mental disorder or emotional or
provide care for known disorders were called behavioral problem, including prevention of
treatment, and efforts to provide rehabilitation comorbidity” (US-DHHS, 1999). In addition, the
and reduce relapse and reoccurrence of a disor- report defined other terms that were often im-
der were called maintenance/interventions. Further precisely used in discussions of prevention. They
distinctions were made within the prevention are listed below:
category. We have employed these definitions
throughout this chapter. The definitions are de- • First (initial) onset: the initial point in time
scribed in the following paragraphs. when an individual’s mental health prob-
Universal mental health prevention interven- lems meet the full criteria for a diagnosis of
tions are defined as efforts that are beneficial to a mental disorder
a whole population or group. They are targeted • Risk factors: “characteristics, variables, or
to the general public or a whole population hazards that, if present for a given individ-
group that has not been designated or identified ual, make it more likely that this individual,
as being at risk for the disorder being prevented. compared to someone selected at random
The goal at this level of prevention is the reduc- from the general population, will develop a
tion of the occurrence of new cases of the dis- disorder” (US-DHHS, 1999). Although risk
order. factors precede the first onset of a disorder,
Selective mental health prevention interven- they may change in response to the disorder,
tions are defined as those efforts that target in- development, or stressors.
dividuals or a subgroup of the population whose • Protective factors: Factors that “improve a per-
risk for developing the mental health disorder is son’s response to some environmental haz-
significantly higher than average. The risk may ard resulting in an ‘adaptive outcome.’
be immediate or lifelong. Biological, psycholog- These factors can be found within the indi-
ical, or social risk factors associated with or re- vidual or within the family or community.
lated to the specific mental health disorder are They do not necessarily cause normal devel-
used to identify the individual or group level of opment in the absence of risk factors, but
risk. Those with the identified risk factors are re- they may make an appreciable difference in
ferred to as those “at risk.” the influence exerted by risk factors” (US-
Indicated prevention interventions are defined as DHHS, 1999).
Chapter 3 Prevention of Depression and Bipolar Disorder 59

• Risk of onset vs. risk of relapse: The terminol- adaptive neurological pathways. Emotional in-
ogies that refer to the risk of the develop- telligence (Goleman, 1995) may also be en-
ment of a disorder are often used without hanced by successful preventive programs.
specification of the risk of onset vs. the risk The societal goals of depression prevention
of relapse. This is a key distinction because programs are also numerous. For example, even
“the risks for onset of a disorder are likely to a modest reduction in new cases of MDD would
be somewhat different from the risks in- reduce the economic burden of the disorder. The
volved in relapse of a previously diagnosed disorder itself would not have to be treated so
condition” (US-DHHS, 1999). Undoubtedly, frequently, nor would the associated (sometimes
this same distinction is true for factors that self-treatment) problems of alcohol, tobacco,
protect against onset or relapse. As will be and other forms of substance abuse. Each pre-
noted later, not all “prevention” projects vented case of MDD would increase the limited
have made this distinction between initial resources available to other health initiatives.
and second or subsequent episodes of MDD. Productivity would be increased in the work-
place. Thus, the call for effective programs to
prevent the first episode of MDD is a forceful and
Goals of Prevention Programs significant one—significant for individuals, fam-
ilies, and society as a whole.
In addition to the IOM’s goals of reducing the
number of new cases and delaying the onset of
MDD and the insidious nature of the onset and RISK FACTORS FOR MAJOR DEPRESSION
course of MDD, there are other ancillary and as-
sociated goals of prevention programs. For ex- To develop programs for individuals “at risk” for
ample, prevention of initial MDD is likely to MDD, it is necessary to develop knowledge and
have an impact on school and work perfor- understanding of factors and their interactions
mance, social skills, and quality of life, reduce that render one likely to develop MDD. Chapter
the need of medical services, and reduce MDD- 1 provided evidence for many of the risk factors
related substance abuse disorders. In the long for MDD, so the details will not be reiterated
run, prevention programs may actually extend here. These risk factors include dysfunctional
the lives of individuals who were at risk but did parenting and family interactions; gender; per-
not develop the disorder, by reducing both the sonality and temperament; cognitive vulner-
risk of suicide completion and the behavioral abilities; internal and external stress, including
and biological sequalae of the disorder. negative life events; and poor interpersonal re-
Another goal of prevention programs is to lationships.
teach resiliency to the program participants. In- In addition to the preceding risk factors, the
dividuals at risk for MDD are likely to experience following risk factors that have implications for
negative and traumatic events, as are other in- prevention of MDD are important and worthy of
dividuals in our society. Prevention programs further detailed review. These include subsyn-
have a goal of teaching at-risk individuals to be- dromal depression, poverty, violence, and cul-
come more resilient—to develop skills and abil- tural factors.
ities to spring back from or adapt to adversity.
A further goal of prevention programs is to en-
hance and enrich the positive aspects of living. Subsyndromal Depression
By changing cognitive patterns, enhancing so-
cial skills, and increasing resiliency, individuals Among adults, subsyndromal depression (two or
who otherwise might live a marginally happy more symptoms for 2 weeks or longer) appears
life may have the opportunity to develop greater to cause as much health impairment and eco-
self-esteem and self-efficacy and live a more suc- nomic burden as MDD, and these individuals are
cessful and adaptive life. This positive adaption at increased risk for developing subsequent MDD
in life may lead to the development of more (Fava, 1999; Johnson, Weissman, & Klerman,
60 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorder

1992; Judd, Akiskal, & Paulus, 1997). In a longi- 2002); this effect was more pronounced in girls
tudinal study, subsyndromal depression among than in boys.
adolescents predicted poorer functioning as If we consider poverty as a generator for a
these individuals became adults (Devine, Kemp- variety of stressors, the possible mechanisms
ton, & Forehand, 1994). Subsyndromal depres- driving poverty-induced vulnerability appear
sive symptoms among adolescents predicted boundless. A number of mediators between so-
MDD later on in adolescence and young adult- cioeconomic disadvantage and depression have
hood (Pine, Cohen, & Brook, 1999; Rao et al., been studied empirically. These include external
1995; Weissman, Warner, Wickramaratne, Mo- mediators such as access to health care, quality
reau, & Olfson, 1997). Lewinsohn, Solomon, of social networks and resources, quality of par-
Seeley, and Zeiss (2000) found that increasing enting and parent availability, and, of course,
levels of depressive symptoms among a large level of exposure to violence. Children of fami-
sample of nondepressed adolescents (average age lies who are of lower socioeconomic status are
of 161⁄2) predicted increased levels of social dys- most likely to witness violence and to be the vic-
function and incidence of MDD, as well as in- tims of abuse (Buka, Stichik, Birdthistle, & Earls,
creased substance abuse at age 24. These data in- 2001; Sedlak & Broadhurst, 1996).
dicate that subsyndromal depression renders Internal individual mediators include self-
adolescents at risk for a first episode of MDD, and esteem, health-risk behaviors, cognitive deficits,
they are prime candidates for depression preven- interpersonal skills, and academic achievement.
tion programs. Several comprehensive reviews on the conse-
quences of poverty and mediating factors dem-
onstrate the vast amount of knowledge we have
Poverty accumulated on the relation between poverty
and depression (Aber, Bennett, Conley, & Li,
Poverty has been linked with an early onset of 1997; Leventhal & Brooks-Gunn, 2000; Turner &
depression. It is not clear whether this represents Lloyd, 1999). This literature highlights the im-
an independent risk factor or can be grouped portance of two larger factors: (a) the need for
among the more general examples of diversity universal health care with parity for mental ill-
that are associated with depression. Results from ness and physical illness and parity for services
epidemiological studies have linked lower socio- for adults and children; and (b) the need to ad-
economic status with depression and a multi- dress large-scale public health risk factors that
tude of other mental health problems (Robins, have a strong effect on the occurrence of adoles-
Locke, & Reiger, 1991). This vulnerability is par- cent depression (i.e., exposure to violence).
ticularly strong for families living at poverty lev-
els (Bruce, Takeuchi, & Leaf, 1991). This relation-
ship may be explained in part by a phenomenon Violence
of selection, whereby those with mental health
problems are more inclined to drift toward eco- Exposure to violence during childhood is a po-
nomic disadvantage and remain there (Dohren- tent risk factor for future psychological and psy-
wend et al., 1992). Longitudinal data have also chiatric disorders (Kilpatrick et al., 2003; Mac-
demonstrated that socioeconomic disadvantage Millan et al., 2001) as well as physical health-risk
is largely a cause of higher vulnerability to psy- behaviors (Felitti et al., 1998), in both the short
chiatric disorder, particularly for depression and long term. The violence to which children
(Dohrenwend et al., 1992; Gilman, Kawachi, are exposed has many forms. This includes being
Fitzmaurice, & Buka, 2002; Johnson, Cohen, a victim of sexual or physical abuse as well as
Dohrenwend, Link, & Brook, 1999). In a study witnessing violence in the home (Kilpatrick et
of over 4,000 Australian families, poverty caused al., 2003). A large number of children also
a small but significant increase in risk when frequently witness violence in the community
other sociological variables were controlled (Buka et al., 2001). Children who are exposed to
(Spence, Najman, Bar, O’Callaghan, & Williams, violence are most often exposed to more than
Chapter 3 Prevention of Depression and Bipolar Disorder 61

one type, and evidence suggests that the amount other disorders, as well as depression that has an
of violence-related adversities a child encounters established neurobiological etiology like that ex-
has a substantial impact on the severity of the perienced by childhood victims of trauma, are
outcome (Felitti et al., 1998). The most disturb- forms of the disorder that are particularly resis-
ing illustration of this accumulation phenome- tant to treatment and are associated with in-
non is the gradation effect of violence-related ad- creased levels of impairment (Mervaala et al.,
versities on risk for suicide attempt. Results from 2000; Petersen et al., 2001). Thus, it is essential
the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study dem- that prevention strategies attend to violence ex-
onstrated that for every additional adversity ex- posure.
perienced as a child, the risk of suicide attempts
increased from 2- to 5-fold, such that children or
adolescents who encounter seven or more ad- Cultural Factors
versities are 50 times as likely to attempt suicide
as those without violence exposure (Dube et al., The role of ethnocultural factors has been un-
2001). derstudied. Some ethnic groups appear to have
Although the mental health consequences of higher rates of adolescent depression than
violence exposure are diverse, the most preva- others. For example, Mexican Americans and
lent and commonly studied are posttraumatic African-American adolescents appear to have
stress disorder (PTSD) and major depression. higher risk for depression whereas American ad-
This makes sense, particularly if violence expo- olescents of Chinese descent may be at lesser risk
sure is viewed as a form of trauma. The conse- (Barrera & Craighead, 2004; Roberts, Roberts, &
quences of our country’s recent dealings with Chen, 1997). It appears that some groups (such
terrorism have provided an especially graphic as African-American or Hispanic adolescents)
picture of how violence-related trauma is linked may not show the gender disparity following pu-
to PTSD and depression (North et al., 1999; berty that is seen among Caucasian adolescents
Schlenger et al., 2002). Survivors of the Okla- (Hayward, Gotlib, & Schraedley, 1999).
homa City bombing, for instance, were studied
by North and collegues (1999) about 6 months
after the disaster. Of these individuals, 45% had PREVENTION PROGRAMS
some form of post-disaster psychiatric disorder FOR ADOLESCENTS
(34.3% had PTSD, and 22.5% had MDD). Psy-
chiatric comorbidity predicted functional im- During the past decade, a number of promising
pairment and treatment. Fifty-six percent of de- strategies for the prevention of childhood de-
pressed subjects had never been depressed before pression have emerged. The overarching princi-
the incident. ples of these programs are similar, and the spe-
Violence-related trauma experienced during cifics of preventive interventions for children
childhood can have particularly devastating and adolescents have taken into account the de-
effects, because the trauma is inflicted during velopment level of the participants. The evalu-
a critical period of development. Neurobiologi- ated preventive strategies are based primarily on
cal and neuroendocrine studies of depressed cognitive behavioral and family-educational ap-
women, which look at the volume of certain proaches that seek to reduce risk factors and en-
brain regions and at hormonal stress-response hance protective and resiliency factors associ-
mechanisms, provide evidence that violence- ated with depression in youth.
related trauma experienced during childhood In general, progress in the field of prevention
can have profound and lasting effects on brain science has been made through the introduction
structure and function (Heim, Newport, Bonsall, of rigorous standards for the development and
Miller, & Nemeroff, 2001; Vythilingam et al., evaluation of manualized preventive strategies
2002). These alterations, in turn, increase vulner- that are based on well-established theoretical
ability to stress-related disorders like depression. frameworks and proceed through a series of or-
Depression that is comorbid with PTSD or derly stages. This is best described in the 1994
62 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorder

IOM’s Report on the Prevention of Mental Disorder. Penn Prevention Program

The IOM suggested that prevention develop-
ment and evaluation proceed through five In the Penn Prevention Program, Seligman and
stages. The first and second stages are identifying colleagues (Gillham & Reivich, 1999; Gillham,
risk factors and describing the relative contribu- Reivich, Jaycox, & Seligman, 1995; Jaycox, Reiv-
tions of different factors to the disorder. The ich, Gillham, & Seligman, 1994) developed and
third stage is applying strategies developed in evaluated a school-based “indicated” prevention
pilot studies and completing efficacy trials to program targeting 10- to 13-year-old children in
evaluate the overall effectiveness of these ap- school districts in the Philadelphia suburbs. The
proaches. The fourth stage, carrying out effect- youth were defined as at risk for depression on
iveness trials, involves the examination of such the basis of elevated self-reported depressive
strategies in multiple sites in large-scale investi- symptomatology, self-reported parental conflict,
gations under nonideal, real-world conditions. or both. This prevention program was based on
The final stage consists of implementing such a model of explanatory style introduced by Se-
strategies in large-scale public health campaigns. ligman and colleagues (Nolen-Hoeksema, Gir-
Following this sequence and the articulation of gus, & Seligman, 1992) and on research identi-
a set of rigorous empirical standards by which to fying core cognitive deficits associated with
test preventive intervention approaches, a num- youth depression, including negative self-
ber of important strategies for prevention of de- evaluation, dysfunctional attitudes, poor inter-
pression have emerged. These have begun to be personal problem solving, and low expectations
tested in randomized trial designs according to for self-performance (Garber, Weis, & Shanley,
the recommended guidelines. 1993; Kaslow, Rehm, & Siegel, 1984; Quiggle,
Consideration of the prevention of depression Garber, Panak, & Dodge, 1992). Participants re-
also must take place in the context of the re- cruited for the treatment group were assigned to
markable progress in developmental neurosci- one of three treatment programs: a cognitive
ence, the sequencing of a human genome, and training program, a social problem-solving pro-
in psychiatric epidemiology. As these important gram, or a combined program. Eighty-eight stu-
scientific advances unfold, they will offer impor- dents, whose scores were matched to prevention
tant opportunities for future prevention pro- participants, were recruited from nearby schools
grams. These findings will need to be integrated and comprised the no-participation control
with adolescents’ developmental, social, cul- group. Assessments included child self-report,
tural, and family contexts in the development of teacher-report, and parent-report question-
preventive interventions. naires.
To date, there have been two major concep- Results indicated that relative to control par-
tual frameworks that have guided most of the ticipants, children who participated in any of the
development of the prevention studies. First, treatment groups reported significantly fewer de-
cognitive behavioral programs have been used pressive symptoms immediately following the
and show considerable promise—e.g., those of program and at the 6-month and 2-year follow-
Seligman and Clarke in the United States, pro- ups, but not at the 12-month and 3-year follow-
grams of Shochet and Spence in Australia, and ups. Moreover, teacher reports at follow-up re-
the program of Arnarson and Craighead in Ice- vealed better classroom behavior in treatment
land. In addition, Beardslee and colleagues have participants than in control participants. Finally,
developed and evaluated a program designed to overall treatment effects were more significant
prevent depression in the family context. All of for children who, at the screening phase of the
these programs have in common a strong theo- study, reported more significant depressive
retical orientation—an orientation toward build- symptomatology and more significant parental
ing of strengths and resiliency; they have all conflict at home. The major limitations of the
been written into manuals for dissemination; study are the lack of randomization to interven-
and they have been or are being tested with ran- tion conditions, the use of only self-report mea-
domized trials designs. sures, attrition of approximately 30% of partici-
Chapter 3 Prevention of Depression and Bipolar Disorder 63

pants during follow-up, and the failure to biggest impact on preventing relapse or recur-
include diagnoses for clinical depression. rence rather than on preventing a first episode
More recently, Seligman and his group at of MDD. In addition, it should be noted that
Penn have focused on “positive psychology” there was differential dropout between condi-
programs, which are likely to have an indirect tions in this study (Clarke et al., 1995), but as the
effect of preventing episodes of MDD. These pro- authors suggested, this probably operated
grams are included in Part VII of this book. against their favorable outcomes.
In an expansion of this program, Clarke and
associates (2001) applied this approach to a
health maintenance organization (HMO) popu-
Clarke and Colleagues lation of adolescents of parents with diagnosed
depression and youngsters already manifesting
Clarke and colleagues (Clarke et al., 1995) in symptoms. They screened all those at risk and
Oregon were among the first to study prevention divided them into three groups: low or no de-
of MDD among adolescents. In an excellent pressive symptomatology, medium symptoma-
study, 150 adolescent students from 9th and tology, and those already in episode. Those al-
10th grades were assigned randomly to either a ready meeting criteria for MDD were referred for
“prevention” or “usual-care” group. The preven- treatment, and those with no depressive sympto-
tion program, entitled “Adolescent Coping with matology were excluded. In this trial, those
Stress Course” was delivered in groups and was adolescents (ages 13–18) with moderate symp-
a prevention-focused version of this group’s tomatology were randomized into a usual-care
“Adolescent Coping with Depression Course” condition (N ⫽ 49) or their cognitive behavioral
(Clarke, Lewinsohn, & Hops, 1990). The 5-week intervention group (N ⫽ 45). As in their previous
intervention was conducted within the adoles- study, prevention group subjects participated in
cents’ school setting and comprised fifteen 45- 15 group sessions.
minute group sessions (3 after-school meetings This intervention yielded substantial preven-
per week). The usual-care youngsters were free to tive effects, with significant treatment-by-time
continue with preexisting treatment or seek new effects in the expected direction on the Center
treatment. This program employed both behav- for Epidemiological Studies–Depression (CES-D)
ioral and cognitive coping techniques designed and the Global Assessment of Functioning
to reduce vulnerability to future depressive epi- scales—i.e., adolescents in the prevention con-
sodes. dition did much better than those in the usual-
Participants were followed for 1 year, and the care condition. Survival analysis indicated that
results were positive. Namely, significantly (p ⬍ over a 15-month follow-up period, there was a
.05) fewer prevention group (14.5%; 8 of 55) sub- cumulative rate of major depression of only 9%
jects were diagnosed with MDD or dysthymia in the experimental group in contrast to 28% in
than control group subjects (25.7%; 18 of 70). the usual-care condition (Clarke et al., 2001).
The major strengths of this program include ran- Even though this is the most sophisticated
dom assignment of subjects, adequate sample prevention study to date, its specific implica-
sizes, diagnoses of clinical mood disorders, and tions for prevention are limited by the choice to
encouraging outcomes. It is important to note, include adolescents who had previously suf-
however, that approximately 36% of their par- fered from an episode of depression; these sub-
ticipants had suffered a prior episode of MDD. jects comprised 67% of the adolescents in this
Because 30% to 50% of adolescents who have study. Thus, as with the prior study, it is
had a prior episode can be expected to have a impossible to determine if the study prevented
relapse or recurrence of the disorder during the first episodes or relapse and recurrence of prior
time (18 months) of this study (Hart, Craighead, episodes of MDD. Currently, Clarke, Garber,
& Craighead, 2001; Lewinsohn, Rohde, Seeley, & Beardslee, and Brent are conducting a four-site
Fischer, 1993; Rao et al., 1995), it very well may effectiveness study of this preventive interven-
be that Clarke and colleagues actually had their tion.
64 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorder

Programs in Australia signed schools (N ⫽ 751), while the control sub-

jects (N ⫽ 749) attended the other eight schools.
Two prevention programs in Australia have re- There were approximately equal numbers of girls
cently been described and evaluated: one by and boys.
Shochet and colleagues, and the other by Spence Appropriate data analyses indicated that the
and associates. Shochet and colleagues (2001) program significantly decreased depressive
evaluated a “universal” prevention program ap- symptoms between the beginning and end of
plied in a school setting in Australia. This was a the program. This finding, however, was only
skills-based program of 11 sessions offered by a true for those adolescents who had elevated
psychologist and based on a downward exten- (“high risk,” defined as 13 or higher on the Beck
sion of principles of cognitive behavior therapy Depression Inventory) depression scores at
(CBT) and interpersonal therapy (IPT). The stu- the beginning of the study. Unfortunately, this
dent sessions could be supplemented with three difference was not maintained at a 12-month
parental sessions, but not many parents took follow-up.
advantage of this offer. There were 240, 12- to These two well-conducted studies are not par-
15-year-old subjects, who were assigned to ticularly encouraging for the effectiveness of
assessment-only control, prevention without pa- “universal” prevention programs for MDD.
rental sessions, or prevention with parental ses- There are some hints, however, that similar stud-
sions. ies conducted with at risk samples (i.e., selected
Students who completed either prevention or indicated prevention programs) might be
program (no differences were obtained between more effective. For example, in the Spence study
the two prevention groups) showed fewer de- (replicating the Penn Study) it appears that stu-
pressive symptoms on one measure of depres- dents with greater depressive symptomatology
sion (but not another) than controls. The pre- (but not MDD) may respond better to prevention
vention program subjects also reported less programs.
hopelessness at the end of the project. All of
these effects were maintained at a 10-month
follow-up. The limitations of this program in- Arnarson and Craighead (Iceland)
clude the lack of random assignment of subjects
(controls participated in one academic year, and Because of the stable population of Iceland and
intervention subjects in the next academic year), because most of the citizens live in one city,
a small sample size, and assessments conducted Reykjavik, Arnarson and Craighead have spent
at different times of the year in different condi- the past several years translating and standard-
tions. The findings, though limited, were en- izing the assessment instruments and develop-
couraging for such a short program and short ing a manualized, developmentally based, be-
follow-up period. havioral and cognitive program designed to
A very sophisticated study evaluated the prevent depression. It has been labeled the
long-term impact of a universal, teacher- “Thoughts and Health” program, and it includes
implemented, and school-based prevention pro- a student workbook as well as a program manual.
gram that was developed by Spence, Sheffield, The program consists of 15 group sessions (6–8
and Donovan (2003) in Australia. The program, students per group) that are delivered in the
Problem Solving for LIFE (PSFL), is a combina- school setting by the local school psychologists.
tion of cognitive restructuring and problem- In their most recent report of this work (Ar-
solving approaches, and it is designed to prevent narson & Craighead, 2004), they had studied 72
a first episode of depression. Subjects were 1,500 students at risk for MDD. At risk was defined as
eighth-grade (ages 12–14; mean ⫽ 12.9) students scoring above 13 on the Children’s Depression
attending 16 participating high schools in the Inventory or at the 75th percentile or higher on
Brisbane region of Queensland, Australia. The the negative composite of the Children’s Attri-
eight 1-hour classroom-session program was im- butional Style (CAS) Questionnaire (see Alloy et
plemented by 28 teachers in eight randomly as- al., 2000). Thirty-two of the subjects from five
Chapter 3 Prevention of Depression and Bipolar Disorder 65

schools were randomly assigned (within their re- sion are two to four times higher in children of
spective schools) to the prevention program, and depressed parents than those for children of par-
40 subjects were randomly assigned (within their ents with no illness (Beardslee, Versage, & Glad-
respective schools) to an assessment-only con- stone, 1998). To understand the transmission of
trol condition. All at risk subjects were inter- depression, it is important to recognize that in
viewed with the Children’s Assessment Scale, many instances, depression in parents serves as
and any subjects who were currently depressed an identifier of a constellation of risk factors
or had suffered a previous depressive episode that, taken together, cause poor outcomes. In
were excluded (currently depressed subjects were Rutter’s classic epidemiologic studies, six factors
referred for treatment), as were subjects with at- were identified, including maternal psychiatric
tention deficit hyperactivity disorder or conduct disorder. When only one was present, there was
disorder. no increased risk to the child, but when two or
At the end of the intervention, there were no more risk factors were present, the risk went up
differences between the two groups on depres- dramatically. In a random HMO sample over a
sive symptoms or attributional style. However, at 4-year period, Beardslee and associates (1996)
the 6-month follow-up interview (CAS inter- demonstrated that the same principles were ev-
view), 18% of the assessment-only control sub- ident in predicting who became depressed. They
jects had developed MDD or dysthymia, whereas devised an adversity index consisting of parental
only one (3%) of the prevention program sub- major depression, parental nonaffective illness,
jects had developed either disorder. Arnarson and a prior history of disorder in the child.
and Craighead are currently evaluating their pre- When no risk factors were present, less than 10%
vention program with 96 at-risk (as previously of the children became ill. When all three were
defined) students in six schools in Iceland. They present, 50% of the children became ill, with a
are also developing a similar program for use gradation in between.
with 16- to 18-year-old students in a commercial In studying resilience, Beardslee and associ-
or trade school setting. ates identified three characteristics that de-
scribed resilient children of depressed parents.
The three characteristics, which were incorpo-
Beardslee and Associates rated into the preventive intervention, were (1)
support for activities and accomplishment of de-
Beardslee and associates, following the IOM velopmental tasks outside of the home; (2) a
stages, first studied risk and resilience, then de- deep involvement in human relationships; and
veloped pilot interventions and conducted a (3) the capacity for self-reflection and self-
large efficacy trial, and are now exploring the ef- understanding, in particular, in relationship to
fectiveness phase. Their prevention programs the parent’s disorder. Resilient youth repeatedly
were designed to be public health interventions said that understanding that their parent was ill,
and useful to all families in which a parent is that the disorder had a name, and that they were
depressed. The programs are to be used by a not to blame for it contributed substantially to
range of health practitioners, including inter- their doing well. This, then, became a central
nists, pediatricians, school counselors, and part of the preventive intervention.
nurses, as well as by mental health practitioners Initial studies of these intervention programs
such as child psychiatrists, child psychologists, revealed that they were safe and feasible, and
and family therapists. Moreover, this approach that families believed them to be helpful. In an
includes a strong emphasis on treatment, given initial random assignment study of the first 20
that so much depression is undiagnosed and un- families enrolled, promising effects were ob-
treated. served 6 months after intervention, and a further
A variety of studies from different theoretical follow-up study of parents’ reports showed sus-
points of view have in common the finding that tained effects over 3 years. In addition, pilot
children of depressed parents are at risk for de- studies revealed that greater benefits were asso-
pression and other conditions. Rates of depres- ciated with the clinician-facilitated intervention
66 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorder

than with the lecture condition. More recent re- breaking the silence about depression led the
ports on a portion of the sample at the third as- families to talk and strategize successfully about
sessment point have indicated that both condi- many other things. This process was named the
tions resulted in family improvements, and that “emergence of the healer within.” Similarly, they
parents in the clinician-facilitated condition re- found that what works for a child at 12 does not
ported significantly greater levels of assessor- work for the same child at 16. In this sense, un-
rated and self-reported change in family under- derstandings of depression change both as the
standing and problem-solving strategies than course of parental illness changes and as chil-
did participants in the lecture condition. dren grow and mature. Finally, many parents,
Most recently, Beardslee, Gladstone, Wright despite the negativism and self-doubt of depres-
and Cooper (2003) presented findings from sion, end up functioning effectively as parents.
follow-up interviews conducted with their entire In essence, they made peace with their disorder
sample of families at the fourth data point, and moved on.
nearly 2.5 years after intervention. They chose
this interval because it was long enough to begin
to see substantial, sustained changes in several FUTURE DIRECTIONS AND
main domains hypothesized to be affected by RECOMMENDATIONS
participation in the prevention programs. They
focused on effecting change in a mediating var- 1. The number of empirical studies of effective-
iable that they described as parental child- ness of preventive interventions needs to be
related behavior and attitude change. dramatically increased.
Results revealed several important findings 2. We need to continue to expand the study of
about the primary prevention of depression and cognitive behavioral and educational ap-
other forms of psychopathology in children at proaches based on public health principles.
risk for dysfunction due to parental mood dis- The promising interventions described here
order. They found that these programs did have need much further study, but the core prin-
long-standing effects in how families problem ciples are likely to be highly applicable.
solve about parental depression (i.e., behavior 3. A number of methodological issues need to
and attitude change). There was evidence that be clarified: (1) how to increase retention of
the clinician-facilitated program was initially participants in prevention studies; and (2)
more beneficial than the lecture program, and how to identify who drops out of prevention
that the amount of change in parent’s child- studies (dropouts may be those at highest
related behaviors and attitudes increased over risk—e.g., high family conflict, more nega-
time. They also found that children reported an tive life events, and greater depressive symp-
increased understanding because of the inter- toms).
vention. They found a significant relation be- 4. The optimal timing of prevention interven-
tween the amount of child-related behavior and tions needs to be established. Current data
attitude change manifested by parents and the suggest that ages 13–14 may be the best
amount of change in understanding manifested time, because this is the age just before a
by children, even though change was rated en- sharp upturn (ages 15–18) in initial episodes
tirely separately by assessors blind to the knowl- of MDD and bipolar disorder.
edge of the other subjects’ reports. Finally, they 5. The low rate of “caseness” of mood disorders
found that children who participated in the in- must be taken into account in calculating
tervention programs reported decreased inter- the sample sizes necessary for prevention
nalizing symptomatology over time. studies. At-risk samples are likely to result in
After the success of the randomized trial, 40%–50% of individuals (ages 13–14) with
Beardslee and associates examined the mecha- MDD during a 3-year follow-up, whereas,
nisms by which change took place. Briefly, they universal programs are more likely to see a
found that when families did make changes, control group caseness in a much lower
they talked repeatedly about depression. Often, range.
Chapter 3 Prevention of Depression and Bipolar Disorder 67

6. We need continually to expand the science 10. Prevention of depression is closely related to
base of depression, particularly regarding other preventive efforts—in particular, the
the question of its heterogeneity. It is im- prevention of suicide and the consideration
portant to identify robust subtypes of de- of victimization by violence. The work by
pression because specific programs for some Marikangas and colleagues suggests the pos-
of these subtypes are likely to be more effec- sibility that MDD may be prevented by pre-
tive than general prevention programs for a venting the development of anxiety, which
heterogenous overall MDD. Robust subtypes is a risk factor for subsequent development
of MDD are also likely to yield important ge- of MDD (Marikangas, Avwneoli, Dierker, &
netic information. It is likely that certain Grillon, 1999).
vulnerabilities to depression are conveyed 11. Community/political intervention. Al-
by multiple genes acting in concert and ex- though the prevention of adolescent depres-
pressed in stressful situations. Promising sion is a common goal in adolescent health,
leads include the work of Garber (Garber & it is rarely approached in a comprehensive
Martin, 2002) on the stress diathesis hypoth- and systematic manner that includes con-
esis, work by Goodman and associates tinuous attention to all aspects of pre-
(Goodman & Gotlib, 1999) on ways in vention. Most often, adolescent depression
which genes and the stressors in families rises to the attention of the local or national
with parental depression interact, and Reiss health agenda after a series of well-
and colleagues’ (Reiss, Neiderhiser, Hether- publicized adolescent suicides. National and
ington, & Plomkin, 2000) work on behav- local advocacy groups have been effective in
ioral genetics. Recent work points to other raising the public visibility of issues such as
subtypes and suggests that depression may teenage pregnancy and drug abuse. A similar
represent an underlying dysregulation of approach is needed for the prevention of ad-
emotion (Dahl, 2001), or that it may be part olescent depression. Three specific ap-
of a general phenomenon of inhibition proaches are needed:
(Kagan & Snidman, 1991). The more we un-
derstand risk factors and risk mechanisms a. Campaigns to educate local and national
(i.e., how risks come together), the better we governmental agencies and institutions
will be able to mount preventive interven- and assist them in developing policies
tions. and programs that ensure utilization of
7. It is also very important to remember that effective and comprehensive models that
better treatments make a huge difference in prevent adolescent depression at all
the lives of families—e.g., quicker recover- stages.
ies, less misunderstanding. And, as better in- b. Advisory groups that work with national
terventions are found, they will contribute professional organizations to assist them
to the prevention of depression among to develop protocols and professional
other family members. standards that place a higher priority on
8. We need more study of prevention programs the prevention of adolescent depression.
in different contexts with an awareness of These efforts should include all profes-
cultural, racial, and ethnic differences. sions that interact with youth—health
9. The occurrence of depression in either a par- care, education, social service, and juve-
ent or a child requires educational support nile justice.
from the other family members. Important c. Self-help groups that work on the local
opportunities exist for prevention in these level with families, communities, and
situations. Some groups have found that youth development agencies to assist
adult family members with MDD do not them in the development of effective pre-
want their children to know of the disorder; vention interventions.
this attitude needs to be overcome by reduc-
ing stigma associated with mood disorders.
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Research Agenda for Depression
and Bipolar Disorder

c h a p t e r
70 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorder


We have only begun to characterize the possible

The Disorder
adverse effects of depression on brain structure
What We Know and function. We have limited data on brain
plasticity and neurogenesis. In addition, the way
Basic knowledge about major depressive disorder
in which treatment interventions (psychosocial
(MDD) in adolescence has begun to accumulate
and/or psychopharmacological) impact brain
over the past two decades. Most importantly,
plasticity and neurogenesis is unknown. No spe-
MDD is now no longer seen primarily as a dis-
cific genes have yet been identified that are un-
order of the middle-aged and elderly. It is clear
equivocally associated with MDD, regardless of
that MDD often begins in adolescence and has a
age of onset.
serious impact on the adolescent’s development
Although there appears to be a clear link be-
into adulthood. In contrast, prepubertal onset is
tween life events and depression, we do not
less common, with a higher proportion of males
know the mechanisms by which stress increases
who experience mood reactivity, irritability, dys-
an individual’s vulnerability to depression or the
phoria, and comorbidity with disruptive disor-
genetic and environmental factors that influ-
der. Adolescent MDD is chronic and recurrent,
ence vulnerability or resilience. Furthermore, it
sharing diagnostic features with those of adult
is known that various forms of stressors often
MDD, including high comorbidity with anxiety
precede mood disorders, but it is not known why
and substance abuse disorders, and risk for sui-
only some individuals exposed to these stressors
cide. Adolescent MDD is associated with a lack
become depressed. There is some evidence that
of social development and skills, withdrawal
a patient’s response to an external stressor may
from peers, and poor school performance.
be moderated by the individual’s genetic consti-
Information on risk factors for the develop-
tution, by possessing a functional polymor-
ment of adolescent MDD has also begun to
phism in the promoter region of the serotonin
emerge. The most consistent risk factors for
transporter gene. Some evidence has pointed to
MDD in both adolescents and adults are female
negative cognitive appraisals of the self and life
gender (2- to 3-fold increased risk) and a family
events as mediators of the relation between
history of MDD. Offspring of depressed parents
stress and depression, but these factors do not
are at increased risk (2- to 4-fold) for depression.
appear to tell the whole story. Thus, other me-
A previous episode is a major risk factor for the
diators are likely. Moreover, we know little about
occurrence of additional episodes; over 50% of
the ways in which such negative cognitions de-
adolescents with MDD have a recurrence within
velop in adolescence, and whether they can be
5 years, and MDD episodes often continue into
adulthood. This confers an increased risk of sui-
The biological mechanisms that mediate the
cide attempts and psychiatric and medical hos-
relation between life events and risk of MDD in
pitalizations. Adverse family environments, es-
adolescents are also not known. We do not know
pecially the absence of supportive interactions,
whether the presence of adolescent depression is
poor parental bonding, poor primary attach-
a risk factor for the development of other medi-
ments, and harsh discipline, are also risk factors
cal diseases and how its presence may affect the
that contribute to both the onset and recurrence
course of the medical illness. In addition, we do
of adolescent MDD. Negative cognitions about
not know if treatment and/or prevention of de-
the self appear to mediate the relation between
pression decreases the potential impact and se-
stressful life events and the occurrence of de-
verity of the expressed medical illness.
pressive symptoms.
Biologically, there are abnormalities in hypo-
thalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis activity in
Research Priorities: What We Need to Know
adolescence similar to those found in adults, as
well as thyroid dysfunction. Research on adolescent MDD needs to proceed
on many fronts. To facilitate research across
Chapter 4 Research Agenda for Depression and Bipolar Disorder 71

broad aspects of the disorder, we propose that Study” (TADS) showed that 71% of patients re-
highest priority be given to the following areas: sponded well to combination treatment of CBT
with fluoxetine compared with 61% who re-
• Studies of the prodromal phase of child and ceived fluoxetine alone, 43% who received CBT
adolescent mood disorders. Such research alone, and 35% of those treated with placebo.
would allow for better identification of the The study also reported that patients became sig-
illness and how it evolves over time to its full nificantly less suicidal regardless of the treat-
clinical course. ment they received. In addition, after reviewing
• Integrative studies of the range of possible 24 double-blind, placebo-controlled pediatric
psychological, sociological, familial, and bi- trials using antidepressants, an FDA panel has
ological variables that contribute to the de- determined that SSRIs may carry an increased
velopment of adolescent depression. By risk of suicidal ideation or behaviors for a small
identifying which variables are most impor- proportion of users (perhaps 2% or 3%). The FDA
tant and contribute the most to the devel- has labeled all antidepressants with a warning
opment of adolescent MDD, we can target about the potential risk of increased suicidal
treatment and prevention efforts to such risk thinking and behavior and the need for close
factors and yield the best outcomes. medical monitoring, particularly in the first
• Examination of the mediational links be- month of treatment and when the medication
tween environmental stressors, cognitive dose is adjusted. The FDA expects physicians to
and personality variables, genetics, biologi- educate patients and families about the risks and
cal systems, and depressive symptoms. Un- benefits of these medications and to watch for
covering these links will provide informa- behavioral changes in the child, such as irrita-
tion on the causal chain of events that leads bility, aggression, and impulsivity. In spite of
to the clinical disorder, and suggest avenues these concerns, antidepressants can be very ef-
for the further development of new treat- fective in treating mood and anxiety disorders in
ments and preventive programs. this group.

What We Do Not Know

Although initial treatment studies have been
What We Know
promising, many patients continue to have clin-
As found in the adult depression treatment lit- ically significant levels of depression after psy-
erature, cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT) chotherapy and medication treatment, and most
and interpersonal therapy for youth depression patients experience at least one recurrence of de-
appears to be more efficacious than no treat- pression within 5 years of treatment termina-
ment, wait-list control, or attention placebo con- tion. Thus, we know little about achieving re-
trols. In addition, there is preliminary evidence mission and favorable long-term outcomes in
suggesting that attachment-based family ther- adolescent MDD populations. Presently, the
apy may be useful for the treatment of adoles- TADS program is continuing to follow children
cent depression. To date, the only medications over a one-year period after completing the acute
that have demonstrated safety and efficacy in phase of the study. This will provide much
double-blind, placebo-controlled trials for chil- needed information about long-term treatment
dren and adolescents with major depression are outcomes for adolescents with depression. More-
the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors over, we do not know which specific psychoso-
(SSRIs). Fluoxetine was the first SSRI and the only cial or pharmacologic treatments are most effi-
one with federal Food and Drug Administration cacious and for which patients. In addition,
(FDA) approval for the treatment of pediatric de- there is little known about the efficacy of se-
pression. Recently, the National Institute of quencing or combining various treatments.
Mental Health (NIMH) funded study entitled There is no information regarding the manage-
“Treatment of Adolescents with Depression ment of partial and nonresponse in the treat-
72 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorder

ment of adolescent depression. We have limited which subpopulation of patients will do best
information about the optimal length of time for with monotherapy vs. combined treatment.
any of these treatments and how to maintain the • Treatment research is needed on refractory
treatment response once achieved by using such and chronic conditions, such as “double de-
options as booster sessions and/or varying the pression” in adolescence. These chronic dis-
length of medication treatment. There is also lit- orders may respond better to combinations
tle information on how our present treatments of medication and CBT than to either mono-
that target adolescent depression impact co- therapy alone, as suggested by comparable
morbid psychiatric disorders such as substance data on adults with chronic depression.
abuse, disruptive disorders, and anxiety disor- • Interventions designed to improve outcome
ders. in patients with poor prognostic risk factors
need to be examined.
• There is little in the literature about the
Research Priorities: What We Need to Know
transportability of manualized treatments to
We have identified a number of high-priority the community settings; this important is-
topics for treatment research on MDD in adoles- sue needs to be addressed.

• There is a need for more research into the Prevention

safety and efficacy of SSRIs. The benefits vs.
What We Know
risks of using SSRIs with adolescents should
be carefully assessed in such studies. A number of promising strategies for the preven-
• Future studies need to have adequate statis- tion of childhood and adolescent depression
tical power to determine the efficacy and have emerged over the past decade. Of special
safety of antidepressants in both child and significance is the fact that these emerging pre-
adolescent populations. vention strategies make a point of taking the de-
• There is a particular need to research the use velopmental level of participants into account.
of antidepressant treatment in suicidal ado- The evaluated preventive strategies are based
lescents. Independent, federally funded cen- primarily on cognitive-behavioral and family-
ters should be established to evaluate treat- educational approaches, with the focus of reduc-
ment to prevent suicide. ing risk factors and enhancing protective and re-
• Long-term studies of antidepressants are re- siliency factors associated with depression in
quired to evaluate their safety profile in chil- youth. Rigorous standards for the development
dren. This information will enable a risk/ and evaluation of manual-based preventive ap-
benefit analysis of extended antidepressant proaches have been introduced, and these in-
use. In addition, maintenance studies are novations have greatly facilitated research in this
needed to guide optimal medication treat- area.
ment duration. To date, we have initial evidence that these
• There is a need for antidepressants studies prevention programs are more effective than
focussing on remission of symptoms and both no treatment and usual care (staying in ex-
full functional recovery, rather than just isting treatment or patients seeking treatment
treatment response. on their own) in reducing future episodes of
• The development and testing of interven- MDD. These effects are particularly evident for
tions that focus on maternal depression and those at highest risk of MDD and for those with
family discord might be an effective way of the greatest severity of depressive symptoms.
preventing adolescent depression.
• Additional treatment research such as the
What We Do Not Know
TADS program is needed to explore further
the acute efficacy of combination treatment, Despite the promising studies on prevention of
with a particular focus on determining depression, much remains to be learned. There
Chapter 4 Research Agenda for Depression and Bipolar Disorder 73

are not enough data about the timing of preven- severe affective dysregulation, high levels of ag-
tive interventions or about the appropriate set- itation, aggression, and dyscontrol may be suf-
ting for such interventions to be assured that the fering from an early form of bipolar disorder.
expected outcomes occur for the targeted popu- This issue has received increased scientific atten-
lation. Most studies have used samples that in- tion, as is evident in the scheduling of two NIMH
clude adolescents who have had previous epi- workshops on bipolar disorder in children and
sodes of MDD (high-risk samples). Thus, we adolescents and in exhaustive reviews that have
know little about the prevention of first episodes supported the validity of the disorder in youth.
of MDD. Long-term follow-up data are scarce but Bipolar disorder is highly heritable. There are
crucial to understanding whether preventive in- several loci of the human genome that have
terventions have an impact on the occurrence of been associated with the disorder.
MDD episodes into adulthood.

What We Do Not Know

Research Priorities: What We Need to Know

Prevention research is in its infancy; therefore, a We know little about how to accurately identify
number of basic studies are sorely needed. These the early signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder
include the following: in youth. This challenge of early disorder iden-
tification has limited epidemiologic information
• More prevention programs based on the full on this illness. There is still controversy over the
range of risk factors for MDD need to be de- definition of early-onset mania; this is compli-
veloped and tested. cated by the fact that this disorder is highly co-
• Comparisons among existing preventive morbid with other psychiatric disorders. In par-
programs need to be conducted. ticular, we know little about the overlap of
• Further research on the active ingredients of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
preventive programs and the mediators of and conduct disorder with bipolar disorder in
change should be performed. youth.
• We need to examine prevention programs in We also do not know whether pediatric bipo-
different contexts with an awareness of cul- lar disorder differs from the adult form of the
tural, racial, and ethnic differences. disorder. Related to this, there is little informa-
• We need to learn how to disseminate pre- tion on the adult course of pediatric-onset ma-
vention programs so that they reach the nia. Other than a likely genetic contribution,
families most at need and at risk. This is es- little is known about the risk factors for the de-
pecially a challenge because of the lack of velopment of bipolar disorder in youth.
sophisticated delivery systems of prevention
Research Priorities: What We Need to Know
• The impact of prevention programs for in-
dividuals with different types of risk factors Several priorities for research can be suggested:
for MDD needs to be evaluated.
• Most importantly, additional epidemiologic
studies are needed to determine the preva-
BIPOLAR DISORDER lence of pediatric and adolescent bipolar dis-
The Disorder • Long-term longitudinal studies are needed
to clarify the relation of adolescent onset of
What We Know
symptoms to the course of bipolar disorder
We now know that variants, or precursors, of bi- in adulthood. These data would assist with
polar disorder may be more common in adoles- informing us about the clinical course and
cence than previously thought. There is a grow- acute and long-term treatment outcome.
ing consensus that youth who are afflicted with • The relationship of comorbid disorders such
74 Part I Depression and Bipolar Disorder

as ADHD and conduct disorder to juvenile- • Whether treatment should begin with drug
onset bipolar disorder needs to be further monotherapy or a combination of medica-
evaluated. tions, or medication plus psychotherapy,
should be a topic of further study.
• Treatment of nonresponders to standard bi-
Treatment polar treatment should be evaluated.
What We Know • Studies of maintenance pharmacotherapy
and psychotherapy are sorely needed.
As learned from treatment of adults diagnosed • Given the chronicity of this disorder and the
with bipolar disorder, the complexity of this ill- high risk for these patients to die from sui-
ness in adolescents requires a combination of cide, there needs to be research on the de-
medication and psychosocial interventions to velopment of prevention programs that
effectively reduce the burden of the illness. We would target patients at risk for this disorder
also know that patients who respond to a given that have an impact on prevention of sui-
acute pharmacotherapy regimen continue to cide, the most serious consequence of the ill-
benefit from ongoing treatment with the medi- ness.
cation that led to successful symptom amelio-

What We Do Not Know
What We Know and Do Not Know
There are very few controlled studies of specific
psychosocial or pharmacologic interventions for Unfortunately, we know almost nothing about
pediatric bipolar disorder. Psychosocial inter- the prevention of bipolar disorder in youth. One
ventions specifically targeting adolescent bipolar factor hindering prevention research is the chal-
disorder are just now starting to evolve. There are lenge of making an accurate diagnosis. Not until
few studies of maintenance treatment, which is we can accurately identify high-risk cases and
essential for this disorder. For both psychosocial the emergence of the actual disorder in adoles-
and pharmacologic treatments, there is minimal cence can studies on prevention begin. At this
empirical evidence to clearly inform the clini- point in time, even if we could properly identify
cian as to what types of treatment combinations a target population and clinical end point, we do
are most effective for the adolescent suffering not yet know how best to design and evaluate
from bipolar disorder. It may be that combina- preventive strategies for this disorder.
tion pharmacotherapy with more than one
mood-stabilizing agent may be a rational ap-
proach for some youth who have manic,
Research Priorities: What We Need to Know
hypomanic, depressed, or mixed states.
There are also limited data on the impact of
As mentioned above, scientific advancement in
long-term exposure to psychotropic compounds
accurately characterizing the early signs and full
on the developing brain. We also do not have
emergence of bipolar disorder in youth is a cru-
studies of the side effects that arise from medi-
cial first step. The next step is further research on
cation treatment over a long period of time.
risk factors for the development of bipolar dis-
order in youth. Once these goals have been ac-
Research Priorities: What We Need to Know complished, we need to design and evaluate pre-
Treatment studies of highest priority would in- ventive programs that target such risk factors.
clude the following: Although such preventive studies are in the fu-
ture, they represent one of the more important
• More, and larger, efficacy studies of medi- directions for alleviating the burden of this se-
cations and psychosocial treatments are ur- rious and potentially debilitating disorder in
gently needed. adulthood.


Raquel E. Gur, Commission Chair

Nancy Andreasen
Robert Asarnow
Ruben Gur
Peter Jones
Kenneth Kendler
Matcheri Keshavan
Jeffrey Lieberman
Robert McCarley
Robin Murray
Judith Rapoport
Carol Tamminga
Ming Tsuang
Elaine Walker
Daniel Weinberger

With contributions from

Kristin Lancefield

p a r t
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Defining Schizophrenia

c h a p t e r
78 Part II Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental ies that emphasize biological markers, and for al-
disorder with a typical onset in adolescence and most all of those conducted in the United States,
early adulthood and a lifetime prevalence of the standard diagnostic criteria are from the Di-
about 1%. On average, males have their illness agnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
onset 3 to 4 years earlier than females. Onset of Fourth Edition (DSM-IV, American Psychiatric As-
schizophrenia is very rare before age 11, and sociation, 1994). However, international epide-
prior to age 18 the illness has been called “early- miologic studies are likely to use the World
onset schizophrenia” (EOS), while onset before Health Organization’s International Classification
age 13 has been termed “very early-onset schizo- of Diseases, Tenth Revision (WHO’s ICD-10, World
phrenia” (VEOS; Werry, 1981). Health Organization, 1992). Differences in the
Prior to examining topics in schizophrenia, choice of diagnostic criteria may affect the re-
we must address a basic question as to the defi- sults of studies.
nition of adolescents and adults. The way these There are many similarities between the ICD
groups will be defined is partly related to the and DSM, largely as a consequence of efforts by
question being asked. That is, research studies the ICD and DSM work groups to achieve as
that emphasize the study of neural development much concordance as possible. Both require 1
or finding links between endocrine changes and month of active symptoms and the presence of
onset of schizophrenia are likely to place more psychotic symptoms such as delusions or hallu-
emphasis on defining adolescence in terms of cinations. There are, however, important differ-
body or brain maturation. For example, adoles- ences between the ICD and DSM. In most re-
cence could be defined as the period between the spects, the DSM provides a slightly narrower
onset and offset of puberty. Alternatively, it conceptualization of schizophrenia than does
could be defined on the basis of our current the ICD. For example, the ICD only requires 1
knowledge of brain development, which sug- month of overall duration of symptoms, whereas
gests that maturational processes accelerate the DSM requires 6 months. In addition, the ICD
around the time of puberty but that they con- includes schizotypal disorder and simple schizo-
tinue on into what is often considered young phrenia within its nomenclature under the gen-
adulthood. Most recent studies of normal brain eral heading of the diagnosis of schizophrenia.
development suggest that brain maturation con- In the DSM, simple schizophrenia is excluded,
tinues to the early 20s. If this rather extended and schizotypal disorder is placed among the
definition of adolescence is used, then the ap- personality disorders. Other less significant dif-
propriate adult contrast groups are likely to be ferences include a greater emphasis on first-rank
somewhat older—people in their late 20s, 30s, symptoms in the ICD, as well as a much more
or even 40s. specific and complex system list.
Under the general rubric of phenomenology, How important is the choice of diagnostic
four major topics need to be considered as we criteria for research on adolescents? It could be
explore the relevance of research on adults to the very important. Setting criteria boundaries
understanding of adolescents. These four topics more broadly or more narrowly will have a
are diagnostic criteria, phenomenology, the re- significant impact on the groups of adolescents
lationship of phenomenology to neural mecha- chosen for study. Furthermore, although the
nisms, and the use of phenomenology to assist developers of these criteria paid close attention
in identifying the phenotype for genetic studies. to examining the reliability and, when possi-
ble, their validity, it was assumed almost with-
out question that the criteria could and should
OVERVIEW be the same for children, adolescents, and
adults. This decision was not based on any
Diagnostic Criteria published empirical data but rather, primarily
on “clinical impressions.”
Two different sets of diagnostic criteria are cur- A frequently expressed clinical impression
rently used in the world literature. For most stud- among those who study schizophrenia or psy-
Chapter 5 Defining Schizophrenia 79

chosis in children and adolescents, however, is Phenomenology

that making a diagnosis in these younger age
ranges is much more difficult than diagnosing The concept of phenomenology can be relatively
individuals in their 20s. Multiple issues arise for broad, describing clinical symptoms, psychoso-
a diagnosis in the adolescence age range. One cial functioning, cognitive functioning, and
important issue is comorbidity. Teenagers fre- “neurological” measures such as soft signs. Here
quently may meet criteria for multiple diagno- we will focus primarily on clinical symptoms
ses, such as conduct disorder or attention-deficit and psychosocial functioning.
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Although the For the assessment of clinical symptoms in
DSM tends to encourage the use of multiple di- schizophrenia, choosing the appropriate infor-
agnoses, this policy also has no empirical basis. mant is a key issue. Whatever the age, patients
An alternative approach that might be consid- suffering from schizophrenia frequently have
ered from research on adolescents is to try to difficulty in reporting their symptoms and past
identify a single “best” diagnosis that would history accurately. Optimally, one gets the best
summarize the child parsimoniously. information from several informants, usually a
Many adolescents also abuse substances of parent plus the patient. In the case of adoles-
many different kinds. This factor is important to cents, a friend may be a good additional infor-
consider in the diagnosis of adults who may mant. Another critical issue in phenomenology
have schizophrenia, but it poses even greater when assessing adolescents is to determine the
problems among adolescents. Abuse of sub- distinction between “normal” adolescent behav-
stances such as amphetamines may potentially ior and psychopathology. Again, this can be dif-
induce a psychotic picture that is very similar to ficult in assessing adults, but it is even more dif-
schizophrenia. We do not know whether young ficult in adolescents. It can be hard to draw the
people who continue to meet criteria for schizo- line between “teenage scruffiness” and disorgan-
phrenia after discontinuing amphetamine use ization, or a withdrawal to seek privacy versus
should be considered “typical schizophrenics” or avolition. As discussed above, drug use or abuse
whether they should in fact be given another di- can also confound the picture. For example,
agnosis such as substance-induced psychotic dis- when an adolescent known to be using mari-
order. However, because amphetamines have a juana regularly exhibits chronic apathy and avo-
significant effect on the dopamine system—a lition, is this due to marijuana use or is it a true
key neurotransmitter implicated in the neuro- negative symptom? At the moment, no data are
chemical mechanisms of schizophrenia—it is at available to help us address any of these issues
least plausible that amphetamines (and perhaps pertaining to the assessment of clinical symp-
other substances as well) be considered triggers toms in adolescents versus those in adults. This
or inducers of schizophrenia. According to this is clearly an area in which more information is
view, substance abuse could be one of the many needed.
factors that rank among the nongenetic causes Another issue is the identification of appro-
of schizophrenia. However, there is still no priate developmental milestones and needs that
strong consensus on this issue. are appropriate to the adolescent age range for
In summary, there are many unanswered re- the assessment of psychosocial functioning. For
search questions under the heading of diagno- example, when we assess peer relationships in
sis. More studies are needed to explore how young or older adults with schizophrenia, we are
well existing diagnostic criteria actually work evaluating the extent to which they have a circle
in children and adolescents. Specifically, stud- of friends with whom they get together socially.
ies of both the reliability and validity of these In the case of adolescents, peer relationships are
criteria are needed, as well as studies examin- far more important and are more intensely
ing issues of comorbidity and longitudinal driven by a need to establish independence from
studies examining changes in both diagnosis the family setting and to bond with others from
and phenomenology in cohorts of adolescents the same age range. Likewise, the assessment of
and of adults. family relationships among adolescents is
80 Part II Schizophrenia

guided by quite different conditions than those toms) is to be distinguished from the illness on-
for mature adults. Finally, the “work” of an ad- set, which often begins with symptoms and
olescent is quite generally to do well in school, signs of nonspecific psychological disorder (Häf-
whereas the “work” of an adult is normally to ner et al., 1993). The prodromal phase refers to the
find a paying job. Again, assessment tools have period characterized by symptoms marking a
simply not been defined for assessing these as- change from the premorbid state to the time
pects of psychosocial functioning in adolescents. frank psychosis begins (Fig. 5.1). The onset of
both the prodrome and the psychotic episode
are difficult to define precisely.
Expression of Early Symptoms
Although the clinical features of adolescent-
and Illness Course
onset and adult-onset schizophrenia are overall
A wide range of symptoms has been described quite similar, early onset of schizophrenia may
(Table 5.1) and the initial clinical features vary have an impact on its initial clinical presenta-
from one patient to another. The identification tion. In general, early-onset schizophrenia pa-
of these as prodromal symptoms is essentially tients have more severe negative symptoms and
retrospective, being diagnosed only after the first cognitive impairments and are less responsive
psychotic episode heralds. Using detailed assess- to treatment. Children and adolescents with
ment of such symptoms by a structured inter- schizophrenia often tend to fail in achieving ex-
view, studies have shown that the prodromal pected levels of academic and interpersonal
symptoms may begin 2 to 6 years before psycho- achievement. Very early-onset cases tend to have
sis onset (Hafner et al., 1992). Negative symp- an insidious onset, whereas adolescent-onset
toms of the prodrome may begin earlier than the cases tend to have a more acute onset. Patients
positive symptoms (Häfner, Maurer, Löffler, & with EOS or VEOS are also more often diagnosed
Riecher-Rossler, 1993). Over the past decade, at- as an undifferentiated subtype, because well-
tempts have been made to characterize the pro- formed delusions and hallucinations are less fre-
dromal phase prospectively, with operational quent (Nicolson & Rapoport, 1999; Werry, Mc-
criteria (Yung & McGorry, 1996). However, sev- Clellan, & Chard, 1991).
eral such patients may not develop schizophre- In summary, a challenge in the study of
nia, leading to the problem of false positives; it schizophrenia is the variability, or heterogeneity,
is therefore critical that we identify more specific in the clinical manifestations, and associated bi-
predictors of conversion to psychosis among ological changes and course. This heterogeneity
prospectively identified prodromal patients. may have lead to inconsistencies in research
The onset of the first episode of psychosis (the findings (Keshavan & Schooler, 1992). Identify-
beginning of clearly evident psychotic symp- ing early symptoms and signs and functional im-
pairment can help our efforts in improving early
diagnosis and in understanding the biological
Table 5.1 Prodromal Features in and genetic heterogeneity. Knowledge of the ill-
First-Episode Psychosis Frequently ness onset in adolescence may also help eluci-
Described in Adolescent Patients
date the brain developmental and possibly neu-
Reduced concentration, attention rodegenerative processes in this illness, as
Decreased motivation, drive, and energy proposed by recent pathophysiological models.
Mood changes: depression, anxiety Furthermore, an understanding of the course of
clinical and neurobiological characteristics in
Sleep difficulties
the early phase of schizophrenia, such as the du-
Social withdrawal
ration of untreated illness, can help in predicting
outcome and presents important opportunities
Irritability for secondary prevention.
Decline in role functioning, e.g., giving less to Some of the key research questions in the area
academic performance, quitting established in-
of the phenomenology of adolescent schizo-
terests, neglecting appearance
phrenia are as follows:
Chapter 5 Defining Schizophrenia 81

Stages of Illness
Premorbid Prodromal Onset Chronic/Residual
Severity of
Signs and
Negative SX
Cognitive Deficits
Functional Impairment

Gestation/Birth 10 Puberty 20 30 40 50
Figure 5.1 Natural history of schizophrenia.

• Should the same criteria be used for adoles- cents, as described in other chapters (DeLisi,
cents and adults? 1997; Giedd et al., 1999; Gur, Maany, et al., 1998;
• Are there differences in phenomenology be- 1999; Ho et al., 2003; Jacobsen et al., 1998;
tween the two? Kumra et al., 2000; Lieberman, Chakos, et al.,
• What is the validity of current assessment 2001; Rapoport et al., 1997; Thompson, Vidal, et
tools in the “real” research world? The reli- al., 2001). As this work continues to mature,
ability? however, more work needs to be done to exam-
• What is (are) the best source(s) of informa- ine precisely how the specific symptoms of
tion? schizophrenia arise in the human brain, and
• What impact do differences in “life devel- whether imaging and other tools can be used to
opmental stages” have on phenomenology? assist in diagnosis, treatment planning, and ul-
• What is the best way to assess comorbidity timately prevention.
and boundary issues in relationship to other This work must also address several questions
disorders such as schizotypal disorder? in the realm of phenomenology. Specifically,
how should we proceed as we attempt to link
The consensus on these questions is at best mod- phenomenology to neural mechanisms? As dis-
est. Almost no empirical data are available to an- cussed above, the phenomenology has multiple
swer them. In the area of phenomenology in ad- levels and aspects—symptoms, outcome, cogni-
olescents suffering from schizophrenia, more tive function, and psychosocial function. Which
well-designed, empirical studies are needed to of these should be linked to imaging and other
improve assessment tools and to compare adults “biological” measures?
and adolescents. Most work to date has taken several different
approaches. At the simplest level, investigators
have conducted studies linking specific symp-
Linking Phenomenology to Its Neural Basis toms to neural measures. For example, studies
have used positron emission tomography (PET)
Through the use of neuroimaging, neuropathol- to identify brain regions active during auditory
ogy, and neurogenetics, substantial progress in hallucinations (e.g., Silbersweig et al., 1995).
understanding the neural underpinnings of Other investigators have examined symptoms
schizophrenia is being made. Excellent work has such as thought disorder in relation to brain
been done recently that examines the relation- measures (e.g., Shenton et al., 1992). One of the
ship between brain development and the occur- critical conceptual issues, however, is the fact
rence of schizophrenia in children and adoles- that the phenomenology of schizophrenia is
82 Part II Schizophrenia

complex. That is, the illness cannot be charac- of complex disorders such as schizophrenia. In
terized on the basis of a single symptom. Al- fact, reflecting this awareness, they are begin-
though auditory hallucinations are common in ning to speak about a new (but actually old) field,
schizophrenia, they are not omnipresent. referred to as “phenomics,” the genetic under-
Therefore, other investigators have proceeded by pinnings of phenomenology. The emergence of
examining groups of symptoms that are corre- this term reflects the fact that the definition of
lated with one another, or “dimensions.” Many the phenotype of illnesses like schizophrenia
factor analytic studies have examined the factor may be the single most important component of
structure of the symptoms of schizophrenia; modern genetic studies.
nearly all find that the symptoms group natu- Here the issues are very similar to those dis-
rally into three dimensions: psychoticism, dis- cussed above, involving the relationship be-
organization, and negative symptoms (An- tween clinical presentation and neural mecha-
dreasen, 1986; Andreasen, O’Leary, et al., 1995; nisms. At what level should the phenotype be
Andreasen, Olsen, & Dennert, 1982; Arndt, Al- defined? The symptom level? Dimension level?
liger, & Andreasen, 1991; Arndt, Andreasen, Diagnosis level? Cognitive level? Or should we
Flaum, Miller, & Nopoulos, 1995; Bilder, Mu- abandon these more superficial clinical measure-
kherjee, Rieder, & Pandurangi, 1985; Gur et al., ments and attempt to find more basic defini-
1991; Kulhara, Kota, & Joseph, 1986; Lenzen- tions, often referred to as “endophenotypes,” or
weger, Dworkin, & Wethington, 1989; Liddle, “measurable components unseen by the unaided
1987). Some studies have used the dimensional eye along the pathway between disease and dis-
approach to examine brain–behavior relation- tal genotype” (Gottesman & Gould, 2003)?
ships. Several studies also suggest that these In this instance, there may be some consen-
three dimensions may have different functional sus. Many investigators believe that endophe-
neural substrates as seen with PET, or different notypic definitions may provide a better index
structural brain correlates as evaluated with mag- of the presence of this disorder than classic
netic resonance imaging (MRI), and may also symptom-based definitions, such as those cre-
have different and independent longitudinal ated by the DSM or ICD. There is as of yet, how-
courses (Andreasen, Arndt, Alliger, Miller, & ever, no strong consensus on what the “best”
Flaum, 1995; Andreasen et al., 1996, 1997; Arndt endophenotypes may be. Some candidates that
et al., 1995; Flaum et al., 1995, 1997; Gur et al., have been proposed include problems with
1991; Miller, Arndt, & Andreasen, 1993; O’Leary working memory, eye tracking, or prepulse in-
et al., 2000). hibition. To date, most of this work has been
In concert with this work examining the conducted with adults. The application of this
symptoms of schizophrenia, other investigators approach to defining and identifying the schizo-
have pursued the study of relationships between phrenia endophenotype in children and adoles-
cognition and brain measures. Some have argued cents is another important future direction, as is
that some form of cognitive dysfunction may ul- the search for additional new candidate endo-
timately provide the best definition of the phe- phenotypes.
notype of schizophrenia, and that ultimately
cognitive measures may replace symptom mea-
sures in defining the phenomenology of schizo- ETIOLOGY
phrenia (Andreasen, 1999). Again, however, a
consensus has not been achieved. Two complementary approaches have emerged
as providing much needed insight into the
causes and underlying substrates of schizophre-
Defining the Phenotype for Genetic Studies nia: neurobiology and genetics. Current efforts
in neurobiology are to integrate data from be-
Contemporary geneticists applying the tools of havioral measurements with the increasingly in-
modern genetics have become very much aware formative data from work with neuroimaging
of how important it is to have good definitions and electrophysiology. Neurobiological studies
Chapter 5 Defining Schizophrenia 83

were stimulated by the well-documented neuro- naturally occurring motor dysfunction in schizo-
behavioral deficits that are present in schizo- phrenia. But in recent decades, the findings from
phrenia. Some of the impairments are evident at prospective and retrospective studies have rekin-
the premorbid phase of illness and progress dur- dled interest in the signs of motor dysfunction
ing adolescence, with onset of symptoms. These that often accompany schizophrenia in the ab-
have become targets for therapeutic interven- sence of treatment.
tions. The application of structural and func- Because the association between motor defi-
tional neuroimaging has enabled researchers to cits and brain dysfunction is so well established,
obtain in vivo measures and highlight the brain motor behaviors are particularly interesting to
circuitry affected in schizophrenia. Progress in researchers in the field of schizophrenia (Walker,
genetics has moved the field from earlier efforts 1994). In clinical practice, neurologists are often
relying on family studies of the phenotype to able to identify the locus of brain lesions based
molecular studies that probe the underlying bi- on the nature of motor impairments. To date, the
ology. In this section, we will review neuro- motor signs observed in schizophrenia have gen-
behavioral measures, proceed to describe studies erally been too subtle and nonspecific to suggest
of brain structure and function, review the im- a lesion in a particular brain structure. Nonethe-
pact of hormones critical during adolescence, less, there is extensive evidence that motor dys-
describe the implicated brain circuitry, and function is common in schizophrenia, and it
conclude by presenting the genetics of schizo- may offer clues about the nature of the brain dys-
phrenia. function subserving the disorder.
Research has shown that motor deficits pre-
date the onset of schizophrenia, and for some
Neurobehavioral Deficits patients are present early in life. Infants who
later develop schizophrenia show delays and ab-
Cognitive deficits have been recognized since normalities in motor development (Fish, Mar-
early descriptions of schizophrenia, when it was cus, Hans, & Auerbach, 1993; Walker, Savoie, &
called “dementia praecox.” More recent evi- Davis, 1994). They are slower to acquire coordi-
dence confirms that cognitive deficits are evi- nated patterns of crawling, walking, and biman-
dent in vulnerable individuals, are present at the ual manipulation. They also manifest asymme-
onset of illness, and predict outcome. Further- tries and abnormalities in their movements.
more, as summarized in Chapters 6 and 7, early These include abnormal postures and involun-
detection and efforts at intervention may hold a tary movements of the hands and arms. It is im-
key for ameliorating the ravages of schizophre- portant to note, however, that these early motor
nia later in life. Here we will describe evidence signs are not specific to schizophrenia. Delays
for deficits in neuromotor and neurocognitive and anomalies in motor development are pres-
functioning, with special emphasis on early pre- ent in children who later manifest a variety of
sentation. disorders, as well as some who show no subse-
quent disorder. Thus, we cannot use motor signs
as a basis for early diagnosis or prediction. But
Neuromotor Functions
the presence of motor deficits in infants who
Prior to the advent of antipsychotic medications, subsequently manifest schizophrenia suggests
there were reports in the scientific literature on that the vulnerability to the disorder involves
the occurrence of movement abnormalities in the central nervous system and is present at
patients with schizophrenia (Huston & Shakow, birth.
1946; Walker, 1994; Yarden & Discipio, 1971). Deficits in motor function extend beyond in-
After treatment of patients with antipsychotics fancy and have been detected throughout the
became widespread, attention shifted to drug- premorbid period in schizophrenia, including
induced abnormalities in motor behavior. Be- adolescence. Studies of the school and medical
cause motor side effects were of such great con- records of individuals diagnosed with schizo-
cern, they temporarily eclipsed research on phrenia in late adolescence or early adulthood
84 Part II Schizophrenia

reveal an elevated rate of motor problems. Both tion, research on motor abnormalities in schizo-
school-aged children and adolescents at risk are phrenia has the potential to shed light on the
more likely to have problems with motor coor- neural substrates that confer risk for schizophre-
dination (Cannon, Jones, Huttunen, Tanskanen, nia. Some of the important questions that re-
& Murray, 1999). Similarly, prospective research main to be answered are: What is the nature and
has shown that children and adolescents who prevalence of motor dysfunction in adolescents
later develop schizophrenia score below normal at risk for schizophrenia? Is the presence of mo-
controls on standardized tests of motor profi- tor dysfunction in schizophrenia linked with a
ciency (Marcus, Hans, Auerbach, & Auerbach, particular pattern of neurochemical or brain ab-
1993; Niemi, Suvisaari, Tuulio-Henriksson, & normalities? Can the presence of motor dysfunc-
Loennqvist, 2003; Schreiber, Stolz-Born, Hein- tion aid in predicting which individuals with
rich, & Kornhuber, 1992). Again, the presence of prodromal syndromes, such as schizotypal per-
these deficits before the onset of clinical schizo- sonality disorder (SPD), will develop schizophre-
phrenia suggests that they are indicators of bio- nia? Would neuromotor assessment aid in the
logical vulnerability. prediction of treatment response?
As mentioned, there is an extensive body of
research on motor functions in adult patients di-
agnosed with schizophrenia, both medicated
and nonmedicated (Manschreck, Maher, Ruck- Early studies examining cognitive function in
los, & Vereen, 1982; Walker, 1994; Wolff & schizophrenia focused on single domains, such
O’Driscoll, 1999). The research has revealed def- as attention or memory, and preceded develop-
icits in a wide range of measures, from simple ments in neuroimaging and cognitive neurosci-
finger tapping to the execution of complex man- ence that afford better linkage between cognitive
ual tasks. In addition, when compared to healthy aberrations and brain circuitry. Neuropsycho-
comparison subjects, schizophrenia patients logical batteries, which have been initially de-
manifest more involuntary movements and pos- veloped and applied in neurological popula-
tural abnormalities. tions, attempt to link behavioral deficits to brain
It is noteworthy that motor abnormalities function. When applied in schizophrenia, such
have also been detected in adolescents with batteries have consistently indicated diffuse dys-
schizotypal personality disorder. Compared to function, with relatively greater impairment in
healthy adolescents, these children show more executive functions and in learning and memory
involuntary movements and coordination prob- (Bilder et al., 2000; Censits, Ragland, Gur, & Gur,
lems (Nagy & Szatmari, 1986; Walker, Lewis, 1997; Elvevag & Goldberg, 2000; Green, 1996;
Loewy, & Palyo, 1999). Further research is Gur et al., 2001; Saykin et al., 1994).
needed to determine whether schizotypal ado- It is noteworthy that the pattern of deficits is
lescents with motor abnormalities are more already observed at first presentation and is not
likely to succumb to schizophrenia. significantly changed by treatment of the clini-
The nature of the motor deficits observed in cal symptoms. Therefore, study of adolescents at
schizophrenia suggests abnormalities in subcor- risk or at onset of illness avoids confounding by
tical brain areas, in particular a group of brain effects of treatment, hospitalization, and social
regions referred to as the basal ganglia (Walker, isolation that may contribute to compromised
1994). These brain regions are a part of the neu- function. Although the literature evaluating the
ral circuitry that connects subcortical with specificity of cognitive deficits in schizophrenia
higher cortical areas of the brain. It is now is limited, there is enough evidence to show that
known that the basal ganglia play a role in cog- the profile and severity are different from bipolar
nitive and emotional processes, as well as motor disorder. Thus, early evaluation during adoles-
functions. As our understanding of brain func- cence may have diagnostic and treatment impli-
tion and motor circuitry expands, we will have cations. Given the evidence on cognitive deficits
greater opportunities for identifying the origins at the premorbid stage, it would be important to
of motor dysfunction in schizophrenia. In addi- evaluate whether a pattern of deficits in adoles-
Chapter 5 Defining Schizophrenia 85

cents at risk can predict the onset and course of brain activity in response to engagement in tasks
illness. The executive functions impaired in in which deficits have been noted in patients.
adults with schizophrenia are the very abilities Thus, there is “online” correlation between brain
that are essential for an adolescent to make the activity and performance in a way that permits
transition to young adulthood, when navigation direct examination of brain–behavior relations
through an increasing complexity of alternatives (Gur et al., 1997).
becomes the issue.
In addition to the cognitive impairment,
emotion-processing deficits in identification, Neuroanatomic Studies
discrimination, and recognition of facial expres-
sions have been observed in schizophrenia (Koh- The availability of methods for quantitative
ler et al., 2003; Kring, Barrett, & Gard, 2003). structural neuroimaging has enabled examina-
Such deficits may contribute to the poor social tion of neuroanatomic abnormalities in schizo-
adjustment already salient before disease onset. phrenia. Because the onset of schizophrenia
Emotional impairment in schizophrenia is clin- takes place during a phase of neurodevelopment
ically well established, manifesting in flat, characterized by dynamic and extensive changes
blunted, inappropriate affect and in depression. in brain anatomy, establishment of the growth
These affect-related symptoms are notable in ad- chart is necessary to interpret findings. Two
olescents during the prodromal phase of illness complementary lines of investigation have
preceding the positive symptoms. While these proved helpful. By examining the neuroanatom-
may represent a component of the generalized ical differences between healthy people and in-
cognitive impairment, they relate to symptoms dividuals with childhood-onset and first-episode
and neurobiological measures that deserve fur- schizophrenia, as well as individuals at risk,
ther research. regional abnormalities early in the course of ill-
Several brain systems are implicated by these ness may be identified. Complementary efforts
deficits. The attention-processing circuitry in- are needed to examine changes associated with
cludes brainstem-thalamo-striato-accumbens- illness progression. An understanding of the
temporal-hippocampal-prefrontal-parietal regions. neuroanatomic changes in the context of the dy-
Deficits in working memory implicate the dor- namic transitions of the developing brain during
solateral prefrontal cortex, and the ventromedial adolescence, however, requires careful longitu-
temporal lobe is implicated by deficits in epi- dinal studies during this critical period. A brief
sodic memory. A dorsolateral-medial-orbital pre- introduction to the methodology of quantitative
frontal cortical circuit mediates executive func- MRI and its application to examine neurodevel-
tions. Animal and human investigations have opment is needed to appreciate findings in
implicated the limbic system, primarily the schizophrenia.
amygdala, hypothalamus, mesocorticolimbic Several approaches have been developed in
dopaminergic systems, and cortical regions in- the early 1990s, and these have now become
cluding orbitofrontal, dorsolateral prefrontal, standard and have been shown to produce reli-
temporal, and parts of parietal cortex. These are able results (e.g., Filipek, Richelme, Kennedy, &
obviously complex systems and impairment in Caviness, 1994; Kohn et al., 1991). These meth-
one may interact with dysfunction in others. ods have provided data on the intracranial com-
Studies with large samples are needed to test position of the three main brain compartments
models of underlying pathophysiology. related to cytoarchitecture and connectivity:
The link between neurobehavioral deficits gray matter (GM), the somatodendritic tissue of
and brain dysfunction can be examined both by neurons (cortical and deep); white matter (WM),
correlating individual differences in perfor- the axonal compartment of myelinated con-
mance with measures of brain anatomy and necting fibers; and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
through the application of neurobehavioral In one of the first studies examining seg-
probes in functional imaging studies. With these mented MRI in children and adults, Jernigan and
paradigms, we can investigate the topography of Tallal (1990) documented the “pruning” process
86 Part II Schizophrenia

proposed by Huttenlocher’s (1984) work. They Another landmark study, published by a Stan-
found that children had higher GM volumes ford group, examined segmented MRI on a “ret-
than adults, a finding indicating loss of GM dur- rospective” sample of 88 participants ranging in
ing adolescence. This group has more recently age from 3 months to 30 years and a “prospec-
replicated these results by use of advanced meth- tive” sample of 73 healthy men aged 21 to 70
ods for image analysis (Sowell, Thompson, years (Pfefferbaum et al., 1994). Scans for the ret-
Holmes, Jernigan, & Toga, 1999). Their new rospective sample were available from the clini-
study also demonstrated that the pruning is cal caseload, although images were carefully se-
most “aggressive” in prefrontal and temporopa- lected to include only those with a negative
rietal cortical brain regions. As a result of this clinical reading; the prospective sample was re-
work, we now recognize that both myelination cruited specifically for research and was medi-
and pruning are important aspects of brain de- cally screened to be healthy. The results dem-
velopment. onstrated a clear neurodevelopmental course for
In a landmark paper published in 1996, a Na- GM and WM, the former showing a steady de-
tional Institutes of Health (NIH) group reported cline during adolescence whereas the latter
results of a brain volumetric MRI study on 104 showed increased volume until about age 20 to
healthy children ranging in age from 4 to 18 22 years.
(Giedd et al., 1996). Although this group did not A Johns Hopkins group used a similar ap-
segment the MRI data into compartments, they proach in a sample of 85 healthy children and
did observe developmental changes that clearly adolescents ranging in age from 5 to 17 years
indicated prolonged maturation beyond age 17. (Reiss, Abrams, Singer, Ross, & Denckla, 1996).
In a later report on this sample, in which seg- Consistent with postmortem and the other vol-
mentation algorithms were applied, the investi- umetric MRI studies, these investigators reported
gators were able to pinpoint the greatest delay in a steady increase in WM volume with age that
myelination, defined as WM volume, for fron- did not seem to peak by age 17. Unfortunately,
totemporal pathways (Paus et al., 1999). This they did not have data on older individuals.
finding is very consistent with the Yakovlev and Their results are consistent with those of Blatter
Lecours (1967) projections. The NIH group went et al. (1995) from Utah, although the extensive
on to exploit the ability of MRI to obtain re- Utah database combines ages 16 to 25 and
peated measures on the same individuals. Using therefore does not permit evaluation of changes
these longitudinal data, they were able to better during late adolescence and early adulthood.
pinpoint the timing of preadolescent increase in In the only study to date that has examined
GM that precipitates the pruning process of ad- segmented MRI volumes from a prospective
olescence. Of importance to the question of mat- sample of 28 healthy children aged 1 month to
uration as defined by myelogenesis are results in- 10 years and a small adult sample, Matsuzawa et
dicating that the volume of WM continued to al. (2001) applied the segmentation procedures
show increases up to age 22 years (Giedd et al., developed by the Penn group. Matsuzawa et al.
1999). demonstrated increased volume of both GM and
A Harvard group developed a sophisticated WM in the first postnatal months, but whereas
procedure for MRI analysis (Filipek et al., 1994) GM volume peaked at about 2 years of age, the
which they applied to a sample of children with volume of WM, which indicates brain matura-
the age range of 7 to 11 years and used to com- tion, continued to increase into adulthood (Fig-
pare results with those of adults (Caviness, Ken- ure 5.2). Furthermore, consistent with the post-
nedy, Richelme, Rademacher, & Filipek, 1996). mortem and other MRI studies that have
They found sex differences suggesting earlier examined this issue, the frontal lobe showed the
maturation of females, and generally supported greatest maturational lag, and its myelination is
the role of WM as an index of maturation. Their unlikely completed before young adulthood.
results also indicated that WM shows a delay in Magnetic resonance imaging studies in first-
reaching its peak volume until early adulthood. episode patients have indicated smaller brain
Chapter 5 Defining Schizophrenia 87

Brain Development


GM Figure 5.2 Compart-
700 WM mental volumes of gray
CSF matter (GM), white mat-
600 ter (WM), and cerebro-
Volume (ml)

spinal fluid (CSF) from

birth [from Matsuzawa.
400 J., Matsui, M., Konishi,
T., Noguci, K., Gur, R.C.,
300 Bilker, W., & Miyawaki,
T. (2001). Age-related
200 volumetric changes of
brain gray and white
matter in healthy infants
0 and children. Cerebral
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 Coretex, 11, 335–342,
Age (Months) used with permission].

volume and an increase in CSF relative to that in normal. The reduction in GM is apparent in first-
healthy people (e.g., Gur et al. 1998a; Ho et al., episode, never-treated patients and supports the
2003). The increase is more pronounced in ven- growing body of work that schizophrenia is a
tricular than in sulcal CSF. Brain and CSF vol- neurodevelopmental disorder (e.g., Gur et al.,
umes have been related to phenomenological 1999).
and other clinical variables such as premorbid In evaluating specific regions, the most con-
functioning, symptom severity, and outcome. sistent findings are of reduced volumes of pre-
Abnormalities in these measures are likely to be frontal cortex and temporal lobe structures.
more pronounced in patients with poorer pre- Other brain regions also noted to have reduced
morbid functioning, more severe symptoms, volumes include the parietal lobe, thalamus,
and worse outcome. The concept of brain reserve basal ganglia, cerebellar vermis, and olfactory
or resilience may apply to schizophrenia as well, bulbs. Relatively few studies have related sublo-
with normal brain and CSF volumes as prelimi- bar volumes to clinical or neurocognitive mea-
nary indicators of protective capacity. As our un- sures. Available studies, however, support the
derstanding of how brain systems regulate be- hypothesis that increased volume is associated
havior in health and disease improves, we can with lower severity of negative symptoms and
take advantage of neuroimaging to examine spe- better cognitive performance (e.g., Gur et al.,
cific brain regions implicated in the pathophys- 2000a,b; Ho et al., 2003).
iology of schizophrenia. The question of progression of tissue loss has
Gray and white matter tissue segmentation been addressed in relatively few studies and in
can help determine whether tissue loss and dis- small samples, reflecting the difficulty of recruit-
organization in schizophrenia are primarily the ing for study patients in the early stages of ill-
result of a GM deficit or whether abnormalities ness. Longitudinal studies applying MRI have ex-
in WM are also involved. Several studies using amined first-episode patients. One group of
segmentation methods have indicated that GM investigators found no ventricular changes in a
volume reduction characterizes individuals with follow-up study, conducted 1 to 2 years after the
schizophrenia, whereas the volume of WM is initial study, of 13 patients and 8 controls (De-
88 Part II Schizophrenia

greef et al., 1992). Another study evaluated 16 neurobehavioral features of the illness in some
patients and 5 controls, studied 2 years after a patients. There is also evidence that progression
first psychotic episode (DeLisi et al., 1991). Pa- is significantly greater in early-onset patients
tients showed no consistent change in ventric- during adolescence than it is for adult subjects
ular size with time, although there were individ- (Gogate, Giedd, Janson, & Rapoport, 2001).
ual increases or decreases. With a slightly larger Findings from MRI have been most consistent
group of 24 patients and 6 controls, no signifi- for GM volume reduction, but more recently,
cant changes were observed in ventricular or WM changes have also been reported. In the
temporal lobe volume at follow-up (DeLisi et al., coming years the availability of diffusion tensor
1992). Subsequently, 20 of these patients and 5 imaging will enhance the efforts to examine
controls were rescanned over 4 years, and greater compartmental abnormalities. The growing un-
decreases in whole-brain volume and enlarge- derstanding of brain development and MRI data
ment in left ventricular volume were observed in obtained from children suggest that the neu-
patients. The authors concluded that subtle cor- roanatomic neuroimaging literature in schizo-
tical changes may occur after the onset of illness, phrenia is consistent with diffuse disruption of
suggesting progression in some cases (DeLisi et normal maturation. Thus, there is clear evidence
al., 1995). for structural abnormalities in schizophrenia
In a longitudinal study with a larger sample, that are associated with reduced cognitive capac-
40 patients (20 first-episode, 20 previously ity and less clearly with symptoms. Future work,
treated) and 17 healthy participants were rescan- perhaps with more advanced computerized par-
ned an average of 2.5 years later. Volumes of cellation methods, is needed to better chart the
whole brain, CSF, and frontal and temporal lobes brain pathways most severely affected.
were measured (Gur, Cowell, et al., 1998). First-
episode and previously treated patients had
smaller whole-brain, frontal, and temporal lobe Electrophysiology
volumes than controls at intake. Longitudinally,
a reduction in frontal lobe volume was found The electroencephalogram (EEG) measures the
only in patients, and was most pronounced at electrical activity of the brain; it originates
the early stages of illness, whereas temporal lobe from the summated electrical potentials gener-
reduction was seen also in controls. In both first- ated by inhibitory and excitatory inputs onto
episode and previously treated patients, volume neurons. The main source of the scalp-recorded
reduction was associated with decline in some EEG is in the cortex of the brain, which con-
neurobehavioral functions. tains the large and parallel dendritic trees of
The question of specificity of neuroanatomic pyramidal neurons whose regular ordering fa-
findings to schizophrenia was addressed in a re- cilitates summation. One of the important ad-
cent study that evaluated 13 patients with first- vances in EEG-based research was the develop-
episode schizophrenia, 15 patients with first- ment of a technique to isolate the brain
episode affective psychosis (mainly manic), and activity related to specific events from the back-
14 healthy comparison subjects longitudinally, ground EEG; this activity related to specific
with scans separated by 1.5 years (Kasai et. al., events is termed event-related potentials, or ERPs.
2003a). The investigators reported that patients Using averaging techniques, it is possible to vi-
with schizophrenia had progressive decreases in sualize events related to one of the many differ-
GM volume over time in the left superior tem- ent brain operations reflected in the EEG. Typ-
poral gyrus, compared with that in both of the ically, these ERPs are related to the specific
other groups. The existence of neuroanatomical processing of certain sensory stimuli.
abnormalities in first-episode patients indicates In recent years, many new means of measur-
that brain dysfunction occurs before clinical pre- ing brain structure and function have been de-
sentation. However, the longitudinal studies veloped, each with its advantages in study of the
suggest evidence of progression, in which ana- brain. Electroencephalographic and ERP mea-
tomic changes may impact some clinical and sures are unsurpassed in providing real-time,
Chapter 5 Defining Schizophrenia 89

millisecond resolution of normal and patholog- poorly on cognitive tasks that make extensive
ical brain processing, literally at the speed of demands on processing resources. These studies
thought, whereas functional magnetic reso- use ERPs in an attempt to identify the earliest
nance imaging (fMRI) and PET have temporal stage of cognitive processing at which deficits
resolutions some thousand-fold less. Moreover, emerge in adolescents with schizophrenia.
fMRI and PET only indirectly track neural activ- Gamma-band activity and neural circuit abnor-
ity through its effects on blood flow or metab- malities at the cellular level. The first ERP we will
olism. However, the ability of EEG and ERP tech- consider is the steady-state gamma-band re-
niques to localize sources of activity is much less sponse. Gamma band refers to a brain oscillation
than that of fMRI and PET, and these methods, at and near the frequency of 40 Hertz (Hz) or 40
together with structural MRI, are needed to sup- times per second; steady-state refers to its being
plement EEG and ERP information. elicited by a stimulus of the same frequency. At
the cellular level, gamma-band activity is an en-
dogenous brain oscillation thought to reflect the
Current Event-Related Potential
synchronizing of activity in several columns of
Research in Schizophrenia
cortical neurons, or between cortex and thala-
Space limitations preclude discussion of all ERPs. mus, with this synchronization facilitating com-
We provide here a sample of current work de- munication. At the cognitive level, work in hu-
signed to illuminate a fundamental question in mans suggests that gamma activity reflects the
schizophrenia research—namely, how the brains convergence of multiple processing streams in
of patients suffering from this disorder differ cortex, giving rise to a unified percept. A simple
from those of healthy subjects. Event-related po- example is a “fire truck”; a particular combina-
tentials provide a functional window on many tion of form perception, motion perception, and
aspects of brain processing. These include the auditory perception are melded to form this per-
most elementary ones, likely involving cellular cept. Gamma activity at its simplest, however,
circuitry (gamma band activity), early, simple involves basic neural circuitry composed of pro-
signal detection and gating (P50), and automatic jection neurons, usually using excitatory amino
detection of changes in the environment (mis- acid (EAA) neurotransmission, linked with in-
match negativity activity), and more complex hibitory gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic
activity such as conscious updating of expecta- interneurons. Studies of gamma activity in
tions in view of unusual events (P300). schizophrenia aim to determine if there is a basic
In this section we will first briefly review stud- circuit abnormality present, such as might arise
ies of ERP processes in adults with schizophrenia from a deficiency in recurrent inhibition, pos-
that illustrate the potential of these measures to tulated by a number of workers (see review in
provide clues about the cellular circuitry that McCarley, Hsiao, Freedman, Pfefferbaum, &
may be impaired in schizophrenia. The auditory Donchin, 1996). Gamma-band studies them-
modality plays a special role because it is severely selves, however, cannot reveal any specific de-
affected in schizophrenia, as evinced in the pri- tails of neural circuitry abnormality.
macy of auditory hallucinations and speech and Kwon and colleagues (1999) began the study
language pathology. The data presented here of gamma in schizophrenia using an exogenous
support the hypothesis that schizophrenia in- input of 40-Hz auditory clicks, leading to a
volves abnormalities in brain processing from steady-state gamma response. The magnitude of
the most simple to the most complex level, and the brain response was measured by power, the
that the anatomical substrates of auditory proc- amount of EEG energy at a specific frequency,
essing in the neocortical temporal lobe, most with the degree of capability of gamma driving
carefully investigated in the superior temporal being reflected in the power at and near 40 Hz.
gyrus, themselves evince reduction in GM vol- Compared with healthy controls, schizophrenia
ume. Next, we briefly summarize a series of stud- patients had a markedly reduced power at 40-Hz
ies of adolescents with schizophrenia in which input, although they showed normal driving at
ERPS are recorded while the youngsters perform slower frequencies, which indicated that this
90 Part II Schizophrenia

was not a general reduction in power but one rophysiological processing of the second stimu-
specific to the gamma band. lus. Patients with schizophrenia, by contrast,
Spencer and colleagues (2003) took the next show less reduction in P50 amplitude to the sec-
logical step and evaluated the gamma-band re- ond click, which is referred to as a failure in gat-
sponse to visual stimuli in schizophrenia, to de- ing (Freedman, Adler, Waldo, Oachtman, &
termine whether high-frequency neural syn- Franks, 1983). This gating deficit occurs in about
chronization associated with the perception of half the first-degree relatives of a schizophrenic
visual gestalts is abnormal in schizophrenia pa- patient, a finding suggesting that it may index a
tients. Previous studies of healthy individuals genetic factor in schizophrenia in the absence of
had reported enhancements of gamma-band overt psychotic symptoms (Waldo et al., 1991).
power (Tallon-Baudry & Bertrand, 1999) and Patients with affective disorder may show a gat-
phase locking (Rodriguez et al., 1999) when ge- ing deficit, but the deficit does not persist after
stalt objects are perceived. In the study by Spen- successful treatment; in patients with schizo-
cer et al., individuals with schizophrenia and phrenia, the deficit occurs in both medicated
matched healthy people discriminated between and unmedicated patients and persists after
square gestalt stimuli and non-square stimuli symptom remission (Adler et al., 1991; Freed-
(square/no-square conditions). In schizophrenia man et al., 1983).
patients, the early visual system gamma-band re- The gating effect is thought to take place in
sponse to gestalt square stimuli was lacking. temporal lobe structures, possibly the medial
There were also abnormalities in gamma-band temporal lobe (Adler, Waldo, & Freedman,
synchrony between brain regions, with schizo- 1985). P50 gating is enhanced by nicotinic cho-
phrenia patients showing decreasing rather than linergic mechanisms, and it is possible that
increasing gamma-band coherence between pos- smoking in patients with schizophrenia is a form
terior visual regions and other brain regions after of self-medication. Freedman et al. (1994) have
perceiving the visual gestalt stimuli. These find- shown that blockade of the α7-nicotinic receptor,
ings support the hypothesis that schizophrenia localized to hippocampal neurons, causes loss of
is associated with a fundamental abnormality in the inhibitory gating response to auditory stim-
cellular neural circuitry evinced as a failure of uli in an animal model. The failure of inhibitory
gamma-band synchronization, especially in the mechanisms to gate sensory input to higher-
40-Hz range. order processing might result in “sensory flood-
Sensory gating and the P50—early sensory gating. ing,” which Freedman suggests may underlie
Several ERPs have been related to the search for many of the symptoms of schizophrenia.
an electrophysiologic concomitant of an early Mismatch negativity and postonset progression of
sensory gating deficit in schizophrenia. These in- abnormalities. Mismatch negativity (MMN) is a
clude, for example, the startle response, for negative ERP that occurs about 0.2 sec after in-
which the size of a blink to an acoustic probe is frequent sounds (deviants) are presented in the
measured. Schizophrenia patients appear to be sequence of repetitive sounds (standards). Devi-
unable to modify their large startle response ant sounds may differ from the standards in a
when forewarned that a probe is coming, in con- simple physical characteristic such as pitch, du-
trast with controls (e.g., Braff et al., 1978). ration, intensity, or spatial location. Mismatch
Another ERP thought to be sensitive to an negativity is primarily evoked automatically,
early sensory gating abnormality in schizophre- that is, without conscious attention. Its main
nia is the P50. In the sensory gating paradigm, source is thought to be in or near primary audi-
an auditory click is presented to a subject, elic- tory cortex (Heschl gyrus) and to reflect the op-
iting a positive deflection about 50 msec after erations of sensory memory, a memory of past
stimulus onset, the P50 component. After a brief stimuli used by the auditory cortex in analysis of
interval (about 500 msec), a second click elicits temporal patterns.
a much smaller-amplitude P50 in normal adult There is a consistent finding of a reduction in
subjects, who are said to show normal gating: the amplitude of MMN in chronically ill schizophre-
first stimulus inhibits, or closes the gate to, neu- nia patients that appears to be traitlike and not
Chapter 5 Defining Schizophrenia 91

ameliorated by either typical (haloperidol) or tion is valid. It is noteworthy that the MMN ab-
atypical (clozapine) medication (Umbricht et al., normalities present in schizophrenic psychosis
1998). A point of particular interest has been the are not present in manic psychosis.
finding that the MMN elicited by tones of differ- P300 and the failure to process unusual events.
ent frequency (the pitch MMN) is normal in pa- The P300 is an ERP that occurs when a low-
tients at the time of first hospitalization (Salis- probability event is detected and consciously
bury, Bonner-Jackson, Griggs, Shenton, & processed. Typically, subjects are asked to count
McCarley, 2001; confirmed by Umbricht, Javitt, a low-probability tone that is interspersed with
Bates, Kane, & Lieberman, 2002), whereas the a more frequently occurring stimulus. The P300
MMN elicited by the same stimuli is abnormal differs from the typical MMN paradigm in that
in chronic schizophrenia. This finding suggests the stimuli are presented at a slower rate (typi-
that pitch MMN might index a postonset pro- cally around one per second) and the subject is
gression of brain abnormalities. Indeed, the pro- actively and consciously attending and process-
spective longitudinal study of Salisbury, Mc- ing the stimuli, whereas the MMN stimuli are
Carley, and colleagues (unpublished data) now not consciously processed. P300 is larger when
has preliminary data showing that schizophre- the stimulus is rare. Whereas MMN is thought to
nia subjects without a MMN abnormality at first reflect sensory memory, by definition precon-
hospitalization develop an abnormality over the scious, P300 is thought to reflect an updating of
next 1.5 years. the conscious information-processing stream
In the same group of patients, the Heschl gy- and of expectancy.
rus, the likely source of the MMN, demonstrates Reduction of the P300 amplitude at midline
a progressive reduction in GM volume over the sites is the most frequently replicated abnormal-
same time period (Kasai et al., 2003b). In partic- ity in schizophrenia, although P300 reduction is
ipants with both MRI and MMN procedures, the also found in some other disorders. This wide-
degree of GM volume reduction was found to spread P300 reduction also appears to be traitlike
parallel the degree of MMN reduction, although and an enduring feature of the disease. For ex-
the number of subjects examined is currently rel- ample, Ford and colleagues (1994) demonstrated
atively small and this conclusion is tentative. Al- that although P300 showed moderate amplitude
though the presence of postonset progression of increases with symptom resolution, it did not
abnormalities is controversial in the field, it is of approach normal values during these periods of
obvious importance to our understanding of the remission. Umbricht et al. (1998) have reported
disorder and of particular importance to the that atypical antipsychotic treatment led to a sig-
study of adolescents with onset of schizophre- nificant increase of P300 amplitudes in patients
nia, because it would prompt a search for possi- with schizophrenia.
ble medication and/or psychosocial treatment In addition to the midline P300 reduction,
that might ameliorate progression. both chronically ill and first-episode schizo-
Recent multimodal imaging (Wible et al., phrenic subjects display an asymmetry in P300
2001) has demonstrated the presence of a defi- with smaller voltage over the left temporal lobe
ciency of fMRI activation (BOLD) in schizophre- than over the right. The more pronounced this
nia to the mismatch stimulus within Heschl’s gy- left temporal P300 amplitude abnormality, the
rus and nearby posterior superior temporal more pronounced is the extent of psychopa-
gyrus. thology, as reflected in thought disorder and
Because MMN may reflect, in part, N-methyl- paranoid delusions (e.g., McCarley et al., 1993,
D-aspartate (NMDA)-mediated activity, a specu- 2002). It is possible the increased delusions re-
lation about the reason for progression is that flect a failure of veridical updating of cognitive
NMDA-mediated excitotoxity might cause both schemata. This left temporal deficit is not found
a reduction in the neuropil (dendritic regression) in affective (manic) psychosis.
and a concomitant reduction in the MMN in the There are likely several bilateral brain genera-
months following first hospitalization. Only fur- tors responsible for the P300, with a generator in
ther work will determine whether this specula- the superior temporal gyrus (STG) likely under-
92 Part II Schizophrenia

lying the left temporal deficit, since, in schizo- warning stimuli, and a later central component
phrenia, the greater the reduction in GM volume associated with preparedness for stimuli-
in posterior STG, the greater the reduction in processing and response (Rohrbaugh et al.,
P300 amplitude at left temporal sites in both 1986).
chronic and first-episode schizophrenia patients. Healthy individuals typically have larger vi-
It is of note that the posterior STG, on the left in sual P1/N1 components over the right cerebral
right-handed individuals, is an area intimately hemisphere. Many of the UCLA studies com-
related to language processing and thinking (it pared hemispheric laterality between healthy
includes part of Wernicke’s area), and an area and schizophrenia individuals. Differences in
where volume reductions are associated with in- lateralization during visual information-
creased thought disorder and severity of audi- processing tasks could reflect either differences
tory hallucinations. in the strategic use of processing capacity of the
hemispheres or a lateralized neural deficit.
The Np is a family of negative components
Event-related Potential Measures in Children
that occur within the first 400 msec after the on-
and Adolescents with Schizophrenia
set of a stimulus, indicating the degree to which
Event-related indices of information processing def- attentional and perceptual resources have been
icits. Brain activity reflected in ERPs recorded allocated to stimulus processing. Because the Np
during performance of information-processing waves occur contemporaneously with other
tasks can be used to help isolate the component components (P1, N1, and P2), they are best seen
or stage of information-processing that is im- in difference potentials resulting from the sub-
paired in schizophrenia. A series of ERP studies traction of non-attend ERPs from attend ERPs
of children and adolescents with schizophrenia, (Hillyard & Hansen, 1986; Naatanan, 1982). Fi-
conducted by the UCLA Childhood Onset nally, as described above, the P300 is a frequently
Schizophrenia program, are summarized below studied index of the recognition of stimulus sig-
(see Strandburg et al., 1994a and Asarnow, nificance in relation to task demands.
Brown, & Strandburg, 1995 for reviews). These Event-related potential results in child and ado-
studies examined ERP components while chil- lescent schizophrenia. Table 5.2 summarizes by
dren and adolescents with schizophrenia per- component the ERP results from six UCLA stud-
formed tasks like the span of apprehension ies of children or adults with schizophrenia. In
(Span; Strandburg, Marsh, Brown, Asarnow, & all the studies summarized in this table there
Guthrie, 1984) and a continuous performance were large and robust performance differences
test (CPT; Strandburg et al., 1990). Several de- between groups in both the accuracy and reac-
cades of studying mental chronometry with tion times of signal detection responses. Thus,
ERPs has produced a lexicon of ERP components the behavioral paradigms were successful in elic-
with well-established neurocognitive correlates iting information-processing deficits in these pa-
(Hillyard & Kutas, 1983). These ERP components tients.
can be used to help identify the stages of infor- The CNV differences between normals and
mation processing that are impaired in schizo- schizophrenics were not consistently found
phrenia. across studies. In the span task (which includes
The UCLA ERP studies have focused primarily a warning interval) all possible results were ob-
on four components: contingent negative vari- tained (normals ⬎ schizophrenics; normals ⫽
ation (CNV), hemispheric asymmetry in the am- schizophrenics; and normals ⬍ schizophrenics).
plitude of the P1/N1 component complex, pro- For the CNV-like negative wave occurring in the
cessing negativity (Np), and a late positive CPT task, no group differences were found in ei-
component (P300). The CNV measures orient- ther experiment. Because the warning interval
ing, preparation, and readiness to respond to an was short and the wave was largest frontally, the
expected stimulus. There are at least two separate CNVs in both tasks were most likely the early
generators of the CNV: an early frontal compo- wave related to orienting. Thus, differences in
nent believed to be an orienting response to prestimulus orienting do not seem to reliably ac-
Table 5.2 Information-Processing Tasks in Child and Adolescent and Adult-Onset Schizophrenia: Summary of Evoked Potential Studies.

Reference Task P300 Group Tested CNV P1/N1 Asymmetry Np

Strandburg Span Norm ⬎ schiz Schizophrenic children Norm ⬎ schiz Norm ⬎ schiz Norm ⬎ schiza
et al., 1984
Strandburg CPT Norm ⬎ schiz Schizophrenic children Norm ⫽ schiz Norm ⬎ schiz —
et al., 1990
Strandburg Span — Schizophrenic children Norm ⫽ schiz Norm ⬎ schiz Norm ⬎ schiz
et al., 1991
Strandburg Span Norm ⬎ schiz Schizophrenic adults Schiz ⬎ norm Norm ⬎ schiz Norm ⬎ schiz
et al., 1994a
Strandburg CPT Norm ⬎ schizb Schizophrenic children Norm ⫽ schiz Norm ⬎ schiz Norm ⬎ schiz
et al., 1994b
Strandburg Idiom recognition Norm ⬎ schiz Schizophrenic adults Norm ⬎ schiz — —
et al., 1997
Larger task-difficulty increased more in N1 amplitude in normals than in schizophrenics.
Normals had larger P300 than schizophrenics for targets in the single-target CPT task.
CNV, contingent negative variation; CPT, continuous performance task; Np, processing negativity; P300, late positive component.
94 Part II Schizophrenia

count for the poor performance of schizophren- found using a wide variety of experimental par-
ics on these tasks. There are mixed results in adigms (Pritchard et al., 1986). As can be seen in
CNV experiments on adults with schizophrenia, Table 5.2, the UCLA studies also consistently ob-
although most studies found smaller CNVs in served smaller P300 amplitude in studies of both
schizophrenics (Pritchard, 1986). A longer warn- schizophrenic children and adults, in the span,
ing interval than that used in the UCLA experi- CPT, and idiom recognition tasks. P300 latency
ments (500 msec in the span and 1250 msec ISI was also measured in two of these studies. Al-
in the CNV) may be required to detect prepara- though prolonged P300 latency was found in
tory abnormalities in schizophrenia. one study (Strandburg et al., 1994c), no differ-
In every study summarized in Table 5.2 in ences were found in another (Strandburg et al.,
which processing negativities were measured, 1994b). The majority of ERP studies have re-
Nps were found to be smaller in schizophrenics. ported normal P300 latency in schizophrenics
This deficit was seen in both children and adults, (Pritchard, 1986).
with both the span and CPT (Strandburg et al., Absence of right-lateralized P1/N1 amplitude
1994c) tasks. In contrast, a group of children in visual ERPs has been a consistent finding
with ADHD studied while they performed a CPT in all five of the UCLA studies that used the CPT
task showed no evidence of a smaller Np. Dimin- and span tasks. Abnormally lateralized elec-
ished Np amplitude is the earliest consistent ERP trophysiological responses, related either to
index of schizophrenia-related information- lateralized dysfunction in schizophrenia or a
processing deficit in the UCLA studies. These re- pathology-related difference in information-
sults suggest impaired allocation of attentional processing strategy, is a consistent aspect of
and perceptual resources. both adult- and childhood-onset schizophrenia.
Most studies of processing negativities dur- These results are consistent with abnormal pat-
ing channel selective attention tasks (Nd) find terns of hemispheric laterality in schizophrenics
that adults with schizophrenia produce less (e.g., Tucker & Williamson, 1984).
attentional-related endogenous negative activ- In summary, ERP studies of schizophrenic
ity than do normal controls (see reviews by Co- adults and children performing discriminative
hen, 1990, and Pritchard, 1986). The UCLA processing tasks suggest that the earliest reliable
results compliment this finding in adults by us- electrophysiological correlate of impaired dis-
ing a discriminative processing task and extend criminative processing in schizophrenia is the
these findings to childhood- and adolescent- Np component. It appears that children and ad-
onset schizophrenia. Reductions in the ampli- olescents with schizophrenia are deficient in the
tude of Np in schizophrenia result from im- allocation of attentional resources necessary for
pairments in executive functions responsible efficient and accurate discriminative processing.
for the maintenance of an attentional trace Although diminished amplitude processing neg-
(Baribeau-Braun, Picton, & Gosselin, 1983; Mi- ativities have been observed in ADHD in audi-
chie, Fox, Ward, Catts, & McConaghy, 1990). tory paradigms (Loiselle, Stamm, Maitinsky, &
Baribeau-Braun et al. (1983) observed normal Whipple, 1980; Satterfield, Schell, Nicholar, Sat-
Nd activity with rapid stimulus presentation terfield, & Freese, 1990), Np was found to be nor-
rates, but reduced amplitudes with slower rates, mal in ADHD children during the UCLA CPT
findings suggesting that the neural substrates of task (Strandburg et al., 1994a). Diminished Np
Nd are intact but improperly regulated in visual processing may be specific to schizo-
schizophrenia. Individuals with frontal lobe le- phrenic pathology. Later ERP abnormalities in
sions resemble individuals with schizophrenia schizophrenia (e.g., diminished amplitude P300)
in this regard, in that both groups do not show may be a “downstream” product of the uncer-
increased Np to attended stimuli in auditory se- tainty in stimulus recognition created by previ-
lection tasks (Knight, Hillyard, Woods, & Ne- ous discriminative difficulties, or they may be
ville 1981). one of additional neurocognitive deficits. Ab-
As noted earlier, reduced amplitude P300 normalities in later ERP components are not spe-
in schizophrenic adults has been consistently cific to schizophrenia, having been reported in
Chapter 5 Defining Schizophrenia 95

studies of ADHD children (reviewed by Klorman, male schizophrenics and had different source
1991). orientations in the left hemisphere. The recent
The absence of P1/N1 asymmetry in the visual review by Reite, Teale, and Rojas (1999) should
ERPs of schizophrenics is contemporaneous with be consulted for more details of the work on
diminished Np. However, the fact that Np am- MEG in schizophrenia.
plitude varies with the processing demands of In summary, electrophysiology has the advan-
the task, whereas P1/N1 asymmetry does not, tage of providing real-time information on brain
suggests that the Np deficit plays a greater role processing, with a resolution in the millisecond
in the information-processing deficits mani- range. In schizophrenia, it shows abnormalities
fested by children and adolescents with schizo- of processing from the very earliest stages (Np,
phrenia. mismatch negativity, P50, gamma activity) to
later stages of attentive discrepancy processing
(P300) and semantic processing (N400). This
Magnetoencephalography—A Complement
suggests a model of disturbance that encom-
to Electroencephalography
passes a wide variety of processing and is most
Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is the measure compatible with a brain model of circuit abnor-
of magnetic fields generated by the brain. A key malities underlying processing at each stage, par-
difference between the physical source of the ticularly in the auditory modality. This is also
MEG and that of the EEG is that the MEG is compatible with MRI studies of abnormal GM
sensitive to cells that lie tangential to the brain regions associated with abnormal ERPs.
surface and consequently have magnetic fields One of the more intriguing potential appli-
oriented tangentially. Cells with a radial orien- cations to schizophrenia in adolescence is using
tation (perpendicular to the brain surface) do ERPs to track progression of brain abnormalities.
not generate signals detectable with MEG. The The mismatch negativity ERP is normal at onset
EEG and MEG are complementary in that the (first hospitalization) of schizophrenia but be-
EEG is most sensitive to radially oriented comes abnormal in the course of the disorder
neurons and fields. This distinction arises, of (this developing abnormality is associated with
course, because magnetic fields are generated at a loss of GM in auditory cortex). The mismatch
right angles to electrical fields. One major advan- negativity is thus potentially of use in tracking
tage that magnetic fields have over electrical po- the ability of therapeutic interventions to mini-
tentials is that, once generated, they are rela- mize brain changes. It is not yet known if gamma
tively invulnerable to intervening variations in abnormalities become evident early or late in the
the media they traverse (i.e., the skull, gray and course of schizophrenia.
white matter, and CSF), unlike electrical fields,
which are “smeared” by different electrical con-
ductivities. This has made MEG a favorite tech- Neuroendocrinology
nology for use in source localization, in which
attention has been especially focused on early In recent years, the postpubescent period re-
potentials. ceived increasing attention from researchers in
Perhaps because of the expense and nonmo- the field of schizophrenia (Stevens, 2002). This
bility of the recording equipment needed for interest stems largely from the fact that adoles-
MEG, there has been relatively little work using cence is associated with a significant rise in the
MEG in schizophrenia to replicate and extend risk for psychotic symptoms, particularly pro-
the findings of ERPs. A search of Medline in 2000 dromal signs of schizophrenia (van Oel, Sit-
revealed only 23 published studies using MEG skoorn, Cremer, & Kahn, 2002; Walker, 2002).
measures of brain activity in schizophrenia. The Further, rates of other psychiatric syndromes, in-
extant studies have shown interesting results. cluding mood and anxiety disorders, escalate
Reite and colleagues demonstrated that M100 during adolescence. It has been suggested that
component (the magnetic analogue to the N100) hormonal changes may play an important role
showed less interhemispheric asymmetry in in this developmental phenomena, making ad-
96 Part II Schizophrenia

olescence a critical period for the emergence of al., 1987). Children with an earlier onset of pu-
mental illness (Walker, 2002). berty have significantly higher concentrations of
Puberty results from increased activation of adrenal androgens, estradiol, thyrotropin, and
the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, cortisol. They also manifest more psychological
which results in a rise in secretion of sex hor- disorders (primarily anxiety disorders), self-
mones (steroids) by the gonads in response to reported depression, and parent-reported behav-
gonadotropin secretion from the anterior pitui- ior problems (Dorn, Hitt, & Rotenstein, 1999).
tary. Rising sex steroid concentrations are asso- The relationship between testosterone and ag-
ciated with other changes, including increased gressive behavior is more pronounced in adoles-
growth hormone secretion. cents with more conflictual parent-child rela-
There is also an augmentation of activity in tionships, and this demonstrates the complex
the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis interactions between hormonal and environ-
during adolescence. This neural system governs mental factors (Booth, Johnson, Granger, Crou-
the release of several hormones and is activated ter, & McHale 2003).
in response to stress. Cortisol is among the hor- It is conceivable that hormones are partially
mones secreted by the HPA axis, and researchers exerting their effects on behavior by triggering
can measure it in body fluids to index the bio- the expression of genes that are linked with vul-
logical response to stress. Beginning around age nerability for behavioral disorders. Consistent
12, there is an age-related increase in baseline with this assumption, the heritability estimates
cortisol levels in normal children. The change for antisocial behavior (Jacobson, Prescott, &
from pre- to postpubertal status is linked with Kendler, 2002) and depression (Silberg et al.,
a marked rise in cortisol (Walker, Walder, & 1999) increase during adolescence. Further, the
Reynolds, 2001) and a significant rise in cortisol relationship between cortisol and behavior may
clearance and in the volume of cortisol distri- be more pronounced in youth with genetic vul-
bution. nerabilities. For example, increased cortisol is
The significance of postpubertal hormonal more strongly associated with behavior prob-
changes has been brought into clearer focus as lems in boys and girls with fragile X than in their
researchers have elucidated the role of steroid unaffected siblings (Hessl et al., 2002).
hormones in neuronal activity and morphology To date, there has been relatively little re-
(Dorn & Chrousos, 1997; Rupprecht & Holsboer, search on the HPG axis and schizophrenia, and
1999). Neurons contain receptors for adrenal there is no database on gonadal hormones in ad-
and gonadal hormones. When activated, these olescent schizophrenia patients. The available
receptors modify cellular function and impact reports on adult schizophrenia patients suggest
neurotransmitter function. Short-term effects that estrogen may serve to modulate the severity
(nongenomic effects) of steroid hormones on of psychotic symptoms and enhance prognosis
cellular function are believed to be mediated by (Huber et al., 2001; Seeman, 1997). Specifically,
membrane receptors. Longer-term effects (ge- there is evidence that estrogen may have an
nomic effects) can result from the activation of ameliorative effect by reducing dopaminergic ac-
intraneuronal or nuclear receptors. These recep- tivity.
tors can influence gene expression. Brain The role of the HPA axis in schizophrenia has
changes that occur during normal adolescence received greater attention. A large body of re-
may be regulated by hormonal effects on the ex- search literature suggests a link between expo-
pression of genes that govern brain maturation. sure to psychosocial stress and symptom relapse
Gonadal and adrenal hormone levels are and exacerbation in schizophrenia (Walker & Di-
linked with behavior in adolescents. In general, forio, 1997). It has been suggested that activa-
both elevated and very low levels are associated tion of the HPA axis mediates this effect (Walker
with greater adjustment problems. For example, & Diforio, 1997). Dysregulation of the HPA axis,
higher levels of the adrenal hormones (andro- including elevated baseline cortisol and cortisol
stenedione) are associated with adjustment response to pharmacological challenge, is often
problems in both boys and girls (Nottelmann et found in unmedicated schizophrenia patients
Chapter 5 Defining Schizophrenia 97

(e.g., Lammers et al., 1995; Lee, Woo, & Meltzer, schizophrenia, especially the gonadal and adre-
2001; Muck-Seler, Pivac, Jakovljevic, & Brzovic, nal hormones, should be given high priority in
1999). Patients with higher cortisol levels have the future. In particular, it will be important to
more severe symptoms (Walder, Walker, & Lew- study hormonal processes in youth at risk for
ine, 2000) and are more likely to commit suicide schizophrenia. There are several key questions to
(Plocka-Lewandowska, Araszkiewicz, & Ryba- be addressed in clinical research. Are hormonal
kowski, 2001). changes linked with the emergence of the pro-
Basic research has demonstrated that cortisol dromal phases of schizophrenia? Do rising levels
affects the activity of several neurotransmitter of adrenal or gonadal hormones precede the on-
systems. This includes dopamine, a neurotrans- set of symptoms? Is there a relationship between
mitter that has been implicated in the etiology hormonal factors and the brain changes that
of schizophrenia (Walker & Diforio, 1997). The have been observed in the prodromal phase of
assumption is that increased dopamine activity schizophrenia? At the same time, basic science
plays a role in psychotic symptoms. Cortisol se- research is expected to yield new information
cretion augments dopamine activity. Thus it about the impact of hormones on gene expres-
may be that when patients are exposed to stress sion. This may lead to clinical research to explore
and elevations in cortisol ensue, dopamine activ- the role of adolescent hormone changes on the
ity increases and symptoms are triggered or ex- gene expression in humans.
Although there are no published reports on
cortisol secretion in adolescents with schizo- BRAIN CIRCUITRY IN SCHIZOPHRENIA
phrenia, HPA axis function has been studied in
adolescents with schizotypal personality disor- Information processing in the brain is a complex
der (Weinstein, Diforio, Schiffman, Walker, & task, and even simple sensory information, such
Bonsall, 1999). Schizotypal personality disorder as recognizing a sight or a sound, engages circuits
(SPD) involves subclinical manifestations of the of cells in multiple regions of the brain. Scientists
symptoms of schizophrenia, including social early in the 20th century imagined that brain
withdrawal and unusual perceptions and ideas. function occurred in discrete steps along a linear
This disorder is both genetically and develop- stream of information flow. However, the recent
mentally linked with schizophrenia. The genetic emergence of brain imaging as an important tool
link is indicated by the higher rate of SPD in the for understanding the neuroscience of cognition
family members of patients diagnosed with and emotion has demonstrated that the brain
schizophrenia. From a developmental perspec- operates more like a parallel processing com-
tive, there is extensive evidence that the defining puter with feed-forward and feedback circuitry
symptoms of SPD often predate the diagnosis of that manages information in distributed and
schizophrenia, usually arising during adoles- overlapping processing modules working in par-
cence. allel. Thus, abnormal function in one brain re-
When compared to healthy adolescents, ado- gion will have functional ripple effects in other
lescents with SPD show elevated baseline levels regions, and abnormal sharing of information
of cortisol (Weinstein et al., 1999) and a more between regions, perhaps because of problems in
pronounced developmental increase in cortisol the connectional wiring, can result in abnormal
when measured over a 2-year period (Walker et behavior even if individual modules are func-
al., 2001). Further, SPD adolescents who show a tionally intact.
greater developmental rise in cortisol are more In light of the elaborate and complex symp-
likely to have an increase in symptom severity toms of schizophrenia, it is not surprising that
over time. This suggests that increased activation researchers have increasingly focused on evi-
of the HPA axis may contribute to the worsening dence of malfunction within distributed brain
of symptoms as the child progresses through ad- circuits rather than within a particular single
olescence. brain region or module. Most of this work has
Research on the role of neurohormones in been based on in vivo physiologic techniques,
98 Part II Schizophrenia

such as imaging and electrophysiology. At the nipulated by instructing subjects to process ma-
same time, basic research in animals and to a terial more deeply, as, for example, to make
lesser extent in humans has shown that the elab- semantic judgments about to-be-remembered
oration of brain circuitry is a lifelong process, es- words, such as whether the words represent liv-
pecially the connection between cells in circuits ing or nonliving, or abstract or concrete words.
within and between different regions of the cor- This deeper, more elaborate encoding is com-
tex. This process of development and modifica- pared with a shallower, more superficial level of
tion of connections between neurons is partic- encoding, such as having subjects judge the font
ularly dynamic during adolescence and early (upper case versus lower case) of each word pre-
adult life. In this section, we will review some of sented. Compared with healthy controls, pa-
the recent evidence that local and distributed ab- tients with schizophrenia show different pat-
normalities of brain circuitry are associated with terns of fMRI activation for semantically
schizophrenia and their implications for adoles- encoded words, with significantly reduced left
cent psychosis. inferior frontal cortex activation but signifi-
cantly increased left superior temporal cortex ac-
tivation (Kubicki et al., 2003). During tests of
Frontal-Temporal Circuits word retrieval, patients with schizophrenia tend
to show underengagement of the hippocampus,
Two of the most often cited areas of the brain but at the same time their prefrontal cortex is
said to be abnormal in schizophrenia are the cor- overactive (Heckers et al., 1998). During perfor-
tices of the frontal and temporal lobes. Indeed, mance of effortful tasks, by contrast, people with
damage to these regions caused by trauma, schizophrenia show increased activity in hip-
stroke, or neurological disease is more likely to pocampus and an alteration in the connection
be associated with psychosis than is damage to between hippocampus and anterior cingulate
other brain regions. Recent studies using neu- cortex (Holcomb et al., 2000; Medoff, Holcomb,
roimaging techniques have suggested that mal- Lahti, & Tamminga, 2001). These studies suggest
function at the systems level—that is, at the re- that the information-processing strategy for en-
lationship of processing in the temporal and coding and retrieving learned information,
frontal lobes combined—best characterizes the which depends on an orchestrated duet between
problem in patients with schizophrenia. For ex- frontotemporal brain regions, is disturbed in pa-
ample, in a study of identical twins discordant tients with schizophrenia.
for schizophrenia, differences within each twin Similar results have been found in studies fo-
pair in volume of the hippocampus predicted cused on prefrontal mediated memory, so-called
very strongly the difference in the function of working memory, in which the normal relation-
the prefrontal cortex assayed physiologically ships between prefrontal activation and hip-
during a cognitive task dependent on the func- pocampal deactivation are disrupted in schizo-
tion of the prefrontal cortex (Weinberger, Ber- phrenia (Callicott et al., 2000). Finally, recent
man, Suddah, & Torrey, 1992). statistical approaches to interpreting functional
A peculiar disturbance in the use of language, imaging results based on patterns of intercorre-
so-called thought disorder, is one of the cardinal lated activity across the whole brain have dem-
signs of schizophrenia. Language is highly de- onstrated that abnormalities in schizophrenia
pendent on frontotemporal circuitry, which is are distributed across cortical regions. In partic-
disturbed in schizophrenia. When patients are ular, the pattern based on the normal rela-
asked to generate a list of words beginning with tionships between prefrontal and temporal cor-
a specific consonant, instead of activating the tical activity is especially abnormal (Meyer-
frontal lobes and deactivating the temporal Lindenberg et al., 2001). This apparent func-
lobes, as seen in healthy subjects, they do the tional abnormality in intracortical connected-
opposite. More detailed analyses have examined ness has been supported by anatomical evidence
declarative memory encoding, storage, and re- from diffusion tensor imaging, which has
trieval as related to language. Encoding is ma- pointed to an abnormality in the WM links
Chapter 5 Defining Schizophrenia 99

between frontal and temporal lobes (e.g., Kubi- and motivation may be less appropriately tar-
cki et al., 2002). geted.
The evidence for abnormal function across Neuroimaging studies of the dopamine sys-
distributed cortical circuitry is quite compelling tem in patients with schizophrenia, particularly
in schizophrenia, and other regions representing those who are actively psychotic, have found ev-
other circuits are also implicated (Tamminga et idence of overactivity in the striatum (Laruelle,
al., 2002; Weinberger et al., 2001). Indeed, it is 2000). Recently, two studies reported that this
not clear that any particular area of cortex is nor- apparent overactivation of the subcortical do-
mal under all conditions. This may reflect simply pamine system is strongly predicted by measures
the interconnectedness of the brain or it may of abnormal prefrontal cortical function (Berto-
suggest that schizophrenia is especially charac- lino et al., 2000; Meyer-Lindenberg et al., 2002).
terized by a “dysconnectivity.” It is impossible at Moreover, reducing dopaminergic transmission
the current level of our understanding of the dis- with dopamine antagonists in subcortical
ease to differentiate between these possibilities. dopamine-rich regions is associated with sub-
Schizophrenia disrupts not only circuitry link- stantial alterations in frontal cortex function
ing brain regions but also the microcircuitry (Holcomb et al., 1996), presumably mediated
within brain regions, as shown by abnormal through circuits connecting the striatum to the
electrophysiologic activity during simple, early- frontal cortex (Alexander & Crutcher, 1990).
stage “automatic processing” of stimuli, process- These data illustrate that what happens in the
ing relatively independent of directed, conscious prefrontal cortex is very important to how other
control. For example, healthy subjects automat- brain systems function and that the behavioral
ically generate a robust EEG response in and near disturbances of schizophrenia involve dysfunc-
primary auditory cortex to tones differing tion of diverse and interconnected brain sys-
slightly in pitch from others in a series (“mis- tems.
match” response), whereas the processing re-
sponse in schizophrenia to the mismatch is
much less pronounced (Wible et al., 2001). Brain Circuitry and Implications
for Adolescence

Prefrontal-Striatal Circuitry Contrary to long-held ideas that the brain was

mostly grown-up after childhood, it is now clear
Neurophysiological studies have focused largely that adolescence is a time of explosive growth
on function of the cerebral cortex, but the phar- and development of the brain. While the num-
macological treatment of schizophrenia targets ber of nerve cells does not change after birth, the
principally the dopamine system, which has richness and complexity of the connections be-
long implicated the striatum and related subcor- tween cells do, and the capacity for these net-
tical sites. In fact, cortical function and activity works to process increasingly complex informa-
of the subcortical dopamine system are inti- tion changes accordingly. Cortical regions that
mately related, consistent with circuitry models handle abstract information and that are critical
of brain function. Animal studies have demon- for learning and memory of abstract concepts—
strated conclusively that perturbations in corti- rules, laws, codes of social conduct—seem to be-
cal function, especially prefrontal function, dis- come much more likely to share information in
rupt a normal tonic brake on dopamine neurons a parallel processing fashion as adulthood ap-
in the brainstem, leading to a loss of the normal proaches. This pattern of increased cortical in-
regulation of these neurons and to their exces- formation sharing is reflected in the patterns of
sive activation (Weinberger et al., 2001). It is connections between neurons in different
thought that the prefrontal cortex helps guide regions of the cortex. Thus, the dendritic trees of
the dopamine reward system toward the rein- neurons in the prefrontal cortex become much
forcing of contextually appropriate stimuli. In more complex during adolescence, which indi-
the absence of such normal regulation, reward cates that the information flow between neurons
100 Part II Schizophrenia

has become more complex (Lambe, Krimer, & Several conceptual models of the biology and
Goldman-Rakic, 2000). The possibility that causation of schizophrenia have been recently
schizophrenia involves molecular and func- suggested, and serve to guide research into the
tional abnormalities of information flow in these early phase of this illness. One view, which dates
circuits suggests that such abnormalities may back to the late 1980s, is the so-called early neu-
converge on the dynamic process of brain mat- rodevelopmental model (Murray & Lewis, 1987;
uration during adolescence and increase the risk Weinberger, 1987). This model posits abnormal-
of a psychotic episode in predisposed individ- ities early during brain development (perhaps at
uals. or before birth) as mediating the failure of brain
functions in adolescence and early adulthood.
Several lines of evidence, such as an increased
Pathophysiology of Schizophrenia rate of birth complications, minor physical and
in Adolescence neurological abnormalities, and subtle behav-
ioral difficulties in children who later developed
Despite over a century of research, we have only schizophrenia, support this view. However,
a limited understanding of what causes schizo- many nonaffected persons in the population
phrenia and related psychotic disorders. Early also have these problems; their presence cannot
studies of the biological basis of schizophrenia inform us with confidence whether or not
relied mostly on either postmortem studies of schizophrenia will develop later in life. The fact
brains of people with this illness or brain imag- that the symptoms typically begin in adoles-
ing studies typically of older patients with cence or early adulthood suggests that the illness
chronic schizophrenia, many of whom were may be related to some biological changes re-
treated with medications. It was therefore diffi- lated to adolescence occurring around or prior to
cult to know to what extent the observed the onset of psychosis. Childhood is character-
changes were the results of aging, illness chro- ized by proliferation of synapses and dendrites,
nicity, or medication effects. One can avoid such and normal adolescence is characterized by elim-
difficulties by conducting studies of individuals ination or pruning of unnecessary synapses in
in the early phases of schizophrenia (Keshavan the brain, a process that serves to make nerve cell
& Schooler, 1992). First, these studies allow us to transmission more efficient (Huttenlocher et al.,
clarify which of the biological processes may be 1982). This process could go wrong, and an ex-
unique to the illness and which ones might be a cessive pruning before or around the onset phase
result of medications or of persistent illness. Sec- of illness (Feinberg, 1982b; Keshavan, Anderson,
ond, first-episode studies allow us to longitudi- & Pettegrew, 1994) has been thought to mediate
nally evaluate the course of the brain changes, the emergence of psychosis in adolescence or
and how such changes can help us predict out- early adulthood. Our understanding of the un-
come with treatment. Follow-up studies suggest derlying neurobiology of this phase of illness re-
that less than half of early psychosis patients go mains poor, however. Another view is that active
on to develop a chronic form of schizophrenia biological changes could occur after the onset of
with poor level of functioning and intellectual illness, during the commonly lengthy period of
deficits (Harrison et al., 2001). An understanding untreated psychosis. This model proposes pro-
of which patients may have such an outcome gressive neurodegenerative changes (Lieberman,
will greatly help treatment decisions early in the Perkins, et al., 2001). It is possible that all three
illness. Finally, not all who have features of the processes are involved in schizophrenia (Kes-
prodromal phases of the illness go on to develop havan & Hogarty, 1999); additionally, environ-
the psychotic illness (Yung et al., 2003). Studies mental factors such as drug misuse (Addington
of the prodromal and early course of psychotic & Addington, 1998) and psychosocial stress (Er-
disorders provide an opportunity to elucidate ickson, Beiser, Iacono, Fleming, & Lin, 1989)
the neurobiological processes responsible for the may trigger the onset and influence the course
transition from the prodromal to psychotic of schizophrenia. Careful studies of the early
phase of the illness. phase of schizophrenia can shed light on these
Chapter 5 Defining Schizophrenia 101

apparently contrasting models. The three pro- rigorous family study of child-onset schizophre-
posed pathophysiological models might reflect nia have been reported. Compared to parents of
different critical periods for prevention and ther- matched normal controls and children with
apeutic intervention. ADHD, parents of childhood-onset schizophre-
nia had an over 10-fold increased risk for schizo-
phrenia. This finding supports the hypothesis of
THE GENETICS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA etiologic continuity between childhood- and
adult-onset schizophrenia (Asarnow, Tompson,
Remarkable progress has been made in under- & Goldstein, 2001).
standing genetic factors related to schizophre-
nia. We will summarize this work in the follow-
ing section. Since almost no work has been done To What Extent Is the Familial Aggregation
specifically on the genetics of adolescent-onset of Schizophrenia Due to Genetic Versus
schizophrenia, we focus on studies of typical Environmental Factors?
samples of adult-onset cases.
Resemblance among relatives can be due to ei-
ther shared or family environment (nurture), to
Is Schizophrenia Familial? genes (nature), or to both. A major goal in psy-
chiatric genetics is to determine the degree to
The most basic question in the genetics of which familial aggregation for a disorder such as
schizophrenia is whether the disorder aggregates schizophrenia results from environmental or ge-
(or “runs”) in families. Technically, familial ag- netic mechanisms. Although sophisticated anal-
gregation means that a close relative of an indi- ysis of family data can begin to make this dis-
vidual with a disorder is at increased risk for that crimination, nearly all of our knowledge about
disorder, compared to a matched individual cho- this problem in schizophrenia comes from twin
sen at random from the general population. and adoption studies.
Twenty-six early family studies, conducted prior Twin studies are based on the assumption that
to 1980 and lacking modern diagnostic proce- “identical,” or monozygotic (MZ), and “frater-
dures and appropriate controls, consistently nal,” or dizygotic (DZ), twins share a common
showed that first-degree relatives of schizophre- environment to approximately the same degree.
nia patients had a risk for schizophrenia that was However, MZ twins are genetically identical,
roughly 10 times greater than would be expected whereas DZ twins (like full siblings) share on av-
in the general population (Kendler, 2000). Since erage only half of their genes. Results are avail-
1980, 11 major family studies of schizophrenia able from 13 major twin studies of schizophrenia
have been reported that used blind diagnoses, published from 1928 to 1998 (Kendler, 2000). Al-
control groups, personal interviews, and opera- though modest differences are seen across stud-
tionalized diagnostic criteria. The level of agree- ies, overall, the agreement is impressive. Across
ment in results is impressive. Every study all studies, the average concordance rate for
showed that the risk of schizophrenia was higher schizophrenia in MZ twins is 55.8% and in DZ
in first-degree relatives of schizophrenic patients twins, 13.5%. When statistical models are ap-
than in matched controls. The mean risk for plied to these data to estimate heritability (the
schizophrenia in these 11 studies was 0.5% in proportion of variance in liability in the popu-
relatives of controls and 5.9% in the relatives of lation that is due to genetic factors), the average
schizophrenics. Modern studies suggest that, on across all 13 studies is 72%. This figure, which is
average, parents, siblings, and offspring of indi- higher than that found for most common bio-
viduals with schizophrenia have a risk of illness medical disorders, means that, on average, ge-
about 12 times greater than that of the general netic factors are considerably more important
population, a figure close to that found in the than environmental factors in affecting the risk
earlier studies. for schizophrenia.
Recently, results of the first methodologically Adoption studies can clarify the role of genetic
102 Part II Schizophrenia

and environmental factors in the transmission creased risk for other disorders, such as anxiety
of schizophrenia by studying two kinds of rare disorders and alcoholism. The most active de-
but informative relationships: (1) individuals bate in this area is the relationship between
who are genetically related but do not share their schizophrenia and mood disorders. Most evi-
rearing environment, and (2) individuals who dence suggests little if any genetic relationship
share their rearing environment but are not between these two major groups of disorders, but
genetically related. Three studies conducted some research does suggest a relationship partic-
in Oregon, Denmark, and Finland all found ularly between schizophrenia and major depres-
significantly greater risk for schizophrenia sion.
or schizophrenia-spectrum disorders in the The evidence that other disorders in addition
adopted-away offspring of schizophrenic parents to schizophrenia occur at greater frequency in
than that for the adopted-away offspring of the close relatives of individuals with schizo-
matched control mothers. The second major phrenia has led to the concept of the
adoption strategy used for studying schizophre- schizophrenia-spectrum—a group of disorders
nia begins with ill adoptees rather than with ill that all bear a genetic relationship with classic or
parents and compares rates of schizophrenia be- core schizophrenia.
tween groups of biologic parents and groups of
adoptive parents. In two studies from Denmark
using this strategy, the only group with elevated What Is the Current Status for Identifying
rates of schizophrenia and schizophrenia- Specific Genes That Predispose to
spectrum disorders were the biological relatives Schizophrenia?
of the schizophrenic adoptees (Kety et al., 1994).
Twin and adoption studies provide strong and Given the evidence that genetic factors play an
consistent evidence that genetic factors play a important role in the etiology of schizophrenia,
major role in the familial aggregation of schizo- a major focus of recent work has been to apply
phrenia. Although not reviewed here, evidence the increasingly powerful tools of human molec-
for a role for nongenetic familial factors is much ular genetics to localize and identify the specific
less clear. Some studies suggest they may con- genes that predispose to schizophrenia. Two
tribute modestly to risk for schizophrenia, but strategies have been employed in this effort:
most studies find no evidence for significant linkage and association. The goal of linkage stud-
nongenetic familial factors for schizophrenia. ies is to identify areas of the human genome that
are shared more frequently than would be ex-
pected by relatives who are affected. If such areas
What Psychiatric Disorders Are Transmitted can be reliably identified, then these regions may
Within Families of Individuals With contain one or more specific genes that influence
Schizophrenia? the liability to schizophrenia. The method of
linkage analysis has been extremely successful in
Since the earliest genetic studies of schizophre- identifying the location of genes for simple, usu-
nia, a major focus of such work has been to clar- ally rare medical genetic disorders (termed
ify more precisely the nature of the psychiatric “Mendelian” disorders) in which there is a one-
syndromes that occur in excess in relatives of to-one relationship between having the defec-
schizophrenic patients. To summarize a large tive gene and having the disorder. This method,
body of evidence, relatives of schizophrenia pa- however, has had more mixed results when ap-
tients are at increased risk for not only schizo- plied to disorders such as schizophrenia that are
phrenia but also schizophrenia-like personality genetically “complex.” Such complex disorders
disorders (best captured by the DSM-IV catego- are likely to be the result of multiple genes, none
ries of schizotypal and paranoid personality dis- of which have a very large impact on risk, inter-
order) and other psychotic disorders (Kendler, acting with a range of environmental risk
2000). However, there is good evidence that rel- factors.
atives of schizophrenia patients are not at in- Eighteen genome scans for schizophrenia
Chapter 5 Defining Schizophrenia 103

have been published between 1994 and 2002. ultimate goal of identifying susceptibility genes
None of these scans has revealed evidence for a and characterizing their biologic effects. Because
single gene with a large impact on risk for schizo- the human genome contains within its 23 pairs
phrenia. Indeed, these results suggest that the of chromosomes over three billion nucleotides
existence of a single susceptibility locus that ac- (i.e., “letters” in the genetic alphabet) and
counts for a large majority of the genetic vari- 30,000 genes (i.e., protein-encoding units), it is
ance for schizophrenia can now be effectively a large territory to explore. Linkage is a strategy
ruled out. to narrow the search and to provide a map of
The most pressing scientific issue in the inter- where the treasure (i.e., the genes) may lie. The
pretation of linkage studies of schizophrenia has linkage results in schizophrenia so far have high-
been whether there is agreement at above- lighted several regions of the genome for a more
chance levels across studies on which individual thorough search. Association (also called linkage
regions of the genome contain susceptibility disequilibrium) is the next critical step in this
genes for schizophrenia. Until recently, the search for the treasure. Linkage represents a re-
across-study agreement had not been very im- lationship between regions of the genome
pressive. shared by family members who also share the
Two recent findings have increased our con- phenotype of interest—here, schizophrenia. It
fidence that linkage studies of schizophrenia provides a low-resolution map because family
may be producing reliable results. First, in a members share relatively large regions of any
large-scale study of families containing two or chromosome. Association, however, represents a
more cases of schizophrenia, conducted in Ire- relationship between specific alleles (i.e., specific
land, the sample was divided, prior to analysis, variation in a gene or in a genetic marker) and
into three random subsets (Straub, MacLean, et illness in unrelated individuals. It provides a
al., 2002). When a genome scan was performed high-resolution map because unrelated people
on these three subsets, three of the four regions share relatively little genetic information. For a
that most prominently displayed evidence for given allele to be found more frequently in un-
linkage (on chromosomes 5q, 6p, and 8p) were related individuals with a similar disease than it
replicated across all three subsets. Interestingly, is in the general population, the probability that
one region, on chromosome 10p, was not repli- this specific allele is a causative factor in the dis-
cated even within the same study. Probably more ease is enhanced. If the frequency of a specific
important, Levinson and collaborators were able allele (i.e., a specific genetic variation) is greater
to obtain raw data from nearly all major pub- in a sample of unrelated individuals who have
lished genome scans of schizophrenia to per- the diagnosis of schizophrenia than it is in a con-
form a meta-analysis—a statistical method for trol population, the allele is said to be associated
rigorously combining data across multiple sam- with schizophrenia. This association represents
ples (Lewis et al., 2003). Ten regions produced one of three possibilities: the allele is a causative
nominally significant results including 2q, 5q, mutation related to the etiology of the disease;
6p, 22q, and 8p. The authors concluded: “There the allele is a genetic variation that is physically
is greater consistency of linkage results across close to the true causative mutation (i.e., in
studies than had been previously recognized. “linkage disequilibrium” with the true muta-
The results suggest that some or all of these tion); or the association is a spurious relationship
regions contain loci that increase susceptibility reflecting population characteristics not related
to schizophrenia in diverse populations.” to the phenotype of interest. This latter possibil-
ity is often referred to as a population stratification
artifact, meaning that differences in allele fre-
On the Cusp of Gene Discovery quencies between the cases and control samples
in Schizophrenia are not because of disease but because of system-
atic genetic differences between the comparison
The evidence for replicated linkages in schizo- populations.
phrenia represents an important step toward the Association has become the strategy of choice
104 Part II Schizophrenia

for fine mapping of susceptibility loci and for represent at least some of the basis for the link-
preliminary testing of whether specific genes are age results. Moreover, confirmation of associa-
susceptibility genes for schizophrenia. The strat- tion in independent samples have appeared,
egy involves identifying variations (“polymor- which combined with the linkage results com-
phisms”) in a gene of interest and then perform- prise convergent evidence for the validity of
ing a laboratory analysis of the DNA samples to these genetic associations. In the August and Oc-
“type” each variation in each individual and de- tober 2002 issues of the American Journal of Hu-
termine its frequency in the study populations. man Genetics, the first two articles appeared that
Genetic sequence variations are common in the claimed to identify susceptibility genes for
human genome and public databases have been schizophrenia, starting with traditional linkage
established to catalog them. The most abundant followed by fine association mapping. Both of
sequence variations are single nucleotide poly- these were in chromosomal regions previously
morphisms (SNPs), which represent a substitu- identified by multiple linkage groups: dysbindin
tion in one DNA base. Common SNPs occur at a (DTNBP1) on chromosome 6p22.3 (Straub,
frequency of approximately one in every 1,000 Jiang, et al., 2002) and neuregulin 1 (NRG1) on
DNA bases in the genome and over two million chromosome 8p-p21 (Stefansson et al., 2002).
SNPs have been identified. While SNPs are rela- Both groups identified the genes in these regions
tively common, most SNPs within genes either from public databases and then found variations
do not change the amino acid code or are in non- (SNPs) within the genes that could be tested via
coding regions of genes (“introns”) and are thus an association analysis. In both studies, the sta-
not likely to have an impact on gene function. tistical signals were strong and unlikely to occur
Early association studies in schizophrenia fo- by chance. In the January 2003 issue of the same
cused on genes based on their known function journal, two further articles were published, rep-
and the possibility that variations in their func- licating, in independent population data sets
tion might relate to the pathogenesis of the dis- also from Europe, association to variations in the
ease. These so-called functional candidate gene same genes (Schwab et al., 2003; Stefansson et
studies had no a priori probability of genetic as- al., 2003). In the December 2002 issue of the
sociation. A number of studies compared fre- same journal, authors of a study on a large pop-
quencies of variations in genes related to popular ulation sample from Israel reported very strong
neurochemical hypotheses about schizophrenia, statistical association to SNPs in the gene for
such as the dopamine and glutamate hypothe- catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), which
ses, in individuals with schizophrenia with those was mapped to the region of 22q that had been
in control samples. In almost every instance the identified as a susceptibility locus in several link-
results were mixed, with some positive but age studies (Shifman et al., 2002). Positive asso-
mostly negative reports. Many of the positive ciation to variation in COMT had also been re-
studies were compromised by potential popula- ported in earlier studies in samples from China,
tion stratification artifacts. However, because the Japan, France, and the United States (Egan et al.,
effect on risk of any given variation in any can- 2001). Starting with the linkage region on chro-
didate gene (e.g., a dopamine or glutamate re- mosome 13q34, a group from France discovered
ceptor gene) is likely to be small (less than a two- a novel gene, called G72, and reported in two
fold increase in risk), most studies have been population samples association between varia-
underpowered to establish association or to rule tions in this gene and schizophrenia (Chumakov
it out. et al., 2002). The SNP variations in G72 have re-
Recent association studies have been much cently been reported to be associated with bi-
more promising, primarily because of the link- polar disorder as well.
age results. Using the linkage map regions as a In addition to these reports based on relatively
priori entry points into the human genetic se- strong linkage regions, several other promising
quence databases, genes have been identified in associations have emerged from genes found in
each of the major linkage regions that appear to weaker linkage regions. For example, a weak
Chapter 5 Defining Schizophrenia 105

linkage signal was found in several genome scans In two of the genes implicated to date, there
in 15q, a region containing the gene for the α–7- is evidence of a potential mechanism of in-
nicotine receptor (CHRNA7; Raux et al., 2002). creased risk. Preliminary evidence suggests that
This gene has been associated with an interme- SNPs in the promotor region of the CHRNA7
diate phenotype related to schizophrenia, the gene that are associated with schizophrenia af-
abnormal P50 EEG evoked response. Preliminary fect factors that turn on transcription of the
evidence has been reported that variants in CHRNA7 gene, presumably accounting for lower
CHRNA7 are associated with schizophrenia as abundance of CHRNA7 receptors, which has
well. DISC-1 is a gene in 1q43, which was a pos- been reported in schizophrenic brain tissue
itive linkage peak in a genome linkage scan from (Leonard et al., 2002). This receptor is important
Finland. A chromosomal translocation originat- in many aspects of hippocampal function and in
ing in this gene has been found to be very regulation of the response of dopamine neurons
strongly associated with psychosis in Scottish to environmental rewards. Both hippocampal
families having this translocation (Millar et al., function and dopaminergic responsivity have
2000). Finally, in a study of gene expression pro- been prominently implicated in the biology of
filing from schizophrenic brain tissue, a gene schizophrenia. The COMT valine allele, which
called RGS4 was found to have much lower ex- has been associated with schizophrenia in the
pression in schizophrenic brains than in normal COMT studies, translates into a more active en-
brains. This gene is found in another 1q region zyme, which appears to diminish dopamine in
that was positive in a linkage scan from Canada, the prefrontal cortex. This leads to various as-
and SNPs identified in RGS4 have now been pects of poorer prefrontal function, in terms of
shown to be associated with schizophrenia in at cognition and physiology, which are prominent
least three population samples (Chowdari et al., clinical aspects of schizophrenia, and to inter-
2002). This convergent evidence from linkage mediate phenotypes associated with risk for
and association studies implicates at least seven schizophrenia (Weinberger et al., 2001). The
specific genes as potentially contributing risk for COMT valine allele also is associated with ab-
schizophrenia. normal control of dopamine activity in the parts
of the brain where it appears to be overactive in
schizophrenia (Akil et al., 2003). Thus, inheri-
From Genetic Association to Biological tance of the COMT valine allele appears to in-
Mechanisms of Risk crease risk for schizophrenia because it biases to-
ward biological effects implicated in both the
Genetic association identifies genes but it does negative and positive symptoms of the illness.
not identify disease mechanisms. Most of the
genes implicated thus far are based on associa-
tions with variations that are not clearly func- Schizophrenia-Susceptibility
tional, in the sense that they do not appear to Genes and Adolescence
change the integrity of the gene. Most are SNPs
in intronic regions of genes, which do not have It is not obvious how the genes described would
an impact on traditional aspects of gene func- specifically relate to adolescence and the emer-
tion, such as the amino acid sequence or regu- gence of schizophrenia during this time of life.
lation of transcription. So, the associations put a The evidence so far suggests that each of the can-
flag on the gene but they do not indicate how didate susceptibility genes has an impact on fun-
inheritance of a variation in the gene affects the damental aspects of how a brain grows and how
function of the gene or the function of the brain. it adapts to experience. Each gene may affect the
More work is needed in searching for variations excitability of glutamate neurons—directly or
that may have obvious functional implications through GABA neuron intermediates, and indi-
and in basic cell biology to understand how gene rectly through the regulation of dopamine neu-
function affects cell function. rons by the cortex. These are fundamental pro-
106 Part II Schizophrenia

cesses related to the biology of schizophrenia. processes within and between cells. Thus, en-
These are also processes that may be especially dophenotypes may serve as proxies for schizo-
crucial to adolescence because cortical develop- phrenia that are closer to the biology of the un-
ment and plasticity are changing dramatically derlying risk genes.
during this period. Thus, it is conceivable that
the variations in the functions of these genes as-
Early Findings from Molecular Genetic
sociated with schizophrenia lead to compro-
Studies of Endophenotypes
mises and bottlenecks in these processes.
While much recent work has been dedicated to-
ward establishing the heritability of endophen-
The Potential Gene-Finding Utility otypes, only a handful of molecular genetic stud-
of Intermediate or Endophenotypes ies of endophenotypes have emerged. Results
observed to date have been encouraging, in that
Despite encouraging results from recent linkage some chromosomal loci that have been found to
and association studies, the literature also con- harbor genes for schizophrenia have also shown
tains prominent failures and inconsistencies. evidence for linkage with an endophenotype.
Failures to replicate linkage and association sig- For example, linkage with an auditory-evoked
nals for schizophrenia suggest that genomic brain wave pattern (the P50 endophenotype) has
strategies may benefit from a redirection based been observed independently in two samples of
on our current understanding of the pathophys- schizophrenia pedigrees on chromosome 15 at
iology of schizophrenia. For example, the power the locus of the α–7-nicotinic receptor gene,
of genetic studies may increase by examining where some evidence for linkage had previously
linkage with quantitative traits that relate to been observed using traditional diagnostic clas-
schizophrenia rather than with a formal diag- sifications (Leonard et al., 1996; Raux et al.,
nosis itself. The concept of using intermediate 2002). However, the greater potential of endo-
phenotypes, or endophenotypes, is not new (Got- phenotype studies is that genes might be iden-
tesman & Gould, 2003), but has only recently tified that would not be implicated from regions
started to enjoy widespread popularity among of the genome highlighted in linkage regions.
those seeking genes for schizophrenia. Gottes- This is because minor genes for schizophrenia
man and Shields suggested over 30 years ago that may turn out to be major genes for some index
features such as subclinical personality traits, of central nervous system dysfunction. The
measures of attention and information process- proof of this has been supported by evidence
ing, or the number of dopamine receptors in spe- that COMT, which is a weak susceptibility gene
cific brain regions might lie “intermediate to the for schizophrenia, is a relatively strong factor in
phenotype and genotype of schizophrenia” normal human frontal lobe function (Weinber-
(Gottesman & Shields, 1973). Today, other traits, ger et al., 2001).
such as eye-movement dysfunctions, altered Whether classical criteria or quantitative
brain-wave patterns, and neuropsychological phenotypes are used to further study schizo-
and neuroimaging abnormalities, are under con- phrenia, refining the definition of an “affected”
sideration as potentially useful endophenotypes individual is a top priority for genetic studies.
of schizophrenia, because all of these are more Because not all individuals with schizophrenia-
common or more severe in schizophrenic pa- susceptibility genes develop the actual disorder,
tients and their family members than in the gen- understanding the measurable effects of these
eral population or among control subjects (Far- aberrant genes is a critical step in tracking their
aone et al., 1995). These deficits may relate more passage through affected pedigrees and in iden-
directly than the diagnosis of schizophrenia to tifying their clinical biology. In the near future,
the aberrant genes. At the biological level, this is the amount and types of expressed protein prod-
a logical assumption, as genes do not encode for ucts of these disease genes may be used as the
hallucinations or delusions; they encode primar- ultimate endophenotype for schizophrenia. To
ily for proteins that have an impact on molecular the extent that we can reduce measurement er-
Chapter 5 Defining Schizophrenia 107

ror and create measures that are more closely studied since the early days of psychiatric genet-
tied to individual schizophrenia genes, we will ics in the first decades of the 20th century. The
greatly improve our understanding of the genet- results of these early studies have been summa-
ics of schizophrenia. rized in several places, most notably by Gottes-
man (Gottesman & Shields, 1982), with aggre-
gate risk estimates for schizophrenia of 3.7% and
Genetic Counseling Issues 3.0%, respectively, in grandchildren or nieces
and Schizophrenia and nephews of an individual with schizophre-
nia. However, this is a considerable overestimate
With increasing attention in the media to issues if the parent with the positive family history re-
relating to genetics and particularly the role of mains unaffected. That is, the risk to a grand-
genetic factors in mental illness, an increasing child or niece or nephew of an individual with
number of individuals will likely be seeking ge- schizophrenia when the intervening parent
netic counseling for issues related to schizophre- never develops the illness is probably under 2%.
nia. In our experience, by far the most common Most individuals find this information helpful
situation is a married couple who are contem- and broadly reassuring.
plating having children and the husband or wife
has a family history of schizophrenia. They typ-
ically ask any combination of three questions: FUTURE WORK
First, is there a genetic test that can be performed
on us to determine whether we have the gene By the time this chapter is read, a great deal more
for schizophrenia and whether we might pass it information is likely to have accumulated about
on to our children? Second, is there an in utero the scientific status of these findings. At this
test that can be given that would determine the early stage, several trends are noteworthy. First,
risk of the fetus to develop schizophrenia later in including unpublished reports known to the au-
life? Third, what is the risk for schizophrenia to thors, at least some of these potential gene dis-
our children? coveries have now been replicated enough times
Unfortunately, given the current state of our that it is increasingly unlikely that they are false-
knowledge, answers to the first two questions are positive findings (due, for example, to the per-
no, we are not yet in the position of having a formance of many statistical tests). Second, we
genetic test that can usefully predict risk for can expect that the biochemical pathways rep-
schizophrenia. We would also often add a state- resented by these genes will be explored at the
ment to the effect that this is a very active area level of basic cell biology and new leads about
of research and there is hope that in the next few pathogenesis and potential new targets for pre-
years, some breakthrough might occur that vention and treatment will be found. Third, we
would allow us to develop such a test. But, right can expect a number of studies to emerge that
now we really do not know when or even if that will try to understand whether expression of
will be possible. these genes are changed in the brains of schizo-
By contrast, useful information can be pro- phrenia patients. Fourth, efforts are already un-
vided for the third question. Most typically, the der way to try to understand how these genes
husband or wife has a parent or sibling with influence psychological functions such as atten-
schizophrenia and they themselves have been tion, sensory gating, and memory that are dis-
mentally healthy. Therefore, the empirical ques- turbed in schizophrenia. Fifth, intense efforts
tion is what is known about the risk of schizo- will be made to try to determine whether these
phrenia to the grandchild or niece or nephew of different genes are acting through a common
an individual with schizophrenia. Interestingly, pathway as, for example, has been postulated for
this is a subject that has not been systematically the four known genes for Alzheimer’s disease.
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Treatment of Schizophrenia

c h a p t e r
110 Part II Schizophrenia

Interest in psychological treatments for schizo- tion, and cognitive development between 3 and
phrenia has increased in recent years, particu- 11 years of age.
larly in Europe and Australia, driven by under-
standable patient dissatisfaction with purely
pharmacological approaches. The recognition
that 40% of patients do not achieve symptom
resolution with drug treatment (Kane, 1996) has
Because such abilities are already observed and
added impetus to the search for alternatives and
assessed, to an extent, as part of a child’s school-
adjuncts. Unfortunately, the paucity of data con-
ing, there is potential for the development of
cerning the application of such approaches to
predictors and the identification of targets for
adolescents suffering from schizophrenia means
psychological intervention. Studies examining
that, at least for the time being, inferences have
the ability of teachers and other educational pro-
to be drawn mainly from studies of adult popu-
fessionals, in day-to-day contact with adoles-
cents, to predict future sufferers of schizophrenia
Nevertheless, the similar lack of data regard-
do show some statistical power, but this is at the
ing efficacy and safety of antipsychotic drug
cost of many false positives and even more false
treatment in adolescents and the observation
negatives (Isohanni, et al., 2004) unless re-
that adolescents may be especially sensitive to
stricted to high-risk populations (Kravariti, Daz-
the adverse effects of typical antipsychotics (e.g.,
zan, Fearon, & Murray, 2003). One possible ex-
extrapyramidal side effects; Lewis, 1998) and clo-
ception was the study by Davidson et al. (1999)
zapine (e.g., neutropenia and seizures; Kumra et
linking the Israeli Draft Board Registry with the
al., 1996) mean that there is a real need for al-
National Psychiatric Hospitalization Case Regis-
ternative or supplementary interventions. In-
try. Adolescent boys, aged 16 to 17 years, under-
deed, one could hypothesize that psychological
went preinduction assessments to determine
treatments might be more effective in adoles-
suitability for military service. Those admitted to
cents than in adults. This is a group with a
a psychiatric hospital with schizophrenia 4 to 10
greater degree of neural plasticity and a still
years later were matched with control individu-
evolving personality, and who are especially
als from their school class at the time of original
likely to have an ongoing system of support in
assessment. Identified predictors for schizophre-
the form of family and educational input. Fur-
nia in the male adolescents included deficits in
thermore, the latter presents opportunities for
social and intellectual functioning and organi-
early detection. Alongside early treatment with
zational activity. The predictive model derived
antipsychotics, there is potential for psychother-
by the authors had 75% sensitivity, 100% speci-
apeutic interventions to lessen the impact of
ficity, and a positive predictive value of 72%.
positive symptoms, improve coping strategies,
However, as highlighted in a commentary by
and potentially to reduce the cognitive deficits,
Jones and van Os (2000), the predictive power of
which so impair psychosocial function.
this model was achieved by excluding from the
sample those school classes without individuals
who later became schizophrenic.
So far the best prediction has come not from
teachers but from a psychiatric interview. In the
Dunedin study (Poulton et al., 2000), 11-year-old
Like those who go on to develop other serious
children were asked about experiences of quasi-
mental disorders, individuals who develop
psychotic symptoms. The questions were as fol-
schizophrenia in later life often, but not invari-
ably, demonstrate interpersonal and emotional
difficulties during childhood and adolescence.
Cannon et al. (2002) reported that schizophrenia 1. Do you believe in mind reading or being
was specifically predicted by the presence of def- psychic? Have other people ever read your
icits in receptive language, neuromotor func- mind?
Chapter 6 Treatment of Schizophrenia 111

2. Have you ever had messages sent just to you may develop in the early stages of the illness and
through the television or radio? that long-term outcomes may be linked to the
3. Have you ever thought that people are fol- duration of untreated psychosis, or DUP that is,
lowing you or spying on you? the time period between onset of symptoms and
4. Have you heard voices other people can’t initiation of treatment. However, the latter hy-
hear? pothesis remains theoretical. Norman and Malla
5. Has something ever gotten inside your body (2001) reviewed the concept of DUP and while
or has your body changed in some way? they confirmed that there was evidence to sug-
gest a relationship between DUP and the ease
Those who answered positively to one of the five with which first remission of symptoms is
questions or possibly positively to two were 16 achieved, they could not find evidence to sup-
times more likely to develop a schizophrenia-like port a link with disease progression. Although
psychosis by age 26 years. Teachers or school the concept of DUP focuses on initiation of
nursing staff could be advised of the value of pharmacological treatment, de Haan, Linszen,
such questions. However, little work aiming at Lenoir, de Win, and Gorsira (2003) suggest that
primary prevention (i.e., preventing progression delay in initiating intensive psychosocial treat-
from premorbid abnormalities to prodrome) is in ment may have similar implications for out-
progress. come, particularly in relation to negative symp-
toms at follow-up.
The TIPS project is a prospective clinical trial
Early Treatment Projects that started in Norway in 1997, comparing an
experimental sector with two other control sec-
Falloon initiated an early intervention for “pro- tors (age range 15 to 65 years). The experimental
dromal” symptoms in adolescents and adults, in sector developed a system for early detection and
the form of the Buckingham project, a “shared also established a comprehensive information,
care model” between primary and secondary service, and education program aimed at both
care (using low doses of medication, interven- the general public and professionals involved in
tions designed to reduce stress, psychoeduca- health care and education (Johannessen et al.,
tion, and follow-up for 2 years after the symp- 2001). In the 2 years after the initiation of the
toms had occurred). He claimed that this TIPs project, mean DUP decreased from 1.5 years
reduced the annual incidence of first-episode to 0.5 years.
psychosis from 7.4 per 100,000/year, as mea- The PACE was established in Melbourne, Aus-
sured by the same group in 1989, to 0.75 per tralia, in 1994; the aim was to evaluate the pro-
100,000/year during the 4-year study period (Fal- dromal phase, develop interventions that pre-
loon, Kydd, Coverdale, & Laidlaw, 1996). vent further deterioration and maximize
Unfortunately, adolescents developing schizo- function, and set up a clinical service to identify
phrenia suffer the same delays as their older and engage young people experiencing potential
counterparts, often not receiving diagnosis or early psychosis. Preliminary results, which are
treatment for a prolonged period. Consequently, further discussed in Cognitive Behavior Therapy,
a number of projects have been developed to re- below, show that early intervention in the pro-
duce this unnecessary period of untreated psy- drome can at least delay onset of first-episode
chosis. psychosis.
Projects such as the Personal Assessment and It seems likely that the wider-ranging public
Crisis Evaluation (PACE) clinic in Melbourne, and educative measures occurring in the TIPS
Australia, and the early Treatment and Interven- project and PACE clinic are vital to any health
tion in Psychosis (TIPs) project in Norway aim at service initiatives or collaboration, especially in
secondary prevention (i.e., preventing progres- view of adolescents’ poor primary care atten-
sion from prodrome into syndrome) in adoles- dance. It is important to note, however, that
cents and adults. Such programs are motivated while a number of the early-intervention ser-
by the belief that the chronicity of schizophrenia vices cover the adolescent age range, their goal
112 Part II Schizophrenia

is actually to intervene in an early stage of the outcome rather than a formal diagnosis of
disorder rather than to specifically target those schizophrenia. Ten of 28 in the needs-based in-
who develop schizophrenia in adolescence. tervention versus 3 of the 31 in the specific in-
tervention had reached the defined outcome by
the end of treatment; however, there was no sig-
PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENTS nificant difference at 6-month follow-up. When
the data were assessed, taking into account drug
Cognitive Behavior Therapy adherence, a significant difference was found be-
tween the fully adherent specific intervention
Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) addresses prob- group and the needs-based group. It seemed that
lems in the here-and-now by targeting dysfunc- the specific intervention delayed onset.
tional thoughts and behaviors within a collabo-
rative therapeutic relationship. Efficacy of CBT
and acceptability by those with disorders such as Adult Studies
depression and anxiety have been demonstrated
(Beck, Sokol, Clark, Berchick, & Wright, 1992; Dickerson (2000) reviewed all studies investigat-
Kovacs, Rush, Beck, & Hollon, 1981). In support ing CBT for schizophrenia in adult populations
of the growing (but relatively underevaluated) (although age data are not supplied) between
practice of CBT in adults with schizophrenia, 1990 and 1999. She examined the available data
Rector and Beck (2002) suggest that since the in- for seven different CBT approaches, some focus-
ferential errors and faulty logic in hallucinations ing on acute psychosis, others on persisting pos-
and delusions are similar to those seen in other itive symptoms. Her conclusion was that there
disorders, CBT should also work in schizophre- were some CBT strategies that reduced positive
nia. They describe CBT for psychosis as an active, symptomatology, especially in individuals with
structured therapy, usually of 6 to 9 months du- clearly defined symptoms that they themselves
ration, given individually. viewed as problematic. The most beneficial out-
come appeared to be in reducing conviction in
and distress about delusions; there was little ev-
Adolescent Studies idence to suggest that CBT was efficacious in
negative symptoms or social functioning. The
Unfortunately, we could not find any reports of overall superiority of CBT was reduced when the
the use of definitive CBT in specifically adoles- control condition was matched for therapist in-
cent individuals. However, data are beginning to put.
accumulate from the early-intervention pro- Even more disappointing, a Cochrane meta-
grams, reporting on the use of CBT in early-onset analysis of CBT in schizophrenia (Cormac, Jones,
psychosis. McGorry et al. (2002) conducted a & Campbell, 2002) found no evidence that CBT,
randomized controlled trial (RCT) with 14- to in addition to standard care, reduces the relapse
30-year-olds at the Early Psychosis Prevention and readmission rate in the short or longer term
and Intervention Centre, Melbourne, which is (1 year) any more than standard care alone.
associated with the PACE clinic discussed earlier. Moreover, there was no overall difference be-
This study compared interventions designed to tween CBT and supportive psychotherapy, with
reduce the risk of progression to first-episode respect to relapse rate or improvements in men-
psychosis, in a clinical sample aged 14 to 30 tal state.
years, termed ultra-high risk (first-degree family Pilling et al. (2002) conducted a systematic re-
history of schizophrenia and subthreshold view of RCTs of CBT (and family interventions,
symptoms). The interventions comprised a social skills training, and cognitive remediation).
needs-based intervention and a specific preven- The trials reviewed compared CBT with suppor-
tive intervention (low-dose risperidone and tive therapies and standard care in predomi-
CBT) for 6 months with assessments at baseline nantly chronic psychosis. There was no evidence
and 6 and 12 months, using a defined threshold for increased effectiveness of CBT during treat-
Chapter 6 Treatment of Schizophrenia 113

ment, although CBT showed a clear advantage ized into three generic approaches (Bellack &
over the comparison treatment at follow-up Brown, 2001):
when measured continuously in terms of “im-
portant improvement.” This superiority per- 1. Practice and brief training on neurocogni-
sisted for up to 18 months after treatment. Fur- tive tests or computer tasks to improve a sin-
thermore, CBT groups had lower dropout rates. gle domain of functioning
It was not possible to identify any particular re- 2. Repetitive practice on a battery of computer
sponder characteristics or the optimum fre- tasks aimed at multiple domains
quency or length of treatment. 3. Strategies to improve cognitive functioning
Although the Study of Cognitive Reality in general by increasing self-confidence, in-
Alignment Therapy in Early Schizophrenia terest, and initiative
(SoCRATES; Lewis et al., 2002) was conducted
among individuals with an average age of 27, it
is one of the more relevant adult studies to this The assessment of efficacy of CRT has again been
discussion because the patients recruited were in hampered by methodological constraints, in
the early phases of their illness. The RCT com- particular, the heterogeneity of intervention
pared CBT with routine care, supportive coun- packages used and then inappropriately com-
seling and routine care, and routine care alone, pared. Wykes et al. (2001) have made attempts
all for 5 weeks duration only, in individuals suf- to reduce this phenomenon by describing a ty-
fering their first or second episode of schizo- pology for classification of methods.
phrenia. Use of CBT showed only transient ad-
vantages over the other two intervention
Adolescent Populations
conditions in speeding remission from acute
symptoms in this group of individuals. Techniques specifically targeted at cognitive dif-
In summary, the adult literature suggests that, ferentiation, attention, memory, and social per-
although CBT might have some beneficial ef- ception are being evaluated in adolescent pop-
fects, questions such as defining the length of ulations by Rund and colleagues in Oslo. Ueland
treatment required, which patients would ben- and Rund (2004) carried out an RCT comparing
efit, and at which stages in their illness it should the effects of psychoeducation and cognitive
be implemented still remain unanswered. Until training with those of psychoeducation in a
these questions are answered in adult popula- small group of adolescents with early-onset psy-
tions, it would be foolish to commence large tri- chosis. They did not detect any significant
als in adolescent individuals, especially without between-group differences in any of their treat-
adequately defined aims. This caution should ment scores, although there were some specific
not prevent CBT techniques from being bor- significant improvements in visual long-term
rowed in part in the development of specific in- memory and early visual information processing
terventions targeted at the special needs of ado- and Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) scores,
lescents with schizophrenia. limited to the remediation group. This group has
also focused on the remediation of more specific
cognitive deficits. Ueland et al. (2004) assessed
Cognitive Remediation Therapy the effect of enhanced instructions and contin-
gent monetary reinforcement on attentional
Deficits in cognitive function such as working skills. A group of adolescents with early-onset
memory, attention, and executive functioning psychosis received the span of apprehension per-
are core features of schizophrenia. Cognitive re- formance (SPAN) at baseline, three times as an
mediation therapy (CRT) aims to teach people intervention, and then after testing and at 10-
thinking skills. More specifically, it uses material day follow-up. Improvements in performance
that is not personal to the individual and targets were evident at the end of the intervention, di-
the specific domains affected in schizophrenia. minishing slightly after testing but recovering at
Cognitive remediation therapy can be character- 10-day follow-up.
114 Part II Schizophrenia

Adult Populations than expected. For individuals residing with

their family, the group receiving personal ther-
Research into CRT in adults, based on the third apy relapsed less than the other groups, al-
category listed above, has recently shown an ef- though this was only significant for family in-
fect on memory durable to 6 months of follow- tervention. For individuals living alone, personal
up, which, if large enough, gives rise to associ- therapy significantly increased relapse rates,
ated improvement in social performance (Wykes compared to those for supportive treatment,
et al., 2001). We await with interest the ongoing even though the latter was particularly rich in its
study this group is conducting of patients be- provisions. The authors suggested that the group
tween 16 and 21 years of age. Furthermore, a living away from their family may not have
study involving “cognitive enhancement ther- reached a stable independence; they may have
apy” in early-course patients, some of whom will been too distracted to prioritize the therapy or
be within the adolescent age range, is being un- the intervention itself may have overloaded
dertaken by G. Hogarty’s team in Pittsburgh (per- them. Perhaps this conclusion should serve as a
sonal communication). more global caution: full assessment of levels of
independence and subjective perceptions of sta-
bility may be required before initiating any form
Interpersonal Psychotherapy of psychotherapy.

Very little evaluative work has been published in

the area of interpersonal therapy (IPT) since the Social Skills
3-year trial conducted by Hogarty et al. (1997).
Although this study was aimed at reducing the Social skills training is a structured educative pro-
“late relapse” observed to occur in the second gram that involves modeling, role-play, and re-
year after psychotherapeutic intervention, and inforcement (Bellack & Mueser, 1993). It is based
was conducted in a mixed adult and adolescent on the hope that the improved social skills gen-
cohort (16 to 55 years old), it warrants discussion eralize to real-life situations and might even im-
because its conclusions seem particularly perti- prove symptomatology and reduce relapse.
nent to the adolescent population. This study ex- These interventions are targeted at the profound
amined relapse and noncompliance in outpa- impairments in social functioning that charac-
tients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective terize schizophrenia and affect life in the work-
disorder in two concurrent trials. One trial con- place, family, and wider community. There are
cerned individuals who resided with their fami- three forms of social skills training as detailed by
lies who were randomly assigned to personal Bellack and Mueser (1993): the basic model, the
therapy, family therapy, personal therapy and social problem-solving model, and the cognitive
family therapy, or supportive therapy; the other remediation model (considered in the previous
trial studied those individuals who lived alone section).
who were randomly assigned to either personal The basic model involves breaking down com-
or supportive therapy. plex social interactions into smaller elements.
Personal therapy occurred in three stages, and The patients are therefore taught the steps and
although it focused on internal, personal re- then the combined elements by means of role-
sponses to stress, and not the regulation of ex- play and areas such as self-care, medication man-
ternal triggers, it did not use symbolic interpre- agement, and conversation are targeted. Bustillo,
tation or analysis of unconscious factors. It Lauriello, Horan, and Keith (2001) reviewed re-
aimed more specifically to identify and manage ports from 1996 to 2001 and found that the basic
the “affect dysregulation” that might mediate re- model was repeatedly efficacious in improving
lapse or inappropriate behavior. All patients social skills and that this effect continued for up
were on the minimum effective dose of medi- to 12 months. However, there was not much to
cation. The overall rate of relapse over the 3-year suggest that this treatment affected overall social
period was 29% over all groups, which was lower performance. Evidence from studies of the
Chapter 6 Treatment of Schizophrenia 115

problem-solving approach suggests modest ben- overinvolvement, arose out of a body of research
efits on very discrete areas of social functioning focused on the effect of the family environment
that appear to have some durability. on the maintenance of schizophrenia and other
Although such research seems old-fashioned severe mental disorders (Brown, Monck, Car-
and potentially out of sync with the dilemmas stairs, & Wing, 1962). Family interventions
and challenges facing an adolescent suffering evolved, again targeted at adults, that aimed to
from schizophrenia, the approach may have reduce high EE and thus reduce relapse rates
merits. For a child, the transition into adoles- (Leff, Kuipers, Berkowitz, Eberlein-Vries, & Stur-
cence and then adulthood is a difficult process geon, 1982).
requiring support and structure. Development of
schizophrenia during this process can disrupt
personal development in an infinite number of
ways. Therefore, there is a real need for research The applicability of therapies directed at high EE
among groups of adolescents with schizophrenia in adolescent schizophrenia is hampered by
into developing ways to teach them social skills three problems. First, adolescent families have
that generalize to real life. less EE or different EE. Asarnow, Tompson, Ham-
ilton, Goldstein, and Guthrie (1994) found rel-
atively low parental EE (compared to families of
Family Therapies adults with schizophrenia) when measuring crit-
icism and overinvolvement on the Five-minute
Successful family therapies have psychoeduca- Speech Sample Expressed Emotion (FMSS-EE)
tion at their heart, taking the form of a collabo- scale. Twenty-three percent of families of adoles-
rative respectful relationship with the family, cents with schizophrenia or schizotypal per-
provision of information, and teaching of family sonality disorder were rated as having high EE,
members less stressful ways of communicating compared to 44% of families of adults with
and solving problems. It seems intuitive that schizophrenia in a similar study by Miklowitz et
family interventions, in a nonspecific sense, al. (1989).
would be particularly beneficial for adolescents The second problem in using EE-related ther-
with schizophrenia, especially those who remain apies for adolescents is the lack of stability over
still dependent on their parents. time and lack of response to treatment. Lenior,
The need for intervention is supported by re- Dingemans, Schene, Hart, and Linszen (2002)
ports that children with schizotypal personality conducted a longitudinal study to analyze the
disorder or schizophrenia and the parents of stability of parental EE in individuals with
such children tend to show increased rates of recent-onset schizophrenia, aged 15 to 26 years,
thought disorder during direct family interac- in the 8 years following discharge from two in-
tions (Tompson, Asarnow, Hamilton, Newell, & terventions from inpatient care: community care
Goldstein, 1997). Some reports claim that the alone and community care with additional fam-
parents also show increased communication de- ily intervention according to the model of Fal-
viance (an index of difficulties associated with a loon, Boyd, and McGill (1984). The families were
failure to establish and maintain a shared focus stratified according to high and low EE before
of attention; Asarnow, 1994). It is not possible to allocation and EE was measured over the follow-
know at this stage whether this represents a up period using the FMSS. According to these
shared genetic vulnerability to psychosis or a pa- measurements, EE did change over time, al-
rental response to their child’s illness. though the study failed to detect any overall
Additional support comes from the work on treatment effect on EE levels. In addition, this
expressed emotion (EE). Although this was orig- group found no intervention effect on the num-
inally investigated in adult populations, most ber of months of psychosis during 5-year follow-
data assessing family interventions in adoles- up.
cents are based on EE. The concept of EE, which Nugter, Dingemans, van der Does, Linszen,
encompasses critical comments, hostility, and and Gersons et al. (1997) studied individuals,
116 Part II Schizophrenia

aged 16 to 25, with recent-onset schizophrenia tions in the treatment of adolescents with
and related disorders who were randomly allo- schizophrenia, it is not yet possible to determine
cated to individual treatment with or without a which model is most effective. There is, however,
family intervention (modeled on Falloon et al., an encouraging shift from reducing putative risk
1984). At the end of treatment (1 year), there factors to empowering and channeling this re-
were no significant between-group differences in source. We concur with this viewpoint but
EE (as assessed by the FMSS). There were no de- would welcome more work into alternative
tectable relationships between EE and relapse, means of monitoring response to family therapy.
except that in the individual group, changeable
EE (in whichever direction) was correlated with
Adult Studies
relapse rate.
The third difficulty with using EE in treatment The preliminary results from the multicentered
for adolescents is its lack of specificity to schizo- National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
phrenia. A meta-analysis of EE-outcome rela- Treatment Strategies Study (Schooler et al.,
tionships in mental disorders (Butzlaff & Hooley, 1997), which compared variable medication
1998), though confirming EE as a significant pre- strategies in conjunction with a “supportive
dictor of relapse in schizophrenia, found signif- family management” (psychoeducational work-
icantly larger effect sizes for EE in mood and eat- shop for relatives with a monthly support group
ing disorders. This study did not specify age for 2 years) and “applied family management”
ranges covered by the reviewed studies. Thus, at- (which included the former and an intensive at-
tempts to evolve therapies targeted at underlying home family intervention based on the Falloon
problems, particularly in younger populations, et al. behavioral program), suggest that the latter,
have been complicated. more intensive program does not yield better re-
Linszen et al. (1996) found that adding a be- sults and does not permit the use of lower or in-
havioral family intervention (after Falloon et al., termittent medication regimes.
1984) to an individual psychosocial intervention McFarlane et al. (1995) conducted a pilot
in patients aged 15 to 26 years made no differ- study in which psychoeducation administered
ence to rates of psychotic relapse in the 15 in single-family groups was compared with that
months following first-episode psychosis. In in multiple-family groups for individuals aged 18
fact, Linszen’s group found a near-significant in- to 45 years. There were lower relapse rates
crease in relapse rate in low-EE families subjected (12.5% at 12 months and 25% at 24 months) in
to the intervention, possibly because of the fam- the multiple-family groups (compared to 23.5%
ilies’ perception of the therapy as artificial, crit- and 47.1%, respectively). Both of these programs
ical, or interfering in their reactions to their off- resulted in lower relapse rates than those
spring’s illness. However, during that 15-month achieved in a multiple-family program without
intervention period, the relapse rate was 15%, a psychoeducational model.
which suggests that early intervention improved In Pilling et al.’s (2002) systematic review,
outcome. The cohort was then referred for care family intervention data were also analyzed. The
by other agencies and at 5-year follow-up, the mean age of studied individuals was 31 years,
low relapse rate had not been maintained. The and the mean number of admissions per individ-
authors suggest that sustained intervention ual was 2.7. All family interventions (single and
above and beyond regular services might be re- multiple) were more effective than the control
quired to improve outcome in the longer term. condition at reducing relapse in the first 12
This result, taken in conjunction with the in- months of treatment, especially when it con-
crease in relapse of low-EE families, calls into sisted of standard care. Only single-family inter-
question the value and possibly the ethics of us- ventions reduced readmission during this time.
ing this intervention in early psychosis. At 1 to 2 years only, single-family interventions
Asarnow et al. (2001) concluded that although were still reducing relapse, although all treat-
available data support the use of family interven- ments were effective at reducing readmission. In-
Chapter 6 Treatment of Schizophrenia 117

terestingly, all family interventions studied had 2. Exploration of symptoms and side effects
higher rates of treatment compliance to both the and thus evaluation of pros and cons of
family intervention and concurrently prescribed treatment
medication. It is important to note, however, 3. Discussion of stigma
that not all the studies included in this review
used a supportive individual program as the con- Despite the fact that the therapy was biased to
trol condition. Some control conditions actually encourage only positive attitudes to treatment,
comprised a family intervention itself, as noted the therapy also aimed to reframe the use of
in a response to the review (Bentsen, 2003). medication as a decision, freely chosen to en-
The Family to Family Education Program de- hance quality of life, referred to as an “insurance
veloped by the National Alliance for the Men- policy” or “protective layer.” Immediately after
tally Ill, detailed on their Web site (http://www the intervention, the compliance therapy had, involves a highly structured program significantly improved insight and compliance,
conducted by trained family members for 2- to compared to a supportive counseling matched
3-hour sessions over 12 weeks. Participants re- for therapist time, with the same therapists. This
port decreases in family members’ “worry and effect was maintained at 6-month follow-up
displeasure” and “subjective burden,” with in- with a 23% difference between groups, with
creased empowerment and knowledge and im- those with higher IQ achieving better results. It
proved coping strategies. This program is cheap, was not possible to determine whether these
popular with family members, and can be widely gains resulted in increased function or dimin-
disseminated, thus aiding implementation. ished relapse rate. The 18-month follow-up con-
firmed that compared to the control condition,
compliance therapy improved compliance and
Compliance Therapy insight in the intervention group by 19% and
improved global functioning, especially as time
Compliance therapy is a brief, pragmatic interven- progressed. It had no overall effect on improving
tion in which cognitive behavioral techniques, symptomatology or reducing time spent in the
very closely linked with motivational interview- hospital over the follow-up period. The positive
ing, are used to focus on improving treatment effects on compliance were not replicated by
adherence. This therapy evolved out of initial O’Donnell et al. (2003) in an RCT of adult in-
work in programs using psychoeducational and patients with schizophrenia. Compliance ther-
behavioral techniques (e.g., Eckman et al., 1992), apy, administered according to Kemp et al.
and its further development was encouraged by (1996, 1998), conferred no advantage in compli-
the UK National Health Service, which declared ance, symptomatology, or overall function out-
noncompliance a research priority. It was tested comes at 1 year post-therapy, compared to a con-
in a pilot study, modified, and then used by trol condition of equivalent duration with
Kemp, Hayward, Applewhaite, Everitt, and Da- nonspecific counseling. Furthermore, one strug-
vid (1996) in an RCT of inpatients with psy- gles to see how such a therapy could exert such
chotic illnesses with follow-up to six months. a persuasive effect in a teenager in the throes of
Eighteen-month follow-up was reported (Kemp, puberty and a battle for independence. Yet again,
Kirov, Everitt, Hayward, & David, 1998) using an there is a real need for adaptation of such tech-
expanded sample. The therapy itself takes place niques to adolescent populations, followed by
over four to six sessions of 20 to 60 minutes each, RCTs evaluating their effect.
approximately biweekly and involves the follow-
Illicit Drugs
1. Review of the individual’s treatment history
and his or her views and understanding of Although many illicit substances are used by in-
the illness and treatment dividuals with psychosis, our discussion of such
118 Part II Schizophrenia

substances will be limited to cannabis because it not remain significant when psychotic symp-
is by far the most common illicit substance used toms at age 11 were controlled for. Thus canna-
by adolescents. bis use, especially earlier in life, increases the risk
of schizophrenia symptoms. This effect is not ex-
plained by use secondary to psychosis and this
effect appears to be specific to cannabis use. Al-
There is much evidence to suggest that cannabis though cannabis is not thought to be necessary
consumption among those already schizo- or sufficient to cause the onset of psychosis, it is
phrenic has a detrimental effect. The strength of estimated that 8% of schizophrenia cases in New
this effect is not yet certain, however (Johns, Zealand could be prevented by the cessation of
2001). Unfortunately, there is even less evidence cannabis use in the general population (Arsen-
concerning what can be done about it. ault et al., 2003).
Therefore, in addition to discouraging the le-
galization and supply of cannabis, mental health
initiatives should educate adolescents on the
Zammit, Allebeck, Andreasson, Lunberg, & previously unrecognized risks of cannabis mis-
Lewis (2002) conducted a further analysis of the use. Such initiatives could occur concurrently
Swedish conscript data for 1969–1970 (⬎97% of with the campaigns already implemented by
the country’s male population aged 18 to 20). early-intervention services.
They separated the cohort into those with psy-
chosis onset ⬍ 5 years and those with onset ⬎ 5
years after data collection to rule out the possi- Summary
bility of prodrome at the time of conscription.
They found a significant dose-related relation- Studies attempting to assess efficacy of psycho-
ship between cannabis and increased risk of de- logical treatments have been hampered by a
veloping schizophrenia, strongest in those who multitude of methodological problems. Often
had onset of psychosis within 5 years of con- very different versions of a treatment model are
scription and present in both those who used described as one and the same. They are often
cannabis alone and cannabis with other drugs. applied to heterogenous populations (e.g., dif-
Similar results were obtained when only those ferent ages or illness stages) and compared with
with onset ⬎5 years were analyzed. a control condition unmatched for therapist
This study could not determine, however, time and attention.
whether cannabis use in adolescence was a result Debate also continues about the best way to
of preexisting psychotic symptomatology or a assess the outcome of such interventions. Bel-
cause in itself for psychosis. This issue was ad- lack and Brown (2001) feel that judging psycho-
dressed by the Dunedin study (Arsenault, Can- social treatments on the same outcome measures
non, Witton, & Murray, 2003), a longitudinal, as pharmacological intervention might not be
prospective study that assessed preexisting psy- appropriate. Rather than evaluating therapies on
chotic symptoms at age 11, drug use at 15 and whether they reduce symptoms, induce remis-
18 years of age, and psychiatric outcome mea- sion, or prevent relapse, they recommend focus-
sures at 26 years. This study showed that adoles- ing on their effect in reducing impairments in
cents who used cannabis at 15 and 18 years of social role functioning and improving overall
age had significantly more symptoms of schizo- quality of life and treatment adherence. So they
phrenia than controls at 26 years of age. Fur- recommend rehabilitation rather than treat-
thermore, these results remained significant ment, taking into account the confounding ef-
when quasi-psychotic symptoms at 11 years fect of cognitive deficits and the need for newly
were controlled for. Use of cannabis at 15 years learned skills to generalize to real life in the com-
increased adult risk of schizophreniform disor- munity. They liken psychosocial therapies to the
der by a factor of 4, although these results did use of Braille in visually impaired individuals.
Chapter 6 Treatment of Schizophrenia 119

Outcome studies in schizophrenia tend to PHARMACOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT

focus on categorical measures, such as hospital OF PRODROMAL AND FIRST-EPISODE
admission, and on professional observations of SCHIZOPHRENIA AND RELATED
relapse, symptomatology, or cognitive impair- NONAFFECTIVE PSYCHOSES
ment. Very few assess psychosocial outcome or
quality of life, especially as rated by users of ser- As noted in Chapter 5, schizophrenia is a severe
vices and their caregivers. Such measures of out- mental illness characterized by abnormalities of
come are particularly important for adolescent thought and perception that affects about 1% of
populations. Lay, Blanz, Hartmann, and Schmidt the population worldwide over the course of a
(2000) conducted a 12-year follow-up study of 96 lifetime (Bourdon, Rae, Locke, Narrow, & Regier,
consecutively admitted individuals with schizo- 1992; Eaton, 1985; Hare, 1987; Helgason, 1964;
phrenia (aged 11 to 17). Of the 68% reassessed Jablensky, 1986; Kramer, 1969; Robins et al.,
at 12 years, 66% had serious social disability, 1984). The optimal time to treat this illness with
which was predicted by severity of positive the currently available therapeutic agents is as
symptoms in the early stages and by admissions early in the course and as close to the onset as
numbering more than two; 75% were financially possible. Often the onset of the illness precedes
dependent. Jarbin, Yngve, & Von Knorring the manifestation of symptoms diagnosable at
(2003) conducted a 10-year follow-up of adoles- the syndromal level by a considerable period of
cents (age ⬍19 years) who were diagnosed with time. As also summarized in Chapter 5, the onset
first-episode early-onset psychosis in the 1980s of the formal symptoms of schizophrenia is gen-
and early 1990s; 79% of those with early-onset erally preceded by a prodromal phase. So-called
schizophrenia spectrum disorders suffered a prodromal symptoms and behaviors (i.e., those
chronic course with poor outcome. that herald the approaching onset of the illness)
The collaborative and empowering nature of include attenuated positive symptoms (e.g., il-
many of the psychotherapeutic options, though lusions, ideas of reference, magical thinking, su-
incompletely evaluated and not always availa- perstitiousness), mood symptoms (e.g., anxiety,
ble, switches our focus from such sobering out- dysphoria, irritability), cognitive symptoms
comes and inflicted choices to a more patient- (e.g., distractibility, concentration difficulties),
driven framework. It is encouraging to see that social withdrawal, or obsessive behaviors, to
the quest for alternatives and adjuncts to phar- name a few (McGlashan, 1996; Yung & McGorry,
macological treatments has been stepped up and 1996). Because many of these prodromal phe-
that attempts are being made to improve the nomena extensively overlap with the range of
methodological quality of their evaluation. mental experiences and behaviors of persons
However, a clinician faced with an adolescent in the ages of risk who do not subsequently de-
newly diagnosed as having schizophrenia would velop schizophrenia, prodromal symptoms
find it extremely difficult to tease out which in- cannot be considered diagnostic. It is precisely
terventions might be helpful and of these, which their nonspecificity and lack of high predictive
might be a cost-effective use of available re- validity that limits their utility for the purposes
sources. Adolescents continue, as before, to fall of early intervention (Gottesman & Erlenmeyer-
between child and adult services in terms of ser- Kimling, 2001; Schaffner & McGorry, 2001).
vice provision (National Institute of Clinical Ex- The development of frank psychotic symp-
cellence [NICE], 2002). Perhaps mental health toms marks the formal onset of first-episode
initiatives, building on the continuing outcomes schizophrenia, although this is usually not di-
of early-intervention programs, can shape de- agnosed for some time, until the patient seeks or
voted services to be targeted at problems that be- is brought to medical attention. Indeed, the du-
set adolescents with schizophrenia by virtue of ration of psychotic symptoms prior to diagnosis
their developmental stage. Such initiatives need and treatment averages about 1 year, and if time
to be designed specifically for young minds and since prodromal symptoms first appeared is con-
hearts. sidered, the average duration is about 3 years
120 Part II Schizophrenia

(McGlashan, 1996). Despite this, most individ- Acute Treatment

uals recover symptomatically from the first epi-
sode. However, most patients proceed to have There have been relatively few studies on first-
one or more subsequent episodes in the form of episode schizophrenia and very few on patients
psychotic relapses from which some proportion in the prodromal phase. There are currently two
fail to recover, at least to the same degree as they published studies of controlled or standardized
had during their first or prior episode (Lieberman acute treatment of patients with prodromal
et al., 1993, 1996; Robinson et al., 1999a). This symptoms of schizophrenia and eight published
process of psychotic relapses, treatment failure, studies of controlled or standardized acute treat-
and incomplete recovery leads many patients to ment of patients with first-episode schizophre-
a chronic course of illness. Finally, persistent dis- nia (summarized in Tables 6.1 and 6.2; Emsley,
turbances and deficits in perceptions, thought 1999; Kopala et al., 1996; Lieberman et al., 1993;
processes, and cognition affect development May, Tuma, Yale, Potepan, & Dixon, 1976;
(Lieberman, 1999; McGlashan, 1988). In this Sanger et al., 1999; Scottish Schizophrenia Re-
way, patients accumulate morbidity in the form search Group, 1987; Szymanski et al., 1994).
of residual or persistent symptoms and decre- From these data and those from some uncon-
ments in function from their premorbid status. trolled studies and secondary analyses, several
The process of accruing morbidity in the context principles can be suggested to provide guidance
of exacerbations and (relative) remissions has for the treatment of patients experiencing a first
been attributed to progression of the illness episode of schizophrenia and for future research
(Kraepelin, 1919) and described as “clinical de- on improving the standard of care for this critical
terioration” (Bleuler, 1980). Interestingly, the de- stage of psychotic disorders. With such limited
terioration process occurs predominantly in the data available on the management of prodromal
early phases of the illness, in the prepsychotic and first-episode schizophrenia, practice will be
prodromal period and during the first 5 to 10 guided by a hybrid of clinical trials evidence,
years after the initial episode (see Figure 5.1). For real-life studies, and clinical experience.
these reasons, early intervention is highly indi-
cated. In this context, treatment serves two pur-
poses: first, it is remedial for active symptoms of Dosing and Selection of Pharmacologic Agents
whatever level of severity or syndromal criteria; for Early Stages of Schizophrenia
second, it may be preventive of the deteriora-
tion, which can occur and is the most devastat- The pharmacology of treating the prodromal
ing consequence of the illness. However, there stages of schizophrenia and related psychotic
are several challenges for treating patients opti- disorders has not been sufficiently well devel-
mally in the earliest stages of schizophrenia. oped. Many agents have been suggested (by the-
First, patients usually do not seek (or are not ories of pathogenesis) as preventive agents for
brought in for) treatment until they have had schizophrenia to be used in the prodromal stage.
the symptoms for often lengthy periods of time. These include a wide variety of treatments (an-
Second, the symptoms by which persons in the tioxidants, benzodiazepines, phospholipids,
prodromal stage and at imminent risk for psy- lithium and mood-stabilizers, antidepressants,
chosis are identified are not highly specific or glutamatergic and nicotinic agents, selective
sufficiently validated to use in clinical practice. DRD 1, 3, 4 dopamine receptor antagonists, and
Third, the optimal treatment agents and strate- antipsychotic drugs). For both prodromal and
gies for prodromal patients have not been deter- first-episode patients, if an antipsychotic drug is
mined. Fourth, patients in the prodromal stages to be used, the general consensus is that this be
and experiencing first episodes of schizophrenia one of the second-generation antipsychotic
are reluctant to take medications for sustained drugs (Addington, 2002; Bhana, Foster, Olney, &
periods of time, as they have limited insight into Plosker, 2001; Bustillo, Lauriello, & Keith, 1999;
the nature of their illness and are sensitive to and Green & Schildkraut, 1995; Lieberman, 1996;
often object to side effects. NICE, 2002; Sartorius et al., 2002). Currently,
Table 6.1 Studies of Acute Treatment in Prodromal Stages of Schizophrenia

Reference Population Inclusion/Exclusion Design/Protocol Response Criteria Response Rates

McGorry et al., 2002 59 patients at incipient Ages 14–30, living in Single-blind, random- Progression to psychosis Needs-based interven-
risk of progression to Melbourne metropolitan ized, controlled trial at 6 months (postinter- tion: 36% postinterven-
first-episode psychosis area; met criteria for 1 or with blinded interviews. vention) and 12 months tion, 36% at 12 months
(“high risk”) more of 3 operationally Subjects were random- (follow-up) after study Specific prevention in-
defined “high-risk” cate- ized to need-based inter- entry, defined by a pre- tervention: 10% postin-
gories vention (according to determined threshold of tervention, 19% at 12
presenting or existing positive symptoms sus- months
problems) and specific tained for 1 week or
preventive intervention, more (based on BPRS
which included 1–2 mg and comprehensive as-
risperidone and a modi- sessment of symptoms
fied CBT. and history)
Woods et al., 2002 60 patients from 4 North Not available in pub- Randomized to 5–15 mg SOPS at 8 weeks; weight Olanzapine: least-squares
American centers diag- lished abstract olanzapine daily or pla- gain SOPS mean ⫽ ⫺14.0 
nosed by means of the cebo 3.3 versus ⫺2.1  3.4.
Structured Interview for Olanzapine patients
Prodromal Symptoms gained significantly
more weight (p ⫽ .001).

BPRS, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; CBT, cognitive behavior therapy; SOPS, Scale of Prodromal Symptoms.
Table 6.2 Studies of Acute Treatment in First-Episode Schizophrenia

Reference Population Inclusion/Exclusion Design/Protocol Response Criteria Response Rates

May et al., 1976 228 patients selected Inclusions: first-admission Randomization to either Release from hospital af- Individual psychother-
from consecutive admis- patients with diagnosis of individual psychother- ter a “fair trial” (6–12 apy (65%), trifluopera-
sions to a state psychiat- schizophrenia and “no sig- apy, trifluoperazine, psy- months) of the assigned zine (96%), psychother-
ric hospital between nificant prior treatment” chotherapy in combina- treatment apy in combination with
1959 and 1962 Exclusions: those judged tion with trifluoperazine, trifluoperazine (95%),
unlikely to be discharged electroconvulsive ther- ECT (79%), and milieu
and those who remitted apy, or milieu therapy therapy only (58%)
fairly quickly (within 18 only
Scottish Schizo- 46 patients with first- Inclusion: diagnosis of first- 5-week, double-blind, “Responders”: able to 63% were “responders”
phrenia Re- episode schizophrenia episode criteria on clini- randomized trial of flu- enter maintenance treat- overall
search Group, admitted to hospital cian’s ICD-9 penthixol versus pimo- ment on their assigned Positive symptoms im-
1987 zide drug therapy proved significantly
Adjunctive medications “Non-responders”: those (p ⬍ .01) for both drugs
allowed who received further during the study period,
treatment, either ECT or but negative symptoms
another antipsychotic did not change
“Non-completers”: those
who did not proceed to
maintenance therapy
but were clearly not
Lieberman et al., 70 RDC-diagnosed pa- 1. No prior psychotic epi- Open, prospective study Operationally defined as 83% of patients remitted
1993; Robinson tients with schizophre- sodes using a standardized an- a CGI rating of “much” by 1 year with mean and
et al., 1999b nia (N ⫽ 54) and schizo- 2. Age 16–40 years tipsychotic protocol of or “very much” im- median times to remis-
affective disorder 3. No history of neurologi- sequential trials until re- proved and a rating of sion of 35.7 and 11
(N ⫽ 16) cal or general medical ill- sponse criteria were met mild or less on specified weeks, respectively
ness that could influence with fluphenazine, halo- SADS-C⫹PDI items with
diagnosis or biological peridol, molindone, and response sustained for at
variables being studied clozapine least 8 weeks
Szymanski et al., 10 patients in the Lieber- Patients in the above study After a 2-week washout 20% reduction in BPRS 30% (3 of 10)
1994 man et al. (1993) study who had failed treatment period, patients were score and a CGI severity
with a standardized proto- treated for 12 weeks on of illness score of ⭐3
col of 3 typical antipsy- clozapine
Kopala et al., 22 neuroleptic naive pa- DSM-IV diagnosis of a first Open trial of risperidone 20% reduction in total 59%
1996 tients consecutively ad- episode of schizophrenia monotherapy for a mean PANSS score Negative symptoms im-
mitted for the first time; duration of treatment proved less than positive
mean age of 25 years was 7.1 weeks (SD ⫽ 3.2, symptoms.
range 1.8–14.1).
Benzotropine for EPS
and lorazepam or clona-
zepam for insomnia
were the only adjunc-
tives allowed.
Sanger et al., 83 first-episode patients 1. First episode of psychosis 6-week, double-blind, Defined a priori as a 40% BPRS reduction in
1999 out of 1,996 patients en- with a DSM-II-R diagno- randomized trial of olan- ⭓40% reduction in total total BPRS: olanzapine
rolled in a multicenter sis of schizophrenia, zapine (N ⫽ 59) or halo- BPRS from baseline, also 67.2% response rate, hal-
trial of olanzapine versus schizophreniform, or peridol (N ⫽ 24) at mean calculated for a 20% re- operidol 29.2% (Fisher’s
haloperidol in psychotic schizoaffective disorder modal doses of 11.6 (SD duction exact p ⫽ .003)
disorders 2. Duration of episode of ⫽ 5.9) and 10.8 (SD ⫽ 20% BPRS reduction:
⬍5 years 4.8) mg/day, respectively olanzapine 82.8% re-
3. No more than 45 years sponse rate, haloperidol
old at episode onset 58.3% (Fisher’s exact
4. Minimum BPRS score of p ⫽ .03)
18 or intolerant to cur-
rent antipsychotic ther-
Emsley, 1999 183 patients recruited in 1. Ages 15–40 years 6-week, double-blind 50% improvement in to- Risperidone: 63% re-
multiple international 2. Diagnosis of provisional study of risperidone ver- tal PANSS scores was de- sponse rate
sites schizophreniform disor- sus haloperidol 2–16 mg/ fined a priori as clinical Haloperidol: 56% re-
der or schizophrenia ac- day response sponse rate
cording to DSM-III-R Antiparkinsonian drugs
3. No prior treatment or benzodiazepines ad-
beyond 3 days of emer- ministered only if essen-
gency antipsychotics tial
4. No clinically relevant
medical abnormalities
(continued )
Table 6.2 (Continued)

Reference Population Inclusion/Exclusion Design/Protocol Response Criteria Response Rates

Yap et al., 2001 24 patients recruited Previously untreated male Open-label, 8-week 20% reduction in total Responder rate (⭓20%
from Woodbridge Hospi- and female patients aged 18– study of risperidone PANSS score, response reduction in total PANSS
tal and Geylang Psychi- 65 with DSM-IV schizo- for 50% reduction in to- score) was 87.5%
atric Outpatient Clinic phreniform disorder or tal PANSS score was also 13 patients (54.2%) ex-
DSM-IV schizophrenia for calculated hibited ⭓50% reduction
no longer than 12 months in total PANSS score
Lieberman, Gu, 160 Chinese patients in 1. Ages 16–45 years 52-week, double-blind
et al., 2003 first-episode schizo- 2. Diagnosis of provisional RCT of clozapine and
phrenia schizophreniform disor- chlorpromazine and
der or schizophrenia ac- trihexyphenidyl
cording to DSM-IV
3. No prior antipsychotic
4. No clinically relevant
medical abnormalities
Lieberman, Tol- 263 patients recruited 1. Ages 16–40 years 12-week, acute treat- Total PANSS response de- Significantly greater re-
lefson, et al., from 14 sites in N. 2. Diagnosis of provisional ment results of 2-year fined as 30% reduction duction in total PANSS
2003 America and W. Europe schizophreniform disor- double-blind RCT of of PANSS and CGI sever- and PANSS Negative
der, schizophrenia, or olanzapine (5–15 mg/ ity ⬍4 (moderately ill) Scale with olanzapine on
schizoaffective disorder day) and haloperidol mixed models but not
according to DSM-IV (2–20 mg/day). LOCF analysis
3. Prior lifetime treatment Antiparkinsonian drugs 55% of olanzapine and
⬍16 weeks or benzodiazepines ad- 46% of haloperidol met
4. No clinically relevant ministered only if essen- response criteria by
medical abnormalities tial week 12

BPRS, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; CGI, Clinical Global Impression; ECT, electroconvulsive therapy; LOCF, last-observation-carried-forward; PANSS, Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale
for schizophrenia; RCT, randomized control trial; RDC, Research Diagnostic Criteria; SADS-C⫹PDI, Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia Change Version with Psychosis and
Disorganization Items rating scale; SD, standard deviation.
Chapter 6 Treatment of Schizophrenia 125

there are no specific guidelines or sufficient evi- lower doses of antipsychotics are as effective as
dence to determine which second-generation higher doses in patients experiencing a first
antipsychotic to use. Side effects are the primary episode of schizophrenia, with superior tolera-
distinguishing features among the various drugs. bility.
Young patients without prior exposure to an- Since the first episode is a time when patients
tipsychotic drugs may be more sensitive to the form their attitudes about treatment, efforts to
antipsychotic side effects than patients in other minimize unpleasant side effects may influence
stages of the illness. In a sample of 70 treatment- patients’ willingness to take medications over
naive patients who received fluphenazine at 20 the long term. In a study of first-episode patients,
to 40 mg/day for the first 10 weeks of treatment, the only variable that predicted whether patients
34% developed parkinsonism, 18% developed would attend a follow-up assessment was anti-
akathisia, and 36% developed dystonia (Chakos, psychotic dosage, with those on higher doses
Mayerhoff, Loebel, Alvir, & Lieberman, 1992). less likely to comply (Jackson et al., 2001).
Lower doses of antipsychotics may be adequate
to achieve positive symptom remission, but less
Treatment of Positive Symptoms
likely to cause side effects (Cullberg, 1999;
Zhang-Wong, Zipursky, Beiser, & Bean, 1999). Available data indicate that in prodromal and
For example, in a post hoc analysis, low-dose ris- first-episode patients, positive symptoms, in-
peridone (maximum of ⭐6 mg/day) was more cluding hallucinations and delusions, will usu-
effective and better tolerated than high-dose ris- ally remit with antipsychotic treatment. Thus,
peridone (maximum of ⭓6 mg/day; Emsley, clinicians should expect remission of positive
1999). Another recent study of 49 acutely psy- symptoms in prodromal and first-episode pa-
chotic, neuroleptic-naive patients with schizo- tients. A series of adequate trials of available
phrenia, schizophreniform disorder, or schizoaf- agents should be employed with this goal in
fective disorder treated with either 2 mg or 4 mg mind. If residual symptoms persist, a trial of clo-
daily of risperidone showed the two doses to be zapine or the addition of adjunctive treatments
comparable in efficacy with an advantage for the should be considered.
lower dose in fine motor functioning (Merlo et
al., 2002). The greater sensitivity to side effects
Treatment of Negative and
of first-episode patients than that of chronic
Cognitive Symptoms
patients was dramatically demonstrated by
McEvoy, Hogarty, and Steingard (1991) in com- While positive symptoms in first-episode pa-
paring their neuroleptic thresholds for extrapyr- tients tend to respond well to antipsychotic drug
amidal symptoms. In the context of a gradual treatment, negative and cognitive symptoms of
dose titration paradigm, first-episode patients schizophrenia generally take longer to respond
exhibited lower thresholds to develop signs of or are less responsive to antipsychotic medica-
extrapyramidal symptoms than previously tions (Kopala et al., 1996; Sanger et al., 1999;
treated more chronic patients. Younger patients Scottish Schizophrenia Research Group, 1987).
are also more susceptible to other side effects, This indicates that negative and cognitive symp-
such as weight gain (Kumra et al., 1998; Lieber- toms may have a different time course for re-
man, Gu, et al., 2003). Consistent with these sponse than positive symptoms or that the rel-
studies, the Schizophrenia Patient Outcomes Re- ative refractoriness of negative and cognitive
search Team recommended that patients in a symptoms may contribute to the less than opti-
first psychotic episode be treated with relatively mal functional recovery that is often observed in
lower doses (300 to 500 mg chlorpromazine first-episode patients. Improving treatments for
equivalents per day) of antipsychotics than for negative and cognitive symptoms in the first ep-
patients with schizophrenia in general (300 to isode of schizophrenia is an area of major im-
1,000 mg chlorpromazine equivalents per day; portance in future research and drug develop-
Lehman & Steinwachs, 1998). Clinical experi- ment efforts, especially since these symptoms
ence and available research findings suggest that likely affect these patients’ functional abilities.
126 Part II Schizophrenia

Adjunctive Treatments of Residual Symptoms chotic relapse (Carpenter, Buchanan, Kirkpa-

and Comorbid Syndromes trick, & Breier, 1999).
Mood stabilizers, including anticonvulsants
Often antipsychotic medications are insufficient and lithium, are widely used in patients with
by themselves to achieve full symptom remis- schizophrenia (Citrome, Levine, & Allingham,
sion and functional recovery in early-stage 2000), and there is some evidence that they may
schizophrenia patients. For these reasons, a va- also have a role in reducing aggression and agi-
riety of adjunctive treatments both pharmaco- tation (Christison, Kirch, & Wyatt, 1991; Ko,
logic and nonpharmacologic can be used to Korpi, Freed, Zalcman, & Bigelow, 1985; Leucht,
enhance and optimize treatment response. Ad- McGrath, White, & Kissling, 2002; Linnoila &
junctive treatments have different roles in the Viukari, 1979; Wassef et al., 2000). Although
management of first-episode schizophrenia, tar- there is no evidence as to their efficacy in early
geting residual symptoms and treating comorbid stage patients, mood stabilizers should be con-
syndromes. A clinical approach to treatment- sidered for patients who have mood symptoms
refractory, first-episode schizophrenia, as de- of excitement and mood lability during residual
scribed in a recent manual on first-episode to the prodromal and first episodes of schizo-
schizophrenia, should include the strategies that phrenia.
promote medication adherence, attention to Depressive syndromes are common in prodro-
substance abuse, sequential trials of antipsy- mal and first-episode patients. Patients who ul-
chotic agents, or dose adjustment if clinical im- timately manifest symptoms of schizophrenia
provement is not seen by 6 to 12 weeks of treat- often report a previous depressive episode (Haf-
ment, and consideration of clozapine even early ner, Loffler, Maurer, Hambrecht, & an der Hei-
in the course of treatment (Edwards & McGorry, den, 1999) or suicide attempt in their prodromal
2002). period (Cohen, Lavelle, Rich, & Bromet, 1994).
While not yet systematically studied in pro- On presentation with an acute psychotic epi-
dromal or first-episode patients, data from stud- sode, first-episode patients often have mood
ies in chronic patients suggest that cognitive symptoms (Addington, Addington, & Patten,
therapy also may benefit residual symptoms 1998). Depressive symptoms will often resolve as
(Cormac et al., 2002). Even given the lack of spe- psychotic symptoms remit (Koreen et al., 1993),
cific trials in first-episode patients, it is likely that however, in some cases they may persist or occur
CBT may have a role in the treatment of prodro- in the episode’s aftermath (“postpsychotic de-
mal and first-episode schizophrenia, especially pression”). Antidepressants should be used cau-
in helping patients to comply with treatment tiously in prodromal and first-episode schizo-
and the transition to outpatient care. phrenia as they could possibly provoke or
Adjunctive treatments that have been studied exacerbate psychotic symptoms. In addition, re-
in the treatment of schizophrenia include ben- sidual negative symptoms that persist after the
zodiazepines, anticonvulsants, and antidepres- stabilization of the acute episode may respond
sants. Benzodiazepines are often used as adjuncts to antidepressant treatment (Berk, Ichim, &
to antipsychotics in acute schizophrenia. There Brook, 2001; Hogarty et al., 1995; Silver, Barash,
have been no controlled studies of benzodiaze- Aharon, Kaplan, & Poyurovsky, 2000; Silver &
pines in groups of first-episode patients with Nassar, 1992).
schizophrenia. Literature on mixed populations Suicidal behavior can occur in prodromal and
of patients with schizophrenia suggest overall first-episode schizophrenia patients (Steinert,
that benzodiazepines have a role in treating ag- Wiebe, & Gebhardt, 1999). While depression in
itation, anxiety, and aggression in patients with the presenting psychotic episode or in the post-
acute psychosis (Barbee, Mancuso, Freed, & To- psychotic period is an important risk factor for
dorov, 1992; Battaglia et al., 1997; Kellner, Wil- suicide (Axelsson & Lagerkvist-Briggs, 1992),
son, Muldawer, & Pathak, 1975; Salzman et al., prodromal and first-episode patients with
1991) and in preventing an impending psy- schizophrenia may attempt suicide in the ab-
Chapter 6 Treatment of Schizophrenia 127

sence of prominent depressive symptoms as a re- the use of adjunctive pharmacologic treatments
sult of hallucinations, paranoia, disorganization, for any residual symptoms but then various non-
or other symptoms considered more primary to pharmacologic treatments to enhance func-
psychosis or other factors. Mounting literature tional recovery. These may include psychoedu-
supports the use of clozapine (Meltzer et al., cation about the nature of the illness, supportive
2003; Meltzer & Okayli, 1995; Reid, Mason, & psychotherapy, supported employment, social
Hogan, 1998; Sernyak, Desai, Stolar, & Rosen- and vocational rehabilitation, and case manage-
heck, 2001) in patients with psychotic disorder ment. We think of many of these psychosocial
and suicidal behaviors. Although use of cloza- interventions as being associated with the care
pine in first-episode schizophrenia has been of chronic patients; however, they can and
studied recently (Lieberman, Gu, et al., 2003), it should also be adapted to young early-stage pa-
is not considered at this time a first-line drug for tients. It is also important to keep in mind that
first-episode schizophrenia. It should be consid- it is necessary to be patient and not rush patients
ered early in the course of treatment only in pa- prematurely into the activities with which they
tients who are unresponsive to other second- may have been previously engaged.
generation antipsychotic drugs. The need for interventions aimed at achieving
Another important comorbid syndrome in functional recovery is reflected by the results of
the treatment of first-episode schizophrenia is outcome studies in first-episode patients. Al-
substance abuse with its possible role in lowering though patients typically recover from a first ep-
initial vulnerability to the onset or recurrence of isode of schizophrenia, the long-term course for
psychosis (Chouljian et al., 1995; DeQuardo, most patients is still characterized by chronic ill-
Carpenter, & Tandon, 1994; Gupta, Hendricks, ness, disability, and relapse. Studies report that a
Kenkel, Bhatia, & Haffke, 1996; Hambrecht & minority of patients, about 15% to 20%, will
Hafner, 2000; Linszen, Dingemans, & Lenior, maintain good symptomatic and functional re-
1994; Rabinowitz et al., 1998). Thorough evalu- covery from a first episode. For example, in a
ations of substance abuse habits of prodromal study of 349 patients followed up to 15 years af-
and first-episode schizophrenia patients are crit- ter their first onset of schizophrenia, 17% had no
ical to directing appropriate clinical attention to disability at follow-up, whereas 24% still suffered
this issue throughout care of the patient. from severe disability, and the remaining 69%
had varying degrees of disability (Wiersma et al.,
2000; Wiersma, Nienhuis, Sloof, & Giel, 1998).
Treatment After Remission of Symptoms in The long-term prognosis of patients in the pre-
Prodromal and First-Episode Schizophrenia antipsychotic era is similar, with about 20% of
patients having good symptomatic and func-
Continuation and Maintenance Treatment
tional recovery (Bleuler, 1978). In a study of first-
As the symptomatic response to treatment of episode patients with operationally defined cri-
young early stage patients is generally very good, teria for recovery (a period of 2 years of remission
clinicians should expect and aim for achieving of positive and negative symptoms, fulfillment
maximal remission of symptoms, recognizing of age-appropriate role expectations, perfor-
that psychosis may resolve first and then nega- mance of daily living tasks without supervision,
tive and cognitive symptoms. Residual symp- and engagement in social interactions), 16.8% of
toms should be targeted with adjunctive thera- the 118 patients achieved full functional recov-
pies as needed. After achieving optimal ery (Robinson et al., 1999b). However, a recent
treatment response, the next goal of treatment study of 1,633 patients with psychotic disorders
is to maximize the functional recovery of pa- from diverse cultures found more optimistic
tients. To an extent, this is dependent on the res- rates of favorable outcome, with nearly half of
olution of symptoms but may not necessarily oc- the patients with schizophrenia considered to be
cur fully concurrently with symptom remission. recovered (Harrison et al., 2001).
Maximization of functional recovery involves The next question in the clinical management
128 Part II Schizophrenia

of prodromal and first-episode patients is, after during the subsequent year of maintenance ther-
achieving maximal therapeutic response, how apy can be considered for a trial period without
long should treatment (particularly pharmaco- medication, provided that dose reductions are
logic treatment) be continued? There are not suf- made gradually over several months with fre-
ficient data to answer that question in prodro- quent visits (Rose, 1997). Similarly, the Schizo-
mal patients. Thus, treatment of prodromal phrenia Patient Outcomes Research Team (Leh-
symptoms should be considered time limited man & Steinwachs, 1998) recommended in their
and aimed at alleviating current symptoms and report that patients continue treatment for at
stabilizing the patient. There is a growing body least 1 year after remission of acute symptoms,
of evidence on first-episode patients, however, with continual reassessment of the maintenance
that suggests the value of continuing medication dose for possible reduction. The draft consensus
for a sustained and possibly indefinite period. statement of 26 international consultants (Ad-
Ideally, this decision would be informed by data dington, 2002) recommends taking into consid-
from prospective, controlled studies answering eration the severity of the first episode when de-
the following questions: (1) How likely is relapse ciding how long to continue maintenance
with and without antipsychotic medication? (2) treatment. They suggest that patients who
Is it possible to predict who will relapse after re- achieve full remission be offered gradual with-
mission of a first episode? (3) Will antipsychotic drawal of medication after 12 months of main-
therapy improve the course and long-term out- tenance treatment, but that patients experienc-
come of the illness or merely suppress symptoms ing more severe episodes and are slow to respond
in the short to medium term? Table 6.3 sum- be maintained for 24 months. This panel further
marizes the six controlled studies of mainte- suggests that patients who respond incompletely
nance antipsychotic treatment of remitted first- to medication, but clearly benefit from treat-
episode schizophrenia (Crow, MacMillan, ment, be maintained for 2 to 5 years on medi-
Johnson, & Johnstone, 1986; Gitlin et al., 2001; cation.
Kane, Rifkin, Quitkin, Nayak, & Ramos-Lorenzi,
1982; McCreadie et al., 1989; Nuechterlein et al.,
1994). Conclusion
The risk of eventual relapse after recovery
from a first psychotic episode is very high and Patients in the prodromal phase or first episode
is greatly diminished by maintenance anti- of schizophrenia respond very favorably to an-
psychotic treatment. However, even with strong tipsychotic treatment in terms of their positive
evidence of the risk of relapse without anti- symptoms. However, cognitive and negative
psychotic medication, there is still no clear symptoms are often slower to respond or are re-
consensus on the recommended duration of fractory to treatment, leaving many of these in-
treatment for patients who have recovered from dividuals with significant social disability. Se-
a first episode of schizophrenia. Clinicians may quential trials of adequate dose and duration of
have a difficult time convincing patients who antipsychotics and adjunctive treatments
have recovered from one episode of schizophre- should be employed to help patients achieve
nia that indefinite and possibly lifelong anti- their optimal response. Psychosocial therapies
psychotic treatment is indicated because of the such as CBT and education groups may be help-
diagnostic uncertainty and instability associated ful in addressing residual symptoms and helping
with a first psychotic episode (Amin et al., 1999), patients to adhere to their medication regimens.
limited patient understanding and awareness of In addition to lessening the morbidity of the
the illness (Thompson, McGorry, & Harrigan, presenting episode, early intervention in prodro-
2001), and risks of long-term antipsychotic ther- mal and first-episode schizophrenia may im-
apy. Most practice guidelines for the treatment prove the long-term course of the disorder, as
of patients with schizophrenia recommend that evidenced by studies showing an inverse corre-
patients who have had only one episode of pos- lation between the duration of untreated psy-
itive symptoms and have been symptom-free chosis and outcome. The outcome of schizo-
Table 6.3 Studies of Maintenance Treatment in First-Episode Schizophrenia

Reference Population Inclusion/Exclusion Design/Protocol Relapse Criteria Relapse Rates

Kane et al. 28 patients referred for 1. At least 4 weeks of remis- Double-blind, 1-year Substantial clinical de- For all patients: 0% (0
1982 aftercare with a diag- sion duration Random as- terioration with a po- out of 11) on fluphena-
nosis of a single epi- 2. 1 year or less since hospi- signment to fluphena- tential for marked so- zine and 41% (7 out of
sode of schizophrenia; talization zine hydrochloride (5– cial impairment 17) on placebo re-
19 of 28 patients met 3. No treatment prior to 3 20 mg/day), fluphena- Patients were consid- lapsed
RDC criteria for schizo- months before hospitaliza- zine decanoate (12.5– ered dropouts only if Of those with RDC
phrenia tion 50 mg/2 weeks) or pla- they showed no clini- schizophrenia: 0% (0
4. No evidence of drug cebo. Only patients cal deterioration at the out of 6) on fluphena-
abuse, alcoholism, or im- thought to have possi- time they left the study zine and 46% (6 out of
portant medical illness ble compliance prob- 13) on placebo re-
lems were randomized lapsed
to decanoate.
Follow-up with 26 pa-
Procyclidine hydrocho- tients (mean interval of
loride for all patients, 3.5 years): 69% had a
with substitution of second relapse; 54%
placebo in second had a third relapse
month for placebo pa-
Crow et al., 120 patients diagnosed 1. Age 15–70 years Drugs [fluphenthixol Psychiatric readmission Actuarial relapse rates:
1986 with first-episode 2. Suffering from a first psy- (40 mg/month IM), for any reason; read- 6 months: placebo
schizophrenia, re- chotic episode that was chlorpromazine (200 mission deemed neces- 43%, drug 21%; 12
cruited from both psy- “not unequivocally affec- mg/day orally), halo- sary by treating clini- months: placebo 63%,
chiatric and district tive” peridol (3 mg/day cian, but not possible; drug 38%; 18 months:
general practices in 3. Admission to an inpatient orally), pimozide (4 mg/ or active antipsychotic placebo 67%, drug
Harrow, England psychiatric unit for at least day), or trifluoperazine medication considered 46%; 24 months: pla-
1 week (5 mg/day)] chosen by to be essential because cebo 70%, drug 58%
4. Clinical diagnosis of clinicians, then pa- of features of immi-
schizophrenia tients randomized to nent relapse
5. Absence of organic disease either drug or placebo Relapse determinations
of probable etiological sig- 1 month after remis- made by treating clini-
nificance sion of initial episode cians
Adjunctive medica-
tions allowed
(continued )
Table 6.3 Continued

Reference Population Inclusion/Exclusion Design/Protocol Relapse Criteria Relapse Rates

Scottish 15 patients who had Patients had to respond to Double-blind trial of Deterioration in 0% (0 out of 8) of the
Schizophrenia suffered a first episode acute treatment and then be active medication (ei- schizophrenia symp- patients who received
Research of schizophrenia relapse-free for an additional ther once-weekly pi- toms or behavior suffi- active drug, but 57% (4
Group, 1987 year of treatment on either mozide or IM fluphen- cient to warrant pa- out of 7) who received
once-weekly pimozide or IM thixol decanoate) or tient’s withdrawal from placebo were readmit-
fluphenthixol decanoate placebo for 1 year study ted in second year of
study treatment
Nuechterlein 106 patients from four Inclusion: recent-onset psy- Phase I: stabilized pa- Operationally defined Phase I: 11 patients
et al., 1994 public hospitals and an chotic symptoms lasting at tients were treated with as a 2-point worsening needed to have dose
outpatient clinic of least 2 weeks and not more 12.5 mg fluphenazine on any three BPRS psy- lowered because of side
an academic medical than 2 years, age 18–45 years, decanoate every 2 chotic items, excluding effects and 6 were pre-
center 66% had never and RDC diagnosis of schizo- weeks for 12 months changes where the scribed antidepressants
taken antipsychotic phrenia or schizoaffective dis- Phase II: those who re- scores remained at Phase II: 6% (3 of 53
medication and the re- order (mainly schizophrenia) mitted in Phase I were nonpsychotic levels; a subjects) had a relapse
mainder had a mean Exclusions: known neurologi- recruited into Phase II. score of 6 or 7 was ob- while on active medi-
duration of treatment cal disorder, recent significant They were treated for tained on any three cation and 13% (7 out
of 2.7 months substance abuse, or African- 12 weeks with either items; or clinical dete- of 53) relapsed on pla-
(SD ⫽ 3.1) American descenta placebo or fluphena- rioration warranting a cebo
zine, followed by cross- change in treatment as
over to the opposite judged by treating psy-
treatment chiatrist
Robinson et 104 patients who re- 1. RDC-defined diagnosis of Patients were treated At least “moderately 5-year overall relapse
al., 1999b sponded to treatment schizophrenia or schizoaf- openly according to a ill” on the CGI Severity rate: 81.9%; the second
of their index episode fective disorder standard algorithm, of Illness Scale, “much relapse rate. By 4 years
of schizophrenia and 2. Total lifetime exposure to progressing from one worse” or “very much after recovery from a
were at risk for relapse antipsychotic medications phase of the algorithm worse” on the CGI Im- second relapse, the cu-
of ⭐12 weeks to the next until they provement Scale, and mulative third relapse
3. Rating of ⱖ4 (moderate) met response criteria. at least “moderate” on rate was 86.2%. Dis-
on at least one psychotic The sequence was ini- one or more of the continuing antipsy-
symptom item on tial treatment with flu- SADS-C⫹PD psychosis chotic drug therapy in-
SADS⫺C⫹PD phenazine, then halo- items listed above; creased the risk of
4. No medical contraindica- peridol, then lithium these criteria had to be relapse by almost 5
tions to treatment with augmentation, then sustained for a mini- times
antipsychotic medications molindone hydrochlo- mum of 1 week
5. No neurologic or endo- ride or loxapine, then
crine disorder or neuro- clozapine
medical illness that could
affect diagnosis or biologi-
cal variables in study
Gitlin et al., 53 patients with RDC Patient who completed Phase Open-label discontinu- Two-point worsening 78% relapsed by 1 year
2001 schizophrenia or II of the Nuechterlein et al. ation of drugs on any three BPRS psy- and 96% by 2 years
schizoaffective disorder study (above) and did not re- chotic items, excluding with low threshold for
who had been stabi- lapse changes where the relapse. Only 13% re-
lized for 1 year on flu- scores remained at quired hospitalization
phenzine decanoate nonpsychotic levels, a
score of 6 or 7 was ob-
tained on any three
items, or the treating
psychiatrist deemed
that there was clinical
deterioration warrant-
ing change in treat-
Excluded because of differences in electrodermal conductivity from other groups because this was a biological variable being studied.
BRPS, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; CGI, Clinical Global Impression; IM, intramuscular; RCT, randomized control trial; RDC, Research Diagnostic Criteria; SADS-C⫹PDI, Schedule for
Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia Change Version with Psychosis and Disorganization Items rating scale; SD, standard deviation.
132 Part II Schizophrenia

phrenia is variable, and despite a large literature, routine clinical practice. Once remission from
we know relatively little about the predictors of the first episode is reached, maintenance with
outcome. Duration of untreated illness in vari- antipsychotic treatment is indicated for at least
ous studies also varies widely, ranging between 1 year. The overwhelming majority of individu-
22 and 166.4 weeks (Norman & Malla, 2001). als who do not remain on antipsychotic therapy
Several studies have suggested that prolonged eventually experience a relapse. This raises the
duration of untreated illness (DUI) may predict question of the optimal length of continuation
poor outcome as evidenced by longer time to and maintenance treatment for patients who
and level of remission. Based on such findings, have recovered from a first episode of schizo-
it has been suggested that decreasing DUI, per- phrenia or related psychoses. Clinically useful
haps by early identification and intervention, predictors of the small minority who maintain
might lead to a more favorable outcome. It has remission without pharmacotherapy have not
also been argued that prolonged untreated ill- yet been identified.
ness might be causally related to poor outcomes, Atypical antipsychotics represent an advance
perhaps as a result of a neurotoxic process. How- in the treatment of first-episode schizophrenia,
ever, controversy has shrouded this literature, as with strong evidence for greater tolerability with
some studies have not found an association be- equal or better therapeutic efficacy. While future
tween DUI and outcome. research will help to characterize their efficacy
Prevention of schizophrenia through pre- relative to one another and define the effect of
symptomatic treatment is an exciting possibility, their use on the long-term outcomes of schizo-
but future research is needed to develop the phrenia, available evidence and consensus
methodology by which to reliably identify those expert opinion support their use as first-line
at risk before this strategy can become part of treatment in first-episode schizophrenia.
Prevention of Schizophrenia

c h a p t e r
134 Part II Schizophrenia

There are currently recognized precursors of refer to the target population. Universal preven-
schizophrenia that are apparent during adoles- tive interventions are applied to whole popula-
cence. A wide variety of early-intervention tech- tions, and aim at reducing risk and promoting
niques have been developed that draw on the protective factors. Because obstetric complica-
knowledge of these precursors to identify indi- tions have been linked to the subsequent onset
viduals at risk for the illness and to prevent the of schizophrenia in several studies (Zorenberg,
predisposition toward schizophrenia from de- Buka, & Tsuang, 2000), one potentially effective
veloping into the full disorder. Unfortunately, universal prevention strategy would be to focus
most of the research that has enabled the iden- on lowering the incidence of such complications
tification of these precursors and the develop- through improved pre-, peri-, and postnatal care.
ment of these intervention techniques has been In contrast to universal prevention strategies,
performed retrospectively in adults with schizo- selective and indicated interventions target spe-
phrenia, with little specific research attention di- cific subgroups for intervention. Selective inter-
rected toward forms of schizophrenia that man- ventions target those who are at elevated risk
ifest during adolescence. In addition, prevention based on group-level characteristics that are not
efforts have necessarily lagged behind studies of directly related to etiology. Because schizophre-
the risk factors, detection, and early intervention nia is a familial and heritable disorder (Gottes-
of the disease. Yet, a great deal has already been man, 1991), a selective prevention program for
learned about risk-profiling and early interven- schizophrenia might focus on asymptomatic
tion in schizophrenia generally, and those as- children with first-degree affected relatives or,
pects that may be useful in understanding the more specifically, on those with particular com-
adolescent forms of the illness are discussed be- binations of schizophrenia-risk–specific gene
low. variants, as they become known.
Finally, an indicated intervention involves
targeting individuals who either have signs of
What Guides the Development of Early the disorder but are currently asymptomatic, or
Intervention and Prevention Efforts? are in an early stage of a progressive disorder.
Because there are no universal signs of schizo-
Traditionally, prevention efforts have been clas- phrenia, indicated interventions for this disorder
sified at three levels: (1) primary prevention, have a somewhat broad definition. Two lines of
which is practiced prior to the onset of the dis- research that may lead to indicated interven-
ease; (2) secondary prevention, which is prac- tions for schizophrenia include the study of in-
ticed after the disease is recognized, but before dividuals with prodromal signs of schizophrenia
it has caused suffering and disability; and (3) (Eaton, Badawi, & Melton, 1995) and the char-
tertiary prevention, which is practiced after suf- acterization of individuals with schizotaxia,
fering or disability has been experienced, to which can be defined as the underlying predis-
prevent further deterioration. The primary/ position to schizophrenia that may or may not
secondary/tertiary classification scheme is at- be expressed as prodromal symptoms (Tsuang,
tractive and simple, but it does not serve to dis- Stone, Tarbox, & Faraone, 2002).
tinguish between preventive interventions that In order to develop and refine selective and
have different epidemiological justifications and indicated prevention efforts for schizophrenia,
require different strategies for optimal utiliza- the disorder itself (as well as its precursors) must
tion. For example, this classification into pri- be thoroughly understood. Some of the risk fac-
mary, secondary, and tertiary prevention focuses tors for schizophrenia, such as birth complica-
on intended outcomes rather than on target tions and a family history of the disorder, are
populations or prevention strategies. widely recognized. Others are just becoming
More recently, the terms universal, selective, known or are still being validated. When a wide
and indicated have been adopted as a valuable variety of schizophrenia-specific precursors are
way to distinguish preventive interventions. All available, these features can be used to maximize
three of these preventive intervention strategies the efficiency and effectiveness of preventive ef-
Chapter 7 Prevention of Schizophrenia 135

forts by narrowly specifying the characteristics that occur before the psychotic syndrome. Frag-
of at-risk individuals, allowing only those who mentary psychotic symptoms, depression,
would benefit from intervention to be selected changes in behavior, attenuated general func-
to receive it. tioning, and other nonspecific features com-
monly occur in the weeks, months, and some-
times years before the first psychotic break. This
period before the schizophrenia syndrome is es-
tablished is known as the prodrome, and is a
The etiology of schizophrenia is complex, most
change that can frequently be identified by ei-
likely involving a range of genetic and gene-
ther the affected individual or by their family.
environment interactions that are well summa-
The prodrome is a period of considerable in-
rized as the “epigenetic puzzle” (Gottesman &
terest from a clinical and theoretical point of
Shields, 1982; Plomin, Reiss, Hetherington, &
view because it may be possible to intervene
Howe, 1994), as discussed in Chapter 5. The
early during this time and thus prevent the onset
schizophrenia syndrome—the delusions, hallu-
of psychosis or improve its outcome. This excit-
cinations, thought disorder, negative features,
ing prospect of early intervention, considered
and cognitive dysfunction—is manifest at some
elsewhere in this volume (Chapter 6), is techni-
stage during the lives of around 1 in 100 people.
cally complex because of the nonspecific nature
Figure 7.1 shows that the occurrence begins to
of some of the symptoms in the prodrome.
take off in the early teenage and adolescent
Schizophrenia or other psychoses are by no
years, being rare before puberty and becoming
means inevitable in a group of adolescents who
less common in the second half of life. However,
show apparently prodromal features. Looking
important events may occur in the period lead-
back to adolescents who have developed schizo-
ing up to illness and in the early years of devel-
phrenia, the psychological difficulties are, of
opment, the so-called prodromal and premorbid
course, much more difficult. Much research is
aiming to understand the biology underlying
this period just before and around the onset of
Prodromal and Premorbid Phases schizophrenia when important neuropsycho-
of Schizophrenia logical and structural changes may be occurring
(Pantelis et al., 2003; Wood et al., 2003). There
In most cases, schizophrenia does not come to- is general agreement, however, that earlier-onset
tally out of the blue; there are important changes cases such as these occurring in childhood or ad-

Figure 7.1 Age at onset

30 distribution of schizo-
Female phrenia [from Hafner, H.,
Male Maurer, K., Loffler, W., &
Riecher-Rossler, A. (1993).
Patients (%)

The influence of age and
sex on the onset and
early course of schizo-
10 phrenia. British Journal
of Psychiatry, 162, 80–86,
used with permission].

12–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59
Age Group (y)
136 Part II Schizophrenia

olescence are likely to have more severe premor- simply intensifications of an already existing
bid abnormalities (Nicolson & Rapoport, 1999; character. . . . All ten of my own school com-
Nicolson et al., 2000). rades who later became schizophrenics were
There are other differences and abnormalities quite different from the other boys.
that occur well before the period of risk shown
in Figure 7.1 begins. They are not just in a psy- If some of the seeds of schizophrenia are sown
chological domain and show no obvious conti- in early life, then there ought to be other evi-
nuity with the schizophrenia syndrome. Rather dence. The excess of minor physical abnormali-
than being changes from the preexisting state ties (Green, Satz, Gaier, Ganzell, & Kharabi,
that herald the illness during a prodrome, these 1989; Gualtieri, Adams, Shen, & Loiselle, 1982;
differences are more a long-term part of the per- Guy, Majorski, Wallace, & Guy, 1983; Lane et al.,
son, his or her personality, and early develop- 1997; Lohr & Flynn, 1993; Sharma & Lal, 1986),
ment. and the dermatoglyphic or fingerprint abnor-
These differences are known as premorbid fea- malities in people with schizophrenia (Bracha,
tures. The distinction from the prodrome is not Torrey, Gottesman, Bigelow, & Cunniff, 1992;
always clear, particularly in younger people, but McGrath et al., 1996) are seen as “fossilized” re-
may have theoretical importance because they minders of insults very early in life, during the
seem to point toward early vulnerability or pre- first or second trimester of pregnancy, such as
disposing factors, rather than to events that oc- infections and nutritional problems (reviewed in
cur as an illness is triggered or precipitated. The Tarrant & Jones, 1999). These factors and some
existence of premorbid abnormalities and differ- of the neuropathological data are probably best
ences in those who will develop schizophrenia explained in terms of developmental processes
years later suggests that parts of the epigenetic having gone awry (Weinberger, 1995).
puzzle are put in place in very early life. In However, these processes are difficult to ob-
childhood-onset cases, the distinction may be al- serve directly. Genetic high-risk studies in which
most impossible because of the severity and in- the offspring of people with schizophrenia are
sidious onset of schizophrenia before age 13 followed up have shown subtle differences in the
(Alaghband-Rad et al., 1995). Why look in early neurological development of these children at
life for premorbid differences and causes of special risk, and in those not known to be so
schizophrenia? (Erlenmeyer-Kimling et al., 1982; Fish, 1977;
From its first descriptions, schizophrenia has Fish, Marcus, Hans, Auerbach, & Perdue, 1992;
had a longitudinal dimension. Thomas Clouston Walker & Lewine, 1990). Genetic studies such as
(Clouston, 1892; Murray, 1994; Murray & Jones, these are discussed in Chapter 5.
1995) recognized a syndrome that he called “de-
velopmental insanity” in which developmental
physical abnormalities were associated with What Are the Premorbid Differences Seen
early-onset psychotic phenomena, particularly in Schizophrenia?
in adolescent boys. When defining the schizo-
phrenia syndrome more clearly, both Kraepelin Bleuler wasn’t very precise when he mentioned
(1896/1987) and Bleuler (1908/1987, 1911/ that many of the people he’d known who de-
1950) noted that many of the people who de- veloped schizophrenia as adults were different
veloped the psychotic syndrome had been dif- from other boys as children. It’s certainly inter-
ferent from their peers long before the psychosis esting that he mentions boys specifically, be-
began. Here is a description from one of Bleuler’s cause tightly defined schizophrenia does seem to
(1911/1950) early accounts of what has become be more common in men than in women, and
known as schizophrenia: the early developmental differences are often
more obvious in boys than in girls. This may be
It is certain that many a schizophrenia can partly an artifact of some research designs, as
be traced back into the early years of the pa- well as an effect of differences in the wiring of
tient’s life, and many manifest illnesses are male and female brains.
Chapter 7 Prevention of Schizophrenia 137

Many aspects of development can be seen to Developmental differences have been repli-
be slightly different in children who will later cated in similar cohort studies in other domains,
develop schizophrenia. Often these differences such as bladder control, fine motor skill, and co-
are subtle and would not be noticed at the time ordination during late childhood and adoles-
by parents or professionals. Usually, differences cence (Cannon et al., 1999; Crow, Done, &
can be noted in characteristics that are devel- Sacker, 1995). The motor and language delays
oping rapidly according to the age of the child, were replicated and extended in a birth cohort
things that are on the cusp of the developmental study from Dunedin, New Zealand (Cannon et
wave, and the child appears to catch up later on. al., 2002), where over a thousand children have
Following are some examples. been followed during childhood. Those who in-
dicated in their mid-20s that they had experi-
enced symptoms suggestive of schizophrenia,
Early Milestones and Motor Development
mania, and other disorders were compared with
Direct evidence of neurodevelopmental differ- those who said that they had never had such
ences is available (Weinberger, 1995). One source phenomena.
is a remarkable piece of opportunistic research Figure 7.2 shows how a summary motor perfor-
by Walker and colleagues (Walker, Grimes, Da- mance score was lower throughout most of child-
vis, & Smith, 1993; Walker & Lewine, 1993) who hood for those who experienced a schizophreni-
studied home movies of families in which one form disorder than that of the other groups.
child later developed schizophrenia. Facial ex- Figure 7.3 indicates that there was also a recep-
pression of emotion and general motor func- tive language problem in those who later had
tions were rated blind to that child’s identity hallucination, delusion, and thought disorder.
among siblings. The preschizophrenic children Developmental differences before onset of
were distinguished on both accounts, some with schizophrenia were observed during the first
fairly gross but transitory motor differences. year of life in the North Finland 1966 birth co-
These may point to the basal ganglia of the brain hort. This comprises about 12,000 babies due to
as being involved in the underlying mechanism, be born in this geographical area during 1966
reminding us that subtle motor disturbances are (Rantakallio, 1969). Their early development
apparent at the beginning of schizophrenia, be- was charted in the first year of life and later
fore any treatment (Gervin et al., 1998). linked to information about who had developed
Such developmental differences have now schizophrenia through adolescence and into the
been demonstrated in large, population-based or early 30s (Isohanni et al., 2001). Figure 7.4 shows
epidemiological samples. In the British 1946 the incidence of schizophrenia in male subjects
birth cohort, a group of several thousand people according to how quickly the little boys learned
born in 1 week in March 1946 have been studied to stand without support or “toddle” during the
regularly throughout their lives. Their mothers first year. The figure for girls was similar.
were asked about development when the chil- It is clear that not only was there an effect
dren were age 2 years, before anyone knew what whereby the later a boy learned to toddle, the
would happen later on. All the milestones of sit- greater his chance of developing schizophrenia
ting, standing, walking, and talking were slightly in later life, but also that this effect seemed to
though clearly delayed in those who developed hold true throughout the range of variation in
schizophrenia as adults, but there was nothing reaching this milestone, all of which might be
that would have alarmed parents at the time. considered normal. If one were looking only for
There were other indications that language ac- very late developers, then one might be more
quisition was different before onset of schizo- likely to find them within the preschizophrenia
phrenia. Nurses were more likely to notice a lack group than in those who did not develop the ill-
of speech by 2 years in the children who devel- ness. However, this approach would completely
oped schizophrenia as adults, and school doctors obscure the widespread nature of this associa-
noted speech delays and problems in them tion, the meaning of which is considered later
throughout childhood. on in this chapter.
138 Part II Schizophrenia

Figure 7.2 Mean standardized

scores for motor performance at
four ages during childhood for
adults who indicated symptoms of 0.8
schizophreniform disorder (36),
0.6 Anxiety/Depression
mania (20), or anxiety/depression

Motor Test Performance, z Scores

(278), compared with controls 0.4 Schizophreniform
(642) [from Cannon, M., Caspi, A.,
Moffitt, T.E., Harrington, H., Tay- 0.2
lor A., & Murray, R.M. (2002). Evi-
dence for early-childhood, pan-
developmental impairment −0.2
specific to schizophreniform disor-
der: results from a longitudinal −0.4
birth cohort. Archives of General
Psychiatry, 59, 449–456. Copyright
 2002, American Medical Associ- −0.8
ation. All rights reserved, used 3 5 7 9
with permission]. Age, y

Figure 7.3 Mean standardized

scores for expressive and receptive
language performance at four
ages during childhood for adults
who indicated symptoms of schi- A Expressive Language B Receptive Language
zophreniform disorder (36), mania
(20), or anxiety/depression (278), Control
Language Test Performance, z Scores

compared with controls (642) Anxiety/Depression

0.4 Mania
[from Cannon, M., Caspi, A., Mof-
fitt, T.E., Harrington, H., Taylor A.,
& Murray, R.M. (2002). Evidence
for early-childhood, pan- 0
developmental impairment spe-
cific to schizophreniform disorder: −0.2
results from a longitudinal birth
cohort. Archives of General Psychi- −0.4
atry, 59, 449–456. Copyright 
2002, American Medical Associa- −0.6
tion. All rights reserved, used with 3 5 7 9 3 5 7 9
permission]. Age, y Age, y

There is another finding apparent from Figure who were later developers, the period of risk is
7.4. For the boys who passed the milestone early, longer; these groups are still accruing cases of
in the 9-month and 10-month categories, the rel- schizophrenia into their early 30s and beyond. It
atively few individuals who developed schizo- may be that the overall risk period for schizophre-
phrenia all did so in their mid-teens to mid-20s; nia is shorter when neurodevelopment is more
their period of risk seems fairly short. For those efficient, and longer when it is less efficient.
Chapter 7 Prevention of Schizophrenia 139

Figure 7.4 Relationship between

age at standing without support,
or toddling, and later schizophre-
nia in boys from the 1966 North
Finland birth cohort (Isohanni et
2 al., 2001). The later boys could
Age boys learned to stand
stand during the first year of life,
Cumulative Incidence of Schizophrenia (%)

1.8 12 months or later

N = 1541 the greater the risk of schizophre-
1.6 nia, even when the milestone was
1.4 passed within normal limits [from
11 months
N = 1286 Isohanni, M., Jones, P.B., Moila-
nen, K., Rantakallio, P., Veijola, J.,
1 Oja, H., Koiranen M., Jokelainen,
0.8 10 months J., Croudace, T.J., & Järvelin, M-R.
N = 1131
0.6 (2001). Early development mile-
−9 months or earlier stones in adult schizophrenia and
0.4 N = 997
other psychoses. A 31-year follow-
0.2 up of the north Finland 1966 birth
0 cohort. Schizophrenia Research,
14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 52, 1–19, used with permission
Age (years) from Elsevier].

Behavioral Development the later school grades (7 to 12). This pattern

has been identified (Done, Crow, Johnson, &
Bleuler’s description of schizophrenia most ob- Sacker, 1994) in a British cohort using a similar
viously implies differences in behavior and tem- set of behavioral ratings and in the Dunedin
perament. Studies in this area have also moved cohort mentioned above (Cannon et al., 2002).
on through retrospective research methodolo- The 1946 British birth cohort contained chil-
gies to cohort designs. Sophisticated rating scales dren’s own ratings of their behavior at age 13
for the retrospective assessment of behavior and years and teachers’ ratings 2 years later. These
personality demonstrate differences prior to psy- data showed no evidence of antisocial traits in
chosis, with the most common being character- the preschizophrenia group, but a strong asso-
istics of a shy, “schizoid” habit (Ambelas, 1992; ciation with shy, “schizoid” behaviors at both
Cannon-Spoor, Potkin, & Wyatt, 1982; Foerster, ages. The two views gave a very similar picture;
Lewis, Owen, & Murray, 1991; Gittleman-Klein the shyer someone seemed as a child, the
& Klein, 1969). greater the risk. Other studies, however, remind
Robins (1966) undertook a pioneering, his- us of the varied childhood psychiatric condi-
torical cohort study in which she followed a tions that predate schizophrenia (Kim et al., in
group of boys who had been referred to a child press).
guidance clinic in St. Louis, Missouri. Here an- The behavioral differences seem to persist to-
tisocial behavior was associated with later ward the prodrome, though are independent
schizophrenia. Watt and Lubensky (1976; Watt, from it. Malmberg, Lewis, David, and Auerbach
1978) traced the school records of people with (1998) studied a sample of some 50,000 men
schizophrenia who came from a geographically conscripted into the Swedish army at age 18 to
defined neighborhood in Massachusetts. Girls 20 years when they underwent a range of tests
who were to develop schizophrenia were intro- and assessments. Four behavioral variables at age
verted throughout kindergarten into adoles- 18 were particularly associated with later schizo-
cence. Boys who were to become ill were more phrenia: having only one or no friends, prefer-
likely to be rated as “disagreeable,” but only in ring to socialize in small groups, feeling more
140 Part II Schizophrenia

sensitive than others, and not having a steady Walker, and Bettes (1984) have provided a com-
girlfriend. Cannon et al. (1997) also noted the prehensive review of intelligence in schizophre-
same relationship. nia. They concluded that intellectual function is
Another twist to the story about premorbid lower in prepsychotic individuals than in age-
behavioral differences comes from the recent matched controls. Linking the prepsychotic def-
recognition that some of the individual parts of icit to outcome, they raised the question as to
the schizophrenia syndrome, such as hallucina- whether IQ may be an independent factor that
tions or delusions, can exist in otherwise well- can protect otherwise vulnerable individuals, or
functioning individuals in the population. How- whether the deficits are part of that vulnerability.
ever, they are indeed associated with greater risk Once again, the birth cohort studies shed light
of occurrence of subsequent schizophrenia on the question. Cannon et al. (2002) showed
whether they occur in early adolescence (Poul- that mean IQ test scores were consistently lower
ton et al., 2000) or adulthood (Myin-Germeys, during childhood in those children who devel-
Krabbendam, Delespaul, & Van Os, 2003). oped schizophreniform disorder (Fig. 7.5). This
Thus, there seems to be a consistency over mean shift in premorbid IQ was also seen in two
childhood and adolescence and across several British cohorts (Jones & Done, 1997). When the
types of study regarding the presence of premor- childhood IQ data from the 1946 cohort (Pidg-
bid behavioral differences. People who will de- eon, 1964, 1968) is studied in greater detail, it is
velop schizophrenia as adolescents and adults clear that the lower mean premorbid IQ is not
are different from their peers in terms of behav- due to a subset of people with very low scores;
ior in childhood, just as Bleuler noted a century rather, the whole distribution of those who de-
ago; the effects may be even more widespread velop schizophrenia when they reach adoles-
than he thought. cence or adulthood is shifted down—most chil-
dren seem not to be doing as well as they might
have been expected to perform (Jones, Rodgers,
Cognitive Function and IQ
Murray, & Marmot, 1994). This is a similar situ-
This aspect of psychological function also shows ation to the motor findings in the Finnish cohort
differences in the premorbid period. Aylward, (Cannon et al., 1999). It is not that there is a

Figure 7.5 Mean standardized 0.4

scores for IQ performance at four
ages during childhood for adults Mania
IQ Test Performance, z Scores

who indicated symptoms of schi- Schizophreniform
zophreniform disorder (36), mania
(20), or anxiety/depression (278), 0
compared with controls (642)
[from Cannon, M., Caspi, A., Mof-
fitt, T.E., Harrington, H., Taylor A., −0.2
& Murray, R.M. (2002). Evidence
for early-childhood, pan-
developmental impairment spe-
cific to schizophreniform disorder:
results from a longitudinal birth −0.6
cohort. Archives of General Psychi- 3 5 7 9 11
atry, 59, 449–456. Copyright  Age, y

2002, American Medical Associa-

tion. All rights reserved, used with
Chapter 7 Prevention of Schizophrenia 141

group of very abnormal individuals driving the The behavioral, motor, language, and cogni-
findings; the effects are seen across the normal tive differences shown in the premorbid period
range. may be manifestations of vulnerability or pre-
David, Malmberg, Brandt, Allebeck, and Lewis disposition to schizophrenia; they may not be
(1997; see above) replicated this result in the risk modifiers in themselves. These indicators
Swedish conscript study, although the measures seem remarkably homogeneous—in retrospect,
were later in life at age 18. There was no evidence like a final common pathway. The idea of only
of a threshold effect below or above which this a subgroup of individuals having this manifest
relationship did not hold. Very bright individu- vulnerability, as suggested in the seminal views
als can develop schizophrenia, but they are less of developmental aspects of schizophrenia
likely to than those who are less able. Put an- (Murray & Lewis, 1987), is not supported by re-
other way, any individual is more likely to de- cent research. Most people or even every per-
velop schizophrenia than someone who is more son who develops the syndrome may have had
able in terms of IQ, although the effect is small. a degree of developmental vulnerability, al-
Recent interest in the cognitive aspects of schizo- though this will not have been obvious at the
phrenia (David & Cutting, 1994; Green, 1998) time.
suggests a parsimonious conclusion that pre- The early motor findings in the Finnish birth
psychotic IQ deficits (and perhaps social char- cohort (Fig. 7.4) are consistent with the vulner-
acteristics) may be manifestations of the same ability being due to developmental processes be-
abnormal cognitive processes that later result in ing generally less efficient, the formation or en-
psychosis. hancement of functional neural networks, for
instance. The greater the inefficiency, the greater
the risk of schizophrenia when that same inef-
What Do Premorbid Abnormalities Mean? ficiency is played out in the formation of com-
plex and integrative systems later in adolescence
The range of differences in the developmental and adult life (Chapter 5).
histories of people who develop schizophrenia There are several candidates to explain this
when they are older suggests that something to unifying vulnerability. These include hormonal
do with the causes of this syndrome is active events (Walker & Bollini, 2002) that are able to
long before the characteristic features begin tie together motor and other system abnormali-
(Marenco & Weinberger, 2000). There is evi- ties in early life and links with psychosocial
dence for many such early factors, including ge- stress in models of predisposition and precipi-
netic effects (Jones & Murray, 1991; Fish et al., tation (Walker, Lewis, Loewy, & Palyo, 1999).
1992), obstetric complications (Cannon et al., Molecular biology and the investigation of not
2002), psychosocial stresses, famine, infections, only the presence but also the functional activity
and other toxic events during brain develop- of genes and the proteins that code them may
ment (see Jones, 1999, for review). yield other dimensions of vulnerability. For in-
It seems that many events that may lead to stance, Tkachev et al. (2003) showed that ex-
early brain development being suboptimal may pression of genes associated with glial cells facil-
increase the risk of later schizophrenia. There itate the nutritional support of nerve cells
may be specific causes or combinations of causes, (oligodendrocytes) and with myelin, the insulat-
such as gene–environment interactions, that ing sheaths provided for these neurons, were
make people vulnerable to developing the down-regulated in the frontal cortex of brains of
schizophrenia syndrome, perhaps after later, deceased people who had suffered from schizo-
necessary events that act as triggers. These may phrenia. Expression seems a very good candidate
include normal (Weinberger, 1987, 1995) or ab- for the homogeneous vulnerability factor pos-
normal brain development (Feinberg, 1982a, ited in this account of premorbid abnormalities
1997; Pogue-Geile, 1997), as well as traditional before schizophrenia, and may be an endophe-
precipitants such as psychosocial stressors or notype or hidden manifestation of the disorder.
drugs (see Chapter 6). The deficient gene expression remains to be
142 Part II Schizophrenia

demonstrated before onset of schizophrenia and when a schizophrenic disorder develops could
will itself have its own prior causes. provide important clues about how the diathesis
As mentioned at the beginning of this section, for schizophrenia is potentiated into the overt
premorbid features of schizophrenia are not yet disorder. A combination of disease-related pro-
of use in terms of prediction and early interven- gressions and maturational changes are hypoth-
tion. They occur in multiple domains, but many esized to exacerbate these dysfunctions when in-
of the effects we can measure are subtle and leave dividuals at risk for the disorder convert to
individuals remaining well within the wide having the disorder.
range of normality. Premorbid features tell us a
great deal about what we should be looking for
Research Methods Used to Identify
in terms of underlying mechanisms and causes
Developmental Precursors
of schizophrenia and when these may operate;
these features are signposts toward these mech- Two broad classes of methods have been used to
anisms. As we learn about the processes that un- identify developmental precursors of schizo-
derpin the behavioral, cognitive, and motor dif- phrenia. The first class of methods is prospective
ferences that we can measure in the premorbid studies of children. A common feature of pro-
phase of schizophrenia, we may become able to spective methods is identifying, then character-
identify those individuals who are vulnerable izing, a group of children and following them up
with enough precision to be able to do some- to determine which children subsequently de-
thing useful for them. velop a schizophrenic disorder. One important
prospective method is to study children who are
at increased statistical risk of developing a
Developmental Precursors of Adolescent- schizophrenic disorder. The lifetime risk for
Onset Schizophrenia schizophrenia in the general population is less
than 1%. Very large samples are required to pro-
There are precursors of schizophrenia prior to spectively identify the precursors of schizophre-
the first onset of psychosis in many but not all nia by following up children drawn from the
adolescents who develop schizophrenia. As will general population. Given the population base
be seen below, the precursors of schizophrenia rate of schizophrenia (⬍1%), one would need to
can be subtle changes in basic brain functions start off with at least 2,500 children (without ac-
such as motor functions, attention and memory, counting for subjects being lost to follow-up) to
certain behavior problems, or attenuated schizo- identify the developmental precursors of schizo-
phrenic symptoms. Identifying the developmen- phrenia in 25 individuals. High-risk studies as-
tal precursors of adolescent-onset schizophrenia certain individuals with an increased lifetime
has important implications for both enhancing risk for schizophrenia for inclusion in prospec-
our understanding of the underlying neurobiol- tive, longitudinal studies. This is typically ac-
ogy of schizophrenia and developing of preven- complished by studying the children of parents
tive interventions for schizophrenia. with schizophrenia. The lifetime risk for schizo-
Neurobiological factors present in individuals phrenia for children of one parent with schizo-
at high risk for developing a schizophrenic dis- phrenia is approximately 10% to 12%, an ap-
order, prior to the onset of frank psychotic symp- proximately 10-fold increase in risk for the
toms, may represent potential etiological factors disorder. High-risk studies frequently measure
for schizophrenia. A number of brain systems putative etiological factors for schizophrenia
known to be disturbed in schizophrenia, includ- prior to the onset of the disorder. In this way,
ing prefrontal and medial temporal lobes (Sele- studies of children at risk for schizophrenia pro-
mon & Goldman-Rakic, 1999; Weinberger, vide a vehicle for testing hypotheses about etio-
1986), may underlie certain neurocognitive im- logical factors in schizophrenia.
pairments in children at risk for schizophrenia Most (85% to 90%) patients with schizophre-
(Asarnow, 1983; Cannon et al., 1993). Determin- nia do not have parents with a schizophrenic dis-
ing how these neurobiological factors evolve order. This has raised the concern that findings
Chapter 7 Prevention of Schizophrenia 143

from “genetic high-risk” samples may not accu- tions, among them being that recollections of
rately describe the developmental precursors of the past may be subject to bias. The follow-back
schizophrenia in the much larger number of in- method features the ascertainment of individu-
dividuals who develop schizophrenia but do not als with schizophrenia and then, using different
have a schizophrenic parent. Recognition of this types of archival material, characterization of
problem has led to an interest in complementary them prior to the onset of psychosis. Since the
strategies for identifying developmental precur- focus of this section is on adolescent-onset
sors of schizophrenia. Birth cohort studies are pro- schizophrenia, we will emphasize the few studies
spective studies that can provide information on that ascertained adolescent-onset schizo-
precursors of schizophrenia but do not have phrenics.
some of the ascertainment biases inherent in Follow-back studies vary in the type of archi-
high-risk studies. In contrast to studies of chil- val material used to describe the premorbid char-
dren at risk for schizophrenia, birth cohort stud- acteristics of individuals who develop schizo-
ies follow up large, representative samples of phrenia. There is wide agreement (see Watt,
entire birth cohorts. Birth cohort studies are de- Grubb, & Erlenmeyer-Kimling, 1982) about the
signed to provide information about a wide advantages of using contemporaneous child-
range of medical, psychiatric, and social condi- hood records over retrospective interviews to re-
tions, so they use very large samples, literally construct the premorbid histories of individuals
thousands of subjects. For example, the 1946 who develop schizophrenia. The major limita-
British birth cohort study that provided im- tion of follow-back studies is that the childhood
portant data on developmental precursors of evaluations were not guided by specific hypoth-
schizophrenia studied almost 5,400 children eses about the age-specific manifestations of
born during the week of March 9, 1946, then sys- schizophrenia, and as a consequence, the most
tematically followed them up to determine that informative measures may not have been col-
30 children developed schizophrenia as well as a lected. These studies also have ascertainment bi-
broad range of other psychiatric and medical ases, the nature of which varies depending on
outcomes. A great strength of birth cohort stud- how the sample of schizophrenia patients was
ies is the large, representative sample size. How- identified.
ever, a limitation of birth cohort studies is that Birth cohort and follow-back studies can show
because they are not typically designed to test associations between childhood characteristics
hypotheses about any particular disorder, they and the development of schizophrenia because
use a rather broad range of measures, which are in both types of studies, individuals with schizo-
not specifically tailored to measure potential pre- phrenia have been identified. These associations
cursors of schizophrenia. are prospective in birth cohort studies, and ret-
By studying children prior to the onset of the rospective in follow-back studies. Because the
disorder it becomes possible to identify the pre- data used to describe childhood risk factors in
cursors or antecedents of the disorder, not the birth cohort and follow-back studies were not
consequences of the disorder—for example, the collected with the intent of testing hypotheses
initiation of antipsychotic drug treatment. We about schizophrenia, the measures may not be
will review some of the key findings that have sensitive to some of the more subtle manifesta-
emerged from three decades of studies of chil- tions of liability to schizophrenia. In contrast,
dren at risk for schizophrenia and from birth co- the measures included in more recent studies of
hort studies. children at risk for schizophrenia were specifi-
A second class of methods involves the collec- cally designed to tap vulnerability to schizophre-
tion of information on the premorbid develop- nia. Most studies of children at risk for schizo-
ment of individuals, usually adults, who have phrenia, while intended to be longitudinal, were
been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Some of the not able to follow up subjects through the age of
earliest studies of this type relied on retrospective risk to determine which high-risk subjects de-
reports from informants who knew the patient veloped a schizophrenic disorder. Consequently,
as a child. This approach has obvious limita- although there are extensive cross-sectional
144 Part II Schizophrenia

comparisons of children at risk for schizophrenia studies on high-risk children come from reviews
to controls, there are far fewer data on the long- by J. Asarnow (1988), Erlenmeyer-Kimling
term predictive validity of childhood risk factors (2000, 2001), R. Asarnow (1983), and Cornblatt
identified in high-risk studies. and Obuchowski (1997). The entries for birth co-
If the results of follow-back studies of hort studies are based on reviews by Jones, Rog-
adolescent-onset schizophrenia patients yield ers, Murray, and Marmot (1994) and by Jones
converging results to those of children at risk for and Tarrant (1999). The data for entries of
schizophrenia and birth cohort studies, then the follow-back studies of adolescent-onset schizo-
generalizability and validity of the results will phrenia come from Watkins, Asarnow, and Tan-
hold more value for future research and treat- guay (1988) and Walker, Savoie, and Davis
ment. (1994). Watt and Saiz (1991) provided a broad
review of follow-back studies of adult-onset
A Developmental Perspective on Risk Factors Two types of risk characteristics are differen-
tiated into separate columns in Table 7.1: endo-
There are relatively age-specific manifestations phenotypes versus clinical and behavioral fea-
of liability to schizophrenia (see J. Asarnow, tures. Endophenotypes are putative reflections of
1988; R. Asarnow, 1983; Erlenmeyer-Kimling et the underlying schizophrenic genetic diathesis.
al., 2000; Walker, 1991 for reviews), and the Most of the putative endophenotypes employed
manifestations to liability to schizophrenia are in high-risk studies are neuromotor or neurocog-
somewhat different at different ages. For exam- nitive functions (e.g., language, attention, and
ple, one of the interesting findings that emerges memory) believed to tap central nervous system
from a review of developmental precursors of disturbances that reflect liability to schizophre-
schizophrenia is that some deficits observed dur- nia. In contrast, clinical and behavioral features
ing infancy that are frequently found in high- are either nonschizophrenic psychiatric symp-
risk, birth cohort, and follow-back studies are toms or behavior problems which, while they
not found in later stages of development. An- may reflect the underlying genetic diathesis, are
other important reason to attend to the devel- much more proximal to the overt symptoms of
opmental progression of risk factors is that, from schizophrenia. The reason for making this dis-
the point of view of targeting individuals for pre- tinction is that these two different classes of risk
vention, risk factors more proximal to the period characteristics have somewhat different impli-
of time when schizophrenia develops may have cations as targets for prevention.
better diagnostic accuracy than, for example, in-
fancy predictors.
High-Risk Studies
Table 7.1 summarizes some of the major find-
ings concerning precursors of schizophrenia at The results of high-risk studies have to be con-
three different developmental periods: infancy, sidered in the context of a major limitation:
early childhood, and middle childhood and there are limited data on how well the cross-
early adolescence. Table 7.1 is not an exhaustive sectional differences between children at risk for
summary of the results of high-risk, birth cohort, schizophrenia and matched controls predict the
and follow-back studies. Rather, Table 7.1 pre- later onset of schizophrenia. Only six studies of
sents the characteristics that best differentiate children at risk for schizophrenia have obtained
high-risk children from controls or predict later diagnostic evaluations in adulthood or late ad-
development of schizophrenia that have thus far olescence: (1) the New York High-Risk study
been identified in the literature. Cited below are (Fish, 1984); (2) the Copenhagen High-Risk proj-
comprehensive reviews of the results of high- ect (Cannon et al., 1993; Mednick & Schulsinger,
risk, birth cohort, and follow-back studies. 1968); (3) the Israeli High-Risk study (Ingraham,
The format of Table 7.1 was modeled after a Kugelmass, Frankel, Nathan, & Mirsky, 1995); (4)
review by J. Asarnow (1988), and the entries for the New York High-Risk project (Erlenmeyer-
Table 7.1 Developmental Precursors of Schizophrenia Identified by Means of Three Different Research Strategies

Children At Risk for Schizophrenia Retrospective Studies Birth Cohort Studies Follow-Back Studies Studies

Symptoms and Symptoms and Symtoms and

Life Stage CNS Functioning Behaviors CNS Functioning Behaviors CNS Functioning Behaviors

Infancy (0–2 Impaired motor and sen- Difficult temperament Delays in motor mile- Abnormal motor func-
years) sory functioning Passive, low energy, quiet, stones tioning
High or variable sensitivity inhibited Speech problems or Impaired language
to sensory stimulation Absence of fear of strangers delays
Abnormal growth patterns Low communicative com- Delayed potty training
Short attention span petence in mother–child
Low IQ interaction, less social con-
tact with mothers
Early childhood Low reactivity Depression and anxiety Speech problems Solitary play Impaired language
(2–4 years) Poor gross and fine motor Angry and hostile disposi- Motor problems Neuromotor impair-
coordination tion ments
Inconsistent, variable per- Schizoid behavior (i.e.,
formance on cognitive tests emotionally flat, with-
drawn, distractible, passive,
irritable, negativistic)
Low reactivity
More likely to receive a di-
agnosis of developmental
Middle childhood/ Neurological Poor affective control Twitches, grimaces Solitary play Reduced general intel- Passive
early adolescence Passive impairment (poor (emotional instability, ag- Poor academic Less socially confident ligence Specially isolated
years (4–14 years) fine motor coordination, gressive, disruptive, hyper- achievement Poor academic
“Schizoid” social de- Poor social adjustment
Socially balance, sensory active, impulsive) achievement
Poor balance, clumsi- velopment ADD
perceptual isolated signs, Poor interpersonal relation- ness Poor attention
delayed motor develop- ships, withdrawn
ment) Neuromotor impair-
Cognitive slippage distur- ments
Poor social adjustment bance
Attentional impairment Mixed internalizing–exter-
under ADD overload condi- nalizing symptoms, fearful
ADD-like syndrome
on depressed intellectual

ADD, attention-deficit disorder; CNS, central nervous system.

146 Part II Schizophrenia

Kimling et al., 2000); (5) the Swedish High-Risk being inhibited, less spontaneous, and imitative,
study (McNeil, Harty, Blennow, & Cantor-Graae, reduced social contact with mothers, and ab-
1993); and (6) the Jerusalem Infant Development sence of fear of strangers. The absence of fear of
study (Hans et al., 1999). The New York High- strangers during infancy could be an indication
Risk project studied the largest number of sub- that the child does not differentiate between fa-
jects for the longest period of time and therefore miliar adults to whom the child is attached (for
provides the most extensive data on the diag- example, the parents) and others. This absence
nostic accuracy of childhood and adolescent pre- of the fear of strangers may reflect inadequately
dictors of schizophrenia-related psychoses. developed attachment. These disturbances are
None of these studies focused on the prediction not specific to children at risk for schizophrenia.
of adolescent-onset schizophrenia. Indeed, there They are also associated with broad risk factors
are very few cases of adolescent-onset schizo- such as socioeconomic status, general maternal
phrenia in the entire high-risk literature. As a distress, early trauma or neglect, and poor qual-
consequence, we are making the assumption ity of parenting. Although there are scant data
that the factors that predict adult-onset schizo- on how well these disturbances in infant social
phrenia are germane to the prediction of development predict the development of schizo-
adolescent-onset schizophrenia. phrenia, many of these findings are related to
Infancy. In most but not all studies (see Wal- the development of social competencies (Watt &
ker & Emory, 1985, for review), during infancy Saiz, 1991).
neurological signs or neuromotor dysfunctions Early childhood. During early childhood (2 to
are found more frequently in children at risk for 4 years of age), children at risk for schizophrenia
schizophrenia than in controls. In these studies are more likely than controls to show poor fine
neuromotor anomalies were assessed by obser- and gross motor coordination and low reactivity.
vation during a pediatric neurological examina- Although poor fine and gross motor coordina-
tion or by performance on standardized tests of tion was found in a sample of children that was
infant development (e.g., the Bayley). Neurolog- different from the samples of infants at risk for
ical signs and neuromotor dysfunctions are not schizophrenia who showed a variety of neuro-
specific to infants at risk for schizophrenia and logical signs and neuromotor dysfunction, these
are not rare events in the general pediatric pop- data suggest that the dysfunctions observed in
ulation. Neurological abnormalities in neonates infancy are persistent.
typically tend to improve. In contrast, it appears In early childhood there is an increased oc-
that these abnormalities in children at risk for currence of internalizing symptoms (depression
schizophrenia persist, and may worsen over and anxiety), angry and hostile dispositions, and
time. Infants with neurological or neuromotor schizoid behavior (emotionally flat, socially
abnormalities are the high-risk infants most withdrawn, passive and distractible) in children
likely to develop schizophrenic disorders in ad- at risk for schizophrenia. Again, these character-
olescence and early adulthood (Fish, 1987; Mar- istics are not specific to children at risk for
cus et al., 1987; Parnas, 1982). Neurologic dys- schizophrenia and there is no evidence that
regulation in infancy predicts the development these characteristics are strongly predictive of
of schizophrenia spectrum disorders (Fish, the later development of schizophrenia.
1984). Impaired performance on tasks with ex- Middle childhood and early adolescence. Neu-
tensive motor demands during middle child- romotor impairments, including gross motor
hood also predicts the presence of schizophrenia skills (Marcus et al., 1993), are found more fre-
spectrum disorders during adolescence (Hans et quently in children at risk for schizophrenia
al., 1999). than in controls during middle childhood and
Disturbances in early social development are early adolescence (4 to 14 years of age). One of
found more frequently in children at risk for the most robust cross-sectional findings during
schizophrenia than in controls. Depending on middle childhood and early adolescence is the
the study, these disturbances are manifested in presence of neurocognitive impairments, espe-
difficult temperaments, apathy or withdrawal, cially on measures with high attention demands.
Chapter 7 Prevention of Schizophrenia 147

A subgroup of children at risk for schizophrenia Erlenmeyer-Kimling, 1998) in adolescents prior

showed impairments on some of the same tasks to the onset of schizophrenia and social deficits
for which patients with schizophrenia show im- during early adulthood (Cornblatt, Lenzen-
pairments (Asarnow, 1988). The neurocognitive weger, Dworkin, & Erlenmeyer-Kimling, 1992;
tasks for which children at risk for schizophrenia Freedman et al., 1998). Neuromotor dysfunction
show impairments include measures of sus- during childhood (assessed by the Lincoln-
tained attention (various continuous perfor- Oseretsky Motor Development Scale) identified
mance tests) and secondary memory (e.g., mem- 75% of the high-risk children who developed
ory for stories). For example, children at risk for schizophrenia-related psychoses during adult-
schizophrenia, as well as acutely disturbed and hood (Erlenmeyer-Kimling et al., 2000). A verbal
partially remitted schizophrenia patients, per- short-term memory factor that included a child-
formed poorly on a partial-report-span-of- hood digit span task and a complex attention
apprehension task ( Asarnow, 1983) in the high task predicted 83% of the New York high-risk
attention/processing demand condition. The children who developed schizophrenia-related
span of apprehension measures the rate of early psychoses during adulthood and showed high
visual information processing (Fig. 7.6). specificity to those psychoses (Erlenmeyer-
There are some data on the predictive validity Kimling et al., 2000). If replicated, these findings
of the neurocognitive impairments identified would suggest that the combination of genetic
during middle childhood and early adolescence. risk (being the child of a parent who has schizo-
In the New York High-Risk project, the presence phrenia) and neurocognitive impairments dur-
of impairments on a number of attentional ing middle childhood might identify individuals
tasks (an Attentional Deviance Index) given with a greatly increased risk for developing
in middle childhood predicted 58% of the sub- schizophrenia. The sensitivity (correctly predict-
jects who developed schizophrenia-related psy- ing the onset of schizophrenia-related psycho-
choses by mid-adulthood (Erlenmeyer-Kimling ses) was higher for the verbal memory (83%) and
et al., 2000). Attentional impairments in mid- motor skills (75%) factors than for the atten-
dle childhood were also associated with an- tional factor (58%). Conversely, the false-
hedonia (Freedman, Rock, Roberts, Cornblatt, & positive rate (incorrectly predicting that a child

Normal Adults
Cluster I & II Children
Cluster IV Children
38 Remitted Schiz
Acute Schiz
Number of Correct Decisions



1 3 5 10
Number of Letters Displayed

Figure 7.6 Span of apprehension data [from Asarnow, Steffy, MacCrimmon, & Cleghorn,
148 Part II Schizophrenia

would develop schizophrenia) was lower for the birth cohort (Isohanni et al., 2001), a number of
Attentional Deviance Index (18%) than for the developmental precursors of schizophrenia have
memory factor (28%) and motor factor (27%). been identified. Neurologic signs, reflected in
The short-term follow-up in the Jerusalem various forms of motoric dysfunction ranging
High-Risk study provides an important link be- from tics and twitches, poor balance and coor-
tween the attentional impairments frequently dination and clumsiness, to poor hand skill, are
observed in children at risk for schizophrenia consistently identified as developmental precur-
during adolescence and the motor impairments sors of individuals who later go on to develop
found during infancy and early childhood. The schizophrenia (Done et al., 1994; Jones et al.,
children who showed impaired neuromotor per- 1994). There was an increased frequency of
formance during childhood were the subjects speech problems up to age 15 in patients who
most likely to show impairments on a variety of subsequently developed schizophrenia. Low ed-
measures of attention and information process- ucational test scores at ages 8 and 11 were also
ing during early adolescence (Hans et al., 1999). risk factors (Jones et al., 1994).
During middle childhood, children at risk for During early and late middle childhood, in-
schizophrenia receive an increased frequency of dividuals who subsequently developed a schizo-
a variety of psychiatric diagnoses, including an phrenic disorder could be differentiated from
attention deficit disorder (ADD)-like syndrome. their peers by their preference for solitary play,
Poor affective control, including emotional in- poor social confidence, and a “schizoid” social
stability and impulsivity, as well as aggression development.
and disruptive behaviors are found more fre- In general, birth cohort studies suggest that
quently in children at risk for schizophrenia there appears to be “consistent dose-response re-
than in controls. Early precursors of thought dis- lationships between the presence of develop-
order may be reflected in the presence of cogni- mental deviance and subsequent risk” (Jones &
tive slippage. Poor peer relations are one of the Tarrant, 1999). The more deviant an individual
more frequently found behavioral characteristics is toward the “abnormal” end of a population
during middle childhood and early adolescence. distribution, the greater the risk of the disorder.
None of these symptoms is specific to children There is considerable overlap between the de-
at risk for schizophrenia. For example, poor af- velopmental precursors of affective disorders
fective control is found in children who subse- and schizophrenia (Van Os, Jones, Lewis, Wads-
quently develop an affective disorder. worth, & Murray, 1997). For example, lower ed-
ucational achievement is associated with affec-
tive disorders in general, whereas delayed motor
Birth Cohort Studies
and language milestones are associated with
A British birth cohort study of almost 5,400 peo- childhood onset of an affective disorder. As in
ple born the week of March 9, 1946, comple- schizophrenia, there is evidence of persistence of
ments the studies of individuals at risk for motor difficulties, with an excess of twitches and
schizophrenia by virtue of being representative grimaces noted in adolescents.
of the general population. Thirty cases of schizo-
phrenia were identified among individuals be-
Follow-back Studies
tween the ages of 16 and 43 in this cohort, which
reflects the population base rate of the disorder. With regard to endophenotypic characteristics,
A 1956 birth cohort study in Northern Finland during infancy, children who subsequently de-
(Isohanni et al., 2001) yielded 100 cases of DSM- velop schizophrenia as adolescents are charac-
III schizophrenia. terized by the presence of abnormal motor func-
Across the major birth cohort studies, includ- tioning and impaired language. Neuromotor and
ing the British birth cohorts of 1946 (Jones, language impairments and decreases in positive
Rodgers, Murray, & Marmot, 1994) and 1958 facial emotion are also present in early child-
(Done, Crow, Johnson, & Sacker, 1994; Jones & hood (Walker et al., 1993). During middle child-
Done, 1997) and the Northern Finland 1956 hood the language impairments fade; however,
Chapter 7 Prevention of Schizophrenia 149

the neuromotor impairments persist. In addi- reflected in poor motor functioning in high-risk,
tion, during middle childhood, children who birth cohort, and follow-back studies. High-risk
subsequently develop a schizophrenic disorder studies, unlike birth cohort studies and retro-
are characterized by poor academic achieve- spective studies, included laboratory measures of
ment, poor attention, and reduced general intel- attention information processing. On these
ligence. tasks, children at risk for schizophrenia showed
During middle childhood, children who sub- attentional impairment under conditions of
sequently develop a schizophrenic disorder are high processing demands. This may be related to
characterized as being passive and socially iso- the poor academic achievement observed in
lated, with poor social adjustment. They fre- birth cohort studies and retrospective studies
quently present with symptoms of attention- during middle childhood as well as the frequent
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and/or diagnosis of ADHD. In contrast to the persis-
anxiety and depression. tence of neuromotor problems, language prob-
A novel approach to using archival data to lems tend to diminish over time, so by middle
characterize the premorbid histories of individ- childhood they are rarely noted across the three
uals who develop schizophrenia is the use of classes of studies. In adolescents who develop a
home movies to identify infant and childhood schizophrenic disorder, language functions are
neuromotor dysfunctions (Walker et al., 1994). relatively preserved compared to visual-spatial
In such studies, ratings were made of neuromo- and motor functioning (Asarnow, Tanguay, Bott,
tor functioning in children who subsequently & Freeman, 1987).
developed schizophrenia, in their healthy sib- The results of this brief review suggest a de-
lings, in preaffective disorder participants, and velopmental pathway from precursors first iden-
in their healthy siblings. The preschizophrenia tified in infancy to the development of schizo-
subjects showed poorer motor skills, particularly phrenia-related psychoses in late adolescence
during infancy, than those of their healthy sib- and early adulthood. Neurologic signs or neu-
lings and preaffective disorder participants and romotor dysfunctions are present in infancy and
their siblings. The abnormalities included cho- persist through early and middle childhood and
reoathetoid movements and posturing of the up- early adolescence. Neuromotor dysfunction in
per limbs, primarily on the left side of the body. early childhood predicts the presence of atten-
tional impairments under high processing de-
mands during early adolescence. Neuromotor
Consistency of Findings Across Methods
dysfunctions and attentional impairments dur-
Endophenotypes. Table 7.1 shows a consis- ing adolescence predict the development of
tency across studies of children at risk for schizo- schizophrenia-related psychoses. Because the
phrenia, birth cohort studies, and retrospective characterization of key points in this develop-
studies in the presence of motor and language mental sequence is based on only one or two
problems during infancy. This consistency is par- studies, clearly this model needs to be tested in
ticularly impressive given the considerable vari- future research.
ation across studies in the ways in which motor The developmental pathway sketched here
functioning and language were assessed. has potentially interesting implications for our
During early childhood (2 to 4 years of age), understanding of the neurobiology of schizo-
neuromotor problems are observed in all three phrenia. What brain systems are involved in the
types of studies. In birth cohort studies and ret- control of simple motor functions and atten-
rospective studies, impaired language is noted. tion? The developmental link between early
In high-risk studies children at risk for schizo- neuromotor dysfunction and later attentional
phrenia are noted as being depressed, anxious, impairments may implicate cortical-striatal
angry, and schizoid, whereas in birth cohort pathways that support both motor functions
studies they are noted as preferring solitary play. and attentional control mechanisms. Striatal
During middle childhood (4 to 14 years of age) dysfunction results in impaired sequential motor
there is a persistence of neurologic impairments performance and chunking of action sequences.
150 Part II Schizophrenia

Impairments in a variety of attentional func- sures tap schizophrenic-related processes spe-

tions, including set shifting and self-monitoring, cifically. A number of the measures (including
are also associated with striatal dysfunction continuous performance tests, partial-report-
(Saint-Cyr, 2003). span-of-apprehension tasks, and secondary ver-
Clinical and behavioral characteristics. In bal memory tests) that are sensitive to subtle
high-risk studies, the precursors of later difficul- neurocognitive impairments in children at risk
ties in developing social relations can first be de- for schizophrenia in middle childhood and ad-
tected in infancy. In some studies, children at olescence also detect neurocognitive impair-
risk for schizophrenia have less social contact ments in children with ADHD and learning dis-
with their mothers and less fear of strangers, as abilities. It is unlikely that these impairments
well as having a difficult temperament. have cross-sectional diagnostic specificity.
Poor peer relations are one of the most fre- Although the ability of childhood and ado-
quently found behavioral characteristics during lescent measures of attention to predict
middle childhood and early adolescence. A pref- schizophrenia-related psychosis in the New York
erence for solitary play, poor social confidence, High-Risk project is promising, those results
and a generally “schizoid” social development need to be replicated in an independent sample.
are frequent precursors of schizophrenia. Studies Future studies will need to determine the extent
of children at risk for schizophrenia, birth cohort to which childhood and adolescent neurocog-
studies, and retrospective studies all find an in- nitive measures predict schizophrenia-related
creased frequency of nonpsychotic symptoms, psychosis conditioned on the presence of a sec-
particularly internalizing symptoms and poor af- ond risk factor—having a parent who is schizo-
fective control (including emotional instability phrenic. In effect, the analyses reported by the
and impulsivity) during middle childhood and New York High-Risk project contained two risk
early adolescence. However, none of these symp- factors that predicted schizophrenia-related psy-
toms are specific to children at risk for schizo- chosis: being the child of a schizophrenic parent
phrenia. Many of these symptoms and behav- and having attentional, verbal short-term mem-
ioral characteristics are found in children who ory or neuromotor impairments. These factors
subsequently develop an affective disorder. did not predict the onset of schizophrenia in the
children of parents with an affective disorder
nearly as well as they did in the children of par-
Limitations: What We Don’t Know ents with schizophrenia. As noted above, chil-
dren with other, more common psychiatric di-
Neuromotor and attentional dysfunctions ap- agnoses show deficits on these types of tasks.
pear to be putative developmental precursors More research is needed on the diagnostic ac-
to schizophrenia. They consistently appear with curacy of these measures when they are used in
increased frequency in high-risk, birth cohort, the general pediatric population before they can
and follow-back studies. In a number of high- be used to screen children for precursors for
risk studies, infancy and childhood neuromotor schizophrenia. At present, all that we know is
impairments predicted the later onset of that these measures have some promise in pre-
schizophrenia-related psychosis. Attentional im- dicting which children who have a parent with
pairments during middle childhood and early schizophrenia are likely to develop a schizo-
adolescence in the New York High-Risk project phrenic disorder themselves.
predicted the development of schizophrenia- What is needed in the next generation of stud-
related psychosis. ies is not merely the demonstration of group
The endophenotypic indices that appear to mean differences between high-risk and control
have the greatest predictive validity are neuro- groups. If endophenotypic measures are to be
motor dysfunction and impaired performance used as candidates for preventive intervention
on measures that tap processing under high at- programs, then diagnostic accuracy analyses
tention demands, or measures of secondary that specify the sensitivity and specificity of tasks
memory. It remains unclear whether these mea- by means of various cutting scores need to be
Chapter 7 Prevention of Schizophrenia 151

developed. Cutting scores can be created, de- preventive interventions for this disorder. These
pending on the purpose, that optimize sensitiv- precursors could be used to identify children
ity (detecting true positives) or specificity (false who might benefit from preventive intervention
negatives). For example, if the intervention can and serve as targets of interventions.
produce significant adverse events, it might be The neurocognitive impairments that are pu-
desirable to set a cutting score to minimize false tative developmental precursors of schizophre-
positives. nia have potential utility in identifying candi-
Poor peer relations, a preference for solitary dates for preventive interventions. Depending
play, a “schizoid” social development, various on the risk profile of the intervention, cutting
nonpsychotic symptoms (particularly internal- scores on neurocognitive indices could be con-
izing symptoms), and poor affective control oc- structed to either maximize sensitivity or mini-
cur frequently during middle childhood and mize false positives. However, as noted above,
early adolescence in high-risk, birth cohort, and before the cutting scores for putative neurocog-
follow-back studies. While these behavior prob- nitive precursors of schizophrenia can be applied
lems and symptoms are precursors of schizo- to the general pediatric population, additional
phrenia, they are not diagnostically specific. research is required to evaluate the diagnostic ef-
Many of these symptoms are associated with ficiency of these measures in populations with-
other psychiatric disorders. For example, poor af- out a genetic risk. The neurocognitive precursors
fective control is both a symptom of and precur- of schizophrenia seem to be unlikely targets for
sor to affective disorders. Poor peer relationships preventive interventions. There is no evidence
are associated with the presence of both exter- that mitigating attentional, memory, and
nalizing and internalizing disorders. There are neuromotor impairments forestalls the devel-
relatively few data on the diagnostic accuracy opment of schizophrenia-related psychoses.
(i.e., specificity and sensitivity) of symptoms and Identifying neurocognitive precursors of schizo-
behavior problems detected in middle child- phrenia does advance attempts to develop new
hood and early adolescence as predictors of somatic treatments for schizophrenia by helping
schizophrenia-related psychoses. to elucidate the dysfunctional neural networks
The behavior problems and symptoms that that underlie this complex disorder.
are putative precursors of schizophrenia are as- The diagnostic accuracy of the behavior prob-
sociated with psychiatric disorders (e.g., depres- lems and symptoms that are putative precursors
sion and ADHD) that are much more common of schizophrenia thus far identified in high-risk,
than schizophrenia in the general population. birth cohort, and follow-back studies have not
Thus high false-positive rates may result if these been carefully examined. Given the nonspeci-
symptoms are used in the general pediatric pop- ficity of these behavior problems and symptoms,
ulation in an attempt to identify individuals it seems likely that they would yield high rates
likely to develop schizophrenia. of false positives if used to identify candidates for
preventive interventions for schizophrenia. It
may be that clinical features more proximal to
Implications for Preventive Intervention the onset of schizophrenia-related psychoses,
such as prodromal signs and symptoms, have
There is great interest in developing preventive greater diagnostic accuracy in predicting which
interventions for schizophrenia, in part because children will develop schizophrenia. A number
of the belief that once the disorder emerges, a of research groups are currently addressing this
neurodegenerative process is initiated that question.
can only be partially forestalled by currently The behavior problems and symptoms that
available treatments. The neurocognitive im- are putative precursors of schizophrenia are po-
pairments, nonschizophrenic symptoms, and tentially interesting targets for interventions. To
behavior problems that are putative develop- the extent that poor peer relations, the presence
mental precursors of schizophrenia may have of internalizing symptoms, and poor affective
important implications for the development of control pose difficulties for the child and parent,
152 Part II Schizophrenia

they become worthy targets of therapeutic inter- natively, other factors, such as treatment with
ventions. Behavioral (e.g., social skills training) antipsychotic medication, may have precipi-
and pharmacological (mood stabilizing drugs) tated the decline in brain volume. It is further
interventions for these problems are based on possible that the brain volumetric decline in the
symptomatic presentations. The nonspecificity patient group was concurrent with the onset of
of these problems is not particularly problematic illness but causally unrelated to it.
in this case. While there is no reason to believe Numerous cross-sectional studies have un-
that successfully enhancing social skills and con- earthed a wealth of information regarding the
trolling affective symptoms will forestall the de- ways in which schizophrenic patients are differ-
velopment of schizophrenia, there is good rea- ent from patients with other psychiatric illnesses
son to believe that enhancing social skills and and from normal control subjects. However, be-
controlling affective symptoms will enhance the cause of the limitations on causal inference that
current quality of life and may also improve the exist in these types of studies, their results can
postpsychotic episode adaptation. The best pre- only guide further research; they are not pow-
dictor of postpsychotic psychosocial functioning erful enough to dictate a specific pattern of be-
is the level of premorbid social competencies. havioral, neuropsychological, or biological char-
acteristics that would be useful for identifying
individuals for targeted prevention efforts. As al-
What Are the Precursors of Schizophrenia? ready mentioned, studies of individuals with
prodromal signs of schizophrenia and individu-
One of the best ways to develop early- als with schizotaxia provide more insight into
intervention efforts for schizophrenia is to start those traits that precede the disorder than do
by identifying key features of those individuals cross-sectional studies. Thus, great efforts have
who are or will become schizophrenic and de- been made to enable identification of individu-
termine how these features differ from those als in the earliest stages of the illness or even in
seen in normal individuals who are not ill and the premorbid period so that they may be tar-
are not likely to ever become afflicted with the geted for intervention.
illness. Several research designs can accomplish By characterizing the prodromal phase of
this goal. For example, cross-sectional studies of schizophrenia, subtle changes in behavior have
patients and control subjects can be used to char- been noted in those who are beginning to dete-
acterize each group on as many potentially riorate into the early stages of the disease, and
meaningful variables as possible, including be- these changes are now being used to identify
havior, personality, social activity, neuropsy- other clinically at-risk individuals for inclusion
chological abilities, brain structure and function, in early intervention programs. Some of the
and genetics. One problem with this method, more pronounced changes observed during the
however, is that any differences observed be- prodrome occur in domains of thought, mood,
tween the two groups cannot necessarily be at- behavior, and social functioning (Phillips, Yung,
tributed a causal role in the development of dis- Yuen, Pantelis, & McGorry, 2002). Specifically,
ease. For example, if total brain volume were difficulties in concentration and memory may
lower among a group of schizophrenic patients emerge, as well as preoccupations with odd ideas
than it was among a group of well-matched con- and increased levels of suspiciousness. Mood
trols, this might indicate that low brain volume changes may include a lack of emotionality,
is a precursor or predictor of the development of rapid mood changes, and inappropriate moods.
schizophrenia. However, from such a cross- Beyond simply odd or unusual behavior, the pro-
sectional design, it is unclear if the brain volume drome may also be characterized by changes in
deficit in the patient group actually preceded the sleep patterns and energy levels. Social changes
onset of schizophrenic illness. In fact, it is pos- can be quite marked, with withdrawal and iso-
sible that it did, but it is also possible that the lation being the most predominant features.
onset of schizophrenia caused a decline in brain These characteristics may be particularly inform-
volume due to some degenerative process. Alter- ative of the disease process in schizophrenia, be-
Chapter 7 Prevention of Schizophrenia 153

cause they are by definition not related to the et al., 1993). Specifically, children of schizo-
effects of medication or the degenerative effects phrenic patients are more likely than children of
of being ill for a prolonged period. controls to have more restricted interests, signif-
Perhaps the most powerful window into the icantly poorer social competence (especially in
premorbid changes in preschizophrenic individ- peer relationships and hobbies and interests),
uals comes from the longitudinal study of chil- and greater affective flattening. Some neuropsy-
dren and adolescents who are genetically at high chological deficits have also been reliably ob-
risk for the illness. By studying the biological served in these high-risk individuals (Asarnow &
children of schizophrenic parents, the clinical, Goldstein, 1986; Cosway et al., 2000; Erlen-
behavioral, and biological features of schizotaxia meyer-Kimling & Cornblatt, 1992; Schreiber et
can be revealed. Longitudinal studies of individ- al., 1992). For example, several studies have rep-
uals such as these, who harbor the latent genetic licated a pattern of impaired discrimination, sus-
liability toward schizophrenia, can be extremely tained attention, and information processing on
informative for early intervention and preven- the visual continuous performance test among
tion efforts because they can track the emer- children of schizophrenic patients. These high-
gence of schizophrenia precursors before any risk individuals also exhibit marked impair-
signs of illness are apparent. Thus, any differ- ments on memory for verbal stimuli and in ex-
ences observed between children of schizo- ecutive functioning, as well as neuromotor
phrenic patients and children of control subjects deficits such as soft neurological signs, gross and
can be definitively attributed to factors other fine motor impairments, and perceptual-motor
than the effects of antipsychotic medication, the delays.
degenerative effects of the illness, or any other Perhaps underlying these personality, social,
factors that are subsequent to disease onset. The and neuropsychological deficits, children of
observed differences can be viewed as antece- schizophrenic patients have also been shown to
dents to the illness, which is as close to a causal have altered brain structure and function com-
relationship as can be ascribed in human re- pared to that of children of control subjects (Ber-
search studies in which group membership can- man, Torrey, Daniel, & Weinberger, 1992; Can-
not be experimentally assigned. non et al., 1993; Liddle, Spence, & Sharma, 1995;
Studies of children of patients with schizo- Mednick, Parnas, & Schulsinger, 1987; Reveley,
phrenia have yielded a variety of findings of al- Reveley, & Clifford, 1982; Seidman et al., 1997;
tered behavioral, neuropsychological, and bio- Weinberger, DeLisi, Neophytides, & Wyatt,
logical processes. The richness and diversity of 1981). The most commonly observed structural
measures taken on these subjects can make pro- brain abnormality among children of schizo-
filing the premorbid genetic susceptibility to phrenic patients is a reduced volume of the hip-
schizophrenia difficult. Such studies have also pocampus and amygdala region. Loss of volume
produced some surprisingly uniform findings, in the thalamus has also been observed in these
which simplify our understanding of what may children, and there has been some support for
be the most central or universal deficits among enlarged third ventricular volume and smaller
those who are at the highest risk for schizo- overall brain volume in this group. Children of
phrenia. schizophrenic patients also have been found to
Certain personality characteristics seem to re- exhibit linear increases in cortical and ventricu-
liably differentiate children of schizophrenic lar cerebrospinal fluid to brain ratios with in-
parents from children of control subjects (Miller creasing genetic load—that is, children with the
et al., 2002). For example, schizotypal personal- greatest number of affected biological relatives
ity features, including social withdrawal, psy- showed the highest ratios.
chotic symptoms, socioemotional dysfunction, Ultimately, these clinical, behavioral, social,
and odd behavior, have been shown to precede and biological profiles of risk for emergent
the onset of psychosis among genetically high- schizophrenia will be augmented by informa-
risk children. Deficits of social functioning are tion on specific genes that increase susceptibil-
also commonly observed in this group (Dworkin ity. Recently, genes coding for neuregulin 1
154 Part II Schizophrenia

(NRG1; Stefansson et al., 2002), nitric oxide syn- correlated with the prognosis for the disease,
thase (NOS1; Shinkai, Ohmori, Hori, & Naka- such that those with the longest period of un-
mura, 2002), and dystrobrevin-binding protein treated psychosis experience the least favorable
1 (DTNBP1; Straub, Jiang, et al., 2002) have been outcomes (Browne et al., 2000). Recently, it has
reported to have an association with schizophre- also been discovered that outcome correlates
nia, but these findings will require verification. with the duration of illness as measured from the
Many other polymorphisms have shown a pos- onset of the prodrome rather than only from the
itive association with the disorder, but attempts onset of frank psychosis. From this line of evi-
to replicate these findings have often failed. For dence, the rationale for early-intervention ef-
several of these widely studied polymorphisms, forts was born. It was reasoned that, if early treat-
meta-analysis has been used to clarify the pres- ment of the illness led to a more favorable
ence or absence of a true allelic association with outcome, early intervention even before the on-
the disorder in the presence of ambiguity. In fact, set of the illness might further inhibit the pro-
using this approach, some candidate genes, in- gression of the illness, either delaying its onset,
cluding those that code for the serotonin 2A re- decreasing its severity, or both.
ceptor (HTR2A) and the dopamine D2 (DRD2) A fundamental question in designing early in-
and D3 (DRD3) receptors, have already been tervention protocols is, what will be the target of
shown to have a small, but reliable, association the intervention? There is no single best answer
with the disorder (Dubertret et al., 1998; Glatt, to this question, which may be why various tar-
Faraone, & Tsuang, 2003; Williams, McGuffin, gets are being used in current early intervention
Nothen, & Owen, 1997). Eventually, other gene efforts. The earliest interventions might realize
variants, including perhaps NRG1, NOS1, and the greatest opportunities to divert high-risk in-
DTNBP1, will be found to be reliably associated dividuals from the subsequent development of
with schizophrenia. This may make it possible schizophrenia, but the ability to predict schizo-
to create a genetic risk profile that will be pre- phrenia accurately might be greatest in the pe-
dictive of future onsets of schizophrenia, espe- riod closest to disease onset. For example, tar-
cially in combination with other known risk in- geting attention problems in young children of
dicators. schizophrenic parents might allow the identifi-
Together, the various abnormal features of cation of the children who are at highest risk of
children of schizophrenic patients provide a transitioning to psychosis and afford ample time
“composite sketch” of the underlying premorbid to intervene in that process; yet because of the
susceptibility toward schizophrenia. Because the restricted sensitivity and specificity of this defi-
probability of developing schizophrenia among cit, targeting attention problems may also cause
children of one or two affected individuals (12% some high-risk children to be excluded from the
and 46%, respectively) is far greater than that protocol while, inevitably, some of the children
probability among children of control subjects who were included in the protocol would not go
(1%), these abnormalities signal the subsequent on to develop the illness. Targeting the changes
development of schizophrenia with a relatively of the prodrome, by contrast, such as the emer-
high degree of sensitivity and reliability. How- gence of odd behaviors or increased suspicious-
ever, it is also clear that these trends are not ab- ness, might lower false-positive and false-
solute, and many children of schizophrenic pa- negative classification errors, but the ability of
tients will not exhibit these signs, nor will they the intervention protocol to influence the course
ever develop schizophrenia. of the illness might be relatively restricted com-
pared to earlier interventions. Thus, a balance
must be maintained between the potential ef-
Do Early Intervention and Prevention fectiveness of the intervention and the specific-
Efforts Work? ity of the intervention to the target population.
Another key question in developing early in-
It has been recognized for some time that the tervention protocols is, at what level should the
duration of untreated illness in schizophrenia is intervention be administered? Again, this is a
Chapter 7 Prevention of Schizophrenia 155

question without a simple answer. Universal and these have been tested for such a role. Of these,
selected interventions will have the greatest like- the novel antipsychotic risperidone has shown
lihood of reaching those individuals most in tremendous promise in preventing descent into
need of intervention—that is they will have the schizophrenia among prodromal individuals
greatest sensitivity. However, these may also be when compared with needs-based therapy
too expensive to implement successfully. Indi- alone, even up to 6 months after discontinuation
cated interventions will be more feasible, simply of treatment (McGorry & Killackey, 2002). Ris-
because of their more restricted nature, but this peridone has also been shown to improve neu-
will prevent such protocols from reaching some ropsychological functioning among the non-
individuals who may benefit from them. In fact, psychotic, nonprodromal schizotaxic relatives of
interventions administered at multiple levels schizophrenic patients (Tsuang et al., 2002).
may work better than protocols designed to in- In light of these successes, it is not so trou-
tervene only at a single level. bling that consensus is difficult to reach on
Perhaps the least consensus in the design of which form of intervention is the most appro-
early intervention trials is on the form of the in- priate; it seems that the method of interven-
tervention. The effectiveness of various early- tion is not quite as important as the fact that
intervention programs is currently an active area any intervention is better than none. There are,
of research and, quite fortunately, multiple types however, a number of problems with current
of interventions have shown promise for keep- early-intervention efforts. For example, because
ing at least some high-risk individuals from our screening criteria cannot definitively iden-
developing schizophrenia. In fact, educational tify individuals who are at risk for developing
programs, as well as psychosocial and psycho- psychosis, early-intervention efforts are some-
therapeutic interventions, have all shown some times administered to individuals who do not
degree of promise in either reducing the dura- need them or cannot benefit from them. Alter-
tion of untreated psychosis or postponing the natively, because the warning signs of psy-
onset of schizophrenia, which suggests that chotic decompensation sometimes go unrecog-
these methods may also be useful in decreasing nized, some individuals who should have
the likelihood of schizophrenic illness alto- received intervention do not. Furthermore, lit-
gether. In Norway, for example, the establish- tle is known about the potential harm that may
ment of a comprehensive, multilevel, multitar- be caused by informing individuals that they
get psychosis education and early detection are at risk for schizophrenia, but presumably
network reduced the average duration of un- there may be some negative consequences of
treated psychosis in the catchment area by ap- receiving this knowledge. In addition, the ben-
proximately 75% over a 5-year period (Johan- efits of some of our most promising early-
nessen et al., 2001). intervention and prevention protocols (phar-
The preventive effects of various psychother- macotherapies) may be offset by the potential
apeutic techniques, such as individual cognitive side effects of individual compounds.
behavior therapy or family-based cognitive re- A careful analysis of the benefits and the
mediation, have yet to be evaluated with great risks of early intervention has led to the gen-
rigor, but pharmacologic intervention has re- eral consensus that intervention in the pro-
ceived a fair amount of empirical support for ef- drome of schizophrenia is warranted. There is
ficacy in preventing or delaying the transition less agreement about the feasibility of selective
from prodrome to psychosis. A variety of psy- and indicated intervention in the premorbid
chopharmacological compounds may have effi- phase of schizotaxic individuals, who may or
cacy in suppressing schizophrenia, including may not ultimately develop a schizophrenia-
second-generation antipsychotic drugs such as spectrum illness. Studies have shown that phar-
risperidone, antidepressants such as the macological intervention can improve the
selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitors, mood subclinical deficits experienced by some non-
stabilizers such as lithium and valproate, and an- schizophrenic genetically at-risk individuals;
tianxiolytics such as benzodiazepines, but few of however, at such an early stage of research and
156 Part II Schizophrenia

with a limited understanding of schizotaxia, it teria for inclusion in preventive and early-
is not yet clear if these benefits outweigh their intervention efforts will improve, along with
associated risks when the selection of proper the efficiency of such protocols in treating only
candidates for intervention may still be subop- those individuals who will receive maximal
timal. As the phenomenology and time course benefit while sustaining little harm.
of schizotaxia becomes better understood, cri-
Research Agenda for

c h a p t e r
158 Part II Schizophrenia

We have learned a great deal about the early premorbid stages of the illness. The most effec-
course of schizophrenia during the past two de- tive way to accomplish this goal may be through
cades, leading to therapeutic optimism. How- the use of the genetic high-risk paradigm. The
ever, several key areas of research continue to be ascertainment of individuals who are at the
a priority. First, we need to identify specific clin- highest genetic risk for illness (e.g., children of
ical characteristics in the premorbid and prodro- parents with schizophrenia) would allow the col-
mal phases that can help us predict the individ- lection of a sample of individuals who also have
uals at a high risk for developing psychosis. the highest likelihood of developing a severe
Second, we do not know how to prospectively form of illness. If adolescent schizophrenia is eti-
identify the early beginnings of the psychotic ill- ologically related to other forms of the illness
ness with an adequate degree of reliability to be and represents a more severe or genetically
able to intervene early. We also need to better driven form of the disease, then such a sample
understand the pathways to care for these pa- would also be enriched with individuals who
tients. Educating the public and health care pro- will develop schizophrenia during adolescence.
viders in early signs and symptoms can reduce Longitudinal studies of these individuals, begin-
the delay in care. Third, we need to further clar- ning before adolescence and continuing
ify the clinical features in the first psychotic ep- throughout the period of disease risk, would al-
isode that can help us predict subsequent illness low investigtors to identify changes that signal
course. Finally, we need to better understand the the impending expression of latent schizophre-
neurodevelopmental and neurodeteriorative nia susceptibility. Once detected, such features
processes that may underlie both the emergence could then be compared to similar profiles of
and the subsequent course of the first psychotic premorbid change in adult preschizophrenia to
episode. determine if any of these emergent abnormali-
It is readily apparent that the single greatest ties are specific for adolescent versus adult onset
research need regarding adolescent-onset schizo- of the illness. If adolescent-onset specific
phrenia is simply more studies of this form of the changes were elucidated, these would then form
illness apart from its more traditional manifes- the screening criteria for subsequent early inter-
tations. While schizophrenia is among the most vention and, ultimately, prevention efforts for
widely studied psychiatric disorder, adolescent schizophrenia in adolescents.
schizophrenia is rarely examined as a clinical en- The developments in genetics and neurobiol-
tity onto itself. Yet it is necessary to conduct such ogy provide investigators with powerful new
studies, as early-onset forms may not just reflect tools to extend our undertanding of the evolu-
an enrichment of risk factors for schizophrenia tion of schizophrenia. Such an understanding
or greater severity of the illness, they may in fact will go beyond the current emphasis on symp-
have their own distinct etiologies and separate tomatic characterizations and will include mea-
ranges of severity. To determine the degree of sures of behavioral and neurobiological endo-
continuity and etiological similarity between phenotypic vulnerability markers. Adolescence
adolescent- and adult-onset schizophrenia, twin, is pivotal for brain maturation and longitudinal
adoption, and longitudinal studies of the early- data are necessary to establish bridges between
onset form of the disease should be considered a the phenotypic manifestations of schizophrenia
high priority. and the neurobiologic substrate. It is likely that
The study of schizophrenia can serve as a multimodal intervention methods will be
model for how adolescent schizophrenia should shaped by such knowledge in a way that will
itself be studied. More specifically, the precursors eventually delay, ameliorate, and perhaps even
of adolescent schizophrenia must be delineated thwart the devastating impact of schizophrenia.
through the examination of individuals in the
Anxiety Disorders


Edna B. Foa, Commission Chair

E. Jane Costello
Martin Franklin
Jerome Kagan
Philip Kendall
Rachel Klein
Henrietta Leonard
Michael Liebowitz
John March
Richard McNally
Thomas Ollendick
Daniel Pine
Robert Pynoos
Wendy Silverman
Linda Spear

III p a r t
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Defining Anxiety Disorders

c h a p t e r
162 Part III Anxiety Disorders

Before discussing the anxiety disorders, it is im- when it prevents or limits developmentally ap-
portant to consider the concept of anxiety and propriate adaptive behavior (Klein & Pine, 2001).
its heterogeneity. Anxiety refers to multiple men- However, anxiety about particular circumstances
tal and physiological phenomena, including a may develop at one or another developmental
person’s conscious state of worry over a future stage, based on the typical age-related experi-
unwanted event, or fear of an actual situation. ences that occur during this stage. For example,
Anxiety and fear are closely related. Some schol- anxiety about separation represents a normal as-
ars view anxiety as a uniquely human emotion pect of development that is experienced by
and fear as common to nonhuman species. An- many young children. Similarly, in adolescence,
other distinction often made between fear and particular questions arise concerning anxiety
anxiety is that fear is an adaptive response to re- about social situations, given changes in the so-
alistic threat, whereas anxiety is a diffuse emo- cial milieu that are experienced as stressful by
tion, sometimes an unreasonable or excessive re- many adolescents. A useful rule of thumb for de-
action to current or future perceived threat. termining the diagnostic threshold is the per-
son’s ability to recover from anxiety and to re-
main anxiety-free when the provoking situation
DISTINGUISHING ANXIETY FROM is absent. For example, it is not necessarily de-
ANXIETY DISORDERS viant for adolescents to respond with acute dis-
comfort or anxiety when meeting a peer that
Defining the boundaries between extremes of they find attractive. Such reactions reach clinical
normal behavior and psychopathology is a di- levels, however, when adolescents are unable to
lemma that pervades all psychiatry. For some recover from the anxiety (as manifested by re-
very extreme conditions, such as Downs syn- current doubts or ruminations about how they
drome, diagnostic decisions are straightforward. behave), or when adolescents avoid such en-
Milder forms, by contrast, present problems counters on a consistent basis. Similarly, clinical
when one attempts to define the point at which anxiety in this situation might be characterized
“caseness” begins. A few symptoms escape this by the development of concerns about future
definitional conundrum by virtue of their being meetings with unfamiliar peers or even avoid-
deviant, regardless of their severity. This applies ance of activities that might require peer inter-
to symptoms such as delusional beliefs or hal- actions. Therefore, an adolescent’s lack of flexi-
lucinations. In the case of anxiety, however, it is bility in affective adaptation is an important
especially problematic to establish the limits be- pathological indicator. In addition, the degree of
tween normal behavior and pathology because distress and dysfunction influences diagnostic
when mild, anxiety plays an adaptive role in hu- decisions; these vary with developmental stage,
man development, signaling that self-protective as well as with cultural and familial standards.
action is required to ensure safety. Because anx- When anxiety symptoms are developmentally
iety can be rated on a continuum, some inves- inappropriate, subjective distress is relatively
tigators suggest that extreme anxiety represents more informative. For example, separation anx-
only a severe expression of the trait, rather than iety is developmentally more congruent with
a distinct or pathological state. Distributions early childhood than with adolescence. In brief,
may consist of distinct entities, however. For three clinical features impinge on the definition
example, some cases of mental retardation, as of pathological anxiety. Two of these, distress
caused by neurological injury, represent a quan- and dysfunction, vary in importance as a func-
tal departure from factors influencing normal tion of developmental stage. The third, symp-
variations in intelligence. By analogy, the fact tomatic inflexibility, is diagnostically relevant re-
that anxiety falls on a continuum of severity gardless of age.
does not preclude the presence of qualitatively The ability to draw firm conclusions on the
distinct disorders at any point in the distribution ideal criteria for disorders will remain limited so
(Klein & Pine, 2001). long as signs and symptoms are the exclusive ba-
Anxiety may become symptomatic at any age sis for establishing the presence of psychiatric
Chapter 9 Defining Anxiety Disorders 163

disorders. Longitudinal research can provide biological criteria for demarcating disorder (e.g.,
some answers by identifying specific symptom major depression) from distressing states that fall
patterns and thresholds that have long-term sig- within the bounds of normal unhappiness (e.g.,
nificance. In practice, however, such evidence grief). Others have claimed that all ascriptions of
has proved to be informative but rarely conclu- disorder reflect nothing more than societally de-
sive. termined value judgments about undesirable
The past two decades have witnessed a great states and behavior.
expansion in the study of anxiety disorders. An Merging these polarized views, Wakefield
earlier emphasis on rating scales or interviews as- (1992) proposed a harmful dysfunction account
sessing multitudes of unrelated fears and worries of disorder, holding the position that disorder is
has been replaced by an emphasis on the study a hybrid concept comprising a factual compo-
of diagnostic groups that reflect explicit clinical nent and an evaluative component. The factual
criteria. Scale ratings can be grouped to generate component specifies what is dysfunctional—a
overall scores of anxiety, or what has come to be derangement in a psychobiological function—
called “internalizing” symptoms, such as in the and the value component specifies the resultant
widely used Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL; harm—usally emotional suffering, social mal-
Achenbach, 1991), but as the evidence shows, adjustment, or both. Therefore, ascription of dis-
scale ratings correspond poorly to clinical enti- order requires that two interrelated criteria be
ties. met: a psychobiological mechanism is malfunc-
Difficulties in separating “normal” from tioning, and this underlying dysfunction results
“pathological” anxiety are clearly reflected in re- in suffering, maladaptation, or both.
sults from epidemiological studies, in which the Wakefield’s criteria imply that a person may
prevalence of anxiety disorders changes mark- be characterized by internal dysfunction but not
edly with relatively minor changes in the defi- qualify as having a disorder because no resultant
nition of impairment (reviewed Klein & Pine, harm occurs. For example, some youngsters
2001). However, adolescents with anxiety disor- characterized by extreme shyness or behavioral
ders who seek treatment typically suffer from inhibition may find niches for themselves that
markedly impairing anxiety, and there is little enable them to adapt without marked distress.
ambiguity about determining whether they have Even though the dysfunction requirement is
“normal” or abnormal levels of anxiety. met, these children would not be considered dis-
This challenge poses both practical and con- ordered because their dysfunction does not re-
ceptual problems. The practical problem con- sult in suffering or maladaptation. Conversely,
cerns the timing of treatment. Two mistakes are some youngsters, bullied by larger children for
possible. An adolescent who needs treatment example, may experience chronic anxiety at
may fail to receive it if the threshold for diag- school. But because their suffering does not arise
nosing the disorder is set too high (“a false neg- from dysfunction in the psychobiological mech-
ative”). An adolescent whose anxiety reflects a anisms for estimating threat, Wakefield’s criteria
reasonable response to adverse circumstances would suggest that they not be diagnosed as dis-
may receive unnecessary treatment (“a false pos- ordered. Mechanisms for detecting threat work
itive”). The decision to treat versus not treat is precisely as they are “designed” to work: the bul-
linked to costs and benefits that inform decisions lied youngsters experience chronic anxiety be-
about each adolescent. cause they are continually exposed to threat, not
The conceptual problem concerns the need to because they have a mental disorder. It is im-
provide a principled basis for distinguishing portant to note that this is only one definition
disorder from nondisorder beyond the current of a “mental disorder.”
imperfect clinically based principles. In an ideal Wakefield’s (1992) framework is not without
circumstance, these principles would be based its limitations. Attempts to elucidate a value-free
on understandings of pathophysiology. Consis- perspective on function—especially when cast
tent with this perspective, some philosophers of within an evolutionary framework (McNally,
medicine have attempted to provide objective, 2001a)—raises yet another set of thorny prob-
164 Part III Anxiety Disorders

lems. Nevertheless, the harmful dysfunction a caretaker, it can take the form of fear of school
provides a useful model for posing questions re- attendance. Although some adolescents develop
garding the distinction between normal psycho- separation anxiety disorder, refusal of school at-
logical distress and its pathological variants. tendance among adolescents can occur because
of social anxiety, rather than anxiety over sepa-
Social Anxiety Disorder
In the following sections we will describe each
of the anxiety disorders listed in the Diagnostic The central clinical feature in social anxiety dis-
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed., order, also called social phobia, is extreme worry
(DSM-IV; American Psychiatric Association, over ridicule, humiliation, or embarrassment in
1994). For an accompanying list of signs and a social situation that is not the result of a serious
symptoms see Table 9.1. cognitive or physical impairment in the ability
to interact with others. Havelock Ellis, writing a
century ago, called such patients “modest” and
Specific Phobia regarded their fear as instinctual and possessing
a sexual component (Ellis, 1899). Although these
A specific phobia is an extreme or unreasonable children avoid social situations, some are unable
feeling of fear or anxiety linked to a specific an- to articulate these concerns and simply feel un-
imal, object, activity, or situation. Individuals comfortable in unfamiliar social settings. The di-
usually experience anxiety when they encounter agnosis of social anxiety disorder requires that
or think about the feared target. The diagnosis the child or adolescent experience distress with
of phobic disorder requires that the person ex- peers. There are two categories of social anxiety
perience extreme distress and impairment in disorder. One type involves a restricted range of
normal functioning. Although phobic disorders fears, limited to performance situations. A sec-
can begin at an early age, they often occur in ond category, called the generalized subtype, is
childhood. Although there are many possible applied when the anxiety is evoked in a majority
phobic targets, most children fear the same lim- of social settings. This definition typically en-
ited range of objects or events. Although most compasses situations feared by individuals with
phobias do not have a distinct biological profile, performance-limited social anxiety. This gener-
blood phobia is an exception for it is accompa- alized form usually has an earlier onset, lasts for
nied by a sudden drop of blood pressure and a longer time, and is often comorbid with other
heart rate and often fainting. This profile is not symptoms.
characteristic of phobic reactions to most other There is variability in the application of no-
feared targets. sological definitions of social anxiety disorder in
clinical settings. Some clinicians apply it to in-
dividuals who are anxious in one or two situa-
Separation Anxiety Disorder tions. Others apply the same diagnosis to pa-
tients who experience performance or test
Onset of separation anxiety disorder, defined by anxiety (worry over public speaking or exami-
unrealistic worry accompanying separation from nations), or who feel anxiety when eating with
home or caretaker that interferes with appropri- strangers but not when interacting with others.
ate behavior, usually occurs in late childhood
but before adolescence. Indeed, this is the only
disorder in which onset must occur before the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
person is 18 years old. Because separation anxi-
ety disorder is accompanied by a reluctance to The diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder
engage in activities that require separation from (OCD) is made when the individual has recur-
Chapter 9 Defining Anxiety Disorders 165

Table 9.1 Signs and Symptoms of Adolescent Anxiety Disorders

Other Criteria for the Other Relevant Clinical Signs

Disorder Key Diagnostic Feature Disorder and Symptoms

Panic disorder The occurrence of Panic attacks must be Spontaneous panic attacks are
spontaneous panic at- recurrent and must be very rare before puberty. Typi-
tacks. These are par- associated with either cal developmental course for
oxysms of fear or concern about addi- progressive forms of the disor-
anxiety associated tional attacks, worry der involves initial develop-
with somatic symp- about the implication of ment of isolated spontaneous
toms, such as palpita- the attacks, or changes panic attacks around puberty,
tions or shortness of in behavior. Panic disor- followed by recurrent panic at-
breath. der is frequently associ- tacks, and then agoraphobia
ated with agoraphobia, in adulthood. This process can
or anxiety about being take years to unfold across
in places where escape maturation from adolescence
might be difficult. to adulthood.
Social anxiety The occurrence of ex- Exposure to social situa- This condition typically devel-
disorder treme fear in social tions provokes anxiety ops in late childhood or early
situations in which that is associated with adolescence. The disorder is
an individual is ex- severe distress or impair- associated with shyness or
posed to unfamiliar ment. The individual other subclinical behavioral
people must show the capacity features, such as certain tem-
for age-appropriate so- peramental types.
cial relationships.
Separation anxiety Extreme anxiety The anxiety is associated This condition is among the
disorder about being separated with either distress most prevalent mental disor-
from home or from upon separation, worry ders in children. The condi-
an individual to about harm to an at- tion typically develops in early
whom a child is at- tachment figure, avoid- childhood, showing high rates
tached ance of situations re- of remission between child-
quiring separation, or hood and adolescence. Some
physical complaints data suggest a familial or lon-
when separation is an- gitudinal association with
ticipated. panic disorder in adults.
Obsessive compulsive Recurrent, persistent, This pattern of intrusive This condition typically pre-
disorder (OCD) intrusive, anxiety- thoughts or acts is rec- sents with stereotyped
provoking thoughts ognized as unreasonable thoughts or acts. These might
(obsessions) or repeti- and consumes an hour include concerns that the indi-
tive acts (compul- of each day. These vidual is in some way dirty or
sions) that a person symptoms produce sig- that the person has sinned.
feels driven to per- nificant interference or The disorder is frequently as-
form distress. sociated with tics and atten-
tion deficit disorder during
Posttraumatic stress Following exposure Reexperiencing can in- PTSD is associated with many
disorder (PTSD) to trauma, in the volve flashbacks, night- comorbid disorders, including
form of a frightening mares, or images. Avoid- major depression, other anxi-
event, an individual ance can involve ety disorders, and behavior
develops recurrent changes in behavior, disorders. Different types of
reexperiencing of the changes in cognition, or traumas may involve different
event, attempts to new-onset feelings of symptomatic manifestations.
avoid stimuli associ- detachment. Increased For example, symptoms may
ated with the event, arousal can involve in- differ in acute vs. chronic
and develops signs of somnia, exaggerated trauma.
increased arousal. startle, or irritability.
(continued )
166 Part III Anxiety Disorders

Table 9.1 Continued

Other Criteria for the Other Relevant Clinical Signs

Disorder Key Diagnostic Feature Disorder and Symptoms

Generalized anxiety A pattern of excessive Worry is characterized GAD shows very high rates of
disorder (GAD) worry on most days as apprehension when comorbidity with a range of
for a period of 6 anticipating an upcom- conditions, particularly anxi-
months. This worry is ing feared event. Worry ety disorders. In clinical set-
difficult to control. is associated with rest- tings, GAD virtually never
lessness, fatigue, re- presents as an isolated condi-
duced concentration, or tion but is complicated by an-
difficulty falling asleep. other comorbid disorder. Be-
yond the relationship with
other anxiety disorders, GAD
shows an unusually strong as-
sociation with major depres-
Specific phobia Marked and excessive The fear either causes Specific phobia generally pro-
fear of a specific ob- avoidance that inter- duces lower levels of impair-
ject, such that expo- feres with functioning ment than other anxiety disor-
sure to the object pre- or produces marked dis- ders. Phobias can be divided
cipitates extreme tress in the individual. according to the nature of the
anxiety feared object into various
types, including animal type,
natural-environment type,
blood-injury type, or situa-
tional type.

rent obsessive thoughts or repetitive behaviors having been anxious for many years. Further,
called compulsions that the individual feels he or GAD is likely to be comorbid with other symp-
she must perform. Young children are more of- toms, but the primary symptom is a chronic
ten characterized by compulsions than by obses- state of worry, rather than chronically avoidant
sions. Some children spend considerable time in- behavior.
volved in elaborate rituals surrounding cleaning
or checking routines, providing vague justifica-
tions for these behaviors. Adolescents are both Panic Disorder
more willing and better able to describe the ob-
sessive thoughts that accompany their compul- The essential feature of panic disorder is the re-
sions. Patients with OCD sometimes exhibit tics peated experience of intense fear of impending
and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder doom or danger following the unprovoked ex-
(ADHD). Although OCD had been considered a perience of bodily symptoms, especially rapid
rare condition, recent research suggests that as heart rate, shortness of breath, choking sensa-
many as 1% of children exhibit this disorder. tions, and sweating, or a feeling of depersonali-
zation. The onset of this disorder is usually in
late adolescence or early adulthood. Some pa-
Generalized Anxiety Disorder tients with panic attacks will develop a fear of
leaving home to avoid a panic attack; these pa-
A diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder tients are called agoraphobic. Panic disorder usu-
(GAD) is given to adolescents who worry about ally begins with sporadic isolated episodes of
a variety of events or life circumstances—usually anxiety that accompany a panic attack and be-
schoolwork, appearance, money, or their future. comes a full-blown panic disorder between ad-
Age of onset of GAD is usually later than for most olescence and adulthood (Pine, Cohen, Gurlet,
other disorders, although many patients report Brook, & Ma, 1998).
Chapter 9 Defining Anxiety Disorders 167

Although young children can have an occa- older than 8 years of age because studies of
sional panic reaction, it is unclear whether these younger children have failed to have
attacks are accompanied by thoughts of impend- population-based samples and clear diagnostic
ing danger. Moreover, it is extremely rare for criteria (these studies often use symptom scales
children to experience panic reactions sponta- rather than diagnostic indices) or have failed
neously in the absence of a trigger. Spontaneous both requirements. The best estimates of the
panic attacks are the essential element of the di- prevalence of anxiety disorders in preschool
agnosis. Hence, there is some controversy over children, based on a primary care clinic sample
the degree to which panic disorder occurs in (Lavigne et al., 1996, 1998, 2001), were very low.
preadolescents. If this disorder does occur in The following sections summarize prevalence
children, it is relatively infrequent. Some inves- data based on samples from the general popu-
tigators believe that the essential missing com- lation and studies published over the past decade
ponent in early childhood is the unprovoked (Costello, Egger, & Angold, 2004). The preva-
change in bodily sensations, rather than the abil- lence of any anxiety disorder increases with the
ity to impose a catastrophic interpretation. duration of time over which the symptom’s pres-
ence is counted. Thus 3-month estimates range
from 2.2% to 8.6%, 6-month estimates from
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 5.5% to 17.7%, 12-month estimates from 8.6%
to 20.9%, and lifetime estimates from 8.3% to
Unlike the other anxiety disorders, a diagnosis 27%.
of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) rests on
a clearer causal sequence in which a person is
first exposed to a traumatic event, feels fright- Specific Anxiety Disorders
ened because of the threat to personal integrity,
and then develops the disorder. Patients with The most prevalent diagnoses are DSM-III-R
PTSD present three kinds of symptoms. First, the overanxious disorder (OAD) (0.5% to 7.1% with
patient must suffer from episodes of reexperi- a median of 3.6%), DSM-IV specific phobias
encing the traumatic event, which can include (0.1% to 12.2% with a median of 3.5%), and so-
recollections of the event manifested in flash- cial phobia (0.3% to 15.1% with a median of
backs or recurring dreams. Second, patients must 3.5%). Panic disorder (0.1% to 3.1%, median of
attempt to avoid any event or place associated 1.1%) and OCD (0.1% to 7.1%, median of 0.6%)
with the trauma, and the avoidance is accom- are far less common. The use of adult diagnostic
panied by feelings of numbness or reduced re- instruments such as the Disorders Interview
sponsivity. Finally, PTSD patients must experi- Schedule (DIS) produce higher rates of specific
ence signs of increased physiological arousal, and social phobias, agoraphobia, and OCD. By
especially difficulty falling asleep, increased irri- contrast, instruments designed specifically for
tability, or exaggerated startle. As with panic dis- children yield lower prevalence rates. Thus cau-
order, there is some debate over whether chil- tion should be exercised when adult diagnostic
dren exposed to trauma manifest all three instruments are used with children.
symptoms. Children are likely to display sepa-
ration anxiety disorder following a traumatic
event. Nonetheless, the diagnostic criteria for Anxiety and Disability
PTSD in the DSM-IV are the same for children
and adults. The relation between the diagnosis and everyday
functioning remains a focus of controversy.
Health maintenance organizations, insurance
PREVALENCE OF THE ANXIETY DISORDERS companies, and governmental agencies are con-
cerned with whether children diagnosed with
Accurate estimates of the prevalence of DSM anxiety disorder require treatment (Costello,
anxiety disorders are only available for children Burns, Angold, & Leaf, 1993). One perspective
168 Part III Anxiety Disorders

requires that a child show significant impair- lowest prevalence but studied the youngest sub-
ment or disability to receive a diagnosis, in jects. By contrast, investigators using 12-month
which disability can refer to a particular symp- estimates had the highest prevalence but worked
tom or the entire syndrome. Clinicians could with the oldest children. In the Great Smoky
rate a child’s psychological functioning but fail Mountains Study the prevalence of separation
to make a clinical diagnosis (Hodges, Doucette- anxiety decreased with age, whereas social pho-
Gates, & Liao, 1999; Shaffer et al., 1983). bia, agoraphobia, and panic disorder increased
The prevalence of anxiety disorders varies ac- with age. It is difficult to draw conclusions about
cording to whether disability is or is not part of gender differences in the fears, worries, and anx-
the definition. If a child must meet the criteria ieties of clinic-referred samples (either clinically
for a diagnostically relevant symptom as well as anxious samples or other types of clinical sam-
impairment in everyday functioning, the prev- ples) given the limited amount of research that
alence of a diagnosis is reduced by two-thirds. has been conducted. Further research in this area
Further, requiring both specific impairment as is of critical importance (see Silverman & Carter,
well as severe scores on the Children’s Global As- in press).
sessment Scale (CGAS; Shaffer, Fisher, Dulcan, &
Davies, 1996) reduced the prevalence of disorder
by almost 90%. The prevalence of simple phobia Summary
was affected most severely; the prevalence fell
from 21.6% if no impairment was required to an On any one day, between 3% and 5% of children
estimate of only 0.7% when impairment in daily and adolescents suffer from an anxiety disorder.
functioning was required. Thus, all estimates of Rates of GAD and specific phobias remain con-
the frequency of the anxiety disorders depend in stant across childhood and adolescence. Al-
a serious way on the source of evidence and the though girls are more likely than boys to have
criteria adopted. There is no “correct” prevalence an anxiety disorder, the gender difference is not
in the sense that there is a correct height, in me- as marked in the general population as it is in
ters, for the Empire State Building. clinical samples, perhaps because boys are less
likely to be referred for treatment. Numerous
studies have demonstrated that girls who mature
Gender and Age Differences in Prevalence earlier than their peers exhibit higher rates of
anxiety symptoms and disorders (e.g., Caspi &
Most investigators report that girls are more Moffitt, 1991); such findings have not been ob-
likely than boys to have an anxiety disorder. For tained with boys.
example, more girls than boys between ages 9
and 16 years participating in the Great Smoky
Mountains Study had an anxiety disorder (12.1% Comorbidity
vs. 7.7%; Costello et al., 2004). Three studies re-
vealed more phobias in girls, two reported more Comorbidity among the anxiety disorders has
panic disorder and agoraphobia in girls, and been a problem for nosology, epidemiology, di-
only one study found more separation anxiety agnosis, and treatment. The high level of co-
disorder and OAD in girls than in boys. In one morbidity in clinical samples is mirrored in com-
of the few studies that examined the potential munity samples (Brady & Kendall, 1992; Kendall
confounding factors linked to gender, the excess & Clarkin, 1992; Kendall, Kortlander, Chansky,
of anxiety disorder in girls was not eliminated & Brady, 1992; Table 9.2). A review by Costello
after controlling for 15 possible confounding et al. (2004) yielded equivocal results because
factors (Lewinsohn, Gotlib, Lewinsohn, Seeley, not all diagnoses were present in every study,
& Allen, 1998). One confound was the fact that there was a lack of consensus regarding controls
the child’s age is often correlated with the time for comorbidity, and concurrent comorbidity
frame used to estimate symptoms. Investigators and sequential comorbidity were not always dis-
who used 3-month prevalence rates reported the tinguished.
Chapter 9 Defining Anxiety Disorders 169

Table 9.2 Summary of Comorbidity from Pediatric Samples

Anxiety Disorder Community Samples Clinical Samples

Social anxiety disorder, selec- Specific phobias, separation Other anxiety disorders, major
tive mutism anxiety disorder depression, substance abuse
Generalized anxiety disorder Depression, possibly alcohol Separation anxiety disorder,
(formerly overanxious disorder) and other substance abuse specific phobia, social anxiety
Separation anxiety disorder OAD/GAD, speciflc phobia, so- OAD/GAD, specific phobia,
cial anxiety disorder, possibly social anxiety disorder
subsequent panic disorder
Specific phobias Separation anxiety disorder, Separation anxiety disorder,
social anxiety disorder social anxiety disorder
Panic disorder Possibly social anxiety disorder, GAD
specific phobia
Obsessive compulsive disorder Depression, other anxiety dis-
orders, tic disorders
Posttraumatic stress disorder Depression, other anxiety dis- Depression, panic disorder,
orders, externalizing disorders social anxiety disorder, GAD,
externalizing disorders

GAD, generalized anxiety disorder; OAD, overanxious disorder.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder with the three diagnoses), more than half had all
Overanxious Disorder three disorders, and only 12 children (16% of
those with GAD or OAD) had both disorders but
The new formulations in DSM-IV for GAD indi- no signs of depression.
cate that children who formerly received a di-
agnosis of OAD should be placed in a new cate-
Comorbidity Among the Phobias
gory called generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD.
The criteria for GAD are permissive, hence a Most published studies confirm comorbidities
child could receive this diagnosis if he or she dis- among the three phobias: specific, social, and ag-
played only one of the six critical symptoms oraphobia. However, none had any association
(restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, ir- with PTSD after investigators controlled for
ritability, muscle tension, or sleep disturbance). other anxious comorbidities. This finding sug-
The GAD symptoms are different from those that gests that PTSD is a distinct disorder (Pine &
define OAD (worry about the past or future, Grun, 1999).
concern about one’s competence, need for re-
assurance, somatic symptoms, excessive self-
Comorbidity Between Panic Disorder and
consciousness, and muscle tension). Further, the
Separation Anxiety Disorder
new criteria for GAD resemble those used to di-
agnose major depressive episodes; examination There is no significant concurrent comorbidity
of the overlap between OAD and GAD should between panic disorder and separation anxiety,
take into account the possibility of a correlation but this tendency does not rule out the possibil-
with depression. ity of sequential comorbidity. Early appearance
The Great Smoky Mountains Study, involving of separation anxiety appears to predict panic
1,420 children, which examined comorbidity disorder (Black, 1994; Klein, 1995; Silove, Man-
among OAD, GAD, and depression (Costello, icavasagar, Curtis, & Blaszczynski, 1996), but no
Mustillo, Erklani, Keeler, & Angold, 2003), found community studies have tested this hypothesis
that among children who were comorbid (5.4% adequately. There is little association between
of the entire sample or 47% of those with any of separation anxiety and either phobias or OAD.
170 Part III Anxiety Disorders

Comorbidity With Other Disorders iety being at around 7 years of age (Costello, Er-
kanli, Federman, & Angold, 1999; Orvaschel et
Comorbidity between any one anxiety disorder al., 1995). The Great Smoky Mountains Study re-
on the one hand, and ADHD, conduct disorder, vealed that specific phobias, GAD, separation
depression, or substance abuse disorder on the anxiety, and social phobia all appeared around
other, reveals the highest level of comorbidity the time the child began school, while agora-
with depression, with a median odds ratio of 8.2 phobia, OAD, and OCD appeared several years
(95% confidence interval (CI) 5.8–12; Costello, later, usually at 9 to 11 years of age (Costello et
Egger, et al., 2004). al., 2003).
There is also a sequential link between early Although early anxiety disorder appears to be
anxiety and later depression (Costello et al., a precursor of later depression (Alloy, Kelly, Mi-
2003); Orvaschel, Lewinsohn, & Seeley, 1995). It neka, & Clements, 1990; Breslau, Schultz, & Pe-
is not clear, however, whether depression or anx- terson, 1995; Kendler, Neale, Kessler, Heath, &
iety increases the subsequent risk for the com- Eaves, 1992; Lewinsohn, Zinbarg, Seeley, Lew-
plementary disorder or whether the natural se- insohn, & Sack, 1997; Silberg, Rutter, & Eaves,
quence is from an initial anxiety disorder to the 2001a, 2001b; Silberg, Rutter, Neale, & Eaves,
later development of depression. 2001), we do not know the influence of anxiety
The odds ratio for the comorbidity of anxiety on the timing or occurrence of other psychiatric
with risk for conduct disorder/oppositional dis- disorders, with the sole exception that early sep-
order is 3.1 (95% CI 2.2–4.6), and with ADHD it aration anxiety and GAD have different predic-
is 3.0 (95% CI 2.1–4.3). These confidence inter- tive consequences for the later abuse of alcohol
vals imply a significant degree of comorbidity. (Kaplow, Curran, Angold, & Costello, 2001).
Although the bivariate odds ratios that involve
substance use or abuse were significant in some
studies, an association between anxiety and sub- Summary of Prevalence
stance abuse disappeared when comorbidity be-
tween anxiety and other psychiatric disorders Separation anxiety and phobic disorders are seen
was controlled (Costello et al., 2004). in early childhood but become rare by adoles-
Although there is little concurrent comorbid- cence. However, panic disorder and agoraphobia
ity for anxiety and substance abuse (Weissman have the opposite developmental profile; they
et al., 1999), childhood onset of an anxiety dis- are rare in childhood and increase in adoles-
order might predict either lower or higher rates cence. We do not yet know whether some ado-
of substance abuse in adolescence. Kaplow, Cur- lescent disorders are later manifestations of an
ran, Angold, and Costello (2001) reported that underlying syndrome that was displayed earlier
children with separation anxiety were less likely or whether they represent new forms of psychi-
than others to begin drinking alcohol, and if atric illness. An answer to this question requires
they did, they did so at a later age than that of longitudinal research.
most youth. But children with GAD were more
likely to begin drinking and abuse alcohol earlier

Onset and Course Learning Theories

The evidence does not permit a confident reply Early behavioral models for the treatment of
to the question of whether anxiety disorders in anxiety have been based on two primary sup-
preschool children are precursors of similar dis- positions. First, fears and phobias are acquired
orders in adolescents. Retrospective data, which through classical conditioning, i.e., through the
are always fallible, indicate that adolescents with formation of association between a neutral stim-
anxiety disorders recalled their first onset of anx- ulus and an aversive stimulus such that the for-
Chapter 9 Defining Anxiety Disorders 171

mer acquires the aversive properties of the latter. cated representation of its world” (Rescorla,
The neutral stimulus is then designated as a con- 1988, p. 154). In the same vein, when discussing
ditioned stimulus (CS) and the original aversive the phenomenon of extinction, Bouton (1994,
stimulus is called an unconditioned stimulus (US). 2000) stated that “in the Pavlovian conditioning
Second, the acquired fears can be unlearned situation, the signal winds up with two available
through extinction, i.e., through presentation of ‘meanings’ ” (Bouton, 2000, p. 58). Obviously,
the CS in the absence of the US. This conceptu- for rats the meaning of events cannot be repre-
alization gave rise to exposure therapy, in which sented in verbal language; rather, it is repre-
patients are taught to systematically confront sented as associations among stimuli, responses,
their feared situations, objects, responses (e.g., and outcomes.
tachycardia), or memories, under safe circum- Advances in information processing theories
stances with the goal of extinguishing their pho- of conditioning and of pathological anxiety
bic fear. While there have been debates about the (e.g., Lang, 1977) influenced conceptualizations
mechanisms through which exposure therapy of treatment for the anxiety disorders. One such
reduces anxiety symptoms, the benefit of this conceptualization, emotional processing theory,
therapy has been demonstrated by a large body was proposed by Foa and Kozak (1986). In this
of research (cf., Barlow, 2001; Ollendick & theory, fear is viewed as a cognitive structure in
March, 2004). memory that serves as a blueprint for escaping
Discontent with nonmediational (automatic) or avoiding danger that contains information
accounts for acquisition and extinction of path- about the feared stimuli, fear responses, and the
ological anxiety led to the development of the- meaning of these stimuli and responses. When
ories that posited a pivotal role for cognitive fac- a person is faced with a realistically threatening
tors in anxiety (e.g., Beck, Emory, & Greenberg, situation (e.g., a car accelerating at you, a fierce-
1985). The assumption here is that it is not the looking dog approaching you) the fear structure
events themselves but rather their threat “mean- supports adaptive behavior (e.g., swerving away,
ing” that is responsible for the evocation of anx- running away). A fear structure becomes patho-
iety. Meaning in these theories is often assumed logical when the associations among stimulus,
to be represented in language. Accordingly, in response, and meaning representations do not
cognitive therapy for anxiety disorders, verbal accurately reflect reality; in this instance, harm-
discourse is used to challenge the patient’s threat less stimuli or responses assume threat meaning.
interpretations of events and to help replace In emotional processing theory, meaning is
them with more realistic ones, especially so with thought to be embedded in associations among
adolescents. With young children, however, cog- stimuli, responses, and consequences (as in Res-
nitive therapy frequently takes the simpler form corla, 1988), as well as in language, especially in
of thought replacement such that fearful the form of thoughts, beliefs, and evaluations (as
thoughts are replaced with brave ones (e.g., “I in Beck, 1976).
am a brave boy. I can handle this.”). The child is Within emotional processing theory the anx-
provided new thoughts to replace the old ones iety disorders are thought to reflect the operation
(see Ollendick & Cerny, 1981). of specific pathological fear structures (cf. Foa &
The focus on the meaning of events as ac- Kozak, 1985). For example, the fear structure of
counting for pathological anxiety paralleled the individuals with panic disorder is characterized
reconceptualization of conditioning in learning by erroneous interpretations of physiological re-
theories. For example, Rescorla noted that “con- sponses associated with their panic symptoms
ditioning depends not on the contiguity be- (e.g., tachycardia, difficulty breathing) as dan-
tween the CS and US but rather in the informa- gerous (e.g., leading to heart attack). As a result
tion that the CS provides about the US” of this misinterpretation, individuals with panic
(Rescorla, 1988, p. 153) and that the “organism disorder avoid locations where they anticipate
is better seen as an information seeker using log- experiencing panic attacks or similar bodily sen-
ical and perceptual relations among events along sations, such as physical exertion. In contrast,
with its own pre-conception to form a sophisti- the fear structure of individuals with OCD most
172 Part III Anxiety Disorders

often involves the erroneous interpretation of Cognitive Correlates of Anxiety Disorders

safe stimuli (e.g., brown spots) as dangerous (e.g.,
AIDS-contaminated blood). Accordingly, the The cognitive approach to anxiety disorders
core pathology in panic disorder lies in the er- comprises two research traditions (McNally,
roneous meaning of physiological responses, 2001b). In one tradition, researchers assume that
whereas the core pathology of OCD lies in the introspective self-reports of anxious individuals
erroneous meaning of external events. The sup- can reveal aberrant cognition underlying symp-
position that inaccurate negative cognitions un- tom expression. These scholars administer ques-
derlie the anxiety disorders has also been at the tionnaires and conduct interviews to ascertain,
heart of theories posed by cognitive therapists for example, the intensity, frequency, and con-
(e.g., Clark, 1986; Rapee & Heimberg, 1997; Sal- tent of the worries and fears of children and ad-
kovskis, 1985). olescents. One such study revealed that school-
If fear and avoidance reflect the activation of age children worry most about school, health,
an underlying cognitive fear structure, then and personal harm, especially the latter (Silver-
changes in the fear structure should result in man, La Greca, & Wassertein, 1995). Another in-
corresponding changes in emotions and behav- dicated that children and adolescents suffering
ior. Indeed, Foa and Kozak (1986) proposed that from anxiety disorders report the same kinds of
psychological interventions known to reduce worries as those of their healthy counterparts,
fear, such as exposure therapy, achieve their but that the intensity (not the number) of wor-
effects through modifying the fear structure. ries distinguished youngsters with anxiety dis-
According to emotional processing theory two orders from those without anxiety disorders
conditions are necessary for therapeutic fear- (Weems, Silverman, & La Greca, 2000). Research-
reduction to occur: first, the fear structure must ers in this tradition have also studied the fear of
be activated; second, information that is incom- anxiety symptoms (i.e., anxiety sensitivity; Reiss
patible with the pathological aspects of the fear & McNally, 1985). Silverman and colleagues
structure must be available and incorporated have developed the Childhood Anxiety Sensitiv-
into the existing structure. Thus, within this ity Index (CASI; Silverman, Fleisig, Rabian, & Pe-
framework, exposure therapy is thought to cor- terson, 1991; Silverman & Weems, 1999) to in-
rect the erroneous cognitions that underlie the vestigate this phenomenon.
specific disorder (e.g., tachycardia equals heart In the second tradition, researchers eschew
attack). This is also the explicit mechanism by self-report as insufficiently sensitive to measure
which cognitive therapy is thought to reduce abnormalities in cognitive mechanisms that of-
fear. In this way the mechanisms that are ten operate rapidly, and outside of awareness.
thought to operate during exposure greatly over- These scientists apply the methods of experi-
lap with those of cognitive therapy. Moreover, mental cognitive psychology to elucidate biases
some cognitive therapists explicitly posit that favoring processing of threat-related informa-
fear activation is necessary to refute the patient’s tion in anxiety-disordered patients (McNally,
false interpretations, and cognitive therapy pro- 1996; Williams, Watts, MacLeod, & Mathews,
grams routinely include an exposure component 1997). In this section, we review experiments on
in the form of “behavioral experiments.” It must information-processing biases in anxious chil-
be noted that the evidence for change in cogni- dren and adolescents (see also Vasey, Dalgleish,
tions as the central mechanism in fear reduction & Silverman, 2003; Vasey & MacLeod, 2001).
is somewhat incomplete at this time; accord-
ingly, additional work on the mediators or mech-
Attentional Bias for Threat
anisms of change in both the cognitive and be-
havior therapies is drastically needed. Such Because attentional capacity is limited, people
research is especially needed with children and can attend only to certain stimuli at a given time,
adolescents, in whom the exact role of cogni- and any bias for selectively attending to threat-
tions has been less frequently examined (Prins & related stimuli should increase a person’s likeli-
Ollendick, 2003). hood of experiencing anxiety. Two experimental
Chapter 9 Defining Anxiety Disorders 173

tasks have confirmed that adults with anxiety related interference effect was unrelated to the
disorders are characterized by an attentional bias age of the patients.
for processing information about threat. In the However, not all Stroop studies have con-
emotional Stroop task (Williams, Mathews, & firmed an anxiety-linked attentional bias for
MacLeod, 1996), subjects are shown words of threat cues in youngsters. For example, nonanx-
varying emotional significance and are asked to ious as well as anxious children have exhibited
name the colors in which the words appear delayed color-naming of threat words (Kindt,
while ignoring the meanings of the words. De- Bierman, & Brosschot, 1997; Kindt, Brosschot, &
lays in color-naming (“Stroop Interference”) oc- Everaerd, 1997). A pictorial version of the spider
cur when the meaning of the word automatically Stroop (naming colors of background against
captures the subject’s attention despite the sub- which spider pictures appeared) did not reveal a
ject’s effort to attend to the color in which the fear-related effect in children (ages 8–11; Kindt,
word is printed. Most studies have shown that van den Hout, de Jong, & Hoekzema, 2000).
patients with anxiety disorders take longer to A second paradigm provides a much less con-
name the colors of words related to their threat- troversial measure of attentional bias. In the Dot
related concerns than to name the colors of Probe Attention Allocation Task (MacLeod,
other emotional or neutral words, and take Mathews, & Tata, 1986), subjects view two words
longer to name the colors of threat words than on a computer screen, one appearing above the
do healthy subjects. other. On some trials, one word is threat related,
Although the emotional Stroop task has been whereas the other is not. After the words disap-
traditionally interpreted as tapping an attentional pear, a small dot replaces one of the words. Sub-
bias for threat, debate continues about the mech- jects press a button as soon as they detect the
anisms underlying the effect (Williams et al., dot. Relative to healthy control subjects, patients
1996). For example, the emotional Stroop may with anxiety disorders are faster to respond
reflect an inhibitory problem rather than an when the dot replaces a threat word than when
attentional one. That is, delayed color-naming it replaces a neutral word. Because threat cues
of trauma-related words may reflect difficulty capture attention in anxious patients, these in-
suppressing the meaning of trauma-related con- dividuals are especially quick to respond to a
cepts once they are activated rather than selec- neutral cue that follows a threat cue.
tive attention per se (McNally, 2003, pp. 301– Using this task, Vasey, Daleiden, Williams,
302). and Brown (1995) found that children (ages 9–
Studies on the emotional Stroop in children 14 years) with anxiety disorders exhibited an at-
have revealed mixed results. Relative to control tentional bias for threat, whereas control chil-
subjects, spider-fearful children take longer to dren did not. The attentional bias increased with
name the colors of spider words (Martin, Horder, age and with reading ability. Relative to their
& Jones, 1992) and colors of line drawings of spi- nonanxious counterparts, test-anxious school
ders (Martin & Jones, 1995). Adolescents who de- children (ages 11–14 years) exhibited an atten-
veloped PTSD after having survived a shipwreck tional bias for threat words (both socially and
exhibited Stroop interference for trauma-related physically threatening; Vasey, El-Hag, & Dalei-
words (Thrasher, Dalgleish, & Yule, 1994). Chil- den, 1996). Patients with GAD (ages 9–18 years)
dren who developed PTSD after being either exhibited an attentional bias for threat words,
physically or sexually abused exhibited similar whereas patients with mixed anxiety and de-
patterns of trauma-related Stroop interference pression or healthy control subjects did not (Tag-
(Dubner & Motta, 1999). Relative to control sub- havi, Neshat-Doost, Moradi, Yule, & Dalgleish,
jects, children and adolescents (aged 9–17 years) 1999). The GAD patients did not show an atten-
with PTSD arising from either road traffic acci- tional bias for depression-related words, and the
dents or exposure to violence exhibited greater attentional bias for threat words was unrelated
interference for trauma words than for neutral to the age of the subject. Finally, patients with
words (Moradi, Taghavi, Neshat-Doost, Yule, & PTSD (ages 9–17 years) arising from either non-
Dalgleish, 1999). The magnitude of this trauma- domestic violence or road traffic accidents ex-
174 Part III Anxiety Disorders

hibited an attentional bias for social threat words however, was even more pronounced in patients
(but not physical threat words), whereas control with oppositional-defiant disorder.
subjects did not (Dalgleish, Moradi, Taghavi,
Neshat-Doost, & Yule, 2001).

Anxious children and adolescents exhibit threat-

Interpretive Bias for Threat
related attentional and interpretive biases that
Anxious children tend to interpret ambiguous resemble those exhibited by anxious adults.
information in a threatening fashion. In one Moreover, within most studies, the extent of bias
study, children (ages 7–9 years) heard homo- did not vary as a function of the child’s age. Still,
phones (e.g., whipping) that could be interpreted questions remain. In one study, the responses of
in either a threatening or a nonthreatening fash- anxious children to two measures of attentional
ion (Hadwin, Frost, French, & Richards, 1997). bias (dot probe and emotional Stroop) were un-
The higher a child’s self-reported trait anxiety, correlated, indicating that these tasks tap dis-
the more likely the child selected threatening tinct constructs (Dalgleish et al., 2003). Further,
pictures (e.g., rope) over nonthreatening pic- researchers have yet to test whether these biases
tures (e.g., cream) that made the homophones disappear following successful psychological or
(e.g., whipping) unambiguous. In another study, pharmacological treatment. A more detailed cri-
GAD patients (ages 8–17 years) and healthy con- tique of information processing in adolescent
trol children were shown homographs (e.g., psychopathology is available elsewhere (Vasey et
hang), each possessing a threatening and a non- al., 2003).
threatening meaning (Taghavi, Moradi, Neshat-
Doost, Yule, & Dalgleish, 2000). They were asked
to construct a sentence including the homo- Biological Features of Adolescents
graph. Relative to the sentences constructed by and Anxiety States
control children, the anxious children more of-
ten constructed sentences incorporating the Although the exact timing of puberty is not easy
threatening interpretation of the homograph, to specify, scientists agree that the psychological
implying that they had interpreted the ambigu- and biological features of the era called adoles-
ous word in terms of its threatening meaning. cence are influenced by cultural setting. Some
This interpretive bias was unrelated to the age of cultures, like our own, delay the assumption of
the subjects. adult roles; others require a clear transition, with
Researchers asked anxious and nonanxious or without a rite-of-passage ceremony (Schlegel
children to provide interpretations of ambiguous & Barry, 1991). Nonetheless, there is an identi-
scenarios. Anxious fourth and fifth graders were fiable period between 12 and 18 years, ubiqui-
more likely than their nonanxious peers to in- tous across societies, characterized by changes in
terpret nonhostile scenarios in a threatening hormones, brain structure, and behavior. These
fashion, whereas both groups interpreted ambig- properties may have been conserved over evo-
uous scenarios in a hostile fashion (Bell-Dolan, lution to promote autonomy and to foster dis-
1995). Patients with anxiety disorders (ages 9–13 persal of some individuals from the natal terri-
years) exhibited a bias for interpreting ambigu- tory to another in order to avoid inbreeding
ous scenarios in a threatening manner, and this (Schlegel & Barry, 1991; Spear, 2000).
effect was strongly predicted by level of trait anx- Adolescence is marked by a reactivation of the
iety (Chorpita, Albano, & Barlow, 1996). Relative hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis, develop-
to healthy control children, patients ranging in ment of secondary sexual characteristics, and the
age from 7 to 14 years who had anxiety disorders onset of reproductive capacity, even though the
(overanxious, separation anxiety, social phobia, increased circulation of sex hormones does not
simple phobia), exhibited a bias for interpreting account for much of the variance in the behavior
ambiguous scenarios in a threatening fashion of adolescents (Brooks-Gunn, Graber, & Paikoff,
(Barrett, Rapee, Dadds, & Ryan, 1996). This bias, 1994). The timing of pubertal signs is influenced
Chapter 9 Defining Anxiety Disorders 175

by gender and environment; onset of puberty prefrontal cortex (Sowell et al., 1999b, van Eden,
may be influenced more strongly by environ- Kros, & Uylings, 1990). In the hippocampus and
mental stressors in girls than in boys (Moffitt, the amygdala however, gray matter volumes
Caspi, Belsky, & Silva, 1992). continue to increase during late childhood and
adolescence (Giedd et al., 1997; Yurgelun-Todd,
Killgrove, & Cintron, 2003).
Brain Changes
There are also developmental shifts in pat-
The brain undergoes changes throughout life terns of innervation, including the circuits in-
(Eriksson et al., 1998), with intervals of modest volved in the recognition and expression of fear,
change punctuated by periods of more rapid anxiety, and other emotions (Charney &
transformation (Spear, 2000). Periods of more Deutsch, 1996). The responsiveness of the cor-
dramatic change include not only pre- and early tical gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)–benzo-
postnatal eras but also adolescence (Spear, 2000). diazepine receptor complex to challenge in-
Rakic, Bourgeios, and Goldman-Rakic (1994) es- creases as animals approach puberty (Kellogg,
timate that up to 30,000 cortical synapses are 1998), and there are maturational changes in the
lost every second during portions of the pubertal hippocampus in humans as well as in animals
period in nonhuman primates, resulting in a de- (Benes, 1989; Wolfer & Lipp, 1995), especially in-
cline of nearly 50% in the average number of creases in GABA transmission (Nurse & Lacaille,
synaptic contacts per neuron, compared with 1999). Further, pubescent animals show lower
the number prior to puberty. There is a similar utilization rates of serotonin in the nucleus ac-
loss of synapses in the human brain betwen 7 cumbens than younger or older animals (Teicher
and 16 years of age (Huttenlocher, 1979), but the & Andersen, 1999).
scarcity of human postmortem tissue makes it Developmental increases in amygdala–pre-
difficult to provide a more detailed description frontal cortex (PFC) connectivity are seen during
of this phenomenon. Although the implications adolescence in work conducted in laboratory an-
of the massive pruning remain speculative, it is imals (Cunningham, Bhattacharyya, & Benes,
likely that it reflects active restructuring of con- 2002), along with alterations in amygdala acti-
nections and the promotion of more mature pat- vation (Terasawa & Timiras, 1968) and the pro-
terns. Some forms of mental retardation are as- cessing of emotional and stressful stimuli. Le-
sociated with unusually high density of synapses sions of the amygdala have opposite effects on
(Goldman-Rakic, Isseroff, Schwartz, & Bugbee, fearfulness to social stimuli when those lesions
1983). are in infant versus adult monkeys (Prather et al.,
The elimination of synapses that are pre- 2001). Although levels of negative affect and
sumed to be excitatory, accompanied by a re- anxiety have been correlated with amygdalar ac-
duction in brain energy utilization, transform tivity in adults (Davidson, Abercrombie, Nit-
the adolescent brain into one that is more effi- schke, & Putnam, 1999), recent studies using
cient and less energy consuming (Chugani, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
1996; Rakic et al., 1994). These changes could to examine amygdalar activation in response to
permit more selective reactions to stimuli that in emotionally expressive faces in younger individ-
younger children activate broader cortical uals have yielded a varying mosaic of evidence
regions (Casey, Geidd, & Thomas, 2000). (Killgore, Oki, & Yurgelun-Todd, 2001; Pine,
Adolescence is also marked by changes in the Grun, et al., 2001).
relative volume and level of activity in different Maturational changes in the cerebellum, and
brain regions. For example, there is an increase the circuitry connecting the cerebellum to the
in cortical white matter density (reflected in my- prefrontal cortex, continue through adoles-
elinated fiber tracts) and a corresponding de- cence. Lesions of the adult cerebellum disrupt
crease in gray matter, especially in frontal and the regulation of emotion and interfere with per-
prefrontal regions (Giedd et al., 1999; Sowell et formance on tasks requiring executive functions
al., 1999a, 1999b). The overall result of these var- (Schmahmann & Sherman, 1998), although this
ied changes is net decrease in the volume of the is less apparent in those younger than 16 years
176 Part III Anxiety Disorders

(Levisohn, Cronin-Golomb, & Schmahmann, unexpected or discrepant events, regardless of

2000). whether they are threatening or harmful (Wilson
One consequence of this restructuring of the & Rolls, 1993). And the reactivity of amygdalar
brain during adolescence is that early develop- neurons to unexpected or discrepant events ha-
mental compromises might be exposed. That is, bituates, often rapidly, as the event becomes ex-
brain regions vulnerable to dysfunction, due ei- pected and loses its surprise value (La Bar, Ga-
ther to genetics or to adverse early experience, tenby, Gore, Le Doux, & Phelps, 1998).
might be unmasked by the combination of brain Nonetheless, Ohman and Mineka (2001) ar-
restructuring and stressful life experiences (Gold- gue that the amygdala reacts primarily to signs
man-Rakic et al., 1983; Hughes & Sparber, 1978). of danger rather than to novelty. They suggest
that all animals inherit a fear module, located in
the amgydala, that reacts without conscious
awareness and free of cognitive control to events
that pose a threat to the integrity of the body
(confrontation with snakes and spiders are clas-
There is great interest in detecting the biological
sic examples of fear-evoking events). There are
variables that might distinguish anxious from
serious problems with this theoretical position.
nonanxious patients. Many, but not all, of these
First, the behavioral reactions of monkeys,
biological measures are influenced directly or in-
chimpanzees, and human infants to a snake are
directly by activity of the amygdala, bed nucleus,
no different from their reactions to discrepant
and their projections to the brain stem, auto-
events that are harmless (for example, a tortoise
nomic nervous system, endocrine targets, cor-
or seaweed). The British psychiatrist Isaac Marks
tex, and central gray matter (Pine, 1999, 2001,
(1987) described the terror his 21⁄2-year-old son
2002; Pine, Cohen, & Brook, 2001; Pine, Fyer, et
displayed when he first saw thousands of dried
al., 2001; Pine, Grun, et al., 2001). It is relevant
skeins of seaweed. However, the boy lost his fear
that connectivity between the amygdala and
following repeated exposures to these stimuli.
prefrontal cortex, along with level of amygdalar
Only 30% of monkeys born and reared in the
activation, increases during adolescence (Cun-
laboratory showed more prolonged withdrawal
ningham, Bhattacharyya, & Benes, 2002; Tera-
to a live snake than to blue masking tape (Nel-
sawa & Timiras, 1968).
son, Shelton, & Kalin, 2003). If snakes were a bi-
ologically potent incentive for fear, a majority of
monkeys should have shown an immediate
Does the Amygdala Respond to withdrawal reaction.
Threat or Novelty? It is relevant that discrepant events that pose
no danger can produce the same level of amyg-
There is debate over whether the amygdala is ac- dalar activation as dangerous ones. Adults in an
tivated primarily by events that are potentially fMRI scanner looking at faces with neutral ex-
harmful or events that are unexpected or dis- pressions showed amygdalar activation to new,
crepant. Support for the former, more popular, compared with familiar faces, even though no
position comes from the elegant research of face had a fearful, disgusting, or threatening ex-
LeDoux (1996, 1998, 2000) and Davis (1992, pression (Schwartz et al., 2003).
1998) who have shown that acquisition of con- These data suggest that the amygdala is bio-
ditioned body immobility or bodily startle in logically prepared to react to unexpected or dis-
rats, via Pavlovian conditioning with electric crepant events, a hypothesis supported by Cahill
shock as the unconditioned stimulus, requires and McGaugh (1990), who believe that a pri-
the integrity of the amygdala. But the amygdala mary function of the amygdala is to initiate a
also responds to discrepant and unexpected cascade of physiological reactions to novel or
events that are harmless. Select neurons in the unexpected events. The degree of activation of
amygdala, as well as in the bed nucleus, hippo- the amygdala is correlated with the degree of
campus, and brainstem sites, reliably respond to arousal produced by the unexpected event, and
Chapter 9 Defining Anxiety Disorders 177

not with its potential for danger or level of aver- havior, it is likely that the phobia for birds would
siveness. Although some might argue that every not have developed.
unexpected event also elicits a fear state this as- However, because some unexpected events are
sumption seems a bit difficult to defend when potential threats—the attack of a large dog or a
the discrepant event is a neutral face, unex- scorpion on the bedspread—it is likely that some
pected food for a rat, or the sudden appearance anxiety disorders, but probably not most, are the
of a smiling parent from behind a screen of result of Pavlovian conditioning mechanisms.
closed hands saying “peek a boo.”
The phenomena of conditioned freezing or
bodily startle in an animal, proposed as a model Biological Correlates of Adolescent
for human anxiety disorders, have so deeply Anxiety Disorders
penetrated contemporary thought that many
clinicians and researchers have forgotten that Advances in genetics, imaging, and cognitive
humans do not become fearful or anxious to neuroscience provide the opportunity to com-
events qua events, but to the symbolic interpre- bine discoveries in neuroscience with insights
tations imposed on them. An anthropologist from clinical psychobiology. Current views of
who studied the Ojibwa Indians of Northern adolescent anxiety disorders are influenced by
Canada over 60 years ago (Hallowell, 1955) ob- two limiting facts. The first is that the research
served that adults report a state of fear when they on adolescents has been modeled on investiga-
fall chronically ill because prolonged illness tions of adults; the second is that all current anx-
means that a sorcerer has cast a spell on them. iety disorders are heterogeneous in their origin.
The symbolic meaning of the illness, not the so- This second fact means that investigators would
matic distress of being sick, is the origin of the profit from using biological variables to distin-
adult fear. guish between patients with transient symptoms
Americans who report a fear of snakes are and those with more persistent disorders (Meri-
aware of the discrepant features of this species. kangas, Avenevoli, Dierker, & Grillon, 1999;
Snakes have unusual skin covering, a typical ra- Pine, Wasserman, & Workman, 1999).
tio of head to body, and locomote in an unusual
way. Seventeen of 22 adults with an animal pho-
Autonomic Nervous System
bia reported that it was the discrepant form of
the animal’s locomotion or appearance that up- Many, but not all, adults with anxiety disorders
set them. No phobic patient had experienced show abnormalities of autonomic regulation, es-
any harm as a result of encountering the feared pecially lability of the cardiovascular system.
animal (McNally & Steketee, 1985). This feature is most common among adults with
An American woman with a phobia of birds panic disorder, social anxiety, and GAD (Gorman
supports this argument. The woman dates the & Sloan, 2000). These abnormalities occur in
origin of her fear to an afternoon when, as a both the sympathetic and parasympathetic sys-
seven year old, she was watching Hitchcock’s tems and probably contribute to the association
film, “The Birds,” which showed large flocks of between anxiety disorder and cardiovascular
birds attacking humans. The woman remembers mortality (Gorman & Sloan, 2000). Although
feeling very surprised by the fact that birds, children at risk for one or more anxiety disor-
which she had regarded as benevolent and beau- ders, because of a temperamental bias, show
tiful, could be aggressive to humans. The sharp high sympathetic tone in the cardiovascular sys-
disconfirmation of her childhood belief could tem (Kagan, Snidman, McManis, & Woodward,
have activated the amygdala. Because the film 2001), this relation is not robust and children
displayed birds attacking humans, the idea of with different disorders often display similar au-
harm became associated with amygdalar activa- tonomic profiles (Pine et al., 1998). One mech-
tion and the accompanying somatic conse- anism that ties autonomic regulation to psy-
quences produced by the feeling of surprise. If chology is the result of peripheral feedback from
the girl had not been surprised by the birds’ be- the cardiovascular system to the brain. If this so-
178 Part III Anxiety Disorders

matic activity pierces consciousness, the person OCD show an abnormal, neurohormonal re-
might conclude that a threat is imminent (Moss sponse to clonidine (Sallee et al., 1998). There is
& Damasio, 2001). Perturbations in respiratory also an association between environmental
function are characteristic of panic disorder stress and a prolactin response to serotonergic
(Pine, 1999) and lead panic patients to experi- probes (Heim & Nemeroff, 2002), and adults
ence a heightened feeling of anxiety (Coryell, with anxiety disorders show abnormalities in
Fyer, Pine, Martinez, & Arndt, 2001; Pine et al., serotonergic regulation.

Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal Axis
A dramatic indication of a relation between im-
Patients with an anxiety disorder often show munology and anxiety disorder comes from
perturbations in the HPA axis. Further, both ro- studies of children with OCD. Earlier work had
dents and nonhuman primates show changes in found a specific association between OCD and
the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis neurological conditions affecting the basal gan-
during acute stress, as well as after a stress expe- glia, including pediatric Snydenham’s chorea.
rienced early in life (Essex, Klein, Cho, & Kalin, This discovery led to the recognition of a specific
2002; Kaufman, Plotsky, Nemeroff, & Charney, form of OCD, called Pediatric Autoimmune Neu-
2000; Meaney, 2001; Monk, Pine, & Charney, ropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strepto-
2002). The strongest association between acti- coccus (PANDAS; Swedo, 2002), marked by anx-
vation in the HPA axis and anxiety disorder is iety, OCD, and motor tics that emerge following
seen in PTSD (Bremner, 1999; Bremner et al., infection with group A ß-hemolytic streptococ-
1999; Yehuda, 2002). Although enhanced feed- cus. This syndrome reflects an immunological
back sensitivity in the HPA axis is often associ- reaction within underlying fronto-striatal-
ated with an anxiety disorder, unfortunately, thalamo-cortical-circuitry. It may be relevant
some children with an anxiety disorder exhibit that the offspring of adults with panic disorder
the opposite pattern of reduced feedback sensi- show selected allergic disorders reflecting anom-
tivity (Coplan et al., 2002; De Bellis, 2001; Heim alies in the immune system (Kagan et al., 2001;
& Nemeroff, 2002). Slattery et al., 2002).

Neurochemistry Brain Imaging

Brain chemistry can affect the excitability of a A variety of techniques have been used to study
particular brain region in diverse ways. Neuro- anxiety disorder. These include MRI, fMRI, mag-
chemical regulation in adult anxiety disorders is netic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), and electro-
studied most often with pharmacological chal- physiology.
lenges, positron emission tomography, or mea- Morphometric MRI evidence, which provides
surement of peripheral neurochemical metab- information on brain structure, reveals that OCD
olites. Because the first two techniques are adults have abnormalities in the circuit involv-
invasive, data on adolescents are restricted pri- ing the prefrontal cortex, basal ganglia, and
marily to peripheral measures. thalamus (Rauch, Savage, Alpert, Fischman, &
Adults with anxiety often show enhanced ac- Jenicke, 1997). Some of these abnormalities have
tivity in the neurons of the locus ceruleus (Cop- been observed in children and adolescents with
lan et al., 1997; Sullivan, Coplan, & Gorman, OCD (Rosenberg & Hanna, 2000; Rosenberg,
1998; Sullivan, Coplan, Kent, & Gorman, 1999). MacMillan, & Moore, 2001). Adults with PTSD
For example, adults with panic disorder and chil- have reduced volume in the hippocampus; but
dren with separation anxiety disorder show an children with PTSD do not show these specific
abnormal response to the administration of yo- reductions, even though they have a smaller
himbine (Sallee, Sethuraman, Sine, & Liu, 2000). brain volume (De Bellis et al., 1999). Children
However, children and adults with a diagnosis of with GAD show increased volume of the amyg-
Chapter 9 Defining Anxiety Disorders 179

dala and superior temporal gyrus of the right chronization of alpha frequencies is a sign that
hemisphere (De Bellis et al., 2002). the individual has moved to a more aroused
Functional magnetic resonance imaging state.
quantifies brain activity. Despite these advan- Subjects reporting higher anxiety tend to have
tages it relies on measures of blood flow and greater activation in the right frontal area than
therefore is an indirect index of neuronal events. the left, whereas normal controls show more ac-
Moreover, fMRI does not measure absolute tivation in the left frontal area. A preference for
amount of blood flow, but differences in changes display of right versus left frontal activation
in blood flow during an experimental task com- could reflect either a stable trait or a transient
pared with a control task. state. It appears that a stable preference for right
Despite these caveats, adults with PTSD show or left frontal activation can be influenced by an
enhanced amygdalar activation (Rauch et al., individual’s temperament and, therefore, could
2000), and children with anxiety disorders show reflect a stable property (Fox, Henderson, Rabin,
activation to faces with fearful expressions (Tho- Caikins, & Schmidt, 2001). McManis, Kagan,
mas et al., 2001a, 2001b). However, this latter Snidman, and Woodward (2002) have found
response could be due to the surprise of seeing that 11-year-old children who had been highly
fearful faces, because healthy children show en- reactive infants and fearful toddlers were likely
hanced amygdalar activation to neutral faces to show right frontal activation under resting
(Thomas et al., 2001a, 2001b). conditions. However, an asymmetry of activa-
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a tion can also reflect a transient state. Infants
noninvasive technique that can reveal aspects of watching the approach of a stranger showed
brain neurochemistry. One study with MRS greater right frontal activation during that brief
found a reduction in levels of N-acetylaspartate period of time (Fox & Bell, 1990). Hagemann and
in the cingulate gyrus of children who had PTSD colleagues, who gathered EEG data on four sep-
(De Bellis, Keshavan, Spencer, & Hall, 2000). arate occasions on a sample of 59 adults, con-
cluded that 60% of the variance in asymmetry
of activation reflected a stable trait while 40%
Electroencephalogram Activity
was attributable to the specific occasion of test-
The electroencephalogram (EEG) represents the ing (Hagemann, Naumann, Thayer, & Bartussek,
synchronized activity of large numbers of corti- 2002).
cal pyramidal neurons which, at any moment, The event-related potential is a time-locked,
have a dominant frequency of oscillation at par- post-synaptic potential generated by large num-
ticular sites. A state of mental and physical relax- bers of cortical pyramidal neurons to a specific
ation is usually but not always associated with stimulus. The first waveform that represents the
more power in the alpha frequency band (8–13 detection of a discrepancy is called N2 because it
Hz) in frontal areas. A state of psychological usually peaks at about 200 msec to an unex-
arousal is associated with greater power in the pected event. The two most frequently studied
higher-frequency beta band (14–30 Hz). The waveforms, P3 and N4, appear a bit later with
change to higher frequencies could be the result peak voltages at about 400 msec, and are prom-
of more intense volleys from the amygdala to the inent at frontal sites when the subject is passive
cortex. and has no task to perform. Kagan and col-
In addition, there are usually small hemi- leagues have unpublished data indicating that
spheric differences in the amount of alpha power 11-year-old children who had been highly reac-
on the right, compared with the left, side at tive infants and fearful toddlers showed a larger
frontal and parietal sites. Because alpha frequen- negative waveform at 400 msec to nonthreaten-
cies are associated with a relaxed psychological ing discrepant scenes. Although this research is
state, the less alpha power at a particular site, the preliminary, it suggests that future investigators
more likely that site is neuronally active. The should examine EEG profiles and event-related
technical term for loss of alpha power is desyn- potentials in their study of anxiety and anxiety
chronized, and investigators assume that desyn- disorders.
180 Part III Anxiety Disorders

Genetics vealed minimal genetic effects on separation

anxiety and a greater contribution of shared en-
Years of work have affirmed that genetic factors vironment (11% for children 8 to 12 years old,
influence the risk for anxiety disorders. One 23% for children 14 to 17 years old; Silberg, Rut-
study of adults found modest heritability for ter, Neale et al., 2001). However, parent-report
GAD for both men (15%) and women (20%) and checklists from an Australian national twin reg-
no effect of shared environment (Hettema, Pres- istry found a higher genetic loading for separa-
cott, & Kendler, 2001; see Table 9.3). Other re- tion anxiety symptoms in girls (50%) and a
search affirms the heritability of panic disorder much lower one for boys (14%) (Feigon, Wald-
(Crowe, 1985; Gorwood, Feingold, & Ades, 1999; man, Irwin, Levy, & Hay, 2001).
Marks, 1986; Skre, Onstad, Torgersen, Lygren, & The Virginia Study indicated that about 9% to
Kringlen, 1993). Merikangas and Risch (2003) 10% of the variance in phobic symptoms was ge-
suggest heritability estimates of 50% to 60% for netic in girls; the remainder was attributable to
adult panic disorder, with risk ratios ranging nonshared environment (Topolski et al., 1997).
from 3 to 8 for first-degree relatives of adult pro- However, a Swedish study found that shared en-
bands with panic disorder. A meta-analysis by vironmental factors explained considerably
Hettema, Neale, and Kendler (2001) uncovered a more of the variance for fears of animals, unfa-
modest genetic contribution to four anxiety cat- miliar situations, and mutilations than non-
egories and little or no effect of shared environ- shared environment (Lichtenstein & Annas,
ment. One of the most extensive explorations of 2000). Thus, it is important to appreciate that
the contribution of genes to anxiety disorders is conclusions based on twin studies can vary
the Virginia Twin Study of Adolescent Behav- markedly as a function of the site of the labora-
ioral Development (VTSABD; Eaves et al., 1997). tory, as well as the informant supplying the rel-
This corpus, which relies primarily on self-report evant information. When mothers reported on
data, discovered strong additive genetic effects separation anxiety disorder in a population-
for OAD in both boys and girls (37%), with little based sample of female twins living in Missouri,
effect of shared environment (Topolski et al., heritability estimates were high (62%) and there
1997). Silberg and colleagues (Silberg, Rutter, was only a modest effect of shared environment.
Neale, & Eaves, 2001) reported that 12% to 14% Weissman (1988) argued almost 20 years ago
of the variance in OAD in girls was attributable that high rates of separation anxiety in children
to genes, and most of the remaining variance to of parents who were comorbid for panic and de-
nonshared environment. pression disorder implied an association be-
The Virginia Twin Study corpus indicated a tween separation anxiety disorder in childhood
smaller genetic contribution to separation anxi- and the later development of panic disorder.
ety (only 4%), but large nonshared environmen- There was a fairly specific association between
tal effects (40% and 56%). The data for girls re- separation anxiety in children who had been

Table 9.3 Genetics of Anxiety Disorders: Result of Meta-Analysis of Studies of Adults

Shared Nonshared
Disorder Odds Ratioa Heritability Environment Environment

Panic disorder 5 .37–.43 .57–.63

Generalized anxiety 6 .22–.37 0–.25 .51–.78
Phobias 4 0–.39 0–.32 .61–.80
Obsessive-compulsive 4
Ratio of prevalence in relatives of probands to that of relatives of comparison subjects
Source: From Hettema, Neale, and Kendler (2001).
Chapter 9 Defining Anxiety Disorders 181

brought to clinics and separation anxiety in the Basile, Masellis, Potkin, & Kennedy, 2002), or ad-
parents when they were children years earlier verse event profile (see, for example, Murphy,
(Manicavasagar, Silove, Rapee, Waters, & Mo- Kremer, Rodrigues, & Schatzberg, 2003). Identi-
martin, 2001). fied difference may interact with age, gender,
In addition, there is evidence for genetic con- race and ethnicity (Lin, 2001).
tributions to personality traits such as neuroti- In the adult literature on genetic factors, the
cism and introversion (Eaves, Eysenck, & Martin, most robust findings involve polymorphisms
1989), shyness (Daniels & Plomin, 1985), and be- in the serotonin transporter (Weizman and
havioral inhibition (DiLalla, Kagan, & Reznick, Weizman, 2000). In comparison to progress in
1994; Kagan, 1994). A group of very shy 7-year- ADHD (Rohde, Roman, & Hutz, 2003), however,
old Israeli children were more likely than others little is known about pharmacogenetic or phar-
to inherit the long form of the allele for the macogenomic approaches to anxiety disorders
serotonin transporter promoter region polymor- in the pediatric population. Shyness (Arbelle et
phism (Arbelle et al., 2003); however, not all al., 2003) and behavioral inhibition (Smoller et
studies have found this association. al., 2003) but not internalizing symptoms
Despite these findings, many studies fail to (Young, Smolen, Stallings, Corley, & Hewitt,
meet the highest research standards, which in- 2003) all have been linked to candidate gene var-
clude the following: (1) clearly operationalized iation, illustrating how lack of consistency in
diagnostic criteria; (2) systematic ascertainment phenotypic identification among other factors
of probands and relatives; (3) direct interviews limits progress despite clear evidence from sta-
with a majority of subjects; (4) diagnostic assess- tistical genetic methods regarding the impor-
ment of relatives by investigators blind to the tance of genetic factors (Stein, Chavira, & Jang,
proband’s status; and (5) family studies with in- 2001).
clusion of comparison groups (Hettema, Neale, Future progress will depend on an improved
& Kendler, 2001). These standards are occasion- understanding of the nature and identification
ally met in studies with adults, but rarely in stud- of disease states and their natural course, which
ies with children and adolescents. in turn will allow the development of more spe-
Genes are only expressed within a certain en- cific treatments, better risk prediction, and the
velope of environments and individuals both implementation of preventive strategies based in
shape and select their environments (Rutter, Sil- pharmacogenomic and pharmacogenetic ap-
berg, O’Connor, & Siminoff, 1999a, 1999b). Fi- proaches (Gottesman and Gould, 2003; Pickar,
nally, it should be appreciated that the attribu- 2003).
tion of a genetic risk to an individual should not
invite fatalism (Rutter et al., 1990). Some heri-
table conditions can be treated and a few can be SUMMARY
controlled. The classic example is phenylketo-
nuria, for which the cognitive impairment is The research of the past few decades has ex-
caused by an inherited metabolic defect that can panded our understanding of the phenomena
be controlled by restricting the child’s diet. linked to the concepts of anxiety and anxiety
By developing personalized treatment plans, disorder. A comparison of contemporary reports
the revolution in molecular genetics promises to with those of the last half century provides rea-
transform the identification and treatment of son for optimism, for we have learned several
anxiety disorders across the lifespan. Two com- important facts.
plementary approaches are described. Pharma- First, the state we call anxiety in humans is
cogenomic studies use genomic technologies to not unitary in origin or consequence and can be
identify chromosomal areas of interest and, the result of living with realistic threat, past his-
hence, potential drug targets (see, for example, tory, conditioning, or a temperamental bias for
Arbelle et al. 2003; Smoller et al., 2003); phar- unexpected somatic sensations that are inter-
macogenetic studies identify candidate genes preted as meaning one is anxious. Second, epi-
that moderate drug response (see, for example, demiological and genetic data imply distinct bi-
182 Part III Anxiety Disorders

ological profiles for the varied anxiety disorders, nicians add these procedures to their interview
many of which implicate neurochemical pro- data. The results of this work will permit the
cesses. Finally, clinicians and investigators now parsing of individuals who have a particular di-
have an initial set of cognitive and biological agnosis into subgroups with more homogeneous
procedures that promise to aid differential diag- biological and psychological features. This
nosis of individuals who report anxiety. Major knowledge should lead to a more fruitful set of
advances will occur when investigators and cli- psychiatric classifications.
Treatment of Anxiety

10 c h a p t e r
184 Part III Anxiety Disorders

Concurrent with the emergence of a growing anxiety symptoms directly by confrontation

psychopathology literature, child and adoles- with the feared stimuli in a therapeutic environ-
cent clinical psychology and psychiatry have ment and by teaching the patient a set of adap-
moved away from nonspecific interventions to- tive coping skills for specific symptoms associ-
ward problem-focused treatments keyed to spe- ated with distress and impairment (Kendall,
cific diagnoses in the Diagnostic and Statistical 2000b). Thus, unlike some other psychothera-
Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. (American peutic approaches, CBT fits into a problem man-
Psychiatric Association, 1994; DSM-IV) and, agement framework in which the symptoms of
within diagnoses, targets (Kazdin, 1997). The the disorder and associated functional impair-
past 40 years have seen the emergence of diverse, ments are specifically targeted for treatment.
sophisticated, empirically supported, cognitive- The cognitive-behavioral approach is not a
behavioral and pharmacological therapies that single, monolithic approach. Quite the contrary
cover the range of childhood-onset anxiety dis- is true. The generic approach labeled “cognitive-
orders (Ollendick & March, 2004). Before review- behavioral” involves working with parents, en-
ing what is known about the treatment of anxi- hancing emotional processing, changing social
ety disorders in adolescence, we first provide a and peer influences, and using behavioral con-
brief overview of the history and rationale for tingencies and cognitive processing. Similarly,
cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), for phar- CBT is not one treatment. Rather, treatments of
macotherapy, and for the combination of the childhood anxiety disorders, though held to-
two in the treatment of youth with anxiety dis- gether by common components and guiding
orders. Because of increasing emphasis in the theory, have emerged from different clinics, in
field on evidence-based approaches, those inter- different countries, and with variations in the
ventions that have not been subjected to treat- length and specifics of treatment. Nevertheless,
ment outcome study by means of accepted re- there are numerous common themes, strategies,
search methodology, such as psychodynamic and guiding principles.
approaches, “play therapy,” and other ap- One CBT program has received research atten-
proaches, are not reviewed in this chapter. tion, and though not exactly prototypic, serves
as an illustrative example of this approach. (For
futher discussion of CBT programs, the reader is
COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL THERAPY referred to the several programs that are de-
scribed in detail within each of the sections on
Current cognitive-behavioral theories regarding the several disorders.) This program is manual
the etiology and maintenance of anxiety disor- based and time limited (Kendall, 2000b). This
ders posit that internal mental phenomena play program integrates elements of cognitive infor-
an important role in mediating pathological mation processing associated with anxiety with
anxiety. Foa and Kozak (1985, 1986) proposed behavioral techniques (e.g., relaxation, imaginal
that specific “fear structures” which contain er- and in vivo exposure, role-playing) that are
roneous information about the fear stimuli, fear known to be useful in the reduction of anxiety.
responses, and their meaning underlie the anx- In this program, children with anxiety typically
iety disorders. Kendall (2000b) also referred to participate in a structured 16- to 20-week treat-
“cognitive structures” as being important in anx- ment program divided into two phases: educa-
iety disorders in childhood. Accordingly, the tion and practice.
goal of cognitive-behavioral treatment is to pro- The first phase includes training, education,
vide information that is incompatible with the and skill-building, during which the therapist
erroneous elements of the fear structure. works with the child to recognize signs of anx-
Most mental health clinicians are familiar iety, acquire relaxation skills, and identify
with treatments that assume psychological dis- anxious cognitive processing. Through self-
tress stems from historical relationship problems monitoring homework assignments and in-
that must be uncovered in therapy. In contrast session role-playing, the child learns about anx-
to this approach, the CBT clinician addresses the iety and, more importantly, the cognitive,
Chapter 10 Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 185

somatic, emotional, and behavioral aspects of are associated with treatment-produced gains
his or her own personal anxious experience. (Treadwell & Kendall, 1996). Children learn
These sessions also allow the child to begin to problem-solving skills that help them to devise
think about various ways to overcome his or her a behavioral plan to cope with their anxiety. This
anxiety. includes learning to recognize the problem,
brainstorming and generating alternatives to
managing their anxiety, weighing the conse-
Education and Skill-Building quences of each possible alternative, and then
choosing and following through with their plan
During initial sessions, the anxious child learns (see D’Zurilla & Goldfried, 1971). The therapist
to distinguish between various bodily reactions serves as a model during each phase of problem
to emotions as well as the somatic reactions that solving by, for example, reminding the child that
are specific to his or her anxiety. Coupled with problems and challenges are part of life or by
this awareness, the child is taught relaxation ex- brainstorming ideas without judgment. With
ercises designed to help the child develop further the acquisition of problem-solving skills, chil-
awareness of and control over physiological and dren develop confidence in their ability to han-
muscular reactions to anxiety (see King, Hamil- dle anxiety-provoking situations as well as every-
ton, & Ollendick, 1994). This segment may be day challenges that arise. They learn to judge the
especially beneficial for children whose worry is effectiveness of their efforts and reward them-
accompanied by more severe somatic symptoms selves for these efforts. They also learn to identify
(see also Eisen & Silverman, 1998). In this way, those things they liked about how they handled
anxious children may develop an awareness of a situation and those things that they may want
their physiological responses to anxiety and use to do differently. Here, children are encouraged
this as an “early warning signal” to initiate re- to reward both complete and partial successes.
laxation procedures. Children with anxiety may have exceedingly
Next, children are taught how to identify and high standards for achievement and be unforgiv-
modify anxious cognition (their internal dia- ing and critical of themselves if they fail to meet
logue). Therapist and child then discuss such these standards. Therefore, it is important for the
thoughts and the child is encouraged to ask him- therapist to emphasize and encourage self-
self or herself the various possibilities that may reward for effort and partial success.
occur in a given situation. It is believed that
helping children to challenge their distorted or
unrealistic cognition will promote more con- Exposure Exercises
structive ways of thinking and less dysfunctional
emotional and behavioral responses. For exam- The second phase of treatment focuses on ex-
ple, the “perfectionistic” nature of many anxious posure exercises in which children practice the
children can be challenged as these children be- newly acquired skills. In these sessions, partici-
come better able to examine, test out, and reduce pant youth are prepared for and exposed to var-
their negative self-talk, modify unrealistic expec- ious situations that induce anxiety. They are first
tations, generate more realistic and less negative exposed to imaginary and low-anxiety situations
self-statements, and create a plan to cope with and gradually are exposed to moderate- and then
their concerns. Importantly, the idea here is not high-anxiety situations. Through imaginal and
necessarily to fill the child with positive self-talk. in vivo exposures, the therapist assists the child
Rather, the ameliorative power rests in the re- in preparing for the exposure by, for example,
duction of negative self-talk, or the “power of discussing aspects of the situation that are likely
non-negative thinking” (Kendall, 1984). This to be troubling, working through the steps of
phenomenon is supported by recent evidence the plan, and rehearsing. The in vivo exposures
indicating that changing children’s anxiety- are extremely important, as these situations pro-
ridden and negative self-talk—but not positive vide the child real opportunities to practice.
self-talk—mediates the changes in anxiety that Thus, they should be tailored to address the spe-
186 Part III Anxiety Disorders

cific worries (sources of anxious distress) of the the child’s involvement in the program and the
child. acquisition of skills. Although some manual-
The therapist also facilitates children’s postex- based treatments have acquired the reputation
perience processing of the exposures, helping of being somewhat rigid, the therapist working
them to evaluate their performances and think with this program is allowed flexibility, as life
of a reward. In so doing, the therapist helps to can be “breathed” into the manual to better fit
frame the current exposure experience in terms the needs and functioning of the child (Kendall,
of a pattern for future coping. When designing Chu, Gifford, Hayes, & Nauta, 1998). Although
the graduated hierarchy of exposures, it is ben- adaptations can be made when working with
eficial for the therapist and child to collaborate older children, younger children may not have
to create in vivo exposures that are meaningful yet developed the cognitive skills necessary to
and memorable for the child. Homework assign- participate fully in or benefit maximally from
ments are an important feature of this program. this intervention and children with an IQ below
Throughout the treatment, children complete 80 may not have the prerequisite skills. Addi-
tasks in a personal notebook, which allow them tionally, with developmental considerations, it is
to practice their steps and to use their skills out- important to be cognizant of possible age-related
side of session. Rewards are provided upon com- increases in physiological functioning, emo-
pletion of the assignments. tional vulnerability, social and peer pressures,
As the end of the time-limited treatment ap- and comorbid conditions, as well as any other
proaches (starting with 3 weeks left), the thera- changes that these children may be experienc-
pist and child begin to discuss how the child will ing. Accordingly, a CBT therapist manual and a
create and produce a “commercial” about his or related workbook for teenagers (Kendall, 2000a)
her experiences in the program to be presented are also available.
and videotaped during the last session of the
treatment. Children are encouraged to use their
imagination and create a videotape, audiotape, PHARMACOTHERAPY
or booklet describing their experiences to help
in telling other children about strategies for cop- Progress in the neurobiology of anxiety has fo-
ing with anxiety. This effort is designed to not cused on (1) identifying the central nervous sys-
only help children organize their experiences tem (CNS) substrates of anxiety and (2) the ef-
but also afford them the opportunity to “go pub- fects of rearing and environment in the
lic” with their newly acquired skills and recog- progression of anxiety states with reference to
nize their accomplishments. The commercial their somatic substrates (Pine & Grun, 1999) in
also serves as a tangible reward that children can an evolutionary context (Leckman & Mayes,
take home with them once the treatment is com- 1998). Convergent evidence from both child
pleted and, although it may not be described as studies of stress and trauma as well as primate
such, it is an in vivo exposure task with emo- rearing and deprivation studies suggests that the
tional, social, creative, and organizational fea- effects of stress in the genesis of anxiety disorder
tures. can be profound. Important substrates for this
“stress-response system” include brainstem
arousal centers, particularly the locus ceruleus,
Developmental Considerations which provides noradrenergic input to brain-
stem and more rostral arousal mechanisms
The treatment manuals that have been written (McCracken, Walkup, & Koplewicz, 2002); the
and evaluated in research (e.g., Kendall, Chu, Pi- amygdala located in the anterior temporal lobe,
mentel, & Choudhury, 2000) were designed for which processes threat cues and safety signals,
children between the ages of 8 and 13 years. Also with particular emphasis on social threat (Brem-
designed for this age range, The Coping Cat Work- ner, Krystal, Charney, & Southwick, 1996); the
book (Kendall, 2000a) contains exercises that par- septal–hippocampal system that mediates glu-
allel treatment sessions in an effort to facilitate corticoid sensitive context-conditioning within
Chapter 10 Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 187

the framework of learned experience; striatal and appear to work in concert to provide homeosta-
neoriatal structures, such as the caudate nucleus, sis with respect to the phasic management of
which with their cortical targets comprise the threat, and dysregulation in the information
circuitry that mediates habitual automatic be- processes linked to these substrates may be
haviors, such as those seen in obsessive- linked to anxiety states in children and adoles-
compulsive disorder (OCD; Rosenberg & Hanna, cents. They also appear to interface with Kagan’s
2000); the orbital-frontal cortex, which assigns notion of “behavioral inhibition,” which as a
complex negative affective valence to cognitive stable temperamental characteristic appears to
attributions (Graybiel & Rauch, 2000); paralim- be an index of biological vulnerability that under
bic structures, such as the anterior cingulate certain circumstances (e.g., separation-stress ex-
gyrus, which play an important role in directed posure) can contribute to the generation of an
and selective attention to threatening stimuli anxiety disorder (Biederman, Rosenbaum, Cha-
(Davidson, Abercrombie, Nitschke, & Putnam, loff, & Kagan, 1995).
1999); and the dorsolateral and ventromedial Brain mechanisms of response to threat that
prefrontal cortex, which respond to and mod- are highly conserved in evolutionary terms and
ulate subcortical input and output, generating are exquisitely sensitive to learned experience
adaptive responses or, in the case of disease provide the CNS substrate for the information
states, maladaptive anxiety-maintaining behav- processes that, when dysregulated, produce
iors (Davidson et al., 1999). From an integra- pathological anxiety, as well as for normal fears
tionist point of view, extensive afferent and ef- and worry. Pharmacotherapy presumably biases
ferent connections between these brain regions these processes directly by influencing the neu-
process a wide variety of internal and external rotransmitter milieu within which these hierar-
threat cues and safety signals, integrate current chically distributed neural networks operate.
experience with previous experience, and gen-
erate affective and cognitively mediated ap-
proach and avoidance behaviors that are either COMBINED TREATMENT
appropriate or inappropriate to the individual’s
current context. In a biopsychosocial approach, combined treat-
The understanding of the neurobiology of ment may be the rule rather than the exception
anxiety has been propelled by new pharmaco- (e.g., the treatment of juvenile rheumatoid ar-
logic agents that impact CNS receptors within thritis with ibuprofen and physical therapy). In
the stress–response system (Heim, Owens, Plot- a perfectly evidence-based world, selecting an
sky, & Nemeroff, 1997). For example, the sero- appropriate treatment for the anxious child or
tonin system is involved in generating and adolescent from among the many possible op-
maintaining normal and pathological fear tions would be reasonably straightforward. In
(Stein, Westenberg, & Liebowitz, 2002). Modu- the complex world of research and clinical prac-
lation of this system with a serotonin reuptake tice, choices are rarely clear-cut. In this regard,
inhibitor provides an effective treatment for the treatment of the anxious child can be
OCD (March, Biederman, et al., 1998) and may thought of as being partially analogous to the
be useful for separation anxiety, panic, and social treatment of juvenile-onset diabetes, with the
phobia (Research Units of Pediatric Psychophar- caveat that the target organ, the brain in the case
macology (RUPP) Anxiety Group, 2001). Other of mental disorders, requires psychosocial inter-
major neurotransmitter systems that appear to ventions of much greater complexity. The treat-
be involved in pathological anxiety include ment of diabetes and anxiety disorder can both
the GABAergic/glutamergic, noradrenergic, and involve medication—insulin in diabetes and in
dopaminergic systems, with recent evidence anxiety, typically a serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
also suggesting important roles for the neuro- Each also involves an evidence-based psychoso-
peptides cholecystokinin, neuropeptide Y, and cial intervention. In diabetes, the psychosocial
corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) (Sallee & treatment of choice is diet and exercise, and in
March, 2001). These neurotransmitter systems anxiety, exposure-based CBT. Depending on the
188 Part III Anxiety Disorders

presence of risk and protective factors, not every allow for specific examination of the effects of
participant has the same outcome. Bright young- CBT, medication, and their combination on ad-
sters from well-adjusted, two-parent families olescents with anxiety disorders. The clear man-
typically may do better with either diabetes or date is for similar programmatic research with
anxiety than those beset with tremendous psy- adolescent cases. Before such work is under-
chosocial adversity and family hardship. Also, taken, however, we offer a review of what is
not everybody recovers completely even with known to date. Because the state of knowledge
the best of available treatment, so some inter- varies by disorder, our review will consider each
ventions need to target coping with residual of the anxiety disorders separately (i.e., social
symptoms, such as diabetic foot care in diabetes phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, separation
and helping patients and their families cope anxiety disorder, specific phobia, panic disorder,
skillfully with residual symptoms in anxiety dis- obsessive-compulsive disorder, and posttrau-
orders. matic stress disorder). The information will be
Psychosocial treatments may be combined provided within the categories of (a) acute treat-
with a medication for one of several reasons. ment, (b) maintenance treatment, and (c) man-
First, in the acute treatment of the severely anx- agement of partial response and nonresponse. In
ious child, two treatments may provide a greater each category we very briefly summarize what is
“dose” and thus, may promise a better and per- known about the treatment of adults and then
haps speedier outcome. For example, patients provide more detailed coverage of treatments for
with OCD may opt for a combined treatment youth. As noted above, there are very few studies
even though CBT alone may offer equal benefit of combined treatments of any kind in child or
(March & Leonard, 1998). Second, comorbidity adolescent samples. Moreover, with few excep-
may require two treatments, since different tar- tions (e.g., Barlow, Gorman, Shear, & Woods,
gets may require varied treatments. For example, 2000), most of the combined-treatment studies
treating an 8-year-old who has attention-deficit in adults have not included a CBT plus pill pla-
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and separation cebo condition, which leaves an important
anxiety disorder (SAD) with a psychostimulant mechanism question essentially unanswered by
and CBT is a reasonable treatment strategy. the extant literature.
Third, in the face of partial response, an aug-
menting treatment can be added to the initial
treatment to improve the outcome. A selective ACUTE TREATMENT
serotonic reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) can be added
to CBT or CBT can be added to an SSRI. In an Social Anxiety Disorder
adjunctive treatment strategy, a second treat-
Treatment of Social Anxiety
ment can be added to a first one to positively
Disorder in Adults
impact one or more additional outcome do-
mains. For example, an SSRI can be added to CBT With respect to psychosocial interventions, be-
to address comorbid depression. havioral, cognitive, and combined cognitive-
As our understanding of both mental disor- behavioral interventions have each been found
ders in youth and adolescent development in- to be efficacious in the acute treatment of social
creases, treatment innovations inevitably will phobia in adults, delivered either in groups or
accrue, including knowledge about when and individually. Direct comparisons of behavioral
how to combine treatments (see Table 10.1). The and cognitive-behavioral treatments have been
good news is that the National Institute of Men- mixed, and it is unclear as yet whether there is a
tal Health (NIMH)-funded comparative treat- strong advantage for one over the other. As with
ment trials that include a combination cell as pharmacotherapy, residual impairment remains
well as CBT and medication monotherapy con- an issue (for a comprehensive review see Ham-
ditions are currently under way. Unfortunately, brick, Turk, Heimberg, Schneier, & Liebowitz,
adolescent cases play too small a role and appear 2003).
in too small a number in these ongoing trials to A variety of medications have been found use-
Chapter 10 Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 189

Table 10.1 Summary of Literature on Pediatric Treatment Outcome by Anxiety Disorder

Disorder Standards of Evidence Summary of Key Type 1 Studies

Social anxi- Psychosocial Treatment Beidel, Turner, & Morris (2000):

ety disorder Three Type 1 studies, several Type 3 studies Social effectiveness therapy ⬎
nonspecific treatment (Test-
A few dismantling studies (e.g., Spence et al., 2000; busters)
CBT ⫹ family therapy failed to separate from CBT
delivered individually) Hayward et al. (2000): Group
CBT ⬎ assessment only
Multiple Type 1 CBT studies that included SAD pa-
tients but did not analyze separately (e.g., Flannery- Spence et al. (2000): CBT, CBT ⫹
Schroeder & Kendall, 2000) family therapy ⬎ WL
RUPP (2001, 2003): Fluvoxamine
Pharmacotherapy ⬎ placebo overall, but SAD diag-
Multiple Type 3 studies nosis identified as a moderator
Type 1 study: RUPP study of fluoxetine vs. placebo, of treatment outcome in that
SAD patients included those with social anxiety disor-
der did not fare as well as those
with GAD or separation anxiety

Selective Psychosocial Treatment Black & Uhde (1994): Fluoxetine

mutism Type 6 case studies provide preliminary support for ⬎ placebo in a small random-
various behavioral techniques (e.g., contingency ized, double blind trial that also
management, exposure, self-modeling) included a single-blind placebo
No Type 1 or Type 2 studies for any behavioral or
cognitive-behavioral therapy

Only one Type 1 study: fluoxetine vs. placebo

Generalized Psychosocial Treatment Kendall (1994): CBT package

anxiety dis- Five Type 1 studies support the efficacy of CBT pack- (“Coping Cat”) ⬎ WL
order ages for anxious youth; many, but not all, of subjects Kendall et al. (1997): Coping Cat
(GAD) were diagnosed with GAD ⬎ WL
Barrett (1998): Group CBT,
Pharmacotherapy group family-based CBT ⬎ WL;
Several Type 3 studies provide preliminary support family-based treatment afforded
for use of several classes of medication, including advantages over CBT alone on
benzodiazepines some measures
Some negative findings in Type 3 studies of benzo- Rynn et al. (2001): Sertraline ⬎
diazepines, plus concerns about dependency and placebo
withdrawal (e.g., Rickels et al., 1990) RUPP (2001, 2003): Fluvoxamine
Some Type 1 studies of TCAs for youth with “school ⬎ placebo; unlike SAD, GAD not
refusal,” some of whom may have had GAD found to be a predictor of non-
Concerns about cardiac risks with TCAs response
Some preliminary evidence for the SSRIs, plus two
Type 1 studies (1 for sertraline, 1 for fluvoxamine)

Separation Psychosocial Treatment King et al. (1998): CBT ⬎ WL for

anxiety dis- Several Type 1 studies of school refusal, which in- school refusal behavior
order (SAD; cluded many individuals with separation anxiety Last et al. (1998): CBT ⫽ educa-
including (e.g., Bernstein et al., 2000) tional support for school refusal
school re- behavior, with children and par-
fusal be- Several Type 1 studies of anxious children and adoles-
cents that included separation-anxious participants ents’ ratings of improvement
havior) generally higher than that found
(e.g., Kendall et al., 1999, Silverman et al., 1999a)
by study investigators
(continued )
190 Part III Anxiety Disorders

Table 10.1 Continued

Disorder Standards of Evidence Summary of Key Type 1 Studies

Family and teacher involvement in CBT was found Gittleman-Klein & Klein (1971):
initially superior to CBT alone for school refusal be- Imipramine ⬎ placebo
havior, which presumably included separation anx-
ious participants (Heyne et al., 2002) Klein, Kopelwicz, et al. (1992):
Failed to replicate earlier posi-
Pharmacotherapy tive findings for imipramine

Several Type 1 studies, with mixed results: imipra- Graae et al., 1994: Benzodiaze-
mine was first efficacious but then a later study pine did not separate from pla-
found no difference (Gittleman-Klein & Klein, 1971; cebo
Klein, Koplewicz, et al., 1992); benzodiazepines did RUPP (2001, 2003): Fluvoxa-
not separate from placebo (Graae et al., 1994) mine ⬎ placebo; unlike SAD,
SSRIs have had efficacy (RUPP, 2001, 2003) and are separation anxiety not found to
generally considered first-line option be a predictor of nonresponse

Specific Psychosocial Treatment Silverman et al. (1999b): Con-

phobia Participant modeling and reinforced practice are tingency management, self-
well established; other behavioral methods are control ⬎ educational support
“probably efficacious” in children (Ollendick & in terms of clinically significant
King, 1998, 2000) improvement, but all three
groups improved functioning
Two completed Type 1 studies, one large study still
in progress Öst et al. (2001): One-session
Type 3 study suggested that one-session CBT is com-
parable if not superior to longer treatments (Muris Ollendick & Öst (in progress):
et al., 1998) One-session CBT compared with
educational support and WL
No Type 1 studies of any medication have been con-
ducted; Type 3 study of fluoxetine suggested efficacy

Panic disor- Psychosocial Treatment Mattis et al. (2001): Panic con-

der Preliminary evidence for CBT packages based on trol treatment for adolescents
Barlow’s panic control treatment was found in Type (PCT-A) compared with self-
3 studies (Barlow & Seidner, 1983; Ollendick, 1995) monitoring; preliminary
evidence from this trial is en-
Pharmacotherapy couraging: PCT-A ⬎ self-
monitoring in reducing panic
Type 3 evidence for SSRIs (e.g., Renaud et al., 1999) attack severity and other symp-
No Type 1 studies of any class of medication toms of panic disorder

Obsessive Psychosocial Treatment De Haan et al. (1998): EX/RP ⬎

compulsive Multiple Type 3 studies provide preliminary evi- clomipramine, both yielded sig-
disorder dence for efficacy of CBT involving EX/RP for chil- nificant reductions
(OCD) dren and adolescents (e.g., Piacentini et al., 2002) Pediatric OCD Collaborative
Preliminary evidence from Type 3 studies shows Study Group: Compared com-
that EX/RP augments SRI pharmacotherapy (e.g., bined treatment with CBT and
March et al., 1994; Wever & Rey, 1997) sertraline, and all with placebo
Preliminary evidence from Type 3 study shows that Piacentini (1999): Describes a
intensive EX/RP and weekly EX/RP are comparable soon-to-be-completed study
(Franklin et al., 1998) comparing EX/RP ⫹ family ther-
apy with relaxation control
One completed Type 1 study directly comparing
EX/RP with pharmacotherapy suggested an advan- DeVeaugh-Geiss et al. (1992):
tage for EX/RP (DeHaan et al., 1998) Clomipramine ⬎ placebo
Chapter 10 Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 191

Table 10.1 Continued

Disorder Standards of Evidence Summary of Key Type 1 Studies

Two large-scale Type 1 studies of EX/RP are under- March, Biederman, et al. (1998):
way, one of which examines EX/RP ⫹ SSRI (sertra- Sertraline ⬎ placebo
Riddle et al. (2001): Fluvoxa-
Pharmacotherapy mine ⬎ placebo

Several Type 1 studies of clomipramine (e.g., Leon- Geller et al. (2001): Fluoxetine ⬎
ard et al., 1989), including a multicenter study placebo
(DeVeaugh-Geiss et al., 1992) Garvey et al. (1999): Oral peni-
Multiple large-scale, multicenter Type 1 studies of cillin ⫽ placebo in children di-
SSRIs (e.g., March, Biederman, et al., 1998) agnosed with PANDAS, but peni-
cillin administration may have
Type 3 studies examining augmentation of SSRIs been ineffective in preventing
with atypical neuroleptics reinfection with GABHS

Investigational Treatments Perlmutter et al. (1999): Plasma

exchange ⫽ IV immunoglobulin
Two Type 1 studies examining treatments for chil- ⬎ IV placebo for PANDAS
dren and adolescents diagnosed with PANDAS

Posttrau- Psychosocial Treatment Deblinger et al. (1996, 1999):

matic stress Several Type 3 studies provide preliminary evidence CBT ⬎ community treatment as
disorder for individual ⫹ group CBT (Goenjian et al., 1997) or usual
group CBT (e.g., Layne, Pynoos, Saltzman, et al., King et al. (2000): CBT ⫽ CBT ⫹
2001; March, Amaya-Jackson, et al., 1998); one study family involvement
for a form of EMDR (Chemtob et al., 2002) Cohen & Mannarino (1996a,
Four Type 1 studies of CBT for PTSD associated with 1996b): CBT ⬎ supportive ther-
child sexual abuse apy
No other Type 1 studies of CBT for other forms of Cohen & Mannarino (1998):
trauma CBT ⬎ supportive therapy

Limited to Type 3 studies

CBT, cognitive-behavioral therapy; EMDR, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing; EX/RP, exposure and re-
sponse prevention; GABHS, group A β-hemolytic streptococcal infection; IV, intravenous; PANDAS, pediatric autoimmune
neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infection; SRI, serotonin reuptake inhibitor; RUPP, Research Units
on Pediatric Psychopharmacology; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; TCA, tricyclic antidepressant; WL, wait list.

ful for social anxiety disorder. There are no con- symptoms. Patients with comorbid major de-
trolled trials of patients with nongeneralized so- pressive disorder (MDD) or significant substance
cial anxiety disorder, and studies containing abuse have usually been excluded. Drugs such as
both generalized and nongeneralized patients phenelzine or sertraline have shown greater
include too few of the latter to be definitive. acute efficacy than CBT in trials comparing the
Placebo-controlled trials of patients with the two modalities. Phenelzine plus CBT, and sertra-
generalized subtype suggest efficacy for phenel- line plus CBT, showed modestly greater efficacy
zine, clonazepam, paroxetine, sertraline, fluvox- than the respective drug monotherapies alone in
amine, venlafaxine, gabapentin, and pregabelin. controlled trials. Remission has not been as-
The average responder rate in these trials is 40%– sessed in any trials, and there is also no agree-
55%, defining response as a 1 or 2 on the Clinical ment on the criteria to define remission in social
Global Impression (CGI) Improvement scale. A anxiety disorder. Negative findings from con-
majority of the patients classified as responders trolled trials exist for buspirone, atenolol, moclo-
in these trials still have clinically significant bemide, and fluoxetine in generalized social anx-
192 Part III Anxiety Disorders

iety disorder (for a review see Roy-Byrne & land, Barrett, & Laurens, 1997; Flannery-
Cowley, 2002). Schroeder & Kendall, 2000; Ginsburg & Schloss-
berg, 2002; Kendall, 1994; Kendall et al., 1997;
Last, Hansen, & Franco, 1998; Lumpkin, Silver-
Social Anxiety Disorder in
man, Weems, Markham, & Kurtines, 2002; Sil-
Children and Adolescents
verman et al., 1999a, 1999b).
Increased self-consciousness and preoccupation Three Type 1 randomized, controlled cogni-
with social matters are extremely common dur- tive-behavioral treatment studies specifically for
ing late childhood and early adolescence, a de- children and adolescents with social phobia
velopmental stage in which the importance of have reported positive clinical response. Hay-
peers is typically heightened. Accordingly, adult ward et al. (2000) randomly assigned 35 female
epidemiological studies have also consistently adolescents with social phobia to cognitive-
indicated that onset of social phobia is common behavioral group therapy (CBGT) (N ⫽ 12) or no
during late childhood, with onset typically oc- treatment (N ⫽ 23). Eleven of the 12 cases com-
curring between ages 11 and 12 (Albano, 2003). pleted the active treatment. After 16 weeks of
Differentiating normative adolescent social treatment, significantly fewer treated patients
concerns from the clinical social anxiety disor- met criteria for social phobia. At 1-year follow-
der poses difficulties for clinicians, parents, up, however, there was no difference between
teachers, and adolescents alike, and perhaps the the two groups, suggesting that the CBGT may
best way to parse the two is to examine func- result in a moderate short-term effect. Spence,
tional impairment and concomitant symptoms: Donovan, and Brechman-Toussaint (2000) ran-
compared to non-anxious counterparts, youth domly assigned 50 children with social phobia,
with social anxiety disorder more often report ages 7–14 years, to either child-focused CBT, CBT
depressed mood, high trait anxiety, and per- plus parent involvement, or a wait-list control.
ceived social incompetence (Albano, Chorpita, The integrated CBT program involved intensive
& Barlow, 2003), higher levels of loneliness and social skills training with graded exposure and
fewer friends (Beidel, Turner, & Morris, 1999), a cognitive challenging. After treatment, children
wide range of social avoidance (Albano, Det- in both CBT groups had a greater decrease in so-
weiler, Logsdon-Conradsen, Walker, & Ollen- cial and general anxiety and a greater increase in
dick, 1999), and, in at least some cases, social parental ratings of child social skills than did
anxiety is associated with school refusal (Kear- those in the wait-list control group. At 12-month
ney & Drake, 2002). Given the potentially seri- follow-up, both CBT groups had retained their
ous consequences of social anxiety disorder and improvement. Beidel, Turner, and Morris (2000)
its sequalae for the life trajectory of adolescents, demonstrated the efficacy of social effectiveness
detection and treatment are especially impor- therapy for children (SET-C) in comparison to an
tant. active but nonspecific intervention (Testbusters):
children ages 8–12 treated with SET-C had
enhanced social skill, reduced social anxiety,
Psychosocial Treatment for Social Anxiety
decreased associated psychopathology, and in-
Disorder in Children and Adolescents
creased social interaction both at posttreatment
There is an increasing body of evidence dem- and at 6-month follow-up.
onstrating the efficacy of CBT approaches for Researchers have also examined whether the
children and adolescents with anxiety disorders, treatment should be delivered individually, with
which has included those with social phobia (or family, or with peers. In the Spence et al. (2000)
with the previous diagnostic term, avoidant dis- study described above, superior results seemed to
order). A number of controlled trials targeting have emerged when parents were involved in
anxious children have included those diagnosed CBT treatment, but this effect was not statisti-
with social phobia (Barrett, Dadds, & Rapee, cally significant. In a Type 3 study, Masia, Klein,
1996; Barrett, 1998; Cobham, Dadds, & Spence, Storch, and Corda (2001) piloted a school-based
1998; Dadds et al., 1999; Dadds, Spence, Hol- behavioral treatment for adolescents and con-
Chapter 10 Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 193

cluded that the school setting is a logical place than did the children in the placebo group. On
to deliver the treatment because it is where the the CGI scale, 48 of 63 (76%) of children had a
individuals with social anxiety endure the most response to treatment, in comparison to only 19
distress. of 65 children (29%; p ⬍ .001). The study led to
Current research is attempting to identify the the conclusion that fluvoxamine is an effective
necessary or sufficient components in the psy- treatment for children and adolescents with so-
chosocial treatment of social phobia, as well as cial phobia, SAD, or generalized anxiety.
the optimal context. Based on meta-analyses of In follow-up analyses, Walkup and colleagues
adult studies, exposure in some form may be a (RUPP, 2003) examined the data for moderators
key ingredient (Beidel et al., 2000). Treatment of and mediators of pharmacologic response in
the adolescent with social phobia may require these 128 youths. Interestingly, no significant
different treatment interventions from those moderators of efficacy were identified, except for
used in the younger ages (Beidel et al., 2000; lower baseline depression scores, based on “par-
Spence et al., 2000). ent” (but not “child”) report, which were asso-
ciated with greater improvement. Patients with
social phobia and greater severity of illness, ir-
Pharmacotherapy of Social Anxiety Disorder
respective of medical assignment, were less likely
in Children and Adolescents
to improve. Further study will be needed to de-
As recently as 1999, no definitive data existed on termine why the diagnosis of social phobia pre-
the efficacy of psychopharmacology in the treat- dicted a less favorable outcome in this specific
ment of anxiety disorders in youth (excluding study.
OCD) (Labellarte, Ginsburg, Walkup, & Riddle, Although there have been few studies exam-
1999). In 2001, fluvoxamine, an SSRI, was stud- ining the effects of treatments that combine CBT
ied in children and adolescents 6 to 17 years of and medication in adults, no systematic studies
age with either social phobia, SAD, or general- of combined treatment for children and adoles-
ized anxiety disorder (GAD; Walkup et al., 2001). cents with social phobia exist. Given the lack of
Youth (N ⫽ 153) were evaluated and enrolled in information about adolescents with anxiety dis-
a 3-week open treatment trial with supportive orders, efficacy studies on both CBT and phar-
psychoeducational therapy. Only five children macotherapy and on the relative efficacy of each
improved with brief psychoeducation and did treatment alone and in combination are very
not go on to medication therapy. One hundred much needed.
and twenty-eight children were assigned to ei-
ther fluvoxamine or placebo for 8 weeks. The flu-
voxamine dose was increased every week by 50 Selective Mutism: Is It a Form of
mg to a maximum of 300 mg/day for adolescents Social Phobia?
and 250 mg/day for children less than 12 years
of age. The average dose of fluvoxamine was 2.9 Over the last 10 years, the literature has focused
⫹ 1.3 mg/kg, and the average last dose was 4.0 on the relationship between selective mutism
⫹ 2.2 mg/kg. The medication was generally well and social phobia across developmental phases,
tolerated; five children in the fluvoxamine group in particular as to whether selective mutism is a
and one in the placebo group discontinued be- childhood form of later social phobia. Selective
cause of adverse effects. Adverse effects were mutism is currently classified under “disorders
more common in the medication group; abdom- usually first diagnosed in infancy, childhood or
inal discomfort was significantly greater in the adolescence,” in DSM-IV (American Psychiatric
fluvoxamine group than in the placebo group, Association, 1994). There is an emerging consen-
and there was a trend toward a greater frequency sus that it is most consistent with an anxiety dis-
of increased motor activity in the fluvoxamine order. Although still somewhat debated, selec-
group. The youth in the fluvoxamine group had tive mutism may represent a childhood form of
significantly greater reductions in symptoms of social phobia (Black & Uhde, 1992, 1995; Dum-
anxiety and higher rates of clinical response mit et al., 1997; Steinhausen & Juzi, 1996). Some
194 Part III Anxiety Disorders

have argued that selective mutism should not patients in both groups remained very sympto-
continue to be a separate diagnostic category but matic at the end of the study.
rather be considered a symptom, or subtype, of
social phobia (Anstendig, 1999; Black & Uhde,
1995; Dummit et al., 1997). Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Treatment of Generalized Anxiety

Psychosocial (Behavioral) Treatment for Disorder in Adults
Selective Mutism
Several CBT programs have been developed and
Behavioral treatment of selective mutism has empitacally evaluated for GAD. As might be ex-
generally been the initial and the primary inter- pected given the nature of GAD, some of these
vention in clinical practice, but there are no ran- protocols place less emphasis on exposure to spe-
domized controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating be- cific fear cues and instead focus primarily on the
havioral treatment. On the basis of Type 6 case development of effective coping strategies, of
reports and single case designs, contingency which exposure-based procedures (e.g., worry
management, exposure-based techniques, and time) are among several techniques used. The
self-modeling are the most frequently used be- outcome data for CBT are generally encouraging,
havioral interventions (Anstendig, 1998; Cun- with several meta-analytic reports indicating
ningham, Cataldo, Mallion, & Keyes, 1984; very large within-subjects effects and moderate
Holmbeck & Lavigne, 1992; Kehle, Owens, & to large effects in comparison to psychosocial
Cressy, 1990). control treatments and to low-dose diazepam
treatment (Borkovec & Ruscio, 2001; Gould,
Buckminster, Pollack, Otto, & Yap, 1997). Al-
Pharmacological Treatment of
though the efficacy of several CBT programs has
Selective Mutism
been established, outcome studies also suggest
Despite the paucity of controlled trials on the ef- that there is significant room for improvement,
ficacy of medications for the treatment of selec- especially with respect to the percentage of pa-
tive mutism, pharmacotherapy is often used in tients who achieve high end-state functioning
clinical practice. In one Type 1 report, Black and (Orsillo, Roehmer, & Barlow, 2003). This obser-
Uhde (1994) treated 16 children with selective vation has prompted recent innovations in GAD
mutism with single-blind placebo for 2 weeks. treatment, including the addition of interper-
The 15 placebo nonresponders were then ran- sonal elements into the existing CBT programs
domly assigned to double-blind treatment with (Borkovec, Newman, & Castonguay, 2003).
fluoxetine (N ⫽ 6) or placebo (N ⫽ 9) for 12 Several medications have been found effective
weeks. The mean maximum dose of fluoxetine for acute treatment of GAD. Benzodiazepines,
was 21.4 mg/day (range 12–27 mg/day, 0.60 to such as alprazolam, have demonstrated short-
0.62 mg/kg/day). Side effects were minimal, and term efficacy for reducing GAD symptoms, with
all double-blind patients completed the 12 response rates (usually defined as a 40%–50%
weeks. Patients on fluoxetine (N ⫽ 6) were sig- improvement in symptoms on the Hamilton
nificantly better than those on placebo (N ⫽ 9) Anxiety Scale or a CGI improvement rating of
on parent’s rating of mutism change and global “moderately” or “much” improved) as high as
change. However, clinician and teacher ratings 75%. Benzodiazepines have the advantage of be-
did not show any significant differences between ing faster acting than alternative medications.
those receiving medication and those on pla- Despite concerns about side effects (e.g., seda-
cebo. The authors suggested that this could in tion, memory loss, physiologic dependence,
part be due to the small number of patients withdrawal syndromes), benzodiazepines are
or the more severe baseline symptoms of the still among the most widely used medications
medication group. Nevertheless, the authors for treatment of GAD. Buspirone has also been
cautioned that despite improvement for some, found effective in controlled trials and its side-
Chapter 10 Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 195

effect profile (e.g., not sedating) may be better “little adults” because their worries may focus on
tolerated by some patients than that of benzo- keeping schedules, family finances, the environ-
diazepines. ment, health issues, relationships, and perfec-
Antidepressant medications have shown effi- tionism—themes that are more typically con-
cacy for GAD in controlled trials. Because of very cerns for adults. Youth with GAD may not be
high rates of comorbidity of GAD with depres- disruptive or acting-out in their behavior, so
sive disorders and symptoms, antidepressant their difficulties may go unnoticed by parents,
medications may provide additional benefits for family, and teachers. Nevertheless, their internal
GAD patients. However, most antidepressants distress interferes with their overall functioning.
are slower acting than benzodiazepines, often Preliminary data evidences developmental
taking 3–4 weeks for benefits to become obvious. differences in symptom report between older
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) such as imipra- and younger children with GAD (formerly over-
mine demonstrated benefit over placebo in early anxious disorder [OAD]), and it seems that with
controlled trials, yet recent controlled trials have age, children’s manifestation of GAD changes in
shown benefits for newer antidepressants such both content and in symptom number (Kendall
as the SSRI paroxetine and the dual serotonin– & Pimentel, 2003; Strauss, Lease, Last, & Francis,
norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) 1988). There also appear to be differences across
venlafaxine-XR. The latter is the first antidepres- GAD symptoms with respect to their efficiency
sant to receive a U.S. Food and Drug Administra- in yielding a DSM-IV diagnosis (Pina, Silverman,
tion (FDA) indication for treatment of GAD. Alfano, & Saavedra, 2002). In addition, older
These antidepressants are well tolerated and lend children, over the age of 12, present with a
to long-term treatment, and not surprisingly higher number of overall symptoms, as well as
have quickly become commonplace for treat- more anxiety about past events. This increase in
ment of GAD. For a detailed review of pharma- symptom report may be somewhat GAD-
cotherapy for adult GAD see the report by Roy- specific, rather than a mere function of increased
Byrne and Cowley (2002). age, as findings with youth with SAD often re-
In examining the relative and combined effi- veal that younger children report more symp-
cacy of CBT and medication, Power et al. (1990) toms than do older children (Francis, Last, &
randomly assigned 113 patients to one of five Strauss, 1987).
treatment conditions: CBT ⫹ diazepam (DZ),
CBT ⫹ placebo (PBO), CBT alone, DZ alone, and
Psychosocial Treatment of Generalized
PBO. Percent responders, defined as reduction of
Anxiety Disorder in Children and
⬎2 standard deviations from pretreatment, at
posttreatment were 90.5% for CBT ⫹ DZ, 83%
for CBT ⫹ PBO, 86% for CBT, 68% for DZ, and Historically, a wide range of treatments has been
37% for PBO. All active treatments were superior used to treat youth with GAD, including various
to PBO, but did not differ from one another. Per- psychological approaches (e.g., behavioral,
cent responders at 6-month follow-up were 71% cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic, family,
for CBT ⫹ DZ, 67% for CBT ⫹ PBO, 71% for CBT, play) as well as medications. Only a very small
and 41% for DZ; chi-squared analysis revealed number of treatments have met the criteria for
the superiority of treatments that included CBT and have been assigned the label of “empirically
treatments over medication (DZ) alone. supported.” With regard to GAD, much of this
research has been with children, not with ado-
lescents. Our descriptions here of the treatment
Generalized Anxiety Disorder in
of GAD in youth will place an emphasis on the
Children and Adolescents
treatments that have received empirical support.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder is primarily exces- The results of several Type 1 randomized clin-
sive worry in one or more areas of one’s life. ical trials using CBT, conducted by different re-
Youth with GAD are often viewed by others as search groups, support the application of this ap-
196 Part III Anxiety Disorders

proach (Barrett, Rapee, Dadds, & Ryan, 1996; the literature on the treatment of “child and ad-
Flannery-Schroeder & Kendall, 2000; Kendall, olescent” anxiety is based primarily on studies
1994; Kendall et al., 1997; Mendlowitz et al., that have evaluated treatments for youth ages 7
1999). Evidence to date suggests that CBT for to 14, with a mean age around 10.6 (e.g., Barrett,
children and adolescents is effective compared Dadds et al., 1996; Kendall, 1994; Kendall et al.,
to no-treatment control conditions (e.g., Barrett, 1997). Moreover, in one of these studies (Barrett,
Dadds, & Rapee, 1996; Kendall, 1994; Kendall et Dadds, et al., 1996), the treatment effects were
al., 1997) and that CBT for youth with anxiety is not the same across age ranges, showing that a
a “probably efficacious” treatment (Chambless & combined CBT and family intervention was sig-
Hollon, 1998). nificantly more effective than CBT alone for 7-
An initial Type 1 randomized clinical trial to 10-year-old children, but not for 11- to 14-
evaluated a CBT protocol with 8- to 13-year-old year-old children. This finding suggests that
children (Kendall, 1994). The manual-based CBT older children might respond differently than
intervention (called the “Coping Cat”) targets younger children to the same treatment. More
one or more of the following disorders; SAD, so- research on this important topic is sorely
cial phobia, and GAD. A large percentage of the needed.
cases in the report were highly comorbid and Most of the CBT treatments that have been
many had GAD as the primary disorder. Cog- empirically supported for children have substan-
nitive-behavioral therapy addresses the cogni- tial room for improvement when applied to ad-
tive biases associated with anxiety through olescents. First, we cannot assume that previous
psychoeducation, cognitive restructuring to findings from children ages 7 to 14 automati-
change self-talk, relaxation training, guided im- cally apply to all adolescents. Second, adoles-
agery, problem solving, and numerous graded cence is a transitional period, characterized by
exposure tasks. In this RCT, 47 children ages 8 more biological, physical, psychological, and so-
to 13 years were randomized to either CBT or a cial role changes than any other stage except in-
wait-list condition. Children in the CBT condi- fancy (Kendall & Williams, 1986). However,
tion demonstrated significant improvement these developmental differences among children
from pre- to posttreatment on self-reported dis- and adolescents have been largely ignored in
tress, parent-reported distress of child, and, im- treatment outcome studies of anxious youth.
portantly, diagnostic status. Specifically, 66% of Holmbeck and colleagues (2000) note, “al-
treated children no longer met criteria for their though many authors advocate for adaptations
principal anxiety diagnosis following treat- of treatment manuals in ways that take devel-
ment. opment into account, few provide methods for
In a second Type 1 randomized clinical trial doing so” (Holmbeck et al., 2000, p. 339). Simi-
(Kendall et al., 1997), 94 children aged 9 to 13 larly, Weisz and Hawley (2002) assert that one of
years were randomized to the CBT protocol or a the long-term goals for the field of treatment
wait-list condition. Over 50% of treated youth outcome research should be to “develop an array
were free of their principal diagnosis at posttreat- of developmentally tailored treatments that are
ment, with significant reductions in disorder se- effective with clinically referred teens” (p. 21).
verity even for the youth remaining sympto- Because treatments have not fully addressed the
matic. Other controlled trials (e.g., Barrett, 1998) developmental changes of adolescence, one
support the efficacy of CBT in childhood anxiety could argue that the impact of the treatment on
(for review see Kazdin & Weisz, 1998; Ollendick the adolescent’s anxiety disorder has not yet
& King, 2000) and CBT protocols have also been been examined empirically.
adapted to the group format (Flannery- To date, no controlled studies have investi-
Schroeder & Kendall, 2000; Manassis et al., 2002; gated CBT for adolescent GAD. It is important
Silverman et al., 1999a). for such studies to be conducted because GAD is
When considering the treatment of adoles- prevalent in adolescents (see Merikangas & Av-
cents with GAD, one must take into account that enevoli, 2002).
Chapter 10 Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 197

Pharmacotherapy of Generalized Anxiety both anxiolytic and antidepressants affects in

Disorder in Children and Adolescents adults (Rickels et al., 1990, 1991), it does not ap-
pear to be a highly effective or broad-spectrum
There are limited data on pharmacotherapy of anxiolytic in youth (Pohl, Balon, Yergani, & Ger-
GAD, and anxiety disorders in youth in general, shon, 1989; Sheehan, Raj, Sheehan, & Soto,
with the exception of OCD (March, Biederman, 1990).
et al., 1998). This situation exists despite the fact Most of the clinical trials in which TCAs were
that there has been an increase in the use of psy- used did not have children and adolescents with
chotropic medications in child and adolescent GAD only, but rather the much more compli-
samples (Pincus et al., 1998; Zito et al., 2000). cated comorbid group of “school-refusing” chil-
There are few adequately designed studies avail- dren. The several Type 1 placebo-controlled
able that establish the safety and efficacy of any studies of TCAs for children with anxiety-based
class of medication for childhood GAD (Allen, school refusal provide conflicting results (Berney
Leonard, & Swedo, 1995; Bernstein, Borchardt, et al., 1991; Bernstein et al., 1990; Gittelman-
& Perwein, 1996). Medication options for the Klein & Klein, 1973; Klein, Manuzza, Chapman,
treatment of GAD in children and adolescents & Fyer, 1992). None of these studies were de-
would appear to include the benzodiazepines, signed to examine children with the primary di-
the nonbenzodiazepine anxiolytic buspirone, agnosis of GAD, so no conclusions can be drawn
the SSRIs, and the TCAs. These medications have as to the efficacy of TCAs for this anxiety disor-
efficacy in adult GAD (Rickels, Downing, der. Another issue of concern with TCA use in
Schweizer, & Hassman, 1993) and venlafaxine children is associated with a growing recognition
has also been shown to be effective for adult of cardiac risk (Popper & Ziminitzky, 1995; Rid-
GAD (Derivan, Entsuah, Haskins, Rudolph, & dle, Geller, & Ryan, 1993; Riddle, Nelson, et al.,
Aguiar, 1997; Rickels, Pollack, Sheehan, & Has- 1991; Varley & McClellan, 1997). Given the un-
kins, 2000). However, at this juncture there are certain clinical efficacy of TCAs for anxiety-
not adequate data with regard to the use of med- disordered children (including GAD) plus the
ications with adolescents. significant side effects, this class of medication is
Although there exists a literature on the ef- not a first choice.
fectiveness of benzodiazepines in adult anxiety The SSRI antidepressants are potential candi-
disorders (Rickels et al., 1983; Rickels, Schweizer, dates for the treatment of childhood GAD. The
Case, & Greenblatt, 1990), there have been only safety of the SSRIs recommends them, as does
a few studies, with small sample sizes, to exam- their effectiveness in treating depression, which
ine the use of benzodiazepines in childhood may be comorbid with childhood GAD. The
anxiety disorders (Biederman, 1987; Graae, Mil- SSRIs have shown preliminary efficacy in the
ner, Rizzotto, & Klein, 1994; Simeon et al., treatment of adult GAD (Pohl, Wolkow, & Clary,
1992). Most of the studies involve children and 1998) and there is some evidence to suggest the
adolescents with additional comorbidities such use of SSRIs to treat childhood GAD. Unfortu-
as major depression, panic disorder, and school nately, the majority of studies include patients
refusal (Bernstein, Garfinkel, & Borchardt, 1990; with GAD, SAD, social phobia, selective mutism,
Kutcher & Mackenzie, 1988). The results of and anxiety disorder not otherwise specified. In
these studies are mixed, with some finding pos- Type 3 open trials, fluoxetine has shown some
itive results and others finding limited efficacy preliminary benefit for overanxious disorder,
for benzodiazepines. Because of the inconsis- SAD, and social phobia (Birmaher et al., 1994;
tency in results, reports of potentially serious Fairbanks et al., 1997; Manassis & Bradley, 1994).
side effects (Rickels et al., 1990, 1993), and risk In a Type 1 study, Rynn, Siqueland, and Rickels
of dependency and withdrawal, the benzodiaz- (2001) randomized (n ⫽ 22) children meeting
epines cannot be considered a front-line treat- the diagnosis of GAD to receive either placebo or
ment. 50 mg (maximum dose) of sertraline for 9 weeks,
Although buspirone has been shown to have with positive results. The main side effects of
198 Part III Anxiety Disorders

the sertraline-treated children, as compared to their independent activities, unable to venture

the placebo-treated children, were dry mouth, out alone, and may resist going to school. In
drowsiness, leg spasms, and restlessness. The young children fear of going to school (school
RUPP study (2001), mentioned earlier, also pro- phobia) is almost invariably due to separation
vides supportive evidence. anxiety, whereas in adolescence, social anxiety
There have been previous reports of activation or depression may be involved. Likewise, child-
or agitation with the SSRIs, and it appears to be hood school refusal behavior is often associated
dose related (Apter et al., 1994; Riddle, Harin, & with SAD, whereas school refusal behavior in ad-
King, 1990; Riddle, King, et al., 1991). With these olescents may be more strongly linked to social
recent positive studies, it appears that SSRIs are anxiety disorder.
emerging as the first line medication treatment
for childhood anxiety disorders. Because of
Psychosocial Treatment of Separation
withdrawal symptoms being reported with the
Anxiety Disorder in Children and
discontinuation of SSRIs, including nausea,
headache, dizziness, and agitation (Labellarte,
Walkup, & Riddle, 1998), these medications Indirect information on psychosocial treatment
should not be abruptly discontinued. comes from a Type 1 controlled study of behav-
The combination of medications and CBT for ior therapy combined with either imipramine or
the treatment of GAD has several potential mer- a placebo in 45 6- to 14-year-olds with school
its and a few potential enigmas. First, the GAD refusal specifically due to separation anxiety
youth who is nonresponsive to one of the ap- (Gittelman-Klein & Klein, 1971, 1973). To enter
proaches may be responsive to the other or to the drug study, children had to fail 4 weeks of
their combination. Second, on the optimistic vigorous behavioral therapy (Gittelman-Klein,
side, it may be that the combined treatment ef- 1975)—half (50%) of the children responded.
fect is additive—medications reduce initial dis- With another 6 weeks of behavior therapy, now
tress and prepare the client for a more active and combined with a placebo, another 20% im-
involved participation in CBT treatment. A less proved; thus 70% of severely separation-anxious
optimistic view of the combined treatment is children derived marked benefit from 10 weeks
that a medication may detract from the efficacy of behavior therapy. The comprehensive behav-
of CBT. That is, if exposure to the situation and ioral treatment in the Gittelman-Klein report
the facing of the unwanted emotional distress in had beneficial impact, but its precise efficacy is
that situation contribute to the efficacy of CBT, unknown because there were no comparison
then it is possible that the medication-produced conditions. A Type 3 naturalistic study of school
nonanxious condition will prevent the CBT par- refusers reported superior efficacy of behavior
ticipant from experiencing the anxiety during therapy compared to inpatient care and to home
exposure to in vivo tasks. The effectiveness of schooling (Blagg & Yule, 1984). The lack of ran-
the medications could undermine one of the domization weakens the conclusions.
thought-to-be-active aspects of CBT (habituation Type 1 studies of CBT for children with school
to anxiety in the situation). Clearly, research on refusal behavior have also been conducted (King,
this question is very much needed. Leonard, & March, 1998; Last, Hansen, &
Franco, 1998). King et al. (1998) found that 4
weeks of CBT was superior to a wait-list control.
Separation Anxiety Disorder School attendance was higher in the treated chil-
dren than in the untreated children (89% vs.
Distress upon separation from home or caretak- 60%), and ratings of anxiety also showed mean-
ers is a normal developmental feature. However, ingful differences. In contrast, Last et al. (1998)
it can become so intense as to cause marked in- found no significant difference in the improve-
terference with ordinary function. In the ex- ment rate between CBT and standardized edu-
treme, children or adolescents are limited in cational support treatment: mean percentages of
Chapter 10 Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 199

school attendance were 67% and 60%, respec- lationship between this childhood condition
tively. The more stringent criterion of 95% and adult panic disorder (Klein, 1964; Klein
school attendance was met by 22% of the CBT & Fink, 1962). Marked clinical benefit for imip-
group and 21% of those receiving educational ramine (mean 125 mg/day) versus a placebo was
support. In both treatments, a high rate of chil- reported in a Type 1 study of 45 children
dren judged themselves to be improved, as did with school phobia and separation anxiety
parents and clinicians (90% to 100%), but con- (Gittelman-Klein & Klein, 1971). A smaller study
siderably less were considered well by indepen- (N ⫽ 20) failed to replicate earlier positive find-
dent raters. ings (Klein, Koplewicz, & Kanner, 1992). These
Other studies of CBT have not focused solely two treatment studies targeted SAD specifically.
on SAD but have included youth with this dis- Another study failed to observe a significant ad-
order in addition to other anxiety disorders. vantage in school-phobic children treated with
These studies have reported efficacy in treating relatively low doses of clomipramine (75 mg/
SAD (e.g., Kendall, 1994; Kendall et al., 1997). day) (Berney et al., 1981). More recently, a Type
Another Type 1 study (Silverman et al., 1999a) 1 controlled trial in adolescent school refusers
focused mostly on specific fears, the majority reported efficacy for imipramine (Bernstein et
(67%) consisting of anxiety at bedtime requiring al., 2000), but interpretation is complicated by
the presence of a parent, a cardinal symptom of the comorbidity of major depression. The well-
separation anxiety. Following 10 weeks, children documented cardiotoxic effects of high doses of
showed similar patterns of improvement with TCAs have limited their usefulness, especially
CBT, behavior therapy focusing on training par- since SSRIs do not present such a risk.
ents in contingency management, or educa- Clinical reports have claimed benefit from
tional support. high-potency benzodiazepines (i.e., clonaze-
Some investigators have examined whether pam) in mixed anxiety, but the only Type 1 con-
parental involvement in treatment contributes trolled trial did not confirm these clinical
to childrens’ improvement. Of all the childhood observations (Graae et al., 1994). The design
anxiety disorders, SAD can be said to have the of this trial was less than rigorous, however.
most direct impact on the family. Consequently, Benzodiazepines can induce behavioral disinhi-
there is a strong rationale for parental involve- bition in children, which limits their applica-
ment in treatment. A study of anxious school re- tion.
fusers reported significant superiority for the As noted earlier, a Type 1 multisite, placebo-
condition involving parents and teachers in the controlled study (N ⫽ 128) of fluvoxamine (up
children’s treatment, compared to treatment to 300 mg/day) in children with separation
without this component (Heyne et al., 2002), but anxiety, social anxiety, and generalized anxiety
the advantage was not sustained over a 5-month disorders reported a marked advantage for the
follow-up. In a recent Type 1 study, group CBT medication (RUPP, 2001) with an overall im-
was compared to a group family anxiety man- provement rate of 78% for fluvoxamine vs. 29%
agement program and to a wait-list control for for placebo. There were no interactions for di-
youth with mixed anxiety disorders, 43% of agnosis and treatment outcome, except for the
whom had separation anxiety (Barrett, 1998). lesser response rate among patients with social
The treatments were superior to the wait-list phobia than that among those with other diag-
condition, but did not differ from each other on noses (RUPP, 2003). Therefore, it may be sur-
most outcome measures. mised that SAD responded to fluvoxamine.
At this time, SSRIs may be the first-line phar-
macological treatment for childhood SAD, but
Pharmacotherapy of Separation Anxiety
we are in need of information specifically regard-
Disorder in Children and Adolescents
ing adolescents. On the whole, the SSRIs are well
The first use of a pharmacological agent, imip- tolerated and have a favorable side effect profile,
ramine, in SAD derived from a postulated re- and some have demonstrated efficacy.
200 Part III Anxiety Disorders

Specific Phobia in memory (Gray, 1987). This interference can

cause state-dependent learning, whereby infor-
Treatment of Specific Phobia in Adults
mation encoded in the presence of the drug may
Although it is relatively uncommon for adults not be properly retrieved in a drug-free state. In
with only a specific phobia to seek treatment, it addition, uncontrolled studies have reported
is also one of the most effectively treated disor- that the use of benzodiazepines can interfere
ders. The primary treatment for specific phobias with the development of tolerance to anxiogenic
is CBT. Several controlled studies have found stimuli on a neurochemical level (Gray, 1987). It
that up to 90% of participants experienced sig- has been speculated that these medications in-
nificant symptom reduction within 2 to 3 hr of terfere with the central nervous system’s ability
therapy (Öst, 1989; Öst, Ferbee, & Furmark, to adapt to persistently elevated levels of neu-
1997; Öst, Salkovskis, & Hellstroem, 1991). The rotransmitters involved in the stress response
effectiveness of CBT is likely the result of expos- (Anisman & Zacharko, 1992). More research is
ing the patient to feared stimuli in a supportive needed to further examine these potentially im-
environment. This is commonly done systemat- portant findings.
ically, with the therapist using a hierarchy to ad-
dress the patient’s fears. Research has also shown
Specific Phobia in Children and Adolescents
that although exposures tend to be more effec-
tive when therapists model the treatment tasks Fear is a normal response to active or imagined
for the patient, direct observation in and of itself threat that is characterized by affective, behav-
is generally not sufficient (e.g., Öst et al., 1997). ioral, and cognitive components. As discussed
With the exception of dental phobias (e.g., Jer- elsewhere (King et al., 1988; Ollendick, King, &
remalm, Jaansson, & Öst, 1986), cognitive ther- Muris, 2002), nearly all children and adolescents
apy alone has not been examined in the treat- experience some degree of fear. For the most
ment of specific phobias. part, these fears are adaptive—they appear to
Researchers have examined the effectiveness emanate from day-to-day experiences of chil-
of benzodiazepines, beta-blockers, and SSRIs in dren and they reflect their emerging cognitive
treating specific phobias. Some controlled stud- and representational capabilities. Moreover,
ies have found benzodiazepines to be helpful for most of these fears do not involve intense or per-
patients who are averse to initial exposures to sistent reactions, and they are short-lived. This
feared stimuli, or who simply need acute symp- is not so with specific phobias.
tom relief (e.g., Schmidt, Koselka, & Woolaway-
Bickel, 2001). However, both controlled and un-
Psychosocial Treatment of Specific Phobia in
controlled studies have found long-term use of
Children and Adolescents
benzodiazepines to be associated with unsatis-
factory outcome and a myriad of other compli- Using criteria established for empirically sup-
cations (Sanderson & Wetzler, 1993; Westra & ported treatments (see Chambless & Hollon,
Stewart, 1998). These unwanted effects include 1998; Chambless & Ollendick, 2000), Ollendick
depression, a higher rate of symptom relapse and King (1998, 2000) have indicated that two
once drugs are discontinued, and a risk of drug psychosocial treatments have attained “well-
tolerance, dependence, and abuse (Spiegel & established” status (participant modeling, rein-
Bruce, 1997). forced practice) and five treatments have
The use of benzodiazepines in conjunction achieved “probably efficacious” status (imaginal
with exposure therapy was found to interfere desensitization, in vivo desensitization, live
with the treatment efficacy of exposure (e.g., modeling, filmed modeling, and verbal self-
Marks et al., 1993; Wilhelm & Roth, 1997). Stud- instruction) in the treatment of phobic disorders
ies have shown benzodiazepines to interfere in children. The well-established treatments
with both the acquisition and retention of new have been shown to be more effective than cred-
information (Barbee, Black, & Tordorov, 1992) ible placebo controls in at least two RCTs,
and to affect the way new information is stored whereas probably efficacious treatments have
Chapter 10 Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 201

been shown to be more effective than wait-list mark of this one-session treatment is a gradu-
control conditions in at least two RCTs or to be ated, systematic, prolonged exposure to the
more effective than a credible placebo control in phobic stimulus combined with the active dis-
at least one RCT. Support for these interventions suading and repair of faulty cognition. As such,
has come solely from intervention studies with it involves a combination of strategies including
children 12 or 13 years of age and younger. None cognitive restructuring, in vivo graduated expo-
of the studies treated specific phobia in adoles- sure, participant modeling, and social reinforce-
cents. More research is needed with adolescents ment. Notably, this treatment has been designed
to determine the efficacy of behavioral treat- to be maximally effective in one session, and
ments for them. Two recent studies conducted therefore lasts 3 or more hours in length. Results
have examined cognitive-behavioral interven- indicated that the treatment was superior to
tions in samples that included adolescents. wait-list and produced significant gains both
In the first Type 1 study examining the treat- immediately posttreatment and at 1-year follow-
ment of both children and adolescents, Silver- up (Öst et al., 2001). Also, in a Type 3 study, one-
man et al. (1999b) examined the relative benefits session treatment has been found to be compa-
of an operant-based contingency management rable to other, longer treatments with more ses-
treatment and a cognitive-based self-control sions (see Muris, Merckelbach, Holdrinet, &
treatment, in comparison to an education- Sijsenaar, 1998). Presently, Ollendick and Öst are
support control group. Graduated in vivo expo- completing a larger Type 1 study examining the
sure was used in both the self-control and the effectiveness of one-session treatment in com-
contingency management conditions but not in parison to educational support and wait-list con-
the education-support condition. Phobic chil- ditions. Approximately 200 youth with specific
dren (N ⫽ 81) between 6 and 16 years of age phobias are participating in this trial, which
along with their parents were evaluated using is being conducted in the United States and
child, parent, and clinician measures. The chil- Sweden.
dren were assigned randomly to one of the three
10-week manualized treatment conditions (i.e.,
Pharmacotherapy of Specific Phobia in
self-control, contingency management, or edu-
Children and Adolescents
cation support). Although all three conditions
were found to impart improvement in the child’s At present, no randomized pharmacological
functioning as measured by the reports of chil- treatment studies of specific phobia in children
dren, parents, and clinicians, clinically signifi- and adolescents have been completed (Ginsburg
cant improvements were noted only in the two & Walkup, 2004). The lack of such studies ap-
cognitive-behavioral treatment conditions. Spe- pears to be related to the common misconcep-
cifically, on a measure of clinical distress at post- tion that specific fears are a part of normal ex-
treatment, 80% of the participants in the self- perience and not a condition associated with
control and 80% of the participants in the impairment. On the basis of the findings ob-
contingency management conditions reported tained with adults, however, SSRIs may be effec-
very little or no distress, compared to only 25% tive among children and adolescents with spe-
in the education-support condition. Notably, cific phobia (in contrast to the benzodiazepines
88% of the participants in the self-control con- and TCAs). A recent Type 3 open trial suggests
dition no longer met diagnostic criteria at post- their utility. Fairbanks et al. (1997) completed a
treatment compared to 55% in the contingency 9-week trial of fluoxetine in children ages 9 to 18
management and 56% in the education-support years with mixed anxiety disorders (N ⫽ 16). Af-
condition. ter not responding to brief psychotherapy, pa-
In the second Type 1 study, Öst, Svensson, tients were started on low-dose fluoxetine (5 mg/
Hellström, and Lindwall (2001) evaluated the ef- day), which was then increased weekly until side
fects of a cognitive-behavioral procedure referred effects or improvement occurred to a maximum
to as “one-session treatment” on phobic chil- of 40 mg/day (children) and 80 mg/day (adoles-
dren and adolescents 7 to 17 years old. The hall- cents). Of the 16 patients enrolled, 6 had specific
202 Part III Anxiety Disorders

phobia and 4 of the 6 responded to fluoxetine. roxetine was the first SSRI approved by the FDA
The medication was also generally well tolerated. for panic disorder and its antipanic effects have
To date, no randomized clinical trials have ex- been demonstrated in placebo-controlled stud-
amined the joint efficacy of psychosocial and ies. A 12-week double-blind, placebo-controlled
pharmacologic treatments with children or ad- study of 367 panic patients found that both pa-
olescents. Given the promise of several treat- roxetine and clomipramine were superior to pla-
ments, however, there is reason to believe that cebo (Lecrubier, Bakker, Dunbar, & Judge, 1997).
beneficial effects of combined treatment may oc- Compared to clomipramine, paroxetine acted
cur. Research into their combinatorial effects is more quickly to block spontaneous panic at-
needed before any conclusions can be drawn. tacks, overall was associated with less adverse ef-
fects, and for 9 months after the 12-week acute
phase demonstrated improvement. In a double-
Panic Disorder blind, placebo-controlled study, Ballenger, Da-
vidson, Wheadon, and colleagues (1998) com-
Treatment of Panic Disorder in Adults
pared different doses of paroxetine and
The efficacy of cognitive, behavioral, and concluded that 40 mg daily was the most effec-
cognitive-behavioral treatment programs has tive dosage. Sertraline (now also FDA approved),
been examined and is now well established for fluvoxamine, and fluoxetine have all shown sig-
panic disorder. Under a broad theoretical um- nificant ability to block panic compared to pla-
brella, the emphasis in treatment has been on cebo. The general pattern of treatment response
disconfirming mistaken beliefs about the mean- is as follows. First, spontaneous panic attacks are
ing of physical sensations (Clark, 1986, 1996) blocked, usually within the first 6 to 8 weeks.
and on exposing the patient to the feared This is followed by a gradual reduction in antic-
physical sensations (Barlow, 1988). Cognitive- ipatory anxiety and agoraphobic avoidance be-
behavioral therapy has proven efficacious even havior. A critical issue that has emerged from vir-
when cognitive therapy is condensed (Clark et tually all studies of SSRI treatment for panic is
al., 1999). A commonly used protocol, panic the vulnerability of these patients to jitteriness,
control treatment, has been found to be effica- restlessness, and increased anxiety during initial
cious in several studies (e.g., Zarate, Craske, & dosing. Starting with low doses is thus recom-
Barlow, 1990), and in the largest combined treat- mended (e.g., paroxetine 10 mg/day, sertraline
ment study published to date, it was superior to 25 mg/day, fluvoxamine 50 mg/day, fluoxetine
pill placebo at the end of acute treatment but not 10 mg/day) with gradual increases to the optimal
superior to imipramine alone (Barlow et al., target dose.
2000). Notably, although panic control treat- High-potency benzodiazepines are also effec-
ment typically includes breathing retraining, a tive for panic disorder. Alprazolam and clona-
procedure designed to minimize panic sensa- zepam have been the most widely studied. In
tions, a recent controlled study indicated that Phase 1 of the Cross-National Collaborative Pan-
the inclusion of breathing retraining did not pro- ic study of 481 panic patients, alprazolam at a
vide incremental benefit above and beyond CBT mean dose of 5.7 mg/day was more effective
alone, and on some outcome measures actually than placebo with a 55% response rate (com-
yielded less favorable outcome (Schmidt et al., pared to 32% placebo rate) at the 8-week end
2000). point (Ballenger, Davidson, Lecrbier, et al.,
A wide range of medications have demonstra- 1998). Rosenbaum, Moroz, and Bowden (1997)
ble efficacy for panic in the initial phase of treat- conducted a multicenter, parallel group,
ment, including TCAs, low- and high-potency placebo-controlled, fixed-dose study of clonaze-
benzodiazepines, monoamine oxidase inhibitors pam in 413 patients. Patients were randomly as-
(MAOIs), and SSRIs. Because of the comparable signed to one of five fixed doses. The results
efficacy to that of older medications, yet a vastly indicated significant improvement at all doses
superior side-effect profile, SSRIs are now consid- but a differentiation of the four higher doses
ered first-line medications for treating panic. Pa- from the 0.5-mg dose and placebo. The mini-
Chapter 10 Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 203

mum effective dose was 1 mg; beyond this dose with panic disorder seek help at all (Essau, Con-
all doses were equally efficacious. Reticence to dradt, & Petermann, 1999).
prescribe benzodiazepines for panic has been
based on the (unwarranted) assumption that pa-
Psychosocial Treatment of Panic Disorder in
tients will gradually escalate the dose to achieve
Children and Adolescents
therapeutic effect in a pattern similar to that
seen in substance abusers. However, controlled Psychosocial treatments for panic disorder have
studies have shown that panic disorder patients been based largely on cognitive and cognitive-
are not likely to increase dosages and actually behavioral theories (Chambless & Ollendick,
found such increases to be uncomfortable and 2000), and the few studies of cognitive-
associated with unwanted effects (Salzman, behavioral treatment of panic disorder in chil-
1993). dren and adolescents have used a protocol based
With respect to TCAs, imipramine has been largely on panic control treatment (Barlow,
the most studied antipanic agent, with several 1988). This treatment consists of three primary
studies demonstrating superiority over placebo. strategies: relaxation training and breathing re-
The serotonergic-acting clomipramine also has training to address neurobiological sensitivities
strong antipanic effects and in one placebo- to stress, interoceptive exposure to address
controlled trial was actually superior to imipra- heightened somatic symptoms, and cognitive re-
mine and placebo (Modigh, Westberg, & Eriks- structuring to address faulty misinterpretations
son, 1992). However, the majority of studies associated with the somatic symptoms. Adoles-
point to equivalent efficacy for TCAs and SSRIs cent treatment studies based on Barlow’s model
yet a superior side-effect profile with SSRIs (Bak- have been sparse; however, two Type 3 case se-
ker, Spinhoven, van der Does, van Balkom, & ries studies lend initial support to its use and one
van Dyck, 2002). Although venlafaxine, nefazo- randomized, large-scale, Type 1 treatment out-
done, and mirtazapine have not been studied in come study appears promising. In the first of the
a controlled fashion, they have all been shown Type 3 studies, Barlow and Seidner (1983)
to exhibit antipanic action, particularly in pa- treated three adolescents who had panic disorder
tients with comorbid depression. For a detailed with agoraphobia using an early version of panic
review of the literature on panic disorder treat- control treatment. The patients were treated in
ment outcome see Roy-Byrne and Cowley a 10-session group-therapy format and were ac-
(2002). companied by their mothers, who were enlisted
to facilitate behavior change. Following treat-
ment, two of the three adolescents showed con-
Panic Disorder in Children and Adolescents
siderable improvement in their symptoms; the
Panic disorder can be a disabling condition ac- third did not show significant change. In the sec-
companied by psychosocial, family, peer, and ac- ond of the Type 3 studies, Ollendick (1995) used
ademic difficulties (Birmaher & Ollendick, 2004; a multiple baseline design to illustrate the effects
Moreau & Weissman, 1992; Ollendick, Mattis, & of an adapted version of panic control treatment
King, 1994). In addition, panic disorder is asso- with four adolescents who had panic disorder
ciated with increased risk for other anxiety dis- with agoraphobia. The adolescents ranged in age
orders, major depressive disorder (MDD), and from 13 to 17 years; however, their panic attacks
substance abuse (Birmaher & Ollendick, 2004; began when they were between 9 and 13 years
Moreau & Weissman, 1992). Moreover, such ad- of age, nearly 4 years on average prior to the be-
verse outcomes are more prevalent in adults ginning of treatment. The patients were treated
whose panic disorder starts early in life (before individually but, as in Barlow and Seidner’s
17 years of age; see Weissman et al., 1997). De- (1983) study, their mothers were enlisted to fa-
spite this, it takes on average 12.7 years from the cilitate behavior change. Treatment varied in du-
onset of reported symptoms for adults to initiate ration but lasted between 10 and 12 sessions for
and seek treatment (Moreau & Follet, 1993). Un- the four adolescents. Treatment was effective for
fortunately, it appears that very few youngsters all the patients eliminating panic attacks, reduc-
204 Part III Anxiety Disorders

ing agoraphobic avoidance, decreasing accom- comorbid disorders, depression and other anxi-
panying negative mood states, and increasing ety disorders, also respond to CBT and/or SSRIs
self-efficacy for coping with previously avoided (Birmaher et al., 1994; Brent et al., 1997; Emslie
situations and panic attacks should they occur et al. 1997; Kendall et al., 1997; Ollendick &
in the future. King, 1998; RUPP, 2001).
Presently, Mattis and colleagues are in the fi- To date, no randomly controlled clinical trials
nal stages of a Type 1 RCT of a developmental have examined the joint efficacy of psychosocial
adaptation of panic control treatment for ado- and pharmacologic treatments with children or
lescents (PCT-A) and a self-monitoring control adolescents with panic disorder. Given the in-
condition in the treatment of panic disorder. dependent promise of both treatments, how-
Three aspects of panic disorder are addressed in ever, there is reason to believe that synergistic
this 11-session, manualized intervention: (1) the effects could occur. Nevertheless, research into
cognitive aspect of panic disorder or the ten- their separate and combined effects, such as that
dency to misinterpret physical sensations as cat- pursued in adult populations (e.g., Barlow et al.,
astrophic; (2) the tendency to hyperventilate or 2000), is needed.
overbreathe, thus creating and/or intensifying
physical sensations of panic; and (3) conditioned
fear reactions to the physical sensations. Al- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
though the trial is still under way, initial findings
Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive
suggest a reduction in severity of panic attacks
Disorder in Adults
and panic disorder in patients receiving PCT-A
relative to those in the monitoring control group Among the psychosocial treatments for OCD,
(Mattis et al., 2001). exposure and response (or ritual) prevention
(EX/RP) is the most well-established treatment
for adults, having been found superior to a va-
Pharmacotherapy of Panic Disorder in
riety of active and control treatments (for a re-
Children and Adolescents
view see Franklin & Foa, 2002). In this treatment
No RCTs for the pharmacological treatment of patients gradually confront situations that evoke
panic disorder in children and adolescents have their obsessional fears (e.g., sitting on the floor,
yet been completed (Birmaher & Ollendick, where they feel contaminated by germs) and at
2004). In children and adolescents, anecdotal the same time are refrained from reducing their
case reports suggest that benzodiazepines and discomfort by performing ritualistic behaviors
the SSRIs (Birmaher & Ollendick, 2004) may be (e.g., excessive washing and cleaning).
efficacious for panic disorder. For example, in a The only medications studied in randomized
prospective Type 3 open trial, Renaud, Birmaher, clinical trials and reported to be efficacious for
Wassick, and Bridge (1999) treated 12 children OCD are serotonin reuptate inhibitors (e.g.,
and adolescents with panic disorder with SSRIs clomipramine) and the SSRIs (e.g., fluoxetine,
for a period of 6 to 8 weeks. Nearly 75% of the fluvoxamine, sertraline, paroxetine, citalopram).
youth showed much to very much improvement The data suggest a 20% to 40% reduction in
with SSRIs without experiencing significant side symptoms, but many patients classified as re-
effects. At the end of the trial, eight (67%) no sponders in these trials still have clinically sig-
longer fulfilled criteria for panic disorder nificant symptoms. Moreover, patients with se-
whereas four (33%) continued to have signifi- vere comorbid MDD or significant substance
cant and lasting effects. abuse have usually been excluded (for a review
Panic disorder is accompanied frequently by a see Dougherty, Rauch, & Jenike, 2002).
variety of other mental health disorders (Bied- Several RCTs examining the efficacy of com-
erman, Faraone, et al., 2001; Mattis & Ollendick, bined treatment have been conducted in OCD
2002). Treatment of these comorbid conditions (Cottreaux et al., 1990; Foa, Rothbaum, & Furr,
may be needed to improve the youngster’s over- 2003; Hohagen et al., 1998; Marks et al., 1988;
all functioning. Fortunately, two of the common van Balkom et al., 1998), and their collective re-
Chapter 10 Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 205

sults suggest that combined treatment, at least into the senselessness of obsessional concerns is
as applied simultaneously, has not proven to be not required for diagnosis in children and ado-
a panacea (Foa, Franklin, & Moser, 2002; Frank- lescents, and, as with adults, probably exists
lin & Foa, 2002). In trials directly comparing se- along a continuum from complete awareness of
rotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs) and CBT (in- their senselessness to no insight (Foa, Hearst-
cluding EX/RP), outcome has been influenced Ikeda, & Perry, 1995). In general pediatric OCD
by the design of the study, the SRI dosage, and is formally similar to OCD in adults, yet the con-
the quality and the quantity of the EX/RP deliv- tent of obsessions and compulsions is likely to
ered. When intensive EX/RP (e.g., 15 sessions be influenced by developmental factors. For ex-
delivered five times per week for 3 weeks) was ample, younger children are generally more
compared to adequately dosed clomipramine “magical” in their thinking and thus may have
over 12 weeks, arguably the two most effica- more superstitious OCD symptoms (e.g., “If I
cious OCD treatments, the two treatments were don’t retrace my steps then something really bad
both superior to placebo and EX/RP was supe- will happen to my little sister”). As with adults,
rior in most analyses (Foa et al., 2005). Further, some pediatric OCD patients are able to identify
when results from this study using an intensive feared consequences of not ritualizing (e.g.,
CBT approach are compared with a study em- books will be stolen if the locker is not checked),
ploying weekly CBT with and without concom- whereas others experience anxiety and distress
itant medication (Cottraux et al., 1990), inten- in the absence of articulated consequences. Fur-
sive CBT alone appears to fare better than ther, although the logic of some patients’ feared
weekly CBT alone, with no differences evident consequences is shared by many in their culture
in the combined treatment groups (Foa, Frank- (e.g., contracting disease via direct contact with
lin, & Moser, 2002). It is important to note that a public toilet seat), other patients’ fears are ex-
response prevention in the study by Foa et al. tremely unusual (e.g., losing their essence by dis-
(2005) appears to have been more strictly ap- carding trash that has touched them). It is im-
plied than that in the Cottraux et al. study portant to recognize that bizarre content does
(1990), and thus the effects of the visit schedule not necessarily preclude a diagnosis of OCD and
cannot be isolated in this comparison. Never- that patients with such unusual fears may also
theless, perhaps the addition of medication may be responsive to CBT (Franklin, Tolin, March, &
enhance outcome when EX/RP is not imple- Foa, 2001).
mented intensively or when variations are made A subgroup of children with pediatric onset of
to the EX/RP protocol. either OCD or a tic disorder has been described
by the term PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune
Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in
Streptococcal infection). These children have an
Children and Adolescents
abrupt onset of symptoms after a group A β-
Children and adolescents with OCD typically hemolytic streptococcal infection (GABHS), and
present with both obsessions and compulsions, their course of illness is characterized by dra-
although the youngest sufferers may have diffi- matic acute worsening of symptoms with peri-
culty articulating their obsessions. As is the case ods of remission (Swedo 1994, Swedo et al.,
with adults, the cardinal feature of OCD in youth 1998). The PANDAS subgroup is defined by five
is neutralizing: when the patient describes clinical characteristics: (1) presence of OCD and/
anxiety-inducing thoughts or images and at- or a tic disorder; (2) prepubertal symptom onset;
tempts to relieve this anxiety or reduce the (3) dramatic onset and acute exacerbations with
chances that feared consequences would occur an episodic course of symptom severity; (4) tem-
by performing some overt or covert neutralizing poral association between symptom exacerba-
behavior, the OCD diagnosis should be consid- tions and GABHS infections; and (5) associated
ered. Functional impairment is required for di- neurological abnormalities (e.g., choreiform
agnosis as well, as subclinical obsessions and movements) (Swedo et al., 1998). Identification
compulsions are probably ubiquitous. Insight of this subtype is important because the symp-
206 Part III Anxiety Disorders

toms may require a different assessment and were significant differences between pre- and
treatment. In a child who has an acute onset of posttreatment, with a mean reduction in symp-
OCD and/or tics or has had a dramatic deterio- tom severity of about 50%. Sixty-seven percent
ration, medical illnesses (including seemingly of the patients had better than 50% symptom
benign upper respiratory infections) in the prior improvement (which was maintained at follow-
months should be carefully considered. A throat up). Only 20% were nonresponders. At the end
culture, antistreptolysin O (ASO) titer, and anti- of treatment, 40% were rated as asymptomatic,
DNaseB streptococcal titer may help to diagnose and at follow-up 60% were rated as such. Forty
such an infection, even in the absence of clinical percent of the sample was able to discontinue
symptoms of pharyngitis (Murphy & Pichichero, medication with booster sessions. This work has
2002; Swedo et al., 1998). led to a manual for children and adolescents
with OCD (8 to 17 years) (March & Mulle, 1998),
and an RCT comparing the relative efficacy of
Psychosocial Treatments of Obsessive-
this CBT manual, sertraline, combined treat-
Compulsive Disorder in Children and
ment, and placebo has just been completed
(Franklin, Foa, & March, 2003); a second RCT
Expert Consensus Guidelines (March, Francis, comparing EX/RP plus family therapy to relaxa-
Kahn, & Carpenter, 1997) and the American tion is also nearing completion (J. Piacentini,
Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry personal communication).
(AACAP) Practice Parameters for OCD (King et Franklin and colleagues (1998) conducted a
al., 1998) consider CBT, specifically the features Type 3 study and reported that 14 youth (ages
of EX/RP, an important intervention, and rec- 10 to 17 years) had a 67% improvement at post-
ommend starting with CBT or CBT plus an SSRI, treatment, and found no difference in response
depending on severity and comorbidity. Expo- between those who received CBT alone and
sure and response prevention involves therapist- those with CBT in combination with an SRI.
assisted in vivo exposure to feared situations, Others have also reported generally positive re-
imaginal exposure to feared “disasters,” and in- sults for CBT in Type 3 open studies (Piacentini
structions to refrain from rituals and avoidance et al., 1994; Wever & Rey, 1997). Most of the
behaviors. In the treatment of OCD, cognitive studies used a weekly therapy regimen, generally
therapy procedures are sometimes used to iden- over 3 months. Wever and Rey (1997) used a
tify faulty cognition, engage in cognitive restruc- more intensive CBT protocol of 10 daily sessions
turing and, with behavioral experiments, have over 2 weeks and found generally similar results.
the patient be exposed to situations that are de- Franklin and colleagues (1998) reported that
signed to “disconfirm” the faulty cognition. No- there was no difference in results, regardless of
tably, exposure exercises provide the patient whether the treatment was delivered in 14
with the information that is needed to “correct” weekly sessions over 14 weeks or in 18 sessions
their distorted thinking without formal cogni- over 4 weeks, although there was no random as-
tive therapy. signment.
Although CBT (specifically EX/RP) is recom- In the only published direct Type 1 compari-
mended for children by Expert Concensus son of CBT and pharmacotherapy for pediatric
Guidelines and AACAP Practice Parameters (King OCD, de Haan, Hoogduin, Buitelaar, and Keijsers
et al., 1998; March, Frances, et al., 1997), there (1998) reported that whereas CBT and clomipra-
are no published large RCTs of CBT with chil- mine both appeared to reduce OCD symptoms,
dren or adolescents. Uncontrolled CBT treat- CBT was superior to clomipramine. Until the sys-
ment trials reported to date suggest that most of tematic comparisons of single and combined
the patients were responders, with a mean symp- treatments are completed, the relative efficacy
tom decrease from 50% to 67%. March, Mulle, cannot be directly compared, although the ex-
and Herbel (1994) reported on the outcome of a isting data suggest that CBT may provide more
Type 3 study of a manualized and structured CBT durability than medication.
protocol with 15 youth ages 8 to 18 years. There The family context may play an important
Chapter 10 Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 207

role in treating OCD. Freeman, Garcia, and had a mean reduction in OCD severity scores of
Leonard (2003) proposed that the family is a ve- 37%, compared to 8% in the 29 patients on pla-
hicle for treatment of OCD in youth and in the cebo. This study led to FDA approval for an SRI
treatment of childhood anxiety disorders more in pediatric OCD (children 10 years and older).
broadly (Barrett, Dadds, et al., 1996; Howard & The studies reported that clomipramine was gen-
Kendall, 1996; Sanders, 1996; Siqueland & Dia- erally well tolerated and had an anticholinergic
mond, 1998). Cognitive-behavioral therapy with adverse-effects profile. Periodic electrocardio-
family intervention can and often does involve grams (EKGs) are obtained during ongoing clin-
parents and significant others as “behavior ical care because of concerns about tachycardia
change agents.” Because the affective and cog- and prolongation of the QTc interval.
nitive aspects of the parent–child relationship, as To address whether the serotonergic specific-
well as the anxiety targets of intervention, are ity of clomipramine was critical, a double-blind
dealt with, the approach has been called crossover Type 1 study of clomipramine and de-
cognitive-behavioral family therapy. Freeman sipramine (a selective noradrenergic reuptake in-
and colleagues (2003) have manualized a treat- hibitor without serotonergic activity) was com-
ment for children and their families with OCD, pleted in 48 children and adolescents with OCD
and initial pilot results are promising. (Leonard et al., 1989). In this 12-week double-
blind design, a patient received two weeks of pla-
cebo, then 5 weeks of clomipramine and 5 weeks
Pharmacotherapy of Obsessive-Compulsive
of desipramine in a crossover. Clomipramine
Disorder in Children and Adolescents
(targeting 3 mg/kg/day and not exceeding 5 mg/
The systematic efficacy studies of the SRIs for the kg/day) was significantly better than desipra-
treatment of pediatric OCD form the largest mine in decreasing the OCD symptoms at week
body of work in the pharmacotherapy of the 5. Desipramine was no more effective in reduc-
childhood psychiatric disorders, other than that ing OCD symptoms than placebo was in the Fla-
of ADHD. An increasing literature supports the ment et al. (1985) study. The study noted that
acute efficacy of clomipramine and the SSRIs in some of the patients who had received clomipra-
the treatment of children and adolescents with mine in the first phase and desipramine in the
OCD. second phase had a return of their symptoms
The TCA clomipramine (an SRI) was the first when transferred to desipramine in the last
medication systematically studied in children phase, which suggests that the serotonergic
and adolescents with OCD. Three studies sup- reuptake inhibition may be critical.
ported the efficacy of clomipramine for pediatric With the development of the SSRIs, there is
OCD (DeVeaugh-Geiss et al., 1992; Flament et considerable discussion as to whether clomipra-
al., 1985; Leonard et al., 1989). Flament and col- mine is more effective than the SSRIs and at what
leagues (1985) reported in a Type 1 study that in point it should be chosen over the SSRIs. Initial
23 youth in a 10-week double-blind, placebo- meta-analysis (Griest, Jefferson, Kobak, & Katz-
controlled, crossover study, clomipramine (in elnick, 1995) indicated that clomipramine might
doses of 3 mg/kg) was significantly more effec- be somewhat more effective than an SSRI for
tive than placebo in decreasing OCD sympto- OCD in adults, but small head-to-head compar-
matology at week 5. For some patients, a reduc- isons of clomipramine and fluvoxamine (Free-
tion in symptoms was seen by 3 weeks. Of the man, Trimble, Deakin, Stokes, & Ashford, 1994)
19 children who completed the trial, 75% had a and of fluvoxamine, paroxetine, and citalopram
moderate to marked improvement, and only (Mundo, Bareggi, Pirola, & Bellodi, 1997) suggest
16% of the patients were unchanged. Extending that they have equivalent efficacy. The Expert
this finding in an 8-week multicenter double- Consensus Guidelines (March, Frances, et al.,
blind, parallel Type 1 study, DeVeaugh-Geiss and 1997) suggest that clomipramine be used when
colleagues (1992) reported that clomipramine a patient has failed two or three adequate trials
was superior to placebo for the treatment of of an SSRI in combination with CBT.
OCD in youth. The 31 patients on clomipramine The SSRIs have now emerged as the first-line
208 Part III Anxiety Disorders

pharmacotherapeutic agent for OCD. They have in the pediatric group. In contrast, Liebowitz and
the advantage over clomipramine of having a colleagues (2002) randomized 43 patients to ei-
generally more tolerable side-effect profile with ther fluoxetine or placebo for 8 weeks. Respond-
few anticholinergic effects, safer profile in over- ers then went into an 8-week maintenance
doses, and no required EKG monitoring. Large phase. Fluoxetine dosage was fixed at 60 mg/day
multicenter Type 1 efficacy studies have shown for 6 weeks and then could be increased to 80
that fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, and sertraline were mg/day. At week 8, fluoxetine was not signifi-
each superior to placebo for children and ado- cantly better than placebo on the CY-BOCs or
lescents with OCD (Geller et al., 2001; March, CGI-Improvement scale; authors attributed this
Biederman, et al., 1998; Riddle et al., 2001). Type to either low power or short duration of treat-
3 open studies support the use of citalopram and ment. The fluoxetine group continued to im-
paroxetine (Rosenberg, Stewart, Fitzgerald, Taw- prove during the maintenance phase such that
ile, & Carroll, 1999; Thomsen, 1997). The FDA at week 16, 57% of the fluoxetine patients, as
has approved sertraline for the treatment of compared to 27% of the placebo patients (using
OCD in children ages 6 years and older, fluvox- data at week 8), were much or very much im-
amine for children ages 8 years and older, and proved. The authors concluded that fluoxetine’s
fluoxetine for 8 years and older. effect took more than 8 weeks to develop.
March, Biederman, and colleagues (1998) re- Review of adverse effects of the SSRIs suggests
ported on 187 children and adolescents (ages 6 that dropouts from blinded active medication as-
to 17 years of age) with OCD in a randomized signment are usually less than 13%, and in many
double-blind, placebo-controlled, 8-week trial of studies there are no significant differences be-
sertraline (forced titration to 200 mg/day) versus tween the dropouts receiving medication or pla-
placebo. Patients on sertraline, in comparison to cebo (March, 1999). Generally, the most com-
those on placebo, showed significantly greater mon side effects seen with the SSRIs include
improvement on the several scales. Significant sedation, nausea, diarrhea, insomnia, anorexia,
differences (with intent-to-treat analyses) be- tremor, sexual dysfunction, and hyperstimula-
tween the two groups were seen as early as week tion (March, Biederman, et al., 1998; Riddle et
3 and continued for the entire study. al., 2001). Children and adolescents may be
Riddle and colleagues (2001) reported the more vulnerable to agitation or activation while
safety and efficacy of fluvoxamine for 120 youth on SSRIs than are adults, but this is not well stud-
(ages 8 to 17 years) with OCD in an RCT in which ied. Rare adverse reactions include apathy syn-
youth received either fluvoxamine (50–200 mg/ drome, serotonin syndrome, and extrapyramidal
day) or placebo for 10 weeks. Patients in the flu- symptoms. Pharmacokinetic studies of sertraline
voxamine group had a significant improvement (Alderman, Wolkow, Chung, & Johnston, 1998)
(as measured on the Children’s Yale-Brown Ob- and of paroxetine (Findling et al., 1999) reported
sessive-Compulsive Scale, CY-BOCS) in compar- wide intra- and between-individual pharmaco-
ison to the placebo group, and a difference could kinetic variability but generally similar results to
be measured as early as the first week. In the flu- those reported in adults.
voxamine group, 42% were responders (defined How large is the treatment response on an
as a 25% decrease in measure of OCD symptom SSRI? The pediatric treatment response is similar
severity, CY-BOCS) in comparison to 26% in the to that reported in adults. In general, a 30%–40%
placebo group, which was significantly different. reduction in OCD symptoms, which corre-
Geller and colleagues (2001) randomized 103 sponds to an average 6- to 8-point decrease on
youth with OCD to either fluoxetine (starting at the CY-BOCS (Scahill et al., 1997), is reported in
10 mg/day) or placebo (in a 2:1 ratio) for 8 weeks. the medication treatment group in the SSRI con-
Intent-to-treat analyses reported that those in trolled studies (March, 1999). Unlike some of the
the fluoxetine group had significantly better im- other disorders, there is little or no placebo effect
provement on CY-BOCs than did the placebo reported. Clinical benefits may begin as early as
group. The authors concluded that fluoxetine at 3 weeks and typically plateau at about 10 weeks
20 to 60 mg daily was effective and well tolerated (March, 1999).
Chapter 10 Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 209

The Expert Consensus Guidelines (March, munomodulatory therapies that have been
Frances, et al., 1997) and the AACAP Practice Pa- shown in preliminary findings to treat symp-
rameters for OCD (King et al., 1998) both rec- toms of Sydenham’s chorea. In a Type 1 study,
ommend starting treatment in children with children with severe, infection triggered exacer-
CBT or CBT plus an SSRI, depending on severity bations of OCD or tic disorders were randomly
and comorbidity. Both guidelines recommend assigned to plasma exchange (five single-volume
that patients started on SSRI alone who are par- exchanges over 2 weeks), intravenous immuno-
tial responders should have a trial of CBT. The globulin (IVIG;1 g/kg daily on 2 consecutive
study of the relative efficacy of medication, of days), or placebo (saline solution given in the
CBT, and their combination has just been com- same manner as IVIG). Plasma exchange and
pleted using a Type 1 randomized controlled IVIG were both effective in lessening of symp-
trial (Franklin et al., 2003; Pediatric OCD Collab- tom severity for this group of children. Ratings
orative Study Group, 2004; Foa & March, per- were completed at 1 month and symptom gains
sonal observations). were maintained at 1 year (Perlmutter et al.,
1999). It should be noted that these children
were more much significantly impaired than the
Investigational Treatments
average child with OCD or tics, and thus these
Hypotheses concerning whether Sydenham’s invasive interventions were considered. These
chorea and PANDAS might share similarities in interventions are investigational and should
their pathophysiology have led to the question only be considered in the context of research ap-
of whether penicillin prophylaxis would reduce proved by a human investigations committee
neuropsychiatric symptom exacerbation in chil- and not in the context of routine clinical care
dren with PANDAS by preventing streptococcal (Leonard & Swedo, 2001).
infection. An 8-month, Type 1 double-blind,
placebo-controlled, crossover trial of oral peni-
cillin V (250 mg twice daily) and placebo was Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
conducted in 37 children (Garvey et al., 1999).
Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
There was no significant difference between
in Adults
phases in either the OCD or tic symptom sever-
ity; however, penicillin administration failed to With respect to psychotherapy for addressing
provide adequate prophylaxis against GABHS (as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), treatments
evidenced by the fact that 14 of 35 GABHS in- derived from behavioral and cognitive theoreti-
fections occurred during the penicillin phase). A cal models have been most carefully examined.
number of children received antibiotic treat- In RCTs, the efficacy of several CBT treatments
ment multiple times during the placebo phase. has been evaluated, including prolonged expo-
The authors concluded that because of the fail- sure (PE), anxiety management, eye movement
ure to achieve an acceptable level of streptococ- desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), cog-
cal prophylaxis, no conclusions could be drawn nitive therapy, and treatment packages that
regarding the efficacy of penicillin prophylaxis combine approaches.
in preventing tic or OCD symptom exacerba- Summaries of the studies of PE with veterans
tion. Further studies are needed that use a more (e.g., Cooper & Clum, 1989; Glynn et al., 1999;
effective prophylactic agent and include a larger Keane, Fairbank, Caddell, & Zimmering, 1989a)
sample size. Clinical experience would recom- have consistently indicated that although ex-
mend workup for GABHS infection in children posure therapy is superior to various control
with abrupt and sudden onset of OCD or tics and conditions, the magnitude of the improvement
dramatic exacerbations (Murphy & Pichichero, has been somewhat limited. Because of the ex-
2002; Swedo et al., 1998). tent and chronicity of their problems and the
If post-streptococcal autoimmunity is the presence of incentives for the veterans to mini-
cause of the exacerbations in this subgroup, then mize acknowledging treatment gains (e.g., losing
children with PANDAS might benefit from im- service-connected disability compensation),
210 Part III Anxiety Disorders

evaluating the efficacy of a treatment within a higher rates of side effects than the SSRIs (Al-
veteran population is a very strict and difficult bucher & Liberzon, 2002; for a review see Hem-
test. Indeed, in contrast to the exposure therapy bree & Foa, 2003).
findings with veterans, RCTs examining the ef-
ficacy of PE and other CBT interventions in ci-
vilian populations have generally yielded very Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in
positive results. Among the comparative out- Children and Adolescents
come studies conducted using civilian samples,
exposure therapy has been found to be as or Adolescence represents a developmental transi-
more effective than relaxation, self-instructional tion in the maturation of self-efficacy in the face
training (SIT), and cognitive therapy (e.g., De- of danger. There is increasing reliance on the
villy & Spence, 1999; Echeburua, Corral, Zubi- peer group for appraisal of danger and estima-
zarreta, & Sarasua, 1997; Foa et al., 1999; Marks, tion of needed protective actions along with
Lovell, Noshirvani, Livanou, & Thrasher, 1998; greater engagement of the peer group in danger-
Resick, Nishith, & Griffin, 2003). Moreover, the ous and protective behavior. Developmental ep-
addition of CBT procedures to exposure therapy idemiology suggests that adolescence carries a
alone does not augment its efficacy (Foa et al., high risk of exposure to a spectrum of traumatic
2003). situations, subsequent PTSD, comorbid psycho-
Multiple medications and classes of medica- pathology, and age-related impairments. In-
tions have been found to be effective in treating cluded among the salient types of exposure are
PTSD (Albucher & Liberzon, 2002). But there are adolescent physical and sexual abuse (Kaplan et
relatively few placebo-controlled trials of medi- al., 1998; Pelcovitz, Kaplan, DeRosa, Mandel, &
cations outside the class of SSRIs (Albucher & Salzinger, 2000); interpersonal and community
Liberzon, 2002). Sertraline (Davidson, Roth- violence (Berman, Kurtines, Silverman, & Sera-
baum, van der Kolk, Sikes, & Farfel, 2001), pa- fini, 1996; Kilpatrick, Acierno, Resnick, Saun-
roxetine (Marshall, Beebe, Oldhau, & Zaninelli, ders, & Best, 1997; Wolfe, Scott, Wekerlee, & Pitt-
2001; Tucker et al., 2001), and fluoxetine (Mar- man, 2001); serious accidental injury, especially
tenyi et al., 2002a, 2002b) were found to be sig- traffic accidents; traumatic losses, including
nificantly more efficacious than placebo for those by homicide, suicide, and fatal automobile
symptom reduction and have few side effects accidents; and life-threatening medical illness
(Albucher & Liberzon, 2002). Both have received accompanied by life-endangering medical pro-
FDA indication for PTSD. The SSRIs are consid- cedures (e.g., kidney and liver transplant) (She-
ered the first-line pharmacotherapy for PTSD re- mesh et al., 2001). For example, juveniles are two
lated to both interpersonal and wartime trauma times more likely than adults to be victims of
as well as acute and chronic PTSD (Marshall et serious violent crime and three times more likely
al., 2001; Smajkic et al., 2001; Tucker et al., to be victims of simple assault. There are differ-
2001). A clinician-administered PTSD scale evi- ential rates of exposure, with boys more likely to
denced a 25%–30% reduction, but most of the experience criminal assault and girls, dating vi-
patients classified as responders still have clini- olence and rape. A national survey of adoles-
cally significant symptoms despite significant re- cents found that 23% reported having been both
ductions in number and severity of symptoms a victim of assault and a witness to violence, and
after an average of 12 weeks of medication (Mar- that over 20% met lifetime criteria for PTSD (Kil-
shall et al., 2001). patrick, Saunders, Resnick, & Smith, 1995). In
Other classes of medications shown to be ef- addition to general rates of exposure to war and
fective for symptom reduction in double-blind, disasters, international studies indicate that ad-
placebo-controlled trials include reversible and olescents in these situations are often engaged in
irreversible MAOIs, TCAs, and the anticonvul- resistance and rescue efforts (Nader et al., 1989)
sant lamotrigine (Hageman, Andersen, & Jorgen- that expose them to many stressful experiences.
sen, 2001). However, these medications all have Studies among adolescents suggest that there
Chapter 10 Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 211

may be multiple forms of exposure, with co- suggested clinical improvement in posttrau-
morbid admixtures of PTSD, depression, and matic stress symptoms after (1) exploration of
SAD (Pelcovitz, Kaplan, DeRosa, et al., 2000; the complexity of the experience; (2) identifica-
Warner & Weist, 1996). Finally, adolescent ex- tion of the most traumatic moments; (3) re-
posures may be superimposed on prior trauma peated attention to the subjective and objective
histories and untreated chronic posttraumatic features of these moments, especially experi-
stress symptoms. ences of helplessness, fear, and ineffectualness;
Considerable evidence indicates that trauma- (4) clarification of distortions, misattributions,
tized adolescents are at increased risk for a spec- and confusions; and (5) identification of current
trum of adverse psychosocial difficulties and trauma reminders and an increase in cognitive,
functional impairments. These include reduced emotional, physiological and behavioral man-
academic achievement; aggressive, delinquent, agement. At the same time, features of traumatic
or high-risk sexual behavior; substance abuse bereavement were distinguished from primary
and dependence (Cavaiola & Schiff, 1988; PTSD (Cohen et al., 2002; Pynoos, 1992). Similar
Collins & Bailey, 1990; Farrell & Bruce, 1997; to the treatment of adults, school-age children
Kilpatrick et al., 2000; Saigh, Mroueh, & Brem- and adolescents were found to be capable of be-
ner, 1997; Saltzman, Pynoos, Layne, Steinberg, ing helped to contend with their anticipatory
& Aisenberg, 2001); and nonadherence to pre- anxieties about addressing their traumatic ex-
scribed posttransplant medical treatment perience and were capable of mustering the
(Shemesh et al., 2001). Further, trauma in ado- needed courage to participate in treatment.
lescence has been linked with long-term devel- In the past decade, there have been continu-
opmental disturbances, including disrupted ous advances in treating PTSD in youth. The ap-
moral development, missed developmental op- proaches have included individual, group, and
portunities, delayed preparation for professional family therapy modalities and psychopharma-
and family life, and disruptions in close relation- cology. Studies among school-age children, ad-
ships (Goenjian et al., 1999; Layne, Pynoos, & olescents and young adults have provided pre-
Cardenas, 2001; Malinkosky-Rummell & Han- liminary evidence about the effectiveness of
sen, 1993; Pynoos, Steinberg, & Piacentini, different interventions for adolescent PTSD. Key
1999). Ongoing reactive behavior to trauma re- Type 1 randomized studies among school-age
minders in adolescence carries the bimodal risk children have primarily examined CBT ap-
of reckless behavior or extreme avoidant behav- proaches for sexually abused children, using
ior that can derail the adolescent’s life. both symptoms and sexually inappropriate be-
havior as outcome measures. In a study of 100
sexually abused children Deblinger and col-
Psychosocial Treatment of Posttraumatic
leagues (Deblinger & Heflin, 1996; Deblinger,
Stress Disorder in Children and Adolescents
Steer, & Lippman, 1999) provided evidence for
Given the high rates of trauma and serious ad- the effectiveness of a 12-week CBT treatment
verse consequences, the treatment of PTSD in that emphasizes gradual confrontation of trau-
adolescence is emerging as an important area for matic thoughts, feelings, and memories, using
the identification of evidence-based interven- response to even subtle trauma reminders to
tions. Advances are being made and the field of more fully explore their traumatogenic origins
child and adolescent PTSD is at the cusp of plac- and ongoing cognitive, emotional, and physio-
ing the treatment of PTSD on an evidence-based logical reactions. The CBT treatment included
foundation. exposure components and cognitive therapy.
Beginning in the early 1980s, school-age chil- Children treated alone or with their parents were
dren and adolescents were found to be able to significantly improved in PTSD symptoms, de-
describe their posttraumatic stress symptoms pression, and externalizing behavior, compared
and to engage in the work needed to address with treatment for the mothers only and with
their acute traumatic experiences. Pilot studies treatment as usual in community-based clinics.
212 Part III Anxiety Disorders

Studies of child sexual abuse treatment will ben- strophic 1988 earthquake in Armenia, Goenjian
efit from follow-up into adolescence to measure et al. (1997) employed a five-foci approach
treatment effects on later psychosexual devel- (trauma reminders, traumatic experience[s],
opmental challenges and new sets of reminders. traumatic bereavement, secondary adversities,
Pertinent to adolescent treatment strategies, developmental progression) over six 90-min
when the age range of subjects extended from combined classroom and individual sessions for
school age through late adolescence, a random- adolescents with severe chronic PTSD. When
ized clinical trial on treatment of child sexual treated and untreated adolescents were com-
abuse found no effect of parent involvement in pared 3 years after the earthquake, treatment was
treatment (King, Gaines, Lambert, Summerfelt, associated with significant improvement in
& Bickman, 2000). Cohen and Mannarino PTSD and stable depressive symptoms, whereas
(1996a, 1996b, 1998) provided evidence for CBT untreated adolescents suffered a worsening of
effectiveness in comparison to supportive ther- PTSD and exacerbation of depressive symptoms
apy for preschool and early adolescent subjects. that reached clinical diagnostic levels. In this ex-
Their CBT emphasizes developmental skills in tremely traumatized population with persistent
emotional labeling and regulation. The effect and pervasive postearthquake adversities, treat-
size among adolescents was considerably greater ment gains were maintained for 1 and 1⁄2 years
than that for younger children. Each of these posttreatment and, even without specific strate-
three treatment protocols includes a section de- gies to ameliorate depression, this intervention
voted to promoting safety behaviors both cur- appeared to have protected against adolescent
rently and in the future. depression.
Using a staggered start comparison group, Three and one-half years after Hurricane Iniki,
March, Amaya-Jackson, Murry, and Schulte Chemtob, Nakashima, and Carlson (2002) used
(1998) reported a robust beneficial effect of an a lagged group design to treat a group of school-
18-week CBT for school-age children and adoles- aged children who continued to experience
cents who experienced a single-incident trau- moderate levels of PTSD after being unrespon-
matic experience. In this small size study (14 of sive to an earlier psychoeducational interven-
17 completers), there was significant improve- tion. With a form of EMDR, this intermediate
ment in PTSD, symptoms, depression, anxiety, intervention sequentially addressed in four ses-
and anger. The treatment was modeled on pro- sions positive cognition, worst memories, worst
longed exposure (Foa & Rothbaum, 1998). Treat- reminders, and fears about future hurricanes.
ment began with anxiety management tech- Both treatment groups demonstrated pre- to
niques and included a preparatory individual posttreatment reductions in PTSD symptoms
break-out session to establish a trauma hierarchy and moderate reductions in anxiety and depres-
and initial trauma narrative before group expo- sion. These gains were maintained at 6-month
sure work. The treatment then moved toward a follow-up. These studies demonstrated the po-
focus on “worst moments,” augmented by tential usefulness of school-based interventions
homework that addressed avoidant behavior, across disasters of different magnitudes and
then promoted anger management skills, re- ranges of PTSD outcomes, even if delayed by
structured future expectations, and finished with postdisaster circumstances.
attention to relapse prevention. The study con- More recently, manualized school-based,
firmed that adolescents can engage in this ex- trauma-focused, adolescent group therapy has
tended, demanding treatment with acceptance, been studied among adolescents exposed to mul-
safety, and effectiveness. tiple traumatic experiences during war or urban
Two comparison studies reported the effect- community violence. The same five foci of treat-
iveness of delayed, intermediate school-based ment used by Goenjian et al. (1997) were em-
trauma-focused interventions for school-age ployed, and specific adolescent measures were
children and adolescents after large-scale disas- used to evaluate the targeted outcome improve-
ters. One and one-half years after the cata- ment for each module. Layne, Pynoos, Saltzman,
Chapter 10 Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 213

and colleagues (2001) reported on the treatment served population of youth with unaddressed
of 55 war-traumatized students from schools in PTSD.
Bosnia-Hercegovina 3 years after the Dayton Ac-
cords ended the war. The treatment resulted in
Pharmacotherapy of Posttraumatic Stress
significant reduction in PTSD, depression, and
Disorder in Children and Adolescents
traumatic grief reactions. Saltzman, Pynoos,
Layne, Steinberg, and Aisenberg (2001) reported Pharmacotherapy of PTSD for children and ad-
on the treatment of chronic PTSD and academic olescents is limited, with open trial reports and
impairment among urban adolescents living in only one RCT (Cohen, 2001). The strategies in-
a high-crime area. Similar results were achieved clude targeting specific symptoms, for example,
as in the Layne et al. study, with additional evi- sleep disturbance, that carry significant func-
dence for significant improvement in grade tional consequence, as well as overall symptom
point average (GPA), especially reflected in re- remission. The earliest report documented over-
duced number of failed classes. As the study au- all clinical improvement in a small sample of
thors point out, the improvement in GPA to a sexually and/or physically abused young chil-
“C” range carries significant developmental im- dren treated with propanolol (Famularo, Spivak,
portance, as these adolescents were able to par- Bunshaft, & Berkson, 1988). Isolated clinical re-
ticipate once again in many school interpersonal ports also suggest effective treatment of signifi-
and enrichment activities that promote adoles- cant sleep disturbance in young children with
cent developmental progression. The group in- clonidine or guanfacine (e.g., Harmon, Morse, &
tervention was preceded by an individual session Morse, 1996). A clinical report on the use of car-
in which the adolescent formed a hierarchy of bamazepine in treatment of PTSD among a series
prior traumatic experiences, identified salient of 28 children and adolescents suggested remis-
features and developmental impact, and selected sion of PTSD, although children with comorbid
one to focus on in treatment. As a prelude to core conditions (half of the sample) required addi-
trauma-specific group and homework exposure tional medications. With evidence for the effi-
exercises, the use of beginning strategies to in- cacy of SSRIs in the treatment of adult PTSD dis-
ventory and enhance management of current cussed above, there is interest in conducting
trauma and loss reminders served as a useful in- RCTs with children and adolescents.
troduction for adolescents to make the work im- Table 10.2 provides some tentative recom-
mediately relevant, understandable, and accept- mendations of acute treatment strategies for use
able. Since many adolescent exposures entail with adolescents suffering from anxiety disor-
traumatic deaths, a specific module directed at ders. It is important to emphasize that the out-
traumatic bereavement was included. Beyond a come literature remains underdeveloped and
focus on PTSD-related avoidant behavior, the thus our suggestions should be viewed as just
last module focused on resumption of adoles- that, rather than as specific recommendations
cent activities in response to missed develop- that have been rigorously tested with large sam-
mental opportunities, restoration of investment ples.
in the social contract, and engagement in pro-
social activities. These programs indicate the ad-
vantage of school-based interventions, with MAINTENANCE OF GAINS AFTER
each study reporting nearly 100% completion ACUTE TREATMENT
rates. They also suggest that group formats may
be powerful among adolescents, providing the There is a paucity of knowledge about what hap-
opportunity to engage the peer group in reexam- pens after the acute phase of treatment with
ination of appraisal of danger and protective adults, children, and adolescents. Studies of CBT
action. School-based group interventions also have commonly reported uncontrolled follow-
provide a potentially cost-efficient method of de- up data, but did not control the treatments that
livering mental health services to the under- patients received during the naturalistic follow-
214 Part III Anxiety Disorders

Table 10.2 Recommendations for Acute Treatment Strategies

Anxiety Disorder Psychosocial Treatment Pharmacotherapy

Social anxiety disorder, CBT involving some form of exposure; needs SRIs
selective mutism to be adjusted to address specific fears in se-
lective mutism (e.g., hearing own voice)
Generalized anxiety CBT; development of problem-focused cop- SRIs; possibly also TCAs,
disorder ing strategies to handle frequently changing benzodiazepines, buspi-
themes rone
Separation anxiety dis- CBT; graded exposure rather than flooding SRIs
Specific phobias Exposure for most fears, possibly 3-hr ses- If CBT is not available and
sions problem is severe, possi-
bly SRIs
Panic disorder CBT, exposure to interoceptive cues SRIs, possibly imipramine
or benzodiazepines
Obsessive-compulsive CBT involving both exposure and response SRIs
disorder prevention
Posttraumatic stress CBT involving exposure to traumatic memo- SRIs
disorder ries and to objectively safe yet fear-evoking
trauma-related situations

CBT, cognitive-behavioral therapy; SRI, serotonin reuptake inhibitor; TCA, tricyclic antidepressant.

up period. These data suggest that on the aver- (Liebowitz et al., 1992; Stein et al., 1996; Walker
age, a meaningful degree of maintenance of the et al., 2000). However, discontinuation trials
gains that accrues from CBT, with few studies with phenelzine (after 9 months treatment), ser-
reporting only mild overall relapse. Although traline (after 20 weeks treatment), and paroxe-
more data are needed, one study reported favor- tine (after 13 weeks treatment) suggest that
able maintenance of gains at a 7.4-year follow- relapse rates are high when medication is discon-
up of cases treated with CBT (Kendall, Saf- tinued. Use of CBT showed good continuation of
ford, Flannery-Schroeder, & Webb, 2004). gains during maintenance and after discontinu-
Traditionally, the vast majority of psychophar- ation in a comparative trial with phenelzine, and
macological trials have focused entirely on effi- in another study in comparison with a psycho-
cacy during acute, short-term treatment. More educational condition. Knowledge about opti-
recently, studies have examined the effects of mal lengths of treatment to minimize relapse
treatment during a longer, maintenance phase and about predictors of who can discontinue
and after medication discontinuation. Even less when without relapsing are lacking, as are studies
is known about these effects in children and ad- of maintenance of gains and treatmentdiscontin-
olescents. Below we discuss what we know about uation in treated children and adolescents.
maintenance of treatment gains and discontin-
uation of treatment in each disorder, for adults,
children, and adolescents. Separation Anxiety Disorder and
Selective Mutism

Social Anxiety Disorder No adult studies have examined these condi-

tions that almost invariably occur exclusively
Maintenance trials with phenelzine, paroxetine, during childhood and adolescence. Studies of
and sertraline in adults suggest that responders CBT that have included separation-anxious
maintain their gains with continued medication children in the samples have generally shown
Chapter 10 Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 215

maintenance of gains following treatment dis- Specific Phobia

continuation (e.g., Barrett, Rapee, et al., 1996;
Kendall et al., 1997) and SAD diagnosis has not The adult literature on maintenance of gains fol-
been a predictor of poor outcome in these stud- lowing treatment of specific phobias generally
ies. Thus it can be surmised that CBT provides suggests that benefits associated with CBT are
lasting benefits for these children. As mentioned lasting even when the treatment is delivered in
above, SAD may be more common in young a single 3-hour long session (Öst, 1989; Öst et
children, and its treatment and maintenance of al., 1991, 1997). Studies of children and adoles-
gains have not been studied in adolescent sam- cents have indicated that CBT produces signifi-
ples. The treatment of selective mutism has also cant gains immediately after treatment up to and
received little attention in the acute treatment at 1-year follow-up (Öst et al., 2001; Silverman
literature, thus even less is known about main- et al., 1999a). The pharmacotherapy literature
tenance of gains, especially in adolescents. In on this topic is underdeveloped and thus no con-
general, the available data indicate partial re- clusions can be drawn about maintenance of
sponse to acute treatment, which suggests gain over time using this approach.
continued impairment. What is unknown is
whether the posttreatment gains are maintained
over time. Panic Disorder

Mavissakalian and Perel (1992) compared pa-

Generalized Anxiety Disorder tients who responded to 6 months of acute treat-
ment with adult patients who had a similar
Relapse rates following discontinuation of acute response to a 6-month acute treatment period
benzodiazepine treatment in adults are as high and then additionally received 1 year of half-
as 80%, indicating the absence of maintenance dose maintenance imipramine treatment. Both
of medication-produced gains (Rickels, Case, & groups entered a double-blind discontinuation
Diamond, 1980; Rickels, Case, Downing, & Frid- study for 3 months, followed by a 3-month drug-
man, 1986). A few studies demonstrate lasting free period. The group who had acute and main-
benefit for GAD patients treated for 6 months or tenance treatment did significantly better during
more with benzodiazepines and buspirone. this 6-month period than the group that had
However, concern over physiologic dependence only acute treatment. Maintenance treatment
and potential for abuse make long-term treat- with antidepressants may have a significant pro-
ment with benzodiazepines controversial. A re- phylactic effect and reduce the rate of relapse af-
cent placebo-controlled trial of venlaflaxine XR ter treatment discontinuation (Mavissakalian &
showed that benefits from this medication con- Perel, 1992). A follow-up study found prophy-
tinued following 6 months of treatment and that lactic efficacy for maintenance treatment contin-
it was well tolerated over the long term. Several ued beyond 1 year of maintenance and into a
CBT studies involving GAD in youth have in- second year. However, the persistence of difficult
dicated maintenance of gains up to 12 months side effects, particularly weight gain, was noted
after CBT discontinuation. In addition, there are with imipramine over long-term treatment
supportive data for 3.5-year (Kendall & Southam- (Mavissakalian & Perel, 2001). A recent natural-
Gerow, 1996), 6-year (Barrett, 1998), and 7.4- istic study (Simon et al., 2002) involving 78 pa-
year (Kendall et al., 2004) follow-ups. Although tients who achieved remission in an 8-week
not all of these treated cases had GAD as the acute phase (with benzodiazepine alone, anti-
principal diagnosis and not all evidenced com- depressant alone, or both) and then received
plete initial benefit from CBT, those individuals maintenance pharmacotherapy for 2 years
who do benefit seem to be able to maintain their found that 46% of these patients relapsed over
gains for several years, even without continued the maintenance phase and that combination
treatment. therapy did not confer any added advantage.
216 Part III Anxiety Disorders

As briefly noted earlier, a multicenter trial continuing the SRI (substantial [89%] recurrence
studied the efficacy of medication therapy and over 12 weeks for clomipramine, moderate re-
CBT and explored whether combined therapy lapse [32%] after one year and not different from
(medication plus CBT) is more effective than ei- staying on SRI [21%] for fluoxetine, low rate of
ther therapy alone in a randomized, double- recurrence [24%] after 28 weeks but significantly
blind placebo study (Barlow et al., 2000). In more than staying on SRI [9%] for sertraline).
terms of acute response, combined treatment did Given the paucity of blind studies and the meth-
not differ from medication or CBT alone, but was odological differences between them (e.g., re-
better than placebo. The 6-month maintenance lapse definition, length of follow-up, procedure
response rate of the combination therapy was for placebo substitution), the posttreatment ef-
high (approximately 57% for the Panic Disorder fects of SRIs in OCD remain unclear.
Severity Scale [PDSS] and 60% for the CGI) and A recent comparative trial of clomipramine
significantly different from medication alone or and EX/RP in adults suggested that the relapse
CBT alone but not significantly different from rate with clomipramine may not be as high (i.e.,
CBT plus placebo. After the 6-month mainte- 45%) as previously thought. However, even with
nance phase, patients had treatment discontin- this lower relapse rate, EX/RP showed superior
ued and were followed for 6 months. Improve- maintenance of gains 12 weeks after treatment
ment in CGI was highest for CBT plus placebo discontinuation (Simpson et al., 2004). Optimal
(41%), 32% for CBT alone, 20% for imipramine lengths of SRI treatment to minimize relapse,
alone, and 26% for combined treatment. This and predictors of who can discontinue without
study and another large-scale RCT using alpra- relapsing are lacking. Moreover, there is no
zolam (Marks et al., 1993) indicate that com- agreement on the criteria to define relapse. The
bined treatment for panic disorder may be ad- few open studies of CBT in pediatric OCD that
vantageous at posttreatment and during have included follow-up data suggest good
maintenance but may attenuate the benefits of maintenance of gains following treatment dis-
CBT following medication discontinuation (for continuation (Franklin et al., 1998; March et al.,
a review see Foa, Franklin, & Moser, 2002). Ol- 1994; Wever & Rey, 1997), and the one study of
lendick’s (1995) small multiple-baseline study pharmacotherapy discontinuation in pediatric
included follow-up over a 6-month interval, and OCD suggests that relapse is common (e.g.,
these results affirmed the lasting effects of a sim- Leonard et al., 1991). A systematic follow-up
ilar treatment for a pediatric sample. Much more study (done when clomipramine was available
research employing controlled designs needs to only investigationally and access to CBT was
be done using pediatric samples. limited) of 54 children and adolescents with
OCD treated acutely with clomipramine was
completed (Leonard et al., 1993). Of the 54 sub-
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder jects, 38 (70%) were taking psychoactive medi-
cation at follow-up; 23 of 54 (43%) patients still
Little is known about how long SRI medication met diagnostic criteria for OCD, and 43 (80%)
should be continued in OCD. In practice, many were improved from baseline. Of the six patients
adult patients continue taking their medication (11%) who were totally asymptomatic, three
for at least one year; some seem to require in- were taking medication at the time of reevalua-
definite treatment. There are only three pub- tion; thus, only three could be considered to be
lished double-blind SRI discontinuation studies in true remission. This finding suggested that pa-
(Koran, Hackett, Rubin, Wokow & Robinson, tients were improved at follow-up, but most
2002; Pato, Zohar-Kadouch, Zohar, & Murphy, were on medication maintenance, and only 3 of
1988; Romano, Goodman, Tamura, Gonzales, & 54 were asymptomatic and not on medication.
the Collaborative Research Group, 2001) in Although not every patient had attempted dis-
adults with OCD. Each uses a different SRI (clo- continuation of medication, this study for pa-
mipramine, fluoxetine, sertraline) and comes to tients treated with an SRI indicates that they may
a different conclusion regarding the effects of dis- require long-term maintenance therapy.
Chapter 10 Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 217

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder There are several clinical strategies to help

guide youth toward consolidation of treatment-
Deblinger and colleagues’ (Deblinger and Heflin, produced gains. First, the therapist should shape
1996; Deblinger et al., 1999) work with sexually and encourage “effort” attributions regarding
abused children provided evidence for the long- the management of anxiety. Youth should be en-
term effectiveness of a 12-week CBT treatment. couraged to reward their hard work and coping
March, Amaya-Jackson, et al. (1998) reported a efforts, even if the successes are only partial. A
robust beneficial effect and maintenance of gains second principle for continued posttreatment
up to 6 months in a small study of CBT for functioning includes introducing children to the
school-age children and adolescents who expe- concept of “lapses in efforts,” rather than “re-
rienced a single incident traumatic experience. lapses” (see also Brownell, Marlatt, Lichtenstein,
Pharmacological studies in adolescents need to & Wilson, 1986; Marlatt & Gordon, 1985). Mis-
take into account the two adult randomized takes and partial successes are not viewed as in-
studies of SSRIs in the treatment of PTSD that competence or inability; rather, they can be con-
indicate relapse with discontinuation of medi- structively framed as vital and inextricably
cation (Martenyi, et al., 2002a). These adult stud- linked to the learning process. Within this
ies raise the same issue as that in the treatment framework, children can label and accept inevi-
of other anxiety disorders—whether a combi- table setbacks as temporary and then proceed to
nation of medication and trauma-focused CBT work on forward-looking problem solving. Mis-
would provide greater resistance to relapse. takes are viewed as an acceptable part of the
learning process and not as excuses for giving up
or confirming anxious cognition.
A Comment on Relapse Prevention in Maintenance treatment may require combi-
Children and Adolescents nations of CBT and medications, booster ses-
sions, or a return and reexperience of the initial
It is important to note that there has been no therapy. Alternate approaches, or even as-yet un-
research specifically addressing maintenance developed treatments may be needed, especially
treatment and relapse prevention for anxiety dis- for cases that are refractory to the otherwise rea-
orders in youth and adolescents. In general, the sonably successful program. To date, the field is
ultimate goal of most psychosocial treatment lacking information about how best to maintain
programs for anxiety disorders is to equip chil- treatments, prevent relapses, and integrate psy-
dren with skills that will help them manage anx- chological and pharmacological approaches to
ious distress after treatment discontinues; a maximize long-term gains.
“cure” for anxiety is not the goal (see Kendall,
1989). Because some degree of anxious arousal is
likely to persist after treatment, modifying dys- MANAGEMENT OF PARTIAL RESPONSE
functional expectations and distorted processing AND NONRESPONSE
styles can help to enable more adaptive func-
tioning. The use of in vivo exposure tasks in Social Anxiety Disorder
treatment provides performance-based experi-
ences of coping that bolster a child’s confidence There are no controlled studies in any age group
for future situations. Therapeutic intervention on how to address partial responders and
may be only a first step, but it is a step that helps nonresponders with social anxiety disorder.
to alter the maladaptive developmental trajec- Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a logical candi-
tories of these children so that they are better date to augment partial drug response, and Lie-
able to address the inevitable challenges emerg- bowitz and colleagues have recently found CBT
ing in their lives. Upon completion of a treat- to be helpful in augmenting partial SSRI re-
ment program, the guiding principle (and hope) sponders in an open trial (unpublished data).
is for the child to continue to practice the skills Gabapentin and clonazepam are also considered
learned. possible augmenting agents for partial SSRI re-
218 Part III Anxiety Disorders

sponders. Complicating this research is the fact nation group responded with therapeutic effect
that there is no accepted definition of partial re- more quickly. Clonazepam augmentation of pa-
sponse. roxetine was shown to be superior to paroxetine
alone (Mathew, Coplan, & Gorman, 2001). God-
dard et al. (2001) studied 50 panic patients and
Generalized Anxiety Disorder randomized them to either .5 mg of clonazepam
three times per day plus sertraline or placebo
Most adult GAD patients who improve with clonazepam plus sertraline for the first 4 weeks.
acute treatment do not reach full remission of At week 1, 41% of the combination group evi-
symptoms. In early trials, full remission occurred denced improvement compared to 4% of the
in as few as one-third of GAD patients. Unfor- placebo group. At 3 weeks, there was a signifi-
tunately, there are no systematic studies of treat- cantly higher (63%) response rate in the combi-
ment options for patients with partial medica- nation group than that in the placebo group
tion response in GAD. Partial response and a (32%), but this difference did not emerge at any
nonresponder rate also characterize CBT out- other point in the trial. This study suggests that
comes for GAD. Unfortunately, there are no sys- benzodiazepine augmentation of SSRIs at the be-
tematic trials assessing nonresponders to initial ginning of treatment can lead to earlier improve-
treatment. ment. Recently, Kampman, Keijsers, Hoogduin,
and Hendriks (2002) found that paroxetine aug-
mentation of 43 nonresponders to an acute
phase of CBT significantly reduced overall anxi-
Specific Phobia ety and agoraphobic behaviors. Nonresponders
pose a special challenge, yet there is a paucity of
There are no controlled data on how to address systematic investigation in this area.
or augment partial responders and there are no
controlled data on how to treat nonresponders
to an initial drug or CBT trial. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

In considering medication augmentation, a ben-

Panic Disorder zodiazepine, such as clonazepam, is occasionally
added, but disinhibition, dependence, and tol-
A recent double-blind, placebo-controlled trial erance to the medication have limited the en-
with adults found that pindolol had a beneficial thusiasm for this choice in the long run (Leonard
augmentation effect on fluoxetine-treated panic et al., 1994). Adult studies support a trial of neu-
patients (Hirschmann et al., 2000). Patients with roleptic augmentation in SRI non- or partial re-
panic disorder (N ⫽ 25) who had not responded sponders (McDougle et al., 1995). In a Type 1
to 8 weeks of fluoxetine (and prior to that, two controlled risperidone versus placebo SRI aug-
other trials of antidepressants) were randomly mentation study, risperidone addition was su-
assigned to pindolol or placebo for 4 weeks. The perior in reducing OCD symptoms (McDougle et
pindolol group achieved significant improve- al., 2000). Neuroleptic augmentation has not
ment on ratings compared to the placebo group. been systematically studied in children; a case
However, since the augmentation period studied series of children who were refractory to SRI
was so brief, it is difficult to determine if these therapy improved significantly after risperidone
effects would be sustained and whether they was added (Fitzgerald, 1999). T. Owley, S. Owley,
would actually lead to remission. Three studies Leventhal, and Cook (2002) reported four cases
have examined the effects of benzodiazepine of 8- to 25-year-olds who were partial responders
treatment combined with antidepressant treat- to an SSRI and subsequently responded after
ment. Imipramine plus alprazolam was com- mixed salts of dextroamphetamine (Adderall)
pared to imipramine plus placebo. The combi- was added. The authors speculated that the “del-
Chapter 10 Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 219

icate” balance of serotonergic and dopaminergic A Comment on Management of

systems may be affected by both neuroleptic or Partial Response and Nonresponse in
Adderall augmentation, resulting in increased Children and Adolescents
serotonergic transmission.
There is no accepted definition of a nonre- There is little to no research on the management
sponder. Sometimes nonresponders have meant of partial response and nonresponse in the treat-
patients who have had a suboptimal response to ment of adolescent anxiety disorders. This area
one therapy, but such a definition would include is one that sorely needs to be addressed in future
both partial responders and nonresponders. If a research. Although the literature has yet to pro-
nonresponder is defined as someone who has had vide the data needed to guide evidence-based
absolutely no improvement from an initial treat- treatments for partial responders and nonre-
ment, there are no published controlled data on sponders, several issues still warrant our consid-
how to treat such patients. eration.
The evidence accrued to date informs us about
the choice of an initial treatment to be under-
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder taken for anxious children and, at least to some
extent, anxious adolescents. There is a noted ab-
There is only one placebo-controlled study on sence of studies specifically about adolescents
augmentation for partial responders: combat and what to do for them at the various other
veterans with PTSD who were minimally respon- stages of treatment. Studies reviewed above have
sive on an SSRI (sertraline) were given augmen- evaluated the efficacy of various treatments for
tation with the atypical antipsychotic medica- children identified with anxiety disorders and
tion olanzepine (Stein, Westenberg, & Liebowitz, these data guide our treatment choices. How-
2002). Olanzapine augmentation was associated ever, it is likely that some of the cases treated in
with statistically significantly greater reduction these studies had prior experience with one or
than that with placebo in specific measures of another treatment, and may or may not have
posttraumatic stress, depressive, and sleep dis- been partially refractory to those earlier treat-
order symptoms (Petty et al., 2001). One recently ments. More detailed analyses of initial treat-
completed study found an augmentation effect ment response may reveal useful information
for PE compared to sertraline continuation in pa- about the moderating role of prior treatment ex-
tients who evidenced at least a 20% symptom periences in the efficacy of the treatment being
reduction following 10 weeks of open label ser- evaluated. The field has nevertheless made
traline (Foa, Franklin, & Moser, 2002). In a sub- meaningful progress in identifying at least a few
group analysis of these data, patients who ex- initial treatments that are quite promising for
perienced only a marginal response to 10 weeks anxious youth.
of open label sertraline benefited substantially We know little about what to do when the
when PE was added, compared to those who youthful patient’s response to treatment is not
continued on sertraline for an additional 5 favorable. Even when approximately two-thirds
weeks. of patients respond favorably to CBT, for exam-
There are no controlled data on how to treat ple, there are still one-third of the patients who
nonresponders to pharmacologic or CBT treat- did not respond well and may need something
ment for PTSD in adults. Given the high rates of additional. One might speculate that within the
comorbidity with PTSD, it is recommended that CBT approach, a combination of more practice,
patients be given evidence-based treatments for increased exposure tasks, and help with the use
their comorbid conditions and that thereafter of new skills in new, challenging situations
the patient’s PTSD symptoms be reassessed. would be worthwhile. One might also speculate
that a combination of approaches may be valu-
able. Treatment of a nonresponsive client can be
complicated by the fact that a nonresponder to
220 Part III Anxiety Disorders

one treatment approach (psychosocial, medica- It is important that an adequate trial be con-
tion) may then seek another approach as a way ducted (dose and duration of an SSRI; expertise
to rectify the less-than-preferred previous out- and number of sessions of CBT) prior to con-
comes. Again, more information is needed about cluding that a patient is a partial responder. For
prior treatment history and its effect on the eval- example, the Expert Consensus Guidelines for
uation of a current intervention, and there is a OCD recommend clomipramine after two or
real need for studies of the preferred treatment three failed SSRI trials (March, Frances, et al.,
for patients whose response to treatments are 1997). Cognitive-behavioral therapy would be a
less than satisfactory. first choice for an augmentation strategy after a
Insufficient research on adults and almost partial response or nonresponse to adequate
none on youth regarding the continuation and pharmacotherapy with an agent of known effi-
maintenance treatment phases for specific pho- cacy, although availability of trained therapists
bia have been carried out. In adults with anxiety is sometimes limited, and some children are not
disorders, it may be recommended that medica- motivated to participate. Systematic study of
tions be continued for at least 12–18 months CBT dissemination strategies is sorely needed, as
and, thereafter, if the person is judged to be sta- is the development of CBT techniques designed
ble, that the medications be reduced very slowly specifically to enhance motivation to engage
to avoid withdrawal side effects. It is conceivable fully in treatment. Such study is well under way
that at least some children and adolescents will in adult anxiety disorders, and clearly needs to
require treatment for years, consistent with find- be addressed next in children and adolescents.
ings from the adult literature. As in other psy- Much more needs to be done to establish the ef-
chiatric and medical illnesses, after achieving a ficacy and safety of such augmentation for ado-
therapeutic response it is important to continue lescents with anxiety disorders. Clinically we
the same treatment (CBT and/or medications) to know that many are treated with this strategy,
prevent relapses. During these phases, depend- but the literature supporting this approach has
ing on the youngster’s clinical status, she or he yet to be developed.
may need to be seen less frequently.
Prevention of Anxiety Disorders

c h a p t e r
222 Part III Anxiety Disorders

THEORETICAL AND CONCEPTUAL MODELS by the Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Pre-

OF PREVENTION AND CHANGE vention of Mental Disorders (Mrazek & Hag-
gerty, 1994; Munoz, Mrazek, & Haggerty, 1996)
The case for efforts in preventing anxiety disor- and adopted by several prevention experts (e.g.,
der in youth has been made elsewhere (e.g., Craske & Zucker, 2001; Donovan & Spence,
Weissberg, Kumpfer, & Seligman, 2003), but war- 2000; Winett, 1998a). According to this system,
rants brief reiteration here: (1) anxiety disorders prevention programs are classified as (1) indi-
are common (Kessler, 1994); (2) pediatric onset cated prevention programs, which target at-risk
is also common (March, 1995); (3) anxiety dis- individuals who already have symptoms and/or
orders are associated with significant morbidity a biological marker but do not fully meet diag-
and comorbidity that often extends into adult- nostic criteria for the disorder; (2) selective pre-
hood (Costello & Angold, 1995); (4) the eco- vention programs, which target individuals pre-
nomic burden of anxiety disorders in the United sumed to be at high risk for the development of
States is enormous ($42.3 billion in 1990; Green- a disorder (e.g., witnesses of violence); and (3)
berg et al., 1999); and (5) most pediatric suf- universal prevention programs, in which entire
ferers do not receive adequate care (Kendall populations are targeted regardless of risk factors
& Southam-Gerow, 1995). Prevention efforts (e.g., third graders).
should target both risk and protective factors as- Before considering the intervention studies, it
sociated with the etiology and maintenance of is important to briefly consider what is known
the disorders. Some risk and protective factors about risk and protective factors at the individ-
may be less modifiable than others (e.g., gender, ual, familial, and societal level, because it is
familial factors), and thus the interventions need knowledge of these factors and their interrela-
to target mediating variables. The issue of timing tions that should inform the development of
is also important to consider because certain risk specific intervention strategies. Unfortunately,
and protective factors may be more likely to ex- knowledge of such factors is limited, and per-
ert their influence during certain developmental haps the paucity of prevention studies in anxiety
periods relative to other periods. For example, it disorders is a direct result of this limited knowl-
may be when an adolescent needs to make the edge.
transition from middle to high school that being Of particular concern is the absence of evi-
behaviorally inhibited (described in Chapter 9 dence about protective factors that are specific to
and briefly below) heightens the adolescent’s anxiety disorders. That is, although the youth re-
risk for developing an anxiety disorder. Conse- silience literature has generally underscored the
quently, the development of effective preven- importance of factors such as high IQ, self-
tion of anxiety disorders will require (1) compre- esteem, social support, and positive coping in
hensive knowledge of the risk and protective serving to protect young people from the devel-
factors as well as their complex interrelation- opment of psychopathology in general, there is
ships during different periods in development; a paucity of literature regarding whether any
(2) advances in methods to detect the presence protective factor(s) may serve to protect against
and/or absence of these factors; and (3) inter- anxiety disorders in particular. Certainly, devel-
ventions that increase protective factors and/or opment of effective prevention programs will
reduce risk factors, or both. The goal of such pro- continue to be hampered until evidence-based
grams is to reduce the enormous individual and knowledge has accumulated in this area. The
societal burdens imposed by anxiety disorders. summary below is thus reflective of this in pro-
In reviewing the studies on prevention of anx- portion to the literature; that is, considerable
iety disorder conducted to date with children more coverage is paid to risk factors than to pro-
and adolescents, we used the system advocated tective factors.
Chapter 11 Prevention of Anxiety Disorders 223

INDIVIDUAL RISK AND PROTECTIVE Youths who had an anxiety disorder at least once
FACTORS during that period had an average of two symp-
toms during the years when they did not have a
Individual Psychological Characteristics diagnosis; the average for those who never had
an anxiety disorder was 0.4 symptoms. This find-
Elevated but Subsyndromal Anxiety
ing suggests that youths with a vulnerability to
anxiety disorders show clinical symptoms even
Many children exhibit symptoms of anxiety at at times when they would not meet formal di-
some time before adulthood, and two questions agnostic criteria.
are of particular interest here: (1) Do children Among children and adolescents without a
with elevated but subsyndromal levels of anxiety history of anxiety disorders, those who devel-
show greater than normal levels of impaired oped one disorder in any given year of the study
functioning in their roles at home, at school, or had three times as many subsyndromal anxiety
with peers? (2) Does subsyndromal anxiety pre- symptoms in the year before they developed a
dict later psychiatric disorder, whether an anxi- disorder compared to those who did not develop
ety disorder or some other diagnosis? To answer an anxiety disorder (2.0 vs. 0.7 symptoms). Al-
both questions it is necessary to control for co- most half of the youths who developed a new
morbidity with other symptoms and disorders; anxiety disorder the following year had at least
that is, impaired functioning or future anxiety two clinically significant symptoms the previous
disorder must be linked directly to the anxiety year, compared with one in five youths who
symptoms, not to other symptoms or disorders would not develop a disorder. This finding sug-
that may co-occur. gests that it should be possible to identify high-
To address the question of whether adoles- risk children and adolescents for prevention pro-
cents with elevated but subsyndromal levels of grams with a high degree of accuracy.
anxiety show greater than normal levels of im- It is important to remember, however, that
paired functioning in their roles at home, at anxiety disorders are not all that common
school, or with peers, it is helpful to draw upon among children and adolescents. In the Great
data from the Great Smoky Mountains Study of Smoky Mountains Study, although subsyn-
youth aged 9 to 16 (Costello, Mustillo, Erkanli, dromal symptoms quadrupled the likelihood
Keeler, & Angold, 2004). In this study, in which that a youth without a previous history of anx-
1,420 children and adolescents and their parents iety disorders would develop one, the likelihood
were interviewed annually, children and adoles- was increased from 1% to 4% only. It follows that
cents with an anxiety disorder but no other psy- 96% of the children and adolescents with two or
chiatric diagnoses were twice as likely to show more anxiety symptoms did not develop a dis-
functional impairment as those with no disor- order within the next year. Overall, children and
der. Even among youths with no diagnoses, adolescents with the highest likelihood of an
those with symptoms of anxiety were twice as anxiety disorder were those with a past history
likely to have impaired functioning compared of anxiety disorders (13%).
to those with no symptoms. This was true of
both pre- and postpubertal youths. Thus, in
Autonomic Reactivity
this population-based sample, subsyndromal
anxiety symptoms were associated with youths’ Although research findings are consistent in
impaired ability to function well at home, at showing that children and adolescents who dis-
school, and with peers. play anxiety display alterations in autonomic
Regarding whether subsyndromal anxiety reactivity, Sweeny and Pine (2004) have noted
predict later psychiatric disorder, data from the limits in studies that have relied on cardiovas-
same study were used to compare children and cular measures as indices of autonomic activity.
adolescents who had an anxiety disorder at least These limits include the fact that cardiovascular
once in the 8-year period of observation with measures are regulated by a wide variety of neu-
those who had never had an anxiety disorder. ral structures and thus provide relatively indirect
224 Part III Anxiety Disorders

information about the state of brain systems that Behavioral Inhibition

might be implicated in anxiety disorders. In ad-
dition, abnormalities in cardiovascular control The detailed review of the temperamental vul-
appear to occur in other conditions, and so they nerability to behavioral inhibition was also pre-
do not appear to be specific to anxiety disorders. sented earlier. It is currently known from two in-
The context in which cardiovascular measures dependent labs that children who were highly
are obtained can also influence any reactivity reactive to novel stimuli as infants were more
that might be observed on these measures, likely than others to display extreme shyness, ti-
thereby raising a concern about whether such midity, and restraint to unfamiliar people, situ-
findings are actually epiphenomena (Sweeny & ations, and objects when they were 2, 4, 7, and
Pine, 2004). 11 years of age (Fox, Henderson, Rabin, Caikins,
Respiratory indexes, in contrast, are relatively & Schmidt, 2001; Kagan, 2002), and were more
free of the limits noted above with cardiovascu- likely to show biological differences that may
lar measures (Sweeny & Pine, 2004). Respiratory implicate the amygdala. Although these children
indexes that have been used in this area of re- are at 3- to 4-fold increased risk for development
search include minute ventilation (the amount of an anxiety disorder compared to other chil-
of air breathed every minute), tidal volume (size dren, most do not go on to develop one. Thus,
of each breath), and respiratory rate. Guided by behavioral inhibition is not a strong predictor of
Klein’s (1993) theory that panic attacks are a suf- later anxiety disorder. This finding points to the
focation alarm triggered by cues of suffocation, importance of identifying protective factors that
most of the research using respiratory indexes limit the rate of later anxiety disorders in vul-
has focused on using samples of patients with nerable individuals.
panic disorder or an anxiety disorder other than
panic disorder as well as “normal” controls and
Cognitive Factors
have had the participants breathe air that has an
increased concentration of carbon dioxide. There are several characteristics of the individual
Although research findings generally show that have been linked with anxiety and its dis-
that patients with panic disorder experience orders in children and adolescents. In Chapter 9,
high degrees of anxiety, panic attacks, and mention was made of information-processing bi-
changes in respiratory parameters in response to ases and anxiety sensitivity. In this section, two
carbon dioxide exposure whereas other patient additional cognitive characteristics are indi-
groups and normal controls do not (e.g., Papp et cated: coping skills and perceived control. Indi-
al., 1993; Papp, Martinez, Klein, Coplan, & Gor- viduals’ coping skills strategies, which refer to a
man, 1995), these findings have not emerged in variety of methods individuals employ in an at-
all studies (e.g., Rapee, Brown, Antony, & Bar- tempt to cope with negative or aversive situa-
low, 1992; Woods & Charney, 1998). Only one tions, may be categorized as (1) problem-
study (Pine, Cohen, Gurley, Brook, & Ma, 1998) focused, (2) avoidant, or (3) emotion-focused.
has extended this work to young people (ages 7 Problem-focused coping refers to strategies that ei-
to 17; mixed sample of anxiety disorders), but ther directly address or minimize the effect of the
separate analyses were not conducted for the problem. Avoidant coping focuses on either avoid-
preadolescent versus adolescent subsamples. ing or escaping the problem. Emotion-focused
Pine et al.’s findings with this sample of youth coping is directed toward the subjective level of
paralleled the positive findings obtained with distress associated with the problem. There is re-
adults. In light of the paucity of research con- search evidence that problem-focused methods
ducted with adolescent samples, considerable such as actively seeking out information, posi-
more research is needed before firm conclusions tive self-talk, diversion of attention, relaxation,
can be drawn about the influence of adoles- and thought-stopping are associated with re-
cents’ autonomic reactivity as a risk factor for duced levels of anxiety and emotional distress in
anxiety disorders. 8- to 18-year-olds (Brown, O’Keefe, Sanders, &
Chapter 11 Prevention of Anxiety Disorders 225

Baker, 1986). Generally, children’s and adoles- viewed, however, inconsistencies emerge with
cents’ use of problem-focused coping strategies respect to the degree to which genetics were im-
has been found to be more associated with pos- plicated in transmission of anxiety disorders;
itive psychological adjustment than their use of rates appear to vary as a function of the site of
emotion-focused coping strategies. Interestingly, the laboratory, as well as the informant supply-
adolescent use of avoidant coping has been ing the relevant information. There is evidence
found to be associated with high levels of de- for genetic contributions to personality traits
pression in adolescence (Ebata & Moos, 1991). such as neuroticism, introversion (Eaves,
There has been little systematic research on the Eysenck, & Martin, 1989), shyness (Daniels &
association between specific types of coping Plomin, 1985), and behavioral inhibition (Di-
strategies and the development and mainte- Lalla, Kagan, & Reznick, 1994; Kagan, 1994),
nance of anxiety disorders in adolescence. There each of which may increase risk for the subse-
also has been little systematic research on which quent development of anxiety disorder. In gen-
specific coping skills should be taught to adoles- eral, many studies of the genetics of anxiety dis-
cents across diverse anxiety-provoking situa- orders involving children and adolescents have
tions. Research in this area is clearly of impor- substantive methodological limitations, thus
tance given that coping-skills training represents there remains a great deal to discover in this area.
a major feature of cognitive-behavioral treat- Also, it is important to note that the presence of
ments (see Chapter 10). Another characteristic of a genetic influence for anxiety disorders does not
the individual that relates to cognitions is indi- imply that the course of illness is immutable.
viduals’ perceived control. Specifically, Barlow From the perspective of prevention, it may be
(2001) has suggested that children who experi- that studying other risk factors in youth at ge-
ence uncontrollable events early in life may de- netic risk for anxiety disorders may prove espe-
velop a propensity to perceive or process events cially fruitful, and may suggest roads to interven-
as not being under their control, which for some tions that reduce the genetic risk.
youngsters may serve as a risk for the develop-
ment of anxiety and its disorders. Chorpita,
Brown, and Barlow (1998) have presented some ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS
interesting data showing that perceived control
may serve as a mediator of family environment Familial Factors
among youths with anxiety disorders. Clearly,
Parent–Child Interaction and Attachment
further research on the role of perceived control
as a protective and risk factor in anxiety disor- All four of the attachment styles in children
ders is needed, particularly on its specificity (or according to the classification by Ainsworth,
lack thereof) to anxiety. Blehar, Waters, and Wall (1978) and by Main and
Solomon (1990)—secure, insecure-avoidant,
insecure-ambivalent, and insecure-disorganized
—have been found to be represented in children
As discussed in greater detail in Chapter 9, ge- with anxiety disorders. The highest risks for de-
netic factors clearly influence the risk for anxiety veloping an anxiety disorder are associated with
disorders and, taken together, the epidemiolog- disorganized attachment, which is associated
ical and genetic data imply distinct biological with unresolved trauma or loss, and ambivalent
profiles for the varied anxiety disorders, many of attachment (Cassidy, 1995; Manassis, Bradley,
which implicate neurochemical processes. A re- Goldberg, Hood, & Swinson, 1994; Warren, Hus-
cent meta-analysis found only a modest genetic ton, Egeland, & Sroufe, 1997). The specificity of
contribution to four anxiety categories, and no an association between disorganized attachment
evidence for a significant effect of shared envi- in terms of its link with a specific type of anxiety
ronment (Hettema, Neale, & Kendler, 2001). disorder, such as separation anxiety disorder, has
When the individual studies themselves are re- not been established.
226 Part III Anxiety Disorders

Retrospective studies. Lutz and Hock (1995) agnosed with other disorders (not anxiety) were,
examined whether adult mental representations as infants, classified as avoidant. Furthermore,
of attachment relationships and memories of being classified as anxious/resistant attachment
childhood experiences with parents contributed doubled the risk of subsequently developing an
to a mother’s anxiety about separation from her anxiety disorder and better predicted adolescent
own infant. Mothers with insecure attachment anxiety disorders than either maternal anxiety
representations, when asked to remember details or child temperament. The interaction between
of their own childhood, reported more negative anxious/resistant attachment and one aspect of
recollections of early parental caregiving, partic- temperament (slow habituation to stimuli) fur-
ularly rejection and discouragement of indepen- ther increased the risk of a subsequent anxiety
dence. Cassidy (1995) found that adolescents disorder. However, secure, insecure-avoidant,
and adults with generalized anxiety disorder re- and insecure-resistant attachment were all rep-
ported more caregiver unresponsiveness, role- resented among the adolescents with anxiety
reversal and enmeshment, and feelings of anger disorders (data on the insecure-disorganized
and vulnerability toward their mothers than classification were unavailable).
controls. Systematic and formal assessments of Linkages have also been found between at-
the adolescents’ and adult attachment styles tachment and subclinical levels of anxiety. Fe-
were not conducted in this sample, however. male undergraduates who were insecurely at-
Prospective studies. Manassis et al. (1994) ex- tached were perceived by their friends as being
amined adult attachment and mother–child at- more anxious than their counterparts who were
tachment in 20 mother–child dyads (children securely attached (Barnas, Pollina, & Cummings
ages 18 to 59 months) in which the mothers suf- 1991). Crowell, O’Connor, Wollmers, and Spraf-
fered from anxiety disorders. The mothers all kin (1991) found that children with behavioral
had insecure adult attachments, and 80% also disturbances whose mothers were classified as se-
had insecure attachments with their children. cure on the Adult Attachment Interview rated
Among the insecurely attached children, 3 of 16 themselves as less anxious and depressed than
met diagnostic criteria for anxiety disorders; children with behavioral disturbances whose
none of the secure children did. Two had sepa- mothers were insecure-dismissing. Cassidy and
ration anxiety disorder (one with disorganized Berlin (1994) reported increased fearfulness
attachment, one with avoidant attachment) and across several studies of insecure-ambivalent/re-
one had avoidant disorder (with disorganized at- sistant children.
tachment). Insecure children also had higher in- Belsky and Rovine (1987) have suggested a po-
ternalizing scores on the Child Behavior Check- tential linkage between attachment and anxiety
list than those of secure children. When the when attachment is placed on a spectrum from
dyads who had been classified as disorganized the style associated with the most overt distress
and mothers who had been classified as unre- (ambivalent/resistant) to that associated with
solved were assigned their “best” alternate cate- the least overt distress (avoidant). Secure individ-
gory, and combined with the remaining three at- uals are in the middle of the spectrum, with
tachment categories, a higher than expected rate some exhibiting relatively high distress and
of ambivalent/resistant attachment and a lower some exhibiting relatively low distress (Belsky &
than expected rate of secure attachment were Rovine, 1987). Consistent with Belsky and Ro-
found. vine (1987), 2.5-year-old children who were ei-
Warren et al. (1997) studied 172 adolescents ther insecure-ambivalent/resistant or secure
aged 17.5 years who had participated in assess- with relatively high distress showed higher in-
ments of mother–child attachment at 12 months dices of fear and separation distress than chil-
of age. Of these 172 adolescents, 26 (15%) met dren in the other attachment classifications
diagnostic criteria for anxiety disorders. More of (Stevenson-Hinde & Shouldice, 1990).
the disordered adolescents were classified as anx- In summary, insecure attachment has been
ious/resistant in infancy than the adolescent linked with both clinical and subclinical anxiety
without anxiety disorders. More adolescents di- in children of different age ranges. The link may
Chapter 11 Prevention of Anxiety Disorders 227

be stronger when the child also has tempera- (1996) found that parents of children with anx-
mental vulnerability to anxiety, although the ev- iety disorders were rated by observers as less
idence for this is not as clear. Limitations of this granting of psychological autonomy than were
research include paucity of prospective studies, the parents of “normal” controls. In addition,
the varying definitions of anxiety (e.g., anxiety children with anxiety disorders rated their moth-
symptoms, anxiety disorders) used across stud- ers and fathers as less accepting and less granting
ies, and small sample sizes. of psychological autonomy compared to control
children’s ratings of their parents.
Direct observations of parent–child interac-
tions have provided further evidence of family
The research conducted on parenting has fo- processes that may be specific to families of chil-
cused primarily on parental rearing styles, with dren with anxiety disorders, and these processes
the latter conceptualized along two orthogonal may serve to either bring out and/or maintain
dimensions: warmth versus hostility, and con- these disorders in children (e.g., Chorpita, Al-
trol versus autonomy (Boer, 1998; Cassidy, 1995; bano, & Barlow, 1996; Dadds et al., 1996; Gins-
Dadds, Barrett, Rapee, & Ryan, 1996; Lutz & burg, Silverman, & Kurtines, 1995). For example,
Hock, 1995; Manassis et al., 1994; Rapee 1997; Dadds et al. (1996) studied specific sequences of
Siqueland, Kendall, & Steinberg, 1996; Warren et communication exchanged between parents
al., 1997). and children (ages 7 to 14) in a discussion of am-
Retrospective reports. In a meta-analysis of five biguous hypothetical situations. Parents of chil-
studies, with a total of 463 patients in the exper- dren with anxiety disorders (n ⫽ 66) were less
imental groups, Gerlsma, Emmelkamp, and Ar- likely to grant and reward autonomy of thought
rindell (1990) found that adults with phobias re- and action than controls (n ⫽ 18). Dadds et al.
ported a parental rearing style characterized by also found that these parents fostered cautious-
less affection and more control. Studies of adults ness and avoidance of taking a social risk by
meeting diagnostic criteria for panic disorder or modeling caution, providing information about
social phobia/avoidant personality disorder have risk, expressing doubt about the child’s compe-
demonstrated a similar recollection of child- tency, and rewarding the child for avoidance by
rearing patterns, in that these adults view their expressing agreement and nurturance when the
parents, and their relationship with them, as low child decided he or she would not join in with
in affection and overcontrolling (Rapee, 1997). the other children. Dadds et al. referred to this
Empirical research has documented an influ- finding as the FEAR effect (Family Enhancement
ence of parental rearing styles on the develop- of Avoidant and Aggressive Responses).
ment of anxiety (see Rapee, 1997, for review). In a study with 16 children (mean age ⫽ 11
Interestingly, adults with insecure-preoccupied years) of agoraphobic mothers and 16 children
attachments frequently report parental rejection of mothers with no history of psychopathology
and control (Main & Goldwyn, 1991), which matched by age, gender, and socioeconomic
suggests that parenting style may be related to status (Capps, Sigman, Sena, & Henker, 1996),
adult attachment status. agoraphobic mothers reported more maternal
Prospective reports and behavioral observations. separation anxiety with regard to their child
In an early study, Bush, Melamed, & Cockrell than the control group. Maternal separation
(1989), using a self-report measure of parental anxiety correlated negatively with children’s
rearing patterns, found parental reported use of perceived control (Capps et al., 1996). The effect
positive reinforcement, modeling, and persua- probably is best interpreted as the result of a re-
sion was associated with lower levels of child ciprocal relation between caregiver and child:
anxiety during their child’s undergoing of a fear- when a child is more anxious, there may be
ful medical procedure; parental use of punish- greater cause for the parent’s anxiety about sep-
ment, physical force, and reinforcement of de- aration.
pendency was associated with higher levels More recently, Hudson and Rapee (2002) stud-
during the medical procedure. Siqueland et al. ied 57 children and adolescents (37 children
228 Part III Anxiety Disorders

with anxiety disorders, 20 nonclinic-referred particular high-risk activities engaged in by ad-

children; aged 7 to 16 years) and found that olescents and their associated risk with anxiety
mothers and fathers were overly involved not are discussed.
only with their anxiety-disordered child but also
with the child’s sibling (without anxiety disor-
ders). The authors concluded that because paren-
tal overinvolvement does not occur exclusively Initiation into cigarette smoking in adolescents
in youths with anxiety disorders, it probably is is recognized as a major public health problem.
not simply a response to difficulties with anxiety As summarized by Upadhyaya, Deas, Brady,
and coping that they have observed with the di- and Kruesi (2002) from a number of national
agnosed youth. It also suggests that parental surveys, approximately 3,000 adolescents start
overinvolvement does not in and of itself cause smoking each day, resulting in about 21% of
anxiety disorders. high school seniors smoking daily, and a total
Anxious parents could increase their off- of 4 million adolescent smokers. Smoking pre-
springs’ risk of anxiety disorders by (1) having vention and early treatment are important
difficulty modeling appropriate coping strate- components of universal and selective public
gies; (2) reacting to their children’s fears nega- health prevention strategies, especially given
tively because they represent an aspect of them- that the American Health Association estimates
selves that they would rather deny; or (3) that addiction to tobacco during adolescence
becoming overly concerned about their chil- accounts for 80% of adult smokers. As Upa-
dren’s anxiety, resulting in overprotection and dhyaya et al. (2002) discuss, there is continuing
thus reducing opportunities for desensitization. interest in the interaction between onset of ad-
The latter two reactions are consistent with dis- olescent psychiatric conditions and smoking
missive and preoccupied adult attachment types, behavior, including experimental smoking and
respectively. Anxious parents who are securely cessation difficulty. Among the disorders stud-
attached, by contrast, may be able to empathize ied, Johnson et al. (2000) report that heavy cig-
with their children’s fears, which may then arette smoking (defined as over 20 cigarettes
be perceived as supportive. Thus, the transmis- per day) is associated with higher rates of ago-
sion of parental anxiety may depend on the raphobia, anxiety, and panic disorders in ado-
interaction between attachment and parental lescents. Other studies have reported an even
psychopathology (Radke-Yarrow, DeMulder, & stronger association of adolescent smoking
Belmont, 1995). with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
(Johnson et. al., 2000) and major depressive
disorder (Dierker et al., 2001). Most of these
Peer, School, and Community
studies note the importance of the relationship
The ecology of adolescent development and cul- between peer smoking influences and indi-
ture includes an expanded network of peer, vidual psychiatric vulnerabilities. The general
school, and community affiliations. The transi- conclusion is two-pronged: first, smoking pre-
tion to middle and high school constitutes a pe- vention and cessation programs need to incor-
riod of high developmental risk, in which there porate screening for adolescent psychiatric dis-
is an increased incidence of school truancy, fail- orders, including anxiety disorders and,
ure and dropout, engagement in high-risk sexual second, attention to adolescent anxiety and
and self-injurious behaviors, smoking and drug comorbid disorders need to include strategies
use, initiation into gangs, and contact with the to address risks of tobacco addiction.
juvenile justice system. It is also a period of in-
creased exposure to interpersonal violence. For
Drug Use
example, in 1999, almost 10% of 9th to 12th
graders reported being hit or physically hurt by Adolescence is a developmental period in which
a boyfriend or girlfriend. In the sections below, experimentation with alcohol and drugs is com-
Chapter 11 Prevention of Anxiety Disorders 229

mon. It also is a time of development risk for Gang Affiliation and Other
early onset of alcohol and substance abuse and Criminal Behavior
dependence. Nelson and Wittchen (1998) found
that among youth and young adults, the peak Gang affiliation is a serious cultural problem in
incidence of alcohol disorders occurred at 16–17 adolescence. There are an estimated 24,000
years of age. Alcohol and drug use problems in gangs, with over 772,000 members active across
adolescents are a strong predictive factor of adult the United States (U.S. Department of Justice,
alcohol and drug dependence (Swadi, 1999). 2002). There is a complexity to youth involve-
Studies of substance abuse and alcohol motiva- ment in gangs. Many studies have examined the
tion in adolescents suggest a multifactorial ex- confluence of risk factors that predict gang
planatory framework. Among the many factors, membership, including neighborhood, family,
Comeau, Stuart, and Loba (2001) found that school, peer group, and individual variables
high anxiety sensitivity predicts conformity mo- (Hill, Levermore, Twaite, & Jones, 1996). There
tives for alcohol and marijuana use, whereas is an emerging literature about the extent of
anxiety traits are associated with coping motives trauma and loss exposure associated with gang
for alcohol and cigarette use. Zucker, Craske, Bar- membership and delinquent behavior more gen-
rios, and Holguin (2002) reported that among erally (Wood, Foy, Layne, Pynoos, & James,
young adults with panic disorder, up to one in 2002). Despite high rates of trauma exposure
five cases had an onset related to an adolescent prior to gang membership, commonly youth re-
experience with a psychoactive drug. In a review port that their worst traumatic experiences are
of studies of adolescent use of the recreational gang related and the source of current PTSD
drug “ecstasy,” Montoya, Sorrentino, Lukas, and symptoms (Wood et al., 2002). Ages 11–13 are
Price (2002) found a strong association between primary years for solicitation and inculcation
repeated drug use and anxiety disturbances, with into gang affiliation and activities, contributing
potential neurobiological consequences that are to years of increased trauma and loss exposure
of concern within this critical developmental during adolescence. Consequently, intervention
stage. programs to prevent youth from becoming in-
Initiation and use of alcohol and drugs among volved in gangs should be considered an adjunct
adolescents are also related to life stresses, in- prevention strategy for adolescent PTSD.
cluding traumatic events (Wills, Vaccaro, & Adolescence is also the time when involve-
McNammar, 1992). In one study, substance- ment in the justice system accelerates. Approxi-
abusing adolescents were found to be five times mately 1.8 million youth go through the juve-
more likely to have a history of trauma and con- nile justice system each year, with over 360,000
current posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) detained and 176,000 incarcerated (U.S. Depart-
compared to a community sample (Deykin & ment of Justice, 2002). Recently, attention has
Buka, 1997). In a large study of adolescents en- turned to the high prevalence of adolescent psy-
rolled in four drug treatment programs, a high chiatric disorder present among juvenile justice
positive correlation was found between severity detainees. Of importance, the rate of anxiety dis-
of posttraumatic stress symptoms and higher orders is as high as one in three and equal to or
levels of substance use and HIV risk behavior exceeds those of mood disorder. Of the anxiety
(Stevens, Murphy, & McNight, 2003). disorders, studies vary in the prevalence of spe-
As with cigarette addiction, prevention strat- cific anxiety disorders. Studies that have assessed
egies for adolescent substance abuse need to in- PTSD have found it to be among the highest
clude early intervention for anxiety vulnerable (Wasserman, McReynolds, Lucal, Fisher, & San-
and traumatized youth and at the same time rec- tos, 2002). Interestingly, separation anxiety dis-
ognize that prevention or early intervention for order among adolescents (an age-range where it
adolescent substance abuse may also constitute is less expected) is surprisingly high among
an anxiety disorder prevention strategy. African-American and Hispanic and Latino de-
tained youth (Teplin, Abram, McClelland,
230 Part III Anxiety Disorders

Dulcan, & Mericle, 2002). The juvenile justice with HIV/AIDS (Myers & Durvasula, 1999), and
contact provides a key opportunity for mental survivors of childhood leukemia and their moth-
health intervention that can play a significant ers and fathers (Kazak et al., 1997).
role in an overall public mental health approach There are a number of shortcomings to the ex-
to adolescent anxiety disorders and delinquency tant adult literature on social support in the
prevention programs. wake of trauma. First, although a large body of
research supports the conclusion that social sup-
port is associated with decreased PTSD symp-
Social Support
tomology (e.g., Greene, Grace, & Gleser, 1985;
The adult literature is replete with studies that Keane, Zimering, & Caddell, 1985); most of these
suggest the possible beneficial effects of social studies have relied on retrospective reports
support following exposure to traumatic events, (some as many as 30 years after the fact) of social
but less is known about its role in mitigating support. Second, the studies typically have ag-
anxiety disorder symptoms outside the context gregated and equally weighted the influence of
of trauma, and even less about the influence of friends, co-workers, and neighbors with that of
social support in adolescent anxiety disorders. immediate family, which may obscure the more
Studies of veterans from the Vietnam, Gulf, and influential effects for the latter (Griffith, 1985).
Lebanon wars have found that veterans’ percep- Third, and perhaps most importantly for the
tions of poor social support are associated with purpose of considering prevention efforts, no
worse PTSD symptoms; the relationship remains studies have attempted to delineate the mecha-
regardless of whether veterans report retrospec- nism responsible for the apparent positive im-
tively about the support they received immedi- pact of social support on posttrauma recovery.
ately after his or her return from duty (Barrett & Pennebaker and Seagal (1999) suggest that pain-
Mizes, 1988; Fontana, Schwartz, & Rosenheck, ful events, which have not been structured in a
1997; Foy, Resnick, Sipprelle, & Carroll, 1987; narrative format, may contribute to the contin-
Solomon, Mikulincer, & Avitzur, 1988; Stretch, ued experience of negative feelings and are more
1985, 1989; Sutker, Davis, Uddo, & Ditta, 1995) likely to remain in consciousness as unwanted
and even when controlling for level of combat thoughts (Wegner, 1989). Foa and Riggs (1993)
exposure, another robust predictor of PTSD suggest that trauma disclosure within naturally
symptoms among veterans (Boscarino, 1995; occurring social support systems provides three
King, Leonard, & March, 1998). Among civilian potential benefits: First, disclosure enables the
victims of violence, poor social support also has trauma survivor to confront frightening memo-
been linked to PTSD symptoms in victims of vi- ries in a relatively safe environment, allowing
olent nonsexual assault (Bisson & Shepherd, habituation of fear reactions, much as is accom-
1995), domestic violence (Astin, Lawrence, & plished in flooding treatment of PTSD (Foa et al.,
Foy, 1993; Kemp, Green, Hovanitz, & Rawlings, 1999; Foa, Feske, Murdock, Kozak, & McCarthy,
1995), and rape survivors (Resick, 1993; Steketee 1991; Keane, Fairbank, Caddell, & Zimmering,
& Foa, 1987; Zoellner, Foa, & Brigidi, 1999). 1989b; Richards, Lovell, & Marks, 1994). Second,
Moreover, Fontana and Rosenheck (1998) found given the observation that traumatic memories
that good postdischarge social support was are often disjointed and confused, disclosure,
strongly predictive of less PTSD in female veter- particularly repeated disclosure, provides the
ans who were victims of sexual harassment, rape, survivor with an opportunity to create a more
or attempted rape. Social support is also associ- coherent memory. Finally, disclosure is thought
ated with recovery among victims of “noninter- to provide an opportunity for survivors to eval-
personal” traumas, such as natural disasters (e.g., uate potentially mistaken cognitions regarding
Madakasira & O’Brien, 1987), motor vehicle ac- the impact on themselves (e.g., I am incompe-
cidents (Buckley, Blanchard, & Hickling, 1996), tent or worthless) or the world (e.g., the world is
and chronic, life-threatening illness, including unpredictably dangerous). Herman (1992) sug-
patients treated for breast cancer (Andrykowski gests that disclosure may also serve to “recon-
& Cordova, 1998), African-American women nect” the trauma survivor to others within the
Chapter 11 Prevention of Anxiety Disorders 231

social arena. That is, the act of disclosing the ative relation between anxiety level and family
trauma to another person may provide an op- social support in a longitudinal study investigat-
portunity for the survivor to redevelop a sense ing the effects of family social support on anxi-
of trust and attachment to others. Thus, disclos- ety in 11- to 14-year-olds exposed to community
ing the trauma to a supportive person may func- violence. Unfortunately, little else has been done
tion in multiple ways to facilitate recovery. to explore the specific role of this potentially im-
There is also evidence that social support may portant protective factor. Perhaps acceptance
mitigate the impact of negative life events in into a supportive social network attenuates the
children and adolescents whose parents are di- effects of the putative anxiety disorder risk fac-
vorcing (Cowen, Wyman, Work, & Parker, 1990) tors described earlier. Thus, social support serves
and in those who have been exposed to com- as one possible explanation for so many children
munity violence (Berman, Kurtines, Silverman, and adolescents elevated on these risk factors
& Serafini, 1996; Hill, Levermore, Twaite, & (e.g., behavioral inhibition) not going on to de-
Jones, 1996; White, Bruce, Farrell, & Kliewer, velop full-blown disorders. The importance of
1998) and hurricanes (e.g., La Greca, Silverman, the adolescent’s peer group suggests that social
Vernberg, & Prinstein, 1996; Vernberg, La Greca, support may be particularly relevant during this
Silverman, & Prinstein, 1996). For example, period (see Table 11.1 for a summary of putative
White and colleagues (1998) found a strong neg- risk factors).

Table 11.1 Who May Be at Risk?

Factor Description

Individual Factors
Elevated but subsyndromal Increased risk of developing full-blown disorder in next 2 years if elevated
anxiety symptoms symptoms are already present
Behavioral inhibition (tem- Tendency to avoid novel stimuli and experiences; excessive shyness in re-
perament) sponse to new people
Anxiety sensitivity Tendency to interpret physiological sensations of anxiety as threatening
in and of themselves
Cognitive factors Avoidant coping style, low perceived control

Family Factors
Parenting Insecure attachment, possibly interacting with behaviorally inhibited
Parent–child interactions Parental tendency to suggest avoidant problem-solving strategies; over-
involvement and overprotection in response to child’s fears; poor model-
ing of coping responses

Peer, School, and Community Factors

Smoking Association with panic disorder in particular
Alcohol and other drug use Elevates other risk factors (e.g., MVAs), may also elevate risk in and of
Gang affiliation and Exposure to traumatic events, commission of interpersonal violence
criminal behavior
Trauma exposure Criterion A trauma increases the risk for PTSD and other anxiety symp-
toms, perhaps especially in those who are already vulnerable or in re-
sponse to certain traumas regardless (e.g., sexual assault)
Poor social support Associated with more symptoms and poorer outcomes in adults, possibly
a mediating factor

MVA, motor vehicle accident; PTSD, posttraumatic stress syndrome.

232 Part III Anxiety Disorders

Early Detection and Screening sures’ sensitivity (the percentage of individuals

who receive the diagnosis who were positively
The success of prevention intervention programs identified by the rating scale; true positives) and
for anxiety disorders in adolescents depends a specificity (the percentage of individuals who do
great deal on having early detection and screen- not receive the diagnosis and who are not iden-
ing strategies in place at key access points where tified by the rating scale as anxious; true nega-
youths might be identified. The types of early tives) (Vecchio, 1966) are scarce when it comes
detection and screening strategies are likely to to child and adolescent samples, particularly
vary with the type of preventive intervention nonwhite samples. Second, currently available
program being implemented (universal, selec- rating scales are likely to select more false posi-
tive, indicated). In this section, key access points tives than true positives (Costello & Angold,
are identified and specific types of screens that 1988). That is, youths identified as anxious at an
might be administered, depending on the type initial screen are likely not to be anxious or de-
of preventive intervention strategy, are summa- pressed at the second stage of an investigation.
rized. Consequently, a useful and cost-efficient ap-
Before proceeding with this discussion, a gen- proach for early detection and screening for in-
eral point is first worth noting. For the majority dicated intervention programs would employ a
of access points or settings where early detection multistage sampling design (e.g., Ialongo, Edel-
and screening strategies might be conducted, sohn, Werthamer-Larsson, Crockett, & Kellam,
some type of rating scale is recommended for in- 1993; Kendall, Cantwell, & Kazdin, 1989; Rob-
itial use. Because of their objective scoring pro- erts, Lewinsohn, & Seeley, 1991). At the first
cedure, rating scales minimize the role of clinical stage, a rating scale would be administered to in-
inference and interpretation. As a result, there is formants to identify youths who score 1 or 2
no need to use highly trained staff for adminis- standard deviations from the sample mean or
tration and scoring. In addition, most rating who deviate from normative data. These identi-
scales contain questions that would be of clear fied cases would then undergo more precise and
concern to non-mental health professionals, comprehensive assessments (e.g., structured di-
such as school board institutional review board agnostic interviews) at the second or third stage
members, because the scales contain items that of the research.
are face valid. Finally, a wide range of rating
scales is available for administration to various
Potential Access Points for Early Detection
informants, including children and adolescents,
and Screening
as well as parents, teachers, and clinicians. Con-
sequently, information can be obtained from ei- School. The school setting is an obvious ac-
ther a single source (e.g., adolescent only) or cess point for early detection and screening of
multiple sources (e.g., adolescent, parent) de- anxiety and its disorders because this is where
pending on one’s available resources. If resources the children and adolescents are. If a preventive
are limited, the consensus in the field is that in- interventionist is interested in developing and
formation from youths themselves should be ob- implementing an indicated prevention program,
tained for screening and assessing for internal- there are several rating scales that can be admin-
izing problems, including anxiety (Loeber, istered to target high-risk children and adoles-
Green, & Lahey, 1990). cents who may demonstrate minimal but de-
Despite the advantages in using rating scales tectable symptoms of anxiety and/or anxiety
for the purpose of early detection and screening, disorders. In general, most of the research studies
several caveats are worth noting. One is that al- that have used rating scales for screening anxiety
though the measures mentioned in this section symptoms and disorders have used largely pre-
all possess adequate psychometric properties in adolescent samples of children. There is a pau-
terms of reliability and validity, their actual util- city of work in which the study’s samples in-
ity for screening purposes awaits further empir- volved adolescents specifically.
ical evaluation. For example, data on the mea- For anxiety symptoms, the most widely used
Chapter 11 Prevention of Anxiety Disorders 233

child and adolescent self-rating scale measure is the adolescent version (La Greca & Lopez, 1998)
the Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale as well as the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inven-
(RCMAS; Reynolds & Richmond, 1978), which tory for Children (Beidel, Turner, & Morris,
was used as an initial screen in the Queensland 1995) have been found to be helpful in identi-
Early Intervention and Prevention of Anxiety fying highly social anxious children (Epkins,
Project (Dadds et al., 1999; Dadds, Spence, Hol- 2002; Morris & Masia, 1998), although varia-
land, Barrett, & Laurens, 1997), described below. tions in the two measures’ classification
The RCMAS is a 37-item scale: 28 items are correspondence indicated variation with sam-
summed yielding a Total Anxiety score; the other ple, age, and gender. In light of this variation,
nine items are summed to yield a Lie score. coupled with the fact that both the Epkins
Youths respond either yes or no to all 37 items. (2002) and Morris and Masia (1998) studies did
Factor analytic studies have also provided sup- not sample adolescents (Epkins’s sample was 8
port for the RCMAS’s three-factor subscale struc- to 12 years; Morris and Masia’s was 9 to 12 years),
ture (Physiological, Worry/Oversensitivity, and additional research on the utility of these mea-
Concentration) as well as the Lie scale (e.g., sures for screening among adolescents is needed.
Reynolds & Richmond, 1978). Positive scale con- Moreover, research on all of these scales’ utility
vergence between the RCMAS and other widely in the context of prevention is lacking.
used child self-rating scales of anxiety and re- The Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index
lated constructs (trait anxiety, fear, depression) (CASI; Silverman, Fleisig, Rabian, & Peterson,
in community samples have also been found 1991) has been used in a number of studies and
(e.g., Muris, Merckelbach, Ollendick, King, & Bo- appears useful as a screen for adolescents who
gie, 2002). In addition, there is considerable ev- may be at risk for displaying panic attacks and
idence supporting the reliability of the RCMAS panic disorder (Hayward, Killen, Wilson, &
and its subscales in community samples. For ex- Hammer, 1997; Weems, Hayward, Killen, &
ample, Pela and Reynolds (1982) reported test– Taylor, 2002). In fact, it appears to be the only
retest reliability of r ⫽ .98 of the Total Anxiety measure that has been used as a screen for ado-
scale using a 3-week interval. Internal consis- lescents specifically. Consequently, further de-
tency of the RCMAS is also excellent, with esti- scription of the scale might be in order.
mates ranging from .82 to .85. The CASI consists of 18 items that assess the
For anxiety symptoms linked more directly to extent to which children and adolescents believe
DSM-IV anxiety disorders, the Multidimensional the experience of anxiety will result in negative
Anxiety Scale for Children (MASC; March, Par- consequences. Sample items include: “It scares
ker, Sullivan, & Stallings, 1997), the Screen for me when I feel like I am going to throw up” and
Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (Bir- “It scares me when my heart beats fast.” Youths
maher et al., 1997), and the Spence Children’s respond to each item using a 3-point scale: none
Anxiety Scale may be useful. The MASC, for ex- (1), some (2), or a lot (3). The CASI yields a total
ample, is a 45-item scale that yields a Total Anx- score by summing the ratings across all items.
iety Disorder Index and four main factor scores: The CASI scores can range from 18 to 54, with
Social Anxiety (with performance anxiety and higher scores reflecting higher levels of anxiety
humiliation as subfactors), Physical Symptoms, sensitivity. Silverman et al. (1991) reported in-
(with tension-restlessness, somatic-autonomic ternal consistency estimates (coefficient alphas)
arousal as subfactors), Harm/Avoidance (with of .87 for both a nonclinical and clinical sample,
perfectionism, anxious coping as subfactors), and test–retest reliability estimates (using a retest
and Separation/Panic. In addition, six items interval of 2 weeks) of .76 and .79 for the non-
yield an Inconsistency Index to identify careless clinical and clinical samples, respectively.
or contradictory responses. Youths may be iden- Recent research provides strong support for a
tified on the basis of either specific subscale hierarchical model for anxiety sensitivity as rep-
scores on these measures or the total score. resented in the CASI with a single second-order
For social anxiety, the Social Anxiety Scale for factor and four facets (first-order factors) labeled
Children–Revised (La Greca & Stone, 1993) and Disease Concerns, Unsteady Concerns, Mental
234 Part III Anxiety Disorders

Incapacitation Concerns, and Social Concerns groups or individuals considered to be at risk for
(Silverman, Goedhart, Barrett, & Turner, 2003). developing anxiety and its disorders need to be
This type of research on the facets of anxiety sen- identified. At the preschool level, Rapee (2002)
sitivity has the potential to further our under- used a mother-completed rating scale of the
standing about the prevention of anxiety prob- child’s temperament, followed by a laboratory
lems to the extent that the specific facets of observation of behavioral inhibition, as a screen
anxiety sensitivity may be more related to a for selecting youngsters in the Macquarie Uni-
given pathological condition than the total anx- versity Preschool Intervention Program (de-
iety sensitivity construct as recent research sug- scribed below).
gests (Joiner et al., 2002). In light of the high rates of traumatic exposure
Silverman et al. (2003) also tested for factorial among young people, particularly adolescents,
invariance (equal factor loadings) of the com- youths who have been exposed to traumatic
pleted four-factor model across gender and age events are another group that should be consid-
(two age groups: children, ages 7 to 11 years, and ered for early detection and screening in the
adolescents, ages 12 to 17 years). The hypothesis school setting, with focus particularly on post-
of equal factor loadings on the four factors across traumatic stress and anxiety reactions. Successful
age and gender and across samples could not be efforts in such screening, using most frequently
rejected, thereby indicating factor stability. The the Reaction Index (Frederick, Pynoos, & Nader,
only age difference to emerge in this study was 1992), have appeared in the area of community
that children displayed a higher level of Un- violence (e.g., adolescent sample: Berman, Kur-
steady and Disease Concerns (and consequently tines, Silverman, & Serafini, 1996), natural dis-
a higher level of Total Concerns) than adoles- asters (e.g., child sample; La Greca et al., 1996;
cents, a finding that is consistent with age dif- Vernberg et al., 1996); and sniper shootings (e.g.,
ferences in frequency and intensity of common child sample; Pynoos, Frederick, Nader, & Ar-
fears (Gullone, 2000). Perhaps a higher level of royo, 1987). March, Amaya-Jackson, Terry, and
fearfulness and less knowledge of physical pro- Costanzo (1997) and, more recently, Foa, John-
cesses in children than in adolescents constitutes son, Feeny, and Treadwell (2001) have developed
a higher level of worrying among children about and conducted psychometric evaluation of the
their physical condition. Whether the emer- Child and Adolescent Trauma Survey (CATS) and
gence in children of higher levels of Unsteady the Child PTSD Symptom Scale (CPSS), respec-
and Disease Concerns is something that would tively; both have been found to be psychomet-
be worth assessing early on by means of the rically sound.
CASI, with possible intervenion as a preventative The CPSS, for example, assesses traumatic
step, would be an interesting avenue to pursue. stress symptoms in children and adolescents, 8
In addition, evidence indicates that a large to 18 years of age. The CPSS items assess all 17
proportion of children and adolescents who dis- DSM-IV symptom criteria for PTSD and yield a
play school refusal behavior are likely suffering Total Severity Score (17 items) and three empir-
from some type of anxiety disorder, particularly ically derived factor scale scores representing
separation anxiety disorder in young children DSM-IV clusters B (Re-experiencing), C (Avoid-
and social anxiety, panic, or generalized anxiety ance), and D (Arousal). The CPSS also includes a
disorder in older children and adolescents (Kear- seven-item impairment rating scale to assess
ney & Silverman, 1997). Thus it is critical that functioning in such domains as family, peers,
school counselors and psychologists be in- and school. Evidence has indicated moderate to
formed and educated about the nature of school excellent internal consistency, retest reliability,
refusal behavior so that they can help detect and concurrent validity as well as excellent sen-
such cases and refer students for appropriate sitivity and specificity (Foa, Cashman, Jaycox, &
therapeutic, rather than disciplinary, action. Perry, 1997). All together, these PTSD scales have
If a preventive interventionist is interested in the potential for use in early detection and
developing and implementing a selective pre- screening of youths at high risk for developing
vention program in a school setting, specific posttraumatic stress and anxiety reactions from
Chapter 11 Prevention of Anxiety Disorders 235

their exposure to traumatic events. Further ev- toms of the various disorders (described in Chap-
aluative research regarding their utility for such ter 9), and refer, as necessary, to a mental health
purposes is needed, however. In addition, be- professional for further evaluation based on the
cause many adolescent-onset problems such as results of these initial queries.
cigarette smoking frequently co-occur with anx- Given the preponderance of female cases of
iety and its disorders, as noted earlier in this sec- anxiety disorders relative to male cases particu-
tion, screening for anxiety with one of the anx- larly from adolescence and beyond, ob-gyn set-
iety symptoms scales (e.g., RCMAS, MASC) may tings represent yet another potentially useful
be worthwhile to include, whenever beginning and critically important access point for early de-
work with adolescents for any such problems. tection and screening. Studies have demon-
Finally, Beidel and colleagues (Beidel & strated that pubertal maturation in adolescent
Turner, 1988; Beidel, Turner, & Trager, 1994) girls, particularly early onset, may constitute a
conducted a series of studies showing that the risk factor for developing anxiety symptoms and
Test Anxiety Scale for Children (Saranson, Da- disorders (e.g., Caspi & Moffit, 1991; Graber,
vidson, Lighthall, & Waite, 1958) could serve as Brooks-Gunn, Paikoff, & Warren, 1994), partic-
a useful screen in identifying children who may ularly panic attacks (Hayward, Killen, Kraemer,
show detectable symptoms of anxiety disorders, et al., 1997). Such findings suggest the potential
including social anxiety disorder, specific pho- utility of educating physicians in the ob-gyn area
bia, and generalized anxiety disorder. Clearly, as about the risks of anxiety problems in their
“high-stakes” testing (e.g., SATs, ACTs) becomes young adolescent female patients. The manner
more of a stressor with adolescence, the poten- in which such young patients may become over-
tial utility of test anxiety as a marker, and the ly sensitive to the physical changes that occur
Test Anxiety Scale as a screen among adolescent during the menstrual cycle (i.e., high anxiety
samples, deserves scrutiny. sensitivity) might be carefully considered and
Health-care settings. There are multiple access even assessed using the CASI (Silverman et al.,
points for early detection and screening in 1991). Relatedly, research findings, albeit sparse,
healthcare settings, particularly in pediatrics, suggest that hormonal fluctuations during the
obstetrics-gynecology (ob-gyn), and psychiatry. female reproductive cycle may serve to either ex-
The pediatric setting, for example, is the natural acerbate or reduce anxiety symptoms and dis-
site for early detection and screening of young orders. For example, among some women, the
children with pediatric onset of either obsessive- postpartum period may be a risk for the onset
compulsive disorder (OCD) or a tic disorder fol- and exacerbation of anxiety symptoms and dis-
lowing an abrupt onset of symptoms after a orders (March & Yonkers, 2001). Also among
group A β-hemolytic streptococcal infection, some women, pregnancy may be a period when
which is referred to as PANDAS (see Chapter 10). past episodes of panic disorder improves (Shear
The MASC Obsessive-Compulsive Screener & Oommen, 1995). In light of such findings, it
(March, Parker, et al., 1997), together with the seems critically important that ob-gyn physi-
Conners-March Developmental Questionnaire, cians carefully consider their female patients’
may identify such cases; the former could be emotional states during regularly scheduled ap-
used to identify OCD symptoms in both pedia- pointments. Adult anxiety rating scales, such as
tricians’ and dermatologists’ offices. Indeed, for the Hamilton Scales, may be worth administer-
a large proportion of families, the pediatrician ing as a potential screen for the presence of anx-
office is the “first gate” they enter when their iety symptoms in these patients.
child or adolescent begins to show disturbances Finally, psychiatry departments housed in
associated with anxiety and its disorders, such as medical settings, community mental health set-
somatic complaints and panic attack symptoms. tings, or in private practice represent yet another
It would thus seem critical for primary care phy- important, though again, largely untapped ac-
sicians to have understanding of and knowledge cess point by which to conduct early detection
about anxiety disorders so that they could in- and screening. In light of the strong evidence for
quire about the presence or absence of key symp- familial transmission of anxiety disorders, adult
236 Part III Anxiety Disorders

patients who present with anxiety disorders, de- savvy. The problem of excluding youngsters who
pressive disorders, or both (Weissman, 1988) do not have a computer in their home could be
should be carefully queried about the function- addressed by allowing the use of school and/or
ing of their children and adolescents. For such researcher-provided laptops for this purpose.
purposes, parent rating scales such as the Child
Behavior Checklist (CBCL; Achenbach, 1991)
and the Connors Rating Scales (Conners, 1997) Model Programs
could be administered. Although parents with
anxiety problems are likely to endorse high lev- The outcome literature on the prevention of
els of internalizing problems in their offspring anxiety disorders is insufficiently developed to
with the CBCL (e.g., Silverman, Cerny, Nelles, & describe any existing program as a “model” and
Burke, 1988), some of which might be due to the reflects the fact that the complex interplay
parent’s own pathology, as noted earlier, this in- among the many putative risk and protective
itial step is a screen. Further follow-up would factors for anxiety disorders is not well under-
then be conducted with the children themselves stood. Nevertheless, several studies have been
by means of structured interview schedules, such undertaken and are described below. Most of
as the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for these studies have been conducted using adult
Children (ADIS-C): DSM-IV (Silverman & Al- samples; however, a handful of studies have em-
bano, 1996). This interview schedule is the one ployed pediatric samples. Moreover, as is the
most widely used in child and adolescent anxi- case with anxiety disorder treatment studies, no
ety disorders and includes a child and a parent adolescent-specific prevention intervention pro-
version. Previous research demonstrates good to tocols have been developed as yet. Thus, al-
excellent test-retest reliability for the diagnosis though there are limitations inherent to extrap-
of anxiety disorders (e.g., κ ⫽ .63 to .83 for the olating findings from studies comprised of adult
ADIS-C child version, κ ⫽ .65 to .88 for the ADIS- samples to adolescent populations, the paucity
C parent version, and κ ⫽ .80 to .92 for the com- of research on prevention of anxiety disorders in
posite diagnosis; Silverman, Saavedra, & Pina, adolescents requires greater reliance on the adult
2001). literature. Efforts at anxiety disorders prevention
Web-based surveys. Finally, recent survey are also hampered by insufficient and sometimes
studies involving adults’ reactions to the terrorist inconsistent information about the longitudinal
attacks of September 11, 2001 employed Web- course of disorders, the efficacy of procedures de-
based measures (e.g., Schuster et al., 2001), signed to reduce modifiable risk factors (e.g.,
which allowed for efficient data collection from anxiety sensitivity), the influence of protective
large numbers of subjects. The method is not factors, and the possible additive if not multipli-
without its shortcomings, however, the most cative effects of multiple risk factors. Further, as
prominent of which is the possibility of sam- indicated earlier, immersion in adolescent cul-
pling bias: (1) those most interested in the topic ture represents a time of increased risk for a va-
and affected by the events might be most likely riety of negative life experiences and, as such,
to participate, which will perhaps overestimate adolescents are at increased risk for the devel-
effects; and (2) despite the appearance of ubiq- opment of at least certain anxiety disorders.
uity in our culture, it is estimated that fewer than Thus, the research literature in this area remains
50% of urban homes have personal computers, underdeveloped, and addressing these critical
and thus Web-based surveys are likely to exclude gaps will be important in developing adolescent-
large numbers of participants. It may be that use specific prevention programs.
of Web-based surveys in the school context may
be a useful way to proceed, however: it would
avert a problem of having little unscheduled
time during the school day to conduct research We have organized the review of the extant lit-
studies, and may improve participation among erature using the categories recommended by
adolescents, who are increasingly computer- the Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Pre-
Chapter 11 Prevention of Anxiety Disorders 237

vention of Mental Disorders: (1) indicated pre- Sackville, Dang, and Basten (1998) compared it
vention programs, (2) selective prevention pro- to supportive counseling (SC) for male and fe-
grams, and (3) universal prevention programs. male survivors of motor vehicle and industrial
Notably, some prevention intervention pro- accidents who met diagnostic criteria for ASD. At
grams have been developed to target general psy- posttreatment, only 8% of CBT participants met
chopathology risk factors (e.g., children whose criteria for PTSD, compared to 83% of the SC pa-
parents recently divorced; Pedro-Carroll & tients. Although rates of PTSD increased over the
Cowen, 1985). However, because the link be- course of a 6-month follow-up, CBT remained
tween these broader risk factors and the devel- superior (17% PTSD incidence) to SC (67% PTSD
opment of anxiety disorders is even more tenu- incidence). In a subsequent study, Bryant, Sack-
ous than the link between anxiety disorders and ville, Dangh, Moulds, and Guthrie (1999) mod-
the specific anxiety disorder risk factors de- ified the brief CBT by limiting it to psycho-
scribed above, we limit our discussion here to education and exposure, eliminating anxiety
those studies that focused more specifically on management (e.g., relaxation training) and cog-
prevention of anxiety symptoms and anxiety nitive restructuring, and compared this modified
disorders. A comprehensive review of these stud- protocol to the full protocol and to SC. At post-
ies is available elsewhere (Hudson, Flannery- treatment, 20% of participants in the full treat-
Schroeder, & Kendall, 2004). ment program and 14% of participants in the
Indicated prevention programs. These pro- brief CBT met criteria for PTSD, in comparison
grams are most similar to the treatments for fully to 56% of participants in the SC condition. At 6
syndromal individuals with which the field is months, incidence of PTSD was 23%, 15%, and
most familiar, in that patients are already expe- 67% for the full treatment program, exposure,
riencing symptoms of a disorder and are at high and SC, respectively. In a more recent study, Foa,
risk for the development of the full-blown syn- Zoellner, and Feeny (2004) again found that CBT
drome. Harvey and Bryant (1998) reported that accelerates recovery after sexual assault, com-
78% of adult motor vehicle accident survivors pared to SC.
who met criteria for acute stress disorder (ASD) Another group presumably at risk for the de-
suffered from PTSD 6 months after the trauma, velopment of an anxiety disorder is adults who
compared to only 4% of survivors who did not present to emergency rooms with panic attack
meet criteria for ASD. Thus, ASD is considered a symptoms. Swinson, Soulios, Cox, and Kuch
major risk factor for PTSD. It is important to (1992) conducted an intervention study with
note, however, that there are many shared fea- such individuals, 40% of whom met full symp-
tures between the two disorders and this overlap tom criteria for panic disorder, thus rendering
may be the main contributor to the predictive this study an indicated prevention/treatment
relationship between ASD and PTSD. Indeed, se- hybrid. Nevertheless, at 6 months follow-up,
verity of PTSD symptoms shortly after the trau- participants randomized to a 1-hr exposure-
matic event is a very strong predictor of PTSD based condition were improved on panic and
severity later on. Foa, Hearst-Ikeda, and Perry anxiety measures, whereas those assigned to a 1-
(1995) conducted the first PTSD prevention hr reassurance control intervention were no bet-
study. Women who were recent victims of sexual ter. Subgroup analyses examining outcome for
and nonsexual assault and who met symptom those with full syndromal panic disorder and
criteria for PTSD received either a brief cognitive- those who were subthreshold were not reported,
behavioral therapy (CBT) program consisting of however. Gardenschwartz and Craske (2001)
four weekly 1.5-hr sessions or four weekly as- also targeted the prevention of panic disorder,
sessments of their PTSD related symptoms. At 2 but recruited college students who had experi-
months postintervention assessment, the CBT enced a panic attack within the last year, evi-
group had a recovery rate of 10% for PTSD vs. denced elevated anxiety sensitivity, and did not
70% in the assessment control group. Using five meet DSM criteria for panic disorder. Partici-
sessions of Foa et al.’s prevention program (add- pants were randomly assigned to either a wait
ing one additional session), Bryant, Harvey, list or a day-long CBT workshop that included
238 Part III Anxiety Disorders

psychoeducation about agoraphobia and panic, efficacy of a prevention program for children
behavioral and cognitive strategies, and intero- and adolescents (Dadds et al., 1997, 1999). As in
ceptive exposure. At 6 months follow-up, 14% of the Swinson et al. (1992) adult panic disorder
the wait-list group had gone on to develop fully prevention study described above, Dadds et al.’s
syndromal panic disorder, compared with only study can be better characterized as a hybrid-
2% of the workshop participants; significant ef- indicated prevention and early-intervention
fects were also seen on other relevant indices study because 55% of the selected children met
(e.g., panic attack frequency ⫻ intensity index). diagnostic criteria for at least one anxiety disor-
As the authors note, a longer follow-up period der. A total of 1,786 children (ages 7 to 14 years)
may not have yielded similar outcome, as the were screened for anxiety problems by use of
workshop’s effects may have been transient. teacher nominations and children’s self-ratings.
Only two randomized control trials (RCTs) in- After initial diagnostic interviews, 128 children
volving indicated prevention programs have were selected and randomly assigned to either a
been conducted using pediatric samples. La- 10-week school-based psychosocial intervention
Freniere and Capuano (1997) examined the ef- based on Kendall’s Coping Cat protocol (2000a),
fects of a program directed at mothers of pre- or to a monitoring group. The intervention was
school children (N ⫽ 43) exhibiting anxious or conducted over 10 weekly, 1- to 2-hr sessions at
withdrawn behavior, comparing it to no treat- each intervention school. Group sizes ranged
ment. The intervention lasted for 6 months and from 5 to 12 children. Parental sessions were
consisted of four phases: (1) assessment; (2) ed- conducted at the intervention schools in weeks
ucation of the parents about their child’s devel- 3, 6, and 9. Anxiety disorder diagnostic status
opmental needs; (3) determination of specific was assessed at posttreatment and at 6-month,
objectives for the family; and (4) implementa- 12-month, and 24-month follow-up and yielded
tion of the intervention during 11 home visits interesting results: the CBT and control groups
with child-directed interaction, modification of differed significantly with respect to anxiety dis-
behavior problems, training in parenting skills, order diagnostic status at 6 months (27% vs.
and enhancement of the effectiveness of social 57%) and at 24 months (20% vs. 39%), but did
support systems. Given the age of the children, not differ at 12-month follow-up (37% vs. 42%).
outcome variables included teacher ratings in so- Notably, treatment benefits were most evident
cial competence within the preschool setting for those children who initially had moderate to
and cooperation and enthusiasm during a severe clinician ratings of severity, with approx-
problem-solving task rather than symptoms of a imately 50% of these children retaining a clinical
specific anxiety disorder. Results indicated that diagnosis at the 2-year follow-up, if they did not
maternal stress was reduced and anxious–with- receive the intervention. For those children who
drawn behavior of the child was significantly initially showed symptoms of anxiety but who
lower at posttreatment in both conditions, al- did not have a clinically significant anxiety dis-
though the social competence of children whose order, there was minimal difference between the
mothers received the intervention was greater preventive intervention and the monitoring-
prior to intervention than that of those whose only condition at 24 months follow-up, with
mother received no treatment. The relatively 11% showing an anxiety disorder in the inter-
brief follow-up period and the lack of informa- vention group and 16% in the monitoring con-
tion about anxiety disorder symptoms limit the dition. In other words, children with subclinical
utility of the findings. Nevertheless, the study of- anxiety problems did not appear to be at high
fers preliminary and encouraging findings about risk of developing a more severe anxiety disorder
the potential benefit of such programs for be- if left untreated and benefited only minimally
haviorally inhibited young children. from the intervention.
The second pediatric study, known as the Selective prevention programs. Selective pre-
Queensland Early Intervention and Prevention vention intervention programs are delivered to
of Anxiety Project, constitutes the most compre- individuals or groups considered to be at high
hensive effort made thus far in evaluating the risk for anxiety disorders yet are not evidencing
Chapter 11 Prevention of Anxiety Disorders 239

anxiety disorder symptoms. There is a paucity of both groups had reduced behavioral inhibition
studies on these programs. To date, most selec- with no significant differences between the two
tive prevention intervention programs have tar- groups.
geted individuals or groups exposed to stressful Universal prevention programs. As an exten-
life events such as parental divorce (e.g., Alpert- sion of the indicated prevention work conducted
Gillis, Pedro-Carroll, & Cowen, 1989; Hightower in Australia and reviewed above, encouraging
& Braden, 1991; Hodges, 1991; Short, 1998; preliminary data have emerged from a school-
Zubernis, Cassidy, Gillham, Reivich, & Jaycox, based FRIENDS program for children ages 10–12
1999); transition between primary and second- years (Barrett & Turner, 2001) and a second sam-
ary school, which can be associated with a num- ple of children ages 10–13 years (Lowry-Webster,
ber of psychological difficulties (e.g., peer Barrett, & Dadds, 2001). The FRIENDS acronym
relationships, school refusal behavior, substance stands for Feeling worried; Relax and feel good;
use; Felner & Adan, 1988); medical and dental Inner thoughts; Explore plans of action; Nice
procedures (Peterson & Shigetomi, 1981); and work, reward yourself; Don’t forget to practice;
having a chronically ill sibling (e.g., Bendor, and Stay cool. The program is cognitive-
1990). Although the findings from these studies behavioral in orientation, can be delivered by
generally yield positive effects, their direct rele- teachers or psychologists, is conducted weekly
vance to preventing anxiety disorders in adoles- for 10 weeks and followed by booster sessions,
cents is unclear. and has been compared to an untreated control
The only selective prevention intervention group. Children who received the intervention
program designed specifically for anxiety disor- had lower self-rated anxiety levels than those of
ders is the Macquarie University Preschool In- controls at posttreatment; moreover, no statisti-
tervention Program (Rapee, 2002). Children cal differences were found in outcome when
(ages 3.5 to 4.5 years) were recruited mainly via FRIENDS was delivered by either teachers or psy-
questionnaires distributed to preschools. Inclu- chologists (Barrett & Turner, 2001). These pre-
sion in the study was based on mother- liminary reports are encouraging, although the
completed ratings on the Australian version of full sample has yet to be accrued, and the follow-
the Childhood Temperament Scale (Sansan, up period (6 months) is insufficient to determine
Pedlow, Cann, Prior, & Oberklaid, 1996), fol- whether participation in the program affects
lowed up by laboratory observation of behav- anxiety symptoms and the development of anx-
ioral inhibition. Behaviorally inhibited children iety disorders in the long run, especially for those
were randomly assigned to either an interven- anxiety disorders (e.g., panic disorder) that are
tion condition or a monitoring condition. The more likely to develop in adolescence than in
intervention was conducted with parents only childhood.
and focused on education about the nature of Lowry-Webster et al. (2001) randomly as-
withdrawal and anxiety, parental anxiety man- signed 594 children (10 to 13 years) within dif-
agement strategies, information about the im- ferent schools to receive either the FRIENDS pro-
portance of modeling competence and promot- gram or assessment only. The intervention was
ing independence, development of exposure implemented by trained classroom teachers and
hierarchies for the children and practice of three separate sessions for parents were also con-
graded exposure, and discussion of future devel- ducted. Pre- to postintervention changes were
opment. The intervention was conducted in examined universally and for children who
groups of six families and lasted for six sessions. scored above the clinical cutoff for anxiety at
Results at 12 months revealed that mothers in pretest. Results revealed that children in the
the intervention condition had self-ratings that FRIENDS intervention condition reported less
indicated significantly greater decreases in their anxiety symptoms, regardless of their risk status,
child’s inhibited temperament as well as in the relative to the comparison condition. Notably,
number of child anxiety diagnoses compared to those who were already in the clinically anxious
mothers in the control condition. However, lab- range on the Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale
oratory observations indicated that children in fared better in the FRIENDS program than in the
240 Part III Anxiety Disorders

wait-list condition, which, as found by Dadds et cess that may serve to increase anxiety about
al. (1997), suggests again that the FRIENDS pro- anxiety and initiate avoidant coping.
gram may be a useful intervention for children
who are already experiencing significant prob-
lems with anxiety. Further research evaluating its Evaluating and Measuring Success
efficacy with older adolescent samples is needed,
What Constitutes Success?
however, before conclusions for its utility with
this population can be drawn. As noted above, the small number of interven-
The FRIENDS program was also conducted tion studies that have been conducted thus far
and evaluated with culturally diverse migrant have focused primarily on the reduction of anx-
groups of non-English-speaking background ious symptoms as measured by self-report (e.g.,
(Yugoslavian, Chinese, and mixed-ethnic; N ⫽ Lowry-Webster et al., 2001), although some
121 in Australia (Barrett, Sonderegger, & Sonder- studies examined whether patients met diagnos-
egger, 2001). The sample consisted of 106 pri- tic status for an anxiety disorder at both post-
mary and 98 high school students and were ran- intervention and, perhaps more importantly, at
domly assigned to either the FRIENDS program follow-up (e.g., Dadds et al., 1997). Both symp-
or a wait-list control condition (10 weeks wait). toms and diagnostic status are relevant, al-
Participants in the FRIENDS program exhibited though the latter is less sensitive because partic-
lower anxiety and a more positive future outlook ipants can lose the diagnosis at a particular
than wait-list participants at posttest. Although assessment point yet still remain elevated symp-
the findings suggest the potential of the tomatically and thus presumably also remain at
FRIENDS program in reducing anxiety associated risk for increased symptoms down the road. No
with cultural change, the long-term effects of the studies have examined anxious symptoms and
program for this purpose have yet to be deter- diagnostic status longitudinally through adoles-
mined. Also unclear is the extent to which the cence and into early adulthood. Such studies
youths involved in this program were actually would yield data that truly test the success of pre-
suffering from clinically significant anxiety or vention interventions. Yet another kind of suc-
were undergoing transitory duress due to their cessful outcome for universal intervention pro-
being of new immigration status. grams would be destigmatization of anxiety as a
As noted by Winett (1998a) and by Donovan character flaw or weakness. Clearly, most youth
and Spence (2000), an infrastructure capable of who participate in universal prevention pro-
supporting such large-scale projects must be in grams are at low risk for the development of anx-
place before a universal prevention program can iety disorders, yet informing this majority of the
be conducted, and the necessary resources can nature and impact of anxiety may help reduce
only be marshaled if anxiety disorders preven- problems that often face anxious youth in the
tion is given a significant level of priority on a social context, such as ostracism, teasing, and
societal, school, and community level. It is no- peer rejection.
table that the only study of this kind specifically
targeting reduction of anxiety symptoms was
What Are the Active Ingredients?
conducted with children rather than with adults,
perhaps because schools contain the infrastruc- The few prevention intervention studies that
ture that is needed for the implementation of have been conducted thus far have not shed
universal prevention programs. Another reason light on the mechanisms involved because most
to focus on children in prevention programs is of the designs used have compared active treat-
the belief that early intervention will prevent the ment packages to repeated assessment only. The
vulnerable individual from having experiences superiority of the CBT packages examined thus
that will increase risk for developing an anxiety far could therefore be attributable to a wide va-
disorder (e.g., being bullied by peers). One ad- riety of nonspecific factors, such as treatment
vantage of universal prevention is that it does credibility and therapist contact. Dismantling
not label any individuals as being “at risk,” a pro- studies typically follow the establishment of ef-
Chapter 11 Prevention of Anxiety Disorders 241

ficacy (e.g., Schmidt et al., 2000), and thus the methodological concerns arising in universal
field may be a long time from discovering the prevention that target the broad population of
impact of specific treatment interventions and adolescents are different from those in selected
their underlying mechanisms. and indicated prevention intervention. The for-
mer requires more streamlined assessments that
would increase participation and compliance
What Outcomes Are Targeted?
(thus ensuring sample representativeness) and
As noted above, in the small number of studies reduce cost (thus assuring feasibility). Accord-
conducted to date, the outcomes targeted have ingly, a major issue in universal prevention pro-
focused primarily on anxiety symptoms and dis- gram research is finding the best ways to
orders. It might be worthwhile for future re- prompt adolescents to participate in a study
search to move beyond symptoms and diagnosis that addresses a problem that they probably do
and pay increased attention to whether func- not have. Universal prevention programs are
tional impairment has improvement. For exam- especially likely to be conducted in conjunc-
ple, are there improvements in the adolescent’s tion with school administrators, thus capitaliz-
grades or in his or her peer relationships? These ing on the schools’ past successes in encourag-
are the outcomes that would seem to matter ing student participation will be important. As
most and should be seriously considered in the noted earlier, a brief survey conducted via a
design and evaluation of future prevention stud- Web site might capture the interest of teens in
ies. particular, thus computer technologies may
In addition, the potential of “positive psy- prove essential in this kind of work. The costs
chology” has yet to be seriously considered in of universal programs may ultimately require a
the context of preventing anxiety disorders in political commitment on the level of state or
adolescents and targeting outcomes. Positive federal government. For the selective and indi-
psychology is devoted to creating a science of cated programs, the primary methodological
human strengths that act as buffers against men- concern is how to encourage participation
tal illness, including anxiety (Seligman, 2002). while at the same time protecting student con-
Dick-Niederhauser and Silverman (2003) have fidentiality. This may be especially important if
adapted positive psychology principles and have the intervention itself is conducted at school
suggested their utility in serving as outcome tar- and during school hours, when absence might
gets for anxiety prevention studies. Thus, poten- be conspicuous; negative social costs both real
tial outcome targets might include the instilling and imagined may impact participation. More-
of hope and the active pursuit of goals in young over, if the intervention is conducted in
people, which in turn have been linked to the groups, confidentiality among group members
development of courage. Courage in turn has needs to be considered. Students who have
been linked with increased optimistic cognitive been identified for intervention participation
processing, a sense of self-efficacy, and skillful because of having experienced a trauma or for
coping. Although measures exist to assess some being excessively shy might be reluctant to
positive psychological concepts, further instru- share their experiences if they do not have as-
ment development and evaluation is needed for surance that what is discussed in session will
positive psychology principles to be fully imple- not be discussed outside with nonmembers.
mented and studied in the context of anxiety The provision of sufficient time to foster group
prevention research. cohesion to alleviate this concern would there-
fore be important in any selective and indi-
cated prevention effort that involves discussion
Conceptual, Methodological, and of personal matters in a group setting.
Practical Issues Another issue that warrants consideration is
when to intervene. As discussed above in rela-
Methodological and conceptual issues vary tion to trauma exposure, immediate interven-
across types of prevention program. That is, the tion provided to all individuals exposed to the
242 Part III Anxiety Disorders

trauma has not been found helpful with adults formed consent from the student and family and
and thus should probably be avoided when con- active collaboration with the school will be help-
ducting interventions with youth who have ful, but it is important to keep in mind that the
been exposed to a traumatic event, such as most valuable assessment points for prevention
shootings at the school. programs take place years after the intervention
Yet another issue is the match between the is delivered. Thus it is imperative that studies be
type of intervention and the developmental funded in a manner that will ensure the collec-
stage of the individuals. Perhaps group interven- tion of data well into the future; inadequate par-
tions can be particularly successful in adoles- ticipation in follow-up for these kinds of studies
cence when the value of the peer group is quite imperils the entire enterprise, as detection of
powerful and, if properly harnessed, may en- sampling bias (e.g., better follow-up with less im-
hance the efficacy of the intervention. Interven- paired participants or vice versa) threatens to
tions with younger children, by contrast, need compromise conclusions that could be drawn
to be targeted at parents, particularly interven- about the efficacy of intervention. Treatment
tions that target the parental risk factors thought studies have had to address this problem and
to be associated with increased risk for anxiety have requested that the family provide the
disorders. names of family and friends who will know
The choice of place for conducting prevention how to contact them in the future if they move,
interventions is another important considera- Social Security numbers, and other such infor-
tion. Often the school would be the most prac- mation to facilitate participation in long-term
tical place and would allow for the accrual of the follow-ups.
kinds of large sample sizes required to detect ef- A final issue that affects all prevention
fects for intervention programs. The pediatri- programs involves the ongoing assessment of
cian’s office can also be a useful place to conduct risk, and responsibility for risk. Those at risk for
certain indicated prevention program interven- anxiety may also be at increased risk for other
tions, such as providing psychoeducation about psychiatric comorbidity, thus procedures must
anxiety and anxiety disorders to youngsters who be enacted within prevention intervention pro-
present frequently for treatment of gastrointes- grams to manage clinical emergencies. More-
tinal problems. Many of these youngsters may over, the role of the parent in these programs
have subclinical anxiety symptoms and thus must be considered: if the child or adolescent is
they may constitute an appropriate population found to be at increased risk for anxiety disorders
for psychopathology and intervention research. upon screening and is then eligible to participate
Swinson et al.’s (1992) hybrid treatment/indi- in the program, how much or how little the par-
cated prevention study on the use of psycho- ent should be involved or have access to the in-
education for adults who presented to emer- formation discussed in assessment and/or treat-
gency rooms with panic symptoms serves as a ment needs to be specified up front, as it will
model for this sort of study. The provision of pre- certainly affect both entry and active participa-
vention intervention in the medical context tion.
raises questions of feasibility of delivery: man-
aged care has minimized the amount of time
available in a visit to discuss seemingly periph- Problem of Sustainability (Boosters, Ongoing
eral issues such as anxiety symptoms. Thus the Programs, Training)
development of brochures, self-help programs,
or interventions that can be delivered by support Little is known about the long-term effects of
staff should be considered. prevention intervention methods for anxiety
Prevention research by its nature requires lon- disorders in youth, as the longest follow-up pe-
gitudinal follow-up. One major issue is how best riod reported on thus far is 2 years (Dadds et al.,
to retain participation in the study and how to 1997). The studies that have included follow-up
guard against attrition over time. Here again in- have generally suggested maintenance of the in-
Chapter 11 Prevention of Anxiety Disorders 243

tervention effects, but here again these studies traumatic event (e.g., Mayou, Bryant, & Ehlers,
have focused on young or very young children 2001). Provided that secondary gains (e.g., miss-
and thus cannot inform the field about retention ing trigonometry class) for attending prevention
of benefits into and through adolescence and intervention sessions are minimized, there is lit-
adulthood. A related question is whether booster tle reason for concern that students without anx-
sessions are needed to retain the gains from pre- ious symptoms or risk factors would feign such
ventions programs, since the fairly predictable problems.
stressful life events that face young children
growing into adolescence might compromise
long-term maintenance. For example, studies Age-Appropriate Interventions
discussed earlier suggest that young children (Developmental Approach)
with elevated but subclinical anxiety disorders
may benefit most from prevention programs; The prevention intervention programs that have
transition from middle to high school may been evaluated thus far in research (e.g., Lowry-
threaten these gains, and thus it may be reason- Webster et al., 2001) were designed for children
able to reinstitute the intervention during this rather than for adolescents. Adaptations to ac-
transition. It is unknown whether this is the commodate the developmental needs of adoles-
case, but the relation between loss of gains and cents should be made with specific attention to
stressful life events constitutes an especially im- possible age-related increases in physiological
portant area for future study. functioning, emotional vulnerability, social and
peer pressures, and comorbid conditions, as well
as any other changes that these youngsters may
Problem of Contagion be experiencing. In particular, prevention pro-
grams must consider the importance of the peer
There is no evidence of these undesirable effects group within the intervention program itself,
from the studies of group treatment of youth but also with an eye towards the social implica-
that have been conducted thus far (e.g., Kendall tions of participating in the program among
et al., 1997), but the possibility for such effects nonparticipating students, especially if the pro-
remains. Although it is possible that discussion gram is either selective or indicated. Insufficient
of anxiety themes may activate new fears in attention to these factors may reduce the num-
those who are already vulnerable, especially if ber of teens willing to enter the program alto-
the interventions involve group discussions, gether, and can limit active participation within
there is no evidence of these effects from group the program itself if a group format is imple-
treatment studies (e.g., Kendall et al., 1997; Sil- mented. One way to address this potentially im-
verman et al., 1999a), including in groups in portant concern is to incorporate program grad-
which the patients involved were very hetero- uates who may serve as role models for new
geneous with respect to both age (i.e., child and participants, as a way to alleviate concerns that
adolescent patients) and primary anxiety diag- program participants may not be perceived as
nosis (e.g., OCD, specific phobia) and other clin- “cool” among the larger student population. An-
ical features (e.g., presence or absence of school other way to make participation more palatable
refusal behavior; Lumpkin, Silverman, Weems, is to present information about adult role models
Markham, & Kurtines, 2002). However, the ex- who have struggled with anxiety and have
ample of Critical Incident Stress Debriefing openly discussed their difficulties, such as tele-
(CISD) suggests that the long-term recovery of vision host Mark Summers. However this is ac-
certain adults who have experienced a trauma complished within a protocol, it is imperative
and have attended group meetings may be im- that the culture of adolescence and the impor-
peded by participating, and possibly the mech- tance of the peer group be taken into consider-
anism by which this effect is realized involves ation when developing appropriate interven-
exposure to other participants’ narratives of the tions for teens.
244 Part III Anxiety Disorders

Ethical Issues sion also includes normalization of the trauma

survivors’ reactions and planning for coping
A Note of Caution from Adult
with the trauma and its sequelae. Results of RCTs
Early-Intervention Research
for PD are somewhat mixed, but an important
Longitudinal studies of trauma survivors (e.g., pattern is emerging. In general, participants in
Riggs, Rothbaum, & Foa, 1995; Rothbaum et al., PD studies subjectively find the intervention to
1992) indicate that most individuals experience be helpful (i.e., high consumer satisfaction), yet
elevated levels of PTSD symptoms shortly after objective measures of specific posttrauma symp-
the traumatic event. In addition, elevated levels toms typically yield no differences between
of depression and general anxiety often accom- those receiving PD and those who do not. Thus,
pany PTSD symptoms. For most trauma survi- the improvement typically observed following
vors, however, these symptoms decline signifi- PD is better attributed to natural recovery, rather
cantly over the ensuing 3 months without any than to an active ingredient of the intervention
professional intervention. That said, a signifi- (e.g., Bisson, 2003; Rose, Brewin, Andrews, &
cant minority of trauma survivors continues to Kirk, 1999). Moreover, a few studies have found
experience high levels of posttrauma distress PD actually interfered with natural recovery
that, without professional treatment, may per- (e.g., Mayou et al., 2000). The results of PD stud-
sist for months or years (Kessler, Sonnega, Bro- ies highlight the need for caution in using one-
met, Hughes, & Nelson, 1995). session interventions conducted shortly after
As discussed above, it is now well established traumatic events involving children and adoles-
that various forms of CBT are effective in reduc- cents.
ing PTSD symptom severity as well as associated
anxiety and depression (e.g., Foa et al., 1999).
While there are effective treatments for individ-
uals suffering from chronic PTSD, many sufferers As noted earlier, unlike universal prevention pro-
either do not seek treatment for their trauma- grams, selective and indicated prevention pro-
related symptoms or do not have access to treat- grams specifically select participants on the basis
ment. As a consequence, individuals’ suffering of elevations of anxious symptoms or putative
and their inability to function can be prolonged. anxiety disorder risk factors. In the school con-
They are also vulnerable to associated comorbid- text, where most prevention interventions are
ity such as substance abuse. Such considerations likely to take place, the latter program types re-
have prompted trauma therapists to develop quire identification of a subgroup of participants
brief interventions applied shortly after the trau- from among the broader population who will be
matic event to facilitate recovery and thereby either encouraged or required to participate. The
prevent the development of chronic PTSD. Two potential negative implications of this strategy
approaches to facilitating recovery following a have already been considered in the academic
traumatic event have been researched. Abbrevi- context with respect to educational issues, and
ated CBT packages such as those developed by have led to the gradual reduction of labeling for
Foa et al. (1995) and adopted by Bryant and col- academic tracking systems (e.g., honors, regents,
leagues (1998, 1999) have been found to be ef- and basic classes) and to increased mainstream-
ficacious in accelerating recovery and reducing ing of special education students. Similar prob-
the likelihood of chronic PTSD. The other ap- lems may be encountered in identifying already
proach involves psychological debriefing (PD). anxious or anxiety-vulnerable students for spe-
Such programs typically comprise one session cial attention or services. As discussed above, ad-
and are applied shortly after a traumatic event olescence is a stage in life when similarity with
(frequently within 48–72 hr). In this session the relevant peer group is valued, and interven-
(which can be conducted in groups or individ- tion efforts that do not deal sensitively with this
ually), participants are encouraged to describe issue may be poorly attended or, worse yet, yield
the traumatic event, including their thoughts, unintended negative consequences. Little has
impressions, and emotional reactions. The ses- been written about this issue in the context of
Chapter 11 Prevention of Anxiety Disorders 245

anxiety prevention programs implemented thus which increased the cost of the program. The
far, but methods to prevent such unintended next research question being currently exam-
consequences should be carefully considered. ined is whether reduction in the amount of
expert supervision for the counselors will reduce
their success. A similar line of research needs to
Postvention, Follow-up, Dissemination
be pursued in adolescent anxiety disorder pre-
(Monitoring Dissemination)
vention, since the broad application of such in-
The studies conducted thus far have involved terventions appears to be dependent on success-
acute treatment and, at least in some studies, ful training of school personnel to implement
follow-up assessment only. It is unknown how these programs in the school context.
to encourage ongoing use of skills learned in the
prevention programs, nor is it known how best
to encourage participation in follow-up assess- Impediments to Prevention
ments. Because the primary dependent variable
of interest in prevention programs must be mea- The first set of impediments to developing suc-
sured years later than the intervention was con- cessful prevention intervention is the lack of
ducted, it is imperative to develop methods that knowledge about the complex interrelations
encourage cooperation with long-term follow- among the various risk and protective factors for
up. Because most prevention interventions will the development of anxiety disorders. Much is
likely be conducted in the school context, active known about some specific factors but little is
collaboration with school administration will be known about how they interact, which leaves
critical to promote collection of these data. Fam- the field bereft of a strong theoretical foundation
ilies may also be able to facilitate participation, upon which to build prevention programs. This
thus direct contact with families may be advis- may be the reason why prevention research has
able. However, this raises issues with respect to languished relative to treatment research: the
confidentiality and the need to discuss up front factors associated with etiology may not be the
with the young participant what will and will same as those associated with maintenance, and
not be shared with parents and/or guardians. thus comprehensive knowledge about the latter
The preliminary success of the FRIENDS pro- will allow for the development of treatment in-
gram in the hands of teachers bodes well for terventions even in the relative absence of the
transportability of this program to treatment former.
providers other than mental health professionals Practical considerations have stunted the de-
with expertise in CBT. Clearly the implementa- velopment of prevention programs as well. Pre-
tion of CBT-oriented prevention programs can- vention efforts are likely to be costly, as they nec-
not realistically be limited to Ph.D.-level psy- essarily involve collection of data from large
chologists, and a multidisciplinary approach samples over a long period of time. Large sam-
may be the best way to proceed. This raises in- ples are needed because of the relatively low base
teresting questions about the best way of dissem- rates of anxiety disorder in the population of in-
inating CBT and the degree of expert supervision terest, and because there is insufficient infor-
needed in the short and long run to optimize mation about who will actually go on to develop
treatment delivery; these questions touch on an anxiety disorder. Consequently, it is impor-
cost-effectiveness of prevention programs. Re- tant to conduct broad screens to obtain sufficient
search on the treatment of adult PTSD suggests numbers of vulnerable children and adolescents
that masters-level counselors can be trained to for inclusion in the studies. For example, most
successfully deliver prolonged exposure for behaviorally inhibited infants do not develop an
women who have been sexually assaulted; in- anxiety disorder later in life, and thus a large
deed, these counselors were as effective in deliv- sample of inhibited children would be needed to
ering prolonged exposure as were CBT experts detect the efficacy of a prevention program tar-
(Foa et al., 2002). However, the counselors re- geting behavioral inhibition. Further, because
ceived weekly supervision from CBT experts, the relevant outcome is the future development
246 Part III Anxiety Disorders

of anxiety disorders and perhaps of subsequent typically favor shorter studies with more tangi-
comorbid conditions (e.g., depression, substance ble impact. Thus, new sources of funding must
abuse), prevention studies require data collec- be identified to generate knowledge that will in-
tion for years after the intervention to determine form the development of anxiety disorder pre-
its ultimate impact. The need to conduct longi- vention programs. Given the potential for anxi-
tudinal follow-ups of these large numbers for ety disorders to derail adolescent development
long periods of time renders the study of preven- and thereby result in substantial personal and
tion programs impractical, especially when the economic impact, these programs should be a
primary funding sources for anxiety disorders re- major priority for a society that promises to leave
search (e.g., National Institute of Mental Health) no child behind.
Research Agenda for
Anxiety Disorders

12 c h a p t e r
248 Part III Anxiety Disorders

THE ANXIETY DISORDERS family prohibitions. Six- to eight-year-old chil-

dren are made anxious by failing at tasks that are
What We Know valued by their family or peers and adolescents
are anxious over rejection or isolation from
Empirical work and theory over the past 25 years peers, and identification with a person or group
have illuminated many issues related to the con- categorized by the individual as undesirable or
cept of anxiety. First, investigators recognize that impotent and following detection of inconsis-
there are distinct temperamental vulnerabilities tency among their beliefs. Thus, adolescents do
to various forms of anxiety and sets of symptoms not experience more intense anxiety than
in individuals. We have also learned that the younger children. The important point is that
neurochemistry of the limbic system probably their state of anxiety is linked to very different
makes a contribution to some of these tempera- events and thoughts.
mental biases. Each bias renders certain individ-
uals susceptible to distinct symptom profiles. For
example, patients with social phobia can be dis- What We Do Not Know
tinguished from individuals with blood phobia
because the former are vulnerable to a vasovagal Scientists have not yet learned in any detail the
reaction to the sight of blood and, as a result, specific biology that characterizes the varied
often feel faint. By contrast, social phobics have temperamental vulnerabilities. That is, it is likely
a more labile sympathetic nervous system char- that each of the anxiety disorders is character-
acterized by increases in heart rate and blood ized by a profile of measures that includes reac-
pressure rather than a sudden drop in blood pres- tivity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic
sure to their feared targets. Given the large num- nervous systems, as well as the propensity to se-
ber of possible neurochemical profiles it is likely crete corticotropin-releasing hormone, norepi-
that there are many different anxiety disorders, nephrine, dopamine, GABA, glutamate, or any
each characterized by a specific class of symp- one of the opioids after encountering a challenge
toms. or stress. The task is to determine the specific
Scientists have also learned that the history of profile that characterizes each anxiety disorder.
experience contributes to a development of an We do not yet know the childhood and ado-
anxiety disorder. Children growing up in eco- lescent experiences that either exacerbate or
nomically disadvantaged homes with less edu- mute the risk of developing an anxiety disorder.
cated parents are more vulnerable to certain anx- There is some research to show that infants who
iety disorders than are advantaged children. are at risk for developing social anxiety are
Further, independent of social class background, helped if their parents do not overprotect them
the experience of abuse, neglect, or trauma in- during the first year of life. We also need to know
creases the risk of developing an anxiety disor- whether success in school tasks or on peer value
der. However, the cultural setting to which the activities reduces the risk of anxiety disorder in
child and adolescent must adapt is a relevant fac- individuals who are temperamentally vulnera-
tor. Adolescents living in large urban centers in ble.
America and Europe are more vulnerable to so- We do not know whether there have been his-
cial anxiety than those living in rural areas or torical trends in the prevalence of each of the
small towns where there are few unfamiliar peo- anxiety disorders over the past century or two.
ple and settings and greater social support. Nor do we know whether females are more
Each period of development is marked by anx- vulnerable to anxiety than males because of a
iety over different targets. The human infant is combination of biology and cultural values or
provoked to anxiety by encounters with strang- personal experience and culture alone. The fe-
ers or separation from caretakers. Three-year-old male in almost all mammalian species is more
children experience anxiety when they antici- avoidant to unfamiliarity than the male, which
pate or actually implement actions that violate suggests a biological basis for the sex ratio. How-
Chapter 12 Research Agenda for Anxiety Disorders 249

ever, most cultures are more accepting of avoid- ing and unfamiliar events, functional magnetic
ant symptoms and the experience of anxiety in resonance imaging and positron emission to-
girls and women than in boys and men. mography scanning, measures of the cardiovas-
Finally, we need to know more about the con- cular system and hypothalamic–pituitary axis,
tribution of the amygdala to the development of and, in the future, the concentrations of varied
any one of the anxiety disorders. The popular neurochemicals in the central nervous system.
view at the present time is that the amygdala is Finally, we need research to determine the ex-
the seminal structure mediating the acquisition periential contributions to the various anxiety
of anxiety and fear because it is prepared to be disorders by gathering a large number of psycho-
responsive to threat. However, the amygdala is logical and sociological variables on every pa-
also responsive to unfamiliar or unexpected tient. These could include social class, ethnicity,
events. Therefore, we need to learn whether the educational attainment, academic performance,
amygdala is responsive to the threat of harm and family and peer relations. In addition, pre-
over and above its responsivity to unfamiliar liminary data point to the influence of month of
events. This research should have profound im- conception and body build. For example, several
plications for theory, for if the amgydala is not reports indicate that children who are conceived
biologically prepared to react to dangerous in early fall when the light is decreasing are at
events, the current animal model for human slightly higher risk for becoming shy than those
anxiety will be subject to critique. who are conceived in other seasons of the year.
Individuals with an ectomorphic body build are
at higher risk for social anxiety than children
Research Priorities who are mesomorphic. If investigators gathered
such a core set of variables on all subjects, we
Research is needed in four broad areas. First, we would gain a richer insight into the more fun-
must determine or discover the fundamental damental categories of anxiety disorder and the
anxiety disorder categories. This will require contribution of experience to these phenomena.
gathering reliable data on each individual’s tem-
perament, current biology, and life history. Cur-
rently, the diagnostic categories are defined only TREATMENT OF ADOLESCENTS WITH
by self-reported symptoms, and as a result, each ANXIETY DISORDERS
category is heterogeneous with respect to its eti-
ology. It will be necessary to add behavioral and What We Know
biological variables to interview and question-
naire data to arrive at the more fundamental We can be fairly confident that treatments that
anxiety disorder categories. have been empirically supported with anxiety-
Second, we should determine whether adoles- disordered adults, when adjusted to be develop-
cents with distinct symptoms (for example, a mentally appropriate, also appear to be effica-
panic reaction) have a special vulnerability that cious for youth with these disorders. Most of our
renders them vulnerable to develop anxiety over knowledge, however, refers to the acute phase of
a specific class of target. As noted earlier, adoles- treatment and less is known about long-term
cents with a low threshold for a vasovagal reac- maintenance or relapse. Cognitive-behavioral
tion may be vulnerable to develop blood phobia, therapies (CBT) that involve some form of ex-
whereas those with a labile sympathetic system posure to feared situations, objects, or thoughts
may be vulnerable to develop social phobia. This appear to be especially helpful. The medications
research, which is so critical for theoretical prog- that have been reported as effective for adults,
ress, must include a variety of biological varia- most notably the SSRIs, are also being found su-
bles, including power profiles and the asymme- perior to placebo in several anxiety disorders
try of activation in the electroencephalogram, such as OCD and GAD. Thus, the studies con-
event-related potential waveforms to threaten- ducted to date suggest that CBT, medication,
250 Part III Anxiety Disorders

and/or their combination are the treatment of sponse in the treatment of anxiety disorders in
choice for anxiety conditions in youth. youth, and the effect of prior treatment with one
We also know that, as is the case with adults, modality on response to the other has also not
some patients do not respond to CBT and phar- been explored. Moreover, although it is un-
macotherapy and many remain somewhat known at this time, findings from the adult lit-
symptomatic. Progress will come from further erature suggest that perhaps some children and
understanding of biological and psychological adolescents will require medication treatment
mechanisms underlying the disorders and the for years. The efficacy and safety of continued
ways in which our treatment ameliorates anxiety pharmacotherapy have not been studied suffi-
symptoms. Anther avenue worthy of pursuit is ciently. Given recent concerns about growth
the study of predictors for treatment response suppression in youth taking SSRIs and possible
and failure. increased risk for suicidal ideation in youth re-
ceiving paroxetine, the lack of studies of long-
term effects of medication in youth constitute a
What We Do Not Know critical gap in our knowledge. With CBT, most
studies with adults and youth report long-term
For most child and adolescent anxiety disorders naturalistic follow-ups. However, no studies (in
we rely on only a few randomized control trials adults and youth) available examined the short
(RCTs) to guide our decisions about initial treat- and long differential responding to different
ments, a situation that is in stark contrast to the doses of treatment (e.g., 10 vs. 20 sessions). Stud-
adult literature, where dozens of studies have ies of the effectiveness of different lengths of
been conducted within almost every disorder. CBT, both long and short term, are very much
Also, with the exception of OCD, there are no needed.
completed RCTs that examine the relative and The treatment outcome literature with youth
combined efficacy of psychosocial and pharma- thus far consists of studies that have included
cological treatments for children and adoles- wide age ranges, with the majority of partici-
cents with anxiety disorders. The adult literature pants being younger children. The samples of
informs us that simultaneous administration of adolescents in most studies are too small to ex-
CBT and pharmacotherapy has generally not en- amine whether children respond differently
hanced outcome of monotherapies. This may be than adolescents. Given the special develop-
because the effects of many medications are de- mental stage of adolescence, it is imperative that
layed in anxiety disorders, producing symptom treatments effective for adults and younger chil-
reduction after about three months, when most dren not be applied blindly to adolescents. Thus,
CBT protocols are completed. To maximize the there is a large and significant gap in our knowl-
utility of combining treatments, it may be an op- edge regarding how applicable the available
tion to initiate medication first, and begin CBT treatments are to adolescents with an anxiety
after medication has reduced anxiety sufficiently disorder.
to enhance tolerability and to promote infor-
mation processing from CBT exercises. A re-
cently completed study with adult PTSD suffer- Research Priorities
ers indicates that the addition of exposure
therapy to sertraline enhanced medication ef- Given the available and impressive evidence
fects, especially for partial responders (Cahill et with adults and the emerging evidence with
al., 2004). No such investigations have been young children that the various anxiety disor-
made in youth as yet. In contrast, an initial suc- ders can be treated effectively, and given the ev-
cessful trial with medication may undermine the idence that adolescence is a stage in the lifespan
potency of the exposure task and preclude or re- that is fundamentally different from both child-
duce its effectiveness. hood and adulthood, it is essential that treat-
There is little to no research regarding the ments specifically designed for adolescents be
management of partial response and nonre- developed and that large-scale RCTs be con-
Chapter 12 Research Agenda for Anxiety Disorders 251

ducted to evaluate their acute and long-term agnostic presentation. We also need to examine
safety and efficacy. After a series of RCTs, assum- the possible complicating role of psychiatric
ing favorable outcomes from more than a single comorbidity, as perhaps we may learn that com-
site and across dependent variables and evalua- bined treatments are most needed for patients
tors, examination of the specific contribution of with other significant and impairing problems
treatment components would then be needed. beyond the primary diagnosis. To achieve this
With psychopharmacology, issues of tolerance goal, studies will need to include patients with a
and dosage need to be studied; with regard to wide range of comorbidity.
psychological treatments, issues related to the More information is also needed about prior
role of parents and the influence of peers should treatment history and its effect on the evaluation
be emphasized. It is also extremely important to of a current intervention, and there is need for
examine whether the effects of treatment pro- studies of the preferred treatment for treatment-
vided during adolescence persist (maintenance resistant patients. Studies examining the predic-
of gain), preventing the negative sequelae of tion of partial response are also needed, as per-
anxiety so often seen in adults with these disor- haps a triage approach could be employed if we
ders, such as major depression, substance abuse, learned up front which patient and disorder
and underemployment. Studies of samples that characteristics predict partial response or relapse
span adolescence may also be needed, however, following delivery of acute treatments.
if findings suggest that adolescence itself may Fundamental issues facing the field regarding
moderate outcomes and comparisons across ages psychosocial treatments for anxiety disorders are
would be deemed necessary and appropriate. as follows:
Medications tested thus far with youth have
generally been well tolerated in the acute treat- 1. The optimal therapeutic time to be dedi-
ment, but more information is needed to see cated to exposure to feared situations
whether any gains are maintained as the adoles- 2. The relative benefits of massed versus spaced
cent faces new challenges. One set of common sessions
SSRI side effects that may be especially relevant 3. The extent to which interventions designed
for adolescents are the sexual side effects, as it is to target specific symptoms produce a more
often during this period of life that young people general reduction in symptoms and im-
begin to explore their sexuality. Specifically, dif- provement in functioning
ficulties with anorgasmia and retarded ejacula- 4. The degree to which treatment that results
tion may lead to reduced medication compli- in symptom improvement should be aug-
ance. Much more information is needed to mented by interventions that enhance de-
examine this important clinical management is- velopmental progression, rehabilitation of
sue, although this is but one example of an un- developmental competencies, treatment of
toward medication effect that needs to be stud- comorbid conditions, and relapse preven-
ied in youth. It is also crucial to explore the tion
interaction between pharmacotherapy and ex- 5. The optimal inclusion of parents, siblings,
perimentation with alcohol and other drugs, as and other caretakers in a combined thera-
here again adolescence is a time in life when peutic approach
such experimenting often begins.
Most studies of anxious youth combine pa- Recognition of the social, biological, cogni-
tients with various anxiety disorders. Future re- tive, and emotional changes that emerge during
search should use homogenous samples to eval- adolescent development should be used to de-
uate the specificity and generality of the sign treatments specific for adolescents with
interventions. Such studies will tell us whether anxiety disorders. Treatment development and
medications and/or psychosocial treatments treatment evaluation should follow a logical
(e.g., for OCD, PTSD, GAD) are differentially ef- course, with empirical data on the nature of
fective for adolescents with varying principal di- adolescence used to provide a basis for the
agnoses, or are applicable to more than one di- intervention. Initially, treatment development
252 Part III Anxiety Disorders

should be guided by empirical data on the nature disorders, especially panic attacks and panic dis-
of adolescence. That is, as treatments are devel- order. A third factor, the presence of anxiety
oped, the biological changes and the cognitive symptoms, at a subthreshold level, may also
and emotional processing features of adolescents place young people at risk for developing full-
should inform them. Given pubertal develop- blown DSM-IV anxiety disorders.
ment and the emerging autonomy and indepen- We know that not all vulnerable children de-
dence of adolescents, researchers need to con- velop anxiety disorders—in fact, relatively few
sider how best to provide treatments (e.g., role do. Thus, there are factors that protect young
of parental involvement). Once developed, these people (i.e., children and adolescents) from de-
empirically based treatments would then need to veloping anxiety disorders. In addition to knowl-
be evaluated in RCTs. edge about risk factors, knowledge about protec-
tive factors constitutes the building block for
developing selective preventive interventions
PREVENTION OF ANXIETY DISORDERS programs that will foster protection from path-
IN ADOLESCENTS ological anxiety.
Specifically, individual characteristics such as
What We Know child perceived competence, child coping skills
and behavior, level of intelligence, and general
We know that the ecology of adolescent devel- “resourcefulness” (e.g., knowing how to solve
opment and culture involves an expanded net- problems and whom to seek out to help solve
work of peer, school, and community affiliations problems) serve protective function. Certain
and that this expanded network increases ado- environmental resources, such as adequate so-
lescent risk for exposure to events and circum- cial support systems (and knowing how to
stances that have been empirically linked with reach out to these systems), and parents who
the development of anxiety disorders. The are relatively free of psychopathology and serve
events and circumstances associated with the de- as model of coping, also may serve a protective
velopment of anxiety disorders include possible function.
high-risk sexual and self-injurious behaviors,
smoking and drug use, and exposure to trau-
matic events (e.g., interpersonal and community What We Do Not Know
violence). Some of these factors appear to put
young people (i.e., children and adolescents) at Although research has informed us about poten-
risk for developing anxiety disorders as adults. tial risk and protective factors, we do not know
Identifying which factors place young people at which factors are linked specifically to anxiety
risk is a beginning step toward developing selec- disorders, rather than being general risk and pro-
tive prevention intervention programs. tective factors that play a role in the develop-
Specifically, we know that there are distinct ment of psychopathological conditions (either
temperamental vulnerabilities to anxiety disor- internalizing, externalizing, or both). Moreover,
ders and anxiety symptoms in some individuals. we do not know how the risk and protective fac-
Moreover, anxiety disorders tend to aggregate in tors differentially affect specific anxiety disor-
families, and such familial aggregation is due to ders. The research conducted to date has in-
genetic contributions as well as family environ- cluded diagnostically heterogeneous samples of
ment. A family environment that limits youth youths with anxiety disorders (e.g., SAD, GAD,
independence may particularly put young peo- etc.), and participants often are comorbid with
ple at risk. Furthermore, the interactions of chil- other disorders. This limitation is more pro-
dren and parents, in which either the child or nounced in research of protective factors than of
parent has an anxiety disorder, maintain anxiety risk factors. Further, we know much less about
and its disorders in young people. Another in- protective and risk factors of anxiety disorders in
dividual characteristic, anxiety sensitivity, may ethnic and racial groups and in socially and ec-
also serve as a potential risk factor for anxiety onomically disadvantaged groups.
Chapter 12 Research Agenda for Anxiety Disorders 253

Studies of risk and protective factors con- Research Priorities

ducted thus far have primarily used “main-
effects” models, rather than “interactive mod- It is critical that more research be conducted on
els.” Consequently, we do not how risk and obtaining basic knowledge about specific risk and
protective factors interact with one another or protective factors of anxiety disorders in adoles-
whether they serve to either mediate or moder- cents. This research must carefully consider the
ate (or both) anxiety or other psychopathology. context of adolescent development and culture
We also do not know when in the developmental in trying to discern the particular factors and the
trajectory of the child potential risk and protec- manner in which these factors interact. Most risk
tive factors have particular influence. Most of the studies to date combine patients with various
research on risk factors has included either disorders, anxiety and otherwise. Future research
mixed samples of younger and older children should use homogenous samples to evaluate the
(including adolescents) or younger children specificity of these factors to anxiety. In addi-
only. Studies using samples of adolescents only tion, research needs to be focused exclusively on
are rare. We should not presume that potential specificity of protective factors of adolescents.
risk and protective factors operate in a similar This research needs to consider carefully not
fashion across developmental stages. only the role of these factors in the “main-
From a selective preventive intervention per- stream” population but also in diverse samples
spective, we do not know whether targeting any that represent the adolescent population of the
of identified risk factors, protective factors, or United States.
some combination (or “packages”) of risk and A particularly high research priority is to de-
protective factors in certain subsamples of ado- velop and evaluate selective intervention pro-
lescents would in fact lead to a prevention of grams (i.e., programs that target particular risk
anxiety disorders. Relatedly, we do not know and protective factors) to learn about their effi-
whether targeting either particular risk factor(s) cacy in preventing anxiety disorders, building re-
(i.e., reducing risk factors), protective factors silience, or both in adolescence. If preliminary
(i.e., enhancing protective factors), or some data indicate that such prevention programs
combination thereof (i.e., reducing and enhanc- have some positive outcome, the field can move
ing risk and protective factors, respectively) on to discerning more specific questions about
would lead to “resilience-building” in adoles- enhancing program effectiveness, as well as why
cence. Indeed, no prevention or resilience build- these program work and for whom.
ing research in the context of anxiety and its As with the development of treatment inter-
disorders has been conducted among adoles- ventions, recognition of the social, biological,
cents. cognitive, and emotional changes that emerge
We also do not know whether prevention pro- during adolescent development should be used
grams aimed at a universal level, which target to design prevention programs specific for ado-
particular facets of the ecology of adolescent de- lescents; thus far this important work has not
velopment and culture, reduce anxiety disorders been done. Given pubertal development and the
in adolescents. For example, do teen smoking critical role of the social network for teenagers,
cessation programs reduce or prevent anxiety programs developed for adolescents should care-
disorders in teens? If they do, what might be the fully consider how best to provide such interven-
mediational processes that are operating and tions in the school setting and at the same time
might they be moderated by certain adolescent take into account the possible issues that arise by
characteristics? We are not even close to know- implementing interventions in schools (e.g.,
ing the answers to such questions. problems with confidentiality).
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Eating Disorders


B. Timothy Walsh, M.D., Commission Chair

Cynthia M. Bulik
Christopher G. Fairburn
Neville H. Golden
Katherine A. Halmi
David B. Herzog
Allan S. Kaplan
Richard E. Kreipe
James E. Mitchell
Kathleen M. Pike
Eric Stice
Ruth H. Striegel-Moore
C. Barr Taylor
Thomas A. Wadden
G. Terence Wilson

We acknowledge the assistance

of Robyn Sysko, M.S.,
Meghan L. Butryn, M.S.,
Eric B. Chesley, D.O.,
Michael P. Levine, Ph.D.,
and Marion P. Russell, M.D.

IV p a r t
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Defining Eating Disorders

13 c h a p t e r
258 Part IV Eating Disorders

The wide range of human food preferences and ment recommendations for adolescent patients
of human practices surrounding food prepara- is thus severely limited. In the chapters that fol-
tion and consumption makes the definition of low, our current knowledge of the definition,
an eating disorder challenging. This challenge is treatment, and prevention of eating disorders
amplified by the fact that dramatic changes oc- will be reviewed. Chapter 13 includes the etiol-
cur in energy requirements during adolescence ogy of eating disorders; the diagnostic criteria for
for supporting normal growth and development. anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa and as-
For example, between ages 9 and 19, the esti- sessment of how well these criteria apply to ad-
mated caloric requirements for girls increases by olescents; the demographics and prevalence of
almost 50% and those for boys, by 80% (Com- eating disorders among adolescents; issues of
mittee on Dietary Reference Intakes, 2002). In comorbidity, outcome, and diagnostic migration
addition, dieting related to self-perceived weight for adolescents with eating disorders; and the
status is now extremely common among adoles- medical complications of anorexia nervosa and
cents (Strauss, 1999). These and other factors bulimia nervosa. Chapter 14 describes psycho-
provide a fertile environment for the develop- logical and pharmacological treatments for ad-
ment of disordered eating, yet researchers have olescents with eating disorders, and studies of re-
paid surprisingly little attention to the task of lapse prevention in which psychological or
defining an eating disorder. pharmacological interventions are used. Chapter
The most widely used definitions of eating dis- 15 addresses the risk factors for the development
orders are those provided by the American of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, the re-
Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical lationship between treatment of obesity and the
Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition development of eating disorders, and preven-
(DSM-IV, 2000). Only two distinct syndromes, tion. Chapter 16 suggests promising directions
anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, are de- for future study in this field.
scribed in DSM-IV. A residual category, eating
disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS), is pro-
vided for all other disorders of eating. A promi- ETIOLOGY OF EATING DISORDERS
nent example within the EDNOS category is
binge eating disorder, and tentative criteria for A variety of biological, environmental, and psy-
binge eating disorder are presented in an appen- chosocial factors are associated with the devel-
dix in DSM-IV. As is described in more detail be- opment of an eating disorder, thus such factors
low, it appears that most adolescents and adults may play a causative role in their evolution.
who present for treatment of an eating disorder However, as is discussed in greater detail in
do not meet full criteria for either of the two for- Chapter 15, there is no conclusive evidence that
mally defined syndromes and are therefore clas- any characteristic or event is specifically associ-
sified as having an EDNOS. Precisely how to ated with the development of anorexia nervosa
characterize and subdivide this large heteroge- or bulimia nervosa.
neous group is a significant problem for the field. Both of these disorders affect primarily
It should also be noted that the state of being women and usually begin around the time of or
overweight or obese is not considered an eating soon after puberty, thus developmental factors
disorder. The presence of excess body fat is may play a crucial role in the onset of eating dis-
viewed in the DSM-IV system as a general med- orders. It is not clear, however, whether biolog-
ical problem, not a mental disorder. The rela- ical changes that accompany adolescence, psy-
tionship between obesity and eating disorders, chological changes, or an interaction between
especially binge eating disorder, is a topic of con- the two types of phenomena account for the oc-
siderable interest. currence of eating disorders. Social factors may
Although most eating disorders begin in ad- also influence the development of eating disor-
olescence, surprisingly little research has focused ders among adolescents, as adolescents may
on this age range. The ability to make firm treat- model overconcern with body shape and weight,
Chapter 13 Defining Eating Disorders 259

dieting, or binge eating behavior observed dence those factors that increase the risk of de-
among peers. This behavior suggests that con- veloping an eating disorder from those that per-
tagion may play a role in the development of petuate the disorder once it has begun. The lack
eating disturbances, although this phenomenon of knowledge about such issues clearly limits the
has received little study. development of more effective prevention and
Because these disorders are described primar- treatment interventions.
ily in developed countries, Western influence
may play an important role, but precisely how
cultural factors interact with other phenomena
in the development of these disorders is not well DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA
understood. Evidence for the impact of Western FOR EATING DISORDERS
culture, specifically the influence of mass media,
was found in a naturalistic study of adolescents Diagnostic Criteria for Anorexia Nervosa
in Fiji, where increased rates of body image and
eating disturbances were observed following the The most widely used diagnostic criteria for an-
introduction of Western media (Becker, Burwell, orexia nervosa are those of the American Psy-
Gilman, Herzog, & Hamburg, 2002). An experi- chiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical
mental study found that exposure to images of Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV, 1994a). The
the cultural thin-ideal, such as those in fashion DSM-IV diagnostic system is based on a practical
magazines, were associated with an increase in foundation and aims to (1) facilitate meaningful
negative affect among vulnerable adolescents communication among clinicians, (2) aid repli-
who reported increased perceived pressure to be cation of research findings, (3) gauge treatment
thin and body dissatisfaction (Stice, Spangler, & efficacy by means of carefully defined criteria,
Agras, 2001). and (4) foster further elucidation of the disorder
There is little question that psychological dis- under investigation. The specific DSM-IV criteria
tress is common within the families of adoles- for anorexia nervosa are listed in Table 13.1.
cents with serious eating disorders, but it is not None of the criteria in the DSM-IV diagnosis of
clear to what degree such disturbances precede anorexia nervosa is perfect, and further refine-
rather than follow development of the eating ment of the criteria is needed. The World Health
disorder. There is growing evidence that genetic Organization’s 10th Revision of the International
influences contribute to an individual’s vulner- Classification of Diseases and Related Health Prob-
ability to develop an eating disorder, but genes lems (ICD-10, 1990) also provides diagnostic cri-
specifically linked to the development of anorex- teria similar to those of the DSM-IV for eating
ia nervosa or bulimia nervosa have not been disorders. However, there are sufficient differ-
identified, and it is uncertain how genetic influ- ences between the two criteria sets that the pop-
ences may operate to influence the risk of a dis- ulations defined are not identical. In this section
order. In short, despite extensive information we will focus on the DSM-IV criteria, as they are
about the clinical characteristics of eating disor- widely employed in the research literature. The
ders and much discussion of potential causes, first criterion deals with weight loss and would
solid knowledge of the etiology of eating disor- seem to be noncontroversial; however, there is
ders is elusive. no consensus on how weight loss should be cal-
In addition, it is likely that different factors culated, especially during adolescence. Some in-
contribute to the onset and maintenance of eat- vestigators emphasize the amount lost from an
ing disorders. If risk and maintenance factors are original baseline, and others emphasize weight
distinct, then prevention efforts and treatment loss below a normal weight for age and height.
interventions likely need to be aimed at some- The term refusal in the first criterion is also prob-
what different targets and, potentially, at differ- lematic, because it implies a voluntary decision
ent populations. However, there is currently not to eat. In anorexia nervosa, dieting behavior
insufficient evidence to differentiate with confi- often has an obsessive quality and is difficult for
260 Part IV Eating Disorders

Table 13.1 DSM-IV Diagnostic nomena in an attempt to define the core psy-
Criteria for Anorexia Nervosa chological features of anorexia nervosa. The dis-
A. Refusal to maintain body weight at or above a turbance in the experience of body weight or
minimally normal weight for age and height shape is observable from statements of feeling fat
(e.g., weight loss leading to maintenance of or of perceiving specific parts of the body as be-
body weight less than 85% of that expected; ing too large, even when the person is emaci-
or failure to make expected weight gain dur- ated. Individuals with anorexia nervosa are re-
ing period of growth, leading to body weight
less than 85% of the expected) markably successful at remaining underweight,
thereby deriving a feeling of accomplishment by
B. Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming
fat, even though underweight evaluating themselves in terms of their thinness.
C. Disturbance in the way in which one’s body An admission of the seriousness of low body
weight or shape is experienced, undue influ- weight would imply an acknowledgment of the
ence of body weight or shape on self- necessity of changing behavior and gaining
evaluation, or denial of the seriousness of the weight, which are overwhelming and terrifying
current low body weight notions.
D. In postmenarcheal females, amenorrhea, i.e., The final criterion for the diagnosis of anorex-
absence of at least three consecutive men-
ia nervosa, amenorrhea, remains controversial.
strual cycles (A woman is considered to have
amenorrhea if her periods occur only follow- The physiological implications of the amenor-
ing hormone, e.g., estrogen, administration.) rhea are not entirely clear; some investigators
have suggested that its presence might be indic-
Specify Type ative of a primary disturbance of hypothalamic
Restricting type During the current episode of an- function (Pirke, Fichter, Lund, & Doerr, 1979;
orexia nervosa, the person has not regularly Russell, 1969), whereas others maintain that
engaged in binge-eating or purging behavior
(i.e., self-induced vomiting or the misuse of amenorrhea is merely a reflection of dieting and
laxatives, diuretics, or enemas). weight loss (Katz, Boyar, Roffwang, Hellman, &
Weiner, 1978). Several reports have suggested
Binge eating/purging type During the current that the characteristics of individuals who meet
episode of anorexia nervosa, the person has all diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa except
regularly engaged in binge-eating or purging
behavior (i.e., self-induced vomiting or the amenorrhea do not differ from those of individ-
misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas). uals who meet all the criteria (Cachelin & Maher,
1998; Garfinkel et al., 1996). These observations,
Source: Reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition,
in addition to the occasional difficulty of obtain-
Text Revision, Copyright 2000. American Psychiatric Asso- ing an accurate history of menstrual patterns
from patients, suggest that amenorrhea may be
a less useful criterion for anorexia nervosa.
The DSM-IV suggests that individuals with an-
patients to control, thus inability might be more orexia nervosa be further described as belonging
accurate than refusal. to one of two mutually exclusive subtypes, the
Many individuals with anorexia nervosa ac- restricting type (AN-R) and the binge eating/
knowledge the core phenomenon described in purging type (AN-B/P). These subtypes were in-
Criterion B, an intense fear of gaining weight or cluded in the DSM-IV criteria for anorexia nervo-
becoming fat. However, younger individuals and sa because of data indicating that in comparison
individuals who are not motivated for treatment with AN-R patients, AN-B/P patients have a
sometimes deny that they fear gaining weight, higher frequency of impulsive behaviors such as
despite engaging in behaviors that strongly sug- suicide attempts, self-mutilation, stealing, and
gest an intense fear of fatness. It is possible that alcohol and substance abuse (Casper, Eckert,
this criterion might be better worded to capture Halmi, Goldberg, & Davis, 1980; Garfinkel, Mol-
the characteristic behaviors rather than focusing dofsky, & Garner, 1980). In addition, the binge
on a psychological parameter. Criterion C is eating and purging behaviors of individuals with
complex, as it describes three rather distinct phe- AN-B/P predispose these individuals to medical
Chapter 13 Defining Eating Disorders 261

problems less frequently associated with AN-R (2001) compared patients between the ages of 9
(Halmi, 2002). and 19 years with patients aged 20 to 46. On
most variables, there were no significant differ-
ences between the adolescents and adults. The
Comparison of Anorexia Nervosa
adults were more likely to have a history of binge
in Adolescents and Adults
eating, laxative abuse, diuretic and ipecac use,
The DSM-IV system of classification does not and prior use of psychiatric medications. The ad-
suggest that a different set of criteria be em- olescents were more likely than adults to have a
ployed for adolescents with anorexia nervosa. It diagnosis of EDNOS, and the adolescents had a
is of interest to note that the third edition of the lower global severity score, greater denial, and
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disor- less desire for help. Although the study showed
ders (DSM-III; American Psychiatric Association, some age-related differences between adoles-
1980) placed the anorexia nervosa criteria in the cents and adults, changes to the DSM-IV diag-
section on child and adolescent disorders, which nostic criteria for the adolescent population were
reflects the fact that most cases of anorexia ner- not recommended.
vosa have their onset during adolescent years. Additionally, in a study comparing the general
Several studies provide information on whether psychopathology of early-onset anorexia nervo-
there are substantial differences in the clinical sa to that defined as classic adolescent-onset
characteristics of adolescent and older individ- anorexia nervosa (Cooper, Watkins, Bryant-
uals with anorexia nervosa. Waugh, & Lask, 2002), the specific eating disor-
Halmi, Caspar, Eckert, Goldberg, and Davis der psychopathology and general psychopathol-
(1979) examined correlations between a variety ogy in the early onset anorexia nervosa group
of clinical characteristics and age of onset of an- were very similar to those of the late-onset an-
orexia nervosa. Younger patients were hospital- orexia nervosa sample. Thus, there is little evi-
ized somewhat sooner than older patients after dence to suggest that the core clinical character-
the onset of their illness, and older age of onset istics of adolescents with anorexia nervosa differ
was associated with a greater weight loss from substantially from those of adults, and it does
normal. Most of the typical anorectic behaviors not appear necessary to modify the diagnostic
and attitudes occurred with a greater frequency criteria for anorexia nervosa for use with adoles-
in patients with a younger age of onset. In gen- cents.
eral, however, there were very few significant
age-related correlations. Heebink, Sunday, and
Halmi (1995) compared clinical characteristics of Diagnostic Criteria for Bulimia Nervosa
four age groups of female inpatients on an eating
disorders unit: early adolescence (ages 12 The DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for bulimia ner-
through 13), middle adolescence (ages 14, 15, vosa are listed in Table 13.2. As with anorexia
and 16), late adolescence (ages 17, 18, and 19), nervosa, the diagnostic criteria for bulimia ner-
and adult (age 20 and older). Few psychological vosa are at times difficult to interpret. Criterion
differences were observed between the adults A, which provides a definition of a binge eating
and the adolescents. Onset of anorexia nervosa episode, addresses amount (“larger than most
before age 14 and primary amenorrhea were as- people would eat”), duration (“in a discrete pe-
sociated with the greatest maturity fears. Among riod of time”), and psychological state (“a sense
AN-R patients, adolescents aged 17 through of a lack of control”). The relative importance of
19 had the highest drive for thinness, and the these elements and the definitions offered are
lowest levels of depression and anxiety were seen open to interpretation. For example, many pa-
in patients younger than age 14. These data sug- tients with bulimia nervosa state that they are
gest that eating disorder symptomatology is binge eating when they eat amounts of food that
fairly consistent in presentation over the life are not larger than what most people eat and be-
cycle. lieve that the sense of loss of control is more im-
Fisher, Schneider, Burns, Symons, and Mandel portant than the amount ingested.
262 Part IV Eating Disorders

Table 13.2 DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria Evaluation of DSM-IV Classification for

for Bulimia Nervosa Adolescents with Eating Disorders
A. Recurrent episodes of binge eating. An epi-
sode of binge eating is characterized by both One indicator of the utility of the diagnostic cri-
of the following: teria for eating disorders is the degree to which
i. Eating, in a discrete period of time (e.g., they capture the signs and symptoms reported
within any 2-hour period), an amount of by patients who present for assessment because
food that is definitely larger than most of distress about their symptoms or because of
people would eat during a similar period
medical, psychological, or social impairment re-
of time and under similar circumstances
sulting from these problems. Most patients
ii. A sense of lack of control over eating dur-
ing the episode (e.g., a feeling that one treated in clinical settings do not meet full cri-
cannot stop eating or control what or how teria for either anorexia nervosa or bulimia ner-
much one is eating) vosa but instead must be grouped into the ED-
B. Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behav- NOS category, which includes some specific
ior in order to prevent weight gain, such as examples of eating patterns that do not meet the
self-induced vomiting; misuse of laxatives, di- full criteria for anorexia nervosa or bulimia ner-
uretics, enemas, or other medications; fasting;
vosa but which remains for the most part poorly
or excessive exercise
C. Binge eating and inappropriate compensatory
behaviors both occur on average at least twice For example, in data collected as part of an
a week for 3 months. eating disorder database system involving five
D. Self-evaluation is unduly influenced by body clinical centers (Neuropsychiatric Research Insti-
shape and weight. tute/University of North Dakota; University of
E. The disturbance does not occur exclusively South Florida; University of Toledo; Ohio State
during episodes of anorexia nervosa. University; University of Chicago) and including
a total of 704 patients, the percentage of subjects
Source: Reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, meeting full criteria for bulimia nervosa ranged
Text Revision, Copyright 2000. American Psychiatric Asso- from 12% to 20% and for subjects meeting full
criteria for anorexia nervosa from 3% to 17%.
The percentage of those diagnosed with EDNOS
ranged from 49% to 71%. Of the adolescent pa-
Criterion B, which describes recurrent and in- tients in this database (N ⫽ 163), 86 (53%) re-
appropriate behaviors, includes some behaviors ceived a diagnosis of EDNOS. This finding is re-
that are easily characterized (self-induced vom- flected in other literature as well. Fisher and
iting) and others that are open to interpretation colleagues (2001) compared adolescents and
(for example, what is “misuse” of laxatives and young adults at presentation to an eating disor-
diuretics?). Particularly problematic is the ques- der program, and found that the likelihood of
tion of what constitutes excessive exercise. EDNOS was high in both populations but was
Criterion C requires that the binge eating and highest among the adolescents. Others have dis-
inappropriate compensatory behaviors occur on cussed the high rate of EDNOS in adolescents
average at least twice a week for 3 months, but and the inadequacy of the DSM criteria as well
studies suggest that individuals with somewhat (Brewerton, 2002; Dancyger & Garfinkel, 1995;
lower reported frequencies of binge eating Eliot & Baker, 2001; Engelsen, 1999; Fisher et al.,
closely resemble individuals who meet Criterion 1995; Muscari, 2002; Nicholls, Chater, & Lask,
C. Criterion D, that self-evaluation is unduly in- 2000).
fluenced by body shape and weight, is part of the Factors that appear to be risk factors for the
anorexia nervosa criteria as well, and attempts to later development of eating disorders, which are
capture an important psychopathological varia- discussed in detail in Chapter 15, are common
ble. But the line between “undue influence” and among adolescent girls, and some are so com-
normative overconcern with body shape and mon as to be considered normative. A question
weight among female adolescents is uncertain. relevant to both devising prevention efforts and
Chapter 13 Defining Eating Disorders 263

considering the most appropriate diagnostic cri- pation with shape and weight. A unique feature
teria is where to draw the line, to decide that a of these criteria is the inclusion of specific crite-
clinically significant eating problem has devel- ria for additional disorders, such as food avoid-
oped. Are cognitive concerns sufficient, are early ance emotional disorder, selective eating, func-
behavioral symptoms necessary, or does a well- tional dysphagia, and pervasive refusal
established pattern of such behaviors need to syndrome. The utility of the Great Ormond
emerge? Prior research has shown that the alter- Street criteria is just beginning to be explored
ing of severity criteria would result in substantial empirically.
changes in base rates of bulimia nervosa (Thaw,
Williamson, & Martin, 2001).

Alternatives to DSM-IV Classification The DSM-IV criteria for anorexia nervosa and bu-
limia nervosa are widely used and are useful in
As described above, the DSM-IV system fails to recognizing and describing both adolescents and
provide useful categories for a substantial num- adults with severe disturbances of eating behav-
ber of individuals with significant eating disor- ior. However, it is not completely clear how sev-
der symptoms. A possible alternative to the eral of the criteria for both anorexia nervosa and
DSM-IV categories for an adolescent population bulimia nervosa should be interpreted. The cri-
is provided by the Diagnostic and Statistical terion requiring amenorrhea for the diagnosis of
Manual for Primary Care (DSM-PC), Child and anorexia nervosa is particularly problematic and
Adolescent Version (Wolraich, Felice, & Drotar, may need to be eliminated. The available litera-
1996), developed by the American Academy of ture strongly suggests that the criteria sets pro-
Pediatrics. This manual provides a broader clas- vided by DSM-IV fail to describe many adoles-
sification scheme and includes a hierarchy of cents and adults with clinically significant eating
clinical presentations that do not reach full problems. Indeed, EDNOS is the most common
DSM-IV diagnostic criteria but that nonetheless diagnosis assigned in eating disorder programs.
deserve clinical attention. “Variations” represent Thus, the DSM-IV criteria may need to be broad-
minor dysfunctional symptoms related to eating ened, and other categories for less severely af-
or body image and “problems” reflect more se- fected individuals may need to be added.
rious disturbances. The utility of this system has
received little empirical examination. The clini-
cal characteristics of individuals in these cate- DEMOGRAPHICS AND PREVALENCE
gories are unknown, as is the prevalence of these OF EATING DISORDERS
characteristics. In addition, it is not known how
often or whether DSM-PC variations or problems Despite exponential growth in eating disorders
advance to become DSM-IV full syndromes. research the past few decades (Theander, 2002),
Nonetheless, this system provides a potentially epidemiological research has lagged behind re-
useful method for defining a wide range of im- search in other areas, such as studies of the clin-
portant eating problems among adolescents. ical presentation of eating disorders and research
In an attempt to describe the wide range of on treatment interventions. Although the symp-
eating problems seen among children, the Great toms of eating disorders are known to originate
Ormond Street criteria were developed (Lask & primarily during adolescence, epidemiological
Bryant-Waugh, 2000). These criteria include de- studies have focused principally on adult popu-
termined weight loss, abnormal cognitions lations. Consequently, data on the prevalence
about body weight and shape, and morbid pre- and distribution of anorexia nervosa and bu-
occupation with body weight and shape for the limia nervosa among adolescents are quite lim-
diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. The bulimia ner- ited.
vosa criteria include recurrent binges and purges, Even among adults, knowledge about the
a sense of lack of control, and morbid preoccu- number of individuals having an eating dis-
264 Part IV Eating Disorders

order or about particular vulnerability to devel- ipation rates. Because eating disorders are fairly
oping anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or uncommon in adults (Hoek, 2002), sample sizes
their variants (for review, see Striegel-Moore & of several thousand (for studies focused on girls)
Cachelin, 2001) is limited. For example, only to tens of thousands of participants (for studies
one study in the United States, conducted about focusing also on eating disorders in boys) are
25 years ago, has provided prevalence data for needed for stable estimates of eating disorders.
eating disorders based on a nationally represen- Most studies reviewed in this chapter had fewer
tative sample (Robins & Regier, 1991). Rates of than 1,000 participants and only one study had
bulimia nervosa were not documented, as this over 10,000. Regrettably, the latter did not report
disorder had not yet been introduced into the detailed information about eating disorder cases,
psychiatric nomenclature. leaving unknown the specific disorders found
Experts have concluded that eating disorders (anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa) or the
occur in approximately 1% (anorexia nervosa) to gender of those affected by an eating disorder
3% (bulimia nervosa) of women, and prevalence (Emerson, 2003).
rates among men are approximately one tenth Most studies were conducted in European
of those observed in women (for review, see countries (ranging from Norway to Italy) and in-
Hoek, 2002). Large samples are needed to de- cluded populations representing Western indus-
scribe even the most easily identified epidemio- trialized nations. Five studies were conducted in
logical parameters such as gender or ethnicity, the United States (Graber, Tyrka, & Brooks-
and as the review by Hoek, van Hoeken, and Gunn, 2003; Johnson, Cohen, Kasen, & Brook,
Katzman (2003) illustrates, even in samples ex- 2002; Lewinsohn, Hops, Roberts, Seeley, & An-
ceeding 1,000 girls, some studies have not iden- drews, 1993; McKnight Investigators, 2003;
tified a single girl with past or current anorexia Whitaker et al., 1990) and one was done in New
nervosa (e.g., Johnson-Sabine, Wood, Patton, Zealand (Newman et al., 1996). A considerable
Mann, & Wakeling, 1988). Because of the rather variety of sampling frames was used (ranging
preliminary stage of epidemiological research from the recruitment of girls at a single school,
among adolescent samples, studies based on rel- to the use of sophisticated stratification schemes,
atively small or select samples or only on self- to the recruitment of an entire birth cohort in a
report are not reviewed in this chapter. particular county). Only two studies recruited
Fifteen recent studies (summarized in Tables national probability samples of children in a par-
13.3 and 13.4) have provided interview-based in- ticular age range (Emerson, 2003: Great Britain;
formation about the prevalence of anorexia ner- Verhulst, van der Ende, Ferdinand, & Kasius,
vosa and bulimia nervosa as defined by DSM-III 1997: the Netherlands). Unfortunately, although
(1980) and DSM-IV criteria. In some instances, they included both girls and boys, neither study
the prevalence of partial syndrome eating dis- reported gender-specific eating disorder rates.
orders in community-based samples was also de- None of the studies examined ethnic differences
termined. Some studies recruited not only ado- in the prevalence of eating disorders.
lescents but also younger children or adults; In nine studies (summarized in Table 13.3) a
these studies are also reviewed (e.g., Newman et two-stage case-finding approach was used: a
al., 1996). questionnaire was given to the entire sample and
was followed by a diagnostic interview of those
individuals whose responses to the initial screen-
Prevalence Studies of Anorexia Nervosa and ing suggested the presence of an eating disorder.
Bulimia Nervosa: Methodological In some studies, a random subset of those par-
Considerations ticipants who screened negatively for an eating
disorder were also interviewed. The two-stage
Ideally, epidemiological studies recruit ade- screening approach permits a relatively cost-
quately large, representative population samples effective assessment of large samples through
and provide detailed information about the sam- use of an inexpensive survey method first, re-
pling frame, recruitment procedures, and partic- serving the expensive interview method for
Table 13.3 Two-stage Studies of Prevalence of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa in Community Samples of Adolescents

Subjects Prevalence Rates (%)d

Sample Size AN BN
Country Age (response rate Screening b Interview Diagnostic
Study (city or state) Sample a (years) in %) (response rate in %) Criteriac Point Lifetime Point Lifetime

Whitaker et al., 1990 United States 1 13–18 F 2544 (91) EAT-40 (75) DSM-III F 0.3 F 2.5
(county in M 2564 Interview M 0 M 0.2
New Jersey)
Rathner & Messner, 1993 Italy (Brixen) 2 11–20 F 517 (81) EAT, ANIS (88) DSM-III-R F 0.58 F 0
M0 Interview
Wlodarczyk-Bisaga & Poland 2 14–16 F 747 (93) EAT-26 (92) DSM-III-R F 0 F 0
Dolan, 1996 (Warsaw) M0 Interview
Graber et al., 2003 United States 3 Mean: F 155 EAT DSM-III-R F 3.9 F 3.2
New York City 16 M0 SCID
Szabo & Tury, 1991 Hungary 2 14–18 F 416 (49) EAT-40, BCDS, DSM-III-R F— F 0
(Debrecen) M 119 ANIS Interview M— M 0

Steinhausen et al., 1997 Switzerland 2 14–17 F 276 EDE-S DSM-III-R F 0.7 F 0.05
(Zurich M 307 DISC-P M 0 M 0
Verhulst et al., 1997 Netherlands 4 13–18 F/M 853 (82) CBCL DISC-C/-P (91) DSM-III-R F/M 0.3 F/M 0.3
Santonastaso et al., 1996 Italy (Padova) 2 16 F 359 (91) EAT-40, BMI (93) DSM-IV F 0 0 F 0.5 1.0
M0 Interview
Rosenvinge et al., 1999 Norway 2 15 F 464 (78) EDI DSM-IV F 0.4 F 1.1
(Buskerud) M 214 DSED M 0 M 0
1 ⫽ entire enrollment of grades 9 through 12 in a single New Jersey county, including public, private and parochial schools; 2 ⫽ public school students; 3 ⫽ private school students; 4 ⫽
national probability sample.
ANIS, Anorexia Nervosa Inventory Scale; BCDS, Bulimic Cognitive Distortions Scale; BMI, Body Mass Index; CBCL, Children’s Behavior Check List; DISC, Diagnostic Interview Schedule
for Children (DISC-P, parent version, DISC-C, child version); DSED, Diagnostic Survey for Eating Disorders; EAT, Eating Attitudes Test; EDE-S, Eating Disorder Examination, screening version;
EDI, Eating Disorder Inventory; SCID, Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IIIR.
DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM III, 3rd edition; DSM III-R, 3rd, revised edition; DSM IV, 4th edition).
AN, anorexia nervosa; BN, bulimia nervosa; F, female; M, male; Point, point prevalence, based on 6 months (Verhulst et al., 1997), 12 months (Steinhausen et al., 1997), or “current”
(i.e., at the time of the interview; Rathner & Messner, 1993; Rosenvinge et al., 1999; Santonastaso et al., 1996; Szabo & Tury, 1991; Wlodarczyk-Bisaga & Dolan 1996).
266 Part IV Eating Disorders

those participants whose self-report responses cases in a population at a certain point in time.
suggest the presence of an eating disorder. The Some studies only report either point prevalence
quality of the two-stage method depends in part rates or “lifetime” rates, and a few studies report
on the participation rates at each assessment. For both point-prevalence and lifetime rates. Point
example, some data suggest that screening ef- prevalence is reported over various time frames,
forts may miss eating disorder cases and thus un- ranging from the present (or the time of inter-
derestimate the prevalence of eating disorders view) to within the last 12 months. Lifetime prev-
(Fairburn & Beglin, 1990). The sensitivity of the alence can be a problematic term, given that par-
screening instrument is also important: in an un- ticipants may have not yet reached the age of
common disorder, the omission of even a few maximum risk for developing an eating disorder.
cases because of an insensitive screen produces In the studies reviewed in this chapter, lifetime
underestimates of the true prevalence of the dis- prevalence connotes the number of individuals
order. who ever met criteria for anorexia nervosa or bu-
In six studies (summarized in Table 13.4), limia nervosa. Retrospective reports of age of on-
there was no initial screening; rather, the entire set from adult samples suggest that full-
sample participated in a diagnostic interview. In syndrome status is not reached until mid- to late
general, eating disorder status was assessed in the adolescence (16–18 years) or even young adult-
context of a comprehensive evaluation of psy- hood (18–21 years). In adult community sam-
chiatric disorders, rather than in an interview ples, the mean age of onset of anorexia nervosa
focused specifically on eating disorders. This ap- ranges from 16 to 19 years (Fairburn, Cooper,
proach can be advantageous—because partici- Doll, & Welch, 1999; Garfinkel et al., 1996; Wal-
pants are not recruited specifically for a study of ters & Kendler, 1995) and that of bulimia nervosa
eating disorders, participation rates are likely un- ranges from 18 to 20 years (Garfinkel et al., 1995;
affected by the participants’ attitudes about eat- Kendler et al., 1991). Few eating disorders begin
ing disorders (e.g., wanting to avoid detection of before age 10 or after age 25, and the rate of new
one’s eating disorder). There are also limitations cases climbs steadily in between those ages
to using a one-step assessment design. These (Bushnell, Wells, Hornblow, Oakley-Browne, &
studies generally have lower participation rates Joyce, 1990; Lewinsohn, Striegel-Moore, & See-
than those of two-stage studies, possibly because ley, 2000). Hence, “lifetime” prevalence, espe-
of a greater subject burden from the requirement cially in young samples, should be adjusted to
that all participants complete the diagnostic in- reflect these age-related patterns.
terview. Also, in an effort to reduce assessment
time and subject burden, interviewers usually
employ a branched approach to diagnostic as- Prevalence Studies of Anorexia Nervosa
sessment: “gated” questions about the key symp- and Bulimia Nervosa: Major Findings
tom(s) are required for a diagnosis; if these are
Full-Syndrome Anorexia Nervosa
answered negatively, any further assessment of
symptoms is terminated (Feehan, McGee, Raja, Full-syndrome current anorexia nervosa is not
& Williams, 1994). Hence, unless the participant uncommon among adolescent girls, with rates
acknowledges the initial question (e.g., volun- ranging from 0% to 0.9%, depending on the
tary efforts to achieve low weight in the case of study. Epidemiologically, it is undetectable
anorexia nervosa, and recurrent binge eating in among boys. It is difficult to discern a clear trend
the case of bulimia nervosa), no further infor- in prevalence rates for girls because of the con-
mation is gathered about eating disorder symp- siderable variations in methodology used across
toms. It is unclear whether the clinical presen- studies. Those studies in which no girls were
tation of eating disorders in children is less identified with a diagnosis of current anorexia
prototypic than that in adults. If it is, then a nervosa included relatively young samples (ages
higher number of cases among children would 11 to 16 years; McKnight Investigators, 2003;
be missed using a one-step approach. Santonastaso, Zanetti, Sala, & Favaretto, 1996;
The prevalence rate is the actual number of Wlodarczyk-Bisaga & Dolan, 1996). Rathner and
Table 13.4 Interview-based Studies of Prevalence of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa in Community Samples of Adolescents

Subjects Prevalence Rates (%)e

Sample Size AN BN
Country Age (response rate Diagnostic
Study (city or state) Sample b (years) in %) Interview c Criteriad Point Lifetime Point Lifetime

Lewinsohn et al., 1993 United States 1 15–18 F 797 (61) K-SADS DSM-III-R F 0 0.74 F 0.49 1.6
(Oregon) M 711 M 0 0 M 0 0.14
Newman et al., 1996 New Zealand 2 21 F 469 (84) DIS DSM-III-R F 0.9 F 1.5
(Dunedin) M 492 M 0.0 M 0.4
Wittchen et al., 1998 Germany 3 14–24 F 1488 (71) M-CIDI DSM-IV F 0.3 1.0 F 0.7 1.7
(Munich) M 1533 M 0 0.1 M 0 0
Johnson, Cohen, Kasen, United States 4 9–23 F 366 DISC-I DSM-IV F 0 F 4.0
et al., 2002a (New York) M 351 M 0.28 M 0.28
McKnight Investigators, United States 1 11–14 F 1103 MEDE DSM-IV F 0 F 0.37
2003 (Arizona, M0
Emerson, 2003 Great Britain 5 5–15 F/M 10,438 DAWBA DSM-IV F/M 0.1–0.4
(current eating
Rates reported reflect the number of respondents who either at early adolescence (9 to 19 years) or mid-adolescence (11 to 23 years) assessment met criteria.
1 ⫽ school students; 2 ⫽ entire birth cohort 4/72–3/73; 3 ⫽ city residents; 4 ⫽ representative sample of two counties; 5 ⫽ national sample.
DAWBA, Development and Well-Being Assessment; DIS, Diagnostic Interview Schedule; DISC-I, Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children; K-SADS, Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders
and Schizophrenia; M-CICI, Munich-Composite International Diagnostic Interview; MEDE, McKnight Eating Disorder Examination.
DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM III-R, 3rd, revised edition; DSM IV, 4th edition).
AN, anorexia nervosa; BN, bulimia nervosa; F, female; M, male; point, point prevalence, based on 3 months (McKnight Investigators, 2003), 12 months (Johnson, Cohen, Kasen, et al.,
2002a; Lewinsohn et al., 1993; Newman et al., 1996; Wittchen et al., 1998), or “current” (i.e., at the time of the interview; Emerson, 2003).
268 Part IV Eating Disorders

Messner (1993) initially observed a 0.39% rate For girls, lifetime rates (ever having met cri-
for anorexia nervosa, but found additional cases teria for anorexia nervosa) range considerably,
for a total rate of 0.58%, and reported that none with rates as low as 3 in 100 (Whitaker et al.,
of the current cases identified in their Italian 1990) in a study using DSM III criteria (which are
sample were under age 15 years. In a randomly more restrictive for anorexia nervosa than later
selected population sample of 15-year-old girls editions of the DSM) and as high as 3.9 (Graber
in Southern Norway, by contrast, about 4 in 100 et al., 2003).
current anorexia nervosa cases were found (Ro-
senvinge, Borgen, & Boerresen, 1999). An earlier
Partial-Syndrome Anorexia Nervosa
study from the Mayo Clinic had a prevalence
rate of 0.48% among 15- to 19-year-old girls, a Only a few studies have provided data about par-
rate higher than that for any other age group tial anorexia nervosa, and when such data are
(Lucas, Beard, O’Fallon, & Kurland, 1991). reported, typically rates for partial anorexia ner-
In a large study of 14- to 24-year-old Germans, vosa have exceeded those for full-syndrome an-
Wittchen, Nelson, and Lanchner (1998) over- orexia nervosa (McKnight Investigators, 2003;
sampled 14- and 15-year-olds, which may ex- Rathner & Messner, 1993; Wittchen et al., 1998).
plain why only 0.3% of current anorexia nervosa Wittchen and colleagues (1998) found an addi-
cases were identified among the female partici- tional 1.3% of females and 0.4% of males who
pants, despite the wider age range of the study fell “just short one DSM IV criterion” (p. 116) for
sample. A relatively large number of girls with having ever experienced anorexia nervosa, for a
current anorexia nervosa (0.7%) was observed in combined lifetime rate of partial anorexia nervo-
a Zurich Canton sample of 14- to 17-year-olds. sa or anorexia nervosa of 2.3% in females and
In this study, confirmatory interviews were con- 0.5% in males. In the young sample from the
ducted with a parent, rather than with the child, McKnight study, five girls (0.37%) met criteria
as in most other studies (Steinhausen, Winkler, for current partial anorexia nervosa, defined as
& Meier, 1997). Denial is a hallmark of anorexia meeting all but the amenorrhea criteria (Mc-
nervosa, and future studies are needed to deter- Knight Investigators, 2003, p. 249). Despite the
mine whether parental reports result in better use of quite liberal criteria for partial anorexia
detection of anorexia nervosa than that from nervosa (“at least one DSM IV criterion not met,”
child self-report only. Finally, the highest point p. 385), Rosenvinge and colleagues (1999) found
prevalence rate (past 12 months), 0.9%, was re- no cases of partial anorexia nervosa in their sam-
ported in a New Zealand study (Newman et al., ple of 15-year-olds. Not surprisingly, rates of par-
1996) and was based on diagnostic interviews tial anorexia nervosa also seem to be correlated
when the girls were 21 years old. This well- with age of the sample, with higher rates found
controlled, longitudinal study of an entire birth in samples of older girls. For example, Rathner
cohort of children born between April 1972 and and Messner (1993) found no partial anorexia
March 1973 had previously reported prevalence nervosa among the younger girls (ages 11 to 14
rates for major mental disorders, but not eating years), but found a rate of 1.3% among the older
disorders, based on assessments at ages 11 years girls (15 to 20 years).
(Anderson, Williams, McGee, & Silva, 1987), 13
years (Frost, Moffitt, & McGee, 1989), 15 years
Full-Syndrome Bulimia Nervosa
(McGee et al., 1990), and 18 years (Feehan,
McGee, & Williams, 1993; Feehan et al., 1994). Reported prevalence rates for current bulimia
It is unclear whether rates from earlier assess- nervosa in girls vary considerably, and with the
ments would have been similar to those found possible exception of age of the sample, these
in the other large-scale studies conducted in the variations do not seem to reflect methodological
United States (Johnson, Cohen, Kasen, & Brock, differences across the studies. Only two studies
2002; Lewinsohn et al., 1993) or the large Mu- found any current male cases and the reported
nich study (Wittchen et al., 1998) in which a ma- rates were very low (Johnson, Cohen, Kasen, et
jority of girls were younger than 21 years. al., 2002; Wittchen et al., 1998). Rates for females
Chapter 13 Defining Eating Disorders 269

(0.5% or less) were reported to be low in several bulimia nervosa (0.39%) were among the older
European countries (e.g., Italy: Rathner & Mess- girls (⬎15 years). In the study conducted by the
ner, 1993; Switzerland: Steinhausen et al., 1997; McKnight Investigators (2003), 1.2% of girls met
Hungary: Szabo & Tury, 1991; the Netherlands: criteria for partial bulimia nervosa, for a com-
Verhulst et al., 1997; Poland: Wlodarczyk-Bisaga bined rate of partial bulimia nervosa and bulimia
& Dolan, 1996) but not uniformly so (e.g., nervosa of 1.6%. A fairly inclusive definition of
Norway: Rosenvinge et al., 1999; Germany: partial bulimia nervosa was used: all cases in
Wittchen et al., 1998). which either binge eating and purging were less
Studies reporting relatively higher point frequent than that required by DSM-IV or sub-
prevalence rates have tended to include older jective binges occurred in the presence of at least
participants. Specifically, 12-month prevalence weekly purging were reported (McKnight Inves-
rates were 0.7% in the female Munich sample tigators, p. 249).
(ages 14 to 24; Wittchen et al., 1998), 1.5% in Using another broad definition, the presence
the female Dunedin sample (age 21; Newman of “all but one of the required symptoms,”
et al., 1996), and an astonishingly high 4% in Wittchen and colleagues (1998) identified 1.5%
the U.S. sample of students from New York female partial bulimia nervosa cases and 0.6%
state (Johnson, Cohen, Kasen, et al., 2002). In male partial bulimia nervosa cases. The com-
this study, any student who had met criteria bined rate of partial bulimia nervosa and bulimia
during either early adolescence or mid- nervosa was 3.2% in females and 0.6% in males.
adolescence (spanning the ages 9 to 23 years) Finally, in what may be the most inclusive defi-
was counted. Johnson, Cohen, Kasen, and nition, “at least one DSM IV criterion not met,”
Brook have published several reports on eating Rosenvinge at al. (1999) detected 1% of girls but
disorders in their sample, and in one of these no boys with partial bulimia nervosa. Although
they indicated that in early adolescence (mean it is clear that a broader definition of bulimia ner-
age 13.8, range 9–19 years), the 12-month prev- vosa results in increased rates, the lack of a sys-
alence for bulimia nervosa among girls was tematic definition of partial bulimia nervosa
1.4% (Johnson, Cohen, Kotler, Kasen, & Brook, makes it impossible to draw any conclusions
2002). It further bears noting that in general, about the prevalence of more broadly defined
rates were higher in the studies that employed bulimia nervosa in adolescents.
a one-time assessment strategy rather than the
more common two-stage approach. Consis-
Prevalence of Binge Eating Disorder
tently, the studies found that bulimia nervosa
is very rare among adolescent boys (Lewinsohn Only three studies have reported specifically on
et al., 1993; Wittchen et al., 1998; Woodside et the prevalence of binge eating disorder (defined
al., 2001). In most studies, there were no cases mutually exclusively from partial bulimia nervo-
of current or lifetime male bulimia nervosa, sa or eating disorder not otherwise specified).
and when such cases were detected, they were The McKnight Investigators (2003) reported that
far less common than female cases. 0.59% of the 11- to 14-year-old girls in their
study met 3-month point prevalence criteria for
binge eating disorder. Using 12-month preva-
Partial-Syndrome Bulimia Nervosa
lence criteria, Johnson, Cohen, Kasen, et al.
As has been observed for anorexia nervosa, (2002) identified no male binge eating disorder
partial-syndrome bulimia nervosa is more com- cases and reported 0.55% of female binge eating
mon than full- syndrome bulimia nervosa (John- disorder cases. The highest rates were found by
son, Cohen, Kasen, et al., 2002; McKnight Rosenvinge and colleagues (1999), who reported
Investigators, 2003; Newman et al., 1996; Rath- that 1.5% of the 15-year-old school girls and
ner & Messner, 1993; Rosenvinge et al., 1999; none of the boys studied met point prevalence
Wittchen et al., 1998). Rathner and Messner (time frame not specified) for binge eating dis-
(1993) found no full-syndrome bulimia nervosa order. As described earlier, this particular study
cases and reported that the two girls with partial found relatively high rates for all eating disor-
270 Part IV Eating Disorders

ders, considering the young age of the sample, how many adolescents experience an eating dis-
yet there is no apparent explanation for these order. A major gap in studies from the United
high rates (e.g., some obvious methodological States is the lack of data adequately representing
peculiarity). the ethnic diversity of its population.
In clinical samples, onset of binge eating dis- Experts have expressed concern that the data
order (as determined by retrospective report) has on prevalence of eating disorders in adolescents
been described to occur later than that of bu- are misleading because the strict diagnostic cri-
limia nervosa (Wilfley, Schwartz, Spurrell, & Fair- teria do not permit diagnosis of anorexia nervosa
burn, 2000). There are some indications from or bulimia nervosa among adolescents who
nonrepresentative community samples that in show evidence of the core features of these dis-
adults, binge eating disorder is more prevalent orders yet have not yet developed the requisite
than bulimia nervosa (Spitzer et al., 1993; severity or duration of symptoms (Golden et al.,
Spitzer, Williams, Kroenke, Hornyak, & McMur- 2003). Examination of the prevalence of behav-
ray, 2000). On the basis of the very limited evi- ioral eating disorder symptoms, is therefore in-
dence, this does not seem to be the case, but the dicated. These symptoms may represent the first
evidence of binge eating disorder in adolescents signs of development of a full-syndrome disor-
is too preliminary to permit firm conclusions. der, and data on their prevalence thus give an
Given the emerging data about recurrent binge indication of the size of the “at-risk” group.
eating as a risk factor for obesity (Fairburn, Coo-
per, Doll, Norman, & O’Connor, 2000), future
studies need to include the requisite diagnostic Symptoms of Eating Disorders
questions to identify binge eating disorder in ad- in Adolescent Girls and Boys
In 1990, the Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
vention developed the Youth Risk Behavior Sur-
Conclusions from the Data on Prevalence veillance System to monitor health risk behav-
iors that contribute markedly to the leading
The prevalence of anorexia nervosa and bulimia causes of death, disability, and social problems
nervosa in adolescent samples clearly is lower among youth and adults in the United States.
than rates reported for adult samples. The lack The system includes national, state, and local
of studies with adequate sample sizes and the school-based Youth Risk Behavior Surveys (YRBS;
considerable variation in methodology make it 2003) conducted every 2 years, of representative
difficult to answer confidently the question of samples of 9th through 12th grade students. Stu-
dents complete the anonymous surveys during a
class period at school. In the 2001 YRBS (Grun-
Red Flags Signaling the Potential baum et al., 2002), the overall participation rate
Development of an Eating Disorder was 63% but varied considerably across states.
The YRBS includes questions about current at-
• An abnormally low weight or significant
tempts to lose weight and questions about
fluctuations in weight not due to medical
illness weight loss or weight maintenance efforts, such
• Purging behaviors intended to induce as vomiting, diet pills, and “other methods.”
weight loss Consistently, the YRBS has found that about
• Persistent intense concerns with weight or two of every three female students report trying
shape to lose weight, compared to one in four male stu-
• Persistent attempts to diet or lose weight dents. Trying to gain weight is quite common
despite being at a normal or low weight among boys (about 40%), whereas only a mi-
• Social withdrawal and isolation for activi- nority of girls (about 8%) engage in efforts to be-
ties involving food and/or eating come heavier (Grunbaum et al., 2002; Lowry et
• Unexplained amenorrhea al., 2002; Middleman, Vasquez, & Durant, 1998).
The YRBS also includes questions about behav-
Chapter 13 Defining Eating Disorders 271

iors that are considered in the DSM to be “in- eating was only slightly more common in white
appropriate compensatory behaviors.” Data girls (2.6%) than in black (1.6%) or Hispanic
collected in 1999 and 2001 suggest that inappro- (1.7%) girls, and was reported by a surprisingly
priate efforts to lose weight or keep from gaining large number of Asian American girls (5.9%).
weight are disturbingly common, especially Therefore, binge eating may occur among eth-
among girls. Specifically, in 1999, fasting, use of nically diverse groups.
diet pills, and vomiting or laxative abuse were
reported by 18.8%, 10.9%, and 7.5% of girls, re-
spectively, compared to 6.4%, 4.4%, and 2.2% of Summary
boys (Lowry et al., 2002). Data for 2001 showed
similar rates for these behaviors (Grunbaum et Epidemiological research on eating disorders in
al., 2002). adolescence is limited in several important ways.
The YRBS includes an ethnically diverse sam- Nationally representative samples, including
ple, permitting the examination of ethnic group ethnic minority children, are needed to deter-
differences in the prevalence of weight-related mine the prevalence of eating disorders among
behaviors. In 2001, white and Hispanic girls American youth. Studies of ethnic minorities in
were found to be significantly more likely than European countries (e.g., Bhugra & Kamaldeep,
black girls to report inappropriate compensatory 2003) and among adolescents in non-Western
behaviors. Almost one in four (23.1%) female countries (e.g., Huon, Mingyi, Oliver, & Xiao,
Hispanic students and one in five white students 2002; Nobakht & Dezhkam, 2000) have reported
(19.7%), compared to 15% of black students, re- significant rates of eating disorders among mi-
ported that she had gone without eating for 24 norities. These results indicate that eating dis-
or more hours to control her weight. Vomiting order research should be more inclusive in its
or laxative use to control weight was reported by sampling frames.
10.8%, 8.2%, and 4.2% of Hispanic, white, and While the diagnostic criteria for anorexia ner-
black girls, respectively (Grunbaum et al., 2002). vosa and bulimia nervosa are well articulated,
These findings suggest that additional study of definitions of eating pathology that fail to meet
disordered eating among minority groups is diagnostic criteria are quite varied. Since eating
needed. Whether girls in this sample would meet pathology that fails to reach diagnostic signifi-
diagnostic criteria for an eating disorder is un- cance may represent the early stages of a full-
clear, because the YRBS does not include ques- syndrome eating disorder for some adolescents,
tions covering the complete set of diagnostic cri- a more uniform definition of partial syndrome is
teria for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. needed. Studies should also include criteria for
Nevertheless, a considerable subset of female stu- binge eating disorder to permit estimates of the
dents practice potentially health-damaging be- prevalence of this syndrome.
haviors, such as vomiting, which is cause for The lack of a uniform instrument for measur-
concern. ing eating disorder symptoms also limits current
Although the YRBS does not assess binge eat- epidemiological research. One-step assessment
ing, a recent study of boys and girls in public studies that use standardized psychiatric inter-
middle and high schools has provided informa- views, in which individuals “skip out” of the eat-
tion about binge eating in adolescents (Ackard, ing disorder module if a gated question is an-
Neumark-Sztainer, Story, & Perry, 2003). Binge swered negatively, may have produced an
eating was considered present if the child an- underestimation of eating pathology, especially
swered “yes” to a question about overeating with in young samples, in whom the clinical presen-
loss of control, at least a few times a week, and tation of anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa
feeling upset “some” or “a lot” by overeating. could be atypical (Kreipe et al., 1995). Finally,
More girls (3.1%) than boys (0.9%) met criteria parent reports might improve the detection of
for binge eating, and the results suggested that anorexia nervosa, a disorder in which denial is a
binge eating was significantly correlated with hallmark.
body mass index (BMI) in girls and boys. Binge Eating disorders may be transient (albeit in
272 Part IV Eating Disorders

many cases recurrent) and point prevalence rates ity, outcome, and migration between diagnostic
may therefore not reflect fully the extent of eat- categories is important in helping to refine the
ing pathology in adolescents (Patton, Coffey, & definition of adolescent eating disorders and in
Sawyer, 2003). Even if an adolescent’s eating dis- assessing the effectiveness of treatment. A num-
order is time limited and nonrecurring, it may ber of studies have addressed comorbidity,
represent a marker for psychopathology that course, and outcome of adult patients with eat-
conveys important clinical information. For ex- ing disorders, but studies of adolescents have
ample, Johnson, Harris, Spitzer, & Williams only included patients with anorexia nervosa.
(2000) demonstrated that an adolescent’s his-
tory of an eating disorder is associated with ele-
vated risk for other Axis I disorders in adult- Comorbidity of Anorexia Nervosa
hood. Adolescent eating disorders, even when
fully remitted, are associated with a broad range The lifetime rates of psychiatric comorbidity
of indicators of impaired psychosocial function- among patients with anorexia nervosa are ap-
ing (Striegel-Moore, Seeley, & Lewinsohn, proximately 80% (Halmi et al., 1991). Affective
2003). disorders, anxiety disorders, substance use dis-
Information about the incidence of eating dis- orders, and personality disorders are commonly
orders requires longitudinal data. Although a associated with anorexia nervosa. The affective
few studies have included longitudinal follow- disorder that most commonly co-occurs with an-
ups, these studies have not focused specifically orexia nervosa is major depressive disorder, with
on eating disorders and did not provide inci- a lifetime comorbidity of 50%–68% (Herzog,
dence data. There is one exception, however. Nussbaum, & Marmor, 1996). Lifetime rates of
Lewinsohn and colleagues (2000) classified an anxiety disorders are between 55% and 65% (Go-
eating disorder sample into onset prior to or after dart, Flament, Perdereau, & Jeammet, 2002;
age 19 and reported that first incidence for an- Halmi et al., 1991); the most common comorbid
orexia nervosa was significantly more likely to anxiety diagnoses are social phobia (55%) and
occur prior to age 19. An incidence rate for an- obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) (25%–
orexia nervosa of 0.1% was found for the age 69%; Godart et al., 2002; Halmi et al., 1991). Life-
group of 19–23 years. For bulimia nervosa, the time prevalence of substance use disorders
incidence rates for before age 19 and after were ranges between 12% and 21% (Herzog, Keller,
comparable: 1.5% and 1.3%, respectively. Sacks, Yeh, & Lavori, 1992; Stock, Goldberg, Cor-
Clearly, more detailed data are needed on the in- bett, & Katzman, 2002), compared to 11% of
cidence of eating disorders. women in the general population (Bulik, Sulli-
In conclusion, epidemiological research of eat- van, McKee, Weltzin, & Kaye, 1994). Patients
ing disorders is quite limited. In light of the con- with AN-B/P are more likely than those with AN-
siderable public health significance of anorexia R to manifest substance use disorders (Herzog,
nervosa and bulimia nervosa and their spectrum Keller, Sacks, et al., 1992; Stock et al., 2002).
variants, such research is urgently needed. When patients with anorexia nervosa present
for treatment, over 70% report an additional cur-
rent psychiatric disorder. Approximately 66%
COMORBIDITY, OUTCOME, AND have a co-occurring affective disorder, 49% are
DIAGNOSTIC MIGRATION diagnosed with a personality disorder, 5% have
a substance use disorder, and 56% report an anx-
In addition to examining the diagnostic catego- iety disorder (Braun, Sunday, & Halmi, 1994;
ries and prevalence of eating disorders, it is im- Herpertz-Dahlmann et al., 2001; Herzog, Keller,
portant to know what other emotional and psy- Sacks, et al., 1992; Wonderlich & Mitchell,
chological problems individuals with eating 1997). Cluster C personality disorders, which
disorders are prone to develop and to describe include avoidant, dependent, obsessive-
what is likely to occur over time to individuals compulsive, and passive-aggressive personality
with eating disorders. Knowledge of comorbid- disorder, are also common among patients with
Chapter 13 Defining Eating Disorders 273

anorexia nervosa (Herzog, Keller, Lavori, Kenny, for treatment, approximately 75% meet criteria
& Sachs, 1992). for an additional psychiatric disorder (Fichter &
The developmental sequence of anorexia ner- Quadfleig, 1997). Approximately 50% have a co-
vosa in relation to other comorbid conditions occurring affective disorder, 34% have a sub-
can vary significantly. Affective disorders may stance use disorder, and 56% have an anxiety
begin before or after the onset of anorexia nervo- disorder (Halmi et al., 2002; Herzog, Keller,
sa, or the disorders can begin concurrently Sacks, et al., 1992; Mitchell, Specker, & de
(Braun et al., 1994). Anxiety disorders, in partic- Zwaan, 1991; Wonderlich & Mitchell, 1997).
ular social phobia and OCD, frequently predate Cluster B personality disorders, such as antiso-
the onset of anorexia nervosa (Anderluh, Tchan- cial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic per-
turia, Rabe-Hesketh, & Treasure, 2003; Braun et sonality disorder, are also common in bulimia
al., 1994; Bulik, Sullivan, & Joyce, 1997), whereas nervosa (Herzog, Keller, Lavori, et al., 1992).
substance use disorders often develop after an- As in anorexia nervosa, the sequence devel-
orexia nervosa (Braun et al., 1994). opment of bulimia nervosa and comorbid con-
ditions varies, as onset of the comorbid disorder
can occur prior to, at the same time as, or follow-
Comorbidity of Bulimia Nervosa ing the development of bulimia nervosa (Braun
et al., 1994). As with anorexia nervosa, anxiety
Nearly 83% of patients with bulimia nervosa re- disorders commonly predate the onset of bu-
port a lifetime history of an additional psychi- limia nervosa, whereas substance use disorders
atric disorder (Fichter & Quadfleig, 1997); affec- more often develop after the onset of bulimia
tive disorders, anxiety disorders, substance use nervosa (Braun et al., 1994; Bulik et al., 1997).
disorders, and personality disorders are com-
monly associated with bulimia nervosa. While
there is a significant amount of variability in the Outcome of Anorexia Nervosa
rates of comorbidity, more than 50% of patients
with bulimia nervosa have a lifetime history of The available data suggest that approximately
a mood disorder. Major depressive disorder has 50%–70% of adolescents with anorexia nervosa
been shown to be the most common mood dis- recover, 20% are improved but continue to have
order diagnosis among patients with bulimia residual symptoms, and 10%–20% have chronic
nervosa. In community samples, approximately anorexia nervosa (Herpertz-Dahlmann et al.,
one third are depressed, a rate that increases to 2001; Morgan, Purgold, & Welbourne, 1983;
65% in inpatient and outpatient samples. In Steinhausen, 2002; Steinhausen et al., 1997). Ad-
clinical samples, the lifetime rates of comorbid- olescents with anorexia nervosa continue to re-
ity with at least one anxiety disorder ranges from cover over time; for example, Strober, Freeman,
13% to 65% (Herzog, Keller, Sacks, et al., 1992). and Morrell (1997) reported a 1% probability of
Social phobia (17%) and OCD (8%–33%) are the adolescents reaching full recovery at 3 years,
most frequently diagnosed anxiety disorders in which increased to 72% after 10 years. Those an-
bulimia nervosa, and panic disorder is also com- orexia nervosa patients experiencing persistent
monly observed (Brewerton et al., 1995; von symptoms typically display abnormalities in
Ranson, Kaye, Weltzin, Rao, & Matsunaga, weight, eating behaviors, menstrual function,
1999). The lifetime prevalence of substance use comorbid psychopathology, and difficulties with
disorders is approximately 25% (Bulik et al., psychosocial functioning (Herpertz-Dahlmann
1994), and patients with bulimia nervosa most et al., 2001; Steinhausen, 1997; Strober et al.,
frequently abuse alcohol, cocaine, and mari- 1997; Wentz, Gillberg, Gillberg, & Rastam,
juana. Patients with bulimia nervosa and sub- 2001). Relapse is common after weight gain in
stance use disorders commonly exhibit impul- hospitalized patients, with up to one third of ad-
sivity in multiple domains, including suicide olescent anorexia nervosa patients relapsing
attempts, self-injurious acts, and stealing. soon after discharge (Herzog et al., 1999; Strober
When patients with bulimia nervosa present et al., 1997).
274 Part IV Eating Disorders

Anorexia nervosa has one of the highest mor- (Keel et al., 1999). Few prognostic factors have
tality rates among psychiatric disorders. Approx- been consistently reported across studies of bu-
imately 5.6% of patients diagnosed with anorex- limia nervosa, but low self-esteem, longer dura-
ia nervosa die per decade of illness (Sullivan, tion of illness prior to presentation, higher fre-
1995), and anorexia nervosa patients are 12 quency or severity of binge eating, substance
times more likely to die than women of a similar abuse history, and a history of obesity have been
age in the general population (Keel et al., 2003). associated with poor outcome (Bulik, Sullivan,
Although the combined mortality rate for an- Joyce, Carter, & McIntosh, 1998; Fairburn, Stice,
orexia nervosa among adolescents and adults is et al., 2003; Keel et al., 1999).
over 5% (Steinhausen, 2002), the mortality rate
during adolescence is low. The most common
causes of death among patients with anorexia Diagnostic Migration
nervosa are suicide and the effects of starvation.
The suicide rate among women with anorexia Few studies address diagnostic migration, or the
nervosa is 57 times higher than that for women movement from one eating disorder subtype, or
of a similar age in the general population (Keel eating disorder, to another, within the adoles-
et al., 2003). Some studies have found lower cent eating disorder population. While some pa-
weight at presentation, longer duration of ill- tients migrate from bulimia nervosa to anorexia
ness, and severe alcohol use to be associated with nervosa (Kassett, Gwirtsman, Kaye, Brandt, & Ji-
higher risk of mortality (Keel, Mitchell, Miller, merson, 1988), the most frequent change among
Davis, & Crow, 1999; Patton, 1988). diagnostic categories is from the subtype AN-R
Few variables are consistently associated with to AN-B/P, reflecting the development of bulimic
outcome in anorexia nervosa, but the most pos- symptomatology. Some individuals gain weight
itive outcomes are seen in patients between the in association with the binge eating, leading to
ages of 12 and 18 with a short duration of illness. a change in diagnostic status from the subtype
Poor outcome is associated with extremely low AN-R or AN-B/P to bulimia nervosa. In one study,
weight at presentation and, in some studies, by more than 50% of AN-R patients, both adoles-
vomiting. The relationship of binge eating to cents and adults, developed bulimic symptoma-
outcome of anorexia nervosa is not clear, as pa- tology (Eddy et al., 2002), and only a small frac-
tients with AN-R and those with AN-B/P have a tion of patients with AN-R remained in that
similar time to recovery (Herzog et al., 1999). diagnostic subtype. The remaining patients with
AN-R who did not develop binge eating or purg-
ing were partially or fully recovered. It is un-
Outcome of Bulimia Nervosa known what factors lead to the development of
bulimic symptoms among patients with AN-R,
Most adolescents and adults with bulimia nervo- and what the precise time course of this devel-
sa improve over time, with recovery rates rang- opment is.
ing from 35% to 75% at 5 or more years of
follow-up (Fairburn et al., 2000; Fichter &
Quadfleig, 1997; Herzog et al., 1999). Bulimia Summary
nervosa is a chronic relapsing condition, and ap-
proximately one third of individuals with bu- The occurrence of other psychiatric disorders is
limia nervosa relapse (Keel & Mitchell, 1997), of- extremely common in association with both an-
ten within 1 to 2 years of recovery (Herzog et al., orexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, and this
1996). Although approximately 50% of patients complicates treatment. Unfortunately, many
with bulimia nervosa recover, the remaining in- treatment studies of eating disorders exclude pa-
dividuals continue to be symptomatic, often tients with serious comorbid disorders, such as
with substantial impact on physical and psycho- substance use disorders. Adolescents with an-
social functioning. Mortality is a rare outcome orexia nervosa have a better prognosis when
in bulimia nervosa, with rates as low as 0.5% they receive treatment early in the course of their
Chapter 13 Defining Eating Disorders 275

illness. However, anorexia nervosa is a severe adults and adolescents. In contrast to adults,
psychiatric disorder, and those who remain ill however, a young adolescent with incompletely
have high rates of psychiatric comorbidity and formed stores of body fat and other substrates
are at risk for premature death. Diagnostic mi- can suffer significant medical compromise after
gration appears to be common between AN-R to a relatively small degree of weight loss.
AN-B/P and AN-B/P to bulimia nervosa. Little is
known about the course and outcome of bulimia
nervosa among adolescents, but among adults, Medical Complications of Anorexia Nervosa
bulimia nervosa is a chronic relapsing condition
with a 50% recovery rate and a low mortality The most notable medical complications of an-
rate. orexia nervosa result from malnutrition. Subcu-
taneous tissue is lost, muscle wastes, and patients
display sunken cheeks and prominence of bony
MEDICAL COMPLICATIONS OF EATING protuberances. Body temperature is usually low
DISORDERS and patients often wear multiple layers of cloth-
ing to keep warm. The hands and feet may be
Eating disorders are associated with significant cold and blue (acrocyanosis); the skin may be
medical morbidity and mortality. Most compli- pale, dry, and yellow in color. Fine downy hair
cations of eating disorders result from physio- (lanugo) may be present over the arms, back, and
logic adaptations to the effects of malnutrition abdomen. Scalp hair is dry, listless, and brittle
or occur as a result of unhealthy weight-control and there may be evidence of hair loss. Resting
behaviors. Many, but not all, of the complica- pulse and blood pressure are both low, and diz-
tions are reversible with nutritional rehabilita- ziness and fainting may occur upon standing, as
tion and symptomatic improvement. In an ad- a result of changes in pulse and blood pressure.
olescent whose growth and development are not There may be generalized muscle weakness.
yet complete, however, the medical conse- In anorexia nervosa, life-threatening compli-
quences of eating disorders can be long-lasting cations include electrolyte disturbances and car-
and potentially irreversible. Particularly worri- diac arrhythmias. Patients may present with de-
some complications for adolescents include hydration and abnormal serum levels of sodium,
growth retardation, pubertal delay or arrest, im- potassium, chloride, carbon dioxide, and blood
paired acquisition of bone mass, and structural urea nitrogen. Electrolyte disturbances are more
brain changes. likely in those who are vomiting or abusing lax-
During normal pubertal development, body atives or diuretics. Hyponatremia (low sodium
weight doubles and maturation of various or- levels) can occur in those who drink excessive
gans occurs with increases in the size of the amounts of water to either satisfy hunger urges
heart, brain, lungs, liver, and kidneys. Approxi- or falsely elevate body weight prior to a medical
mately 17%–18% of final adult height is visit. Water intoxication with hyponatremia can
achieved (Abbassi, 1998) and between 40% and cause seizures, coma, and death. Serum phos-
60% of peak bone mass is accrued (Golden & phorus levels may be normal on presentation
Shenker, 1992; Katzman, Bachrach, Carter, & but may drop upon refeeding, and hypophos-
Marcus, 1991). phatemia may play a role in the development of
The medical complications of anorexia nervo- cardiac arrhythmias and sudden unexpected
sa and bulimia nervosa are listed in Table 13.5. death seen in the “refeeding syndrome” (Kohn,
Individuals with symptoms of both disorders Golden, & Shenker, 1998).
(e.g., patients with AN-B/P) are at risk for com- Resting pulse rates among patients with an-
plications of both. Adolescents who have symp- orexia nervosa may be as low as 30–40 beats per
toms of eating disorders but do not meet full cri- minute (Palla & Litt, 1988) and systolic and di-
teria for anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa astolic blood pressures are low. Within the first
may also be at risk of complications. Most of the 4 days of hospitalization, 60%–85% of patients
complications occur with equal frequency in demonstrate orthostatic pulse changes on stand-
276 Part IV Eating Disorders

Table 13.5 Signs and Symptoms in Adolescence

Factor Anorexia Nervosaa Bulimia Nervosa

Weight Markedly decreased Usually normal

Menstruation Absent Usually normal
Skin/extremities Growth of fine downy hair (lanugo) Calluses on back of hand
Cold blue hands and feet (acrocyanosis)
Swelling of feet (edema)
Cardiovascular Low heart rate (bradycardia) —
Gastrointestinal Elevated liver enzymes Salivary gland enlargement
Delayed gastric emptying Dental erosion
Constipation Esophagitis
Hematopoietic Normochromic, normocyctic anemia —
Low erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Fluid/electrolytes Increased blood urea nitrogen Hypokalemia
Increased creatinine Hypochloremia
Hyponatremia Alkalosis
Endocrine Hypoglycemia —
Low estrogen or testosterone
Low luteinizing hormone
Low follicle stimulating hormone
Low to normal thyroxine
Normal thyroid stimulating hormone
Increased cortisol
Delayed puberty
Growth retardation
Skeletal Osteopenia —
Individuals with anorexia nervosa who engage in binge eating with or without purging may also develop signs and
symptoms of bulimia nervosa.
Partially adapted from Walsh, B. T. (2001). Eating disorders. In E. Braunwald, S. L. Hauser, A. S. Fauci, D. L. Longo, J. L.
Jameson, & D. L. Kasper (Eds.), Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine (15th ed., p. 488).

ing (Shamim, Golden, Arden, Filiberto, & prolapse is a permanent degeneration of the mi-
Shenker, 2003). Electrocardiographic (EKG) ab- tral valve (Schocken, Holloway, & Powers, 1989).
normalities have been noted in up to 75% of Congestive heart failure does not usually occur
hospitalized adolescent patients (Palla & Litt, in the starvation phase and is more likely to oc-
1988; Galetta et al., 2002). A prolonged QTc in- cur during refeeding (Powers, 1982).
terval, one type of EKG abnormality, is of partic- Bloating and constipation are frequent com-
ular concern because it appears to precede plaints of patients with anorexia nervosa and re-
ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death in pa- flect delayed gastric emptying and decreased in-
tients hospitalized with anorexia nervosa (Isner, testinal motility. Liver enzymes are elevated in
Roberts, Heymsfield, & Yager, 1985). A pericar- 4%–38% of patients with anorexia nervosa
dial effusion (fluid around the heart) can develop (Mickley, Greenfeld, Quinlan, Roloff, & Zwas,
in very malnourished patients (Silverman & 1996; Palla & Litt, 1988; Sherman, Leslie, Gold-
Krongrad, 1983). Mitral valve prolapse has been berg, Rybczynski, & St. Louis, 1994). Cholesterol
reported in patients with anorexia nervosa levels may be high but most frequently are nor-
(Johnson, Humphries, Shirley, Mazzoleni, & mal (Arden, Weiselberg, Nussbaum, Shenker, &
Noonan, 1986; Meyers, Starke, Pearson, & Jacobson, 1990; Boland, Beguin, Zech, Desager,
Wilken, 1986), but the apparent prolapse is re- & Lambert, 2001; Mehler, Lezotte, & Eckel,
versible with weight restoration, whereas true 1998). Serum carotene levels may be elevated in
Chapter 13 Defining Eating Disorders 277

13%–62% of cases and may lead to a yellowish (Golden et al., 1996; Katzman, Zipursky, Lambe,
discoloration of the skin (Sherman et al., 1994; & Mikulis, 1997), the gray-matter volume defi-
Boland et al., 2001). The cause of the high serum cits and regional blood flow disturbances may
carotene levels is not clear but is thought to be a persist. It may be that these changes predate the
combination of increased dietary intake of pig- illness (Golden et al., 1996; Gordon, Lask,
mented vegetables such as carrots and derange- Bryant-Waugh, Christie, & Timimi, 1997; Katz-
ments of hepatic conversion of beta-carotene to man et al., 1997). Similarly, some but not all of
vitamin A. In contrast to other forms of mal- the cognitive deficits improve with weight res-
nutrition, serum albumin levels are usually nor- toration (Kingston et al., 1996).
mal in anorexia nervosa. Rapid weight loss is Adolescents who develop anorexia nervosa
associated with gallstone formation. With mal- prior to the completion of growth can exhibit
nutrition, the metabolic rate slows down as an growth retardation and short stature. Patients
adaptive response to starvation. In anorexia are shorter than expected (Nussbaum, Baird,
nervosa, measured resting energy expenditure Sonnenblick, Cowan, & Shenker, 1985) and
may be 65%–70% of predicted values (Scheben- growth stunting may even be the presenting fea-
dach et al., 1995). Consequently, in the mal- ture (Modan-Moses et al., 2003; Root & Powers,
nourished state, caloric requirements are lower. 1983). Growth retardation is more likely to occur
With nutritional rehabilitation, metabolic re- in adolescent boys because boys grow, on aver-
covery occurs over a 4- to 6-week period and age, for 2 years longer than girls. In girls, growth
caloric requirements increase dramatically is almost complete by menarche, which occurs
(Schebendach, Golden, Jacobson, Hertz, & at an average age of 12.4 years in the United
Shenker, 1997). States (Chumlea et al., 2003). Catch-up growth
Suppression of the bone marrow occurs fre- can occur with nutritional rehabilitation, but
quently in anorexia nervosa, resulting in low even with intervention, these adolescents may
white blood cell, red blood cell, and platelet not reach their genetic height potential (Lan-
counts. Leukopenia (low white blood cell count) tzouni, Frank, Golden, & Shenker, 2002).
has been reported in one to two thirds of patients Hypothalamic dysfunction is evidenced by
with anorexia nervosa and is thought to be sec- amenorrhea (loss of menses) as well as distur-
ondary to bone marrow suppression (Palla & bances in satiety, difficulties with temperature
Litt, 1988; Sharp & Freeman, 1993). Despite the regulation, and decreased ability to concentrate
low white blood cell count, there does not ap- urine (Mecklenberg, Loriaux, Thompson, Ander-
pear to be an increased risk of infection. Once a sen, & Lipsett, 1976). There is activation of the
bacterial infection is present, however, low com- hypothalamic–adrenal axis with high levels of
plement levels may prolong the course of the in- serum cortisol. Clinically, patients with anorexia
fection. All hematologic abnormalities are re- nervosa have symptoms that look very much
versed with nutritional rehabilitation. like those seen in hypothyroidism (dry yellow
The major neurological complications of eat- skin, low heart rate, low metabolic rate, amen-
ing disorders are seizures and cerebral atrophy, orrhea, and constipation). Disturbances in thy-
found on computed tomography (CT) and mag- roid function tests resolve with improved nutri-
netic resonance imaging (MRI) scans (Enzmann tion and should not be treated with thyroid
& Lane, 1977; Golden et al., 1996; Katzman et hormone replacement.
al., 1996; Nussbaum, Shenker, Marc, & Klein, Pubertal delay is frequently found among pa-
1980). Muscle weakness and a peripheral neu- tients who develop anorexia nervosa prior to the
ropathy can also occur. Neuropsychological test- completion of puberty (Palla & Litt, 1988; Rus-
ing has demonstrated impairment of attention, sell, 1985). Amenorrhea is a cardinal feature of
concentration, and memory, with deficits in vi- anorexia nervosa, caused by a combination of
suospatial ability (Kingston, Szmukler, An- malnutrition, increased exercise, emotional
drewes, Tress, & Desmond, 1996). Although the stress, low body weight, and decreased stores of
ventricular enlargement and white matter body fat. Pituitary and ovarian hormones con-
changes revert to normal after weight restoration trolling menstruation are all low and the uterus
278 Part IV Eating Disorders

and ovaries shrink in size (Golden & Shenker, amount of bone present at skeletal maturity, of-
1992). In most instances, amenorrhea is associ- ten referred to as “peak bone mass.” Multiple
ated with weight loss, but in approximately 20% studies have shown that peak bone mass is
of cases loss of menses may precede significant achieved toward the end of the second decade of
weight loss (Golden et al., 1997). Weight gain is life (Bonjour et al., 1991; Faulkner et al., 1996;
usually accompanied by restoration of normal Katzman et al., 1991; Southard et al., 1991). A
hypothalamic–pituitary–ovarian function and woman who develops anorexia nervosa during
resumption of spontaneous menses, but in many adolescence will not reach her peak bone mass,
cases amenorrhea may be prolonged. thus she will be at increased risk of developing
Provided weight is restored and menses are fractures. Because of the lower peak bone mass,
regular, the ability to conceive should be normal. the increased fracture risk may persist for years
Persistence of low body weight and weight con- after recovery from anorexia nervosa. Recent
trol behaviors, however, may be associated with studies have demonstrated that more than 90%
infertility (Bates, Bates, & Whitworth, 1982). A of adolescents and young adults with anorexia
recent study found that women who had a his- nervosa have reduced bone mass at one or more
tory of anorexia nervosa in the past had preg- skeletal sites (Golden, 2003; Grinspoon et al.,
nancy rates similar to those of healthy controls 2000). Osteopenia that occurs in adolescence
and were no more likely to have received treat- may not be completely reversible (Rigotti, Neer,
ment for infertility (Bulik, Sullivan, Fear, Picker- Skates, Herzog, & Nussbaum, 1991; Soyka et al.,
ing, & Dawn, 1999). The women with a history 2002). Weight gain is associated with some im-
of anorexia nervosa, however, were more likely provement in bone mineral density, but levels do
to have a miscarriage, presumably because they not return to normal (Bachrach, Katzman, Litt,
continued with inappropriate weight-control be- Guido, & Marcus, 1991). A recent study con-
haviors during pregnancy. ducted on women who had been in recovery
The most serious complication of prolonged from anorexia nervosa for an average of 21 years
amenorrhea and a low estrogen state is osteo- found that bone mineral density of the hip re-
penia, a substantial reduction in bone mass. In mained lower than that of controls, and a rela-
anorexia nervosa, osteopenia may occur after a tively high percentage of patients reported a his-
relatively short duration of illness (Bachrach, tory of pathologic bone fractures (Hartman et al.,
Guido, Katzman, Litt, & Marcus, 1990; Grin- 2000). Although there are no proven therapies
spoon et al., 2000). Osteopenia is related to a and estrogen has been shown to be ineffective,
combination of poor nutrition, low body weight, recent studies have shown that insulin-like
estrogen deficiency, excessive exercise, and high growth factor-1 (IGF-1), a nutritionally depen-
levels of cortisol in the blood stream. The degree dent hormone, may prevent bone loss (Grin-
of osteopenia in anorexia nervosa is more severe spoon, Thomas, Miller, Herzog, & Kilbanski,
than that seen in women with other conditions 2002).
associated with amenorrhea and a low estrogen
state. This finding suggests that in addition to
estrogen deficiency, nutritional factors play an Medical Complications of Bulimia Nervosa
important role (Grinspoon et al., 1999).
Adolescence is a critical time for bone mass For patients with bulimia nervosa, fluctuations
acquisition. Approximately 60% of peak bone in body weight can be observed, and reflect cy-
mass is accrued during the adolescent years, and cles of dehydration, electrolyte disturbances,
there is very little net gain in bone mass after 2 and water retention associated with vomiting
years following menarche (Bonjour, Theintz, and abuse of laxatives and diuretics. Massive
Buchs, Slosman, & Rizzoli, 1991; Golden & swelling of the hands and feet can occur among
Shenker, 1992; Katzman et al., 1991; Theintz et those who abruptly discontinue the use of laxa-
al., 1992). Whether a young woman will develop tives or diuretics. Examination of the hands may
osteoporosis in later life depends not only on the reveal calluses or scars over the knuckles or skin
rate of bone loss in adulthood but also on the of the dominant hand (Russell’s sign), which are
Chapter 13 Defining Eating Disorders 279

caused by abrasions by the teeth during self- Refeeding in Anorexia Nervosa

induced vomiting.
Hypokalemia, a reduced level of potassium in The greatest risk of cardiac decompensation and
the blood, is the most frequently found signifi- electrolyte disturbances occurs during the re-
cant electrolyte disturbance in patients who feeding phase and, in particular, during the first
vomit or use laxatives or diuretics. Hypokalemia 7–10 days of refeeding. It is during this time
can be associated with life-threatening cardiac when the “refeeding syndrome,” consisting of
arrhythmias, and a low serum potassium level cardiac, neurologic, and hematologic complica-
should be carefully corrected. Periods of caloric tions, is most likely to occur. The syndrome can
restriction result in episodes of bradycardia and occur after intravenous, nasogastric, or oral re-
vital sign instability, although not to the same feeding. Hypophosphatemia occurs in over one
degree as that seen in patients with anorexia ner- quarter of adolescents hospitalized with an-
vosa. orexia nervosa (Ornstein, Golden, Jacobson, &
Ipecac, a medication used to induce vomiting Shenker, 2003). Hypophosphatemia is more
after accidental poisoning, is abused by some pa- likely to occur in those who are very malnour-
tients with bulimia nervosa. Ipecac contains the ished (less than 70% of ideal body weight) and
alkaloid emetine, which is toxic to both skeletal may predispose patients to ventricular arrhyth-
and cardiac muscle, and excessive intake may mias and sudden death.
cause muscle weakness, congestive heart failure, The refeeding syndrome can be prevented by
and cardiac arrest. Ipecac use is cumulative and monitoring of heart rate and serum electrolytes
ipecac abuse can be a cause of sudden death (especially phosphorus) during the first 7–10
among adolescents with bulimia nervosa (Schiff days of treatment. Caloric requirements of chil-
et al., 1986). dren and adolescents with anorexia nervosa are
Enlargement of the parotid and salivary usually higher than those for adults and may be
glands occurs in 10% to 30% of patients with 3,000–4,500 kcals/day. The rate of weight gain
bulimia nervosa and is thought to be secondary should be 2–3 lbs/week for inpatient programs,
to binge eating and vomiting (Ogren, Huerter, 1–2 lbs/week for partial hospitalization programs
Pearson, Antonson, & Moore, 1987). Erosion of (when such programs are step-down programs
the dental enamel is most evident on the lingual from inpatient units), and 0.5–1 lb/week for out-
aspects of the anterior teeth and is caused by the patient management (American Psychiatric As-
gastric acid. Recurrent vomiting leads to gastro- sociation Work Group on Eating Disorders,
esophageal reflux, esophagitis, tears of the 2000).
esophagus, and, less frequently, esophageal rup-
ture. Small tears may be evidenced by blood-
Treatment of Osteopenia
stained vomiting. Esophageal rupture is a cata-
in Anorexia Nervosa
strophic event and is usually fatal. Esophagitis is
associated with epigastric or retrosternal chest Few controlled trials have evaluated the treat-
pain and warrants treatment. ment of osteopenia in anorexia nervosa, and
fewer still have specifically focused on adoles-
cents; most studies enrolled only a modest num-
Treatment of Medical Complications ber of subjects. Therefore, the preferred treat-
ment of anorexia nervosa–related osteopenia is
The goals of medical management of patients unknown. Calcium supplementation is known
with eating disorders are acute medical stabili- to improve bone mass in healthy adolescents
zation, normalization of eating behaviors, and (Cadogan, Eastell, Jones, & Barker, 1997; John-
reversal of medical complications. For patients ston et al., 1992; Lloyd et al., 1993) and in post-
with anorexia nervosa, weight restoration is an menopausal women with osteoporosis (Reid,
important goal of treatment and is usually as- Ames, Evans, Gamble, & Sharpe, 1995), but there
sociated with improvements in mood and eating have been no published controlled trials with
disorder symptoms. anorexia nervosa patients. The Institute of Med-
280 Part IV Eating Disorders

icine recommends a dietary intake of 1,300 mg/ trogen treatment, in comparison to those who
day of calcium for healthy girls aged 9–18 years did not receive hormone treatment. The only
(Standing Committee on the Scientific Evalua- suggestion of benefit was for those who were
tion of Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, very malnourished (⬍70% of ideal body weight);
1997) and the American Academy of Pediatrics hormone treatment may have provided a pro-
recommends a calcium intake of 1,200–1,500 tective effect. In that subgroup, spinal bone mass
mg/day for adolescents (American Academy of increased 4% in those who received estrogen,
Pediatrics Committee on Nutrition, 1999). With- but decreased 20.1% in those who did not.
out scientific evidence demonstrating the effi- Golden et al. (2002) found that estrogen-
cacy of calcium supplementation in adolescents progestin treatment in adolescents did not sig-
with anorexia nervosa, it may be most prudent nificantly increase bone mineral density,
to suggest calcium supplementation for patients compared with standard treatment at 1-year
whose dietary intake contains less than the rec- follow-up. In subjects followed for 2–3 years,
ommended amount. osteopenia was persistent and in some cases
A number of studies have shown that body progressive, despite weight gain, in both exper-
weight, and particularly lean body mass, is a sig- imental treatment groups (estrogen-progestin
nificant determinant of bone mineral density in treatment and standard care).
healthy subjects (Glastre et al., 1990; Henderson, Thus, there is currently no evidence of efficacy
Price, Cole, Gutteridge, & Bhagat, 1995; Sou- of hormone replacement therapy for the treat-
thard et al., 1991) and in those with anorexia ment of osteopenia in anorexia nervosa. Fur-
nervosa (Bachrach et al., 1990; Goebel, thermore, prescribing estrogen to a young ado-
Schweiger, Kruger, & Fichter, 1999; Golden et al., lescent may cause premature closure of the
2002; Gordon, Goodman, et al., 2002; Grin- epiphyses, which might result in further growth
spoon et al., 1999; Soyka et al., 2002). Although arrest. Ongoing randomized controlled trials are
bone mineral density increases with weight gain, evaluating the use of new modalities such as IGF-
even with weight restoration, osteopenia is not l (Grinspoon et al., 1996, 2002), dehydroepian-
entirely reversible (Bachrach et al., 1991; Golden drosterone (DHEA; Gordon et al., 1999; Gordon,
et al., 2002; Hartman et al., 2000; Rigotti et al., Grace et al., 2002), and the bisphosphonates for
1991). the treatment of osteopenia in anorexia nervosa.
Both weight-bearing and resistance exercise Current treatment recommendations include
programs increase bone mineral density of the weight restoration with resumption of menses,
spine in children and young women (McKay et calcium (1,300–1,500 mg/day) and vitamin D
al., 2000; Snow-Harter, Bouxsein, Lewis, Carter, (400 IU/day) supplementation, and carefully
& Marcus, 1992), but exercise programs for pa- monitored weight-bearing exercise (Golden,
tients with anorexia nervosa have not been stud- 2003).
ied. Excessive exercise, commonly used by pa-
tients with anorexia nervosa to control weight,
Treatments to Increase Weight
could interfere with weight gain and produce
in Adolescents
amenorrhea. Therefore, any exercise should be
undertaken cautiously. The goal weight should be set in treatment on
Hormone replacement therapy is frequently an individual basis, taking into account pubertal
prescribed to treat osteopenia in adolescents stage, prior growth percentiles, and height and
with anorexia nervosa (Robinson, Bachrach, & age. For adolescents, the goal weight is a “mov-
Katzman, 2000), on the assumption that estro- ing target,” and normal growth and develop-
gen deficiency contributes to the bone loss. The ment necessitate a recalculation of this number
only randomized controlled trial published to every 6 months. Height and weight tables used
date (Klibanski, Biller, Schoenfeld, Herzog, & for adults are inappropriate for adolescents. The
Saxe, 1995) found no significant increase in National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) ta-
bone mineral density for adult subjects with an- bles provide a useful resource of normative
orexia nervosa randomly assigned to receive es- height and weight data for children and adoles-
Chapter 13 Defining Eating Disorders 281

cents in the United States (National Center for Summary

Health Statistics, 1973); however, the tables pro-
vide only normative weight data, not specific Most of the medical consequences of eating dis-
guidance for what is an “ideal body weight.” orders are secondary to malnutrition and are re-
The goal, or “ideal,” weight should be the versible with nutritional rehabilitation and in-
weight at which normal physical and sexual de- terruption of binge–purge activity. Heart rate
velopment occurs; for girls this is the weight at returns to normal after approximately 12 days,
which menstruation and ovulation are restored. vital sign instability resolves after approximately
In postmenarcheal girls, a weight approximately 21 days, and resting energy expenditure in-
90% of ideal body weight (the median weight creases slowly and normalizes after approxi-
for age and height according to the NCHS ta- mately 6 weeks (Schebendach et al., 1997;
bles) is a reasonable goal weight, since 86% of Shamim et al., 2003). The amount of time
patients who achieve that weight will resume needed for weight gain varies, and resumption
menses within 3 to 6 months (Golden et al., of menses usually occurs within 3–6 months af-
1997). For those who were previously over- ter achieving treatment goal weight. Difficulties
weight, treatment goal weight may need to be with body image distortion and preoccupation
higher. In a premenarcheal girl or an adolescent with weight and shape, however, may take
boy whose growth and development are not yet longer to resolve. Although most of the medical
complete, treatment goal weight should be complications are reversible, growth retardation,
100% of ideal body weight to maximize growth osteopenia, and, possibly, structural brain
potential. changes may not be entirely reversible.
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Treatment of Eating Disorders

14 c h a p t e r
284 Part IV Eating Disorders

Ideally, treatment efficacy should be evaluated with bulimia nervosa can more easily hide their
by means of randomized control trials (RCTs) behaviors, thus their disorder escapes detection.
(National Institute for Clinical Excellence, 2004;
Wilson & Fairburn, 2002). Surprisingly, for ado-
lescents with eating disorders, only a handful of Psychological Treatments for Adolescents
relatively small RCTs have been completed. In with Anorexia Nervosa
the absence of the requisite empirical base, the
Randomized Controlled Trials
evaluation and recommendations described in
of Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa
this chapter are derived from the following
sources: extrapolation from evidence-based Russell and colleagues, from the Maudsley Hos-
treatments for eating disorders in adults, gener- pital in London (Russell, Szmukler, Dare, & Eis-
alizations from closely related psychological and ler, 1987), published the first RCT of the treat-
pharmacological treatments of anxiety and ment of adolescents with anorexia nervosa. The
mood disorders in adolescents, and consensus aim of this study was to evaluate two treatment
views of clinicians who are experienced in the approaches, family therapy and individual treat-
treatment of eating disorders. ment for the management of patients who had
initially been treated in a hospital. The average
duration of the patients’ hospital stay was 10
PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENTS FOR weeks, and the mean weight on discharge was
ADOLESCENTS WITH EATING DISORDERS 88.9  7.4% average body weight. Although pa-
tients are typically still symptomatic at the end
Psychological interventions are a mainstay of of hospitalization, the next stage of treatment, is
the treatment of eating disorders in adults. De- sometimes described as “relapse prevention.”
spite the need for effective treatment of eating This study was an evaluation of treatment at this
disorders in affected adolescents, there are re- stage.
markably few controlled studies of psychological The study did not consist of a single RCT;
interventions in this age group. There have been rather, there were four separate RCTs, each in-
only five RCTs of outpatient-based psychological volving slightly different groups of patients. One
treatments for adolescents with anorexia nervo- of these groups (subgroup 1) was composed of
sa (National Institute for Clinical Excellence, 21 adolescents with anorexia nervosa who had a
2004) and no studies of adolescents with bulimia mean age of 16.6  1.7 years and a mean dura-
nervosa (Weisz & Hawley, 2002). The lack of re- tion of illness of 1.2  0.7 years. These 21 pa-
search in the treatment of adolescents with eat- tients were randomized to receive either 1 year
ing disorders is not unique, as relatively less at- of family therapy or 1 year of individual psycho-
tention has been paid to treatment outcome therapy. The form of family therapy used has
studies of adolescent psychiatric disorders in since come to be known as the “Maudsley
general than to those of either adults (Weisz & method,” described in a recently published man-
Hawley, 2002) or younger children (Kazdin, Bass, ual (Lock, Le Grange, Agras, & Dare, 2001). The
Ayers, & Rodgers, 1990). Because symptoms of Maudsley method, a specific form of family ther-
both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa gen- apy designed for adolescent patients with an-
erally begin in adolescence (Mitchell, Hatsu- orexia nervosa, is quite unlike more generic
kami, Eckert, & Pyle, 1985; Schmidt, Hodes, & family-based treatments. As described by Lock
Treasure, 1992), it is difficult to explain the com- and colleagues (2001), this treatment has three
plete lack of research done with adolescent bu- stages: refeeding the patient, negotiating for a
limia nervosa patients and the relatively low new pattern of relationships, and addressing ad-
number of bulimia nervosa patients who present olescent issues and treatment termination.
for treatment. It is possible that adolescents with In the initial implementation of the Maudsley
anorexia nervosa are more easily identified by treatment (Russell et al., 1987), there are two
parents and professionals and are therefore en- main phases. The first phase occurs after the pa-
couraged to seek treatment, whereas adolescents tient and family have been engaged in therapy
Chapter 14 Treatment of Eating Disorders 285

and focuses largely on the patient’s eating and favor the family therapy group, with 9 out of 10
weight. Here the parents are helped to take con- patients having a good outcome, vs. 4 out of 11
trol over the way the patient eats. In the second patients in the control group (p ⫽ .024). This
phase, once the patient’s weight is under con- study is limited by its modest scale and the
trol, responsibility for weight management is post-hospitalization design, but has had a major
transferred to the patient and treatment focuses influence on the design of more recent investi-
on more general family and individual concerns. gations and on current treatment recommenda-
The comparison individual treatment used by tions.
Russell et al. (1987) was devised specifically for The later studies from the Maudsley group
this study. In content, it was based on conven- have focused on family therapy alone, the prem-
tional posthospitalization follow-up appoint- ise being that family therapy is “established as
ments (as practiced at the Maudsley Hospital), an effective treatment for anorexia nervosa in
but the sessions were more frequent and lasted adolescence” (Dare & Eisler, 2002, p. 317). The
longer than usual, to match the intensity of the next investigation (Le Grange, Eisler, Dare, &
family treatment. The individual treatment is Russell, 1992) was a pilot study for a subsequent
probably best characterized as a form of suppor- trial (Eisler et al., 2000). The goal was to compare
tive psychotherapy that encourages patients to two different ways of delivering the Maudsley
eat healthily and maintain an appropriate method of family therapy: one involved all the
weight. family being seen together (subsequently termed
The results of the Russell et al. (1987) study “conjoint family therapy,” the original method),
favored the family therapy approach. At the end the other consisted of separate treatment ses-
of treatment (1 year after discharge from the hos- sions for the patient and the parents (subse-
pital), 6 out of 10 patients who received family quently termed “separated family therapy”). In
therapy were judged to have a good outcome, as contrast with the Russell et al. (1987) study, fam-
assessed via the Morgan-Russell scales (Morgan ily therapy was provided from the outset of treat-
& Russell, 1975), compared with 1 out of 11 pa- ment rather than after a period of hospitaliza-
tients who received the control treatment (p ⬍ tion. This study is of greater relevance to the
.02). Also, the family therapy patients had a bet- routine management of patients with anorexia
ter outcome in terms of weight regain (from their nervosa, most of whom are not admitted to a
prehospitalization weight); the percentage hospital.
weight regain in the two treatment conditions This pilot study involved just 18 patients
was 25.5% and 15.5%, respectively (p ⬍ .01). (mean age 15.3  1.8 years; mean duration of
Similarly, the family therapy patients were better illness 13.7  8.4 months; mean percentage of
at maintaining their new higher weight, with 5 average body weight 77.9  7.6%). Both groups
out of 10 patients keeping their weight above responded well, despite receiving a modest num-
85% average body weight, compared with 1 out ber of treatment sessions (8.9  4.1 sessions over
of 11 patients who received the control individ- 6 months), with substantial weight regain and
ual psychotherapy (p ⬍ .05). There was also a improvement on various measures of psycho-
lower dropout rate among the patients who re- pathology. Not surprisingly, given the small sam-
ceived family therapy (1/10, vs. 7/11 in the con- ple size, there were no statistically significant dif-
trol condition, p ⫽ .024). ferences in outcome between the two groups.
A major strength of this study was that the The third study in the Maudsley series (Eisler
patients were followed up 5 years after the com- et al., 2000) followed from the Le Grange et al.
pletion of treatment (Eisler et al., 1997). At this (1992) pilot study. It involved a comparison of
time point, both patient groups had done well; the same two family-based treatments, but on a
the mean percentage of average body weight was larger scale. Forty patients were randomized to
103.4  13.2% in the group treated with family the two treatments, their mean age being 15.5 
therapy and 94.4  16.8% in the control group 1.6 years and mean duration of disorder being
(p ⫽ ns). In terms of overall outcome on the 12.9  9.4 months. Treatment took place over 1
Morgan-Russell scales, the results continued to year and involved on average 16 sessions. The
286 Part IV Eating Disorders

conjoint sessions lasted 1 hour, whereas the sep- involved 12 to 18 months of treatment with
arated sessions lasted 90 minutes. weekly sessions for half of the treatment and ses-
Once again, both groups of patients improved sions every other week thereafter. In addition,
markedly; their percentage average body weight both groups of patients saw a dietician who pre-
increased from 74.3  9.8% to 87.0  13.0% (p scribed a diet designed to restore body weight at
⫽ .001), and the equivalent figures for body mass a rate of 1 lb/week. Furthermore, those patients
index (BMI) increased from 15.4  2.0 kg/m2 to whose weight was below 75% of ideal or who
18.5  3.6 kg/m2 (p ⬍ .001). There was a sub- had significant cardiac problems were hospital-
stantial decrease in eating disorder features—for ized at the outset and received a structured re-
example, the total score on the Eating Attitudes feeding program until they reached 80% of their
Test (Garner & Garfinkel, 1979) decreased from target weight and were medically stable. This ap-
47.7  25.7 to 19.7  16.1 (p ⬍ .001), and there plied to 58% of the family therapy group and
was improvement on the Morgan-Russell scales. 28% of those receiving individual therapy (p ⫽
The analysis of differences in outcome between .099). While in the hospital, the patients also re-
the two treatments revealed few statistically sig- ceived their assigned form of psychotherapy.
nificant findings, although the pattern of the The outcome of both groups was positive,
findings suggested that separated family therapy both at the end of treatment and 1 year later.
might be more potent at addressing the specific There was one statistically significant difference
psychopathology of eating disorders, whereas between the groups: patients in the family ther-
conjoint family therapy might be more effective apy group had a greater increase in BMI. The
at addressing general psychopathology, such as mean BMI posttreatment and at 1 year follow-up
depressive and obsessional features. With only was 19.9  1.9 kg/m2 and 20.7  2.7 kg/m2 in
20 patients per treatment condition, however, the family therapy group, and 18.9  1.9 kg/m2
the study did not have sufficient power for com- and 19.8  3.1 kg/m2 for those receiving indi-
parisons of this type. Nevertheless, the findings vidual therapy. On all other measures of out-
do suggest that family meetings of the type re- come there were no statistically significant dif-
quired for conjoint family therapy may not be ferences between the two groups. At the end of
needed for the Maudsley method to achieve its treatment, two thirds of the patients had reached
effects. their target weight. By the end of 1-year follow-
The fourth RCT was by Robin and colleagues up, 80% of those who had received family ther-
(Robin, Siegel, Koepke, Moye, & Tice, 1994; apy had reached their target weight; there was
Robin et al., 1999). They compared “behavioral no such increase for those who had received in-
family systems therapy,” a treatment similar to dividual therapy. In considering these findings,
the original Maudsley method, with “ego- it is important to note that it is not possible to
oriented individual therapy,” a psychodynami- attribute the changes observed specifically to the
cally oriented treatment in which patients are two psychotherapies received. All the patients
seen individually, with occasional supportive also received extensive dietary advice, and many
sessions for their parents. In the latter condition were hospitalized during the initial stages of
there was little or no direct emphasis on chang- treatment (especially those receiving family
ing eating habits or increasing body weight. therapy).
Thirty-seven patients were randomized to the The most recent of the five RCTs (Geist, Hein-
two treatments, the mean ages of the family maa, Stephens, Davis, & Katzman, 2000) com-
therapy and individual therapy groups being pared two 16-week family-based interventions.
14.9 years and 13.4 years, respectively (p ⬍ .05), The interventions occurred in the context of
and their baseline BMI being 15.2  1.8 kg/m2 considerable additional treatment, including an
and 16.6  2.1 kg/m2, respectively (p ⫽ .038). initial period of inpatient treatment (lasting on
All the patients had developed anorexia nervosa average 6 weeks) that involved an assertive re-
within the previous 12 months. The two treat- feeding program, as well as milieu therapy, and
ments were more intensive and multifaceted individual and group psychotherapy. In addi-
than those provided by the Maudsley group, and tion, following discharge from the hospital pa-
Chapter 14 Treatment of Eating Disorders 287

tients had continuing medical and nursing con- have already begun to take place that will lead
tact that was designed to encourage further to symptomatic improvement. And even if this
weight regain. A further complicating factor is were not true of the majority of patients, it might
that many patients and their families declined to be true for a significant minority. However, the
take part in the study: 59% of the eligible pa- serious psychological and medical morbidity of
tients refused, and only 29 patients entered the anorexia nervosa makes the employment of a
trial. The two treatment groups did not differ in waiting-list condition ethically problematic, and
their outcome. there has been very little discussion of what
might constitute appropriate control conditions
against which new interventions for anorexia
Evaluation of Research on Psychological
nervosa should be compared.
Treatments for Anorexia Nervosa

There has been little research on the treatment

Family Therapy
of adolescents with anorexia nervosa. The stud-
ies that have been conducted are small, with the It is widely accepted that family therapy is the
largest study including just 20 patients per treat- treatment of choice for adolescents with an-
ment condition. Thus the power of these studies orexia nervosa (e.g., National Institute for Clin-
to detect differences between treatments is min- ical Excellence [NICE], 2004). This is surprising
imal, and it is difficult to evaluate the findings given the modest evidence to support it. Only
of these studies. Three larger studies (I. Eisler, two studies have compared family therapy to an-
personal communication, 2003; S. G. Gowers, other form of treatment (Robin et al., 1999; Rus-
personal communication, 2002; J. Lock, per- sell et al., 1987), and the findings of the second
sonal communication, 2002) are currently under are difficult to interpret.
way, and may provide additional information The superiority of family therapy over indi-
about the efficacy of treatments for adolescents vidual therapy has not been clearly established.
with anorexia nervosa. In the family treatment used in the Russell et al.
Another limitation of this research is the qual- (1987) trial, great emphasis was placed on get-
ity of the assessment measures used. None of the ting patients to eat well and maintain a healthy
studies has employed standardized and psycho- weight; the control treatment did not have the
metrically sound instruments of the type rou- same focus on eating and weight. The same is
tinely used in adult eating disorder treatment tri- true of the two treatments studied in the Robin
als. As a result, it is difficult to gauge the true et al. (1999) trial. Thus, in both studies any dif-
extent of the patients’ improvement. ferences in outcome between the family-based
In addition, limited data are available on the treatment and individual therapy could have
longer-term effects of treatment. Such data are been a result of their relative emphasis on eating
important, because not only is relapse into an- and weight rather than the modality of the treat-
orexia nervosa common but the eating disorder ment.
may evolve into bulimia nervosa or an eating
disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS) (Fair-
The Maudsley Method
burn & Harrison, 2003). To assess the frequency
of diagnostic migration and determine whether As noted earlier, research on the treatment of ad-
treatments differ in their ability to influence the olescent anorexia nervosa has concentrated on a
long-term course of the disorder, repeated as- very particular form of family therapy. Two ways
sessments are required and measures capable of of delivering this treatment have been compared
characterizing any form of eating disorder must (Eisler et al., 2000; Le Grange et al., 1992), but
be used. no other type of family therapy has been ade-
None of the studies in this area has included quately tested. It is important that clinicians be
a delayed-treatment (“waiting list”) control con- aware of this when deciding how to treat their
dition. It is conceivable that once adolescent pa- adolescent patients. It is of note that the Maud-
tients and their parents request help, changes sley group has progressively modified their
288 Part IV Eating Disorders

family-based treatment and now view their orig- body shape and weight are improved. In addi-
inal method as “slightly out of date” (Dare & Eis- tion, there is usually a reduction in the level of
ler, 2002; p. 318). They favor treating groups of general psychiatric symptoms and an improve-
families at one time (so-called “multi-family ment in self-esteem and social functioning.
group therapy”; Dare & Eisler, 2000), not least Cognitive-behavioral therapy has been found
because this form of treatment is well received to be equal or superior to all the treatments with
by patients and their families, and are in the pro- which it has been compared. It has been shown
cess of evaluating this method. to be more effective than antidepressant medi-
cation, an intensively researched treatment for
bulimia nervosa that has been consistently
shown to be significantly more effective than pill
placebo (Hay & Bacaltchuk, 2000; NICE, 2004;
Whittal, Agras, & Gould, 1999; Wilson & Fair-
There is a pressing need for more research on the
burn, 2002). Cognitive-behavioral therapy has
psychological treatment of adolescents with an-
also proved to be more effective than several
orexia nervosa. Family therapy is widely used but
other psychological treatments, including sup-
its effectiveness has not been definitively estab-
portive psychotherapy, supportive-expressive
lished, and individual therapy has been largely
psychotherapy, stress management therapy, and
ignored. Further well-designed psychological
a form of behavior therapy that did not address
treatment trials are needed and are feasible.
cognitive features of bulimia nervosa (Whittal et
al., 1999; Wilson & Fairburn, 2002).
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is based on a
Psychological Treatments for Adolescents model that emphasizes the critical role of both
with Bulimia Nervosa cognitive and behavioral factors in the mainte-
nance of the disorder. Of primary importance is
No RCTs of psychological treatments for adoles- the value attached to an idealized body weight
cents with bulimia nervosa have been published. and shape, which leads women to restrict their
Treatments such as the Maudsley family-therapy food intake in rigid and unrealistic ways. As a
approach are nonetheless being adapted for ad- result, they may become physiologically and
olescents with bulimia nervosa (LeGrange, Lock, psychologically susceptible to periodic loss of
& Dymek, 2003). Although it cannot be assumed control over eating, namely binge eating. Purg-
that effective treatments for adults with eating ing and other extreme forms of weight control
disorders will be as effective for adolescents, a are then attempts to compensate for the effects
case can be made for the feasibility of adapting of binge eating. The purging helps maintain the
evidence-based treatments for adults to adoles- binge eating by reducing the patient’s anxiety
cents. about potential weight gain and disrupting
In adults, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) learned satiety that regulates food intake. In
for bulimia nervosa has been intensively evalu- turn, the binge eating and purging cause distress
ated in a large number of RCTs (NICE, 2004). and low self-esteem, thereby reciprocally foster-
Cognitive-behavioral therapy has been shown to ing the conditions that lead to more dietary re-
be consistently superior to assignment to a straint and binge eating (Fairburn, 1997a; Fair-
waiting-list, as those receiving the latter have burn, Cooper, & Shafran, 2003).
typically shown no improvement across a range Cognitive-behavioral therapy consists of pro-
of measures. On average, CBT has eliminated cedures for developing a regular pattern of eating
binge eating and purging in roughly 30% to 50% that includes previously avoided foods, and
of patients in controlled outcome studies. The more constructive skills to cope with high-risk
percentage reduction in binge eating and purg- situations for binge eating and purging; for mod-
ing across all patients treated with CBT has typ- ifying abnormal attitudes to eating, shape, and
ically been 80% or more. Dysfunctional dieting weight; and for preventing relapse at the conclu-
is decreased, and patients’ attitudes about their sion of treatment (Fairburn, Marcus, & Wilson,
Chapter 14 Treatment of Eating Disorders 289

1993). Treatment is time limited, directive, and limia nervosa (e.g., psychodynamic therapy,
problem oriented. family therapy; Garner & Garfinkel, 1997), but
Some research suggests that guided self-help none has been systematically evaluated in con-
programs based on the principles of CBT (Fair- trolled research. None can be considered an
burn et al., 1995) can be effective with at least a evidence-based treatment (NICE, 2004).
subset of patients with bulimia nervosa (Thiels,
Schmidt, Treasure, Garthe, & Troop, 1998). Ac-
Application of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
cordingly, a stepped-care approach to the treat-
to Adolescents with Bulimia Nervosa
ment of bulimia nervosa might begin with
guided self-help (Wilson, Vitousek, & Loeb, It can be predicted that CBT will prove compa-
2000). rably effective for adolescents with bulimia ner-
vosa, as conceptually and procedurally similar
forms of CBT that were originally developed as
Interpersonal Psychotherapy
treatments for adults with anxiety disorders and
Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) was originally major depression have been readily adapted to
developed by Klerman, Weissman, Rounsaville, adolescent populations. Cognitive-behavioral
and Chevron (1984) as a short-term treatment therapy has been shown to be reliably effective
for depression. The primary focus of IPT is to in the treatment of adult anxiety and mood dis-
help patients identify and modify current inter- orders (Barlow, 2002; Hollon, Thase, & Marko-
personal problems. As adapted for bulimia ner- witz, 2002; Nathan & Gorman, 2002). Manual-
vosa (Fairburn, 1997b), IPT focuses exclusively based CBT is as effective as antidepressant
on interpersonal issues, with little or no atten- medication as an acute treatment of panic dis-
tion directed to the modification of binge eating, order and major depression, and has more sus-
purging, disturbed eating, or overconcern with tained effects if medication is discontinued (Bar-
body shape and weight. Specific eating problems low, 2002). The CBT interventions that have
are viewed as a means of understanding the in- been successfully used in treating adults have
terpersonal context that is assumed to be main- been adapted to adolescents.
taining them. Manual-based CBT for adolescents with major
Two major comparative outcome studies of depression results in greater improvement and
adult bulimia nervosa patients demonstrated faster remission than being assigned to a
that at the end of treatment IPT was significantly waiting-list or alternative forms of psychother-
less effective than CBT (Agras, Walsh, Fairburn, apy, including family and supportive therapy, at
Wilson, & Kraemer, 2000; Fairburn et al., 1993). the end of acute treatment (Curry, 2001). Cog-
At 1-year follow-up, however, the difference be- nitive-behavioral therapy has also been success-
tween the two treatments was no longer statis- fully used to prevent the onset of depression in
tically significant. In the absence of a control at-risk adolescents with no prior history of de-
condition it is not possible to attribute the im- pression (Clarke et al., 2001). There is also evi-
provement associated with IPT to any specific dence of the efficacy of CBT in treating anxiety
treatment effect. However, in the study by Fair- disorders (Donovan & Spence, 2001); a large RCT
burn et al. (1995), both IPT and CBT fared sig- found CBT to be significantly more effective
nificantly better than a suitable comparison than a waiting-list control at post-treatment on
treatment (a form of behavior therapy without a variety of outcome measures. Therapeutic im-
the cognitive features of CBT) over the course of provement was maintained at 1-year follow-up
follow-up. Given that the behavior therapy treat- (Kendall et al., 1997). Replications of this CBT
ment was equivalent in the amount of therapist treatment for anxiety disorders in children have
contact and ratings of suitability and expec- shown maintenance of treatment effects for up
tancy, this single study provides specific evi- to 6 years (Kazdin, 2003).
dence of the efficacy of IPT for bulimia nervosa. Although not studied as extensively as treat-
A variety of psychological treatments other ments for adult disorders, psychological thera-
than CBT or IPT are commonly used to treat bu- pies for depression and anxiety disorders in ad-
290 Part IV Eating Disorders

olescence have proven effective. The theoretical ships loom large in adolescent adjustment.
models, treatment principles, and technical in- Weisz and Hawley (2002) underscore the rele-
terventions that comprise these therapies are vance of addressing interpersonal skills and re-
similar to those that would be applied to bulimia lationship issues in adolescent treatments. They
nervosa. It should also be noted that depression also assert that an adolescent’s psychological and
and anxiety disorders are commonly comorbid social adjustment and school performance can
with bulimia nervosa (Bulik, 2002). be enhanced by “authoritative parenting,”
Interpersonal psychotherapy for treatment of de- namely, “consistently enforced guidelines and
pression in adolescents. Two controlled studies limits with warmth and psychological auton-
have shown that IPT is effective with adolescents omy granting” (p. 30). They suggest that the for-
with major depression (Mufson, Weissman, Mo- mer is especially relevant to “externalizing”
reau, & Garfinkel, 1999; Rossello & Bernal, problem behaviors such as substance abuse,
1999). According to Curry (2001), IPT meets cri- whereas the latter applies particularly to “inter-
teria “for possible efficacy in treating adolescent nalizing” problems such as anxiety and depres-
major depression” (p. 1092). In light of these sion. It can be argued that both sets of problems
data and the frequent co-occurrence of depres- often characterize eating disorders, and that
sion and bulimia nervosa, studies of the utility both limit setting and autonomy granting, a
of IPT for adolescents with bulimia nervosa “complicated balancing act,” are required. Treat-
would be of interest. ment of adolescents inescapably raises the ques-
tion of how to involve parents in the therapy.
Somewhat surprisingly, fewer than half the stud-
Psychological Therapy for Adolescents with
ies of empirically supported treatments identi-
Eating Disorders: General Considerations
fied by Weisz and Hawley addressed family re-
Developmental psychologists emphasize a con- lationships in therapy. Among those that did,
nection between the psychological dimensions the evidence on outcome was mixed.
of development and the treatment of adoles-
cents. Weisz and Hawley (2002) focused on the
Psychological Therapy for Adolescents with
following issues: motivation, cognition, and so-
Bulimia Nervosa: Specific Considerations
cial development.
Motivation. The issue here is that many ad- The conceptual model of the maintenance of bu-
olescents in treatment are not self-referred but limia nervosa and the therapeutic principles and
pressured by family into seeking help. Weisz and procedures of CBT appear to mesh well with the
Hawley (2002) state that interventions programs psychology of adolescence and the developmen-
tacitly assume motivation for treatment. They tal factors summarized above. Bulimia nervosa
recommend that therapists assess motivation occurs predominantly in females, and much is
prior to starting treatment and implement spe- known about the developmental challenges
cific strategies for enhancing it. (psychosocial tasks) facing adolescent girls
Cognition. Weisz and Hawley (2000) argue (Striegel-Moore, 1993). Girls, far more than boys,
that the adolescent’s developing cognitive abili- are socially oriented. Girls’ sense of personal
ties may impose limits on the utility of some identity is said to be interpersonally constructed,
therapeutic interventions. They emphasize the with self-esteem being strongly influenced by
importance of three cognitive skills in adoles- the perceptions of others’ approval. Social ap-
cence “that are especially relevant to therapy: ab- proval is closely linked to physical attractiveness,
straction, consequential thinking, and hypo- and girls are socialized to evaluate themselves in
thetical reasoning” (Holmbeck et al., 2000). They terms of appearance. Striegel-Moore (1993) has
suggest that this might be especially relevant to argued that girls with an insecure identity who
CBT, with its explicit cognitive focus. are concerned about how others view them may
Social development. Developmental change focus disproportionately on physical appearance
in social interactions is a distinguishing feature as a concrete way to construct a sense of self. Bu-
of adolescence. Peer group and family relation- limia nervosa is often marked by problems with
Chapter 14 Treatment of Eating Disorders 291

social adjustment and social-self difficulties. among adults (NICE, 2004) and is likely to be
These findings about bulimia nervosa and the adaptable to the treatment of adolescents. The
psychology of adolescence for girls indicate that flexibility of CBT and recent evidence for its util-
treatment needs to address interpersonal rela- ity in preventing relapse among adults with an-
tionships. orexia nervosa (see below) suggest that when
Although body shape and weight concerns suitably adapted, it may be useful for the wide
have been documented in prepubertal girls, it is spectrum of eating disturbances in adolescents.
the key developmental milestone of reaching Examination of the efficacy of CBT for adoles-
puberty that poses biological and psychological cents with bulimia nervosa is clearly warranted.
challenges for adolescent girls. Concerns about Interpersonal psychotherapy has some utility in
body image are commonplace, and severe dis- the treatment of adults with bulimia nervosa and
satisfaction with body shape and weight and has been successfully employed in the treatment
pressure to be thin can drive the rigid, unhealthy of depression among adolescents. Thus IPT
dieting and negative affect (because appearance might be useful for adolescents with bulimia ner-
is a key evaluative dimension for females) that vosa. Finally, the apparent success of family-
are proximal triggers for bulimia nervosa (Fair- based interventions for anorexia nervosa sug-
burn, 1997a; Stice, 2001). gests that this approach may also have merit in
the treatment of bulimia nervosa.

Psychological Treatments for Other

Adolescent Eating Disorders
As discussed previously, most adolescent pa- ADOLESCENTS WITH EATING DISORDERS
tients who present for treatment do not meet the
DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa With rare exception (e.g., Biederman et al.,
or bulimia nervosa. Their eating disorder is 1985), there are no studies of the efficacy of phar-
therefore categorized as eating disorder not oth- macological treatment for adolescents with eat-
erwise specified (Brewerton, 2002; Dancyger & ing disorders. Therefore, as is the case with
Garfinkel, 1995; Eliot & Baker, 2001; Engelsen, psychological treatments for adolescents, infor-
1999; Fisher et al., 1995; Muscari, 2002; Nicholls mation about pharmacological interventions
et al., 2000). Thus, treatment for adolescents must be adapted from the literature for adults.
must be able to accommodate a wide range of Recent evidence that some pharmacological
eating disorder pathology. treatments of clear efficacy for adults with dis-
A recently described manual-based form of orders such as major depression can be success-
CBT provides a transdiagnostic model of eating fully employed for adolescents (Varley, 2003)
disorders (Fairburn, Cooper, & Shafran, 2003): should encourage further research on the utility
specific therapeutic interventions are matched of pharmacological treatments for adolescents
to particular clinical features of the eating dis- with eating disorders.
order, rather than a heterogeneous diagnostic
category. The flexibility of this enhanced CBT al-
lows different clinical features to be targeted Pharmacological Treatments
with theory-driven and evidence-based treat- for Anorexia Nervosa
ment modules within the overall framework of
the core CBT approach. This approach could be There are no empirically supported pharmaco-
useful in treating adolescent patients with an logical treatments for the acute symptoms of an-
eating disorder not otherwise specified. orexia nervosa in either adolescents or adults. As
in the case of the existing psychotherapy re-
search, however, data from pharmacological
studies of adults with eating disorders may pro-
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is the leading vide some guidance in developing promising
evidence-based therapy for bulimia nervosa therapeutic interventions.
292 Part IV Eating Disorders

Antidepressant Medications considerable weight gain, has prompted recon-

sideration of this class of medication as a treat-
Four placebo-controlled trials of antidepressants ment for acute anorexia nervosa. Several case
in the treatment of anorexia nervosa have been reports and open studies have described im-
published (Attia, Haiman, Walsh, & Flater, 1998; provement associated with olanzapine treat-
Biederman et al., 1985; Halmi, Eckert, LaDu, & ment of children, adolescents, and adults with
Cohen, 1986; Lacey & Crisp, 1980). None of the anorexia nervosa (Boachie, Goldfield, & Spet-
trials documented more than a slight therapeutic tigue, 2003; Hansen, 1999; Jensen & Mejlhede,
effect. Given the evidence of utility of antide- 2000; La Via, Gray, & Kaye, 2000; Mehler et al.,
pressant medication for conditions with sub- 2001; Powers, Santana, & Bannon, 2002). By
stantial symptomatic overlap with anorexia ner- contrast, one open study reported no apprecia-
vosa, such as major depression and bulimia ble weight gain with olanzapine among patients
nervosa, the lack of any significant effect is sur- treated on a specialized inpatient unit (Gaskill,
prising and raises the possibility that the mal- Treat, McCabe, Marcus, 2001). In the absence of
nutrition inherent in anorexia nervosa somehow randomized placebo-controlled trials, no con-
interferes with the therapeutic action of antide- clusion about the role of atypical antipsychotic
pressant medication. Circumstantial evidence medications in the treatment of anorexia nervo-
consistent with this hypothesis has emerged sa in either adults or adolescents is possible. This
from studies of serotonin function. For example, is nonetheless a potentially promising area for
in healthy women, dieting significantly lowers new research.
plasma levels of tryptophan, the precursor of se-
rotonin (Andersen, Parry-Billings, Newsholme,
Fairburn, & Cowen, 1990). Individuals with an-
orexia nervosa who are malnourished have
Other Medications
reduced plasma tryptophan availability
(Schweiger, Warnoff, Pahl, & Pirke, 1986) and Zinc deficiency is associated with weight loss, a
reduced levels of cerebrospinal fluid 5-hydrox- decrease in appetite, changes in taste perception,
yindoleacetic acid (CSF 5-HIAA), the major amenorrhea, and depression, all symptoms de-
metabolite of serotonin, which increases with scribed by patients with anorexia nervosa. This
weight gain (Kaye, Gwirtsman, George, Jimer- observation, coupled with reports of zinc defi-
son, & Ebert, 1988). Depletion of serotonin in ciency associated with anorexia nervosa, has
anorexia nervosa might interfere with the effects prompted several controlled trials of zinc sup-
of antidepressants in general and the selective plementation. While one controlled trial in
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in particu- adults found zinc to be associated with an in-
lar (Delgado et al., 1990). creased rate of weight gain (Birmingham, Gold-
ner, & Bakan, 1994), two other trials among ad-
olescents found no effect (Katz et al., 1987; Lask,
Fosson, Rolfe, & Thomas, 1993). The role of zinc
Atypical Antipsychotic Medications
supplementation as a treatment for anorexia
Almost 50 years ago, experience with chlor- nervosa is uncertain.
promazine, the first antipsychotic medication in The benefits of lithium in the treatment of bi-
clinical use, led to substantial enthusiasm about polar (manic-depressive) disorder among adults
its potential role in the treatment of anorexia are very well established, and, like many anti-
nervosa. With greater experience, however, the psychotic medications, the use of lithium is as-
enthusiasm waned, and two small, placebo- sociated with weight gain. These considerations
controlled trials of antipsychotic medication prompted a single controlled trial of lithium
found little evidence of efficacy (Vandereycken, among inpatients with anorexia nervosa, which
1984; Vandereycken & Pierloot, 1982). The re- provided little support for the utility of this
cent introduction of the atypical antipsychotic agent (Gross, Ebert, Faden, Goldberg, Nee, &
drugs, a number of which are associated with Kaye, 1981).
Chapter 14 Treatment of Eating Disorders 293

Issues to Consider in Treating Adolescents olescents is controversial, but suggests a need for
with Pharmacotherapy close monitoring of suicidal ideation when such
treatment is initiated.
The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics Finally, as noted in the discussion of psycho-
of psychotropic drugs in children and adoles- therapeutic approaches, the motivation of ado-
cents are not well studied. Some biological fac- lescents for treatment is quite variable, and a lack
tors inherent to adolescents may affect themetab- of motivation may compromise patients’ com-
olism and efficacy of psychiatric medications, pliance with following treatment recommenda-
such as immature neurotransmitter systems, tions, including taking psychotropic drugs as
rapid hepatic metabolism, and shifting hor- prescribed. For adolescents, compliance may be
monal levels in adolescents (Hazell, O’Connell, increased by family psychoeducation and paren-
Heathcote, Robertson, & Henry, 1995). Dramatic tal involvement with treatment.
shifts in weight, especially weight loss, can also
occur much more rapidly in adolescents than in
adults with eating disorders. As a result, there Pharmacological Treatments
may be differences in the metabolism and/or the for Bulimia Nervosa
effects of medications in adolescents with eating
Antidepressant Medications
disorders, which could necessitate adjustments
in dosage and medication response. Virtually every class of antidepressant medica-
The safety of psychotropic medications should tion has been studied in placebo-controlled,
be considered when prescribing medications for double-blind trials for adult patients with bu-
patients with an eating disorder, especially when limia nervosa. Antidepressant medications,
patients are medically unstable. Tricyclic antide- including both TCAs and SSRIs, appear to have
pressants (TCAs) and mood stabilizers, which approximately equal efficacy in the acute treat-
tend to be less frequently used today than in the ment of bulimia nervosa; however, SSRI antide-
past, have potential for serious side effects. In par- pressants are generally better tolerated and have
ticular, although a clear causal link has not been fewer side effects (Zhu & Walsh, 2002), thus they
documented, TCAs have been associated with are the first pharmacological treatment of choice
sudden death among adolescents without eating for adults with bulimia nervosa. Specifically, the
disorders (Geller, Reising, Leonard, Riddle, & SSRI fluoxetine is the only drug approved by the
Walsh, 1999), and the cardiac abnormalities as- U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treat-
sociated with anorexia nervosa, in theory, should ment of bulimia nervosa. It is most effective at a
increase the risks of tricyclic use in this popula- dose of 60 mg/day, significantly higher than the
tion. Careful medical and psychiatric monitoring standard dose used to treat major depression. A
is required when prescribing psychotropic drugs recent open trial suggests that fluoxetine at this
to adolescents with eating disorders. As with dose is well tolerated and may be useful for ad-
adults, adolescent patients with eating disorders olescents with bulimia nervosa (Kotler, Devlin,
are prone to develop other behavioral problems, Davies, & Walsh, 2003). Newer selective norad-
such as substance abuse, which may increase the renergic/serotonergic reuptake inhibitors such as
risk of side effects. In addition, in sexually active venlafaxine have not been systematically stud-
adolescents, ensuring adequate birth control is ied in treatment of bulimia nervosa.
important to prevent the potential harmful ef- Although wide variability exists across studies,
fects of medications during pregnancy (Kotler & the rates of reduction in binge eating and vom-
Walsh, 2000). Finally, concerns have recently iting with antidepressant treatment have ranged
been raised about the potential for some SSRIs to between 50% and 75% in controlled trials. A
increase suicidal ideation among adolescents comprehensive review of the overall effective-
(Dalrymple, 2003; Harris, 2003; United Kingdom ness of such studies (Agras, 1997) found a me-
Department of Health, 2003; United States Food dian reduction in binge eating and vomiting of
and Drug Administration, 2004). The potential about 70% and complete abstinence in about
for SSRIs to increase the risk of suicide among ad- 30% of subjects. The mechanism of action of an-
294 Part IV Eating Disorders

tidepressant medications in bulimia nervosa there is little empirical information about the
may be different from that in depression, as the utility and safety of such interventions. Reports
response to antidepressant drugs in bulimia ner- that atypical antipsychotic medications may be
vosa is independent of mood state; nondepres- useful for adolescents with anorexia nervosa are
sed bulimia nervosa patients respond equally as encouraging but need to be examined in con-
well as depressed bulimia nervosa patients to trolled trials. Antidepressant medications have
these drugs (Hughes, Wells, & Cunningham, been shown to be useful in the treatment of
1986; Walsh, Hadigan, Devlin, Gladis, & Roose, adults with bulimia nervosa, but studies are
1991). Many patients with eating disorders are needed to assess their utility and safety for ado-
reluctant to use medication and a significant lescents with bulimia nervosa.
number of patients who initiate medication ter-
minate treatment prematurely. In addition, de-
spite convincing empirical evidence of efficacy Combined Treatments for Anorexia Nervosa
in treating bulimia nervosa with antidepressant and Bulimia Nervosa
medications, residual symptoms persist in the
majority of subjects treated with a single anti- Virtually all of the studies of acute pharmacolog-
depressant medication (Nakash-Eisikovits, Dier- ical treatment for anorexia nervosa have been
berger, & Westen, 2002). conducted in settings such as hospitals where pa-
Several studies have examined the effective- tients receive psychological treatment in addi-
ness of a combination of antidepressant phar- tion to medication. There have been no con-
macotherapy with psychotherapy, usually CBT, trolled trials examining the combination of
for adults with bulimia nervosa. A meta-analysis psychological and pharmacological treatment
of controlled trials using combined treatments for anorexia nervosa. Given the dearth of evi-
for bulimia nervosa (Nakash-Eisikovits et al., dence that medication is useful in the treatment
2002) demonstrated that combined treatments of anorexia nervosa, it is not possible to draw any
are superior to medication alone, but the advan- conclusions about the potential utility of com-
tage of combined treatments over psychother- bined treatments.
apy alone is small. For adults with bulimia nervosa, studies sug-
gest that the addition of antidepressant medi-
cation to psychotherapy leads to a small but de-
Other Medications
tectable increase in improvement of bulimic
Experience with several novel pharmacological symptoms (Walsh et al., 1997). There have been
agents may hold promise for the development of no controlled studies of combined treatments in
other medications for bulimia nervosa. Both the adolescents with bulimia nervosa.
antiobesity agent sibutramine and the anticon-
vulsant topiramate may be beneficial for the
treatment of binge eating in adults (Appolinario PREVENTION OF RELAPSE WITH
et al., 2002; McElroy et al., 2003). The serotonin PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENTS
antagonist ondansetron, which is used for the
treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and Relapse prevention, as initially formulated by
vomiting, has been found to be of use in the Marlatt and colleagues, was conceptualized as a
treatment of adults with refractory bulimia ner- maintenance therapy for individuals who had
vosa (Faris et al., 2000). However, much work completed initial treatment and had achieved a
will be required to extend these preliminary certain measure of symptomatic recovery (Brow-
findings to the treatment of adolescents. nell, Marlatt, Lichtenstein, & Wilson, 1986; Mar-
latt & Gordon, 1985). The prevention of relapse
Summary among anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
patients is an essential goal and an integral step
Despite the widespread use of psychotropic med- in the course of recovery. Standardized defini-
ications for adolescents with eating disorders, tions of relapse, or uniform goals of relapse pre-
Chapter 14 Treatment of Eating Disorders 295

vention interventions, have not been estab- or even a good response to treatment (Dare, Eis-
lished, however. By definition, relapse occurs ler, Russell, Treasure, & Dodge, 2001; McIntosh
with a resurgence of symptoms or deterioration et al., 2002). In some cases, high rates of attrition
of condition subsequent to attaining a clinically among anorexia nervosa outpatients result in an
significant degree of improvement. Because the inability to analyze treatment response (e.g., Ser-
operationalized definitions of initial treatment faty, Turkington, Heap, Ledsham, & Jolley,
response have varied from study to study, em- 1999). Treatment of anorexia nervosa with the
pirical estimates of relapse are difficult to inter- Maudsley family therapy has resulted in more
pret. Moreover, follow-up studies often fail to success, with approximately 75% of adolescents
differentiate reports of chronicity and relapse. achieving full recovery by the end of treatment
Given these limitations and variations in termi- (Lock et al., 2001). Follow-up data of outpatients
nology, current estimates of relapse are impre- treated solely with the Maudsley therapy have
cise, and caution must be used when comparing not been published, thus the rates of mainte-
across studies. nance and relapse for individuals who partici-
With anorexia nervosa, the definition of re- pate in this type of therapy are unknown.
lapse usually involves weight loss coupled with In most types of outpatient anorexia nervosa
a clinical deterioration following a successful re- treatment, a large percentage of patients fail to
sponse to treatment. In the past decade, atten- achieve a good response to treatment. Thus it is
tion to relapse and relapse prevention initiatives extremely difficult to report relapse rates follow-
has increased, with a focus on the need for con- ing outpatient treatment, and there are virtually
tinuing care following initial improvements in no data on relapse prevention strategies for those
weight and psychological and behavioral symp- individuals who do achieve a significant re-
toms. However, without operationalized and sponse to outpatient treatment. As a result, it is
consistent terminology for assessing treatment somewhat premature to discuss relapse preven-
response and relapse in research studies, it is dif- tion for individuals with anorexia nervosa
ficult to develop standardized clinical guidelines treated on an outpatient basis, as the first-line
for preventing relapse. For bulimia nervosa, intervention for reducing relapse for these pa-
binge eating and purging are the core behavioral tients is to improve initial response rates.
components that define treatment response and
relapse; however, treatment response and recov-
Inpatient Treatment
ery can include many other dimensions of func-
tioning, including a range of attitudinal and psy- The data indicate that most hospitalized an-
chological variables. As with anorexia nervosa, orexia nervosa patients respond to treatment
the field does not have accepted standards for (Anderson, Bowers, & Evans, 1997; Attia et al.,
defining response and relapse in bulimia nervo- 1998; Baran, Weltzin, & Kaye, 1995), despite the
sa, and reports of response and relapse vary con- greater severity of illness seen in hospitalized pa-
siderably across studies. In addition, much of the tients. However, follow-up studies indicate that
available data have been obtained from studies the posthospitalization period is fraught with
of adults and may not strictly apply to adoles- difficulty, with a significant resurgence of symp-
cents. toms and relapse rates generally ranging from
30% to 50% (for review see Pike, 1998); some
rates run as high as 70% (Lay, Jennen-Steinmetz,
Relapse Rates and Relapse Prevention Reinhard, Schmidt, 2002). In addition to symp-
for Anorexia Nervosa tomatic relapse, it is not uncommon for individ-
uals with AN-R subtype to develop binge eating
Outpatient Treatment
following hospitalization. The reported median
Data from outpatient trials of psychological latency is 24 months for adolescents (Strober,
treatments for anorexia nervosa report that an Freeman, & Morrell, 1997).
overwhelming percentage of individuals, be- Posthospitalization relapse rates are signifi-
tween 60% and 70%, fail to achieve full recovery cant for both adolescent and adult patients. In a
296 Part IV Eating Disorders

study of 95 patients between the ages of 12 to Initially, treatment focuses on specific cognitive
almost 18 years old, Strober and colleagues distortions and behavioral dysfunction pertain-
(1997) reported that nearly 30% of patients who ing to eating and weight that increase the risk of
successfully completed their inpatient program relapse. As treatment progresses, schema-based
relapsed following discharge, with a mean time approaches are used to address a range of issues
to relapse of 15 months and a median of 11 that extend beyond the specific domains of eat-
months. In an older sample (mean age ⫽ 20  ing and weight but remain fundamental to the
5.4 years), Eckert and colleagues reported that individual’s self-schema, self-esteem, and eating
42% of women who achieved weight normali- disorder. On the basis of a sample of 33 patients,
zation in the hospital relapsed within 1 year of a survival analysis demonstrated a statistically
discharge, but if weight normalization was main- significant advantage of CBT over the compari-
tained for 1 year, the risk of subsequent weight son treatment of nutritional counseling (log-
loss declined dramatically (Eckert, Halmi, Mar- rank statistic ⫽ 8.39, p ⬍ .004). According to
chi, Grove & Crosby, 1995). Morgan-Russell outcome criteria, 44.4% of the
CBT group met criteria for good outcome, com-
pared to 6.7% of the nutritional counseling
Psychological Treatments Aimed at Relapse
group (c2 ⫽ 5.89; p ⬍.02), and 16.7% of the CBT
Prevention following Hospitalization for
group met criteria for full recovery, compared to
Anorexia Nervosa
none in the nutritional counseling group (c2 ⫽
Family therapy. As discussed above, the 2.75, p ⬍ .097) (Pike, Walsh, Vitousek, Wilson, &
Maudsley approach to family therapy for an- Bauer, 2003). These data provide preliminary
orexia nervosa was originally designed as a post- support for CBT in preventing relapse and pro-
hospitalization treatment, delivered over the moting recovery following inpatient hospitali-
course of 1 year following inpatient treatment. zation for adult women with anorexia nervosa.
The findings from the initial study of this treat-
ment (Russell et al., 1987) reported that family
treatment was more effective than individual Relapse Rates and Relapse Prevention
supportive therapy for individuals whose onset for Bulimia Nervosa
of anorexia nervosa was at 18 years or younger
and whose illness had a duration of less than 3 Naturalistic follow-up studies, which do not con-
years. Treatment gains in this group were largely trol for specific treatment effects, estimate a re-
maintained at a 5-year follow-up assessment lapse rate of approximately 30% for patients
(Eisler et al., 1997), suggesting that changes ef- with bulimia nervosa (Herzog et al., 1999; Keel
fected by family therapy serve to prevent relapse & Mitchell, 1997). None of the published clinical
and enhance long-term efficacy for this group of trials evaluating psychological treatments for the
patients with anorexia nervosa. acute symptoms of bulimia nervosa specifically
Cognitive-behavioral therapy. A version of CBT focused on relapse prevention for this disorder;
treatment has been designed to treat anorexia instead, relapse prevention was typically an in-
nervosa patients in the year following the suc- tegrated component of the initial intervention.
cessful completion of inpatient treatment. Con- Follow-up data on CBT and IPT, two evidence-
sistent with the fundamental components of based treatments for bulimia nervosa, indicate
CBT for eating disorders (Fairburn et al., 1993; that the two psychotherapies do not differ in
Garner, Vitousek, & Pike, 1997; Pike, Devlin, & rates of relapse at 1-year follow-up. Some studies
Loeb, 2003), this intervention focuses on the suggest that therapeutic changes are well main-
cognitive and behavioral processes involved in tained for most individuals who respond well to
the overvaluation of weight and shape, dysreg- initial CBT or IPT treatment, with the most en-
ulation of eating behavior, and deficits in self- during recovery being reported by individuals
esteem and self-schemata that are thought to be who achieve complete remission of binge eating
at the core of maintaining the eating disorder. and purging by the end of treatment (Agras et
Chapter 14 Treatment of Eating Disorders 297

al., 2000, Fairburn et al., 1995). However, an- and who have a very short duration of illness
other study has indicated that as many as 30% (less than 3 years). Cognitive-behavioral therapy
of individuals who are abstinent from binge eat- has support for relapse prevention among adult
ing and purging at the end of CBT treatment re- patients, but there are no data on the efficacy of
port some resurgence of symptoms during 1-year this treatment for adolescents.
follow-up (Halmi et al., 2002). It is unclear
whether these patients should be classified as
Bulimia Nervosa
“relapsed,” on the basis of the severity of their
symptoms. A similar rate of 30% relapse has been Clinical trials have not specifically targeted ad-
reported among individuals who had responded olescents with bulimia nervosa and data for the
to an eating disorders day program (Olmsted, adolescent patients in these trials have generally
Kaplan, & Rockert, 1994). not been sufficient to analyze separately. Given
A significant fraction of individuals who re- that bulimia nervosa typically begins in adoles-
ceive CBT or IPT fail to achieve full remission of cence, initiatives aimed at getting individuals
binge eating and purging at the end of treat- into treatment earlier in the course of their dis-
ment. Data suggest that the risk of relapse is order may result in improved outcome and re-
greater for this group than for those who achieve duced risk for relapse. Currently, LeGrange,
complete abstinence of binge eating and purging Lock, and Dymek (2003) are adapting the
(Halmi et al., 2002). Therefore, treatment inter- Maudsley family therapy approach for anorexia
ventions for bulimia nervosa should be targeted nervosa to the treatment of adolescent bulimia
not only at those individuals who fail to respond nervosa. Although this treatment is not specifi-
to initial treatment but also those who have a cally a relapse prevention intervention, it aims
significant but incomplete response to treat- to assist patients in achieving significant and
ment. Maintenance and relapse prevention lasting recovery. Empirical data on the clinical
treatments should promote further recovery and efficacy of treatments for adolescents with bu-
also mitigate against lapses and relapse for these limia nervosa, both in the short term and in pre-
individuals. venting relapse in the longer term, are needed to
help inform evidence-based clinical practice.

Anorexia Nervosa
The data on relapse rates for anorexia nervosa
suggest that the risk of posthospitalization re- Anorexia Nervosa
lapse is approximately 30%–50% for adolescents
as well as for adults. Long-term outcome studies As described above, trials evaluating antidepres-
of anorexia nervosa indicate that early onset of sant medications for underweight patients with
anorexia nervosa and early intervention (i.e., anorexia nervosa have failed to show a difference
short duration of illness at time of presentation between active medication and placebo for the
for treatment) may be associated with a better treatment of eating disorders or mood symp-
long-term prognosis; it is likely, however, that toms. Antidepressant medications may lack ef-
the journey to recovery will include periods of ficacy in anorexia nervosa because of the neu-
relapse, as documented by Strober et al. (1997). rochemical disturbances associated with low
Family therapy has been shown to be effective body weight (Attia et al., 1998). Despite their ap-
in preventing relapse among adolescent anorex- parent lack of utility for underweight patients,
ia nervosa patients. It is important to note that antidepressant medications may be useful in the
the family therapy data are strongest for a very prevention of relapse after weight gain.
specific group of patients, i.e., those who de- One placebo-controlled study has addressed
velop anorexia nervosa before 18 years of age this issue (Kaye et al., 2001). Following inpatient
298 Part IV Eating Disorders

hospitalization, patients were randomized to (Romano et al., 2002). Although the studies eval-
receive either fluoxetine or placebo in a double- uating pharmacotherapy as a means to prevent
blind fashion. Some patients also received psy- relapse have generated similar results, there have
chological treatment, which was not standard- been a relatively limited number of studies in
ized. Fluoxetine-treated patients were more likely this area, with modest sample sizes and large
to complete the trial (63% completed) than were dropout rates across trials.
patients receiving placebo (16% completed, All four controlled trials evaluating pharma-
p ⫽ .0001). Patients who completed the trial cotherapy to prevent relapse enrolled only adult
tended to experience more weight gain and psy- bulimia nervosa patients. Therefore, it is unclear
chological improvement than patients who did whether the results of these studies are applica-
not complete the trial. The average age of the pa- ble to an adolescent population, or if there are
tient sample was 22.5 years old, and it is not clear special considerations for using antidepressant
whether any adolescent patients were included. medications with younger patients for the pre-
vention of relapse.

Bulimia Nervosa
In the last 15 years, more than a dozen RCTs
have demonstrated that antidepressant medica- Pharmacological interventions may be useful in
tions are effective in the treatment of adult bu- the prevention of relapse of anorexia nervosa fol-
limia nervosa patients (Zhu & Walsh, 2002). Al- lowing initial treatment. However, replication of
though antidepressant medications have been the Kaye et al. (2001) results is necessary before
shown to reduce bulimic symptoms in the short firm conclusions can be drawn about the bene-
term, the role of continued pharmacological fits of antidepressant medications for adults with
treatment in sustaining clinical improvement anorexia nervosa. If such a benefit is established
over time is unclear. Several controlled trials for adults, it will be important to extend studies
have examined the efficacy of antidepressant to an adolescent population. Clearly, for some
medications in preventing relapse among bu- adult patients with bulimia nervosa who initially
limia nervosa patients. respond to medication, symptomatic relapse
Some studies have evaluated continuing treat- occurs despite continued pharmacotherapy.
ment with pharmacotherapy to prevent relapse Therefore, continued treatment with medication
after an initial positive response to medication after an initial positive response cannot guaran-
(Pyle et al., 1990; Romano, Halmi, Sarkar, Koke, tee against relapse. The data from placebo-
& Lee, 2002; Walsh et al., 1991), and an addi- controlled studies do suggest that when bulimia
tional study randomized patients to receive ei- nervosa patients respond to a medication and
ther medication or placebo for relapse preven- are maintained on that medication, they expe-
tion after receiving a course of inpatient rience lower rates of relapse than those of pa-
treatment (Fichter, Kruger, Rief, Holland, & tients who are switched to placebo (Pyle et al.,
Dohne, 1996). A consistent finding across stud- 1990; Romano et al., 2002; Walsh et al., 1991).
ies has been the significant rate of symptomatic Therefore, continuation of an effective pharma-
relapse despite continued pharmacological treat- cological intervention may reduce the rate of re-
ment. There is also an indication that TCAs, spe- lapse but does not ensure against the return of
cifically imipramine and desipramine, and the bulimic symptoms. The question remains as to
SSRI fluoxetine may diminish the rate of relapse the optimal length of time to maintain a patient
for patients maintained on antidepressant med- on medication to prevent symptomatic relapse.
ications, compared to patients maintained on Additionally, given the absence of data in ado-
placebo. These studies suggest that, despite a sig- lescent samples, it is not known if the pattern of
nificant rate of relapse on antidepressant medi- results from the controlled studies of pharma-
cations, the rate of relapse is greater when med- cotherapy for relapse prevention apply to a
ication is discontinued after a few months younger population.
Chapter 14 Treatment of Eating Disorders 299

EVALUATION OF THE EFFICACY AND home, the disruption of family life or schooling,
EFFECTIVENESS OF TREATMENTS FOR or financial burden, this option may be neces-
EATING DISORDERS IN ADOLESCENTS sary if other types of treatment are not effective.
Treatment options in smaller towns or rural ar-
The previous discussion has focused on the spe- eas are often limited to therapists with varying
cific efficacy of psychological and pharmacolog- degrees of interest and expertise in treating ad-
ical treatments. There are a number of other olescents with eating disorders. The skills and in-
questions that need to be addressed when eval- terests of the adolescent’s treatment providers
uating the treatment of eating disorders in ado- help to determine where an adolescent will be
lescents: When is the best time to begin treat- treated, as some primary care physicians may
ment? What is the optimal treatment setting? not feel comfortable monitoring the physical
Do adolescents with eating disorders need spe- health of adolescents with eating disorders, and
cialized services? Finally, who should provide some therapists may limit their practice to
the treatment? adults. In these situations, adolescents who
might otherwise be treated in their home com-
munity may need to be referred to a specialty
When Should Treatment Begin? program. It is best if an appropriate treatment
team or program is available locally, allowing an
Ideally, patients should be identified at the ear- adolescent to live at home and engage in out-
liest possible point in the course of the disorder, patient therapy while also remaining in school
and treatment should begin as soon as the ado- and continuing to develop important peer rela-
lescent, the parent(s), or other professional(s) tionships. The challenge for the provider is to
recognizes a clinically significant eating prob- determine the balance between ideal treatment
lem. As implied in the previous section, treat- and available treatment.
ment should frequently be initiated before Even when services are available, there are
symptoms have become sufficiently severe to very limited data to guide the practitioner in de-
meet full diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa termining the most appropriate type and dura-
or bulimia nervosa. Among the factors to be con- tion of clinical services for anorexia nervosa. A
sidered in initiating treatment are the intensity, recent study suggests that more expensive, in-
severity, and duration of symptoms, and the mo- tensive inpatient treatment early in the course of
tivation of the adolescent and the family for anorexia nervosa is associated with reduced re-
treatment. lapse and long-term personal, social, and finan-
cial costs (Striegel-Moore, Leslie, Petrill, Garvin,
& Rosenheck, 2000). For adults with bulimia
Where Should Adolescents Be Treated? nervosa, an initial brief and less intensive treat-
ment, followed by more intensive and special-
A fundamental and noncontroversial tenet is ized care for nonresponders within a stepped-
that treatment should occur in the least restric- care framework, as noted above, might be
tive setting in which effective treatment can be effective (Garner & Needleman, 1997; Wilson et
provided. A primary real-world consideration is al., 2000).
the availability of treatment settings to which Currently, there are no agreed-upon specific
the adolescent has access. Larger cities are more treatment protocols for adolescents with eating
likely to have university-based programs, with a disorders to guide practitioners in matching the
full spectrum of treatment options such as out- treatment setting and intensity to the patient’s
patient clinics, intensive outpatient and partial clinical status. Instead, adolescents tend to begin
hospitalization programs, and inpatient hospi- in outpatient treatment settings, with visits to
talization. Although referral to more intensive medical and mental health services, then pro-
treatment settings, such as residential facilities gress to more intensive treatment approaches if
or inpatient units, may be resisted by adolescents they do not have a positive response to treat-
or their parents because of the distance from ment.
300 Part IV Eating Disorders

Are There Special Considerations in Treating hensive and rigorous evaluation of the literature
Adolescents with Eating Disorders? on eating disorders. A guideline that makes rec-
ommendations for the identification, treatment,
One aspect of treatment that is unique to ado- and management of anorexia nervosa, bulimia
lescents is the involvement and authority of the nervosa, and atypical eating disorders (including
family in the treatment process. The develop- binge eating disorder) was published in January
ment of a therapeutic relationship between care 2004 (NICE, 2004). The guidelines contains spe-
providers and parents can be critical to success, cific recommendations regarding the treatment
but also challenging if parents deny the exis- of adolescents with anorexia nervosa and bu-
tence of a problem or blame the adolescent for limia nervosa (see
the problem. Conversely, if the care providers at-
tribute blame or fault to the parents, it will be
difficult to foster a collaborative relationship Professional Guidelines
with the parents.
Although not based on empirical studies ad-
dressing the appropriate timing, location, and
Who Should Provide the Treatment? provider of treatment for adolescents with eating
disorders, several professional organizations
Especially for anorexia nervosa, treatment often have developed guidelines for the treatment of
begins with a specialist in adolescent medicine anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
because of the physical symptoms associated The American Psychiatric Association (APA)
with weight loss (e.g., amenorrhea, fatigue, cold published its first practice guideline for the treat-
intolerance, weakness, fainting). Adolescents ment of patients with eating disorders in 1993,
with anorexia nervosa tend to be more willing with a revision in 2000. In this guideline, pre-
to be evaluated for these “medical problems” sentation of the disorder in the younger child
than for any associated psychological symp- and older adult were described, but the specific
toms. In addition to addressing the presenting treatment needs of adolescents were not ad-
medical symptoms, primary care providers can dressed. A strength of this guideline is the advice
suggest the need for additional mental health provided to practitioners on the medical man-
services. By focusing on the signs and symptoms agement of anorexia nervosa. The choice of a
that precipitated a medical evaluation and em- treatment site and the potential collaborative ar-
phasizing healthy meal planning and comple- rangements among different health care profes-
tion, the primary care provider can shift the fo- sionals are similarly addressed. The APA practice
cus away from the presence of an eating disorder guideline notes that bulimia nervosa patients
and toward the behaviors needed to improve rarely require hospitalization. Family therapy is
health, thereby enhancing motivation for treat- said to be especially useful for adolescents, ac-
ment. In the case of continuing medical insta- cording to the Russell et al. (1987) study (see our
bility or significant eating problems, adolescent analysis of this research above, under Psycholog-
patients can be referred for additional specialist ical Treatments for Adolescents with Anorexia
services. Appropriately trained health-care pro- Nervosa).
fessionals can usually treat bulimia nervosa on In 2003, the Society for Adolescent Medicine
an outpatient basis, but some patients with bu- (SAM) published guidelines that are similar to
limia nervosa need to be monitored for potential the 2000 APA recommendations (Golden et al.,
medical complications. 2003) with five major positions on the treatment
of adolescents with eating disorders:

Government Guidelines 1. Diagnosis should be considered in the con-

text of normal adolescent growth and de-
In the United Kingdom, the National Institute velopment, because adolescents, especially
for Clinical Excellence has completed a compre- younger ones, may have significant health
Chapter 14 Treatment of Eating Disorders 301

risks associated with dysfunctional weight lationship with a patient, primary care providers
control practices, even though they do not already have an established trusting relationship
meet full DSM-IV criteria. with the patient and the family, and usually have
2. Treatment should be initiated at lower the necessary knowledge and skills to monitor
symptom levels than for adults. health. The AAP policy statement also advocated
3. Nutritional management should reflect the rapid and aggressive treatment of eating disor-
patient’s age, pubertal stage, and physical ac- ders, and noted that hospitalization might be re-
tivity level. quired in the case of emerging medical or psy-
4. Family-based treatment should be consid- chiatric needs or failure to respond to intensive
ered an important part of treatment for most outpatient treatment.
adolescents, and mental health services
should address the psychopathologic pat-
terns of eating disorders, developmental Summary
tasks of adolescence, and possible comorbid
psychiatric conditions. There are no scientific studies to indicate the op-
5. The assessment and treatment of adoles- timal treatment for adolescents, in terms of
cents is best accomplished by a treatment when treatment should begin, where that treat-
team that is knowledgeable about normal ment should be delivered, or who should pro-
adolescent physical and psychological vide the treatment. The consensus view is that
growth and development. Hospitalization therapy should begin as soon as possible after a
would be necessary in the presence of severe clinically significant eating problem has been
malnutrition, physiologic instability, severe identified, with the treatment provider, parents,
mental health disturbance, or failure of out- and patient working to individualize treatment.
patient treatment. The setting for the treatment is partially deter-
mined by availability, but the severity and du-
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) ration of illness, especially with regard to medi-
also published a statement about the treatment cal complications, must also be considered. The
of adolescents with eating disorders in 2003, not- optimal professional to treat an adolescent with
ing the potential role for primary care providers an eating disorder is again determined in part by
in the identification and treatment of these dis- availability. Eating disorders can be effectively
orders (Rome et al., 2003). The AAP emphasized managed by a variety of different professionals,
the unique position of primary care pediatricians including physicians (psychiatrists, primary care
in detecting the onset of eating disorders and providers, or adolescent medicine specialists),
stopping their progression at the earliest stages psychologists, social workers, and nutritionists
of the illness as part of routine, preventive health who are familiar with efficacious treatment of
care. Additionally, because of their existing re- eating disorders.
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Prevention of Eating Disorders

15 c h a p t e r
304 Part IV Eating Disorders

For any disorder, understanding the risk factors, take, making it difficult to determine whether
or variables that predict the development of the successful dieting and unsuccessful dieting play
disorder, is vital to prevention efforts. In eating similar roles in the development of eating dis-
disorders, considerable progress has been made orders.
in identifying risk factors for the development of The terms restrained eating and dietary restraint
the syndrome of bulimia nervosa and for a num- are theoretical constructs frequently employed
ber of the behavioral and psychological symp- in discussions of risk factors for the development
toms of eating disorders; however, much less is and maintenance of eating disorders. Dietary re-
know about risk factors for anorexia nervosa. straint refers to a mental or cognitive set linked
Through recent efforts we have begun to identify with the attempt to diet, and tends to be asso-
risk factors and to examine how they increase ciated with unsuccessful dieting (Lowe, 1993).
the probability that an eating disorder will de- However, like the term dieting, dietary restraint
velop. This information is being used to inform and restrained eating are used to describe a range
rational prevention efforts. of attitudes and behaviors, including food avoid-
Finally, the syndromes of anorexia nervosa
DEFINITIONS and bulimia nervosa are characterized by what
may be termed “unhealthy weight loss behav-
A risk factor is an agent or exposure that increases iors.” These include a wide range of activities as-
the probability of an adverse outcome, in this sociated with some risk of physical harm, such
case, eating disorders. In order to be demon- as self-induced vomiting, laxative and diet pill
strated conclusively as a risk factor, the agent abuse, complete food avoidance for extended pe-
in question should be assessed prospectively riods of time (fasting), and excessive exercise to
(prior to development of the eating disorder), lose weight. These types of behavior are relevant
show temporal precedence to the onset of in discussions of risk factors for eating disorders,
the eating disorder, and show some degree of as a considerable number of young people en-
specificity with the eating disorder (i.e., not be gage in unhealthy weight loss behaviors, and it
merely a general risk factor for psychopathol- is possible that such individuals are at high risk
ogy). for the development of eating disorders meeting
One of the first factors mentioned in most dis- full DSM-IV criteria.
cussions of risk factors for eating disorders is diet- In this chapter, we will attempt to use the
ing (Schmidt, 2002). The term dieting is complex, terms dieting, unsuccessful dieting, dietary restraint,
laden with many meanings, and used to refer to and unhealthy weight loss behaviors in the narrow
a variety of attitudes and behaviors. The Na- sense just described. However, the range of
tional Task Force on the Prevention and Treat- ways in which these terms have been used in the
ment of Obesity (2000) defines dieting as “the literature and the failure of many studies to
intentional and sustained restriction of caloric define them add to the difficulties of interpret-
intake for the purposes of reducing body weight ing the literature on risk factors for eating dis-
or changing body shape, resulting in a signifi- orders.
cant negative energy balance.” This useful and
relatively straightforward definition implies that
dieting, because it results in negative energy bal- BACKGROUND ON RISK FACTORS FOR
ance, must be associated with weight loss. ANOREXIA AND BULIMIA NERVOSA
Therefore, attempts to restrict caloric intake that
do not result in weight loss might properly be In order to explore the literature on risk factors
termed “unsuccessful dieting”; such attempts are for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa,
frequently described by individuals with symp- slightly different approaches are necessary. In
toms of eating disorders. The literature on eating part, this divergence stems from necessity. An-
disorders uses dieting to refer to both successful orexia nervosa is more rare than bulimia nervo-
and unsuccessful attempts to restrict caloric in- sa, and fewer prospective studies of anorexia ner-
Chapter 15 Prevention of Eating Disorders 305

vosa have been performed. Despite decades of among females (see Chapter 13), and the predic-
study, no true risk factor for anorexia nervosa has tion of a rare event is challenging, as evidenced
been clearly demonstrated and confirmed. A by longitudinal studies in which no incident
greater number of prospective studies of bulimia cases of anorexia nervosa emerged (McKnight
nervosa exist. Nonetheless, the outcome is often Investigators, 2003; Stice, Presnell, & Bearman,
varying degrees of bulimic pathology, rather 2001).
than the occurrence of the syndrome of bulimia Unfortunately, few if any studies have satis-
nervosa meeting full DSM-IV criteria. Unlike the fied the standards outlined above for identifica-
study of risk factors for anorexia nervosa, there tion of true risk factors. Although the available
have been attempts to study bulimia nervosa risk study designs have yielded suggestions about
factors experimentally, with some intriguing re- possible risk factors, confounds in their design
sults. When prospective and experimental stud- have made it impossible to determine whether
ies exist, they are highlighted, as these designs the traits examined are truly risk factors or phe-
permit firmer inferences regarding the potential nomena associated with anorexia nervosa in
risk factors that promote psychiatric distur- some other way. Ultimately, novel designs will
bances. likely be required to identify factors that increase
In the absence of prospective and experimen- risk for anorexia nervosa.
tal studies, the review of risk factors for anorexia In the absence of definitive studies, this dis-
nervosa necessitates a greater reliance on cross- cussion will include a range of potential risk fac-
sectional data. Although such data can be useful tors that have been associated with anorexia ner-
for generating hypotheses on potential risk fac- vosa via a variety of research designs. Three
tors for eating pathology, this type of design does axes—temporal precedence, or, “Did the event
not allow for differentiation of a precursor from occur prior to the onset of anorexia nervosa?”;
a concomitant or consequence of a psychiatric time of reporting, or, “Was the temporal prece-
condition. One exception is research on genetic dence determined prospectively or retrospec-
factors, because one’s genetic make-up is deter- tively?”; and the nature of the outcome event,
mined before birth, and therefore temporal pre- or, whether the observed outcome is DSM-IV an-
cedence is ensured, although complicated by orexia nervosa or a broadly defined anorexia ner-
complex gene–environment interactions and vosa syndrome or symptom—will be considered.
gene–environment correlations. In addition, in Although longitudinal data suggest temporal
this review, studies that used retrospective re- stability of severe anorexia nervosa symptoms
ports were de-emphasized or excluded, because that emerge in childhood and persist throughout
temporal precedence could not be demonstrated adolescence and adulthood (Kotler, Cohen, Da-
and retrospective data are subject to a variety of vies, Pine, & Walsh, 2001), the relation between
biases. symptoms that do not meet criteria for DSM-IV
anorexia nervosa and the subsequent develop-
ment of DSM-IV anorexia nervosa is less certain.
RISK FACTORS FOR ANOREXIA NERVOSA The correlation of anorexia nervosa symptoms
ranges from 0.4 to 0.5 over time. Table 15.1 pre-
Several factors have contributed to our relative sents the putative risk factors and their ratings
lack of understanding of risk factors for anorexia on each of the three axes.
nervosa. First, there is the pervasive sense that The mechanisms of action by which these pu-
anorexia nervosa is a disorder “chosen” by tative risk factors may operate to increase risk of
women in pursuit of an unrealistic sociocultural anorexia nervosa have not begun to be explored.
body size ideal. Such beliefs can hamper at- Similarly, there are no data on the timing of ex-
tempts at identifying true risk factors. From a ba- posure and whether there are critical windows
sic epidemiological perspective, identification of for exposure that lead to differential risk. Nor
risk factors for anorexia nervosa has been diffi- have factors that may protect against the devel-
cult. The prevalence of the disorder in the pop- opment of anorexia nervosa been examined in
ulation is relatively low, no more than 1% or 2% any detail.
306 Part IV Eating Disorders

Table 15.1 Risk Factors for Anorexia Nervosa

Associated with Associated with

Temporal Prospectively Persists after Full Syndrome of Subthreshold
Factor Precedence Assessed Recovery AN Symptoms

Gender ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹
Puberty ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹
Societal emphasis ⫹
on thinness
Perinatal events ⫹ ⫹ ⫹
Personality, temper- ⫹ ⫹
Early feeding prob- ⫹ ⫹
Obesity (self)
Obesity (familial) ⫹
Dieting ⫹ ⫹
Body dissatisfaction ⫹ ⫹
Depression ⫹ ⫹ ⫹
Anxiety ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹
Family environment ⫹
Life events ⫹ ⫹ ⫹
Social support
High-risk activities ⫹
Family history, ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹

AN, anorexia nervosa; CSA, childhood sexual abuse; SES, socioeconomic status.

General Risk Factors ological (Garner & Garfinkel, 1980) factors exist,
no definitive answer has been found as to why a
differential risk for gender is so consistently ob-
Being female is perhaps the most reliable risk fac- served across cultures.
tor for anorexia nervosa. The female-to-male ra-
tio for anorexia nervosa has been consistently es-
timated to be approximately 10:1 in both clinical
and epidemiological samples (Garfinkel et al., The onset of anorexia nervosa typically occurs
1995; Hoek, 1991; Jones, Fox, Babigan, & Hut- during the peripubertal or postpubertal period
ton, 1980; Lucas, Beard, O’Fallon, & Kurland, (Lucas et al., 1988, 1991). Prepubertal anorexia
1988; Lucas, Beard, O’Fallon, & Kurland, 1991; nervosa exists (Cooper, Watkins, Bryant-Waugh,
Rand & Kuldau, 1992; Rastam, Gillberg, & Gar- & Lask, 2002), but is uncommon (Stein, Chal-
ton, 1989; Soundy, Lucas, Suman, & Melton, houb, & Hodes, 1998). Disturbances in eating
1995; Wells, Bushnell, Hornblow, Joyce, & and weight-related behaviors are clearly present,
Oakley-Browne, 1989). The uneven gender however, in preadolescent girls (Graber, Brooks-
distribution cannot yet be explained, and al- Gunn, Paikoff, & Warren, 1994; Killen et al.,
though theories ranging from sociocultural to bi- 1994; Leon, Fulkerson, Perry, & Cudeck, 1993;
Chapter 15 Prevention of Eating Disorders 307

Sands, Tricker, Sherman, Armatas, & Maschette, fect the incidence of eating disorder–related be-
1997). The extent to which these disturbances haviors (Becker, Burwell, Gilman, Herzog, &
overlap with anorexia nervosa is not entirely Hamburg, 2002; Bulik, 1987; Fichter, Weyerer,
known (Kotler et al., 2001). Onset of anorexia Sourdi, & Sourdi, 1983; Katzman, Nasser, & Gor-
nervosa can occur throughout the life span don, 2001). It is unclear whether exposure to
(Beck, Casper, & Andersen, 1996; Inagaki et al., Western ideals or major nonspecific life stress
2002), but the highest risk period for onset is (i.e., immigration) is associated with the emer-
around puberty (Lucas et al., 1988, 1991). As is gence of eating pathology.
true with gender, there is no definitive answer as
to why puberty increases risk, and theories range
Race and Socioeconomic Status
from sociocultural (during puberty girls become
more vulnerable to social pressures to be thin, Traditionally, anorexia nervosa was considered
especially in the context of their changing bod- to be a disorder confined to the white upper-
ies; Gowers & Shore, 2001) to biological (hor- middle class. This perception may result from
monal changes during puberty trigger other rel- the failure of many community-based studies to
evant biological processes; see Muñoz & Argente, include non-white participants or from sam-
2002, for a review). In contrast to binge eating pling highly homogeneous populations (Bush-
disorder (Reichborn-Kjennerud, Bulik, Tambs, nell, Wells, Hornblow, Oakley-Browne, & Joyce,
Harris, & Sullivan, submitted) early menarche 1990; Götestam & Agras, 1995; Hoek et al., 1995;
has not been associated with risk for anorexia Kendler et al., 1991). Anorexia nervosa occurs
nervosa (Fairburn, Cooper, Doll, & Welch, 1999; across races and cultures (Hoek et al., 1998; Katz-
Stice et al., 2001). man et al., 2001). In terms of socioeconomic
status, in a large population-based study of fe-
male twins, Walters and Kendler (1995) found
Societal Emphasis on Thinness
that a greater number of years of parental edu-
Weight concerns and dieting are normative in cation (a proxy variable for SES) was associated
developed countries (Rodin, Silberstein, & with anorexia nervosa. In addition, Striegel-
Striegel-Moore, 1985; Striegel-Moore, Silber- Moore, Dohm, et al. (2003) found that 15 white
stein, & Rodin, 1986), a cultural phenomenon (1.5%) and no black women in a geographically
thought to be a necessary but not sufficient pre- and economically diverse community sample of
condition for the development of eating disor- young women who had previously participated
ders (Brownell, 1991; Garner & Garfinkel, 1980). in the 10-year National Heart, Lung, and Blood
The incidence of anorexia nervosa on Curaçao Institute (NHLBI) Growth and Health Study met
suggests, however, that anorexia nervosa is not lifetime criteria for anorexia nervosa.
confined to areas embracing the Western ideal of
slimness (Hoek, van Harten, van Hoeken, & Sus-
Perinatal Events
ser, 1998). The precise role of sociocultural fac-
tors in increasing risk for anorexia nervosa is un- Cnattingius, Hultman, Dahl, and Sparen (1999),
clear, as exposure to thin ideals and dieting are using the link between the Swedish birth registry
nearly universal in industrialized countries, but and the Swedish psychiatric inpatient registry,
only a very small number of young women found that girls born prematurely (especially if
actually develop clinically significant eating dis- they were small for gestational age) and those
orders. Individuals may be susceptible to the cul- born with cephalhematoma (a collection of
tural pressures toward dieting and body dissat- blood under the scalp of a newborn) were at in-
isfaction in proportion to their degree of genetic creased risk for developing anorexia nervosa.
predisposition (Bulik, 2003). Thus, although all This study employed a design capable of identi-
individuals are exposed to these forces, those at fying true prospective risk factors. The authors
greater genetic risk may be more adversely af- hypothesized that subtle brain damage at birth
fected. Immigration and the rapid introduction could result in early feeding difficulties and in-
of Western body ideals have been shown to af- crease risk for anorexia nervosa. It is also possible
308 Part IV Eating Disorders

that prematurity and small size for gestational samples of individuals who later develop anorex-
age of infants were secondary effects of lingering ia nervosa, some studies have used a “recovery”
eating disorders in the mother. Shoebridge and design, in which traits that persist after recovery
Gowers (2000) also noted higher rates of peri- are assumed to represent enduring traits that pre-
natal or infant loss in mothers of a clinical sam- ceded the onset of the disorder and are thought
ple of individuals with anorexia nervosa, and to represent vulnerability factors. The potential
greater maternal anxiety and concern during weakness of this design is that these traits may
pregnancy. Emerging data in animals suggest not have existed premorbidly and instead could
that even moderate maternal undernutrition represent personality or trait “scars” from having
around the time of conception can produce a had anorexia nervosa.
precocious fetal cortisol surge and preterm birth
(Bloomfield et al., 2003), a phenomenon which
could occur in women with anorexia nervosa Specific Eating and Weight-Related
symptoms around the time of conception. Ad- Risk Factors
ditional data indicate that individuals with cur-
Obesity and Body Mass Index
rent or past anorexia nervosa have a higher risk
of birth complications, cesarean deliveries, and Parental obesity is less frequently associated with
postpartum depression (Bulik, Sullivan, Fear, risk for anorexia nervosa than for bulimia nervo-
Pickering, & Dawn, 1999; Franko & Walton, sa, and familial obesity appears to be more com-
1993; Franko et al., 2001). Perinatal adverse mon in family members of women with bulimia
events may therefore increase the risk of devel- nervosa than women with anorexia nervosa
oping anorexia nervosa, and a past history of (Garfinkel, Moldofsky, & Garner, 1980; Grace, Ja-
anorexia nervosa may increase the risk of expe- cobson, & Fullager, 1985; Vieselman & Roig,
riencing adverse perinatal events, thus perpetu- 1985). Fairburn, Welch, Doll, Davies, and
ating a cycle of risk. O’Connor (1997) also found a differential obe-
sity risk between individuals with anorexia ner-
vosa and bulimia nervosa, with anorexia nervosa
Individual Risk Factors women having lower familial risk of obesity.
Only one study explored the opposite phenom-
Personality Characteristics
enon, whether parents of individuals with an-
Psychometric studies have consistently linked orexia nervosa tend to be thinner than parents
anorexia nervosa to a cluster of personality and of healthy controls (Halmi, Struss, & Goldberg,
temperamental traits—specifically, negative self- 1978), and there was no evidence to suggest that
evaluation, low self-esteem, extreme compli- either mothers or fathers weighed less than par-
ance, obsessionality, perfectionism, neuroticism, ents of controls.
and harm avoidance (Anderluh, Tchanturia,
Rabe-Hesketh, & Treasure, 2003; Brewerton,
Dorn, & Bishop, 1992; Bulik, Sullivan, Weltzin,
& Kaye, 1995; Bulik, Tozzi, et al., 2003; Fairburn, The prevalence of dieting has been estimated to
Cooper, et al., 1999; Gual et al., 2002; Karwautz be between 14% and 77% and is highest in
et al., 2001; Kleifield, Sunday, Hurt, & Halmi, young women (French, Perry, Leon, & Fulkerson,
1994; Srinivasagam et al., 1995; Strober, 1990; 1994). In most of these studies dieting was sim-
Tyrka, Waldron, Graber, & Brooks-Gunn, 2002; ply defined as whether individuals had ever re-
Vitousek & Manke, 1994; Waller et al., 1993; stricted their intake to lose weight, and therefore
Walters & Kendler, 1995). These traits continue may have captured both successful and unsuc-
to characterize individuals with anorexia nervo- cessful dieters. In a study of 36,320 public school
sa even after recovery (Bulik, Sullivan, Fear, & students, dieting frequency was strongly related
Pickering, 2000; Casper, 1990; Kaye, Weltzin, & to poor body image, fears of being unable to con-
Hsu, 1993; Srinivasagam et al., 1995). In the ab- trol eating, and more prevalent history of binge
sence of premorbid personality data on large eating. Dieting was also related in a “dose–re-
Chapter 15 Prevention of Eating Disorders 309

sponse” fashion to a range of psychosocial and commonly, overanxious disorder, obsessive-

health behavior variables (French, Story, compulsive disorder, or social phobia. In many
Downes, Resnick, & Blum, 1995). Walters and cases, onset of the anxiety disorder precedes the
Kendler (1995) found dieting status to be asso- onset of anorexia nervosa (Bulik et al., 1997;
ciated with anorexia nervosa in a population- Deep et al., 1995). Retrospective accounts of pre-
based sample of twins; however, dieting was not morbid symptoms among children who later de-
measured prior to the onset of anorexia nervosa. velop anorexia nervosa often emphasize the
In contrast, in a series of studies of anorexia ner- presence of pervasive anxiety (Bruch, 1973; Lask
vosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder & Bryant-Waugh, 2000). This pattern of onset
in which subjects were asked to report on the may reflect the natural course of the two disor-
premorbid presence of potential risk factors, ders (i.e., the average age of onset of many anx-
Fairburn, Cooper, et al. (1999) found that al- iety disorders is younger than the average age of
though dieting dimensions were relevant to the onset of anorexia nervosa), but it may also in-
emergence of both bulimia nervosa and binge dicate that childhood anxiety is a significant risk
eating disorder, they were not associated with factor for the development of anorexia nervosa.
anorexia nervosa. Dieting was not elevated in a In a population-based sample of over 2,000 fe-
study of affected sisters of discordant sister pairs male twins, odds ratios for generalized anxiety
(Karwautz et al., 2001). Thus, the data from clin- disorder, phobias, and panic disorder were sig-
ical and epidemiological studies do not resolve nificantly elevated among women with varying
whether dieting should be considered a risk fac- definitions of anorexia nervosa (Walters & Ken-
tor for anorexia nervosa. dler, 1995).
In addition, several outcome studies suggest
that depression and anxiety commonly persist
Body Dissatisfaction and Slim Body Ideal
after recovery from anorexia nervosa (Löwe et
Dissatisfaction with the size or shape of one’s al., 2001; Sullivan, Bulik, Fear, & Pickering,
body is often thought to be the psychological 1998). Significantly elevated relative risks for
motivator for dieting behavior (Stice, 1994) and mood disorders have been reported among rel-
a key contributor to the gender differential in atives of probands with anorexia nervosa (Ger-
prevalence of eating disorders. In puberty, body shon et al., 1984; Hudson, Pope, Jonas, &
satisfaction begins to decrease in young girls, Yurgelun-Todd, 1983; Logue, Crowe, & Bean,
and this dissatisfaction may be secondary to the 1989; Rivinus et al., 1984), although these rates
increase in body fat percentage associated with may be highest among relatives of individuals
female pubertal development (Marino & King, with anorexia nervosa who are themselves de-
1980). Dissatisfaction with body shape or size is pressed (Strober, Lampert, Morrell, Burroughs, &
thought to be the driving force for the onset of Jacobs, 1990). Twin studies have shown that the
dieting behavior (Cash & Henry, 1995; Hawkins genetic risk factors for anorexia nervosa and de-
& Clement, 1984; Rodin et al., 1985; Tiggemann, pression are correlated (Wade, Bulik, Neale, &
1994; Van Strien, 1989). Kendler, 2000), and there appears to be a unique
genetic factor that influences the emergence of
both early eating and early anxiety disorder
symptoms (Silberg & Bulik, submitted).
As previously discussed in Chapter 13, other sig-
nificant psychiatric disorders, especially major
depression and anxiety disorders, commonly co- Other “Environmental” Risk Factors
occur with anorexia nervosa (Braun, Sunday, &
Halmi, 1994; Bulik, 2001; Bulik, Sullivan, Fear, &
Joyce, 1997; Deep, Nagy, Weltzin, Rao, & Kaye, Early family theories of the etiology of anorexia
1995; Halmi et al., 1991). Well over half nervosa posited dysfunctional family patterns
of women with anorexia nervosa report a life- marked by enmeshment and rigidity (Minuchin,
time presence of an anxiety disorder—most Rosman, & Baker, 1978). Studies have generally
310 Part IV Eating Disorders

found that women with eating disorders display exist. Romans, Martin, and Mullen (1994) stud-
anxious attachment styles and separation dis- ied 3,000 women in New Zealand and found that
tress (Armstrong & Roth, 1989), greater fears of there was a higher frequency of anorexia nervosa
abandonment, and lack of autonomy in rela- and bulimia nervosa in women who reported
tionships (Becker, Bell, & Billington, 1987; CSA. However, CSA did not appear to act inde-
Kenny & Hart, 1992); the more insecure the at- pendently, as poor parenting and growing up
tachment with parents, the greater the disor- away from both parents also contributed inde-
dered eating pathology (Heesacker & Neimeyer, pendently to risk of eating disorders. Kinzl,
1990). Shoebridge and Gowers (2000) noted Traweger, Guenther, and Biebl (1994) high-
higher rates of near exclusive maternal childcare, lighted the importance of the familial environ-
severe distress at first separation, high maternal ment in which CSA occurs and the difficulty in
trait anxiety, and later age for sleeping away teasing out the long-term effects of CSA without
from home in patients with anorexia nervosa in considering the family context that mediates the
comparison to controls. experience of abuse (Alexander, 1992). The cur-
rent data suggest overall that CSA and abuse of
other types, although more common in women
Family Environment
with anorexia nervosa, may be more general risk
Research does not support the existence of a factors for psychopathology.
“typical” anorexia nervosa family; indeed, stud-
ies that have compared family environment
Life Events
across eating disorders tend to identify more
family dysfunction in families with bulimia ner- Horesch et al. (1995) found that adolescents with
vosa offspring than those with anorexia nervosa anorexia nervosa reported more adverse life
offspring. Schmidt, Tiller, and Treasure (1993) events than healthy controls, and more adverse
found that women with bulimia nervosa had ex- life events relating to family than psychiatric
perienced more family arrangements, parental controls. Fairburn, Cooper, et al. (1999) found
indifference, excessive parental control, physical that a history of events including abuse and
abuse, and violence among family members death of close relatives increased the risk of an-
than members of other eating disorders sub- orexia nervosa. Schmidt, Tiller, Blanchard, An-
groups. Murphy, Troop, and Treasure (2000) re- drews, and Treasure (1997) found that individ-
ported that sisters with anorexia nervosa had uals with anorexia nervosa experienced
higher levels of maternal control and more an- significantly more adverse events and difficulties
tagonism toward and jealousy of their sisters with the potential to evoke sexual shame or dis-
than did their unaffected sisters. In a population- gust, in the year prior to onset of anorexia ner-
based sample of female twins, Walters and Ken- vosa. An increase in such events was also found
dler (1995) reported higher maternal over- by Karwautz et al. (2001) in a study of discordant
protectiveness in individuals with anorexia sisters: sisters with anorexia nervosa reported
nervosa. more teasing about breast development.
Whether individuals with eating disorders actu-
ally experience more adverse life events, whether
Sexual Abuse
they remember adverse life events better than
Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) has been reported patients without such events, or whether they
in women with anorexia nervosa (Herzog, Staley, are more susceptible to the impact of life events
Carmody, Robbins, & van der Kolk, 1993; Horesh remains unknown.
et al., 1995), and there is some evidence that CSA
is more prevalent in women with anorexia ner-
Social Support and Interpersonal
vosa who exhibit purging behavior (Waller,
Halek, & Crisp, 1993). Given the relative rarity
of anorexia nervosa, few population-based esti- Women with eating disorders report less suc-
mates of the prevalence of CSA in these women cessful social adjustment and problematic inter-
Chapter 15 Prevention of Eating Disorders 311

personal relationships (Norman & Herzog, 1984; rotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]) neuronal
Pike & Rodin, 1991; Striegel-Moore, Silberstein, transmission. Serotonin function in the brain is
& Rodin, 1993). Problems with social adjustment involved in the regulation of both mood and be-
often persist after recovery (Casper, 1990; Fava et havior, including eating behavior. Increased 5-
al., 1990; Yager, Landsverk, & Edelstein, 1987; HT activity may contribute to core emotional
Yager, Landsverk, Edelstein, & Jarvik, 1988). and attitudinal factors, such as anxiety, perfec-
tionism, harm avoidance, and body image dis-
Participation in Sports and Activities, tortions, which, when coupled with psychoso-
Professions with Focus on Body Shape cial influences, may increase an individual’s risk
and Weight for developing anorexia nervosa (Kaye et al., sub-
mitted). Disturbances of 5-HT activity and anx-
Activities that place substantial emphasis on
ious, obsessive symptoms persist after recovery
weight and appearance (e.g., ballet, gymnastics)
from anorexia nervosa, and recovered women
have been investigated as independent risk fac-
have increased levels of the major serotonin
tors for the development of anorexia nervosa.
metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA)
Ballet participation has received substantial at-
in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (Kaye, Gwirtsman,
tention (Klump, Ringham, Marcus, & Kaye,
George, & Ebert, 1991). Moreover, the antide-
2001) because of the high levels of required ex-
pressant medication fluoxetine, which affects
ercise and pressures for thinness and athletic ex-
the serotonergic system, may reduce the rate of
cellence (Garner & Garfinkel, 1980; Vaisman,
relapse among anorexia nervosa patients (Kaye
Voet, Akivis, & Sive-Ner, 1996; Weeda-Mannak
et al., 2001).
& Drop, 1985). An increased prevalence of both
diagnosable eating disorders as well as disor-
dered eating symptoms has been observed in bal-
Genetic Risk Factors
let dancers, with a prevalence of DSM-IV anorex-
ia nervosa that is 4 to 25 times higher in ballet
A series of family studies have demonstrated a
dancers than that in the general population
significantly greater lifetime prevalence of eating
(4%–25%) (Garner & Garfinkel, 1980; Szmukler,
disorders among relatives of eating disordered
Eisler, Gillies, & Hayward, 1985; Vaisman et al.,
individuals than among relatives of controls
(Gershon et al., 1983; Hudson, Pope, Jonas,
Unlike data from other athlete groups (Pow-
Yurgelun-Todd, & Frankenburg, 1987; Kassett et
ers, Schocken, & Boyd, 1998), ballet dancers’
al., 1989; Lilenfeld et al., 1998; Strober et al.,
scores on measures of eating pathology are sim-
1990; Strober, Freeman, Lampert, Diamond, &
ilar to those of individuals with diagnosable eat-
Kaye, 2000). Relatives of individuals with an-
ing disorders. In addition, disturbed eating atti-
orexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa also have
tudes and behaviors appear to persist after
significantly increased rates of eating disorders
retirement in ballet dancers (Khan et al., 1996),
that do not meet full diagnostic criteria, com-
which has not been observed in other athlete
pared to relatives of controls (Lilenfeld et al.,
groups, including gymnasts (O’Connor, Lewis,
1998; Strober et al., 2000), which suggests a
Kirchner, & Cook, 1996). Moreover, athletic, ar-
broad spectrum of eating-related pathology in
tistic, and professional environments may at-
families. Thus, anorexia nervosa appears to be
tract individuals who are preoccupied with facets
familial (see Lilenfeld, Kaye, & Strober, 1997, for
central to eating disorder pathology. This pairing
a review). In addition, twin studies (Klump, Mil-
can then contribute to the emergence of the syn-
ler, Keel, McGue, & Iacono, 2001; Kortegaard,
Hoerder, Joergensen, Gillberg, & Kyvik, 2001;
Wade et al., 2000) suggest that the observed fa-
Biological Risk Factors milial links may be accounted for by genetic ef-
Several lines of evidence suggest that women Linkage studies have begun to identify areas
with anorexia nervosa have a disturbance of se- of the human genome that may harbor suscep-
312 Part IV Eating Disorders

tibility genes for anorexia nervosa, with the most crease in symptoms. Cross-sectional data, al-
promising areas being identified on chromo- though essential for hypothesis generation in
some 1 (Devlin et al., 2002; Grice et al., 2002). studies of anorexia nervosa, are less valuable, as
Several groups have investigated the relation be- it is difficult or impossible to establish whether
tween a variety of candidate genes and eating a variable is causally linked to the development
disorders (for a review, see Tozzi, Bergen, & Bulik, of the disorder or only associated with it in some
2002). These studies have chosen candidate way. It should be noted, however, that the pro-
genes based on systems and functions associated spective and experimental studies focus on risk
with food intake, body weight, regulation of factors for the development of broadly defined
feeding behavior, motor activity, energy expen- bulimic symptoms rather than the full syndrome
diture, metabolic adaptation to fasting, and of bulimia nervosa. Crucial unanswered ques-
other related characteristics and symptoms of tions are the nature of the relation between bu-
eating disorders. Although a number of positive limic symptoms and bulimia nervosa, and the
findings have been documented, no single gene degree of overlap between risk factors for bulimic
or set of genes has consistently emerged as being symptoms and risk factors for bulimia nervosa.
strongly associated with either anorexia nervosa
or bulimia nervosa. As anorexia nervosa is a com-
plex disorder whose etiology is influenced by Societal Emphasis on Thinness
multiple genes and multiple environmental fac-
tors, ultimate understanding of risk will have to As with anorexia nervosa, the cultural emphasis
include the elucidation of Gene ⫻ Environment, on thinness has been implicated as a risk factor
Gene ⫻ Gene, and Environment ⫻ Environment for the development of bulimia nervosa. Pressure
interactions. to be thin has been shown to predict increases
in body dissatisfaction, dieting, and negative af-
fect (Cattarin & Thompson, 1994; Field et al.,
2001; Stice, 2001; Stice & Bearman, 2001; Stice
& Whitenton, 2002; Wertheim, Koerner, & Pax-
Numerous studies have been conducted to iden-
ton, 2001) and to contribute to bulimic symp-
tify risk factors that predict the onset of anorexia
tom onset (Field, Camargo, Taylor, Berkey, &
nervosa, but enhanced efforts are needed to
Colditz, 1999; Stice & Agras, 1998; Stice, Pres-
identify true risk and protective factors for an-
nell, & Spangler, 2002). Experiments have found
orexia nervosa. Studies of recovered individuals,
that acute and long-term exposure to ultraslen-
while valuable, are not sufficient to discriminate
der media images and peers produces increased
between risk factors for anorexia nervosa and re-
body dissatisfaction, negative affect, dieting, and
sidual effects of anorexia nervosa. The identifi-
bulimic symptoms, but that these effects are
cation of protective factors is equally critical, as
stronger for girls with preexisting body image
the identification of factors that are associated
disturbances and social support deficits (Cat-
with both the emergence of anorexia nervosa
tarin, Thompson, Thomas, & Williams, 2000;
and the failure to develop the disorder has im-
Groesz, Levine, & Murnen, 2002; Irving, 1990).
plications for both detection and prevention of
Thus, perceived pressure to be thin appears to be
the disorder.
a risk factor for body dissatisfaction, dieting, neg-
ative affect, and bulimic symptoms, and these
RISK FACTORS FOR BULIMIA NERVOSA effects may be amplified for at-risk individuals.

As mentioned previously, this review of risk fac-

tors for bulimia nervosa will emphasize prospec- Early Feeding Problems
tive and experimental studies. Such studies,
properly conducted, are powerful in being able Several studies have examined the extent to
to establish with some clarity whether the intro- which early problems with feeding constitute
duction of a putative risk factor leads to an in- risk factors for the later development of broadly
Chapter 15 Prevention of Eating Disorders 313

defined eating disorder symptoms. In data ob- spective studies indicate that impulsivity does
tained from a long-term prospective study, Mar- not predict subsequent increases in bulimic
chi and Cohen (1990) found that symptoms of symptoms (Wonderlich, Connolly, & Stice, in
bulimia nervosa in later adolescence were related press). Thus, while there is currently no empiri-
to both digestive problems and pica in early cal evidence for a role of perfectionism or im-
childhood and to efforts at weight loss in early pulsivity as risk factors for bulimic pathology, ad-
adolescence. Stice, Agras, and Hammer (1999) ditional studies are required to determine
found that a higher infant body mass index whether these traits influence risk for threshold
(BMI) predicted the emergence of overeating and bulimia nervosa.
that longer duration of infant sucking predicted
overeating-induced vomiting in children; how-
ever, the relationship of these phenomena to the Negative Affect
development of bulimia nervosa is unknown.
Negative affect has been shown to predict in-
creases in bulimic symptoms and subthreshold/
Early Menarche threshold bulimic pathology among adolescents
(Cooley & Toray, 2001a; Killen et al., 1996; Stice,
Early menarche is thought to produce increased 2001; Stice & Agras, 1998), and experimentally
adipose tissue, which may result in a perceived induced negative affect produced increases in
deviation from the thin ideal and decreased body dissatisfaction in one study (Taylor & Coo-
body dissatisfaction and could, in turn, lead to per, 1992). One prevention trial found that an
dieting, negative affect, and bulimic symptoms. intervention that reduced negative affect pro-
Early sexual development can also lead to in- duced decreases in bulimic pathology (Burton,
creased sexual attention and unwanted com- Stice, Bearman, & Rohde, submitted). These re-
ments and teasing. However, early menarche did sults are consistent in suggesting that negative
not predict future increases in body dissatisfac- affect is a risk factor for bulimic pathology.
tion, dieting, negative affect, or bulimic symp-
toms (Cooley & Toray, 2001a; Hayward et al.,
1997; Stice & Whitenton, 2002). Therefore, the Obesity and Body Mass Index
currently available research does not support
early pubertal development as a risk factor for Elevated body mass, or being at a higher weight,
these symptoms. has been shown to predict increases in perceived
pressure to be thin, in body dissatisfaction, and
in attempted dieting (Cattarin & Thompson,
Perfectionism and Impulsivity 1994; Field et al., 2001; Patton, Johnson-Sabine,
Wood, Mann, & Wakeling, 1990; Stice & Whi-
Perfectionism has been evaluated as a risk factor tenton, 2002; Vogeltanz-Holm et al., 2000), but
for eating pathology because this personality not increases in depression (Lewinsohn et al.,
trait may promote a relentless pursuit of the thin 1994; Stice & Bearman, 2001; Stice, Hayward
ideal. Three studies have found that perfection- Cameron, Killen, & Taylor, 2000). Therefore, in-
ism did not predict future bulimic symptoma- dividuals at a higher weight may experience
tology (Killen et al., 1996; Vohs, Bardone, Joiner, pressure to be thin from family or peers, which
Abramson, & Heatherton, 1999; Vohs et al., could result in increased drive for thinness or
2001), although neither study used DSM-IV cri- body dissatisfaction, and increased risk for bu-
teria for bulimia nervosa as an outcome. Another limic symptoms. Increased BMI predicted the
personality characteristic, a deficit in impulse onset of bulimic symptoms in several studies
control, has also been considered a risk factor for (Killen et al., 1994; Stice, Presnell, & Spangler,
bulimic pathology, as deficits in impulse control 2002; Vogeltanz-Holm et al., 2000), but other
might increase the propensity for episodes of un- studies found no association (Cattarin & Thomp-
controllable binge eating. Data from three pro- son, 1994; Cooley & Toray, 2001b; Killen et al.,
314 Part IV Eating Disorders

1996; Stice & Agras, 1998). Thus, while increased Stubbs, 1989; Stice & Bearman, 2001; Stice et al.,
weight is a risk factor for pressure to be thin, 2000), bulimic symptom onset (Field et al., 1999;
body dissatisfaction, and attempted dieting, it Killen et al., 1994, 1996; Stice & Agras, 1998),
may play a more important role in promoting and bulimic symptoms (Cooley & Toray, 2001a;
other risk factors for bulimia nervosa than in di- Stice, 2001). An intervention that reduced body
rectly fostering bulimic symptoms. dissatisfaction produced decreases in negative af-
fect and bulimic symptoms (Bearman, Stice, &
Chase, 2003).
Dieting The societal ideal for thinness is very difficult
to attain, and may promote dieting in the ab-
Self-report dietary restraint measures predicted sence of body dissatisfaction. Body dissatisfac-
increases in negative affect (Stice & Bearman, tion and attempted dieting, in turn, are thought
2001; Stice et al., 2000) and onset of bulimic pa- to increase the risk for negative affect and bu-
thology (Field, Camargo, Taylor, Berkey, & Col- limic pathology. Thin-ideal internalization pre-
ditz, 1999; Killen et al., 1994, 1996; Stice, 2001; dicts increases in body dissatisfaction, attempted
Stice & Agras, 1998). However, experiments ma- dieting, negative affect (Stice, 2001; Stice & Whi-
nipulating dietary restriction have not sup- tenton, 2002) and is associated with bulimic
ported dietary restriction as a risk factor for bu- symptom onset (Field et al., 1999; Stice & Agras,
limic symptoms. Random assignment to a 1998; Stice et al., 2002). The effects of thin-ideal
low-calorie diet (Goodrick, Poston, Kimball, internalization appear to be stronger for heavier
Reeves & Foreyt, 1998; Presnell & Stice, 2003; girls (Stice et al., 2002; Stice & Whitenton, 2002).
Reeves et al., 2001) or a weight-maintenance diet Interventions that reduce thin-ideal internaliza-
(Klem, Wing, Simkin-Silverman, & Kuller, 1997; tion result in decreased body dissatisfaction,
Stice, Presnell, Groesz, & Shaw, submitted), rel- dieting, negative affect, and bulimic symptoms
ative to a waiting-list condition, resulted in re- (Stice & Shaw, 2004). Thus, the thin-ideal inter-
duced negative affect and bulimic symptoms nalization may be a risk factor for body dissatis-
among obese and nonobese samples. Although faction, dieting, negative affect, and bulimic
these findings appear contradictory, it has been symptoms, and these effects are potentiated by
reported that self-report dietary restraint scales elevated body weight.
do not measure actual caloric restriction (Stice,
Fisher, & Lowe, 2004), which indicates that these
scales may not be valid measures of dietary re- Genetic Risk Factors
striction. Thus, although prospective studies
suggest that dieting is a risk factor for negative Twin studies have yielded heritability estimates
affect and bulimic pathology, experimental stud- ranging from 31% to 83% for bulimia nervosa
ies suggest that prescribed dietary restriction is (e.g., Bulik, Sullivan, & Kendler, 1998; Kendler et
not a causal risk factor for bulimic pathology. It al., 1991; Wade et al., 1999). Significant linkage
is important to note that caloric restriction as has been reported on chromosome 10p, which
implemented in experimental situations may suggests that this is an area of the genome wor-
not mimic the types of dysfunctional dieting be- thy of further investigation for containing genes
havior that occur among individuals prone to that may influence risk for bulimia nervosa (Bu-
eating disorders. lik, Devlin, et al., 2003). However, researchers
have been unable to identify specific genes that
may influence the risk of developing bulimia
Body Dissatisfaction and Slim Body Ideal nervosa. It may be that bulimia nervosa is a com-
plex syndrome with both genetic and environ-
Body dissatisfaction predicts increases in at- mental underpinnings.
tempted dieting (Cooley & Toray, 2001a; Patton Although it is likely that risk factors for bu-
et al., 1990; Stice, 2001; Wertheim, Koerner, & limia are interactive and multiplicative, the pro-
Paxton 2001), negative affect (Rierdan, Koff, & spective evidence examining this issue is mini-
Chapter 15 Prevention of Eating Disorders 315

mal. In a recent review, Stice (2002) concluded severe caloric restriction, is a risk factor for full-
that there was some evidence that negative af- syndrome bulimia nervosa. Low self-esteem, per-
fect, perfectionism, and early menarche are po- fectionism, early menarche, and impulsivity do
tentiating factors that amplify the effects of not appear to be risk factors for bulimic symp-
other risk factors. He also noted that although toms. The conclusions from the studies of risk
early menarche did not emerge as a significant factors for bulimia nervosa indicate that preven-
risk factor for eating pathology in univariate tion programs that target thin-ideal internaliza-
models, it did appear to interact with life stres- tion, pressure to be thin, modeling of eating dis-
sors to predict emergence of negative affect and turbances, body dissatisfaction, and negative
eating disturbances (Stice, 2002). These promis- affect may prove useful in preventing the devel-
ing leads should be followed in future studies. opment of bulimic symptoms. Although cur-
rently unproven, it seems logical to assume that
a reduction in bulimic symptoms in a popula-
How Are Risk Factors Acquired?
tion would lead to a reduction in the incidence
As noted above, prospective studies have sug- of full-syndrome bulimia nervosa as well.
gested that the perceived pressure to be thin, in-
ternalization of a thin ideal, body dissatisfaction,
and negative affect are risk factors for the devel- TREATMENT OF OBESITY AS A RISK
opment of bulimic symptoms, and other studies FACTOR FOR EATING DISORDERS
have begun to examine the development of such
factors (Stice, 2002). Their acquisition is un- As discussed previously, although the empirical
doubtedly complex, involving the adolescent’s evidence is mixed, dieting is frequently impli-
innate susceptibility, developmental stage, and cated in the pathogenesis of eating disorders
exposure to sociocultural factors such as teasing (Schmidt, 2002). The presumed association be-
from family members and peers, social modeling tween dieting and the development of symp-
(e.g., Furman & Thompson, 2002; Jackson, Grilo, toms of eating disorders has led school-based
& Masheb, 2000; Stice, Maxfield, & Wells, 2003; eating disorder prevention programs to warn
van den Berg, Wertheim, Thompson, & Paxton, students about the ill effects of dieting (e.g., Ka-
2002), and media pressure (e.g., Field, Camargo, ter, Rohwer, & Levine, 2000). With obesity rap-
Taylor, Berkey, & Colditz, 1999; Field et al., 2001; idly becoming a major public health problem for
Taylor et al., 1998). Although few longitudinal America’s youth, it is important to understand
studies have demonstrated the developmental whether treatments for obesity, specifically rec-
sequence of exposure to risk factors, interven- ommendations to restrict caloric intake, increase
tions designed to reduce the impact of risk fac- the risk for the development of eating disorders.
tors may need to address a range of sociocultural Recent data indicate that 15.5% of adolescents
factors. are overweight, a 3-fold increase since 1980 (Na-
tional Center for Health Statistics, 2003;
Troiano, Flegal, Kuczmarski, Campbell, & John-
Summary son, 1995), and an additional 22% of adolescents
are at risk of being overweight, compared to
A number of factors, including perceived pres- 15.7% in 1980 (Troiano et al., 1995). Approxi-
sure to be thin, thin-ideal internalization, body mately 80% of overweight teenagers will become
dissatisfaction, and negative affect, have been obese adults and consequently will experience
identified as risk factors for the development of increased risks of cardiovascular disease, hyper-
bulimic symptoms. Some studies suggest that at- lipidemia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, gall-
tempted dieting is a risk factor for the develop- bladder disease, several cancers, and psychoso-
ment of bulimic symptoms, whereas other data cial complications (Casey, Dwyer, Coleman, &
indicate that actual experimentally prescribed Valadian, 1992; Garn, Sullivan, & Hawthorne,
dietary restriction is not a risk factor. It is not 1989). Adults suffer adverse health effects as a
clear whether dysfunctional dieting, especially result of teenage obesity (DiPietro, Mossberg, &
316 Part IV Eating Disorders

Stunkard, 1994; Must, Jacques, Dallal, Bajema, & Other issues must also be examined when
Dietz, 1992), but obese teens may not be spared considering whether dieting is a risk factor for
from health complications until they reach the development of eating disorders in over-
adulthood. Twenty years ago, Type 2 diabetes weight adolescents. First, studies of average
was rare in children and adolescents. However, weight or lean youth may have limited relevance
recent reports demonstrated that one third of ad- to overweight adolescents. Although average-
olescents diagnosed with diabetes had the Type weight individuals experience adverse behav-
2, or adult-onset, form of this disease, which rep- ioral and psychological effects from severe ca-
resents a 10-fold increase from rates in 1982 (Pin- loric restriction (Keys, Brozek, Henschel,
has-Hamiel et al., 1996; Glaser 1997; Phillips & Mickelson, & Taylor, 1950), obese adults who
Young, 2000). Investigators fear that diabetes have lost 10% of their initial weight have shown
progresses more quickly in youth than in adults improvements in mood and premorbid binge
(Styne, 2001). eating frequency (National Task Force on the Pre-
A combination of decreased caloric intake vention and Treatment of Obesity, 2000). A sec-
(i.e., dieting) and increased physical activity is ond consideration already discussed is that diet-
the cornerstone of weight management in over- ing can take many forms, from unhealthy weight
weight adolescents, as in obese adults. Some cli- control practices such as fasting or starvation, to
nicians and researchers fear, however, that diet- moderate energy restriction, to a preoccupation
ing may increase the risk of eating disorders, with purportedly “good” and “bad” foods. Some
particularly in adolescent females, and that interventions would appear more likely than
weight loss interventions may do more harm others to be associated with adverse effects,
than good (Garner & Wooley, 1991; Hirschmann therefore, it is important to understand the types
& Munter, 1988; Polivy & Herman, 1985). By of treatments used with overweight or obese
contrast, obesity experts generally believe that children and adolescents.
early intervention is desirable. Family support
for change is likely to be available, eating and
activity habits may be more amenable to modi- Weight Loss Interventions for Children
fication, and adipose tissue cell proliferation and Adolescents
may be curtailed (Goldfield & Epstein, 2002).
Early treatment may also be cost-effective. Pre- Effective management of overweight in children
venting overweight children and adolescents and adolescents consists of diet, physical activ-
from becoming obese adults could reduce the ity, and behavior change, and often requires pa-
health-care costs of treating obesity-related com- rental participation (Goldfield, Raynor, & Ep-
plications. stein, 2002). Dietary change may include
The question of whether dieting increases the reduction of calorie or fat intake, or improved
risk of eating disorders in overweight adolescents adherence to dietary guidelines, such as the Food
and older children who seek weight loss is par- Guide Pyramid (Epstein, Myers, Raynor, & Sae-
ticularly important given the increasing rates of lens, 1998). A popular approach to diet modifi-
obesity. However, the vast majority of adolescent cation in youth is provided by the Traffic Light
dieters do not develop eating disorders, as 44% Diet, which classifies foods into red (stop), yellow
of teenage girls report trying to lose weight, but (caution), or green (go) categories based on caloric
the prevalence of eating disorders is between 1% value and nutrient density (Epstein & Squires,
(anorexia nervosa) and 3% (bulimia nervosa) of 1988). Typically, the initial goal is to limit intake
women, and prevalence rates among men are ap- to 1,000–1,300 calories per day, adjusted to pro-
proximately one tenth of those observed in mote a weight loss of 0.25 kg/week.
women (Hoek, 2002). As discussed above, other To increase physical activity, programs typi-
factors, including a genetic predisposition and cally encourage structured aerobic exercise, such
negative affect, appear to contribute to the de- as swimming, jogging, or basketball, and lifestyle
velopment of eating disorders in the presence of activity, which increases physical activity
attempts to diet (Schmidt, 2002). throughout the day (e.g., using the stairs rather
Chapter 15 Prevention of Eating Disorders 317

than escalators). Preliminary studies demon- body image, obsessions and preoccupations with
strated that lifestyle activity was more effective food, and dieting practices. At follow-up, preoc-
than structured exercise in facilitating the main- cupation with dieting, unhealthy dieting behav-
tenance of weight loss (Goldfield et al., 2002). iors, and concerns about being overweight de-
Reducing sedentary behaviors, including watch- creased. Thus, neither significant weight loss nor
ing television and playing video games, has also weight regain caused an increase in eating dis-
been shown to contribute significantly to weight order symptoms.
management (Epstein et al., 1995). Epstein and colleagues evaluated an interven-
Parental participation in treatment is critical tion in which all participants followed the stan-
for children and also benefits adolescents (Gold- dard Traffic Light Diet intervention (described
field et al., 2002). Parents may reward changes in above), and some also received problem-solving
their child’s diet or physical activity, or modify skills training (Epstein, Paluch, Saelens, Ernst, &
their own eating or activity habits to model Wilfley, 2001). Follow-up assessments, con-
healthy behaviors. Similarly, parents can limit ducted 18 months after completion of treat-
high-fat and high-sugar foods available in the ment, indicated that percentage overweight de-
home, while increasing consumption of fruits, creased an average of 13% across conditions.
vegetables, and other healthy choices. One study Weight dissatisfaction, purging and restricting,
found that using parents as the exclusive agents and total symptoms of disordered eating, as-
for their child’s behavior change resulted in sessed by the Kids’ Eating Disorder Survey (KEDS;
greater decreases in overweight than treating the Childress, Jarrell, & Brewerton, 1993), showed
child alone (Golan, Weizman, Apterm, & Fain- no significant changes over time.
aru, 1998). A third study evaluated a cognitive-behavior
Family-based behavioral programs reduce modification (CBM) program that taught self-
children’s percentage of overweight by as much regulation and problem-solving skills and pro-
as 25% and produce successful weight mainte- moted lifestyle change (Braet & Van Winckel,
nance for as long as 10 years (Goldfield & Ep- 2000). Cognitive-behavior modification was de-
stein, 2002). More typical reductions in percent- livered in a group, individual, or summer-camp
age overweight have ranged from 5% to 15% format and was compared to a one-session ad-
(Goldfield et al., 2002). Decreases in weight (or vice condition. At the 4.6-year follow-up assess-
fat) have been associated with significant reduc- ment, percentage overweight (which did not dif-
tions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, fer between groups) had decreased an average of
fasting serum cholesterol, triglycerides, and hy- 11% from baseline. None of the participants had
perinsulinemia, and significant increases in anorexia nervosa at follow-up. Assessment with
high-density lipoprotein serum cholesterol (Ep- the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire
stein et al., 1998). (DEBQ; Van Strien, Frijters, Bergers, & Defares,
1986) indicated that external eating decreased
and restrained eating increased between baseline
Effects of Dieting and Weight Loss and follow-up, which indicated that the pro-
on Eating Behavior gram helped children control external food stim-
uli and develop the restraint necessary for
A family-based behavior modification program weight control. Emotional eating, also measured
for severe pediatric overweight (Levine, with the DEBQ, did not change. Five participants
Ringham, Kalarchian, Wisniewski, & Marcus, (9%) scored 1 standard deviation above the ref-
2001) produced an average decrease in over- erence group mean for the bulimia subscale of
weight of 11% during treatment, but this reduc- the Eating Disorders Inventory, which indicates
tion was not maintained approximately 8 a greater risk for developing an eating disorder.
months later. Symptoms of eating disorders were However, the proportion of higher-risk partici-
measured by the Children’s Eating Attitudes Test pants did not appear elevated when compared
(ChEAT), which is designed to assess attitudes to- with community samples of adolescents.
ward eating and dieting behavior, perceived A 10-year follow-up study, the longest to date,
318 Part IV Eating Disorders

evaluated outcomes for participants enrolled in cial competence, were positively associated with
one of four weight control programs during weight loss.
childhood (Epstein, Myers, Raynor, & Saelens, Levine and colleagues (2001) found signifi-
1998). All of the interventions were family based cant reductions in symptoms of depression and
and used the Traffic Light Diet. At follow-up, per- anxiety at the end of treatment that were main-
centage overweight decreased an average of tained at 8-month follow-up. Epstein and col-
10%–20% for participants in most treatment leagues (2001) observed that total behavior prob-
groups, whereas participants in control groups lems and internalizing behavior problems (as
increased their percentage overweight by as measured by the CBCL) decreased significantly
much as 12%. Four percent of participants re- at 18-month follow-up. Twelve percent of partic-
ported that they had been treated for bulimia ipants reported seeking treatment for depression
nervosa over the course of the 10-year follow-up, during the decade of the Epstein, Valoski, Wing,
and none reported treatment for anorexia nervo- & McCurley (1994) follow-up, a rate that does
sa. These rates are consistent with rates from not appear high for children who have sought
community samples. professional weight reduction services (Gold-
These four studies suggest that professionally smith et al., 1992). These findings, as a whole,
administered weight loss interventions pose do not indicate that dieting has a negative effect
minimal risks of precipitating eating disorders in on mood (e.g., Polivy & Herman, 1985).
overweight children and adolescents. Cross-
sectional studies examining the relationship be-
tween dieting and binge eating in clinical pop- Evidence from Research on Obese Adults
ulations support this view, as past participation
in diet programs does not appear to increase the Professionally administered weight control pro-
occurrence of binge eating (Berkowitz, Stunkard, grams for overweight youth do not appear to
& Stallings, 1993). Similarly, about half of adults precipitate disordered eating, a finding sup-
with binge eating disorder report that dieting did ported by research on the effects of dieting on
not precede the onset of their disorder (Yanovski, binge eating behaviors in obese adults (National
2002). Task Force on the Prevention and Treatment of
Obesity, 2000; Wilson, 2002). Behavioral pro-
grams that prescribed moderate caloric restric-
Effects of Dieting on Psychological Status tion were associated with significant decreases in
binge eating episodes in individuals with preex-
Dieting and weight loss have also been identified isting binge eating pathology. Studies that used
as precipitants to adverse emotional reactions, very low–calorie diets (VLCDs) also generally re-
including depression, anxiety, and irritability ported improvements in binge eating, although
(Stunkard, 1957; Stunkard & Rush, 1974). Myers, one investigation reported an increase in this be-
Raynor, and Epstein (1998) evaluated children’s havior (Telch & Agras, 1993). In reviewing the
psychological status, as determined by mothers’ literature, the National Task Force on the Preven-
reports on the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL; tion and Treatment of Obesity (2000) concluded
Achenbach, 1991), while they participated in a that dieting and weight loss, in overweight or
family-based behavioral program. From baseline obese adults, were not associated with the de-
to 1-year follow-up, participants’ percentage velopment of eating disorders, and that weight
overweight decreased an average of 20%, and loss was associated with improvements in de-
during this time, global child psychopathology pression, anxiety, and related complications.
decreased significantly, while global competence The inclusion, in most programs, of behavior
increased. The proportion of children who met therapy to promote weight loss may have con-
clinical criteria for at least one behavior problem tributed to the observed improvements in mood
decreased from 29% at baseline to 13% at follow- (Wadden, Stunkard, & Liebschutz, 1988; Wad-
up. Improvements in some aspects of psycholog- den, Stunkard, & Smoller, 1986). Long-term
ical status, including somatic complaints and so- studies also found that weight regain, while up-
Chapter 15 Prevention of Eating Disorders 319

setting to dieters, was not associated with signif- prevention activities. In universal prevention,
icant increases in depression, anxiety, or binge attempts are made to reduce the incidence of a
eating (Foster, Wadden, Kendall, Stunkard and disease by eliminating or reducing risk factors in
Vogt, 1996; National Task Force, 2000; Wilson, a population. Increasing exercise levels and re-
2002). ducing intake of high levels of saturated fat to
reduce the prevalence of obesity would be cate-
gorized as a universal prevention intervention.
Summary Ideally, the reduction of risk factors would de-
crease the incidence of eating disorders such that
Professionally administered weight loss pro- the benefits of the change outweigh any atten-
grams for overweight children and adolescents dant risks for the population as a whole. Targeted
generally do not increase symptoms of eating preventive interventions focus on reducing risk
disorders and are associated with significant im- factors in individuals who are at high risk of de-
provements in psychological status. Thus, con- veloping subthreshold or threshold eating dis-
cerns about the possible adverse effects of dieting order syndromes. A more in-depth definition of
should not deter our nation’s growing number universal and targeted prevention programs is
of overweight youth from pursuing sensible given in the Introduction to this book.
methods to lose weight or, at least, to prevent the For both universal and targeted interventions,
progression of adiposity. A critical issue to ad- risk factors must be identified and subsequently
dress in future research is how to craft public tested to determine whether a reduction in the
health messages that are health promoting. risk factor decreases the incidence of the disor-
Clearly approaches aimed at moderation (nei- der. No risk factor for eating disorders has yet
ther too much nor too little) could effectively passed this test. Although some investigators
target overweight children and youth who tend have argued that preventive activities should
toward caloric restriction associated with eating also focus on “protective” factors, such as build-
disorders. Given the electricity and lack of clarity ing higher levels of self-esteem to reduce the risk
associated with the term dieting, other terminol- of developing an eating disorder, no such pro-
ogy should be sought that focuses on healthy tective factors have been identified in prospec-
portion sizes, moderation of intake, and healthy tive risk factor studies. Targeted preventive in-
levels of physical activity. terventions must identify high-risk individuals
accurately, which could involve the use of
highly sensitive and specific screening tools to
PREVENTION OF EATING DISORDERS partition a population into no-risk, high-risk, or
case (diagnosed with the disorder) groups. High-
The prevention of eating disorders remains an risk individuals could receive targeted preventive
important but elusive goal. The literature on eat- interventions, or monitoring, whereas cases
ing disorders prevention is relatively limited could be referred for treatment. But there is cur-
compared to the voluminous work on the pre- rently no instrument that can satisfactorily par-
vention of other problems seen in adolescence. tition individuals into these groups.
For instance, Durlak and Wells (1997) used meta-
analysis to examine 177 primary prevention pro-
grams designed to prevent behavioral and social Universal Prevention
problems in young people under the age of 18.
Tobler et al. (2000) found 207 universal preven- Most studies evaluating universal prevention ef-
tion programs designed to reduce substance forts target older students and use curricula de-
abuse. Nevertheless, the existing data can be use- signed to change the knowledge, beliefs, atti-
ful in evaluating the current state of research on tudes, intentions, and behaviors of individual
the prevention of eating disorders. students. Most programs promote healthy
This section reviews empirical studies of pre- weight regulation, discourage calorie-restrictive
vention, with a focus on universal and targeted dieting, and address ways in which body image
320 Part IV Eating Disorders

and eating are influenced by developmental, so- measure designed to predict the onset of eating
cial, and cultural factors, or a healthy weight reg- disorders (Weight Concerns). At 2-year follow-
ulation (HWR) model. Other studies focus on up, the effect sizes of Weight Concerns for at-risk
broader issues such as increasing self-esteem, students in the preventive intervention and
empowerment, confidence, and general skills, or control classes were moderate. Thus, the inter-
a self-esteem/social competence (SESC) model. vention may have been effective for high-risk
Many studies focus on reducing the onset of eat- students.
ing disorder symptoms, particularly bulimic pa- McVey and Davis (2002) implemented a cur-
thology. Little is known about prevention of the riculum of six 1-hour lessons combining features
onset of anorexia nervosa, but given the low of the HWR and SESC models for 11- to 12-year-
prevalence of this disorder, it would be difficult old girls beginning the transition into adoles-
for prevention studies to recruit sufficient sam- cence. There were no significant differences in
ple sizes to detect significant effects. body satisfaction and eating attitudes between
schools that received the intervention and
schools that did not. In a controlled evaluation
Elementary School
of another HWR intervention, Stewart, Carter,
Studies of universal prevention efforts in ele- Drinkwater, Hainsworth, and Fairburn (2001)
mentary school have produced some encourag- found significant decreases between the pre- and
ing results in demonstrating increases in knowl- postintervention assessments, including shape
edge about eating disorders, but have been less concerns, Eating Disorders Examination Ques-
successful in altering attitudes and behaviors. tionnaire (EDE-Q), and Eating Attitudes Test
Smolak and Levine (2001) evaluated a 10-lesson (EAT) scores, but scores on these variables re-
HWR model curriculum for girls and boys ages 9 verted to baseline at 6-month follow-up.
through 11 which also emphasized tolerance A controlled evaluation of an intensive
and appreciation for diversity in weight and school-based obesity prevention program for
shape. Students in the original sample were reas- youth ages 11 through 13 (Austin, Field, & Gort-
sessed 2 years later. Compared to young adoles- maker, 2002) found more positive effects from
cents from schools not included in the original curricula following the HWR model. Among the
study, participants were more knowledgeable, 188 girls who were not dieting or eating disor-
had higher body esteem, and used fewer un- dered at baseline, only 1 (0.5%) program partic-
healthy weight management techniques. Scores ipant reported purging or using diet pills 2 years
for the original control group were intermediate, later, as compared to 9 (5.5%) in the control con-
suggesting “cross-contamination” or “spillover” dition. Promising results have also been reported
between the original groups. Cross-talk among in a series of studies using elements of the SESC
control and treatment groups at the same school model. For example, Steiner-Adair et al. (2002)
creates a major confound for controlled school- developed a curriculum designed to help girls be-
based studies. come more assertive and supportive of one
another as they learned to critically evaluate cul-
tural messages and recognize prejudices pertain-
Middle School
ing to gender, beauty, weight, and eating. This
At least 22 studies have evaluated universal pre- curriculum, called Full of Ourselves, consists of 70
vention interventions with middle-school chil- activities, organized into eight units delivered
dren. Killen et al. (1993) randomized 967 sixth- across 2–4 months. Students learn assertion skills
and seventh-grade girls to an 18-lesson program and learn how to be more supportive of one an-
grounded in the HWR model or to standard cur- other. The curriculum also discusses issues re-
riculum control. The intervention produced lated to prejudice about weight and teaches stu-
only modest increases in knowledge and no dents to critically evaluate various cultural
short- or long-term changes in attitudes or be- messages pertaining to gender, beauty, weight,
haviors. The authors also examined changes in and eating. Students are encouraged to take
the students at “risk,” on the basis of scores of a active leadership roles in social-justice issues
Chapter 15 Prevention of Eating Disorders 321

concerning body image (Steiner-Adair, 1994). the high-risk setting of an elite ballet school.
The girls are given the opportunity to work Neumark-Sztainer, Sherwood, Coller, and Han-
closely with trained adult mentors and to serve nan (2000) designed a community-based inter-
as mentors themselves for girls ages 9 to 11. vention to prevent disordered eating among
Among 500 seventh-grade girls in 24 schools, preadolescent girls, and randomized 226 Girl
significant pre- to postintervention effects were Scout troop members into control and interven-
found on measures of eating disorder knowledge tion groups. The intervention consisted of six
and weight-related body esteem, which were 90-minute sessions focusing on media literacy
maintained at 6-month follow-up. There were and advocacy skills, with some training for troop
no apparent effects on weight management be- leaders. At 3-month follow-up, the program
havior. demonstrated a positive influence on media-
related attitudes and behaviors including inter-
nalization of sociocultural ideals, self-efficacy to
High School
impact weight-related social norms, and print
Universal prevention has been evaluated in at media habits. Unfortunately, manipulation of
least 23 studies with high school students (ages system or setting variables to prevent the devel-
14 through 18.). Two studies (one in Israel and opment of eating disorders has not been well
one in Italy) demonstrated sustained benefits for tested in other settings or by other researchers.
low-risk students receiving an HWR curriculum
(Neumark-Sztainer, Butler, & Palti, 1995; Santo-
nastaso et al., 1999). Four controlled studies of Targeted Prevention
the HWR model with variations of the SESC
model have produced positive pre- to postpro- A number of studies, usually focused on older
gram changes, but the positive effects were lim- adolescents or college students, have shown that
ited to drive for thinness (Wiseman et al., 2002), interventions targeted at high-risk students can
attitudes about sociocultural factors (Kelton- be effective. Because most of these studies in-
Locke, 2001; Moriarty, Shore, & Maxim, 1990; cluded self-selected and older samples, extrapo-
Phelps, Sapia, Nathanson, & Nelson, 2000), or lation of their success to adolescents should be
intentions to diet (Phelps et al., 2000). Two other made cautiously. Stice, Trost, and Chase (2003)
well-designed studies of prevention programs randomly assigned high school and college stu-
with substantial elements of the HWR and SESC dents to a dissonance treatment, a healthy
models (Buddeberg-Fischer, Klaghofer, Reed, & weight management condition, or a waiting-list
Buddeberg, 2000; Paxton, 1993) and a number control. With this approach, the participants
of other small-scale or uncontrolled studies have were asked to help create a program to teach
found negative results. younger girls body acceptance and to avoid in-
ternalizing the thin-body ideal. The theory is
that participating students will change their own
Environmental Interventions attitudes and beliefs to better conform to the
messages they are developing for the younger
Eating-disordered attitudes and behaviors are girls. At 6-month follow-up, the dissonance
difficult to alter because they are strongly rein- group had a sustained reduction in internaliza-
forced by a variety of family, peer, medical, and tion of the thin ideal, but the effects for the other
other cultural factors. Consequently, some pre- measures dissipated after the program (body dis-
vention researchers have argued for the need to satisfaction) or at 6-month follow-up (negative
change the environment of children and adoles- affect and bulimic behavior). If anything, the
cents, specifically, the school environment healthy weight intervention resulted in longer-
(Neumark-Sztainer, 1996; Piran, 1999; see also term improvements in negative affect and bu-
Levine & Piran, 2001). Piran (1999), an advocate limic symptoms.
of this approach, has demonstrated that system- Results from other studies reporting the ef-
wide changes can reduce eating disorders in fects of both brief and more intense psycho-
322 Part IV Eating Disorders

educational programs have also been mixed. ported a decrease at postintervention, and the
Mann et al. (1997) evaluated the effects of recov- 11th entered therapy.
ered classmates describing their experience with
having an eating disorder and providing infor-
mation about eating disorders to fellow students. High-Risk Populations and Settings
At the posttest, intervention participants had
Aside from a few studies with ballet dancers
slightly more symptoms of eating disorders than
(Piran, 1999, Yannakoulia, Sitara, & Matalas,
did controls. Franko (1998) found little benefit
2002), preventive interventions for particular at-
from a more intensive eight-session psychosocial
risk populations or high-risk settings have re-
support group, whereas Stice and Ragan (2002)
ceived little attention. Olmsted, Daneman, Ry-
and Springer, Winzelberg, Perkins, and Taylor
dall, Lawson, and Rodin (2002) randomly as-
(1999) found some positive effects of college
signed adolescent girls with insulin-dependent
courses on body image and disordered eating.
diabetes to a psychoeducational program. At 6-
In a series of studies using a computer-assisted
month follow-up, significant reductions in body
HWR program, Taylor and colleagues found im-
dissatisfaction, drive for thinness, dietary re-
provements in body image and eating behaviors
straint, and eating concerns were observed. Stu-
of self-selected high-risk college students (Taylor,
dents participating in certain types of athletic ac-
Winzelberg, & Celio, 2001). Studies of students
tivities can also be considered high risk, but
with borderline symptoms of clinical disorders
there are no studies of adolescents with these
have also been promising. For instance, Kamin-
ski and McNamara (1996) randomized 315 at-
risk female college students to a no-treatment
control or a cognitive-behavioral group, and at
1-month follow-up the intervention group dem- Summary
onstrated significant improvements in weight
management behavior, body satisfaction, and The prevention of disordered eating is an impor-
self-esteem, and less fear of negative evaluation. tant issue in public health. Many young girls and
These and more clinically focused studies show women, as well as boys, suffer from severe and
that intensive, targeted interventions can reduce potentially chronic problems with body image,
risk factors, at least in the short term. eating, and various forms of unhealthy weight
management. In addition, efforts to combine
prevention efforts for eating disorders and obe-
Combining Targeted and
sity are important, as some of the fundamental
Universal Prevention
factors that influence disordered eating may also
Luce et al. (submitted) demonstrated that stu- contribute to obesity. The data on the preven-
dents in a population can be screened for eating tion of both eating disorders and cigarette smok-
disorder risk and participate in interventions ap- ing and other drug use (Tobler et al., 2000) also
propriate to their needs and interests. On the ba- suggest that curricula in the schools alone are
sis of answers to an on-line risk-factor screen, not sufficient to produce sustained preventive ef-
and self-reported height and weight, students in fects.
this study were offered various on-line options, Universal prevention efforts with elementary
including a general nutrition and healthy weight school children have produced positive changes
regulation program, and an intensive psycho- in the relevant knowledge and attitudes of stu-
educational program focused on body image dents. Programs that focus on changing factors
enhancement and/or weight maintenance. Stu- with broad application, such as increasing self-
dents completed one of the programs, provided esteem, creating a stronger sense of connection
1 hour/week for 4 weeks, and participated in a to peers and mentors, and transforming critical
monitored discussion group germane to their awareness into cultural change, have proved
group. Of the 11 students who reported vomit- promising with middle school students, but it is
ing and/or laxative abuse preintervention, 10 re- unclear whether interventions using the HWR
Chapter 15 Prevention of Eating Disorders 323

model are of benefit to children in middle cents also needs to be put in the context of sub-
school. High school students are a very difficult stantial research done on prevention of sub-
target audience for universal prevention, as evi- stance abuse, high-risk sexual behavior, and
denced by nine studies in five different countries juvenile delinquency and violence (Nation et al.,
producing no significant effects on attitudes and 2003). In an extensive review, the authors con-
behaviors. Thus it remains unclear whether uni- cluded that effective prevention programs need
versal prevention interventions are effective for to be comprehensive, include varied teaching
preventing eating disorders. methods, provide sufficient dosage, be theory
A recent meta-analysis of universal preven- driven, provide opportunities for positive rela-
tion studies concluded that the evidence does tionships, be developmentally appropriate and
not “allow any firm conclusions to be made socioculturally relevant, include outcome eval-
about the impact of prevention programs for eat- uation, and involve well-trained staff. Few of the
ing disorders in children and adolescents” (Pratt eating disorder prevention studies meet all these
and Woolfenden, 2002), and with similar data, characteristics.
others have concluded that universal prevention A number of studies have demonstrated that
is ineffective and should be abandoned. How- interventions targeting high-risk students can be
ever, a dearth of universal prevention studies is effective, but because many of these studies fo-
different from a proven lack of effectiveness, cused on self-selected and older samples, caution
particularly when well-designed studies of multi- is needed in generalizing the findings to adoles-
dimensional interventions are rare. Many ques- cents. Analyses of universal prevention studies
tions remain about universal prevention pro- suggest that the HWR model might work for
grams, such as how these programs can have high-risk students, but surprisingly little research
stronger and more long-lasting effects on risk has focused on students in high-risk settings. Al-
factors, what the ideal age is for such interven- though targeted interventions have proven ef-
tions, what the advantages and disadvantages fective, their effects are generally short-lived and
are of combined interventions, how to include specific to a few dimensions. The challenges in
environmental and family factors, and whether delivering targeted interventions, particularly to
programs should be provided to both boys and populations, are substantial. For example, in
girls in the same setting. school settings, the identification and motiva-
The general lack of effectiveness of programs tion for high-risk individuals to participate in in-
aimed at preventing eating disorders in adoles- terventions may be difficult.
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Research Agenda for
Eating Disorders

16 c h a p t e r
326 Part IV Eating Disorders

Research on eating disorders has produced a sub- spectively, with rates among men estimated at
stantial base of knowledge regarding the defini- one tenth of those observed in women (Hoek,
tions of eating disorders, their treatment, and 2002). The small number of methodologically
their prevention. There are major gaps, however, rigorous epidemiological studies leads to signif-
in our understanding of eating disorders, espe- icant uncertainty about the prevalence and in-
cially those occurring among adolescents. Most cidence of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
of the research literature on eating disorders has among adolescents. The peak incidence (number
focused on adults, and the findings may not ap- of new cases per year) of anorexia nervosa ap-
ply to younger individuals. Thus, the research pears to occur in late adolescence (Hoek & van
agenda for eating disorders among adolescents is Hoeken, 2003), but the combined prevalence
large. (number of current cases) of anorexia nervosa
and bulimia nervosa appears to be somewhat less
among adolescents than among adults. Meth-
odologically rigorous studies may find that the
published rates do not adequately reflect the true
Diagnostic Criteria for Anorexia Nervosa
prevalence of eating disorders in adolescents.
and Bulimia Nervosa
Epidemiological research on eating disorders
among adolescents is limited in several impor-
The DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for eating disor-
tant ways. Nationally representative samples are
ders are useful but imperfect. Perhaps the most
needed to determine more precisely how com-
glaring problem is that the current criteria do not
mon eating disorders are among American
provide a category, beyond the nonspecific eat-
youth. The extant (and limited) evidence sug-
ing disorder not otherwise specified, for a sub-
gests that ethnic minority children need to be
stantial fraction of the individuals who present
included to gain a more accurate understanding
to clinicians for evaluation and treatment. Eat-
of risk for eating disorders in non-white youth.
ing disturbances that do not meet the full DSM-
The epidemiological literature has, for the
IV criteria for anorexia nervosa or bulimia ner-
most part, used clearly articulated diagnostic cri-
vosa are inadequately described, and it is unclear
teria for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa,
how clinically significant eating problems are to
and the difficulties in defining the spectrum of
be differentiated from other eating pathologies,
other eating disturbances have presented a sig-
and whether individuals classified as having eat-
nificant barrier to describing the prevalence of
ing disorder not otherwise specified will develop
other potentially important but less well–de-
full-blown disorders. Several promising ap-
fined conditions. For example, future studies
proaches to these problems have been developed
should include criteria for binge eating disorder
in recent years, such as the Great Ormond Street
to permit estimates of the prevalence of this syn-
criteria (Lask & Bryant-Waugh, 2000) and the
drome. A uniform instrument for measuring eat-
categories of the Diagnostic and Statistical Man-
ing disorder symptoms that is efficient and ac-
ual for Primary Care (DSM-PC), and these
curate in detecting anorexia nervosa, bulimia
deserve further examination. Longitudinal ex-
nervosa, and binge eating disorder and is stan-
aminations of the course of eating disorder
dardized across studies would be of great value.
symptoms during adolescence and the course of
Psychiatric interviews that “skip out” of the eat-
associated psychological and physical problems
ing disorder questions after a negative answer
(e.g., obesity) would also be very valuable in de-
may underestimate eating pathology, especially
fining the evolution and characteristics of ado-
in young samples with atypical clinical presen-
lescent eating disorders.
tations of anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa
(Kreipe et al., 1995). Finally, parent reports of
Epidemiology eating behavior might improve the detection of
anorexia nervosa, a disorder in which denial is a
In adults, anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa hallmark.
affect approximately 1% and 3% of women, re- Future studies should assess both current and
Chapter 16 Research Agenda for Eating Disorders 327

past eating disorders. Several population-based tional rehabilitation and cessation of the binge–
studies have shown that eating disorders may be purge cycle, there are indications that growth re-
transient (albeit in many cases recurrent) and tardation, osteopenia, and, possibly, structural
point prevalence rates may therefore not fully re- brain changes are not entirely reversible. Studies
flect the extent of eating pathology in adoles- probing structural brain changes in anorexia
cents (Patton, Coffey, & Sawyer, 2003). Even nervosa and their relationship to neuropsycho-
when the adolescent’s eating disorder is time logical changes are needed. In addition, there is
limited and nonrecurring, it may represent a a pressing need to develop efficacious treatments
marker for psychopathology that conveys im- for osteopenia among adolescents with anorexia
portant clinical information. nervosa.

Comorbidity, Outcome, and Migration TREATMENTS FOR EATING DISORDERS

Psychiatric comorbidities are common among Arguably, the most compelling need for future
both adolescents and adults with anorexia ner- research is to develop effective treatments for ad-
vosa and bulimia nervosa, and include mood dis- olescents with eating disorders. A significant
orders, anxiety disorders, and substance use dis- body of information is available on interven-
orders. However, the relationship between tions for adults with bulimia nervosa, and there
anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and comor- are promising developments in the treatment of
bid disorders is unclear. The outcome of adoles- adolescents with anorexia nervosa. It is impera-
cent patients with anorexia nervosa who receive tive to build on these initial efforts.
early treatment appears better than that of pa-
tients who do not; however, those patients who
remain ill have high rates of psychiatric comor- Psychological Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa
bidity and are at risk for premature death. Most
adolescent anorexia nervosa patients improve or There is only one evidence-based treatment for
get well, but a substantial percentage remains adolescents with anorexia nervosa, the Mauds-
permanently symptomatic. The data on the ley method of family therapy, whether delivered
course and outcome of adolescent bulimia in a conjoint or separated format. The empirical
nervosa are very limited. Diagnostic migration evidence supporting the treatment is limited,
occurs frequently from anorexia nervosa- however. Whereas a subgroup of anorexia nervo-
restricting subtype (AN-R) to anorexia nervosa- sa patients may have an inherently good prog-
binge purge subtype (AN-B/P), and from AN-B/P nosis, it is clear that significant numbers of these
to bulimia nervosa. It is currently not possible to patients do not do well. For example, Eisler et al.
identify those patients likely to migrate. (2000) found in their study (in which all the pa-
Future studies of adolescents with eating dis- tients received the Maudsley method of family
orders should include individuals with comor- therapy) that 15 of 40 patients were judged to
bidities, such as substance use disorders, to aid have a “poor” outcome on the Morgan-Russell
in developing treatment strategies for these dual- scales and 4 patients had to be admitted to the
diagnosis conditions. Studies of the course and hospital because of continuing weight loss. At
outcome of adolescent bulimia nervosa are the end of the study by Robin et al. (1999), the
needed, and early identification and interven- authors note that “even with comprehensive,
tion strategies need to be developed. multidisciplinary interventions such as those
evaluated in this study, not all adolescents with
anorexia nervosa will improve. Twenty to 30 per-
Medical Complications cent of the patients did not reach their target
weights, and 40% to 50% did not reach the 50th
While most medical complications associated percentile of BMI by 1-year follow-up. Clinicians
with eating disorders are reversible with nutri- and researchers will need to continue to develop
328 Part IV Eating Disorders

innovative approaches to helping these more re- (e.g., the Maudsley method and suitably adapted
sistant patients” (p. 1489). CBT) may be difficult to interpret without con-
A potentially promising treatment for adoles- trols for the effect of time and for the nonspecific
cent anorexia nervosa patients is cognitive- effects provided by any intervention. The notion
behavioral therapy (CBT). This therapy is the of a “treatment-as-usual” comparison group has
leading evidence-based treatment for bulimia appeal, but the definition and implementation
nervosa (National Institute for Clinical Excel- of such an intervention in the context of a re-
lence, 2004; Wilson & Fairburn, 2002), a disorder search study are far from clear.
that has much of the same psychopathology as
that of anorexia nervosa (Fairburn & Harrison,
2003; Fairburn, Cooper, & Shafran, 2003). Ad- Psychological Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa
ditionally, CBT is already used with adults with
anorexia nervosa (e.g., Garner, Vitousek, & Pike, Controlled trials are needed to identify and eval-
1997), and a recent cognitive-behavioral concep- uate the efficacy of psychological treatments for
tualization of anorexia nervosa may pertain to adolescents with bulimia nervosa. Both CBT and
adolescent patients, given its emphasis on the interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) have been
early stages in the evolution of the disorder (Fair- shown to be effective for adult bulimia nervosa
burn, Shafran, & Cooper, 1999). Finally, CBT has patients. These treatments should be adapted
been successfully used to treat other psychiatric and applied to adolescents, because CBT and IPT
disorders in adolescence (Kazdin, 2003; Kendall, have been successfully adapted to treating ado-
2000). lescents with other problems. The case is partic-
If CBT were to be developed as a treatment for ularly compelling for CBT, as it is the treatment
these patients, it would need to be adapted in of choice for bulimia nervosa in adults, its ad-
certain ways. It would need to be based on a aptation to depressed and anxious adolescents
model of the maintenance of anorexia nervosa, has received the most study and enjoys the most
focusing on the processes involved in recent- empirical support, and it meshes well with the
onset cases (e.g., Fairburn, Shafran, et al., 1999). generic and specific considerations governing
The therapy would need to take account of the psychological treatment of adolescents.
developmental psychology of adolescence and Alternative psychological therapies should
the specific concerns of adolescents, and it also be explored. An adaptation of the family-
would need to be adjusted to accommodate the based treatment developed by Lock, Le Grange,
developmental variability seen among adoles- Agras, and Dare (2001) is an obvious candidate
cents (Holmbeck et al., 2000; Weisz & Hawley, for study, given its apparent efficacy with ado-
2002). It would also need to involve the patient’s lescent anorexia nervosa. Research is also needed
family and possibly the school. to assess the comparative efficacy of evidence-
A challenging issue in the study of new treat- based psychological treatments, such as CBT,
ments for anorexia nervosa is the choice of the IPT, or family therapy, with antidepressant med-
comparison, or “control,” treatment. In theory, ication and their combination (sequencing).
it might be useful to compare the effect of a new
intervention with that of no treatment at all or
a waiting-list condition. While such a compari- Pharmacological Treatments
son neatly controls for the effect of time alone, for Eating Disorders
it is difficult to justify a delay of treatment for
individuals with a disorder having such serious Few controlled studies have evaluated the utility
medical and psychiatric morbidity. Furthermore, and safety of pharmacological treatments for
documentation that a new treatment is superior adolescents with eating disorders, although
to doing nothing does not provide strong evi- medications are frequently used in the clinical
dence of specific clinical utility. A comparison treatment of these patients. Antidepressant med-
between two interventions likely to be useful ications have demonstrated efficacy in reducing
Chapter 16 Research Agenda for Eating Disorders 329

binge eating and vomiting behaviors for adults lapse prevention. Clinical trials require tremen-
with bulimia nervosa, but additional study will dous resources, and the failure to develop con-
be necessary before any conclusions can be sensus in the field on core terminology and
reached about the use of these medications with assessment procedures will continue to hinder
younger patients. There is currently no evidence development of empirically supported treat-
for the efficacy of pharmacological treatments in ments. Discussions of relapse and relapse pre-
low-weight adults with anorexia nervosa. How- vention lead to dichotomous distinctions: either
ever, recent reports have suggested a utility of an individual has responded to treatment or not;
atypical antipsychotic medications, such as either an individual has relapsed or not. In real-
olanzapine, with adolescent anorexia nervosa ity, change in clinical status is continuous,
patients, and future research should evaluate which complicates the establishment of thresh-
these medications in a controlled manner. olds and standardized classifications. Several au-
thors have attempted to address this important
issue (Orimoto & Vitousek, 1992; Pike, 1998).
Relapse Prevention Intensive but expensive initial treatments for
anorexia nervosa, such as inpatient or partial
For both adolescents and adults with anorexia hospitalization, are arguably the most successful
nervosa, the risk of posthospitalization relapse is in achieving weight restoration, especially
approximately 30%–50%. The Maudsley form of among severely and chronically ill patients.
family therapy appears to have efficacy for pre- Weight restoration is an essential goal in achiev-
venting relapse among adolescent anorexia ner- ing recovery and is the first step in preventing
vosa patients, but family therapy may be most relapse. However, economic pressures on reduc-
effective for patients who develop anorexia ner- ing health-care expenditures, at least in the
vosa before age 18 and who have less than 3 United States, are limiting patients’ ability to re-
years duration of illness. Although there are no ceive sufficient care to achieve weight restora-
data on the efficacy of CBT for relapse preven- tion. Studies of the short- and long-term costs
tion among adolescents, this treatment has sup- and benefits of interventions of a range of inten-
port for relapse prevention in adult patients. A sity would be extremely valuable in helping to
single controlled study in adults suggests that define which treatments are most cost-effective.
antidepressant medication may reduce the rate
of relapse following weight restoration, but there
are no data on the utility of this intervention to Treatments for Adolescents: Summary
prevent relapse among adolescents.
Adolescents with bulimia nervosa have not The encouraging work on the utility of the
been the focus of clinical treatment trials, and Maudsley method for adolescents with anorexia
studies that include adolescent patients are not nervosa should be pursued in studies comparing
sufficient to draw conclusions about relapse pre- this intervention to other standard and novel ap-
vention for these patients. Little is known about proaches. Empirically supported psychological
the efficacy of psychological or pharmacological treatments for adults with eating disorders, in-
treatments for adolescents with bulimia nervosa, cluding CBT and IPT, should be adapted to the
both for the acute treatment of the disorder and treatment of adolescents. This process should in-
the prevention of relapse. clude collaboration between treatment research-
Methodological and logistical challenges ers and developmental psychologists who study
hamper progress in the development of effective adolescence. Treatments should be designed to
relapse prevention interventions. Operational- address issues specific to adolescent patients, in-
ized and consistent definitions of treatment re- cluding motivation, cognitive processing, inter-
sponse, relapse, remission, and recovery, and a personal functioning, body image, control, and
standardized assessment battery would enhance family issues. The utility and safety of psycho-
the study of both initial interventions and re- pharmacological interventions for adolescents
330 Part IV Eating Disorders

with eating disorders are in need of critical ex- vironmental factors, a comprehensive explora-
amination, as such agents are commonly em- tion of gene and environment interactions may
ployed despite the current absence of evidence provide valuable information about the etiology
of efficacy. of this disorder.
Because eating disorders are uncommon, mul-
tisite studies will be necessary for the definitive
examination of treatment efficacy and of relapse Risk Factors for Bulimia Nervosa
prevention. Multisite studies will further support
initiatives to establish standards for terminology Factors such as perceived pressure to be thin,
and assessment, as standardization is required thin-ideal internalization, body dissatisfaction,
for the execution of such trials. Another signifi- and negative affect have been identified as risk
cant advantage of multisite studies is that the en- factors for the development of bulimia nervosa.
hanced power will provide the opportunity to Future research should be directed at identifying
conduct more specific investigations of the re- new risk factors for bulimia nervosa, as most of
lationship between eating disorder subtype, the established risk factors have relatively mod-
comorbidity, treatment response, and relapse. est effect sizes (Stice, 2002). Promising variables
In addition, novel approaches to study design include hypersensitivity to negative interper-
and procedures in the treatment of adolescents sonal transactions, cognitive factors (e.g., affect
with eating disorders should be considered not regulation expectancies), feeding avidity, and in-
only for developmental considerations in treat- dividual differences in reinforcement from eat-
ing younger patients but also because many eat- ing. In addition, the role of dieting in the devel-
ing disorder research centers serve as secondary opment of bulimic pathology should be clarified.
and tertiary referral centers and therefore do not Research should also begin to examine poten-
currently treat significant numbers of younger, tial biological risk factors for bulimic pathology
new-onset cases. The particular ethical consid- (e.g., serotonin abnormalities and structural dif-
erations and the reluctance of parents to have ferences in the orbitofrontal cortex); research has
their children participate in clinical research are yet to identify a single biological risk factor for
also critical issues that need to be addressed to bulimic pathology. Furthermore, studies should
increase clinical research initiatives focused on continue to search for genetic factors that influ-
adolescents with eating disorders. ence risk for this eating disorder.
Relatively little is known about the ways in
which risk factors work together to promote the
PREVENTION OF THE DISORDER development of this disorder or about possibly
distinct etiologic pathways in bulimia nervosa.
Risk Factors for Anorexia Nervosa Thus future research should test multivariate
models to determine how the various risk factors
While there have been numerous studies to iden- work in concert to promote bulimic pathology.
tify risk factors for the development of anorexia It will be particularly important to focus greater
nervosa, few true risk or protective factors for the attention on identifying protective and poten-
development of anorexia nervosa have been de- tiating factors and on the means by which psy-
finitively established. Population-based longitu- chosocial and biological factors work together to
dinal databases, which include prospectively col- foster bulimic pathology.
lected data on large populations that include Research should also investigate whether the
incident cases, may shed light on questions of risk factors for symptom onset differ from those
etiological relevance to anorexia nervosa. Such for symptom escalation and maintenance. This
projects must be viewed as a priority. Research is important because the former are germane to
on the risk factors for anorexia nervosa must be the design of universal and selected prevention
appropriately divided between biological–genet- programs, but the latter are necessary for the de-
ic and environmental factors. Because anorexia sign of optimally effective indicated prevention
nervosa is influenced by both biological and en- programs and treatment interventions.
Chapter 16 Research Agenda for Eating Disorders 331

More generally, the use of prospective and ex- Eating Disorder Examination (Fairburn & Coo-
perimental designs should be encouraged. These per, 1993) for use with children and adolescents
research methods are potentially powerful (Bryant-Waugh, Cooper, Taylor, and Lask, 1996).
means of elucidating the etiologic processes that Third, some overweight youth may be at
give rise to eating disorders. greater risk for adverse behavioral consequences
of dieting and weight loss, even when they par-
ticipate in a professionally administered pro-
Treatment of Obesity as a Risk Factor gram. Longitudinal studies, for example, have
for Eating Disorders shown that severe body image dissatisfaction
and weight and shape preoccupation are the
Research on professionally administered weight most robust predictors of the development of
loss programs for overweight children and ado- eating disorders in adolescent girls. Thus, over-
lescents indicates that these programs do not ap- weight teenagers with marked body image dis-
pear to increase symptoms of eating disorders. satisfaction, depression, or other psychiatric
Conclusions about the relationship between the complications may be at greatest risk of experi-
treatment of obesity and eating disorders are encing binge eating episodes when subjected to
based on a very limited number of studies, and even modest caloric restriction, and research in
further research is needed before firm conclu- this area is needed.
sions can be reached. In particular, studies are Finally, weight regain is common in over-
needed to reconcile findings of the apparently weight adolescents, as in obese adults. Studies of
benign effects of dieting, as practiced in behav- adults have not found weight cycling (i.e.,
ioral weight loss programs, to determine weight loss followed by regain) to be associated
whether dieting precipitates eating disorders. with clinically significant behavioral conse-
Several issues must be considered. quences; however, in overweight youth with a
First, healthy dieting, which encourages only history of psychiatric complications, weight cy-
modest caloric restriction, in combination with cling might produce different effects. Whenever
increased consumption of low-fat dairy products possible, follow-up assessment should be con-
and fruits and vegetables, appears to present few ducted through late adolescence when symp-
risks to overweight youth. As previously men- toms of bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder
tioned, this type of dieting is likely to improve might emerge.
the nutritional value of foods consumed. By con- Ultimately, large-scale randomized controlled
trast, unhealthy weight loss behaviors, which in- trials will be needed to determine the behavioral
clude severe caloric restriction (e.g., crash diets) risks posed by different weight loss interventions
and the prohibition of certain foods (e.g., fad di- for overweight youth. Ethical constraints will
ets), could significantly increase the risk of eating limit investigators from using such trials to as-
disorders and emotional complications. This is sess the effects of crash diets and other funda-
possible in overweight youth, as well as in mentally unsound approaches. In addition,
normal-weight girls who diet aggressively in pur- given the generally low occurrence of eating dis-
suit of an ever-thinner ideal. Similarly, chronic orders, case–control studies may provide a better
restrained eating may pose risks that are not as- mechanism of identifying dietary practices most
sociated with healthy dieting. likely to be associated with adverse behavioral
Second, disturbances in eating behavior and effects. Health professionals, teachers, and par-
mood must be clearly defined and measured. The ents will continue to be concerned about mis-
pediatric obesity studies reviewed in this volume guided weight loss efforts in children and teen-
did not assess criteria for the diagnosis of bulimia agers, but all should be increasingly concerned
nervosa, binge eating disorder, or eating disorder about the growing epidemic of pediatric obesity.
not otherwise specified. None, for example, mea- Fifteen percent of America’s adolescents are al-
sured objective or subjective binge episodes, as ready overweight and as adults will experience
defined by Fairburn and Cooper (1993). Future serious medical and psychosocial consequences
studies could incorporate efforts to modify the of this condition. Concerns about potential ill
332 Part IV Eating Disorders

effects of dieting should not impede efforts to longitudinal studies of universal prevention
improve the treatment of pediatric obesity. More with an integrated, multidimensional, and sys-
important, such concerns should not discourage temic approach to schools and other important
urgently needed efforts to prevent the develop- parts of the community. These studies should
ment of overweight in both children and adults. demonstrate significant reductions in risk factors
and a reduction in incidence of the disorders. In
addition, studies of targeted interventions are
Eating Disorder Prevention Research needed to focus on valid and ethical ways to
identify individuals and environments that are
Prevention research is an important issue in eat- at-risk and provide interventions that reduce risk
ing disorder research, even though the impact of factors and incidence of the disorders. Research
eating disorder prevention programs for chil- should demonstrate that significant and impor-
dren and adolescents is not clear (Pratt & Wool- tant changes in the putative risk factors or pro-
fenden, 2002). Future research should include tective factors can be achieved and maintained.
Substance Use Disorders


Charles P. O’Brien, Commission Chair

James C. Anthony
Kathleen Carroll
Anna Rose Childress
Charles Dackis
Guy Diamond
Robert Hornik
Lloyd D. Johnston
Reese Jones
George F. Koob
Thomas Kosten
Caryn Lerman
A. Thomas McLellan
Howard Moss
Helen Pettinati
Richard Spoth

V p a r t
This page intentionally left blank
Defining Substance
Use Disorders

17c h a p t e r
336 Part V Substance Use Disorders

An occasion of drug taking may be a passing in- definitions have now achieved international ac-
dulgence of an adolescent, perhaps initiated in a ceptance. The central clinical features generally
moment of immature judgment. All too often, include (a) disturbances of mental life in the
the drug taking can become repetitive and may form of obsession-like ruminations or even crav-
lead to a syndrome of abuse or addiction, possi- ing for drugs or drug-related experiences, (b) dis-
bly in an interaction of inherited vulnerability turbances of behavior in the form of compul-
traits with environmental conditions and pro- sion-like repetitive drug-taking or drug-related
cesses. The development of addiction and behaviors to the detriment of normal activities,
the dependence syndrome in adolescents are and (c) manifestations of neuroadaptation to
emotion-laden, controversial, and often misun- drug exposure, in the form of pharmacological
derstood topics. Public opinion leaders often do tolerance and (sometimes) observable and char-
not appreciate the scientific evidence that tends acteristic withdrawal syndromes when there is
to favor a disease concept of addiction or depen- an abrupt cessation of drug use. Many defini-
dence on alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs such tions of abuse and addiction reference a loss of
as cocaine or cannabis (McLellan, Lewis, control during cycles of euphoria and craving.
O’Brien, & Kleber, 2000). This evidence includes Any definition must account for the continuum
a neuronal basis for many of the prominent clin- of severity that ranges from minimal use with
ical features of dependence (Dackis & O’Brien, limited consequences on one end to compulsive
2003), genetic vulnerability (Vanyukov & Tarter, use with serious functional impairment on the
2000), and a characteristic chronic, relapsing other end. Some adolescents show progressive
course that resembles that of many medical ill- impairment and move along the continuum
nesses. Unfortunately, these biological bases of whereas others remain at a relatively stable level
addiction are often forgotten or misunderstood of severity. The American Psychiatric Associa-
by a nonetheless opinionated American public tion’s (1994) Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of
that can view adolescent drug problems as Mental Disorders, 4th ed. (DSM-IV) uses the label
purely behavioral and morally objectionable. substance abuse to describe use with limited neg-
Consequently, many affected adolescents end up ative consequences, whereas the term dependence
being managed by their parents, school author- refers to a generally more serious loss of control
ities, or the judicial system rather than being of drug taking and a clinical syndrome with a
treated in specialized adolescent treatment pro- running together of the clinical features men-
grams. Even those seeking treatment often dis- tioned above. The term dependence as used in the
cover that appropriate programs do not exist in official DSM-IV manual often leads to semantic
their geographic region or are difficult to access confusion with dependence in the pharmacolog-
because of low capacity or managed care poli- ical sense, which is a normal response to re-
cies. While there would be a public uproar if peated use of many different types of medica-
treatment were not available to adolescents with tions, including drugs for the treatment of
head injuries, diabetes, or cancer, obvious dis- hypertension, depression, and pain. Thus many
parities in addiction treatment have been toler- clinicians prefer the term addiction when refer-
ated for decades and may well reflect public ring to dependence as defined in DSM-IV. This
skepticism about the biological bases of drug de- definition applies the same diagnostic criteria to
pendence and addiction. Unfortunately, we have all pharmacological classes, acknowledging that
much to learn about the onset, nature, and treat- similar disturbances of mental life and behavior,
ment of these conditions in adolescents. It is our as well as manifestations of neuroadaptation,
contention that gaps in our knowledge should may develop regardless of whether the drug tak-
be addressed with research and clinical experi- ing involves alcoholic beverages, tobacco (nico-
ence, and not cited to justify an inadequate treat- tine), or other drugs such as cocaine, heroin, or
ment infrastructure. cannabis. Accordingly, alcohol is grouped with
Syndromes of alcohol, tobacco, and other other dependence-producing drugs in the DSM-
drug abuse and addiction have been defined and IV classification and will be categorized as such
redefined over the past several decades and these in this volume.
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 337

Seeking a fundamental understanding of the Tolerance and sensitization phenomena are in-
processes that lead toward drug addiction, clin- fluenced by genetic factors that affect receptor
ical investigators have found evidence that drug- responses and the distribution of drugs in the
induced euphoria is linked to pharmacological body (pharmacokinetics) and the nervous sys-
activation of reward-related brain regions that tem adaptations (pharmacodynamics) once drug
normally mediate natural reward, including re- exposure has occurred.
ward circuits influenced by food, sex, and drink- A withdrawal syndrome is seen most clearly
ing fluids (Dackis & O’Brien, 2003b). Reward- when there is abrupt discontinuation of repeti-
related circuits that have evolved over millions tive drug-taking. It is possible to conceive of the
of years to ensure survival may actually be dys- withdrawal features as manifestations of com-
regulated by the chronic use of drugs. The clin- pensatory or homeostatic brain changes that
ical features of craving, loss of control, and im- have been established in response to chronic or
paired hedonic function also have linkages with repeated drug exposures. If the drug is abruptly
the dysregulation of brain reward centers (Dackis discontinued, these changes are suddenly un-
& O’Brien, 2001, 2003b). opposed and there can be a rebound in the form
Tolerance is manifested in an escalation of of a characteristic cluster of withdrawal signs and
drug dose to achieve a stated level of drug- symptoms. These clusters or drug withdrawal
induced effect. The process of developing toler- syndromes can vary markedly across classes of
ance can begin with the first exposure to the addictive drugs and typically include clinical fea-
drug, with subsequent compensatory neuradap- tures that are opposite those seen during intox-
tational changes that often oppose the acute ef- ication. The onset, duration, and clinical course
fect of the drugs. For example, the chronic ad- of withdrawal also can vary from one individual
ministration of heroin and diazepam can to another. It should be emphasized that with-
produce so much tolerance that a 100-fold in- drawal from alcohol or sedative or hypnotic
crease in dose is required to produce certain agents (especially barbiturates) is potentially le-
pharmacological effects that were apparent at thal and often requires intensive medical inpa-
the first low dose. Tolerance may also occur over tient treatment. Treatment of drug withdrawal
brief periods, as evidenced by ever-decreasing (detoxification) is often accomplished by admin-
euphoria with successive cocaine doses during a istering descending doses of a medication with
protracted binge. Tolerance develops more rap- the same types of action as the dependence-
idly to some drug effects than to others, and producing drug. Therefore, opioids (such as
drug-induced euphoria typically requires ever- methadone) are used to reverse heroin with-
increasing doses; in contrast, toxic effects may drawal, longer-acting benzodiazepines are used
not initially require a greater dose (e.g., heroin- to counter withdrawal from shorter-acting ben-
induced respiratory depression). Individual vari- zodiazepine drugs, and longer-acting barbitu-
ability in rates of development of tolerance ap- rates are used to counter withdrawal due to
pear to be genetically determined and may help shorter-acting barbiturates. In addition, benzo-
explain variations in the risk of drug overdose. diazepines and barbiturates effectively reverse
In contrast with pharmacological tolerance as the alcohol withdrawal syndrome, based on
ordinarily defined, a reverse tolerance or sensiti- their shared action on underlying neuronal
zation can occur, as manifest in an increased drug (GABA) circuitry. Although detoxification is an
response after repeated administration. For in- important clinical intervention that allows the
stance, successive equal doses of cocaine can be brain to equilibrate in the absence of the
followed by motor activity increases (i.e., the op- dependence-producing drug, detoxification is
posite of what is expected if tolerance has devel- seldom sufficient to arrest the cycle of craving
oped) in rats given the drug at daily intervals. and euphoria. Consequently, detoxified patients
Examples of reverse tolerance or sensitization in require referral to continued drug rehabilitative
humans are difficult to demonstrate but may in- treatment.
clude cocaine-induced psychosis, seizures, and As we seek an understanding of vulnerability
cue-induced craving (Dackis & O’Brien, 2001). to drug dependence and addiction, we can turn
338 Part V Substance Use Disorders

to three major domains of influence. This triad The ability of a drug to induce euphoria in hu-
includes (1) the drug used (the “agent”), (2) the mans is correlated with its dependence liability
constitutional characteristics of the user (the or addictiveness and can be greatly enhanced
“host”), and (3) the physical and psychosocial when the drug is taken by routes of administra-
setting (the “environment”). As we look across tion that produce rapidly rising brain levels of
classes of drugs, the nature and potency of drug- the agent. The importance of the route-of-
induced euphoria vary considerably, and this eu- administration principle is illustrated in the his-
phoria may be an important reinforcer of repet- tory of cocaine use. People living in the Andes
itive drug-taking behavior. Among addiction Mountains have chewed coca leaves since antiq-
specialists, there is a general consensus about a uity with few deleterious effects, largely because
hierarchy of addictiveness or dependence liabil- cocaine brain levels increase very slowly when
ity among drugs, although it is arguable how the drug is absorbed through the buccal mucosa.
central stimulants, opioids, alcohol, nicotine, However, once pure cocaine was chemically iso-
sedative and hypnotics, marijuana, and hallu- lated from the coca leaf in the form of hydro-
cinogens should be specifically ranked. Animal chloride powder (HCl), it became possible to ad-
models provide one means of gauging the rein- minister high doses by the more efficient
forcing functions of each drug as an agent in the intranasal and intravenous routes. Once cocaine
process of developing drug dependence. When HCl powder was administered intravenously or
properly equipped with intravenous delivery intranasally, its toxic effects became more obvi-
systems, laboratory animals will self-administer ous. During the 1980s the by-then illegal cocaine
various drugs with varying enthusiasm. For in- marketplace changed markedly when an under-
stance, laboratory animals with unlimited access ground pharmaceutical innovation appeared in
to cocaine or amphetamine generally will self- the form of crack-cocaine, which is heated and
administer these agents until they die; in con- vaporized so that the fumes can be inhaled
trast, training animals to self-administer alcohol (“smoked”). Whereas a typically intranasal route
or cannabis can be difficult. Evidence for the bi- of administration might yield a cocaine “high”
ological basis of drug reward includes the phe- over the course of minutes after insufflation, the
nomenon that animals will self-administer drugs onset of the cocaine high is more rapid with
like cocaine without special training, as well as smoked crack-cocaine. Indeed, within seconds
the finding that nearly all drugs with depen- after being smoked and then absorbed in the
dence liability (cocaine, amphetamine, heroin, lungs, the vaporized cocaine reaches the brain
alcohol, nicotine, marijuana) share a common and an almost instantaneous rush of euphoria
action of activating brain reward systems, as in- may fuel a crack-associated rapid emergence of
dicated by elevated dopamine levels in the nu- the cocaine dependence process, as indicated by
cleus accumbens (Dackis & O’Brien, 2003b). In recent epidemiological evidence (Chen & An-
fact, researchers routinely use this neurochemi- thony, 2004). A similar rapid onset of effects can
cal signature of drug reward to screen the addic- be achieved by injecting cocaine, but smoking
tive potential of compounds synthesized in crack is more convenient and more socially ac-
pharmaceutical research and development pro- ceptable than injecting cocaine, especially when
cess. Natural rewards such as food, water, and adolescents already have a history of smoking
sex also increase dopamine levels in the nucleus cigarettes or marijuana.
accumbens, consistent with the notion that In addition to characteristics of the drug agent
these drugs produce euphoria by activating nat- and its route of administration, host factors can
ural pleasure pathways. Although dopamine contribute significantly to the onset and course
plays a central role in natural and drug-induced of the dependence process. Disenfranchised ad-
reward, there is also evidence that endogenous olescents might use drugs to gain peer accep-
opioids, glutamate, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), tance, and thrill-seeking adolescents may be
and serotonin systems are mechanistically in- attracted to drug euphoria. Adolescents with
volved. clinical features of depression, anxiety, or
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 339

phobias may sometimes use drugs for relief of gain control of their drug use, but relapse to
these symptoms. Unfortunately, chronic brain compulsive use is almost inevitable. When the
changes produced by drugs often exacerbate the user returns to a neighborhood where he or she
very symptoms they initially alleviated, and previously used drugs, the environmental cues
these drugs may well produce far more psychi- may reflexively precipitate craving and resump-
atric symptoms than they relieve. tion of drug taking. The role of environmental
Inherited traits correlated with a family his- cues (people, places, and things) that can trigger
tory of drug dependence are also now appreci- craving are important research-based principles
ated as important host characteristics associated that influence both continued drug use and re-
with the risk of becoming drug-dependent. Chil- lapse after treatment (O’Brien, Childress, Mc-
dren of alcoholics are at increased risk of devel- Lellan, & Ehrman, 1992). Since agent, host, and
oping alcoholism, even after they have been environmental factors are cumulatively involved
adopted at birth and raised by nonalcoholic par- in addictive illness, effective prevention and
ents, and identical twins are more likely than fra- treatment interventions typically address all
ternal twins to be concordant for alcoholism three realms.
(Schuckit, 2000) and nicotine dependence (Sul-
livan & Kendler, 1999). Drug effects vary mark-
edly from one individual to another and are THE EXTENT AND NATURE
influenced by genetic variations that affect OF THE PROBLEMS
drug absorption, metabolism, excretion, and
receptor-mediated neuronal responses. Re- The field of epidemiology offers a description in
searchers are actively investigating profiles of statistical terms of the nature and extent of prob-
candidate genes that encode the enzymes or lems associated with adolescent use of alcohol,
other protein products related to these func- tobacco, and other psychoactive drugs. In this
tions, as described in later sections about specific section, we describe trends and offer estimates
agents. for the prevalence of different forms of drug tak-
Individuals with extensive family history ing, as well as the occurrence of the clinically
loadings for drug dependence do not necessarily defined syndromes of abuse and addiction. As we
become addicted, however, partly because envi- seek to understand the nature and extent of as-
ronmental factors (supply, psychosocial norms, sociated problems we stress the plural. Indeed, a
and peer pressure) also influence the onset and description of “the problem” would oversimplify
development of dependence processes. Drug the complex phenomenon of drug use and ad-
supply is an essential and permissive factor that diction described previously in this chapter.
has been targeted by law enforcement initiatives.
Without drug access, there can be no addiction.
Aside from the physical availability of a drug, ac- Evolution of the Drug Epidemic Among
cess can also be affected by its cost, with, for ex- Mainstream Youth in the United States:
ample, the increased use of cocaine and heroin 1960s–1990
in the past decade coinciding with the declining
street price of these drugs. Psychosocial norms Against a background of quite prevalent alcohol
also affect the timing of first and subsequent uses and tobacco use in the United States, the preva-
of addictive drugs. In some communities, drug lence of illegal drug use grew dramatically
users and drug dealers are actually viewed as suc- among American adolescents beginning in the
cessful role models to be respected and emulated 1960s. Since then, there have been dynamic
by young people. This unfortunate situation is changes. New drugs have emerged (e.g., crack-
often compounded by inadequate educational, cocaine; MDMA, or ecstasy). Major historical
vocational, and diversionary options that would events led to great social upheaval and aliena-
otherwise offset the attractiveness of a drug- tion among many youth (e.g., the Vietnam War,
related lifestyle. Drug users often attempt to re- the Watergate scandal). Concurrently, youth in-
340 Part V Substance Use Disorders

volvement in illegal drug use changed from be- the symbolic meanings of illegal drug use. Dur-
ing a set of experiences and behaviors con- ing this interval, the illegal drug use epidemic
centrated mostly in fairly small, identifiable developed its own forward momentum.
subgroups on the periphery of mainstream As gauged in relation to the number of new
American society to becoming a widespread and adolescent users year by year, it was not until the
more normative set of experiences and behavior. late 1970s that the epidemic trend turned down-
In terms of numerical increases of new users and ward. Even so, the proportion of young people
previously observed and expected numbers, continuing to use drugs did not decline across
these illegal drug use experiences came to be the board until after 1985. The decline in each
characterized as an epidemic, and drug use be- year’s prevalence proportion persisted into the
came an important “generation gap” issue, with early 1990s. During this interval of time, norms
youths and adults often holding radically differ- among young people against the use of many of
ent views of the acceptability of drug use—par- the illegal drugs strengthened considerably. Our
ticularly the use of certain drugs such as mari- surveys showed an increased appreciation of
juana and hallucinogens (National Commission harms associated with illegal drug use, in partic-
on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1972). ular marijuana, cocaine, crack, and phenlcycli-
At the peak of this epidemic of illegal drug use, dine (PCP) (Bachman, Johnston, & O’Malley,
between 1975 and 1980, fully two thirds of 1990, 1998; Johnston, 2003).
American adolescents had tried an illegal drug by This change in perceptions about drugs and a
the time they finished high school (Johnston, concomitant decline in prevalence of illegal drug
O’Malley, & Bachman, 2002a; see also Substance use during the late 1980s, however, may have
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administra- helped to sow the seeds of its own reversal and
tion (SAMHSA), 2002a). This represented a dra- to create a context for emergence of a notewor-
matic increase over the prevalence proportions thy “failure of success.” By this we mean that
observed in the mid-1960s, when the epidemic important new historical events were emerging
began (Johnston, 1973; National Commission in the late 1980s and early 1990s to take the cen-
on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1972). During ter stage of the popular imagination. Headlines
this interval, illegal drug use came to be associ- and media attention shifted away from domestic
ated with political beliefs—particularly, being matters such as illegal drug use and toward con-
against the Vietnam War—and with certain life- cerns about terrorism abroad, the Iraqi invasion
style orientations, as reflected in the countercul- of Kuwait, and the emerging Gulf War. With
ture (Johnston, 1973; Zinburg & Robertson, these declines in coverage of the drug issue by
1972). At the population level, there were also the media, Congressional attention and budg-
associations with other forms of rule-breaking eting for drug prevention programs shrank con-
behavior, deviance, or delinquency unrelated to siderably, and political attention to the issue de-
using drugs. These associations remain, even clined generally. Young people were hearing and
though many drug-using youths are otherwise reading much less about illegal drug use, and
rule abiding and do not show other conduct perhaps more importantly, their perceptions re-
problems, and some youths with conduct prob- flected less familiarity with hazards that go along
lems do not take illegal drugs (Jessor & Jessor, with illegal drug use (Johnston, 1991, 2003). In
1977; Johnston, 1973; Osgood, Johnston, our retrospective analysis of the domains of in-
O’Malley, & Bachman, 1988). fluence that govern youths’ appreciation of the
If the Vietnam War and other historical events hazards of illegal drug use, we build from a foun-
of the 1960s and early 1970s accounted for the dation of observations by historian David Musto
dramatic increase in the epidemic of illegal drug and others, highlighting (a) media coverage, (b)
use, one might have expected a downward trend drug prevention programming, (c) personal ex-
with passage of time since these events. That periences, and (d) vicarious experiences (i.e.,
turned out not to be the case. The Vietnam War learning vicariously from peers, parents, or other
ended in 1973, but the rise in drug use continued relatives of the drugs’ hazards experienced by
into the late 1970s, albeit with some fading of others). To the extent that society achieves suc-
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 341

cess in dampening the prevalence of illegal drug popular drugs reached peak values in the 2000–
use (by whatever means), we may expect con- 2002 interval, and there now may be a persisting
trollable declines in the first two domains: (a) downward trend in prevalence of MDMA use,
media coverage falls, and (b) support for preven- concomitant with increases in the proportion of
tion programming wanes. Part and parcel with young people perceiving adverse effects and haz-
declines in the prevalence of illegal drug use are ards of MDMA use, as happened with a number
less personal experience with these drugs, fewer of other drugs in prior years (Johnston et al.,
chances to try the drugs, and fewer young people 2003b).
experiencing the hurt that often goes along with The ecstasy epidemic among youth and
drug taking. In addition, there is less vicarious young adults illustrates one very important fea-
experience with the associated hazards as can be ture of the larger epidemic of illegal drug use
gained by personal acquaintance with other over the past three decades: that there has been
young people or adults whose lives have been a continuing march of new drugs onto the scene,
harmed by illegal drug use. Hence, on the down- each presenting youths with new alternatives.
ward side of an epidemic curve of illegal drug While American youth may have learned about
use, the same processes that fuel the continuing the dangers of most of the existing alternatives
decline in the behavior of illegal drug use are fu- on the menu, we may expect continuing inno-
eling a decline in adolescents’ personal and vi- vations and “designer drugs,” perhaps with
carious knowledge of the hazards of illegal drug claims that the new drug compounds have no
use. In this sense, a “success” in the form of de- adverse consequences. As an elaboration of the
clining prevalence of illegal drug use sows the “failure-of-success” concept, we now appreciate
seeds for a “failure” and later rebound—to the that when one birth cohort of adolescents comes
extent that the knowledge of drug-associated to appreciate the dangers of a drug, by learning
hazards helps to promote resistance when the about its consequences through the media, pre-
young person faces the first or subsequent vention programming, and personal and vicari-
chance to try an illegal drug. ous experience, and enters the lower-risk devel-
These seeds for a resurgence of illegal drug use opmental period of adulthood, the more
among American adolescents had been sown in recently born cohorts of children enter adoles-
the late 1980s and early 1990s, and for most il- cence without the history of accumulated
legal drugs, the epidemic curve turned upward knowledge and belief about the hazards con-
in the early 1990s, with a generally persistent nected with the drug. These adolescents are thus
trend of increasing proportions of new users and prone to reexperience and relearn these dangers
continuing users into the late 1990s. Marijuana on their own.
use exhibited the sharpest rise during this The ecstasy/MDMA example illustrates an-
“relapse phase” in the epidemic, but use of most other important point of particular relevance to
of the drugs in the ever-growing list of alterna- prevention. A careful examination of the trends
tives increased during this period as well (John- over time of the various classes of illegal drugs
ston, O’Malley, & Bachman, 2003b; SAMHSA, will show that to a considerable degree, they
2002a,b). each have unique cross-time profiles (Johnston
By the late 1990s there were once again signs et al., 2003a; SAMHSA, 2002a). The use of one
of improvement, with prevalence of inhalant use drug may be rising at the same time that the use
beginning to decline in 1996, and prevalence of of another is falling and perhaps a third is hold-
marijuana use peaking or stabilizing by 1997. ing steady. This means that the different drugs
Other drugs began to decline at various points, are responding to influences that are specific to
including LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), co- them—very likely, factors such as the perceived
caine, and finally heroin. But one drug was grow- benefits of using that drug as well as the per-
ing sharply in popularity in the late 1990s— ceived dangers of doing so. Although there may
namely, ecstasy, or MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy- be some larger social forces, such as the Vietnam
methamphetamine). With respect to prevalence War, that change the overall proportions of
of recent use, this newcomer to the list of youth willing to engage in illegal drug use gen-
342 Part V Substance Use Disorders

erally, there are also many important drug- high school seniors are selected for follow-up
specific influences that must be taken into each year and are then surveyed by mail for some
account. This means that drug education, com- years after high school graduation in this cohort-
munication, and persuasion efforts may be most sequential study design.1
valuable when they address each class of drug The third source of population survey data de-
separately. The attitudes and beliefs related to rives from national household surveys that in-
drugs are so varied that in addition to pursuing clude and report separately on youth 12 to 17
goals common to all drugs, such as strengthen- years old—the National Household Survey on
ing resistance to peer influence in favor of any il- Drug Use and Health (NHSDUH), known until
legal drug, there should be educational efforts very recently as the National Household Survey
specific to individual drugs (Johnston et al., on Drug Abuse (NHSDA).2 Data were gathered
2003a; SAMHSA, 2002a). from adolescents for many years by personal in-
terview in combination with private answer
sheets on drug use, but very recently the meth-
Major Data Sources Documenting Adolescent odology has shifted to computer-assisted inter-
Drug Experiences in the United States viewing. This series began in 1971 with a survey
for the National Commission on Marijuana and
There are several ongoing survey series available Drug Abuse (1972). Over the years there have
for assessing the size and nature of the American been a number of changes in measurement con-
adolescent drug experience, based on scientifi- tent, measurement methods, and sample sizes,
cally selected national samples. Two are based on all of which have made accurate trend estima-
in-school surveys using self-completed paper- tion more of a challenge. In general, however,
and-pencil questionnaires administered to stu- trends have been reasonably parallel to those
dents in group settings: the Center for Disease generated by MTF and YRBS. The NHSDUH uses
Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Youth Risk Be- a repeated cross-section design, with surveys
havior Study (YRBS), and the University of Mich- conducted at various intervals in the past, but on
igan’s Monitoring the Future (MTF) study, spon- an annual basis in recent years.3
sored by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The National Comorbidity Survey (NCS; Kes-
The MTF was launched in 1975 and the YRBS in sler, 1994) represents a somewhat different ap-
1991. proach to generating prevalence data on drug
In the YRBS, a nationally representative sam- use, in that it measures the prevalence and cor-
ple of some 13,000 to 14,000 students in grades relates of DSM III-R disorders, as well as the con-
9 through 12, enrolled in about 150 public and nection of drug dependence and related disor-
private high schools, are surveyed by means of ders to the various other psychiatric disorders
self-administered, optically scanned question- (Anthony, Warner, & Kessler, 1994). One key
naires (Grunbaum et al., 2002; Kann, 2002). Data finding is that there is a significant level of such
are gathered biennially. Measurement is spread comorbidity among individuals with a drug de-
across a range of risk behaviors for adolescents,
so little information is gathered on attitudes, be-
1. A full listing of publications from MTF may be found
liefs, or social surroundings specifically related to at
drug use. This is a repeated cross-section design. 2. In the past, estimates that emanate from the National
In the MTF, some 45,000 students in grades 8, Household Surveys have been lower than those that derive
from the school surveys, possibly because of greater con-
10, and 12, enrolled in public and private cealment in the household setting or other sampling or
schools in the coterminous United States, are measurement differences (e.g., see Harrison, 2001). Since
MTF covers a considerably longer time period, more classes
surveyed annually. Self-administered, optically of drugs, and more information on related attitudes, be-
scanned questionnaires are used in this study as liefs, and environmental factors than the YRBS, it will be
used as the source for most of the estimates presented here.
well. Extensive information is gathered on atti- The YRBS, begun in 1991, generates prevalence estimates
tudes, beliefs, and various social influences from that tend to be slightly higher than those from MTF, but
shows trends that tend to be quite similar.
the family, school, work, and mass-media envi- 3. A listing of publications on the NHSDUH may be
ronments. In addition, representative panels of found at
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 343





’76 ’78 ’80 ’82 ’84 ’86 ’88 ’90 ’92 ’94 ’96 ’98 ’00 ’02
Year of Administration

Figure 17.1 Trends in annual prevalence of any illicit drug other than mari-
juana in three populations.

pendence syndrome (see, for example, Kessler et ulation, the DAWN system is intended to gen-
al., 1996, 2001).4 Unfortunately, the relatively erate data on case counts of drug-related “casu-
small samples of adolescents in the first iteration alties.”
in the NCS put limitations on the precision of es-
timates specific to adolescents. The NCS house-
hold sample included around 8,000 people from Prevalence and Trends in the Adolescent
ages 15 to 54 in the noninstitutionalized popu- Use of Various Drugs
lation of the United States, and it was fielded be-
tween 1990 and 1992. Sequel surveys are now Prevalence rates of adolescent use of specific sub-
being carried out that will, among other things, stances (heroin, cocaine, alcohol, and tobacco
provide trend estimates on many of the condi- especially) are given in the discussion of those
tions measured in the first wave. In addition, and substances later in this chapter. Here we focus on
of particular relevance here, a supplementary the prevalence rates and trends of use across var-
sample of 10,000 adolescents is included in the ious substances.
current work to specifically examine the preva- The 2002 MTF survey shows that a quarter
lence and correlates of drug dependence and (25%) of today’s young people have tried some
other disorders among adolescents. illegal drug before finishing eighth grade—that
Still another, completely different, type of in- is, by ages 13 or 14—and more than half (53%)
formation is gathered nationwide from hospital have done so by the end of high school (John-
emergency rooms and coroners’ offices as part of ston et al., 2003b). If inhalants are included in
the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN; e.g., the definition of illegal drugs, the numbers are
SAMHSA, 2002b), in which case counts are made even higher (32% and 55%, respectively). Prev-
of people treated for medical emergencies in- alence rates for any illegal drug, marijuana, cig-
volving any of a range of drugs and of people arettes, and binge drinking of alcohol observed
who die with identifiable evidence of drug use among 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-grade students in
present. Unlike the population surveys, which these nationally representative surveys are given
attempt to estimate prevalence and trends in in Figures 17.1–17.4. (Grade 8 students are 13 or
drug use in major segments of the national pop- 14 years old for the most part, and grade 12 stu-
dents are mostly 17 or 18 years old.) Trend data
4. A full list of publications from the National Comor-
bidity Study may be found at
for the three grades illustrate a number of the points made above, including the dynamic na-
344 Part V Substance Use Disorders





’76 ’78 ’80 ’82 ’84 ’86 ’88 ’90 ’92 ’94 ’96 ’98 ’00 ’02
Year of Administration

Figure 17.2 Trends in annual prevalence of marijuana in three populations.





’76 ’78 ’80 ’82 ’84 ’86 ’88 ’90 ’92 ’94 ’96 ’98 ’00 ’02
Year of Administration

Figure 17.3 Trends in 30-day prevalence of cigarette smoking in three populations.

ture of this class of problem behaviors among drugs in recent years.6 As would be expected, the
youth, and that different drugs tend to vary in- values rise with age (and, therefore, with preva-
dependently of the others.5 lence), but not as much as one might expect.
By comparison, Tables 17.1 and 17.2 provide Among 12th graders (the only ones asked about
trends in the proportion of 8th-, 10th-, and 12th- the distinction) the number receiving outpatient
grade students in MTF who reported receiving treatment or counseling exceeds the number re-
treatment for their use of alcohol and/or illegal ceiving inpatient treatment by a ratio of 3:1 to
5:1 in recent years, but by larger ratios in earlier
5. It should be noted that data based on school surveys, years. The lifetime prevalence of treatment also
such as MTF or YRBS, of necessity omit the out-of-school
segment of the youth population. How great an omission rose toward the end of the 1990s, no doubt re-
varies with age, of course. At 8th grade less dropping out flecting the relapse in the epidemic of adolescent
has occurred; more has occurred before the end of 10th
grade, although most states have compulsory attendance drug use from the early to mid-1990s.
laws through the age of 16. By 12th grade, it is estimated Other important survey series that attempt to
from Census data that perhaps 15% of an age cohort has
permanently dropped out. (See Johnston, et al., 2003b, Ap- measure clinically defined cases of drug depen-
pendix A, for a more detailed discussion of this issue and
for numerical estimates of the degree of underreporting 6. Pairs of years have been combined to increase the
likely to occur as a result of dropping out and absenteeism.) reliability of the estimates.
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 345






’76 ’78 ’80 ’82 ’84 ’86 ’88 ’90 ’92 ’94 ’96 ’98 ’00 ’02
Year of Administration

Figure 17.4 Trends in 2-week prevalence of binge drinking in three populations.

dence and related problems are the National prevalence of use of the full range of legal and
Household Surveys mentioned above (e.g., illegal substances than their white, Hispanic, or
SAMHSA, 2002a) and the National Comorbidity Native American counterparts, although there
Study (Anthony, Warner, & Kessler, 1994; Kes- seems to be some reversal of this difference in
sler, 1994). However, as is explained above, it is early and later adulthood (SAMHSA, 2002a). Na-
still too soon to derive much from the NCS with tive Americans tend to have the highest preva-
specific regard to adolescents. lence of use, and in early adolescence, Hispanic
youth tend to have the next highest. Adolescent
boys are somewhat more likely than girls to use
Subgroup Differences in Substance Use
most drugs, and quite a bit more likely to use
Not all adolescent and young adult subgroups in them frequently. Van Etten, Anthony, and col-
society are at equal risk of being a recently active leagues have pursued a line of research that
drug user (Johnston et al., 2002a; Wallace et al., traces the basic male–female difference in drug
2003). During adolescence, at least, African- experience back to an earlier male excess in the
American youngsters have substantially lower experience of the first chance to try drugs; that

Table 17.1 How Many Have Ever Received Drug Treatment or Counseling?: Cumulative Proportion (%)
Estimated for Each Year, 1988–2001

1988– 1990– 1992– 1994– 1996– 1998– 2000–

Grade 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 Average

8 2.9 2.7 3.3 3.0 2.8 2.9

10 2.7 3.1 3.9 3.9 4.0 3.5
12 (total) 3.7 3.6 3.3 3.9 4.5 4.7 4.1 4.0
12 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.2
12 3.3 3.4 2.9 3.4 3.9 4.5 3.7 3.6

Source: Johnston, L. D., O’Malley, P. M., & Bachman, J. G. (2002a). National survey results from the Monitoring the Future
study, 1975–2001. Volume I: Secondary school students. Bethesda, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse.
346 Part V Substance Use Disorders

Table 17.2 How Many Received Drug Treatment or Counseling Each Year?: Prevalence Proportion (%)
Estimated for Each Year, 1988–2001

1988– 1990– 1992– 1994– 1996– 1998– 2000–

Grade 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 Average

8 1.4 1.2 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4

10 1.3 1.5 1.9 2.0 1.9 1.7
12 (total) 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.9 2.3 2.2 1.9 1.9
12 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4
12 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.8 2.1 2.1 1.7 1.7

Source: Johnston, L. D., O’Malley, P. M., & Bachman, J. G. (2002a). National survey results from the Monitoring the Future
study, 1975–2001. Volume I: Secondary school students. Bethesda, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse.

is, males have the chance to try illegal drugs ear- and the Northeast United States attaining con-
lier than girls and at any given age are more siderably higher prevalence of use than the
likely to have experienced a chance to try these South or the North Central. But during the con-
drugs. However, once the first chance to try a traction period that followed, beginning in
drug is presented, girls are just as likely as boys 1997, the West and Northeast also showed the
to actually consume the drug (e.g., see Van Etten most dramatic declines (Johnston, et al., 2003b).
& Anthony, 2001; Van Etten, Neumarks, & An-
thony, 1999). Contrary to popular opinion, rural
An International Comparison
areas now generally do not have lower preva-
lence of most types of drug use than more urban The American drug epidemic of the 1960s and
areas, and sometimes actually have higher rates, 1970s spread around the globe, as a mobile gen-
which speaks to how thoroughly the drug epi- eration of young people traveled the world. Even
demic has diffused to all parts of American so- so, illegal drug use generally did not penetrate so
ciety. The finding that most forms of drug use do deeply into youth populations of other coun-
not vary much as a function of the educational tries. A recent 30-country prevalence survey of
level of the parents, a measure of socioeconomic illegal drug use among 15-year-olds (mostly in
status, also reflects this diffusion. The use of cer- European countries) shows generally larger val-
tain drugs does tend to concentrate in particular ues for American adolescents than for any of the
regions of the country—crystal methampheta- 30 other countries (Hibell et al., 2000). Despite
mine use in the West, for example—but for the the long-ago passing of forces giving special im-
most part regional similarities are more note- petus to the American epidemic, and despite
worthy than the differences. Sometimes, when a progress in prevention, we still are in the top
new drug is coming onto the scene, such as crack rank.7
in the 1980s and ecstasy in the late 1990s, there A caution is in order, however. When an epi-
are larger geographic differences until the diffu- demic has occurred, as happened with cocaine
sion process takes place. Most of the demo- in the 1970s and early 1980s, it can give rise to
graphic and family background subgroup differ- a considerable population of continuing, de-
ences mentioned above tend to enlarge during pendent users. A result is that “casualty” counts
periods of greater use of a drug and to diminish of impaired users needing treatment can lag be-
during periods of contraction in use; but still hind general trends in prevalence of use.
they tend to remain consistent as to direction
7. It should be noted that with regard to use of the legal
over long historical periods, with very few ex- drugs, alcohol and tobacco, the United States has enjoyed
ceptions. Regional differences in cocaine use ex- one of the lowest prevalence proportions of any of the
countries compared, a fact of considerable consequence for
panded dramatically in the early 1980s, at the the long-term health and longevity of this generation of
height of the cocaine epidemic, with the West youth.
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 347

CLINICAL ASPECTS OF SPECIFIC although recent data suggest this pattern may be
SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS changing. More often than not, after becoming
a regular user, all of these three drugs (and often
Our understanding of adolescent addiction, in others) are used in close proximity or together.
both pharmacological and behavioral realms, is This is true to varying degrees for all the drugs
somewhat limited, and research advances in this attractive to some adolescents. The pharmacol-
area have been thwarted by several considera- ogy and toxicity of drug combinations can be
tions. First, the typical pharmacologic experi- complex and different from the pharmacology
ments involving controlled administration of of the drugs used individually.
drugs commonly done with adult research vol-
unteers for the most part have not been possible
with adolescents. Thus much of what is known Heroin and Other Opioid Dependence
about the pharmacology of drugs in adolescents in Adolescence
must be inferred from experience with adults.
The logistics, particularly ethical, regulatory, and Most adolescents view heroin to be extremely
related informed-consent issues, are such that dangerous and few if any plan to become ad-
much of the pharmacologic research on drugs dicted to this agent. Yet heroin use has increased
that adolescents should not be using must nec- since 1992 among all age groups and the average
essarily take place with animal models or with age of first time use has declined (SAMHSA,
adult volunteers. Of course, useful information 1997). Furthermore, heroin is now available to
can be learned from clinical experience and ob- adolescents living in urban, suburban, and even
servations, but even our clinical experience has rural settings, where alarming numbers of ado-
been limited by adolescent resistance to treat- lescents are seeking treatment for heroin addic-
ment, by social stigma, and by an inadequate ad- tion and presenting to emergency rooms with
diction treatment infrastructure in the United heroin-related problems. There has also been an
States. Furthermore, anecdotal clinical informa- uptrend among adolescents in the abuse of pre-
tion is much less reliable than that gleaned from scription pills with opioid agonist action (see Ta-
controlled studies, as have been performed on ble 17.3) that are capable of producing the same
adult substance abusers. Experience from clinical clinical elements characteristic of heroin depen-
settings, such as emergency rooms and treat- dence. In past years heroin was primarily in-
ment clinics, provides information on the phar- jected and the reluctance of adolescents to use
macology of adverse drug consequences, but needles probably provided a significant barrier to
provides less information on the more typical their first-time use. But the purity of heroin has
pharmacologic effects of illicit drug use experi- increased significantly and the drug is now
enced by the majority of adolescent users who widely administered by the less efficient but
never appear for treatment of adverse conse- more socially acceptable nasal route, making
quences. first-time use less onerous to adolescents who are
Another consideration when describing ef-
fects of drugs in adolescents is that it is tradi- Table 17.3 Opioid Pain Relievers
tional to present and discuss the pharmacology
of each drug or drug class individually. However, Codeine (Phenergan, Robitussin)
adolescents who abuse drugs, particularly those Hydrocodone (Hycodan)
of most concern who use drugs regularly, seldom Hydromorphone (Dilaudid)
take only one drug during an evening or day of Meperidine (Demerol)
drug use. All of the drugs reviewed here are typ- Methadone (Dolophine)
ically used more in various combinations rather Morphine (Roxanol)
than individually. For example, when consider- Oxycodone (Oxycontin, Percocet, Percodan)
ing the pharmacology of cannabis, hardly any- Pentazocine (Talwin)
one begins to use cannabis regularly before be-
Propoxyphene (Darvocet, Darvon)
coming experienced with alcohol and tobacco,
348 Part V Substance Use Disorders

introduced to heroin by peers, acquaintances, Tolerance develops more rapidly to the re-
and family members. In addition, a precipitous warding effect of heroin than to its toxic effects,
decline in the price of heroin has made the drug such as respiratory depression, which increases
affordable to adolescents. the risk of lethal overdose in users pursuing eu-
Data on adolescents from the National House- phoria. In the presence of adequate supply, her-
hold Surveys on Drug Use and Health oin users can progressively increase their daily
(NHSDUH) reported that in the 12- to 17-years dose by 100-fold. Street heroin varies widely in
age range, there were 47,000 active heroin users potency and unusually pure shipments are no-
in the United States (0.2% prevalence), of which torious for leaving a trail in the medical exam-
34,000 had recently begun using heroin (0.1% iner’s office. Although naloxone (an opioid re-
incidence) (SAMHSA, 2000). Chen and Anthony ceptor antagonist) rapidly reverses heroin
(under review) studied the clinical course of ad- overdose, timely medical treatment is often un-
olescent heroin users by analyzing NHSDUH available in adolescent overdose situations that
data from calendar years 2000 and 2001 and can easily result in death. Heroin is often used in
found that approximately 22% of first-time users combination with other drugs of abuse: benzo-
became addicted. In addition, clinical features diazepines, cocaine, alcohol, marijuana, and pre-
reported by the adolescent heroin users (time scription opioids. It is common for intravenous
spent seeking heroin and recovering from its ef- users to inject heroin and cocaine simultane-
fects, failed efforts to quit, dose escalation, con- ously (termed “speedballing”) to experience ad-
tinued use despite emotional and physical prob- ditive subjective effects of these agents.
lems, reduction in nondrug activities) were Heroin addiction produces marked functional
generally much greater than corresponding es- impairment in adolescents as they progressively
timates for stimulants, alcohol, marijuana, hal- lose control over the amount used and over be-
lucinogens, sedative and hypnotics, and inha- haviors directed toward heroin procurement. Re-
lants. There are approximately 1,262,000 ports indicate that the risk of developing specific
adolescents using prescription pain relievers clinical features of drug dependence is consis-
(5.4% prevalence), 722,000 recent-onset users tently greater for heroin than other drugs of
(3.3% incidence), and a 9% likelihood of becom- abuse (SAMHSA, 2002a). School performance,
ing addicted (SAMHSA, 2000). family relations, and social functioning typically
The addictiveness of heroin stems largely deteriorate significantly as heroin becomes the
from the intense euphoria associated with her- adolescent’s first priority. Heroin-addicted ado-
oin intoxication. Heroin euphoria has been com- lescents often resort to illegal activities, includ-
pared to sexual orgasm or described as “God’s ing shoplifting, dealing, prostitution, and rob-
warmest blanket” by heroin users who often be- bery, as a means of paying for their increasing
come obsessed with the drug. The rewarding ef- heroin dose requirement. Consequently, they
fect of heroin and of all opioid agonists derives risk arrest, conviction, and incarceration, along
from their ability to activate endogenous opioid with the stigma and disadvantages that are as-
receptors that densely populate reward-related sociated with a criminal record. Heroin users also
brain regions. Opioid receptors are normally ac- risk physical trauma associated with the danger-
tivated by endogenous opioid peptides (i.e., β- ous drug-seeking lifestyle. As their heroin addic-
endorphin, enkephalin, dynorphin) that play tion intensifies, adolescents are usually shielded
important roles in natural reward and satiety from their impairment by denial, an essential
(Dackis & O’Brien, 2003b). An injection of her- feature of the addiction. Minimization, ration-
oin leads to a rush of euphoria that lasts several alization, intellectualization, and other aspects
minutes and is followed by a persistent period of of denial must be addressed by treatment inter-
sedation and satiety, during which time the user ventions that make adolescents aware of their
typically nods and falls asleep. It is noteworthy loss of control.
that this tranquil response to heroin contrasts Adolescents who experiment with heroin are
markedly with the stimulation, gregariousness, often surprised by the rapid onset of heroin
and intense craving that follows cocaine use. withdrawal. Heroin withdrawal symptoms usu-
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 349

ally emerge within days or weeks after the first teristic of cocaine dependence is seldom re-
use of heroin, typically emerging within 8 to 12 ported among heroin users. Heroin users
hr of abstinence and lasting for 3 to 5 days. Phys- routinely experience withdrawal symptoms
iological, genetic, and psychological factors can when their supply of heroin or money is inter-
significantly affect the duration and severity of rupted. Furthermore, severely addicted individ-
heroin withdrawal. It is noteworthy that the uals must use heroin several times per day to
signs and symptoms of heroin withdrawal are di- avoid withdrawal, and are constantly oscillating
ametrically opposite those of heroin intoxica- between periods of heroin intoxication and
tion. This phenomenon results from the fact that withdrawal, creating a vicious cycle that posi-
compensatory brain responses to chronically ad- tively (euphoria) and negatively (withdrawal/
ministered heroin are unopposed during heroin craving) reinforces continued heroin use. When
abstinence, resulting in rebound withdrawal alcohol or other sedatives (benzodiazepines, bar-
symptoms (O’Brien, 2001). Although the heroin biturates) are also abused, sedative withdrawal
withdrawal syndrome (see Table 17.4) is ex- symptoms may complicate the symptoms of
tremely unpleasant, it is not medically danger- opioid withdrawal.
Heroin-addicted individuals experience panic
and intense irritability during withdrawal, and Cocaine and Other Stimulant
their urgent drive for heroin often leads to risky Dependence in Adolescence
drug-seeking behaviors. This tendency is com-
pounded in adolescents who are characteristi- Cocaine is the most heavily abused nervous sys-
cally impulsive. Generally, heroin users will ac- tem stimulant in the United States and therefore
tively avoid withdrawal symptoms by using the primary focus of this section. Other central
heroin on a regular and daily basis. Conse- stimulants (most notably methamphetamine,
quently, the binge pattern of use that is charac- amphetamine, and dextroamphetamine) pro-

Table 17.4 Signs and Symptoms of Heroin

Intoxication and Withdrawal

Heroin Intoxication Heroin Withdrawal

Signs (Observed)
Bradycardia Tachycardia
Low blood pressure Elevated blood pressure
Low body temperature Fever, sweats
Sedation Insomnia
Small (pinpoint) pupils Enlarged pupils
Reduced movement Pacing
Slurred speech Piloerection (“gooseflesh”)
Head nodding Yawning, tearing, runny nose
Slow breathing Increased breathing rate

Symptoms (Reported)
Euphoria Anxiety, depression
Reduced pain threshold Bone and muscle pain
Calmness Cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
Satiation Craving for heroin
Restlessness, irritability
Reduced pain threshold
350 Part V Substance Use Disorders

duce cocaine-like subjective effects that result amine was developed in the mid-20th century
from their similar neurotransmitter actions in and widely abused until perceived risk became
reward-related brain circuits (Dackis & O’Brien, appreciated, partly in response to the “speed
2001). Methamphetamine is used predomi- kills” prevention initiative. Its appearance illus-
nantly in the western regions of the United trates both the latent human demand for stim-
States, and is particularly addicting when in- ulants and the potential danger posed by new
jected or smoked. Although many adolescents compounds, including designer drugs that have
are able to experiment with stimulants without similar actions on reward-related brain circuits.
suffering long-term consequences, others are The reversibility of perceived risk was demon-
pulled into a tenacious cycle of addiction that all strated by the reemergence of cocaine in the
too often persists into adulthood. About 6% of 1980s as a popular drug with a mythology of
the adolescents who try cocaine become ad- harmlessness.
dicted within 1 year, and most of the additional In recent years, it is likely that the availability
10% who ultimately become addicted do so of inexpensive crack has actually increased co-
within 3 years (Wagner & Anthony, 2002a). The caine access to adolescents. Crack can now be
constitutional and environmental vulnerabili- purchased for as little as $2 in many regions of
ties that predispose individuals to cocaine addic- the United States. Although there was a reduc-
tion are not entirely understood, and it is very tion in cocaine use among adolescents between
difficult to predict which adolescents will ulti- 1985 and 1995, findings of the U.S. Substance
mately become afflicted. Considerable resources Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration
have been allocated to prevention, on the basis (SAMHSA) and the United Nations Office for
of the undeniable fact that cocaine addiction Drug Control and Crime Prevention provide ev-
cannot occur if cocaine is never tried. Prevention idence that cocaine use in the United States and
initiatives include educational and advertising throughout the world actually increased during
campaigns that convey the dangers of cocaine, the late 1990s (Chen & Anthony, 2004). Data on
school and community programs, and law en- American adolescents (ages 12–17) from the Na-
forcement efforts that target the key variable of tional Household Surveys on Drug Use and
cocaine supply. However, preventive measures Health (SAMHSA, 2000) reported 397,000 active
(discussed in Chapter 19) are most likely to ben- cocaine (including crack) users (1.7% preva-
efit cocaine-naive individuals and are of limited lence) and 275,000 (1.2% incidence) recent-
value to adolescents who are already in the grips onset users. Stimulants other than cocaine were
of full-fledged cocaine addiction. actively used by 561,000 (2.4% prevalence) ad-
The historic use of cocaine has varied exten- olescents, of which 322,000 (1.4% incidence)
sively, reaching epidemic levels when its addic- were recent-onset users. These data indicate that
tiveness was unappreciated and receding when many adolescents continue to experiment with
perceived risk was great. The chemical isolation cocaine and other stimulants even though their
of cocaine in 1860 produced a white powder that risks are widely known.
could be efficiently consumed by oral, intra- Crack provides adolescents with a convenient
nasal, and intravenous routes. Cocaine became and highly efficient means of administering co-
immensely popular in Europe and the United caine that is particularly acceptable to adoles-
States in the 19th century, and was sold in wine cents who are already smoking tobacco or mar-
or soda (a bottle of Coca-Cola originally con- ijuana. Marketing inexpensive crack, whether by
tained 10 mg of cocaine) for its medicinal, anti- design or chance, has apparently provided the
depressant, and energy-enhancing qualities. Its illegal drug industry with adolescent cocaine
availability and perceived harmlessness proved customers that number in the hundreds of
to be essential ingredients that quickly un- thousands. In addition, smoking crack (a free-
leashed a cocaine epidemic in the late 19th cen- base form of cocaine that can be vaporized with-
tury. Cocaine use declined precipitously after the out loss of potency) has long been recognized to
risk of medical, psychiatric, and behavioral con- be more hazardous than snorting cocaine HCl
sequences became widely appreciated. Amphet- (Hatsukami & Fischman, 1996). Crack is taken
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 351

by the intrapulmonary route that delivers co- particularly older siblings, are often instrumen-
caine to the brain much more rapidly than snort- tal in providing adolescents with their first dose
ing (6 to 8 sec vs. 3 to 5 min), resulting in more of cocaine or normalizing its use through ex-
intense euphoria and a greater likelihood of ad- ample. Studies indicate that the vulnerability for
diction (Volkow, Fowler, & Wang, 1999). A re- cocaine dependence is enhanced when there is
cent epidemiological study concluded that a family history of alcoholism or drug depen-
smoking crack might double the likelihood of dency. Epidemiological studies conclude that the
developing cocaine dependence (Chen & An- vulnerability to develop cocaine dependence is
thony, 2004). To make matters worse, crack is of- partially inherited. Twin studies report signifi-
ten sold in dangerous urban areas where drug cantly higher concordance rates for identical
trafficking, crime, prostitution, and infectious twins than for nonidentical twins (Cadoret,
diseases present convergent hazards for adoles- Troughton, O’Gorman, & Heywood, 1986;
cents. The risk of suffering procurement-related Tsuang et al., 1996; van den Bree, Johnson,
medical hazards, including trauma, is especially Neale, & Pickens, 1998), although research into
high because adolescents who use drugs are candidate genes that encode enzymes involved
more likely to engage in unprotected sex and il- in cocaine metabolism and receptors that medi-
legal behavior (Jessor, 1991). ate cocaine effects has not identified reliable ge-
Although there are large numbers of adoles- netic vulnerability markers.
cents who need effective treatment for cocaine
dependence, specialized adolescent addiction
Clinical Aspects of Stimulant Dependence
treatment programs are scarce and difficult to ac-
cess throughout the United States. This situation The reinforcing effect of stimulants correlates di-
is incongruous with the clinical importance of rectly with the rate by which these drugs enter
arresting a progressive and reversible disorder at the brain and block dopamine transporters (Vol-
an early stage, thereby averting functional im- kow, Fowler, et al., 1999), which are membrane-
pairment, morbidity, and mortality. In fact, ad- based proteins that regulate the amount of
olescence is the ideal age for recovery. Unfortu- dopamine available to stimulate postsynaptic
nately, cocaine addiction often persists into receptors. Cocaine euphoria has also been asso-
adulthood with predictable medical, psychiatric, ciated to a lesser degree with glutamate,
behavioral, and societal ramifications that prob- β-endorphin, GABA, norepinephrine, and sero-
ably exhaust more resources than would be ex- tonin neuronal systems (Dackis & O’Brien,
pended by a serious attempt to establish an 2003a). By activating brain pleasure centers, co-
appropriate treatment infrastructure for our chil- caine places adolescents at immediate risk of de-
dren. veloping stimulant addiction (Dackis & O’Brien,
The transition from cocaine use to addiction 2001). In fact, the powerful biological basis of
is influenced by the route of administration stimulant reward is illustrated by the fact that
(Chen & Anthony, 2004), the environment animals with unlimited access will consistently
(Dackis & O’Brien, 2001), and constitutional fac- self-administer cocaine and amphetamine to the
tors that affect the attractiveness and rewarding point of death.
qualities of cocaine (Tsuang et al., 1999). Envi- Cocaine administration produces a rush of
ronmental and psychosocial factors strongly in- euphoria that lasts only a few minutes but far
fluence the likelihood of first-time use. In some exceeds the normal range of human pleasure, ex-
communities, drug dealers are viewed as success- plaining its remarkable ability to dominate
ful role models and are actually emulated by ad- thoughts, behaviors, and priorities of adoles-
olescents who have few educational or voca- cents. Cocaine intoxication also produces racing
tional alternatives. Disenfranchised adolescents thoughts, self-confidence, increased energy,
might be particularly vulnerable to cocaine use heightened alertness, reduced appetite, and en-
as a means of gaining peer acceptance, and par- hanced libido (see Table 17.5). The last effect
ents are well advised to be cognizant of peer may lead to promiscuity and unprotected sex,
group changes (DuRant, 1995). Family members, with the accompanying risk of pregnancy and
352 Part V Substance Use Disorders

Table 17.5 Signs and Symptoms of Cocaine Intoxication and Withdrawal

Cocaine Intoxication Cocaine Withdrawal

Signs (Observed)
Elevated blood pressure and pulse Slow pulse
Elevated body temperature, perspiration Low body temperature
Alertness, vigilance Somnolence
Pacing, sweats, enlarged pupils Reduced movement

Symptoms (Reported)
Euphoria, grandiosity Depression, low self-esteem
Increased energy Low energy
Reduced appetite Increased appetite
Increased sex drive Reduced sex drive, impotence
Racing thoughts Poor concentration
Insomnia Oversleeping

venereal disease. Interestingly, cocaine euphoria cocaine alone (McCance-Katz, Kosten, & Jatlow,
appears to last only as long as brain cocaine lev- 1998). Cocaine has a half-life of 50 min and the
els are rising, and declining levels (even when major route of metabolism involves the hydrol-
still very elevated) are associated with craving ysis of both ester groups to form benzoylecgo-
and cocaine-seeking behavior (O’Brien, 2001). nine, which can be detected for 2 to 5 days after
Physical manifestations of cocaine intoxication, a cocaine binge.
which may provide warning signs to parents or At the end of a cocaine binge, cocaine with-
teachers, include dose-dependent tachycardia, drawal symptoms may develop. The cocaine
dilated pupils, diaphoresis, excessive move- withdrawal syndrome includes depression, over-
ment, pressured speech, elevated blood pressure, eating, low energy, somnolence, psychomotor
and increased body temperature. Cocaine- retardation, bradycardia, and poor concentra-
intoxicated adolescents are likely to be talkative tion (Weddington et al., 1990). Although most
and gregarious, although higher doses can pre- symptoms resolve within 1 to 3 days, cocaine
cipitate irritability, aggressiveness, and psychosis withdrawal can affect the motivation and school
(especially paranoia and hallucinations) with a performance of adolescents who binge fre-
host of behavioral risks. quently. Severe cocaine withdrawal is associated
Within minutes, cocaine euphoria gives way with poor clinical outcome and may result from
to depression, irritability, and cocaine-induced cocaine-induced disruptions of brain reward
craving (Jaffe, Cascella, Kumor, & Sherer, 1989; centers that have been hypothesized to produce
O’Brien et al., 1992). Cocaine’s ability to beget hedonic dysregulation (Dackis & O’Brien, 2002).
its own craving promotes a characteristic binge Stimulant withdrawal can also be associated
use pattern that typically exhausts the available with profound depression and suicidality.
supply of cocaine and cash. In fact, the unex- Cocaine craving can persist after weeks,
plained disappearance of money may be the first months, and even years of abstinence, especially
indication that an adolescent is using cocaine. At in response to environmental cues that have
the end of a cocaine binge, alcohol, sedatives, been associated with cocaine through condition-
and even heroin might be used to reduce insom- ing. Cue-induced cocaine craving has been ex-
nia, paranoia, and irritability. The combination tensively studied in the laboratory and is asso-
of alcohol and cocaine is particularly hazardous ciated with robust limbic activation in addicted
because of the formation of cocaethylene, a psy- individuals on the basis of positron emission to-
choactive substance with cocaine-like actions mography (PET) (Childress, Mozley, McElgin,
that has much more toxicity and lethality than Fitzgerald, Reivich, & O’Brien, 1999) and func-
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 353

tional magnetic resonance index (fMRI) studies induced seizures and cocaine-induced psychosis.
(Garavan et al., 2000). Since the same limbic Sensitization may also be associated with cue-
regions can be activated by sexually explicit vi- induced craving as both phenomena are persis-
deos (Garavan et al., 2000), sexual arousal and tent and involve similar perturbations in dopa-
cocaine craving appear to share common neu- mine and glutamate neurotransmission (Dackis
ronal substrates. One might imagine how diffi- & O’Brien, 2002).
cult it would be for adolescents, notoriously vul-
nerable to sexual drive, to resist a similar lure to
use cocaine. In actively addicted individuals, co- Marijuana Use and Abuse in Adolescence
caine craving alternates with cocaine euphoria
to form a cycle of addiction that becomes in- Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit
creasingly tenacious and uncontrollable. drug among adolescents in the United States (see
Whereas some individuals may use cocaine Figs. 17.1 and 17.2 for comparison). It shares
intermittently for years, others experience rap- some attributes and possible health conse-
idly progressive impairment that involves fam- quences with tobacco in that marijuana is a
ily, educational, interpersonal, medical, psychi- plant material, is most commonly smoked, and
atric, and legal domains. These impairments, contains hundreds of compounds including at
resulting from loss of control over drug intake, least 60 termed cannabinoids that are unique to
are typically minimized by denial. Denial may be the cannabis plant. The pharmacology of most
particularly formidable in adolescents who no- of the cannabinoids is relatively unknown, but
toriously view themselves as invincible. Poor the most potent psychoactive agent, δ-9-
school performance is common in adolescent tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), has been isolated,
cocaine users and may be an early warning sign can be synthesized, and has been well researched
of the problem. Legal and behavioral problems in adults since the early 1970s. The noncanna-
(especially theft) should also raise the question binoid materials in the plant and its combustion
of cocaine use. Medical complications of cocaine products when smoked are similar to many of
include sudden death (usually as a result of car- those from tobacco leaf smoking with, of course,
diac arrest or hyperthermia), myocardial infarc- the exception of nicotine.
tion, seizures, cardiac arrhythmias, aortic dissec- In recent years the technology of growing and
tion, and hemorrhage. Many of the medical distributing illicit marijuana has become sophis-
complications of cocaine result from its ability ticated and much improved. The THC content
to constrict blood vessels and impede blood sup- of plants from different sources and strains varies
ply, potentially leading to stroke, renal failure, a great deal. Improved growing techniques, par-
spontaneous abortion, and even bowel necrosis. ticularly plant breeding, have changed the THC
Psychiatric problems include depression, espe- content from a typical 10 mg in a marijuana cig-
cially during cocaine withdrawal, suicide, and arette in the 1960s to a 1 g marijuana cigarette
panic anxiety. Paranoia is a classic complication that contains 150 to 200 mg. One consequence
of cocaine and amphetamine intoxication, and of the increased potency is that much of the hu-
may be associated with hallucinations and vio- man research done in the 1970s and 1980s with
lent behavior. relatively low-potency smoked marijuana may
Central stimulants may produce tolerance or be less relevant to the pharmacology of and con-
sensitization, depending on the response in sequences from marijuana now readily available
question. During cocaine bingeing, tolerance of- to adolescents in most parts of the world. What
ten develops rapidly to the euphoric effect of co- is clear from past research is that the biological
caine. Cocaine also produces sensitization in an- effects of THC are dependent on dose. The avail-
imal models, as evidenced by an increase in ability of potent marijuana has greatly increased
cocaine-induced hyperactivity with repeated so that far higher doses of THC are now available
dosing. The relevance of sensitization in the clin- to adolescent marijuana users than was possible
ical arena is unclear. It has been hypothesized 10 or 20 years ago.
that cocaine users become sensitized to cocaine- Although marijuana is typically smoked in the
354 Part V Substance Use Disorders

form of cigarettes or from pipes, THC can also be which are not known to be biologically active.
easily extracted with ethanol and the THC ex- The metabolites are very slowly cleared from the
tract or raw plant material can be added to baked body, thus making urine tests useful as an indi-
goods or to sugar cubes or even an oral spray. cator of past marijuana use. Because of the very
Because THC and other cannabinoids are not long presence of cannabinoids in the body, there
water soluble, intravenous use leads to major is no relationship between plasma or urine con-
toxic effects unless very special preparations and centrations of THC or metabolites and degree of
delivery systems are used. intoxication once an hour or less has passed after
The pharmacokinetics—that is, the manner in smoking.
which cannabinoids are distributed and metab- THC alters brain functions by binding to spe-
olized in the body—are more complex than that cific receptors widely distributed throughout the
of most psychoactive drugs. As with the use of brain and elsewhere in the body. As the actions
any smoked drug, the final absorbed dose is very of naturally occurring ligands (hormones) that
much under the control of the individual and alter the state of these receptors have become
subject to learning processes similar to those in- better understood, it has become apparent that
volved in learning to smoke tobacco. Thus, be- there is a complex system of multiple cannabi-
ginning adolescent marijuana smokers may well noid receptors interacting with a series of endog-
underdose or overdose themselves until they enous ligands. One of these ligands or hormones
learn how to smoke. That traditionally most is called anandamide. The neuropharmacology of
marijuana smoking follows some prior experi- this cannabinoid receptor system is only begin-
ence with tobacco smoking probably facilitates ning to be understood, but it appears to involve
the learning process. About half of the THC in a cannabinoids acting as neuromodulators of the
marijuana cigarette enters the lungs and most is large family of other neurotransmitters such as
absorbed rapidly, reaching the brain within sec- dopamine. Given the extensive distribution of
onds of a puff. After oral ingestion, absorption is cannabinoid receptors, it should not be sur-
much less, slower, and more variable. The onset prising that virtually every system in the body
of effects after an oral dose of THC can be de- is affected to some degree by marijuana. Mari-
layed as long as an hour and absorption contin- juana appears to have sedative, analgesic, anx-
ues slowly. Thus either through chance or for iolytic, hallucinogenic, appetite-suppressing,
other reasons, overdose with oral ingestion is and appetite-enhancing properties and less well-
more likely than after smoking. characterized effects on the immune system.
THC and other cannabinoids move rapidly Firm conclusions about any medical treatment
into fat and other body tissues during smoking applications of marijuana are premature, but the
but are only very slowly released from those tis- discussions of marijuana use as a treatment
sue stores back into blood (and brain) over days, makes it a more interesting drug to an adoles-
weeks, and months; they are gradually cleared cent.
from the body in urine and feces. Thus, the half- Marijuana is used by adolescents to produce a
life of elimination of even a single, modest dose mild, relatively short period of intoxication, of-
of THC from tissue stores is very slow, from 7 to ten imprecisely characterized as euphoria. THC
18 days with complete elimination of cannabi- is an extremely potent psychoactive drug, so that
noids from one smoked dose taking up to 30 or less than a milligram smoked can produce relax-
more days. One consequence of this pattern of ation, decreased anxiety, and feelings of less in-
slow elimination from the body is that, with re- hibition. The intoxication typically lasts a few
peated doses, even doses taken only a few times hours. With higher doses, or with an inexperi-
weekly, cannabinoids gradually accumulate enced or sensitive individual, a single dose can
throughout the body, including the brain. Con- produce severe anxiety, paranoid delusional
centrations in brain areas vary but are highest in thinking, and perceptual distortions that are not
cortical, limbic, sensory, and motor areas of the unlike those produced by hallucinogen drugs.
brain. Cannabinoids are primarily metabolized Individuals with a genetic predisposition for
in the liver into a host of metabolites, most of developing schizophrenia, depression, or other
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 355

mood disorder may be particularly vulnerable to effects when smoked. For many users, tolerance
such adverse effects resulting from marijuana likely leads to more frequent or high-dose use to
doses well tolerated by others. achieve the sought-after psychological effects. A
Cannabis-induced intoxication clearly im- cannabis withdrawal state has been clearly dem-
pairs cognitive and psychomotor performance, onstrated in laboratory animals given marijuana
with complex, demanding tasks being more af- or other cannabinoids over a relatively short pe-
fected and in a dose-dependent manner. The riod of time. Clinically significant cannabis with-
spectrum of behavioral effects is similar to those drawal symptoms have been well described in
of other central nervous system (CNS) depres- both human laboratory studies and clinical set-
sant drugs such as alcohol and are additive to tings. With abrupt discontinuation after only a
effects produced by concurrently used depres- few days of repeated administration of THC or
sant drugs. The magnitude of marijuana- marijuana in a laboratory setting, disturbed
produced perceptual and psychomotor altera- sleep, decreased appetite, restlessness, irritabil-
tions measurable in research settings is such that ity, sweating, chills, nausea, and markedly dis-
it is reasonable to assume that complex tasks turbed sleep rapidly develop within hours of the
such as driving or other tasks that have high de- last dose. Although most symptoms disappear in
mands on attention and information processing a day or two, irritability and sleep disturbance
and reaction responses would be impaired. Of can persist for weeks. Frequent marijuana users
particular relevance when considering conse- in a clinical setting report similar symptoms
quences of adolescent marijuana use is that in a when they stop marijuana smoking, along with
laboratory setting, overlearned or well-practiced a craving for marijuana, depressed mood, in-
tasks are relatively less affected by marijuana. creased anger, wild dreams, and headaches. The
Thus, a beginning or relatively inexperienced pattern of withdrawal symptoms suggests to
driver may be more subject to marijuana- some investigators that it may contribute to con-
induced cognitive, motor, and perceptual im- tinued use of marijuana in cannabis-dependent
pairments than an adult who has been driving individuals. As with other addicting drugs, the
for many years. precise links between withdrawal symptoms and
Although the evidence for cognitive impair- continued or relapse to drug use is still a matter
ment for some hours after a dose of marijuana is of some uncertainty.
quite consistent and has been repeated in exper- As with nicotine dependence, it appears that
iments in many laboratories over many years, early exposure to cannabinoids during adoles-
there is less unanimity about the consequences cence may have more adverse consequences, in-
of long-term chronic cannabis use. The consen- cluding patterns of drug taking consistent with
sus of recent studies is that individuals who have addiction. Individuals who began regular use of
used cannabis over long periods of time have im- cannabis in adolescence appear to be at greater
paired performance on tests even when not risk, relative to cannabis users who began regular
acutely intoxicated. The cognitive functions that use at an older age, in terms of greater use of
are impaired are attention, memory, and proc- other illicit drugs, depression, suicidal ideation
essing of complex information, and appear to and suicide attempts, and violent or property
last months, perhaps years, after cessation of use. crimes. When adolescents were followed over
Uncertainty remains as to whether some of the time into adulthood, weekly cannabis use when
individuals had impaired performance before be- an adolescent predicted an increased risk of de-
coming involved with cannabis, but the data are pendence when a young adult.
quite consistent that the performance of heavy, The sometimes marked cardiovascular and au-
frequent users is impaired when compared with tonomic system effects of cannabis appear to be
shorter-term, less infrequent marijuana users. well tolerated by adolescent users. However,
Tolerance to many of cannabis’s subjective when used heavily and over time, smoking mar-
and behavioral effects develops rapidly with rel- ijuana is associated with pulmonary symptoms
atively few exposures, not unlike the pattern of and problems. Pulmonary toxins are present in
tolerance that develops to nicotine and cocaine marijuana smoke as they are in tobacco smoke.
356 Part V Substance Use Disorders

Recent estimates that in the future as many as relegating it to experimentation or “rites of pas-
30,000 deaths a year may result in Britain from sage.” In contrast, the illegality of many of the
smoking cannabis reflect reasonable extrapola- other abused substances (e.g., marijuana, co-
tions from the toxic effects of marijuana to what caine, heroin) makes them taboo in most adult
is known about the adverse effects of tobacco circles and causes much alarm and concern in
smoking. Laboratory models of cannabinoid- adult communities when adolescent use of ille-
induced alterations in immune system response gal substances is uncovered.
are such that questions remain about the likeli-
hood of clinically relevant immune system im-
General Description of Adolescent Drinking
pairments from prolonged marijuana exposure.
Drinking alcohol can be a highly pleasurable ex-
perience for many people, regardless of age. It is
Alcohol Use and Abuse in Adolescence frequently described as relaxing, euphoric, anx-
iety reducing, and disinhibiting. Nonetheless, as
In this section we provide an overview of the alcohol is absorbed, metabolized, and eliminated
phenomenology of alcohol drinking and alcohol from the body, it can also be associated with poor
use disorders (AUDs) in adolescents ages 11 to 19 motor coordination, some confusion, irritability,
years of age. Included in this overview is a cur- depression, sleeplessness, nausea, and vomiting,
rent description of “drinking youths”; preva- among other ill effects. Ingesting excessive
lence rates of adolescent drinking, binge drink- amounts of alcohol in a relatively brief period of
ing, AUDs, and drinking-related consequences; time can cause extreme confusion, unconscious-
pertinent diagnostic issues; and potential etio- ness, and sometimes death.
logical factors that may enhance our under- Beer is the most commonly consumed alco-
standing of alcohol use and the development of holic beverage among adolescents. The National
problem drinking in adolescents. Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse
Alcohol is a sedative and it is the only drug in (CASA) at Columbia University estimated that
this category to be discussed in this chapter. nearly 20% of all alcoholic beverages purchased
Other sedatives such as benzodiazepines, barbi- in 1999 was consumed by underage drinkers
turates, and other sleeping pills are used so un- (CASA, 2003). For these underage drinkers (12 to
commonly that they do not merit a full discus- 20 years of age), 76% of the expenditures was for
sion. Notably, a discussion of alcohol leads to beer, 19% for liquors (distilled spirits), and 4%
some overlap in content with discussions of for wine. These percentages are likely to change
other substance use disorders in adolescents, dis- as alcohol manufacturers market new types of
cussed elsewhere in this chapter. However, there beverages that appeal to adolescents. The most
are some important distinctions to bear in mind. recent arrivals are sweet-tasting, fruit-flavored,
Alcohol use by persons 21 years or older is legal malt-based, colorful beverages, known as “alco-
in the United States, making it more readily pops” or “malternatives.” These beverages are
available to adolescents and exposing them to gaining in popularity, easily accessible, and pre-
seductive advertisements. In addition, low to ferred to beer and mixed drinks by adolescents
moderate alcohol use is an integral part of our (CASA, 2003). While adolescents will use elabo-
adult community life. It is available in many res- rate means to obtain alcohol (e.g., having fake
taurants, sold in grocery stores in many states, identification cards made; asking strangers to
and is available in liquor stores throughout the buy alcohol for them), they more commonly ob-
country. It is readily accepted in social settings, tain alcohol from their own homes, their friends’
frequently accompanying a meal, and incorpo- homes, their parents, or from other adults
rated in many religious ceremonies. Over the (CASA, 2003; National Research Council and In-
past decade, the health benefits of one or two stitute of Medicine [NRCIM], 2003).
glasses of wine per day have been widely covered Adolescents report drinking for many of the
by the media. Finally, parents and other author- same reasons that adults drink—that is, they ex-
ities frequently overlook adolescent drinking, pect positive effects from drinking. Younger ad-
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 357

olescents report that drinking alcohol reduces peated, heavy drinking over time, potentially as
tension and they like the mild impairment it a continual attempt to recreate the pleasurable
causes to their cognitive and behavioral func- state associated with initiating drinking and in-
tioning. Older adolescents say they drink pri- toxication. Repeated drinking can also lead to
marily because of the euphoria they experience the development of physiological dependence,
and/or the altered social and emotional behav- marked primarily by tolerance to alcohol, and
iors that occur when they drink. Oldest adoles- withdrawal symptoms between drinking peri-
cents refer to the empowerment effects of alco- ods. Tolerance is defined as the need to drink pro-
hol. Adolescent males rate the pleasurable effects gressively greater amounts of alcohol to yield the
and sexual enhancement of alcohol more highly same pleasurable effects that can be experienced
than females, who, in contrast, rate the tension- when drinking alcohol. Tolerance is one of the
reduction effects more favorably (CASA, 2003; most commonly reported dependence symp-
NRCIM, 2003). toms in community samples and clinical sam-
ples of adolescents (Chung, Martin, Armstrong,
& Labouvie, 2002; Martin & Winters, 1998).
Problem Drinking in Adolescents
Although less frequently reported among ad-
The hallmarks of problem drinking are loss of olescents than among adults, heavy drinking
control over drinking (i.e., drinking more than can also lead to alcohol withdrawal symptoms
planned or in inappropriate settings) and the oc- between drinking periods (see Table 17.6). Severe
currence of negative consequences from drink- withdrawal can be life threatening and may pre-
ing (driving under the influence [DUI], high-risk sent as delirium tremens (DTs), which include
sexual behaviors, fights, medical problems). The symptoms of confusion, delirium, hallucina-
development of addiction is associated with re- tions, and psychosis (Dackis & O’Brien, 2003b).

Table 17.6 Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Intoxication and


Alcohol Intoxication Alcohol Withdrawal

Signs (Observed)
Decreased heart rate Increased heart rate
Lower blood pressure Elevated blood pressure
Lower body temperature Elevated body temperature
Sedation Sweating
Decreased respiration Tremors and muscle spasm
Loss of balance Vomiting and diarrhea
Restlessness Seizures
Slurred speech Confusion

Symptoms (Reported)
Relaxation Craving for alcohol
Sense of well-being Anxiety
Euphoria Irritability
Dizziness Insomnia
Fatigue Nausea
Nausea Hallucinations
358 Part V Substance Use Disorders

Delirium tremens are more likely if patients are least one drink of alcohol ranged from 73.1% of
malnourished, dehydrated, or suffer from infec- 9th graders to 85.1% of 12th graders (Grunbaum
tion or electrolyte imbalance. A careful history is et al., 2002). Data are also available from the Na-
critical, because withdrawal can produce sei- tional Survey of Parents and Youths, conducted
zures, especially if they have occurred before. by the Annenberg School for Communications
The psychological, behavioral, and physical at the University of Pennsylvania (Hornik,
effects of alcohol are related to the blood alcohol 2003). This survey included a nationally repre-
level (BAL) of an individual, which is determined sentative sample of 2,435 youths who were ini-
primarily by the quantity, frequency, and po- tially interviewed in 2000 and reinterviewed 18
tency of alcohol consumed. The BAL (the ratio months later. Use of any alcohol increased in a
of milligrams of alcohol per 100 ml of blood) can linear fashion from about 5% at age 11 to ap-
be easily estimated by exhaling into instruments proximately 89% at age 18. Thus, the most re-
called breathalyzers, which are commonly avail- cent national surveys indicate that by senior
able to treatment providers and law enforcement year, approximately 80% to 90% of high school
agencies. Impaired judgment and impaired students have had at least a drink of alcohol.
coordination due to alcohol are legally deter- Binge drinking. One particular concern is the
mined by a BAL of 0.08% (i.e., as of May 2003, amount of binge drinking by adolescents.
39 states have this as their legal limit; for the lat- Wechsler and colleagues (Wechsler, Davenport,
est statistics see Dowdall, Moeykens, & Castillo, 1994) are gen-
people/Crash/crashstatistics/). Most European erally credited with first using the term binge
countries set the legal limit lower because dis- drinking in referring to excessive alcohol drink-
cernable impairment from alcohol usually be- ing by some adolescent and college-aged drink-
gins at about 0.05% or below. Adolescents may ers. Excessive or binge drinking has been defined
have higher BAL levels than adults because of in multiple ways (NRCIM, 2003), but the stan-
their high-quantity, peer-influenced drinking dard definition is drinking five or more drinks in
patterns (Deas, Riggs, Langenbucher, Goldman, a single episode (CASA, 2003; Wechsler, et al.,
& Brown, 2000). Nonetheless, all states have 1994; Windle, 1999). This pattern of drinking in
zero-tolerance laws and allow no legal BAL for adolescents is associated with a broad range of
drivers under the age of 21. problems, including date rape, vandalism, and
academic failure (Baer, 1993). According to the
YRBSS survey (Grunbaum et al., 2002), 25.5% of
Prevalence of Adolescent Use
9th graders, 28.2% of 10th graders, 32.2% of
and Abuse of Alcohol
11th graders, and 36.7% of 12th graders had had
It is generally acknowledged that some use of al- at least one binge-drinking episode in the past
cohol is the norm among adolescents (Schulen- 30 days. The MTF survey (Johnston et al., 2003b)
berg & Maggs, 2002; Windle, 1999). According obtained information on binge drinking in the
to national surveys, alcohol is the most widely 2 weeks prior to the interview and found that
used psychoactive substance in adolescents (ex- 12.4% of 8th graders, 22.4% of 10th graders, and
cluding caffeine) (Grunbaum et al., 2002; John- 28.6% of 12th graders had at least one binge-
ston et al., 2003b). The most recent Monitoring drinking episode. The MTF survey also asked re-
the Future (MTF) annual survey found that by spondents to report if they had been “drunk” in
senior year, nearly 80% of students reported the past month, and found that 6.7% of 8th
some use of alcohol (Johnston et al., 2003b). In graders, 18.3% of 10th graders, and 30.3% of
1992, the CDC began conducting the Youth Risk 12th graders responded affirmatively.
Behavior Surveillance Survey (YRBSS) every 2 Perhaps some of the most innovative work to
years, interviewing approximately 11,000 date has combined a developmental perspective
youths (ages 12 to 21) from a nationally repre- in defining more homogeneous adolescent–
sentative sample. The results from their most re- young adult subgroups with respect to their
cently available survey (2001) indicated that the amount of binge drinking. Schulenberg,
percentage of high school students who had at O’Malley, Bachman, Wadsworth, and Johnston
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 359

(1996) identified six different patterns or trajec- such as marijuana (Hornik, 2003; Wagner & An-
tories of binge drinking on the basis of data from thony, 2002b). That is, on the basis of a longi-
MTF. These trajectories accounted for 90% of the tudinal study of a nationally representative sam-
sample. The most common trajectories were ple (Hornik, 2003), researchers concluded “that
“never” (36%) or “rarely” (17%) reported binge marijuana is a behavior taken up after alcohol
drinking; however, the other four trajectories and tobacco use, and only if these behaviors are
were 12% decreased binge drinking over time, present as well” (p. 342). The gateway hypothe-
10% increased binge drinking, 10% increased sis is discussed further in Chapter 19 on preven-
and then decreased, and 7% sustained chronic tion.
binge drinking over time. Alcohol use disorders in adolescents. The na-
Drinking-related consequences among adoles- tional surveys mentioned above are representa-
cents. According to the National Institute on tive of the general population drinking patterns
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), “un- but do not specifically address the prevalence of
derage alcohol use is more likely to kill young AUDs in adolescents. Recently, Chung and col-
people than all illegal drugs combined” (NIAAA, leagues (2002) reviewed the epidemiological
2003). As in adult circles, excessive drinking and literature on diagnosing AUDs in adolescents.
intoxication have serious consequences in the Although this review summarized both com-
adolescent population. Most notable are auto- munity and clinical groups, the community
mobile accidents. In 2001, 22.1% of high school groups are of specific relevance here. Five com-
seniors drove after drinking, and 32.8% rode munity samples were identified from studies in
with a driver who had been drinking (Grunbaum peer-reviewed journals whose sample sizes
et al., 2002). Driving skills appear to be more ranged from 220 to 4,023 adolescents, ages 12 to
readily impaired by alcohol in adolescent than 19. Two of the studies were representative of the
adult drivers, and the alcohol-involved fatality entire U.S. population and the other three were
rate is twice as high among adolescent than adult representative of individual states (North Caro-
drivers (NIAAA, 2003). lina, Oregon, and Pennsylvania). In these sur-
Other harmful behaviors frequently related to veys, the percentage of adolescents meeting cri-
excessive drinking among adolescents are high- teria for alcohol abuse ranged from 0.4% to
risk sexual behaviors (unplanned with no pro- 9.6%, and for alcohol dependence, from 0.6% to
tection); rapes, including date rape; assaults; 4.3%.
homicides; and suicides (NIAAA, 2003; Windle,
1999). Having multiple sexual partners, failing
Issues in Determining Alcohol Use Disorders
to use condoms, and performing other high-risk
in Adolescence
sexual behaviors have been associated with al-
cohol use in adolescents (NIAAA, 2003). Fur- Diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse and depen-
thermore, alcohol use by the offender, victim, or dence are detailed in the DSM-IV (American Psy-
both has been linked to sexual assault, including chiatric Association, 1994), and are identical to
date rape. Using the MTF data, Bachman and the criteria for all substance disorders in all pop-
Peralta (2002) reported that heavy alcohol use ulations. To meet a diagnosis of alcohol abuse,
increased the likelihood of violence for either one of four abuse criteria must be met:
gender, even after controlling for home environ-
ment, grades, and ethnicity. Alcohol generally is 1. Recurrent use causing serious consequences
a disinhibiting intoxicant and it may also poten- 2. Being physically dangerous
tiate mood and stress states that lead to suicide 3. Use causing legal problems
attempts or other life-threatening behaviors. For 4. Use resulting in persistent social or interper-
example, heavy drinking has been correlated sonal problems
with suicide attempts in eighth-grade girls (Win-
dle, Miller-Tutzauer, Domenico, 1992). Finally, To meet a diagnosis of alcohol dependence (al-
alcohol is considered by some to be a “gateway” coholism), three of seven dependence criteria
substance (along with nicotine) for illicit drugs must be met:
360 Part V Substance Use Disorders

1. Withdrawal take years to develop. Tolerance, by contrast,

2. Tolerance seems to develop quickly in most adolescents,
3. Larger amounts consumed than intended but does not readily distinguish problem from
4. Unsuccessful attempts to stop normative drinkers in the adolescent popula-
5. Excessive time spent drinking tion.
6. Important activities given up
7. Continued use despite awareness of negative
Etiology: Risk and Protective Factors
effects of drinking
The greater number of risk factors an adolescent
While the number and type of symptoms needed has for developing an AUD, the more likely he
to determine a diagnosis appear to be valid for or she is to abuse or to be dependent on alcohol
adults (e.g., Schuckit et al., 2001), investigators (Jaffe & Simkin, 2002; Newcomb, 1997). How-
have questioned the validity of the DSM-IV di- ever, sometimes there are protective factors that
agnostic criteria for identifying AUDs in adoles- counteract risk factors. For example, a strong re-
cent populations (Winters, 2001). This skepti- ligious commitment, dedication to constructive
cism is not surprising given that six of the seven activities such as sports, intense anti-alcohol be-
research sites from the DSM-IV field trials did not liefs, and high self-esteem all can serve to neu-
contribute data on adolescents (Cottler et al., tralize inherent risk factors for developing an
1995). In addition, symptoms such as “risky sex- AUD (Liepman, Calles, Kizilbash, Nazeer, &
ual behaviors” are not explicitly assessed in the Sheikh, 2002).
currently accepted list of symptoms used to de- The relevance of some of the risk factors varies
termine a diagnosis of alcohol abuse or depen- with the age, gender, and ethnicity of the ado-
dence. lescent. In addition, other factors have been
Pollack and Martin (1999) studied 372 adoles- identified that influence the risk for AUDs as well
cent regular drinkers. More than 10% of this as other substance use disorders. Newcomb
sample reported symptoms of alcohol depen- (1997) classified these risk factors into four ge-
dence but not enough to have a diagnosis, and neric domains: cultural/societal, interpersonal,
they also did not have symptoms of alcohol psychobehavioral, and biogenetic. The first
abuse (termed “diagnostic orphans”). However, three factors are summarized here. Discussion
these individuals had drinking-related problems of genetic factors is given at the end of this chap-
similar to those of adolescents who did meet di- ter.
agnostic criteria for an AUD, and they had sig- Cultural and societal factors. While many fac-
nificantly more drinking-related problems than tors contribute to the availability and accepta-
did adolescents with no symptoms of alcohol bility of alcohol in a community (cultural, eco-
abuse or dependence. In the review by Chung nomic, legal, etc.), probably the single, most
and colleagues (2002), “diagnostic orphans” rep- influential factor that relates to alcohol con-
resented from 1.9% to 16.7% of adolescent com- sumption in adolescents is the attitude of the
munity samples and from 7.5% to 33.7% of ad- adult community in the particular geographic
olescent clinical samples. Clearly additional location (see review by Newcomb, 1997). For ex-
conceptual and empirical research is needed to ample, the purchase of alcohol by underage
adequately diagnose AUDs in adolescents. drinkers is prohibited in all 50 states. However,
Finally, the two physiological symptoms in some places, the laws are not regularly en-
(withdrawal and tolerance), that are part of the forced by police officers, and the liquor stores
diagnostic DSM-IV criteria for determining if an and bars do not consistently require identifica-
individual has an AUD may have limited utility tion from minors (Windle, 1999). Underage
in diagnosing AUDs in adolescents (Martin, Kac- drinking at family gatherings or special celebra-
zynski, Maisto, Bukstein, & Moss, 1995). With- tions may be acceptable to parents and relatives
drawal symptoms are infrequently reported by in some communities. An in-depth examination
adolescents (Chung et al., 2002), even in clinical of the relationship between community atti-
samples, presumably because these symptoms tudes and alcohol availability (economic and le-
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 361

gal) is of paramount importance but beyond the ogy as primary psychobehavioral influences in
scope of this book. alcohol use. An earlier age of first use of alcohol
Interpersonal factors. Interpersonal factors is frequently associated with increased alcohol-
that relate to AUD risk are parental (referring to related problems then and later in life. But it is
other than heredity), sibling, and peer influ- not clear whether excessive drinking in early ad-
ences. Despite waning parental influence with olescence is a marker of serious preexisting or co-
the passage of time, parents’ level of nurturing, existing psychopathological factors (e.g., frac-
monitoring, communication, and their own al- tured gene pool, flawed personality, poor
cohol use affects the amounts and patterns of al- parental modeling, nurturing, monitoring, etc.),
cohol drinking in their adolescents (see reviews or, alternatively, whether excessive alcohol
by Gilvarry, 2000; Liepman et al., 2002; Schulen- drinking in adolescence introduces a “toxin”
berg & Maggs, 2002; Windle, 1999). That is, al- that negatively impacts a person who is still ex-
though adolescents may reject many of their periencing a critical period of growth toward
parents’ ideas and behaviors, the majority do not adulthood.
seem to reject their parents’ drinking behaviors. Recently, Ellickson, Tucker, and Klein (2003)
Higher levels of maternal and paternal alcohol published a 10-year prospective study in which
consumption are related to higher levels of al- students recruited from 30 Oregon and Califor-
cohol use among adolescents (e.g., Kilpatrick et nia schools were assessed at grades 7 and 12, and
al., 2000; Webb & Baer, 1995). However, parents then later at age 23 (N ⫽ 6,338, 4,265, and 3,369,
can have a positive influence on their adoles- respectively). Young drinkers in both middle
cents. Higher levels of emotional support and school and high school, compared to nondrink-
warmth (nurturance), higher levels of appropri- ers, were more likely to report academic prob-
ate monitoring and limit setting, more time lems, delinquent behaviors, and other substance
spent together, and higher levels of parent–ad- use. At age 23, compared to nondrinkers, those
olescent communication have been associated who had been adolescent drinkers were more
with lower levels of adolescent alcohol-related likely to report employment problems, contin-
problems (Windle, 1999). ued “other” substance abuse, and criminal and
Siblings represent another familial influence. violent behaviors.
Older siblings typically serve as role models and These findings were supported by several ret-
there is a greater likelihood that younger siblings rospective reports as well. According to adults in-
will drink alcohol before they are adults if their terviewed as part of the National Longitudinal
older siblings drink. This relationship is stronger Alcohol Epidemiological Survey, Grant and Daw-
if the older sibling is closer in age and the same son (1997) found that over 40% of adults who
gender (Windle, 1999). had reported using alcohol before age 14 had de-
The commonly held notion that peers exert veloped alcohol dependence later in their lives.
considerable influence on the initiation and This compared to a rate of less than 10% of
maintenance of alcohol use is sustained empiri- alcohol-dependent adults who said they did not
cally (Schulenberg & Maggs, 2002). But there is start drinking alcohol until after the age of 18.
little support for overt peer pressure causing the Also, DeWit, Adlaf, Offord, & Ogborne (2000) ex-
initiation of alcohol use. Rather, most studies amined a larger health survey of adult reports.
support a more complex, developmental inter- Of 5,856 drinkers, 501 had a DSM-IV diagnosis
actional process in which an adolescent selects of lifetime alcohol abuse, and 473 had a DSM-IV
and unselects peer groups. The individual is in- diagnosis of lifetime alcohol dependence. Ap-
fluenced by the course of behaviors and attitudes proximately 13.6% of the respondents who said
of these groups and in turn influences them they had their first drink between 11 and 14
(Schulenberg & Maggs, 2002). However, overt years of age met diagnostic criteria for alcohol
peer pressure can play a role in relapse (Brown, abuse 10 years later. This compares to only 2%
1993). of alcohol abusers who said they had had their
Psychobehavioral influences. Newcomb (1997) first drink after the age of 18. These rates were
cites age of onset and comorbid psychopathol- parallel in adults diagnosable with alcohol de-
362 Part V Substance Use Disorders

pendence. That is, 15.9% of the respondents AUDs (Clark, Vanyukov, & Cornelius, 2002).
who said they had their first drink between 11 Clark, Bukstein, and Cornelius (2002) provide
and 12 years of age reported alcohol dependence convincing evidence that childhood antisocial
10 years later. In comparison, those who said behaviors precede and predict adolescent AUDs.
they had their first drink after age 18 represented They argue that the association between the be-
only 1% of the respondents. havior disorders and AUDs is best understood as
Comorbidity. Comorbid psychiatric disorders manifestations of common underlying causes.
frequently co-occur with AUDs (Deas & Thomas, These include poor behavioral regulation (pos-
2002; Gilvarry, 2000), but it is often difficult to sibly related to prefrontal cortex abnormalities),
distinguish etiological from consequential asso- common genetic pathways (for instance, genetic
ciations. For example, it is easy to imagine that variations influencing the dopamine system),
a psychiatric disorder can result from continual, and similar environmental factors (for instance,
excessive alcohol consumption, especially in a low levels of parental monitoring). Early identi-
physiological and psychological developmental fication and intervention efforts for these indi-
period such as adolescence. In this example, the viduals with childhood antisocial behaviors may
AUD would precede the comorbid disorder. An- ameliorate later AUDs.
other scenario, however, is drinking alcohol to In adults, a person with alcohol dependence
treat the symptoms of a psychiatric disorder; this is nearly four times more likely to have major
is called “self-medication.” For example, an in- depression than a person without alcohol depen-
dividual with a social phobia may desire the re- dence (Petrakis, Gonzalez, Rosenheck, & Krystal,
laxing and disinhibitory effects of a few drinks 2002). Gilvarry (2000) reported that up to one
prior to attending a social gathering. In this case, third of adolescents in addiction treatment facil-
if an AUD is identified, it is likely that the co- ities are diagnosed with mood disorders, espe-
morbid disorder preceded the AUD. Finally, both cially major depression and dysthymia. Deas-
AUD and a psychiatric disorder may have the Nesmith, Campbell, and Brady (1998) reported
same etiology (e.g., genetic, neurochemical). that 73% of inpatient adolescents who used sub-
Naturally, an understanding of the etiology of stances met diagnostic criteria for depression.
both concomitant disorders can guide treatment Furthermore, in 80% of those cases, the depres-
decisions. sive symptoms predated the substance use, sug-
Behavioral disorders, mood disorders, and gesting that the mood disorder for these adoles-
anxiety disorders have been frequently associ- cents was an important risk factor for developing
ated with AUDs (Deas & Thomas, 2002; Gilvarry, a subsequent AUD. In the Biederman et al.
2000). Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (1997) study, bipolar disorder predicted sub-
(ADHD) has been associated with AUDs, but its stance use disorders, independent of ADHD. Al-
independence from conduct disorder (CD) has though not all studies have found that mood dis-
not been well established (Gilvarry, 2000). In a orders predate substance use disorders (e.g.,
4-year longitudinal study of ADHD children and Rohde, Lewinsohn, & Seeley, 1996), these obser-
controls (6 to 15 years old), there was no differ- vations suggest that mood disorders may be a
ence in the prevalence of AUDs between youths risk factor for developing an AUD in some ado-
with and without ADHD (Biederman et al., lescents.
1997). Conduct disorder proved to be a signifi- Anxiety disorders, especially social phobia
cant predictor of AUDs in the target and control and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), may
groups. In another study, Moss and Lynch (2001) also be risk factors for AUDs. Rohde and col-
used structural modeling to illustrate an associ- leagues (1996) reported that alcohol use among
ation between ADHD and AUD for adolescent female high school students was associated with
males but not females, yet CD symptoms had the anxiety disorders that preceded the alcohol
strongest association with AUD in adolescents. problems. Deas-Nesmith, Brady, and Campbell
As implied above, there is strong empirical (1998) found that 60% of adolescents seeking
evidence relating CD and similar disorders treatment for addiction met diagnostic criteria
(e.g., oppositional defiant disorders [ODD]) with for a social anxiety disorder. Furthermore, the
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 363

anxiety symptoms generally predated substance amounts of unstructured time, easy access to
dependence by about 2 years. those who can obtain alcohol legally, differential
Posttraumatic stress disorder has also been im- economic issues (parents or scholarships typi-
plicated as a risk factor for AUDs. Kilpatrick and cally provide some financial support), and spe-
colleagues (2000) explored PTSD as a risk factor cial advertising of alcoholic beverages targeted to
for substance use problems in adolescents. These the college population. College surveys reveal
investigators found that physical or sexual that approximately 40% of college students re-
abuse, assault, or the witnessing of violence (e.g., port heavy drinking in the 2 weeks prior to the
murder, sexual assault) increased the risk of survey. Consumption is heavier among males,
abuse of several illicit drugs, including alcohol. highest among Caucasian students, and highest
In another study, Clark et al. (1997) found that among the Northeast and North Central regions
adolescents with an AUD were more likely to of the country (DHHS, 2002).
have a history of physical and sexual abuse com- Hingson, Heeren, Zakocs, Kopstein, and
pared to an adolescent control group. Further- Wechsler (2002) recently reported on the serious
more, the association of PTSD and alcohol de- consequences of college drinking in the United
pendence was stronger in females than in males. States. On an annual basis, alcohol consumption
is associated with 1,400 deaths, 500,000 unin-
tentional injuries, 600,000 assaults, and 70,000
Special Case of College Drinking
sexual assaults of college students. Approxi-
Thus far, this chapter has focused on alcohol mately 2.1 million college students drive while
drinking and disorders observed in adolescent intoxicated each year, 400,000 report having un-
youth, with most of this population attending protected sex while drinking, and over 150,000
middle school and high school. However, there develop health-related problems due to their
are significant numbers of adolescents in the age drinking (Hingson et al., 2002). In an effort to
group who have just graduated from high school address the serious problems of college drinking,
and may be attending college (average college the NIAAA (2003) recently released a program
age ranges from approximately 18 to 24 years). announcement “to provide a rapid funding
It should be noted that drinking on college cam- mechanism for timely research on interventions
puses has its own culture, with easy access to al- to prevent or reduce alcohol-related problems
cohol. This clearly distinguishes it from our tra- among college students” (see http://grants1.nih
ditional view of adolescent drinking patterns, .gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-03-133.html).
prevalence, and disorder development. In addi-
tion, access to alcohol on most college campuses,
from both attitudinal and economic perspec- Tobacco Use in Adolescence
tives, is unparalleled in any other large, estab-
lished adult community, and has been associated Adolescent tobacco use is widely recognized as a
with a high frequency of serious and sometimes major public health problem (Windle & Windler,
life-threatening drinking-related negative be- 1999). According to recent data, 64% of adoles-
haviors. While it is not within the scope of this cents reported ever having smoked cigarettes,
chapter to detail the phenomenology of college 28% reported having smoked on at least 1 day in
campus drinking, we briefly mention the nature the past month, and 14% reported having
of the problem here and the need for further re- smoked on at least 20 of the last 30 days (CDC,
search. 2002b). Among high school seniors who indi-
Basically, the prevalence of drinking and cated that they currently smoked, 29% reported
heavy drinking among college students is higher symptoms that met the DSM-III-R criteria for
than that of their peers who do not attend col- nicotine dependence (Stanton, 1995). Moreover,
lege (U.S. Department of Health and Human over one half of adolescents indicated that they
Services [DHHS], 2002). This difference is due to experience withdrawal symptoms following a
many factors, including specific ones such as the quit attempt and 70% regret ever having started
influence of sororities and fraternities, greater smoking (CDC, 1998; Colby, Tiffany, Shiffman,
364 Part V Substance Use Disorders

& Niaura, 2000a). Thus, early patterns of tobacco lion-dollar advertising that promotes the re-
use among adolescents may develop into life- wards of cigarette smoking.
long nicotine addiction. Nicotine delivered by cigarettes offers a begin-
ning smoker individualized and personal control
of psychoactive drug dose unobtainable by any
other drug delivery system. Rapid onset of nic-
Nicotine and Nicotine Dependence
otine toxicity, particularly the early symptoms of
Nicotine, a potent alkaloid in tobacco leaves, is nausea, weakness, and sweating, gives rapid
what sustains tobacco smoking, which effi- feedback that the absorbed dose is higher than
ciently delivers nicotine to the brain (Benowitz, optimal, exceeding the acquired tolerance level.
1990). Nicotine, steam distilled from burning to- After repeated exposure to smoking, the diffi-
bacco plant material in a cigarette, is inhaled culty in concentrating and other symptoms of
into the lungs on small tar droplets and absorbed nicotine withdrawal that develop when brain
rapidly into arterial blood, reaching the brain levels are falling offer another set of cues that it
within 20 sec after each puff. Nicotine has sim- is time for a cigarette to be smoked.
ilarities to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, If nicotine toxicity is avoided, adult tobacco
binding to a complex family of nicotine cholin- smokers report enhanced concentration and im-
ergic receptors distributed throughout the brain proved mood. Attention to task performance im-
and elsewhere in the body. During cigarette proves, as does reaction time and problem solv-
smoking, with each puff, nicotine levels in brain ing. Adult smokers report enhanced pleasure and
tissues briefly rise and then decline rapidly, more reduced anger, tension, depression, and stress af-
because of the rapid distribution into tissues ter a cigarette. Whether performance and en-
than of being broken down by metabolism. Each hanced mood after smoking are due to relief of
puff acts like an individual dose of drug. abstinence symptoms rather than intrinsic ef-
Blood and brain nicotine levels peak imme- fects of nicotine remains unclear. However, en-
diately after each cigarette, but gradually nico- hanced performance of nonsmokers after nico-
tine accumulates during 6 to 10 hr of repeated tine suggests some direct nicotine enhancement.
smoking because of nicotine’s 2-hr half-life. Dur- Reports from adolescent tobacco users parallel
ing sleep, nicotine levels fall, but upon awaken- those of adults, which suggests that nicotine has
ing, when the first cigarette of the day is smoked, these same pharmacologic effects in an adoles-
levels begin to rise. Thus, someone smoking 10 cent smoker (Corrigall, Zack, Eissenberg, Belsito,
cigarettes a day exposes their brain to nicotine & Scher, 2001).
24 hr a day but along with rewarding perturba- Nicotine, by its effects on nicotinic choliner-
tions in brain levels of nicotine after each of the gic receptors in the brain, enhances or modulates
100 puffs. Each cigarette in effect delivers about release of many neurotransmitters—dopamine,
10 separate doses of nicotine to the brain. With norepinephrine, acetylcholine, serotonin, vaso-
marijuana or cocaine smoking, a similar pattern pressin, β-endorphin, glutamate, GABA, and
of drug delivery is involved. others (Tobacco Advisory Group Royal College of
Adolescent smokers quickly learn to regulate, Physicians, 2000). Thus changes in brain neu-
on a puff-by-puff basis, their smoked nicotine rochemistry after nicotine exposure are pro-
dose by maintaining a brain concentration of found. Neurotransmitter release is assumed to
the drug that just avoids nicotine toxicity but mediate nicotine’s positive effects on arousal, re-
satisfies the increasing need for nicotine as de- laxation, cognitive enhancement, relief of stress,
pendence develops. Tobacco smoking is initially and depression. The mesolimbic dopamine sys-
aversive for almost everyone. It is unlikely that tem is important in mediating the pleasurable
a young person would begin tobacco or other and other rewards of nicotine, as with other
drug smoking without the support and teach- drugs of abuse, and is important for understand-
ing from peers, the observations of admired or ing the withdrawal phenomena as well.
envied adult smokers, and the reinforcement as- When brain nicotine levels decrease, dimin-
sociated with the tobacco industry’s multibil- ished neurotransmitter release contributes to a
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 365

relative deficiency state. The resulting symptoms development of nicotine dependence (Abreu-
of withdrawal—craving, lethargy, irritability, an- Villaca et al., 2003). Animal researchers have fo-
ger, restlessness, inability to concentrate, anxi- cused on possible brain mechanisms that ac-
ety, depressed mood, and other symptoms that count for the special susceptibility of adolescent
characterize a nicotine withdrawal syndrome— brains (Slotkin, 2002). For example, nicotine ex-
develop rapidly (DiFranza et al., 2002). Regular posure in adolescent rats results in greater and
adolescent smokers report withdrawal symp- more persistent nicotine receptor up-regulation
toms similar to those reported by adults. and cholinergic activity than in adult animals.
Whether the withdrawal symptoms experienced The rapidity of change in the animal models is
by an adolescent nicotine addict are more or less consistent with adolescent smokers who develop
intense after comparable levels of nicotine ex- evidence of nicotine dependence after only a few
posure is not established. days’ experience with just a few cigarettes (Di-
Young smokers who are still experimenting Franza et al., 2000, 2002). Brief nicotine expo-
are likely to become regular smokers surprisingly sure results in alterations in cholinergic receptor
rapidly. The precise numbers that go on to reg- activity lasting at least 1 month after exposure
ular smoking and factors that influence progres- in rats, which suggests that brief exposure to nic-
sion from experimentation to regular smoking otine changes cholinergic tone in a persistent
for any single individual remain uncertain. manner. The level of exposure in the animal
Measurable symptoms of nicotine dependence models was thought to be in the range experi-
occur within weeks of the beginning of occa- enced by adolescents occasionally smoking three
sional nicotine use, probably well before daily to five cigarettes a day. The data suggest the pos-
smoking has been established. One third to one sibility that brain mechanisms that account for
half of adolescents who experiment with more nicotine dependence can be activated by nico-
than a few cigarettes become regular smokers tine exposure from only occasional smoking. Al-
(Colby, Tiffany, Shiffman, & Niaura, 2000). though nicotine has a variety of systemic effects
Nicotine dependence is associated with toler- in a smoker, particularly cardiovascular and neu-
ance, cravings for tobacco, desire to use tobacco, roendocrine changes, some animal researchers
withdrawal symptoms when nicotine dose is de- believe they have found evidence of a primary
creased or unavailable, and loss of control over neurotoxicity as well (Slotkin, 2002) with lasting
frequency and duration of use. The criteria com- cell injury, particularly cholinergic system cells.
mon to all drugs are used to diagnose depen- There is no evidence of cholinergic toxicity in
dence as defined in the DSM-IV (American Psy- human studies. In summary, animal experi-
chiatric Association, 1994). ments with nicotine suggest rapid and persistent
Although traditionally it has been assumed changes in nicotinic receptor and cholinergic
that a period of sustained, daily use is required function in adolescent rat brains with doses per-
to produce dependence, in recent years clinical haps as little as one tenth of those ingested by
observations of adolescent smokers and data regular tobacco smokers.
from animal laboratory experiments suggest that
dependence develops rapidly in adolescent
Determinants of Smoking
smokers and in adolescent laboratory animals
(Abreu-Villaca et al., 2003; DiFranza et al., 2000; Nicotine is essential to maintain tobacco smok-
Slotkin, 2002). Some adolescent smokers dem- ing, but the beginning of tobacco addiction, as
onstrate evidence of nicotine dependence well with other addictions, is influenced mostly by
before becoming daily smokers and possibly af- nonpharmacologic, learned, or conditioned fac-
ter only a few days of intermittent tobacco smok- tors. Peer influence, social setting, personality,
ing (DiFranza et al., 2000; O’Loughlin, Tarasuk, and genetics determine who begins and who
DiFranza, & Paradis, 2002). continues to smoke. In order to develop and im-
This pattern is consistent with a variety of plement more effective prevention and treat-
evidence from animal research showing that ment programs for adolescent tobacco use, a
an adolescent brain is more susceptible to rapid greater understanding of the determinants of
366 Part V Substance Use Disorders

these behaviors is needed. The following sum- smoking (see discussion at the end of this chap-
marizes a few of these determinants. ter). This variability influences the subjective ef-
Socioenvironmental factors. Socioenviron- fects of nicotine. Nicotine has both positive re-
mental factors can have an important influence inforcing effects (e.g., enhances alertness,
on youth tobacco use. For example, smoking arousal, pleasure) and negative reinforcing ef-
among peers is a powerful determinant of smok- fects (relieves adverse mood and withdrawal
ing initiation and progression (Choi, Pierce, Gil- symptoms) (Pomerleau & Pomerleau, 1984). In-
pin, Farkas, & Berry, 1997; Conrad, Flay, & Hill, dividual differences in the rewarding effects of
1992). Tobacco industry promotional activities the initial dose of nicotine from a cigarette may
can also have a significant impact on adolescent account for the observation that some young
smoking behavior (Choi, Gilpin, Farkas, & Berry, adults become dependent smokers, whereas oth-
Pierce, 1998). Of particular relevance to preven- ers can experiment and not progress to nicotine
tion strategies are socioenvironmental factors dependence (Eissenberg & Balster, 2000; Flay,
that protect against youth smoking. For exam- d’Avernas, Best, Kersell, & Ryan, 1983). In sup-
ple, adolescents who are involved in interscho- port of this hypothesis, one cross-sectional anal-
lastic sports and non-school-related physical ac- ysis found that pleasant emotional and physio-
tivity are less likely to be established smokers logical effects of the initial smoking experience
(Escobedo, Marcus, Holtzman, & Giovino, 1993; discriminated teens who continued to ex-
Patton et al., 1998; Thorlindsson & Vihjalmsson, periment with cigarettes and those who did
1991). Religious affiliation appears to be protec- not (Friedman, Lichtenstein, & Biglan, 1985).
tive against smoking (Heath, Madden et al., Among adults, retrospective reports of the re-
1999), as are school and home smoking restric- warding effects of the initial smoking experience
tions (Farkas, Gilpin, White, & Pierce, 2000; (e.g., pleasurable rush or buzz, relaxation) were
Wakefield et al., 2000). associated with current levels of nicotine depen-
Psychological factors. Relatively less attention dence (Pomerleau, Pomerleau, & Namenek,
has been devoted to the role of psychological fac- 1998). Studies of genetic influences in nicotine
tors in youth smoking. Available data suggest metabolism may lead to better forms of smoking
that tobacco use and nicotine dependence are prevention and treatment. For example, on the
more common among adolescents who experi- basis of this new knowledge, researchers are test-
ence depression symptoms (Escobedo, Kirch, & ing medications that may reduce nicotine
Anda, 1996; Wang et al., 1999), particularly metabolism rate, thereby increasing aversive ef-
those with more serious psychiatric conditions fects of initial smoking experiences (Sellers, Tyn-
(Bresleau, 1995). Adolescents with ADHD are at dale, & Fernandes, 2003).
greater risk for tobacco use (Milberger, Bieder- Personality traits. Novelty seeking as a per-
man, Faraone, Chen, & Jones, 1997). And weight sonality trait has been linked to tobacco use dur-
concerns appear to promote smoking initiation ing adolescence (Wills, Vaccaro, & McNamara,
and current smoking in female adolescents 1994; Wills, Windle, & Cleary, 1998) and early
(French, Perry, Leon, & Fulkerson, 1994). onset of smoking in adolescent boys (Masse &
While some socioenvironmental and psycho- Tremblay, 1997). Genetic studies have related
logical factors appear to play an important role novelty seeking with genetic variants in the do-
in the early stages of smoking uptake, genetic pamine pathway (Noble et al., 1998; Sabol et al.,
factors may be more influential in the develop- 1999), suggesting that these genetic effects on
ment of nicotine dependence. Differentiation of smoking behavior may be mediated in part by
the precise set of factors that are important in novelty-seeking personality traits. For example,
each of these transitions is a critical step toward adolescents who are novelty seekers or risk takers
developing effective strategies to prevent pro- may be exposed at a younger age to peer smok-
gression to addicted smoking and facilitate quit- ing influences. There is also evidence to suggest
ting. that hostility, impulsivity, or anxiety-related
Individual variability. There are abundant traits might mediate the influence of seroto-
data supporting the heritability of cigarette nergic gene variants on smoking behavior (Gil-
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 367

bert & Gilbert, 1995). While not yet tested in the mood, and feelings of pervasive sadness some-
tobacco arena, interventions that include mes- times lasting a week or more after an evening of
sages and format targeted to adolescents with moderate MDMA use (Parrott et al., 2002).
these predisposing personality traits may be MDMA can be associated with addictive drug-
more effective than broad-based appeals (Ler- using patterns. Some users report continued use
man, Patterson, & Shields, 2003). to relieve the feelings that follow MDMA use.
Compared to nonusers, regular MDMA users re-
port increased anxiety, greater impulsiveness,
Other Substances and feelings of aggression, sleep disturbance, loss
of appetite, and reduced sexual interest (Parrott,
MDMA (Ecstasy)
2001). Whether reports from users result from
MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine), their MDMA use or are symptoms and behaviors
also called ecstasy and other names, has similar- that predate MDMA use is not established.
ities to other amphetamines with stimulant and As with other amphetamine-like stimulant
hallucinogen-like properties (Green, Mechan, El- drugs, high doses of MDMA, particularly if used
liott, O’Shea, & Colado, 2003). Usually taken with other stimulants, can be associated with
orally, it can also be injected. MDMA produces nausea, chills, sweating, muscle cramps, and
feelings of energy along with a pleasurable, al- blurred vision. Anxiety, paranoid thinking, and,
tered sense of time and enhanced perception and later, depression are common. After higher
sensory experiences. MDMA effects last 3 to 6 hr. doses, markedly increased blood pressure, loss of
A typical oral dose is one or two tablets, each consciousness, and seizures may occur, and un-
containing 60 to 120 mg of MDMA, although der certain conditions of dose, or drug combi-
recently the average dose may be increasing. As nations and heat, the body’s thermoregulation
is characteristic of all illicit drugs, the chemical mechanisms fail. The resultant marked increase
content and potency of the MDMA tablets vary, in body temperature (hyperthermia) under some
thus dose estimates or even unverified assump- circumstances is rapidly followed by multiple or-
tions about the actual drug ingested are only es- gan failure and death (Schifano, 2003). MDMA
timates (Cole, Bailey, Sumnall, Wagstaff, & King, is commonly used with alcohol, increasing
2002). MDMA toxicity.
Perhaps MDMA has a special appeal to ado- The nature of MDMA metabolism in the body
lescents because its usual effects include, along contributes to toxicity. After a dose of MDMA is
with mental stimulation, feelings of relatedness rapidly absorbed, it slows its own breakdown, re-
and empathy toward other people and feelings sulting in unexpectedly high MDMA concentra-
of well-being (Cole & Sumnall, 2003). These tions with repeated doses (Farre et al., 2004;
mood effects along with the experience of en- Green, Mechan, et al., 2003). After regular use,
hanced sensory perception make MDMA an ap- tolerance to the desired MDMA effects develops
pealing drug, particularly as typically used in so- (Verheyden, Henry, & Curran, 2003). This toler-
cial gatherings, dances, and concerts. At higher ance leads regular MDMA users to take larger or
doses or in susceptible individuals, undesirable more frequent doses, resulting in the accumula-
effects include rapid onset of anxiety, agitation, tion of toxic blood levels because of the drug-
and feelings of restlessness (Gowing, Henry- induced slowdown in its own metabolism.
Edwards, Irvine, & Ali, 2002). During the period MDMA increases the activity of brain seroto-
of marked intoxication, memory is impaired, nin, dopamine, and norepinephrine (Gerra et
sometimes for days or longer in regular users. In- al., 2002; Vollenweider, Liechti, Gamma, Greer,
formation processing and task performance are & Geyer, 2002). When compared with meth-
disrupted. Regular users and sometimes even oc- amphetamine, MDMA produces greater seroto-
casional users report withdrawal phenomena nin and less dopamine release. In animals, mod-
when MDMA effects are wearing off. Withdrawal erate to high doses of MDMA are toxic to
effects include feelings of depression, difficulty serotonergic nerve cells and are associated with
concentrating, unusual calmness, fluctuating persistent cellular changes. As MDMA behavioral
368 Part V Substance Use Disorders

effects wear off, serotonin levels decrease for liver paint, deodorants, hairspray, insecticides,
days, perhaps longer. One controversy about the and other products. Inhalant gases include
toxicity of MDMA involves the correct extrapo- household and commercial gases—butane in
lation of human doses to doses used in animal cigarette lighters, and nitrous oxide in whipped
models in which signs of toxic effects can be di- cream delivery cans or from medical sources. Ni-
rectly observed (Green, Mechan, et al., 2003). trites are a special class of inhalants occasionally
A relative serotonin deficit experienced by fre- encountered by adolescents. When inhaled, ni-
quent MDMA users may account for the mood, trites dilate blood vessels, relax smooth muscles,
sleep, and other behaviors and symptoms asso- and, unlike other inhalants, are more stimulat-
ciated with frequent MDMA use (Parrott, 2002). ing than depressant and are used primarily to en-
As with all psychoactive drugs, the general con- hance sexual activities.
siderations of gender, dose, frequency of expo- Inhalants have been used as intoxicants for
sure, and concurrent use of other drugs, along hundreds of years. Inhalants, particularly sol-
with genetic and environmental factors, are vents, are often one of the first psychoactive
probably important determinants of the conse- drugs used by children. An estimated 6% of chil-
quences of MDMA exposure for any specific in- dren had tried inhalants on at least one occasion
dividual (Daumann et al., 2003; De Win et al., by the fourth grade. Inhalants stand out among
2004; Obrocki et al., 2002; Roiser & Sahakian, abused drugs by being used more by younger
2003). Certainly many people have used MDMA than older children, though on occasion, inha-
and appear to have avoided measurable harm, lant abuse persists into adulthood (Balster,
but some have died after taking MDMA. As with 1987). Although inhalant abusers generally use
nicotine, animal experiments suggest that whatever is available, preferred agents exist,
younger brains may be more susceptible to the varying from region to region in an almost fad-
neurotoxic effects of MDMA (Williams et al., like way.
2003), although important experiments with ad- National and state surveys indicate inhalant
olescent animals have not yet been reported. use peaks around the seventh to ninth grades,
with 6% of eighth graders reporting use of in-
halants within the previous 30 days. The preva-
Inhalant Abuse
lence of inhalant use in young adolescents ex-
Thousands of chemicals produce vapors or can ceeds marijuana use and is more frequent in boys
be delivered as aerosols and inhaled to produce and in adverse socioeconomic conditions. Pov-
psychoactive effects (Anderson & Loomis, 2003). erty, childhood abuse, poor grades, and early
Inhalants can be organized by their chemical school dropout are associated with greater in-
classification (toluene or nitrous oxide, for ex- halant abuse (Beauvais, Wayman, Jumper-
ample), by their legitimate use (as an anesthetic, Thurman, Plested, & Helm, 2002; Kurtzman, Ot-
solvent, adhesive, fuel, etc.), or by their means suka, & Wahl, 2001).
of delivery (as a gas, a vapor, or an aerosol) (Bals- Inhalants are easy to self-administer and read-
ter, 1987). What inhalants have in common is ily available, which explains their appeal to chil-
that they are rarely taken by other routes when dren. The solvents can be inhaled from a bag,
abused, although some can be swallowed or in- from a cloth held over the face, or by sniffing
jected. from the container. Aerosol propellants can
Volatile solvents include common household be sprayed directly into the mouth, inhaled from
and workplace products—cleaning fluids, felt-tip a balloon, or sprayed into a bag and then in-
markers, glues, paint thinners, and gasoline (An- haled.
derson & Loomis, 2003). Volatile medical anes- As with smoked drugs, inhalant effects de-
thetics, halothane or isofluane, and other ethers pend on the substance used, efficiency of the in-
occasionally turn up among adolescent inhalant halant delivery system, and the amount inhaled.
users. Another category of inhalants, aerosols, is Length and frequency of use are important be-
available as the solvents in spray cans that de- cause tolerance to many effects develops.
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 369

When inhaled, the drugs move from the lungs possible, and because many inhalants are flam-
to brain and an onset of effects occurs within mable, fires or explosions may lead to injury or
seconds. Psychoactive effects dissipate within death.
minutes when inhalation is stopped. The chem- When asked, children typically report that
icals are distributed to other organs, potentially they sniff inhalants because it’s fun and they like
damaging the liver, kidneys, and peripheral the feeling of intoxication. Initial use is often in
nerves. The experience produced by most inha- a group with considerable peer pressure. Some
lants is similar to that of drinking alcohol: an users report that the intoxicated state is a way to
initial feeling of relaxation, anxiety relief, and avoid experiencing or dealing with worries and
feelings of disinhibition. As the intoxication in- problems. Although most child inhalant use is
creases with repeated doses, speech becomes transient and initially stems from curiosity, with
slurred, fine motor movements and ability to the wrong kind of group pressure, it becomes a
walk are impaired, and, with increasing and re- repeated behavior.
peated doses, loss of consciousness and an an-
esthetic state or coma occur. The neural mecha-
GHB (Gammahydroxybutyrate;
nisms by which inhalant intoxication occurs are
Liquid Ecstasy, Georgia Home Boy,
not well understood (Balster, 1998). During the
and Other Names)
period of intoxication many neural systems be-
come dysfunctional. A potent CNS depressant, GHB is typically taken
As intoxication wears off, a hangover state to produce euphoria and a relaxed and uninhib-
commonly ensues. The severity of the postintox- ited state, similar to that produced by alcohol
ication effect depends on dose, duration of ex- (Nicholson & Balster, 2001; Teter & Guthrie,
posure, and the amount used, but typically in- 2001). GHB is a clear, odorless, slightly salty-
cludes headache or nausea. Inadvertent overdose tasting liquid. Because of its steep dose–effect
is possible, particularly when the bag or other curve inadvertent overdose is frequent. Nausea,
inhalant delivery system becomes positioned so vomiting, slowed heart rate, loss of conscious-
that when consciousness or coordination is lost, ness, coma, respiratory depression, and seizures
delivery of the inhalant continues. can require emergency treatment. Coma, along
Long-term effects vary with inhalant and fre- with vomiting and an obstructed airway, can
quency of use, but can include central nervous lead to death. The purity and the strength of in-
symptoms such as fatigue, difficulty concentrat- dividual doses of GHB vary greatly and can con-
ing, and impaired memory (Lorenc, 2003). Some tribute to overdoses, particularly by inexperi-
solvents or aerosols produce nosebleed, blood- enced users. When GHB is taken with other CNS
shot eyes, cough, and sores on the lips, nose, or depressants, lethality increases. Deaths from
mouth. If used over long periods of time, per- GHB typically occur after combined use with al-
manent brain damage or other organ damage cohol. GHB is so rapidly metabolized that post-
(kidney, liver, and peripheral nerves) can de- mortem toxicology statistics may underestimate
velop (Aydin et al., 2002). Tolerance to the de- its frequency.
pressant effects develops with repeated use. In Regular users of GHB report that they must
frequent users, withdrawal phenomena have increase the dose to attain euphoric and relaxing
been described on cessation of inhalant use. effects; thus tolerance seems likely. A withdrawal
A common cause of death during inhalant use state with increased heart rate, restlessness, anx-
is rapid inhalation of large amounts of solvents, iety, agitation, delirium, and disrupted sleep fol-
followed by strenuous activity. This results in im- lows sudden cessation of regular GHB use
paired cardiac function and arrhythmias. Injury (Miotto et al., 2001). GHB has been perceived as
and death may result from accidents associated a safe drug because it was available in health
with impaired judgment, motor impairment, or food stores as a dietary supplement. Its potential
falls. Suffocation from inadequate air during the toxicity may be underestimated by adolescents
inhalation of concentrated gases or solvents is (Mason & Kerns, 2002). Although now a con-
370 Part V Substance Use Disorders

trolled drug, GHB precursors are readily available than entertainment. Plant-based hallucinogens
through Internet distributors. Because it is odor- are still available and are even sold over the In-
less and relatively tasteless, GHB has reportedly ternet (for example, psilocybin mushrooms and
been added to the drink of unsuspecting victims. peyote cacti), but since the 1960s the prototype
It can sedate or anesthetize an unwary recipient, hallucinogen has been LSD (lysergic acid
leading to its use as a date rape drug (Schwartz, diethylamide), an extremely potent, chemically
Milteer, & LeBeau, 2000). synthesized drug, readily available through illicit
sources and, compared to many drugs, relatively
inexpensive (Hofmann, 1994). LSD’s physiologic
Rohypnol: Flunitrazepam (Roofies, Rophie,
effects are relatively few and mild—dilated pu-
Forget Me)
pils, increased deep tendon reflexes, increased
Rohypnol is a potent benzodiazepine sedative muscle tension, and mild motor incoordination.
drug with similarities to Valium or Xanax, except Heart rate increases as does blood pressure and
for its increased potency (Simmons & Cupp, respiration, but not greatly. Nausea, decreased
1998). Although a prescribed medication in appetite, and increased salivation are common.
some countries, Rohypnol is not approved for In nontolerant users, about 25 µg of LSD is a
prescription use in the United States. Taken by threshold dose. The psychological and percep-
mouth in tablet form or when dissolved in bev- tual state produced by LSD is in general similar
erages, Rohypnol rapidly produces profound se- to that produced by mescaline, psilocybin, and
dation or loss of consciousness and marked am- hallucinogenic amphetamine analogs. The ma-
nesia for events occuring during the period of jor difference is potency. LSD is hundreds to
intoxication. With no odor, and almost tasteless, thousands of times more potent. Acquired tol-
it can easily be administered to someone without erance to LSD can be profound. After 3 days of
their knowledge. Like GHB it has been associated successive daily doses, a 4- or 5-day drug-free pe-
with date rape and other sexual assaults riod is necessary to again experience the full sen-
(Schwartz et al., 2000; Slaughter, 2000). sory effects. This limits, to some extent, fre-
quency of use.
In recent years, LSD has been distributed as
“blotter acid”—that is, on sheets of paper per-
Hallucinogens are a pharmacologically diverse forated into postage stamp size squares with
group of drugs. They have in common the ability each square containing 30 to 75 µg of LSD, in-
to produce profound distortions in sensory per- gested as a chewed dose. The effects of a single
ception but accompanied by a relatively clear dose last from 6 to 12 hr, diminishing gradually.
level of consciousness (Hollister, 1968). The per- LSD alters the function of brain serotonin re-
ceptual distortions are typically termed halluci- ceptors (Aghajanian & Marek, 1999). At higher
nations, though in fact true hallucinations are doses LSD can produce a distressing drug-
relatively uncommon. The sought-after altera- induced psychosis with similarities to naturally
tions in visual images, perception of sounds, and occurring psychotic states, such as acute schizo-
bodily sensations are sometimes accompanied phrenia. The user has difficulty in recognizing
by intense mood swings and feelings of being reality, thinking rationally, and communicating
out of control that can be disturbing to the un- easily with others (Blaho, Merigan, Winbery,
initiated (Strassman, 1984). Geraci, & Smartt, 1997; Strassman, 1984).
Some humans have valued hallucinogenic For reasons not well understood, an LSD-
drugs for thousands of years. The older hallucin- induced experience can be psychologically trau-
ogenic plants, for example, mescaline, psilocy- matic, particularly for poorly prepared novices.
bin, or ibogaine, contain chemicals structurally The symptoms persist long after the pharmaco-
similar to brain neurotransmitters such as sero- logic effects of LSD have worn off (Blaho et al.,
tonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Histori- 1997). An LSD persistent psychosis with mood
cally, drug-induced hallucinogenic states were swings ranging from mania to depression, visual
typically part of social and religious rituals rather disturbances, and hallucinations is relatively un-
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 371

common. Individuals who are predisposed, for Phencyclidine (PCP, “Angel Dust”) and
genetic or other unknown reasons, to develop- Ketamine (K, Special K, Vitamin K,
ing schizophrenia may be more likely to experi- Kat Valium)
ence this (Hollister, 1968).
A disorder known as flashbacks, or more for- Phencyclidine (PCP) and a shorter-acting ana-
mally in DSM-IV, hallucinogen-persisting per- logue, ketamine, were developed as surgical an-
ception disorder, has been described (Halpern & esthetics (Reich & Silvay, 1989). At lower doses
Pope, 2003). Recurrent, primarily visual distur- both alter perception and produce feelings of de-
bances follow even a single exposure to LSD or tachment and of being disconnected or dissoci-
other hallucinogen and recur over days or ated from the environment, leading to use of the
months. Flashback symptoms typically last only term dissociative anesthetics to describe this class
a few seconds. Only an occasional disorder fol- of drugs and distinguish them from hallucino-
lowing hallucinogen use, a flashback can be a gens. At anesthetic doses patients are quiet but
substantial problem when it occurs. Considering with eyes open, fixed in a gaze, and in a seeming
the multiple hallucinogen doses taken by mil- cataleptic state without experiencing pain dur-
lions of people since the late 1950s, relatively ing a surgical procedure. Both PCP and ketamine
few cases of flashback phenomena have been re- produce similar effects by altering the distribu-
ported in the scientific literature (Halpern & tion of an important brain neurotransmitter,
Pope, 1999). glutamate.
Other hallucinogens such as mescaline, con- Phencyclidine anesthesia produced a some-
sumed in the form of peyote buttons from cacti, times distressing delirium as the anesthetic was
or tryptamine hallucinogens, for example, di- wearing off, so ketamine, which is shorter acting
methyltryptamine (DMT), are less commonly and slightly less potent but associated with
used, probably because they are less available to briefer and less troublesome delirium, replaced
adolescents. In recent years, however, trafficking it. Most abusers do not overdose to full anes-
over the Internet has enhanced availability (Hal- thetic levels (Freese, Miotto, & Reback, 2002).
pern & Pope, 2001). Psilocybin is occasionally However, depending on drug dose and toler-
available to adolescents, usually ingested as ance, PCP or ketamine intoxication can progress
psilocybin-containing mushrooms. Psilocybin from feelings of detachment and perceptual
sold illicitly as pills or capsules more likely con- changes through confusion, delirium, and psy-
tains phencyclidine or LSD rather than psilocy- chosis to coma and coma with seizures (Dillon,
bin. Copeland, & Jansen, 2003; Jansen & Darracot-
Newly rediscovered hallucinogens appear reg- Cankovic, 2001). After overdose, the progression
ularly. An example is Salvia divenorum, recently to recovery follows the reverse pattern. Treat-
popularized through Internet resources (Halpern ment of symptoms is primarily supportive. Ke-
& Pope, 2001). Salvia illustrates the rapid aware- tamine produces a shorter period of intoxica-
ness, increased interest, and progression of use tion; in a surgical setting a single anesthetic dose
of an old substance that, without the Internet, produces coma for only 10 minutes as compared
would likely have remained a relatively un- to a much longer coma after a single large dose
known plant hallucinogen. Salvia is a mint plant of phencyclidine. When abused, these drugs can
long used as a medicine and sacred sacrament in be taken by mouth or, for more rapid effects,
rural Mexico (Sheffler & Roth, 2003). A relatively smoked or sniffed. When used medically they
mild hallucinogen at usually ingested doses, it is are injected. With frequent use, tolerance and
easily cultivated and now extensively discussed, dependence develop (Pal, Berry, Kumar, & Ray,
advertised, and sold inexpensively via the 2002).
Internet. Its active and potent component, Ketamine is odorless and tasteless and can be
salvinorin-A, is absorbed when the plant is surreptitiously added to someone’s drink to pro-
chewed or the leaves are smoked. Salvia’s phar- duce a period of impaired awareness and amne-
macologic effects and metabolite fate have not sia. Thus ketamine has been used during sexual
been adequately researched. assaults and date rape. Phencyclidine is inexpen-
372 Part V Substance Use Disorders

sive to produce and distribute so it is often sub- cluding drug euphoria, tolerance, withdrawal,
stituted for other illicit drugs—for example, it is craving, and hedonic dysregulation. It is now ap-
misrepresented as MDMA or THC. parent that brain reward circuitry is stimulated
by addictive agents during drug-induced eupho-
Club Drugs ria and disrupted over the course of chronic ex-
posure. The chronic dysregulation of these
The term club drugs refers to a variety of drugs
reward-related regions explains many of the
that have in common only that they are typi-
clinical manifestations of addiction, and the res-
cally used at all-night parties or “rave” dances,
toration of normal hedonic function through
clubs, and bars (Smith, Larive, & Romanelli,
medical interventions should ultimately im-
2002; Weir, 2000). The drugs in this group are
prove the prognosis of this refractory disorder.
varied. Their pharmacology and patterns of use
Interestingly, addictive agents as diverse as her-
vary in different regions (Gross, Barrett, Shes-
oin, alcohol, and cocaine (to name only a few)
towsky, & Pihl, 2002). Patterns of use, dose, and
produce many similar neurochemical effects,
popular drug mixes change over time. The most
supporting the established classification of dif-
common club drugs, particularly marijuana, co-
ferent substance dependence disorders within
caine, MDMA (ecstasy), and methamphetamine,
the single category of addiction.
are discussed elsewhere in this chapter. Club
The interaction between an addictive exoge-
drugs that have come to the attention of adoles-
nous agent and endogenous reward-related cir-
cents include GHB, flunitrazepam (Rohypnol),
cuitry produces two powerful forces, euphoria
and ketamine. Thus the list includes stimulants,
and craving, that initiate and drive addiction.
depressants, and hallucinogens. MDMA, GHB,
Whether motivated by curiosity, boredom, peer
and Rohypnol have received the most recent at-
pressure, or thrill seeking, the initial use of a eu-
tention as club drugs. The special appeal of club
phoric drug indelibly embeds the experience
drugs to an adolescent includes their novelty and
into memory. Since we organisms are neurolog-
fad-like qualities. Unfortunately, among users
ically “wired” to repeat pleasurable experiences,
there is a misperception about the relative safety
drug euphoria positively reinforces subsequent
of club drugs (Koesters, Rogers, & Rajasingham,
use. When used excessively, addictive drugs pro-
2002). Their use, particularly by novices, can lead
duce unpleasant states (craving, withdrawal, im-
to serious health problems (Tellier, 2002).
paired hedonic function) that negatively rein-
force use and alternate with euphoria to produce
THE NEUROBIOLOGY OF ADDICTION a vicious cycle of addiction that becomes in-
creasingly entrenched and uncontrollable, re-
As discussed above, most adolescents who ex- gardless of negative consequences. Although
periment with drugs do not progress to clinical psychological, psychosocial, and environmental
problems. Some of them progress to the level of factors play critical roles in the initiation and
abuse and a smaller number progress to addic- perpetuation of addiction, brain involvement
tion (dependence). The latter has been the focus explains many of its paradoxes and provides im-
of much biological research because the chronic portant clues for the development of more effec-
relapsing nature of addiction suggests that tive and durable treatments.
changes in the brain underlie its persistent
course. Over the past several decades, neuro-
scientists have uncovered compelling evidence Biological Research Based on Animal Models
supporting the notion that addiction is a disease,
primarily affecting specific brain regions that Since the discovery of “pleasure centers” by Olds
mediate motivation and natural reward. With in the early 1950s, extensive research has been
the help of animal models and direct studies on conducted using animal models that address the
addicted human subjects, scientists are rapidly acute and chronic effects of addictive drugs on
unraveling neuronal mechanisms that underlie reward-related brain regions. These studies have
many of the clinical features of addiction, in- contributed tremendously to our understanding
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 373

Impulse Control Disorders Positive Reinforcement


regret/guilt/ impulsive acts



Compulsive Disorders


depression repetitive

relief of anxiety/ Negative Reinforcement

relief of stress

Figure 17.5 Impulse control disorders and compulsive disorders in drug addiction.

of addiction by delineating relevant neuronal of addiction became tied to the emergence of in-
mechanisms and proposing hypotheses to de- tense physical disturbances when drug taking
fine the disorder. Drug addiction, also known as ceased (Eddy, Halbach, Isbell, & Seevers, 1965).
substance dependence (American Psychiatric As- However, this definition did not capture many
sociation, 1994), is a chronically relapsing dis- aspects of addiction that are unrelated to physi-
order that is characterized by (1) compulsion to cal withdrawal, necessitating a second definition
seek and take the drug, (2) loss of control in lim- of “psychic” dependence in which a drug pro-
iting intake, and (3) emergence of a negative duces “a feeling of satisfaction and a psychic
emotional state (e.g., dysphoria, anxiety, irrita- drive that require periodic or continuous admin-
bility) when access to the drug is prevented (de- istration of the drug to produce pleasure or to
fined here as dependence; Koob and Le Moal, avoid discomfort” (Eddy et al., 1965). Producing
1997). In experimental animals, the occasional pleasure and avoiding discomfort, encountered
but limited use of an addictive agent is very dis- clinically as euphoria and craving, are now
tinct from escalated drug use and the emergence accepted as the primary forces that drive addic-
of chronic drug dependence. Therefore, an im- tion.
portant goal of current research is to understand From a modern perspective, drug addiction
the neuropharmacological and neuroadaptive has aspects of both impulse control disorders
mechanisms within reward-related neurocircuits and compulsive disorders (Fig. 17.5). Impulse
that mediate the transition between occasional, control disorders are characterized by an increas-
controlled drug use and the loss of behavioral ing sense of tension or arousal before commit-
control over drug seeking and drug taking that ting an impulsive act; pleasure, gratification, or
defines chronic addiction (Koob and Le Moal, relief is felt at the time of committing the act;
1997). and following the act there may or may not be
Historically, addiction was originally defined regret, self-reproach, or guilt (American Psychi-
as the presence of an acquired abnormal state atric Association, 1994). In contrast, compulsive
where a drug is needed to keep a normal state disorders are characterized by anxiety and stress
(Himmelsbach, 1943). Eventually, the definition before committing a compulsive repetitive be-
374 Part V Substance Use Disorders

Preoccupation with obtaining Anticipation Taken in
persistent physical or larger amounts
psychologicall problem than intended
P e r s i s t e n t d e s ir e
Withdrawal Binge
Negative Intoxication
Affect T o l e r an
ce withdrawal
S o c i a l, o c tion
cupational, or recreased
o mi
activities compr
Spiralling Distress


Figure 17.6 Criteria for substance dependence (DSM-IV).

havior, and relief from the stress by performing Animal Models of Drug Reward
the compulsive behavior. As an individual
moves from an impulsive disorder to a compul- Through extensive animal research, the neuro-
sive disorder there is a shift from positive rein- transmitters and brain circuits that mediate
forcement (euphoria) driving the motivated be- drug reward, have been largely delineated; the
havior to negative reinforcement (craving, or biological basis of drug reward is exemplified
discomfort) driving the motivated behavior. by the fact that laboratory animals will press
Drug addiction can be viewed as a disorder that levers to receive addictive substances. When
progresses from impulsivity to compulsivity in a provided unlimited access, animals will consis-
collapsed cycle of addiction comprised of three tently self-administer cocaine and ampheta-
stages: preoccupation and anticipation, binge mine to the point of death, and the power of
intoxication, and withdrawal and negative affect drug reward should not be underestimated in
(Fig. 17.6). These stages have biological, social, the clinical setting. Diverse classes of addictive
and psychological aspects that feed into each drugs affect different neurotransmitter systems
other, intensify, and ultimately lead to the and produce distinct activation patterns within
pathological state known as addiction (Koob & reward circuits. Many addictive substances (in-
Le Moal, 1997). cluding heroin, cocaine, amphetamine, alco-
Given these considerations, the modern view hol, nicotine, and marijuana) acutely increase
of addiction has shifted from a focus of physical the neurotransmitter dopamine in elements of
withdrawal symptoms to the motivational as- the ventral striatum, specifically the nucleus ac-
pects of addiction. This shift in emphasis is sup- cumbens, but this increase is most robust for
ported by the clinical axiom that mere detoxifi- psychomotor stimulants and much more mod-
cation (the elimination of drug from the body est for sedative hypnotics. Other neurotrans-
with pharmacological suppression of physical mitter systems are also involved, including
withdrawal symptoms) is insufficient treatment opioid peptides, GABA, glutamate, and seroto-
for addiction. More central to the transition nin, and play more critical roles as one moves
from drug use to addiction is the emergence of out of the domain of psychomotor stimulants.
negative emotions, including craving, anxiety, Dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens are
and irritability, when access to the drug is pre- also elevated during activities that lead to nat-
vented (Koob & Le Moal, 2001). Indeed, some ural rewards, providing compelling evidence
have argued that the development of such a neg- that addictive drugs tap into natural motiva-
ative affective state should define addiction. tional circuits.
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 375

Animal Models of Motivational sured by ICSS. The decreased function of the re-
Effects of Withdrawal ward system failed to return to baseline levels
before the onset of each subsequent self-admin-
Although considerable focus in animal studies istration session, thereby deviating more and
has been directed toward neuronal sites and more from control levels. These studies provide
mechanisms that produce drug reward, new an- compelling evidence for brain reward dysfunc-
imal models have been developed to examine tion in compulsive cocaine self-administration.
negative emotional states produced by neuroad-
aptations caused by repeated drug administra-
tion. Although drug reward certainly reinforces Extended Amygdala: A Key Component
repeated use, the transition to drug addiction ap- of the Brain Reward System
pears to require an additional source of reinforce-
ment, the reduction of negative emotional states Historically, the brain reward (pleasure) system
that are associated with repeated drug adminis- was thought to be a series of brain cells and path-
tration. The ability of addictive drugs to produce ways that projected bidirectionally from the
reward and negative emotional states (which midbrain to forebrain, and forebrain to mid-
they temporarily alleviate) is a powerful combi- brain, and it was called the medial forebrain bun-
nation that positively and negatively reinforces dle. A part of the forebrain component of the
the compulsive cycle of addiction. Negative reward system has been termed the extended
emotional states can be measured by using ani- amygdala (Heimer & Alheid, 1991) and may rep-
mal models that evaluate hedonic function resent a common anatomical substrate for acute
through the use of electrical current delivered di- drug pleasure and the dysphoria associated with
rectly into brain reward regions, which is termed compulsive drug use. The extended amygdala is
intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS). Animals will made up of three major structures: the bed nu-
press levers to deliver this current, but after cleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), the central
chronic exposure to drugs (including cocaine, nucleus of the amygdala, and a transition zone
morphine, alcohol, marijuana, and nicotine), in the medial subregion of the nucleus accum-
more current is required to support ICSS (Koob, bens (shell of the nucleus accumbens; Heimer
Sanna, & Bloom, 1998). These animal studies and Alheid, 1991). Each of these regions shares
support the hypothesis that repeated drug use certain cell types and connections (Heimer and
leads to hedonic dysregulation, which is thought Alheid, 1991), receives information from limbic
to be manifested clinically by craving, anxiety, structures such as the basolateral amygdala and
irritability, and other unpleasant feelings that hippocampus, and sends information to the lat-
arise during drug withdrawal. eral hypothalamus, a brain structure long asso-
A framework that models the transition from ciated with processing basic drives and emo-
drug use to addiction involves prolonged access tions.
to intravenous cocaine self-administration. Typ- A principal focus of research on the neuro-
ically, after learning to self-administer cocaine, biology of the pleasurable effects of drugs of
rats allowed access to cocaine for 3 hr or less per abuse has been the origins and terminal areas of
day establish highly stable levels of intake and the midbrain dopamine system, and there now
patterns of responding between daily sessions. is compelling evidence for the importance of this
When animals are allowed longer access to co- system in drug reward (Le Moal & Simon, 1991).
caine, they consistently self-administer almost The major components of this circuit are the pro-
twice as much at any dose tested. These findings jection of brain cells containing dopamine from
further suggest that there is an upward shift in the ventral tegmental area (the site of dopami-
the set point for cocaine reward when intake is nergic cell bodies) to the basal forebrain, which
escalated (Ahmed and Koob, 1998). In addition, includes the nucleus accumbens. Other chemical
escalation in cocaine intake was highly corre- transmitters form the many neural inputs and
lated with reduced hedonic function, as mea- outputs that interact with the ventral tegmental
376 Part V Substance Use Disorders

area and the extended amygdala and include “anti-stress” neuropeptide Y (NPY) in the ex-
opioid peptides, GABA, glutamate, and seroto- tended amygdala (Roy & Pandey, 2002). It has
nin (Koob, 1992). While dopamine is critical for been hypothesized that decreased NPY activity,
the reward associated with cocaine, metham- combined with increased CRF activity, may con-
phetamine and nicotine, it has a less critical role tribute significantly to the dysphoric effects of
in the pleasure associated with opiates, PCP, and drug withdrawal. This suggests that addictive
alcohol. Endogenous opioid peptides (such as β- drugs not only reduce the functional integrity of
endorphin and enkephalin) and their receptors reward-related neurotransmitter systems but
have important roles in opiate and alcohol re- also produce stress by enhancing stress-related
ward. chemicals (CRF and norepinephrine) and reduc-
ing the NPY anti-stress system. Should even a
small part of these changes persist beyond acute
Role of the Extended Amygdala in the withdrawal, a powerful drive for resumption of
Dysphoria Associated With Addiction drug taking would be established.

Addictive drugs may produce dysphoric effects

during their withdrawal by disrupting the same Animal Models for Conditioned Drug Effects
sites that they activate during drug reward. As
such, negative emotional states associated with Through classical conditioning, environmental
chronic drug exposure may reflect the dysregu- cues that have been repeatedly paired with drug
lation of the extended amygdala and midbrain administration can acquire drug-like (rewarding)
dopamine systems that are implicated in drug re- and drug-opposite (dysphoria) properties that
ward. There is considerable evidence that dopa- contribute significantly to drug craving and re-
mine activity is decreased during drug with- lapse in the clinical setting. Human studies have
drawal (as opposed to being increased during shown that the presentation of stimuli previ-
drug reward), and alterations in the activity of ously associated with drug delivery or drug with-
other reward-related neurotransmitter systems, drawal produce craving and increase the likeli-
such as glutamate, endogenous opioids, GABA, hood of relapse (Childress, McLellan, Ehrman, &
and serotonin, have also been reported. O’Brien, 1988; O’Brien, Testa, O’Brien, Brady, &
Stress-related chemical systems in the ex- Wells 1977). A number of animal models are
tended amygdala may also contribute to the dys- available to characterize the conditioning effects
phoria associated with dependence. Drugs of imparted on formerly neutral environmental
abuse not only activate the brain pleasure sys- stimuli that are subsequently paired with drug
tems but also activate the “stress” systems within self-administration. For instance, stimuli that
the brain. One major component of the brain previously signaled drug availability will cause
stress system is the brain peptide corticotropin- an animal to continue to press the lever even
releasing factor (CRF), which controls the master when drug is no longer available. In other situ-
gland (pituitary) hormonal response to stress, ations, animals can be trained to work for a pre-
the sympathetic system (fight or flight) response viously neutral stimulus that predicts drug avail-
to stress, and behavioral (emotional) responses ability. In an extinction procedure, responding
to stress (Koob & Heinrichs, 1999). Increases in with and without drug-related cues provides a
brain and pituitary CRF are associated with the measure of the rewarding effects of drugs by as-
dysphoria of abstinence from many drugs, in- sessing the persistence of drug-seeking behavior.
cluding alcohol, cocaine, opiates, and marijuana Drug-related cues can also reinstate responding
(Koob et al., 1998). Another component of the by animals long after drug responding has been
brain stress systems is the chemical norepineph- extinguished. These findings are important be-
rine, which also is associated with the dysphoria cause the learning reinforced by drugs persists
of drug withdrawal. Conversely, the acute with- long after the drug has been eliminated from the
drawal from some drugs such as alcohol is asso- body. In humans, these learned or conditioned
ciated with decreases in the levels of the brain effects can produce drug craving and possible re-
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 377

lapse long after the patient is discharged from a cumbens and central nucleus of the amygdala,
drug-free rehabilitation program. key elements of the extended amygdala, showed
Brain studies support an important role for the greatest opiate withdrawal-induced nerve
discrete glutamate-containing brain regions in cell activation that paralleled the development
conditioned cue-related phenomena associated of conditioned place aversions (Schulteis &
with addictive drugs, providing insight into the Koob, 1996).
mechanism of craving and relapse vulnerability. In summary, brain substrates implicated in
Destruction of parts of the glutamate-rich baso- conditioned drug effects have been intensely re-
lateral amygdala (called “lesioning”) blocks the searched, paired both with drug administration
development of conditioned drug-like effects in and drug withdrawal. The amygdala, and specif-
a variety of situations, indicating that this region ically the basolateral amygdala, is an important
may be an important neural substrate for drug substrate in reward-related memory and condi-
craving. Interestingly, these results are consis- tioning. This structure has a critical role in the
tent with brain imaging studies in humans that consolidation of emotional memories that have
have shown that cocaine cue-induced craving is long been recognized as an essential component
associated with activation of the amygdala and of the addictive process (Cahill & McGaugh,
anterior cingulate cortex. The neurochemical 1998). How such drug memories relate to mem-
substrates underlying drug-like effects also in- ory circuitry in general and contribute to the
volve the dopamine and opioid chemical sys- dysregulation of already strained reward circuits
tems located in the basal forebrain (for review, is a subject for future studies.
see Hyman & Malenka, 2001; Weiss et al., 2001).
Evidence supports a role for opioid peptide sys-
tems in cue-induced reinstatement of drug ad- Molecular Aspects of Addiction
ministration, and previously neutral stimuli as-
sociated with opiate withdrawal have long been The chronic administration of diverse addictive
associated with dysphoric-like effects in animal drugs produces similar molecular changes in sec-
models of conditioned withdrawal (Goldberg & ond messengers (the immediate chemical ac-
Schuster, 1967). These animal studies are consis- tions that occur after a drug binds to a receptor),
tent with clinical findings that the opiate antag- signal transduction pathways, and transcription
onist naltrexone attenuates craving associated factors (chemicals that change gene expression)
with exposure to alcohol cues and reduces re- within cells that populate reward centers (Koob
lapse rates in abstinent alcoholics (O’Brien, Chil- et al., 1998). The prolonged expression of tran-
dress, Ehrman, & Robbins, 1998). There are re- scription factors produced by drugs of abuse,
ciprocal interactions between dopamine and such as cocaine, may be relevant to the sustained
glutamate neurotransmission in the nucleus ac- dysregulation of reward centers (Self & Nestler,
cumbens and hippocampus that are important 1995). One such transcription factor, ∆ FosB, is
in regulating the expression of long-term poten- produced at increased levels in specific brain
tiation (LTP), a process considered essential for regions after the repeated administration of ad-
learning and memory. Thus addiction-related dictive drugs (Nestler, Kelz, Chen, & Fos, 1999).
learning factors may involve limbic glutamate- The chronic administration of alcohol also pro-
dependent neuroadaptations. duces molecular changes, including reduced ac-
The extended amygdala and its connections tivity of cyclic adenosine monophosphate re-
may also be critical substrates for drug-opposite sponse element binding (CREB) protein in the
effects. Basolateral amygdala lesions block the central nucleus of the amygdala that is linked to
development of conditioned drug-opposite ef- alcohol withdrawal (Pandey, Zhang, & Roy,
fects (Schulteis, Ahmed, Morse, Koob, & Everitt, 2003). Decreased CREB activity has been linked
2000), and animal studies indicate that the aver- to reduced expression of NPY in the central nu-
sive aspects of opiate withdrawal may involve cleus of the amygdala, which was previously de-
both the central nucleus of the amygdala and the scribed as an important anti-stress chemical af-
nucleus accumbens. The shell of the nucleus ac- fected by addictive drugs. Thus, changes in
378 Part V Substance Use Disorders

transcription factors may provide a model by dence, relatively little work has been done on the
which molecular events translate into neuro- potentially unique vulnerability of the develop-
chemical changes in the extended amygdala that ing nervous system to drugs of abuse. Research-
affect motivation and contribute to the devel- ers have been slow to adapt animal models in the
opment of addiction. drug abuse field to studies of adolescent animals
largely because many of the established models
such as intravenous self-administration histori-
Neuroadaptations and Allostasis cally have required extensive time and technical
expertise to establish, and the window of ado-
The counteradaptation hypothesis presented in lescence in rodent models is quite short (post-
this section essentially states that within reward- natal days 28–42; Varlinskaya, Spear, & Spear,
related circuits, the acute rewarding effect of a 2001). However, recent studies with nicotine and
drug is counteracted by regulatory changes that alcohol have begun to characterize a pattern of
exert aversive states (Siegel, 1975; Solomon & results in adolescent rats that may provide criti-
Corbit, 1974). While the pleasurable effects of cal insights into the importance of adolescent
drugs occur immediately in response to the phar- exposure for future vulnerability to addiction.
macological activation of reward centers, nega- When treated with nicotine, amphetamine, and
tive hedonic effects emerge later, persist, and alcohol, for instance, adolescent rodents show
intensify with repeated exposure. Hedonic dys- smaller responses to the acute effects of the drugs
regulation worsens over time because repeated and less of a withdrawal response (Levin, Rez-
use, while providing temporary relief, merely ex- vani, Montoya, Rose, & Swartzwelder, 2003;
acerbates the problem. The concept of “allo- Spear, 2002).
stasis” has been proposed to explain how phys- Human adolescents commonly experiment
iological brain changes contribute to relapse with drugs but relatively few go on to develop
vulnerability. In contrast to homeostasis, in entrenched patterns of addiction. It is not
which a system returns to normal function, al- known why some individuals are more vulnera-
lostasis defines a brain reward system that does ble to addiction, although family studies support
not return to normal but remains in a persistent a contributing hereditary role. Neuroscientists
dysphoric condition because of a shift in the re- have identified reward-related molecular ma-
ward set point (Koob and Le Moal, 2001). Fueled chinery (circuits, receptors, and enzymes) that
not only by the dysregulation of reward circuits could be encoded by specific genetic polymor-
but also by the activation of brain and hormonal phisms that significantly affect the rewarding
stress systems, this process leads gradually to the and aversive qualities of addictive drugs. Consti-
loss of control over drug intake. Disruptions in tutional factors might thereby enhance addic-
reward-related neurotransmitter systems (dopa- tion vulnerability, affect drug preference, or pro-
mine, glutamate, opioids, serotonin, GABA) that vide inherent protection. Many questions also
contribute to emotional dysfunction in drug ad- exist regarding the effects of addictive drugs on
diction and alcoholism persist long into absti- the adolescent brain, which continues to de-
nence, and are reasonable targets for pharma- velop and mature well into early adulthood.
cological treatments. Restoring normal hedonic Does early experimentation, even in childhood,
function in drug addiction and alcoholism could enhance the likelihood of addiction? Does the
significantly reduce relapse in these treatment- early abuse of one substance, particularly mari-
refractory conditions. juana or nicotine, biologically predispose the
individual to developing other substance depen-
dence disorders? Does early drug experimenta-
Vulnerability of the Developing Nervous tion produce persistent, clinically significant
System: Focus on Adolescents brain changes? Unfortunately, these questions
remain unanswered. However, the current rate
Despite great interest and relevance to the ulti- of knowledge expansion should shed light on
mate development of drug abuse and depen- these and other critical issues, enhancing our un-
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 379

derstanding of addiction and guiding the devel- these rewards and for weighing the potential
opment of more effective interventions. negative consequences of this pursuit are often
Adults afflicted with addiction often report lagging behind.
that their substance use began in adolescence. Individual differences in the brain’s reward
However, as stated above, only a relatively small circuitry and in the powerful motivational re-
subgroup of those adolescents who try alcohol sponse to drug cues may be important contrib-
or cigarettes or use illicit drugs will progress to utors to adolescent addiction vulnerability.
addiction. Adolescence is clearly a period of vul- However, there are now growing indications that
nerability for those who will continue to addic- defects in the brain’s executive inhibitory cir-
tion, but what is the nature of the vulnerability? cuitry may be an equally critical and comple-
Recent brain imaging research with addicted mentary source of addiction vulnerability. The
adults suggests that the vulnerability to addic- brain’s frontal regions usually exert a modula-
tion may lie in the function (and dysfunction) tory or “braking” function on the downstream
of two critical brain systems: (1) the ancient reward regions. Intact frontal regions are critical
brain motivational system, which underlies the for good decision making and especially allow
powerful motivation for natural rewards such as the individual to weigh the promise of immedi-
food and sex (and is described above), and (2) the ate reward against other competing rewards.
brain’s inhibitory or executive function systems, This attribute is particularly relevant to addic-
responsible for inhibiting behavior and putting tion because negative consequences resulting
on the brakes, for deciding when pursuit of a de- from active addiction are typically delayed,
sired reward would be a danger or a disadvan- whereas the reward of drug intoxication is im-
tage, in the long term. mediate. In children, the brain’s frontal func-
tions are not yet developed, which explains why
young children have difficulty inhibiting im-
Deficits in Executive Inhibitory Circuitry pulses toward a reward, delaying gratification,
and making decisions that go beyond the mo-
In adolescents, changes in the reward system are ment. These abilities develop further in adoles-
powerfully evident, with hormonal changes cence, but the brain’s frontal lobes, and their as-
readying the system’s response to rewards (e.g., sociated functions, continue maturing into
sexual opportunity) that will reinforce the all- young adulthood.
important (from an evolutionary standpoint) be- There appear to be striking individual differ-
haviors directed toward reproduction. In con- ences in the effectiveness of the brain’s executive
trast, the brain’s executive circuitry is not yet inhibitory circuitry; addicted adults show a va-
fully developed in adolescence: the frontal lobes, riety of deficits. For instance, subjects with sub-
so critical for good decision making, are now stance dependence often perform poorly on tests
known to continue to mature well into the 20s. of long-term strategy and decision making
This asymmetry, of a fully developed reward sys- (Monterosso et al., 2001; Petry, 2001) and show
tem and a vulnerable, not yet fully developed ex- deficits in neuropsychological tests that assess
ecutive inhibitory system may help account for their ability to inhibit overtrained or prepotent
several familiar phenomena of normal adoles- responses (Petry, 2001). Brain imaging data from
cence, including the new pull of sexual rewards, chronic cocaine users show both functional and
increased risk taking, and decision making structural defects in frontal regions. Functionally
weighted more in the moment than in the fu- there is evidence of lower frontal activity (both
ture. The imbalance between these opposing blood flow and glucose metabolism are reduced)
brain systems in adolescence may represent a in these critical frontal regions of cocaine pa-
critical period of developmental vulnerability for tients than that in nonusers (Childress, Mozley,
exposure to powerfully rewarding drugs of et al., 1999; Volkow et al., 1992, 1993). Structur-
abuse. The adolescent brain is able to respond to ally there is evidence for less concentrated
rewards, including powerful drug rewards, but gray matter (fewer nerve cells) in the frontal
the brain’s systems for governing the pursuit of regions of cocaine patients (Franklin et al.,
380 Part V Substance Use Disorders

2002), and chronic alcoholics show a similar nerability. Within the past two decades, human
finding (Lingford-Hughes et al., 1998). These dif- brain imaging techniques have revolutionized
ferences in the brain’s executive inhibitory cir- the field of psychiatric and neurological re-
cuitry might explain why substance abusers find search, allowing us to visualize both the struc-
it so difficult to inhibit or manage their cravings ture and the function of living human brains.
for drugs. Glutamate-enhancing drugs, such as Imaging research has also begun to identify dif-
modafinil, might ultimately play a role in bol- ferences in the reward and executive inhibitory
stering prefrontal function (Dackis & O’Brien, brain systems of addicted individuals that may
2003a). be critical in addiction vulnerability.
As with some of the previously discussed find- Most of the brain imaging research in addic-
ings, it is not possible to tell from a cross- tion has been conducted with addicted adults,
sectional imaging study of addicted adults posing a difficulty in applying these findings to
whether an observed brain difference predates the adolescent brain. For instance, which of the
the long history of drug use or whether it reflects brain differences observed in adults may have
the impact of long-term drug exposure. Studies existed in childhood and adolescence, as a vul-
with primates do show that chronic exposure to nerability that predated and perhaps even pre-
stimulants can undermine frontal inhibitory disposed the person to drug addiction? Alterna-
functions (Jentsch, Olaussen, De La Garza, & tively, which brain differences in the addicted
Taylor, 2002), which may help explain the poor adult brain result from years of exposure to the
frontal function in some human cocaine users. drug of abuse? Imaging studies at only one time
But the primate findings do not preclude the point in adulthood have trouble answering this
possibility that adolescents with poorer frontal important “chicken-or-the-egg” question. Imag-
function may be at early risk for making poor ing studies in adolescents who are at risk for drug
choices regarding drug experimentation or other use but have not yet begun to use the drug will
risky behaviors. Such adolescents would be very be critical in analyzing the findings in adult
poorly equipped for handling the motivational brains. The approach in this overview is to high-
significance of drug and drug cues. Consistent light several recent findings from brain imaging
with this latter notion, childhood psychiatric in addicted adults that may provide clues about
disorders such as ADHD and conduct disorder the vulnerability to addiction in adolescence.
are risk factors for adolescent substance abuse Using the framework of reward and inhibition,
(Biederman, Wilens, Mick, Spencer, & Faraone, this overview will also identify gaps in our cur-
1999; Wilens, Faraone, Biederman, & Gunawar- rent knowledge and potential implications of
dene, 2003), and both these disorders are asso- the brain findings for treatment and prevention.
ciated with frontal deficiencies (Biederman et al.,
1999). Even children who fail to meet the full
Differences in Reward Systems
clinical criteria for ADHD or conduct disorder
of Addicted Individuals
may have some degree of frontal impairment
that would increase their risk for managing the The brain’s reward circuitry is composed of an
pull of rewarding drugs and their associated cues. ancient network of interconnected structures
The neurological basis of adolescent vulnerabil- whose evolutionary function is to ensure pursuit
ity is reviewed in more detail by Chambers, Tay- of the natural rewards necessary for daily sur-
lor, and Potenza (2003). vival (food) and for survival of the species (sex).
For survival, it is not sufficient simply to appre-
ciate the natural rewards whenever they happen
Brain Imaging: The Addicted Brain to occur; it is critical to learn which cues in the
environment signal the critical rewards, so that
Although addiction has a very long human his- the rewards can be accessed again and again. The
tory, we have only recently acquired the tech- learned signals for reward, such as the sight of a
nology to measure alterations in the living desired food or reproductive partner, have a
human brain that contribute to addiction vul- powerful “pull” or incentive value. As previously
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 381

discussed, drugs of abuse activate the brain’s cir- controls who had no history of any substance
cuitry for natural rewards. However, reward cen- abuse (Volkow et al., 1990, 1993).
ter activation by addictive drugs greatly exceeds For some years, the finding of low D2 dopa-
that of natural rewards, which explains why mine receptors in cocaine patients was regarded
drugs like cocaine can produce euphoria that is as a possible consequence of the cocaine use.
outside the range of normal human experience. This interpretation was based on knowledge
The powerful subjective effects (which, in the (from animal studies) that the increased flood of
case of cocaine and heroin, are likened to “or- dopamine caused by cocaine or other drugs of
gasm, but much stronger”) of drugs result in abuse can often trigger adaptive and compensa-
powerful reactions to drug cues. tory responses in the brain. In the case of exces-
Although many chemical messenger systems sive dopamine message, as occurs during drug
are involved in the brain circuitry for reward and intoxication, reductions in dopamine synthesis,
reward signals, the neurotransmitter dopamine release, or reduction in dopamine receptors
has been the focus of most research in human could help reduce the transmission of the mes-
brain imaging (Volkow et al., 1990; Volkow, sage and help bring the dopamine system back
Wang, Fischman, et al., 1997; Volkow, Wang, et into homeostatic balance. Dramatic recent find-
al., 1999). This focus is due in part to the large ings from imaging studies suggest that low D2
number of animal studies that implicate a role receptors may also predate drug use, and may
for dopamine in reward function (Di Chiara, constitute a vulnerability factor in their own
1999; Di Chiara, Acquas, Tanda, & Cadoni, 1993; right. In a study of normal controls without ad-
Koob & Nestler, 1997; Roberts & Ranaldi, 1995; diction, those individuals within the group who
Schultz, 2002; Wise, 1996). The focus on dopa- “liked” an infusion of the stimulant methyl-
mine is also due to a current research limitation: phenidate had D2 receptor levels that were as
there are several dopamine-related tracers avail- low as those in cocaine patients addicted for
able for human imaging research, but very few many years (Volkow, Wang, et al., 1999). In the
are available for the other transmitter systems. same study, individuals with a higher level of D2
As previously noted, most drugs of abuse acutely receptors rated stimulant administration as “too
increase the level of dopamine in the nucleus ac- much” and downright unpleasant. The study
cumbens and other reward-related brain regions. suggests that a higher level of D2 dopamine re-
This allows more dopamine to bind specialized ceptors may actually be protective against stim-
dopamine receptors, increasing transmission of ulant addiction by reducing the pleasurable ef-
the dopamine message. Increased dopamine fects of the powerful stimulant.
neurotransmission may be associated with an in- The potential protective effect of higher do-
crease in positive mood, energy, arousal, and pamine D2 receptors and the interaction of en-
motor activity, all of which are effects that have vironmental experience with this effect was dra-
been linked to the dopamine system. matically demonstrated in recent imaging
studies with nonhuman primates given the op-
portunity to administer cocaine (Morgan et al.,
2002). Individually housed male monkeys were
Low D2 Dopamine Receptors
imaged and some were then group housed, al-
In terms of addiction vulnerability, one might lowing dominance hierarchies to be established.
expect that individuals with more dopamine re- Alpha-male monkeys, who had achieved domi-
ceptors would potentially experience a greater nance in the group-housing situation, showed a
(positive) drug effect and might therefore be significant increase in dopamine D2 receptors in
more likely to become addicted. However, brain the striatum, and did not find cocaine initially
imaging research suggests the opposite may be appealing. However, the subordinate monkeys
true. Cocaine-addicted adults with long histories who had low D2 dopamine receptors avidly self-
of addiction had low numbers of dopamine (type administered cocaine (Morgan et al., 2002).
D2) receptors in the striatum (a critical way- These imaging findings suggest that a geneti-
station in the reward circuitry), compared with cally determined trait, the initial level of D2 do-
382 Part V Substance Use Disorders

pamine receptors in the striatal portion of the that occupy the dopamine D2 receptors but
reward system, may be one vulnerability factor block their action should, over time, lead to a
for enjoyment of drugs, drug taking, and even- compensatory increase in the D2 receptors. Un-
tual addiction. The findings equally demonstrate fortunately, the chronic administration of
the critical role of the environment in determin- dopamine-blocking drugs (e.g., the typical anti-
ing whether a genetic vulnerability is expressed psychotic neuroleptic medications such as
or even is reshaping the trait itself. For example, chlorpromazine and haloperidol) often have
the human control subjects with low D2 recep- prohibitive side effects, including sedation and a
tors (those who liked drugs in the methylphen- Parkinson-like neurological syndrome, that
idate study) had survived adolescence and early make these medications undesirable for long-
adulthood without developing addiction. The term treatment. Medications that reduce the ac-
mastery experiences of the alpha-male monkeys tivity of the dopamine system but do not com-
apparently reshaped a biological risk factor for pletely block it are better tolerated. For example,
addiction into one of protection. GABA agonists reduce dopamine neurotransmis-
We have no imaging studies of D2 dopamine sion without producing side effects associated
receptor function in adolescents. This represents with neuroleptics and might theoretically pro-
an important gap in our knowledge. Conse- duce a gradual (compensatory) increase in D2
quently, we do not yet know whether adoles- dopamine receptors. Consistent with this predic-
cents with low D2 dopamine receptor levels will tion, the GABA-B agonist baclofen has shown
have more preference for stimulants and expe- some early promise in the treatment of cocaine
rience enhanced vulnerability of future addic- (Ling, Shoptaw, & Majewska, 1998), alcohol (Ad-
tion. The D2 dopamine receptor imaging tech- dolorato et al., 2000), and opiate (Akhondzadeh
nique is unlikely to be used in research with et al., 2000) dependence (trials in nicotine de-
adolescents and children because it currently re- pendence are just beginning). Whether GABA-B
quires minute amounts of a radioactive tracer. agonists could also have a prophylactic effect in
However, other “surrogate” measures of dopa- those at risk for addiction has not yet been
mine receptor function may be obtained without tested, but this benefit might be predicted by the
radioactive imaging, e.g., by measuring the sub- adult imaging findings with D2 dopamine recep-
jective response to a stimulant challenge and/or tors.
by testing the impact of a known dopaminergic
agent within a nonradioactive imaging modality
Brain Response to Drugs of Abuse
such as functional magnetic resonance imaging
and Drug-Related Cues
(fMRI). In addition, some cognitive tasks are sen-
sitive to dopaminergic manipulations, and an As previously described, drugs of abuse increase
adolescent’s performance on these (within or dopamine in critical parts of the reward circuitry,
outside an imaging setting) could be used to in- and this increase is most robust for psychomotor
directly determine tonic dopamine function. stimulants. Animal research also shows that the
For those at risk, an implication of these find- learned signals, or “cues,” for these drugs (as well
ings for prevention and treatment might be to as for natural rewards) also increase dopamine
reset the D2 receptor numbers to a more protec- release in these same brain regions. In humans,
tive level. The teaching of social and behavioral drug cues trigger strong craving and arousal and
coping tools to increase mastery and control may precede relapse. The brain response to
over stressors could help turn a vulnerable indi- drugs, and to cues that signal the availability of
vidual (with low D2 dopamine receptors) into drugs thus represent two additional sources of
one who is more like the alpha monkey—ready potential addiction vulnerability in the reward
to take on challenges and challengers. Once system.
these monkeys had established dominance, they Research in animals has shown that under cer-
were much less attracted to cocaine. Alterna- tain circumstances, the brain response to drugs
tively, a medication could be used to reset the of abuse (as measured by either brain dopamine
reward system to a more protective level. Agents release or behavioral activation) can “sensitize”
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 383

or increase with repeated exposures to the drug. food (Small, Zatore, Dagher, Evans, & Jones-
This might lead to the prediction that chronic Gotman, 2001), or sexual stimuli (Karama et al.,
drug use in humans would similarly lead to an 2002). These studies demonstrate that research
increased brain response, compared with those on the reward circuitry could be conducted in
who have not previously used the drug. Con- adolescents.
trary to this expectation, imaging studies in As previously described, animal research has
chronic cocaine users have shown that the brain shown activation of the brain reward circuitry by
dopamine response to administration of a stim- both drugs of abuse and the cues signaling these
ulant in chronic users is actually lower than the drugs. The drug and the cues for the drug lead to
response of non–drug users (Volkow, Wang, et dopamine increases at important nodes in the
al., 1997). Though this lower brain response can reward circuitry. In humans, cues regularly as-
be interpreted as evidence for tolerance (a re- sociated with drug use (e.g., the sight of a drug-
duced response to drug with repeated adminis- using friend, dealer, location, or drug parapher-
trations), we do not yet know whether the re- nalia) can come to trigger profound craving and
sponse is indeed an effect of cocaine exposure or motivation for their drug of choice, potentially
(as with lower D2 receptors) possibly a preexist- leading to drug use and relapse in the clinical
ing neurochemical condition that predated setting (Childress, Franklin, Listerud, Acton, &
chronic cocaine use. How could a lower brain re- O’Brien, 2002). Brain imaging studies of this
sponse to rewards be a risk factor in adolescence? conditioned motivational state in addicted
One possibility is that a lower brain dopamine adults have shown activation of several way sta-
response to natural rewards would mean that tions in the motivational/reward circuitry, in-
these rewards are insufficiently engaging, cluding those linked to attention, affect, auto-
whereas the powerful, supranormal stimulation nomic arousal, and the rapid assignment of
by drugs of abuse might be experienced as “just emotional valence to incoming stimuli (Chil-
right.” Some theories of sensation seeking and dress, Mozley et al., 1999; Childress et al., 2002).
thrill seeking take this view. For sensation seek- Studies also demonstrate significant similarity in
ers, the arousal produced by natural rewards may the brain regions activated by the cues for co-
be low, and thus high-intensity, high-arousal ex- caine (Bonson et al., 2002; Childress, Mozley, et
periences are pursued and experienced as plea- al., Garavan et al., 2000, 1999; Grant et al., 1996;
surable (Zuckerman, 1986; Zuckerman & Kuhl- Kilts et al., 2001; Maas et al., 1996), heroin (Dag-
man, 2000). In contrast, for those with a normal lish et al., 2001; Sell et al., 1999), alcohol (Schnei-
response to natural rewards, the high-intensity der et al., 2001), and cigarettes (Brody et al.,
(often higher-risk) experiences (parachuting, 2002). Similar actions by diverse drugs on mo-
bungee jumping, etc.) could be experienced as tivational circuitry provide biological evidence
overwhelming and unpleasant. that supports the commonality of substance
We do not yet know whether adolescents at abuse disorders. This circuitry also normally
risk for substance abuse have a blunted brain re- manages the motivation for natural rewards, as
sponse to natural rewards or to drugs of abuse. demonstrated by human brain imaging studies
Although imaging studies that probe dopamine using food (chocolate) (Small et al., 2001) or sex-
tone require small amounts of radioactive tracers ual (Karama et al., 2002) stimuli. Addicted adults
and thus would not be permitted in adolescents, often report their craving for drugs exceeds their
other nonradioactive imaging techniques could desire for natural rewards. A very recent fMRI
be used to measure response to the presentation study in adolescents with alcohol use disorder
of common rewards (money, food, etc.). Nonra- indeed found that the brain response (which in-
dioactive techniques such as fMRI use magnetic cluded regions in the reward circuitry) to visual
fields to map the regional change in brain blood cues of their preferred alcohol beverage was
flow, an index of increased brain activity. This larger than the response to pictures of a nonal-
technique is currently being used with adults to cohol beverage (Tapert et al., 2003).
map the normal response of the brain to mone- Most substance-dependent individuals find
tary (Elliott, Newman, Longe, & Deakin, 2003), that behavioral techniques are difficult to apply
384 Part V Substance Use Disorders

when they are already in the throes of a full- neuroadaptations is a promising strategy to im-
blown craving episode. Therefore, medications prove outcome in clinical practice. Human stud-
that help bring the powerful brain reward system ies likewise demonstrate functional and struc-
into a more manageable range are much needed. tural brain abnormalities associated with
The GABA-B agonist medications baclofen, de- addiction, especially in the prefrontal cortex and
scribed above as having the potential to reset do- amygdala, although the issue of causality has not
pamine receptors, has also shown promise in been adequately addressed. Are these abnormal-
blunting the response to cocaine (Brebner, Chil- ities produced by repeated drug administration,
dress, & Roberts, 2002; Roberts, Andrews, & or do they predate and even contribute to addic-
Vickers, 1996) or heroin (Di Ciano & Everitt, tive vulnerability? Can they be normalized with
2003) cues in animals, and it also blunts the crav- abstinence or through specific interventions?
ing and brain activation by cocaine cues in hu- Will brain abnormalities identified through im-
mans (Brebner et al., 2002; Childress, McElgin, aging techniques eventually serve to identify in-
et al., 1999). Other candidate medications for re- dividuals who are most at risk of developing ad-
ducing the brain response to drug cues are dis- diction? The issue of vulnerability is particularly
cussed in Chapter 18. important to identify adolescents who might
benefit from specific interventions, be they
preventive or therapeutic. Unfortunately, prodi-
Conclusions on Neurobiology gious gaps exist in our knowledge of the neuro-
biology of addiction in adolescents, which
A large body of neuroscience research, only par- represents an important area for future re-
tially reviewed in this section, supports the no- search.
tion that addiction is a disease that disrupts brain
pleasure centers, including the extended amyg-
dala and its numerous connections with other THE ROLE OF GENETICS
reward-related systems. Neurobiological re-
search has provided an understanding of brain Overview of Genetic Models
mechanisms that can guide medication devel-
opment and potentially improve outcome. Research using both animal and human models
While the anatomy and circuitry of reward neu- is advancing our understanding of the role of ge-
rocircuits have been largely delineated, we know netic factors in substance use. Animal models of
little about molecular changes within these drug addiction can manipulate genetic factors
regions that mediate the transition into addic- through selective breeding or “knock-outs”
tion, enhance relapse vulnerability, and produce (mice that are lacking a critical gene) to explore
hedonic dysregulation. Nevertheless, the disease general and specific genetic effects on behavioral
concept of addiction is supported by its strong responses to drugs and propensity to self-
biological basis, which is conclusively demon- administer drugs. As reviewed by Ponomarev
strated by several lines of animal and human re- and Crabbe (2002), this line of research has gen-
search. Although addictive drugs produce plea- erated important knowledge about the role of ge-
sure by activating brain reward circuits, their netic factors in initial sensitivity to drugs, neu-
long-term effect is to inhibit these regions, lead- roadaptive changes from chronic exposure,
ing to hedonic dysregulation and unpleasant withdrawal syndromes, and reinforcing effects.
emotional states. The short-term fix of more Of particular relevance to adolescent substance
drug use provides temporary relief but then use, animal research is elucidating how the ad-
merely worsens this vicious cycle. Animal mod- olescent brain may be especially vulnerable to
els of addiction have identified specific neuro- the stimulating effects of both novel environ-
chemical alterations in reward-related and stress- ment and drugs of abuse (Laviola, Adriani, Ter-
related systems that contribute to dysphoric ranova, & Gerra, 1999). This work suggests that
motivational states associated with drug absti- adolescence is a critical period during which ex-
nence, and the pharmacological reversal of these posure to drugs may interfere with more adap-
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 385

tive coping strategies and produce lifelong be- in the genome; however, it is likely to take sev-
havioral substance abuse patterns. eral years before specific loci are identified and
In humans, twin models have been used to validated as being important in substance use
explore the relative contribution of genetic and and dependence.
environmental factors to substance use and de- Below, we summarize the literature on the
pendence. This is accomplished by comparing heritability and specific genetic effects for to-
concordance rates for a particular trait in mon- bacco use, alcohol use, and use of illegal drugs.
ozygotic twins who share all of their genes in Although most of these studies used adult pop-
common to those for dizygotic twins who share ulations, we highlight investigations that in-
roughly 50% of their genes (Kendler, 2001). As cluded adolescent participants. The results of
described in greater detail below, this method- both adolescent and adult studies provide in-
ology has been used to study the role of heritable sights into the biobehavioral basis of substance
factors for smoking, alcohol use, and use of ille- use and its relevance to prevention in high-risk
gal drugs. youth.
Once a particular behavioral trait (also re-
ferred to as a “phenotype”) has been established
as heritable, molecular genetic approaches are Genetic Contributions to Tobacco Use
used to identify the specific genetic variants that
may be responsible. One such approach identi- Abundant data from twin studies provide evi-
fies candidate genes based on neurobiological or dence for the heritability of cigarette smoking.
biochemical pathways (e.g., dopamine or sero- Using the Australian twin registry, Heath and
tonin genes) and uses a case–control study de- Martin (1993) found that inherited factors ac-
sign to compare the frequency of genetic vari- counted for 53% of the variance in smoking in-
ants (alleles) in these pathways among persons itiation. More recent data suggest that the heri-
with and without the phenotype (e.g., nicotine- tability of a diagnosis of nicotine dependence is
dependent persons vs. nondependent persons) even higher (Kendler et al., 1999; True et al.,
(Sullivan, Jiang, Neale, Kendler, & Straub, 2001). 1999). Sullivan and Kendler (1999) summarized
Several studies employing the candidate gene data from a large number of twin studies indi-
approach to investigate substance abuse genes cating that additive genetic effects account for
are described below. The role of specific genetic 56% of the variance in smoking initiation and
variants can be also investigated through family- 67% of the variance in nicotine dependence. Sig-
based designs that examine allele sharing or al- nificant genetic influences have also been doc-
lele transmission for candidate genes within umented for age at smoking onset (True et al.,
families (Spielman et al., 1996). This latter ap- 1999) and for smoking persistence (Madden et
proach controls for potential bias due to ethnic al., 1999).
admixture, but has less statistical power and is Genes in the dopamine pathway have been
more costly to implement. studied most extensively with respect to tobacco
In contrast to these hypothesis-driven ap- use and addiction. It is speculated that individ-
proaches, genetic linkage analysis can be used to uals with low-activity genetic variants may ex-
search for as yet unidentified genetic variants perience greater reinforcement from nicotine be-
that may be linked with substance use pheno- cause of its dopamine-stimulating effects. In
types. In this approach families or relative pairs support of this hypothesis are three studies
(e.g., sibling pairs) are used to look for linkage showing a higher prevalence of the more rare A1
with anonymous markers across the genome. Be- or B1 allele of the dopamine 2 receptor (DRD2)
cause the effect sizes of any individual gene con- gene among smokers than among nonsmokers
ferring susceptibility to a behavioral trait are ex- (Comings et al., 1996; Noble et al., 1994; Spitz et
pected to be small (Comings et al., 2001), this al., 1998). However, a small, family-based anal-
approach requires a large number of family ysis did not provide evidence for significant link-
members. As described below, the results of such age of smoking to the DRD2 locus (Bierut et al.,
studies are beginning to reveal regions of interest 2000).
386 Part V Substance Use Disorders

In a case–control study of smokers and non- the key enzyme involved in metabolism of nic-
smokers, Lerman and colleagues (1999) found otine to inactive cotinine (Pianezza et al., 1998).
that DRD2 interacted with the dopamine trans- Unfortunately, however, later studies did not
porter (DAT) gene in its effects on smoking be- support this finding and suggested that the
havior. The DAT polymorphism is of particular CYP2A6 variant is much more rare than origi-
interest because the 9-repeat allele has been as- nally reported (London, Idle, Daly, & Coetzee,
sociated with a 22% reduction in dopamine 1999; Oscarson et al., 1998; Sabol et al., 1999).
transporter protein (Heinz et al., 2000). Since a Although genes regulating nicotine receptor
reduction in dopamine transporter level would function would be prime candidates for smoking
result in less clearance and greater bioavailability risk, data on functional genetic variation in hu-
of dopamine, it is speculated that individuals mans are not yet available. In two recent studies
who have the 9-repeat may have less need to use of the B2 nicotinic receptor, several single neu-
nicotine to stimulate dopamine activity. The as- cleotide polymorphisms (of unknown func-
sociation of the DAT gene with smoking behav- tional significance) were identified, but none
ior has been supported in one study (Sabol et al., were associated with smoking behavior (Lueders
1999), but not replicated in two other studies et al., 2002; Silverman et al., 2001).
(Jorm et al., 2000; Vandenbergh, 2002). Thus, As mentioned above, linkage analysis can also
the role of DAT in smoking behavior remains be used to scan the genome for regions that may
unclear. harbor nicotine dependence susceptibility
The serotonin pathway is also under investi- genes. There are, however, a limited number of
gation in genetic studies of smoking behavior. reports using this approach. Straub and col-
Candidate polymorphisms (genetic variants) in- leagues (1999) performed a complete genomic
clude those in genes that are involved in sero- scan to search for loci that may confer suscepti-
tonin biosynthesis (e.g., tryptophan hydroxy- bility to nicotine dependence. Using a sample of
lase, TPH) and serotonin reuptake (serotonin affected sibling pairs, linkage analysis provided
transporter, 5HTTLPR). Two recent studies have preliminary evidence for linkage to regions on
shown that individuals who are homozygous for chromosomes 2, 4, 10, 16, 17, and 18. But these
the more rare A allele of TPH are more likely to results were not statistically significant, and the
initiate smoking and to start smoking at an ear- sample size in this study (130 families) may not
lier age (Lerman et al., 2001; Sullivan et al., have been large enough to identify genes with
2001). Although 5HTTLPR was not associated small effects. Two other studies used families
with smoking status (Lerman et al., 1998), there from the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of
is evidence from two studies that this polymor- Alcoholism (COGA) and reported evidence for
phism modifies the effect of anxiety-related linkage of smoking behavior to chromosomes 5
traits on smoking behavior (Hu et al., 2000; Ler- (Duggirala et al., 1999), 6, and 9 (Bergen et al.,
man et al., 2000). 1999). Notably, the regions identified in the dif-
While genes in the dopamine and serotonin ferent studies do not overlap. This may be attrib-
pathways may have generalized effects on risk utable to the fact that regions identified in the
for substance abuse, genes that regulate nicotine COGA sample may harbor loci predisposing to
metabolism should be specifically relevant to addiction to both alcohol and smoking.
smoking behavior. One hypothesis is that slower
metabolizers of nicotine may be less prone to in-
itiate smoking because they may experience Genetic Contributions to Alcohol Use
more aversive effects (Pianezza, Sellers, & Tyn-
dale, 1998). Once smoking is initiated, slower As with tobacco, twin studies of alcohol use pro-
metabolizers may require fewer cigarettes to vide consistent evidence for significant genetic
maintain nicotine titers at an optimal level (Be- effects. Estimates for the proportion of variance
nowitz Perez-Stable, Herrera, & Jacobs, 2002). In- accounted for by genetic factors range from
itial support for this premise was provided in a about 30% to 70%, depending on whether the
study of the P450 CYP2A6 gene, which encodes studies used population-based or treatment sam-
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 387

ples (Kendler, 2001) and on the specific pheno- mostly negative results (Parsian, Chakraverty,
type examined (van den Bree, Johnson, Neale, & Fishler, & Cloninger, 1997).
Pickens, 1998). One study of over 1,500 twin Genes in the serotonin pathway are also plau-
pairs, ages 20 to 30 years old, reported that 47% sible candidates for alcohol dependence because
of the variance in use (vs. abstinence) in males of the effects of alcohol on brain serotonin levels
was attributable to genetic factors with 48% of (Lesch & Merschdorf, 2000). The low activity
the variance being due to shared environment S allele of the serotonin transporter gene
(and the remainder due to individual environ- (5HTTLPR) has been linked with alcoholism in
mental effects; Heath & Martin, 1988). The com- one family-based study (Lichtermann et al.,
parable figures for females were 35% and 32%, 2000). Although the prevalence of this variant
respectively. Heritability estimates in other stud- has not been found to differ significantly in case–
ies ranged from about 50% for alcohol depen- control studies comparing alcoholics and non-
dence to 73% for early age of onset for alcohol alcoholics, there is evidence that it increases risk
problems (McGue, Pickens, & Svikis, 1992; Pick- for particular alcoholism subtypes, including
ens, & Svikis, 1991; Prescott & Kendler, 1999). binge drinking (Matsushita et al., 2001) and
Physical symptoms of alcohol dependence also early-onset alcoholism with violent features
appear to have a significant heritable compo- (Hallikainen et al., 1999). Similarly, the TPH
nent (e.g., binge drinking, withdrawal), al- gene has been linked with alcoholism with co-
though the potential behavioral consequences morbid impulse control problems, such as anti-
appear to be less heritable (e.g., job trouble, ar- social behavior or suicidal tendencies (Ishiguro
rests; Slutske et al., 1999). Of particular relevance et al., 1999; Nielsen et al., 1998).
to the biobehavioral model of substance abuse, The most consistent evidence for genetic ef-
there is evidence for shared genetic influences fects on alcoholism has been generated from
for tobacco and alcohol consumption (Swan, studies of genes that regulate the metabolism of
Carmelli, & Cardon, 1996). alcohol. Alcohol is converted to its major metab-
The search for specific genetic effects on al- olite acetaldehyde by the enzyme alcohol
cohol use has led to the discovery of genes in key dehydrogenase (ADH). Decreased metabolism
neurotransmitter pathways and genes that influ- results in more aversive effects of alcohol
ence the metabolism of alcohol. Once again, the consumption, such as flushing and toxicity.
dopamine pathway has been a central focus of A reduced-activity allele of the ADH2 gene
this research. An initial study relating the DRD2 (ADH2*2) is found more commonly in Asian
A1 allele to alcoholism attracted a great deal of populations and has been shown to be protec-
attention (Blum et al., 1990); however, several tive for alcohol dependence in Chinese (Chen et
studies failed to replicate this initial result (Bolos al., 1999) and European (Borras et al., 2000) pop-
et al., 1990). Noble (1993) reviewed nine inde- ulations. There is some evidence that the genetic
pendent studies including 491 alcoholics and effect is stronger for males than for females
495 controls. Across these studies, the more rare (Whitfield et al., 1998). The reduced-activity al-
A1 allele of the DRD2 gene was carried by 43% lele of ADH2 is also found more commonly in
of alcoholics, compared with 25% of nonalco- Ashkenazi Jewish populations and has been as-
holic controls. When only severe alcoholics were sociated with reduced alcohol consumption
examined, the prevalence of the A1 allele was among Jewish college students (Shea, Wall, Carr,
56%. Hill, Zezza, Wipprecht, Locke and Neis- & Li, 2001).
wanger (1999) used the more conservative The opioid system has also been implicated in
family-based approach to test for linkage be- the reinforcing effects of alcohol as well as other
tween DRD2 and alcoholism. Although an drugs of abuse (see below). With respect to al-
overall association with alcoholism was not sup- coholism, the results of initial studies have been
ported, there was evidence for linkage when mixed. Two studies have suggested that variants
only severe cases were examined. Studies exam- of the µ-opioid receptor gene may be associated
ining other genes within the dopamine pathway with a general liability to substance dependence,
for association with alcoholism have yielded including alcohol (Kranzler et al., 1998; Schinka
388 Part V Substance Use Disorders

et al., 2002). However, another larger study did cused on this pathway. Genetic variations affect-
not find significant differences in allele frequen- ing mesocorticolimbic function might affect
cies in dependent and nondependent individu- drug-induced reward and thereby contribute to
als (Gelernter, Kranzler, & Cubells, 1999). addiction vulnerability. Uhl, Blum, Noble, and
Smith (1995) summarized data from nine studies
of mixed groups of substance abusers and re-
Genetic Contributions to Illegal Substance Use ported a 2-fold increase in risk in individuals
who have at least one copy of the DRD2 A1 al-
The Harvard Twin study is one of the most ex- lele. The risk ratio was nearly 3-fold for more se-
tensive investigations of the role of heritable fac- vere substance abuse. A high activity allele of the
tors in drug use (Tsuang, Bar, Harley, & Lyons, catechol-O-methyltransferase gene, which codes
2001; Tsuang et al., 1999). Summarizing the for a dopamine metabolizing enzyme, has also
results from 8,000 twin pairs, Tsuang and col- been associated with polysubstance abuse (Van-
leagues (2001) reported heritability estimates denbergh, Rodriguez, Miller, Uhl, & Lachman,
ranging from .38 for sedative drugs to .44 for 1997).
stimulant drugs. Interestingly, the variance in il- Several twin, family, and adoption studies
licit drug use attributed to shared environmental have concluded that the vulnerability to develop
influences tended to be much smaller than that heroin dependence is partially inherited. Twin
due to individual environmental effects. Some- studies have reported significantly higher con-
what higher estimates for heritability were gen- cordance rates for identical twins than for non-
erated from a study of twins ascertained through identical twins (Tsuang et al., 1996), and an es-
alcohol and drug programs and thus exhibiting timated heritability of .34 has been published for
more severe forms of substance abuse disorders heroin-dependent males (van den Bree et al.,
(van den Bree et al., 1998). Among males, heri- 1998). One study of male and female subjects
tability estimates for substance dependence were who were adopted away from their natural par-
58% for sedatives, 57% for opiates, 74% for co- ents found that opioid dependence correlated
caine, 78% for stimulants, and 68% for mari- with genetic loading for antisocial personality
juana. With the exception of dependence on and alcoholism, and with environmental factors
stimulants, estimates were significantly lower for such as divorce and turmoil in the adoptive fam-
females. In general, the genetic variance ap- ily (Cadoret et al., 1986). Another study reported
peared to be greater for heavy use or abuse than that subjects with opioid dependence had an 8-
for ever using (Kendler, Gardner, & Gardner, fold increase in addiction prevalence among
1998). their first-degree relatives, independent of alco-
Of particular relevance to youth substance holism and antisocial personality disorder, with
abuse is the finding that the transitions in survey evidence of specificity for familial opioid depen-
drug use categories (never used to ever used to dence (Merikangas et al., 1998). Therefore, a
regular use) have a significant heritable compo- family history of addiction appears to be a po-
nent. For example, genetic variance for the tran- tent risk factor for the development of opioid de-
sition from never to ever using was reported to pendence. Specific genes associated with in-
be 44% for marijuana, 61% for amphetamine, creased vulnerability for heroin dependence
and 54% for cocaine (Tsuang et al., 1999). For have not been identified, although animal mod-
the transition to regular use, the comparable fig- els demonstrate that genes encoding the µ-
ures were 30%, 39%, and 34%. As was shown for opioid receptor might influence the animal’s
tobacco and alcohol, family studies showed evi- opioid preference, as evidenced by their willing-
dence for common genetic variance underlying ness to self-administer morphine (Berrettini, Al-
dependence on illegal drugs (Pickens, Svikis, exander, Ferraro, & Vogel, 1994). However, hu-
McGue, & LaBuda, 1995; Tsuang et al., 2001). man studies of the gene (OPRM1) that encodes
Because many drugs of abuse increase levels of the human µ-opioid receptor are mixed with re-
dopamine (Dackis & O’Brien, 2001; Shimada et gard to opioid dependence vulnerability (Crow-
al., 1991), initial genetic investigations have fo- ley et al., 2003; Hoehe et al., 2000).
Chapter 17 Defining Substance Use Disorders 389

Key Findings from Research on Genetics diction potential and dependence on specific
of Substance Use substances.
Genetic effects on substance abuse are mediated
There is no “gene for addiction.” Although her- by personality traits. Such traits particularly in-
itable factors are clearly important in substance volve the drive for sensation and novelty and def-
abuse and dependence, such effects involve a icits in impulse control. Individuals exhibiting
complex interaction between multiple genes in these traits may be more prone to drug use, and
different biological pathways. Some genetic var- as such, these traits may serve as liability markers
iants may result in a more generalized predis- for susceptibility to substance use and depen-
position to substance use and dependence, while dence. Whether these trait markers provide
other variants may influence risk for dependence greater predictive value than the underlying ge-
on specific substances. These genetic effects in- netic markers remains to be determined.
teract with environmental factors, and any in- A complete understanding of specific genetic
dividual genetic variant is likely to account for influences on substance dependence will reveal
only a small proportion of the overall variance only part of the picture. On average, genetic in-
in a substance use behavior. fluences account for roughly one-half of the vari-
Findings on the effects of specific genetic variants ance in specific substance use behaviors. Such
are not consistent. The use of different study de- effects occur in the context of complex socioen-
signs and methods of subject ascertainment, the vironmental and psychological influences. Even
focus on polymorphisms of unknown functional the best panel of genetic tests to identify indi-
significance, and ethnic admixture have resulted viduals predisposed to substance abuse will have
in inconsistent findings in this field. Very low sensitivity and specificity unless nongenetic
large studies using both population-based and influences are incorporated into the model. In-
family-based designs are needed to validate spe- creased understanding of the role of genetic fac-
cific genetic effects and to identify the set(s) of tors in addiction will never diminish the impor-
genetic variants that predispose to general ad- tance of behavioral and social influences.
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Treatment of Substance
Use Disorders

18 c h a p t e r
392 Part V Substance Use Disorders

The high rate of adolescent substance abuse in atric disorders, which can greatly complicate
the United States (Johnsten, O’Malley, & Bach- treatment delivery and outcome. For example,
man, 1998) makes the identification of effective Henggeler et al. (1996) reported that 35% of par-
treatment approaches a significant priority. Ef- ticipants in a clinical trial of family approaches
fective early intervention is crucial. Adolescents (described in more detail below) met criteria for
who initiate alcohol use by age 14 are signifi- conduct disorder, 19% for social phobia, 12% for
cantly more likely to develop alcohol depen- oppositional defiant disorder, and 9% for major
dence as adults than those who initiate use by depression. In Waldron, Slesnick, Brody, Turner,
age 20, with significant reductions in the odds and Peterson’s (2001) sample, 89.8% had a his-
of developing dependence for each year of de- tory of significant delinquent behavior, 29.7%
layed initiation (Grant & Dawson, 1997). Effec- met criteria for anxiety and depressive disorders,
tive early intervention is also crucial with and 27.3% had attention problems. Kaminer and
substance-abusing adolescents because it can colleagues (2002) reported that 55% met criteria
play a preventive role in later years (Borduin et for an externalizing disorder, 39% for conduct
al., 1995; Kazdin, 1991, 1993; Santisteban et al., disorder, 18% for attention-deficit hyperactivity
2003). disorder (ADHD), 22% for depression, and 26%
While alcohol remains the most commonly for an anxiety disorder. As discussed in more de-
used substance (illegal among adolescents; Kan- tail below, the presence of a comorbid disorder
del, & Faust, 1975; Kandel & Yamaguchi, 1993), often indicates the need for evaluation for phar-
a marked trend in recent years is the increased macotherapy as well and for close monitoring of
use of cannabis among adolescents, which has treatment adherence and response. The presence
led to an increased demand for cannabis treat- of conduct disorder is particularly significant
ment. From 1992 to 1998, the number of ado- among substance-abusing adolescents as it is of-
lescents with primary, secondary, or tertiary ten associated with poor long-term treatment
problems related to cannabis who presented to outcome and persistence of antisocial behavior
the U.S. public treatment system grew from in this population (Myers, Stewart, & Brown,
51,081 to 109,875 (a 115% increase) (Dennis et 1998). Moreover, in some circumstances (e.g.,
al., 2002). In 1998, over 80% of these adolescents deviant adolescents assigned to interactional
received treatment in an outpatient setting. The groups), inclusion of a high proportion of ado-
bulk of treatment evaluation studies and clinical lescents with conduct disorders in some types of
trials report the most prevalent types of sub- unstructured groups may lead to generally poor
stance use in clinical populations are alcohol and outcomes (Arnold & Hughes, 1999; Dishion,
marijuana, with some cocaine, heroin, meth- McCord, & Poulin, 1999).
amphetamine, hallucinogen, and polysubstance Treatment of substance-abusing adolescents is
use as well, based on setting and sample. also complicated by high rates of substance
Treatment of substance-abusing adolescents is abuse in their immediate families. Henggeler et
complicated by a number of factors that appear al. (1996) reported that a substance abuse prob-
to be particularly prevalent or problematic lem was present in 18% of birth mothers and
among adolescents (although they complicate 56% of the fathers of youth in their treatment
treatment for adults as well). First, as noted pre- sample. Winters et al. (2000) reported that 66%
viously, adolescents in treatment samples usu- of participants had at least one parent with sub-
ally use multiple substances, typically alcohol stance use disorder. This complication is signifi-
and marijuana with occasional cocaine use cant because parental substance use is associated
(Henggeler, Pickrel, Brondino, & Crouch, 1996; with poor parenting practices and low levels of
Kaminer, Burleson, & Goldberger, 2002; Winters, parent monitoring, which can further exacerbate
Stinchfield, Opland, Weller, & Latimer, 2000) adolescent substance use (Chilcoat, Dishion, &
and, increasingly, heroin as well. Anthony, 1995). Furthermore, exposure to drug
Second, as highlighted at several points use and drug-related cues within the household
throughout this volume, substance-using adoles- is likely to provoke craving in established, ado-
cents have very high rates of comorbid psychi- lescent substance abusers.
Chapter 18 Treatment of Substance Use Disorders 393

Another obstacle to treatment for adolescents patient program that offers a range of services
is that adolescents rarely seek treatment volun- (i.e., individual, group, and family counseling,
tarily but are usually coerced at some level after and school and recreational activities). Many of
experiencing school, legal, or medical problems these programs are guided by an Alcoholics
(Brown, 1993). Treatment is also complicated by Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous Twelve-
their involvement in the multiple systems in Step orientation. A second major class of treat-
which their legal, school, and medical problems ment delivery is outpatient drug-free programs.
are being addressed, as these problems may be These usually consist of individual and group
identified prior to recognition of the presence of counseling, often with some family involve-
a substance use disorder (Henggeler, Borduin, & ment. A third, less commonly studied treatment
Melton, 1991). approach for adolescents is the “therapeutic
Finally, high attrition from treatment is a par- community.” Based on adult therapeutic com-
ticular problem among adolescents, with treat- munity approaches, these programs are typically
ment completion rates for adolescents in thera- highly disciplined, 6- to 12-month residential
peutic communities estimated at less than 20%. programs that tend to offer a Twelve-Step ori-
Completion rates for outpatient programs are entation. The final form of treatment that has
generally estimated at 50% (Henggeler et al., been investigated is the Outward Bound or life
1996). skills training programs. These wilderness pro-
grams typically last 3 to 4 weeks and use the chal-
lenges of survival and group interdependency as
the key therapeutic ingredients.
PSYCHOSOCIAL TREATMENTS Until recently, the three more intensive pro-
grams (inpatient, residential, and Outward
Treatment Evaluation Studies Bound) had received the most attention from in-
vestigators. Roughly 30 to 40 studies exist, which
There are few rigorous evaluations of the effect- involved primarily uncontrolled evaluations of a
iveness of standard treatment approaches for ad- single treatment program (Williams et al., 2000).
olescents. As of 2001, two major reviews identi- In these studies, it is difficult to determine the
fied between 32 and 53 published studies relative effectiveness of the approach because
(Dennis & White, 2003; Williams et al., 2000), few included any type of comparison or control
21 of which were published in the last 5 years. group; however, in some studies, patients who
Overall, most of these were program evaluation dropped out of treatment served as a quasi-
studies of inpatient services, and only about 15 experimental control group (although this is
were randomized clinical trials in outpatient set- clearly not an ideal comparison because of the
tings. The older studies tend to suffer from a possibility of selection bias). The primary out-
range of methodological problems. A number of come measures used in these studies are typically
newer studies have been recently published or abstinence, drug use reduction, and treatment
are under way. These studies are more likely to retention, although different studies tend to de-
have high inclusion rates (over 80%), experi- fine these differently. Outcomes are almost al-
mental designs, manualized protocols, standard- ways measured by self-report and often taken
ized measures, validation substudies, repeated from clinical records, rather than assessed by an
measures, long-term follow-up (e.g., 12 or more independent evaluator. The use of validated out-
months), and high follow-up rates (80% to 90% come measures or biologic indicators of sub-
or more). They also include economic analysis of stance use is rare. Thus, the highly positive out-
the cost and benefits to society (Dennis & White, comes typically reported by these studies should
2003). be tempered by an understanding of the sub-
The existing program evaluation research has stantial limitations of their designs. On average
focused primarily on four types of programs. about 50% of patients reported significant de-
First, the bulk of studies have focused on the creases in substance use, typically measured as
“Minnesota model,” generally a 4- to 6-week in- days of any drug use (Williams et al., 2000).
394 Part V Substance Use Disorders

Given that most of these programs emphasized Evaluation Study (NTIES; Center for Substance
complete abstinence, on average only 38% of Abuse Treatment [CSAT], 1999; Gerstein & John-
those followed reported complete abstinence at son, 1999) during the early 1990s, there was a
6 months. 10% to 18% reduction in use between the year
before and year after treatment. Among the 445
adolescents followed up after outpatient treat-
Evaluation of Outpatient Approaches
ment in the Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome
Although residential and inpatient treatment Study of Adolescents (DATOS-A; Grella, Hser, Jo-
warrants more research, focus on improving the shi, Rounds-Bryant, 2001; Hser et al., 2001) in
effectiveness of outpatient services seems the the mid- to late 1990s, there was a 21% to 25%
most promising, given that nearly 80% of ado- reduction in cannabis use between the years be-
lescents with substance abuse at least initially re- fore and after treatment.
ceive outpatient treatment. In addition, outpa-
tient services have many benefits (e.g., ability to
characterize or dictate specific treatments, po- The Effectiveness of Specific Approaches:
tential use of randomized designs, larger sample Randomized Clinical Trials
size, etc.).
Although few well-designed treatment evalu- Randomized clinical trials are the gold standard
ations of outpatient services exist, there are some for establishing the efficacy of a given approach,
important large-scale studies that involve pri- as they are the most rigorous approach that clin-
marily cannabis use, and these are summarized ical investigators have for evaluating the effect-
here. These multisite studies of existing practice iveness of a given treatment in comparison with
generally defined minimal or no treatment as a well-defined control treatment and while con-
less than 90 days (13 weeks) of outpatient ser- trolling for multiple threats to internal validity.
vice, even though nearly 80% met that criteria. Although the number of well-designed con-
Changes in days of marijuana use were assessed trolled clinical trials of well-defined treatment
in most of these studies, allowing some cross- approaches for substance-abusing adolescents is
study comparison. Among the 111 to 158 youths steadily increasing, the knowledge base regard-
(under age 21) followed through the Drug Abuse ing effective treatments continues to lag well be-
Reporting Program (DARP; Simpson, Savage, & hind that for adult substance use disorders.
Sells, 1978; Sells & Simpson, 1979) in the early Drawing firm conclusions about treatment out-
1970s, cannabis use rose from 3% to 10% in the come and the relative benefits of different ap-
3 years following their discharge. Among the 87 proaches is difficult, as there remain only a few
adolescents receiving outpatient treatment in controlled clinical trials that meet the rigorous
the Treatment Outcome Prospective Study standards required for determining that a treat-
(TOPS; Hubbard, Cavanaugh, Craddock, & Ra- ment be called “empirically supported” (Chamb-
chel, 1985) in the early 1980s, the change in less & Hollon, 1998). Many of the studies re-
daily cannabis use from the year before to the viewed here are characterized by several threats
year after treatment varied from a decrease of to internal validity, including differential attri-
42% (for those with less than 3 months of treat- tion, lack of validated independent outcome
ment) to an increase of 13% (for those with 3 or measures with objective evaluation of drug use,
more months of treatment). Among the 156 ad- small sample sizes, lack of specification and eval-
olescents receiving treatment (predominantly uation of treatment fidelity and quality, dilution
outpatient) in the Services Research Outcome of interventions, and limited follow-up (Cottrell
Study (SROS) during the late 1980s to early 1990s & Boston, 2002; Deas & Thomas, 2001; Kaminer
(Office of Applied Studies, 2000), cannabis use et al., 2002; Waldron, 1997). Thus, with only a
rose 2% to 9% between the year before and 5 few exceptions, caution must be used in making
years after treatment. Among the 236 adoles- conclusions about the effectiveness of these ap-
cents in the National Treatment Improvement proaches.
Chapter 18 Treatment of Substance Use Disorders 395

Family and Multisystem Therapies broaden the benefits of treatment by allowing

greater individualization and enabling clinicians
A key defining feature of family and multisystem to address multiple factors in treatment (Wald-
approaches is that they treat adolescents in the ron et al., 2001). Those family-based approaches
context of the family and social systems in with the highest level of support with this pop-
which substance use develops and may be main- ulation include multisystemic therapy (MST)
tained. Thus, inclusion of family members in (Henggeler & Borduin, 1990), brief strategic fam-
treatment (often with the provision of home vis- ily therapy (Szapocznik & Hervis, 2003), and
its) is seen as a critical strategy for reducing at- multidimensional family therapy (Liddle et al.,
trition and addressing multiple issues simulta- 2001).
neously (Henggeler et al., 1996; Liddle et al., Multisystemic therapy (MST) is a manualized
2001). Because they are grounded solidly in the approach that addresses the multiple determi-
knowledge base on adolescents and develop- nants of drug use and antisocial behavior. It is
ment and thus are well suited to the specific intended to promote fuller family involvement
problems of this population, family-based ap- through engaging family members as collabora-
proaches have been among the most widely tors in treatment, stressing the strength of the
studied approaches for adolescents in controlled youth and their families, and addressing a broad
trials and have the highest levels of empirical and comprehensive array of barriers to attaining
support (Deas & Thomas, 2001; Liddle & Dakof, treatment goals. Therapists must be familiar with
1995; Waldron, 1997). Waldron et al. (2001) several empirically based therapies (including
summarizes their success as follows: structural family therapy and cognitive-
behavioral therapy) and make frequent visits to
the home and be available on a full-time basis to
Reviews of formal clinical trials of family-
families. Henggeler and colleagues (1996) con-
based treatments have consistently found
ducted a controlled trial with 118 substance-
that more drug-abusing adolescents enter,
abusing or substance-dependent juvenile offend-
engage in, and remain in family therapy
ers (mean age 16) in which participants were
than in other treatments and that family
randomly assigned to home-based MST and
therapy produces significant reductions in
compared with usual community treatment
substance use from pre- to post-treatment.
services. The comparison condition involved re-
. . . In seven of eight studies comparing fam-
ferral by the youth’s probation officer to outpa-
ily therapy with a non-family-based inter-
tient adolescent group meetings. Ninety-eight
vention, adolescents receiving family ther-
percent of families completed a full course of
apy showed greater reductions in substance
treatment (an average of 130 days and 40 hr of
use than did those receiving adolescent
service provision), compared with very little ser-
group therapy, family education, and indi-
vice access among the youth assigned to the con-
vidual therapy, individual tracking through
trol group (78% of youths received no substance
schools, or juvenile justice system interven-
abuse or mental health services, and only 5% re-
ceived both substance use and mental health
services). In other studies, MST has been shown
Moreover, the high level of support for family to reduce re-arrest rates up to 64% and to be
and multisystemic approaches parallels findings associated with significantly lower rates of
from large meta-analyses pointing to the effect- substance-related arrests (Henggeler et al., 1991;
iveness of family therapies for adult substance Henggeler, Melton, Brondino, Scherer, & Hanley,
users (Stanton & Shadish, 1997). It should be 1997).
noted that family-based approaches are diverse, Brief strategic family therapy (BSFT; Szapo-
and many combine a variety of techniques, in- cznik & Hervis, 2003) is a somewhat less inten-
cluding family and individual therapies and sive approach (as it targets fewer systems and can
skills and communication training, which may be delivered through a once-per-week office-
396 Part V Substance Use Disorders

based format) that has also achieved an impres- Behavioral Therapies

sive level of empirical support. In BSFT, patterns
of interaction in the family system are targeted A wide range of individual behavioral interven-
that have been shown to influence adolescent tions, including those which seek to provide al-
drug abuse. The therapy consists of three classes ternate reinforcers to drugs or reduce reinforcing
of interventions: engaging all family members in aspects of abused substances, are based on op-
treatment, identifying family strengths as well as erant conditioning theory and recognition of
roles and relationships linked to adolescent the reinforcing properties of abused substances
problems, and developing new family interac- (Aigner, 1978; Bigelow, Stitzer, & Liebson, 1984;
tions (e.g., improved parenting skills and con- Thompson & Pickens, 1971). Among adult sub-
flict resolution) to protect the adolescent. Home stance users, these approaches have among the
visits and use of specific engagement strategies highest of empirical support (Griffith, Rowan-
are encouraged. In a study of 126 drug-abusing Szal, Roark, & Simpson, 2000; National Institute
adolescents and their families that compared on Drug Abuse [NIDA], 2000). Examples include
BSFT to a group control condition, 75% of those the work of Stitzer and colleagues, which has
assigned to BSFT showed reliable improvement demonstrated that methadone-maintained opi-
and 56% could be classified as recovered. In the oid addicts will reduce illicit drug use when in-
control condition, only 14% showed reliable im- centives such as take-home methadone are of-
provement, whereas 43% showed reliable dete- fered for abstinence (Stitzer & Bigelow, 1978;
rioration in marijuana use (Santisteban et al., Stitzer, Iguchi, & Felch, 1992; Stitzer, Iguchi, Ki-
2003). Brief strategic family therapy has also dorf, & Bigelow, 1993). Contingency manage-
been shown to be associated with improved re- ment incentive systems (Budney & Higgins,
tention (Santisteban et al., 1996; Szapocznik et 1998; Budney, Higgins, Radonovich, & Novy,
al., 1988) as well as significant reductions in the 2000; Higgins, Delany, Budney, Bickel, Hughes,
frequency of externalizing behaviors (aggres- et al., 1991, 1999; Kirby, Marlowe, Festinger,
sion, delinquency) (Szapocznik, Kurtines, Foote, Lamb, & Platt, 1998; Petry, Martin, Cooney, &
Perez-Vidal, & Hervis, 1986). Kranzler, 2000; Silverman et al., 1996) offer in-
Multidimensional family therapy (MDFT) is a centives for targeted treatment goals (e.g., reten-
multicomponent, staged, family therapy that tion, drug-free urines) on an escalating schedule
targets the substance-abusing adolescents, their of reinforcement.
families, and their interactions. Liddle and col- Behavioral approaches have only recently be-
leagues (2001) assigned 182 substance-abusing gun to be evaluated among substance-abusing
adolescents who were referred by the criminal adolescents. Azrin, Donahue, and Besalel (1994)
justice system or the schools to either MDFT, assigned 26 substance-using adolescents to sup-
group therapy, or multifamily education. Treat- portive counseling or behavior therapy, which
ment was delivered in weekly sessions over 6 consisted of therapist modeling and rehearsal,
months, with roughly 70% of participants com- self-monitoring, and written assignments. After
pleting treatment across conditions. Superior 6 months, urine toxicology screens and self-
outcomes for the adolescents assigned to MDFT reports suggested significantly less substance
relative to other approaches were seen at termi- abuse among the group assigned to behavioral
nation and 1-year follow-up. At termination, therapy relative to supportive counseling, as well
42% of those assigned to MDFT, 25% of those in as better school and family functioning.
group therapy, and 32% of those in family edu- Contingency management approaches have
cation had clinically significant reductions in not yet been widely used or evaluated with ad-
their drug use. Positive outcomes have also been olescents. In a feasibility study that involved ad-
reported for other models of family therapy, in- olescent smokers as a model for drug use, Corby,
cluding family system therapy (Joanning, Tho- Roll, Ledgerwood, and Schuster (2000) found
mas, & Quinn, 1992) and functional family ther- that providing cash incentives for not smoking
apy (Friedman, 1989). to adolescents enrolled in a smoking cessation
project (as assessed by twice daily CO levels) re-
Chapter 18 Treatment of Substance Use Disorders 397

duced adolescent smoking and appeared to im- (functional family therapy), individual CBT
prove their mood. In a pilot study involving alone, a combination of individual and family
young adult marijuana users referred by the therapy, and a psychoeducational group. Com-
criminal justice system, Sinha, Easton, and Kemp pletion rates were high (70% to 80% across
(2003) studied the use of vouchers that could be groups). In general, while there were meaningful
used to purchase items in neighborhood stores. reductions in drug use in all conditions, there
By providing these vouchers as rewards contin- were larger and more durable reductions in sub-
gent on session attendance, treatment retention stance use for the combined and family condi-
improved significantly. tions relative to the individual CBT and group
conditions. Treatment effects were strongest im-
mediately after treatment but persisted through
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies a 7-month follow-up.
Kaminer and colleagues (2002) compared
Cognitive-behavioral approaches, based on so- group CBT to psychoeducational substance
cial learning theory, are among the approaches abuse treatment for 88 adolescents referred for
with highest levels of empirical support for the treatment of a substance abuse problem. Eighty-
treatment of adult substance use disorders. Key six percent of the sample completed treatment
defining features of most cognitive-behavioral and 9-month follow-up data were available for
approaches for substance use disorders are (1) an 65% of the sample. The presence of a conduct
emphasis on functional analysis of drug use, that disorder was associated with treatment dropout.
is, understanding instances of substance use Cognitive-behavioral therapy was significantly
with respect to its antecedents and conse- more effective than psychoeducation only for
quences, and (2) emphasis on skills training and male subjects; females appeared to improve re-
self-regulation. Cognitive-behavioral therapy gardless of treatment condition. Nevertheless,
(CBT) has been shown to be effective across a there were no significant differences between the
wide range of substance use disorders (Carroll, two conditions at the 9-month follow-up. The
1996; Bowers, Dunn, & Wong, Irvin, 1999), in- relatively high rates of relapse in this sample
cluding alcohol dependence (Miller & Wil- (52% had a urinalysis that was positive for mar-
bourne, 2002; Morgenstern & Longabaugh, ijuana at the 9-month follow-up evaluation) sug-
2000), marijuana dependence (MTP Research gest that an eight-session stand-alone approach
Group, 2001; Stephens, Roffman, & Curtin, may not be adequately intensive or structured
2000), cocaine dependence (Carroll, Rounsa- for this population.
ville & Nich, 1994; Carroll, Nich, Ball, McCance-
Katz, & Rounsaville, 1998; McKay, 1997; Roh-
senow, Montl, Martin, Michalec, & Abrams, Motivational Approaches
2000), and nicotine dependence (Fiore, Smith,
Jorenberg, & Baker, 1994; Hall, 1998; Patten et Motivational approaches are brief treatment ap-
al., 1998). These findings are consistent with ev- proaches designed to produce rapid, internally
idence supporting the effectiveness of CBT motivated change in addictive behavior and
across a number of other psychiatric disorders as other problem behaviors. Grounded in princi-
well, including depression, anxiety disorders, ples of motivational psychology and patient-
and eating disorders (DeRubeis & Crits- centered counseling, motivational interviewing
Christoph, 1998). (MI; Miller & Rollnick, 1991, 2002) arose out of
Cognitive-behavioral therapy has also been several recent theoretical and empirical ad-
evaluated as a treatment for adolescent sub- vances (Miller, 2000). Motivational interviewing
stance use disorders. In an extremely well-done has a high level of empirical support in the adult
study, Waldron and colleagues (2001) randomly substance abuse treatment literature (Burke, Ar-
assigned 120 adolescents who were abusers of il- kowitz, & Menchola, 2003; Dunn, Deroo, & Ri-
licit drugs (primarily marijuana) to one of four vara, 2001; Miller, 2002; Wilk, Jensen, & Havig-
treatment conditions: family therapy alone hurst, 1997). The core principles of MI are as
398 Part V Substance Use Disorders

follows: (1) express empathy; (2) develop dis- system for both adults and adolescents, there
crepancy; (3) avoid argumentation; (4) roll with are no randomized controlled trials evaluating
resistance; (5) support self-efficacy. Motivational the effectiveness of these approaches in adoles-
interviewing makes the important assumption cents. Recent reports from randomized con-
that ambivalence and fluctuating motivations trolled trials evaluating the efficacy of manual-
define substance abuse recovery and need to be ized Twelve-Step approaches have found
thoroughly explored rather than confronted evidence to suggest their effectiveness with
harshly. Ambivalence is considered a normal adult substance users (Carroll et al., 1998; Crits-
event, not something that indicates the patient Christoph et al., 1999; Project MATCH Re-
is unsuitable for treatment or needs vigorous search Group, 1997). It is important to note,
confrontation in hopes of forcing a sudden however, that these manual-guided approaches
change. The patient’s point of view is respected, are highly structured, delivered as individual
which in some cases may mean accepting that (rather than group) therapy, and might be
major change, or even any change, is not what quite different from the nonmanualized group
the patient wants, at least at the present time approaches typically delivered in community
(Carroll, Ball, & Martino, 2004). Thus, while the settings with adolescents. In addition, since in-
bulk of research on efficacy of MI is in the adult dividual drug counseling emphasizes and en-
literature, this nonconfrontational approach ap- courages frequent Twelve-Step group atten-
pears quite well suited for application to adoles- dance, its effectiveness might reflect increased
cents and young adults, given its flexibility patient involvement in rehabilitative groups. It
around goals and recognition of abstinence as is important to note that the absence of suffi-
part of the change process. cient research on Twelve-Step treatment should
Another distinct advantage of using MI with not lead one to conclude that this widespread
adolescent populations is that it can be imple- and popular approach is ineffective.
mented in a range of settings, given that adoles- Data on the effectiveness of more traditional
cents with substance abuse problems rarely seek programs are beginning to emerge, but no data
treatment of their own volition in traditional from randomized trials comparing these ap-
substance abuse settings. Monti and colleagues proaches to alternatives are available. Winters
(1999) studied 94 adolescents treated at an emer- and colleagues (2000) reported on a large non-
gency room for a problem related to alcohol use randomized evaluation comparing a group of
(e.g., injuries related to drinking, drunk driving). substance-abusing youth who completed the
They were randomly assigned to MI or standard Twelve-Step Minnesota Model treatment to
care, with all interventions and assessments con- similar individuals who did not complete treat-
ducted in the emergency room. At a 6-month ment and to a group on a waiting list for treat-
follow-up, there were significantly fewer inci- ment. The treatment was multimodal, based on
dents of drunk driving, traffic violations, and the principles of the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics
alcohol-related problems in the group assigned Anonymous, and included group therapy and
to receive MI. Not only does this study suggest individual counseling, family therapy, lectures
the promise of brief motivational approaches for about the Twelve Steps, and reading assign-
this population, but it also underlines the im- ments. Better substance use and psychosocial
portance of intervening with adolescents in non- outcomes at 6 and 12 months were reported for
traditional settings. those who completed treatment compared with
those who did not complete or who did not re-
ceive treatment. Although a high rate of absti-
Disease Model Approaches nence was reported among treatment comple-
ters, it is difficult to interpret these findings,
While disease model treatments and other ap- given the self-selection due to lack of randomi-
proaches associated with the Twelve Steps of Al- zation and lack of measurement of treatment de-
coholics Anonymous dominate the treatment livery or process.
Chapter 18 Treatment of Substance Use Disorders 399

Multisite Studies Comparing parenting and better substance use outcome

Several Approaches (Schmidt, Liddle, & Dakof, 1996). These kinds of
studies will help identify key treatment ingredi-
Recently, the Center for Substance Abuse Treat- ents that might lead to increased treatment po-
ment (CSAT) funded the largest multisite clinical tency.
trial comparing an array of diverse outpatient
treatments targeting adolescent marijuana abuse
and dependence. The study, conducted at four
sites, involved 600 randomized patients and
Another area relevant to treatment research that
evaluated five manualized treatments. Notably,
may be influenced by developmental perspective
the study had a follow-up rate of 95% for up to
concerns assessment. While self-report of sub-
30 months. Treatment modalities covered the
stance use by adolescents has been confirmed as
full range of treatments (individual, group, fam-
fairly reliable (Buchan, Dennis, Tims, & Dia-
ily, and comprehensive multicomponent) that
mond, 2002), recent analysis from the Cannabis
took place between 5 and 12 weeks and included
Youth Treatment Study suggests the addition of
6 to 21 sessions (Diamond et al., 2002). All five
parent reports adds additional information not
treatments performed equally well and were as-
provided by the adolescent. Although adoles-
sociated with marked (50%) reductions in fre-
cents and parents reported about the same num-
quency of marijuana use; these improvements
ber of substance use symptoms, there was a very
were maintained through a 30-month follow-up
low concordance between the types of symptom
evaluation. It is noteworthy that these very
endorsed. Parents tended to report more symp-
promising outcomes were seen even for the less
toms related to role failure, tolerance, and
costly 6-week, five-session treatment.
substance-induced psychological problems
(Dennis, Babor, Roebuck, & Donaldson, 2002).
Similar findings were discovered regarding men-
Process Research and Mechanisms of Action
tal health symptoms. Specifically, parents tended
to endorse more symptoms of depression and at-
As new effective therapies for adolescents are
tention problems (Diamond, Panichelli-Mindel,
identified, it is imperative that the field move to-
Shera, Tims, & Ungemack, in press). This was
ward evaluating how these treatments exert their
particularly true for African-American adoles-
effects, by looking at mediators and moderators
cents. Thus parent report may have a unique
of outcome. Several recent investigations have
contribution when working with a minority
examined these variables. In terms of retention
population, a community that has been charac-
and engagement, Szapocznik and colleagues’ im-
terized as suspicious of the research community.
pressive work on engaging teens and families in
treatment has been replicated and further devel-
oped (e.g., Coatsworth, Santisteban, McBride, & The Challenge of Comorbidity
Szapocznik, 2001; Santisteban et al., 1996).
Henggeler and colleagues (1996) demonstrated a One area that has received strikingly little re-
98% treatment completion rate for home-based search with adolescents is the integration of sub-
MST (Szapocznik et al., 1983). They have also stance use and other mental health services that
demonstrated that adherence to the treatment can treat adolescents with both kinds of disor-
was significantly associated with better treat- ders. Historically there has been a divide be-
ment outcome. Liddle and colleagues have con- tween treatment systems for substance abuse
ducted several process studies looking at mech- and mental health disorders. Substance abuse
anisms of change, including in-session patterns counselors often have little or no training in
of change associated with the resolution of mental health issues, and programs either ignore
parent–adolescent conflict (Diamond & Liddle, co-occurring problems or refer patients to other
1996) and the link between improvement in systems during (parallel) or after (sequential)
400 Part V Substance Use Disorders

substance abuse treatment. There is emerging inpatient, residential, etc). Some studies added a
consensus that lack of integration leads to poor substance abuse group to outpatient mental
coordination of services, interagency miscom- health services, resulting in reduced dropout, de-
munication, and funding conflicts, all of which creased hospitalization, and increased absti-
contribute to attrition and poor outcomes for pa- nence (e.g., Hellerstein, Rosenthal, & Miner,
tients (Osher & Drake, 1996; Report to Congress, 2001; Osher & Kofoed, 1989). Studies that
2002). This is particularly troubling since co- combined substance abuse services with inpa-
occurring mental health distress is associated tient, day treatment, and residential care have
with substance use severity, greater psychosocial also shown some benefits as long as patients re-
impairment, treatment resistance, and poorer mained in the program. Unfortunately, attrition
long-term prognosis (Diamond, Panichelli- was often high and once patients were dis-
Mindel, Shera, Tims, & Ungemack, in press; charged, relapse rates were high as well (e.g., Ra-
Drake, Mueser, Clark, & Wallach, 1996; Shane et hav et al., 1995).
al., under review). Consequently, the most se- A major contribution to this area was the 1987
vere and chronic patients often receive the poor- funding of 13 dual-diagnosis demonstration
est care, leading to repeated visits to hospital projects. These studies demonstrated that inte-
emergency rooms and inpatient and residential grated programs could be implemented in a
facilities (Richardson, Craig, & Haughland, number of settings, resulting in increased en-
1995). The end result is that comorbid patients gagement and services utilization and reduced
in need of care are consuming a major portion drug use. Five recent studies were conducted on
of treatment funding (Ridgely, Goldman, & Wil- comprehensive integrated systems using more
lenbring, 1990). sophisticated treatment programs and quasiex-
The gap between substance abuse and mental perimental or true experimental designs (e.g.,
health dates back to the 1930s (Rosenthal & Wes- Drake, Mercer-McFadden, Muesser, McHugo, &
treich, 1999). At that time, psychodynamic ther- Blond, 1998; Ridgely & Lambert, 1999; Godley,
apists, who dominated the treatment world, be- 1994; Jerrell & Ridgely, 1995). These studies
lieved that addicts’ personality structure was not showed significant reductions in substance use,
amenable to the analytic method, and therefore program readmission, and hospitalization and
addicts were not treatable. This attitude may per- improvement in other functional outcomes
sist today among practitioners in the mental (Drake et al., 1998). However, there has been lit-
health community, who tend to view addiction tle or no comparable research on the effective-
as inhibiting treatment of other “underlying” ness of integrated programs for adolescent sub-
problems. Simultaneously, the self-help move- stance users.
ment developed independent of the mental
health community, and as the self-help philos-
Summary of Psychosocial Treatment
ophies and programs matured, educational and
professional licensure pathways emerged that le-
Clinical research during the past 10 years has
gitimized and strengthened these approaches
identified a number of effective treatments for
(Rosenthal & Westreich, 1999). As often hap-
adolescent substance users. Although the field is
pens, these ideological differences became insti-
still young, this growing body of work has
tutionalized and perpetuated a division that does
yielded several important findings that support
not reflect the clinical realities of the patients.
the effectiveness of carefully implemented,
Recognition of this schism has inspired many
structured behavioral approaches for adolescent
attempts to integrate substance abuse and men-
substance use (Liddle & Rowe, in press; Stanton
tal health treatment programs for adult dual-
& Shaddish, 1997; Williams et al., 2000). These
diagnosis populations (Drake, Mchugo, &
can be summarized as follows:
Noordsy, 1993; Miller & DelBoca, 1994; Minkoff
& Drake, 1991). At least 36 studies have evalu- • The field has been inadequately studied.
ated different versions of integrated programs at • Most studies indicate that treatment can be
all levels of care (e.g., outpatient, day treatment, effective for most adolescents. In most stud-
Chapter 18 Treatment of Substance Use Disorders 401

ies, well-defined structured approaches tend management approaches might be used, for
to be more effective and durable at reducing example, to target retention, encourage pa-
adolescent substance use and improving re- tients to meet specific treatment goals (e.g.,
lated problems than no treatment, treat- reducing truancy and improving school per-
ment as usual, or other comparison ap- formance), or enhance compliance with
proaches. Treatments that focus on broad pharmacotherapies (Carroll, Ball, & Mar-
aspects of functioning seem to be most tino, 2004). The literature indicates that
promising (Williams et al., 2000). That is, in adults with antisocial personality disorders
addition to addressing substance use, inter- respond relatively well to contingency man-
ventions should also target other domains agement approaches (Messina, Farabee, &
such as family functioning, school success, Rawson, 2003). In view of the high rates of
delinquency, peer group associations, and conduct and externalizing disorders among
other risky behaviors. substance-abusing adolescents, further eval-
• Adolescents who complete treatment tend uation of contingency management ap-
to have the best outcomes, although this proaches with this population is warranted.
may be related to factors such as higher mo- • Cognitive-behavioral approaches appear to
tivation for treatment, better or more intact have some promise, but the existing evi-
family and social supports, less severe sub- dence suggests they may be most effective
stance use, better school competency, and when delivered in conjunction with family
less psychopathology, all of which are asso- therapy. The delayed emergence of effects af-
ciated with more treatment success. ter CBT that have been noted after termi-
• In general, inclusion of family members im- nation of treatment with adults (Carroll,
proves retention and outcome among sub- Rounsaville, Nitch, et al., 1994; Rawson et
stance-using adolescents. To date, there is no al., 2002) has not been reported among ad-
evidence from controlled studies that in- olescent populations. However, CBT has
volvement of family members in treatment generally been delivered to adolescents in a
has a negative effect on outcome. In the group format and for a comparatively brief
studies of family-based therapy reviewed period. Longer or more intensive CBT ap-
here, retention rates were generally high (in proaches, or delivery of CBT as an individual
the 70% to 80% range), and retention was treatment, may be necessary with this pop-
often sustained over comparatively long pe- ulation.
riods. At least two studies have demon- • The data suggesting that some deviant,
strated that outpatient family therapy was high-risk adolescents may escalate problem
more effective and less costly than residen- behavior in the contexts of interventions de-
tial placement (Liddle & Dakof, 2002; livered in peer groups (Dishion et al., 1999)
Schoenwald et al., 1996). Finally, long-term have important implications for behavioral
effectiveness of family-based models has also treatments of substance-using youth. While
gained some empirical support (Henggler, poor outcomes for group approaches for ad-
Schoenwald, Borduin, Rowland, & Cunning- olescents have not uniformly been reported
ham, 1998; Stanton & Shadish, 1997). in the studies reviewed here, it is clearly im-
• Behavioral therapies, especially those that portant to be aware of this possibility when
target multiple systems, also appear to have group approaches are used, to monitor be-
some promise. However, contingency man- havior closely, and to involve adults and par-
agement approaches, which have been ents as well.
shown to be highly flexible and effective
with a range of adult populations, have only
rarely been applied to adolescents. The suc- PHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENTS
cess of these approaches among adult
populations suggests great promise in the Pharmacotherapy for substance dependence is a
treatment of adolescents. Contingency relatively young field of medicine, and the
402 Part V Substance Use Disorders

proven treatments for adults have not been ad- monal changes of puberty and lead to poor ad-
equately researched in adolescents. Therefore, justment in the school environment, thereby in-
few conclusions regarding this modality can be creasing the risk for school failure (Riggs &
stated conclusively at this time. However, the ac- Whitmore, 1999; Tarter, 2002). These school ex-
tual usage of pharmacotherapy for psychiatric periences may also lead to the early onset of sub-
syndromes has been steadily increasing among stance abuse (Crowley & Riggs, 1995; Rutter,
adolescents and children for the last 15 years, de- Giller, & Hagell, 1998). Substance abuse exacer-
spite lack of data. Prescriptions for these young bates preexisting psychiatric disorders such as
patients between 1987 and 1996 rose 300% over- ADHD as well as mood and anxiety disorders
all (Magno Zito et al., 2003). By 1996 stimulants (Kruesi et al., 1990; Markou, Kosten, & Koob,
and antidepressants were ranked first and second 1998; Rutter et al., 1998).
in terms of total prescriptions. These two medi- The multidimensionality of the problems that
cations also had the greatest increase in prescrib- substance-abusing youth typically bring to treat-
ing (400% each): stimulant prescribing rose from ment underscores their need for multimodal
10/1,000 youth to 40/1,000 youth, and antide- treatment that addresses a broad range of mental
pressants rose from 3/1,000 to 13/1,000. health and psychosocial problems integrated
What does this phenomenal increase in psy- with treatment for drug abuse. The role of phar-
chopharmacology reflect in the medical and psy- macotherapy targeted specifically to substance
chiatric evaluation of adolescents? Does it have abuse may therefore be relatively limited, and
any relationship to substance abuse, which has there is no research base to provide guidance on
also been rising among these adolescents and dosing or duration of treatment for adolescents
children? There is probably a strong association, with dependence on alcohol, nicotine, opiates,
since adolescents who abuse drugs and have sub- or other addictions for which we have pharma-
stance use disorders typically have behavioral cotherapies. Furthermore, the other most com-
problems, skills deficits, academic difficulties, monly abused drug, cannabis, has no specific
family problems, and mental health problems pharmacotherapy. Pharmacotherapies are also
(Tarter, 2002; Tims et al., 2002). While these entirely lacking for club drugs such as MDMA,
problems usually reflect more than neurochem- GHB, and various hallucinogens.
ical defects that may be reversed with medica-
tions, adolescents with substance dependence
and comorbid psychiatric disorders can benefit Specific Pharmacotherapy for Substance
from pharmacotherapy. But pharmacotherapy Use Disorders in Adolescents
should be justified by careful evaluations of the
diagnoses in these young patients. These medi- Given the clinical importance of drug euphoria
cal and psychiatric evaluations can be informed and drug craving, most pharmacological strate-
by structured interviews for common comorbid gies for addiction target these primary reinforc-
disorders such as depression and bipolar disor- ers. Drug-induced reward is attenuated in animal
ders, ADHD, and substance dependence. Medi- models by a number of agents, depending on the
cal disorders including infections, endocrine drug in question. These medications act on do-
problems, and various developmental disorders pamine, opioid, glutamate, or GABA systems.
also need consideration, but are beyond this re- These reward-blocking medications have been
view. tested in human substance abusers to determine
Adolescents who enter substance abuse treat- whether they reduce drug euphoria under con-
ment programs are more likely than non–drug- trolled settings or promote abstinence in clinical
abusing peers to have experienced abuse or ne- trials. Other means of reducing reward have also
glect, to have significant family problems, and been tested, including vaccines that block the
to have developed a psychiatric disorder during entry of an addictive substance into the brain,
childhood such as ADHD and mood disorder. and agents like disulfiram that produce aversive
These behavioral, psychosocial, and mental symptoms when alcohol is consumed. In addi-
health problems are coupled with the neurohor- tion to strategies that reduce drug euphoria,
Chapter 18 Treatment of Substance Use Disorders 403

strategies that reduce craving have also been such as valproate and carbamazepine to block
tested and prescribed. Agonist treatment (pre- or reverse withdrawal symptoms (Kosten &
scribing a substance that replaces the addictive O’Connor, 2003). These detoxification medica-
drug) has been used in opioid (e.g., methadone, tions should be used in adolescents if withdrawal
buprenorphine) and nicotine (e.g., nicotine symptoms are significant, particularly because
gum) dependence with considerable success, alcohol withdrawal is potentially life threaten-
providing a means of bypassing dangerous ing. Detoxification from sedative hypnotic de-
routes of administration or hazards associated pendence can also be accomplished by prescrib-
with drug procurement. The reversing of clini- ing descending doses of benzodiazepines and
cally relevant neuroadaptations associated with barbiturates.
chronic exposure to addictive substances has the For opioid dependence, the most common
theoretical ability to reduce craving and other means of detoxification involves prescribing de-
aversive aspects of addiction. scending doses of methadone for a period of 2 to
Unfortunately, there has been little research 4 days while carefully monitoring the patient’s
directed toward the pharmacological treatment response. Methadone is a long-acting opioid ag-
of substance dependence in adolescents. For a onist that reverses heroin withdrawal by replac-
number of reasons, there are no controlled trials ing heroin at the opioid receptor. Since metha-
evaluating the effectiveness of substitution or re- done has the potential to cause lethal opioid
placement therapies (e.g., methadone, bupren- overdose, and opioid withdrawal is not medi-
orphine), antagonists (e.g., naltrexone), aversive cally dangerous, it is imperative to avoid pre-
therapies (e.g., disulfiram), or anticraving medi- scribing an excessive dose of methadone to ad-
cations (e.g., bupropion, naltrexone) in this sub- olescents. The appropriate dose is best selected
population. Therefore, if such medications are by closely monitoring the signs of opioid with-
used in adolescents, they must be used with cau- drawal, which should be given more weight than
tion, careful monitoring, and consideration of reported symptoms that might be exaggerated or
the developmental characteristics that distin- feigned by drug-seeking patients.
guish adult patients from adolescents (e.g., A new treatment for detoxification and main-
greater impulsivity and polydrug use; Solhkhah tenance, the partial agonist buprenorphine, was
& Grenyer, 1998). More research is clearly made available in the United States in 2003. It
needed in this area. may be ideally suited to adolescents and is cur-
Since the most commonly abused substances rently in clinical trials in this population. Detox-
by adolescents are nicotine, alcohol, and can- ification with this medication is very simple be-
nabis, these are the most likely drugs for which cause overdose is almost impossible. The patient
pharmacotherapy questions might arise. We will can be transferred from the opiate of abuse to
review these medications briefly, starting with buprenorphine and then the dose is gradually re-
those used in detoxification. Advances in our un- duced with minimal or absent withdrawal symp-
derstanding of the mechanisms of drug craving toms. Yet another option is the nonopioid clon-
and drug-induced euphoria should guide future idine, an antihypertensive medication that
research and shed light on more effective phar- blocks many of the opiate withdrawal symptoms
macological treatments for addiction in adoles- (Gold, Dackis, & Washton, 1984). Most patients
cents. prefer methadone or buprenorphine because of
greater comfort.
The treatment of heroin and other opioid de-
Detoxification pendence often begins with inpatient detoxifi-
cation of heroin withdrawal that should also in-
Medical detoxification is required for alcohol, volve specialized drug rehabilitation and
sedatives, and opiates, but not for other abused aftercare referral (Dackis & O’Brien, 2003b). Un-
drugs. Detoxification from alcohol dependence fortunately, considerable availability and access
can be effectively attained by using benzodia- problems preclude many adolescents from re-
zepines or barbiturates, and anticonvulsants ceiving appropriate inpatient treatment. Still,
404 Part V Substance Use Disorders

hospitalization is the safest and most conserva- should be familiar with psychosocial as well as
tive treatment approach to this potentially lethal medical aspects of heroin addiction. It is essen-
condition (Dackis & Gold, 1992). Inpatient treat- tial to emphasize that detoxification, in and of
ment provides a controlled environment in itself, is not sufficient treatment for heroin de-
which abstinence can be assured while a com- pendence and must therefore be followed by on-
prehensive medical and psychiatric evaluation is going outpatient drug rehabilitation. The recent
conducted. The high mortality rate in intrave- fad of very rapid detoxification with general an-
nous adolescent heroin users results not only esthesia has not been shown to produce better
from overdose but also from trauma, medical outcomes than standard detoxification.
conditions related to the use of needles, and the
concomitant use of other drugs and alcohol.
Therefore, as reviewed elsewhere (Dackis & Gold, Abstinence and Relapse Prevention
1992), a comprehensive physical examination,
medical history, and laboratory evaluation are The nature of addiction requires that, after de-
indicated in all addicted adolescents. toxification, complete abstinence be the treat-
Familiarity with the medical and psychiatric ment goal for addicted adolescents, rather than
complications of heroin dependence enhances the mere reduction of drug and alcohol use.
the clinician’s ability to identify and treat these Once the cycle of addiction has become en-
commonly occurring conditions. Infections re- trenched, casual use is seldom possible. Indeed,
lated to intravenous heroin use include acquired even the use of other addictive agents, such as
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), viral hep- alcohol by a cocaine-dependent adolescent, of-
atitis, endocarditis, meningitis, tuberculosis, ab- ten leads to relapse to the drug of choice. Thus,
scesses, infected injection sites, and pneumonia. total abstinence from all addicting drugs should
Additionally, unprotected sex is common among be the goal when treating adolescents. After at-
addicted adolescents (Crome, Christian, & taining abstinence, preventing relapse to drug
Green, 1998), leading to a preponderance of sex- dependence is the primary clinical target in ad-
ually transmitted diseases. Heroin often pro- olescents, and to that end, medications for re-
duces irregular menses in women and sexual per- lapse prevention are likely to be useful. A few
formance problems in men, apparently by specific relapse prevention pharmacotherapies
dysregulating the hypothalamic–pituitary–go- are U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ap-
nadal axis (Malik, Khan, Jabbar, & Iqbal, 1992). proved for nicotine and alcohol, but none
The most common psychiatric problem associ- has been tested in adolescents. For nicotine the
ated with heroin dependence is depression (Han- medications are nicotine replacement and bu-
delsman, Aronson, Ness, Cochrane, & Kanof, propion, and for alcohol the medications are di-
1992), which should be expeditiously identified sulfiram and naltrexone. However, before medi-
and appropriately treated to avoid the risk of su- cating adolescents, it is imperative to determine
icide and to facilitate the recovery process. that they will be cooperative, that parental con-
Inpatient detoxification treatment should not sent has been obtained, and that the adolescents
be restricted merely to the medical management and parents have the same understanding of
of heroin withdrawal. This intensive interven- treatment goals and approaches.
tion provides the physician with an ideal oppor-
tunity to establish a therapeutic alliance with ad-
Adolescent Smoking Cessation Research
olescent patients by concomitantly addressing
the critical treatment issues of honesty, open- Despite the prevalence of adolescent tobacco use
ness, trust, denial, and engagement. Inpatient and nicotine dependence, there have been rela-
detoxification also provides an opportunity to tively fewer studies that evaluate adolescent
fully evaluate the patient, assess their readiness smoking treatment programs. The settings for
for change, and provide critical family therapy. and approaches to the treatment of adolescent
Since families require education, support, and tobacco use are similar to those described for ad-
guidance throughout the process, clinicians olescent smoking prevention, with the addition
Chapter 18 Treatment of Substance Use Disorders 405

of pharmacological approaches. However, the withdrawal symptoms that interfere with absti-
challenges inherent in adolescent smoking treat- nence.
ment appear to be greater than those for preven- Bupropion has a long record of relatively safe
tion. Recruitment to adolescent smoking treat- use in depression, and several large studies have
ment programs is difficult, in part because of shown its efficacy for smoking cessation in
adolescents’ desires to keep their smoking prac- adults, with higher success rates than NRT alone
tices confidential. Moreover, among those ado- (McCance & Kosten, 1998). Thus, this medica-
lescents who enroll in treatment programs, at- tion is another option for treating adolescents
trition rates are very high (Mermelstein, 2003). who want to quit smoking. Recent discussion
For the most part, available data on the ef- has considered vaccines for nicotine dependence
fectiveness of adolescent smoking treatment (Kosten & Biegel, 2002). These immunotherapies
have been disappointing. Quit rates for adoles- can attenuate the rewarding effects of nicotine
cents receiving behavioral smoking cessation and have been considered as a potential prophy-
treatment are roughly 10% to 15%, compared lactic for preventing nicotine dependence. Im-
with 5% to 10% in control conditions (Pomer- munotherapies might also be used as a second-
leau, Pomerleau, & Namenek, 1998). The results ary prevention for adolescents who have begun
of pharmacological trials using nicotine replace- to smoke (Kosten & Biegel, 2002). However, this
ment therapy (e.g., nicotine patch) have also type of invasive and long-lasting intervention
been disappointing, yielding 6-month quit rates has potential ethical problems, particularly in
of only 5% (Hurt et al., 2000; Smith et al., 1996). adolescents who do not want to stop smoking.
While not yet thoroughly investigated, interven-
tions delivered by pediatricians and family phy-
Medications for Alcohol Abuse
sicians may have great promise for assisting
and Alcoholism in Adolescents
youth to quit smoking (Pbert et al., 2003). Ado-
lescents with comorbid psychiatric conditions One of the actions of alcohol in the body is to
are an important target group for treatment, release endogenous opioids. Thus a drug such as
given the greater predisposition to tobacco use naltrexone that blocks opiate receptors will re-
(Moolchan, Ernst, & Henningfield, 2000). duce the reward of alcohol and help to prevent
relapse. The majority of controlled studies have
shown that naltrexone increases abstinence. Al-
though there are case reports in adolescents (Lif-
Medications for Smoking Cessation
rak et al., 1997), no controlled studies of naltrex-
Because nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is one have been conducted in this population.
readily available in over-the-counter prepara- Side effects of naltrexone in adults have gener-
tions, many adolescents have already used these ally been minimal at usual doses. Naltrexone
agents before seeing practitioners. Low-dose also has substantial hormonal effects that in-
NRT is clearly preferable to smoking cigarettes, clude raising cortisol and various sex hormone
given the risks of lung damage that are associ- levels (e.g., luteinizing hormone), and these ac-
ated with inhaling carbon monoxide and carcin- tions could interfere with growth and develop-
ogens. The forms of NRT include patches, gum, ment in adolescents (Morgan & Kosten, 1990).
inhalers (oral absorptions), nasal spray, and loz- Disulfiram promotes abstinence by blocking
enges (McCance & Kosten, 1998). If NRT is used, the metabolism of alcohol, resulting in the pro-
it should probably be discontinued after 8 to 12 duction of acetaldehyde, a noxious compound.
weeks to avoid continued nicotine dependence. It can produce severe reactions, including death,
Although some patients continue to use nicotine when mixed with alcohol, and there is signifi-
gum for up to a year, such an extended duration cant risk associated with prescribing this medi-
of treatment should probably be discouraged in cation to impulsive adolescent alcohol abusers.
NRT-treated adolescents. In summary, NRT may Thus, disulfiram is rarely used for younger pa-
be a reasonable treatment for adolescents who tients. Other medications such as acamprosate
want to quit smoking and are experiencing acute and topiramate have been found effective in re-
406 Part V Substance Use Disorders

lapse prevention in clinical trials in adult popu- to craving that is evoked by environmental cues
lations but have not yet received FDA approval. previously associated with heroin use. Cue-
There have been no studies of these medications induced craving, often precipitated by viewing
in adolescents. syringes, visiting places where heroin was pre-
viously used, or interacting with people using
heroin, can actually be associated with physio-
Medications for Long-Term Treatment
logical symptoms of heroin withdrawal even
of Opioid Dependence
after months or years of abstinence (O’Brien,
Opioid dependence is relatively uncommon in Childress, McLellan, & Ehrman, 1992). Conse-
adolescents, particularly those seeking treat- quently, an essential strategy of drug rehabilita-
ment. However, many regions of the United tion involves avoiding situations that might ex-
States have experienced a rise in opioid addic- pose recovering adolescents to cue-induced
tion, particularly with the availability of potent, craving. Treatment recommendations often in-
smokable heroin. Naltrexone, by blocking opiate volve terminating friendships with addicted
receptors, can absolutely prevent relapse to friends, eliminating risky social events, and oth-
opioid dependence as long as it is ingested. Ad- erwise changing one’s lifestyle in ways that
olescents, however, are not likely to take this might not be palatable to adolescents who are
medication regularly. Several naltrexone depot focused on peer interactions and achieving au-
preparations are currently in clinical trials. tonomy. Denial also contributes to the adoles-
When these become available, a monthly injec- cent’s reluctance to follow treatment recommen-
tion will effectively prevent relapse. dations that involve motivation, sacrifice, and
Agonist maintenance with methadone or bu- protracted effort. Practitioners trained in addic-
prenorphine is the most generally effective treat- tion treatment should use age-appropriate clin-
ment for adolescent opioid addiction currently ical approaches to engage adolescent heroin
available (Gonzalez, Oliveto, & Kosten, 2002). users in this challenging process. Considerable
Buprenorphine, which became available in therapeutic flexibility and skill are often required
2003, may be particularly promising in adoles- to negotiate a therapeutic alliance that can help
cent opioid patients because of the ease of de- adolescents overcome their pleasure-reinforced
toxification and legal status that permits pre- compulsion to use heroin.
scribing from an individual practitioner’s office.
A large multiclinic trial of buprenorphine in ad-
Treatments for Stimulant Abuse
olescents is currently in progress.
and Dependence
These pharmacological treatments should be
integrated with psychosocial interventions in- There has been little research on the treatment
cluding individual, family, and group therapy of adolescent stimulant dependence and most
approaches to promote continued abstinence regions of the United States do not provide ad-
from the drug of abuse. Agonist treatment with equate treatment options for the large popula-
methadone or buprenorphine replaces intrave- tion of afflicted adolescents. Unfortunately, no
nous heroin with a prescribed, long-acting oral pharmacological treatments with proven effi-
agent that is administered in a clinic. The need cacy have been identified for cocaine depen-
to procure heroin on a daily basis is eliminated dence in general, and few clinical trials have
and the risk of medical complications associated even included adolescents. Similarly, psychoso-
with intravenous use is averted. When combined cial treatments have been minimally researched
with psychosocial treatment, methadone has in stimulant addicted adolescents. Group-based
been shown to stabilize adult patients and re- treatments, following the principles of Alcohol-
duce medical complications associated with nee- ics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous
dle use (Sees et al., 2000). (NA), are commonly employed in specialized ad-
Heroin-addicted patients continue to crave olescent treatment programs in the United
heroin even after they have completed detoxifi- States. Adolescents will naturally resist treatment
cation, however, and are particularly vulnerable approaches that ignore normal developmental
Chapter 18 Treatment of Substance Use Disorders 407

issues, including their need for peer acceptance, Rounds-Bryant, 2001; Lohman, Riggs, Hall, Mik-
autonomy, and individualization. In addition, ulich, & Klein, 2002; Whitmore et al., 1997;
they cannot be treated in a vacuum and it is im- Wise, Cuffe, & Fischer, 2001). Second, pharma-
portant to address maladaptive family patterns cotherapy of comorbid disorders alone is not
with family therapy. Parents should also receive likely to reduce or “treat” substance abuse in the
education about cocaine addiction that includes absence of specific substance treatment inter-
the warning signs of relapse and specific behav- ventions in adolescents with substance depen-
ioral guidance. dence. This has been demonstrated in controlled
Treatment approaches have limited effective- trials for comorbid ADHD, bipolar disorder, and
ness when adolescent patients do not view their depression (Deas & Thomas, 2001; Geller et al.,
use as problematic or are not sufficiently moti- 1998; Lohman et al., 2002; Riggs, Mikulich, &
vated to quit using cocaine. It is even more dif- Hall, 2001). Third, treatment of substance de-
ficult to establish a therapeutic alliance when ad- pendence (or achievement of abstinence) alone
olescents have been pressured into treatment by does not “treat” comorbid psychiatric disorders,
their parents, the legal system, or school author- such as ADHD, bipolar disorder, or major de-
ities. Even internally motivated adolescents are pression, in the absence of specific pharmaco-
often difficult to engage, and treatment facilities therapy for the comorbid disorder. Even depres-
should be staffed with practitioners who are fa- sion is much less likely to remit with abstinence
miliar with the dynamics of addiction, normal in adolescents compared to findings in depressed
adolescent development, and the nuances of adults with chronic alcohol or drug dependence
treating adolescent patients. (Bukstein, Glancy, & Kaminer, 1992; Riggs et al.,
A large number of medications have been ex- 1996). Fourth, controlled trials indicate that
amined and some hold promise, such as disulfi- some medications commonly used to treat psy-
ram and several agents that enhance GABA chiatric disorders in children and adolescents
activity, such as baclofen, topiramate, and tia- may be safe and effective in treating comorbid
gabine (Kosten, in press). Experimental agents disorders in adolescents with substance depen-
include immunotherapies, such as a cocaine vac- dence, even if the adolescent is nonabstinent.
cine (Kosten & Biegel, 2002). Glutamatergic Specific studies have examined fluoxetine for de-
agents such as modafinil may promote absti- pression (Lohman et al., 2002), lithium for bi-
nence by reducing cocaine euphoria and cocaine polar disorder (Geller et al., 1998), and pemoline
craving (Dackis et al., 2003). At present, how- for ADHD (Riggs et al., 2001).
ever, no medication has been consistently ben- Taken together, current research supports in-
eficial in preventing relapse to stimulant abuse tegrated, concurrent treatment of comorbid psy-
and dependence. chiatric disorders and substance abuse in adoles-
cents. Sequential treatment models requiring
adolescents to first complete substance treat-
Treatment of Co-occurring Psychiatric ment and achieve abstinence as a prerequisite for
Disorders in Adolescents medicating comorbidity are much less effective
and probably contraindicated. Although re-
Current research provides fairly solid support for search now supports integrated treatment mod-
integrated pharmacotherapy of co-occurring els, it is understandable that sequential models
psychiatric disorders and substance dependence evolved and have been perpetuated. Some of the
in adolescents. The first consideration in this re- reasons for this include a shortage of child and
search is that adolescents with substance depen- adolescent psychiatrists with training in addic-
dence and comorbid psychiatric disorders have tions; shortages of addiction clinicians with sub-
poorer treatment outcomes than those with sin- stantial psychiatric training; separate provider
gle disorders. If the comorbid disorders are left networks for mental health and substance treat-
untreated, the likelihood of successful engage- ment services; and poor third-party payer cov-
ment, retention, and completion of substance erage for integrated treatment services. Although
treatment is reduced (Grella, Hser, Joshi, & coordinated treatment of co-occurring disorders
408 Part V Substance Use Disorders

in adolescents provides significant clinical ad- dence. Despite its efficacy for ADHD, pemoline
vantage, it is often unavailable because of inad- did not reduce substance use or conduct prob-
equacies in the health delivery system. lems when specific treatment for substance de-
The dearth of research related to pharmaco- pendence was not provided. Although no pa-
logical treatment of addiction in adolescents re- tients in this trial developed serious side effects
sults in part from the traditional exclusion of ad- or elevations in liver enzymes, recent concerns
dicted adolescents from clinical trials evaluating about the rare but serious potential for liver tox-
the safety and efficacy of medications, even icity with pemoline have led to recommenda-
when prescribed for psychiatric illnesses. Until tions for frequent monitoring of liver enzymes
very recently, virtually nothing was known (Safer, Zito, & Gardner, 2001; Willy, Manda, Sha-
about the safety and effectiveness of these med- tin, Drinkard, & Graham, 2002). This restriction
ications in adolescents with substance depen- has diminished the clinical feasibility of using
dence or the potential for adverse interactions of pemoline in outpatient settings. Nonetheless,
medications with drugs of abuse. Clinicians were pemoline is still considered an important treat-
therefore reluctant to use medications to treat ment option for ADHD in settings requiring the
psychiatric disorders in substance-abusing ado- use of medications with low-abuse potential
lescents, often referring such youth for substance (e.g., substance abuse treatment programs) and
treatment before considering treatment of co- once-per-day dosing regimens. The stimulants
morbidity. This reluctance to use pharmacoth- used for ADHD have good efficacy but a rela-
erapy is often cited as one reason for poorer treat- tively high-abuse potential and have been
ment outcomes in dually diagnosed adolescents, placed in schedule II psychostimulants (e.g.,
as untreated psychiatric illness significantly di- methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine; Klein-
minishes the likelihood of successful substance Schwartz, & McGrath, 2003).
treatment. The risks of treatment must be bal- Fortunately, newer medications with low
anced with risks associated with not treating psy- abuse liability, such as bupropion and atomox-
chiatric comorbidity. Recent controlled clinical etine, have been developed and shown to be ef-
trials have begun to extricate clinicians from this fective for ADHD in adults and adolescents with-
therapeutic conundrum by demonstrating the out substance dependence (Barrickman et al.,
safety and efficacy of some medications used to 1995; Michelson et al., 2002; Riggs, Leon,
treat the most common psychiatric comorbidi- Mikulich, & Pottle, 1998; Spencer et al., 2002;
ties, including bipolar disorder, ADHD, and de- Wilens et al., 2001). Although no controlled tri-
pression (Geller et al., 1998; Lohman et al., 2002; als have been conducted, preliminary data indi-
Riggs et al., 2001). cate that these medications are sufficiently safe
to be considered in treating ADHD in dually di-
agnosed adolescents. Bupropion has also been
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
shown to be effective in treating both ADHD and
Pharmacotherapy with psychostimulants is con- depression in adolescents and adults without
sidered the first-line treatment for ADHD in chil- substance dependence (Daviss et al., 2001). Cli-
dren and adolescents without substance depen- nicians may therefore wish to consider bupro-
dence. Only one controlled medication trial has pion as a first-line treatment in adolescents who
been conducted in adolescents with ADHD and have substance dependence, ADHD, and depres-
substance dependence. In this study, 69 out-of- sion, again with the caveat that there are no con-
treatment adolescents with conduct disorder, trolled trials in adolescents with substance de-
substance dependence, and ADHD were re- pendence (Riggs et al., 1998).
cruited from the community and randomized to
receive either placebo or pemoline (a low-abuse
Bipolar Disorder
potential psychostimulant). Results showed that
pemoline had similar safety and efficacy for Pharmacotherapy with mood stabilizers (e.g.,
ADHD in nonabstinent adolescents to that re- lithium, valproic acid, carbamazepine) is the
ported in adolescents without substance depen- first-line treatment for bipolar disorder in ado-
Chapter 18 Treatment of Substance Use Disorders 409

lescents without substance dependence. Only with substance dependence (Deas & Thomas,
one controlled trial (lithium vs. placebo) has 2001; Riggs, Mikulich, Coffman, & Crowley,
been conducted in adolescents with bipolar dis- 1997). Clinically, the SSRIs are currently consid-
order and substance dependence (Geller et al., ered by many adult and adolescent addiction
1998). In this study, lithium had a relatively psychiatrists to be the first-line medication
good safety profile and was shown to be effective choice for depression co-occurring with sub-
in stabilizing mania or hypomania in adoles- stance dependence (Deas & Thomas, 2001; Loh-
cents with substance dependence, many of man et al., 2002; Riggs et al., 1997). If ADHD is
whom were not abstinent during the trial (Geller also present, bupropion may be a first-line
et al., 1998). Although there was a somewhat choice, as mentioned above. These recommen-
greater decline in substance use in the lithium- dations must be regarded as provisional, since no
treated group than in those who received pla- antidepressant medications have yet demon-
cebo, the pharmacological treatment of bipolar strated safety and efficacy in a conclusive con-
disorder did not effectively treat substance de- trolled, clinical trial with adolescents with sub-
pendence in the absence of specific substance stance dependence. Moreover, there is currently
treatment. The available data would support a controversy over the possibility that all SSRIs,
treating bipolar disorder only in the context of except fluoxetine, may increase the risk of sui-
concurrent treatment for substance dependence cide in adolescents. This issue is thoroughly dis-
in dually diagnosed adolescents. No data are yet cussed in Chapter 2, which deals with depression
available from controlled trials about the safety in adolescence.
or efficacy of other mood stabilizers in dually di- Tricyclic antidepressants are relatively con-
agnosed adolescents. traindicated for the treatment of depression or
ADHD in adolescents with substance depen-
dence. These agents have significant anticholin-
ergic and cardiac side effects, a relatively high
In standard practice, adolescents with major (se- potential for adverse interactions with sub-
vere) depression would receive both psychother- stances of abuse, and considerable danger of
apy and pharmacotherapy, whereas those with causing death if an overdose should occur (Wi-
mild or moderate symptoms might be given a lens, Spencer, Biederman, & Schleifer, 1997).
trial of psychotherapy alone before considering
medications. When medications are used, selec-
Anxiety Disorders
tive serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs; specif-
ically fluoxetine and paroxetine) are considered Cognitive-behavioral therapies, often used in
first-line medication choices for adolescent de- combination with SSRI medications, are consid-
pression without comorbid substance depen- ered standard treatment for a variety of anxiety
dence (Emslie et al., 1997). No adequately pow- disorders (including obsessive compulsive dis-
ered controlled trials of SSRIs have yet been order, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxi-
completed in depressed adolescents with sub- ety disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder
stance dependence. Preliminary data from an [PTSD]) in adolescents without substance depen-
ongoing randomized, controlled trial of fluoxe- dence. While SSRI treatment for adolescent anx-
tine for depression in 120 depressed and ad- iety disorders that are comorbid with substance
dicted adolescents indicate that fluoxetine ap- dependence has not yet been well studied, the
pears to have a very good safety profile even in data support their relatively good safety profile
nonabstinent adolescents with polydrug abuse in treating depression in adolescents with sub-
(Lohman et al., 2002). Since this trial is not yet stance dependence. Furthermore, the high rates
completed, no data are yet available on the effi- of co-occurring depression with anxiety disor-
cacy of fluoxetine for depression, although pre- ders suggest that clinicians may wish to consider
liminary data from open trials and a small con- SSRIs in dually diagnosed adolescents with anx-
trolled trial indicate some promise for the iety disorders. Good target symptoms for SSRIs
efficacy of SSRIs for depression in adolescents include the management of sleep problems, de-
410 Part V Substance Use Disorders

pressive symptoms, intrusive memories, and hy- The following principles also may be helpful
perarousal symptoms often associated with when using medications to treat comorbid dis-
PTSD (Davies, Gabbert, & Riggs, 2001; Lohman orders concurrently with substance dependence.
et al., 2002). Benzodiazepines are contraindi- First, when medication is indicated, consider
cated for anxiety disorders in patients with sub- medications with good safety profiles, low-abuse
stance dependence because of their well-known liability, and once-per-day dosing, if possible.
abuse potential. Second, use a single medication if at all possible.
Third, provide the patient and family with edu-
cation about the potential for adverse interac-
Pharmacotherapy in Adolescents: Special tions of medications with substances of abuse
Considerations in Treating Comorbidity and the need for abstinence or reduced sub-
stance use to ensure safety and efficacy. Fourth,
If the adolescent has a comorbid disorder for establish mechanisms to closely monitor medi-
which medication is being considered (e.g., cation compliance (initially weekly), adverse ef-
ADHD, major depression), abstinence is ideal be- fects, target symptom response, and ongoing
fore initiating medication for comorbidity. How- substance use (using both self-report and urine
ever, abstinence is not a realistic goal for many drug screening). Fifth, monitor compliance with
adolescent patients. Clinicians must therefore regular substance treatment (generally, individ-
weigh the risk of potential drug–medication in- ual or family counseling at least weekly) and reg-
teractions against the risk that the untreated psy- ular urine drug screening (if not the primary sub-
chiatric illness will thwart treatment engage- stance abuse treatment provider). Sixth, monitor
ment or precipitate early dropout. Once the patient treatment motivation and target symp-
adolescent is engaged in substance abuse treat- tom response as well as behavior changes and
ment, both urine drug screening and self-report psychosocial functioning throughout treatment.
should indicate either abstinence or significant If substance abuse or target symptoms of the
reduction in substance use, although it is often comorbid disorder do not significantly improve
necessary to tolerate some ongoing alcohol or within the first 2 months after initiating treat-
cannabis use. The mental health professional or ment, or if there is evidence of escalation in drug
psychiatrist should then develop a plan for abuse or clinical deterioration, consider several
regular drug abuse monitoring (e.g., urine toxi- options. First, evaluate the medication efficacy
cology, breath alcohol) and for information and change the medication. Second, reassess the
exchange regarding compliance with substance diagnostic formulation (e.g., bipolar vs. unipolar
treatment, urine toxicology results, target symp- depression). Third, increase the treatment inten-
tom response, and emergence of adverse side ef- sity (frequency or level of care). Adherence to
fects. When initiating medications, the patient these principles should facilitate pharmacother-
should be compliant with at least weekly therapy apy in adolescents who frequently have comor-
sessions. Our clinical experience suggests benefit bid Axis I psychiatric disorders with their sub-
from motivational enhancement therapy cou- stance dependence. Medications primarily
pled with CBT and an empathic, encouraging targeted at the substance dependence, such as
therapeutic style. Such an approach typically bupropion or NRT for nicotine dependence,
leads to successful medication stabilization for might also be considered, but behavior treat-
comorbidity during the first month of treatment. ments should be tried first for most adolescents
Early treatment of a psychiatric disorder can be with primary substance dependence and no
critically important in facilitating treatment en- other Axis I psychopathology.
gagement and retention during the initial
months of substance abuse treatment.
Prevention of Substance
Use Disorders

19c h a p t e r
412 Part V Substance Use Disorders

On the basis of findings from extensive epide- the probability of substance abuse? Are there in-
miological research, the Centers for Disease Con- dividual sensitivities to drugs of abuse that in-
trol and Prevention (CDC) has identified a set of crease the risk of a substance use disorder? How
interrelated problem behaviors, typically origi- do social factors produce contagion of drug
nating during childhood and adolescence, that abuse among adolescents? Are there specific
are critically important from a public health treatments or prevention interventions for spe-
standpoint. For youths, central among these cific types of adolescent substance abuse? How
risk-related health behaviors are alcohol, to- do biological, psychological, and social factors
bacco, and other drug use (CDC, 2002b). Preva- account for failed prevention efforts or drug
lence rates of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana treatment relapse, and how common is it? This
use among adolescents remain high. For exam- promising body of research carries with it the po-
ple, recent prevalence of lifetime alcohol use tential to create more effective approaches to the
among 12th graders was 80%; for cigarette use prevention of adolescent substance abuse as well
the lifetime rate was 64.7%, and for marijuana it as guiding treatment efforts.
was 49.7% (Johnston, O’Malley, & Bachman,
2000). Early initiation and use of these sub-
stances are associated with a wide range of prob- THEORETICAL AND CONCEPTUAL MODELS
lems, including risky sexual practices, impaired OF PREVENTION AND CHANGE
mental health functioning, and behaviors that
result in unintentional and intentional injuries There is no generally agreed-upon theoretical or
(CDC, 2002a; Duncan, Duncan, Strycker, Li, & conceptual model for prevention of substance
Alpert, 1999; Windle & Windle, 2001). Thus, le- abuse. Most prevention interventionists and re-
gal and moral implications aside, adolescent sub- searchers use both theory and empirical research
stance abuse must be regarded as a public health to plan prevention programs. For example, Haw-
issue. The effective prevention and treatment of kins and colleagues Hawkins, Catalano, & Miller,
adolescent substance abuse, like that for any (1992) derive a psychosocial model of drug abuse
public health problem, require a clear under- prevention based on an etiological model that
standing of causes and the context in which incorporates laws, social norms, substance avail-
these causes operate. One cannot effectively ability, the quality of the neighborhood, peer
stem a pneumonia epidemic without knowing values, peer behavior, parental values, parental
the following: behavior, individual values, and individual be-
havior. However, there is no widespread agree-
• Which microbe or microbes produce the dis- ment that these domains are the most salient in
ease? the cause or prevention of a drug abuse disorder.
• Under which environmental conditions do The development and implementation of a pre-
the microbes flourish? vention intervention that efficaciously addresses
• Are there individual sensitivities to the in- all of these broad domains are daunting tasks.
• What are the most common patterns of con-
• To which antibiotic treatments are the mi- COMPLEX CAUSES OF ADOLESCENT
crobes most sensitive? SUBSTANCE ABUSE
• What are the patterns and factors associated
with relapse? It has been recognized for over 30 years that the
risk for becoming a substance abuser is not
Research on the origins of adolescent substance equally distributed in the population. Originally
abuse is asking similar questions: How do differ- this observation came from research that fol-
ent drugs affect the brains of different adoles- lowed children into adulthood and used child-
cents at different stages of maturation? How do hood demographic and psychological data to
environmental conditions increase or decrease uncover pathways to an adolescent or adult sub-
Chapter 19 Prevention of Substance Use Disorders 413

stance abuse disorder. Subsequently, this view measure to forestall its development. For this
was bolstered by epidemiological surveys in the reason, the reader is cautioned to be skeptical of
United States that revealed that only 27% of in- overly simplistic causal explanations for sub-
dividuals who have experimentally used drugs stance abuse problems and of facile and obvious
six or more times actually progress to become solutions. The likelihood that approaches guided
daily drug users, and only about a half of young by conventional wisdom will achieve their
adult daily drug users go on to develop a drug promised results is diminished by the realities of
abuse or dependence disorder (Robins & Regier, our current understanding of the complex path-
1991). While it is possible that chance plays a ways to a substance abuse disorder.
role in the acquisition of a substance abuse prob-
lem, it is more likely that the complex interplay
of risk and protective factors determine who pro- INFLUENTIAL THEORIES OF THE
gresses from experimentation to regular use and DEVELOPMENT OF ADOLESCENT
from regular use to problematic involvement. SUBSTANCE ABUSE
Furthermore, the interplay of risk and protective
factors exists in a maturational context such that Theories develop as an effort to summarize and
at some stages of human development certain explain research data generated by observation
biological, psychological, or social factors may and experimentation. Theories are used to or-
be totally benign, while at other stages of devel- ganize future research studies that ultimately test
opment these same factors may confer consid- the validity of the original theory and provide
erable risk for problematic involvement with an opportunity for the initial theory to evolve
drugs of abuse. These risk factors are subject to and undergo revision. Thus, theories are scien-
effects of gender and ethnicity, so risk factors tific “works in progress,” not facts. Several influ-
may operate differently in boys and girls, and in ential theories have guided our understanding of
Caucasians and African Americans. To further the origins of adolescent substance abuse, and
complicate the issue, individual risk and protec- provide a framework for ongoing research in this
tive factors must be viewed against a backdrop area. These theories also provide a useful struc-
of laws, cultural and social norms, drug avail- ture to guide approaches to the prevention and
ability, economic circumstances, and regional treatment of adolescent substance abuse prob-
and community factors. For example, a white lems. The following are among the most influ-
Chicago adolescent male who has a variety of ential of these theories. There are many areas of
individual risk factors for alcoholism might de- commonality and overlap; yet each has contrib-
velop alcohol problems, but if that same child uted and advanced our understanding of the or-
were raised in Saudi Arabia (where drinking al- igins of substance abuse. Other theories abound
cohol is forbidden), it is less likely that he would and it is noteworthy that the “general field the-
develop an alcohol problem. However, it is pos- orem” for the vulnerability to adolescent sub-
sible that these risk factors might manifest them- stance abuse has yet to be fully articulated.
selves in other forms of problematic behavior
(e.g., aggressive behavior). Thus, substance abuse
is a multifaceted problem. The “Gateway” or Stage Theory
Geneticists refer to multidetermined prob-
lems like substance abuse as “complex disorders” This theory comes from epidemiological re-
because a multiplicity of individual biological search that has examined the patterning of al-
and behavioral factors interact with environ- cohol and other drug use progression among ad-
mental factors (e.g., social and societal phenom- olescents. However, recently this theory has
ena) in complicated ways across human devel- become a battleground for those both for and
opment to produce a good or bad outcome. To against the decriminalization of marijuana. The
the best of our knowledge, there is no single theory is based on the delineation of four stages
cause of adolescent substance abuse, and so it is in the sequence of involvement with drugs. The
unlikely that there will be a single preventive original findings suggested that surveyed adoles-
414 Part V Substance Use Disorders

cents engage in use of either alcohol or cigarettes of risky adolescent behaviors (Jessor & Jessor,
(as legal and culturally accepted drugs) then pro- 1977). The theory proposes that there exists a
gress to marijuana, and then on to other illicit syndrome of adolescent problem behaviors that
drugs, such as heroin and cocaine. The legal may co-occur within the same individual (Jessor,
drugs are necessary intermediates between non- 1991). For example, those who experiment with
use and marijuana. Thus, the use of tobacco, al- substance use also tend to engage in risky sexual
cohol, and marijuana by adolescents was viewed practices and illegal behavior. These adolescent
as a crucial step, or “gateway,” to the use of other problem behaviors include
illicit drugs (Kandel, 1975). However, opponents
of this theory suggest that, if there were a risk • Problematic involvement with alcohol
factor that was common to both marijuana and • Illicit drug use
other drugs, it could easily account for the rela- • Delinquent behaviors (e.g., truancy, petty
tionship between both marijuana and other drug theft, vandalism, lying, running away)
use. Examples of a theorized “third factor” in- • Risky and precocious sexual activity
clude the genetic predisposition to drug use, a • Other high-risk behaviors (e.g., drag racing,
predisposition toward adolescent risk behavior driving drunk)
in general, or shared opportunities to obtain
both marijuana and other drugs (Morral, Mc- These deviant behaviors are thought to emanate
Caffrey, & Paddock, 2002). Nonetheless, surveys from a single underlying factor (perhaps of ge-
of American high school students suggest that by netic origin) that may exist prior to adolescence,
12th grade, 37% of students have tried mari- resulting in a general syndrome of deviance. The
juana, whereas 0.9% have tried heroin and 4.8% risky behaviors may also be adaptive to the ex-
have tried cocaine (Johnston, O’Malley, & Bach- tent that they serve a social or maturational goal,
man, 2002b). The discrepancies in these preva- such as separating from parents, achieving adult
lence rates indicate that although hard drug status, or gaining peer acceptance, and these be-
users may have started with marijuana, it is clear haviors may help an adolescent cope with fail-
that marijuana use does not invariably progress ure, boredom, social anxiety or isolation, unhap-
to adolescent use of hard drugs. piness, rejection, and low self-esteem. One
A less controversial aspect of this theory deals example of a risk behavior syndrome is an ado-
with age of initiation of experimentation with lescent’s reported use of substances as a means
drugs of abuse (whether it is alcohol, tobacco, of gaining social status and acceptance from
marijuana, or hard drugs), and the timing of peers and, at the same time, enhancing mood
stages of regular use and problematic involve- and feelings of low self-worth (DuRant, 1995;
ment. The literature converges around the ob- DuRant, Getts, Cadenhead, Emans, & Woods,
servation that the earlier the onset of substance 1995). Thus, this theory posits that substance
use, the greater the likelihood of problematic in- abuse for some adolescents may be a maladap-
volvement (Choi, Gilpin, Farkas, & Pierce, 2001; tive means to cope with the stresses and social
Choi, Pierce, Gilpin, Farkas, & Berry, 1997; Kan- pressures that are characteristic of the adolescent
del & Logan, 1984; Schuckit & Russell, 1983; Ya- stage of development. This theoretical perspec-
maguchi & Kandel, 1984b). For this reason, sub- tive suggests that prevention interventions that
stantial effort has been placed on prevention offer alternative means of coping and social ad-
interventions that delay the initiation of initial aptation might reduce adolescent substance use
substance exposure. behavior.

Problem Behavior Theory Patterson’s Developmental Theory

Problem behavior theory is an influential con- Patterson’s theory was originally proposed to ex-
ceptual framework for understanding not only plain the development of juvenile delinquency,
substance abuse but a wide variety of other types and however consistent with the observation
Chapter 19 Prevention of Substance Use Disorders 415

that problem behaviors frequently co-occur in training may also be offered the child to reduce
adolescents, it has also been used to understand normal peer rejection and provide a mechanism
and address problematic involvement with al- to gracefully resist peer pressure to use alcohol
cohol and other drugs of abuse. Patterson and and illicit drugs.
colleagues (Dishion, Patterson, Stoolmiller, &
Skinner, 1991; Patterson, DeBaryshe, & Ramsey,
1989) are proponents of a developmental theory Behavior Genetic Theory: Adolescent
of conduct problems that posits that adolescent Substance Abuse as a Complex Familial Trait
problem behavior is a consequence of poor pa-
rental family management practices interacting Plutarch noted 2,000 years ago that alcohol
with the child’s own aggressive and oppositional problems run in families (“Drunkards beget
temperament. Here, temperament refers to the drunkards”; Plutarch, The Training of Children,
early and genetically determined behavioral 110 CE). More recently, research continues to
characteristics that over time and life experi- demonstrate that there is significant familial ag-
ences evolve into personality. Deficits in parent- gregation of substance use disorders. If substance
ing skill, such as harsh and inconsistent punish- abuse problems run in families, then there must
ment, increased parent–child conflict, low be some familial influence on the development
parental involvement, and poor parental moni- of these problems. The behavior genetic theory
toring, result in school behavior and perfor- proposes that those factors that are transmitted
mance problems. The poorly performing and within families tend to make family members
poorly behaving child may be socially rejected more similar on a given characteristic such as
by average children, but he or she forms close substance abuse. These within-family factors can
friendships with other problematic children. be genetic, since parents, children, and siblings
This process of forming close peer relationships share about 50% of their genes; or they can be
is augmented by the negative interactions with nongenetic. These nongenetic family factors in-
caregivers in the home. clude the modeling of behaviors, the teaching of
As the child affiliates with more deviant chil- values and beliefs, parenting practices, the struc-
dren, he or she adopts deviant behavior as a ture of the home environment, the quality of
norm and becomes less involved in home life. neighborhood, and the standards of the society
Other deviant children become powerful social at-large in which the family lives. Those factors
role models from whom the child learns further experienced uniquely by each family member
deviant and socially unacceptable behavior, in- tend to make family members different from
cluding experimentation with drugs of abuse. each other. These nonshared factors include
Early experimentation has consistently been peers, work, school, and all aspects of life expe-
found as a risk factor for later problematic in- riences outside the family. In families where
volvement with a wide variety of drugs. These there is little substance abuse but there is an ad-
children may therefore be viewed as being on a olescent with substance problems, it is less likely
developmental trajectory of deviancy and sub- to be due to a family factor than to an unshared
stance abuse that begins in infancy and is factor outside the family. If there are many
compounded by unskilled parenting and the for- within the family with substance abuse prob-
mation of social relationships with other prob- lems, then these are likely to be due to some-
lem children (Vuchinich, Bank, & Patterson, thing in the family—either genes, the home en-
1992). vironment, or the complicated effects of genes
Prevention interventions based on this theo- and environment working together.
retical approach offer parenting skill training to Substantial evidence suggests that substance
teach parents more effective ways to discipline abuse, for both adolescents and adults, is a com-
and monitor their children and reduce the neg- plex trait. However, while research clearly reveals
ative environment of the home. Tutoring and that genes are an important determinant for sub-
other forms of education support may be pro- stance abuse problems, it does not tell us which
vided to reduce academic failure. Social skills genes. For other complex traits such as high
416 Part V Substance Use Disorders

blood pressure or diabetes or high cholesterol, it potential adverse psychological effects (Lerman
is clear that there are multiple genes involved et al., 2003).
and multiple genetic and biological pathways Nonetheless, it is tempting to consider
are involved in producing disease. It is unlikely whether individualized feedback about genetic
that there is a single gene for alcoholism or co- susceptibility to tobacco addiction could over-
caine dependence or cigarette addiction. There come adolescents’ perceptions of invulnerability
may be hundreds or thousands of genes in a and reduce the chances of initial tobacco use or
given pattern producing risk, and that risk may the transition to tobacco dependence. Despite
only be present in a given environmental con- acknowledging that nicotine is an addictive
text. The nature of the genetic risk may be a com- chemical, a large proportion (62%) of adoles-
mon factor for abuse across a wide variety of cents who smoke cigarettes report that quitting
drugs or a genetic risk for conduct difficulties or smoking was either easy or manageable for most
problem behaviors, or a set of genes that delay people if they tried hard enough (Jamieson &
the maturation of the brain so one is less able to Romer, 2001). Likewise, data from the 2002 Leg-
control the habituating effects of drugs. The ef- acy Tracking Survey indicate that among current
fects of genes may be protective rather than as- smokers ages 12–18, 60% reported that they
sociated with risk, and what we think of as ge- would definitely be able to quit smoking if they
netic effects producing substance abuse may wanted to and 28% said they probably would be
actually be the absence of protective genes. There able to quit (American Legacy Foundation,
is good evidence that specific genetic mutations 2002).
protect against the development of alcoholism While intriguing, data from research on ge-
in certain ethnic groups, and some evidence that netic testing for disease susceptibility do not pro-
there is a mutation that protects against smok- vide strong support for an effect of genetic risk
ing. communication on health protective behaviors
(Marteau & Lerman, 2001). With regard to ciga-
rette smoking, Lerman and colleagues (1997)
Applying New Knowledge of Genetics
conducted a clinical trial to determine whether
to Reduce Adolescent Smoking
feedback on genetic susceptibility to lung cancer
The enormous toll that tobacco use takes on would motivate smoking cessation in an adult
youth may also lead prevention experts to con- population. The results showed that such infor-
sider ways in which genetic risk information mation did have beneficial effects on risk percep-
might be used to identify high-risk subgroups tions and the perceived benefits of quitting
that might benefit from more intensive or tai- smoking; however, there was no significant
lored prevention approaches. As reviewed in effect on smoking behavior. Whether commu-
greater detail elsewhere (Lerman, Patterson, & nication of genetic risk for addiction to adoles-
Shields, 2003; Wilfond, Geller, Lerman, Audrain- cents would have a significant impact on rele-
McGovern, & Shields, 2002), there are many eth- vant attitudes and behavior is an open empirical
ical challenges and considerations. From a sci- question.
entific perspective, research on genetics and In summary, ongoing research is elucidating
tobacco use is still in its infancy. There is no sin- the determinants of tobacco use and dependence
gle “tobacco use gene,” and as such, risk esti- in youth. Although scientific advances in the ge-
mates will need to take into account multiple netics arena offer some promise, biology offers
interactions between genetic, social, and psy- less than half the answer for those seeking to re-
chological factors. Even considering genetic duce tobacco use among youth, with social and
variants with widely validated effects on smok- environmental factors playing an equal or larger
ing behavior, these effects are likely to be small, role. Thus, the expertise of multiple disciplines
and risk estimates will be highly probabilistic. and methodological approaches is needed to
Additional risks of genetic testing of adolescents meet the needs of the most vulnerable adoles-
include stigmatization, discrimination, and cents.
Chapter 19 Prevention of Substance Use Disorders 417

MEDIATING FACTORS stance abuse problems are themselves at signifi-

cant risk for becoming substance abusers. We
While adolescents in the United States are can’t alter the effects of genes, but we can modify
widely exposed to a spectrum of drugs of abuse, the environmental experiences of high-risk chil-
research suggests that adolescent substance dren. Interventions that improve parenting
abuse problems are due to multiple factors (Table practices may be important, not only for instill-
19.1). Most theories suggest that genetic, psy- ing appropriate disciplinary practices in the par-
chological, familial, and nonfamilial environ- ents of high-risk children but also for enhancing
mental factors are thought to interact in a com- parental involvement and monitoring. Social
plex way to determine an adverse or protective skills training may keep high-risk children from
outcome. Thus, genes, temperament, attitudes being rejected by high-functioning children
and beliefs, family environment, peer affiliation, forced into deviant peer groups. Thus, the revo-
and social norms all mediate the relationship be- lution in genetics may allow us to learn how to
tween the individual and a substance use disor- best change the environments of children at risk
der outcome. The developmental timing of these for adolescent substance abuse.
factors adds an additional level of complexity.
The question of “nature or nurture” has been
rendered moot, primarily by research conducted TYPES OF PREVENTION INTERVENTIONS
over the last 10 years. It is clear that both nature AND MODEL PROGRAMS
and nurture are involved, set against the back-
drop of child development. Thus, there is no sin- Prevention programs are categorized according
gle cause of adolescent substance abuse, and any to the following recently adopted definitions
single prevention approach is unlikely to have based on the audience they are designed to reach
broad universal success. (Mrazek & Haggerty, 1994).
The behavior genetic theory does help us to
identify high-risk children for prevention inter-
ventions. Clearly, offspring of parents with sub- Universal Intervention Programs

Universal intervention programs are designed to

Table 19.1 Who Is at High Risk?
reach the general population, such as all stu-
Children engaged in early alcohol or drug experi- dents in a given school or school district,
mentation through media campaigns, for example. Broadly
Offspring of substance-dependent parents speaking, universal interventions represent the
Children with substance-abusing siblings most widely utilized approach to drug abuse pre-
Children with conduct disturbances vention. In a review of major findings of research
Children with psychiatric disorders on adolescent risk, Jamieson and Romer (2003)
Children with deviant and substance-abusing have recommended special focus on universal
peers interventions, indicating that they have “great
Children temperamentally seeking high sensa- promise.” They specifically note that early and
tion continuous universal interventions that encour-
Children with impulse and self-control problems age mature decision making and healthy choices
Children under poor parental supervision among youth have considerable potential. From
Children living in heavy drug-use neighborhoods a universalist intervention perspective, public
Children with school problems health problems and their solutions are inextri-
cably a part of the community social system; so-
Children with social skills deficits
lutions are essentially universal, with some types
Children of parents with poor parenting skills
of universal interventions facilitating access to
Children who are victims of trauma, abuse, and
higher-risk groups within the community that
may warrant more intensive intervention. Im-
418 Part V Substance Use Disorders

plementation of these types of interventions is hour-long family session, during which they
typically supported by local community partner- practice the skills learned in their preceding, sep-
ships or coalitions. arate sessions. The family session affords the op-
The largest group of universal programs is the portunity for higher-risk families and those with
in-school intervention, typified by the well- special needs to identify available services. In ad-
known original Drug Abuse Resistance Educa- dition, the family session includes activities de-
tion (DARE), a school-based primary drug pre- signed to encourage family cohesiveness and
vention curriculum designed for introduction positive involvement of the child in family ac-
during the last year of elementary education. tivities. For the parental sessions the essential
DARE is the most widely disseminated school- content and key concepts of the program are also
based prevention curriculum in the United presented on videotape. Further details regard-
States. Despite its popularity, independent eval- ing the SFP 10–14 is provided in published re-
uations of DARE have failed to demonstrate its ports (Spoth, Guyll, & Day, 2002; Spoth, Red-
effectiveness (Clayton, Cattarello, & Johnstone, mond, & Shin, 2000, 2001; Spoth, Reyes,
1996; Lynam et al., 1999). Recently, an enhanced Redmond, & Shin, 1999).
version of DARE has been developed and tested Yet another group includes interventions that
(DARE Plus). Additional components added to combine school-based interventions with those
the original DARE curriculum include a peer-led engaging parents and sometimes other commu-
parental involvement classroom program called nity institutions. An example of this type of ex-
“On the VERGE,” youth-led extracurricular ac- panded program is Project STAR (Pentz et al.,
tivities, community adult action teams, and 1989). This approach attempts to involve the en-
postcard mailings to parents. Evidence suggests tire community with a comprehensive school
that DARE Plus produced significant reductions program, a mass media campaign, a parent pro-
in alcohol, tobacco, and polydrug use among gram, a community organizing component, and
boys; but had no effect on girls (Perry et al., health policy change component. Project STAR
2003). has been shown to be effective in terms of re-
Other school-based universal programs pro- ductions in drug use behavior in high school for
vide more promising results for both boys and those youth that began the program in junior
girls. For example, the Life Skills Training Pro- high school.
gram (Botvin, Baker, Dusenbury, Botvin, & Diaz, In addition to these interventions, there are
1995) emphasizes teaching of drug resistance universal interventions that have made use of
skills, self-management skills, and general social mass media in a primary role, either in one com-
skills in the junior high school classroom setting. munity or, in the most interesting cases, nation-
The program has been shown to demonstrate wide, to address drug use. Below is a discussion
significant reductions in drug experimentation in some detail of a universal intervention in the
among student participants. form of mass media campaigns.
Another important group of universal inter-
ventions are family focused. An example of this
Case Study: Media Drug Abuse
type of intervention that has been rigorously
Prevention Campaigns
evaluated and found to be effective is the
Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Although the money committed to mass media–
Youth 10–14 (SFP 10–14; Kumpfer, Molgaard, & based campaign interventions is now substan-
Spoth, 1996; Molgaard & Kumpfer, 1995). Im- tial, evaluations of serious mass media–based in-
plementation of the SFP 10–14 entails seven ses- terventions addressing drug use are few. One was
sions occurring once a week for 7 weeks. The SFP a field experiment in Kentucky, a second was an
10–14 has separate sessions for parents and chil- evaluation of the Partnership for Drug-Free
dren that run concurrently for 1 hour and focus America (PDFA) campaign in its earlier phase,
on skills building. During the second hour par- 1987–1990, along with some ancillary trend
ents and children participate together in a joint data. Another evaluation was one of the Office
Chapter 19 Prevention of Substance Use Disorders 419

of National Drug Control Policy’s campaign be- the communications industry.” Through its na-
tween 1999 and the present. In addition to these tional drug-education advertising campaign and
evaluations, there is a literature on mass media other forms of media communication, the Part-
campaigns that addresses adolescent smoking. nership seeks to help kids and teens reject sub-
stance abuse by influencing attitudes through
persuasive information.
The Kentucky Intervention
One evaluation approach notes correlated sec-
The research group at the University of Kentucky ular trends: the first 5 years of the PDFA’s exis-
(Donohew, Lorch, & Palmgreen, 1991) has a long tence, between 1987 and 1992, match a period
history of anti-drug communication research of substantial decline in youth reports of drug
based in the core construct of “sensation seek- use. That is the period when PDFA had its heav-
ing.” They argue that this personality construct iest presence in the advertising marketplace. Af-
accounts for a substantially increased risk of drug ter 1992, when it became less successful in gen-
use among youth, and thus would provide a erating donated advertising time, particularly on
basis for the development of a mass-media in- television, the decline in youth reports of use
tervention. This work culminated in their devel- was reversed, and drug use continued to climb
opment of a two-city test of a televised anti- through 1998. In a similar analysis focused on
marijuana campaign in 1997 and 1998. The inhalant use, Johnston, O’Malley, and Bachman
project was an interrupted time series following (2002a) found that the PDFA’s initiation of
youth in grades 7 through 10 in Fayette County strong anti-inhalants advertising in 1996 fore-
(Lexington), Kentucky, and Knox County (Knox- cast a period of decline in inhalant use among
ville), Tennessee, for 32 months. The televised youth. However, data drawn from secular trends
ads first ran for 4 months in Lexington, 8 are inevitably open to other interpretations, rec-
months into the time series, and 1 year later for ognizing that there are many exogenous influ-
4 months in both Lexington and in Knoxville. ences on such trends. Indeed, the secular trends
The campaign was developed so as to appeal par- in marijuana use, for example, establish that the
ticularly to high sensation–seeking youth. The start of the decline in such use preceded the in-
ads were designed to have high sensation value; troduction of the PDFA campaign in 1987. This
they were pretested with these youth; and they is evident in the time trend data from the Mon-
were shown in the context of high–sensation itoring the Future (MTF) surveys for 12th graders
value television programs preferred by these reporting annual use of marijuana. The down-
youth. During a campaign period, enough ad ward trend was fairly constant from 1983 on-
time was purchased or donated so that 70% of ward, 4 years prior to initiation of the PDFA cam-
the target audience should have seen ads three paign. Although it is possible that the decline
times per week. might have stalled absent the initiation of the
The reported results of the evaluation were campaign, that is not the only possible interpre-
positive. Self-reported 30-day use of marijuana tation of the pattern (Johnston, O’Malley, &
among high sensation–seeking youth declined Bachman, 2003a).
(or climbed less than would have been expected)
during all three campaign periods, and not dur-
The National Youth Anti-Drug
ing other periods. Strikingly, few youth seeking
Media Campaign
low sensation reported use of marijuana, regard-
less of the presence or absence of the campaign. The National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign
is the direct inheritor of the PDFA campaign. It
came out of the PDFA’s recognition that it was
The Partnership for a Drug-Free America
no longer able to generate the donated media
The Partnership has been operating a mass me- time it had previously received, and reflected in-
dia campaign since mid-1987. It describes itself tensive lobbying of Congress and the adminis-
as “a non-profit coalition of professionals from tration to make up the deficit. The long decline
420 Part V Substance Use Disorders

in marijuana use had ended in 1992, and had exposure to Campaign messages scored bet-
climbed substantially by 1997, also raising con- ter on four out of five outcomes after statis-
gressional concern. The PDFA envisioned the tical controls were applied to adjust for the
new campaign operating with the government possible influence of other explanatory fac-
buying media time for the ads generated by tors. In addition, parents who had more ex-
PDFA, but the eventual legislation shifted con- posure the first time they were measured
trol of the Campaign to the White House Office were more likely to talk with their children
of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and and do fun activities with their children sub-
added other provisions. While most money was sequently. However, there was little evi-
allocated to the purchase of time for advertising dence for Campaign effects on parents’
largely produced under the PDFA mechanism, monitoring behavior. That has been the fo-
the overall message strategy was designed out- cus of the parent Campaign and the one par-
side of PDFA, and the advertising was to be ent behavior most associated with youth
complemented by public relations efforts in- nonuse of marijuana. In addition, there is no
cluding community outreach and institutional evidence for favorable indirect effects on
partnerships. Youth were addressed directly, but youth behavior as a result of parent exposure
the campaign spent its resources equally on to the Campaign.
parent-focused messages, particularly encourag- • There is also little evidence of favorable di-
ing parenting skills and monitoring of youth be- rect Campaign effects on youth. There is no
havior. statistically significant decline in marijuana
The Congress funded an independent evalu- use to date in the surveys undertaken for the
ation through National Institute on Drug Abuse evaluation (although the MTF study sug-
(NIDA) which contracted with Westat and the gested that there was a small but significant
Annenberg School for Communication at the decline in marijuana use between 2001 and
University of Pennsylvania. The evaluation is 2002 at the 10th-grade level; Johnston,
ongoing, with the most recent report covering O’Malley, & Bachman, 2003a). However,
the first 2.5 years of the fully implemented cam- there were no improvements in surveyed be-
paign (Hornik et al., 2002). Pertinent results thus liefs and attitudes about marijuana use be-
far are as follows. tween 2000 and the first half of 2002. Re-
gardless of whether the trends were stable or
• Most parents and youth in the surveys re- showing a slight decline, there is no basis for
called exposure to Campaign anti-drug mes- attributing any youth changes to the Cam-
sages. About 70 percent of both groups re- paign specifically. Also, and of most con-
ported exposure to one or more messages cern, there is evidence for an unfavorable de-
through all media channels every week. The layed effect of Campaign exposure from
average (median) youth recalled seeing one September 1999 through June 2001 on in-
television ad per week. In 2000 and the first tentions to use marijuana and on other be-
half of 2001, less than 25 percent of parents liefs expressed 12 to 18 months subse-
recalled seeing a television ad every week; quently.
this increased to 40 percent in the second
half of 2001 and to 50 percent in the first Several hypotheses have been suggested to ex-
half of 2002. plain why a campaign might produce a boomer-
• There is evidence consistent with a favorable ang effect. One comes from reactance theory
Campaign effect on some parent outcomes. (Brehm, 1966; Brehm & Brehm, 1981), an argu-
Overall, there are favorable changes in three ment that youth react against adult threats to
out of five parent belief and behavior out- their freedom by feeling pressure to re-establish
come measures, including talking about that freedom, including some pressure to engage
drugs with children and monitoring of chil- in the forbidden behavior. The Campaign might
dren. Moreover, parents who reported more represent such a threat. Another theory argues
Chapter 19 Prevention of Substance Use Disorders 421

that the heavy dose of anti-drug messages carries proves treatment outcomes of parents and en-
a meta-message, the idea that many youth must hances their parenting skills.
be using drugs if there is so much attention being
paid to them. Indeed, for this hypothesis there
is some consistent evidence: youth more ex- Indicated Intervention Programs
posed to the campaign advertising are more
likely to progress subsequently to a belief that Indicated intervention programs are those de-
most other kids are using marijuana, and that signed for groups already experimenting with
belief predicts subsequent initiation of mari- drugs or engaging in other risky practices. To a
juana use. Other hypotheses include the idea great extent, indicated programs traverse the fine
that ads that contain relatively weak arguments line between prevention and treatment inter-
serve to stimulate strong counterarguments (J., ventions. The Reconnecting Youth Program (Eg-
2003), or the idea that for some youth, the ads gert, Thompson, Herting, & Nicholas, 1995; Eg-
provide novel information and thus provoke cu- gert, Thompson, Herting, Nicholas, & Dicker,
riosity about drugs. 1994) is a prime example. This program is for
adolescents in grades 9 to 12 who show signs of
poor school achievement and the potential to
Selective Intervention Programs drop out. The program teaches skills to build re-
siliency toward risk factors and to moderate early
Selective intervention programs are designed to signs of drug abuse. It consists of several com-
target groups at risk as subsets of the general pop- ponents, such as a personal growth class de-
ulation, such as children of drug addicts or chil- signed to enhance self-esteem, decision making,
dren with school problems. personal control, and interpersonal communi-
The Strengthening Families Program (Kump- cations; a social activities and school bonding
fer & Alvardo, 1995) and the Focus on Families program to establish drug-free peer relation-
Program (Catalano, Gainey, Fleming, Haggerty, ships; and a school system crisis response plan
& Johnson, 1999; Catalano, Haggerty, Gainey, & to address suicide prevention. Evaluations of this
Hoppe, 1997) represent examples of selective intervention have documented only short-term
interventions for children with drug-abusing benefits, with long-term studies yet to be done.
parents, with slightly different approaches.
Strengthening Families contains three elements:
a parent training component, a child skills train- Multilevel Intervention Programs
ing component, and a family skills training com-
ponent. The goal of the parent training compo- Multilevel intervention programs are typically
nent is to reduce parental substance abuse and ambitious combinations of the above interven-
improve parenting skills. The goal of the child tion models. They include universal, selected,
skills training component is to decrease the and indicated strategies gauged to the needs of
child’s negative and socially unacceptable be- the adolescent.
havior. The goal of the family skills training The Adolescent Transitions Program (Dishion
component is to improve the family environ- & Kavanagh, 2000) is an example of a multilevel
ment. Evaluations of efficacy so far have found intervention designed to address the needs of
short-term benefits for this intervention; longer- families of young adolescents that present with
term studies have not been done. a range of problem behaviors and diverse devel-
Focus on Families is for parents receiving opmental histories. This ambitious program in-
methadone maintenance. Here parents are corporates universal, selective, and indicated
taught skills for relapse prevention and coping prevention components. The universal preven-
to help improve their treatment outcomes, as tion intervention is in the form of a school-based
well as family management and parenting skills. family resource room to establish a venue for
Preliminary data suggest that this program im- exchange between school professionals and fam-
422 Part V Substance Use Disorders

ilies. The selective intervention is in the form of related preventive interventions described in
a family check-up that offers family assessment published reports. Included in Table 19.2 is an
and support, and the motivation to change be- especially instructive “review of reviews” of par-
haviors. The indicated intervention provides a ticular family-focused preventive interventions
menu of services that includes a brief family in- (Meltzer et al., 2002).
tervention, school monitoring system, parent
groups, behavioral family therapy, and case

SUMMARIES AND REVIEWS OF MODEL Recently, prevention professionals have broad-

PREVENTIVE INTERVENTIONS ened the target of their interventions, extending
beyond substance abuse to globally address the
Over the past decade numerous efforts have been quality of youth development. Advocates of pos-
undertaken to identify and disseminate descrip- itive youth development approaches emphasize
tive information about model preventive inter- that efforts to address public health concerns by
ventions. In the family-focused prevention area preventing youth problem behaviors must be
alone, for instance, at least 11 of these model in- pursued in concert with youth-related health
tervention reviews have gained some currency promotion goals. The need to integrate preven-
(Metzler, Biglan, Rusby, & Sprague, 2001). Re- tion and youth-related health promotion—or
views of model preventive interventions typi- positive youth development—has emerged as a
cally include descriptions of selection criteria or consequence of the observation that problem-
rules of evidence applied and summaries of the free youth are not necessarily fully prepared
intervention review process. Many also delineate youth (Pittman, Irby, & Ferber, 2000). In keeping
salient characteristics of the types of programs with this concept, several scholars (Eccles &
that have proven to be effective. A major issue Gootman, 2002; Flay, 2002; Lerner, 2001; Roth
for the field is the variability in the rules of evi- & Brooks-Gunn, 2002; Villarruel, Perkins, Bor-
dence and intervention selection criteria, with don, & Keith, 2003) have cogently argued for the
the level of scientific rigor applied ranging con- need for strategies and interventions that pre-
siderably. pare young people to fully participate in school
Frequently, model interventions are classified and career, by reducing the level of harmful or
by the level of supportive evidence for the inter- risk behaviors and building “external” develop-
vention (e.g., exemplary or promising). Most re- mental assets (e.g., support from parents, peers,
views of interventions consider the level of evi- teachers) along with “internal” assets (e.g., social
dence for a particular intervention; some, competencies—see Scales, Benson, Leffert, &
however, create categories of interventions and Blyth, 2000).
critically evaluate the evidence only for specified Community-based intervention researchers
types of interventions. Table 19.2 summarizes se- have underscored how difficult it is to accom-
lected reviews of particular evidence-based inter- plish substantial behavior change in large pop-
ventions; it does not include reviews of types of ulations (e.g., Holder, 2002), in part because of
programs. Rather, these are included in the fol- natural tensions between researchers and
lowing summary of meta-analysis and reviews of community-based practitioners (Greenberg &
outcome studies of interventions from the rele- Spoth, in press; Spoth & Greenberg et al., in
vant literature. Although some of the reviews are press; Price & Behrens, 2003; Wandersman,
focused exclusively on interventions designed to 2003). This conclusion is consistent with earlier
prevent substance use or abuse among youth, admonitions about ways in which prevailing
many include interventions that target other economic, political, and social forces can per-
youth problem behaviors as well. All of the re- petuate unhealthy behaviors such as problem
views selected for inclusion in Table 19.2 have drinking (Giesbrecht, Krempulec, & West, 1993).
critically evaluated at least some substance- Many researchers agree that the key to address-
Table 19.2 Reviews of Particular Evidence-Based Interventions

Level of
Reference Intervention Summary

Alvarado, Kendall, Beesley, Family This review entails “Two page summaries of family-focused programs which have been proven to be effective.
& Lee-Cavaness, 2000 . . . The programs in this booklet are divided into categories based upon the degree, quality and outcomes of
research associated with them” (p. vi). “Numerous criteria were utilized by the review committee to rate and
categorize programs. The criteria included: theory, fidelity of the interventions, sampling strategy and imple-
mentation, attrition, measures, data collection, missing data, analysis, replications, dissemination capability,
cultural and age appropriateness, integrity and program utility. Each program was rated independently by re-
viewers, discussed and a final determination made regarding the appropriate category” (p. vii).
Catalano, Berglund, Ryan, Multiple This review “Describes the findings from evaluations of positive youth development programs. The chapter
Lonczak, & Hawkins, 2002 highlights 25 well-evaluated programs and their results. Elements of the programs are described, including
positive youth development constructs, social domains, and strategies.” (
Center for the Study and Multiple The center “Has identified 11 prevention and intervention programs that meet a strict scientific standard of
Prevention of Violence, program effectiveness. . . . The 11 model programs, called Blueprints, have been effective in reducing adoles-
2003 cent violent crime, aggression, delinquency, and substance abuse. Another 21 programs have been identified
as promising programs.” (
Developmental Research Multiple Communities that Care (CTC) is an integrated approach to positive youth development and the prevention
and Programs, 2000 of problem behaviors including substance abuse, academic failure, unplanned pregnancy, school dropout,
and violence. This program is based on prevention science—social development theory—which aims to iden-
tify and reduce risk factors and promote protective factors in the development of problem behaviors among
young people. (
Drug Strategies, 1999 School This assessment “is based on careful review of curriculum materials and other information provided by curric-
ulum developers and distributors as well as evaluation reports on 14 curricula. . . . Extensive research during
the past two decades points to certain key elements of successful prevention curricula . . . assesses the extent
to which curricula address these key areas” (p. 1).
Eccles & Gootman, 2002 Community “We considered reviews that included both programs for youth with a primary focus on prevention and pro-
grams explicitly focused on a youth development framework. . . . Programs based on clinical theories of be-
havior change and sound instructional practices are effective at both reducing problem behaviors and increas-
ing a wide range of social and emotional competencies. In addition, interventions in the field of mental
health promotion use high evaluation standards. All evaluations included in both reviews used both control
group comparisons, and the majority used random assignment. The high level of evaluation rigor obtained
was understandably facilitated by the short-term nature of the programs, the integration of these programs
into the school day, and the fact that program participation was more likely to be seen by participants as
required rather than voluntary” (pp. 148, 172).
(continued )
Table 19.2 Continued

Level of
Reference Intervention Summary

Greenberg, Domitrovich, & Multiple “The goals of this report were to . . . identify universal, selective and indicated programs that reduce symp-
Bumbarger, 2000 toms of both externalizing and internalizing disorders; summarize the state-of-the art programs in the preven-
tion of mental disorders in school-age children; identify elements that contribute to program success; and
provide suggestions to improve the quality of program development and evaluation.” (http://www.prevention
The scope of interest for this review included prevention programs for children ages 5 to 18 that produce
improvements in specific psychological symptoms or in factors directly associated with increased risk for
child mental disorders. Programs were excluded if they produced outcomes solely related to substance abuse,
sexuality or health promotion or positive youth development.
Hansen, 1992 School “Substance use prevention studies published between 1980 and 1990 are reviewed for content, methodology
and behavioral outcomes. . . . Studies were classified based on the inclusion of 12 content areas: Information,
Decision-Making, Pledges, Values Clarification, Goal Setting, Stress Management, Self-Esteem, Resistance Skills
Training, Life Skills Training, Norm Setting, Assistance and Alternatives. Comprehensive and Social Influence
programs are found to be most successful in preventing the onset of substance use” (p. 403).
Olds, Robinson, Song, Little, Family This study is a review of research that tested universal, selected, or indicated interventions that took place
& Hill, 1999 between the prenatal period and a child’s fifth year (0–5) and examined outcomes indicative of either child
behavioral adjustment problems or major parent or family risk factors (e.g., maternal mental health and use
of substance; relationship disturbance).
Promising Practices, 2001 Multiple “PPN [Promising Practices Network] has organized information on effective programs under six broad result
areas that are associated with the well-being of children, youth, and families. For each of these results areas,
one or more specific benchmarks have been identified. . . . PPN provides a summary of each program that
identifies key information about its effectiveness. . . . We’ve included programs that meet a minimum level of
evidence and are labeled as follows: (1) Proven—at least one credible, scientifically rigorous study that shows
the program improves at least one benchmark; Promising—at least some direct evidence that the program im-
proves outcomes for children and families.” (
Roth, Brooks-Gunn, Murray, Multiple “We evaluate the usefulness of the youth development framework based on 15 program evaluations. The re-
& Foster, 1998 sults of the evaluations are discussed and 3 general themes emerge” (p. 423).
SAMHSA Model Programs, Multiple Programs are evaluated according to 18 methodological criteria, three appropriateness criteria, and program
2003 descriptors for evaluating general substance abuse and treatment programs. “Individual scores from members
of each reviewer team are compiled, together with their narrative descriptions of the review program’s
strengths, weaknesses, and major components and outcome findings. Summary scores from two parameters,
Integrity and Utility, are then used to rank programs respectively on the scientific rigor of their evaluation
and the practicality of their findings.” (
Strengthening America’s Multiple This Web site describes effective family programs for the prevention of delinquency. Programs for the preven-
Families, 1999 tion of delinquency and other negative outcomes are described and rated against a set of criteria as “Exem-
plary,” “Model,” or “Promising.” The Web site also contains a literature review and an organizational matrix
of programs, arranged by type of prevention program (universal, selected, indicated). Available on-line at:
U.S. Department of Educa- School “This publication provides descriptions of the 9 exemplary and 33 promising programs selected by the 15-
tion, 2001 member Expert Panel for Safe, Disciplined, and Drug-Free Schools in 2001. . . . The task was to develop and
oversee a process for identifying and designating as promising and exemplary programs that promote safe,
disciplined, and drug-free schools. The seven criteria are: (1) The program reports relevant evidence of efficacy/
effectiveness based on a methodologically sound evaluation; (2) The program’s goals with respect to changing
behavior and/or risk and protective factors are clear and appropriate for the intended population and setting;
(3) The rationale underlying the program is clearly stated, and the program’s content and processes are
aligned with its goals; (4) The program’s content takes into consideration the characteristics of the intended
population and setting (e.g., developmental stage, motivational status, language, disabilities, culture) and the
needs implied by these characteristics; (5) The program implementation process effectively engages the in-
tended population; (6) The application describes how the program is integrated into schools’ educational mis-
sions; (7) The program provides necessary information and guidance for replication in other appropriate set-
tings” (pp. 1–2).

SAMHSA, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration.

426 Part V Substance Use Disorders

ing this challenge lies in universal, community- failures in community-based dissemination of

based innovations (e.g., Holder, 2001). interventions (e.g., Arthur, Ayers, Graham, &
Holder (2001, 2002) notes that there have Hawkins, 2003; Feinberg, Greenberg, Osgood,
been two different approaches to addressing Anderson, & Babinski, 2002; Goodman, 2000).
substance-related public health goals—namely, This is particularly true in the case of school-
the catchment and community-system ap- based interventions (Gottfredson & Wilson,
proaches. In the catchment approach to preven- 2003; Hallfors, 2001). Especially problematic is
tion of substance-related problems, a commu- the fact that efficacious school-based interven-
nity is viewed as a collection of target groups tions are frequently unable to survive the with-
with adverse behaviors and correlated risks. Op- drawal of grant funding (Adelman & Taylor,
erationally this involves locating persons at risk, 2003).
identifying their risk factors, and implementing
interventions to reduce risk factors, often entail-
ing education-based programs. Notably, there is FUTURE CHALLENGES
little attention to social dynamics or organiza-
tional- and systems-level factors influencing in- It is fitting to close this chapter on prevention by
dividual target group behaviors. Consistent with highlighting the challenge of the necessary
the emphasis on environmental influences and bridge building for an improved youth devel-
potential supports for youth development is the opment strategy. Just as there must be a con-
focus of the community-systems approach on struction plan for building a viable bridge across
the community at large, defined as a set of per- a chasm or gorge, requiring careful integration
sons “engaged in shared, social, cultural, politi- of input from a diverse group of designers, plan-
cal, and economic processes” (Holder, 2002, ning for a comprehensive strategy to foster
p. 906). Thus a wide range of problems is collec- positive youth development and prevent youth
tively considered and the focus is on interven- substance-related problems necessitates a sus-
tions that address a variety of aspects of the tained, well-organized effort, with input from a
shared behavioral environment in a community. range of community interventionists, scientists,
This focus is consistent with the idea of a com- and policymakers at the state and federal levels.
prehensive youth strategy recommended by Ja- One potential contribution to this larger plan-
mieson and Romer (2003) and others (e.g., Flay, ning effort is a design for universities and com-
2002; Roth & Brooks-Gunn, 2002). munities to partner together to foster a higher
A recurring theme in the literature on com- prevalence of capable and problem-free youth.
munity partnerships, particularly that concern- However, the wide range of tasks for those in-
ing diffusion of evidence-based interventions, is volved in community–university partnerships,
the need for community intervention capacity- the many barriers to task accomplishment, and
building, as a way to sustain quality imple- the limited resources available highlight the
mentation of preventive and developmental challenges to design implementation that lie
competency-building interventions (e.g., Alt- ahead. The single most salient feature of this par-
man, 1995; Lerner, 1995; Morrisey et al., 1997). ticular challenge is the apparent gap between
In this case, capacity building can be defined as necessary human, technical and scientific, and
efforts designed to enhance and coordinate hu- funding resources on the one hand and the lim-
man, technical and scientific, financial, and ited resource availability on the other. Nonethe-
other organizational resources directed toward less, the salience of the resource gap underscores
quality implementation of evidence-based, de- the potential benefits of efficient and effective
velopmentally oriented, preventive interven- capacity building, particularly that which is
tions for youth (see Spoth et al., 2004). A lack of based in existing community, state, and national
capacity for sustained intervention implemen- infrastructures for coordinated activities suppor-
tation is frequently cited as a primary reason for tive of youth.
Research Agenda for Substance
Use Disorders

20 c h a p t e r
428 Part V Substance Use Disorders

For a variety of reasons, little research has been • Is group therapy an effective modality for
conducted among adolescents with substance adolescents?
abuse problems. We operate as though data ob- If so, how should it be structured?
tained from studies in adults applies to adoles- Should adolescents always be segregated
cents, but we know that there are critical differ- from adults in group treatment?
ences. Thus assumptions about adolescents must • What is the neurobiology of adolescent ad-
be empirically tested. The following are a series diction?
of questions compiled by the Commission on Initiation of addictive patterns
Abuse of Alcohol and Other Drugs that we be- Progression of addiction
lieve should be given high priority. Vulnerability to specific agents
• Is it necessary to require complete absti-
nence in adolescents attempting recovery?
What We Know
Does this mean ceasing use of all addict-
ing drugs?
• Substance abuse will often progress to addic-
Does nicotine use impede recovery?
tion and become a lifelong illness, if not
• How can we enhance perceived risk for ex-
perimenting with drugs?
• Long-term treatment is usually required to
• How can we best match patients with treat-
arrest addiction.
• Motivation is an important ingredient for
Matching problems to treatments has
successful treatment.
been found effective in small studies, but
Changes in lifestyle are required.
rarely used in practice.
Drug use is a pleasure-reinforced compul-
• How can the judicial system positively influ-
ence outcome?
Drug craving may lead to relapse.
• Adolescents are different from adults.
There are differences in brain develop-
What We Urgently Need to Know—
ment and plasticity.
The Priorities
Specialized treatment approaches are nec-
essary, including:
• Prevention programs: which ones are most
Age-appropriate interventions
effective or ineffective?
More focus on family treatment
Mass media campaigns?
Longitudinal continuation of treat-
Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE)?
Urine testing?
• Heredity affects the vulnerability to addic-
Other approaches?
• Which specialized treatments for adolescent
• Availability of drugs is a key variable in de-
addiction provide the best outcomes?
veloping drug abuse.
• Which specialized programs can prevent
binge drinking in college?
What We Do Not Know • Which pharmacological treatments work
best for adolescents with substance use dis-
• Which psychosocial treatments are most ef- orders?
fective? All of the following show some Pharmaceutical companies have shown
promise: little interest in developing medications
Individual therapy (cognitive-behavioral for adult addictions and none for sub-
therapy, maturation enhancement ther- stance abuse in adolescence. How can we
apy) recruit the pharmaceutical industry into
Family therapy the area of prevention and treatment?
Group therapy • What are the best means of identifying ad-
Twelve-Step rehabilitation olescents at risk for addiction?
Chapter 20 Research Agenda for Substance Use Disorders 429

• How can we recruit scientists into the area Partial hospitalization and intensive out-
of addiction research? patient programs
Outpatient treatment with long-term ca-
How Can We Improve the Treatment System? • How can we integrate substance abuse treat-
ment with other mental health treatment?
• How can we obtain adequate reimburse- Comorbidity of substance abuse with
ment for treatment providers? other mental disorders is very common.
Adolescent treatment programs are scarce Few treatment programs are equipped to
and underfunded. treat dual diagnosis.
• How can we provide an accessible contin- • How can we disseminate scientific evidence
uum of care with age-appropriate expertise? supporting the disease concept of addic-
Medical and psychiatric evaluation capa- ion?
bility • How can political initiatives secure appro-
Inpatient facilities priate resource allocation?
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Youth Suicide


Herbert Hendin, Commission Chair

David A. Brent
Jack R. Cornelius
Tamera Coyne-Beasley
Ted Greenberg
Madelyn Gould
Ann Pollinger Haas
Jill Harkavy-Friedman
Richard Harrington
Gregg Henriques
Douglas G. Jacobs
John Kalafat
Mary Margaret Kerr
Cheryl A. King
Richard Ramsay
David Shaffer
Anthony Spirito
Howard Sudak
Elaine Adams Thompson

VI p a r t
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Defining Youth Suicide

c h a p t e r
434 Part VI Youth Suicide

SCOPE AND DEMOGRAPHICS the second leading cause of death, surpassed

only by accidental injury.
Fifty years ago suicide among young people aged How is one to explain the rise in the rate of
15–24 was a relatively infrequent event and sui- youth suicide in the United States during the lat-
cides in this age group constituted less than 5% ter half of the last century? It has been suggested
of all suicides in the United States. As can be seen that the increase in the youth suicide rate par-
in Figure 21.1, between the mid-1950s and the alleled an increase in the rate of depression since
late 1970s, the rate of suicide rose markedly the 1950s. Documenting an increase in the rate
among this age group. This increase was ob- of depression is not easy, however, since clinical
served most dramatically among young males, studies undertaken prior to the 1980s did not use
whose suicide rates more than tripled between a standard definition of depression. In addition,
1955 and 1977 (from 6.3 per 100,000 to 21.3). such a dramatic rise in suicide in a relatively
Among females ages 15–24, the suicide rate more short time frame is likely to reflect some broad
than doubled during this same period (from 2.0 environmental change. Thus, medical and social
per 100,000 to 5.2). By 1980, suicides by 15- to scientists have sought other explanations (Ber-
24-year-olds constituted almost 17% of the ap- man & Jobes, 1995; Gould, Greenberg, Velting,
proximately 30,000 suicides in the United States & Shaffer, 2003; Hendin, 1978).
(National Center for Health Statistics, n.d.). Increased availability of firearms as a contrib-
Rising suicide rates continued, albeit at a uting factor is suggested by increases in the rate
slower pace, during the 1980s and early 1990s, of suicide by firearms among young people in
reaching a peak rate of 13.6 suicides per 100,000 the United States during the 1980s (Boyd & Mos-
youth aged 15–24 in 1994. At that point, rates cicki, 1986; Brent, Perper, & Allman, 1987; Brent
began to steadily decline, decreasing to 9.9 per et al., 1991). Similar increases in youth suicide
100,000 by 2002 (the last year for which national have been seen in countries such as New Zealand
data are currently available), a drop of over 27% and in Europe, however, where firearms are not
(National Center for Health Statistics, n.d.). a common suicide method (World Health Orga-
Figures available since 1970 (also depicted in nization, 2003).
Fig. 21.1) show that among the younger subset The diminishing cohesion of the family ob-
of youth, those aged 15–19, the suicide rate rose served since World War II has frequently been
relatively consistently up until 1990 (from 5.9 blamed for a wide range of youth problem be-
per 100,000 to 11.1), and has dropped consid- haviors, including both drug abuse and suicide.
erably since that time to 7.4 suicides per 100,000 The psychosocial revolution that swept the
population in 2002. Even with these declines, Western world beginning in the 1960s, which
the overall youth suicide rate remains more than embraced a greater freedom in sexual behavior,
twice what it had been before the marked rise as well as changes in the expectations that young
began, and currently constitutes almost 13% of men and women had for themselves and for
all U.S. suicides (Centers for Disease Control and their relationships, is also thought to have con-
Prevention [CDC] n.d.a). tributed to youth suicide (Hendin, 1978, 1995).
Suicide before the age of 12 is rare, but in- A marked and well-documented increase in drug
creases with every year past puberty (CDC, and alcohol exposure took place during that pe-
n.d.a). In 2002, youth aged 20–24 had a suicide riod (Johnston, O’Malley, & Bachman, 2002),
rate of 12.3 per 100,000, compared to the rate of and the relationship between substance abuse
7.4 among adolescents aged 15–19. A total of and suicide has been clearly established in a
4,010 young people aged 15–24 died by suicide number of studies of both adults (Barraclough,
during that one year, 1,513 between the ages of Bunch, Nelson, & Sainsbury, 1974; Robins, Mur-
15–19, and 2,497 between the ages of 20–24. phy, Wilkinson, Gassner, & Kayes, 1959) and
Currently in the United States suicide is the third youth (Marttunen, Aro, Henriksson, & Lonn-
leading cause of death among youth; only acci- qvist, 1991; Shaffer et al., 1996).
dents and homicide claim more young lives. The question of why youth suicide rates have
Among college students specifically, suicide is declined in recent years is equally important. Al-
Chapter 21 Defining Youth Suicide 435

12 15–19-year-
11 olds
9 15–24-year-
8 olds
Figure 21.1 Rates of suicide for 15- to 19-year-olds and 15- to 24-year-olds, both
sexes, all races [source: National Center for Health Statistics]. Rates for 15- to 19-
year-olds are not available for pre-1970.

though we shall return to this question later in The decline in the rate of youth suicide has
this section, it should be kept in mind that from also been linked to the increased use of antide-
a historical perspective, the declines we have pressant medication in treating young depressed
seen recently are not unique. Twice previously people (Olfson, Shaffer, Marcus, & Greenberg,
in the 20th century, the rate of suicide among 2003). Although more precise data than are cur-
young men declined precipitously: once be- rently available may well substantiate the link
tween 1908 and 1922, when the young male sui- between antidepressant use and suicide deaths,
cide rate went from almost 14 per 100,000 to 6, it should be noted that other problem behaviors
a drop of over 100%; and again between 1938 among youth, notably substance abuse and vi-
and 1944, when the rate fell from almost 9 per olent crime, have generally risen and fallen par-
100,000 to 6, a decline of 35%. allel with changes in the suicide rate. And the
Recent decreases have been attributed to ef- recent drop in violent crime by young people in
forts to restrict firearms availability among youth recent years seems less likely to be related to in-
(Brent, Baugher, Bridge, Chen, & Chiappetta, creased use of antidepressants.
1999; Miller & Heminway, 1999). In the United Improved economic conditions in the 1990s
States the proportion of suicides that involve have been credited for the recent decline in
firearms has decreased somewhat in recent years, youth suicide, just as they were blamed for the
although firearms are still used in about 60% of high national rates during the depression of the
all suicide deaths (CDC, n.d.a). Parallel declines 1930s. The decline in youth suicide has been
in the youth suicide rate and in the rate of sui- noted, however, in countries that did not expe-
cide by firearms, therefore, are not surprising. It rience the prosperity that occurred in the United
should also be noted that among older white States during the last decade of the 20th century.
males, who have the highest suicide rate of any It is only relatively recently that tracking stud-
demographic group in the United States, the pro- ies such as the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey
portion of suicides that involve firearms has not (YRBS) have been undertaken to provide accu-
declined. Furthermore, suicide rates have de- rate data about suicide attempts by young peo-
creased in other countries where firearms are not ple. Thus, it is not possible to determine whether
a commonly used method. the increase in youth suicide deaths seen be-
436 Part VI Youth Suicide

tween the mid-1950s and 1990 was matched by among either whites or African Americans,
an increase in suicide attempts among young whose attempt rates are similar (CDC, n.d.a).
people. The YRBS data reported since the early Although these patterns have been relatively sta-
1990s show that among high schools students ble, the reasons underlying the differential dis-
(the target group for the YRBS), the recent de- tribution of suicide attempts and suicide com-
cline in suicide deaths has not been accompa- pletions among racial and ethnic groups in the
nied by a comparable decline in suicide attempts United States have not yet been adequately ex-
(CDC, n.d.b). plored.
The most current YRBS data (2003) indicate Since the mid-1980s, significant public atten-
that 8.5 percent of U.S. high school youth sur- tion has been focused on youth suicide preven-
veyed (5.4% of males and 11.5% of females) tion. During that decade, a proliferation of youth
made one or more suicide attempts in the prior suicide prevention programs were developed
12-month period; 2.9 percent (2.4% of males and and implemented, particularly in schools where
3.2% of females) required medical attention as a they targeted students, parents, teachers, and
result of a suicide attempt. Seventeen percent of other school personnel. This coincided with in-
the students indicated that they had seriously creasing recognition of childhood and adoles-
considered attempting suicide during the past 12 cent depression, and mental health professionals
months. Since youth who are not currently at- and medical practitioners likewise began looking
tending school have been found to be at higher for ways to prevent the tragic loss of young lives
risk for suicide attempts and suicide deaths than to suicide. Many of these early youth suicide pre-
those who are in school (Gould, Greenberg, et vention efforts have not been sustained because
al., 2003; Gould, Fisher, Parides, Flory, & Shaffer, of a lack of demonstrable success and/or a lack
1996), YRBS high school–based data likely un- of funding.
derestimate the extent of these events among In recent years, renewed attention to the prob-
young people overall. lem of youth suicide has resulted from the Na-
Patterns of suicidal behavior vary widely tional Strategy for Suicide Prevention, developed
among youth from different demographic back- by the Department of Health and Human Ser-
grounds. Among young people ages 15–24, males vices Administration and the Office of the former
die by suicide almost six times more frequently Surgeon General, David Satcher (U.S. Depart-
than females. In 2002, the suicide rate among ment of Health and Human Services, 2001). This
young men ages 15–24 was 16.4 per 100,000, initiative called for the development of statewide
and the rate among young women was 2.9. Al- suicide prevention programs to address youth as
though young males die by suicide more often well as other priority target populations.
than females, females report suicidal ideation Our primary goal in this section of the book
and attempts more often than males (CDC, is to examine youth suicide prevention strategies
n.d.b.). and interventions with an eye toward identify-
Youth suicide rates also vary widely among ing what works, what does not appear to work,
different racial and ethnic groups. In 2002, white and what research needs to be undertaken to
youth had a suicide rate of 10.6 per 100,000, move the field forward. We begin with a review
compared to rates of 6.5 for African Americans, of the multiple factors that have been suggested
6.6 for Hispanic youth, 5.3 for Asian Americans/ to put youth at risk for suicide.
Pacific Islanders, and 17.9 for American Indians
and Alaskan Natives (CDC, n.d.a). The elevated
rate of suicide among Native Americans of all ETIOLOGY OF YOUTH SUICIDE
ages is substantially accounted for by the partic-
ularly high suicide rate of young Native Ameri- It is generally agreed upon that suicidal behavior
can males (Berlin, 1987; Wallace, Calhoun, Pow- is multiply determined. In the following pages,
ell, O’Neil, & James, 1996). we review the factors that have been identified
Suicide attempt rates appear to be particularly in the research literature as conveying primary
high among young Latinos, surpassing rates risk for suicide among young people, as well as
Chapter 21 Defining Youth Suicide 437

factors that have been suggested to mediate or the basis of existing research, to be primary risk
protect against suicidal behavior. These risk fac- factors for youth suicide. Clearly, there is consid-
tors are summarized in Table 21.1. Different as- erable overlap and mutual reinforcement among
pects of the problem have been addressed in a these factors, although most studies have consid-
number of previous reviews (Gould, Greenberg, ered them separately.
et al., 2003; Guo & Harstall, 2002; Wagner, 1997;
Wagner, Silverman & Martin, 2003) and we have
drawn on these in the discussion that follows
Psychopathology and Substance Abuse
and throughout the rest of this section.
There is overwhelming evidence that psycho-
pathology is the most significant risk factor for
Risk Factors both suicide deaths and suicide attempts among
adolescents (Brent et al., 1999; Groholt, Ekeberg,
Although true causation is difficult to establish, Wichstrom, & Haldorsen, 1997; Shaffer et al.,
a number of factors, or sets of factors, appear, on 1996). Psychological autopsy studies have deter-
mined that the vast majority of adolescents who
die by suicide have significant psychiatric prob-
Table 21.1 Factors Associated with Risk
for Suicidal Behavior in Adolescentsa lems, including previous suicidal behavior, de-
pressive disorder, substance abuse, and conduct
Psychopathology disorder. The initial onset of such problems of-
Depression ten precedes the suicide by several years. Suicide
Drug and alcohol abuse risk among adolescents has also been established
Aggressive-impulsive behavior
to increase with the number of psychiatric di-
Pessimism agnoses, with comorbidity between affective dis-
Conduct disorder (male) orders and substance abuse being of particular
Panic disorder (female) importance (Shaffer et al., 1996). One recent
analysis (Gould, 2003) has suggested that elimi-
Family and Genetic
nating psychopathology could prevent 78%–
Family history of suicidal behavior 87% of youth suicides.
Parental psychopathology
The psychiatric problems and gender-specific
Environment diagnostic profiles of youth who attempt suicide
Firearm availability have been found to be similar to those who die
Diminished family cohesion by suicide, with relatively more females than
Lack of parental support males presenting with affective disorder (Brent
Parent–child conflict et al., 1999; Shaffer et al., 1996) and more males
Negative life events
than females having substance abuse, particu-
Child sex abuse
Suicide contagion larly among older male adolescents (Gould et al.,
1998; Marttunnen, Avo, Henriksson, & Lönn-
Biology qvist, 1991; Shaffer et al., 1996). Conduct disor-
High 5-HT receptor expression in prefrontal der is also prevalent in young males with suicidal
cortex and hippocampus behavior, often comorbid with substance use dis-
Serotonergic dysfunction orders and anxiety and mood disorders (Brent et
Previous suicidal behavior al., 1993a; Gould et al., 1998; Shaffer et al.,
Suicide attempts
Panic disorder has been found to be related to
Sexual orientation suicidal behavior, particularly among girls
Same-sex sexual orientation (Gould et al., 1996, 1998). Among adults, how-
ever, no association has been found when con-
Factors noted have been found to be associated with
increased risk for suicidal behavior individually but overlap
trolling for comorbid depression (Warshaw, Do-
and shared underlying factors have not been assessed. lan, & Keller, 2000). Other anxiety disorders such
438 Part VI Youth Suicide

as posttraumatic stress disorder have not been Previous Suicidal Behavior

shown to be associated with suicidal behavior
among young people when other comorbid psy- Studies among adults have consistently identi-
chiatric conditions are taken into consideration fied previous suicidal behavior to be the most
(Wunderlich, Bronisch, & Wittchen, 1998). important factor associated with risk of suicide
Some studies have reported a relationship be- (Hawton & Sinclair, 2003), with repetition of sui-
tween bipolar disorder and both suicide deaths cide attempts significantly increasing the risk of
and suicide attempts among youth (Brent et al., a fatal outcome (Sakinovsky, 2000). Studies of
1988; Brent, Perper, & Moritz, 1993; Marttunnen youth have likewise found previous suicide at-
et al., 1991; Shaffer & Hicks, 1994). Although tempts to be one of the strongest predictors of
suicide is relatively common among adults with both subsequent attempts and suicide deaths
bipolar disorder, given the relative rarity of the (McKeown et al., 1998; Shaffer et al., 1996;
disorder, it accounts for only a small proportion Wichstrom, 2000). This relationship is particu-
of suicide deaths (Appleby, Cooper, Amos, & Far- larly strong among youth with mood disorders
agher, 1999; Vijayakumar & Rajkumar, 1999). (Brent et al., 1999; Shaffer et al., 1996). The risk
Suicidal ideation appears to be less directly re- for future suicidal behavior has been estimated
lated to psychopathology than either suicide at- to increase 3–17 times when a previous attempt
tempts or suicide death (Andrews & Lewinsohn, has occurred (Groholt et al., 1997). One study of
1992; Reinherz et al., 1995), perhaps because ide- a high school sample found that half of adoles-
ation, while occurring with higher frequency, is cent suicide attempters had made more than one
less persistent and may be fleeting. Gould et al. attempt (Harkavy-Friedman, Asnis, Boeck, &
(1998) found suicidal ideation to be associated DiFiore, 1987), and this finding is confirmed by
with depression in adolescent females and with data reported by the YRBS (CDC, n.d.b). Overall,
depression and disruptive disorders in young it is estimated that one quarter to one third of
males. adolescents who die by suicide had made a pre-
Aggressive-impulsive behavior (Apter, Plut- vious attempt (Brent et al., 1993a; Groholt et al.,
chik, & van Praag, 1993; Gould et al., 1998; 1997; Shaffer at al., 1996).
McKeown, et al., 1998; Sourander, Helstela, While prior attempts figure prominently in
Haavisto, & Bergroth, 2001) has an increased as- the histories of many young persons who die by
sociation with suicidal behavior, particularly in suicide, the nature of the linkage between earlier
the context of a mood disorder (Brent, Johnson, and subsequent suicidal behavior is less clear. Ex-
et al., 1994; Johnson, Brent, Bridge, & Connolly, isting evidence suggests, however, that previous
1998). Aggressive-impulsive behavior has been suicide attempts convey an increased risk for su-
found to discriminate suicide attempters from icide death even after controlling for psychiatric
psychiatric controls, and also appears to be re- risk factors (Brent et al., 1999; Shaffer et al.,
lated to familial transmission of suicidal behav- 1996).
Hopelessness has also been implicated as an
Sexual Orientation
important factor associated with youth suicidal
behavior, although its relationship is not inde- An additional personal factor that has been sug-
pendent of depression and depressed mood gested to be associated with youth suicide is ho-
(Rotheram-Borus & Trautman, 1988; Rotheram- mosexuality. A number of individual studies
Borus, Trautman, Dopkins, & Shrout, 1990). (Faulkner & Cranston, 1998; Fergusson, Hor-
Among a depressed subgroup that is at high risk wood, & Beautrais, 1999; Garofalo et al., 1998;
for suicide, hopelessness may be an important Remafedi, French, Story, Resnick, & Bloom,
marker. Pessimism, a negative cognitive style 1998; Russell & Joyner, 2001; Wichstrom &
that may be related to hopelessness, has been Hegna, 2003) as well as a comprehensive review
found to characterize suicide attempters inde- article (McDaniel, Purcell, & D’Augelli, 2001) re-
pendent of depression (Lewinsohn, Rhode, & port increased rates of nonlethal suicidal behav-
Seeley, 1996). ior among youth with same-sex sexual orienta-
Chapter 21 Defining Youth Suicide 439

tion. Wichstrom and Hegna (2003) found that normal controls (Arango et al., 1990; Mann,
the suicide attempt rate was higher for those Stanley, McBride, & McEwen, 1986).
with same-sex orientation regardless of whether Postmortem studies of youth who have died
they had actually had same-sex sexual contact. by suicide are rare, and therefore the implica-
They found that those who had had same-sex tions of adult findings for understanding youth
sexual contact had the highest rate. Stigmatiza- suicide are not clear. One postmortem study in-
tion, victimization, isolation, and parental rejec- volving 15 teenage suicide victims and 15 nor-
tion have been identified as factors in suicidal mal matched control subjects found signifi-
behavior among gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth cantly higher levels of 5-HT receptor expression
(McDaniel et al., 2001). in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of
There is no empirical evidence that links sui- those who had died by suicide, suggesting that
cide deaths among youth to sexual orientation this abnormality may be a marker of adolescent
(Shaffer, Fisher, Hicks, Parides, & Gould, 1995). as well as adult suicide (Pandey et al., 2002).
Research in this area is likely to be limited by These authors noted that higher levels of sero-
methodological challenges, notably inaccuracies tonin receptor expression have been implicated
in the reporting of sexual orientation or sexual in alterations in emotion, stress, and cognition,
behavior (McDaniel et al., 2001; Russell, 2003). which suggests promising avenues of explora-
tion for understanding the neurobiology of
youth suicide. Further studies are needed to con-
firm these findings and to clarify genetic rela-
Biological and Genetic Factors
Some studies have linked youth suicidal behav-
ior to parental psychopathology (Brent et al.,
1988; Brent, Perper, et al., 1994; Gould et al., Family Environment
1996), although others have found rates of fam-
The familial expression of suicidality is likely a
ily psychopathology among young suicide at-
function of example as well as biology. Certain
tempters and completers to be similar to those
factors related to the family environment such
of other clinical samples (see Wagner, 1997;
as lack of family support and parent–child con-
Wagner et al., 2003). Both suicide and suicide at-
flict have been found to contribute to risk for
tempts have been found to be increased in fam-
youth suicidal behavior (see Wagner, 1997; Wag-
ilies in which a parent has died by suicide or at-
ner et al., 2003 for reviews). Particularly among
tempted suicide, even when controlling for the
younger suicide victims, parent–child conflict
impact of parental psychopathology (Brent,
has been identified as a common precipitant to
Bridge, Johnson, & Connolly, 1996; Brent et al.,
suicidal behavior (Brent et al., 1999; (Groholt,
2002; Glowinski et al., 2001). This relationship
Ekeberg, Wichstrom, & Haldorsen, 1998).
may be mediated by familial transmission of im-
pulsive aggression (Brent et al., 2003).
The mechanisms through which psychopa-
Negative Life Events
thology and suicidality among parents may in-
fluence youth suicidal behavior are not yet clear. There is considerable evidence that various neg-
Although little is currently known about the ge- ative life events contribute independently to
netics of youth suicide, adult studies suggest that youth suicide (see Wagner, 1997; Wagner et al.,
biological factors play a significant role in sui- 2003), over and above other risk factors (Gould
cide. Neurobiological abnormalities, in particu- et al., 1996; Johnson, Cohen, et al., 2002). Phys-
lar lower levels of central nervous system sero- ical abuse, for example, has been demonstrated
tonin (5-HT), have been implicated in aggressive to increase risk in case–control (Brent, Johnson,
impulsivity and suicidal behavior in adults et al., 1994; Brent et al., 1999) and longitudinal
(Oquendo & Mann, 2000). Postmortem studies studies (Brown, Cohen, Johnson, & Smailes,
of the brains of adult suicide victims have also 1999; Johnson et al., 2002; Silverman, Reinherz,
shown higher levels of 5-HT receptors than in & Giaconia, 1996), and has been associated with
440 Part VI Youth Suicide

youth suicidal behavior even after controlling systematic suicide prevention efforts have tar-
for other contributory factors such as parental geted this factor.
psychopathology (see Johnson et al., 2002; Wag- Legal or disciplinary problems have been
ner, 1997; Wagner et al., 2003). found to precipitate suicidal behavior in youth
Child sexual abuse has also been found to be with conduct disorder and other disruptive dis-
associated with increased risk for suicidal behav- orders (Brent, Perper, & Moritz, 1993; Gould et
ior (Johnson et al., 2002; Silverman et al., 1996), al., 1996). Academic difficulties have also been
as well as with many other adverse psychological found to be associated with increased risk for sui-
outcomes (Fergusson, Horwood, & Lynskey, cidal behavior. Several studies have demon-
1996.). Some of the suicide risk conferred by strated increased suicidal ideation or behavior
child sexual abuse is likely related more generally among students at risk for dropping out of high
to parental psychopathology, although one lon- school (Beautrais, Joyce, & Mulder, 1996;
gitudinal study that controlled for many other Thompson & Eggert, 1999; Wunderlich et al.,
risk factors (Fergusson et al., 1996) identified a 1998). Gould et al. (1996) also reported that
unique contribution of this variable to suicidal- school problems and not being in school or in a
ity. work situation pose considerable risk for suicide
Stressful life events have been found to be as- death.
sociated with suicide deaths (Beautrais, 2001;
Brent, Perper, & Moritz, 1993; Gould et al., 1996;
Marttunen, Aro, & Lönnqvist, 1993) and suicide
attempts (Beautrais, Joyce, & Mulder, 1997; Fer- There is evidence that young people are partic-
gusson, Woodward, & Horwood, 2000; Lewin- ularly vulnerable to the impact of suicide con-
sohn et al., 1996). Studies of young suicide at- tagion, whether through media coverage or di-
tempters suggest that the type of stressor rect knowledge of a peer’s suicide (Gould, 2001;
associated with suicidal behavior is age related, Gould, Jamieson, & Romer, 2003). Research has
with suicidal behavior in younger adolescents described outbreaks or clusters of both suicide
most frequently precipitated by conflicts with deaths (Gould, Wallenstein, & Kleinman, 1990;
parents, and in older adolescents by interper- Gould, Wallenstein, Kleinman, O’Carroll, &
sonal loss, in particular the loss of a romantic Mercy, 1990) and attempted suicides (Gould, Pe-
relationship (Brent et al., 1999; Groholt et al., trie, Kleinman, & Wallenstein, 1994) among
1998). Interpersonal loss has also been identified young people. Having a friend who has at-
as a significant stressor among youth with sub- tempted suicide has been found to discriminate
stance abuse problems (Brent et al., 1993b; depressed adolescents who themselves make a
Gould, Greenberg, et al., 2003; Marttunen, Aro, suicide attempt from those who do not (Lewin-
Henriksson, & Lönnqvist, 1994). sohn, Rohde, & Seeley, 1994). The causality of
Bullying has also been suggested as a precipi- the association between a youngster’s knowledge
tant, with at least one study finding both victims of a friend or family member who attempts sui-
and perpetrators to be more likely to engage in cide and the youth’s subsequent suicidal behav-
suicidal behavior than youth not involved in ior has been supported using two waves of data
bullying (Kaltiala-Heino, Rimpela, Marttunen, from the National Longitudinal Study of Adoles-
Rimpela, & Rantanen, 1999). There appear to be cent Health (Add Health), a nationally represen-
commonalities between bullying and other tative study of youth in grades 7 through 12
forms of social maligning, such as those reported (Cutler, Glaeser, & Norberg, 2001). Despite some
by gay and lesbian youth. Although media ac- research reporting no association between media
counts of suicide among young people fre- reporting and subsequent suicides (Mercy et al.,
quently allude to bullying as a cause, scientific 2001), the evidence of the significant impact of
evidence for this is lacking. No studies of bully- media coverage on suicide is ample and contin-
ing have controlled for the presence of other risk ues to grow (see Gould, 2001; Pirkis & Blood,
factors in suicide victims, in particular psycho- 2001a, 2001b; Schmidtke & Shaller, 2000; Stack,
pathology, and to date in the United States, no 2000).
Chapter 21 Defining Youth Suicide 441

Availability of Means mal controls was the presence of a loaded gun in

the home (Brent et al., 1993d; Kellerman et al.,
Over half of the 4,000 youths aged 15–24 years 1992).
who died by suicide in 2002 used firearms (CDC, Despite strong evidence for the role of fire-
n.d.a), and there is strong evidence that firearms arms in youth suicide, it should be noted that
used for both suicides and unintentional injuries restricting access to guns may not always result
by adolescents are mainly from the home envi- in a decrease in overall suicide deaths. A study
ronment (Bailey et al., 1997; Beautrais et al., that examined suicide methods used by Austra-
1996; Brent et al., 1993d; Grossman, Reay, & lian males between 1975 and 1998 (De Leo,
Baker 1999; Shah, Hoffman, Wake, & Marine, Dwyer, Firman, & Neulinger, 2003) reported a
2000). declining rate of firearm suicide among males
Family firearm ownership has been found to overall as well as among a subset of males aged
correlate with the youth suicide rate for 15- to 15–24, attributed in part to increased restrictions
24-year-olds (Birckmayer & Hemenway, 2001). on weapons purchases. In both samples, how-
Almost three quarters of youth suicides and sui- ever, these declines coincided with an increase
cide attempts have been found to involve the use in the rate of suicide by hanging. Among young
of a firearm belonging to a household member; males, the increased rate of hanging coincided
in more than half of the cases, a parent’s gun was with an increase in the overall suicide rate.
involved (Grossman et al., 1999; Reza, Modze-
leski, Feucht, Anderson, & Barrios, 2003). A dis-
proportionate number of parents with guns in Protective Factors
the household have been found to leave their
guns loaded and not locked up (Coyne-Beasley, Several factors, identified below, have been sug-
McGee, Johnson, & Bordley, 2002; Coyne- gested as protecting youth against suicidal be-
Beasley, Schoenback, & Johnson, 2001). havior. In reviewing protective factors, several
Guns have been estimated to be four to five limitations should be noted, in particular, the
times more prevalent in the homes of suicide vic- likelihood that they are features of psychological
tims compared to controls (Brent et al., 1993d; health and thus nonspecific for suicidality as op-
Kellermann et al., 1992; Shah et al., 2000). There posed to other forms of mental illness. Further,
appears to be a gradient of risk, with loaded guns it has not been empirically determined whether
and handguns posing the greatest risk. In a re- patterns and behaviors consistent with psycho-
cent review of case–control studies, Brent and logical health actually protect against mental ill-
Bridge (2003) reported that the odds of a youth ness and suicidality, or whether they are mani-
dying by suicide was 31.3–107.9 times higher in festations of a lack of mental illness. In addition,
homes where a gun was present than in homes conclusions are limited by the fact that studies
without guns. have not generally examined protective factors
Of note, youth who use firearms for suicide in a broader context of risk factors.
reportedly have fewer identifiable risk factors,
such as expressing suicidal thoughts, suicidal in-
Connectedness to Family, School,
tent, psychopathology, and substance abuse,
and Other Institutions
compared to those using other means (Azrael,
2001; Brent et al., 1999; Groholt et al., 1998), Researchers have found that students who de-
and firearm suicides appear to be more impulsive scribe their families as emotionally involved and
and spontaneous (Azrael, 2001). Thus, to at least supportive were much less likely to report sui-
some extent, means availability appears to func- cidal behavior than students who described their
tion as a contributing factor to youth suicide, in- families as less supportive and involved (Mc-
dependent of other factors. Among the approx- Keown et al., 1998; Resnick et al., 1997; Ruben-
imately 10% of youth who died by suicide and stein, Halton, Kasten, Rubin, & Stechler, 1998,
had no clear psychiatric diagnosis, the only fac- Rubenstein, Heeren, Housman, Rubin, & Stech-
tor found to discriminate this group from nor- ler, 1989; Zhang & Jin, 1996). There is limited
442 Part VI Youth Suicide

evidence that family cohesion is independent of suicide prevention programs targeting groups
the adolescent’s levels of depression or life stress of youth, rather than on clinical care or evalua-
(Rubenstein et al., 1989, 1998). tion of individual youth who are potentially sui-
The National Longitudinal Study on Adoles- cidal.
cent Health (Resnick et al., 1997) reported that Before turning to this discussion, we would
student connectedness to school was also a pri- like to share some observations regarding the
mary protective factor. Similarly, there is limited accumulated literature on youth suicide preven-
evidence that perceived suicide risk is inversely tion. Although many different programs have
related to religious orthodoxy, particularly been developed and implemented, very few have
among racial and ethnic minorities (Greening & been systematically evaluated for their immedi-
Stoppelbein, 2002). ate or long-term efficacy and effectiveness. In
contrast to programs addressing other high-risk
behaviors such as drug use, few if any youth sui-
Social Skills
cide prevention programs are supported by con-
Jessor (1991) suggested that a range of social clusive empirical evidence of effectiveness.
skills, including decision making and problem In part, this is due to the unique impact of
solving, may be protective factors for suicidal be- ethical considerations on suicide research in
havior, and this relationship has received consid- general and outcomes evaluation in particular.
erable attention among school administrators. Such considerations have served to limit partic-
The impact of social skills on youth suicidal be- ipation of suicidal individuals in clinical trials
havior has not been directly tested, however, and and other interventions, and to restrict the avail-
there is no evidence that students with good ability of appropriate control groups by discour-
decision-making or problem-solving skills are aging selective offering of potentially helpful in-
overall less suicidal. Although some studies have terventions (Fisher, Pearson, Kim, & Reynolds,
found that at-risk students who participated in 2002).
interventions designed to improve social skills Also important to note are the difficulties in-
showed decreased depression and suicidal be- herent in attempting to determine the impact of
havior (LaFramboise & Howard-Pitney, 1995; programs implemented among relatively small
Thompson, Eggert, & Herting, 2000; Thompson, samples on the statistically rare events of suicide
Eggert, Randell, & Pike, 2001), it is not clear that death or attempted suicide. In addition, the ap-
these decreases were accounted for by any in- plication of many suicide prevention strategies
crease in acquired social skills. and programs in settings in which contact with
participants is transitory has limited the ability
of such programs to employ longitudinal evalu-
YOUTH SUICIDE PREVENTION ation designs that might reveal long-term out-
comes, including suicide attempts and suicide
Given the multiplicity of risk and protective fac- deaths. In the absence of large-scale, long-term
tors that have been related to youth suicide, it is studies, programs have tended to rely on proxi-
understandable that many different approaches mal outcomes such as knowledge, attitudes, and
have been taken in the attempt to prevent this referrals to treatment, whose relationship to su-
behavior. In the next three chapters, we discuss icide attempts and suicide deaths has been in-
and critique the major preventive strategies and completely established, if at all.
treatment approaches that have been used. Further, it should be noted that with respect
Rather than undertaking an exhaustive review of to almost all suicide prevention efforts, reports
every program that has been identified, we have of effectiveness have been internally produced,
selected those that have been most fully de- typically by the program developers, often using
scribed in published reports and/or those we feel designs, outcomes, effectiveness criteria and
best illustrate a general type or approach. Reflect- measures unique to an individual site. This has
ing the strategies that have received the widest limited the degree to which different approaches
application, our review focuses primarily on can be compared. Rather than using a careful
Chapter 21 Defining Youth Suicide 443

before-and-after design in a case–control setting, In spite of these limitations, the programs and
evaluations have frequently been confined to de- interventions reviewed in the subsequent chap-
termining whether a program was found to be ters suggest a great deal about what appears to
interesting or acceptable to a particular target work, and what doesn’t, in the prevention of sui-
group. cide among adolescents and young adults.
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Universal Approaches to Youth
Suicide Prevention

22c h a p t e r
446 Part VI Youth Suicide

In this chapter, we focus on suicide prevention Program Examples

programs that have taken a universal approach,
targeting youth in specific settings regardless of Most suicide awareness and education programs
individual risk factors. One particularly wide- described in the literature have been imple-
spread approach targets youth where they are mented at the high school level and share a core
most accessible—in the schools. Although the of common programmatic features, centering on
ultimate goal of all suicide prevention programs a suicide education curriculum, supplemented in
is to reduce death by suicide, school-based pro- some cases with training directed toward teach-
grams typically focus on more proximal out- ers and other gatekeepers. Such programs are ex-
comes. emplified by those developed by Kalafat and col-
Two broad types of universal prevention pro- leagues (Kalafat & Elias, 1992, 1994; Kalafat &
grams have been especially common. The first Gagliano, 1996; Kalafat & Ryerson, 1999), which
includes educational programs that aim to in- incorporate education about the warning signs
crease students’ knowledge and awareness about of suicide and appropriate help-seeking behav-
suicidal behavior, encourage troubled students iors into the regular physical education or re-
to seek help, and improve recognition of at-risk lated curricula. Such education has been re-
students by teachers, counselors, and other ported by the program developers to result in
“gatekeepers” within the school or community students’ increased knowledge about suicidal be-
settings. In the second category are screen- havior, more positive attitudes about talking to
ing programs that seek to identify and refer to friends they believe to be suicidal, and seeking
treatment youth who are at risk for suicidal be- of help from adults. In its most fully developed
havior. form, the Adolescent Suicide Awareness Program
In each category, suicide prevention efforts (ASAP) includes education for teachers, school
have been separately designed for high school staff, and parents, as well as students. Although
and college students. In the following pages, we no controlled evaluations have been reported,
summarize these universal programs, identifying the developers cited anecdotal reports of in-
for each broad type the underlying assumptions creased referrals of at-risk youth, following im-
and specific program examples, and providing a plementation of ASAP in a number of schools
summary critique of the approach. (Kalafat & Ryerson, 1999).
Another widely applied curriculum-based pre-
vention effort is the Signs of Suicide (SOS) pro-
gram, developed by Jacobs and colleagues. The
SUICIDE AWARENESS AND EDUCATION SOS program delivers the core message that sui-
PROGRAMS cidal behavior is directly related to mental ill-
ness, particularly depression, and needs to be re-
Assumptions sponded to as a mental health emergency. The
instructional component, which occurs over one
A wide range of suicide education and awareness to two class periods, may be augmented with
programs have been developed; these are sum- screening and parent-awareness activities.
marized in Table 22.1 The key assumptions un- Schools in which the program has been imple-
derlying such programs are that the conditions mented have reported substantial increases in
that contribute to suicide risk in adolescents and students’ help-seeking behavior and high satis-
young adults often go unrecognized, undiag- faction with the program among school officials
nosed, and untreated, and that educating stu- (Aseltine, Jacobs, Kopans, & Bloom, 2003). In a
dents and gatekeepers about the warning signs recent posttest-only evaluation involving five
for suicide and appropriate responses will result high schools in Columbus, Georgia, and Hart-
in better identification of at-risk youth, and an ford, Connecticut, 2,100 students were ran-
increase in help seeking and referrals for treat- domly assigned to intervention and control
ment. groups. In self-administered questionnaires 3
Table 22.1 Suicide Education Programs

Reference Intervention Study Design Program Length Sample Size Comments

Spirito et al., Samaritan-based Nonrandom pre– 8 hr Experimental: 291 high school Program-exposed group demon-
1988 program postcontrol group students strated increase in knowledge
design Control: 182 high school stu- Females increased knowledge more
dents than males
Overholser et Samaritan-based Nonrandom pre– 5 health classes Experimental: 215 ninth-grade Gender and personal experience re-
al., 1989 program with di- postcontrol group students from two schools lated to students’ knowledge and at-
dactics, handouts, design Control: 256 ninth-grade stu- titudes at baseline and after the pro-
discussion, and role- dents from one school gram
playing More positive effect of program for
53% male from suburban middle
class females and slightly negative in
some aspects for males
Students who knew suicidal peer
were more likely to increase knowl-
All students except males with per-
sonal experience with suicidal be-
havior had decreased negative atti-
No comparisons with controls pre-
Shaffer et al., Didactics and dis- Nonequivalent con- 1–3 hr, depending Initial sample: N ⫽ 1,551 ninth Majority felt others should partici-
1990 cussion led by trol group with on school graders pate in program
trained, regular ed- 2 ⫻ 2 (attempt yes/ Final sample: Changes in knowledge and attitudes
ucation classroom no ⫻ program yes/ tended to be in intended direction
teachers no) pre–post design N ⫽ 63 suicide attempters (35
program/28 control) Male attempters more likely than
N ⫽ 910 nonattempters (489 nonattempters to feel uncomfortable
program/421 Control) dealing with friends’ problems, to
know someone upset by program,
and to discourage participation
(continued )
Table 22.1 Continued

Reference Intervention Study Design Program Length Sample Size Comments

Shaffer et al., Didactic instruction Pretest–posttest de- 3 different suicide- 11 schools Reaction to program was good
1991 and discussion sign with compari- awareness programs, n ⫽ 758 from 6 program schools Females and nonwhite ethnic groups
Vieland et al., son group each lasting 3–4 hr, (2 for each program) rated programs more highly
1991 Follow-ups at 1 focusing on symp-
tom identification n ⫽ 680 from 5 control schools Base knowledge high; exposure in-
month and of a creased controversial beliefs sup-
subsample at 18 and help seeking; 9th and 10th graders
differences between 5 urban ported by the programs
programs in use of 2 suburban Programs increased knowledge about
teachers and focus 4 rural/suburban where to get help but did not im-
on help seeking, prove help-seeking behavior
problem solving, or
mobilizing networks
Kalafat & Adolescent Suicide Solomon four-group 3 health class periods 253 suburban 10th graders Increased knowledge about warning
Elias, 1994 Awareness Program design signs
(ASAP) Improved attitudes about help
Didactics and dis- seeking
cussion program More likely to talk about a friend’s
suicidal behavior and refer for help
Kalafat & ASAP Stratified random 5 health class periods 109 eighth graders (whole grade) Experimental group was more likely
Gagliano, Didactics, discus- sample White to tell an adult about suicidal peers
1996 sion, and simulated Pre–post control Less likely to report suicidal behavior
n ⫽ 52 experimental
encounters with su- group to an adult when ambiguous
icidal peers n ⫽ 57 controls

Zenere & Laz- Didactics and dis- Epidemiological One class in 5-year Reports from department of cri- Decreased rate of suicide comple-
arus, 1997 cussion comparison program sis management tions and suicide attempts
No control group No change in suicidal ideation
Aseltine et al., Signs of Suicide One group posttest 1–2 class periods 376 high schools postscreen 63% completed program and evalua-
2003 (SOS) only, 1- and 3- 233/376 schools at 1 month tion
Video, didactics, month follow-up Schools reported increased help-
64% white
discussion, school 12% African American seeking behavior of students, in-
kit with materials 10% Latino creased help-seeking on behalf of
for screening and friend, low cost
parents 27% urban
33% suburban 1% of teachers thought program
41% rural might have had adverse effect
21% school lunch eligible
177/376 schools at 3 months
Thompson, YSPP Single group(s) Ongoing program Gatekeepers, crisis teams, com- Increased awareness, knowledge, and
2003a Needs assessment qualitative design munity groups, and high school number of students advising peers to
and school-based students willing to participate get help
student-led cam- Direct involvement of students in
paign program antisuicide campaign development
National Booklets and offers Not yet evaluated Booklet Distributed to college students, Not yet evaluated
Mental of help to develop administrators, and student lead-
Health Asso- mental health pro- ers, and on Web site
ciation grams
Aseltine & SOS Posttest only 2 health or social N ⫽ 2,100 SOS vs. Comparison
DeMartine, Video and discus- Stratified random studies classes n ⫽ 1,435 3.6 vs. 5.4 suicide attempts
2004 sion guide assignment with 3 classes from Hartford, CT High SOS had higher posttest knowledge
Columbia Depres- delayed-treatment School and more positive attitudes than
sion Screen (CDS) comparison group comparison
grades 9–12, “economically dis-
advantaged” No difference in suicidal ideation or
47% male treatment seeking
59% Hispanic Combined schools without compar-
20% non-Hispanic black ing
20% in remedial English or ESL Don’t know about pretest differences
n ⫽ 665 from two Columbus,
GA high schools
ninth graders
52% male “working class”
39% white
37% African American
15% remedial English or ESL

ESL, English as a second language.

450 Part VI Youth Suicide

months after program implementation, students programs of this type, controlled evaluation
who had participated in the SOS intervention re- studies have not yet been reported. In an inter-
ported significantly lower rates of suicide at- nally published report (Eggert, Karovsky, & Pike,
tempts and greater knowledge and more adap- 1999), positive results have been reported for
tive attitudes about depression and suicide one of the most fully developed such programs,
(Aseltine & DeMartino, 2004). the Youth Suicide Prevention Program (YSPP) in
Educational efforts in the Dade County, Flor- Washington State.
ida, Public School System provide an example of Some efforts to address suicide prevention on
universal programs applied on a community- a universal level have concentrated specifically
wide level. This program, which began in 1989, on gatekeeper training. These programs are sum-
included related curricula across kindergarten marized in Table 22.2. The Suicide Options,
through 12th grade, although only 10th graders Awareness and Relief (SOAR) program, for ex-
received direct discussion of suicide and suicide ample, trains school counselors to identify stu-
prevention. In addition to the instructional com- dents at risk of suicide and increase the likeli-
ponents, it also included intervention and post- hood and effectiveness of their interventions.
vention activities by school-based crisis teams. This program has been reported to result in im-
A 5-year longitudinal study of the Dade proved knowledge and increased comfort and
County program examined rates of suicide confidence in dealing with at-risk students. More
deaths and suicide attempts by youth in the positive results were found among the most re-
county in the years during which the program cently trained counselors, suggesting the need
was operative (1989–1994), comparing them to for ongoing training (King & Smith, 2000).
comparable rates over the 8-year period preced- The broadest and most frequently applied
ing the program (Zenere & Lazarus, 1997). The gatekeeper training program, the Applied Sui-
annual suicide rate was reported to have de- cide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), has
creased from an average of 12.9 deaths per been developed by LivingWorks Education for
100,000 youth prior to the program to 4.6 per application in a wider community setting (Ram-
100,000 during the 5 years of program opera- say, Cooke, & Lang, 1990; Rothman, 1980). De-
tion. Known suicide attempts were reported to veloped over the last 20 years, ASIST is a 2-day
have dropped from 87 to 37 per 100,000 youth. workshop for teachers, counselors, youth lead-
No significant change was reported in rates of ers, and other community caregivers that seeks
suicidal ideation. to increase their awareness and understanding of
The lack of a contemporaneous local control suicide, address the associated stigma and ta-
group in this study makes it difficult to deter- boos, develop their readiness and ability to use
mine the linkage between the educational pro- “first-aid” actions to prevent suicidal behavior,
gram and the reported decline in suicide rates. and network with other gatekeepers to improve
Although this report concludes that the compre- communication and continuity of care. An esti-
hensive educational program contributed to the mated 25,000 caregivers participate in the pro-
declines, it should be noted that youth suicide gram each year, and to date more than 300,000
rates were declining nationally during the 5-year have been trained worldwide.
period of the program’s implementation, al- Pre- to postevaluations of participants suggest
though not as sharply as were reported in this increased knowledge about suicidal behavior,
particular county. In addition, the county under greater willingness to intervene, and improved
study was quite small (330,000 students), so that competence in dealing with suicidal individuals
relatively large fluctuations in suicide rates are (Eggert et al., 1999; Tierney, 1994). In one eval-
not as meaningful as they would be for the na- uation report of training programs in Australia,
tional population. more than three quarters of ASIST workshop par-
Many states are currently implementing uni- ticipants reported using their knowledge and in-
versal youth suicide prevention programs that, tervention skills directly during the 4 months
in addition to student education, frequently in- following their participation in the program
clude parent and gatekeeper training. Like other (Turley & Tanney, 1998). There is some evidence
Table 22.2 Gatekeeper Training Programs

References Intervention Study Design Program Length Sample Size Comments

Turley & Suicide Aware Program Pre–post 1–3 hr presenta- N ⫽ 3,972 participants in 89% of trainers plan to continue
Tanney, (SA) No control or com- tion (SA) SA across 3 sites (4 groups program
1998 Interventions Workshop parison group 2-day IW per site) Most trainers continue to meet
(IW) N ⫽ 2,870 participants in 3 trainings/year requirement after
IW across 4 sites, 1996– 2 years
1998 Most participants reported increased
Participants were from all comfort, competence, and confi-
areas of school, mental dence immediately after training
health and administrative and 4 months later
programs Knowledge increased
Willingness to intervene with sui-
cidal youth increased
Most attrition was from rural areas
Fendrich et Team Up to Save Lives: Posttest only CD-ROM available CD-ROM was sent by The majority of schools did not
al., 2000 what your school should No comparison or for viewing mass mailing to every know that they had received the
know about preventing control group high school, K–12 school, CD-ROM (only 20% knew about
suicide or junior high school in CD-ROM)
CD-ROM mailed to the U.S. in January 1997 Only 39% of schools contacted par-
schools with written in- n ⫽ 301 Chicago-area ticipated in review of CD-ROM
structions schools were contacted in Lack of time, computer equipment,
1998 and training were cited as factors
Public and private schools preventing review of CD-ROM
n ⫽ 202/301 responded Those who reviewed CD-ROM had
to survey positive evaluations and negative re-
n ⫽ 79/202 participated actions were rare
in the evaluation Most respondents said either they
had made use of the information
(40%) or planned to (87%)
(continued )
Table 22.2 Continued

References Intervention Study Design Program Length Sample Size Comments

King & Project SOAR: Suicide Posttest only 8-hr training All school counselors in More than half of school counselors
Smith, 2000 Opinions, Awareness and No comparison or course Independent School Dis- had adequate knowledge in most
Relief control group trict of Dallas, TX areas
Program for school coun- N ⫽ 186/247 Almost all knew risk signs for suicide
selors 60% counselors ⭐ 10 including depression, previous at-
years tempt, low self esteem, recent break-
up of relationship, child abuse
48% received SOAR train-
ing 3 years ago There were gaps in knowledge re-
lated to drug use and gun accessibil-
88% had assessed a sui- ity
cidal student
Most had good knowledge of appro-
priate interventions
Almost two-thirds thought they
could effectively offer support for
suicidal student
Turley, ASIST: Applied Suicide In- Posttest only 2-day workshop n ⫽ 91 ASIST 75% female Increased readiness to make suicide
2000 tervention Skills Training No ASIST compari- n ⫽ 40 No ASIST 63% fe- intervention
son group male Increased knowledge, especially rela-
Participants include tive to control group
school, mental health, Comparison group did not change
and medical personal in readiness to intervene
Pfaff et al., Youth suicide prevention Pre–post case reviews 1 training session N ⫽ 23 general practi- 48% increase in identifying psycho-
2001 workshop for general tioners logical distress
practitioners, focused on N ⫽ 423 patients ages 40% increase in identification of de-
recognizing and respond- 15–24 pression
ing to distress and suicidal
ideation in adolescents N ⫽ 203 cases prework- 33% increase in inquiry about sui-
shop cidal ideation
N ⫽ 220 cases post- 130% increase in recognition of sui-
workshop cidal patients
No change in patient management
Maine et al., Youth Suicide: Recogniz- Pretest–posttest 1 session with N ⫽ 112 parents with no Knowledge of suicidal signs in-
2001 ing the Signs No comparison or 1–20 people experience of suicide creased
Video for parents with control group within the family from Improved ability to choose a more
booklet South Australia appropriate response to suicidal
Parents with a child ⭓ 15 statements
years old Parents became more rejecting of su-
84% females icide
No indigent parents Parents indicated higher intention
to help
Toum- Parenting Adolescents: A Pretest–posttest 7 sessions for N ⫽ 577 eighth-grade stu- PACE schools had reduced elevation
bourou & Creative Experience Random assignment groups of 10 par- dents from 28 school of substance use but this did not
Gregg, 2002 (PACE) to program or con- ents at a time campuses in Melbourne, lead to cessation
Didactic training for par- trol group Australia Delinquent behavior decreased in
ents, focused on improv- n ⫽ 305 parents from 14 PACE schools and increased in con-
ing communication and schools in PACE trol schools
relationships with adoles- n ⫽ 272 parents from 14 Suicidal behavior and depressive
cents control schools symptoms were stable in both
Discussion, pamphlets, Private and public schools groups
booklets, and behavioral Family conflict and parental care in-
homework for reinforcing creased in PACE schools relative to
program control schools
454 Part VI Youth Suicide

of an increase in referral to treatment as a result on suicide and related mental health problems.
of gatekeeper training (Turley, 2000; Walsh & These “campus coalitions” typically work with
Perry, 2000). residence hall advisers, campus counseling cen-
A second component of LivingWorks’ efforts ters, relevant academic departments, campus
is the Training for Trainers (T4T) program. This ministries, and other student affairs personnel to
5-day course, offered worldwide, trains and cer- design trainings for students and staff, peer
tifies gatekeepers to provide the ASIST training counseling programs, and other activities to in-
in their local communities. A CD-ROM program crease knowledge and awareness of mental
has recently been developed by LivingWorks to health concerns (National Mental Health Asso-
provide posttraining retention and reinforce- ciation, 2005).
ment of intervention skills through virtual sim- Another effort that targets colleges and uni-
ulation of interactions with suicidal individuals. versities is the recently produced film developed
Less proactive training strategies for school by the American Foundation for Suicide Preven-
personnel and parents have used audiovisual tion (AFSP), “The Truth About Suicide: Real Sto-
materials to enhance suicide awareness and en- ries of Depression in College.” The film is accom-
courage early identification of youth at risk. Pre- panied by a Facilitator’s Guide that includes
liminary evaluations of two such efforts (Fen- recommendations for its use in classrooms, ori-
drich, Mackesy-Amiti, & Kruesi, 2000; Maine, entation sessions, and dorm meetings and at
Shute, & Martin, 2001) suggest that while most other student activities, as well as educational
of those who view CD-ROMs and films about sui- materials to assist faculty and other facilitators
cide prevention react positively, lack of time and in guiding student discussions and answering
inaccessibility of computer equipment may limit specific questions about suicide. Although no
the effectiveness of such efforts, particularly formal evaluation of the film’s effectiveness is
within schools. currently planned, AFSP is gathering feedback
Another approach to gatekeeper training has data from viewers and facilitators.
involved educating general practitioners to more
effectively identify suicidal patients. One such
intervention was a youth suicide prevention Critique
workshop for general practitioners in Australia,
which sought to encourage screening of young Most suicide awareness and suicide education
patients for psychological distress, depression, programs involve one or a limited number of rel-
and suicidal behavior. The workshop was re- atively brief sessions focused on suicidal behav-
ported to have resulted in increased identifica- ior, frequently as part of a larger curricular effort
tion of distressed, depressed, and suicidal ado- aimed at reducing multiple high-risk behaviors.
lescents; no changes were reported, however, in Although pre- to postevidence suggests that such
physicians’ management of such patients programs can increase students’ knowledge and
(McKelvey, Davies, Pfaff, Acres, & Edwards, 1998; awareness of suicide risk and improve their help-
McKelvey, Pfaff, & Acres, 2001). seeking behaviors, little attention has been paid
In comparison with programs addressed to to determining the scientific accuracy of pro-
high school students and the adults who have gram content. Examination of curricular mate-
frequent contact with them, suicide awareness rials used by some of these programs reveals con-
and education programs for college students are siderable variation in regard to their portrayal of
far less cohesive and identifiable (Haas, Hendin, suicide risk factors, in particular, the relationship
& Mann, 2003). One of the few programs that between suicide and mental illness, as well as sui-
involve more than a single campus is Finding cide demographics.
Hope and Help, developed by the National Men- Generalizable conclusions about the efficacy
tal Health Association in 2001. This program fa- and effectiveness of suicide education programs
cilitates partnerships between a local mental for both high school and college students are fur-
health association and a university to develop ther limited by the lack of control or comparison
and implement campus educational programs groups that would make it possible to differen-
Chapter 22 Approaches to Youth Suicide Prevention 455

tiate program impact from broader co-occurring viously made a suicide attempt were less likely
trends. In the case of the comprehensive, mul- to recommend suicide awareness programs in
tilevel educational programs, insufficient the schools, and were more likely to feel that
attention has been paid to documenting which talking about suicide in the classroom would in-
program components are responsible for the re- crease suicidal behavior among some students.
ported outcomes. While the small number of students reporting
An additional limitation of currently available past suicidal behavior limit generalization of
data on the impact of universal education pro- these findings, they point to the need for eval-
grams is their short-term focus. It is not clear if uations of school-based suicide education pro-
ongoing interventions might serve as “booster grams to include better assessment of potential
shots” to enhance and reinforce a program’s im- harmful effects and identification of adolescents
pact. In addition, follow-up evaluations of these who may be vulnerable to adverse effects. Edu-
programs have been rare, and thus little is cur- cational programs should also include a plan for
rently known about their impact on reducing clinical assessment and referral for students who
suicidal behavior among the targeted group. are identified to be at risk for suicidal behavior.
Longitudinal controlled studies that look at It is essential that school personnel be made
youth several years after participating in educa- aware of referral sources in the community and
tional programs are needed to address the ques- for the school to have in place a plan of action
tion of long-term behavioral change. This will for identified students that includes a debriefing
require addressing the fact that neither high component for peers and faculty who are in-
schools nor colleges currently have a reliable sys- volved in making referrals.
tem for reporting suicidal behaviors among stu- In the case of college-based programs, con-
dents, thus hampering collection of reliable data cerns about effects on the institution’s legal lia-
to determine an educational program’s impact. bility, reputation, and student enrollment some-
Also, students graduate and leave the school en- times encourages campus officials to avoid or
vironment, making follow-up difficult. minimize the problem of student suicide, which
Long-term controlled studies of gatekeeper appears to have limited the development of ed-
training programs are likewise needed to deter- ucational programs directed to this population.
mine the frequency or the effectiveness of par- In addition, providing suicide education to col-
ticipants’ direct interventions during the years lege students poses unique issues. In contrast to
following the training. Because little is known high school students, who follow a tightly pre-
about particular approaches that make referral scribed core curriculum that typically includes at
efforts safe and effective, further evaluation is least a minimal amount of health education, col-
needed of the impact of such programs on refer- lege students are not generally required to take
ral processes, adequate treatment, and, in turn, any courses in which education about depres-
the reduction of suicide risk factors and suicidal sion and suicide may be appropriately incorpo-
behavior among youth. rated. Other than a limited number of manda-
Some concerns have been voiced by high tory orientation sessions, few opportunities exist
school personnel and parents that overt discus- to reach large numbers of college students with
sion of suicide in the school curriculum may in- information about mental health issues and
crease suicidal thoughts and behavior, and ade- services. Involvement of parents in educational
quate attention has generally not been given by programs on such issues is also extremely limited
evaluators to documenting adverse effects. One in most college settings.
study found statistically significant increases in Finally, it should be noted that most suicide
hopelessness and maladaptive coping resources prevention programs directed to young adults
among some male students after exposure to a are designed specifically for college students,
suicide awareness curriculum (Overholser, Hem- who represent less than half of all persons aged
street, Spirito, & Vyse, 1989). Studies by Shaffer 18–24 in the United States. Although few re-
and colleagues (1990, 1991) and Vieland and col- search studies have examined suicide risk among
leagues (1991) found that students who had pre- young adults not in college, this population may
456 Part VI Youth Suicide

have particular risk factors, including more in- tification of youth with psychiatric disorders will
volvement with substance use, as well as less ac- substantially increase the number receiving
cess to mental health resources. treatment, the treatment will be sufficiently ef-
One effort that may have applicability to fective, and effective treatment will decrease sui-
youth in noncollege settings is the U.S. Air Force cides.
suicide prevention program, which has focused
on removing the stigma of seeking help for men-
tal health and psychosocial problems, enhanc- Program Examples
ing understanding of mental health, and chang-
ing policies and social norms within the service. Reynolds (1991) described one of the first high
Introduced in 1996–97, the Air Force program school–based screening programs for youth at
has been described as highly effective in reduc- risk for suicide. The program involved a two-
ing suicide and other adverse outcomes, includ- stage method, in which a general population of
ing family violence and homicide, among its five students was first screened using the Suicide Ide-
million members. A recent evaluation that com- ation Questionnaire (Reynolds, 1988). Students
pared 5-year cohorts before and after program with scores above a defined cutoff value were
implementation reported a 33% relative risk re- subsequently evaluated clinically with the Sui-
duction for suicide and reductions ranging be- cide Behavior Interview, and those identified as
tween 18% and 54% for other outcomes (Knox, being at risk were referred for treatment.
Litts, Talcott, Feig, & Caine, 2003). The impact The program devoted particular attention to
of the program on young servicemen in partic- determining an appropriate cutoff score for iden-
ular has not been reported, and thus the program tifying at-risk youth, comparing two different
is not listed as a youth suicide prevention pro- scores with regard to sensitivity (the ability to
gram in the current review. identify correctly those who have the problem,
with few false negatives) and specificity (the abil-
ity to identify correctly those who do not have
SCREENING PROGRAMS the problem, with few false positives). Reynolds
found that increasing the cutoff score led to
Assumptions missing a disproportionate number of at-risk
youth. The impact on suicidal behavior and the
Screening for depression in adults has been dem- adherence to treatment recommendations were
onstrated to increase the likelihood of depressed not reported.
adults seeking mental health treatment (Green- Perhaps the most widely used high school
field et al., 1997, 2000). Universal screening pro- screening program, the Columbia TeenScreen
grams as a youth suicide prevention strategy Program (CTSP), likewise employs a multistage
(listed in Table 22.3) are designed to identify procedure. In one variant of the CTSP, students
young people at risk for suicidal behavior and complete a brief, self-report questionnaire, i.e.,
refer them to treatment. Some programs focus the Columbia Suicide Screen. Those who screen
specifically on identifying symptoms of psycho- positive on this measure are given a computer-
pathology known to be related to adolescent and ized instrument, the Voice DISC 2.3, a version of
young adult suicidal behavior, while others as- the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children,
sess specifically for signs of suicidality. which has been found to accurately identify a
The primary assumption underlying screen- comprehensive range of psychiatric disorders in
ing programs is that because anxiety, depression, children and adolescents (Shaffer, Fisher, Lucas,
substance abuse, and suicidal preoccupation Dulcan, & Schwab-Stone, 2000; Shaffer et al.,
among youth often go unnoticed and untreated, 2004). This stage of the screen is regarded as
a systematic, universally applied effort is needed particularly important for avoiding over-
to improve identification of at-risk individuals. identification of students at risk. In the final
Although not always explicitly stated, screening stage, youth who have been identified through
programs also rest on the assumptions that iden- Voice DISC 2.3 as meeting specific diagnostic cri-
Table 22.3 Screening Programs

Reference Intervention Study Design Study Length Sample Size Comments

Reynolds 2-stage depression No comparison or Stage 1: Suicide N ⫽ 121 Used 90% as cutoff for adequate
1991 and suicide screening control group Ideation General high school sensitivity and specificity
Questionnaire Lowering cutoff improves sensi-
Stage 2: Suicide tivity but decreases specificity be-
Behavior Interview low acceptable levels
Lewinsohn Baseline assessment No comparison or Baseline comprehensive di- N ⫽ 1,709 at baseline Poor to excellent sensitivity and
et al., 1996 with 1-year follow- control group agnostic assessment with N ⫽ 1,507 at follow-up specificity
up, no intervention K-SADS repeated at 1 year 14- to 18-year-olds in com- 80% false-positive rate
Thompson Suicide Risk Screen No comparison or 1. Identify potential drop- N ⫽ 581 potential high Excellent specificity
& Eggert, (SRS) and Measure control group outs school dropouts, ages 14–20 Poor specificity
1999 for Adolescent Poten- 2. Screen with SRS 58% male No false negatives
tial for Suicide 43% minority
(MAPS) 3. Comprehensive assess- Validity supported by expected
ment with MAPS 63% did not live with both associations with measures of risk
biological parents and protective factors
4. Validity measures of de-
pression and suicide
Aseltine et Signs of Suicide (SOS) No comparison or 1 class period complete Co- N ⫽ 233 high schools Not evaluated
al., 2003 anonymous depres- control group lumbia Depression Scale 64% white
sion and suicide and item about suicide risk 12% African American
screening 10% Latino
27% urban
33% suburban
41% rural
21% eligible for free/reduced
price lunch
(Age and number screened
varies by school)
(continued )
Table 22.3 Continued

Reference Intervention Study Design Study Length Sample Size Comments

Shaffer et Columbia Suicide Group matched 5 phases with attrition at N ⫽ 1,729 high school stu- 35% scored positively on screen
al., 2004 Screen sample of youths each phase: dents from 7 metropolitan High sensitivity, specificity, and
who did not en- 1. Self-report questionnaire schools negative predictive value (.75–
dorse risk items (1 class period) 57% female .99)
2. DISC (2 hr) 56% white Low positive predictive value
3. Clinical evaluation (1 hr) 18% African American (.16)
4. Case manager 13% Hispanic
5. Treatment
Jacobs, The Comprehensive 451 colleges used in-person 35% of in-person and 65% of on-
2003 College Initiative events line screens scored positive for
215 colleges used on-line depression
screening tool 19% in-person and 25% on-line
N ⫽ 9,964 in-person screens screens scored positive for bipo-
lar disorder
N ⫽ 12,351 on-line screens
for depression 89% of those with on-line posi-
tive risk reported intent to seek
N ⫽ 3,858 on-line screens further evaluation
for bipolar disorder
Based on on-line evaluation:
Seniors and freshman had high-
est rates of suicidal ideation
(2.0% and 5.6%, respectively)
On-campus students had higher
rates of suicidal ideation than off-
campus students
Jed Founda- ULifeLine Program No comparison or Compares student screen- Anonymous No follow-up information or
tion, 2003 control groups ing questionnaire with No information available evaluation
computer-generated values
to identify students at risk
Provides recommendations
for treatment as indicated
Haas, 2003 American Founda- No comparison or 1. Anonymous on-line Sample from one college 8% of target students responded
tion for Suicide Pre- control groups questionnaire, using ID based on response to anony- 15% of identified students sought
vention College and password after mous on-line questionnaire evaluation and referral as needed
Screening Project e-mail invitation No sample information
2. Student risk determined available
3. Counselor assesses re-
sponses and provides as-
sessment and access to
treatment info via
4. Student reviews feed-
back and can access re-

DISC, Diagnostic Interview for Children; K-SADS, Kiddie Schizophrenia and Affective Disorders Schedule; SRS
460 Part VI Youth Suicide

teria for a psychiatric disorder are evaluated by a depression and 5% reported persistent suicidal
clinician, who determines whether the student ideation. Both student participants and college
needs to be referred for treatment or further eval- officials were reported to have positive reactions
uation. Ideally, the program also includes a case to the in-person and on-line program compo-
manager who contacts the parents of students nents. No data have yet been reported, however,
who are referred and establishes links with a on treatment follow-up or outcomes, or on
clinic to facilitate treatment adherence. changes in suicidal behavior on the participating
Evaluation results indicate that most of the campuses.
adolescents identified as being at high risk for Another recent program is the College Screen-
suicide through the program were not previously ing Project developed by the American Founda-
recognized as such, and very few had received tion for Suicide Prevention (Haas et al., 2003).
prior treatment. About half of the students re- This project, which is currently being pilot tested
ferred for treatment attended at least one treat- at selected colleges, uses the campus e-mail net-
ment visit, however. In addition, the program’s work to target students and encourage them to
requirements of a clinician and a case manager complete a Depression Screening Questionnaire,
may be a resource burden for many schools. which is found on a project-developed Web site.
The screening strategy developed by Thomp- This instrument is an adaptation of the Patient
son and Eggert (1999) as part of their compre- Health Questionnaire, which has been estab-
hensive Reconnecting Youth program (discussed lished to be an effective tool for identifying de-
in detail in Chapter 24) is based on a public pression among community samples (Spitzer,
health prevention model that emphasizes the Kroenke, Williams, & The Patient Health Ques-
identification of at-risk students on the basis of tionnaire Study Group, 1999; Spitzer et al.,
observable behaviors. The first level of screening 2000). In addition to depression, the screening
involves a review of high school attendance reg- questionnaire includes items dealing with cur-
isters to identify students having high absentee- rent suicidal ideation, past suicide attempts, anx-
ism. Teachers and guidance counselors are asked iety and other affects, drugs, alcohol, and eating
to recommend students they deem to be at risk. disorders. Students use a self-assigned user name
Identified youth are then assessed by means of and password to log into the Web site; the user
the Suicide Risk Screen (SRS). Those with ele- name is the sole identification on the submitted
vated risk for suicidal behaviors are given an ap- questionnaire.
propriate intervention within the school setting Assisted by a computer program, a clinically
or are referred for further evaluation and treat- trained counselor evaluates the responses and as-
ment (Thompson & Eggert, 1999). signs the student into one of three tiers on the
Recent screening initiatives for college stu- basis of their suicide risk. The counselor then
dents include the Comprehensive College Initia- writes a personalized reply that the student ac-
tive (CCI), developed by Jacobs (2003) to iden- cesses on the Web site, using their user name and
tify students at risk for depression and facilitate password. Students with significant problems as
them to get treatment. The program has been determined by a well-defined set of criteria are
offered at a large number of colleges in conjunc- urged to come in for a face-to-face evaluation.
tion with National Depression Screening Day. In The Web site also contains a “Dialogue” feature
addition to the in-person screenings offered at that allows students to communicate with the
this annual event, the program includes an on- counselor on-line to discuss concerns they may
line year-round screening component. have prior to an evaluation.
In campuses where it has been implemented, During the face-to-face meeting, treatment
the CCI has been described by its developers as options, including medication and psychother-
effective in identifying at-risk students and mo- apy, are discussed and referrals are made to ap-
tivating them to seek treatment (Jacobs, 2003). propriate services on and off campus. In an effort
Almost 20% of students taking the screening to evaluate treatment effects, the project collects
measure scored “very likely” to be suffering from data on an ongoing basis from treatment provid-
Chapter 22 Approaches to Youth Suicide Prevention 461

ers on student adherence, treatment progress, population who will go on to make suicide at-
and disposition. tempts, while identifying many more as at risk
Initial reports indicate that about 80% of the when they are not. The often transient or epi-
students who respond to the screening question- sodic nature of suicidality among young people
naire indicate some mental health problems, makes screening this population even more dif-
with almost half of all respondents falling into ficult. Given that costs are involved each time a
the highest-risk tier. Fewer than 15% of identi- segment of the target group is screened, most
fied students, however, comply with recommen- school-based screening programs assess students
dations for evaluation, which suggests that rec- only once a year, and in some cases, only once
ommendations need to be refined to make them during a several-year period. The timing of the
more acceptable, or that innovative strategies screening may increase the likelihood of identi-
need to be developed to encourage greater num- fying students in need of referral (e.g., close to
bers of at-risk students to seek help. Almost all exams, at the beginning of high school or col-
students who receive a clinical evaluation lege, or during the senior year) or at other times
through the College Screening Project are re- may reduce this likelihood.
ferred for treatment. Over 90% of students com- Both high school- and college-based screening
ing for evaluation have reported that the screen- programs report relatively low adherence with
ing questionnaire and the counselor’s responses treatment recommendations among those iden-
were critical factors in their decision to seek help tified through the screening instrument to be at
(Haas, 2003). risk. Although this is likely due to a range of
One other Web-based screening program for problems that are beyond the scope of the
college students, the ULifeLine program, has re- screening effort (e.g., lack of parental support,
cently been developed by the Jed Foundation perceived quality of available treatment, and at-
(2003). This program provides computer- titudes of treatment providers), additional strat-
generated results to students who complete the egies appear to be needed to encourage students
screening instrument. Although identified stu- at risk to access and make effective use of needed
dents are provided with recommendations re- treatment services. In this regard, better integra-
garding treatment possibilities, no follow-up is tion of suicide education, gatekeeper training
offered. It is not clear whether without a per- programs, and screening programs may be help-
sonal connection, such Web-based screenings ful.
will succeed in motivating students in need to All school-based suicide screening programs
seek treatment. need to be mindful of the availability and quality
of mental health services for students who are
identified as at risk. On college campuses, this is
Critique sometimes a formidable problem. It is estimated
that only 38% of colleges provide mental health
In their basic assumptions, screening programs services (Gallagher, 2001), and most of those
as implemented within both high school and that do limit the number of sessions or offer only
college settings closely conform to scientifically group therapy that may not be appropriate for
validated premises regarding the causes of sui- students at risk for suicide. Although many col-
cide—i.e., that suicide risk is not randomly dis- leges require students to have health insurance,
tributed, but rather is conferred by certain fac- most students (as well as most people in the gen-
tors that are both identifiable and, to a eral population) are not adequately covered for
considerable extent, alterable. At the same time, acute or long-term mental health services.
such programs face a number of challenges. Even when implemented under ideal condi-
Screening measures with acceptable test char- tions, there is no clear evidence that screening
acteristics (e.g., a sensitivity of 80% and a speci- for suicide in general populations improves rate
ficity of 70%, figures similar to screens for de- reduction outcomes. In addition, as yet, no data
pression) will necessarily miss some in the have been reported on the effectiveness of high
462 Part VI Youth Suicide

school- or college-based screening programs in students identified as in need of mental health

reducing suicide risk factors, including depres- services is difficult because of their diverse living
sion and suicidal ideation, or suicidal behavior arrangements and lack of supervision by other
at the schools where screening programs are be- adults.
ing implemented. Although Web-based programs show promise
Within high schools, there is evidence that as a tool for suicide screening with youth, one
administrators prefer suicide education and complication is the recent Health Insurance
awareness programs over screening programs Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA),
(Miller, Eckert, DuPaul, & White, 1999). Many which limits the use of electronic technology to
colleges and universities have also expressed re- transmit identifiable health information, be-
luctance about implementing depression and cause of the potential threats to patient confi-
suicide screening programs. This appears to re- dentiality. This has been interpreted as requiring
flect, in part, concerns about the liability schools that a student’s actual identity not be revealed
may assume in the event that students identified on-line, making it impossible for the counselor
as at risk for suicide do not follow through with to intervene to help a student believed to be sui-
treatment recommendations and actually en- cidal unless he or she presents in person for eval-
gage in suicidal behavior. Identification of at-risk uation.
students may also put universities into a difficult Finally, as was earlier noted in discussing sui-
legal and ethical position with respect to parents. cide prevention education, most screening pro-
Because students over the age of 18 are consid- grams directed at young adults are designed spe-
ered adults, parents of students cannot typically cifically for college students. Although screening
be contacted without written permission from programs are expensive to administer and mon-
the student. Although confidentiality can be itor, creative strategies are needed for integrating
waived in situations in which threat to life is and supporting screening into existing health-
concerned, universities are reluctant to become care settings that reach all youth.
embroiled in such matters. Further, monitoring
Targeted Youth Suicide
Prevention Programs

23c h a p t e r
464 Part VI Youth Suicide

In this chapter we review examples of selective three-times-a-week, course focused on building

suicide prevention programs that have been de- self-esteem, helping youth identify feelings
veloped for youth identified or presumed to be and stresses, improving communication and
at increased risk for suicidal behavior. Although problem-solving skills, decreasing self-destruc-
the youth targeted by such programs are consid- tive behavior, and setting goals. The curriculum
ered to be particularly vulnerable to suicide, in also provided information about suicide and
most cases they have not yet exhibited specific training for intervening with suicidal peers. Re-
signs of suicidality. sults of the program were mixed, with students
Discussed here are programs for three specific showing a decrease in hopelessness but not de-
groups, each of which has shown elevated rates pression after the intervention. Although the
of suicidal behavior: Native American youth, program was not specifically addressed to sui-
youth with recent exposure to a suicide in the cidal youth, some of those who participated re-
school or community, and youth who have ac- ported decreased suicidal behaviors. Adult
cess to firearms in the home. While there has judges rated the impact of the skills training pro-
been considerable research suggesting that ado- gram as positive, but youth overall reported few
lescents and young adults in these groups are at effects on social functioning.
greater risk for suicide, relatively few interven-
tion programs for these populations have been
developed to date.

Although the Zuni curriculum demonstrated

some success, more specific evaluation of pro-
gram efficacy is needed that incorporates a
control-group design and links outcomes to spe-
cific program components. In particular, studies
that suggest differential acculturation to be piv-
Based on research indicating markedly different
otal in explaining suicide rates among Native
rates of suicide among different Native Ameri-
American youth have not controlled for other
can tribes, May and Van Winkle (1994) sug-
variables such as psychopathology or family in-
gested that high suicide rates among certain
fluences. It should also be emphasized that no
tribes were linked to a loosening of social in-
empirical evidence has been put forth that sup-
tegration within the tribe as members become
ports a link between high suicide rates among
increasingly acculturated into the broader so-
Native American youth and deficits in personal
ciety. The underlying assumption for a small
or social skills.
number of programs is that instilling certain
The program has not been replicated in
personal traits and social skills in Native Amer-
other at-risk tribes. Resources available for the
ican youth will counter the negative effects of
development, implementation, and evaluation
the acculturation process and protect these
of suicide prevention programs for Native
youth against suicidality.
American youth appear to be limited (Middle-
brook, LeMaster, Beals, Novins, & Manson,
2001). An additional observation is that al-
Program Examples though programs targeting Native American
youth are based in part on the premise that ex-
The Zuni Life Skills Curriculum for preventing ternal forces in the social and cultural environ-
suicidal behavior (LaFramboise & Howard- ment contribute to the difficulties these young
Pitney, 1995) is illustrative of programmatic ef- people face, the strategies focus on changing
forts in this category. This program, developed individuals rather than the external influences
specifically for Zuni youth, featured a 30-week, themselves.
Chapter 23 Targeted Youth Suicide Prevention Programs 465

PROGRAMS FOR YOUTH dents and parents in the event of a suicide.

EXPOSED TO SUICIDE Central to the protocol is the development of a
school-based crisis team to coordinate postven-
Assumptions tion activities. The STAR-Center Outreach pro-
gram provides free training to crisis teams, upon
Studies show that adolescents’ exposure to the request by school districts throughout the state.
suicide of a family member or peer can trigger Such training consists of an initial 6–12 hr that
new-onset or recurrent major depressive disor- includes designation of a postvention coordina-
der, posttraumatic stress disorder, and suicidal tor, assignment of tasks to team members, sim-
ideation, especially within the month following ulations and problem-based learning activities,
the suicide (Brent et al., 1993c). Youth who were team-building exercises, preparation of Crisis
already at risk for depression because of family Team Members Kits that include needed docu-
history, a prior episode of depression, or recent ments and supplies, and “dry runs” to test the
interpersonal conflict were found to be at in- postvention response. The crisis team then
creased risk for suicidal ideation following a su- meets for a monthly refresher at the school. This
icide, as were those who knew about the victim’s postvention effort emphasizes the importance of
plan, felt responsible for the death, or had a con- including information about warning signs for
versation with the victim within 24 hours of the suicidal behavior with students and staff and the
suicide. Although the study by Brent and col- need for ongoing monitoring of at-risk students
leagues cited above did not find evidence of in- and staff following implementation. The pro-
creased risk for suicide attempts among such gram specifically discourages school and local of-
youth, studies of the contagion effect of suicide ficials, family members, and friends from having
(Gould et al., 1994; Gould, Wallenstein, & Klein- direct contacts with media in the aftermath of a
man, 1990) also report increased suicidal idea- suicide.
tion among exposed youth, as was discussed in Many other less comprehensive postvention
Chapter 21. It may be that contagion effects are efforts have been implemented in schools across
most pronounced in adolescents who are not the country (Hazell & Lewin, 1993), as well as
closely linked with the suicide victim. abroad (Poijula, Wahlberg, & Dyregrov, 2001).
The assumption of programs targeting youth The limited nature of the interventions that were
exposed to suicide, referred to as “postvention,” implemented, limited articulation of the inter-
is that suicide exposure carries increased risk for vention models, and the small samples that were
suicidal ideation, and possibly suicidal behavior, studied preclude meaningful conclusions about
in a school or community where a recent suicide their impact.
has occurred. Postvention within schools gen-
erally seeks to support those grieving the loss, to
identify and assist those at risk for developing Critique
depression or posttraumatic stress disorder in re-
sponse to the suicide, and to return the com- Although there has been a proliferation of post-
munity or school to its normal routines. vention programs in recent years, there are no
published studies that systematically assess the
impact of these programs or identify specific
Program Examples components that are particularly helpful or po-
tentially harmful. Guidelines for postvention re-
One well-described postvention program is the sponses by schools have been in existence for
Services for Teens at Risk (STAR) Center Outreach some time (CDC, 1988), but the interventions
program implemented in Pennsylvania (Kerr, implemented by individual school districts and
Brent, & McKain, 1997). This program provides communities are varied. The Substance Abuse
a protocol that identifies specific steps to be and Mental Health Services Administration
taken by school staff, community officials, stu- (SAMHSA) is currently funding a project to de-
466 Part VI Youth Suicide

velop research-based guidelines for schools to The intervention aimed essentially to reach
help them to implement timely and effective male gun owners who lived with children, and
postvention programs (Gould, 2000). thus was implemented in an outdoor commu-
Staffing for postvention programs and follow- nity setting. Program developers provided fire-
up can be costly for schools both financially and arm safety counseling, distributed free gunlocks,
emotionally, and this may be a significant im- and demonstrated their use on a community-
pediment to their implementation. Conducting wide basis. Politicians, law enforcement person-
formal evaluations of the impact of such pro- nel, and the media participated in the program
grams within schools is fraught with difficult along with youth and their parents; T-shirts and
ethical issues such as parental consent and con- certificates were presented to participants. A 6-
fidentiality of data regarding students’ emo- month follow-up evaluation found improved
tional and behavioral responses to suicide. safe storage habits among gun owners who had
participated in the program. Participants with
children, who overall were more likely than
other gun owners to store weapons unlocked
and loaded at baseline, were found in the post-
test to be more likely to have removed guns from
the home and to lock the guns that remained.
Those who had participated in the counseling
As summarized in Table 23.1, several different
were also more likely to report talking with
programs have been developed to encourage re-
friends about safe storage practices.
striction of access to firearms by children and ad-
A few attempts have been made to deliver fire-
olescents. The key assumption underlying such
arms and other means restriction education in
programs is that accessibility is a primary risk
mental health settings. One such effort involved
factor for suicide. Programs of this type have
education for parents of children who made a
been directed primarily at parents.
visit to an emergency room mental health de-
partment of a rural, Midwestern hospital (Kruesi
et al., 1999). At 6-month follow-up, these inves-
Program Examples tigators found that the education led to de-
creased youth access to guns, prescription med-
A core strategy of firearms restriction programs ications, and over-the-counter medication but
has involved firearm safety counseling to parents not alcohol. Firm conclusions were limited,
that encourages removal or safe storage of fire- however, by the high attrition rate at follow-up.
arms from homes where children reside. One A similar effort was made with parents of de-
such effort, entitled Love our Kids: Lock your pressed adolescents who participated in a ran-
Guns, was developed by Coyne-Beasley, Schoen- domized clinical trial of psychotherapy (Brent,
bach, and Johnson (2001), following research Baugher, Birmaher, Kolko, & Bridge, 2000). Par-
that documented the presence of unlocked and ents who reported the presence of firearms in the
loaded weapons within many households in homes of these adolescents received an interven-
which children and adolescents live (Azrael, Mil- tion designed to encourage gun removal. Al-
ler, & Hemenway, 2000; Coyne-Beasley et al., though compliance with recommendations was
2002; Schuster, Franke, Bastian, Sor, & Halfon, more likely in the homes of adolescents with ac-
2000; Senturia, Christoffel, & Donovan, 1994, tive suicidality and in single-parent homes, over-
1996; Stennies, Ikeda, Leadbetter, Houston, & all, less than one third of the targeted parents
Sacks, 1999). Prior research by Coyne-Beasley removed their guns from the home. Urban fam-
and colleagues (2002) established that firearm ilies and families in which there was marital dis-
storage practices were frequently lax even cord or a father with a drinking problem were
among parents who demonstrated high safety less likely to remove guns. The investigators em-
consciousness of other potential hazards in the phasized the need to talk directly with the parent
home. who owned the gun. In addition, 17% of parents
Table 23.1 Firearms Restriction Programs

Reference Intervention Study Design Program Length Sample Size Comments

Kruesi et Injury prevention program Prospective 1 session of edu- Baseline 30% lost to follow-up
al., 1999 provided by staff: follow-up design cation in emer- Most locked up lethal means rather
gency depart- N ⫽ 103 parents whose chil-
1. Inform parents that No exposure to dren (ages 6–19) made a visit than disposing of them
child was at risk for sui- training compari- ment
to ED in a Midwest rural hos- No guns were disposed of
cide son group Follow-up phone pital for mental health
interview (mean Training group was more likely to take
2. Tell parents they can N ⫽ 62 trained action limiting firearms and prescrip-
decrease risk by limit- 2 months after
training (range N ⫽ 42 untrained tion and over-the-counter medica-
ing access to lethal tions, but not alcohol
means .03–5.6 months) Parent and child were En-
3. Educate parents and glish speaking, lived together,
teach problem solving accessible for telephone
about limiting access follow-up
75% white, ⫹50% female
Child was assessed as being at
high risk for “high-risk” be-
N ⫽ 27 trained
N ⫽ 36 untrained
Brent et al., Treating clinician pre- Prospective Brief review by N ⫽ 106 26% of those with firearms at baseline
2000 sented suicide risk associ- follow-up design clinician of dan- Ages 13–18 years with DSM- removed them from home by the end
ated with firearms in the No comparison or ger of firearms in III-R major depressive disor- of treatment
home and the importance control group the home at der who agreed to enter a 36% of those with firearms assessed at
of removal or storage else- treatment intake randomized clinical trial us- 2-year follow-up continued to keep
where and at follow-up ing psychotherapy to treat guns from the home
assessments major depression 5.5% of those without firearms at in-
Only for those 76% female take acquired guns by the end of
reporting fire- treatment
arms in the 83% white
home 43% lived with both biologi- 17% of those without firearms at in-
cal parents take acquired guns by the 2-year
Need to train all families
(continued )
Table 23.1 Continued

Reference Intervention Study Design Program Length Sample Size Comments

Coyne- Love our Kids, Lock your Pre- to postinter- One brief base- N ⫽ 112 adult gun owners re- Increased number of participants who
Beasley et Guns community inter- vention assess- line assessment cruited through media adver- stored their guns in locked compart-
al., 2001 vention program ment and intervention tising campaign ment (up 29%)
1. Gun safety information No comparison session 62% white 72% started using gun locks
2. Provided with gun group 6-month follow- 63% male 9% reduction in number of people
locks and instruction up telephone in- 58% had children leaving guns loaded and unlocked
for use terview 74% owned gun for protec-
tion Intervention was most effective for
people with children
No assessment of suicidal be-

ED, emergency department.

Chapter 23 Targeted Youth Suicide Prevention Programs 469

who reported no gun in the home at intake and homes, notable since 1980. Thus, care must be
therefore were not targeted by the intervention exercised in drawing conclusions about the role
purchased a gun during the study. This points to of specific interventions in removing guns from
the advisability of weapons restriction interven- American households.
tions for all parents and not just those who own Assessment of the impact of firearms removal
a gun at the outset of the intervention. and firearms safety on youth suicidal behavior is
The policy statement on firearm safety of the likewise a difficult task. It is not surprising that
American Academy of Pediatrics (2000) has young people who use guns for self-injury live in
urged parents to remove guns from the environ- a house where there are firearms, and where the
ment where children live and visit, and if guns firearms are accessible. This does not mean, how-
remain in the home, to store them unloaded and ever, that the presence of firearms has set in mo-
locked, with ammunition stored separately. One tion the lengthy and complex process that leads
attempt to apply this policy in an intervention to suicide. The methodological challenge ulti-
program (although not specifically a suicide pre- mately facing firearms restriction programs is to
vention program) is the Steps to Prevent Fire- demonstrate that suicide-prone youth survive in
arms Injury Program (STOP) of the American firearms-free homes, but not in homes where
Academy of Pediatrics and the Center to Prevent firearms are accessible. As was noted in Chapter
Handgun Violence. This intervention provides 21, it is not clear the extent to which a decrease
counseling to parents in primary care clinics. in youth suicide deaths from firearms may be off-
Evaluations have not found the program to be set by increases in the use of other lethal meth-
effective in reducing firearm safety and removal ods (Beautrais, 2001; De Leo et al., 2003), and
(Grossman et al., 2000; Oatis, Fenn Buderer, this possibility needs to be considered in evalu-
Cummings, & Fleitz, 1999), possibly because it ating the impact of firearms restriction pro-
has reached primarily mothers, whereas fathers grams.
and other males in the household are more often Although comprehensive evaluations of this
responsible for the presence and storage prac- sort have not yet been undertaken, existing pro-
tices of the guns in the home. grams suggest the potential of community-based
programs that provide firearms restriction edu-
cation to males within households in which
Critique children and youth live. It should be noted that
means restriction programs have not received
In assessing the effectiveness of firearms restric- widespread funding, in part because of political
tion programs on reducing youth suicide, it is pressures and in part because they address a
important to note that the activities described more limited audience than universal interven-
here have been implemented during a period of tions that can be easily incorporated into public
declining use and ownership of firearms in U.S. school systems.
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Preventive Interventions and
Treatments for Suicidal Youth

24 c h a p t e r
472 Part VI Youth Suicide

The third and last category of youth suicide pre- hanced sense of personal control and self-
vention efforts includes indicated interventions esteem, improved decision making, increased
and treatments that target those who have al- use of social support resources, and reduced sui-
ready shown signs of suicidality. Such efforts cidal behavior. The early research involved sys-
seek essentially to reduce and prevent subse- tematic evaluation of a semester-long, school-
quent suicidal ideation and suicide attempts and based, small-group intervention called the
prevent suicide completion. The interventions Personal Growth Class (PGC). The intervention
and treatments described in this chapter differ included life skills training using strategies of
widely in the groups they target, the methods group process, teacher and peer support, goal
they use, and the settings in which they have setting, and weekly monitoring of mood man-
been implemented. agement, school performance, and drug involve-
Evaluation studies by Thompson, Eggert, and
SCHOOL-BASED PROGRAMS colleagues (Eggert et al., 1994, 1995; Thompson
FOR SUICIDAL STUDENTS et al., 2000) involved approximately 100 high
school students at risk for dropping out of high
Assumptions school, as determined by a set of defined criteria,
who screened positive for suicidal behavior (as
The central underlying assumption of school- discussed in Chapter 22). The students were ran-
based programs for suicidal students is that sub- domly assigned to one of three conditions: as-
sequent suicidal thoughts and behavior can be sessment protocol plus one semester of PGC, as-
reduced by enhancing protective factors, in par- sessment protocol plus two semesters of PGC,
ticular, students’ personal and social support re- and assessment protocol only. Participants were
sources. assessed at baseline and at 5 and 10 months post-
intervention. Participants in all three groups
showed significant declines in suicidal behavior.
Program Examples Unlike the students who received the assessment
protocol only, PGC participants showed signifi-
The most comprehensive school-based programs cant improvement in self-perceived ability to
are those developed and tested by Eggert, manage problem circumstances. Also reported
Thompson, and their colleagues (Eggert, Karov- was a significant positive impact of both teacher
sky, & Pike, 1999; Eggert, Thompson, Herting, & and peer support in decreasing suicide risk be-
Nichols, 1994, 1995; Thompson, Eggert, & Her- haviors and depression.
ting, 2000; Thompson, Eggert, Randell, & Pike, Thompson, Eggert, and colleagues (2001) sub-
2001), as part of the Reconnecting Youth (RY) sequently tested two additional school-based
Prevention Research Program. The interventions prevention programs based on the PGC: a brief
are directed at students who are deemed to be at one-on-one intervention known as Counselors
risk of dropping out of high school, based pri- Care (C-CARE), and a small-group skills-building
marily on school attendance data and observa- intervention program, Coping and Support
tions of teachers, counselors, and other gate- Training (CAST), derived directly from the PGC
keepers. Such students have been reported to program. Both interventions, compared to a
have multiple co-occurring problems that, in ad- usual care control group, were found to reduce
dition to school performance difficulties, include suicide risk behaviors and depression, even at
depression, suicidality, drug involvement, and the 9-month follow-up assessment; CAST was
tendencies toward aggressive and violent behav- most effective in enhancing and sustaining pro-
iors (Eggert et al., 1994; Lewinsohn, Rohde, & tective factors such as problem-solving coping.
Seeley, 1993). Currently, the CARE intervention, expanded
The interventions are based on a theoretical to include a parent intervention component, P-
model that rests essentially on improving stu- CARE (Randell, 1999), is being studied to deter-
dents’ personal resources, leading to an en- mine the added benefit of this component to fur-
Chapter 24 Preventive Interventions and Treatments 473

ther reduce depression, anger, and suicide risk community-based dissemination of the CAST in-
behaviors. Preliminary results suggest that C- tervention is currently being implemented and
CARE, coupled with the parent intervention, is evaluated in three sites (Randell, 2003), which
associated with more rapid rates of decline in sui- will begin to address this concern.
cidal ideation, direct suicide threats, depression,
hopelessness, and anxiety when compared to
usual care (Thompson, 2003b). EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT
These programs for suicidal students at risk of
dropping out of high school have demonstrated A considerable number of youth who make sui-
efficacy in reducing suicidal behavior and de- cide attempts obtain some form of medical in-
pression. There is some indication that pro- tervention (Grunbaum et al., 2002), typically be-
longed intervention results in the most positive ginning in a hospital emergency department
outcomes related to suicide, although it is not (ED). This suggests that the ED may be a prime
clear whether these effects are due to repeated location for initiating treatment programs aimed
contact with the treatment or to the nature of at suicidal youth.
the treatment itself. As is often the case with pro- Numerous studies have documented, how-
grams involving multiple components, identi- ever, that young suicide attempters’ adherence
fying which component is most responsible for to outpatient treatment recommendations made
the outcomes reported by these programs is dif- in the ED is poor, with over 15% never attending
ficult. Preliminary reports suggest that the inclu- any recommended outpatient sessions, and
sion of parents in the intervention is particularly fewer than half attending more than a few ses-
effective. sions (Spirito et al., 1992; Stewart, Manion, Da-
The target groups addressed by the studies of vidson, & Cloutier, 2001; Trautman, Stewart, &
Eggert and Thompson may limit the generaliza- Morishima, 1993). Poor adherence has been at-
bility of the findings to other populations of sui- tributed to ED factors, such as long waits, repet-
cidal youth. From the outset, the focus of these itive evaluations, and poor communication by
programs has been on students at risk of drop- ED staff, and also to cultural factors including
ping out of high school as principally defined the perception that mental health treatment is
through attendance records. There is some evi- shameful (Spirito, 2003).
dence that high school dropouts may come from Table 24.1 lists the key ED interventions that
more deviant and neglecting families and thus have been developed to date for young suicide
may not be representative of suicidal adolescents attempters. The primary assumption underlying
overall. In addition, the inclusion criteria for these interventions is that improved treatment
these programs are somewhat idiosyncratic in adherence will result in decreased suicidal be-
their use of gatekeeper identification of problem- havior. Thus, their goal is to develop mecha-
atic students, which may limit the exportability nisms for engaging suicide attempters in the
and testing of the model. treatment process.
In addition, it should be noted that these in-
terventions were designed and implemented by
highly skilled, university-based professionals, Program Examples
who devoted considerable attention to ensur-
ing program fidelity, evaluating program results, Rotheram-Borus and colleagues (1996, 2000) de-
and making improvements based on empirical signed an intervention that targeted both the ED
findings. Although results appear promising, staff and families of Latino adolescent females
replication of the program in schools that do who attempted suicide and followed participants
not have such resources may be difficult. A over 18 months. Using videotapes and thera-
Table 24.1 Emergency Department Programs

Reference Intervention Study Design Study Length Sample Size Comments

Rotheram- Specialized emer- Quasi-experimental Presentation during N ⫽ 140 Latina adoles- Specialized care group reported less
Borus et al., gency room program design with nonran- ED visit and referral cent suicide attempters depression and mothers reported
1996 including: dom assignment and to 6-month therapy and their mothers more positive attitudes towards treat-
1. Staff training treatment-as-usual program Ages 12–18 years ment than those with no specialized
comparison group care after intervention
2. Videotape for ado- N ⫽ 65 specialized care
lescent and parent Specialized care group more likely to
N ⫽ 75 no specialized attend at least one follow-up treat-
addressing treat- care
ment expectations ment session (95.4% vs. 82.7%)
3. On-call family Trend toward those in specialized
therapist care attending more treatment than
those without specialized care (5.7 vs.
4.7 sessions)
Mothers of adolescent attempters in
specialized care were less likely to
complete treatment
Rotheram- See above See above See above See above Rates of suicide re-attempts and re-
Borus et al., 18-month follow-up ideation attempts were lower than
2000 (92% participation expected and not different between
follow-up rate) groups
Impact of specialized care was
greatest for most symptomatic sui-
cide attempters when maternal dis-
tress and family cohesion were im-
Spirito et al., Compliance- Random assignment 1-hr ED interven- N ⫽ 63 suicide attempters Adherence to treatment was not dif-
2002 enhancement, to enhanced or stan- tion with 3-month receiving medical care in ferent between groups unless con-
problem-solving in- dard disposition follow-up ED trolled for barriers to treatment
tervention in ED planning in ED Ages 12–18 years (mean
1. Review treatment 15 years)
expectations N ⫽ 29 in enhanced care
2. Address treatment (25 female)
misconceptions N ⫽ 34 in standard care
3. Review factors that (32 female)
impede treatment 73% white
4. Verbal contract to SES: 47% middle class
attend at least 4 49% below middle class
outpatient sessions Over 50% were hospital-
ized after ED visit as part
of disposition
Greenfield et Rapid-response (RR) Nonrandom assign- N ⫽ 286 adolescents with RR group was less likely to be hospi-
al., 2002 outpatient model: ment to RR or con- “suicidal risk” seen in 2 talized (11% vs. 41%)
Psychiatrist and psy- trol group pediatric EDs and assessed RR group had first outpatient contact
chiatric nurse were Assignment yoked to to not need medical hos- and first outpatient appointment
available to assist in ED psychiatrist’s pitalization sooner
making outpatient access to RR team Ages 12–17 (mean 14 At 6-month follow-up:
appointment, pre- years) RR had 59% fewer hospitalizations
scribe medication, 70% female
and discuss miscon- No difference between RR and con-
ceptions, maladaptive ⫹70% white trol for number of ED visits or subse-
behaviors, and com- N ⫽ 158 RR quent suicide attempts
munications contrib- N ⫽ 128 control
uting to stress

ED, emergency department; SES, Socioeconomic status.

476 Part VI Youth Suicide

pists, this program involved ED staff and families was initiated more rapidly as a result of the RR
with a focus on encouraging participation in intervention when compared with standard
outpatient treatment. In comparison with pa- care. In addition, adolescents receiving the in-
tients who received family therapy alone, partic- tervention were less likely to be rehospitalized
ipants who received both family therapy and the during the 6 months after their visit to the ED.
emergency room intervention were found to ad- Neither hospitalization nor RR was found to pre-
here more frequently to the recommendation to vent subsequent suicidal behavior or ED visits.
attend a first treatment session. Families receiv-
ing the combined intervention also had more fa-
vorable outcomes in terms of maternal depres-
sion and general psychopathology, patient
ideation, and parent-reported family interac-
The results of programs implemented to date
suggest that some improvement in outpatient
Spirito, Boergers, Donaldson, Bishop, and
treatment adherence by young suicide attempt-
Lewander (2002) also developed an adherence
ers, as well as reduced hospitalizations, can be
enhancement intervention to improve engage-
achieved by concerted efforts in the ED. Such ef-
ment in therapy. Treatment expectations, mis-
forts, however, require education of ED staff on
perceptions, and reasons for treatment dropout
suicide risks and treatment needs of young sui-
were separately presented to adolescents and
cide attempters. Barriers to outpatient treatment
parents, along with a brief intervention to facil-
appear to remain significant and difficult to sur-
itate problem solving around factors that might
mount, even for the most cohesive and well-
impede treatment attendance. After this ED in-
functioning families. It seems essential that ED
tervention, telephone contacts were made at 1,
interventions provide some continuity of con-
2, and 6 weeks with adolescents and parents.
tact with the youth beyond the initial ED visit,
Many service barriers were reported such as de-
which will require additional staffing. While this
lays in getting an appointment, being placed on
may seem costly, the cost reductions associated
a waiting list, and insurance and out-of-pocket
with decreasing immediate and future hospital-
expenses. Family barriers to treatment included
ization are significant.
parental emotional problems, transportation dif-
ficulties, language difficulties, and scheduling
problems. The adherence enhancement program
increased the number of sessions attended, al- PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC TREATMENTS
though premature termination of treatment FOR SUICIDAL YOUTH
continued to be a problem. The program devel-
opers emphasized the importance of reducing Effectiveness of Psychotherapeutic and
service barriers for adolescents who have at- Psychosocial Treatments for Adults
tempted suicide.
Hospitalization for suicidal behavior, though As noted in Chapter 21, previous suicidal behav-
often securing the safety of the suicidal individ- ior is the most important factor associated with
ual, is quite costly and not always beneficial. In suicide risk among both adults and youth. Rec-
an effort to decrease hospitalization rates and ognizing that repetition of a suicide attempt
suicidality and improve functioning, Greenfield, vastly increases the risk of a fatal outcome (Sak-
Larson, Hechtman, Rousseau, and Platt (2002) inofsky, 2000), considerable effort has been di-
implemented the Rapid Response (RR) ED inter- rected towards developing psychotherapeutic
vention for suicidal adolescents who were not and other psychosocial treatment modalities to
considered to require immediate medical or prevent subsequent suicidal behavior among
psychiatric hospitalization. The intervention identified individuals. Although suicide at-
included family therapy, medication, and com- tempts and other forms of deliberate self-harm
munity intervention, as indicated. Hospitaliza- occur with greater frequency among young peo-
tion rates were decreased and outpatient therapy ple than among adults, virtually all such treat-
Chapter 24 Preventive Interventions and Treatments 477

ments have been systematically studied only this population. Because individuals with bor-
among adults, primarily because of restrictions derline personality disorder (BPD) are particu-
against including suicidal youth in randomized larly prone to affective dysregulation and mal-
trials and other research. adaptive problem-solving behaviors including
In a comprehensive review of psychological self-harm, DBT has been described as especially
and pharmacological treatments for preventing effective for this subgroup of suicide attempters
repetition of suicide attempts (primarily among (Linehan 1993a, 1993b).
adults), undertaken in conjunction with the Dialectical behavior therapy is designed to be
Cochrane Collaboration’s Database of System- given in several sessions a week for approxi-
atic Reviews, Hawton and colleagues synthesized mately a year. Its components include (1) train-
findings from 20 randomized controlled trials ing the patient in self-acceptance through the
(RCTs), involving 2,641 patients in which repe- technique of mindfulness; (2) increasing asser-
tition of deliberate self-harm was reported as an tiveness to reduce interpersonal conflicts; (3)
outcome variable (Hawton et al., 1998, 2000; training the patient to avoid situations that trig-
Townsend et al., 2001). Most of these trials stud- ger negative moods; and (4) increasing tolerance
ied psychotherapeutic or other psychosocial of distress. In DBT, the suicidal behavior itself is
treatments. regarded as the primary focal point of treatment;
Reports on these RCTs were independently although efficacious treatment for underlying
rated by two reviewers, blind to authorship, us- problems such as depression is important, it does
ing the recommended Cochrane criteria for not necessarily reduce suicidality (Linehan,
quality assessment. These include determination Armstrong, Suarez, Allmon, & Heard, 1991). An
of the study’s overall validity, the quality of the adaptation of DBT (DBT-A) has been developed
randomization procedures used to assign sub- for adolescents (Miller, Rathus, Linehan, Wetzler,
jects into groups, the potential biases regarding & Leigh, 1997). Given for 6 months rather than
sample selection and attrition, and intervention for a year, DBT-A has not yet been tested in a
delivery (Alderson, Green, & Higgins, 2003). controlled study.
Overall, Hawton and colleagues concluded that During a 1-year course of treatment with DBT,
there is currently insufficient evidence on which Linehan and colleagues (1991) found that a sam-
to make firm recommendations about the most ple of adult female patients with BPD had sig-
effective forms of treatment for patients who nificantly fewer suicide attempts, less medically
have engaged in suicidal behavior, primarily be- significant attempts, and fewer inpatient psychi-
cause most treatment studies to date involving atric days. They were also more likely to stay in
identified suicide attempters have included far individual therapy than were comparable pa-
too few subjects to have the statistical power to tients who received treatment as usual. Between-
detect meaningful differences in rates of repeti- group differences in depression, hopelessness,
tion of suicide attempts between experimental suicidal ideation, and reasons for living were not
and control treatments, if such differences ex- significant, although the DBT group showed de-
isted (Hawton et al., 1998). Nevertheless, prom- creases in all four measures throughout the treat-
ising results were found for several psychother- ment year. In a 1-year posttreatment follow-up,
apeutic modalities. the DBT patients were found to have signifi-
In one promising approach, dialectical behav- cantly higher global functioning, better social
ior therapy (DBT), a number of cognitive and be- adjustment, less anger, less suicidal behavior,
havioral strategies are used to target suicidal and and fewer psychiatric inpatient days compared
other dysfunctional behaviors. In DBT relatively to control patients (Linehan, Heard, & Arm-
long-term individual treatment is combined strong, 1993).
with group behavioral skills training. This ther- Although the efficacy of DBT was strongly
apeutic technique was developed by Linehan supported in studies of female suicide attempters
(1993a, 1993b) for adult suicide attempters, spe- with BPD, Hawton and colleagues (1998) noted
cifically to address the problems of poor emo- that the intensive nature of the treatment could
tional regulation that are commonly found in limit its application within general psychiatric
478 Part VI Youth Suicide

services, and that its efficacy among male pa- mission following a suicide attempt vs. outpa-
tients had not been determined. tient treatment, or about the relative impact of
Short-term problem-solving therapy based on inpatient behavior therapy compared to inpa-
a cognitive behavioral model (Gibbons, Butler, tient insight-oriented therapy.
Irwin, & Gibbons, 1978; McLeavey, Daly, Lud- Psychotherapeutic interventions that encour-
gate, & Murray, 1994) was also found in Haw- age compliance with treatment and attempt to
ton’s review to result in reductions in subsequent decrease depression and other negative affects in
suicidal behaviors by adult patients who had en- the context of a supportive interpersonal rela-
gaged in self-poisoning, although comparisons tionship should theoretically reduce suicide risk.
with patients who received treatment as usual There is some evidence, however, that reexami-
were not statistically significant, likely because nation of painful problems may have adverse ef-
of the small numbers of patients studied in these fects on some vulnerable individuals (Nemeroff,
trials. A subsequent meta-analysis of data re- Compton, & Berger, 2001). Although no system-
ported by six trials in which brief problem- atic attention has been given to documenting
solving therapy was compared with control adverse outcomes of psychotherapy for suicidal
treatment showed that patients who were of- individuals, one study has reported negative out-
fered problem-solving therapy had significantly comes of “life history” interviews with elderly
greater improvement in depression as hopeless- suicidal women who had abusive histories
ness, as well as perceived improvement in the (Haight & Hendrix, 1998).
problems these patients faced (Townsend et al.,
2001). These findings suggest that short-term
therapy might be as efficacious as long-term Assumptions Underlying Psychotherapeutic
treatment in preventing repetition of suicidal be- Treatments for Suicidal Youth
havior, although Hawton and colleagues noted
the need for confirmation of these findings in a Psychotherapeutic approaches for treating sui-
large trial. cidal youth are summarized in Table 24.2. Most
Also noted as promising in this review were such interventions have employed variations of
studies in which experimental group patients cognitive behavioral therapy. The underlying as-
were given, in addition to standard aftercare, 24- sumption is that the primary focus of treatment
hour emergency access to a psychiatrist or hos- should be the suicidal behavior itself, rather than
pital. Two such studies (Cotgrove, Zirinski, the underlying psychopathology (Brent et al.,
Black, & Weston, 1995; Morgan, Jones, & Owen, 1997; Harrington et al., 1998). As was earlier
1993) reported a tendency towards less repeti- noted, restrictions regarding the inclusion of sui-
tion of self-harm among patients who were en- cidal youth in RCTs have limited systematic
couraged to make emergency contact with serv- evaluation of some of these approaches.
ices if needed. In the only RCT reviewed by
Hawton that involved adolescent patients, Cot-
grove and colleagues (1995) gave tokens allow- Program Examples
ing readmission upon demand to a random sam-
ple of adolescents who had been hospitalized Rudd and colleagues provided the first descrip-
following a suicide attempt, in addition to stan- tion of a cognitive behavioral skills group inter-
dard management. Although only 11% of the vention designed to treat young adults with sui-
sample used the tokens, the group overall cidal ideation or suicidal behavior (Rudd et al.,
showed a somewhat (but not significantly) lower 1996). The intervention, an intensive 2-week
rate of repeat attempts, compared to comparable program that participants attended for 9 hr/day,
adolescents who were given standard manage- included an experiential affective group, psy-
ment but no tokens. choeducational classes with homework, and a
Because of small sample sizes, Hawton’s re- problem-solving and social competence group. A
view noted that meaningful conclusions could variety of strategies such as behavioral rehearsal,
not be reached about the efficacy of hospital ad- role-playing, and modeling were used to im-
Table 24.2 Psychotherapeutic Interventions

Reference Intervention Study Design Program Length Sample Size Comments

Rudd et al., Outpatient, intensive, Pretest to posttest 9 hr/day for N ⫽ 264 members of military med- Both groups improved and there
1996 structured, time-limited Follow-up (24 months) 2-week period ical center in southwest U.S. were no between-group differences
group treatment using with minimum Reflects 21% dropout rate at posttest or follow-up
problem-solving and Random assignment to of 8 individuals
treatment vs. TAU N ⫽ 143 treatment Treatment was more effective at re-
social competence ap- taining poor problem solvers over
proach to improve so- comparison group N ⫽ 121 TAU (inpatient and out- 24-month period relative to TAU
cial functioning and patient care) controls
adaptive coping Mean age ⫽ 22 years
70% completed high school
82% male
61% White
26% African American
11% Hispanic
39% married
42% never married
30% had previous hospitalization
110 suicidal ideation
107 single attempters
47 multiple attempter
Harrington Home-based family in- Random assignment to 5 sessions in N ⫽ 162 of 435 referred cases The groups did not differ with re-
et al., 1998 tervention home-based interven- family home Adolescents ages 10–16 seen in the spect to suicidal behavior after
tion or TAU with 6- hospital for self-poisoning treatment
month follow-up Parents from home-based treat-
n ⫽ 85 home-based
ment were more satisfied at 2-
Mean age, 14.4 years month follow-up than TAU parents
89% female While the MDD group did not evi-
63% not living with both parents dence group differences, the home-
66% with DSM-III-R MDD based intervention was more effec-
tive than TAU for nondepressed
n ⫽ 77 TAU
adolescents with respect to suicidal
Mean age, 14.6 years ideation
90% female
70% not living with both parents
60% with DSM-III-R MDD
(continued )
Table 24.2 Continued

Reference Intervention Study Design Program Length Sample Size Comments

Wood et Developmental group Random assignment to 6 “acute” group N ⫽ 63 adolescents aged 12–16 Those in DGP attended more ses-
al., 2001 psychotherapy (DGP) DGP or TAU sessions fol- years (mean age 14 years) who sions than those in TAU
Follow-up at 7 months lowed by were referred to mental health ser- Those in TAU were more likely to
weekly “long- vice of South Manchester, En- make repeat attempts and to make
term group” un- gland, and had reported at least them sooner than those in DGP
til patient ready one other act of deliberate self- who made repeat attempts
to leave harm in the previous year (mean,
4 attempts) The groups did not differ with re-
spect to suicidal ideation or depres-
Primarily from disadvantaged fam- sion at follow-up
The DGP group demonstrated a
Approximately 50% had history of reduction in behavioral disorder at
abuse 7 months relative to TAU
Majority not living with both par- Adolescents with more DGP were
ents less likely to make repeat attempts
n ⫽ 32 DGP
78% female
n ⫽ 31 TAU
77% female
Rathus & Dialectical behavior Pretest to posttest 12 weeks of N ⫽ 111 DBT vs. TAU
Miller, therapy (DBT) Nonrandom assign- twice-weekly 67% Hispanic Despite greater psychopathology,
2002 ment to DBT or TAU DBT including 17% African American the DBT group had no psychiatric
individual and 8% white hospitalizations vs. 13% of the TAU
multifamily group hospitalized
skills therapy n ⫽ 29 adolescents receiving DBT
Mean age, 16.1 years DBT group had 3.4% attempts vs.
8.6% of TAU group
93% female
suicide attempt within the last 16 62% of DBT vs. 40% of TAU group
weeks and minimum of 3 border- completed 12 weeks of treatment
line personality features
Within DBT Group
n ⫽ 82 adolescents receiving TAU
Suicidal ideation, depression, over-
Mean age, 15 years all symptom level, and specific bor-
73% female derline personality features were re-
either suicide attempt in last 16 duced at the end of treatment
weeks or evidenced 3 borderline
personality features but not both

DBT, dialectical behavior therapy; DGP, developmental group therapy; MDD, major depressive disorder; TAU, treatment as usual.
Chapter 24 Preventive Interventions and Treatments 481

prove basic social skills and effective coping. Par- usual care for adolescents who have repeatedly
ticipants (N ⫽ 264) were randomly assigned to attempted to harm themselves (Wood, Harring-
either the experimental intervention or a ton, & Moore, 1996; Wood, Trainor, Rothwell,
treatment-as-usual condition involving long- Moore, & Harrington, 2001). The group-therapy
term outpatient treatment. In a 2-year follow-up, format was hypothesized to be useful in provid-
Rudd et al. found that participants in both ing an arena for working on social problem-
groups showed significant reductions in suicidal solving and relationship skills that are often
ideation and behavior and experienced stress, considered core to suicidal behavior. Using a de-
and improvements in self-appraised problem- velopmental approach to address issues unique
solving ability. The intensive time-limited inter- to adolescents, the intervention combines
vention was found to be more effective than problem-solving and cognitive behavioral inter-
long-term treatment in retaining the highest-risk ventions (Harrington, et al., 1998), DBT (Linehan
participants. Subsequent analyses showed that et al., 1991), and psychodynamic approaches.
patients with psychiatric symptomatology ex- An acute phase focusing on core themes (family
perienced the most improvement in response to and peer relationships, school problems, anger
this intervention (Joiner, Voelz, & Rudd, 2001). management, depression, self-harm, and hope-
The rate of suicide attempts at follow-up was not lessness) is followed by a longer phase that con-
reported for either the experimental or control centrates on group processes. In interviews con-
group, however, and conclusions were limited ducted about 7 months after treatment began,
by high attrition rates in both the experimental participants in the developmental group therapy
and control group. reported engaging in less self-harm than did ad-
Harrington and colleagues in Great Britain olescents who received routine care, although
(Byford et al., 1999; Harrington et al., 1998, depression did not appear to improve. Episodes
2000) developed a home-based family interven- of self-harm became less frequent as participants
tion for adolescents with a history of deliberate attended more sessions of the group therapy,
self-poisoning. This intervention used a cogni- whereas among those in usual care, self-harm be-
tive behavioral approach to address family dys- haviors were found to increase compared to
function assumed to be related to the suicide baseline. Participants in the developmental
attempt (Kerfoot, 1988; Keerfoot, Dyer, Harring- group therapy, particularly youth who had made
ton, Woodham, & Harrington, 1996), and to im- multiple suicide attempts, also showed reduc-
prove adherence to treatment by bringing it into tions in conduct problems.
the home. The intervention consisted of five Considering suicidal behavior as the primary
highly structured sessions focusing of goal set- problem rather than the symptom, Henriques,
ting, reviewing the self-poisoning episode, com- Beck, and Brown (2003) have developed and ex-
munication, problem solving, and discussing is- amined a brief cognitive intervention for suicide
sues related to the family. The program included attempters ages 18 and over. The intervention
a treatment manual and videotape for training. consists of 10 sessions, beginning with the iden-
This brief intervention was found to be effec- tification of proximal thoughts and associated
tive primarily among those adolescents who core beliefs that were activated just prior to the
were not seriously depressed and had less severe adolescent’s suicide attempt. Cognitive and be-
suicidal ideation, who made up about one third havioral strategies are then applied to help in-
of the 85 participants (Harrington et al., 1998, dividuals develop more adaptive ways of think-
2000). Adherence and parental satisfaction with ing about their situation and more functional
treatment were better for participants in this ways of responding during periods of acute emo-
treatment relative to treatment as usual. The in- tional distress. Specific attention is given to the
tervention was found to be no more costly than role of hopelessness.
routine care alone (Byford et al., 1999). The intervention follows a structured protocol
Wood and colleagues have developed an ad- with specific therapeutic strategies developed for
ditional psychotherapeutic variant, using devel- the early, middle, and late phases of treatment,
opmental group therapy as an alternative to which are designed for replication by mental
482 Part VI Youth Suicide

health professionals working with suicidal tions and behaviors have likely developed over
youth. Early sessions focus on engaging the pa- a long period of time, it is not clear that short-
tient, setting goals, and increasing hopefulness. term psychotherapies will ultimately be found to
Middle sessions involve changing maladaptive be effective in reducing suicidal behavior.
beliefs and addressing problem-solving deficits
and impulsivity while developing reasons for liv-
ing, increasing adherence with health-care pro- PHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENTS
fessionals, and increasing social support. Later FOR SUICIDAL YOUTH
sessions focus on relapse prevention, termina-
tions, therapy extensions, and booster sessions Effectiveness of Pharmacological
as necessary. The efficacy and effectiveness of the Treatments for Adults
intervention are currently being evaluated in a
randomized controlled clinical trial. To date, the The neurobiological underpinnings of suicidal
approach has not been used in the treatment of behavior are currently the subject of considera-
younger adolescents. ble research, and new information that broadens
In another variation, Miller and colleagues our understanding of this complex area contin-
(Miller et al., 1997; Rathus & Miller, 2002) have ues to emerge. Recent reviews have identified
used a modification of DBT in their treatment of serotonergic dysfunction, noradrenergic dys-
adolescent suicide attempters who demon- function, dopaminergic dysfunction, and hypo-
strated at least three features of BPD. The inter- thalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis hyperac-
vention developed by Miller et al. consists of 12 tivity as the key neurobiological correlates of
weeks of twice-weekly individual and family suicidality (Mann, 2003; Nemeroff et al., 2001).
skills training. In one specific trial (Rathus & Mil- The most extensively replicated studies have
ler, 2002), participants in the DBT group were focused on the role of serotonergic dysfunction.
found to have better adherence to treatment and Studies have reported that depressed patients
fewer hospitalizations than those receiving treat- who have made suicide attempts have lower lev-
ment as usual, despite the fact that they had els of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in the
greater psychiatric comorbidity than control brainstem and in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) com-
subjects. The DBT treatment was also found to pared to depressed nonattempters (Nemeroff et
be associated with reduced suicidal ideation, al., 2001). Decreased CSF 5-HIAA is hypothesized
symptom severity, and distress. Although suicide to be a marker of the impulsive, aggressive, and vi-
attempts were less likely in the DBT group than olent nature of suicide, and appears to correlate
among controls, this difference was not found to with a high degree of suicidal planning and a high
be significant. level of lethality of suicide attempts. Central ner-
vous system (CNS) serotonergic dysfunction has
also been associated with suicidal behavior.
Critique One early small RCT study of adult chronic
suicide attempters (Montgomery et al., 1979)
Results reported to date suggest the effectiveness found that depot neuroleptic medications were
of cognitive behavioral interventions in improv- effective in preventing repetition of suicidal be-
ing social functioning and reducing suicidal ide- havior, although patient reluctance and negative
ation among suicidal adolescents, particularly side effects were noted as limitations. Hawton
those with mild to moderate depression and and colleagues, in their exhaustive search using
those with borderline features. In some cases, Cochrane criteria (1998), were unable to identify
however, the outcomes of experimental treat- any other RCT conducted through the mid-
ments have not been substantially better than 1990s that found antidepressant medications to
those obtained by comparison or standard care be effective in preventing subsequent suicidal
treatments. Long-term effects of psychotherapy behavior in patients who had made prior at-
interventions on suicidal behavior have not yet tempts. They noted, however, that the only an-
been reported. Given that maladaptive cogni- tidepressants that had been systematically stud-
Chapter 24 Preventive Interventions and Treatments 483

ied for suicide-related outcomes, nomifensine Frankel, 2003; Isacsson, 2000). Although large
and mianserin, had been discontinued for gen- RCTs need to be conducted to determine causa-
eral use at the time of their review. tive linkages, SSRIs appear to be a potent means
A number of studies have reported decreased of treating suicidality. The SSRIs have been re-
suicidality among mood-disordered adult pa- ported to have less inherent toxicity than the
tients receiving long-term lithium treatment previously widely used tricyclic antidepressants
(Sharma, 2003; Tondo, Jamison, & Baldessarini, (TCAs), and are thus less likely to be related to
1997). Pooling results reported by several indi- death from overdoses. Although side effects such
vidual studies conducted between 1974 and as gastrointestinal upset, insomnia, and sexual
1996, Tondo and colleagues estimated that lith- dysfunction are fairly common, most SSRIs ap-
ium treatment was associated with an almost 9- pear to be well tolerated.
fold reduction in risk of suicide and suicide at-
tempts. They noted that it is not clear whether
the protection lithium provides against suicide Assumptions Underlying Pharmacological
derives from its general mood-stabilizing effect Treatments for Suicidal Youth
or its effects on reducing aggression and impul-
sivity through improved serotonergic function- To date there are few publicly reported studies
ing. involving the use of pharmacological interven-
Long-term treatment with clozapine, an atyp- tions to treat suicidal behavior among young
ical antipsychotic, has been shown to produce people. Although the effectiveness of antide-
similar effects among patients with schizophre- pressants in treating children and adolescents
nia, reducing suicidal behavior among this high- has not been definitively established, use of
risk population (Sharma, 2003; Spivak, Shabash, SSRIs in treating depressed and suicidal youth
Sheitman, Weizman, & Mester, 2003). Random- has nonetheless become widespread. A recent
ized controlled trials involving both lithium and U.S. analysis by Olfson, Shaffer, and colleagues
clozapine are needed to determine the extent to (2003) reported an inverse relationship between
which positive outcomes are related to patient regional change in use of antidepressants among
characteristics that are correlated with their abil- youth aged 10–19 and suicide mortality. The re-
ity to adhere to long-term treatment. lationship was found to be significant specifi-
Among patients suffering from unipolar de- cally among males, among youth aged 15–19,
pression, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and in geographic regions with lower family me-
(SSRIs) are currently considered superior to other dian incomes.
antidepressants for improving both suicidal be- Although these studies do not establish use of
havior and suicidal ideation (Nemeroff et al., antidepressants to be causally linked to decreases
2001). Although no large RCTs of SSRIs have in- in suicide deaths, some efforts are under way to
cluded outcomes related to suicide (due to the implement and evaluate pharmacological treat-
exclusion of suicidal patients from most ments among youth with serious psychopathol-
pharmaceutical-sponsored trials), there is con- ogy, including suicidal ideation or behavior. The
siderable evidence pointing to the positive ef- key assumption of these efforts is suicide risk
fects of such medications on the CNS seroto- among youth, as in adults, can be reduced
nergic dysfunction noted above to be associated through the use of antidepressant medications.
with suicidality in adults (Oquendo, Malone, &
Mann, 1997).
In recent years, several European studies have Program Examples
reported inverse correlations between use of
SSRIs and suicide deaths, suggesting their poten- An intervention by Cornelius and colleagues
tial significance for reducing suicide risk (Barbui, used fluoxetine (Prozac) to treat adolescents with
Campomori, D’Avanzo, Negri, & Garattini, comorbid major depression and an alcohol use
1999; Carlsten, Waern, Ekedahl, & Ranstam, disorder, including some who demonstrated sui-
2001; Gunnel, Middleton, Whitley, Dorling, & cidal ideation at baseline (Cornelius, Bukstein, et
484 Part VI Youth Suicide

al., 2001). The intervention was based on find- ever, that the benefits of the medication far out-
ings that reducing depression and problem weighed its associated risk.
drinking in adults resulted in a reduction of sui-
cidal behavior (Dinh-Zarr, Diguiseppi, Heitman,
& Roberts, 1999). Cornelius and colleagues also Critique
found fluoxetine to be effective in treating sui-
cidal adults with an alcohol use disorder. Such Since fluoxetine is presently the only antide-
treatment improved but did not completely pressant medication approved by the U.S. Food
eliminate both depressive symptoms (including and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treat-
suicidal ideations) and the level of drinking (Cor- ment of major depression in children and ado-
nelius, Salhoum, Lynch, Clark, & Mann, 2001). lescents, the findings reported by Cornelius and
In their studies involving youth, all patients colleagues and by the (NIMH) study have im-
receiving fluoxetine improved with respect to portant implications for suicide prevention
depressive symptoms, and over half improved in among depressed youth. It is encouraging that
symptoms of alcohol dependence. Among par- publicly supported large-scale RCTs are begin-
ticipants with suicidal ideation at baseline, ide- ning to be undertaken. Much additional research
ation decreased and these decreases remained 1 is needed, however, to further illuminate the im-
year after treatment (Cornelius, 2003). Cornelius pact of fluoxetine, as well as that of other med-
reported no serious adverse effects of fluoxetine ications, for reducing suicidal ideation and be-
among youth. havior among both substance-abusing and
A definitive study supported by the National nonabusing adolescents.
Institute of Mental Health, known as the Treat- Since 2003, concerns have been raised about
ment of Adolescents with Depression Study the safety of the newer antidepressant medica-
(TADS), has provided the strongest evidence to tions for use by children and adolescents, based
date of the effectiveness of fluoxetine in treating initially on unpublished data from drug com-
adolescent depression and suicidality. This study pany studies linking use of SSRIs by children and
randomly assigned 439 youths ages 12 to 17 di- adolescents to suicidal ideation and self-harm
agnosed with moderate to severe depression to behaviors. In late 2003, these reports led the Brit-
one of four treatment conditions for a period of ish drug regulatory agency to recommend
36 weeks: fluoxetine therapy alone, cognitive- against the use of all SSRIs except fluoxetine in
behavioral therapy (CBT) alone, fluoxetine and treating depression among youth under age 18
CBT, and a placebo drug treatment. Based on the (Goode, 2003).
results obtained during the first 12 weeks of the In 2004, the U.S. Food and Drug Administra-
study, the highest rate of clinical improvement tion undertook a review of 23 clinical trials in-
(71%) was found among those receiving the volving the use of nine different antidepressant
combination treatment, followed by 61% of medications by over 4,000 children and adoles-
those who received fluoxetine alone, 43% of cents. The results of this analysis, presented in
those who received CBT alone, and 35% of those September 2004, found that the medications in-
who received the placebo drug treatment (March creased the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior
et al., 2004). It should be noted that the most (suicidality) in children and adolescents with
seriously suicidal adolescents were excluded major depressive disorder (MDD) or other psy-
from the TADS sample, and thus only 29% of chiatric disorders (Hammad, 2004). Specifically,
participants reported having clinically signifi- 4% of all youth taking medication reported an
cant suicidal ideation at baseline. This percent “adverse event,” i.e., thoughts of suicide and/or
decreased to 10% by week 12. Although no sui- potentially dangerous behavior, compared to 2%
cides occurred during the trial, the risk of a sui- of those taking a placebo drug.
cide attempt among study participants during On October 15, 2004, the FDA directed phar-
the first weeks on fluoxetine was reported to be maceutical companies to label all antidepressant
twice that for participants not receiving the med- medications distributed in the U.S. with a black
ication. The study investigators concluded, how- box warning to this effect (FDA, 2004), even
Chapter 24 Preventive Interventions and Treatments 485

though their analysis had only included nine from numerous community samples that as
specific drugs. The warning states that the in- many as half of adolescents with major depres-
creased risk of suicidal thinking and/or behavior sion were thinking of suicide at the time of di-
occurs in a small proportion of youth and is most agnosis and 16%–35% reported making a suicide
likely to occur during the early phases of treat- attempt.
ment. Although the FDA did not prohibit the use The fact sheets included suggestions for phy-
of antidepressants by children and adolescents, sicians and parents in monitoring youth receiv-
it called upon physicians and parents to closely ing antidepressant medication, and called for the
monitor youth who are taking the medications development of a readily-accessible registry of
for a worsening in symptoms of depression or clinical trials that could aid in resolving the con-
unusual changes in behavior. troversy and conflicting information surround-
On February 1, 2005, the American Psychiat- ing the prescribing of antidepressants to chil-
ric Association (APA) and a coalition of other dren and adolescents.
leading health, mental health, and advocacy or-
ganizations released detailed fact sheets for phy-
sicians and parents on the use of medications in
treating childhood and adolescent depression
(American Psychiatric Association, 2005). The
fact sheets were developed because of concern
that the FDA black box warning could have the
Research has pointed to a lack of posthospital
unintended effect of limiting necessary, appro-
treatment adherence among the many youth
priate, and effective treatment of depression and
who are hospitalized in inpatient psychiatric
other psychiatric disorders in youth.
units following serious suicidal behavior
The APA fact sheets were particularly critical
(Cohen-Sandler, Berman, & King, 1982; Spirito,
of the FDA’s measurement of suicidality follow-
Brown, Overholser, & Fritz, 1989). One result is
ing antidepressant use among children and ad-
frequent rehospitalization for repeated suicidal-
olescents, which essentially used thoughts of sui-
ity (Greenfield et al., 2002; Stewart et al., 2001).
cide or potentially dangerous behaviors that had
The key assumption of posthospitalization pro-
been spontaneously shared by the young partic-
grams is that providing consistent support and
ipants and subsequently recorded in the re-
improving adherence to aftercare recommen-
searchers’ “adverse events reports.” Although
dations will help to prevent future suicidal be-
the FDA analysis showed more such spontane-
ous reports among those taking an antidepres-
sant medication as compared to placebo (4% vs.
2%), this finding was not supported by data from Program Examples
17 of the 23 studies examined that had system-
atically asked all participants about their suicidal The only full-developed program of this sort is
thoughts and behaviors, using standardized the Youth-Nominated Support Team (YST) inter-
forms. The FDA’s analysis of these data con- vention, developed by King and colleagues
cluded that medication neither increased suici- (King, 2003; King, Preuss, & Kramer, 2001). This
dality that had been present before the treat- program was an outgrowth of the developers’
ment, nor induced new suicidality in those who finding that family dysfunction and parental
were not thinking about suicide at the start of psychopathology significantly impact treatment
the study. All studies collecting such data re- adherence by suicidal youth after hospitalization
ported a reduction in suicidality over the course (King, Hovey, Brand, Wilson, & Ghaziuddin,
of treatment. The APA critique noted that while 1997). Concentrating on the high-risk period for
the FDA reported both sets of findings, it did not suicidality immediately following psychiatric
comment on the contradiction between them. It hospitalization, the program specifically targets
further questioned the reliability of the 2% and poor treatment adherence and negative percep-
4% spontaneous report rates, noting findings tions of family support and helpfulness.
486 Part VI Youth Suicide

Before leaving the hospital, program partici- gage in suicidal threats or behavior will not vol-
pants nominate specific adults from their home, untarily submit to a clinical assessment, and thus
school, or community to support them when that such assessment must be mandated as a
they are released. The YST conducts a psycho- condition of the student’s continued enrollment
education session with these adults, then en- at the university.
gages them in weekly consultations designed to
improve their understanding of the suicidal
Program Examples
youngster and how he or she can be effectively
supported. A social network is encouraged
For the last 17 years, the University of Illinois has
among the adults, who typically come from di-
had in place a policy that requires mandatory
verse settings. The program is designed to sup-
reporting of all suicide threats and attempts by
plement usual treatments.
students, and mandatory clinical assessment ses-
Response to YST by participating youth and
sions for all students identified as engaging in
the nominated adults has been positive (King,
such behavior. Specifically, identified students
2003), with 80% of those nominated actually
are required to attend four weekly sessions with a
participating in the program. Positive effects
social worker or psychologist at the University
have been reported for adolescent females, in-
Counseling Center, during which the student re-
cluding reduced suicidal ideation and mood im-
ceives a comprehensive clinical assessment and
pairment. Similar benefits were not evidenced
referral to additional treatment if needed. Stu-
among male participants, although some de-
dents who do not attend the mandated sessions
scribed YST as having beneficial effects.
can be suspended or expelled from the university.
The program’s primary developer reported
Critique high compliance among students over the past
17 years, with only one student being involun-
Since this intervention has only recently been tarily dismissed from the university for refusing
implemented, it is too early to know whether the to attend the mandatory sessions. A significant
positive effects found among the suicidal girls decrease in the suicide rate at the university as a
will be translated into reductions of suicide at- function of this policy has also been reported
tempts and rehospitalizations. It will also be im- (Joffe, 2003).
portant to identify the reasons underlying the
lack of clear effects among male participants and
to incorporate the necessary programmatic
changes. The fact that the program has been
Although the program has claimed to be
manualized will likely encourage its replication,
uniquely successful in reducing suicidal behav-
while permitting independent assessment of
ior at the one campus where it has been imple-
specific program components.
mented, confirmatory evidence is lacking. Com-
parative statistics on suicide rates over the last
TREATMENT PROGRAMS FOR SUICIDE 17 years from universities with a similar student
ATTEMPTERS ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES body to that of the University of Illinois are lack-
ing, and it is possible the reported reductions are
Assumptions reflective of a general trend toward decreasing
numbers of suicides among adolescents and
As was noted in Chapter 22 there has been young adults during the time period described,
marked reluctance among college and university rather than the result of this specific program.
officials to specifically identify suicidal students Further, it is not clear how many suicidal stu-
or offer treatment services that specifically ad- dents voluntarily withdrew from the university
dress this problem. One university-based treat- prior to identification, or how many troubled
ment program has been identified, which is students may have decided not to enroll at all
based on the assumption that students who en- because of this particular policy.
Research Agenda for Youth
Suicide Prevention

25 c h a p t e r
488 Part VI Youth Suicide

In the preceding chapters, we have reviewed someone who has attempted suicide or died
what is currently known about youth suicide, by suicide, and access to firearms.
how it can be prevented, and how the problems • Suicide and suicide attempts are increased in
associated with suicidal behavior can be treated. families in which a parent has died by sui-
We begin this last chapter with a summary of cide or attempted suicide.
what we currently know. • Among youth (and adults), a prior suicide
attempt is a strong predictor of subsequent
attempts and suicide death.


About Youth Suicide Prevention Programs

About Youth Suicide

• Under adequate conditions of implementa-

• Between the mid-1950s and the late 1970s,
tion, programs that educate high school stu-
the suicide rate among U.S. males aged 15–
dents about suicide can increase students’
24 more than tripled. Among females aged
knowledge of mental illness and suicide, en-
15–24, the rate more than doubled during
courage more adaptive attitudes about these
this period. The youth suicide rate generally
problems, encourage help-seeking behav-
leveled off during the 1980s and early 1990s,
iors, and increase referrals of at-risk students
and since the mid-1990s, it has been steadily
to treatment.
• Programs that train teachers, counselors,
• About 4,000 people aged 15–24 die by sui-
and community gatekeepers about suicide
cide each year in the United States.
intervention can increase participants’
• In the United States suicide is currently the
knowledge about suicide and suicide pre-
third leading cause of death among all youth
vention, increase self-confidence and will-
ages 15–24.
ingness to intervene, and increase referrals
• Among young people aged 15–24, males die
to treatment.
by suicide almost six times more frequently
• Programs that screen high school and col-
than females.
lege students to identify those at risk for sui-
• Youth suicide rates vary widely among dif-
cide and refer them for treatment can iden-
ferent racial and ethnic groups. The rate for
tify some high-risk individuals who were not
African-American, Hispanic, and Asian-
previously recognized or treated. Most at-
American youth are currently less than that
risk students who are identified, however, do
of white youth; the highest suicide rate is
not adhere to recommendations regarding
seen among American Indian and Alaskan
Native youth.
• Over eight percent of American high school
students make a suicide attempt. Seventeen
percent of high school students report About Treatment of Suicidality and
having seriously considered suicide during Underlying Disorders Among Youth
the previous 12 months.
• The vast majority of youth (70%–90%) who • Under adequate conditions of implementa-
die by suicide had at least one psychiatric tion, intensive school-based programs for
illness at the time of death. The most com- students at risk of dropping out of school
mon diagnoses among youth are depression, can reduce depression and suicidality in stu-
substance abuse, and conduct disorders. dents who exhibit these problems.
• Other factors associated with youth suicide • Programs that engage young suicide at-
include physical abuse, sexual abuse, serious tempters and their families while they are in
conflict with parents, interpersonal loss, not the emergency department can increase ad-
being in school or not working, knowing herence to outpatient treatment and de-
Chapter 25 Research Agenda for Youth Suicide Prevention 489

crease immediate and subsequent hospitali- tors, including psychopathology, substance

zations. abuse, and family and peer conflicts, and of
• Cognitive behavior therapy can improve so- what appears to be an increased number of
cial functioning and reduce suicidal ideation suicide attempts (but not suicide deaths)
and self-harm behaviors among suicidal among homosexual and bisexual youth.
youth. • What external environments increase or de-
• There appears to be increasing evidence that crease youth vulnerability and susceptibility
treatment with fluoxetine (Prozac) can re- to suicide? How can these be improved?
duce depression, alcohol dependence, and • Although psychopathology has been well
suicidal ideation in youth. documented to be the most potent factor
• Combination treatment involving Prozac underlying suicide among all age groups, rel-
and psychotherapy appears to result in the atively little is known about the specific clin-
most positive outcomes for depressed, sui- ical pathways to youth suicide. In particular,
cidal youth. much more needs to be known about the
• There is some evidence that posthospitali- contribution of bipolar disorder, panic at-
zation programs for suicidal youth can re- tacks, and posttraumatic stress disorder
duce subsequent suicidal ideation and mood (PTSD) to suicide deaths among youth. The
impairment among female participants. impact of race and ethnicity on diagnostic
profiles and clinical pathways to suicide like-
In spite of considerable research and program wise needs greater scrutiny. Longitudinal
development focusing on youth suicide, there is studies of young suicide ideators and at-
much we do not yet know about the factors that tempters are particularly needed. In addi-
cause or significantly influence suicidal behavior tion, because most people with psychopa-
among youth and the interventions that must be thology do not engage in suicidal behavior
made if this behavior is to be prevented or and suicidal behavior crosses many different
treated. Listed below are the key knowledge psychopathologies, the interactions among
needs our review has identified that constitute a specific forms of psychopathology, other
future research agenda for youth suicide. Clearly, suicide risk factors less associated with men-
the task that lies ahead for researchers and pro- tal disorders, and factors that protect against
gram developers is formidable. suicide need greater research attention.
• Much more needs to be known about the
role of neurobiological abnormalities that
WHAT WE DON’T KNOW contribute to youth suicidal behavior, and
the degree to which these may be inherited.
About Youth Suicide Family studies of adults and adolescents
who have attempted suicide or died by sui-
• Although the problem of youth suicide is cide can provide important information
disproportionately due to its prevalence in about inherited characteristics, and it is es-
young males, explanations for this phenom- sential that youth be included in such re-
enon are currently lacking. search.
• Also not well understood is the impact of • The extent to which parental and familial
race and ethnicity on suicide vulnerability psychopathology influences suicide idea-
among youth. What particular risk or pro- tion, attempts, and completions among
tective factors are conferred by membership youth, over and above genetic influences,
in particular racial or ethnic groups? needs to be examined. Specifically, what is
• Studies of the relationship of sexual orien- the effect of exposure to parental suicide at-
tation to youth suicidality have to date pro- tempts and completion, and suicide risk
duced equivocal findings. Better under- among youth? Does childhood physical and
standing is needed of the interrelationships sexual abuse confer suicide risk independent
among sexual orientation and other risk fac- of other effects of family psychopathology?
490 Part VI Youth Suicide

• Although suicide clusters have been identi- edge of mental illness and suicide among
fied among youth, the characteristics of students, although the impact of this out-
those most vulnerable to “contagion” and come on suicidal behavior is not known.
the mechanisms through which contagion Greater attention needs to be given identi-
occurs have not been precisely identified. fying long-term behavioral outcomes
• Much more needs to be understood about among students who have received such ed-
the role of personal and social skills in pro- ucation, particularly those with particular
tecting youth from suicidal behavior. Do risk factors.
strong problem-solving skills, decision- • Although increasing the number of referrals
making abilities, and support from family to treatment is a key goal of screening pro-
and schools actually protect young people grams, there is no clear evidence of a direct
from developing suicidal impulses, or is the linkage between increased referrals and de-
absence of such skills a manifestation of psy- creased suicidal behavior among youth.
chopathology that is more directly related to • Screening programs have generally not iden-
suicidal thoughts or behavior? What is the tified effective mechanisms for encouraging
role of culture, identity, and religious beliefs larger numbers of youth identified as at risk
in reducing suicide risk? for suicide into treatment.
• Both theoretically and in practical program- • Little data are currently available about the
matic terms, it is essential to have better un- cost-effectiveness of school-based screening
derstanding of which combinations of risk programs.
and protective factors have the greatest pre- • Although popular in recent years, the effects
dictive value for youth suicide. Current of postvention programs, both positive and
research points to the identification and adverse, on youth exposed to a suicide death
treatment of psychopathology among ado- have not been clearly documented.
lescents as a priority suicide prevention • Despite limited evidence that educational
strategy, but better understanding is needed programs directed at parents, particularly fa-
of the wide range of interpersonal, cultural, thers, can decrease youth access to firearms,
and environmental factors that may exac- the impact of means restriction programs on
erbate or mitigate the impact of psychopa- decreasing suicide attempts and suicide
thology among particular groups of high- deaths among youth has not been docu-
risk youth. In addition, some treatments mented.
have been found to reduce suicidality with-
out significantly affecting psychopathology.
Research to date has focused almost exclu- About Treatment of Suicidality and
sively on looking at relationships between Underlying Disorders Among Youth
single risk or protective factors and adoles-
cent suicidal behavior. Comprehensive anal- • The active ingredients of comprehensive
yses that simultaneously consider a number high school–based programs for treating stu-
of individual variables are essential. dents at risk of dropping out, including
some who are depressed and suicidal, have
not been clearly identified.
About Youth Suicide Prevention Programs • It has not been demonstrated that students
at risk of dropping out of school are repre-
• Most suicide education programs have not sentative of suicidal youth generally, and
identified the active ingredients responsible therefore that programs that address this
for the outcomes they produce. population have wide applicability.
• Most suicide education programs target out- • The replication of such programs, which re-
comes whose relationship to youth suicide quire considerable personnel and financial
has not been precisely identified. Many, for resources, has not been established.
example, have reported increased knowl- • The impact of emergency department pro-
Chapter 25 Research Agenda for Youth Suicide Prevention 491

grams for young suicide attempters and cluding firearms restriction programs and gate-
their families on decreasing suicide deaths keeper training programs.
has not been established. A development that is expected to encourage
• Although some promising outcomes have and support the use of scientifically valid evalu-
been reported, long-term effects of cognitive ation designs by suicide prevention programs is
behavior therapy with suicidal youth are not the recent decision of the Substance Abuse and
yet known. Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) to ex-
• Although there is increasing evidence of the pand its National Registry of Effective Programs
safety and efficacy of Prozac in treating de- and Practices (NREPP) from its original focus on
pressed and suicidal youth, the safety and substance abuse prevention programs to include
efficacy of the many other antidepressants mental health promotion and treatment pro-
currently being used have not been estab- grams, including those associated with suicide
lished. prevention. NREPP is currently in the process of
• Much more needs to be known about the developing a unified set of evaluation criteria for
combinations of psychotherapeutic and all prevention programs that would define pre-
pharmacological treatment that produce the cise standards regarding research design, sam-
most positive short- and long-term out- pling, measurement, statistical analysis, and
comes for depressed, suicidal youth. other methodological aspects. These criteria will
• Long-term effects of posthospitalization then be used to systematically evaluate programs
programs for suicidal youth have not been and classify then into one of five categories: (1)
documented. Insufficient Data to Make a Determination, (2)
Program or Practice of Interest, (3) Promising
Program or Practice, (4) Conditionally Effective,
RESEARCH NEEDS or (5) Effective Program or Practice. Beginning in
May 2005, suicide prevention programs that are
In order to effectively address the knowledge determined to be evidence-based will be in-
needs that have been identified, youth suicide cluded in NREPP’s online registry (SAMHSA
research must expand beyond its present rela- Model Programs, 2005).
tively narrow focus to incorporate standards of To meet the NREPP criteria, suicide preven-
research design and program evaluation that are tion programs will need to give particular atten-
routinely used in other prevention fields. Our re- tion to several issues that have been particularly
view has made clear the extent to which scien- problematic.
tifically valid evaluation of youth suicide preven-
tion programs has lagged far behind their
development and implementation. As a result, Theoretical Justification of Expected Outcomes
many efforts show considerable promise but
very few have been established with reasonable As has been noted earlier in this chapter, some
certainty to be effective in preventing suicidal suicide prevention programs, in particular uni-
ideation, suicide attempts, or suicide deaths versal education programs, have targeted out-
among youth. come variables whose relationship to youth sui-
Evaluation strategies that have been em- cide has not been precisely identified. Evaluation
ployed have relied largely on pre–post designs of program outcomes must include careful con-
that do not adequately link outcomes to pro- sideration of the theoretical relevance of pro-
gram components. Prospective controlled stud- gram goals and expected outcomes.
ies are needed to determine the effectiveness, Theory-driven prevention strategies, pro-
safety, and active ingredients of universal and grams, and treatments are most likely to inform
targeted suicide prevention programs, including the field in a cumulative manner. Specific vari-
school-based education, screening, and skills de- ables believed to contribute to youth suicidal be-
velopment programs; and school and com- havior (e.g., impaired problem-solving) need to
munity interventions for at-risk populations, in- be justified theoretically and addressed in the
492 Part VI Youth Suicide

prevention strategy. Following the intervention, for such research programs have not been avail-
change in the variable must be specifically mea- able.
sured to determine if it functions, in fact, as a We have noted that much more attention also
mediator of suicide-related outcomes. Without a needs to be given to evaluating the outcome of
theoretical base, findings from many studies are treatment programs for suicidal youth. Since
difficult to integrate, leaving the field with an universal and selective suicide prevention pro-
absence of information as to what actually grams focus heavily on encouraging help seek-
worked, and what directions (and theoretical ing and on identifying vulnerable youth and re-
models) are worthy of further investigation. ferring them to treatment, their impact on
reducing youth suicide depends ultimately on
the effectiveness of the treatments that are avail-
Sampling Strategies able to such young people. Thus, the single high-
est priority must be given to determining the rel-
Relatively few suicide prevention programs have ative efficacy and effectiveness of all currently
systematically studied adequate numbers of rep- employed treatments and indicated interven-
resentative at-risk youth to allow meaningful tions for suicidal youth.
conclusions to be reached about program effect- As has been noted, randomized controlled tri-
iveness, and only rarely have appropriate com- als (RCT) of treatments used for suicidal youth
parison groups been simultaneously studied. are seriously lacking. These are clearly needed to
Further, most outcome studies have had access determine the impact of brief interventions with
to program participants for a short period of young suicide attempters presenting to emer-
time, which precludes attention to long-term ef- gency departments; psychotherapeutic strategies
fects of the program, including adverse effects. for suicidal youth and pharmacological treat-
ments for young suicide ideators and attempters;
as well as hospitalization, partial hospitalization,
and posthospitalization support programs for
Use of Third-Party vs. Internal Evaluator youth. In addition to studies focusing on indi-
vidual treatments, simultaneous evaluations of
Evaluation reports on the outcomes of youth sui- multiple treatment approaches (e.g., psycho-
cide prevention programs have most frequently therapy and medication) are especially needed.
been issued by the program developers them- Adverse effects of treatment, including the po-
selves. Third-party evaluation, rare in this field, tential of certain antidepressant medications to
may provide a more objective assessment of pro- induce suicidality among vulnerable youth, also
gram accomplishments. need to be more closely evaluated. It is also im-
portant to encourage psychiatric treatment stud-
ies to include a systematic assessment of suicidal
Funding for Evaluation Studies behavior, even if this is not their primary focus.
In addition to the general evaluation concerns
Few youth suicide prevention programs have noted above, treatment evaluations need to give
had the necessary personnel or financial re- particular attention to building appropriate safe-
sources to conduct independent program evalu- guards into treatment trials involving high-risk
ations. If the field is to move forward, however, youth populations. Maintaining troubled youth
mechanisms need to be established that man- in treatment trials over an adequate period of
date and support comprehensive, well-designed time to observe both short- and long-term out-
outcome studies as a regular part of prevention comes is a particular challenge. Time-limited
programming. In regard to school-based pro- treatments, while easier to evaluate, leave unre-
grams in particular, effective evaluation requires solved questions about long-term effectiveness.
follow-up of students who have participated in Although control or comparison groups are es-
curricular or screening activities, to determine sential, the inclusion of such groups necessitates
long-term outcomes. To date, sufficient resources ethical consideration of appropriate “control”
Chapter 25 Research Agenda for Youth Suicide Prevention 493

treatments. Few studies involving treatments for considerably with respect to specific forms of
suicidality among youth have adequately de- psychopathology, substance abuse, and other
fined or measured the therapeutic effects of treat- psychosocial problems, and treatment trials
ment as usual. must address this variability (Hawton & Sinclair,
The ultimate criteria for effectiveness in sui- 2003). Particular protections must be developed
cide prevention remain reduction in suicide at- to allow inclusion in such trials of suicidal youth
tempts and suicide deaths, events for which the with serious alcohol and drug problems, which
population base rate is low. The primary limita- confers considerable risk for subsequent at-
tion of virtually all studies of the effectiveness of tempts and suicide death.
treatments for suicidal patients has been their In assessing the outcomes of treatment studies
relatively small size and thus their limited power primary measures should focus on suicide-
to detect significant differences between or related outcomes, specifically suicidal ideation
among alternative strategies (Hawton & Sinclair, and behavior, and should also include as second-
2003). Enrolling adequate numbers of appropri- ary outcomes measures of mood and social func-
ate participants into treatment trials can best be tioning. Based on their review of RCTs that have
achieved through a number of centrally coordi- used repeated suicidal behavior as an outcome,
nated treatment research centers that can pursue Hawton and Sinclair (2003) have emphasized
common studies of treatment effectiveness. We the importance of including measures of delib-
know, for example, that antidepressant medica- erate self-harm that did not lead to medical treat-
tion is effective against depression, and there is ment. Their analysis also points to the impor-
suggestive but not conclusive evidence that it re- tance of including measures of the costs of
duces suicide in both adolescents and adults. various intervention programs, and their cost-
Treatment research centers would make it pos- effectiveness, in assessing the impact of treat-
sible to determine if this is so, to identify which ment strategies on reducing suicidality.
medications are most effective, and to determine Finally, longitudinal studies are needed to fol-
what degree their effectiveness is increased by low up suicidal or at-risk youth through their
combining them with various forms of psycho- young-adult, middle-adult, and later life years. It
therapy. The formation of such centers was a pri- is clear that psychopathology can be lethal, and
mary recommendation of a recent Institute of sustained attention to the problems evidenced
Medicine report on suicide (Goldsmith, Pellmar, by this vulnerable population is needed across
Kleinman, & Bunney, 2002). the lifespan.
Youth who engage in suicidal behavior vary
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Beyond Disorder


Martin E.P. Seligman, Commission Chair

Marvin W. Berkowitz
Richard F. Catalano
William Damon
Jacquelynne S. Eccles
Jane E. Gillham
Kristin A. Moore
Heather Johnston Nicholson
Nansook Park
David L. Penn
Christopher Peterson
Margaret Shih
Tracy A. Steen
Robert J. Sternberg
Joseph P. Tierney
Roger P. Weissberg
Jonathan F. Zaff

VII p a r t
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The Positive Perspective
on Youth Development

26 c h a p t e r
498 Part VII Beyond Disorder

How can we promote the mental health of chil- adults they will become. Effective treatment
dren and adolescents? Earlier sections in this vol- strategies and risk-based prevention programs
ume have provided one answer to this question such as those described earlier in this volume are
by reviewing what is known about the treatment among our most notable scientific achieve-
and prevention of psychological disorders ments. But they represent a journey just begun.
among youth: anxiety, depression and suicide, In recent years, these traditional approaches—all
substance abuse, eating disorders, and schizo- based on a disease model in which well-being is
phrenia. As valuable as these reviews are, the in- defined only by the absence of distress and dis-
sights they provide are necessarily incomplete. order—have been challenged. Calls have been
Imagine a society in which no young person made for balanced attention to the positive as-
meets the diagnostic criteria for mental illness, pects of human development as well as the neg-
because treatment and prevention have been ative ones.
pervasively and perfectly implemented. No one Several contemporary approaches address
reports any symptoms of a disorder. All risks people from the positive perspective—e.g.,assets-
have been purged. In such a society, individual based community development, competence-
suffering due to psychological problems is elim- based primary prevention, the cultural strengths
inated, along with staggering societal costs. Such perspective, positive organizational studies, pos-
a society is still not a psychological utopia. There itive psychology, positive youth development,
are huge differences between a teenager who is strengths-based social work, and the whole-
not depressed or anxious and one who bounds school reform movement, among others (Maton,
out of bed in the morning with twinkling eyes; Schellenbach, Leadbetter, & Solarz, 2003; Peter-
between an adolescent who says no to drugs and son, 2004). These approaches overlap substan-
one who says yes to meaningful involvement in tially in their basic assumptions about the au-
family, school, and community activities; and thenticity of human excellence, meaning that
between one who costs society little and one clear distinctions among them are not always
who actually benefits it. possible or even necessary. In the present con-
The field of mental health has long been one tribution, we focus on positive youth develop-
of mental illness negated, but young people who ment because of its explicit concern with how to
are problem-free are not fully prepared for the encourage the well-being of children and ado-
business of life, not if skill, talent, character, hap- lescents. We also draw on positive psychology
piness, engagement, and social involvement are because of its interest in the underlying psycho-
its hallmarks (Pittman, 1991, 2000). As impor- logical processes leading to well-being and opti-
tant as it is to reduce or eliminate problems mal functioning.
among children and adolescents, it is just as im- We should be explicit that the history of the
portant to help them thrive and form positive positive perspective on youth development long
connections to the larger world. If asked what predates its explicit recognition as a common
they most desire for their children, few parents viewpoint. Some of the best-known youth pro-
would say that “falling short of DSM diagnostic grams in the United States—e.g., YWCA of the
criteria” is their primary wish. Rather, parents USA (1851), YMCA of the USA (1855), Boys
want their children to be safe, healthy, happy, Clubs (1860) and Girls Clubs of America (1906),
moral, fully engaged in life, and productive con- Girls Incorporated (1864), American Red Cross
tributors to the communities in which they live (1881), Big Brothers (1903)/Big Sisters (1908) of
(Noddings, 2003). These are the ultimate goals America, Boy Scouts of America (1910), Camp
not only of all capable parents but of all viable Fire USA (1910), Girl Scouts of the USA (1912),
societies. and 4-H (1914)—were founded a century or
So how can we promote the mental health of more ago to promote the health and character
children and adolescents? In decades of focus on of young people through structured activities
psychopathology, clinical psychology, psychia- (Erickson, 1999). Today’s positive perspective is
try, and allied disciplines have begun the task of rediscovering and reaffirming the premise of
improving the lives of young people and the these programs.
Chapter 26 The Positive Perspective on Youth Development 499

More recently setting the stage for the positive Another area in which the positive perspec-
perspective on development are humanistic psy- tive must expand is the role of culture in defin-
chology as popularized by Rogers (1951) and ing and determining optimal development.
Maslow (1970); utopian visions of education Youth development practitioners have long
such as those of Neill (1960); primary prevention taken seriously the importance of cultural (i.e.,
programs based on notions of wellness, some- ethnic) differences within the United States, but
times dubbed “promotion programs,” as pio- a great deal of theorizing and research addresses
neered by Albee (1982) and Cowen (1994); de- youth development only as it occurs in the
velopmental theories emphasizing person– United States. The scope of this work must even-
envionment interactions (e.g., Bronfenbrenner, tually include youth around the world, and we
1979; Lerner & Kauffman, 1985); work by Ban- can expect to find both similarities and differ-
dura (1989) and others on human agency; stud- ences (e.g., Park, Huebner, Laughlin, Valois, &
ies of giftedness, genius, and talent (e.g., Winner, Gilman, 2004).
2000); conceptions of intelligence as multiple A third gap, or at least shortcoming, of the
(e.g., Gardner, 1983; Sternberg, 1985); and stud- positive perspective is that some of its advocates
ies of the quality of life among psychiatric pa- may strike the skeptic as naively enthusiastic.
tients that went beyond an exclusive focus on Grim reality seems to be glossed over, and claims
symptoms and diseases (e.g., Levitt, Hogan, & seem to be exaggerated beyond available evi-
Bucosky, 1990). dence. We have argued elsewhere for the need to
We should also note that the positive perspec- be even-handed about being positive (Peterson
tive on youth development is still evolving, and & Park, 2003) and for the importance of check-
there are still gaps in the work. Notably, the pos- ing theories against the facts of the matter (Pe-
itive perspective has been embraced most terson & Seligman, 2003). As important as it is
strongly by social scientists, who by and large for social science to acknowledge and study hu-
have not placed optimal development in its bi- man excellence, prescription should not over-
ological context. All acknowledge that physical ride description and explanation. The positive
health, good nutrition, and safety importantly perspective obviously resides in a value-laden
set the stage for positive development, and there domain, but so too does a focus on disease and
is a growing interest in, for example, the ways in distress, albeit more subtly. To be taken most se-
which temperament influences positive affect riously, the positive perspective needs to be
and life satisfaction. But the positive perspective based on good science. Enough good science al-
is still detailed largely in terms of environmental ready exists to justify continued interest in the
and/or purely psychological (cognitive, emo- positive perspective.
tional, and behavioral) influences on develop- Our goal in the present contribution is to re-
ment, which makes it challenging to meld this view the positive perspective as it exists today
perspective with the increasingly biological ap- and use it to complement the more problem-
proach on disorder taken by psychiatrists and oriented disciplines (cf. Larson, 2000; Maton et
clinical psychologists. As the positive perspec- al., 2003). A balanced view of youth must ac-
tive matures, it will need to take into full account knowledge assets along with problems, address-
the contribution of biogenetic factors. ing the good and the bad within youth in tan-
We stress that there is no incompatibility be- dem, including risk factors and protective factors
tween a positive approach and one that is in- (Pollard, Hawkins, & Arthur, 1999). We have two
formed by biology (cf. Wright, 1994). When we working assumptions, each buttressed by some
criticize the “disease model,” we do not deny the suggestive evidence:
existence of disorder or the important contri-
bution of biology to disorder. Rather, we are crit- 1. The sorts of psychological characteristics of
icizing this model as a global vision of human interest to positive social scientists are asso-
nature. The positive perspective is the necessary ciated with reduced problems and increased
complement to one that focuses on disorder well-being among youth.
(and vice versa). 2. Youth development programs with specifia-
500 Part VII Beyond Disorder

ble features can encourage these positive sive terms, but to do so is to overlook remarkable
characteristics and at the same time increase lives and the people who have lived them.
the likelihood of desired outcomes. To be sure, the problems for which these labels
are shorthand are nothing to ignore and cer-
tainly nothing to glorify. We applaud those who
Not only are positive characteristics valuable in
attempt to prevent, minimize, or undo such
their own right, but they may buffer against the
problems, in themselves and in others. But the
development of psychological problems among
positive perspective urges that these problems be
youth. Attention to positive characteristics may
placed in the context of the whole person. At-
help us promote the full potential of all youth,
tention to what is good about a young person
including those with current or past psycholog-
provides a foundation on which to base inter-
ical problems.
ventions that target what is not so good. In par-
This contribution therefore addresses positive
ticular, the positive perspective urges us not to
youth development with respect to mental ill-
give up on children, no matter what problems
ness and mental health. We discuss positive char-
they may have experienced.
acteristics of youth and their settings and how
These assertions seem obvious, but positive
these are related to thriving. We summarize what
youth development nonetheless stands in con-
is known about programs and institutions that
trast with approaches that have focused solely
promote positive development. In conclusion,
on the problems that some young people en-
we take stock of what we know and what we do
counter while growing up, problems such as
not know.
learning disabilities; affective disorders; antiso-
cial conduct; low motivation and poor achieve-
ment; drinking, smoking, and drug use; psycho-
WHAT IS POSITIVE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT? social crises triggered by maturational episodes
such as puberty; and risks of neglect, abuse, and
The field of positive youth development recognizes economic deprivation that plague certain pop-
the good in young people, focusing on each and ulations. Models of youth that focus on these
every child’s unique talents, strengths, interests, problems have long held sway in the child-care
and future potential (Damon, 2004). As much as professions, the mass media, and much of the
we want to raise up children of soundest body public mind. In such models, youth is seen as a
and mind, those with straight A grades and per- period fraught with hazards, and many young
fect school attendance, kids who play in the people are seen as potential problems that must
marching band and star on a high school sports be straightened out before they can do serious
team, the real world is not Lake Woebegone. Real harm to themselves or others. This problem-
youth, no less than real adults, are a mix of those centered vision of youth has dominated most of
whose lives are above average and those who are the professional fields charged with raising the
not doing well at all. Some adolescents are anx- young.
ious and depressed; some develop eating disor- In education and pediatric medicine, for ex-
ders; some use drugs and take other risks; some ample, a huge share of resources has been di-
drop out of school; some become pregnant; and rected to remediating the incapacities of young
some fail to find praiseworthy pursuits in or out people with syndromes such as attention-deficit/
of school. hyperactivity disorder. In child psychology, in-
What are we to make of these young people? tense attention has been directed to self-esteem
The positive perspective avoids labeling them as deficits, especially among girls; to damage cre-
across-the-board failures. Calling someone a ated by childhood trauma such as poverty,
schizophrenic, a depressive, a drug user, or a abuse, and early separation; and to destructive
high school dropout overlooks what else may be patterns such as violence. Descriptions such as
true about that individual. John Nash, Abraham the at-risk child, the learning-disabled child, the ju-
Lincoln, Edgar Allan Poe, and Peter Jennings venile delinquent, the bully, and even the super-
could be respectively labeled with these dismis- predator have filled professional journals as well
Chapter 26 The Positive Perspective on Youth Development 501

as the popular press. The old suspicion that there proach aims at understanding, educating, and
are “bad seeds,” or, switching metaphors, that engaging children in productive activities rather
there are “rotten apples” that will spoil the barrel than at correcting, curing, or treating them for
if not removed in time has been kept alive in the maladaptive tendencies or so-called disabilities.
guise of scientific theories that propose a genetic As already noted, the change brought about
determinism for youth crime. The job of youth by this shift to a more positive vision of youth
professionals has been to identify the problem potential has taken place on a number of fronts.
early enough to defray and then patch up the Positive youth development today is an interdis-
damage. ciplinary field with roots in developmental psy-
This focus on problems and deficits is part of chology, developmental epidemiology, and pre-
a mental health model left over from the work vention science (Larson, 2000). It embraces an
of child psychoanalysts such as Fritz Redl (Redl explicit developmental stance: children and ad-
& Wineman, 1951). It is also drawn from a crim- olescents are not miniature adults, and they
inal justice model that has stressed punishment need to be understood in their own terms.
over prevention and rehabilitation. One of the The youth development field emphasizes the
legacies of this problem-focused tradition has multiple contexts in which development occurs.
been its influence on the way young people have Particularly influential as an organizing frame-
been portrayed in the mass culture and, as a con- work has been Bronfenbrenner’s (1977, 1979,
sequence, in the popular mind. “According to a 1986) ecological approach, which articulates dif-
recent examination of a month of network and ferent contexts in terms of their immediacy to
local TV news coverage of American youth . . . the behaving individual. So, the microsystem re-
just 2% of teenagers were shown at home, while fers to ecologies with which the individual di-
only 1% were portrayed in a work setting. In rectly interacts: family, peers, school, and neigh-
contrast, the criminal justice system accounted borhood. The mesosystem is Bronfenbrenner’s
for nearly one out of every five visual backdrops” term for relationships between and among vari-
(Communitarian Network, 2000). A recent sur- ous microsystems. The exosystem is made up of
vey of adults in the United States found that the larger ecologies that indirectly affect develop-
majority describe youth in negative terms and ment and behavior, such as the legal system, the
believe that young people will leave the world in social welfare system, and mass media. Finally,
worse shape than they found it (Public Agenda the macrosystem consists of broad ideological and
Online, 1999). institutional patterns that collectively define a
But during the past two decades or so, the field culture. There is the risk of losing the individual
of youth development has articulated a more af- amid all of these systems, but the developmental
firmative vision of young people as resources perspective reminds us that different children
rather than as problems for society. This vision are not interchangeable puppets. Each young
focuses on the manifest potentials rather than person brings his or her own characteristics to
on the supposed incapacities of young people— the business of life, and these interact with the
including young people from the most disadvan- different ecologies to produce behavior.
taged backgrounds and those with the most The youth development field has always had
troubled histories. a strong interest in application (Catalano, Berg-
The positive youth development approach lund, Ryan, Lonczak, & Hawkins, 1999). From
recognizes the existence of adversities and de- their very beginning, national youth groups em-
velopmental challenges that may affect children braced promotion goals, but throughout the
in various ways, but it resists conceiving of the 20th century other applications were increas-
developmental process as mainly an effort to ingly directed at youth problems such as school
overcome deficits and risk. Instead, it begins dropout, juvenile crime, alcohol and drug use,
with a vision of a fully able child eager to explore and unwanted pregnancy. These early interven-
the world, to gain competence, and to acquire tions often targeted young people in crisis—i.e.,
the capacity to contribute importantly to the they helped youth with problems—and the
world. The positive youth development ap- more recent interventions were preventive—i.e.,
502 Part VII Beyond Disorder

they supported youth before problems devel- emerging positive vision of youth are the follow-
oped. The earliest applications were informed ing:
more by common sense and intuition than by
research. This state of affairs has changed in light 1. Children can overcome adversity and thrive.
of information from longitudinal studies about Many by nature are hardy, not delicate. The
the predictors of specific problems (e.g., Jessor & term resiliency is used to describe the quality
Jessor, 1977). This information provides explicit that enables young people to thrive even in
targets for interventions, and theory has begun the face of adversity (Werner, 1982). Asso-
to guide practice. ciated with resiliency are persistence, hard-
Another change that occurred as the field of iness, goal-directedness, an orientation to
youth development matured is that prevention success, achievement motivation, educa-
efforts targeting but a single problem came un- tional aspirations, a belief in the future, a
der criticism. Many problems co-occur and have sense of anticipation, a sense of purpose,
the same risk factors. Broad-based interventions and a sense of coherence (Benard, 1991).
can therefore have broad effects. Part of the 2. It is important to recognize, however, that
broadening of youth development and its appli- resiliency does not operate in a vacuum. Few
cations was a call for studying and eventually if any children are impervious to unrelent-
cultivating what has come to be known as posi- ing adversity. Without appropriate environ-
tive youth development—desirable outcomes mental or social support, children will likely
such as school achievement, vocational aspira- succumb to problems. What allows young
tions, community involvement, good interper- people to thrive is a combination of individ-
sonal relations, and the like. Pittman (1991, ual hardiness and protective factors embed-
2000) has phrased this change, “problem-free is ded in socializing institutions (cf. Bonnano,
not fully prepared.” Here is where youth devel- 2004).
opment converges with positive psychology and 3. Accordingly, the assets of youth that protect
its premise that the best in life is not simply the against problems and allow young people to
absence of disorder and dysfunction. do well include not only individual psycho-
As an applied field, youth development logical characteristics such as talents, ener-
marches to the drummer of societal priorities. At gies, strengths, and constructive interests
least as far as the nation’s youth are concerned, but also characteristics of their social set-
the reduction in their problems has been the pri- tings such as family support, parental in-
ority, for good reasons. “Positive” outcomes can volvement in schooling, adult role models
be a difficult sell when juxtaposed with tax cuts, outside the family, high expectations within
pothole repairs, and defense spending. But there the community, and the availability of cre-
is ample reason to believe that attention to ative activities (Benson, 1997). The agenda
positive outcomes has the additional effect of of positive youth development is to maxi-
reducing negative outcomes. Researchers at the mize the potential of young people by en-
Search Institute in Minneapolis have studied couraging both personal and environmental
what they call developmental assets, which assets. To do so requires a recognition of the
include external factors such as family support reciprocal relation between them (Bronfen-
and adult role models and internal factors such brenner & Ceci, 1994; Riegel, 1973).
as commitment to learning, positive values, and 4. The emerging positive youth development
sense of purpose (Benson, Leffert, Scales, & tradition takes a deliberately broad perspec-
Blyth, 1998; Leffert et al., 1998; Scales, Benson, tive on the qualities of young people that
Leffert, & Blyth, 2000). Youth with more of should be promoted. For example, following
these assets not only show fewer problems but extensive literature reviews and consensus
also display more thriving (e.g., school suc- meetings of experts in the field, Catalano,
cess, leadership, helping others, and physical Berglund, Ryan, Lonczak, and Hawkins
health). (2004) identified the following goals of pos-
Among the important ideas that frame this itive youth development.
Chapter 26 The Positive Perspective on Youth Development 503

Promoting bonding. Bonding is the emotional show successful responses to challenge and use
attachment and commitment a child makes to this learning to achieve successful outcomes
social relationships in the family, peer group, (Hawkins, Catalano, & Miller, 1992; Masten,
school, community, or culture. Child develop- Best, & Garmezy, 1990; Rutter, 1985; Werner,
ment studies frequently describe bonding and 1989, 1995).
attachment processes as internal working mod- Promoting competencies. The construct of
els for means by which a child forms social con- competence covers at least five areas of youth
nections with others (Ainsworth, Blehar, Waters, functioning—specifically, social, emotional,
& Wall, 1978; Bowlby, 1969, 1973, 1980; Mahler, cognitive, behavioral, and moral abilities. The
Pine, & Bergman, 1975). The interactions be- multidimensionality of competence has been in-
tween a child and his or her caregivers build the creasingly recognized in the past two decades
foundation for bonding that is key to the devel- (Gardner, 1993; Harter, 1985; Zigler & Berman,
opment of the child’s capacity for motivated be- 1983). More recently, Weissberg and Greenberg
havior (Erikson, 1968). Positive bonding with an (1997) urged that competence be viewed and
adult is crucial to the development of a capacity measured in research studies as an important de-
for adaptive responses to change, and growth velopmental outcome. While the enhancement
into a healthy and functional adult. Good bond- of competence can help to prevent negative out-
ing establishes the child’s trust in self and others. comes (Botvin, Baker, Dusenbury, Botvin, &
Inadequate bonding establishes patterns of in- Diaz, 1995), competence can also be specified
security and self-doubt. Very poor bonding es- and measured as an important outcome in its
tablishes a fundamental mistrust in self and oth- own right, indicative of positive development.
ers, creating an emotional emptiness that the Social competence encompasses the range of in-
child may try to fill in other ways, possibly terpersonal skills that help youth integrate feel-
through drugs, impulsive acts, antisocial peer re- ings, thinking, and actions to achieve specific so-
lations, or other problem behaviors (Braucht, cial and interpersonal goals (Caplan et al., 1992;
Kirby, & Berry, 1978; Brook, Brook, Gordon, Weissberg, Caplan, & Sivo, 1989). These skills in-
Whiteman, & Cohen, 1990; Kandel, Kessler, & clude encoding relevant social cues, accurately
Margulies, 1978). interpreting those social cues, generating effec-
The importance of bonding reaches beyond tive solutions to interpersonal problems, realis-
the family. How a child establishes early bonds tically anticipating consequences and potential
to caregivers will directly affect the manner in obstacles to one’s actions, and translating social
which the child later bonds to peers, school, the decisions into effective behavior.
community, and culture(s). The quality of a In a review of 650 articles on biopsychosocial
child’s bonds to these other domains are essen- risk factors and preventive interventions, Korn-
tial aspects of positive development into a berg and Caplan (1980) concluded that compe-
healthy adult (Brophy, 1988; Brophy & Good, tence training to promote adaptive behavior and
1986; Dolan, Kellam, & Brown, 1989; Hawkins, mental health is one of the most significant de-
Catalano, & Miller, 1992). Strategies to promote velopments in recent primary prevention re-
positive bonding combined with the develop- search. In general, social competence promotion
ment of skills have proven to be an effective in- programs have been designed to enhance per-
tervention for adolescents at risk for antisocial sonal and interpersonal effectiveness and to pre-
behavior (Caplan et al., 1992; Dryfoos, 1990). vent the development of maladaptive behavior
Fostering of resiliency. Resilience refers to any through (a) teaching students developmentally
instance of displayed competence despite adver- appropriate skills and information, (b) fostering
sity, whereas resiliency is the individual’s capacity prosocial and health-enhancing values and be-
to adapt to stressful events in healthy and flexi- liefs, and (c) creating environmental supports to
ble ways (Luthar, Cicchetti, & Becker, 2000). As reinforce the real-life application of skills (Weiss-
already described, resiliency has been identified berg et al., 1989). To produce meaningful effects
in research studies as a characteristic of youth on specific target behaviors, it also appears nec-
who, when exposed to multiple risk factors, essary to include opportunities for students to
504 Part VII Beyond Disorder

practice and apply learned skills to specific, rel- for rules and a sense of social justice. Kohlberg
evant social tasks (Hawkins & Weis, 1985). (1963, 1969, 1981) defined moral development
Emotional competence is the ability to identify as a multistage process through which children
and respond to feelings and emotional reactions acquire society’s standards of right and wrong,
in oneself and others. Salovey and Mayer (1989) focusing on choices made in facing moral dilem-
identified five elements of emotional compe- mas. Gilligan (1982) countered that morality is
tence, including knowing one’s emotions, man- as much about relationships and interdepend-
aging emotions, motivating oneself, recognizing ence as it is about societal rules, and Hoffman
emotions in others, and handling relationships. (1981) proposed that the roots of morality are in
The W. T. Grant Consortium on the School- empathy, or empathic arousal, which has a neu-
Based Promotion of Social Competence (1992, rological basis and can be either fostered or sup-
p. 136) provided a similar list of emotional skills pressed by environmental influences. He also as-
that are ingredients of many prevention pro- serted that empathic arousal eventually becomes
grams: “identifying and labeling feelings, ex- an important mediator of altruism, a quality that
pressing feelings, assessing the intensity of feel- many youth interventions try to promote in
ings, managing feelings, delaying gratification, young people.
controlling impulses, and reducing stress.” Encouraging self-determination. Self-determin-
Cognitive competence includes two overlapping ation is the ability to think for oneself and
constructs. The W. T. Grant Consortium on the to take action consistent with those thoughts.
School-Based Promotion of Social Competence Fetterman, Kaftarian, and Wandersman (1996)
(1992, p. 136) defined the first form of cognitive defined self-determination as the ability to chart
competence as the “ability to develop and apply one’s own course. Much of the literature on self-
the cognitive skills of self-talk, the reading and determination has emerged from work with dis-
interpretation of social cues, using steps for abled youth (Brotherson, Cook, Lahr, & Weh-
problem-solving and decision-making, under- meyer, 1995; Field, 1996; Sands & Doll, 1996;
standing the perspective of others, understand- Wehmeyer, 1996) and from cultural identity
ing behavioral norms, a positive attitude toward work with ethnic and minority populations
life, and self awareness.” The second aspect of (Snyder & Zoann, 1994; Swisher, 1996). Al-
cognitive competence is related to academic and though some writers have expressed concern
intellectual achievement. The emphasis here is that self-determination may emphasize individ-
on the development of core capacities, including ual development at the expense of group-
the ability to use logic, analytic thinking, and oriented values (Ewalt & Mokuau, 1995), others
abstract reasoning. link self-determination to innate psychological
Behavioral competence encompasses the skills needs for competence, autonomy, and related-
required for effective action. The W. T. Grant ness (Deci & Ryan, 1994).
Consortium on the School-Based Promotion of Fostering spirituality. Spirituality has been as-
Social Competence (1992, p. 136) identified sociated in some research with the development
three dimensions of behavioral competence: of a youth’s moral reasoning, moral commit-
“nonverbal communication (through facial ex- ment, or a belief in the moral order (Hirschi,
pressions, tone of voice, style of dress, gesture or 1969; Stark & Bainbridge, 1997). Recent reviews
eye contact), verbal communication (making of the relationship between religiosity and ado-
clear requests, responding effectively to criti- lescent well-being have found that religiosity is
cism, expressing feelings clearly), and taking positively associated with prosocial values and
action (helping others, walking away from neg- behavior, and negatively related to suicide idea-
ative situations, participating in positive activi- tion and attempts, substance abuse, premature
ties).” sexual involvement, and delinquency (Johnson,
Moral competence is a youth’s ability to assess Tierney, & Siegel, 2003).
and respond to the ethical, affective, or social Developing self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is the
justice dimensions of a situation. Piaget (1952, perception that one can achieve desired goals
1965) described moral maturity as both a respect through one’s own action. Bandura (1989,
Chapter 26 The Positive Perspective on Youth Development 505

p. 1175) proposed that “self-efficacy beliefs func- 1997), and bicultural or cross-cultural compe-
tion as an important set of proximal determi- tence (LaFromboise, Coleman, & Gerton, 1993;
nants of human motivation, affect, and action. LaFromboise & Rowe, 1983). Some researchers
They operate on action through motivational, have suggested that it is healthy for ethnic mi-
cognitive, and affective intervening processes.” nority youth to be socialized to understand the
Strategies associated with self-efficacy beliefs in- multiple demands and expectations of both the
clude personal goal setting, which is influenced majority and minority culture (Spencer, 1990;
by self-appraisal of one’s capabilities (Bandura, Spencer & Markstrom-Adams, 1990). This pro-
1986, 1993). Others have documented that the cess may offer psychological protection through
stronger the perceived self-efficacy, the higher providing a sense of identity that captures the
the goals people set for themselves and the strengths of the ethnic culture and helps buffer
firmer their commitment to them (Locke, Fred- experiences of racism and other risk factors (Hill,
erick, Lee, & Bobko, 1984). Piper, & Moberg, 1994). This may also enhance
Nurturing a clear and positive identity. Clear prosocial bonding to adults who can help youths
and positive identity is the internal organization to counter potential interpersonal violence in
of a coherent sense of self. The construct is as- their peer groups (Wilson, 1990).
sociated with the theory of identity develop- Fostering belief in the future. Belief in the future
ment emerging from studies of how children es- is the internalization of hope and optimism
tablish their identities across different social about possible outcomes. This construct is linked
contexts, cultural groups, and genders. Identity to studies on long-range goal setting, belief in
is viewed as a “self-structure,” an internal, self- higher education, and beliefs that support em-
constructed, dynamic organization of drives, ployment or work values. “Having a future gives
abilities, beliefs, and individual history, which is a teenager reasons for trying and reasons for val-
shaped by the child’s navigation of normal crises uing his life” (Prothrow-Stith, 1991, p. 57). Re-
or challenges at each stage of development (Er- search demonstrates that positive future expec-
ikson, 1968). Erikson described overlapping yet tations predict better social and emotional
distinct stages of psychosocial development that adjustment in school and a stronger internal lo-
influence a child’s sense of identity throughout cus of control, while acting as a protective factor
life, but which are especially critical in the first in reducing the negative effects of high stress on
20 years. If the adolescent or young adult does self-rated competence (Wyman, Cowen, Work,
not achieve a healthy identity, role confusion & Kerley, 1993).
can result. Developmental theorists assert that Recognizing positive behavior. Recognition for
successful identity achievement during adoles- positive involvement is the positive response of
cence depends on the child’s successful resolu- those in the social environment to desired be-
tion of earlier stages. haviors by youths. According to social learning
Stages of identity development are linked to theory, behavior is in large part a consequence
gender differences in childhood and adoles- of the reinforcement or lack of reinforcement
cence, revealing a series of identity aspects for that follows action (Akers, Krohn, Lanza-Kaduce,
girls that are not strictly parallel to those of boys & Radosevich, 1979; Bandura, 1973). Reinforce-
(Gilligan, 1982). Investigations of the positive ment affects an individual’s motivation to en-
identity development of gay and bisexual youth gage in similar behavior in the future. Social
have become a focus for some researchers (John- reinforcers have major effects on behavior. These
ston & Bell, 1995). For youth of color, the devel- social reinforcers can come from the peer group,
opment of positive identity and its role in family, school, or community.
healthy psychological functioning is closely Providing opportunities for prosocial involvement.
linked with the development of ethnic identity Opportunity for prosocial involvement is the presen-
(Mendelberg, 1986; Parham & Helms, 1985; tation of events and activities across different so-
Phinney, 1990, 1991; Phinney, Lochner, & Mur- cial environments that encourage youths to par-
phy, 1990; Plummer, 1995), issues of bicultural ticipate in prosocial actions. The provision of
identification (Phinney & Devich-Navarro, prosocial opportunities in the nonschool hours
506 Part VII Beyond Disorder

has been the focus of much discussion and study (DSM) sponsored by the American Psychiatric
(Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development, Association (1994) and the International Classi-
1992; Pittman, 1991). For a child to acquire key fication of Diseases (ICD) sponsored by the World
interpersonal skills in early development, posi- Health Organization (1990)—allow disorders to
tive opportunities for interaction and participa- be described and have given rise to a family of
tion must be available (Hawkins, Catalano, reliable assessment strategies. There now exist ef-
Jones, & Fine, 1987; Patterson, Chamberlain, & fective treatments, psychological and pharma-
Reid, 1982; Pentz et al., 1989). In adolescence, it cological, for more than a dozen disorders that
is especially important that youth have the op- in the recent past were frighteningly intractable
portunity for interaction with positively ori- (Barrett & Ollendick, 2004 Hibbs & Jensen, 1996;
ented peers and for involvement in roles in Kazdin & Weisz, 2003; Nathan & Gorman, 1998,
which they can make a contribution to the 2002; Seligman, 1994).
group, whether family, school, neighborhood, But there has been a cost to this emphasis.
peer group, or larger community (Dryfoos, Much of scientific psychology has neglected the
1990). study of what can go right with people and often
Establishing prosocial norms. Social institu- has little more to say about the good life than do
tions that foster prosocial norms seek to encour- pop psychologists, inspirational speakers, and
age youth to adopt healthy beliefs and clear stan- armchair gurus. More subtly, the underlying as-
dards for behavior through a range of sumptions of psychology have shifted to em-
approaches. These may include providing youth brace a disease model of human nature. Human
with data about the small numbers of people beings are seen as flawed and fragile, casualties
their age who use illegal drugs, so that they de- of cruel environments or bad genetics, and if not
cide that they do not need to use drugs to be in denial then at best in recovery. This worldview
normal; encouraging youth to make explicit has crept into the common culture of the United
commitments in the presence of peers or men- States. We have become a nation of self-
tors not to use drugs or to skip school; involving identified victims, and our heroes and heroines
older youth in communicating healthy stan- are called survivors and nothing more.
dards for behavior to younger children; or en- Positive psychology proposes that it is time to
couraging youth to identify personal goals and correct this imbalance and to challenge the per-
set standards for themselves that will help them vasive assumptions of the disease model (Mad-
achieve these goals (Hawkins, Catalano, & Mil- dux, 2002). Proponents of positive psychology
ler, 1992; Hawkins, Catalano, Morrison, call for as much focus on strength as on weak-
O’Donnell, Abbott, & Day, 1992). ness, as much interest in building the best things
in life as in repairing the worst, and as much at-
tention to fulfilling the lives of healthy people
WHAT IS POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY? as to healing the wounds of the distressed (Selig-
man, 2002; Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000).
The field of positive psychology was christened The concern of psychology with human prob-
in 1998 as one of the initiatives of Martin Selig- lems is of course understandable. It will not and
man in his role as President of the American Psy- should not be abandoned; people experience dif-
chological Association (Seligman, 1998, 1999). ficulties that demand and deserve scientifically
The trigger for positive psychology was the informed solutions. Positive psychologists are
premise that psychology since World War II has merely saying that the psychology of the past 60
focused much of its efforts on human problems years is incomplete. But as simple as this pro-
and how to remedy them. The yield of this focus posal sounds, it demands a sea change in per-
on pathology has been considerable. Great spective. Psychologists interested in promoting
strides have been made in understanding, treat- human potential need to start with different as-
ing, and preventing psychological disorders. sumptions and to pose different questions from
Widely accepted classification manuals—the Di- their peers who assume only a disease model.
agnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders The most basic assumption that positive psy-
Chapter 26 The Positive Perspective on Youth Development 507

chology urges is that human goodness and ex- dent. The example of whistleblowers shows that
cellence are as authentic as disease, disorder, and employees do not always conform with work-
distress. Positive psychologists are adamant that place norms. And the example of excellent stu-
these topics not be secondary, derivative, illu- dents from underfunded school districts shows
sory, epiphenomenal, or otherwise suspect. The that intellectual curiosity is not always stamped
good news for positive psychology is that our out by educational mediocrity.
generalizations about business-as-usual psychol- But matters are simpler when institutions,
ogy over the past 60 years are simply that—gen- traits, and experiences are in alignment (cf.
eralizations. As already noted, there are many Gardner, Csikszentmihalyi, & Damon, 2001). In-
good examples of psychological research, past deed, doing well in life probably represents a
and present, that can be claimed as positive psy- coming together of these three domains and
chology. demonstrates why positive psychology and pos-
Positive psychologists do not claim to have in- itive youth development programs are poten-
vented notions of happiness and well-being, or tially good partners.
even to have ushered in their scientific study. Psychologists have only recently devoted
Rather, the contribution of positive psychology their full attention to the conceptualization and
has been to provide an umbrella term for what measurement of core positive psychology con-
have been isolated lines of theory and research structs such as life satisfaction and strength of
and to make the self-conscious argument that character. And even more recent is the exami-
what makes life worth living deserves its own nation of these constructs among young people.
field of inquiry within psychology, at least until Regardless, we believe that these are important.
that day when all of psychology embraces the They contribute to a variety of positive outcomes
study of what is good along with the study of and at the same time work as a buffer against a
what is bad. variety of negative outcomes, including psycho-
Within the framework of positive psychology logical disorders. Life satisfaction and character
(Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000) one can strengths serve not only as key indicators of pos-
find a comprehensive scheme for understanding itive youth development but also as broad ena-
and promoting positive youth development. Re- bling factors in the promotion and maintenance
search and practice efforts should include the of optimal mental health among youth. The task
domains identified by positive psychology as in applying these notions to the field of youth
critical in thriving. We can parse the concerns of development is to understand how they confer
positive psychology into three related topics: the benefits and, ultimately, how they can be delib-
study of positive subjective experiences (happiness, erately encouraged.
pleasure, gratification, fulfillment), the study of
positive individual traits (strengths of character,
talents, interests, values), and the study of ena- YOUTH DEVELOPMENT FROM THE
bling institutions (families, schools, businesses, POSITIVE PERSPECTIVE
communities, societies). A theory is implied
here: Enabling institutions facilitate the devel- Despite its initially radical notions about young
opment and display of positive traits, which in people, the positive youth development perspec-
turn facilitate positive subjective experiences tive has become so widely endorsed, at least in
(Park & Peterson, 2003). the abstract, that the label is sometimes used to
The term facilitate deliberately avoids strict describe any and all programs that involve
causal language. It is possible for people to be young people. The result is that the self-
happy or content even in the absence of good identified positive youth development field is
character, and people can have good character sprawling. In an overview of the youth devel-
even when living outside the realm of enabling opment field, Benson and Saito (2000, p. 136)
institutions. The example of apartheid’s demise went so far as to conclude that “if one commis-
in South Africa shows that citizens can do the sioned 10 writers to compose reviews of what we
right thing even in the face of historical prece- know about youth development, 10 very differ-
508 Part VII Beyond Disorder

ent papers would emerge. Perhaps a few studies choices they have made. Second is the pursuit of
and a few names would be constant. Ultimately, engagement, involvement and absorption in ac-
the overlap in references cited would be mini- tivities that produce the state of flow. We want
mal.” We are not as dismayed about the coher- our children to find activities at school, at play,
ence of the youth development field as these au- and eventually at work in which they can lose
thors, but we do agree with their conclusion that themselves. Third is the pursuit of meaning in
“the conceptual terrain is murky” (p. 136). which one attempts to connect with external
In the contemporary United States alone, the factors or forces larger than the self by embracing
vast majority of the 30⫹ million adolescents par- social responsibility or experiencing the imma-
ticipate in one or more programs or organiza- terial and transcendent. We want our children to
tions with other young people: middle school, make a life that matters to the world and creates
high school, church groups, mentoring pro- a difference for the better.
grams, Little League baseball, the Boy Scouts of The vision of the thriving youth that emerges
America, and other after-school programs. Many here is a young person who experiences more
of these programs have adopted “positive” lan- positive affect than negative affect, who is satis-
guage to frame their goals and rationales. But we fied with his or her life as it has been lived, who
stop short of calling all of these programs posi- has identified what he or she does well and uses
tive in their actual stance toward youth. Con- these talents and strengths in a variety of fulfill-
sider, for example, juvenile boot camp programs ing pursuits; and who is a contributing member
that try to scare children “straight” (Tyler, Dar- of a social community. And, of course, safety and
ville, & Stalnaker, 2001). And we certainly refrain health are importantly in place as the context of
from saying that all of these programs succeed; this vision. From the perspective of positive psy-
otherwise 99⫹% of our young people would be chology, a positive youth development program
doing extremely well. is one that effectively targets one or more of
Part of the human condition, in the contem- these facets. It is worth noting that business-as-
porary United States as well as elsewhere, is the usual clinical psychology and psychiatry have
embeddedness of individuals in multiple social been concerned with but one of these features:
systems—some that encourage thriving and the reduction of negative affect (i.e., depression
some that do not. A close and analytic look is and anxiety).
needed, not just at existing outcome evidence As explained already, youth development pro-
but also at the actual programs in which young ponents have also addressed the vision of a
people participate and the active ingredients in healthy child, and their lists of desirable attri-
those programs that work (Larson, 2000). Posi- butes overlap considerably with what we have
tive psychology provides a way to think about just specified:
the goals of positive youth development and
how they are achieved. If we are trying to de-
velop young people, just what is our destination, • Benson (1997) proposed a number of devel-
and how will we know that we have arrived— opmental assets (discussed earlier).
that positive development has indeed occurred? • Also popular are the alliterative five Cs: car-
Everyday people may equate happiness with ing, competence, character, connection, and
momentary positive affect, but positive psychol- confidence (cf. Roth & Brooks-Gunn, 2003).
ogy proposes that “authentic” happiness is a • The National Research Council Committee
broad concept that includes three distinct ori- on Community-based Programs for Youth
entations to life (Seligman, 2002). First is the pur- similarly proposed that positive youth pos-
suit of pleasure, the venerable doctrine of hedon- sess good health habits; knowledge of life
ism and the underpinning of psychoanalysis and skills; emotional self-regulation; optimism;
all but the most radical of the behaviorisms. We prosocial values; spirituality or a sense of
may not want our children to become hedonists purpose; trusting relationships with peers,
or epicureans, but we certainly want them to be parents, and other adults; attachment to
full of cheer, free of worry, and content with the positive institutions; and commitment to
Chapter 26 The Positive Perspective on Youth Development 509

civic engagement (Eccles & Gootman, for the cultivation of positive characteris-
2002). tics?
• Weissberg and O’Brien (2004) described pos- • What sorts of competencies—intellectual,
itive youth in terms of core social and emo- behavioral, emotional, social, and moral—
tional competencies: self-awareness, social need to be in place for other positive char-
awareness, emotional self-management, re- acteristics to be nurtured?
lationship skills, and responsible decision • What sorts of settings lend themselves to the
making. development of positive characteristics, and
• Finally, as described in detail, Catalano et al. what sorts of settings hinder them?
(2004) pointed to such features as attach- • How do positive characteristics interact with
ment and commitment to social relation- risk factors?
ships in the family, peer group, school, com- • What is the relative strength of positive
munity, or culture; resiliency; competence characteristics compared to risk factors in
(social, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, promoting healthy outcomes and prevent-
and moral); self-determination; spirituality; ing adverse ones?
clear and positive identity; optimism; op-
portunities for involvement; recognition for In sum, the availability of reliable and valid re-
positive behavior; and prosocial norms. search instruments draws our attention to mech-
anisms and pathways by which optimal devel-
opment occurs. Interventions that do less than
These different visions of thriving by a young
throw the proverbial kitchen sink at youth then
person overlap substantially. Taken together,
become possible (Linley & Joseph, 2004).
they currently guide the development of com-
If we are successful in merging positive youth
prehensive ways to measure their components.
development and positive psychology, the initial
Both positive youth development (e.g., Arthur,
stages may be awkward. Positive psychology is a
Hawkins, Pollard, Catalano, & Baglioni, 2002;
new perspective within academic psychology.
Moore, Lippman, & Brown, 2004) and positive
Positive youth development is a more estab-
psychology (e.g., Lopez & Snyder, 2003; Ong &
lished subject matter embraced by multiple dis-
van Dulmen, 2005; Peterson & Seligman, 2004)
ciplines. The integration of these approaches will
provide useful research tools. These measures
result from deliberation, negotiation, and trade-
and indices allow important matters to be ad-
dressed that are unanswerable if our only vision
Positive psychologists will need to “get real”
is a list of unsorted desiderata. For example:
about the fuzzy world in which youth live and
to do more than bracket social institutions for
• How are positive characteristics distributed study by other disciplines (Nicholson, Collins, &
in the population of young people? Holmer, 2004). Positive psychologists must do
• How do various positive characteristics co- more than generalize downward to adolescents
vary? from empirical studies of young adults in intro-
• Are some positive characteristics primary ductory psychology subject pools (cf. Hawkins,
and others derivative? Catalano, Kosterman, Abbott, & Hill, 1999). Pos-
• Are some more crucial than others in pre- itive youth development practitioners in con-
dicting the presence of good outcomes or trast must become more comfortable with the
the absence of bad outcomes? notion of individual agency and take their own
• Are there levels of positive characteristics rhetoric seriously that young people are indeed
that are “good enough” as judged by the in- resourceful and resilient (Larson, 2000). Some
dividual or society in terms of what they youth development proponents seem to have an
produce, or is more always better? ambivalent relation with the notion of person-
• Which positive characteristics are the easiest ality traits and especially character, perhaps be-
to nurture, and which are the most difficult? cause of its implication that youth would be
• Are there critical, or at least optimal, periods okay if they only learned to say no.
510 Part VII Beyond Disorder

Needless to say, a concern with character does are now turning their attention to their deliber-
not preclude acknowledging the role played by ate cultivation (Seligman et al., 2003).
multiple social systems in shaping the person, Both fields must compromise—positive psy-
for better or for worse. If youth are to be devel- chology by refraining from the cautious “further
oped, one needs to ask just what it is about them basic research is needed” mantra of the academy,
that develops. One important answer is individ- and youth development by examining the en-
ual psychological characteristics (Peterson & Se- thusiastic “more is better” truism of liberal social
ligman, 2004). To be specific, these characteris- activism. We already know enough to mount in-
tics include the following: terventions with a good likelihood of short-term
success (Catalano et al., 2003), but we need to
examine further these interventions in terms of
• Positive emotions, such as joy, contentment,
their long-term consequences, their cost-
and love. Positive emotions have been
effectiveness, and their active ingredients. We
linked by recent research to the broadening
also need to listen to youth as we try to help
and building of psychological skills and abil-
ities (Fredrickson, 1998, 2000, 2001).
• Flow, the psychological state that accompa-
nies highly engaging activities (Csikszent-
mihalyi, 1990). The frequent experience of IDENTIFYING EFFECTIVE YOUTH
flow during adolescence foreshadows long- DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS
term desirable consequences, such as
achievement in creative domains (Rathunde In a classification similar to Bronfenbrenner’s
& Csikszentmihalyi, 1993). more abstract distinctions among ecological sys-
• Life satisfaction, the overall judgment that tems, Benson and Saito (2000) have proposed
one’s life is a good one (Diener, 1984). Life that the institutions that enable positive youth
satisfaction among youth is pervasively as- development be categorized from the specific to
sociated with the presence of desirable psy- the general:
chological characteristics (e.g., self-esteem,
resiliency, hope, self-reliance, health-
• Programs entail semistructured or structured
promoting habits, and prosocial behavior)
group activities for youth, usually led by
and the absence of negative characteristics
adults, deliberately designed to achieve spe-
(anxiety, depression, loneliness, school dis-
cific goals and outcomes—e.g., service learn-
cipline problems, drug and alcohol use,
ing requirements in high schools, drug pre-
teenage pregnancy, and violence). Life sat-
vention interventions, transition-to-work
isfaction also buffers against the develop-
programs, Big Brothers and Big Sisters.
ment of depression in the wake of stressful
• Organizations are settings that provide activ-
life events (Park, 2004b).
ities and relationships intended to improve
• Character strengths, which include positive
the well-being of young people—e.g.,
traits such as curiosity, kindness, gratitude,
YWCA, youth soccer leagues, church re-
hope, and humor (Peterson & Seligman,
2004). Among young people, such strengths
• Socializing systems are “naturally occurring”
are robustly linked to life satisfaction and
social institutions that intend, among other
can function as buffers against the negative
goals, to enhance processes and outcomes
effects of stress and trauma (Park, 2004a).
consistent with positive youth develop-
• Competencies, or skills and abilities in social,
ment—e.g., families, schools, religious insti-
emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and moral
tutions, museums, libraries, neighborhoods.
domains (Weissberg & O’Brien, 2004)
• Community is an overarching institution
that includes the geographical setting
Researchers have already identified many of the within which programs, organizations,
precursors of these valuable characteristics and and socializing systems interact. The social
Chapter 26 The Positive Perspective on Youth Development 511

norms, resources, and relationships that in- But for the most part, the indicators system
fluence youth development take place here. does not monitor positive development and out-
comes. With exceptions, such as the measure of
These categories of institutions of course over- volunteering included in America’s Children (Fed-
lap. For example, programs are often embedded eral Interagency Forum on Child and Family Sta-
in organizations, and a common way to catego- tistics, 2001) and measures of academic success
rize youth development programs is in terms of such as the percentages of students meeting
the setting (organization) in which they occur— grade level standards, high school graduation
e.g., school-based programs, after-school pro- rates, and college entrance examination scores,
grams; and faith-based programs. And as Bron- the indicators system lacks a vision of what
fenbrenner has emphasized, instances of these might be desired and fostered in the develop-
categories interact. ment of the next generation. However, as em-
However we categorize enabling institutions, phasized, both positive youth development and
just what are they vis-à-vis positive youth devel- positive psychology suggest a rich array of posi-
opment? Do critical features recur and function tive indicators (and ways of measuring them)
as the institutional equivalent of the nonspecific that should be formally incorporated into state
factors identified by psychotherapy researchers? and federal indicators systems (e.g., Arthur et al.,
Are these features the sorts of things that we can 2002).
deliberately create or modify, or must we simply
hope that they will appear in the lives of young
people? Methodological Issues
Like much of social science over the past 60
years, what we know about institutions and their Eccles and Templeton (2003) amplified these
impact on youth has been decidedly slanted criticisms in a recent discussion of how to iden-
toward problems and pathology. We know a tify successful youth development programs. As
fair amount about family chaos, underfunded they reviewed the research done on programs for
schools, and unsafe neighborhoods, especially in youth, they were struck by the heterogeneity in
terms of the toll that they can take on children virtually all design features:
and adolescents. We know a fair amount about
the risk factors for unhealthy behaviors and for • The heterogeneity of the youth along di-
various psychological disorders. Indeed, we can mensions of age, gender, sexual orientation,
almost write an exact formula for producing a ethnicity, family social class, and place of
drug-using, violent, alienated school dropout residence
who satisfies one or more DSM diagnoses and is • The research designs used, which ranged
resistant to treatment. In contrast, we need to from in-depth ethnographic studies of small
know more about the institutions that produce to large local programs to carefully con-
positive outcomes, those that move young peo- trolled quantitative evaluation studies and
ple above the zero points of disorder, distress, included both cross-sectional and longitu-
and dysfunction (Peterson, 2000). dinal survey-type studies, large- and small-
Frequently used measures for tracking youth scale experimental evaluations, descriptive
development also tend to have a negative bias, studies of programs considered to be effec-
reflecting societal concerns with youth problems tive by the communities in which they re-
and those of funding agencies that sponsor the side, meta-analyses of other published arti-
development and use of indicators (Moore, et al., cles, and more traditional summative
2004). In the current U.S. indicators system, reviews of both published and nonpub-
measures of child well-being focus primarily on lished reports.
negative outcomes and problems. We measure • The outcomes studied, which ranged from
and track those behaviors that adults wish to pre- such youth characteristics as increases in ac-
vent: homicide, school dropout, substance use, ademic achievement, school engagement,
teen childbearing, low birth weight, and crime. mental health, and life skills to decreases in
512 Part VII Beyond Disorder

or avoidance of such problematic outcomes pothesized mediators of participation on indi-

as teen pregnancy, alcohol and drug use and vidual change and then use causal modeling
abuse, and involvement in delinquent and techniques to test these hypotheses. Such de-
violent behaviors signs tell us something about the plausible
• The quality of implementation of the pro- “causes” of the many longitudinal changes that
gram goals, what psychotherapy outcome might be associated with participation in the ac-
researchers call fidelity of treatment tivity. Too few of the studies of extracurricular
• The level of both the study focus and the activities have used experimental designs with
analyses, which ranged from fairly micro- random assignment to pin down more defini-
level changes at the level of the individual tively the consequences of activity participation.
youth or staff person to macrolevel changes Researchers studying after-school programs,
at the level of the community or even the whether in schools or in community organiza-
city or state tions, have typically used two research strategies:
nonexperimental descriptive studies and quasi-
It is worth emphasizing that the evaluation of experimental or experimental program evalua-
program effectiveness can be compromised by tion strategies. Although experimental methods
how the program itself is run. If it encounters using random assignment are rightly considered
difficulties with the recuitment or retention of the gold standard of program evaluation, they
participants, if it is delivered inconsistently, if it can be quite expensive and difficult to imple-
is changed before its effects have a chance to play ment. Accordingly, they may not always be the
themselves out, or if it is unduly affected by so- best method to study community-based after-
cietal fads (some of which may be legislatively school programs (cf. Agodin & Dynarski, 2001;
mandated), one can say little about its success. Hollister & Hill, 1999).
A variety of methods are used to study pro- Rather, the best method depends on the ques-
grams for youth. Most studies rely on either tion(s) being asked. The method also depends on
cross-sectional or longitudinal surveys that link the nature of the thing being studied. Studies of
activity participation to individual level out- these types of experiences on positive youth de-
comes—such as school achievement and en- velopment have focused on at least four different
gagement, mental health, social development, levels: the individual across time, programs, or-
and/or involvement in various problem ganizations, and communities. Programs them-
behaviors—with the primary research goal of selves are also composed of different types of
describing the relation between participation specific activities. Similarly, organizations usu-
and outcomes. Unfortunately, few of these stud- ally contain a wide variety of programs and ac-
ies measure characteristics of the programs tivities. Finally, organizations themselves are
themselves. Consequently, the studies tell us lit- very heterogeneous, ranging from after-school
tle about the actual features of the programs that centers tied to such national youth organiza-
might explain any observed change in partici- tions as the YMCA, YWCA, 4-H, Girls Incorpo-
pants. rated, Beacons, and the 21st Century Learning
Selection concerns are a constant threat to un- Centers, to local parks and recreation centers,
derstanding the effects of extracurricular activi- amateur sports leagues, and faith-based centers.
ties and after-school activities. When participa- The best method of study depends on the level
tion is a choice, those who opt for a given one wants to study.
program may well differ in the first place from The most comprehensive theories about pro-
those who do not; the program itself may be ir- gramming effects typically focus on either the
relevant in producing long-term differences. program level or the activities within the pro-
Some recent longitudinal studies have included gram. Not surprisingly, most of the quasiexperi-
the most obvious third variables. And other lon- mental or experimental program evaluations fo-
gitudinal studies have gathered data consistent cus on this level for three major reasons: (1)
with a theory-based evaluation perspective. In programs and activities are simple enough to al-
these studies, the researchers measure the hy- low for explicit theories regarding the nature of
Chapter 26 The Positive Perspective on Youth Development 513

the proposed impact of the program on youth ates a problem with selection bias. When such
development; (2) programs and activities are programs are offered at school during the regular
small enough to make random assignment to the school hours, random assignment may be easier
treatment and control groups possible; and (3) and more successful because the participants are
programs often have sufficiently well-developed more likely to attend regularly and complete the
manuals and resources materials to allow dis- program. In contrast, the voluntary nature of
semination. joining and attending after-school community-
Doing randomized trial experimental evalua- based youth programs, particularly if they are in
tions is much more difficult at the organization nonschool settings during nonschool hours,
and community level. For example, there are a leads to more sporadic attendance and higher
variety of challenges to using experimental de- rates of dropping out. Consequently, researchers
signs to evaluate large nationally visible organi- are faced with uncontrolled factors that influ-
zations such as the YMCAs or YWCAs. First, na- ence attendance. In this case, rigid adherence to
tional organizations differ in their local random assignment classification in analyzing
programming. Consequently, even if one could one’s results is likely to underestimate the pro-
successfully implement a truly randomized trial gram’s effectiveness for those youth who are ac-
evaluation design for specific sites, it is not clear tually exposed to it over an extended period of
that the information gained would generalize to time (Zaff, O’Neill, & Eccles, 2002). Length of
other sites. This is why multisite trials are advo- participation is not an infallible moderator of
cated in this setting. However, this is a common program effectiveness, however, if youth who
feature of experimentation that highlights inter- are more likely to stay with a given program do
nal validity at the cost of external validity. Rep- so because of preexisting differences.
lication and extension are part of the experi- The challenge for program evaluators is to
mental mantra. In addition, because these or- specify the features that make complex programs
ganizations are complex and offer a varied as- effective. Because individual participants may se-
sortment of programs, the level of evaluation lect which parts of a program to attend and how
needs to be quite general. Such information is often, evaluators may know little about each in-
likely to tell us little about which specific aspects dividual’s exposure to various aspects of the cen-
of the organizational context produce positive ter’s programming. Such variation makes it dif-
developmental results for the participating chil- ficult to determine the aspects of the program
dren and adolescents. that are responsible for certain developmental
Even evaluation of programs within organi- outcomes.
zations can be quite difficult. Most after-school Finally, the evolving nature of many youth
and in-school nonacademic programs are vol- programs poses problems for evaluation. Exper-
untary. Although parents may try to insist that imental methods usually assume a static treat-
their children attend, their ability to enforce ment. Nonexperimental research on youth pro-
their desires on their children declines as their grams suggests that the most highly respected
children move into and through adolescence. In and well-attended programs are dynamic—
addition, as noted above, many community or- changing, for example, in response to seasonal
ganizations for youth include a diverse array of activity structures, changing clientele, changing
programs from which youth select. Often their staff, and information derived from ongoing re-
selections vary from week to week or day to day, flective practice and self-evaluation, as well as
making each individual youth’s experiences from the youth themselves (McLaughlin, 2000;
at the organization quite unique. Again, there McLaughlin, Irby, & Langman, 1994). These are
are methods to meet the messiness of the real often the problems associated with ineffective
world. treatment, shifting client presenting issues, shift-
Each of these program and organizational ing responses, never knowing if anything works.
characteristics has implications for experimental Rather than make these chaotic and unorganized
program evaluation. For example, the voluntary aspects of the environment the driving aspects
nature of many community-based programs cre- of the field, the professionalization of and dis-
514 Part VII Beyond Disorder

ciplined approach by the field needs to under- further the gains made by the positive youth de-
stand what works. velopment field, we must demand rigorous eval-
Given these concerns, it is not surprising that uation, despite demands on cost and imagina-
some of the most careful studies of extracurric- tion.
ular and other positive youth developmental
programs use either nonexperimental methods
or mixed methods in which small experiments Youth Development Programs That Work
are embedded as part of an action research
agenda. Also not surprisingly, some of the As noted, enough outcome studies have been
strongest experimental evaluations of nonaca- done to warrant reviews of these programs to ab-
demic programs for youth have been conducted stract what works and why. We offer the provoc-
on school-based programs offered during regular ative conclusion that at least as much is known
school hours. about effective youth development programs as
Studying organized community efforts at in- is known about effective clinical interventions—
creasing the provision of quality experiences for psychotherapeutic and pharmacological—for
youth is even more challenging. Nonetheless, adolescents that are described earlier in this vol-
there is a growing interest in efforts at this level. ume. Indeed, recent years have seen the publi-
Both researchers and policy advocates are com- cation of many reviews of the effectiveness of
ing to the conclusion that substantial and sus- youth development programs, some qualitative
tainable increments in the quantity and acces- (narrative reviews) and others quantitative
sibility of high-quality after-school experiences (meta-analytic reviews). Before we turn to an
for America’s youth need community-wide ini- overview of these reviews and their conclusions,
tiatives. some framing is in order.
In principle, the best design remains one that Each review starts by demarcating its terrain—
uses random assignment. The policy question e.g., character education programs, school-based
invariably posed is whether Program X adds programs, after-school programs, prevention
value to business as usual; only a true experi- programs (those that decrease problems or risky
ment can allow this question to be answered behaviors), promotion programs (those that en-
with certainty. If there are no demonstrable dif- courage positive outcomes like social skills). In
ferences, policy makers will not see the point in some cases, two reviews overlap in their terrain
supporting new programs. Accordingly, there is (and hence the research studies included), and
a practical as well as a scientific reason for true in other cases, the terrains are distinct enough to
experiments in the “real” world. result in completely nonoverlapping studies.
These are controversial issues, and we think Some large number of outcomes studies from ei-
the wisest conclusion is cautiously even-handed: ther published or unpublished sources are then
Use a variety of methods, each with its strengths identified and then winnowed according to one
and weaknesses for given purposes, and look for or more design criteria (e.g., comparison groups,
convergence in conclusions. For instance, in the quantitative data, adequate statistical power, be-
arena of psychotherapy research for adults, ran- havioral measures, replication). Among included
domized clinical trials established conclusively studies, some reviews distinguish between high-
that therapy can work (Smith & Glass, 1977), quality evaluations and others, a criterion diffi-
and nonexperimental studies extended this con- cult to judge because relatively few programs as-
clusion by suggesting that therapy as typically sess fidelity or quality of implementation. And
practiced does work (Seligman, 1995). in some reviews, only programs that work in the
Especially given the struggle for credibility sense of yielding significant differences between
over the years, the field of positive youth devel- intervention groups and comparison groups are
opment should not give up on experimental de- examined in detail.
signs simply because they are difficult to imple- This latter strategy makes sense if one is trying
ment or are too expensive or too messy. To do so to discover best-practice interventions—model
would invite justified skepticism. To sustain and programs—but it is suspect if one is trying to ar-
Chapter 26 The Positive Perspective on Youth Development 515

rive at overall conclusions about youth devel- supportive relationships (between youth partic-
opment programs. Before identifying “best ipants and group leaders, teachers, parents, and
practice,” we need to know that there is “good so on) and, not surprisingly, fidelity of imple-
practice,” otherwise such selectivity runs the risk mentation. One-shot programs do not work
of capitalizing on chance findings or inadver- well, although it is unclear just how long a pro-
tently highlighting unusual programs. gram needs to be before it begins to work. Struc-
Of the many thousands of youth develop- tured programs are more effective, a feature that
ment programs in the United States, a reviewer can be achieved by manualizing the program, or
seems able to find at most several hundred eval- spelling out in detail just what one does to make
uation efforts, of which a few dozen typically sat- the program a reality. Everyone concludes, al-
isfy the methodological criteria set forth. Often though these may be articles of faith more than
the reviews conclude by identifying a small evidence-based facts, that programs need to take
number of model programs (as judged by rigor- account of the multiple links among socializing
ous evaluations) that are then described in detail. agents and that community norms supporting
Table 26.1 lists some of the frequently cited the goals of a program must be in place (cf.
model programs and their design features. (More Schinke & Matthieu, 2003).
detailed descriptions of most of these programs The reader will note that most of the reviews
as well as many others are available at http:// have been of programs and not of more general by fol- institutions that might promote well-being
lowing the link to programs/curricula). These among youth. The Johnson et al. (2003) review
programs are not the only ones that work, but is an exception—the socializing system of reli-
the evidence for their effectivess is especially gion has been consistently associated with de-
solid because it usually involved evaluation with sired outcomes, although this is a purely corre-
random assignment, multiple outcome mea- lational conclusion and leaves unanswered the
sures, and long-term follow-up. hypothetical question of what coerced partici-
Table 26.2 summarizes some of the more re- pation in religious activities would produce.
cent reviews of empirical studies of the (History tells us that this would be a disaster if
effectiveness of youth development programs in done on a large scale, but we also wonder about
reducing problems and/or promoting well- the effects of parents forcing unwilling offspring
being. As can be seen, the outcome measures to attend church.) The Child Trends (2003) re-
ranged from the positive to the negative, al- search briefs are another exception, because they
though individual reviews tended to focus on survey the effects of not only specific programs
only a few classes of outcomes. Every review of- but also more general institutions and socializ-
fered its own conclusions about what works, but ing systems.
we rely here on syntheses provided by Eccles and And what about communities? Epidemiolog-
Gootman (2002), Nation et al. (2003), and Park ical research tells us that problems are more
and Peterson (2004). The bottom line is that likely to occur in some communities than others,
youth development programs can promote the posi- but the studies are not fine-grained and in any
tive and reduce the negative. Each of the reviews event we know that problems co-occur. Not
was able to point to empirical evidence that at enough is known about the community set-
least some programs achieved one or more of tings that help youth thrive in all the ways that
their stated goals, as shown by demonstrable ef- we have described, although extensive re-
fects on the outcomes of interest. However, cau- search with subjective well-being shows that
tion is introduced by the following disclaimers: demographic variables (a proxy for certain
(1) lack of random assignment in many program community-level variables given ethnic, socio-
evaluations; (2) inconsistent measures across economic, and educational stratification in the
studies, especially of positive outcomes; and (3) United States) are but weakly associated with
in most cases, lack of long-term follow-up data life satisfaction. Recent studies of character
(i.e., years after the program is done). strengths in adults similarly show few consistent
A common thread of programs that work is demographic correlates except gender and,
Table 26.1 Model Youth Development Programs

Big Brothers and Big Sisters (Tierney & Grossman, 2000)

• Ongoing community-based mentoring program (3–5 contact hours per week) that matches low-
income children and adolescents, many from single-parent homes, with adult volunteers with the
expectation that a caring and supportive relationship will develop
• Evaluated with random-assignment design, long-term follow-up
• Outcome measures included academic achievement, parental trust, violence, alcohol and drug use,
and truancy.

Caring School Community (Solomon, Battistich, Watson, Schaps, & Lewis, 2000)
• Twenty-five-session school-based program that targets drug use and violence through community-
building exercises
• Evaluated with quasiexperimental design using multiple comparison groups, long-term follow-up
• Outcome measures included social acceptance, alcohol and drug use, loneliness, social anxiety, and
antisocial behavior (carrying weapons, vehicle theft).

Penn Resiliency Program (Gillham & Reivich, 2004)

• Twelve-session school-based program for preventing depression among children and adolescents by
teaching cognitive-behavioral skills, especially those involved in optimistic thinking
• Evaluated with random-assignment design, long-term follow-up
• Outcome measures included depression and anxiety (symptoms and diagnoses), physical health, vio-
lence, and optimism.

Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (Greenberg & Kusche, 1998)

• Thirty- to 45-session school-based program that promotes emotional and social competence through
structured exercises emphasizing self-control and social problem-solving
• Evaluated with random-assignment design, long-term follow-up
• Outcome measures included social problem-solving, emotional understanding, conduct problems,
adaptive behavior, social planning, and impulsivity.

Quantum Opportunities Program (Hahn, Leavitt, & Aaron, 1994)

• Year-round multiyear community-based program (750 contact hours per year) for very poor adoles-
cents that provides educational, community service, and development activities and financial incen-
tives for participation
• Evaluated with random-assignment design, long-term follow-up
• Outcome measures included high school graduation, college attendance, positive attitudes, volunteer
work, and criminal activity.

Queensland Early Intervention and Prevention of Anxiety Project (Spence, 1996)

• Ten-session school-based program for preventing anxiety disorders among children by teaching
cognitive-behavior skills, especially how to cope with anxiety by graduated exposure
• Evaluated with random-assignment design, long-term follow-up
• Outcome measures included anxiety (symptoms and diagnoses).

Skills, Opportunities, and Recognition (Hawkins, Catalano, Kosterman, Abbott, & Hill, 1999)
• Multiyear school-based program infused into the entire curriculum that targets positive development
and academic competence by reducing risk factors and increasing connections to school and family
through cooperative classroom learning
• Evaluated with random-assignment design, long-term follow-up
• Outcome measures included academic achievement, attachment to school, violence, alcohol use,
and sexual intercourse.

Teen Outreach Program (Allen, Philiber, Herrling, & Kuperminc, 1997)

• Nine-month school-based weekly discussion curriculum for adolescents that focuses on life skills,
parent–child communication, future planning, and volunteer service (20 hours per week)
• Evaluated with random-assignment design, long-term follow-up
• Outcome measures included initiation of intercourse and contraceptive use.
Table 26.2 Reviews of Empirical Studies of Youth Development Programs

Hattie, Neill, & Richards (1997)

• Reviewed 96 evaluations of adventure programs (e.g., Outward Bound) and excluded 9 as being of
poor scientific quality. Also excluded school-based programs as insufficiently challenging. Included
only programs that had comparison groups, adequate measures, and detailed methodological de-
• Outcome measures included self-control, self-confidence, decision making, school achievement,
leadership, assertiveness, emotional stability, time management, and flexibility.

Kirby (1997)
• Reviewed 50 pregnancy prevention programs, each of which included at least 100 teenagers, had
comparison groups
• Outcome measures included sexual behavior, contraceptive behavior, and pregnancy and birth rates.

Durlak & Wells (1997)

• Reviewed 177 primary prevention programs for “normal” youth under the age of 19; included only
programs with comparison groups, about 60% with random assignment, most based in school set-
• Outcome measures included psychological problems such as anxiety, conduct disorder, and depres-
sion, and personal competencies (assertiveness, communication, self-confidence).

Durlak & Wells (1998)

• Reviewed 130 secondary prevention programs for “at-risk” youth under the age of 19; included only
programs with comparison groups, about 70% with random assignment, most based in school set-
• Outcome measures included psychological problems such as anxiety, conduct disorder, and depres-
sion, and personal competencies (assertiveness, communication, self-confidence).

Elliot & Tolan (1998)

• Reviewed 10 violence prevention programs (chosen from 450) with comparison groups and random
assignment, “significant” results, replication, results sustained for at least 1 year.
• Outcome measures included delinquency, drug use, and violent behavior.

Roth, Brooks-Gunn, Murray, & Foster (1998)

• Reviewed 60 community-based prevention and intervention programs for youth and selected 15 for
their final review; included only studies with comparison groups
• Outcome measures included positive behaviors and competencies, problem behaviors, and resistance

Greenberg, Domitrovich, & Bumbarger (1999)

• Started with 130 prevention programs that were either universal (targeting all youth), selective (tar-
geting at risk youth), or indicated (targeting youth showing early signs of disorders but not meeting
diagnostic criteria) and reviewed 34 in detail that included a comparison group, pre- and post-test
measures, and a written manual specifying theory and procedures
• Outcome measures included symptoms of externalizing and/or internalizing disorders.

Catalano, Berglund, Ryan, Lonczak, & Hawkins (1999)

• Reviewed 77 promotion programs for youth, and 25 in detail; included only programs with compari-
son groups and at least one significant result
• Outcome measures included bonding, resilience, competence, self-determination, spirituality, self-
efficacy, opportunities for positive involvement, recognition for positive involvement, identity, belief
in the future, and prosocial norms.
(continued )
Table 26.2 Continued

Tobler et al. (2000)

• Reviewed 207 school-based drug use prevention programs targeted at youth in general; included
only programs with comparison groups; about two-thirds used random assignment of participants
• Outcome measures included self-reported drug use.

Wilson, Gottfredson, & Najaka (2001)

• Reviewed 165 school-based programs for youth attempting to reduce problem behaviors; included
only studies with comparison groups
• Outcome measures included crime, substance abuse, truancy, school dropout, and other conduct

Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence (2003)

• Elaborated the Elliot and Tolan (1998) review to include 33 programs
• Outcome measures included delinquency, drug use, and violent behavior.

CASEL (2003)
• Reviewed 242 school-based programs whose descriptions were rated by experts as satisfying the prin-
ciples of how to impart social and emotional intelligence and in particular the 80 programs that were
• Outcome measures included social and emotional competence.

Roth & Brooks-Gunn (2003)

• Drawing on earlier reviews to identify programs, evaluated 48 studies of programs that targeted one
or more of these positive youth outcomes. Notable was the attempt to categorize programs according
to program goals, program atmosphere, and program activities, and relate these features to effective-
• Outcome measures included competence, confidence, connections, character, and caring.

Johnson, Tierney, & Siegel (2003)

• Reviewed “hundreds” of studies of religiousness and participation (e.g., frequency of religious atten-
dance, frequency of prayer, and/or degree of religious salience) and their correlates; none of these
studies was experimental, but the results were overwhelmingly supportive of the hypothesis that reli-
gious participation is associated with reduced negative outcomes and increased positive outcomes.
• Outcome measures included problem behavior (suicide, promiscuous sexuality, drug and alcohol use,
delinquency) and prosocial behavior.

Child Trends (2003)

• Reviewed 1,100 studies of youth development, summarizing them in research briefs identifying
“what works”
• Outcome measures included teenage pregnancy, healthy lifestyle, social skills, educational achieve-
ment, positive mental and emotional health, and civic engagement.

Berkowitz & Bier (2004)

• Reviewed 72 different school-based character education programs; included only studies with character-
relevant outcomes, comparison groups, and pre–post (change) data.
• Outcome measures included academic motivation and aspirations, academic achievement, prosocial
behavior, bonding to school, democratic values, conflict resolution skills, moral reasoning maturity,
responsibility, respect, self-efficacy, self-control, self-esteem, social skills, and trust in and respect for
Chapter 26 The Positive Perspective on Youth Development 519

Table 26.2 Continued

Nelson, Westhues, & Macleod (2004)

• Reviewed 34 programs for at-risk preschoolers in terms of positive and negative outcomes classified
as cognitive or socioemotional. Included studies with comparison groups and long-term follow-up.
• Outcome measures included cognitive, socioemotional, and parent/family outcomes.

Stice & Shaw (2004)

• Reviewed 51 programs for preventing eating disorders among adolescents; included only studies with
comparison groups
• Outcome measures included body dissatisfaction, dieting, negative affect, and bulimic symptoms.

among African-Americans, religiosity, a finding characteristics are valuable in their own right
reported by many previous researchers (Peterson but, more importantly for the purpose of this
& Seligman, 2004). volume, that positive characteristics can buffer
against the development of the most common
psychological disorders among youth (Pollard et
CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS al., 1999). Furthermore, we can encourage opti-
mal development through youth programs, ei-
In this final section, we take stock of the youth ther those that already exist (e.g., Big Brothers
development field from the positive perspective. and Big Sisters) or those explicitly designed by
We start with what we know, and we conclude psychologists, prevention scientists, and youth
with our recommendations for ways in which development practitioners for this purpose (e.g.,
positive youth development research and appli- the Penn Resiliency Program). There is also
cation might counter mental disorders in youth agreement that the personal characteristics of
at risk. group leaders are critical for the success of their
programs, as is parental support.
From the existing program evaluation re-
What Do We Know? search, investigators have agreed that programs
are apt to be most successful—increasing posi-
There is agreement at least within the contem- tive outcomes and reducing negative outcomes—
porary United States about the positive charac- if they have the following features:
teristics of youth. Labels will vary, but the fea-
tures proposed by different groups overlap • More is better. Weekend workshops are not
substantially. These are best regarded as a family effective interventions; however, programs
of characteristics, each of which exists in de- in which youth spend many hours over ex-
grees. Children and adolescents are not simply tended periods of time are effective in re-
doing well or doing poorly, and accordingly, we ducing negative outcomes and encouraging
need to take a broad and nuanced view of the positive outcomes.
goals of positive youth development. • Earlier is better. In general, the most effective
There is agreement that indicators and indices programs do not wait for their participants
of positive youth development must do more to enter adolescence but instead start with
than ascertain the absence of disorder and dis- younger children (cf. Zigler & Berman,
tress. Much further work needs to be done to 1983). However, among preschoolers, the
craft generally useful measures of positive con- optimal age remains unclear (Nelson, Wes-
structs and to see that these are routinely used in thues, & MacLeod, 2004). For eating disor-
evaluations of youth programs (Moore et al., ders, prevention programs work better for
2004). older adolescents (Stice & Shaw, 2004).
There is, of course, agreement that positive • Appropriate timing is better. When do inter-
520 Part VII Beyond Disorder

ventions have maximal impact? Programs different programs (or program features) with re-
work best when put in place before the tar- spect to various outcomes (see Newman, Smith,
get behavior is set in place. And, of course & Murphy, 2000). We do not know if promotion
programs must be developmentally appro- programs help troubled youth as much as they
priate. Developers of programs that require do youth in general, or if prevention programs
metacognitive skills on the part of partici- are as helpful for youth per se as they are for
pants need to be sure that these skills exist young people at risk. We have no idea whether
(e.g., Gillham & Reivich, 2004). preexisting programs work better than “de-
• Structured is better. Programs that work best signer” programs. We are not sure whether pro-
have a clear plan that is monitored on an grams in general are more effective when they
ongoing basis. target at-risk adolescents or young people per se,
• Accurate is better. Programs are most effective although violence prevention programs and eat-
when implemented with fidelity. Our enthu- ing disorder prevention programs seem more
siasm for youth development programs successful when they target at-risk individuals
must be tempered by caution about bad (or (Stice & Shaw, 2004).
at least slipshod) company. More generally, except for age and cultural
• Supportive is better. The best programs are background (ethnicity) of participants, we do
those in which youth have at least one sup- not know if programs work better if matched to
portive relationship with an adult. preexisting characteristics of youth (e.g., gender,
• Active is better. The most effective programs temperament, religiosity) or whether one size in-
actively teach skills related to the target out- deed fits and benefits all. Although such positive
come, through hands-on and minds-on en- characteristics as life satisfaction and strengths
gagement. of character vary little across gender, ethnicity,
• Broad is better. The most effective programs and social class, the prevalence of psychological
target several systems simultaneously—e.g., disorders varies considerably as a function of
home and school. Programs that work best these contrasts, which means that they cannot
provide ways for youth to not only think dif- be neglected in future research. For example, if
ferently but also act differently. the risk factors for a disorder vary by gender, do
• Socioculturally relevant is better. Programs males and females require different prevention
work best when tailored to the cultural back- strategies?
ground of their participants. There is agreement about the most desirable
• Contextual is better. Programs that work features of program evaluation studies—i.e.,
best take a sophisticated “person-in- random assignment, manualization and checks
environment” approach. They do not ad- on program fidelity, and designs that are mul-
dress just internal factors such as character tivariate, multimethod, and longitudinal—and
strengths, and they do not address just ex- the importance of using explicit theory in de-
ternal factors such as school safety. Instead, signing interventions and studies (cf. Coalition
they address both. for Evidence-Based Policy, 2003). Theory need
• Theoretical is better. Along these lines, pro- not be ultimately correct (and it is unlikely that
grams work best when guided by explicit it will be), but is extremely helpful in making
theories about the causes of outcomes and sense of research findings, both positive and
the mechanisms of change. negative.
Compounding the difficulty in drawing con-
Not enough is known about the parameters of clusions from existing reviews is that many of
these truisms. All program evaluations report those we surveyed were sponsored by private
statistical significance levels but not necessarily foundations or government agencies interested
effect sizes, making it difficult to say which of in bottom-line conclusions about what works
the features just described are more or less im- and not in theories about why something works.
portant in producing outcomes. Also, almost The good news is that individual interventions
nothing is known about the cost-effectiveness of are usually based on strong theories about youth
Chapter 26 The Positive Perspective on Youth Development 521

development; the problem is that these under- man & Catalano, 2002, for an exception). Said
lying theories are often downplayed in commis- another way, we need to know whether youth
sioned reviews (see Eccles & Gootman, 2002, for intervention programs are palliative or curative.
an exception). The disappointing fact about therapeutic inter-
In any event, a consensual theory of change ventions for adult disorders, whether psychoso-
would be a boon. Within other fields, e.g., public cial or pharmacological, is that they are rarely
health, explicit theories of change such as the cures (Seligman, 1994). They usually need to stay
reasoned-action model (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975), in place for their benefits to remain. Are youth
the health belief model (Becker, 1974), the social development programs somehow different? If
development model (Catalano & Hawkins, so, they would represent a huge preventive in-
1996), and the transtheoretical model of change vestment for society.
(Prochaska, Redding, & Evers, 1997) are used to There is a methodological disconnect between
design and evaluate interventions. The youth intervention programs that attempts to prevent
development field would do well to follow these problems and promote well-being and the ther-
examples and use the same theory across differ- apeutic interventions, psychosocial or pharma-
ent programs. Frequently cited as a program ra- cological, reviewed in earlier sections of this vol-
tionale is social learning theory (Bandura, 1986), ume. Most of the latter studies use individuals
but this “theory” is often applied metaphorically who satisfy certain DSM diagnoses and not oth-
rather than rigorously. ers according to structured clinical interviews. In
contrast, prevention and promotion interven-
tions often use different ways of ascertaining
What Do We Need To Know? problems: self-report symptom checklists or
single-item indicators. We have no doubt that an
As promised, we have made two arguments: (1) adolescent formally diagnosed with depression
the sorts of psychological characteristics of in- also reports symptoms of depression on a self-
terest to positive psychology—notably life satis- report questionnaire and evidences problematic
faction, strength of character, and competencies, indicators, although the concordance will not be
but also positive emotions and the frequent ex- perfect.
perience of flow—are associated with reduced We also note that prevention programs exist
problems and increased well-being among for many of the common psychological prob-
youth; and (2) youth development programs lems among youth—anxiety, depression and su-
with specifiable features can encourage these icide, alcohol and substance abuse—but there
positive characteristics and at the same time in- are fewer for the less common but often more
crease the likelihood of the outcomes in which severe disorders of schizophrenia and bipolar
we are interested. We would like to treat these disorder. The relative absence of prevention pro-
two statements as the components of a syllo- grams for these problems may represent a delib-
gism, but the implied conclusion, that programs erate choice on the part of prevention scientists
reduce problems and increase desirable out- to focus on more common disorders with less
comes because they develop positive psycholog- obvious genetic contributions. But heritable
ical features, may or may not follow. A number problems are not necessarily immutable. Perhaps
of the reviews we have mentioned attempted to prevention programs, if nothing else, might re-
identify mediators of effective interventions, but duce the severity or chronicity of psychotic epi-
the included studies in almost all cases did not sodes, and some suggestive evidence supports
allow this to be done. this important possibility.
Given the typical absence of long-term out- There is little agreement, again because much
come data, we do not know with certainty of the relevant research is skeletal, whether pos-
whether positive youth characteristics, either itive characteristics are causes of program bene-
naturally occurring or deliberately produced, fits or merely correlated markers. If they are
limit, contain, or preclude subsequent adult causes, there is little agreement about the mech-
problems (see Lonczak, Abbott, Hawkins, Koster- anisms by which different benefits might take
522 Part VII Beyond Disorder

place (mastery and internalization of prosocial tential, transcending a diagnostic label to lead a
norms are promising mediators). There is little satisfying life (Shih, 2004).
agreement about which of these outcomes is
more or less likely and whether they are inde-
pendent or entwined. There is little discussion of What Do We Urgently Need To Know?
the possibility that these positive characteristics
might destigmatize disorders and as a result in- Let us move from these general comments to
crease help-seeking and facilitate community re- propose studies that would advance our knowl-
integration of youth following treatment (Penn, edge and practice of positive youth development
2003). vis-à-vis mental health and mental illness.
Needed are studies of programs that look ex-
plicitly at what mediates gains. To do such stud-
The Natural History of Positive
ies, we would probably want to start with some
Youth Development
of the best-practice programs (Table 26.1) and re-
peat their evaluations with multiple waves of What is a healthy child? We have concluded that
data collection that explicitly measure hypoth- the positive perspectives provides a consensual
esized mediators. These studies would establish answer to this question, but it is only a snapshot.
the relative salience and temporal or causal or- We know relatively little about who these young
dering of these characteristics. people are except that they can be found in all
For whom do youth development programs walks of life. Urgently needed is a broader char-
not work? Even successful programs with a mod- acterization of youth who are doing well—where
erate effect size help only 60% of participants (cf. do they come from, where do they go, and what
Rosenthal & Rubin, 1982). Do the other 40% of are the choices made and routes taken in be-
participants represent error or noise, or is there tween? A good first step has already been taken
something more systematic that might be said by studies already underway that use epidemio-
about them? Indeed, we can even raise the issue logical samples followed over many years (e.g.,
of intervention casualties, participants in youth Hawkins, Catalano, & Miller, 1992).
development programs who end up worse off for We propose further studies of this sort that use
the intervention. We know that traditional psy- the full array of positive measures and indicators
chotherapy can hurt some adults (cf. Mays & now at our disposal. These studies should be pat-
Franks, 1985). As unpalatable as the possibility terned on the Terman (1925) study of adolescent
may be, the matter also deserves attention geniuses and the Grant Study of the best and
within the youth development field. For exam- brightest of Harvard University undergraduates
ple, participants in eating disorders programs (Vaillant, 1977) in the sense that they be large
may learn new ways to starve themselves and scale—i.e., have big samples, longitudinal de-
participants in substance abuse programs may be signs, and multiwave assessments—but not start
turned on to new drugs (cf. Mann et al., 1997; with the most fortunate or the most privileged
Shin, 2001). in our society. Dissemination of information
Finally, little is known about the benefits of about youth who are thriving might help com-
positive youth development programs for ado- bat negative stereotypes about teenagers. Real-
lescents already displaying a psychological dis- istic portrayals of young people, including their
order. We know that past problems predict fu- flaws and problems and how they cope with
ture problems, which could lead to the them, might inspire other teenagers to focus on
unfortunate and gravely stigmatizing implica- what they do well and to eschew a victim men-
tion that young people who develop a disorder tality (Shih, 2004).
are beyond the help of youth development pro- We propose that these studies of the natural
grams. The positive perspective challenges this history of positive youth development include,
implication, but there are no data showing, for obviously, measures of positive characteristics
example, that a youth development program can (positive emotions, flow, life satisfaction, char-
help a depressed teen achieve his or her full po- acter strengths, skills, talents, and callings), mea-
Chapter 26 The Positive Perspective on Youth Development 523

sures of risk, and measures of problems (negative means that studies would need to oversample at-
emotions, risky behaviors, symptoms, and psy- risk youth, but we stress that we are not calling
chological disorders). It would be a shame if the for studies of only at-risk adolescents. That strat-
positive psychology perspective leads research- egy would deny the premises of the positive per-
ers to repeat the error of business-as-usual psy- spective and preclude the lessons to be learned
chology by ruling out a balanced view of youth from charting the positive development of
and the adults they become. youth per se.
Inclusion of both positive and negative mea- We are interested in an approach to psycho-
sures over time allows the critical questions we logical disorder that we dub “dealing with it,” or
have posed to be answered with hard data (cf. keeping on with life despite problems. Our in-
deVries, 1992). Do positive characteristics pre- terest was stimulated by conversations with
clude recurrence of problems? Do they limit those in the military about how they train per-
them? Do they allow youth to learn lessons from sonnel to perform optimally under the most ex-
crises, episodes of disorder, and misfortunes? treme circumstances. How does a sniper learn to
Which positive characteristics provide the best shoot accurately after crawling into a position
buffers against depression, substance abuse, or and staying there for 48⫹ hours? How does a pi-
anxiety disorders? lot learn to fly skillfully in a dizzying free fall?
A retrospective study we have done with sev- How does a submariner learn to live and work
eral thousand adults asked respondents if they with others in extremely cramped quarters?
had ever experienced a severe psychological dis- Business-as-usual psychologists would probably
order and, if so, how well they had recovered target and then relieve the negative emotional
from it (Park et al., 2003). We also measured their states that accompany these circumstances—
life satisfaction and various strengths of charac- boredom, fear, anxiety, fatigue, and discomfort.
ter. Individuals who had fully recovered from a But that is not how the military proceeds. They
disorder were just as satisfied with their lives as teach their personnel how to perform in spite of
those who had never experienced a disorder. At these circumstances. They teach personnel to
least for some, there is light at the end of the deal with aversive states, to do what needs to be
psychopathology tunnel: “Tis an ill wind that done regardless of how they feel at the moment.
blows no good.” And individuals who had fully If these examples are too militaristic to be
recovered from a disorder also reported higher compelling, then what of the identical lessons
levels of specific strengths of character—i.e., ap- we learned from interviewing firefighters and
preciation of beauty, bravery, creativity, curios- paramedics who perform well—heroically, in
ity, forgiveness, gratitude, love of learning, and our view—under frightening circumstances (Pe-
spirituality—compared to those who had never terson & Seligman, 2004). In no case did anyone
experienced a psychological disorder. Whether we interviewed say that they had eradicated
these character strengths were in place before the their fear. Rather, they learned to do their job so
disorder and helped in recovery or whether they well that their fear did not get in the way (cf.
represent lessons learned during dark days is un- Rachman, 1990). One of our firefighters told us
clear from the research design; the need for a of rescuing an infant from a smoke-filled build-
richer prospective study is implied (Linley & Jo- ing: He lost control of his bladder, but never his
seph, 2004). grip on the baby. Extraordinary? Yes and no. De-
Prospective studies of psychological problems serving of study are the more mundane among
need to be informed by varying base rates of dif- us who go to school or show up at work or raise
ferent disorders. Depression and substance abuse our families even when we are depressed or anx-
are so common in the contemporary United ious.
States that their eventual onset can arguably be Crucial in studying youth from a positive per-
investigated in unselected samples of several spective is taking into account the institutions
hundred youth. In contrast, other sorts of prob- that influence them—programs, organizations,
lems—e.g., schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, an- and communities; friends and families; mental
orexia, and bulimia—are less common, which health professionals; and the media. Needed
524 Part VII Beyond Disorder

here is an elaboration of institutions and their are somewhat more modest but infinitely more
features that can be applied throughout the life- feasible.
span, and not just to youth (cf. Cameron, Dut- Positive prevention. Positive prevention
ton, & Quinn, 2003). would use already-established best-practice
The data from such studies can be produc- youth development interventions to help at-risk
tively examined with the techniques of causal youth. Although we know that these interven-
modeling (e.g., Connell, Gambone, & Smith, tions in general make disorder less likely, we
2000; Gambone, 1997; Halpern, Barker, & Mol- need to know more about why and how preven-
lard, 2000; Walker, 2001). Sample sizes must be tion works when it does, especially among those
large enough, especially to discern interactions at-risk. We have proposed that prevention pro-
between and among variables. But with ade- grams are effective because they cultivate the in-
quately powered designs, these models allow in- gredients of the good life—i.e., positive emo-
ferences about what might prevent what and tions, flow, strength of character, competencies,
why. As already emphasized, explicit theory is and social engagement. An opposing hypothesis
imperative to specify hypothesized links prior to is that prevention directly undoes causes found
causal modeling. in biological anomalies. By this view, the culti-
vation of the positive should be irrelevant in pre-
dicting who benefits from prevention programs,
Positive Interventions for At-Risk and
especially in the long run.
Troubled Youth
Contrast the prevention of infectious diseases
Some practitioners in the youth development by strengthening the immune system instead of
field have called for extremely ambitious eradicating germs. Positive prevention is aligned
community-level interventions, in which all of with the first strategy as opposed to the second.
the institutions that influence youth develop- Immunocompetence can be increased in specific
ment would be explicitly programmed and ways (through vaccination) or in general ways
linked. Interventions would target all children (through good nutrition and physical fitness).
and adolescents and presumably last for years. In Positive youth development programs similarly
the abstract, we understand the sentiment be- benefit young people in specific ways (e.g., by
hind this recommendation and agree that the teaching techniques of disputation in the Penn
links among different institutions and socializ- Resiliency program) or in general ways (e.g., by
ing agents deserve study in terms of their effect providing supportive mentors in the Big Broth-
on youth development. ers and Big Sisters programs).
But in the real world, there are many objec- Using what is known about optimal research
tions to this research agenda (cf. Wandersman & design, investigators can randomly assign at-risk
Florin, 2003). On scientific grounds, community teenagers to manualized youth development
interventions cannot be easily manualized (i.e., programs of different sorts (and to no-
explicitly described in detail and thus general- intervention comparison groups). An important
ized), and if all youth in a given community are contrast among candidate programs is whether
to be included, then what sorts of comparisons they are specific in their techniques and goals or
are possible? It is difficult to think of a meaning- are more general. There are best-practice exam-
ful control group to isolate the active ingredients ples of both (Table 26.1), and each has strengths
of such global and enduring interventions. and weaknesses. Specific programs are usually
These problems can be surmounted, but it is still briefer, easier to characterize, and thus more gen-
unlikely that a society with dwindling resources eralizable; general programs are less so. But spe-
would be willing or able to initiate such grand cific programs need to be created anew each time
interventions on a routine basis, which makes they are mounted, whereas general programs are
those already under way all the more worthy of already in place and sustained for repeated co-
attention. Thus with respect to urgently needed horts of youth by an infrastructure that need not
intervention studies, we believe that there are be the concern of the researcher. Comparison
two promising research avenues to pursue that and contrast of these two types of programs, not
Chapter 26 The Positive Perspective on Youth Development 525

only with respect to psychological outcomes but can also expect to be in and out of treatment for
also with respect to their cost, would provide the rest of their lives. At its worst, this phenom-
unique and valuable information about ways to enon is dubbed “revolving-door psychiatry.”
cultivate positive youth development most effi- Even at its best, this phenomenon leads to per-
ciently. petual aftercare in the form of support groups,
Along with assessment of symptoms and di- booster psychotherapy sessions, and/or prophy-
agnoses, the measurement of positive character- lactic medication (Weissman, 1994). Self-
istics should be thorough. Existing measures of identification as being always “in recovery” may
positive emotions, flow, subjective well-being, be inevitable, and ongoing stigma is likely (Penn,
character strengths, and competencies should be 2003).
included, not just pre- and postintervention but Matters may be different for young people.
also in the course of the program, to allow the Among adults, it seems clear that prognosis
hypothesized mediating roles of these positive worsens with age for almost all psychological
constructs to be tested explicitly through causal disorders (e.g., Seivewright, Tyrer, & Johnson,
modeling. We also call for long-term follow-up 1998). Although the apparent magnitude of this
with the full battery of positive and negative effect may be an artifact of studying patient sam-
measures. Long-term means years following the ples rather than community samples, past psy-
end of the program. In particular, it would be chological problems remain the best predictor of
important to see how cultivated positive char- future psychological problems. A depressed
acteristics help a young person make transitions middle-aged adult will likely become depressed
out of high school and into college, into the again, no matter how effective treatment may be
work force, and into lasting relationships—the in the short term, but young people who become
important societal institutions that help young depressed may not become depressed again if
people become fulfilled adults. early intervention takes place (e.g., Birmaher, Ar-
The questions of immediate interest are which belaez, & Brent, 2002; Clarke et al., 2001; Lew-
individuals develop a disorder and which do not, insohn, Pettit, Joiner, & Seeley, 2003; but cf.
and whether some disorders are more easily pre- Weissman et al., 1999).
vented than others. We are also interested in de- The same is true for many other problems,
termining what happens to those youth who do such as anxiety disorders (Dadds et al., 1999). In-
develop a disorder despite these interventions. deed, among adolescents showing early (prodro-
Some will show recurrent problems, and some mal) symptoms of schizophrenia, early interven-
will not. What factors predict differing courses tion may help stave off the full-blown disorder
following initial episodes? The positive psychol- (Cannon et al., 2002; Harrigan, McGorry, &
ogy prediction is that even if cultivated positive Krstev, 2003; McGorry et al., 2002; Phillips,
characteristics do not prevent a disorder, they Yung, Yuen, Pantelis, & McGorry, 2002; Schaef-
might well limit recurrence and allow the even- fer & Ross, 2002). And it is clear that many teen-
tual achievement of a good life. agers experiment with drugs or alcohol without
Positive rehabilitation. The second sort of in- dooming themselves to a life in recovery (Spoo-
tervention study we propose again uses existing ner, Mattick, & Noffs, 2001). At least for some
best-practice youth development programs, not young people and for some disorders, it becomes
with youth in general or with at-risk youth, but meaningful to speak of curing mental illness,
instead with troubled teens mid- or postepisode. which provides a powerful rationale for the focus
In other words, we call for positive rehabilitation on youth taken by this volume.
and hypothesize that positive interventions like Why are young people different? We speculate
those developed by positive psychologists and that it is not age per se that is the crucial factor
positive youth development practitioners may but rather the number of untreated episodes
maximize the likelihood that the individual will someone experiences and the psychosocial con-
grow up to lead a full and productive life. sequences of these episodes that determine long-
Adults in therapy can usually expect some re- term prognosis—the doors closed by lost time,
lief (Nathan & Gorman, 1998, 2002), but most missed opportunities, and pervasive stigma. In-
526 Part VII Beyond Disorder

deed, the more episodes of a disorder, the greater It is difficult to mount such an argument with
the likelihood of still more episodes and the existing data. For example, among children and
worse the prognosis for an individual. If this youth, early onset of a disorder is usually asso-
downward spiral can be interrupted at a suffi- ciated with worse prognosis, which seems to
ciently early point, perhaps the business of life contradict our hypothesis (e.g., Jarbin & von
can take over as a curative agent. Knorring, 2003). However, early onset may re-
Consistent with this analysis, Joiner (2000) flect a greater biological contribution to disorder
grappled with the self-propagating nature of de- and certainly greater severity. Early onset may re-
pression and argued that interpersonal processes flect a more chaotic social context to which suc-
such as excessive reassurance seeking and con- cessfully treated youth return. Consider as well
flict avoidance are largely responsible for its per- the ongoing challenge in reliably diagnosing dis-
sistence and/or recurrence. Other interpersonal orders among the very young and the associated
processes by implication set the person on a dif- reluctance by professionals to label youth unless
ferent course that entails true recovery. Perhaps the problem is unambiguous.
youth development programs can preclude re- We nonetheless know that some youth who
currence of depression, and other psychological enter the mental health system are successfully
problems, by imparting appropriate strengths treated and are never seen again, just as we know
and competencies on which the person can rely that the majority of young peole who enter the
when troubled. juvenile justice system never return again (Sny-
Along these lines, recent longitudinal studies der & Sickmund, 1999). The skeptic might argue
of life satisfaction imply that job loss (especially that these cases are not really cures; maybe the
for males) and divorce (especially for females) initial diagnoses were simply wrong, maybe the
can leave lasting “scars” in the sense that indi- problems recurred but further treatment was not
viduals never return to their initial levels of well- sought, and so on. The positive perspective sug-
being, even with new jobs and new marriages gests that we take this phenomenon at face value
(Clark, Georgellis, Lucas, & Diener, 2004; Lucas, and fill in its details with the facts. The natural
Clark, Georgellis, & Diener, 2003). The mecha- history studies we have proposed would begin to
nisms responsible for these effects, which are not yield critical information about single-episode
inevitable, have yet to be identified, but if they individuals. How many are literally cured?
are interpersonal, the implication again is that But the studies of positive rehabilitation that
youth development programs may work against we propose would go further in trying to influ-
them. ence prognosis by deliberately cultivating the in-
Supporting this possibility is the consistent gredients of a healthy life. Our proposal is sup-
finding that assets such as intelligence and an ported by studies of psychosocial rehabilitation
intact family predict better long-term prognosis for troubled adolescents. Psychosocial rehabilita-
for youth posttreatment (e.g., Otto & Otto, tion embraces an educational model, in contrast
1978). The constructs of concern to positive to a disease model, and tries to teach psycholog-
youth development and positive psychology ical and social skills that facilitate productive
provide a more articulate starting point for un- community reintegration of youth following
derstanding how life can cure. Relationships treatment (Byalin, Smith, Chatkin, & Wilmot,
with other people are established, positive emo- 1987; Fruedenberger & Carbone, 1984). Such
tions are experienced, talents and strengths are programs are effective in reducing recurrence of
identified and used, and meaningful careers are a variety of problems and seem to be cost-
chosen and pursued (Richter, Brown, & Mott, effective (e.g., Barasch, 1994; Mishna, Michalski,
1991; Shoemaker & Sherry, 1991; Todis, Bullis, & Cummings, 2001; Rund et al., 1994). The pos-
Waintrup, Schultz, & D’Ambrosio, 2001). If life itive psychology perspective goes beyond typical
becomes satisfying, one can navigate it well. The psychosocial rehabilitation to specify the active
overall likelihood of psychological disorder is de- ingredients that allow imparted skills to be de-
creased, and the likelihood of successfully deal- ployed to best effect.
ing with disorder is increased. Studies of positive rehabilitation would use
Chapter 26 The Positive Perspective on Youth Developmen 527

the same general research design already Competencies Social, emotional, cognitive, be-
sketched for studies of positive prevention: ran- havioral, and moral abilities
domly assign research participants, in this case “Dealing with it” Keeping on with life despite
adolescents with disorders, to intervention and problem(s)
comparison groups and do thorough assessment Ecological approach Bronfenbrenner’s ap-
of both positive and negative characteristics be- proach to development, emphasizing the
fore, during, and after the intervention. Mea- multiple contexts in which behavior occurs
sures of perceived stigma would be an informa- Flow Psychological state that accompanies
tive addition to the assessment battery. Those in highly engaging activities
comparison groups would, of course, receive Life satisfaction Overall judgment that one’s life
conventional (business-as-usual) aftercare. Both is a good one
specific and general programs should be in- Positive emotions Emotions such as joy, con-
cluded. It might also be of interest to see if the tentment, and love that are thought to
timing of positive rehabilitation matters: Should broaden and build cognitive and behavioral
it begin during treatment of a disorder (mid- repertoires
episode) or following symptom relief (postepi- Positive prevention Positive youth develop-
sode)? ment programs that prevent problems by en-
Studies of positive prevention and especially couraging assets
positive rehabilitation for youth would represent Positive psychology Umbrella term for the
a strong test of the perspective put forward here. new field within psychology that studies pro-
When positive psychology was first formulated, cesses and states underlying optimal function-
its goal was phrased as moving people not from ing
⫺3 to zero but from ⫹2 to ⫹5 (Seligman, 2002). Positive rehabilitation Positive youth develop-
But if the positive perspective on youth devel- ment programs that promote recovery by en-
opment has legs, it should also be able to move couraging assets
young people from ⫺3 to ⫹5 and keep them Positive youth development Umbrella term for
there. approaches that recognize and encourage
what is good in young people
Prevention programs Interventions that pre-
vent problems
Glossary Promotion programs Interventions that pro-
mote well-being
Character strengths Positive traits (individual Resiliency Quality that enables young people to
difference), such as curiosity, kindness, hope, thrive in the face of adversity
and teamwork, that contribute to fulfillment
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Summary of Conclusions,
Recommendations, Priorities

Joyce Garczynski
Michael Hennessy
Kimberly Hoagwood
Kathleen Hall Jamieson
Patrick Jamieson
Abigail Judge
Mary McIntosh
A. Thomas McLellan
Kathleen Meyers
David Penn
Daniel Romer

p a r t
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David L. Penn
Abigail Judge
Patrick Jamieson
Joyce Garczynski
Michael Hennessy
Daniel Romer

c h a p t e r
532 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

Reducing the stigma of mental illness is among in treatment. This section is followed by a dis-
the goals of those seeking to increase the diag- cussion of factors that contribute to stigma and
nosis, improve the treatment, and enhance the methods for reducing it. We conclude by rec-
well-being of those with mental disorders in the ommending strategies for addressing mental ill-
United States. Both the U.S. Surgeon General’s ness stigma in adolescents.
report (U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, 1999) and the first stated goal of Presi-
dent George W. Bush’s New Freedom Commis- COMMUNITY ATTITUDES TOWARD
sion on Mental Health advocate “a national PERSONS WITH MENTAL ILLNESS
campaign to reduce the stigma of seeking care”
(President’s New Freedom Commission, 2003, In both Western (Crisp, Gelder, Rix, Meltzer, &
p. 7). Rowlands, 2000) and Eastern societies (Chou &
Stigma occurs when a person or group is la- Mak, 1998; Tsang, Tam, Chan, & Cheung, 2003),
beled in a pejoratively categorized way that sets individuals with serious mental illness, such as
them apart from the majority and, as a result, is schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, are
treated in ways that mark the person as socially stigmatized by society (Farina, 1998). The extent
unacceptable. Stigma has serious consequences of this phenomenon may be increasing (Phelan,
for individuals with mental illness. Those with Link, Stueve, & Pescosolido, 2000). Stigmatizing
severe mental illness (SMI) are less likely to have attitudes toward persons with SMI have a num-
apartments leased to them (Page, 1995), be given ber of recurring themes: persons with SMI are
job opportunities (Farina & Felner, 1973; Link & viewed as dangerous, unpredictable, irresponsi-
Phelan, 2001), or be provided with adequate ble, and childlike (Brockington, Hall, Levings, &
health care (Lawrie, 1999) relative to individuals Murphy, 1993; Levey & Howells, 1995), and un-
without a mental illness. Furthermore, stigma- able to manage their own treatment needs (Pes-
tization is associated with a lowered quality of cosolido, Monahan, Link, Stueve, & Kikuzawa,
life (Mechanic, McAlpine, Rosenfield, & Davis, 1999). These attitudes are not only held by those
1994), reduced self-esteem (Link, Struening, in the community but also may be present
Neese-Todd, Asmussen, & Phelan, 2001; Wright, among mental health professionals and trainees.
Gronfein, & Owens, 2000), and increased symp- Specifically, there is evidence that some mental
toms and stress (Markowitz, 1998). To manage health professionals, including psychiatrists
stigma, individuals with mental illness may (Chaplin, 2000; Miller, Shepard, & Magen,
avoid others or engage in secrecy (Link, Mirotz- 2001), social workers (Dudley, 2000; Minkoff,
nik, & Cullen, 1991), strategies that may lead to 1987), general mental health providers (Ryan,
social isolation (Perlick et al., 2001), which in Robinson, & Hausmann, 2001; Sartorius, 2002),
turn could lower social support and increase the and medical and mental health graduate stu-
likelihood of relapse. Therefore, stigma poses a dents (Hasui, Sakamoto, Sugiura, & Kitamua,
significant threat to the recovery of persons with 2000; Mukherjee, Fialho, Wijetunge, Checinski,
SMI. & Surgenor, 2002; Werrbach & DePoy, 1993)
The purpose of this chapter is to propose may hold stigmatizing beliefs about those with
methods for reducing stigmatization of mental mental disorders. The effects include “discrimi-
illness in adolescents. It begins with a brief sum- nation in housing, education and employment,
mary of community attitudes toward persons and increased feelings of hopelessness in people
with mental illness, including a discussion of a with schizophrenia” (Hocking, 2003, p. S47).
recent nationwide survey of young people. We These findings suggest that efforts to destigma-
argue that addressing stigma in adolescence is tize mental illness should not be limited to com-
important for two primary reasons. First, stigma munity members, but also should include men-
appears to have an adverse effect on the course tal health and medical training professionals.
of mental illness once the person has been di- The tendency to stigmatize individuals with
agnosed with a disorder. Second, concerns about mental illness is not a byproduct of adult expe-
stigma may delay the seeking of and continuing riences but has its roots in childhood. In a recent
Chapter 27 Stigma 533

review of the literature, Wahl (2002) concluded Responses to the three items for each of the
that negative attitudes toward persons with disorders indicate (Table 27.1) that large propor-
mental illness are evident as early as in third tions of young people believe that persons with
grade. In general, those with mental illness are these disorders are different from other people.
viewed more negatively and with more fear than Over half thought that persons with major de-
are individuals with physical disabilities (Wahl, pression are more likely to be violent, whereas
2002). Wahl reported that there is evidence that over 90% said that such persons are more prone
these negative attitudes increase over time, sug- to suicide, and about three quarters said they are
gesting a longitudinal process in which negative less likely to be good in school than other peo-
stereotypes become increasingly ingrained, cul- ple. Although all of the disorders displayed the
minating in potentially discriminating behav- same pattern, violence was most associated with
iors in adulthood. schizophrenia, and doing badly in school was
Direct evidence for the presence of stigmatiz- linked the most with major depression. Eating
ing beliefs about peers with mental illness was disorders were somewhat of an exception in that
obtained from a recent national survey of young they were less associated with violence than the
people (ages 14–22) conducted by the Adoles- other disorders.
cent Risk Communication Institute of The Uni- There were few differences in these stereo-
versity of Pennyslvania’s Annenberg Public Pol- types by age, gender, or education. African-
icy Center (APPC). The National Annenberg Risk American and Latino youth were more likely
Survey of Youth (NARSY) was conducted by tele- than others to think that the persons with the
phone in the spring of 2002 with 900 respon- disorders were not different from others (data
dents who were selected by means of random not shown).
digit dialing procedures. The response rate Correlational analyses using gamma coeffi-
for the survey (52.7%), taking into account cients (to compensate for the skewed distribu-
those who could not be reached as well as those tions) indicated that the three items were highly
who refused, was comparable to the rates intercorrelated for each disorder (with “good in
achieved by the Centers for Disease Control and school” reverse scored). Coefficient alphas based
Prevention (CDC; about 49%) in its national sur- on the gamma correlation coefficients were .64
veys of risk behavior (CDC, 2003; see Romer, for depression, .61 for bipolar disorder, .68 for
2003, for a description of the survey methods schizophrenia, and .53 for eating disorders.
and sample). These findings suggest that each disorder had an
Respondents were asked if they were aware of underlying stereotype that could guide respon-
four mental disorders: major depression, bipolar dents’ reactions to persons with mental disor-
disorder, schizophrenia, and eating disorders. ders. In addition, the stereotypes were correlated
Awareness was highest for eating disorders (89%) across disorders, from a low of .35 to a high of
and depression (86%), but high levels of aware- .52. It appears, therefore, that young people hold
ness were registered for the other disorders as a general stereotype of mental disorder that in-
well (81% for schizophrenia and 73% for bipolar cludes a heightened risk for suicide and violence
disorder). Respondents who were aware of at as well as the inability to function in an adaptive
least one disorder were asked a series of ques- manner.
tions concerning two disorders selected at ran- The survey also included questions to identify
dom from among those with which they re- youth with potential symptoms of depression. In
ported familiarity. In particular, they were asked particular, respondents were asked if (a) “during
to imagine someone their age who had the dis- the past 12 months have you ever felt so sad or
order and to indicate whether they thought this hopeless for 2 weeks or more in a row that you
person was “more likely, less likely, or about as stopped doing your usual activities,” and if (b)
likely as other people to be” (a) “violent,” (b) “during the past 12 months have you ever seri-
“prone to committing suicide,” and (c) “good in ously considered attempting suicide.” Nearly a
school.” The order of the traits was randomized quarter of the sample (N ⫽ 221) responded affir-
across respondents. matively to one of these questions. However,
534 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

Table 27.1 Percentage of Respondents Who Said That Three Characteristics Are More, Less, or
About as Likely in a Peer with a Mental Disorder as in Other Persons Without the Disorder


Major Bipolar
Depression Disorder Schizophrenia Eating Disorder
Characteristic (%) (%) (%) (%)

More 55.7 65.1 72.1 28.9
As likely 22.1 20.5 21.4 35.5
Less 22.2 14.4 6.5 35.6

More 91.9 79.9 75.9 80.0
As likely 4.5 12.1 16.5 13.2
Less 3.6 8.0 7.6 6.8

Good in School
More 6.7 8.5 4.1 12.1
As likely 16.8 29.0 26.2 31.9
Less 76.5 62.5 69.7 56.0
Respondents (n) 512 390 462 537

Data were weighted by age, gender, racial-ethnic background, and region of the country to match national de-
mographic profiles.

youth who had experienced these conditions mental health treatment is a common worry for
were as likely to report the stereotypes as those parents of children between the ages of 5 and 19
who had not. (Richardson, 2001). In addition, higher levels of
stigma are associated with greater treatment de-
lay among individuals with SMI (Okazaki, 2000),
CONSEQUENCES OF STIGMA parents of rural children with emotional disor-
ders (Starr, Campbell, & Herrick, 2002), athletes
Stigmatization also plays a role in whether an (Ferraro & Rush, 2000), individuals with HIV (or
individual initiates and adheres to treatment. In- concerns of having HIV) (Chesney & Smith,
terestingly, failure to initiate treatment may not 1999; Fortenberry et al., 2002), general commu-
only be due to having a mental illness but also nity participants unselected for presence of men-
result from the stigma attached to seeking help. tal illness (Cooper, Corrigan, & Watson, 2003),
For example, Ben-Porath (2002) found that a and women with alcohol or drug addictions
case vignette describing someone with depres- (Copeland, 1997).
sion was rated most negatively when the target Once in treatment, perceived stigma may be a
individual sought help for the disorder. This sug- barrier to medication compliance and treatment
gests that individuals with a mental illness have continuation (Buck, Baker, Chadwick, & Jacoby,
to wrestle with the fear of both being stigmatized 1997; Pugatch, Bennett, & Patterson, 2002; Sirey
for having a disorder and for seeking help for it. et al., 2001a, 2001b). Buck et al. (1997) reported
There is growing evidence that stigma affects that feelings of being stigmatized were associated
individuals with mental disorders in ways that with lower adherence to antiepileptic drug treat-
minimize the likelihood that they will be suc- ment. Pugatch et al. (2002) reported similar find-
cessfully treated. For example, concerns that ings; fears of being stigmatized were associated
others will learn that their child is receiving with poorer adherence to drug regimens among
Chapter 27 Stigma 535

young adults (ages 16–24) who were HIV posi- esis that the stigma associated with mental ill-
tive. In a series of studies, Sirey and colleagues ness should be reduced if the disorder has been
found that perceived stigmatization predicted successfully treated (see discussion of interven-
medication adherence and treatment continua- tions below). If stigma continues to be attached
tion (in older adults only) among individuals to those who have been successfully treated,
with depression. These findings indicate that then persons with symptoms could be inhibited
stigma may impact the course of the illness by from seeking help. Hence, perceived treatment
interfering with commitment to treatment. effectiveness could be an important moderator
Reluctance to seek psychological or psychiat- of stigma’s effects on help seeking.
ric treatment is especially relevant to adoles- To determine the effects of potential treat-
cents, because numerous disorders, such as ment, we asked respondents the following ques-
major depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety dis- tion: “If you had major depression, do you think
orders, anorexia and bulimia, and schizophrenia you could get the help you need from any of the
begin in late adolescence or early adulthood. following:” (a) “a doctor,” (b) “your friends,” (c)
Such delays in seeking treatment have important “your parents,” (d) “a counselor,” (e) “an Internet
prognostic implications for individuals in this site,” and (f) “a telephone helpline.”
age group. Post, Leverich, Xing, and Weiss (2001) Actual help-seeking behavior on the part of re-
found that individuals with a greater number of spondents who had experienced depressed
affective episodes prior to receiving pharmaco- symptoms or suicidal ideation was assessed by
therapy had a less favorable prognosis than in- asking, “Have you ever done any of the follow-
dividuals who began medications after fewer ing to try to get help?” Responses were grouped
episodes. In schizophrenia, it has been hypoth- into four categories based on a factor analysis
esized that the duration of untreated psychotic that indicated that help seeking tended to occur
episodes prior to illness onset is associated with in the following ways:
poorer long-term prognosis (Lieberman et al.,
2001; Norman & Malla, 2001). Thus, the role of • Gone to a doctor or nurse; or, taken medi-
stigma in delaying treatment may contribute to cation prescribed by a doctor;
greater severity of illness among adolescents • Gone to a counselor;
with a newly diagnosed disorder. • Talked to a friend; or talked to a parent, and
• Gone to an Internet site; or used a telephone
OF STIGMA ON HELP SEEKING Respondents were scored as having tried any cat-
egory if they had sought help from any of the
To determine the role of unfavorable stereotypes sources within the category. In addition, treat-
on help seeking behavior, we examined the ex- ment effectiveness scores were created for each
tent to which youth who had experienced symp- category on the basis of ratings of each source.
toms of depression or suicidal ideation in the Perceptions of treatment effectiveness (Table
past 12 months had failed to seek help from a 27.2) indicated that seeing a doctor was viewed
variety of sources as a function of negative beliefs as most effective, whereas going to an Internet
about mental health treatment. A revised version site or using a telephone helpline were viewed as
of the NARSY conducted a year after the first sur- the least effective. Although the differences are
vey (2003) included questions to examine this small in magnitude, seeing a doctor was viewed
question. In this survey, we again identified a as significantly more effective in the entire sam-
large number of respondents (N ⫽ 211; 23.4%) ple than seeing a counselor, t(814) ⫽ 3.02, p ⬍
who had experienced symptoms of depression or .01, or talking to a parent, t(814) ⫽ 2.53, p ⬍ .02.
suicidal ideation. Hence, we focused on the Other differences that are larger in magnitude
stigma associated with this disorder. are even more statistically discernable.
We also assessed perceptions of the effective- With the exception of seeking help from par-
ness of treatment. We did so under the hypoth- ents, the rank order of perceived effectiveness of
536 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

Table 27.2 Perceptions of Efficacy of Sources of mous outcomes and because it also provides an
Help for Depression by Those With or Those estimate of the percentage change in the proba-
Without Symptoms Associated With Depression bility of the outcome given a unit change in the
Respondents Who Reported predictor for an average respondent, e.g., as the
change in probability of seeing a counselor vs.
Symptoms of No Symptoms not seeing one for a unit change in stereotypes
Depression or of Depression
(Agresti, 1990; Greene, 1993).
Suicidality or Suicidality Total
Help (N ⫽ 180) (N ⫽ 635) (N⫽815) Table 27.3 has the descriptive statistics of the
Source (%) (%) (%) variables used in the analysis. The four dichoto-
mous outcome variables indicate that talking to
Doctor 77.7 90.6 87.8
parents or friends is the most common help
Counselor 74.6 86.1 83.5 sought (88.6%), followed by seeing a doctor or
Friend 73.6 79.6 78.3 taking medication (45.4%), getting counseling
Parent 71.0 87.6 83.9 (40.7%), and going to the Internet or using a
Tele- 34.7 47.2 44.5 telephone helpline (16.1%). The expected help
phone results show a somewhat similar ordering; most
respondents with symptoms of major depression
Internet 25.2 28.0 27.4 expect help from physicians, followed by coun-
selors, parents and friends, and lastly from the
Data include only those who were aware of major de- Internet and helplines.
pression and were weighted to match national demograph-
ics; unweighted Ns were 191 for depressed group and 619
Table 27.4 summarizes the regression results
for others (total ⫽ 810). for each of the four outcomes holding constant
demographic variables (not shown). Except in
the help sources was comparable between those two cases (counseling and seeing a physician/
with and without symptoms of depression. Nev- taking medications), there were no effects of any
ertheless, there were differences between the demographic characteristic on help seeking for
groups. With the exception of one help source these young respondents. Stereotypes of depres-
(the Internet), persons with symptoms were less sion were negatively related to help seeking in
likely to perceive any of the help sources as ef- three out of the four cases (the small positive ef-
fective. Therefore, perceived treatment ineffec- fect is for seeing a doctor or nurse or taking med-
tiveness is a source of concern in itself for youth ication). The effect of stereotypes on counseling
with symptoms of mental disorder (Shaffer et al., was about ⫺12%, and the effect of stereotypes
1990). on talking to parents or friends was about ⫺6%,
but these effects were not reliably different from
zero. The strongest observed effect was for the
Analysis of Help Seeking impact of stereotypes on using the Internet or
calling a helpline, which was almost ⫺14%. Note
To determine the role of stigma on help seeking, that in two cases (counselors and Internet/help-
we conducted regression analyses of the relation lines), expected efficacy of the treatment modal-
between stereotypes of depression and reported ity and help seeking were positively and signifi-
help seeking for respondents with symptoms of cantly related, indicating that young people are
major depression or suicidality. Stereotypes were more likely to seek help from sources that are
defined as the average of three beliefs associated seen as effective.
with mental disorder in the first NARSY: vio- The results of this survey suggest that young
lence, suicidality, and good performance in people need not attach stigma to help seeking
school (reversed scored). The scale ranged from when the source of help is seen as particularly
(1) less likely than the average person to have the effective, as in the case of seeing a doctor or
undesirable trait to (3) more likely than the av- nurse or taking medication. For the other less ef-
erage person to have the trait. We used probit fective sources of help, by contrast, stereotypes
regression because it is appropriate for dichoto- tended to be negatively related to help seeking
Chapter 27 Stigma 537

Table 27.3 Descriptive Statistics for Help Seeking–Dependent Variables Predicted by

Stigma, Expectations of Positive Help by Source, and Demographic Data

Variable N Mean Deviation

Help seeking: doctor/nurse/meds (%) 191 .454 .499

Help seeking: counselor (%) 191 .407 .492
Help seeking: parents/friends (%) 191 .886 .318
Help seeking: Internet/helplines (%) 191 .161 .368
Stereotype scale 190 2.53 .471
Expected help from physician (%) 191 .785 .411
Expected help from parents/friends 185 .748 .35
Expected help from counselor (%) 191 .769 .422
Expected help from Internet/helplines 191 .291 .383
Age (years) 191 17.672 2.38
Male (%) 191 .383 .487
Education (1 to 5 years) 190 4.8 2.745
African American (%) 191 .199 .4
Asian (%) 191 .028 .166
Other ethnicity (%) 191 .113 .318

Doctor/nurse/meds: seeing a physician or nurse or taking medications. Counselor: seeing a coun-

selor. Parents/friend: talking to parents or friends. Internet/help: going to an Internet Web site or calling
a helpline. Stereotype: mean stereotype score on 1 to 3 scale. Expected Help: expected help from spec-
ified sources. When expected help sources were multiple, the average of the two scores was used.

and most reliably so for the least effective FACTORS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO STIGMA
sources, the Internet and telephone helplines.
The findings are also consistent with recently re- Given the role of stigma on help-seeking behav-
ported results from a large (N ⫽ 1,387) national ior in youth, it is critical to identify the factors
survey conducted with adults in the United that contribute to stigma. In this section, we
Kingdom, which found that the most common summarize the research on factors that contrib-
reason that individuals with “neurotic disorders” ute to stigma in both the general population and
did not seek treatment was that they didn’t think among youth. A comprehensive review of this
anyone could help them (reported by 22% of the literature is beyond the scope of this chapter, so
sample; Meltzer et al., 2003). a brief summary is provided. In general, factors
Increasing the perceived effectiveness of ap- contributing to stigma include (a) labels; (b)
propriate treatment may be an important strat- symptoms and/or anomalous behaviors associ-
egy for reducing the effects of unfavorable ste- ated with labels and mental illness; (c) attribu-
reotypes associated with mental disorder and for tions about mental illness; (d) misinformation
increasing help seeking in general. It is notewor- about mental illness and negative images prom-
thy that our sample of youth with symptoms of ulgated by the mass media; and (e) lack of con-
depression reported poorer perceptions of treat- tact with persons who have been successfully
ment effectiveness for all but one of the sources treated for mental illness.
of help compared to youth without those symp- According to the modified labeling theory, la-
toms (Table 27.2). Hence increasing the per- bels are one of a number of factors that contrib-
ceived effectiveness of appropriate treatment ute to stigma, perhaps via their association with
among this vulnerable youth segment could be specific behaviors, media accounts, or experi-
a strategy to increase their help seeking. ences (Link & Phelan, 1999; Phelan & Link,
538 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

Table 27.4 Results of Probit Regressions Predicting Four Help-Seeking Outcomesa

95% Confidence
∆ in Probb Zc P|z| Interval for Prob. ∆

1. Doctor/Nurse/Medication
(Pseudo R-squared ⫽ .042, N ⫽ 189)
Stereotype .055 0.69 0.49 ⫺.101 .211
Expected help .119 1.25 0.211 ⫺.067 .306

2. Counselor
(Pseudo R-squared ⫽ .115, N ⫽ 189)
Stereotype ⫺.116 ⫺1.43 0.153 ⫺.274 .043
Expected help .374 3.76 0 .18 .567

3. Parents/Friends
(Pseudo R-squared ⫽ .097, N ⫽ 183)
Stereotype ⫺.059 ⫺1.28 0.201 ⫺.149 .03
Expected help .087 1.61 0.108 ⫺.019 .193

4. Internet/Helplines
(Pseudo R-squared ⫽ .212, N ⫽ 179)
Stereotype ⫺.135 ⫺2.63 0.009 ⫺.238 ⫺.032
Expected help .278 4.49 0 .141 .401
All coefficients are adjusted for gender, ethnicity, age, and education.
∆ in Prob is the change in the probability of the outcome given a one-unit change in the predictor.
Z ⫽ ratio of probit coefficient to its standard error.
Significance tests refer to probit estimates, not change in probability values (∆) for an average respondent. For
outcomes (1) and (2) there is a significant negative effect of the “other” ethnicity category. For all other outcomes
and all other demographic variables, there are no discernable effects.

1999). This is especially true for pejorative labels, Research on the role of attributions on stigma
such as “schizo,” “psycho,” “wacko,” and so on, has its roots in the work of Weiner and col-
which may be linked with violent and erratic be- leagues (Weiner, 1993; Weiner, Perry, & Magnus-
havior. Therefore, labels may be stigmatizing in son, 1988) and asserts that our explanations for
their own right. mental and physical illness (i.e., in terms of con-
Labels clearly do not exist in a vacuum, but trollability and responsibility) will affect our at-
derive meaning from their relationship with titudes toward these disorders. Tests of this
characteristics of the disorder, both real (e.g., model applied to severe mental illnesses, such as
hearing voices) and exaggerated (e.g., being a schizophrenia, indicate that when such condi-
homicidal maniac). Thus, the behaviors associ- tions are seen as under the person’s control and
ated with mental illness may be stigmatizing in something for which she or he is responsible, the
their own right. Evidence in support of this hy- tendency to blame and stigmatize that individ-
pothesis is garnered from studies showing that ual increases (Corrigan, 2000). Interestingly, as-
the social behaviors of individuals with depres- cribing causality to biological factors (e.g., ge-
sion can elicit negative reactions from others (re- netics) leads to lower responsibility attributions,
viewed in Segrin, 2000), and that the social skill but in addition, to beliefs that the problem can-
deficits present in schizophrenia (Mueser & Bel- not be changed and that family members may
lack, 1998) may increase stigma, even beyond have similar problems (i.e., a courtesy stigma;
the contribution of symptoms (Penn, Kohlmaier, Phelan, Cruz-Rojas, & Reiff, in press).
& Corrigan, 2000). Perhaps the most consistent predictors of
Chapter 27 Stigma 539

stigma are misinformation about mental illness. lationship between greater retrospective self-
This is not surprising in view of the large role of reported contact with persons with mental ill-
the mass media in providing information about ness and less stigmatizing attitudes (Couture &
mental illness. In fact, the media are the most Penn, 2003). Although retrospective reports
frequent source of information about mental ill- have inherent flaws, such as being influenced by
ness for people in this country (Wahl, 1995). memory biases, the consistency of the findings
This suggests that the media have an important is compelling.
role in shaping public perception of mental ill- Most of the research on stigma has been con-
ness. ducted with adult and community samples.
Interestingly, there has been scant research di- However, findings from one of our own labora-
rectly linking media images of mental illness to tories reveal that labels, previous contact, and
stigma. There is evidence that greater exposure anomalous behaviors also influence the attitudes
to the media, particularly television viewing, is of older adolescents (i.e., college-age samples) to-
associated with greater intolerance toward per- ward persons with mental illness. For example,
sons with mental illness (Granello & Pauley, labels that varied in “political correctness” (e.g.,
2000). However, there is convincing evidence “schizophrenic” vs. “consumer of mental health
that the media depict persons with SMI in a neg- services”) exerted similar effects on the attitudes
ative rather than positive light. Persons with SMI of undergraduates and a community adult sam-
are disproportionately portrayed in films, tele- ple (Penn & Drummond, 2001). Regarding con-
vision, and newspapers as violent, erratic, and tact effects, most of our studies (Penn & Corri-
dangerous (Angermeyer & Schulze, 2001; Die- gan, 2002; Penn et al., 1994; Penn, Kommana,
fenbach, 1997; Granello, Pauley, & Carmichael, Mansfield, & Link, 1999), as well as those in
1999; Hyler, Gabbard, & Schneider, 1991; Mon- other laboratories (reviewed in Couture & Penn,
ahan, 1992; Nairn, Coverdale, & Claasen, 2001; 2003), replicate the findings with adults that
Signorielli, 2001; Wahl, 1995; Wahl & Roth, greater self-reported contact is associated with
1982; Williams & Taylor, 1995). As noted by lower stigma. Therefore, it appears that the fac-
Wahl (2002), media depictions of the violence tors that contribute to stigma development in
committed by persons with a SMI are more adulthood are also important in adolescence.
graphic and disturbing than that depicted in per- Our review of the factors that influence stigma
sons without a SMI. of mental illness suggests that one approach
In an analysis of 31 major U.S. newspapers with potential for influencing the attitudes of ad-
over a period of 2 months during the year 2000, olescents toward mental illness is the use of mass
APPC found that 64.7% of the stories about per- media. Adolescents are heavy consumers of mass
sons with schizophrenia had an association with media. It has been estimated that approximately
violence. While associations with violence in 2⁄3 of individuals between the ages of 8 and 18

stories about persons with bipolar disorder have a television in their bedroom (Roberts,
(29.1%) and depression (15.2%) were lower, Henriksen, & Foehr, in press; Woodard & Gri-
these rates still exaggerate the incidence of vio- dina, 2000). Television viewing averages approx-
lence in persons with SMI (Silver, 2001). These imately 31⁄2 hours daily in 11- to 14-year-olds
negative and inaccurate depictions of persons (Roberts, Henriksen, & Foehr, in press), which
with SMI are not limited to adult media, but are decreases to 21⁄2 hours daily by late adolescence
unfortunately present in children’s media as well (15–18; Brown & Witherspoon, 2001; Roberts,
(Wahl, 2002; 2003; Wahl, Wood, Zaveri, Drapal- Henriksen, & Foehr, in press). However, these
ski, & Mann, 2003; Wilson, Nairn, Coverdale, & numbers may underestimate media exposure, as
Panapa, 2000). adolescents also devote a great deal of time (and
The role of the mass media is potentially in- money) to movies, video rentals, and the Inter-
creased because of the relative lack of direct con- net (Brown & Witherspoon, 2001; Roberts &
tact with individuals who have been successfully Foehr, in press).
treated for mental illness. Although there are The attitudes and behaviors of adolescents are
exceptions, the research generally supports a re- influenced by exposure to the mass media. Re-
540 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

views of the literature indicate a relationship be- behaviors (e.g., treatment at work) has to this
tween media exposure and the formation of gen- point not been assessed.
der stereotypes (Signorielli, 2001), aggression Promoting personal contact between a stig-
and desensitization to violence (Bushman & An- matized group and community members is
derson, 2001), particularly among children and based on the “contact hypothesis,” which has an
young adolescents (Roberts, Henriksen, & Foehr, extensive history in the study of racism (Jackson,
in press), and body image in adolescent women 1993; Kolodziej & Johnson, 1996). According to
(Groesz, Levine, & Murnen, 2002). Furthermore, this hypothesis, contact effects will be strongest
the media serve as a source of information for when the individuals meet as equals, have a
youth; over half of teenage women report learn- chance to work cooperatively, rather than com-
ing about sex and birth control from TV, movies, petitively, on a task, and when the target person
and magazines (discussed in Brown & Wither- mildly disconfirms the stereotype. The last cri-
spoon, 2001). Similar findings have been ob- terion refers to the finding that encountering
served for knowledge about mental illness. In a someone who greatly disconfirms a stereotype
qualitative study with 12- to 14-year-olds, all of may result in categorizing that target as an “ex-
the participants reported that television was ception” to the rule. Therefore, positive experi-
their primary source of information about men- ences with the target individual will not gener-
tal illness (Secker, Armstrong, & Hill, 1999). alize to the broader group (Johnstone &
These findings suggest that the media can influ- Hewstone, 1992).
ence adolescent beliefs about mental illness, per- With respect to mental illness stigma, contact
haps in a positive way. This notion will be dis- has been provided in the context of volunteer
cussed in more detail below. activities, classroom experiences, job training,
and simulated laboratory encounters (reviewed
by Couture & Penn, 2003; Kolodziej & Johnson,
1996). The findings suggest that contact effects
REDUCING THE STIGMA are especially impressive and robust (Corrigan,
OF MENTAL ILLNESS 2002; Couture & Penn, 2003); a recent meta-
analysis of the literature reported that the aver-
Various approaches to reducing stigma of mental age effect size of contact on attitudes was .34
disorders have been attempted, mostly in the ar- (Kolodziej & Johnson, 1996). These effects were
eas of education and promoting personal con- largest when the contact was provided to stu-
tact (Corrigan & Penn, 1999). Educational inter- dents, rather than professionals, especially if the
ventions have included various strategies, contact was not a required part of the classroom
ranging from those that are brief (e.g., fact or training experience (Kolodziej & Johnson,
sheets, brochures; Penn et al., 1994; 1999) to 1996). These findings indicate that promoting
more extensive interventions (e.g., semester- personal contact can reduce stigma toward per-
long courses) that provided factual information sons with mental illness.
on mental illness and dispelled myths (e.g., Most of these studies were conducted with ei-
Holmes, Corrigan, Williams, Canar, & Kubiak, ther college-age student samples or with adults
1999; reviewed in Corrigan & Penn, 1999; Hin- in the community. In addition, there have been
shaw & Cicchetti, 2000; Mayville & Penn, 1999). numerous grass roots or community efforts to re-
In general, education appears to have a short- duce stigma, some focused on children and ad-
term impact on attitudes; however, the longitu- olescents (Estroff, Penn, & Toporek, in press;
dinal stability of the findings has not been ade- WPA, 2002). However, most of these community
quately evaluated (Corrigan & Penn, 1999). efforts either did not collect outcome data or are
There is some evidence that education also has in the process of collecting it. Therefore, we will
an effect on helping behaviors (e.g., donating report on the few studies that have been con-
money to the National Alliance for the Mentally ducted with younger adolescents that evaluated
Ill (NAMI); discussed in Corrigan, 2002), but the outcomes related to stigma.
impact of education on specific discriminatory Petchers, Biegel, and Drescher (1988) imple-
Chapter 27 Stigma 541

mented a video-based educational program in ipation in the mental health project may have
two high schools. The program included a vid- also been the underlying mechanism by which
eotape of teenagers discussing their experiences the program exerted its effects.
of having a person with mental illness in the Finally, Pinfold et al. (2003) evaluated the ef-
family, along with a six-lesson educational sup- fectiveness of two mental health awareness
plement. The results of a posttest-only design workshops on attitudes toward and knowledge
showed that participation in the video-based of mental illness in 472 secondary school chil-
program was associated with higher ratings on a dren in the United Kingdom. An individual who
measure that assessed both knowledge about worked in the mental health field led the first
and attitudes toward mental illness, relative to workshop, which included viewing a videotape
participants who did not participate in this pro- about people living with mental illness and chal-
gram. These findings are limited by the posttest- lenging negative stereotypes of mental illness.
only design and use of a nonstandard measure An individual who shared her or his personal ex-
of stigma. perience with having a mental illness facilitated
Esters, Cooker, and Ittenbach (1998) assigned the second workshop. The results showed that
two classes of rural high school students to re- the workshops had a positive impact on attitudes
ceive either 3 days of instruction on mental and knowledge of mental illness, with attitudi-
health, which included an instructional video, nal changes remaining stable across 6-month
and information pertaining to sources of help in follow-up. These results were especially strong
the community, or instruction unrelated to men- for individuals who reported previous contact
tal health. Participants completed measures that with someone with a mental illness. Again, the
assessed attitudes toward receiving treatment value of these findings was circumscribed by the
and to persons with mental illness, prior to and uncontrolled design.
following the course instruction and at 12-week Although limited in number and by method-
follow-up. The results showed that the mental ological limitations, these findings are neverthe-
health instruction was significantly associated less promising. The findings also converge on a
with improved attitudes both toward persons number of themes. In particular, consistent with
with mental illness and with seeking profes- previous findings obtained from adult samples
sional help; findings that held at follow-up. (Couture & Penn, 2003), promoting contact
Schulze, Richter-Werling, Matschinger, and seems to be a key element in reducing stigma. In
Angermeyer (2003) also implemented an edu- addition, there is indirect evidence that dem-
cational intervention, but one which included a onstrating the effectiveness of psychiatric and
contact component. Ninety high school stu- psychological treatments, either through direct
dents signed up for a program entitled Crazy? So instruction (Esters et al., 1998) or via role models
What, a 5-day program that involved the presen- (Schulze et al., 2003), may reduce stigma, a find-
tation of information about mental illness, ing consistent with the survey data reported ear-
meeting someone with schizophrenia (who lier in this chapter (Table 27.4). Therefore, facil-
discussed their personal experiences with the ill- itating personal contact between members of the
ness, treatment, and stigma), and group discus- community and individuals with mental illness,
sions. Participants in this program were com- and promoting the effectiveness of treatments
pared to high school students who chose to sign for mental illness, may be crucial to reducing
up for non–mental health–related projects. The stigma among youth.
results showed that Crazy? So What produced a Because adolescents are heavy media users,
significant reduction in negative stereotypes and greater use of mass media to reduce, rather than
a trend toward less social distance after partici- augment, stigmatizing attitudes should be ex-
pation in the project. These results remained sta- plored. This can be done in a number of ways.
ble at 1-month follow-up. Interpretation of these First, the media can serve as a resource for ado-
findings needs to be tempered by the fact that lescents with a mental illness. For example,
participants self-selected into the project. Thus, Gould, Munfakh, Lubell, Kleinman, and Parker
the preexisting characteristics that led to partic- (2002) found that nearly one fifth of New York
542 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

adolescents reported using the Internet to help We recently investigated the effects of a doc-
with emotional disorders. Unfortunately, over umentary film about schizophrenia on the atti-
20% of the respondents were not satisfied with tudes of undergraduates toward schizophrenia
the information they found, which suggests that (Penn, Chamberlin, & Mueser, 2003). The doc-
the content and links provided by some of the umentary I’m Still Here depicts individuals with
Web sites were inadequate. Second, the media schizophrenia in a balanced light; individuals
can be educated to report on mental illness re- with both remitted and acute symptoms are por-
sponsibly (Gould & Kramer, 2001; Salter & trayed, with both humor and sensitivity. These
Byrne, 2002). This has been advocated in the depictions were supplemented by interviews
context of suicide in adolescents by addressing with family members and mental health profes-
contagion, the increase in suicides that follow sionals. The results showed that this documen-
from the reporting of suicide stories in the news tary resulted in more benign attributions about
media (Gould & Kramer, 2001; Gould, Jamieson, schizophrenia (i.e., that persons with schizo-
& Romer, 2003). Such responsible reporting can phrenia are not to blame for having this disorder
also be extended to presenting information and that they are not responsible for causing it
about mental illness with the aim of educating themselves) relative to two control documentary
the public about the efficacy of treatment for films. The film did not have a significant effect
mental disorders, providing the information in on participant attitudes toward individuals with
a more balanced manner, and avoiding schizophrenia, although the pattern of perfor-
attention-grabbing, pejorative headlines (Gould mance (i.e., task means) was in the expected di-
et al., 2003; Wahl, 1995). rection. Participant ratings revealed that they
Stigma reduction may also be achieved by in- found this film enjoyable, suggesting that doc-
tegrating mental illness messages into the enter- umentaries can be an effective and entertaining
tainment value of film and television. Anecdo- medium for delivering information about men-
tally, this appears to be the case with the film A tal illness.
Beautiful Mind, which seems to have served the
dual purpose of both entertaining and educating
audiences about mental illness. Another recent CONCLUSIONS
example is the collaboration between Barbara
Hocking from with the staff of This chapter has reviewed evidence that address-
Home and Away, the most popular soap opera in ing the stigma of mental illness in adolescence
Australia. This collaboration resulted in a story- is a worthy endeavor. It is likely that adolescents
line of a current character, Joey Rainbow, who who are informed about mental illness, both in
gradually develops schizophrenia. Hocking con- terms of facts and the dispelling of myths, will
sulted with the program’s staff and provided ed- be less likely to stigmatize others and more likely
ucational materials on schizophrenia to the 18- to seek and stay in treatment for their own symp-
year-old actor who played the character who toms. In particular, there is promising evidence
developed schizophrenia. This culminated in a in both our survey findings and the results of
more accurate portrayal of schizophrenia (e.g., interventions that increasing awareness of the
prodromal symptoms, acute episode, residual efficacy of treatment can reduce the role of
symptoms) than typically manifest on screen. stigma in inhibiting help seeking and in discrim-
What is especially appealing about this approach inating against persons with mental disorders.
is that the character was already well established This chapter has also highlighted the poten-
on the program, so the development of his tial role of mass media in destigmatizing mental
schizophrenia was arguably comparable to ob- illness, a role that will be more effective if ex-
serving a family member or friend develop the pressed in partnerships between media and men-
disorder. Thus, it would appear the producers for tal health professionals. Of course, the media can
Home and Away provided an opportunity to pro- only do so much to address stigma; much is also
mote a mediated form of contact between the dependent on educators and the mental health
audience and someone with mental illness. field. For example, bringing persons with mental
Chapter 27 Stigma 543

illness to the classroom as guest speakers and mental health referrals and reduce the time from
providing opportunities for adolescents to vol- symptom onset and treatment. In addition,
unteer with persons with mental illness have there have been recent efforts to provide treat-
shown promise as stigma reduction strategies ment at home or in settings that are not identi-
(Couture & Penn, 2003). In sum, the high school fied as psychiatric facilities to address the stigma
and classroom can promote activities that may or shame of seeking treatment for physical dis-
challenge negative stereotypes. orders (e.g., AIDS; Gewirtz & Gossart-Walker,
In a similar manner, mental health profes- 2000) or psychiatric disorders (prodromal symp-
sionals should strive to make the process of seek- toms; McGorry, Yung, & Phillips, 2001). These
ing and staying in treatment as destigmatizing approaches, coupled with early education and
as possible. Part of the challenge is developing contact opportunities, and working with the me-
liaisons between primary-care practitioners and dia to provide balanced views of mental illness,
school counselors, the gatekeepers who may be are important steps in addressing stigma and en-
the first to encounter adolescents with emo- suring that adolescents get early treatment for
tional problems. This will facilitate appropriate mental disorders.
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The Research, Policy, and
Practice Context for Delivery of
Evidence-Based Mental Health
Treatments for Adolescents:
A Systems Perspective

Kimberly Hoagwood

c h a p t e r
546 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

Research discoveries in the past 20 years have led part because it provides what appears to be a sci-
to major breakthroughs in identifying treat- entific imprimatur upon a body of work whose
ments for adolescents that are most likely to im- application in real-world clinical practice is pre-
prove their mental health functioning. Problems sumed to lead to improvements in children’s
of attention, depression, and various forms of emotional or behavioral functioning. Because
anxiety, including those related to traumatic the state of current mental health service de-
abuse and obsessive-compulsive disorders, can livery has been widely criticized as being
now be treated and treated effectively through fragmented, ineffective, and insufficient (Bick-
cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, and medi- man, 1996c; Stroul & Friedman, 1986), policy-
cation therapies and, in some cases, a combina- makers’ hopes for improvements in service de-
tion of these therapies (Lonigan, Elbert, & livery and practices are now largely linked to
Johnson, 1998; March, Amaya, Jackson, Murray, delivery of EBPs. Logically, this is a reasonable
& Schulte, 1998; March and the TADS Consor- assumption.
tium, MTA Cooperative Group, 1999a; Mufson, However, the growth in empirical knowledge
Dorta, Olfson, Weissman, & Hoagwood, 2004; and focus on community-based care has drawn
Silverman, Kurtines, & Hoagwood, 2004). A attention to the “different worlds of research and
range of community-based services to support practice” (Ringeisen, Henderson, & Hoagwood,
youth and families in accessing or continuing 2003). A series of influential reports, including
with treatments have also been examined rigor- the Institute of Medicine Report (1998), the Sur-
ously. Some of this work is demonstrating how geon General’s Report on Mental Health (U.S. De-
engagement techniques, particularly forms of in- partment of Health and Human Services
tensive case management, in-home therapeutic [DHHS], 1999), and the Surgeon General’s
services, and functional family therapies can National Action Plan on Children’s Mental
help parents or caregivers care for their children Health (U.S. Public Health Service [USPHS]
(Alexander & Sexton, 2002; Burns, Costello, An- 2001b), have uniformly voiced a single theme:
gold, et al., 1995; Chamberlain & Reid, 1991; the gap between research and practice must be
Evans, Banks, Huz, McNulty, 1994; Farmer, Dor- closed.
sey & Mustillo, 2004; Henggeler & Schoenwald, Yet, despite this progress, there exist numer-
1998; McKay & Lynn, in press). Research pro- ous challenges to providing quality care for
gress in these areas has been of unprecedented youth and their families within the systems that
proportions, in part because there was a tripling serve these populations. These challenges are
of funding at the National Institute of Mental largely systemic and, unfortunately, have become
Health (NIMH) between 1989 and 2001 for stud- endemic to the current structure of youth mental
ies of children’s mental health in general (Na- health care in this country. As Flynn points out
tional Advisory Mental Health Council, 2001). in a recent special issue on EBP, “Many parents
Although in general research on child and ado- are frankly doubtful that grafting evidence based
lescent mental health has lagged far behind stud- practices onto a failed and fragmented system
ies of adult mental illness, research on the effi- will succeed” (Flynn, in press).
cacy of specific treatment and service models for Among the challenges to embedding effective
youth is now in an era of expansion. treatments within the current system of mental
The nexus for this progress has arisen because health care for youth are a range of both
of the growing popularity of evidence-based research-based knowledge gaps and systemic
practices (EBPs). At least 26 federal Web sites use barriers. Gaps in research knowledge exist in five
this term to refer to their practices. A MEDLINE major areas: treatment development for specific
search from 1995 to 2002 found over 5,400 ci- disorders; the comorbidities that exist among
tations that included the terms evidence-based these disorders and psychiatric classification
medicine, evidence-based treatment, or evidence- more generally; ways of bridging the gap be-
based practice. Between 1900 and 1995 there were tween research and practice; the categorizations
only 70 such citations. The term evidence-based of EBPs; and means of implementing or dissem-
practice has captured the public imagination in inating effective practices. Systemic barriers exist
Chapter 28 Delivery of Mental Health Treatment 547

in five areas: service fragmentation; access and Gaps in Comorbidity and Issues
use of services, which are especially relevant to in Psychiatric Diagnosis
ethnic and cultural variations; lack of sustained
family involvement; regulatory practices; and The strength of the evidence in research-based
fiscal disincentives. knowledge centers largely on discrete treatments
The purpose of this chapter is to outline these for discrete disorders (Weisz et al., 1995a; Weisz,
challenges to improving delivery of effective Donenberg, Han, & Weiss, 1995b). Unfortu-
treatments for adolescents and their families and nately, many children present with multiple,
to define a set of research and policy directions chronic, and severe problems. The strength of
that may help improve delivery. In particular, a the evidence about mental health care for these
number of major multisite studies supported by youth is weak. This is a major problem because
several foundations and federal agencies are cur- comorbidity of disorders among youth is rela-
rently under way to examine contextual influ- tively common. The Great Smoky Mountain
ences on delivery of youth mental health ser- Study (GSMS; Costello, Farmer, Angold, Burns, &
vices. These studies will very likely lead to new Erkanli (1997) Costello et al., (1996a,b), con-
ways of thinking about implementation and dis- ducted in North Carolina, found that while the
semination of effective practices. prevalence of psychiatric disorders in an epide-
miological sample among youth was 20%, a full
third of the youth had more than one diagnosis.
RESEARCH GAPS In addition, studies by Weisz and colleagues con-
ducted within public mental health clinics in Los
Gaps in Treatment Development Angeles found that the modal number of diag-
noses among youth presenting to these clinics
A recent report from the National Alliance for was 5, and that youth with single disorders were
Mental Illness (NAMI, 2004) indicated that re- extremely rare (Weisz et al., 1995a, 1995b). As a
search on serious mental illness has been under- consequence, the lack of a developed research
funded, compared to other chronic, disabling base on the effectiveness of treatments for youth
illnesses, and consequently is insufficiently pri- with more than one problem presents serious
oritized. As a result, little is known about the problems for delivery of services within complex
safety, efficacy, or effectiveness of treatments for service systems that routinely are responsible for
bipolar disorders, eating disorders, depression, multiproblem youth.
and trauma. The placebo effect in medication A more fundamental problem exists with re-
research, particularly in studies of adolescent spect to psychiatric classification itself, espe-
depression, can be higher than 50% (Emslie, cially in the field of children’s mental health. Di-
Walkup, Pliska & Ernst, 1999), thus calling into agnostic vicissitudes are the norm rather than
serious question the mechanisms whereby treat- the exception. This has given rise to a variety of
ment affects outcomes. Furthermore, when fam- perspectives, not to mention tensions, on what
ilies of youth with these kinds of problems are constitutes mental health, mental illness, or psy-
seeking treatment, they are unlikely to be able to chiatric impairments among children and on
identify any providers sufficiently well informed their etiology (Jensen & Hoagwood, 1997). The
to be able to diagnose and treat these disorders. epistemological issues surrounding diagnostic
In addition, despite progress in identifying the classification and its nomenclature have been
efficacy of certain medication treatments for cer- described elsewhere. Diagnostic criteria for chil-
tain conditions (e.g., attention-deficit hyperac- dren rely primarily on observational markers
tivity disorder [ADHD], obsessive-compulsive subject to clinical bias (Bickman, 1999), cultural
disorder [OCD], aggression), no studies have yet inferences, and these problems are compounded
been completed on the long-term safety and ef- by lack of reliability between research-based di-
ficacy of these medications. Thus families do not agnoses and community-based diagnoses (Lew-
know what the long-term effects may be of treat- czyk, Garland, Hurlburt, Gearity, & Haugh,
ing their children with medication therapies. 2001). These issues raise questions about the na-
548 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

ture of psychiatric knowledge itself, and under- most studies of treatment effectiveness have
score the importance of inclusion and collabo- been conducted.
ration of family members, teachers, and other Weisz and colleagues (Weisz, 2000; Weisz et
persons knowledgeable about the behavior of al., 1992, 1995a, 1995b) also identified some pos-
children prior to assigning a diagnosis. In short, sible explanations for the disparity between re-
the complexities surrounding psychiatric diag- sults in laboratory and clinic settings. One is that
nosis for children push the notion of collabora- laboratory settings may be more conducive to
tion into a place of conceptual prominence with therapeutic gain, simply because they have more
respect to children’s mental health. resources. Providers may be better trained and
have more modern equipment and intensive su-
pervision, making it a better setting in which to
deliver services. Another explanation is that psy-
Lab-to-Clinic Translatability chosocial treatment provided in laboratory set-
tings may result in better outcomes because it is
Meta-analyses of psychosocial treatments for more likely to use behavioral treatment meth-
youth have indicated that psychosocial treat- ods, which are well established. Studies are cur-
ment appears to work equally well for internal- rently under way to examine how and whether
izing conditions (which include depression and research-based treatment models can be deliv-
anxiety disorders) and externalizing disorders ered in clinic settings and whether these models
(those directed more outwardly, including dis- actually improve clinical outcomes beyond treat-
ruptive behavior problems such as conduct dis- ments usually delivered within these settings
order). However, most of these studies have been (MacArthur Foundation Network on Youth Men-
conducted in university or laboratory settings tal Health, 2004; J. Weisz, personal communi-
rather than in community clinics. Thus the de- cation, March 2004). This study is described in
gree of adaptation (either cultural, practical, or greater detail below.
organizational) needed to translate a protocol
from a laboratory setting into a community
clinic is unknown and is not built into the design Limitations and Discrepancies in the
or methods for developing treatments in the first Categorization of Evidence-Based Practices
place, even though it is a critical ingredient for
the ultimate fit of a treatment to a clinical con- Kazdin (in press-a) suggests that an emphasis on
text (Hoagwood, Jensen, Roper, Arnold, Odbert the distinctions between evidence-based and not
et al., in press). evidence-based is misguided and limits the po-
Studies by Weisz and colleagues have dem- tential of research studies to further the goal of
onstrated that mental health interventions used improving practices. Instead, he suggests broad-
to treat youth in everyday clinical practice are ening the continuum of evidence to include a
not only different from those studied in aca- range of categories for differentiating studies
demic settings but also potentially less effective about treatments. The categories he suggests
(Weisz et al., 1992; 1995b). Weisz et al. (1992) are (1) not evaluated; (2) evaluated, but unclear,
found that the vast majority of studies support- no, or possibly negative effects at this time; (3)
ing the effectiveness of these models were con- promising (some evidence); (4) well-established
ducted in either university, school, or laboratory (parallel to well-established in conventional
settings. Under these conditions, the interven- schemes); and (5) better/best treatments (treat-
tions improve the outcomes for the children. ments shown to be more effective than other
However, the dozen studies that investigated evidence-based treatments). He also points out
outcomes of these treatments in naturalistic that an exclusive focus on outcomes rather than
(clinic) settings demonstrated a negative effect. on the reasons that treatments work—i.e., on the
The implications of these different outcomes are mechanisms or processes of change within ther-
that the conditions of routine clinic care are apies—is leading to a proliferation of treatments,
vastly different from the conditions under which many of which are likely to be similar. Attention
Chapter 28 Delivery of Mental Health Treatment 549

to mechanisms of change can create better effi- vary, the ways in which delivery variables have
ciencies of effort and improve treatments more been taken into account also vary. For example,
generally (Kazdin, in press). the APA standards apply criteria that ignore par-
In addition to these limitations, there is cur- ameters of effectiveness that would be likely to
rently no consensus on how to define evidence- yield answers to questions about the readiness of
based, nor on when the evidence base, however a treatment model to be implemented. Such fac-
it is defined, is ready to be deployed, moved out, tors are often excluded from clinical trials of spe-
or used in community settings. While the term cific treatments for the very reason that they
is generally used to demarcate research-based, may create “noise” around the interpretation of
generally structured and manualized practices treatment effects. Yet it is precisely these “nui-
that have been examined with randomized trial sance” factors that are essential to understand if
designs from less rigorous or well-tested prac- implementation of a treatment is likely to be suc-
tices, no currently agreed-upon definition exists, cessful. So the relevance of the applicability of
and it is becoming a popular phrase with which most EBPs’ integration into routine services is
to capture public attention and public funds largely unknown (Mufson et al., in press). These
(Tannenbaum, 2003). different definitions make it difficult for policy-
In this chapter I use the term evidence-based makers, families, treatment developers, and con-
practices to refer to a set of research-based treat- sumer organizations to speak in a uniform voice
ments, preventive interventions, services, or or to learn from each other’s lessons in the com-
clinical practices (e.g., assessment, screening, re- plex task of implementing these models.
ferral). Evidence-based policies refer to local, state,
or federal mandates or initiatives promoting the
use or adoption of evidence-based practices. Gaps in Knowledge About Implementation
In fact, numerous and discrepant criteria are and Dissemination
being used by professional associations and by
the scientific community to differentiate evi- Knowledge about ways in which to integrate
dence based from non–evidence based. The vary- evidence-based practices within complex, dy-
ing definitions make it difficult for policymakers namic service systems is currently lacking. Chal-
or practitioners to decide which among the prac- lenges remain in “scaling up” interventions from
tices to adopt in any given circumstance. Cur- local sites to states. The use of the term evidence-
rently foundations and federal agencies are at- based practice is thus far associated with specific
tempting to create agreed-upon criteria and an models of child or family interventions; it has
archive of research-based practices that can be not yet been applied to system- or organization-
updated to assist field practitioners and the sci- level interventions (e.g., quality assurance meth-
entific community in evaluating the quality, ods) (Chambers, Ringeisen, & Hickman, in
strength, and fit of evidence for specific clinical press). Studies from outside of mental health (in
practice. AIDS or cancer trials, for example) have found
In addition, the standards for entry into the that characteristics of the environment within
lists of EBPs vary widely. Operational criteria which an intervention is placed influence the de-
have been proposed by the Division of Clinical livery of the model and the outcomes associated
Psychology of the American Psychological As- with it. Consequently, studies that examine how
sociation (APA; Lonigan et al., 1998) and applied to build an infrastructure to support delivery of
to studies of specific psychosocial treatments quality clinical care are greatly needed.
for childhood disorders. A similar process has As Ringeisen and colleagues (2003) point out,
been developed for evaluating the evidence for both content-specific and contextual factors in-
pharmacological treatments (Jensen, Bhatara, fluence the ability to disseminate services and
et al., 1999), preventive programs (Greenberg, treatments. For example, Kendall et al. (1997) ex-
Domitrovich, & Bumbarger et al., 2001), and amined specific mechanisms of action within a
school-based mental health services (Rones & cognitive-behavioral intervention for childhood
Hoagwood, 2000). Yet, because inclusion criteria anxiety disorders and found that exposure ac-
550 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

counted for the response. This component of the or organizations not affiliated with the devel-
intervention—a feature of its content—is critical opment and testing of a particular treatment
to reducing reported childhood fears and anxiety model design strategies to take that model to
responses. Other factors that reside outside of scale. Considerable resources are required to de-
the content of specific EBPs also influence out- sign strategies for overcoming the obstacles enu-
comes. Such factors might include degree or in- merated above—for example, in strengthening
tensity of clinical supervision, or an organiza- the capacity of clinicians to implement a model
tion’s support for employees. These factors of with fidelity. Yet resources must be expended in
context are beginning to be examined. For ex- advance in order to garner research funding for
ample, Henggeler, Schoenwald, Liao, Letour- assessing the impact of those strategies (Schoen-
neau, and Edwards (2002) describe the positive wald & Henggeler, 2002; Torrey et al., 2001).
relationship between model-consistent clinical Thus, although several groups of treatment and
supervision and a therapist’s fidelity to multi- service developers have produced similar multi-
systemic therapy (MST). Supervision consistent level approaches to the problem of taking an ef-
with the MST approach is also positively related fective model to scale (Schoenwald & Henggeler,
to clinical improvement. New studies just begin- 2002), the methods used to do so have been id-
ning to be undertaken in the field of child and iosyncratic, bootstrapped, and informed as
adolescent mental health services are examining much by field experience as by theory and re-
how systemic features, such as organizational search on the diffusion of innovation, technol-
leadership, work attitudes, and climate, may ex- ogy transfer, and organizational behavior.
plain variance in the quality of provided services
(e.g., Glisson & James, 2002).
Another type of context factor that limits the SYSTEM BARRIERS
ability to disseminate EBP models is the small
number of studies on the cost-effectiveness of In the mid-1980s a series of federal and state
these models. In fact, in mental health, those initiatives focused on strengthening the
empirically based interventions that currently community-based service system for children
have the widest dissemination are also those that and adolescents. Called the Child and Adoles-
have had cost-effectiveness data to support their cent Service System Program (CASSP), a group of
impact relative to usual care prior to wide-scale state grants were awarded by the NIMH to create
promotion (e.g., functional family therapy, Al- youth and family bureaus within state systems.
exander & Parsons, 1973; multisystemic therapy, This initiative was given principled footing
Henggeler, Schoenwald, Rowland, & Cunning- through the development of an influential
ham, 2002; nurse visitation model, Kitzman, model, called the System of Care (Stroul and
Olds, Sidora, Henderson, Hanks et al., 2000). The Friedman, 1986). This model articulated a series
paucity of studies on the cost-effectiveness of ser- of values, centered around maintaining children
vice or treatment models seriously limits the within their communities, coordinating services,
adoption by policymakers of these interven- involving families integrally in delivery and
tions. These studies are labor-intensive and planning of treatments and services, and attend-
costly and require careful delineation of the ser- ing to the cultural relevance of services. The
vice or treatment components. most recent iteration of the model has been un-
Another kind of problem in the spread of em- der an important federal initiative designed to
pirically based practices occurs because of the ra- support local community-based services for chil-
pidity with which knowledge about effective dren and adolescents. Called the Comprehensive
practices is being deployed, coupled with the Community Mental Health Services for Children
dearth of knowledge about how best to imple- and Families (CMHSC) and supported by the
ment them. This problem has become a kind of Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) of the
catch-22 for the field (Hoagwood et al., in press). Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Ad-
The problem arises when treatment developers ministration (SAMHSA), this program consti-
Chapter 28 Delivery of Mental Health Treatment 551

tutes the single largest federal program support- comes, and concerted calls for improving the
ing mental health services for youth with serious clinical care that can be embedded within coor-
emotional or behavioral problems. The program dinated systems models have been made repeat-
is currently financed at close to $100 million per edly (Burns, 2003; Henggeler, Schoenwald, &
year. One major focus of this program in recent Munger, 1996; Hoagwood, Hibbs, Brent, & Jen-
years has been the inclusion of EBPs into the lo- sen, 1995; Hoagwood, Jensen, Petti, & Burns,
cal community-based programs. 1996).
Despite the importance of this program, it ex-
ists only in a small percentage of communities
in the United States. As a consequence, most Access
families seeking mental health care do not have
access to these federally funded programs and in- Underrecognition of youth mental disorders is
stead face significant system barriers in accessing well documented across all ethnic and racial
effective treatment models. Some of these barri- groups (Costello et al., 1996; DHHS, 1999; Hor-
ers are outlined below. witz, Leaf, & Leventhal, 1998; Horwitz, Leaf, Lev-
enthal, Forsyth, & Speechley, 1992; Lavigne
et al., 1993; National Advisory Mental Health
Fragmentation Council, 2001; Attkisson & Rosenblatt, 1998;
Fisher, Dulcan, Davies, Piacentini et al., 1996;
Many sectors are involved in delivering services Roberts, 1998, 1999; Shaffer, USPHS, 2001a,
for children, adolescents, and their families, a 2001b). Current evidence suggests that these dif-
characteristic that makes them cumbersome to ficulties disproportionately affect minority
study. In general, at least six separate sectors or youth and families because they are also less
administrative structures may be involved in likely to have access to general health-care serv-
serving youth with mental health problems: spe- ices (DHHS, 1999; USPHS, 2001b). The recent
cialty mental health; primary health care; child supplement to the Surgeon General’s Report on
welfare; education; juvenile justice; and sub- Mental Health, Culture, Race, and Ethnicity
stance abuse (Stroul & Friedman, 1986). Across (USPHS, 2001c) notes that the disparities affect-
most of the United States, these sectors are ad- ing mental health services for racial and ethnic
ministratively, fiscally, and structurally distinct. minorities have several key characteristics,
As a consequence, the responsibility for provid- namely that minorities (1) have more barriers
ing services for a youth with mental health prob- and less access to mental health services, (2) are
lems or for his or her family is divided among less likely to receive needed mental health serv-
different agencies, each with a unique set of reg- ices, (3) often receive a poorer quality of services,
ulations, intake procedures, rules for inclusion and (4) are underrepresented in studies of mental
and exclusion, and service options. This frag- health. Minority parents are at further disadvan-
mentation creates enormous problems for fami- tage because they and their children are exposed
lies whose children often need different kinds of to proportionately greater levels of strains and
services for different kinds of problems (Burns, risks under normal day-to-day conditions, all of
2003; Burns et al., 1995; Friedman, 2003). which are increased even further when they
Studies of the impact of coordinated models must deal with a child with emotional or behav-
for delivering services to youth with mental ioral disabilities (Leaf et al., 1996).
health problems have found that integrated The cumulative impact of lack of access to
models improve access to care, reduce restric- mental health services, higher levels of risk fac-
tiveness of placements (e.g., reduce in-patient tors, and historical and current societal discrim-
stays), and improve family satisfaction (Bick- inatory attitudes place these children on a dan-
man, 1996a, 1996b). However, these same stud- gerous trajectory that can lead to more serious
ies have found that these integrated models do emotional or behavioral problems later in life
nothing in the way of improving clinical out- (Loeber & Farrington, 1998; USPHS, 2000). Fur-
552 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

thermore, studies have documented that less cial problems. The authors found considerable
than one third of children with suicide ideation, discrepancy between what parents reported as
conduct disorder, and substance abuse or depen- appropriate to do and what they actually did
dency seek or receive help for these problems, when they recognized mental health problems
and that less than half of youth with major de- in their children. Most (81.1%) believed it was
pression seek or receive help for depression (Stiff- appropriate to discuss four or more of the six hy-
man, Earls, Robins, & Jung, 1988). By necessity, pothetical situations with their children’s phy-
access to mental health services for youth usu- sician, whereas only 40.9% actually did discuss
ally depends on the recognition and actions of any of these problems with a physician when a
key adults (Pescosolido, 1992; Stiffman, Chen, problem occurred.
Elze, Dore, & Cheng, 1997), some of whom Directly connected to lack of access are signif-
themselves may suffer from mental health prob- icant problems in capacity: most communities in
lems. Other barriers such as stigma, lack of avail- the United States have few if any child psychia-
ability of services, lack of specialists, long wait- trists to treat children or adolescents (IOM,
ing lists, and lack of insurance also impede use 2000). Furthermore, the training of other profes-
of services. sionals who are most likely to come in contact
According to numerous recent reports and with children or adolescents (e.g., family physi-
studies (Kataoke et al., 2002; USPHS 2001a; cians or pediatricians, school counselors, psy-
NIMH, 2001; Ringel & Sturm, 2001; Stiffman et chologists, social workers) is unlikely to have
al., 1997), the majority of all children—both mi- included any content on empirically based prac-
nority and nonminority—with mental health tices (American Academy of Pediatrics [AAP],
problems do not receive any mental health ser- 2000; National Association of Social Workers).
vice. The recently released report of the Presi- Consequently, the mental health system’s ability
dent’s New Freedom Commission on Mental to accommodate the needs of children and ad-
Health (2003) has identified access to services olescents with mental health problems is acutely
among children as a top priority. In addition, a compromised.
report released by the NIMH (2001) indicated
that approximately three quarters of children
with mental health needs do not receive any Cultural Barriers to Access
type of mental health service, and the disparity
between need and use of services is highest Additional barriers to access deter racial and eth-
among minority youth. These rates are identical nic minorities, including mistrust of treatment,
to those reported in the mid-1980s by the U.S. discrimination, and differences in communica-
Congress, Office of Technology Assessment tion (McKay & Lynn, in press). Mental health
(1991), which shows that the level of need for care disparities may also stem from minorities’
services remains unchanged despite decades of historical and current struggles with racism and
scientific progress in developing evidence-based discrimination, which may affect their mental
assessments, treatments, and services for these health or contribute to lower economic, social,
children. and political status (USPHS, 2001b). The cumu-
Underidentification is of particular concern in lative weight of all barriers to care, not any single
the gatekeeping systems such as schools and pri- one alone, is likely responsible for mental health
mary care settings, where almost all children are disparities.
seen at some point and where early identifica- In addition, studies by Takeuchi, Leaf, and
tion is especially feasible (Costello et al., 1988a, Kuo (1988) have demonstrated that different
1988b; Horwitz et al., 1992, 1998; Lavigne et al., ethnic groups gain access to services through dif-
1993; USPHS, 2001a). In fact, in a prospective ferent routes or pathways. For example, Takeuchi
cohort study, Horwitz et al. (1998) examined the found that African-American families entered
effect of families’ attitudes about the appropri- community mental health care through referrals
ateness of discussing psychosocial concerns on from social agencies more often than Caucasian
pediatric providers’ identification of psychoso- families did, and that Mexican-American fami-
Chapter 28 Delivery of Mental Health Treatment 553

lies entered more often than Caucasian families itiatives in primary care (through Institutes for
through school referrals. The patterns of service Healthcare Improvement, for example) to re-
use also vary across different racial and ethnic form health-care services nationally by
groups (McCabe, Yeh, Hough, Landsverk, Hurl- positioning consumers centrally in treatment
burt et al., 1999). These findings have implica- planning so that they are empowered to make
tions for the ways service systems should be or- decisions about their own health care. These in-
ganized to serve those who need them and to itiatives within both general health care and
increase access to care. mental health care are leading to innovations in
delivery, such as providing families with vouch-
ers to function as case managers for their child’s
Lack of Attention to Family-Driven Practices care. The movement away from office-based
practice and toward empowerment of consum-
Treatments that are inaccessible to those who ers is likely to increase significantly over the next
may benefit from them may be effective but are decade.
essentially useless if not accessed. However, a se- A major issue affecting the acceptability of
ries of important studies have found that suc- EBPs to many families is the concern that use of
cessful efforts can be made to enhance a family’s EBPs may interfere with the individualization of
service engagement and decrease rates of pre- services. For many families, the single most im-
mature treatment termination. Using brief tele- portant criterion of acceptability is the extent to
phone interviews prior to service entry, a range which services can be individually tailored
of studies have been undertaken to troubleshoot (Flynn, in press). Evidence-based practices are of-
barriers to service engagement and increase mi- ten seen as prescriptive and constraining. Thus
nority families’ participation in services (McKay efforts are being made to meld family-based pref-
& Lynn, in press; Santisteban et al., 1996; erences for individualization of care with EBPs,
Szapocznik et al., 1988). Unfortunately, attempts such as the development of parent empower-
to integrate evidence-based and family-driven ment programs taught by parent advocate and
engagement strategies with evidence-based clin- professional teams to improve knowledge about
ical treatments are rare. A notable exception to EBPs (Hoagwood & Johnson, 2003; Jensen,
this is a series of studies in New York State, link- Hoagwood, & Trickett, 1999). Family advocacy
ing implementation of EBPs for child trauma to groups, such as the Federation of Families, are
family-driven practices (Murray, Rodriguez, also developing family-friendly guides to de-
Hoagwood, & Jensen, in press). scribe in detail the expectations and levels of in-
Among the values that have become intrinsic volvement that specific EBPs require for their im-
to community-based services have been those plementation (T. Osher, personal communica-
that stipulate that parents, guardians, or con- tion, April 2004).
sumers must be integrally involved in treatment
planning and delivery if the quality of care for
children is to improve. The federal government Regulatory Practices
through SAMHSA has supported the develop-
ment of an infrastructure within state mental Across the range of what are called EBPs (for psy-
health agencies to support consumer involve- chosocial treatments, medications, services, or
ment in service planning, and most states have preventive programs) there are differences in the
consumer or recipient offices to strengthen this ways in which deployment occurs. For example,
involvement. Numerous family advocacy organ- in pharmaceutical medicine, evidence-based ap-
izations now exist to support the needs of fami- proaches have been built into the regulatory
lies with children who have emotional or behav- standards developed by the U.S. Food and Drug
ioral problems more generally, and for those Administration (FDA) to review scientific evi-
with specific psychiatric disorders (e.g., ADHD, dence and identify effective medications. The
bipolar disorders, depressive disorders, etc.). Si- strength of the evidence for pharmacological
multaneously, there have been several major in- treatments is regulated by the FDA, and an
554 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

industry for their distribution has grown up 25% of children with a diagnosed mental health
around this. In contrast, psychosocial treat- problem were publicly insured (Glied & Cuellar,
ments, services, and preventive interventions do 2003). Among poor minority children, those el-
not have regulatory backing, and their distribu- igible for Medicaid are likely to have higher rates
tion depends largely on the resourcefulness of of mental health problems than privately in-
individuals who developed the treatments or sured children (Glied & Cuellar, 2003). These
services (Hoagwood et al., 2001) policy shifts in health insurance coverage mean
that state Medicaid directors must now consider
both seriously and less-seriously ill children in
Financing Policies making decisions about service distribution.

A series of financing policies are shaping the re-

Behavioral Managed Care
imbursement mechanisms for mental health
services for children and their families and con- Medicaid programs in most states have shifted
sequently the possibilities for delivering new ef- their mental health coverage into behavioral
fective clinical treatment models. The most sig- managed care. By 1999, for example, 42 states
nificant of the federal policies are those targeting operated some form of managed behavioral
the financing of children’s mental health ser- health care, and this was triple the number in
vices. These have included significant increases 1996 (Glied & Cuellar, 2003). Behavioral man-
in funding from sources outside of traditional aged care for youth mental health care has gen-
mental health block grants, including expanded erated substantial savings, mainly through
funding for Medicaid, State Children’s Health In- marked reductions in the use of inpatient ser-
surance Program (SCHIP), certain educational vices and a consequent rise in outpatient serv-
programs (e.g., Head Start, Safe and Drug-Free ices. It is not clear whether these reductions have
Schools), and privately insured pharmacy bene- generated negative outcomes for children, be-
fits, among other sources. Policies focusing on cause no studies have yet examined the overall
the application of behavioral managed care in effects of behavioral managed care on mental
the public and private sectors and on expansion health outcomes for youth. Cost savings have
of health insurance coverage under SCHIP for occurred. The movement toward managed care
uninsured children are reducing the role of men- creates a risk for decreased service, cost shifting,
tal health agencies to effect policy reforms and disenrollment. A study of Medicaid man-
single-handedly. A related set of financing issues aged care in Pennsylvania found a higher rate of
has included expansion of the parity for mental disenrollment for children with psychiatric ad-
health and general health benefits. These are missions than for those with nonpsychiatric ad-
outlined below. missions (Scholle, Kelleher, Childs, Mendeloff, &
Gardner, 1997). There is also a potential for this
sudden rise of managed care to shift the burden
Medicaid Expansion and State Children’s
of mental health care to public systems, such as
Health Insurance Program
juvenile justice, special education, or child wel-
The policies involving expansions of public fare (Hutchinson & Foster, 2003).
health insurance, including Medicaid expan-
sions in the late 1980s and the introduction of
SCHIP in the late 1990s, changed the insurance
distribution for youth who use mental health Over the past 8 years, some legislative efforts
services. The share of all children, and of chil- have targeted parity of mental health and gen-
dren using services, who were uninsured fell eral health benefits. In 1996, the federal govern-
(Glied & Cuellar, 2003) because public insurance ment passed the Mental Health Parity Act (which
covered children who would otherwise have was implemented in 1998), requiring parity in
been uninsured. Public insurance coverage has benefits if mental health coverage was also of-
also displaced private insurance. In 1998 about fered. Although it applied only to lifetime and
Chapter 28 Delivery of Mental Health Treatment 555

annual dollar limits (and did not require parity have shown that effective dissemination re-
in copayments, deductibles, or limits on days or quires (a) adaptation of the technologies to fit
visits), it represented a major policy advance by their intended users, and (b) an understanding
offering for the first time mental health cover- of organizational and system barriers to change.
age. The impact of this legislation on service use This initiative includes two components. A
and costs are being examined (Goldman & Clinic Treatment Project will test two alternative
Azrin, 2003). methods of delivering EBPs within public
community-based mental health clinics, using
training and supervision procedures designed for
RECENT INITIATIVES ADDRESSING the settings and users. A Clinic Systems Project will
RESEARCH AND SYSTEM FAILURES investigate the organizational, system, and pay-
ment issues that influence the ability of provid-
There are several significant initiatives currently ers and clinics to use EBPs. The findings from
under way and supported by foundations and these two projects are likely to yield answers to
federal agencies to reform some of the system significant questions about the readiness of
failures referenced above. research-based treatments for integration into
community practices and the readiness of com-
munity practices for adoption of new clinical
National Registry of Effective Practices

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Ser- Annie E. Casey Blue Sky
vices Administration (SAMHSA) has recently
launched a new expansion of its National Reg- Another new initiative of the Annie E. Casey
istry on Effective Practices (NREP) to include Foundation is also focusing on disseminating
mental health. This registry creates a standard EBPs by melding training and supervisory mod-
set of criteria with which to establish an archive els across different sets of interventions. The
of research-based practices that can be updated foundation, through its BlueSky Project, has en-
to provide assistance to field practitioners on the listed the involvement of the developers of three
quality and strength of effective mental health evidence-based interventions for youth with dis-
practices. This registry marks a major effort to ruptive behavior problems who are likely to be
bring order to the plethora of usages of the term involved in the juvenile justice system (Multi-
evidence-based practice. systemic Therapy [FFT], Treatment Foster Care,
and Functional Family Therapy) to create an in-
tegrated training and supervision model. An im-
MacArthur Foundation Youth plementation demonstration program is being
Mental Health Network planned with two to three states beginning in
September 2004.
A major new 4-year initiative from the MacAr-
thur Foundation, entitled the Youth Mental
Health Initiative, under the leadership of John State Initiatives
Weisz, is further extending the reach of EBPs by
reviewing the evidence for therapies targeted at A group of states are undertaking major efforts
the most common childhood disorders. A set of to create state-level strategies for disseminating
studies will address gaps between research-based single or, in some cases, multiple EBPs. In several
treatments and their delivery within clinic sys- of the states, these efforts also include providing
tems by examining how best to bring effective comprehensive training, supervision, or regula-
treatment practices to youth in mental health tory activities to support the implementation of
service settings. Studies of technology transfer in these EBPs. A brief description of some of the
medicine, nutrition, agriculture, and other fields state efforts is provided below.
556 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

New York pies and comprehensive community-based serv-

ices to address the full range of mental health
New York is implementing a range of EBPs and needs of youth and families. This benefit design
is engaged in a major effort to evaluate the im- was implemented in 2004.
pact of the implementation processes. For
example, FFT, a research-based treatment for
youth with antisocial behavior problems and de- Michigan
linquency, is being implemented in approxi- In Michigan, a state planning process led to the
mately 12 sites statewide, following an active identification of specific interventions to address
process of community involvement that sought the most common clinical problems and a state-
stakeholder input about needs and options. An- wide initiative to embed a standardized measure
other large-scale implementation effort is being of functioning (CAFAS) into clinical practice. A
undertaken to carry out and evaluate a set of plan was developed to train practitioners to pro-
evidence-based cognitive-behavioral trauma vide cognitive behavior therapy for internalizing
treatments for approximately 600 youth affected disorders, with assistance from UCLA, and par-
by the September 11th World Trade Center dis- ent management training to address externaliz-
aster. New York State has also created a research ing disorders, with assistance from the Oregon
bureau specifically focused on EBPs for children Social Learning Center.
and adolescents, to track the implementation of
research-based services and to include assess-
ment tools, engagement strategies (McKay, Pen- Center for Mental Health Services System
nington, Lynn, & McCadam, 2001), and out- of Care and EBPs in Kentucky, Ohio,
comes monitoring (Bickman, Smith, Lambert, & and California
Andrade, 2003). In addition, New York has been
awarded one of the NIMH-SAMHSA State Plan- The Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS)
ning Grants to develop a set of tools and meth- is funding implementation initiatives of specific
odological approaches for assessing the fit be- EBP models in several states, including Kentucky,
tween specific EBP models and organizational Ohio, and California. In conjunction with Ken-
and contextual factors within mental health tucky’s Children’s Services Grant Program,
clinics and schools statewide. The focus of this CMHS is supporting formal implementation of
effort is to improve understanding about differ- parent–child interaction treatment (PCIT) in a
ences among families, clinicians, administrators, system-of-care site in eastern Kentucky. Al-
and treatment developers in their perspectives though many randomized clinical trials of PCIT
on organizational issues relevant to the adoption have been conducted, this is the first one con-
of new clinical practices. ducted outside of academia. The PCIT is being
randomized to schools and will also be imple-
mented in a large county in Oregon where men-
tal health centers will be the locus of treatment.
Texas Through the Center on Innovative Practices,
A different strategy has been undertaken in Ohio is implementing Multisystemic Therapy,
Texas, where the state is formulating a benefit intensive home-based services, and wraparound
design package of selected EBPs, supported services. Through the California Institute of
through training, supervision, and monitoring. Mental Health, the state of California is imple-
In 2003, a Consensus Conference was convened menting Treatment Foster Care, FFT, and
to assist state policymakers in designing the new Webster-Stratton’s Incredible Years.
benefit package. The Consensus Conference in-
cluded family advocates, policymakers, clinical
practitioners, and treatment and service model
developers. The recommended benefit package An ambitious dissemination approach has been
includes both diagnostic-specific psychothera- undertaken in Hawaii, called the Hawaii Experi-
Chapter 28 Delivery of Mental Health Treatment 557

ment (Chorpita, Yim, Donkervoet, Arensdorf, vations of adopters tend to differ among those
Amundsen et al., 2002). The combination of a adopting at the beginning, middle, and end pe-
14-month review of the research literature on riods of an innovation, and he identified attri-
psychosocial treatments for youth by a group of butes of innovations that can be used to design
stakeholders, including families, policymakers, new technologies for their later successful dif-
researchers, and practitioners, identified a set of fusion. These characteristics include the extent
treatments that have been systematically de- to which an innovation is believed to be better
ployed into Hawaii schools. A partnership be- than the current model of care, the degree to
tween academia and the state led to the imple- which an innovation is perceived to be consis-
mentation effort. A process of distillation of EBPs tent with existing values, the ease with which an
into core practice components, has enabled innovation can be used, and the extent to which
more clinician flexibility in selecting treatments results of an innovation are visible to others.
that fit with parent, child, and clinical needs. Empirical studies from the diffusion of inno-
This statewide initiative is being carefully eval- vation literature indicate that organizations and
uated and a set of clinical practice guidelines and systems are not equally innovative and that
tools are being developed (Chorpita, Daleiden, & some are much more open than others to adopt-
Weisz, in press). ing and implementing new practices. The factors
that affect the capacity of an organizational sys-
tem to change, adapt, or take up new innova-
RESEARCH ON ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT tions have been examined in a series of studies
AND ITS IMPACT ON SERVICE DELIVERY mostly outside of the human services field. These
studies have identified a core group of dimen-
During the past decade, a series of studies origi- sions along which work environments or service
nally conducted within business and industry systems vary. In recent work, most notably by
has been applied to human service agencies, Glisson (2002) and Schoenwald et al. (2003), key
most recently including mental health (Glisson, factors within mental health agencies have been
2002; Glisson & James, 2002; Schoenwald, Shei- identified that affect delivery of services.
dow, Letourneu, & Liao, 2003). This application Some of the key constructs within the orga-
has arisen because it has become apparent that nizational literature found to influence the be-
theory and constructs about organizational be- havior of providers are summarized below.
havior have much to offer as interpretive frame-
works within which to understand the capacity
of mental health systems to change, adapt, or Organizational Culture and Climate
adopt new technologies, including EBPs. In the
mental health field, organizations or organiza- The constructs of organizational culture and cli-
tional systems refer to the range of service deliv- mate have been measured in tandem and re-
ery settings where treatments or mental health cently found to be discrete (Glisson & James
services are delivered (e.g., clinics, schools, group 2002; Verbeke, Volgering, & Hessels, 1998). In
homes, or other work environments). general, organizational theorists define climate as
Much of the new thinking about the applica- the way people perceive their work environ-
tion of organizational theory to mental health ment, and culture as the way things are done in
service delivery is derived from the diffusion of an organization (Verbeke et al., 1998). In other
innovation literature, generally ascribed to Ev- words, climate is defined as a property of the in-
erett Rogers (1995). Rogers delineated different dividual and culture as a property of the orga-
stages of adoption that characterize the uptake nization.
of new technologies and identified characteris- Climate is further subdivided into psycholog-
tics of the diffusion process that lead to their sus- ical climate and organizational climate (Glisson
tainability over time (Van de Ven, Polly, Garud, & James, 2002; James & James, 1989; Jones,
& Ventkataraman, 1999). For example, Rogers James, & Bruni, 1975; James, James, & Ashe,
(1995) noted that the characteristics and moti- 1990). Psychological climate is defined as an
558 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

individual’s perception of the psychological Work Attitudes

impact of their work environment on their
well-being (James & James, 1989). Organizational Job satisfaction and organizational commitment
climate occurs when employees in the same or- have been studied since 1976 and appear to com-
ganizational unit have the same perceptions prise features associated with work attitudes
about their work environment (Jones & James, (Glisson & Durick, 1988). The distinction be-
1979; Joyce & Slocum, 1984). Some of the core tween satisfaction and commitment inheres in
components of the psychological climate of a the difference between attachment to an orga-
work environment include emotional exhaus- nization and positive acceptance of one’s duties
tion, depersonalization, and role conflict. A gen- within it (Mowday, Porter, and Steers, 1982; Wil-
eral psychological climate factor (PCg), reflecting liams & Hazer, 1986).
the workers’ overall perception of the positive or
negative valence within the organization, is be-
lieved to constitute the core features underlying
this construct (James & James, 1989; James et al.,
1990; Brown & Leigh, 1996; Glisson & Hemmel-
The characteristics of effective leadership have
garn, 1998; Glisson & James, 2002).
been identified largely through studies of staff
Culture is described as a “deep” construct that
perceptions about this quality. In these studies,
reflects the normative beliefs and shared behav-
three types of skills have been identified (Glisson
ioral expectations in an organization or work
& Durick, 1988): the extent to which a leader is
unit (Cooke & Szumal, 1993). These beliefs and
perceived as willing to make key decisions and
expectations provide a guiding framework by
comfortable with this responsibility; the extent
which the priorities of the organization are made
to which a leader is perceived as using the power
explicit. These priorities or values include con-
to make decisions without authoritarianism; and
formity, consensus, and motivation. According
the perceptions of the leader as intelligent. These
to Glisson (2000), organizational culture is often
dimensions are believed to comprise a single fac-
described as layered, with behavioral expecta-
tor reflecting overall staff perceptions of a
tions and norms representing an outer layer and
leader’s capabilities (Glisson & Durick, 1998).
values and assumptions representing an inner
layer (Rousseau, 1990). Hofstede (1998) de-
scribed behavior as the visible part of culture and
values as the invisible part. Organizational Readiness to Change

The construct of readiness to change is a recent

Organizational Structure addition to the dialogue within the organiza-
tional literature. It is a construct that has arisen
Structure refers to the formal organization of an within the substance abuse literature and in-
agency or unit. This construct has the longest cludes aspects of culture, climate, structure, lead-
history and has been studied in greater depth ership, and work attitudes (Simpson, 2002). It
and detail than the other organizational con- has been examined with reference to the ques-
structs. Core components of organizational tion as to why some organizations are more apt
structure include the centralization of power and to adopt innovations than others (Simpson,
the formalization of responsibilities and position 2002). Debate currently exists as to whether
in an organization. Structural functions such as readiness to change is a separate dimension from
participation in decision making, hierarchy of the other constructs or whether it constitutes a
authority, ways in which roles are divided, and whole subsumed within which are the other di-
the procedural specifications that guide the di- mensions of organizational behavior. One of the
vision of labor all comprise elements of an or- research projects being undertaken in New York
ganization’s structure (Glisson, 2002). state is targeted at constructing a typology for or-
Chapter 28 Delivery of Mental Health Treatment 559

ganizational readiness, which will reflect multi- Summary of Organizational Research Findings
ple stakeholder perspectives, including, impor-
tantly, families and consumers. This typology Characteristics of organizations that promote
will be used to assess for policy-planning pur- adoption, adherence, alliance, and service re-
poses the readiness for uptake of a set of specific sponsivity have been identified in relatively
EBPs for youth (Hoagwood et al., in press). global ways. Yet a specific understanding of the
complex relationships that coexist among cul-
ture, climate, structure, leadership, attitudes,
Studies of Organizational Effectiveness and the complex therapeutic process of alliance,
adherence, and fidelity has yet to be delineated.
Recent work by Glisson and colleagues suggests According to Glisson, constructive and non-
that considerable variation exists among orga- defensive organizational cultures, less central-
nizations in their capacity to accept innovations ized and formalized organizational structures,
and to implement new technologies. These stud- safe organizational climates, and positive work
ies have demonstrated that an organization’s attitudes promote these attributes of service de-
structure and leadership affect the extent to livery. In identifying ways to improve health-
which work environments allow experimenta- care delivery and quality, it is likely that atten-
tion with innovations or the adoption of new tion to issues of the specific fit among
technologies. Studies from literatures within organizational elements and therapeutic pro-
business and industrial organizational research cesses will need to be identified if EBPs are to be
suggest that work environments vary consider- sustained.
ably along the dimension of innovativeness and
openness to adoption. Structure and leadership
are known to be important dimensions of orga-
nizations, but other variables—notably organi- SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS
zational culture, climate, and work attitudes—
are also factors that predict innovation. These Create a Context for Constant Empirical
studies suggest that flexible structures, strong Inquiry in Routine Practice
leadership, constructive cultures, nonrestrictive
climates, and positive work attitudes contribute Current approaches to the implementation of
to innovation in organizations and the adoption EBPs within state and local service systems are
of cutting-edge technologies (Glisson & James, largely characterized as unidirectional: research-
2002). based models are taken off the academic shelf
In addition, Glisson has identified four orga- and put into place within routine practice set-
nizational requirements for effective work envi- tings. An alternative approach is to encourage
ronments (2002): use of assessments and treat- routine practice settings to become the seat of
ment interventions that are appropriate, valid, empirical inquiry—to become empirically
and effective for the populations targeted by the driven centers for both delivering and examin-
service system; assurance that adherence to the ing practices and their link to outcomes (Kazdin,
protocols is obtained; positive alliances between 2004). Such normalization of research-based ap-
the clinicians and the clients; and finally, pro- proaches to practice would demystify the scien-
vision of services that are available, responsive, tific enterprise and create services that could be
and characterized by continuity. Glisson has constantly reevaluated, refined, and improved.
found that these characteristics can be modeled This kind of revolution in thinking could lead to
and that they improve the culture and climate the creation of service clinics that construct lo-
of child welfare and juvenile justice systems cally relevant evidence. This approach could be
(Glisson, 2002). Whether this will hold true for used to create a context for empiricism within
mental health–care agencies remains to be de- routine service settings, leading ultimately to im-
termined. provements in quality.
560 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

Ensure That all Studies of Treatment acceptability of new services. These models are
Development and Delivery Include proposed as a way to ensure strong scientifically
Perspectives of Families and Providers based practices and to accelerate the pace of the
uptake of research findings into practice.
If the goal is to enhance the generalizability and
uptake of research findings into practice, then
from the outset research models should incor- CONCLUSION
porate the perspectives of families, providers,
and other stakeholders into the design of new It does little good to know what treatments are
treatments, preventive strategies, and services. effective if those treatments cannot reach the
Only by doing so can issues relating to the rele- children and families who need them. Likewise,
vance of the intervention for stakeholders, the it does little good to have effective treatment
cost-effectiveness of the intervention, and the protocols sitting idly on academic shelves.
extent to which it reflects the values and Significant state and national policy initia-
traditions of families and community leaders tives are currently focused on more closely align-
be addressed. These issues are ultimately essen- ing science and practice. These initiatives pre-
tial for the evidence base to be of any practical sent unique opportunities for linking scientific
utility. developments on effective clinical care to orga-
nizational system and policy reform. The avail-
ability of a growing research base on effective
Put into Action Clinic and Community clinical treatments and practices offers an op-
Intervention Development and portunity to tap into a reservoir of scientifically
Deployment Models based strategies. Testing their applicability
within locally based service systems is the key
The time lag between creation of an EBP and its question for the next generation of services re-
acceptance into routine practice is estimated to search. However, limitations in the evidence
be 20 years (IOM, 2001). To accelerate the pace base as well as limitations in understanding the
of development of EBPs and their deployment fit of EBPs to service contexts pose considerable
into routine practice, new models for their cre- challenges to treatment developers, policymak-
ation have been proposed. Building on the de- ers, administrators, clinicians, and families. New
ployment focused model (DFM) of Weisz (2003, models for crossing the boundaries between re-
2005), Hoagwood, Burns, and Weisz (2002) de- search and practice and accelerating delivery of
veloped the clinic–community intervention quality care need to be applied. Creating family-
model (CID) to extend the DFM by attending to driven and empirically based services and
those context variables such as characteristics of supporting these services through policies that
the practice setting (e.g., practitioner behaviors, provide fiscal incentives for delivery of outcome-
organizational variables, community character- based practices requires commitment to empiri-
istics) and involvement of families and com- cal inquiry and to the “obstinate questioning”
munity from piloting, manualization, and dis- (Wordsworth, Intimations of Immortality: An Ode,
semination that are essential to the ultimate 1819) that alone sustains creative change.
The American Treatment
System for Adolescent
Substance Abuse: Formidable
Challenges, Fundamental
Revisions, and Mechanisms
for Improvements

Kathleen Meyers
and A. Thomas McLellan

c h a p t e r
562 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

The multifaceted problems of adolescent sub- ments that offer opportunities to identify, treat,
stance abuse represent a pressing national and monitor adolescent substance abusers. How-
concern. Despite research advances in effica- ever, the architecture and operating procedures
cious treatment models for these youth, such of these systems often serve to inhibit access to
as cognitive-behavioral therapy, multisystemic needed services and to confuse or confound co-
therapy, and multidimensional family therapy ordination of complementary service delivery
(Rahdert & Czechowicz, 1995; Wagner & Wald- across systems. The result can be formidable
ron, 2001), few substance-abusing youth receive challenges to the identification and subsequent
treatment and are therefore unable to take ad- intervention and treatment of the adolescent
vantage of these developments. who uses, abuses, or is dependent upon sub-
In 2001 (the latest data currently available), stances. In the text that follows, we identify
1.1 million U.S. youth aged 12–17 were esti- problems within the current “standard” system
mated to need substance abuse treatment (Sub- of care leading to failure to identify these ado-
stance Abuse and Mental Health Services Admin- lescents, inadequate access to even basic sub-
istration [SAMHSA], 2001a, 2001b). Of these, stance abuse intervention for those identified,
100,000 actually received treatment, leaving a and failure to provide adequate amounts or types
gap of approximately one million untreated ad- of services to those who do access the care sys-
olescents nationwide (SAMHSA, 2001a, 2001b). tem. We also present mechanisms for enhance-
Female adolescents who abuse substances fare ments and conclude with a summary of three
even worse than their male counterparts: al- innovative approaches targeted to systems im-
though the percentage of male and female teens provement.
in the United States who needed substance abuse
treatment was almost identical (4.9% vs. 4.8%),
male adolescents were more likely to receive IDENTIFICATION OF ADOLESCENTS
treatment (11.4% vs. 8.8%). WHO USE SUBSTANCES
There are many reasons why adolescents fail
to receive treatment. At the individual level, ad- Adolescents with varying degrees of substance
olescents (perhaps even more than adults) fail to use can be found throughout U.S. communities,
recognize an alcohol or other drug (AOD) prob- coming into contact with a variety of settings
lem or minimize the problem (Melnick, DeLeon, and service systems. Identification of these
Hawke, Jainchill, & Kressel, 1997). Moreover, ad- teens, regardless of their level of use, is important
olescent concerns about disclosing sensitive in- so that targeted, developmentally focused inter-
formation to parents and competing priorities ventions can be delivered (e.g., brief interven-
for multiproblem families render access prob- tions, outpatient treatment, long-term residen-
lematic (Cheng, Savageaue, Sattler, & DeWitt, tial treatment, all followed by the appropriate
1993; Cornelius, Pringle, Jernigan, Kirisi, & form of reintervention, step-down, or continu-
Clark, 2001; Ford, Milstein, Halpern-Fisher, & Ir- ing care services). Such identification has the po-
win, 1997). While these individual problems are tential to reduce the morbidity and mortality re-
significant, there are already efforts to bring lated to this condition.
about problem recognition and motivation for The settings within a community can be cat-
change (Rahdert & Czechowicz, 1995; Wagner & egorized into two tiers: (1) first-gate generalist
Waldron, 2001). settings, and (2) more specialized, problem-
The purpose of this chapter is to discuss an focused systems of care (e.g., mental health,
additional complicating factor that impacts ad- child welfare). Generalist settings (e.g., health-
olescent treatment and goes beyond the individ- care settings, schools) are settings where many
ual youth and his or her family: the service de- adolescents can be found, and they have the op-
livery system. These systems (e.g., educational portunity to provide the “first gate” into needed
institutions, health care, juvenile justice, and behavioral health and social services. Special-
mental health systems) are complex environ- ized, problem-focused systems of care, by con-
Chapter 29 U.S. Treatment System for Substance Abuse 563

trast, center on adolescents with more serious career. Thus, for both clinical and cost-
and specific problems (e.g., the mental health effectiveness reasons, it is critical for both sys-
system, the juvenile justice system, the child tems to be able to identify use, to differentiate
welfare system, the drug treatment system). In a use from abuse or dependence, to appropriately
well-structured system, the general settings and refer for a comprehensive assessment based on
the problem-focused systems would have the identification, and to provide rapid linkage to
training and ability to screen and refer adoles- the appropriate level of clinical intervention for
cents with presumptive evidence of substance each type of case. As will be described below, we
use (or any other specific problem) (a) for a more have found that both service tiers are deficient
in-depth assessment; or (b) to problem-focused in these important skills.
agencies for intervention (e.g., mental health
clinic, substance abuse program). Moreover, an
optimized system would have interagency work- Primary Care Settings
ing arrangements in place to assure multidimen-
sional service provision and continuity of care There are numerous studies documenting the
without unnecessary overlap of services. failure of primary care settings to identify and
With respect to early identification, it is im- differentiate individuals who use, abuse, or are
portant for early screening efforts to differentiate dependent upon substances (Hack & Adger,
substance use from substance abuse or depen- 2002; Miller & Swift, 1996). This is problematic
dence. This is important for both the efficiency in that primary care clinics can be particularly
of system operation (i.e., conservation of more good sites for adolescent substance-use case find-
intensive services for those with more severe ing (National Association of State Alcohol and
problems) and because these different stages of Drug Abuse Directors [NASADAD], 1998, 2002).
substance use require qualitatively different In a recent survey, however, U.S. teens reported
types of interventions (Wagner & Waldron, that the topic of substance abuse was rarely ini-
2001; Winters, 1999). tiated. Only about one third of youth (35%) re-
An appropriate clinical response to identified ported discussing substance use, even though
substance use is likely to be one of a variety of about twice that number (65%) wanted it to be
recently developed brief interventions designed discussed. In order of preference, adolescents
to prevent escalation of use into abuse or depen- would like their health-care provider to talk with
dence and the associated penetration into the ju- them about substance use (reported by 65%),
venile justice and social service systems that typ- smoking (reported by 59% of youth), and sexu-
ically is associated with more severe use (Bilchik, ally transmitted diseases (STDs; reported by 61%
1995; Greenwood, Model, Rydell, & Chiesa, of youth) (Ackard & Neumark-Sztainer, 2001;
1998; RAND, 1996; Wagner & Waldron, 2001; Klein & Wilson, 2002). Instead, physicians and/
Winters, 1999). Because the effects of brief inter- or nurses discuss diet, weight, and exercise with
ventions may weaken after 12 months, the de- their adolescent patients. While these issues are,
livery of a brief reintervention is critical if pre- of course, very important, they should not be the
vention of escalation is to be maintained only health issues discussed. When primary care
(Conners, Tarbox, & Faillace, 1992; Connors & providers do not initiate discussions about alco-
Walitzer, 2001; Stanton & Burns, 2003; U.S. De- hol or drugs or are not attuned to the subtle signs
partment of Health and Human Services, 1993). of early use, the opportunity for identification
In contrast to the appropriate clinical response and early intervention or treatment is missed.
to substance use, the appropriate clinical re-
sponse to an identified case of abuse or depen-
dence is likely to be much more intensive, struc- Emergency Rooms
tured, and long-lasting (Wagner & Waldron,
2001; Winters, 1999), designed to change (or Adolescents make fewer visits to primary care
slow) the trajectory of a long-term drug-using physicians than any other age group, in part be-
564 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

cause they generally are in good health, but also Schools and School Health
because they lack health insurance (Kokotailo,
1995; Newacheck, 1999). In fact, only about 38% Schools are among the most important institu-
of teens surveyed reported that they had a rou- tions for adolescents, have the most efficient and
tine health-care source (Grove, Lazebnik, & Pe- continuous access to them, and thus constitute
track, 2000). Hence, many adolescents use the perhaps the most important site for initial case
emergency room (ER) as their primary source of finding. Hence, schools are in a unique position
medical care: studies report that approximately to (1) identify substance-using youth needing
16% of all ER patients are adolescents who pre- treatment at earlier stages of impairment; (2) re-
sent with numerous complaints: abdominal duce the stigma of receiving treatment; and (3)
pain, injuries, gynecological problems, asthma, increase access to care (Rappaport, 1999). How-
and diabetes (Grove et al., 2000; Lehmann, Barr, ever, while schools may have identified use
& Kelly, 1994; Melzer-Lange, & Lye 1996; Mader, among students through zero-tolerance policies,
Smithline, Nyquist, & Letourneau, 2001). drug testing, and locker searches (Center on Ad-
A major element in adolescent use of the ER diction and Substance Abuse [CASA], 2001), they
is alcohol, such as alcohol-related injuries, motor have not increased access to care, thereby mak-
vehicle accidents, and violence (Mader et al., ing limited contributions to the subsequent well-
2001; Maio, Portnoy, Blow, & Hill, 1994). Ac- being of these adolescents (Lear, 2002; Wagner,
cording to the National Pediatric Trauma Regis- Kortlander, & Morris, 2001). In fact, only 11% of
try (Mader et al., 2001), 15.5% of all ER trauma admissions to alcohol and drug treatment are
patients were alcohol-positive adolescents from school referrals (SAMHSA, 2002c).
(Mader et al., 2001). In fairness to school personnel, the identifi-
Substance use other than alcohol has also cation of a student who uses substances can be
been an increasing factor in ER use. For example, problematic. First, few school districts provide
recent data from the American Association of the resources for appropriate identification of
Poison Control Center’s Toxic Exposure Surveil- use among youth or for subsequent interven-
lance System show a growing number of teens tion. Student assistance programs (SAPs, which
(about 759 cases over a 5-year period) are pre- are similar to employee assistance programs
senting in the ER with tachycardia, hyperten- [EAPs]) can be found in only 9.5% of school dis-
sion, and agitation as a result of methylpheni- tricts in the United States, and there is wide-
date abuse (Klein-Schwartz & McGrath, 2003). spread variation in the types of SAPs and in how
Further, The Drug Abuse Warning Network they are run (CASA, 2001; Wagner et al., 2001).
(DAWN; i.e., the study that monitors ER utiliza- When a SAP does exist, identification is compro-
tion as a result of drug use) reports a 17% in- mised because few use standardized assessment
crease in ER drug-related episodes among youth measures. Second, only 36% of public schools
ages 12–17 between 1999 and 2001 (SAMHSA, and 14.4% of private schools offer alcohol and
2002b). Drug abuse deaths among teens seen in drug counseling to substance-using youth
the ER accounted for approximately 20% of all (CASA, 2001). Issues of inadequate reimburse-
DAWN cases (SAMHSA, 2003). ment for assessment and intervention services
Thus, adolescents in general as well as those and arguments over the appropriate level of re-
who use, abuse, and are dependent on sub- sponsibility of teachers and assessment special-
stances frequent the ER. Despite this fact, sub- ists further hamper identification of the student
stance use is rarely assessed or addressed by ER who uses, abuses, or is dependent on substances
health-care staff. Indeed, it is remarkable that (Lear, 2002). Combined, these issues seriously
less than 50% of cases are referred to any form compromise a school’s ability to play a major
of drug treatment (Mader et al., 2001). Unless the role in substance use intervention and call into
substance-abusing youth is the driver of the car question the true role of a school (e.g., should a
in an alcohol-related motor vehicle accident, re- school be responsible for case finding only and
ferral for substance abuse assessment or inter- then partner with other organizations for inter-
vention is rare (Mader et al., 2001). vention services?).
Chapter 29 U.S. Treatment System for Substance Abuse 565

The situation has become even more problem- ers from the University of Michigan’s Institute
atic by the introduction of zero-tolerance poli- for Social Research concluded that drug testing
cies, drug-testing programs, and locker searchers of public school students (conducted in approx-
in the schools. These supposedly serve as deter- imately 19% of all U.S. secondary schools) did
rent and detective mechanisms and almost al- not deter use (Yamaguchi, Johnston, & O’Malley,
ways have predetermined consequences. Zero- 2003). At each of three grade levels (i.e., 8, 10,
tolerance policies, introduced in 1994 to address 12), there were identical prevalence and fre-
weapons in schools, with Elementary and Sec- quency rates of drug use over the 12 months
ondary Education Act (ESEA) funding contin- prior to the examination in the schools with and
gent on their enactment (Martin, 2000), quickly without drug-testing programs. These data are
expanded to include a wide range of disciplinary critical in that the Supreme Court’s split decision
issues such as drug use. As of 2001, 88% of upholding the constitutionality of drug testing
schools across this country had zero tolerance in schools was highly influenced by the notion
policies for drugs, 87% for alcohol, and 79% for that drug testing among public school students
tobacco (CASA, 2001; ERIC, 2001), with most is a deterrent to use. Hence, the debate over a
states treating minor or major incidents identi- student’s right to privacy and unreasonable and
cally (e.g., in Maine, the policy was enforced for suspicionless searches continues.
a high school girl who brought Tylenol to school Not only has school-based drug testing not
for menstrual cramps [Rosenbaum, 2003]; in been found to deter use, Chaloupka and Laixu-
Georgia, an asthmatic child was barred by local thai (2002) found that it can result in an increase
school policy for carrying his asthma inhaler and in alcohol use. Aware that alcohol is almost im-
died after a severe asthmatic attack while board- possible to detect after 1 day (as are cocaine and
ing a school bus [Reuters Health, 2002]). Rarely heroin), students decreased their use of mari-
is an assessment and treatment referral a conse- juana but increased their use of alcohol (Cha-
quence. Instead, infractions are typically han- loupka & Laixuthai, 2002; Zeese, 2002). Conse-
dled only by punitive measures such as suspen- quently, there is concern that school-based drug
sion or expulsion, or referral to an alternative testing could pose a number of unintended ef-
school (CASA, 2001; ERIC, 2001). fects vis-a-vis switching to more dangerous
forms of drugs to avoid detection. Finally, and
again paradoxically, teens in schools that had
Drug Testing in Schools drug-testing programs tended to view drugs as
less risky and believed that drug testing must
Drug testing of public school students who par- have been initiated because more students were
ticipate in athletics or other extracurricular ac- using drugs, beliefs that have been consistently
tivities has been introduced to deter use among shown to lead to increases in using behaviors.
the larger student body. It seems paradoxical The second tier of the services system (i.e.,
that youth who display those protective factors agencies that focus on a specific problem area)
shown in research studies to reduce the likeli- often fares no better with respect to identifi-
hood and severity of substance use among youth cation of the adolescent who uses, abuses, or is
(e.g., extracurricular activities, school bonding; dependent upon substances. Since adolescent
Hawkins, Catalano, & Miller, 1992) would be tar- substance use disorders (SUD) are clinically com-
geted for drug testing. However, parents want plex, typically compromising numerous life do-
to be sure that their children attend drug- mains (behavioral, mood, family, legal), it is not
free schools and school systems are regularly surprising that substance-abusing adolescents
chided by parents and community groups to are prevalent in many different service systems.
“get tough on drugs,” not only while students In one of the first studies to date, Aarons and
are in school but also when they are participat- colleagues (2001) found that 62% of youth in the
ing in school-related activities after school or on juvenile justice system, 41% of youth in the
the weekends. mental health system, 24% of youth in the
In a large, multiyear national study, research- special-education system, and 19% of youth in
566 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

the child welfare system met criteria for a SUD. based services (NASADAD, 1998, 1999). These is-
In each of these systems, adolescents had been sues alone and in combination cause a number
assessed for some other disorder, illness, or prob- of multi-problem youth to fall through the
lem behavior and were receiving some form of cracks.
system-specific services (e.g., mental health ser- Second, and intimately connected to the first
vices if in the mental health system, educational reason, is the lack of reimbursement for screen-
services if in the special education system). It is ing and early intervention activities. Few states
noteworthy that despite the high prevalence currently reimburse adolescent screening efforts
rates of SUD in these settings, most cases of SUD outside the specialty sector substance abuse
were not identified by staff in these systems. One treatment system and there are a number of pay-
must wonder whether and to what extent the ment restrictions for AOD screening and diag-
unidentified SUD may have compromised the nostic assessments within primary care settings
accuracy of the assessments for the targeted (Buck & Umland, 1997; Rivera, Tollefson, Tesh,
problems and the effects of the services that were & Gentilello, 2000; CSAT, 2001). Even if the ser-
provided. vices are reimbursed through insurance pro-
grams, roughly 4 million adolescents in this
country are without any form of health insur-
Reasons for Lack of Identification ance, with additional youth covered by plans
that do not provide for preventive care or behav-
It is unfortunate that those delivering health or ioral health treatments (Center for Adolescent
social services as part of larger agencies or sys- Health and the Law, 2000). As in all other areas
tems (e.g., hospital systems, mental health sys- of health and social services, the only sure way
tems) rarely screen for alcohol and drug prob- of increasing the probability of clinically rec-
lems (Center for Substance Abuse Treatment ommended practices is through reimbursement.
[CSAT], 2000). There are several reasons for this. Third, the complex interrelationships be-
First, there has been little effort to train key per- tween the parents’ right to know about assess-
sonnel from these various systems (e.g., school ment and the legal protection of the adolescent’s
nurses, probation officers, case workers) in the privacy and confidentiality can further compli-
use of some of the proven substance abuse cate identification. Adolescents want their
screening instruments (CSAT, 2000; NASADAD, health issues to be kept private and want to re-
1998; SAMHSA, 1993). With respect to health- ceive certain services without their parents’ or
care practitioners, sizable portions of physicians guardians’ consent (Ford & English, 2002; Ford
feel ill equipped to discuss these topics with their et al., 1997). Without these guarantees, adoles-
adolescent patients (Karam-Hage, Nerenberg, & cents will forego services (Ford, Bearman, &
Brower, 2001). In a survey assessing medical res- Moody, 1999; Klein, Wilson, McNulty, Kap-
idents’ perception of substance abuse knowledge phahn, & Collins, 1999) until their problems es-
and assessment skills, only half felt that they calate to a point when they can no longer be ig-
were adequately prepared to identify, manage, or nored. Fortunately, as illustrated below, most
refer a substance-abusing adolescent (Siegal, states give youth the sole authority to consent to
Cole, & Eddy 2000; Steg, Mann, Schwartz, & assessment and treatment for those conditions
Wise, 1992). Further, staffs from diverse service in which parental knowledge would curtail ad-
systems do not possess sufficient knowledge of olescent treatment seeking (e.g., STD testing, al-
disorders outside of their respective disciplines cohol or drug use).
to adequately diagnose or comprehensively as-
sess comorbid conditions (NASADAD, 1998, • Twenty-five states and the District of Co-
1999). These problems are compounded by sys- lumbia accept minor consent for contracep-
tems issues that dictate exclusion of each other’s tive services.
clients, confidentiality requirements that stifle • Twenty-seven states and the District of Co-
collaboration, and the lack of bridges between lumbia accept minor consent for prenatal
systems of care that limit coordination of need- care.
Chapter 29 U.S. Treatment System for Substance Abuse 567

• Fifty states and the District of Columbia ac- iors (Goldson, 2001; Kammer, Minor, & Wells,
cept minor consent for STD and HIV ser- 1997). Although many in the substance abuse
vices. field advocate early identification so that brief
• Forty-four states and the District of Colum- interventions and/or referrals will result, the in-
bia accept minor consent for alcohol and tended positive outcomes may not always occur.
drug assessment and treatment. As indicated above, many and even most zero-
• Twenty states and the District of Columbia tolerance programs are simply punitive, with no
accept minor consent for mental health clear benefits for the substance-using adolescent
services. who may wish to seek help. In contrast, if the
same identification efforts were linked to pro-
However, in some states that accept minor grams of useful and desirable rehabilitative ser-
consent for services, (1) the physician has the vices, short- and long-term benefits to the
discretion to notify the parent without the ado- substance-using adolescent could result. Thus,
lescent’s consent (e.g., in Colorado, Oklahoma, the philosophy of the setting and intent of iden-
and Louisiana [Colorado, 1995; Oklahoma, tification (i.e., habilitative treatment or punitive
1995; Louisiana, 1995]); and (2) parental in- expulsion or incarceration) can impact the out-
volvement is required prior to the end of mental come of the substance-using youth identified
health or alcohol and drug treatment (Oregon; early. More research is needed to evaluate the ef-
OAHHS, 2004). While statutes that give the ad- fectiveness of various post–substance use iden-
olescent the right to consent to treatment are vi- tification strategies so that early identification
tally important, adolescents are not knowledge- and intervention programs can be based on em-
able about what they can and cannot obtain pirical data rather than on individual or public
without their parents’ permission and there is opinion.
movement to restore parental consent for all
conditions (Boonstra & Nash, 2000; Cheng, Sav-
ageau et al., 1993; Ford et al., 1997; Marks, Mal-
izio, Hoch, Brody, & Fisher, 1983). Mandated System Change Considerations
compliance with the Health Insurance Portabil-
Improve Identification of Adolescent
ity and Accountability Act (HIPPA) of 1996 may
Substance Use, Abuse, and Dependence
further complicate these issues. In section
164.502(g) of the Privacy Rule of December When substance use is not identified and when
2000, parents are generally able to access and differentiations between use and abuse or depen-
control health information about their minor dence are not made, the opportunity for inter-
child. Consequently, they generally have access ventions in general and for targeted interven-
to all charts, medical records, etc., thereby af- tions specifically is lost (e.g., brief interventions
fording them access to information their adoles- for use or the delivery of conjoint, complemen-
cent children may not want them to have. How- tary treatments for abuse or dependence). Ob-
ever, 164.502(g)(3)(ii) A&B states that if a state viously, it makes good clinical sense to encour-
or other law permits a minor to obtain a partic- age screening for substance use, abuse, and
ular health service without the consent of the dependence within all sectors of the service de-
parent, it is the minor and not the parent who livery system (CSAT, 2000; SAMHSA, 1993).
has control over the information. If state or There is a need, however, to develop necessary
other applicable law is silent or unclear, service training procedures, common definitions, reim-
providers have the discretion to permit or pro- bursement mechanisms, confidentiality safe-
hibit parental access without interference from guards, and protection from stigma and institu-
the Federal Privacy Rule. tional backlash if this is to become standard
Finally, critics of early identification argue clinical practice (Aarons, Brown, Hough, Gar-
that it unnecessarily widens the net for behav- land, & Wood, 2001; Buck & Umland, 1997; Mil-
ioral health services and stigmatizes at-risk ler & Brown, 1997; Rivera, Tollefson, Tesh, &
youth or youth with low-level problem behav- Gentilello, 2000; Tracy & Farkas, 1994).
568 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

Training. Expanding medical and nursing dition to clear consequences result (CASA, 2001).
school curricula and developing addiction rota- Further, for those who have repeat infractions,
tions within residency and nursing programs fail to follow through on assessment and treat-
comprise a first step in skill enhancement. Re- ment referrals, or fail to complete a required
search shows that 1-day to 6-month chemical treatment, a program of graduated school-based
dependency training programs improve (1) phy- sanctions (e.g., detention, in-school suspension)
sician attitude toward patients with SUD; (2) should be designed and made available for dis-
SUD assessment skills; (3) comfort with discuss- semination to a range of schools.
ing chemical dependency; and (4) knowledge of Common problem definitions. As part of any
the addiction service system (Brauzer, Lefley, & training program, adoption of a common lan-
Steinbook, 1996; Karam-Hage et al., 2001; Ko- guage with common definitions will be neces-
kotailo, Fleming, & Koscik, 1995; Matthews et sary. To this end, a focus on symptom multiplic-
al., 2002; Siegal et al., 2000; Westreich & Gal- ity and severity rather than diagnosis has been
antar, 1997). Because not all adolescents who are suggested (Angold, Costello, Farmer, Burns, & Er-
identified as using AOD in these first-gate set- kanli, 1999; NASADAD, 1998, 1999; Pollock &
tings will require formal treatment (Rahdert & Martin, 1999; Winters, Latimer, & Stinchfield,
Czechowicz, 1995; Wagner & Waldron, 2001; 1999). First, research indicates that not all ado-
Winters, 1999), teaching of motivational inter- lescents who have experienced serious conse-
viewing and brief interventions with appropriate quences as a result of substance use will meet
follow-up contact should become a standard DSM-IV criteria for a substance use disorder
component in clinical training curricula. These (Pollock & Martin, 1999). Called “diagnostic or-
practices have been shown to have widespread phans,” these youth present with serious use pat-
applicability and documented effectiveness even terns and problems that require treatment (Pol-
within ER settings (Barnett, Monti, & Wood, lock & Martin, 1999; Winters et al., 1999), but
2001; Greenwood et al., 1998; Monti et al., 1999; symptom constellations do not meet a specific
RAND, 1996). Further, because these interven- diagnosis. Similar findings appear in the mental
tions do not assume that the client is interested health literature, where symptoms may be at a
in changing, they are particularly relevant to ad- subthreshold diagnostic level but serious func-
olescents who are generally disinterested in tional impairment exists nonetheless (Angold et
changing their behavior. al., 1999). These issues call the applicability of
The training of public school and alternative- the DSM system into question, can impact eli-
school personnel (as well as other systems’ per- gibility decisions and reimbursement mecha-
sonnel such as social workers and correctional nisms, and will require policy changes. At a min-
officers) to “spot” the signs of alcohol and drug imum, however, the use of common assessment
use through undergraduate and graduate edu- tools (or common data elements obtained from
cation, state qualification exams that include a one of a list of approved tools) would initially
set of identification-related questions, in-service address this complex topic by providing greater
programs, and orientation of new staff members comparability of terms that can be used across
is a step in the right direction (CASA, 2001). Bry discrete systems of care (e.g., mental health, sub-
and Attaway (2001) have trained staff to refer stance abuse, juvenile justice; Meyers et al.,
youth who display academic and conduct prob- 1999; NASADAD, 1999; U.S. Public Health Sys-
lems to school-based programs. This risk-focused tem, 2000).
approach has been found to consistently iden- Within this definitional arena, training pro-
tify the student user and Bry’s subsequent grams must also address differentiation of be-
intervention has been effective in preventing in- haviors indicative of true problems from behav-
creases in and problems associated with use. In iors that are “typically adolescent.” Although
either case, punishment-only policies will likely adolescent assessment may seem simple at first
need to be revised so that when youth are iden- glance, this developmental period presents
tified, continued education and services in ad- unique challenges for the assessor (Meyers,
Chapter 29 U.S. Treatment System for Substance Abuse 569

Hagan, Zanis, & Webb, 1999; Meyers, Hagan, end, providing teens with a listing of services
McDermott, Webb, Frantz, & Randall, submit- that do or do not require parental consent or no-
ted; Winters, Latimer, & Stinchfield, 2001). Be- tification may be helpful.
cause of the youth’s state of biological, emo-
tional, neurocognitive, and social development,
youth will sporadically display challenging be- ACCESS TO ADOLESCENT-SPECIFIC
haviors as part of the normal course of devel- SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT
opment (e.g., rebelliousness, defiance, moodi-
ness, marijuana experimentation), and these We have discussed the multiple and complex
behaviors do not automatically indicate the system level problems associated with identify-
need for intervention. In other words, the pre- ing adolescents who use, abuse, or are dependent
sentation of “a problem behavior” with subse- upon substances. It might be thought that once
quent identification of “dysfunction and need these hurdles are overcome, it would at least be
for intervention” can be confounded by the nor- comparatively easy for substance-abusing ado-
mal course of development. False-positive cases lescents to access treatments suited to their
result when normative developmental behaviors needs. This is not the case even for adults with
are considered aberrant and false-negative cases substance use disorders, and it is even worse for
occur when problem behaviors needing inter- adolescents.
vention are thought to be “just a function of be- In a recent survey of a national sample of 175
ing an adolescent.” Consequently, training cur- adult substance abuse treatment facilities in the
ricula need to address the various ways in which United States, McLellan and colleagues (2003)
normative behaviors can be disentangled from found a disturbing degree of erosion in the in-
problematic ones through modules teaching as- frastructure of those programs. For example, this
sessment of the typography, frequency, and age report found closure rates of 21% over a 16-
of onset of various behaviors. month period; of the remaining sample, an ad-
Financing. Financing mechanisms will un- ditional 18% had been reorganized or taken over
doubtedly need to be improved if there is to be by a different company (in the case of privately
an increase in assessment services so that the ad- owned programs) or a different agency (in the
olescent who uses, abuses, or is dependent on case of government-run programs). In addition,
substances is identified. This area is particularly these researchers found turnover rates of over
challenging, with few proven answers. Conse- 50% among both the directors of these programs
quently, economic research is needed so that in- and their counseling staffs. The result was con-
formed decisions about resource allocation, al- fusion at the staff level and disorganization of
ternative payment systems, public and private service delivery.
financing mechanisms, and development of re- The situation is arguably worse for the sub-
sponsive insurance packages can be made. Elim- stance abuse treatment programs that are specif-
ination of payment restrictions for screening and ically designed for adolescents. First, there have
diagnostic assessments through changes in sys- always been relatively few of these adolescent
tems, policy, and public and private insurance programs (White, 1998). In the early 1980s when
will be needed to improve the identification pro- it became apparent that adolescents with sub-
cess. stance use disorders were a unique client group
Confidentiality. Continued attention to ways requiring specific assessment and particular ther-
in which service access policies and data-sharing apeutic approaches (see Deas, Riggs, Langen-
technologies affect confidentiality is vital. Facil- bucher, Goldman, & Brown, 2000, for a discus-
itation of appropriate ways for adolescents to in- sion; Poulin, Dishion, & Burraston, 2001),
itiate contact with providers independently of traditional substance abuse treatment facilities
families may enhance identification and subse- had to adapt their adult-oriented programs if
quent engagement in substance abuse services they were to accept and appropriately treat an
(Flisher et al., 1997; Rappaport, 2001). To this adolescent clientele (Winters, Stinchfield, Op-
570 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

land, Weller, & Latimer, 2000). To be responsive mental health system meet criteria for a sub-
to the needs of this age group, programs needed stance use diagnosis (Aarons et al., 2001), one
to address the key developmental tasks of ado- would logically expect that the mental health
lescence within an ecological context that in- system would have adequate capacity or at least
cluded individual (e.g., self-regulation) and referral linkages to substance abuse treatment. In
proximal (e.g., peer, family) influences (Bronfen- a study of the purchasers of drug treatment, con-
brenner, 1986, 1989; Deas et al., 2000; Liddle & ducted by NASADAD (2002), the mental health
Hogue, 2001; Wagner & Waldron, 2001). Hence, system was not even recorded as a service pur-
to be considered adolescent-specific, interven- chaser. Among the major purchasers of services
tions needed to be revised so that they were sen- were drug courts (by 31 states), Temporary Assis-
sitive to and focused on identity formation, au- tance of Needy Families (TANF) and welfare-to-
tonomy seeking, social-role development, moral work programs (by 27 states), the juvenile justice
and cognitive development, self-regulation, peer system (by 25 states), and the child welfare sys-
group influences, and family management prac- tem (by 24 states). Similarly, when NASADAD ex-
tices. When faced with such an undertaking, few amined units of state government that operated
substance abuse treatment providers responded their own drug treatment programs, only three
to this challenge. Only 37% of approximately states described drug treatment services operated
14,000 substance abuse treatment programs in by the state’s Department of Mental Health. The
this country offer services to adolescents two most common governmental units that op-
(SAMHSA, 2001a). erate their own programs are the Department of
When the availability of substance abuse ser- Corrections (38 states) and the Department of
vice within other systems is reviewed, the picture Child Welfare (7 states). Hence, neither the gen-
is equally discouraging. The systems in which eral community nor the justice system nor the
one would most expect adequate capacity for mental health system have, by themselves, ade-
treatment of the adolescent substance abuser are quate capacity (and questionable appropriate-
the juvenile justice system and the mental ness) for intervening with the adolescent sub-
health system. Despite increases in arrests for stance abuser.
drug offenses among juveniles (Butts, 1997) and
the continued use of substances among juvenile
detainees (Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Lack of Credentialed Staff
[ADAM], 2003), only 37% of the 3,127 juvenile
correctional facilities in the United States deliver No state in the United States offers adolescent-
substance abuse treatment (SAMHSA, 2002a). specific provider certification and only five states
Compounding limited access is questionable ser- require adolescent-specific knowledge for licen-
vice appropriateness. Of the 13 states that oper- sure (Northwest Fronteir Addiction Technology
ate their own substance abuse treatment pro- Transfer Center, 2000; Pollio, 2002). At the na-
grams within their state Department for Juvenile tional level, the National Association of Alco-
Justice and Corrections, only 6 states require that holism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC)
these programs meet state AOD agency licensing certification program employs a competency-
and accreditation standards (NASADAD, 2002). based tiered system of national-level credentials:
Further, of the 25 states within which the state national certified addictions counselor, level I,
Department for Juvenile Justice and Corrections national certified addictions counselor, level II,
purchases substance abuse treatment, only 7 and master addictions counselor. There are no
states (28%) exclusively do so from licensed pro- adolescent-specific knowledge requirements for
viders. any level, including the highest level (NAADAC,
Given the high rates of comorbidity, with up 2003). Since knowledge of adolescent develop-
to 75% of SUD youth having a coexisting mental ment and skill and interest in treating youth are
health disorder (Crowley & Riggs, 1995; Green- of paramount importance to treatment of ado-
baum, Foster-Johnson, & Petrilla, 1996), and the lescents (Deas et al., 2000; Winters et al., 2000),
finding that two-fifths (41%) of youth in the questions arise as to (1) whether the few staff
Chapter 29 U.S. Treatment System for Substance Abuse 571

who do treat adolescents are sufficiently skilled quate financing mechanisms—too few dollars
to do so, and (2) why state and national creden- and too few funding mechanisms render it dif-
tialing processes do not require adolescent- ficult to support a treatment episode.
specific knowledge. This is particularly perplex-
ing given that the NAADAC recently added a
national tobacco addiction specialist certifica- System Change Considerations
tion program. Judging from the scientific lit-
Improving Access:
erature, a national certification program for ad-
Expand Treatment Capacity
olescent addiction specialist appears to be
equally important. At the very least, incorpora- Although the creation of additional adolescent-
tion of adolescent-specific knowledge require- specific treatment slots would initially increase
ments into all certification programs should re- system capacity, it would fail to get at the roots
sult in a more informed group of providers. of the problems discussed, and the impact on
long-term improvement would be minimal. One
of the important and fundamental problems as-
Restricted Funding for Services sociated with substance abuse treatment for ad-
olescents is the large and rapid rate of relapse
Compounding the paucity of properly creden- following treatment termination. Currently,
tialed adolescent services is the failure of pro- about half of adolescents with SUD relapse
grams to accept an array of insurance types: less (Winters et al., 2000), with 60%–70% doing so
than 50% of adolescent AOD programs accept within the first 3–4 months following treatment
Medicaid; less than two thirds accept private in- (Brown, Vik, & Creamer, 1989). Although there
surance; and less than two thirds have a sliding is no doubt that additional adolescent-specific
fee scale (SAMHSA, 2001a). Even when insur- services are needed, if there were means by
ance is accepted, adolescents are the most un- which treatment effects might be enhanced or
insured group in this country, rendering many extended even slightly, it would be possible to
of them unable to finance their treatment (Ford limit the cycling in and out of existing programs
et al., 1999; Klein et al., 1999). As stated earlier, and thus increase system capacity (Dembo,
approximately 4 million youth in this country Walters, & Meyers, in press). The delivery of
are without any form of health insurance, with evidence-based interventions by a properly
many more having insurance that does not cover trained and credentialed staff could go a long
behavioral health treatment (Center for Adoles- way toward this goal. To this end, the transfer of
cent Health and the Law, 2000). Inadequate fi- evidence-based interventions into real-world set-
nancing mechanisms and lack of insurance cov- tings and revision of the credentialing process to
erage, coupled with the insufficient number of include adolescent-specific licensure have the
adolescent programs, further reduces the already potential to increase treatment effectiveness,
limited odds of gaining access to treatment once thereby increasing treatment availability and
identified. subsequent access. Until an adolescent-specific
certification program can be developed, an im-
mediate revision of the credentialing process
Summary of System Change: Focus on Access must be undertaken so that adolescent-specific
knowledge is incorporated as a requirement for
Improvement in early problem identification is licensures. In the short term, this change would
only the beginning to a very large and complex have the effect of increasing the population of
problem. If the system is to meet the needs of personnel who would at least be sensitive to the
identified youth, other service system inadequa- unique needs of this group. Establishment of the
cies will need to be addressed simultaneously: (1) Clinical Trials Networks (CTN) of the National
the demand for adolescent substance abuse Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and Addiction
treatment—current demand already exceeds the Technology Transfer Centers of the Substance
system’s capacity to intervene; and (2) inade- Abuse and Mental Health Services Administra-
572 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

tion (SAMHSA) is a beginning step in this direc- (e.g., currently the insurance summary is sent to
tion. the customer [parent] listing payment or cover-
age of confidential services rendered to the pa-
tient [adolescent]); (2) disseminating accurate in-
Improving Access:
formation to adolescent members about what
Expand Financing Mechanisms
services they can receive with their own consent;
The topic of financing for early intervention and and (3) communicating clearly about confiden-
drug treatment services has received much atten- tiality protections, particularly about what types
tion with little resolution. For example, devel- of information are not confidential (Ford et al.,
opment of targeted utilization rates based on ep- 1999; Klein et al., 1999; Newacheck, 2000).
idemiological estimates of need for care has been
suggested (CSAT, 2000; Minnesota Department
of Human Services, 1997). Such a public funding
mechanism would provide incentives to ensure
that health plans and public funding streams
identify, refer, and reimburse treatment for ado-
lescents with an SUD. Increasing benefits in the
Once an adolescent is identified and able to ac-
private sector through parity and comprehen-
cess services, one might assume that the treat-
sive coverage packages, improving the flexibility
ment provided would meet at least most of an
of funding, tying reimbursement to performance
adolescent’s identified needs. Unfortunately, ser-
measures and quality treatment standards, and
vice delivery often falls short for several reasons.
reallocating interdiction and incarceration funds
Because so few adolescents receive comprehen-
to treatment have also been proposed (CSAT,
sive assessments (Weinberg, Rahdert, Colliver, &
2000). Research examining the effects of these
Glantz, 1998), very few are provided with com-
suggestions has been called for (CSAT, 2000;
prehensive need-based services (Delany,
NIDA RFA# DA-03-003; NIDA PA-01-097), but
Broome, Flynn, & Fletcher, 2001; Dembo, 1995,
the results of these empirical studies are not yet
1996; Terry, VanderWaal, McBride, & Van Buren,
available. Nonetheless, revisions to the way in
2000). In turn, few receive step-down or contin-
which services are reimbursed are critical if sys-
uing care (Alford, Koehler, & Leonard, 1991;
tem improvement is to be realized.
Spear & Skala, 1995; Brown, Meyers, Mott, & Vik,
Beyond general financing of treatment ser-
1994; Winters, 1999). Finally, few adolescents
vices and insurance coverage are additional is-
are able to access services that even minimally
sues unique to adolescents. First, of the 4 million
address key developmental challenges of this pe-
uninsured adolescents, approximately 2.3 mil-
riod (e.g., individuation coupled with age-
lion are eligible for Medicaid or State Children’s
appropriate limit setting within the context of
Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) (Center for
family-specific services).
Adolescent Health and the Law, 2000; Newa-
check, 1999). Increased access to SCHIP is
needed and may be accomplished through staff
training within presumptive eligibility sites and Limited Assessment Practices
use of Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic,
and Treatment (EPSDT), Maternal and Child Despite research advances in adolescent assess-
Health (MCH), and community-based staff to ment practices (Winters & Stinchfield, 1995), the
enroll teens. This would result in fewer unin- standard clinical intake does not identify the full
sured adolescents, who would then have a range of problems and strengths brought to a
greater probability of accessing the care that does substance abuse treatment program by an indi-
exist. Concomitant attention is also essential in vidual youth, nor does it assess youth within a
(1) developing mechanisms for health plans and developmental context of measurement (Wein-
providers to adapt medical records, billing and berg et al., 1998). In a typical program, an un-
laboratory procedures to protect confidentiality structured interview (generally with program-
Chapter 29 U.S. Treatment System for Substance Abuse 573

developed forms) is conducted to obtain an problems or were involved in the juvenile justice
in-depth drug use history, a psychiatric review, system.
and a physical examination. These components In addition to these descriptive data illustrat-
are the mainstay for treatment planning (Wein- ing the clinical complexities of substance-
berg et al., 1998). As we and others have shown, abusing youth, we empirically identified seven
adolescents with SUD are characterized by inter- treatment-oriented youth prototypes (Meyers,
connected, complex problems (Hawkins et al., McDermott, Webb, & Hagan, in press).
1992; Fleming, Leventhal, Glynn, & Ershley,
1989; Helzer, 1981; Hirschi, Hindelang, & Weis, • General low-severity problems
1980; Meyers et al., 1999; Morrison, McCusker, • Moderate-severity delinquency and chemi-
Stoddard, & Bigelow, 1995; Prout & Chuzik, cal dependency; low-severity psychosocial
1988; Winters & Stinchfield, 1995). problems and sexual risk behavior
In a recent study of 205 youth in drug treat- • Moderate-severity psychosocial problems
ment (Meyers, Hagan, & McDermott et al., under and sexual risk behavior; low-severity delin-
review), many individuals had an array of prob- quency and chemical dependency
lem behaviors, with typical onset occurring in • High-severity delinquency and sexual risk
early or middle childhood. Excluding tobacco, behavior; moderate-severity chemical de-
alcohol and other drugs were tried at approxi- pendency and psychosocial problems
mately 11 years of age on average (11.3; SD ⫽ • High-severity psychosocial problems and
2.5), with at least weekly use starting by the age delinquency; moderate-severity chemical
of 13 (12.9; SD ⫽ 1.8). Alcohol, marijuana, hal- dependency and sexual risk behavior
lucinogens, heroin, and cocaine tended to be the • Very high-severity psychosocial problems;
most predominant substances of abuse; 89% of low-severity chemical dependency, delin-
the youth were daily cigarette smokers. With re- quency, sexual risk behavior
spect to mental health issues, 93% of youth had • Very high-severity chemical dependency;
at least three symptoms of a mental health dis- moderate-severity psychosocial problems,
order at treatment admission, with 82% meeting delinquency, sexual risk behavior
criteria for an Axis I nondrug diagnosis by the
age of 12 years. Family problems were prevalent These typologies suggest that adolescents in sub-
in that 50% of the youth lived with active sub- stance abuse treatment programs are a very di-
stance abusers, 53% had run away from home, verse group of youth. While it is clear that effec-
53% reported transient living arrangements, and tive treatment needs to address these multiple
31% reported police or child welfare involve- problems, neither the simple availability of mul-
ment with their family. Inconsistent discipline tiple services nor even the broad, undifferen-
practices (46%), harsh discipline practices (35%), tiated provision of multiple services appears to
and a lack of supervision (46%) were also re- be appropriate for producing treatment gains.
ported. In 21% of cases, youth assumed the adult Instead, gains are most likely to be obtained
or parental role within the household. Educa- when the facets of treatment relate directly (i.e.,
tional deficits were the norm, with 77% report- are matched) to the life areas of the teen that are
ing a history of academic problems, 74% report- in need of remediation (Meyers et al., 1999).
ing attendance problems, and 80% reporting Given the degradation of services available
discipline problems. It is therefore not surprising within many service programs (Delany et al.,
that 57% of these teens had dropped out of 2001; Etheridge, Smith, Rounds-Bryant, & Hub-
school by the age of 15. Further, 75% had been bard, 2001; SAMHSA, 2001b), service coordina-
or were currently involved with the justice sys- tion between programs and systems will be
tem, 55% actively carried guns, and 43% had necessary if treatment matching is to become a
witnessed a murder or an attempted murder in reality.
their community. Eighty-three percent of the When limited assessments are conducted,
youth were sexually active; all (100%) reported there is a risk that services will focus on just a
hanging out with peers who either had AOD few issues or provide services that are irrelevant
574 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

to a youth’s profile. These scenarios are rarely as- ridge et al., 2001), with family and psychiatric
sociated with significant clinical benefits (Heng- needs most often going unmet (40%–50%).
geler, Schoenwald, Pickrel, Rowland, & Santos, Since these are perhaps the two domains most
1994; Kiestenbaum, 1985). Limited assessments comorbid with adolescent substance abuse, it is
can result in a cascading effect of inadequate likely that these unmet needs may particularly
treatment plans, incomplete treatment match- compromise the effects of the services (typically
ing, limited service coordination, poor treat- drug counseling) that can be provided.
ment engagement and retention, and poor The effects of provided services can also be
utilization of scarce resources. In turn, this compromised if they are not developmentally
can lead the youth and the family to conclude focused. Adolescents are a unique client group
that “treatment doesn’t work.” Hence, once in that (1) they are in a continuous state of social,
youth are identified and find access to substance biological, cognitive, and emotional develop-
abuse treatment, there is a strong need for the ment; and (2) risk taking and experimentation
use of standardized multidimensional assess- characterize normal development (Deas et al.,
ment tools. 2000; Eccles et al., 1993; Gottlieb, Wahisten, &
Licklieter, 1998; Greene, 1993). Consequently,
evidence continues to mount demonstrating
Limited Scope (and Appropriateness) the effectiveness of interventions that address
of Services the developmental processes of social-identity
development, peer group influences, self-
Even if comprehensive assessments leading to regulation, moral and cognitive development
prioritized but multifocused treatment planning (e.g., perspective-taking), and autonomy seeking
can become standard clinical practice, another (i.e., separation from the family [classic view] or
barrier will become even more apparent. Few if movement toward family interdependence [con-
any programs are able to deliver even a minimal temporary view]; Deas et al., 2000; Wagner &
constellation of developmentally sensitive edu- Waldron, 2001). To obtain optimal effects, eco-
cational, social, or health services. Within the logically framed interventions that address in-
last few years, there has been a severe decline in dividual and proximal factors are necessary
the number and types of on-site services pro- (Bronfenbrenner, 1986, 1989; Liddle & Hogue,
vided by adolescent substance abuse treatment 2001). Because the family or household is a prin-
programs in the United States (Etheridge et al., ciple ecological context for child and adolescent
2001). This occurs at a time when it is widely development, targeted interventions with the
recognized that (1) treatment decisions for ado- family as a unit that address limit setting, mon-
lescents are better informed by pretreatment itoring and supervision, consistent discipline
psychosocial factors than by drug use severity practices, and communication patterns are re-
(Latimer, Newcomb, Winters, & Stinchfield, quired to compliment individually based ser-
2000), and (2) treatment effectiveness is contin- vices. When there is limited availability of these
gent upon treatment for the array of comorbid core components, treatment delivery falls short
dysfunctions within clinical samples (Kazdin & of meeting individual needs. This has a negative
Weisz, 1998; Williams & Chang, 2000). impact on retention, one of the most consistent
As a result of limited assessment and service predictors of treatment outcome (Hubbard,
decline, adolescents who are fortunate enough Craddock, Flynn, Anderson, & Etheridge, 1997;
to obtain substance abuse treatment will proba- Simpson, Joe, & Brown, 1997; Simpson, Joe,
bly not receive the type or amount of services Broome et al., 1997). When the treatment land-
required to minimally address their needs (De- scape has been compromised by service deteri-
lany et al., 2001; Etheridge et al., 2001; SAMHSA, oration and nondevelopmentally focused care, it
2001b). Even adolescents are aware of service de- is not surprising that few adolescents complete
ficiencies: many of those who had received sub- treatment, thus reducing their chances of having
stance abuse treatment reported that their needs a good outcome (Battjes, Onken, & Delany,
were not met by the services they received (Eth- 1999; Williams & Chang, 2000; Winters, 1999).
Chapter 29 U.S. Treatment System for Substance Abuse 575

Restricted Access to Step-Down Services different coverage policies, codes, and procedu-
res, it becomes clear why so many service pro-
Further complicating service delivery is the fact viders operate independently from one another
that step-down and continuing care services (Gerstein & Harwood, 1990; Johnson, 1999;
rarely follow an index treatment episode. Hence, Moss, 1998). Without system coordination, the
the chronic nature of the substance use disorder same youth loops in and out of all treatment sys-
is typically not addressed. Without less intensive tems (Solar, 1992), with each intervention failure
step-down services there is a significant risk of in one system accompanied by a repeat cost to
relapse and return of substance abuse problems some other sector of the system. Again, capacity
(Alford et al., 1991; Armstrong & Altschuler, is diminished and the pool of financial resources
1998; Brown, Meyers, Mott, & Vik 1994; Latimer is unnecessarily reduced.
et al., 2000; Spear & Skala, 1995; Stewart & If comprehensive services are to be delivered
Brown, 1993; Winters, 1999; Winters et al., through provider partnering, the development
2000). This causes readmissions to treatment, ex- of interorganizational networks of care is critical
pending the already limited pool of resources. (Baker, 1991; CASA, 2001; Krisberg & Austin,
1993; Kutash, Duchnowski, Meyers, & King,
1997; Marsden, 1998; Meyers & Davis, 1997; US
System Change Considerations Public Health Service, 2000; Murray & Belenko,
under review; Rose, Zweben, & Stoffel, 1999).
Improve Delivery of Comprehensive
Such an undertaking requires substantial sys-
Need-Based Services
tems change and ongoing commitments. First,
As stated previously, research indicates declines policymakers should begin to facilitate a change
in the number and type of on-site services in sub- in “business as usual” by developing (1) new rep-
stance abuse treatment programs throughout resentative authority, governance structures, and
the country. Since substance abuse treatment funding streams; (2) universal, consolidated, and
programs are part of a larger network of care standardized data collection and reporting re-
(Denmead & Rouse, 1994), one would expect quirements; and (3) consolidated coverage poli-
corresponding increases in the partnering be- cies, codes, and procedures (Gerstein & Har-
tween substance abuse treatment programs and wood, 1990; Johnson, 1999; Moss, 1998). Next,
other service providers (e.g., those within the partnering agencies could develop information-
mental health, educational, and sexual health sharing partnerships and adopt written agree-
systems) to compensate for service deficits. This ments—e.g., about the level at which informa-
is not occurring (Ethridge, Hubbard, Anderson, tion will be shared (i.e., case level, department
Craddock, & Flynn, 1997). Admittedly, obtain- or agency level, community level), when infor-
ing out-of-program and continuing care services mation will be shared, or the purpose and use of
is not simple. information sharing. This can be an effective
The larger network of care within which drug way to provide coordinated, nonduplicative
treatment programs operate consists of compo- services through streamlined assessment and ser-
nents that function as discrete entities, reporting vice referral activities, case management sup-
to separate budget authorities and with minimal port, and availability of real-time information
coordination among them—the so-called ad- for necessary case plan adjustments (Meyers,
ministrative “silos” (Dembo et al., in press; NA- 1998, 2000). Interdependence among these in-
SADAD, 2002; Solar, 1992). Competing priorities dependent systems could be achieved by devel-
of these different entities, rigidly drawn bound- oping (1) centralized intake, referral, and case
ary turfs and budgetary categories, competition management services; and (2) colocation of ser-
for reimbursement dollars, and barriers to data vices. To this end, all youth who present (or call)
sharing stifle collaboration (Gerstein & Har- for services would be referred to the central in-
wood, 1990; Krisberg & Austin, 1993). In addi- take unit (CIU). At the CIU, the youth would re-
tion, with different eligibility criteria, various ceive a standardized assessment followed by a
data collection and reporting requirements, and case plan and referral to needed services. Referral
576 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

may be back to the original system of contact or among at-risk and delinquent youth (Bilchik,
perhaps not, depending upon the case plan. 1995; Oldenettel & Wordes, 2000). There are 67
Through colocating diverse services at the CIU CACs distributed throughout the United States
or at various service sites (e.g., mental health (e.g., California, Colorado, Florida, Kansas,
services located at drug treatment programs) and Maryland, Nebraska) and a formal evaluation of
holding staffing meetings at these locations, col- their effectiveness is under way (National Coun-
laboration between provider and system can oc- cil on Crime and Delinquency, 2003). Four in-
cur. Colocated services could also improve ser- terrelated components make up the CAC. First,
vice compliance and retention because youth these centers serve as a single point of entry
would not have to go to multiple locations to (component # 1) into the entire system of care
have their needs met. If service providers, service within a target community. All agencies regard-
systems, and policymakers could commit to sys- less of the service system within which they are
tems change and participate in an interorgani- embedded (e.g., mental health, substance abuse)
zational network of care, competitors could be- triage youth to the CAC. If the youth has been
come collaborators, limited resources could be arrested, the arresting officer transports the
better matched and maximized, and services youth to the CAC, where they are booked prior
could move from being fragmented to coordi- to being assessed. In other words, CACs function
nated. All of this could ultimately improve the as a centralized intake facility for all sectors of a
delivery of clinically appropriate, nonduplica- community’s service system. Administration of a
tive, and cost-effective services within a contin- standardized screening instrument (e.g., Massa-
uum of care. Within such a system, substance chusetts Youth Screening Instrument [MAYSI-2];
abuse treatment providers (as well as other types Grisso & Barnum, 2000) is followed by a stan-
of providers) could then partner with agencies to dardized comprehensive assessment (compo-
provide services they do not offer but that youth nent #2), when indicated (e.g., Comprehensive
need. Adolescent Severity Inventory [CASI]; Meyers,
Hagan, et al., in press). Arrested youth also re-
ceive a risk assessment so that the level of needed
EMERGING TRENDS IN SYSTEM CHANGES security can be determined. Assessment data are
reviewed by an interdisciplinary team comprised
Despite the many challenges discussed, there is of CAC staff and colocated staff from multiple
movement toward improvement in Community community agencies. The data are stored in an
Assessment Centers (CACs), Juvenile Drug integrated management information system
Courts, and CASASTART (described below) have (component #3) for data sharing and perfor-
been designed to address systemic barriers to ap- mance monitoring and are synthesized into a
propriate intervention. Each includes a compre- case plan for ongoing case management (com-
hensive assessment followed by coordination of ponent #4). Colocated staff work with case man-
need-based services provided through intersys- agement staff to minimize the red tape that case
tem linkages. Although outcome data are scarce managers may face when accessing an array of
at this time, the innovations they represent war- community services. When implemented as de-
rant discussion. signed, CACs (1) enable identification of issues
that impede community youths’ ability to func-
tion (whether they are in the juvenile justice sys-
Community Assessment Centers tem or not) so that (2) effective services can be
delivered in a coordinated, nonduplicative fash-
Community Assessment Centers originated ion by systems staff working together for the
within the U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice and De- purpose of (3) improving the functional status of
linquency Prevention (OJJDP) to address multi- youth (and possibly their families), thereby pre-
ple and decentralized points of entry, inadequate venting penetration (or further penetration) into
assessment practices, scarce resources, system various systems of care (Meyers, 1998, 2000). Al-
fragmentation, and lack of early intervention though evaluation data are not yet available in
Chapter 29 U.S. Treatment System for Substance Abuse 577

this area, CACs are nonetheless a promising ap- ditional research is needed, juvenile drug courts
proach to systems change for youth who use, appear to be a promising systems intervention
abuse, or are dependent upon substances, re- for substance-abusing juvenile offenders. These
gardless of their presenting problem or the sys- courts enact some of the core principles de-
tem to which they present. Given the obvious scribed above for a more effective systems ap-
potential of this approach, there is clear need for proach to identifying and treating SUDs among
additional research and evaluation and, if effect- adolescents.
iveness is shown, for dissemination and com-
munity training.
CASASTART (Striving Together to Achieve
Rewarding Tomorrows)
Juvenile Drug Courts
CASASTART, originally called the Children at
Although there are recent indications that vio- Risk program, was developed by the National
lent crime has decreased among juveniles, youth Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse
crime overall is at unacceptably high levels, with (CASA) at Columbia University through foun-
younger and more impaired youth being ar- dation and U.S. Department of Justice funding
rested at an increasing rate (Snyder & Sickmund, to address service gaps among high-risk 8- to 13-
1999). As social services are reduced, the juvenile year-olds, their families, and their communities
justice system has become the focal point for in- (Murray and Belanko, under review). Similar to
terventions with many youth. Hence, the justice the programs discussed above, CASASTART
system has responded by providing a number of forges a working partnership of schools, law
innovative programs (Jenson & Howard, 1998; enforcement, and community-based health and
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Pre- social service organizations, and all are housed
vention, 1995). under one roof. Through intensive case manage-
One such program is the juvenile drug court ment, a coordinated constellation of eight core
(American University, 1997; Belanko, 2001; Of- services is provided to varying degrees according
fice of Justice Programs Drug Court Clearing- to the needs of the youth and his or her family:
house and Technical Assistance Project, 1998). social support; family services; educational ser-
Modeled after adult drug court programs, juve- vices; after-school and summer recreational
nile drug courts (of which there are 167 as of activities; mentoring; incentives; community
June 2001; American University, 2001) combine policing; and criminal and juvenile justice
identification of a youth’s problems with sys- interventions. Evaluation data illustrate that
temic interventions monitored and enforced by CASASTART participants were less likely to use
the presiding judge. Although the name implies or deal drugs, engage in violent crime, or be in-
that drug treatment is the sole focus of these fluenced by negative peers (Harrell, Cavanagh, &
courts, juvenile drug courts generally take a mul- Sridharan, 1998). Further, these same youth were
tifaceted approach. Educational deficits, family more likely to belong to positive peer groups and
problems, and behavioral difficulties are ad- to advance to the next grade. These data suggest
dressed by staff of local provider agencies who that CASASTART is a promising systems change
attend weekly meetings, share information, model that results in positive outcomes among
work together, and change intervention plans its participants.
where indicated. Participating providers serve as
a team delivering coordinated, noncompeting
services to youth. SUMMARY
Outcome results are still preliminary, but
there are a few studies that found reduced recid- Adolescents who use, abuse, or are dependent
ivism rates and increased time to rearrest among upon substances are served by a service delivery
juvenile drug court participants (Belenko, 2001; system that often (1) fails to identify them; (2)
Meyers, O’Brien, et al., under review). While ad- fails to make the important distinction between
578 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

use and abuse or dependence and thus may all needed. The translation of evidence-based re-
make inappropriate referrals; (3) renders multi- search into practice through technology transfer
ple barriers to treatment access for those who are projects has the potential to improve adolescent
referred; and (4) delivers fewer developmentally outcomes, thereby improving access. The Clini-
sensitive services than are indicated. As a result, cal Trials Network within the National Institute
a large group of adolescents who use, abuse, or on Drug Abuse and Addiction Technology Trans-
are dependent upon substances are not being ap- fer Centers supported by the Center for Sub-
propriately cared for at a time when there are stance Abuse Treatment are a very good begin-
more and better evidence-based treatment and ning in this endeavor. Although complex
intervention options than ever before (e.g., mo- environments, service delivery systems are com-
tivational interviewing, cognitive-behavioral prised of components primed for intervention
therapy, multidimensional family therapy). and three integrative models have been devel-
This chapter has shown that designing ways oped. We recognize that systems reform will not
to address service system inadequacies is just as be quick or easy and will undoubtedly require
important as developing evidence-based inter- policy change and national leadership. But such
ventions to treat the disorder itself. Hence, it is reform is necessary if adolescents are to take ad-
clear that the same type of focused research at- vantage of improved interventions and curtail a
tention and political support that led to the re- trajectory of life-long problems.
cent developments in evidence-based treatments
will be even more important to address service
system inadequacies. Examination of ways to ef- Acknowledgments
ficiently improve the identification of adolescent
substance users through staff training, adoption This work was supported in part by NIDA grant
of common definitions and mechanisms for as- # DA07705-06. The authors thank Siobhan
sessment within a developmental context of O’Brien and Sarah Teague for literature and ci-
measurement, and financing arrangements are tation assistance.
The Role of Primary Care
Physicians in Detection
and Treatment of Adolescent
Mental Health Problems

Daniel Romer
and Mary McIntosh

c h a p t e r
580 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

This chapter presents research conducted as part Frank, & McGuire, 2004; Forrest et al., 1999;
of the Sunnylands Adolescent Mental Health In- Glied & Neufield, 2001). Experience with these
itiative (SAMHI) to determine primary care arrangements in adult managed care suggests
provider practices in identifying and referring that they may eliminate costly (and ineffective)
adolescents for treatment of mental health prob- inpatient mental health services, but very little
lems. It is estimated that over 70% of youth visit is known about the effects of managed care on
a primary care physician in an average year youth (Glied & Neufield, 2001; Scholle & Kelle-
(Wells, Kataoka, & Asarnow, 2001), and with the her, 1998). Another development is the increase
advent of managed care, primary care physicians in public financing of children’s health. More
also serve as the gateway to obtaining specialist children are now covered by Medicaid and the
care, including mental health services (Glied & State Children’s Health Insurance Program, both
Neufield, 2001). However, research suggests that of which may provide more comprehensive cov-
less than half of adolescents in the United States erage than available through other mechanisms
with a significant mental disorder are seen by an (Glied & Cuellar, 2003).
appropriate mental health service provider (Cos- In addition to changes in the financing of
tello et al., 1998; Horwitz, Leaf, Leventhal, Bor- health care, many initiatives have focused on the
syth, & Speechley, 1992; Sturm, Ringel, & An- need for better mental health screening of chil-
dreyeva, 2003). dren and adolescents, most notably the Report of
Several explanations have been proposed for the Surgeon General on Child Mental Health (U.S.
the poor treatment rate of adolescents with men- Department of Health and Human Services,
tal health problems. Most primary care providers 2000) and the President’s New Freedom Com-
are not extensively trained to identify or treat mission on Mental Health (2003). Furthermore,
mental health problems (Wells et al., 2001), and the American Academy of Pediatrics as part of
their ability to screen patients for mental disor- its Bright Futures program (Jellinek, Patel, &
ders is limited by time constraints per office visit Froehle, 2002) and the National Association of
(Chang, Warner, & Weissman, 1988) and restric- Pediatric Nurse Practitioners as part of its Keep
tive reimbursement policies (Wells et al., 2001). Your Children/Yourself Safe and Secure initiative
Indeed, studies of primary care providers indi- (KySS) (Melnyk, Brown, Jones, Kreipe, & Novak,
cate that they recognize symptoms of mental 2003) now encourage primary care practitioners
disorder in only about 50% of adolescents re- to screen their patients for common mental dis-
porting those symptoms prior to their visit (Hor- orders and to refer those who meet diagnostic
witz et al., 1992; Kelleher et al., 1997). Even criteria to appropriate providers.
when symptoms are recognized, less than half of In this ever-changing policy environment, it
youth are referred for care to mental health spe- is important to determine how well primary care
cialists (Gardner et al., 2000; Rushton, Bruck- physicians, especially those serving patients in
man, & Kelleher, 2002). Although pediatric pri- managed care, are able to identify and refer ad-
mary care providers increasingly recognize olescent patients with serious mental disorders.
mental health problems in their patients (Kelle- In particular, we were interested to determine if
her, McInerny, Gardner, Childs, & Wasserman, primary care physicians who treat adolescents
2000), it is clear that improving identification view the mental health of their patients as their
and referral practices represents a significant op- responsibility and, if so, whether their diagnostic
portunity to increase appropriate treatment of skills and office practices enable them to identify
adolescent mental disorders. a variety of mental health problems and to seek
Despite long-standing weaknesses in the pri- referrals for those in need of treatment. We were
mary care system, recent changes in the delivery also interested in providers’ views of stigma and
of mental health services may be influencing the beliefs about the efficacy of treatment in their
treatment of adolescent mental disorders. Many decisions about mental health care.
managed care plans now contain dedicated ser- To determine the status of current practices in
vices, or “carve-outs,” for mental health care that adolescent primary care, the Annenberg Public
may encourage referral to specialists (Conti, Policy Center, with funding from SAMHI, com-
Chapter 30 Primary Care Physicians and Treatment 581

missioned Princeton Survey Research Associates physicians from which it was drawn. The sample
to conduct a survey of over 700 primary care of 727 primary care providers closely mirrored
physicians who regularly treat adolescents ages the demographic characteristics of U.S. pedi-
10 to 18 (pediatricians, family physicians, and atricians, family practitioners, and general
general practitioners). The interviews were con- practitioners. The one exception was type of
ducted by telephone between September 29, physician—pediatrician or family or general
2003, and January 23, 2004. The details of the practitioners. Fewer family and general practi-
methodology are provided in the Appendix to tioners were willing to participate in the survey
this chapter. than were sampled. To compensate for their un-
derrepresentation, the data were weighted to the
proportions (80%/20%) originally sampled.
SURVEY OF PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIANS The sample of providers reported seeing an av-
WHO TREAT ADOLESCENTS erage of 27.4 adolescents in an average week
(range, 1 to 200). Approximately 45% reported
Sample Characteristics that the majority of their adolescent patients
were enrolled in managed care, and about 50%
Table 30.1 shows the demographic composition reported that the majority of their patients were
of the sample in comparison to the universe of insured through public programs. Hence, this
sample provides a unique look at the practices of
Table 30.1 Sample Composition in Comparison to providers who treat large numbers of adolescents
National Population Characteristics (N ⫽ 727)
in the United States within an ever-expanding
Unweighted Weighted universe of managed care and public reimburse-
Population Sample Sample ment programs.
Characteristic (%) (%) (%)

Under 45 years 40 33 32
45 years and 60 63 65 Adolescent Mental Health
older Is a Strong Responsibility

Gender Most primary care physicians believe that they

Women 49 54 58 have a responsibility to tend to both the physical
Men 51 46 42 and mental well-being of their adolescent pa-
tients (Table 30.2). When asked to what degree
Type they believe it is their job to talk to adolescent
Pediatrician 80 92 80 patients about their mental health, more than 7
Family or gen- 20 8 20 in 10 (76%) said it is their job to a great extent.
eral practi- Only a handful (3%) did not feel it is their job to
ask about mental health issues.
Urbanity In addition to mental health issues, most phy-
Urban 40 42 40 sicians feel strongly that it is their job to ask
Suburban 46 42 43 about other aspects of their adolescent patients’
lives. A large majority of physicians felt a great
Rural 14 11 12
deal of responsibility to bring up risky behaviors
Region such as use of tobacco (80%), alcohol (78%),
Northeast 26 32 30 marijuana (74%), and other illegal drugs (76%).
Midwest 20 17 19 As many physicians believed it is very much
South 31 27 26 their job to ask how things are going at school
(79%) and about sexual activity (76%). And
West 24 24 25
nearly as many physicians believed it is very
582 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

Table 30.2 Physician Responsibilities in Regard to Mental Health Topicsa

Physician’s Response

A Great Deal A Fair Amount Not Too Much/

Topic (%) (%) Not At All (%)

Mental health 76 21 3
Use of tobacco 80 18 2
School work and how things are going 79 20 1
Use of alcohol 78 19 2
Sexual activity 76 21 3
Use of other illegal drugs 76 20 3
Use of marijuana 74 22 3
Eating habits 73 25 2
Relationships with their family and friends 73 24 3
According to response to the question, “In general, how much do you feel it is your job to talk to adolescent patients
about their (Insert)?”

much a part of their job to ask about adolescents’ also found that female physicians are more likely
eating habits (73%) and their relationships with to say they always ask about mental health than
family and friends (73%). male physicians. And pediatricians make a point
Physicians who felt it is their responsibility to to always ask about mental health more often
ask adolescents about mental health issues were than family and general practitioners.
also more likely to strongly believe it is their job Perhaps because it is such a natural topic to
to ask about all of these other issues. This sug- ask an adolescent about, more than 8 in 10 phy-
gests that many physicians see their job as sicians (84%) said they always ask how things are
clearly encompassing much more than just the going in school. Physicians were also more likely
treatment of their patient’s physical health. to always address use of tobacco (74%), sexual
activity (66%), and use of alcohol (65%) than
they were to address mental health. In addition,
Mental Health Is Not Always a more than half of physicians said they always ask
Priority During Physical Exams about use of marijuana (54%) and other illegal
drugs (57%). And most physicians asked about
Despite the fact that most physicians are con- these issues at least sometimes. Roughly 1 in 10
vinced that paying attention to their adoles- or fewer said they rarely or never address these
cent patients’ mental health is part of their job, issues.
primary care physicians do not always ask ado-
lescents about mental health issues during rou-
tine exams (Table 30.3). Roughly half of physi- Knowledge Is Good But Not Excellent
cians (48%) said they always ask their patients
about their mental health—most of the rest Despite their strong conviction that mental
(43%) asked about it sometimes. The good health is integral to their mission, primary care
news is that substantially fewer rarely or never providers do not feel particularly qualified to
(9%) asked their adolescent patients about their treat mental health problems. Only 1 in 10 phy-
mental health during their routine physical ex- sicians (11%) said their knowledge of mental
ams. health issues is “excellent.” A slim majority said
Physicians who say they always ask adoles- it is good (56%), while 33% said their knowledge
cents about their mental health tend to think is only somewhat good or weak.
that mental health is a big part of their job. We We found no demographic differences be-
Chapter 30 Primary Care Physicians and Treatment 583

Table 30.3 Frequency of Asking Questions on Various Mental Health Topics

During Physical Exams in the Past Year

Physician’s Response

Not Too Much/

A Great Deal A Fair Amount Not At All
Topic (%) (%) (%)

Mental health 48 43 9
School work and how things are going 84 15 1
Use of tobacco 74 21 4
Sexual activity (for those who have 66 29 5
reached puberty)
Use of alcohol 65 30 4
Use of other illegal drugs 57 34 8
Use of marijuana 54 35 12

tween primary care physicians who say they Not surprisingly, physicians who said they
have excellent knowledge of adolescent mental have excellent knowledge about adolescent
health and those who describe their knowledge mental health were much more likely to say they
as good. For example, female physicians were no very often know how to handle the information
more likely than male physicians to believe their they get from patients about their mental health
knowledge level is excellent. And even though (86%) than those who describe their knowledge
younger physicians were probably exposed to base as good (55%) or only somewhat good or
more information about mental health in med- weak (30%).
ical school, physicians under age 50 described
their knowledge base as excellent as often as
older physicians. Furthermore, regardless of Ability to Identify Mental Health Problems
whether the physician practiced medicine in a
rural, urban, or suburban location, there was no When asked about specific mental health con-
difference in their reported knowledge levels. ditions, most physicians felt at least somewhat
Likewise, pediatricians were as likely as family capable of identifying these problems in adoles-
and general practitioners to say they have excel- cents (Table 30.4). However, physicians ex-
lent knowledge of mental health issues. The pressed more confidence in their ability to iden-
same conclusion applies to physicians whose pa- tify some conditions than others. Regardless of
tients are primarily enrolled in managed care or the condition they were asked about, only half
with private insurers. or fewer felt very capable of identifying these dis-
Many physicians also report a lack of confi- orders.
dence in how to handle information they receive Physicians are most confident in their ability
from adolescent patients about their mental to identify depression. Still, only half (50%) said
status. Only half of physicians (50%) said they they feel very capable of identifying depression
very often “know how to handle” this type of in adolescents. Almost all (98%), however, said
information. But 40% reported being less confi- they are at least somewhat capable of identifying
dent and said they only somewhat often rather adolescent depression.
than very often knew how to handle the infor- In identifying anxiety and eating disorders,
mation they get. At the same time, relatively few physicians are even less confident than they are
physicians (9%) said they are often unsure about for depression. Although over 9 in 10 said they
how to handle the information they get on a pa- are at least somewhat capable of identifying
tient’s mental health. these conditions, only about 4 in 10 reported
584 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

Table 30.4 Ability to Identify Various Mental Health Problems in Adolescents

Physician’s Response

Very Somewhat Not Too Not Capable

Capable Capable Capable at All
Mental Health Problem (%) (%) (%) (%)

Depression 50 48 2 —
Anxiety disorders such as panic disorder, 43 52 5 —
social phobias, and obsessive/compul-
sive disorders
Eating disorders 39 55 5 1
Alcohol abuse 31 61 7 1
Drug abuse 25 65 8 —
Sexual abuse 22 59 16 2
Schizophrenia 21 51 23 4
Bipolar disorder 18 59 20 3

that they are very capable of identifying anxiety Experience Matters

(43%) and eating disorders (39%). Next in order
are drug and alcohol abuse. Only 3 in 10 or fewer There is reason to believe that for at least some
said they are very capable of identifying alcohol of these conditions, steps can be taken to in-
(31%) and drug (25%) abuse. But again, 9 in 10 crease physicians’ confidence in diagnosing
physicians said they are at least somewhat ca- them. For example, by improving physicians’
pable of identifying these behaviors. knowledge, they may be better able to diagnose
When it comes to identifying victims of sex- depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. Solid
ual abuse, quite a few physicians feel unsure. majorities who described their knowledge base
Only 22% said they are very capable of identi- as excellent reported feeling very capable of
fying victims of sexual abuse. Although 81% re- identifying depression (85%), anxiety (76%),
ported feeling at least somewhat capable, 18% and eating disorders (71%). Knowledge may
seriously doubted their abilities to identify sex- also help in identifying other conditions, al-
ual abuse. though even among those with excellent
Physicians are most likely to express doubts knowledge, only half or fewer reported feeling
about their capabilities when it comes to pa- very capable of identifying bipolar disorders
tients with either of two mental conditions— (49%), sex abuse victims (47%), or schizophre-
schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. Perhaps be- nia (46%).
cause of its low incidence, only 21% said they According to the physicians surveyed, they
are very capable of identifying schizophrenia in learn to diagnose mental health problems
adolescents. And although a solid majority through a combination of patient care experi-
(72%) reported feeling at least somewhat capa- ences and formal training. More than 4 in 10 at-
ble, 27% said they are not too or not at all ca- tributed their diagnostic skills most to their pa-
pable of identifying this condition. tient care experience (43%), while almost as
Bipolar disorder is another condition that many referred to their medical training (40%).
quite a few express doubts about. Only 18% of Female physicians (50%) were more likely to
physicians said they are very capable of identi- attribute their skills to their patient care experi-
fying bipolar disorders. Although 77% reported ence than male physicians (38%), and physi-
feeling at least somewhat capable, 23% were less cians over age 50 (21%) more often than their
sure of their ability to identify this disorder in younger colleagues (7%) attributed their confi-
adolescents. dence to their personal experiences.
Chapter 30 Primary Care Physicians and Treatment 585

Treatment Viewed as Effective Table 30.5 Reported Method of Screeninga

Physician’s Response
Physician competence in diagnosing and treat- Method (%)
ing adolescent mental conditions obviously mat-
ters, but it is especially important because Use our own screening in- 36
virtually all agree that with adequate care ado-
lescents can be successfully treated for mental Standard patient question- 34
naire administered to ado-
health conditions. Some physicians reported lescents
feeling more strongly about this than others:
I or one of my associates 17
71% strongly agreed that with adequate care ad- does screening during the
olescents can be successfully treated, whereas an visit
additional 25% agreed somewhat. Very few phy- Standard patient question- 4
sicians (3%) reported feeling that mental disor- naire administered to par-
ders cannot be successfully treated with ade- ent, such as the Pediatric
quate care. Symptom Checklist
Other 7
Among those saying they screen, N ⫽ 357.
Screening for Mental Disorders

The most systematic way to learn about poten- Physicians who routinely screen patients for
tial mental health problems is to screen patients mental disorders were more likely to do so dur-
for these conditions. According to physicians ing the office visit itself (81%) rather than while
surveyed, not quite one in two adolescents will the patient is in the waiting room (13%) or at
encounter such a test during an office visit.1 some other time (6%).
Roughly half of providers (48%) said that their A majority of physicians who do not routinely
office “routinely screens adolescent patients for screen patients reported being aware (64%) that
mental health disorders.” However, slightly there are screening instruments for common
more physicians said their office does not rou- mental conditions that can be completed by ad-
tinely conduct a screening test (51%). Physicians olescents while they wait to see the physician. At
who are more likely to screen are also more likely the same time, more than a third (36%) said they
to be open and engaged and to be knowledgeable are not aware of these screening instruments.
about mental health issues. Physicians who say
they always ask about mental health issues, who
strongly feel it is their responsibility to talk to Treatment Decisions Are Quite Consistent
adolescents about mental health issues, and who
describe their knowledge as excellent are more To find out more about physicians’ actual treat-
likely to say they routinely screen their patients ment practices, we asked how they would pro-
for mental disorders. ceed given a set of symptoms often associated
Physicians who reported screening patients with different mental health conditions—de-
tended to use either a screening instrument de- pression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorders,
veloped by the physician (36%) or a standard pa- eating disorders, alcohol abuse, and schizophre-
tient questionnaire that is administered to the nia. (To reduce respondent burden, we only
adolescent (34%) (Table 30.5). Considerably asked each physician about three of the disor-
fewer physicians reported using a standard ques- ders.) In particular, we asked if they would talk
tionnaire that is administered to the parent (4%) to the adolescent’s parents about the symptoms,
or do the screening themselves or have an asso- refer the patient to a mental health professional,
ciate do the screening (17%). or treat the patient themselves. We also asked
physicians to estimate how many patients with
1. A brief fax survey of nonrespondents indicates that
the number of doctors who routinely screen adolescent pa-
each set of symptoms they actually referred in
tients for mental health disorders could be even lower. the last year and to what type of professional.
586 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

Physicians were remarkably consistent in of physicians said they would be very likely to
their chosen course of treatment across different refer an adolescent to a mental health profes-
mental health conditions. Most physicians re- sional for further testing or treatment (Table
ported that they would talk to the adolescent’s 30.7). Fewer than 1 in 10 physicians said they
parents and would refer the adolescent to an- would not be likely to make a referral if a patient
other professional. In a smaller percentage of was showing symptoms associated with a mental
cases, physicians claimed they would treat the disorder.
patient themselves. An adolescent presenting with symptoms of
As seen in Table 30.6, physicians said they schizophrenia was most likely to be referred to a
would be very likely to talk to parents of adoles- mental health professional (94%). A large major-
cents who presented symptoms of depression ity of physicians also said they would be very
(91%) or schizophrenia (90%). A large majority likely to make a referral for symptoms associated
also said they would be very likely to consult par- with depression (79%), anxiety disorders (76%),
ents if an adolescent had symptoms of bipolar alcohol abuse (76%), or bipolar disorders (71%).
disorder (83%), eating disorder (81%), or an anx- Somewhat fewer but still a solid majority said
iety disorder (78%) or if an adolescent was show- they would be very likely to refer an adolescent
ing signs of alcohol abuse (75%). with symptoms of an eating disorder (61%) to a
Very few among the physicians interviewed mental health professional.
said they would not be likely to talk to the parent Referring a patient to a mental health profes-
of an adolescent who had symptoms of one of sional for further diagnostic tests does not mean
these conditions. that the physician will refrain from treating the
In addition to talking to a parent, a majority patient in-house. Many physicians who said

Table 30.6 Reported Likelihood of Talking to Parents About Adolescents Exhibiting Various Symptoms


Very Likely Likely Not Too Likely
Symptom (%) (%) (%)

Depression: lost interest in school and work, 91 7 1

stopped getting together with friends, often
refused to get out of bed in the morning
Schizophrenia: had trouble focusing on 90 6 3
school work, no interest in hanging out
with friends, convinced other people were
reading their mind, suffered from disorga-
nized speech
Bipolar disorder: displayed mood swings; 83 14 2
very depressed at times and overexcited at
other times
Eating disorder: lost weight even though 81 15 3
did not need to, exercises rigorously, ex-
pressed concern about appearance
Anxiety: often intensely worried to the 78 19 1
point that it disrupts daily life
Alcohol abuse: drunk at least once a week, 75 16 6
consuming 5 or more drinks and sometimes
would not remember what happened the
night before

One group of respondents was randomly selected to receive questions about depression, schizophrenia, and eating
disorders (N ⫽ 373), whereas the other group was asked about bipolar disorder, anxiety, and alcohol abuse (N ⫽ 355).
Chapter 30 Primary Care Physicians and Treatment 587

Table 30.7 Reported Likelihood of Referral to a Mental Health

Professional for Further Diagnostic Tests and/or Counseling


Very Likely Likely Not Too Likely
Symptom (%) (%) (%)

Schizophrenia: had trouble focusing on school 94 5 1

work, no interest in hanging out with friends,
convinced other people were reading their
mind, suffered from disorganized speech
Depression: lost interest in school and work, 79 18 3
stopped getting together with friends, often
refused to get out of bed in the morning
Anxiety: often intensely worried to the point 76 18 5
that it disrupts daily life
Alcohol abuse: drunk at least once a week, 76 15 7
consuming 5 or more drinks and sometimes
would not remember what happened the
night before
Bipolar disorder: displayed mood swings; very 71 20 8
depressed at times and overexcited at other
Eating disorder: lost weight even though did 61 31 7
not need to, exercises rigorously, expressed
concern about appearance

One group of respondents was randomly selected to receive questions about depression, schizophrenia, and eating
disorders (N ⫽ 373), whereas the other group was asked about bipolar disorder, anxiety, and alcohol abuse (N ⫽ 355).

they are very likely to refer adolescents with likely to treat adolescents with symptoms of de-
symptoms of a specific disorder to another pro- pression (57%), eating disorders (56%), bipolar
fessional also said they would be likely to treat disorders (52%), or anxiety disorders (51%).
the patient themselves. Somewhat fewer said they would be somewhat
When asked about treating an adolescent with or very likely to treat symptoms of alcohol abuse
a mental health condition, roughly half said (46%).
they are likely to treat these patients themselves, Physicians who say they are very likely to treat
but relatively few said they are very likely to do a particular condition themselves are more likely
so (Table 30.8). to say they are very capable of identifying that
Physicians were particularly cautious about disorder than those who say they are not likely
treating patients with symptoms of schizophre- to treat the condition themselves. This is true for
nia. Only 9% said they would be very likely to all mental conditions except for schizophrenia,
treat the patient themselves. By contrast, a solid a condition which very few physicians, regard-
majority (72%) said they would not be too likely less of their confidence in their diagnostic skills,
(34%) or not likely at all (38%) to treat an ado- say they are very likely to treat themselves.
lescent with these symptoms. It is encouraging that physicians who feel less
Physicians express greater willingness to treat than total confidence in their diagnostic skills
adolescents with symptoms associated with with regard to a particular disorder are less likely
other conditions. Even so, only a quarter or to treat that disorder themselves. At the same
fewer said they would be very likely to treat any time, however, many physicians who said they
of these conditions themselves. Slim majorities, are very likely to treat a condition themselves
however, said they would be very or somewhat also said that they are only somewhat or not too
588 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

Table 30.8 Reported Likelihood of Personally Counseling or Treating the Adolescent


Somewhat Not Too Not Likely

Very likely Likely Likely At All
Symptom (%) (%) (%) (%)

Depression: lost interest in school and work, 25 32 27 16

stopped getting together with friends, often
refused to get out of bed in the morning
Alcohol abuse: drunk at least once a week, 23 23 25 28
consuming 5 or more drinks and sometimes
would not remember what happened the
night before
Eating disorder: lost weight even though 21 35 26 17
did not need to, exercises rigorously, ex-
pressed concern about appearance
Bipolar disorder: displayed mood swings; 21 31 24 23
very depressed at times and overexcited at
other times
Anxiety: often intensely worried to the 21 30 28 21
point that it disrupts daily life

One group of respondents was randomly selected to receive questions about depression, schizophrenia, and eating
disorders (N ⫽ 373), whereas the other group was asked about bipolar disorder, anxiety, and alcohol abuse (N ⫽ 355).

confident in their ability to diagnose that con- ogist as a psychiatrist. Substantially fewer said
dition. Of those physicians who said they are they would refer adolescents to a mental health
very likely to treat a condition, large proportions worker or social worker. Alcohol abuse is an ex-
said they are less than very capable to identify ception, with a sizable minority of physicians
alcohol abuse (47%), eating disorders (39%), and (28%) saying they would send adolescents show-
depression (37%). A majority of physicians ing signs of alcohol abuse to a mental health
(56%) who said they are very likely to treat bi- worker, such as a substance abuse counselor.
polar disorders themselves said they are only
somewhat confident in their diagnostic ability
when it comes to identifying adolescents with Concerns About Stigma
this disorder.
Providers talk to parents and make referrals to
mental health professionals despite the fact that
Psychiatrists Are Preferred many of them worry about stigmatizing their ad-
olescent patients with the diagnosis of a mental
Providers who say they are likely to refer their disorder. About one in two physicians (54%) said
adolescent patients are most likely to refer to a they very often (16%) or somewhat often (38%)
psychiatrist. More than half of physicians who worry that diagnosing an adolescent with a men-
reported being at least somewhat likely to refer, tal disorder will stigmatize the patient. Only 15%
said they would refer an adolescent with symp- of physicians said they rarely worry about stig-
toms of schizophrenia (63%), bipolar disorders matizing their patients.
(57%), or anxiety disorders (55%) to a psychia- A sizable minority of providers who said they
trist. often worried about the stigma of a mental
Referrals to psychologists were second most health problem acknowledged that this makes
likely, with nearly as many saying they would them reluctant to actually diagnose an adoles-
refer an adolescent showing signs of depression, cent with a mental health disorder. Forty-three
eating disorders, or alcohol abuse to a psychol- percent said that this concern causes them to be
Chapter 30 Primary Care Physicians and Treatment 589

reluctant to a great (7%) or moderate extent treatment resources in their community are in-
(36%). Only about a quarter (24%) said that this adequate. Views about the adequacy of treat-
concern plays no role in their diagnostic deci- ment resources were unrelated to beliefs about
sion. the potential efficacy of treatment.
Based on responses to the two stigma ques-
tions, we created a single stigma score that re-
flected the degree to which physicians were con- Collaborative Relationship
cerned about diagnosing an adolescent with a with Mental Health Professionals
mental disorder. Those who thought about
stigma infrequently were given the two lowest Despite inadequate resources, many primary
scores (“not too often” and “not often at all”). care physicians often work closely with mental
Those who thought about stigma more often health care specialists. It is generally accepted
were given the highest score if they expressed that patients experience better outcomes when
either great or moderate reluctance to diagnose the referring physician works closely with the
a patient with a mental disorder and an inter- mental health specialist treating the patient. A
mediate score if they only expressed a small or solid majority of providers (68%) reported that
nonexistent reluctance to diagnose. they collaborate to a great (27%) or moderate
A regression analysis of this score indicated (41%) extent with the mental health profession-
that providers with greater diagnostic knowl- als to whom they refer their adolescent patients.
edge about the disorders were less likely to be An additional 27% reported collaborating to a
concerned about stigma than those with less small extent. Only a handful of doctors (5%) said
knowledge. In addition, those with a patient they do not work with the mental health care
population that contained high proportions of professionals at all. Physicians who practiced in
privately insured adolescents were less likely to rural areas were much more likely to say they
be concerned about stigma. Belief in treatment collaborate to a great extent (41%) than those
efficacy was not related to concerns about who practice in suburban (26%) or urban areas
stigma. (24%).
Physicians who claimed to collaborate with
mental health specialists tended to view the ex-
Inadequate Treatment Resources perience in positive terms: 85% said they have a
good relationship with these mental health pro-
Most providers say they would refer adolescent fessionals, and 42% said the relationship is very
patients with symptoms of a mental disorder to good.
another health professional. But only 32% said
that there are adequate mental health treatment
resources in their community, whereas 67% re- PREDICTORS OF IDENTIFICATION
ported that the treatment resources are inade- AND REFERRAL FOR CARE
quate. Indeed, 44% reported that they felt very
strongly about this. The survey results suggest that primary care phy-
Views about treatment resources are appar- sicians agree about the importance of treating
ently shaped in part by the type of patient being mental health problems in their adolescent pa-
treated and the location the doctor practices in. tients and about referring those who are identi-
Providers who treat predominantly low-income fied to a mental health specialist. The weak link
patients were more likely to say that treatment in the process is the poor ability of physicians to
resources are inadequate (71%) than those who identify patients who are in need of mental
treat mostly middle- or high-income patients health services. Nevertheless, providers who re-
(57%). We also found that physicians who prac- port greater diagnostic skills should identify
tice in rural communities (80%) were much mental health conditions in their patients at a
more likely than those who practice in an urban greater rate. If screening helps providers to rec-
(64%) or suburban setting (65%) to say that the ognize and diagnose mental disorder, we would
590 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

also expect those who employ screening to re- dition. Additionally, 13% of the adolescent pop-
port higher rates of mental health problems. In ulation is thought to have an anxiety disorder,
addition, if mental health carve-outs within whereas 1% is believed to have schizophrenia
managed care provide a ready link with mental (National Institutes of Mental Health, 2000a,
health specialists, we would expect those with 2000b); U.S. Department of Health and Human
large proportions of patients in managed care to Services, 1999). Estimates of alcohol dependence
be more likely to refer patients for mental health are lower than the estimated rate found here;
care. We examined the role of these and other however, alcohol abuse is quite common among
provider characteristics in reported prevalence of adolescents.
disorder and rates of referral. We conducted regression analyses to deter-
mine significant predictors of prevalence esti-
mates. Table 30.9 shows the changes in preva-
Prevalence of Mental Health Conditions lence rates attributable to several differences in
Reported by Physicians provider characteristics with other differences
held constant. Not shown are differences in pro-
We asked physicians to estimate the percentage vider gender, age, rural vs. urban location, re-
of adolescent patients they saw in the last year ported weekly adolescent patient load, and in-
who had specific mental disorders. In addition come level of patient population. It is clear that
to mental disorders, we asked about the percent- the self-reported diagnostic skill of the provider
age of adolescent patients who engaged in risky is a consistent predictor of estimated prevalence.
behaviors such as excessive alcohol use. The es- This was measured by taking the mean response
timates given by the physicians roughly resem- to the questions concerning self-assessed diag-
ble the reported prevalence of these mental nostic ability (Table 30.4) for the five mental dis-
health conditions in the adolescent population orders (alpha ⫽ .79). For alcohol abuse, we used
(Table 30.9). the reported diagnostic knowledge for alcohol
Depression was the most commonly seen abuse. The only condition not predicted by self-
mental disorder, followed by anxiety disorders assessed skill was the prevalence of eating dis-
and alcohol abuse. On average, physicians said orders. Screening for mental disorders was also a
that in the last year about 16% of their adoles- predictor of anxiety and schizophrenia.
cent patients were depressed. Anxiety disorders It is important to note that diagnostic skill was
and alcohol abuse were the next most com- assessed on a four-point scale. The distribution
monly seen disorders, with physicians saying of this scale was such that the difference between
that, on average, about 10% of their patients had those who were most confident in their diag-
these conditions. About 9% of adolescent pa- nostic skill (the top 15%) and those who were
tients were thought to have an eating disorder. least confident (the lowest 15%) produced a dif-
And physicians reported that about 5% of their ference of about 5 percentage points in reported
patients, on average, were suffering from bipolar prevalence of depression, anxiety, and alcohol
disorders and a little over 1% from schizophre- abuse.
nia. Concern about stigma was a predictor of di-
These estimates are not far off from reported agnosis for alcohol abuse but was not systemat-
national prevalence of mental health conditions ically related to any of the other disorders. Belief
in adolescents. Approximately 10% to 15% of in treatment efficacy (not shown) was also not
adolescents exhibit some signs of depression, al- related to any diagnosis rates. Family physicians
though the percentage of adolescents who meet and general practitioners also gave higher prev-
the criteria for a full-fledged diagnosis of depres- alence estimates for all the conditions but bipo-
sion is closer to 5% to 8%. Similarly, while only lar disorder. Prevalence estimates did not differ
1% of adolescents meet the full criteria for bi- according to the proportion of the patient pop-
polar disorders, nearly 6% of adolescents present ulation that had private insurance or that was
with many of the classic symptoms of the con- served by managed care.
Chapter 30 Primary Care Physicians and Treatment 591

Table 30.9 Estimated Prevalence of Six Disorders in Annual Patient

Load and Differences Attributable to Provider Characteristics (p < .05)


Bipolar Eating Alcohol

Predictor Anxiety Depression Disorder Schizophrenia Disorder Abuse

Mean prevalence (%) 10.84 16.46 4.75 1.81 9.20 10.86

Diagnostic knowledgea 3.89 4.32 1.49 0.65 — 3.50
Screening 1.28 — — 0.26b — —
Stigmaa — — — — — ⫺1.32
Managed care ⫺0.53 — — — — —
Private insurance — — — — — —
Family or general practice 3.58 5.49 — 1.60 3.36b 4.28
Scored on a 1-to-4 scale.
Significant only at the p ⬍ .10 level.

We cannot confirm that the estimated preva- condition they had referred to other profession-
lence rates are valid; however, the predictors are als in the past year. Although referral rates did
consistent with the hypothesis that providers not differ dramatically across diagnoses (Table
with better diagnostic skills (or those who screen 30.10), the rates did differ considerably within
for disorder) are more likely to identify mental each diagnosis. Roughly 30% to 45% of provid-
disorders. Furthermore, by holding constant ers said they referred most adolescent patients
other provider and practice characteristics that with the given symptoms to other professionals.
might affect prevalence rates, we can be more About 4 in 10 physicians said they referred most
confident that the differences are a reflection of of their adolescent patients with symptoms of
diagnostic skill and not patient populations. schizophrenia (44%) or alcohol abuse (38%).
Somewhat fewer referred most of their patients
with symptoms of bipolar disorders (35%), anx-
Rates of Referral for Treatment iety disorders (33%), depression (32%), or eating
disorders (28%).
We also asked providers to estimate the percent- At the same time, many physicians referred
age of patients with symptoms of each mental 25% or fewer of their patients with symptoms of

Table 30.10 Mean Estimated Rates of Referral for Treatment of Six Mental Health Problems
in Past Year and Differences Attributable to Provider Characteristics (p < .05)


Bipolar Eating Alcohol

Predictor Anxiety Depression Disorder Schizophrenia Disorder Abuse

Mean referral rate (%) 51.20 52.70 52.49 54.59 43.84 48.37
Managed care 2.89 — 3.21 — — 4.26
Private insurance — — — 3.19 3.66 —
Screening — 6.78 — — 5.60 —

Respondents were randomly assigned to answer this question for one of two groups of conditions: depression, schizo-
phrenia, and eating disorders (N ⫽ 373) or anxiety, bipolar disorder, and alcohol abuse (N ⫽ 355).
592 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

a mental health problem. Roughly 4 in 10 did that the true rate of screening as well as diag-
not make a referral for most of their adolescent nostic knowledge may well be lower.
patients with signs of eating disorders (46%), al-
cohol abuse (46%), anxiety disorders (43%),
schizophrenia (41%), bipolar disorders (40%), or Weak Confidence in Detecting Disorders
depression (38%).
A regression analysis of referral rates indicated The low levels of confidence in recognizing de-
that types of practice and insurance were the ma- pression that were observed in this study are
jor predictors (Table 30.10). Providers with most consistent with another recent survey of primary
of their patients in managed care plans were care pediatricians (Olson et al., 2001). Although
more likely to refer patients with anxiety, bipo- the present survey indicates that providers feel
lar, and alcohol problems. Providers with pa- most capable of identifying depression (about
tients who were mostly privately insured were 50%), their confidence in identifying other dis-
more likely to refer patients with schizophrenia orders is even lower. For example, only 25% re-
and eating disorders. Providers who screened ported being very capable of identifying drug
their patients for mental disorders were also abuse in their adolescent patients. In the absence
more likely to refer them for treatment of de- of effective screening procedures, primary care
pression and eating disorders. Diagnostic knowl- providers will continue to be unable to recognize
edge, stigma, belief in treatment efficacy, or type mental and substance abuse disorders in their
of provider were not significantly related to re- adolescent patients.
ferral rates. Providers’ estimated prevalence of mental
Although not shown in Table 30.10, our anal- disorders in their patient populations indicated
ysis also revealed that providers who were more that although the rates are in line with national
likely to refer patients to mental health special- estimates, variation across providers was
ists were more likely to rate the treatment re- strongly related to diagnostic knowledge. Pro-
sources in their community as inadequate. This viders who were more confident in their ability
was especially true for the referral of anxiety to diagnose mental conditions reported higher
disorders and bipolar disorder. Evaluations of prevalence of disorders in their patients. In ad-
treatment resources were not related to practice dition, those who regularly screened for mental
characteristics such as managed care or private disorders were also more likely to recognize some
insurance status. of the conditions. The importance of appropriate
diagnosis is also underlined in the finding that
providers who screened their patients were more
likely to refer them for treatment of depression
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS and eating disorder.
The inability to detect mental disorders in ad-
This survey of primary care providers who treat olescents is a serious flaw in the primary care sys-
adolescents indicates that these physicians are tem. No matter how well intentioned providers
concerned about the mental health of their ad- may be, there is little that can be done to help
olescent patients and regard mental health as an adolescents in need of treatment if they are not
important responsibility. In addition, the vast first identified. Although providers recognize the
majority of primary care providers believe in the importance of referring their patients to mental
efficacy of treatment for mental disorders. How- health specialists and of including parents in the
ever, primary care providers report only weak treatment of mental disorders, these intentions
ability to diagnose mental health problems, and do not come into play without adequate re-
at best, only half employ any screening tech- sources and abilities to detect patients at risk for
nique at all to detect mental health problems in mental and substance abuse disorders.
their adolescent patients. Indeed, a separate sur- Pediatricians as a group were even less likely
vey of nonresponders to the survey indicated to report mental health problems in their pa-
Chapter 30 Primary Care Physicians and Treatment 593

tients than family doctors or general practition- ily served by managed care were more likely to
ers. In view of the much higher representation refer those patients for anxiety disorder, bipolar
of pediatricians in the adolescent primary care disorder, and alcohol abuse. This finding may re-
system, there is a large opportunity to increase flect the influence of increased deployment of
the ability to detect mental disorders in primary mental health carve-outs in managed care. This
care. The Bright Futures and KySS programs al- approach is designed to contain costs for mental
ready recommend screening and referral for ad- health treatment, but it could also encourage re-
olescent mental disorders and have materials in ferral for those who are appropriately diagnosed
place that could advance the adoption of better with mental conditions (Conti et al., 2004). Un-
screening practices. Research would also be valu- fortunately, the present research could not assess
able to determine if computer-assisted screening the quality of the referrals that are being made
mechanisms such as that developed by the Co- in managed care. There is evidence to suggest
lumbia Teen Screen program (McGuire & Flynn, that the barriers to successful referral are actually
2003) could be adopted in primary care. greater in pediatric managed-care systems
Increased knowledge and ability to diagnose (Walders, Childs, Comer, Kelleher, & Drotar,
mental health problems may also reduce con- 2003). Hence, many have expressed concerns
cerns about stigma, a factor that could also that mental health carve-outs will encourage re-
impede appropriate referral and treatment. Pro- ferral to less than optimal care providers (Glied
viders with greater confidence in their under- & Neufield, 2001; Jellinek & Little, 1998; Kelle-
standing of mental disorders were also less likely her, Scholle, Feldman, & Nace, 1999). Research
to express concerns about the stigma of mental to determine the fate of adolescents with mental
disorder. Although concerns about stigma were disorders in managed care is clearly a high pri-
only related to the estimated prevalence of al- ority.
cohol abuse, substance abuse is highly comorbid Providers whose patient population was pri-
with other disorders and its association with marily served by private insurance were more
stigma is likely to reflect a failure to identify likely to refer them for treatment of some dis-
these disorders as well (American Academy of Pe- orders (schizophrenia and eating disorder). This
diatrics, 2000). finding suggests that patients in the public sector
may be receiving even less appropriate treatment
for these conditions.
Rates of Referral for Mental Health Problems

Recognition of mental disorder is only a first step Treatment Resources Are

in delivering appropriate care. Providers must Often Inadequate
also make decisions about appropriate treat-
ment. Estimates of rates of treatment referral in- An important concern in the findings is the un-
dicated that about half of patients with major favorable evaluation that most providers report
mental disorders are referred on average. It is dif- of treatment resources in their communities. In-
ficult to evaluate the optimal level of referral deed, providers who were more likely to refer pa-
without greater knowledge of the diagnostic cri- tients to mental health specialists were also more
teria used by providers. However, given these re- likely to evaluate those services as inadequate.
ported rates of referral, it is not surprising that This finding suggests that better screening will
less than half of adolescents with serious mental only solve a part of the mental health service de-
conditions are estimated to receive appropriate livery problem for adolescents. Better treatment
mental health services (Costello et al., 1998; Hor- resources will also be needed (cf. Walders et al.,
witz et al., 1992; Sturm et al., 2003). 2003). In sum, this survey indicates that appro-
Practice characteristics were the strongest pre- priate screening and diagnosis of adolescents in
dictors of reported referral rates. In particular, primary care is a critical step in advancing the
providers whose patient population was primar- mental health of youth. At the same time, how-
594 Part VIII Conclusions Priorities Recommendations

ever, increased referral to mental health special- tend to have a broader patient base. On the basis
ists may have the potential to make providers of this information, the sample was drawn so
even more aware of the limitations in the mental that it comprised 80% pediatricians and 20%
health treatment system for adolescents. family and general practitioners.

Design and Data Collection
Procedures Interviews were conducted by telephone with as
many as 35 attempts to contact each provider.
As part of its Sunnylands Adolescent Mental Calls were staggered over different times of day
Health Initiative, the Annenberg Public Policy and days of the week to maximize the chance of
Center commissioned Princeton Survey Re- making contact with potential respondents.
search Associates International (PSRAI) to con- Prior to being called, each physician was sent a
duct the survey. The fieldwork was conducted by letter introducing the research and explaining
Princeton Data Source, LLC, and Braun Research, that the doctor could expect a call to participate
Inc., from September 29, 2003, to January 23, in the study in the coming weeks. In addition,
2004. In total, 727 interviews were conducted doctors were told that for their participation, a
with a nationally representative sample of pedi- $20 charitable donation2 would be made in their
atricians, family practitioners, and general prac- name and that they would receive a complimen-
titioners who regularly treat adolescents be- tary copy of the Oxford University Press book
tween the ages of 10 and 18. The interviews took that will include the detailed findings of the
approximately 25 min to complete. The maxi- study and other research on treating adolescent
mum margin of sampling error for results based mental health conditions. The letter also gave a
on the full sample is 4%. 1-800 number so that doctors could call in and
take the survey at their own convenience.

A nationally representative sample of 5,000 pe-
diatricians, family practitioners, and general The response rate estimates the fraction of all el-
practitioners was drawn from the American igible respondents in the sample that were ulti-
Medical Association’s (AMA) Physician Master- mately interviewed. At PSRAI it is calculated by
file. The AMA Physician Masterfile is the nation’s taking the product of three component rates as
largest repository of primary-source physician recommended by the American Association for
data and includes both members and nonmem- Public Opinion Research:
bers in the United States and all of its foreign
• Contact rate—the proportion of working
territories. Since the population of interest was
numbers through which a request for inter-
physicians who are currently practicing medi-
view was accomplished (66%)
cine, we drew our sample from a prescreened list
• Cooperation rate—the proportion of con-
provided by SK&A Information Services, Inc.,
tacted numbers through which a consent for
that had removed fellows, residents, students,
interview was at least initially obtained, vs.
and retired doctors.
those refused (41%)
The sample was drawn among the three main
• Completion rate—the proportion of initially
types of primary care physicians who are likely
cooperating and eligible interviews that
to treat adolescents—pediatricians, family prac-
were completed (99%)
titioners, and general practitioners. The compo-
sition of the sample reflects the fact that most 2. In an effort to increase the response rate, the incen-
tive for participating was increased to $100. The higher do-
adolescents are treated by pediatricians rather nation amount seemed to have little effect on participation
than by family and general practitioners, who rates and was again lowered to $20 after a couple of weeks.
Chapter 30 Primary Care Physicians and Treatment 595

The response rate for this survey was 27%. De- With one exception, responses to the fax sur-
spite the high number of contact attempts and vey were very similar to those of the original tele-
the use of incentives, a 27% response rate is not phone survey. Based on the fax survey, there is
surprising, given that physicians are a notori- reason to believe that providers who did not par-
ously difficult population to reach. Although the ticipate in the telephone survey may be less
response rate is somewhat lower than what is likely to routinely screen their adolescent pa-
normally targeted, the sample of physicians who tients for mental illnesses than those who par-
were interviewed closely resembles that of pedi- ticipated in the telephone survey. Whereas about
atricians and family and general practitioners in 48% of the telephone sample claimed to rou-
various important characteristics (see Table tinely screen their patients for mental health
30.1). problems, only about 31% of the nonresponders
In order to evaluate the representativeness of to the telephone survey claimed that they do this
the survey data and to verify that there were no routinely, ␹2(1) ⫽ 9.25, p ⬍ .01.
systematic differences between doctors who par-
ticipated in the telephone survey and those who
declined to participate, PSRAI conducted a sep- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
arate fax survey of a random sample of doctors
who did not participate in the survey. Three hun- We wish to thank Kelly Kelleher and Michael
dred nonrespondents of the telephone survey Murphy for their helpful comments on an earlier
were faxed a cover letter and a one-page ques- version of this chapter.
tionnaire that covered the core topics of the tele-
phone survey. A total of 77 (26%) responses to
this request were received.
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The Roles and Perspectives
of School Mental Health
Professionals in Promoting
Adolescent Mental Health

Daniel Romer
and Mary McIntosh

c h a p t e r
598 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

This chapter presents research conducted as part grams they have in place, how well they think
of the Sunnylands Adolescent Mental Health In- those programs are performing, and what
itiative to gain a greater understanding of the changes they would make to improve their per-
roles and prespectives of school mental health formance.
professionals in identifying, treating and pre- Previous research on the availability of mental
venting mental health problems in adolescents. health services in schools has found wide varia-
The Surgeon General’s report on the mental tion across states, regions of the country, and ur-
health of children (U.S. Department of Health ban vs. rural locations (Brener, Martindale, &
and Human Services, 2000) estimated that 1 in Weist, 2001; Slade, 2003). The largest of these
10 adolescents in the United States struggles surveys was conducted by the Centers for Dis-
with a mental health disorder that is severe ease Control and Prevention in 2000 (Brener et
enough to cause significant impairment. Because al., 2003). Another important source is the Add
over 90% of adolescents under age 18 attend Health Study of school administrators con-
schools in the United States (U.S. Census, 2002), ducted in 1994 (Slade, 2003). These studies in-
there is a unique opportunity to promote the dicate that only about half of all high schools
mental health of youth in this setting, a role that have formal mental health counseling services
has long been recognized by the public and men- on site. According to the President’s New Free-
tal health community (Allinsmith & Goethals, dom Commission, one of the biggest obstacles
1962; Starr, 1982). to receiving care for mental illness, especially for
The failure to treat adolescents suffering from children, is the fragmentation of the mental
mental conditions has severe consequences. Ad- health service delivery system. One way to in-
olescents with mental disorders are at increased tegrate the system, according to the Commis-
risk for poor academic achievement as well as sion, is to “rethink how state and Federal fund-
continued mental disability (Puig-Antich, Kauf- ing streams can be more efficiently partnered
man, & Ryan, 1993; Randall, Henggeler, & Pick- and utilized by school systems to deliver these
rel, 1999; Willcutt & Pennington, 2000). Many services.”
youth who suffer from mental disorders also end Two major programs to improve access to
up in the juvenile justice system (Bilchik, 1998), health services in schools have shown growth in
an outcome that could be prevented if they were recent years: school-based health centers
treated while still in school (American Psychiat- (SBHCs) and student assistance programs (SAPs).
ric Association, 2004). Unfortunately, less than According to a recent survey (Center for Health
half of adolescents with significant mental and Health Care in Schools, 2003), over 1,500
health conditions are seen by a mental health SBHCs in at least 43 states frequently treat men-
professional in an average year (Costello, An- tal health conditions (Anglin, Naylor, & Kaplan,
gold, & Burns, 1996; Leaf et al., 1996; Sturm, Rin- 1996; American Academy of Pediatrics, 2001).
gel, & Andreyeva, 2003). Therefore, increased ef- Student assistance programs, which were in-
forts to identify and treat youth in need of spired by the employee assistance programs for
services are a high priority. workplaces, have also grown with over 60% of
The President’s New Freedom Commission on schools now offering such services (Brener et al.,
Mental Health (2003) called for a transformation 2001). A third approach that overlaps with SAPs
of the nation’s mental health system and em- is the referral of students with mental health
phasized the importance of schools in this en- conditions to providers at other sites in the com-
deavor. In line with this agenda, this research munity. About half of all schools adopt the third
was designed to learn what schools are doing to approach for mental health care (Brener et al.,
promote the mental health of adolescents and 2001).
where future efforts should be directed to im- In addition to formal programs, most schools
prove the delivery of services. To accomplish have at least one professional on staff on at least
these goals, we interviewed professionals who a part-time basis who is responsible for mental
are responsible for the mental health of adoles- health programming. The three most common
cents in public schools to determine the pro- professionals, guidance counselors, school psy-
Chapter 31 Roles of School Mental Health Professionals 599

chologists, and school social workers, tend to fessionals design programs for schools to prevent
have a masters degree in their discipline (Brener the onset of mental health problems and at the
et al., 2001). Guidance counselors are present in same time identify symptoms so that students
over three-quarters of schools and have a wide can be referred to mental health specialists for
range of responsibilities, including assisting stu- care. This public-health approach may have the
dents who are experiencing problems in coping ability to use the skills of school mental health
with school (American School Counselors Asso- professionals to their best advantage while also
ciation, 2004). Approximately two-thirds of benefiting all students (Adelman & Taylor, 1998;
schools have a part-time or full-time psycholo- 2000; Atkins, Graczyk, Frazier, & Abdul-Adif,
gist whose major responsibilities involve the as- 2003; Hoagwood & Johnson, 2003; Strein, Hoag-
sessment of cognitive, behavioral, and emo- wood, & Cohn, 2003; Weist, 2003; Weist &
tional conditions that may affect school Christodulu, 2000).
performance (National Association of School In evaluating different strategies for school
Psychologists, 2004). About 40% of schools have programming, we were also interested in exam-
a part-time or full-time social worker who serves ining potential obstacles to quality mental
as a liaison with parents and coordinates care health care, including limitations in access due
with outside agencies (National Association of to inadequate or no insurance coverage and to
Social Workers, 2004). inadequate resources in low-income schools. We
Despite considerable information about the also asked school professionals to identify solu-
presence of mental health services in schools, tions to inadequacies in mental health services
the quality of these services is largely unknown in schools.
(Rones & Hoagwood, 2000). Research trials of To accomplish these many objectives, the An-
model school-based programs indicate that nenberg Public Policy Center, with funding from
many are effective (Armbruster & Lichtman, the Sunnylands Adolescent Mental Health Initia-
1999; Rones & Hoagwood, 2000), but actual tive, commissioned Princeton Survey Research
school programs are more difficult to assess. In Associates International to conduct a nation-
this research, we took a step toward assessing wide survey of over 1,400 school mental health
quality by asking school professionals to evalu- professionals. Interviews were conducted be-
ate the overall effectiveness of their mental tween April and May of 2004. A complete de-
health programs. We then used these evalua- scription of the survey methodology is con-
tions to assess the contribution of various com- tained in Appendix 31.1.
ponents to overall success.
We also were interested to learn about the po-
tential roles that school mental health profes- SURVEY METHODOLOGY
sionals can play to promote the mental health
of adolescents. One approach already noted is to A sample of 2,000 public schools was drawn
create school-based mental health services in from the Common Core of Data Public Elementary/
schools that can diagnose and treat adolescents Secondary School Universe 2002–2003, a database
on site. Although this strategy has the ability to of virtually all public elementary and secondary
increase access to effective services for many ad- schools in the United States that is produced an-
olescents (American Academy of Pediatrics, nually by the National Center for Education Sta-
2001; Armbrister & Lichtman, 1999), it is one tistics (NCES). The sample was selected to rep-
that will be difficult to implement on a wide resent all schools that have at least 100 students
scale in the near term. In another, school profes- and have classes in at least one middle or high
sionals refer students for diagnosis and treat- school grade. This sample frame represents more
ment off site by mental health specialists, much than 90% of all adolescent students in the
as expert panels recommend to primary care pro- United States. The database is compiled from the
viders (Jellinek, Patel, & Froehle, 2002; Melnyk, administrative records provided by state educa-
Brown, Jones, Kreipe, & Novak, 2003). tion agencies.
In a third approach, school mental health pro- The sample was drawn by taking into account
600 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

the percentage of students enrolled nationwide were either in primary or other types of schools.
defined by four parameters—region, urbanity, These schools were included because they
level, and school size. To illustrate, we deter- also contained adolescents, even though they
mined from the NCES database that approxi- could not be classified as either middle or high
mately 18 percent of the nation’s middle and schools.
high school students attend schools in the In each of the sampled schools, we asked to
Northeast. Hence, the sample design aimed for speak to the school psychologist, counselor, so-
18 percent of the complete interviews to occur cial worker, or other school professional who was
among mental health professionals who work in most knowledgeable about the mental health
schools that are located in the northeastern services offered in the school. The resulting dis-
United States. tribution of professionals by title is shown in Ta-
As seen in Table 31.1, the resulting sample of ble 31.2. In schools where more than one staff
mental health professionals closely resembled member met the criterion, one professional was
the student population with the exception of randomly selected for the interview. Only one
school size. To correct for the slight underrepre- professional from each sampled school was eli-
sentation of mental health professionals work- gible to participate. Professionals working in
ing in very large schools, the sample was more than one school were asked to respond to
weighted to more accurately reflect the NCES da- the survey questions in reference to the school
tabase. A small proportion of schools (11%) con- in which they were contacted. Most of the pro-
tained seventh-grade students or higher that fessionals interviewed were women who worked

Table 31.1 Sample Composition (N ⫽ 1402)

Schools in Schools in Schools in

Unweighted Students Unweighted Weighted
Sample Nationwide Sample Sample
(N) (%) (%) (%)

Northeast 231 18 17 16
Midwest 356 24 25 25
South 490 36 35 35
West 325 22 23 24

Urban 317 24 23 23
Suburban 636 46 45 45
Rural 279 18 20 19
Missing 170 12 12 12

School Level
Primary and other 162 13 12 11
Middle school 515 36 37 36
High school 725 51 52 53

Size of School
Less than 500 217 16 16 15
500–1000 518 35 37 35
1001–1500 395 22 28 22
More than 1500 272 27 19 27
Chapter 31 Roles of School Mental Health Professionals 601

Table 31.2 Sampled Professionals by Title and Demographic Characteristics (N ⫽ 1402)


Masters Under Position
Sample Female Degree Age 50 10 Years
Title (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

School or guidance counselor 49.1 72.0 95.1 54.9 49.9

Psychologist 25.7 63.6 80.0 63.1 41.0
Social worker 11.2 84.7 90.4 66.2 41.6
Nurse or nurse practitioner 3.0 97.6 35.7 64.3 41.5
Special educator 2.9 80.0 75.0 60.0 52.5
Principal or assistant principal 2.8 46.2 79.5 51.3 64.1
Special services or student 2.3 81.3 71.9 56.3 54.6
services director
Teacher 0.3 75.0 75.0 25.0 60.0
Other 2.8 80.0 70.0 55.0 40.0

full time, were younger than age 50, and had a lieved students struggle with anxiety at least to
master’s degree in their discipline. Over 40% of a moderate extent. At the same time, however, a
the respondents had worked in their school for majority of professionals (57%) said that anxiety
more than 10 years. disorders are at most a small problem in their
The response rate for the survey was 72%, and schools.
the maximum margin of error (p ⬍ .05) for the Cutting or inflicting other forms of self-harm
entire survey sample was  2.7%. Significant dif- was also generally described as occurring to a
ferences between subsets of the sample, such as small extent. A solid majority of professionals
between professionals working in middle vs. (75%) reported that students’ attempting to
high schools, are reported whenever relevant. harm themselves is at most a small problem, but
about one in four described it as a problem to a
moderate (21%) or great (4%) extent. Similarly,
MAJOR FINDINGS a majority of professionals (81%) said that eating
disorders occur to a small or no extent. Fewer
Depression and Anxiety Serious Problems than 20% reported that eating disorders are a
problem to a moderate (17%) or great (1%) ex-
We asked our respondents to rate the extent to tent.
which various behaviors and conditions were The second cluster, corresponding to various
problems in their schools. These ratings, shown drug-related behaviors, was also seen as an im-
in Table 31.3, are organized into three clusters portant set of problems. About half of respon-
obtained in a factor analysis of respondents’ an- dents felt that alcohol (50%) and illegal drug
swers. The first cluster, corresponding to mental (55%) use presented at least a moderate problem.
health problems, indicates that these conditions Illegal use of prescription drugs was not as prev-
were seen as related and among the more serious alent as the abuse of illegal substances. A major-
problems affecting students. Indeed, according ity of professionals (58%) reported that illegal
to the professionals, adolescent depression is one use of prescription drugs is a small problem, and
of the more serious problems in their schools, one in four (21%) said that this is not a problem
with over 60% saying it is either very (12%) or at all.
moderately serious (51%). Anxiety disorders Actual sale of drugs on school property was
were seen as somewhat less prevalent than de- generally not seen as a big problem. A majority
pression. Nevertheless, 43% of professionals be- of mental health professionals (75%) said that
602 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

Table 31.3 Problems Reported by School Professionals

Severity of Problem

Great Moderate Small

Extent Extent Extent Not at All
Problem (%) (%) (%) (%)

Mental Health
Depression 12 51 36 1
Anxiety disorder 6 37 54 3
Cutting or other forms of self-harm 4 21 66 9
Eating disorders 1 17 71 10

Substance Abuse Related

Use of illegal drugs, such as mari- 12 43 40 4
Excessive use of alcohol 12 38 39 9
Drug dealing 3 19 59 16
Illegal use of prescription drugs 2 13 58 21

Violence and Truancy

Truancy 20 40 37 2
Bullying or picking on other stu- 18 48 33 0
Fighting among students 10 36 51 3
Carrying or using weapons 0 5 60 33

drug dealing is at worst a small problem in their a moderate problem, with a vast majority either
schools. This is not to say that drug dealing was characterizing it as a small problem (60%) or say-
never a problem. About 22% reported that drug ing that it is not a problem at all (33%).
dealing presents a moderate or great problem in Although the three problem clusters tended to
their schools. be distinct, they were also interrelated. Schools
The third cluster, conflict between individual with high levels of mental health problems also
students and school truancy, also contained were seen as having high rates of drug use (r ⫽
some of the bigger problems in schools. A solid .48, p ⬍ .01) and interpersonal conflict (r ⫽ .47,
majority of professionals (66%) said that bully- p ⬍ .01). Drug use and conflict were slightly less
ing or picking on other students is at least a mod- related (r ⫽ .31, p ⬍ .01).
erate problem. Actual fighting among students
was described as somewhat less prevalent. None-
theless, close to half of mental health profession- Different Schools—Different Problems
als said physical violence directed at other stu-
dents is a problem to a great (10%) or moderate The context in which school professionals work
(36%) extent. In addition to interpersonal con- greatly influences their perceptions of student
flict, a majority of professionals (60%) described problems. These perceptions vary greatly de-
truancy as at least a moderate problem. pending on the size and location of the school
Despite the media attention of the past few and the demographic characteristics of the stu-
years, students carrying or using weapons was dent population, especially their age and socio-
rarely considered a big problem. Very few pro- economic background. We analyzed school
fessionals (5%) reported that weapons are even characteristics by conducting multiple regres-
Chapter 31 Roles of School Mental Health Professionals 603

sion analyses for each problem with size of fewer than half of professionals (45%) working
school, urban vs. rural location, poverty level in schools with less than 500 students. Fighting
(percent eligible for school lunch), middle vs. (50% vs. 33%) and drug dealing (28% vs. 11%)
high school, and region of the country as pre- were also seen as more problematic in very large
dictors. schools than in small schools. Nevertheless, per-
Professionals working in middle schools often ceptions of excessive use of alcohol (55% vs.
described a different set of problems from those 49%), eating disorders (20% vs. 16%), and bul-
described by mental health professionals work- lying (51% vs. 51%) were not related to school
ing with adolescents attending high school. In- size.
terpersonal conflict problems tend to take center Where the school is located also makes a dif-
stage during the middle school years, whereas ference. Professionals working in urban schools
drug and alcohol use are more prevalent in high (69%) were more likely (p ⬍ .01) to see depres-
school. Professionals working in middle schools sion as a problem than those working in rural
were considerably more likely (p ⬍ .001) to re- areas (53%). The same was true for fighting
port that bullying or picking on other students among students (59% vs. 33%) and weapon
(82% vs. 54%) and fighting (57% vs. 37%) are carrying (12% vs. 2%). At the same time, profes-
moderate or great problems than their counter- sionals in urban schools felt that alcohol abuse
parts working with high school students. At the was less of a problem than those working in rural
same time, high school professionals were more areas (40% vs. 52%).
likely (p ⬍ .001) to describe the use of illegal Regionally, mental health professionals work-
drugs (72% vs. 36%), excessive use of alcohol ing in the South tended to see fewer problems
(71% vs. 28%), drug dealing (31% vs. 12%), and than those working in other areas of the country.
illegal use of prescription drugs (23% vs. 7%) as For example, professionals in southern schools
problematic. (54%) were less likely (p ⬍ .01) to consider de-
Mental health conditions were also described pression problematic than their colleagues in the
as more prevalent in high schools than in middle Northeast (71%), Midwest (66%), and West
schools. Professionals in high schools were more (66%). Southerners also reported fewer problems
likely (p ⬍ .01) to say that depression (68% vs. regarding eating disorders, cutting, use of illegal
57%) and eating disorders (22% vs. 13%) are drugs, alcohol abuse, fighting, and weapon
problems to a great or moderate extent than pro- carrying than professionals in other regions. The
fessionals in middle schools. However, anxiety one exception was for abuse of prescription
disorders (44% vs. 42%) and cutting (26% vs. drugs, for which southerners saw more problems
26%) were seen as equally prevalent in middle than professionals working in other regions (p ⬍
and high schools. .01). Professionals working in the Northeast
We also found that larger schools tend to have (56%) were also more likely to describe anxiety
more problems than smaller ones. It is not clear disorders as a great or moderate problem than
whether this perception is the result of the sheer either southern (39%) or western (36%) mental
likelihood that more problems occur in a larger health professionals, with their counterparts in
school or that the prevalence is greater. Never- the Midwest (46%) falling in between.
theless, mental health conditions, such as de- The socioeconomic composition of the stu-
pression (69% vs. 48%), anxiety (44% vs. 32%), dent population (measured by the proportion of
and cutting (29% vs. 19%), were seen as more of students eligible for a free or reduced lunch pro-
a problem (p ⬍ .05) in schools with more than gram) also leads to differences in problems.
1,500 students than in schools with less than Abuse of alcohol and prescription drugs, eating
500 students. The same is true when it comes to disorders, and cutting tended to be more prob-
students engaging in risky behaviors (p ⬍ .01). lematic in wealthier schools than they were in
In particular, a solid majority of professionals schools with a higher proportion of low-income
(65%) working in schools with more than 1,500 students. At the same time, drug dealing, fight-
students reported that the use of illegal drugs is ing, bullying, and weapon carrying tended to be
a moderate or a great problem, compared to more problematic in low-income schools.
604 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

Half Offer Counseling on Premises the schools that do not have programs on site
refer students and families to outside providers.
Consistent with earlier research, we found that
many schools already offer at least some mental
health services on site (Table 31.4). About half of
the professionals reported that their schools of- Only Half Have a Full-Time Professional
fer counseling for conditions such as anxiety and
depression on school premises (47%), and many Only a little more than half of the schools sam-
(44%) have a program for dealing with students pled (53%) have full-time access to a mental
who have mental health issues, such as an SAP. health professional—a psychologist, counselor,
Most of the schools that do not offer counseling or social worker—whose main job is to deal with
on school premises are prepared to refer students students’ mental health issues. Even if one con-
to other providers in the community (48%). siders part-time staff, 23% do not even have ac-
Only 1 percent of professionals reported that cess to a part-time mental health professional.
their school neither provides counseling for de- But even if mental health professionals are not
pressed or anxious students nor refers these stu- always available, most schools employ other
dents to a service provider outside the school. health professionals. A slim majority of schools
Large proportions of schools (67%) also re- (51%) have a school nurse on the premises full-
ported the presence of programs to counsel stu- time, while an additional 32% of schools employ
dents on the prevention of alcohol and drug a part-time nurse. If one considers all potential
abuse or the prevention of suicide (68%). How- health professionals, including physicians and
ever, smaller proportions of schools have pro- nurses, then about 74% of schools have a full-
grams to help students who want to quit the use time health professional on site. If one considers
of tobacco (43%) or other drugs such as alcohol both full-time and part-time staff, then nearly all
(24%). schools (96%) have at least one health profes-
Schools are also less likely to be prepared to sional on site.
handle victims of abuse or the families of stu- Seven percent of schools have a full-service
dents with mental health conditions. Only 38% health center on school property where students
of schools offer counseling in the district for stu- can receive primary health care, including diag-
dents who are victims of physical, sexual, or nostic and treatment services by a doctor, nurse
emotional abuse, and only 29% offer counseling practitioner, or physician’s assistant. However,
or help for families of students who have a men- not all of these centers offer mental health ser-
tal health condition. Nevertheless, nearly all of vices (38% do not). It is clear that these centers

Table 31.4 Reported Availability of Services

How Provided

Provided at Provided by District Referred to Neither Provided

School but Not on Site Other Providers nor Referred
Service (%) (%) (%) (%)

Counseling for mental health 47 4 48 1

conditions, such as anxiety or de-
Counseling for students who are 34 4 61 1
victims of physical, sexual, or
emotional abuse
Counseling or help for families of 25 4 68 3
students who have a mental
health condition
Chapter 31 Roles of School Mental Health Professionals 605

Table 31.5 Health Resources by Region of the Country


Northeast Midwest West South Total

Health Resource (N ⫽ 226) (N ⫽ 349) (N ⫽ 492) (N ⫽ 333) (N ⫽ 1402)

School nurse 90a 84b 76c 84b 83

Counselor 62a 48b 50b 49b 51
Psychologist 58a 48c 55b 47c 51
Social worker 58 a
56 a
33 b
Student assistance 52a 54a 39b 37b 44
Physician or nurse 32a 16b 20b 17b 20
School-based health 8a 6a 7a 7a 7

Significant differences between regions are indicated by superscripts (p ⬍ .05).

Percentages not significantly different from the Northeast. (p ⬎ .05)
Percentages significantly lower than the Northeast (p ⬍ .05)
Percentages significantly lower than outcomes labeled by footnote b.

are currently only able to care for a small per- seling for mental health conditions on school
centage of adolescent mental health problems. premises than schools that do not receive Med-
Adolescents in some parts of the country are icaid funding (54% vs. 42%). These schools are
much more likely to have access to health pro- also more likely to employ a full-time psychol-
fessionals on school premises than others (Table ogist (21% vs. 13%) or social worker (24% vs.
31.5). In particular, schools in the Northeast are 15%). However, almost as high a percentage of
considerably more likely to employ mental schools with low proportions of poor students
health professionals than schools elsewhere in avail themselves of Medicaid funding as schools
the country. The regional gap is also reflected in with high proportions of poor students (41% vs.
the fact that 32% of the schools in the Northeast 48%).
employ a physician or nurse practitioner, As might be expected, we also found that
whereas nearly as high a percentage of schools larger schools are more likely to employ full-time
in the West (24%) do not even have a part-time mental health professionals than smaller
school nurse. schools. Professionals working in larger schools
We also found that schools located in both the were more likely to report that their school em-
Northeast (52%) and the Midwest (54%) are ploys a full-time school nurse, counselor, social
more likely (p ⬍ .01) to have a program, such as worker, or psychologist than mental health pro-
an SAP, for dealing with students who have men- fessionals working in smaller schools.
tal health issues than schools in the western
(39%) or southern (37%) parts of the country.
Such programs are also more common in schools What Do School Mental Health
with a wealthier student base, defined as less Professionals Do?
than 25 percent of the student body eligible for
free or reduced lunches, than schools in which What school mental health professionals do var-
more than half of students are eligible (53% vs. ies considerably both across and within their job
36%). This disparity is somewhat offset by the titles. We asked respondents with each of the
fact that schools that receive Medicaid funding three major job titles (Table 31.2) how they
for the purpose of providing health care services viewed their responsibilities in regard to mental
to their students are more likely to offer coun- health issues. The clearest finding (Table 31.6) is
606 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

Table 31.6 Self-Described Job Responsibilities by Job Title (% Great to Moderate Extent)


Counselor Psychologist Social Worker

Description (N ⫽ 675) (N ⫽ 374) (N ⫽ 154)

Refer students who may have a mental health condition 89 87 99

such as an anxiety disorder or depression to other pro-
fessionals for further testing and treatment
Identify students who may have a mental health condi- 65 82a 88a
tion such as an anxiety disorder or depression
Counsel students with mental health conditions 63 57a 86a
Develop programs to enhance the mental health of the 66 38a
entire student body
Counsel or help families of students who may have a 53 46a 82a
mental health condition
Administer tests to diagnose students with specific men- 6 68a 24a
tal health conditions such as an anxiety disorder or de-
Percentages were significantly different from counselors (p ⬍ .01).

that all three types of professionals viewed their this description, very few counselors (6%) and
job as referring students who might have a men- only about a quarter of social workers saw this
tal health condition such as depression or anxi- as part of their job.
ety disorder to other professionals for further These job descriptions suggest that school
testing and treatment. Social workers appear the mental health professionals can help to identify
most likely of the three to see their job as per- students with mental health conditions and pro-
forming any treatment themselves (86%). Both vide referrals but that actual treatment is more
counselors (63%) and psychologists (57%) often likely to occur elsewhere or with different pro-
viewed this as part of their job but not to the viders. Most school mental health professionals
same level as social workers. The same general are likely to refer students who are displaying
pattern appeared in regard to counseling par- symptoms of mental health conditions to an-
ents; only the large majority of social workers other professional for further testing and coun-
viewed this as their responsibility. seling. As seen in Table 31.7, roughly 8 in 10
When it comes to identifying students with school professionals would refer students who
potential mental health conditions, the vast were showing signs of depression (80%), anxiety
majority of psychologists (82%) and social (79%), or alcohol abuse (77%). Most of the rest
workers (88%) regarded this as part of their job. said they would be somewhat likely to do so.
However, a smaller yet significant majority of School mental health professionals are con-
school counselors agreed with this job descrip- siderably less likely to say that they would treat
tion (65%). Differences were also apparent or counsel students with potential mental health
when the development of mental health pro- problems themselves. In the case of depression,
grams for the entire school is considered. Here fewer than 40% said they would be very likely to
about two-thirds of counselors and social work- treat or counsel the student (Table 31.7). Even
ers agreed with this description, but less than fewer said they would be very likely to treat or
40% of psychologists viewed this as a priority. counsel students who were displaying symptoms
School psychologists appear to have the major of an anxiety disorder (30%) or alcohol abuse
responsibility of administering tests to identify (27%). Sizable minorities indicated that they
mental health conditions in students. Whereas would not be too likely or would not be likely at
about two-thirds of psychologists agreed with all to treat or counsel students who were de-
Chapter 31 Roles of School Mental Health Professionals 607

Table 31.7 Likely Course of Action in Treating a Student with a Common Mental Condition:
Refer to Another Professional or Treat (% Very Likely)


Counselor Psychologist Social Worker Other Total

Condition and Action Taken (N ⫽ 675) (N ⫽ 374) (N ⫽ 154) (N ⫽ 199) (N ⫽ 1402)

Alcohol Abuse
Refer 75 77 83 82 77
Treat 30 17a 33 26a 27

Refer 75 81 86 88a 80
Treat 38 33 a
47 25 a

Refer 80 73 81 85 79
Treat 31 28 42a 24a 30

All differences between rates of referral and treatment within each condition were statistically significant, p ⬍ .01.
Significant differences (p ⬍ .01) compared to counselors.

pressed (27%), had an anxiety disorder (34%), or working with students who have mental health
were using excessive amounts of alcohol (38%). issues were considerably more likely to consider
depression (73% vs. 52%), anxiety disorders
(52% vs. 33%), cutting (31% vs. 18%), and eating
Limited Time for Direct Care of Students disorders (21% vs. 14%) to be a problem in their
school to a great or moderate extent than pro-
Counseling or working with students who have fessionals who spent less time with such stu-
mental health problems is clearly not the only dents (all differences significant at p ⬍ .01).
thing that school mental health professionals
do. Most school professionals actually spend
much of their time doing other things. A major- Processes for Referrals, but Not
ity of professionals (76%) spend less than half of Necessarily for Identification
their work week counseling or working with stu-
dents who have mental health problems, and Given the extent to which mental health profes-
nearly half (47%) do this for less than 10 hours sionals have to stretch their time, it is important
a week. A small minority (9%) spends more than to understand the procedures that schools em-
30 hours per week on this activity. ploy to identify and deal with students who may
Not only do school professionals divide their have a mental health condition. We found that
time between a multitude of tasks, some also a solid majority of professionals claimed their
work in more than one school. Although a solid schools have a clearly defined and coordinated
majority of professionals (69%) spend all their process for providing referrals for students who
time in one school, 31% said they work in more may have a mental health condition. However,
than one school. Among psychologists, a solid having an equally clear process for identifying, di-
majority (62%) reported that they work in more agnosing, or treating students is less common.
than one school. In particular, 66% of professionals said their
Spending more time working with students school has a “clearly defined and coordinated
who have mental health issues may sensitize one process for providing referrals to students who
to the problem. Mental health professionals who may have a mental health condition.” However,
spent at least 10 hours a week counseling or before students can be referred for further testing
608 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

and counseling, their condition needs to reach their teachers to identify mental health prob-
the attention of the professional in charge of re- lems.
ferrals. Schools are less likely to have a clearly Another potential way to increase the likeli-
defined and coordinated process for identifying hood that students will seek and find help when
students who may have a mental health condi- necessary is to teach students to identify poten-
tion than they are to have a referral process. tial symptoms of mental health conditions in
Only 37% of professionals said that their schools themselves and in peers. A sizable minority of
have a process to a great extent for identifying schools (38%) follows this practice for all or most
students. As many (37%) are in schools with a of the students. However, in a solid majority of
moderately clear process, and one in four said schools (59%), only some or none of them are
(25%) their process is only coordinated to a small taught these skills. Schools in the Northeast
extent or not at all. (49%) and Midwest (48%) are more likely (p
Schools are even less likely to have a clear pro- ⬍ .01) to teach students to identify symptoms of
cess for diagnosing students with a specific men- mental health conditions than schools in the
tal health condition. In fact, about half of pro- West (32%) or the South (30%).
fessionals said (51%) their schools have a It is also important that students feel com-
diagnostic process that is clearly defined and co- fortable asking for help themselves when they
ordinated only to a small extent or not at all. feel they need it. Most schools seem to recognize
Only half of professionals (49%) are in schools this, as a strong majority of professionals re-
with a very (26%) or moderately (23%) clear and ported that all (60%) or most (21%) of the stu-
coordinated diagnostic process. dents in their school are encouraged to seek help
Similarly, the process for treating students if they think they or their peers might have a
with mental health conditions is clear to only a mental health condition. About 57% of respon-
small extent or not at all in the about half of dents reported that they encouraged all of the
schools (53%). Less than half of professionals parents in their school to seek help if they need
(46%) are in schools that have a very (17%) or it; 20% reported that they encouraged most of
moderately (29%) clear and defined process for the parents in their school in the same way.
treating students. When it comes to identifying students who
may have mental health issues, “clearly defined
and coordinated” often means that the entire
Procedures for Identification school is involved. Mental health professionals
who said that their school’s program for identi-
One way to minimize the chance that students fying students is clearly defined and coordinated
with problems are overlooked is to systemati- to a great extent were more likely to indicate that
cally screen the entire student population. At not only mental health professionals but also
present, however, only 2% of schools screen all other professionals working in the school are in-
and only 7% screen most of their students for volved in the identification process. In particu-
mental health problems. Although a majority of lar, higher proportions (p ⬍ .01) of teachers (77%
schools (63%) report screening some of the stu- vs. 46%), supervisors of after-school programs
dents, about 26% conduct no screening at all. (77% vs. 46%), health care professionals (70% vs.
One solution to increasing the identification 54%), and administrators (66% vs. 44%) have at
of students in need of assistance is to train teach- least moderate responsibility for identifying stu-
ers to identify symptoms of mental health con- dents than professionals who described their
ditions. Here the situation is a little more en- identification process as only coordinated to a
couraging. Only about 19% of schools provide small extent or not at all.
no training at all to teachers in identifying men- We asked school professionals to evaluate how
tal health problems in students. However, it is well various staff members identify students
unusual for schools to train all (9%) or most with mental conditions. The results shown in Ta-
(12%) of the teachers to identify such problems. ble 31.8 indicate that among those responsible
A little more than half (53%) trains only some of for identifying students with potential mental
Chapter 31 Roles of School Mental Health Professionals 609

Table 31.8 Perceived Success of Staff in Identifying Students with a

Mental Health Condition (if Responsible for This Activity)


Somewhat Somewhat or
Staff Category Very Good Good Very Bad
(% Responsible) (%) (%) (%)

Mental health professionals (97%) 73 25 1

Health care professionals, such as 56 37 4
school nurse (86%)
Principal or assistant principal (92%) 38 50 9
Teachers (96%) 33 59 8
Coaches and other adults who su- 19 54 17
pervise after-school activities (87%)

health problems, mental health professionals be- Students are seen as somewhat less likely to
lieved that both they and school nurses do a very ask for help on their own accord. About 38% of
good job. However, it is possible for teachers, ad- school professionals said that students do not of-
ministrators, and coaches to do a good job as ten approach them on their own. Yet, a majority
well. (60%) said this happens at least somewhat often.
According to our respondents, mental health Sometimes peers identify students with mental
professionals and teachers are the ones who are health concerns, although school professionals
seen as most often identifying a student who were divided on how frequently this occurs. A
needs mental health services (Table 31.9). At the slim majority (52%) said that peers identify stu-
same time, more than half of respondents said dents who may have a mental health condition
that referrals by parents, peers, or the students at least somewhat often, but nearly as many
themselves are also somewhat common. About (46%) said this happens not too often or not at
19% of school professionals reported that stu- all.
dents who use the school’s mental health ser- Adolescents in schools where the students are
vices very often do so because they were referred taught to identify symptoms of mental health
by parents, and over half (55%) said parents are conditions are said to be more likely (p ⬍ .01) to
the initiating party somewhat often. At the same enter the system on their own accord (65% vs.
time, school professionals (24%) indicated that 47%) or because peers identified them (60% vs.
parents are not too often or not often at all in- 33%) than adolescents in schools where only
volved. some or none of the students learn these skills.

Table 31.9 Perceived Source of Identification of Students Needing Attention

for a Mental Health Condition


Very often Often Not Too Often Not Often at All
Source of Identification (%) (%) (%) (%)

School mental health professional 43 45 8 3

Teacher 29 54 13 3
Parent or guardian 19 55 20 4
Students on their own 16 44 28 10
Another student 10 42 32 14
610 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

Barriers to Receiving Care center than schools that serve wealthier students
(fewer than 25% qualify) (13% vs. 4%, p ⬍ .01).
We asked school professionals to evaluate two Second, professionals serving in low-income
common barriers to receiving mental health schools are more likely to report that their school
care: inadequate insurance coverage and inade- has a well-defined process for treating students
quate treatment resources in the community. A with mental health problems (24% vs. 15%, p
large proportion of professionals (85%) reported ⬍ .05). In addition, schools that avail themselves
agreement with the statement that “inadequate of Medicaid funding are more likely (p ⬍ .01) to
insurance coverage prevents many students have a very clearly defined and coordinated pro-
from getting the mental health services they cess for diagnosing (31% vs. 21%) and treating
need.” In addition, 54% of professionals agreed (20% vs. 13%) students who may have a mental
with the statement that the “treatment resources health condition. Schools that have Medicaid
for adolescent mental health are adequate in the funding are also slightly more likely (p ⬍ .05) to
community.” These evaluations suggest that screen all or most students for mental health
school professionals see the treatment barriers problems (9% vs. 7%). Nevertheless, as noted
often cited by panels such as the President’s New earlier, schools with high proportions of poor
Freedom Commission as significant problems in students are only marginally more likely to take
the schools. advantage of Medicaid funding than schools
Similar to primary care physicians who see ad- with wealthier students (48% vs. 41%).
olescents for routine check-ups (see Chapter 30), Despite the signs that schools serving low-
mental health professionals working in rural income students deliver more care, other prac-
schools (52%) were more likely (p ⬍ .01) to in- tices promoting mental health are more likely to
dicate that the resources in their community are take place in wealthier schools. Students who go
inadequate than mental health professionals to schools in which fewer than 25 percent of the
working in suburban (44%) or urban (41%) student body qualify for the free or reduced
schools. As a whole, mental health professionals lunch program are more likely (p ⬍ .01) to be
gave a more positive picture of community re- taught to identify symptoms of mental health
sources than primary care physicians. Compared conditions in themselves and others than stu-
to fewer than half of school mental health pro- dents who go to schools with a large low-income
fessionals (46%), a solid majority of primary care population (50% vs. 27%). Parents in wealthier
physicians (67%) reported that the treatment re- schools are also encouraged to a greater extent
sources for adolescent mental health disorders to get involved in identifying students who need
are inadequate in their community (Chapter 30). help (62% vs. 53%). Perhaps as a consequence,
professionals working in schools with a wealth-
ier student population are more likely (p ⬍ .01)
Schools Serving Low-Income Students Differ to report that students who are using the mental
from Higher-Income Schools health services offered by the school often seek
them on their own accord (65% vs. 53%) or be-
Adolescents going to schools in which a high cause they were identified by another student
proportion of their classmates come from low- (62% vs. 39%).
income households are no more likely to have
mental health services available than adoles-
cents going to wealthier schools. In fact, as noted Evaluation of Available Services
earlier, SAPs are actually less available in schools
with high proportions of poor students. There To assess the quality and effectiveness of the
are signs, however, that schools serving low- available programs and services from the per-
income students try to provide more services on spective of school professionals, we examined
site. First, schools that serve mostly low-income three somewhat related outcomes that might
students (more than 75% qualify for free lunch) serve as criteria for the success of the services cur-
are more likely to have a school-based health rently in place in schools serving adolescents
Chapter 31 Roles of School Mental Health Professionals 611

Table 31.10 Distributions of Response to Program Effectiveness Questions

Received Received
Overall Services in Services on
Effectiveness % Total % Site %

Very effective 18 All 7 All 7

Somewhat effective 67 Most 30 Most 24
Not too effective 13 About 1⁄2 29 About 1⁄2 20
Not at all effective 2 About ⁄4 1
17 About ⁄4
Don’t know 1 Only a few 13 Only a few 26
Don’t know 4 Don’t know 4

(Table 31.10). The first was a rating of the overall the weak performance of most of the school pro-
effectiveness of the school’s services. Most pro- grams, there was considerable variation in per-
fessionals (85%), regardless of the demographic ceived success in delivering care to students in
characteristics of their schools, described the need, with a solid core of school professionals
mental health services offered in their schools as seeing their schools’ programs as reaching most
at least somewhat effective. However, only about of the students in need.
18% believed they are “very effective,” with 67%
characterizing the services offered as just “some-
what effective.” Fifteen percent of respondents Predictors of School Effectiveness
described their mental health services as “not
too effective” or “not effective at all.” Which of the things that schools do to promote
A second set of outcomes, school profession- the mental health of their students best predict
als’ estimates of how well their programs con- whether a school is evaluated as effective in deal-
nect students in their school with needed mental ing with students who may have a mental health
health services, depends on their perceptions of condition? To answer this question, we first con-
the need for such services. These perceptions var- ducted a factor analysis of the services and pro-
ied widely, but on average, school professionals grams provided, including the professionals on
estimated that 18 percent of adolescents are in staff and the procedures for identification and
need of “counseling for mental health condi- screening as well as those for diagnosis, treat-
tions such as anxiety disorders or depression.” ment, and referral. We then grouped the results
According to several estimates, approximately of this analysis into 10 factors that represented
20 percent of adolescents suffer from a diagnos- the dominant clusters of services, providers, and
able mental disorder (U.S. Department of Health policies in place in schools. The 10 factors were
and Human Services, 2000), so their estimates then entered stepwise into a regression analysis
were clearly in line with prevailing evidence. after first holding constant demographic differ-
More than half of professionals (59%) esti- ences between schools, including region of the
mated that only about half or fewer of students country, size of school, type of school (primary,
who are in need of counseling actually receive middle, high, other), urban vs. rural location,
these services either at school or elsewhere. Only percent of students eligible for free lunch, use of
about 37% of professionals reported that all (7%) Medicaid funding for health services, and differ-
or most (30%) of the students receive the care ences between respondents, including age, gen-
they need. When asked about the proportion der, professional title, length of service at school,
that receives the services they need on site, the and number of hours per week spent on coun-
level of success understandably dropped even seling of students. We also included the two
lower. In this case, 65% of professionals esti- measures that assessed the adequacy of treat-
mated that half or fewer of the students received ment resources in the community and the im-
the services they needed at the school. Despite portance of access to health insurance as an ob-
612 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

stacle to receiving care in the community. Schools that had mental health professionals
Because the three measures of school effective- on site full time and that had screening programs
ness were only moderately correlated with each and staff training for identification of mental
other (r values ranging from .30 to .40), we an- health problems were more likely to perform
alyzed each one separately. well on overall effectiveness and on delivery of
Table 31.11 shows the results of the analysis services in total. Schools that encouraged stu-
for each outcome: overall evaluation of the dents and parents to seek care performed well on
school’s mental health program, proportion of the two service delivery outcomes. Finally,
students in need of services who received them schools that had student health centers were
in total, and proportion of students in need of seen as more effective in providing services on
services who received them primarily at school. site. Prevention programs for problems such as
Five of the 10 school program factors consis- suicide and drugs as well as SAPs did not appear
tently predicted success. Schools that had well- to add any incremental effectiveness beyond the
defined and coordinated processes for both iden- other programs.
tifying and referring students and for diagnosing In addition to the programs employed in the
and treating them were significantly more likely school, community resources outside the school
to perform well on all three criteria. The same also mattered. Schools were judged more effec-
was true of schools that had staff that were ef- tive and providing more services if the treatment
fective in identifying students at risk for mental resources for students in the community were
health problems, as well as schools that had viewed as adequate. In addition, it was seen as
counseling programs on site and schools that easier to deliver services to students if their fam-
were in communities with adequate treatment ilies had insurance coverage for mental health
resources. treatment.

Table 31.11 Regression Analysis of Three School Program Outcomes as a

Function of Program Characteristics (Significant Standardized Coefficients)


Receipt of Services Receipt of Services in

Program Factor Overall Effectiveness (Total) School

Procedures for identification .201 .125 .081

and Referral
Staff effectiveness in identi- .134 .057 .047a
fying students
Mental health professionals .133 .064 —
on staff
Screening programs and staff .110 .061 —
Good treatment resources in .098 .052a .062
Counseling programs on site .104 .059 .197
Procedures for diagnosis or .053 .162 .229
Parents and students en- — .135 .048
couraged to seek care
Adequate insurance for — .105 —
mental health care
Student health center — — .050

Adjusted R2 were 26.1% for effectiveness, 18.5% for total service, and 22.5% for service on site.
p ⬍.10
Chapter 31 Roles of School Mental Health Professionals 613

When we examined the many school and re- who experience substance use dependency are
spondent characteristics in the analysis, a few either not appropriately treated (see Chapter 29)
school characteristics were consistent predictors or, when they are treated, do not receive care for
of success. In particular, professionals working in comorbid mental health conditions (Jaycox,
middle schools consistently saw their schools as Morral, & Juvonen, 2003). Indeed, it is disheart-
more effective and as delivering services to a ening to find that so few schools (24%) have
higher proportion of students. Schools with high treatment programs for drug dependence avail-
proportions of students eligible for free lunch able on site. Hence, our findings indicate that
and those in rural areas were more likely to have despite the considerable resources devoted to ad-
successful programs for delivering care on site. olescent mental health in schools, the unmet
In addition, professionals working in schools in need for services remains large and is unlikely to
the Northeast and South felt their programs did be reduced without additional resources devoted
a better job of delivering services on site than to the prevention and identification of mental
those working in the West and Midwest. How- health problems.
ever, perceptions of overall school effectiveness In view of our findings, it is not surprising that
did not vary by region of the country, urbanity, many school professionals say they could use
or income. more help to identify and treat students in need
of care. In a separate set of questions, roughly
half of mental health professionals (47%) said
SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION that having more mental health professionals is
one of the top ways that the mental health ser-
This survey of school professionals’ knowledge vices in their school could be improved. More
about mental health issues supports the need for than half of mental health professionals (53%)
increased resources and programming in the said they very often feel limited by time con-
nations’ schools for adolescent mental health straints to adequately assess and deal with stu-
promotion and care. Mental health problems are dents who may have a mental health condition.
seen as extremely prevalent in schools that serve Many mental health professionals (32%) also re-
adolescents, and the schools are seen as only ported feeling hampered because of a lack of
somewhat effective in meeting the mental available support resources.
health needs of students. Most schools have a Despite the limitations in the school mental
well-defined and coordinated program to refer health system, the results suggest that some
students for mental health problems. However, schools have the capability of identifying stu-
a much smaller proportion of schools have a dents with mental conditions sufficiently early
similar system to identify students who may need so that school staff can take appropriate action.
assistance. Although about half of schools have Schools that are seen as doing this effectively in-
some form of counseling on site to help students volve the entire professional staff as well as stu-
with mental health concerns, resources in these dents to identify persons needing help. They also
programs are stretched very thin, with most pro- encourage parents and students to identify
fessionals not able to spend even half their time themselves if they feel that they are in need of
on these activities. mental health evaluation. Nevertheless, most
The findings that depression and substance schools do not have adequate diagnostic and
use are highly prevalent and serious problems, treatment facilities on site, and so many students
especially in high schools, is consistent with need to be referred to outside providers for care.
considerable research indicating that most ado- In these schools, mental health professionals
lescents with mental health problems do not re- serve primarily as facilitators of early identifica-
ceive appropriate treatment for their conditions tion and referral for mental health care. They are
(Kataoka, Zhang, & Wells, 2002; Sturm, Ringel, also in the best position to train teachers and
& Andreyeva, 2003). In addition, adolescent sub- other staff in the adoption of other schoolwide
stance use is often comorbid with mental health practices that can create a favorable climate for
conditions (see Part V). However, adolescents promoting mental health.
614 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

One possible direction for mental health care is inadequate insurance coverage for mental
in the schools is to increase the presence of health treatment. However, it is encouraging
school-based health centers. At present, very few that schools with high proportions of poor
schools have these facilities, and many of those youth are reported to be able to provide mental
that exist do not have the capability to provide health services in schools. This may reflect the
a full range of mental health care. This approach use of Medicaid funding to provide those ser-
will take considerable time and cost to imple- vices or greater ability to bill for services under
ment. However, based on the perceived effect- State Children’s Health Insurance Programs.
iveness of the programs that are currently in Despite evidence that schools serving poor
place in many schools, it is possible to have an children are managing to deliver mental health
effective program that provides some counseling services, it is also clear that many of these
on site for less serious mental health conditions schools do not avail themselves of Medicaid
if the entire school is poised to identify students funding to provide mental health services. Use
in need of help. If these programs were supple- of Medicaid funding appears to be nearly as prev-
mented by other schoolwide programs that can alent in schools serving wealthier students as in
advance the positive development of students those serving poorer students. Hence, there ap-
(see Romer, 2003; Chapter 26, this volume), pears to be a large opportunity to improve the
many student mental health problems may also delivery of services to poor youth by greater use
be prevented. of Medicaid funds than is currently the practice.
The approach that emphasizes prevention A major limitation in our research’s conclu-
and schoolwide programming is consistent with sions regarding effective services is that we relied
recent calls for school mental health profession- completely on school professionals’ perceptions
als to adopt more of a public health outlook on of their programs. However, we did hold con-
their role (Adelman & Taylor, 2000; Atkins et al., stant many characteristics of both the respon-
2003; Hoagwood & Johnson, 2003; Weist & dents and their schools. Hence, the relations
Christodulu, 2000). This approach emphasizes between school programs and perceived effect-
universal programming that can also be supple- iveness were not simply the result of those char-
mented by selective programs for students in acteristics. It remains for future research to eval-
need of special care. Such an approach focuses uate the effectiveness of school programs using
on the strengths of school mental health profes- actual mental health outcomes as criteria. In
sionals as the experts on mental health in school conducting this research, our findings suggest
settings without taxing their time and skills to that schoolwide programs that involve the entire
provide one-on-one counseling and treatment teaching and administrative staff as well as par-
for students who need selective and indicated ents and students should be evaluated as poten-
care better provided by other mental health spe- tial strategies to promote the mental health of
cialists. This facilitator role is already consistent students. Universal screening programs, such as
with how school mental health professionals the Columbia Teen Screen (McGuire & Flynn,
view their job; the majority view their work as 2003), could also be evaluated as potential mech-
identifying students in need of further care and anisms to identify and refer students in need of
providing referral to other providers for treat- further diagnosis and care.
ment. According to the President’s New Freedom
Even if schools could do a perfect job of iden- Commission on Mental Health (2003),
tifying students at risk for mental health prob-
lems, two major barriers to effective care for ad- In a transformed mental health system, the
olescents would remain. One is the inadequacy early detection of mental health problems in
of treatment resources in the community, a re- children and adults—through routine and
ality endorsed by school professionals as well as comprehensive testing and screening—will
primary care providers (Chapter 30). This barrier be an expected and typical occurrence. At
is greatest in rural areas where appropriate med- the first sign of difficulties, preventive inter-
ical providers are less available. A second barrier ventions will be started to keep problems
Chapter 31 Roles of School Mental Health Professionals 615

from escalating . . . Quality screening and expect a call to participate in the study in the
early intervention will occur in both readily coming weeks. In addition, the principals as well
accessible, low-stigma settings, such as pri- as the respondents were told that for their par-
mary health care facilities and schools. ticipation a $20,000 charitable donation would
be made in the name of all participating schools
Our findings indicate that this objective is at- to an organization that works to improve mental
tainable in the nations’ schools if we are willing health care among adolescents. The letter also
to make the needed investments. gave a toll-free telephone number so that mental
health professionals could call in and take the
survey at their own convenience.
The sample was released for interviewing in
Survey Methodology replicates, which are representative subsamples
of the larger sample. Use of replicates to control
To assess the status of mental health services pro- the release of sample ensures that complete call
vided in American schools and to learn what procedures are followed for the entire sample.
types of barriers and opportunities school men-
tal health service providers face, the Annenberg
Public Policy Center commissioned Princeton
Response Rate
Survey Research Associates International (PSRAI)
to conduct a nationwide telephone survey of
The response rate estimates the fraction of all el-
1,402 school mental health professionals. The
igible schools in the sample where a mental
survey was funded by the Sunnylands Adoles-
health professional was interviewed. At PSRAI,
cent Mental Health Initiative and follows a fall
the response rate is calculated by taking the
2003 survey that examined the attitudes and
product of three component rates as recom-
practices of 727 primary care physicians who
mended by the American Association for Public
regularly treat adolescents.
Opinion Research:
A total of 1,402 school-based mental health
professionals were interviewed by Princeton
Data Source, LLC, between April 5 and May 28, • Contact rate: the proportion of working
2004. The margin of sampling error for results numbers through which a request for inter-
based on the full sample is 2.6%. Details on the view was made (84%)
design, execution, and analysis of the survey are • Cooperation rate: the proportion of con-
discussed below. tacted numbers through which a consent for
interview was at least initially obtained, vs.
those refused (87%)
Contact Procedures • Completion rate: the proportion of initially
cooperating and eligible interviews that
Interviews were conducted by telephone from were completed (100%)
April 5 to May 28, 2004. A minimum of 20 at-
tempts were made to contact a mental health The response rate for the survey was 72%.
professional at each school. Calls were staggered
over different times of the day and days of the
week to maximize the chance of making contact Acknowledgments
with potential respondents. Prior to being called,
the principal of each school was sent a letter in- We wish to thank Marc Atkins, Kimberly Hoag-
troducing the research and explaining that a wood, and James G. Kelly for their helpful
mental health professional in the school could comments on an earlier version of this chapter.
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A Call to Action on Adolescent
Mental Health

Kathleen Hall Jamieson

and Daniel Romer

c h a p t e r
618 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

In this final chapter, we summarize important gresses. Stigma reduction throughout society
policy implications of the commission reports should also increase the likelihood that those
and highlight steps they suggest to advance the who have been successfully treated will lead pro-
healthy development of America’s youth. The re- ductive and satisfying lives.
ports provide a hopeful assessment of our ability
to treat the most prevalent adolescent disorders.
At the same time, enormous hurdles remain in RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE USE OF
our ability to deliver these treatments, and our MEDICATION TO TREAT ADOLESCENT
knowledge base of effective treatments still has DEPRESSION
important gaps. These considerations suggest
that we face formidable challenges if we wish to As this book goes to press, there is vigorous dis-
ensure the healthy development of our youth. cussion about the safety and efficacy of anti-
Nevertheless, our ever-growing understanding of depressants in particular, selective serotonin
environments that encourage healthy develop- reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), for treatment of ad-
ment bodes well for our future ability to both olescent depression. Many clinical trials sup-
treat and prevent adolescent mental disorder. ported by the pharmaceutical industry suggest
the potential for adverse events in the use of
SSRIs, including increased suicidal ideation and
TREATMENT WORKS suicide attempts (Harris, 2004a, b). Unfortu-
nately, these trials were often kept from public
The good news in the commission reports is that view. This has led to increased pressure to make
the most common disorders (anxiety and de- all clinical trials involving drugs available for
pression) have effective treatments that can help public inspection. In addition, an FDA panel has
more than 70% of those who are afflicted. Those determined that these trials support the conclu-
who do not respond to particular treatments sion that SSRIs may carry an increased risk for
can be given alternative therapies that can raise suicidal ideation or behavior for a small propor-
the success rate even higher. Although combi- tion of users (perhaps 2 or 3%) and as a result
nation treatments involving both drugs and labels warning of these effects will now be placed
psychotherapy are often most effective, it is also on all antidepressants (FDA, 2004).
the case that psychotherapy, in particular A recent trial with adolescents suffering from
cognitive-behavior (CBT) or interpersonal (IPT) major depression (Glass, 2004; March et al.,
approaches, can reduce symptoms and lead to 2004) indicated that treatment with a particular
improvement without the use of medication. SSRI (Prozac) was less likely to produce adverse
There is also progress in the treatment of the events when combined with CBT. Based on this
less prevalent conditions. Treatments for bipolar evidence as well as considerable research sug-
disorder have a high success rate, and therapeu- gesting the effectiveness of CBT as well as IPT
tic interventions for anorexia nervosa can lead with adolescents (reviewed by the depression-
to recovery from this illness. Early intervention bipolar commission), it may be that combined
can also benefit those with schizophrenia, re- treatment is the best approach for adolescents
ducing the severity of the illness and leading to who present with depression and suicidal
better adaptation to the disorder. Since many thoughts or behaviors. Since many physicians
with severe mental disorders are at risk for sui- and mental health providers may not be trained
cide, these interventions can be not only life al- to deliver CBT or IPT, there is a clear need to in-
tering but also life saving. crease the number of practitioners who can pro-
As discussed below, the findings also have im- vide these alternatives. Use of CBT or IPT may be
portant implications for the reduction of stigma the preferred alternative for less severe cases,
associated with mental illness. Public awareness since it has proven efficacy and does not run the
of the effectiveness of treatment for mental dis- risk of increased suicidal behavior.
orders should increase the willingness of parents It is encouraging to note the appearance of
and youth to seek treatment before illness pro- several initiatives designed to increase public ac-
Chapter 32 A Call to Action 619

cess to the results of clinical trials evaluating the on Mental Health, 2003). The earlier a condition
effects of therapeutic interventions. Eleven ma- is identified and treatment begun, the less seri-
jor medical journals have established a policy re- ous the course of illness and the lower the like-
quiring the registration of such trials at incep- lihood that it will disrupt healthy adolescent de-
tion before findings can be considered for velopment. This is particularly important for
publication (DeAngelis, Drazen, Frizelle, Haug, substance dependence, including smoking, be-
Hoey, Horton, et al., 2004). The American Med- cause there is evidence of nervous system plas-
ical Association has endorsed the concept of a ticity during adolescence. A drug habit learned
federally mandated registry of clinical trials early produces brain changes that may be life-
(Council of Scientific Affairs, 2004). Legislation long. If early detection and treatment of mental
mandating registration has been introduced in disorders were the norm, the possibility of re-
both the House and Senate (Fair Access to Clin- ducing subsequent disorder would be increased.
ical Trials Act, 2004). All of these efforts encour- Furthermore, given the high rates of mental dis-
age greater use of the existing federally- orders as precursors to suicide, their early treat-
sponsored but voluntary repository of clinical ment would boost our chances of preventing this
trails, We look forward to fatal outcome in youth.
the eventual open access to all results regarding Because it is clear that early detection and re-
the efficacy of medication and other therapies as ferral for treatment should be a high national
well as reports of adverse reactions experienced priority, it is disappointing to learn from re-
following regulatory approval. search conducted as part of the commissions
(Chapters 30 and 31) that the primary care sys-
tem and schools are inadequately prepared to
TREATMENT FOR SUBSTANCE ABUSE meet this challenge. Primary care physicians are
not trained to detect mental disorders or sub-
Treatment for drug dependence in adolescents stance abuse problems, and most do not employ
raises a host of issues because some drugs of de- screening programs to identify youth at risk for
pendence (e.g., marijuana) are banned by law these conditions. A similar situation exists in the
and their use is treated as criminal behavior. This schools where mental health professionals do
is unfortunate because dependence on most not have the resources to identify youth at risk
drugs can be successfully treated if the family is for problems. As a result, schools do not inter-
involved in the therapy (see Chapter 18). Fur- vene until illnesses progress and come to the at-
thermore, drug dependence is often comorbid tention of staff. Unfortunately, the most com-
with other mental conditions that would benefit mon disorders in adolescence (depression,
from treatment as a medical problem rather than anxiety, and substance abuse) are not as easily
as criminal behavior. Because the treatment sys- recognized as conduct disorder and attention-
tem for substance abuse is not integrated with deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), condi-
treatment for mental conditions (see below), tions that make their first appearance in the
those with both suffer needlessly. elementary years. Waiting until adolescent con-
ditions seriously interfere with school perfor-
mance forestalls treatment and reduces the odds
EARLY DETECTION AND TREATMENT AS A of successful recovery.
PREVENTION STRATEGY Treatment systems also are poorly designed
for delivering care to adolescents. The most glar-
It is now clear that most cases of adult mental ing example of this, treatment for substance
disorders make their first appearance prior to or abuse, is a case study of inadequate response to
during adolescence (Kim-Cohen, et al., 2003; a large but potentially manageable problem
Roza, Hofstra, van der Ende, & Verhulst, 2003). (Chapter 29). The long-standing dichotomy be-
This reality makes the early detection and treat- tween treatment for drug dependence and other
ment of mental disorders even more critical (see mental conditions creates a barrier that prevents
also The President’s New Freedom Commission comprehensive treatment. Since substance abuse
620 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

and mental conditions often co-occur, they newal in 2004, and several changes have been
should be treated within the same service sys- proposed in the latest legislation to make cov-
tem. Furthermore, substance dependence treat- erage of mental health conditions more inclu-
ment programs often employ ineffective inter- sive. Achievement of full parity is an important
ventions despite the existence of evidence-based policy goal. As a report by the Congressional
therapies (involving the family) that can pro- Research Service notes (Redhead, 2003), “Re-
duce greater treatment adherence and success. quiring parity for mental health benefits estab-
The integration of treatment services (mental lishes a uniform ‘floor’ of mental health cov-
health, addiction treatment, behavioral health) erage across all plans.” This has the desirable
across different practitioners in different settings effect of reducing wasteful competition among
(primary care, specialty care, schools, juvenile health-insurers to attract the least risky policy-
justice) requires coordination that is difficult to holders. In addition, experience in the imple-
achieve under the current health care system. mentation of full parity in federal health in-
New systems of treatment for mental health that surance programs indicates that the short-term
integrate services are sorely needed. As noted in increases in costs are small (about 1.6% in fee-
Chapter 28 by Hoagwood, several states, most for-service plans and less than 1% in managed
notably Hawaii, Michigan, and New York, are at- care) (Redhead, 2003). Hence, short-term cost
tempting to implement new public programs does not appear to be a barrier to the imple-
that include evidence-based treatments and are mentation of full parity for mental health
coordinating structures to ensure that youth are services, and the long-term cost savings and
effectively served. We await further evaluations benefits to consumers should make parity cost-
of these programs to see if they can solve the effective.
service fragmentation problems that have Despite the importance of parity legislation,
plagued mental health treatment for both youth this policy effort also has serious limitations. At
and adults. least 15% of Americans have no health insurance
coverage whatsoever (Mills & Bhandari, 2003).
This means that nearly 12% of youth under the
UNIVERSAL PREVENTION age of 18 and 30% of young people between the
ages of 18 and 24 without coverage will not be
Aside from early detection of mental disorders, helped by parity. In addition, parity legislation
there is growing evidence that universal preven- affects only those whose insurance already in-
tion programs in schools and other youth set- cludes coverage for mental health, and it does
tings can help to increase resilience to stress and not cover treatment for substance dependence
encourage healthy growth and decision making. (Redhead, 2003). Hence, even if the current par-
The evidence in the case of drugs and alcohol as ity legislation were enacted, it would not solve
well as depression is particularly encouraging the problems inherent in the current system of
(see Chapters 3, 19, and 26). Suicide prevention treatment for mental health.
programs are also showing encouraging signs A potentially favorable development in the
(see Chapter 24). However, in our recommen- search for solutions to inadequate mental health
dations for further research (below), we observe coverage is the prospect that managed care pro-
that much remains to be learned about these grams, which now cover more than half of youth
programs. (Glied & Neufield, 2001), will evolve to ade-
quately ensure treatment for mental conditions.
One approach adopted by managed care in-
INSURANCE COVERAGE volves the use of specialized services or “carve-
outs” for behavioral treatment. Through this ap-
No discussion of treatment problems can proach, costs for mental health services can be
ignore the weaknesses in insurance coverage contained while patients are directed to appro-
for mental health. The Mental Health Parity priate care by specialists (Conti, Frank, & Mc-
law that went into effect in 1998 is due for re- Guire, 2004). In principle, the short-term costs of
Chapter 32 A Call to Action 621

mental health services can be effectively man- of treatment and the reality that persons with
aged. Nevertheless, it remains to be seen if man- mental disorders can lead productive lives is a
aged care can adequately accommodate youth strategy that deserves the support of the advo-
who require more long-term treatment to either cacy community and government agencies. The
complete a full course of psychotherapy or main- current mental health media campaign spon-
tain treatment and avoid relapse (Glied & Neu- sored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
field, 2001; Kelleher, Scholle, Feldman, & Nace, Services Administration (SAMHSA) as part of its
1999). Elimination of Barriers Initiative (2004) is one
Another challenge for managed care and example of such an effort.
other insurance plans is to identify those prac-
titioners who can treat adolescent mental prob-
lems effectively. Surveys of both primary care RESEARCH NEEDS
providers and school mental health profession-
als indicate widespread dissatisfaction with the Estimates of the economic costs of mental and
quality of care available in local communities for substance abuse disorders in the United States
adolescents having the disorders studied by our are in excess of $200 billion per year (Redhead,
commissions. The effectiveness of early detec- 2003; U.S. Department of Health and Human
tion and treatment of adolescent mental disor- Services, 1999). By increasing our ability to pre-
ders is thus limited. There is an urgent need to vent and treat these disorders in young people,
increase the pool of providers able to deliver we have the potential to reduce this burden sig-
evidence-based treatments to youth so that nificantly while substantially increasing the na-
availability of such services is no longer a barrier tion’s welfare. We see two kinds of research op-
to referral by schools and primary care providers. portunities for improving our ability to prevent
School mental health professionals and nurses as and treat mental disorders in youth. At the pro-
well as primary care providers need links with cedural level, there are many unanswered ques-
quality treatment centers to which they can refer tions about appropriate protocols and systems
adolescents in need. for treatment. Although we have treatments that
work, we still don’t know enough about the best
ways to combine treatments for maximum effect
STIGMA OF MENTAL DISORDER or the optimal ways to withdraw treatments
without leading to relapse. We also need more
Research conducted by Penn and colleagues research on the best ways to treat persons with
(Chapter 27) indicates that young people hold comorbid conditions, especially addiction.
stigmatizing beliefs about mental disorders and Moreover, we have no direct evidence of efficacy
that these beliefs can influence their treatment for the treatment of some adolescent anxiety
decisions. If youth feel that they will be stigma- and eating disorders, and schizophrenia still re-
tized for seeking treatment, they will resist com- mains a treatment challenge.
ing forward when experiencing symptoms. One We also know that universal prevention of
approach to reducing this dysfunctional re- some conditions is possible (Chapters 3 and 19)
sponse is to increase public awareness of the ef- and that the healthy development of youth can
ficacy of treatment for mental disorders. If ado- be enhanced considerably using positive youth
lescents (and their parents) recognize the development strategies (see Chapter 26). Never-
potential effectiveness of early detection and theless, much remains to be learned about inte-
treatment, they may be more inclined to seek grating effective programs into schools and com-
help from providers who are seen as effective in munities in a cost-effective way. The promise of
treating their problems. Hence, through aware- positive psychology is still untested and requires
ness of treatment efficacy, the effects of stigma- more research.
tizing beliefs may be moderated and youth en- We also lack knowledge of the best ways to
couraged to seek help from providers. conduct screening of youth in schools and pri-
Educating the public about the effectiveness mary care settings so that care is delivered to
622 Part VIII Conclusions, Recommendations, Priorities

them. Many young people identified in screen- thereby adding further knowledge of causally ef-
ing programs as needing services fail to seek ficacious treatments (Masten, 2004).
them. There are several promising models (dis- A research project designed to follow a large
cussed by the suicide commission) but not representative sample of children and twins that
enough evidence about their efficacy or ability will enable the study of different developmental
to be taken to scale to permit widespread adop- pathways throughout the early years and into
tion. adulthood is prohibitively expensive, even for
A second major opportunity for research is to the National Institute of Mental Health. Funding
increase our understanding of the multiple path- for such an endeavor will require the collabora-
ways to both healthy and unhealthy develop- tion of a multitude of investigators with different
ment. Because we know little about the ways in areas of expertise, and it will necessitate the co-
which disorders unfold, it is difficult to design operation of both federal and private funding
appropriate interventions at the earliest signs of sources. It is clear, however, that such a study
disorder. One shortcoming in previous research would greatly advance our understanding of the
is that investigators inevitably focused on the emergence of mental disorder and resilience in
one or two disorders in which they had exper- youth and allow further tests of intervention
tise. Unfortunately, the many disorders that ap- strategies that could reduce the burden of mental
pear in adolescence do not accommodate this disorders in adolescence and adulthood.
neat developmental pattern. Disorders that first
appear in childhood may later develop into
other forms and some may develop together THE FUTURE
(Kim-Cohen et al., 2003). Early emergence of
some conditions may be left behind never to ap- With recent advances in neuroscience, it is now
pear again. These complex patterns of comorbid- clear that adolescence is a period of dramatic
ity and development have been a frequent find- change in brain structure and function (Giedd,
ing in the commission reports. The challenge for 2004; Spear, 2000). The brain is an eminently
future research is to examine a broad range of plastic organ that develops both in accord with
potential psychopathology as well as sources of genetic rules and in response to its environment
resilience in one design in which different de- (Huttenlocher, 2002). Adolescence is particularly
velopmental pathways can be studied at the critical because it is the period during which sig-
same time. nificant “pruning” of synaptic connections oc-
Fortunately, research strategies to better un- curs. The connections that remain may allow ex-
derstand the causal influences on varied devel- perience to mold a more adaptive brain, but they
opmental trajectories are available (Curtis & also open the door to illness and dysfunctional
Cicchetti, 2003; Masten, 2004). Longitudinal behavior. We remain far from understanding the
studies of representative populations can help to mechanisms that produce these varied out-
identify the paths and influences that affect the comes, but the potential for therapeutic inter-
emergence of a disorder (e.g., Caspi et al., 2002; ventions to correct dysfunctional neurodevel-
Kim-Cohen et al., 2003). Studies of twins embed- opment and to enhance resilience is a clear
ded in such studies make it possible to identify possibility. As we learn more about these effects,
genetic and interacting environmental factors possibilities for dramatic breakthroughs in our
that alter trajectories toward either resilience or ability to prevent and alter dysfunctional trajec-
disability (Rutter et al., 1997; Waldman, 2003). tories will present themselves (Kandel, 1998).
Once potential causal influences have been iso- Our new understanding of brain development
lated, their effects can be studied in more fo- is rendering the old debates between nature and
cused longitudinal designs that select high-risk nurture or biology vs. behavior increasingly ir-
youth for prospective investigation. Clinical tri- relevant (Kandel, 1998). Gene expression is re-
als that follow young people over time can test sponsive to environments and hormonal
the effects of theoretically derived interventions, changes. As Kandel (1998) put it, “nurture will
Chapter 32 A Call to Action 623

become nature,” and our ability to influence ing biological and environmental viewpoints
such developments in positive ways will greatly may be merging into a synthesis that recognizes
enlarge the scope of preventive interventions. the value and promise of both sides of these de-
Increasing evidence of brain plasticity during the bates. These new frontiers in the study of psy-
adolescent years suggests that both biologically chopathology make this a most exciting time for
and socially based interventions can influence advancing our knowledge and ultimately for pre-
development and alter dysfunctional develop- venting the onset and development of mental
mental paths. The battleground between oppos- disorders at the earliest signs of presentation.
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depressant use in children, adolescents, and to childhood disruptive disorders. In D. Cic-
adults. Retrieved from chetti & E. Walker (Eds.), Neurodevelopmental
drug/antidepressants/default.htm. mechanisms in psychopathology (pp. 257–292).
Waldman, I. D. (2003). Prospects and problems in New York: Cambridge University Press.
the search for genetic influences on neurode-

Page numbers followed by f and t indicate figures and tables, respectively.

Abuse After-school programs, for positive youth

alcohol. See Alcohol use and abuse development, 512, 513
child Aggressive behavior. See also Violence
depression and, 14, 15 and suicide, 438
neuroendocrine changes, 26 Agoraphobia, 23, 166
suicidal behavior and, 440 Alaskan Natives, suicide rate, 436
drug. See Substance use disorders Alcohol dehydrogenase, 387
physical, suicidal behavior and, 439–40 Alcohol use and abuse
sexual. See Sexual abuse and alcohol dependence as adult, 392
Access anxiety and, 229
to mental health services clinical aspects, 356–63, 357t
cultural barriers, 552–53 cocaine and, 352
in schools, 598–599, 604–5, 604t, 605t in college setting, 363
survey findings, 589, 593–94, 610 consequences, 359
system barriers, 551–52 detoxification, 403
to substance abuse treatment in “gateway” hypothesis, 359
barriers, 569–71 general description, 356–57
for step-down services, 575 genetics, 386–88
system change considerations, 571–72 prevalence, 358–59
Acute stress disorder, 237 primary care physician findings, 584, 584t,
Addiction. See Substance use disorders 586, 586t–588t, 587, 591t
ADHD. See Attention-deficit/hyperactivity problematic, 357–58, 357t
disorder school professional findings, 601, 602t
Adolescence. See also Children and use of emergency department, 564
age range, xxvi–xxviii withdrawal, 357–58, 357t
biological features, 174–76 zero-tolerance policies, 565
brain development during, xxix–xxxi, 85–86, Alcohol use disorders (AUDs)
87f, 175–76 comorbidity, 362–63
definition, xxix, 78 etiology, 360–63
environmental context, xxxi–xxxiii issues in determining, 359–60
hormonal changes, xxxi, 96 pharmacotherapy, 405–6
mental health problems during. See Mental prevalence, 359
health disorders; specific disorders Allostasis, brain reward center, in substance use
substance use during. See Substance use; disorders, 378
Substance use disorders Alprazolam, for panic disorder, 202
weight loss interventions during, 316–17 Amenorrhea, in anorexia nervosa, 260, 277–
Adolescent Suicide Awareness Program, 446, 448t 78
Adolescent Transitions Program, 421–22 American Academy of Pediatrics, eating
Adrenal hormones, and adolescent behavior, disorders treatment guidelines, 301
xxxi, 96 American Foundation for Suicide Prevention,
Adventure programs, 393–94, 517t 454, 459t, 460–61
Affective disorders. See Mood disorders American Indians, suicide rate, 436
African Americans American Psychiatric Association, eating
access to mental health services, 553 disorders treatment guidelines, 300
depression, 40, 61 American Psychological Association, standards
substance use, 345 for evidence-based mental health
suicide rate, 436 services, 549

792 Index

Amphetamine abuse. See also Stimulant abuse genetic, 311–12

in adolescence, 349–53 individual, 308
schizophrenia and, 79 weight restoration, 280–81
Amygdala Antepartum depression, 32
activating factors, 176–77 Anticonvulsants, in schizophrenia, 126
in anxiety disorders, 186 Antidepressants. See also specific drugs
developmental changes, xxix, 175 for anorexia nervosa, 292, 298–99
extended, in drug addiction, 375–76 for bipolar disorder, 51
Anandamide, 354 for bulimia nervosa, 293–94, 298
Angel dust, 371 for generalized anxiety disorder, 195, 197–98
Animal models, substance use disorders, 372–77, heterocyclic, for major depressive disorder, 43
373f, 374f for major depressive disorder
Annenberg Public Policy Center in adults, 42–43
primary care physician survey, 580–95 in children and adolescents, 43–47
school mental health professionals survey, 598– combination and augmentation therapy, 43,
615 46, 47–48
Annie E. Casey Foundation Blue Sky Project, public health advisory on, 484–85
555 in schizophrenia, 126
Anorexia nervosa. See also Eating disorders selective serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake
age differences, 261 inhibitor, for major depressive disorder,
binge eating/purging subtype, 260–61, 260t 42
combination therapy, 294 selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. See
comorbidity, 272–73, 309, 327 Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
diagnostic criteria, 259–61, 260t, 262–63, 326 suicidal ideation and, xxxvi, 43–44, 435, 485,
diagnostic migration, 274, 327 618
dieting and, 304, 317–18 for suicide attempters, 482–83, 484–85
DSM-IV criteria, 259–61, 260t, 262–63 tricyclic
epidemiology, 263–72, 275t, 277t, 326–27 for generalized anxiety disorder, 195, 197
etiology, 258–59 for major depressive disorder
full-syndrome, 266, 268 in adults, 43
genetics, 311–12 in children and adolescents, 45, 45t
inpatient treatment, 295–96 for panic disorder, 203
medical complications, 275–78, 276t, 327 Antipsychotics. See also specific drugs
osteopenia in, 278, 279–80 atypical
outcome, 273–74, 327 for anorexia nervosa, 292
outpatient treatment, 295 for bipolar disorder
partial-syndrome, 268 in adults, 50–51
pharmacotherapy, 291–92, 297–98 with mood stabilizers, 53
prevalence, 263–68, 270, 275t, 277t for major depressive disorder, 43
prevention programs, 319–23 for schizophrenia
combined, 322 acute treatment, 120, 121t–124t, 125
in high-risk populations and settings, 322 adjuncts to, 126–27
research agenda, 332 maintenance treatment, 128, 129t–131t
targeted, 321–22 side effects, 125
universal, 319–21 Anxiety disorders, xxvii
psychosocial therapy, 284–88 age differences, 168
evaluation, 287 autonomic nervous system abnormalities, 177–
randomized controlled trials, 284–87 78, 223–24
relapse prevention, 296 biological correlates, 177–81
refeeding in, 279 biological features, 175–76
relapse prevention, 294–96, 297–98, 329 brain developmental changes, 175–76
restricting subtype, 260, 260t brain imaging, 178–79
risk factors, 305–12, 306t, 330 cognitive-behavioral therapy, 185–86
biological, 311 developmental considerations, 186
eating and weight-related, 308–9 education and skill-building, 185
environmental, 309–11 exposure exercises, 185–86
general, 306–8 history and rationale, 184–86
Index 793

maintenance of gains, 213–14 research agenda, 251

mechanisms, 172 post-traumatic stress disorder as. See Post-
with pharmacotherapy, 187–88 traumatic stress disorder
recommendations, 214t prevalence, 167–68
research agenda, 251 prevention, 222–46
cognitive factors, 171, 172, 224–25 early detection and screening, 232–36
community factors, 228–31 issues, 241–46
comorbidity, 168–70, 169t model programs, 236
alcohol use disorders, 362–63 outcome evaluation, 240–41
bipolar disorder, 23 research agenda, 252–53
depression, 9, 36, 37, 170 risk factors and protective factors, 223–31,
eating disorders, 272, 273, 309 231t
substance use disorder, 409–10 theoretical models, 222
criminal behavior and, 229–30 prevention programs, 236–40
defining, 162–82, 248–49 indicated, 237–38
descriptions, 164, 166–67 selective, 238–39
disability requirement, 167–68 universal, 239–40
electroencephalography, 179 primary care physician findings, 583–84, 584t,
emotional processing theory, 171–72 586, 586t–588t, 587, 591t
environmental factors, 225–31 rating scales, 232–35
etiology and maintenance theories, 170–76 relapse prevention, 217
exposure therapy, mechanisms, 171, 172 research agenda, 248–53
family factors, 225–28 risk factors, 223–31, 231t
fear structures school factors, 228–31
cognitive-behavioral therapy and, 184 school professional findings, 601, 602t
emotional processing theory and, 171–72 signs and symptoms, 165t–166t
gang affiliation and, 229 smoking and, 228
gender differences, 168 social. See Social anxiety disorder
generalized social support and, 230–31
in children and adolescents, 195 substance abuse and, 170, 228–29
comorbidity, 169, 169t subsyndromal anxiety symptoms versus, 162–
description, 166 64, 223
genetics, 180, 180t suicidal behavior and, 437–38
signs and symptoms, 166t threat bias in
treatment, 189t, 214t attentional, 172–74
in adults, 194–95 interpretative, 174
in children and adolescents, 195–98 treatment, 184–220
maintenance of gains, 215 acute, 188–213, 214t
management of partial response and maintenance of gains, 213–17
nonresponse to, 218 management of partial response and
genetics, 180–81, 180t, 225 nonresponse to, 217–20
HPA axis in, 178 outcome summary, 189t–191t
immunology, 178 research agenda, 249–52
learning theories, 170–72 Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for
neurobiology, 176–81, 186–87 Children, 236
neurochemistry, 178 Anxiety sensitivity, 172
neuroticism and, 11 Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training
obsessive-compulsive disorder as. See Obsessive- (ASIST), 450, 452t, 454
compulsive disorder Arnarson and Craighead program for prevention
onset and course, 170 of depression, 64–65
panic disorder as. See Panic disorder Asian Americans, suicide rate, 436
peer factors, 228–31 Association studies, in schizophrenia, 103–5
pharmacotherapy Asthma, depression and, 9
with cognitive-behavioral therapy, 187– Attachment
88 as outcome of positive youth development,
rationale, 186–87 503
recommendations, 214t security in, depression and, 15–16
794 Index

Attachment (continued ) Bibliotherapy, for subsyndromal depression,

styles 38
anorexia nervosa and, 309–10 Big Brothers and Big Sisters, 516t
anxiety disorders and, 225–27 Binge drinking, 345f, 358–59
Attachment-based family therapy, for major Binge eating
depressive disorder, 40 in adolescents, 271
Attention deficit, in children of schizophrenic in anorexia nervosa, 260–61, 260t
parents, 147–48, 149 in bulimia nervosa, 261
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Binge eating disorder, 258, 269–70
comorbidity Biological factors. See also Neurobiology
alcohol use disorder, 362 in anorexia nervosa, 311
bipolar disorder, 22–23 in anxiety disorders, 175–76
depression, 37–38, 46 in positive youth development, 499
substance use disorder, 408 in suicidal behavior, 439
Attentional threat bias, in anxiety disorders, 172– Bipolar disorder
74 age of onset, 4–5, 17–18
Attributional style, pessimistic brain abnormalities, 27
suicidal behavior and, 438 classic (type I), 18
and vulnerability to depression, 11–12 community attitudes toward, 533, 534t
Attributions, stigma and, 538 comorbidity, 22–23, 408–9
Australia, depression prevention programs, 64 diagnosis, 18–19
Automobile accidents, alcohol-related, 359 epidemiology, 19–24, 73–74
Autonomic nervous system abnormalities, in family history and, 24
anxiety disorders, 177–78, 223–24 genetics, 24, 25t
hypomania in (type II), 18
Ballet dancers, anorexia nervosa in, 311, 321 hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
Basal ganglia, and motor dysfunction in hyperactivity, 25–26
schizophrenia, 84 mania in
Beardslee program for prevention of depression, diagnostic criteria, 18
65–66 mixed, 18–19
A Beautiful Mind, 542 not otherwise specified, 18
Behavior genetic theory of substance abuse, 415–16 pharmacotherapy
Behavioral competence, as outcome of positive in adolescents, 51–54, 52t
youth development, 504 in adults, 50–51
Behavioral inhibition combination therapy, 53–54
and anxiety disorders, 224 maintenance therapy, 54
and depression, 10–11 prepubertal, versus adolescent-onset, 18
selective prevention intervention for, 239 prevention research agenda, 74, 521
Behavioral managed care, 554–55 primary care physician findings, 584, 584t,
Behavioral problems, premorbid, in schizophrenia, 586, 586t–588t, 587, 591t
139–40, 144, 145t, 146, 150, 151–52 psychosocial therapy, 48–50
Behavioral therapy. See also Cognitive-behavioral rates, 19–22, 20t, 21t
therapy research agenda, 73–74
dialectical, for suicidal behavior, 480t, 482 risk factors, 24
for major depressive disorder, 31 substance abuse and, 23, 408–9
for selective mutism, 189t, 194 suicidal behavior and, 438
for separation anxiety disorder, 198 treatment research agenda, 74
for substance use disorders, 396–97 Birth cohort studies, in schizophrenia, 143, 148,
for suicidal behavior, 477–78 150t
Belief in future, as outcome of positive youth Blood alcohol level (BAL), 358
development, 505 Blood phobia, 164
Benzodiazepines Blue Sky Project, 555
for generalized anxiety disorder, 194, 197 Body dissatisfaction
for panic disorder, 202–3, 218 anorexia nervosa and, 309
for phobia, 200 bulimia nervosa and, 314
in schizophrenia, 126 Body fat, fear of, as criterion for anorexia
for separation anxiety disorder, 199 nervosa, 260
Index 795

Body mass index pharmacotherapy, 293–94, 298

anorexia nervosa and, 308 prevalence, 263–68, 269, 270, 275t, 277t
bulimia nervosa and, 313–14 prevention programs, 319–23
Bonding, as outcome of positive youth combined, 322
development, 503 in high-risk populations and settings, 322
Bone mineral density, in anorexia nervosa, 280 research agenda, 332
Borderline personality disorder, plus suicidal targeted, 321–22
behavior, dialectical behavioral therapy universal, 319–21
for, 477 psychosocial therapy, 288–91, 296–97
Brain. See also Neurobiology relapse prevention, 296–97, 298, 329
abnormalities risk factors, 312–15, 330–31
in anxiety disorders, 186–87 Bullying
in children of schizophrenic parents, 153 school professional findings, 602, 602t
in mood disorders, 26–27 suicidal behavior and, 440
violence exposure and, 61 Buprenorphine, for opioid addiction, 403,
circuitry 406
developmental shifts, xxx–xxxi, 175–76 Bupropion
in schizophrenia, 97–101 for ADHD plus substance use disorder, 408
development for major depressive disorder, 42–43
during adolescence, xxix–xxxi, 85–86, 87f, for smoking cessation, 405
175–76 Buspirone, for generalized anxiety disorder, 194–
myelinization, xxx, 86, 87f 95, 197
synaptic pruning, xxix–xxx, 85–86, 87f,
175 Calcium supplementation, in anorexia nervosa,
executive inhibitory circuitry defects, in 279–80
substance use disorders, 379–80 California, reform initiatives on delivery of
imaging evidence-based practices, 556–57
in anxiety disorders, 178–79 Caloric requirements, 258
in mood disorders, 26–27 Cannabis. See Marijuana use
in schizophrenia, 86–88 Carbamazepine
in substance use disorders, 380–84 for bipolar disorder
reward center dysregulation, 337, 338 in adolescents, 52, 52t
allostasis and, 378 in adults, 50
animal models, 372–77, 373f, 374f for post-traumatic stress disorder, 213
imaging studies, 380–84 Cardiovascular system
pharmacotherapy for, 402–3 in anxiety disorders, 177–78, 223–24
volume in eating disorders, 276t
developmental changes, xxx, 85–86, 87f, 175 Caring School Community, 516t
in schizophrenia, 86–88 CASASTART (Striving Together to Achieve
Brief dynamic therapy, for major depressive Rewarding Tomorrows), 577
disorder, 32 Case identification, in mental health disorders,
Brief interventions, for substance use, 563 57–58, 66
Brief strategic family therapy, for substance use CASEL (2003), 518t
disorders, 395–96 Catatonic features, depression with, 6
Bulimia nervosa. See also Eating disorders Catchment approach, for prevention of
combination therapy, 294 substance abuse, 426
comorbidity, 273, 327 Catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT), as
diagnostic criteria, 261–63, 262t, 326 schizophrenia susceptibility gene, 104,
dieting and, 304, 317–18 105
DSM-IV criteria, 261–63, 262t CBT. See Cognitive-behavioral therapy
epidemiology, 263–72, 275t, 277t, 326–27 Center for Mental Health Services System of
etiology, 258–59 Care, 556–57
full-syndrome, 268–69 Center for Prevention Research, 57
genetics, 314–15 Central intake unit, for substance abuse
medical complications, 276t, 278–79, 327 treatment, 575–76
outcome, 274, 327 Cerebellum, developmental changes, xxvii, 175–
partial-syndrome, 269 76
796 Index

Change Clonidine, for post-traumatic stress disorder, 213

consensual theory of, in positive youth Clozapine
development field, 521 for bipolar disorder, 53
organizational readiness, 559 for psychotic disorder and suicidal behavior,
Character strengths, 510, 527 127
Chemical dependency. See Substance use disorders for schizophrenia, 122t, 123t, 124t, 126
Chemical transmission for suicide attempters, 483
in anxiety disorders, 187 Club drugs, 372
in drug addiction, 377–78 Cocaine use, 349–53, 352t
Child abuse alcohol and, 352
depression and, 14, 15 clinical aspects, 351–53, 352t
neuroendocrine changes, 26 genetics, 388
suicidal behavior and, 440 medical complications, 353
Child and Adolescent Service System Program treatment, 406–7
(CASSP), 550 withdrawal, 352, 352t
Child and Adolescent Trauma Screen (CATS), 234 Cognitive-behavioral analysis system of
Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), 236 psychotherapy, for major depressive
Child PTSD Symptom Scale (CPSS), 234–35 disorder, 47
Child Trends, 515, 518t Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Child welfare system, substance abuse for anorexia nervosa, 296
identification, 565 for anxiety disorders
Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index (CASI), 172, developmental considerations, 186
233–34 education and skill-building, 185
Children. See also Parent-child interaction exposure exercises, 185–86
abuse of. See Child abuse history and rationale, 184–86
bipolar disorder in, versus adolescent-onset, 18 maintenance of gains, 213–14
generalized anxiety disorder in, 195–98 mechanisms, 172
major depressive disorder in with pharmacotherapy, 187–88
versus adolescent-onset, 4, 7 recommendations, 214t
antidepressants for, 43–47 research agenda, 251
psychosocial therapy, 34–42 for bipolar disorder, 48
obsessive-compulsive disorder in, 205–9 for bulimia nervosa, 288–89, 290–91, 296–97
panic disorder in, 203–4 for eating disorders, 291, 321–22
phobia in, 200–202 for generalized anxiety disorder, 189t, 194, 195–
post-traumatic stress disorder in, 210–13 96
at risk for schizophrenia, longitudinal studies, for major depressive disorder
142, 144, 146–48, 150t, 153–54 in adults, 30–31, 33
schizophrenia in, event-related potentials in, in children and adolescents, 34–38, 35t, 36f,
92–95, 93t 37t
social anxiety disorder in, 192–93 in Latino youth, 39–40
weight loss interventions for, 316–17 with pharmacotherapy, 47–48
CHRNA7, as schizophrenia susceptibility gene, prevention programs, 38, 62–65
105 symptomatic community samples, 38
Cigarette smoking. See Smoking for obsessive-compulsive disorder, 190t–191t,
Citalopram, for major depressive disorder, 42, 44, 204–5, 206–7
45t for panic disorder, 190t, 202, 203–4, 237–38
Clarke program for prevention of depression, 63 for phobia, 190t, 200–201
Classical conditioning for post-traumatic stress disorder, 191t, 209–
in anxiety disorders, 170–71 10, 211–13, 237, 244
in substance use disorders, 376–77 for schizophrenia, 112–13, 126
Climate, organizational, 558 for separation anxiety disorder, 189t–190t, 198–
Clinic-community intervention model for 99
treatment development, 557 for social anxiety disorder, 189t, 192–93
Clomipramine for substance use disorders, 397
for obsessive-compulsive disorder, 205, 207 for subsyndromal depression, 38
for panic disorder, 203 for suicidal adults, 477–78
Clonazepam, for panic disorder, 202–3, 218 for suicidal youth, 40, 478, 479t–480t, 481
Index 797

Cognitive competence, as outcome of positive bipolar disorder, 23

youth development, 504 suicidal behavior, 437
Cognitive diathesis-stress model, of depression, Confidentiality
11–12 in drug screening programs, 566–67, 569
Cognitive factors, in anxiety disorders, 171, 172, in suicide screening programs, 462
224–25 Consent for services, minor, 566–67
Cognitive impairment Contact effects, in reducing stigma of mental
in marijuana use, 355 illness, 540, 541
in schizophrenia, 84–85, 140–41, 140f, 146–48, Contagion
147f, 149, 151 anxiety disorders and, 243
Cognitive remediation therapy, for suicidal behavior and, 440, 465
schizophrenia, 113–14 Context factors, in implementation and
Colleges dissemination of evidence-based mental
drinking issues, 363 health services, 549–50
suicide prevention programs, 454, 455, 459t, Contingency management incentive systems, for
460–61, 486 substance use disorders, 396–97
Columbia TeenScreen Program (CTSP), 456, 458t, Contingent negative variation (CNV), in
460 schizophrenia, 92, 93t, 94
Combined drug and psychosocial treatments Control, perceived, in anxiety disorders, 225
anxiety disorders, 187–88 Coping and Support Training (CAST), 472
eating disorders, 294 The Coping Cat Workbook, 186
major depressive disorder, 43, 47–48 Coping skills strategies, in anxiety disorders, 224–
Commitment, organizational, 559 25
Community Coping with Depression–Adolescent version, 37
attitudes toward mental illness, 532–34, 534t “coping with stress” adaptation of, 38
depression prevention interventions, 67 Corticotropin-releasing factor, in stress response,
mental health service reform initiatives, 550– 25–26
51 Cortisol
positive youth development programs, 514, in adolescence, xxxi
516t, 517t and dopamine activity, 97
therapeutic, for substance use disorders, 393– in schizophrenia, 96–97
94 Counseling
Community assessment centers, for substance firearms, 466–69, 467t–468t
abuse treatment, 576–77 genetic, in schizophrenia, 107
Community factors, in anxiety disorders, 228–31 school-based, 450, 452t, 599, 604, 604t
Community-system approach, for substance Counselors Care (C-CARE), 472–73
abuse prevention, 426 Crack cocaine, 350–51. See also Cocaine use
Comorbidity issues Credentialing process, substance abuse
in evidence-based mental health services, 547 treatment, 570–71
in substance use disorders, 342–43, 392, 399– Criminal behavior, and anxiety disorders, 229–30
400, 407–10 Cross-National Collaborative Group study, 19,
Competencies, as outcome of positive youth 20t
development, 503–4, 510 Cultural factors. See also Race/ethnicity
Compliance therapy, for schizophrenia, 117 in access to mental health services, 552–53
Comprehensive College Initiative (CCI), 458t, in alcohol use disorders, 360–61
460 in depression, 61
Comprehensive Community Mental Health in eating disorders, 259
Services for Children and Families in positive youth development, 499
(CMHSC), 550–51 Culture, organizational, 558
Compulsive disorders, in drug addiction, 373–74, Cutting, school professional findings, 601, 602t
Conditioning, classical Dade County, Florida, suicide prevention
in anxiety disorders, 170–71 program, 450
in substance use disorders, 376–77 “Dealing with it” approach, 523
Conduct disorder, comorbidity Delivery systems. See Service delivery systems
alcohol use disorders, 362 Dependence disorders, chemical. See Substance
anxiety, 170 use disorders
798 Index

Deployment focused model for treatment with pharmacotherapy, 47–48

development, 557 preventive, 38, 62–65
Depression pubertal status and, 7
antepartum, 32 rates, 7–9, 8f
with atypical features, 6–7 recurrence, 4, 70
brain abnormalities associated with, 26–27, relationship to schizophrenia, 102
61 research agenda, 70–73
with catatonic features, 6 risk factors, 9–10, 59–61, 70
chronic, 6, 47 sequelae to, 4, 56
cognitive diathesis-stress model, 11–12 stress and, 12–15, 24–25
comorbidity subtypes, 67
anxiety disorders, 9, 36, 37, 170 treatment research agenda, 71–72
substance use disorder, 9, 37, 409 maternal
double, 6 and offspring depression, 9, 10, 16–17
genetics, 24, 25t and response to cognitive-behavioral
geriatric, 32 therapy, 36, 36f, 37
help-seeking behavior for, perceived with melancholic features, 6
effectiveness, 535–36, 536t parental, and offspring depression, 9, 10, 16–
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis 17, 65–66
hyperactivity, 25–26 pharmacotherapy. See Antidepressants
interpersonal vulnerability, 15–17 postpartum, 6, 32
major postpsychotic, 126
age of onset, 4 primary care physician findings, 583, 584t,
cognitive vulnerability to, 11–12 586, 586t–588t, 587, 591t
combination therapy, 43, 47–48 rates, 7–9, 8f, 9f
community attitudes toward, 533, 534t relapse prevention, 33
comorbidity, 9 schizophrenia and, 102, 126
alcohol use disorders, 362 school professional findings, 601, 602t
dysthymia, 6 self-propagating nature, 526
eating disorders, 272, 273, 309 specific vulnerability hypothesis, 14–15
impact on treatment outcome, 36, 37–38, stress and, 12–15
46 subsyndromal
diagnosis, 5–7, 5t cognitive-behavioral therapy for, 38
versus dysthymic disorder, 7, 7t as risk factor for major depression, 59–60
epidemiology, 7–17, 70–71 treatment-resistant, 43
family environment and, 9–10, 15–17 Detoxification, 403–4
family history and, 9 Development
gender and, 9, 27 brain, during adolescence, xxix–xxxi, 85–86,
interpersonal vulnerability, 15–17 87f, 175–76
personality/temperament and, 10–11 youth
pharmacotherapy. See also Antidepressants applications, 501–2
in adolescents, 43–47, 45t ecological approach, 501
in adults, 42–43 positive. See Positive youth development
augmentation therapy, 43, 46 problem-centered approach, 500–501
combination therapy, 43 Developmental assets, in positive youth
with psychotherapy, 47–48 development, 502
prepubertal, versus adolescent-onset, 4, 7 Developmental group therapy, for suicidal youth,
prevention programs, 61–67 480t, 481
future directions and recommendations, Developmental milestones, in schizophrenia,
66–67 premorbid abnormalities, 137–38, 138f,
indicated, 62–63 139f, 149
research agenda, 72–73 Dextroamphetamine dependence, 349–53. See
selective, 64–66 also Stimulant abuse
universal, 64 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Primary Care
psychosocial therapy (DSM-PC), eating disorders criteria, 263
in adults, 30–34 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
in children and adolescents, 34–42 Disorders-IV (DSM-IV) criteria
Index 799

alcohol abuse and dependence, 359–60 Dysthymic disorder

anorexia nervosa, 259–61, 260t, 262–63 plus major depressive disorder, 6
bulimia nervosa, 261–63, 262t versus major depressive disorder, 7, 7t
eating disorders, 259–63, 260t, 262t secondary, 6
schizophrenia, 78
substance use disorders, 336, 374, 374f Eating disorders, xxvii. See also Anorexia nervosa;
Dialectical behavioral therapy Bulimia nervosa
for suicidal adults, 477–78 combination therapy, 294
for suicidal youth, 480t, 482 community attitudes toward, 533, 534t
Diathesis-stress model of depression, 11–12 comorbidity, 272–73, 327
Dietary restraint, definition, 304 diagnostic criteria, 259–63, 260t, 262t, 326
Dieting. See also Weight loss diagnostic migration, 274, 327
anorexia nervosa and, 308–9 dieting and, 304, 317–18
bulimia nervosa and, 314 epidemiology, 263–72, 275t, 277t, 326–27
definition, 304 ethnic differences, 271
eating disorders and, 304, 317–18 etiology, 258–59
professionally administered medical complications, 275–81, 276t, 327
effects on eating behavior, 317–18 not otherwise specified, 258, 262, 291
effects on psychological status, 318 obesity as risk factor for, 315–19, 331–32
research with adults, 318–19 outcome, 273–74, 327
youth-based program, 316, 317 pharmacotherapy, 291–94, 297–98, 328–29
Disorder, harmful dysfunction account of, 163– prevalence, 263–72, 275t, 277t
64 prevention programs, 319–23
Disorganization, in schizophrenia, 82 combined, 322
Disruptive behavior disorders, plus depression, 9, in high-risk populations and settings, 322
37–38 research agenda, 332
Disulfiram, for alcohol use disorders, 405–6 targeted, 321–22
Divaloproex universal, 319–21
for bipolar disorder primary care physician findings, 583–84, 584t,
in adolescents, 52, 52t 586, 586t–588t, 587, 591t
in adults, 50 psychosocial therapy, 284–91, 294–97, 327–
maintenance therapy, 54 28
with lithium, for bipolar disorder, 53 relapse prevention, 294–98, 329
Dopamine research agenda, 326–32
in alcohol use, 387 risk factors, 304–19, 306t, 330–32
cortisol and, 97 school professional findings, 601, 602t
in drug addiction, 375–76, 381–82, 388 symptoms, 270–71
in schizophrenia, 99 treatment, 284–301
in smoking, 386 guidelines, 300–301
Dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex, developmental issues specific to adolescents, 299–300
changes, xxix research agenda, 327–30
Dot Probe Attention Allocation Task, 173–74 weight restoration, 280–81
Double depression, 6 Ecological approach to youth development, 501
Drug abuse. See Substance use disorders “Ecstasy” (MDMA) use
Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE), 418 anxiety and, 229
Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN), 343 clinical aspects, 367–68
Drug courts, juvenile, 577 evolution, 341
Drug dealing, school professional findings, 601– liquid, 369–70
2, 602t Education. See Psychoeducation; Training
Drug screening. See Substance use disorders, Effectiveness, organizational requirements for,
identification 559
DSM-IV diagnostic criteria. See Diagnostic and Electroencephalography
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV in anxiety disorders, 179
(DSM-IV) criteria in schizophrenia, 88–89
Duloxetine, for major depressive disorder, 42 Electrolyte abnormalities, in eating disorders,
Dysbindin, as schizophrenia susceptibility gene, 276t
104 Electrophysiology, in schizophrenia, 88–95
800 Index

Emergency department diagnostic classification, 547–48

adolescent use of, 564 implementation and dissemination, 549–50
substance use identification, 563–64 lab-to-clinic translatability, 548
suicide prevention interventions, 473–76, 474t– treatment development, 547
475t summary and recommendations, 560
Emotion(s) system barriers, 550–55
brain circuitry for, developmental shifts, 175– access, 551–53
76 cultural, 552–53
expressed, reduction, family therapy for, 115 financing policies, 554–55
positive, 510 fragmentation, 551
Emotional competence, as outcome of positive lack of family-driven practices, 553
youth development, 504 regulatory practices, 553–54
Emotional processing Evidence-based policies, 549
in anxiety disorders, 171–72 Evidence-based practices
in schizophrenia, 85 categorization, 548–49
Emotional Stroop task, 173 popularity, 546
Endocrine changes. See Neuroendocrine changes substance abuse treatment, 571
Engagement, pursuit of, in positive psychology, Evidence-Based Practices Project (EBPP) for
508 Suicide Prevention, 491
Environmental factors Executive inhibitory circuitry defects, in
during adolescence, xxxii–xxxiii substance use disorders, 379–80
in anorexia nervosa, 309–11 Exercise, weight-bearing, in anorexia nervosa,
in anxiety disorders, 225–31 280
in smoking, 366 Exosystem, 501
in substance use disorders, 339 Exposure and ritual prevention (EX/RP), for
Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study, 19, 20t obsessive-compulsive disorder, 190t–
Escitalopram, for major depressive disorder, 42 191t, 204–5, 206–7
Estrogen Exposure therapy, for anxiety disorders, 171, 172,
in schizophrenia, 96 185–86
supplementation, in anorexia nervosa, 280 Expressed emotions, reduction, family therapy
Ethical issues, in anxiety disorders, 244–45 for, 115
Ethnicity. See Race/ethnicity Extracurricular activities, for positive youth
Ethnocultural factors, in depression, 61 development, 512
Event-related potentials (ERPs) Extrapyramidal side effects, in schizophrenia,
advantages, 88–89 125
in anxiety disorders, 179
in schizophrenia Familial aggregation, in schizophrenia, 101
in children and adolescents, 92–95, 93t Family-based interventions
contingent negative variation (CNV), 92, in eating disorders, 300
93t, 94 in major depressive disorder, 65–66
current research, 89–92 in substance abuse, 418
gamma-band activity, 89–90 for suicidal youth, 479t, 481
late positive component (P300), 91–92, 93t, Family-driven practices, lack of attention to, 553
94 Family environment
mismatch negativity and postonset anorexia nervosa and, 310
progression of abnormalities, 90–91 anxiety disorders and, 225–28
P1/N1 asymmetry, 93t, 94 major depressive disorder and, 9–10, 15–17
processing negativity (Np), 93t, 94 suicidal behavior and, 439, 441–42
sensory gating, 90, 106 Family history
Evidence-based mental health services, 546–61 bipolar disorder and, 24
definition, 549 major depressive disorder and, 9
national registry, 555 Family therapy
organizational context findings, 557–60 for anorexia nervosa, 287–88, 296
reform initiatives, 555–57 attachment-based, for major depressive
research gaps disorder, 40
categorization of practices, 548–49 for bipolar disorder, 49
comorbidity issues, 547 functional, state-level implementation, 556
Index 801

for schizophrenia for separation anxiety disorder, 199

in adolescents, 115–16 for social anxiety disorder, 189t, 193
in adults, 116–17 Focus on Families Program, 421
for substance use disorders, 395–96 Follow-back studies, in schizophrenia, 143–44,
for suicide attempters, 40–41 148–49, 150t
Fat, body, fear of, as criterion for anorexia Forget Me, 370
nervosa, 260 FRIENDS program, 239–40
Fear Frontal-temporal circuitry, in schizophrenia, 98–
versus anxiety, 162 99
of body fat or weight gain, as criterion for Frontal white matter volume, developmental
anorexia nervosa, 260 changes, xxix
brain circuitry for, developmental shifts, 175– Functional family therapy, state-level
76 implementation, 556
stranger, absence of, schizophrenia and, 146 Future expectations, positive, as outcome of
Fear structures, in anxiety disorders positive youth development, 505
cognitive-behavioral therapy and, 184
emotional processing theory and, 171–72 Gamma-band activity, in schizophrenia, 89–90
Feeding problems, early, bulimia nervosa and, Gammahydroxybutyrate (GHB), 369–70
312–13 Gang affiliation, and anxiety disorders, 229
Females. See Gender differences Gastrointestinal abnormalities, in eating
Financing disorders, 276t
for evidence-based mental health services, 554– Gatekeeper training, for suicide prevention, 451t–
55 453t, 453–54
for substance abuse services, 569, 571, 572 Gateway theory of substance abuse, 359, 413–
for suicide prevention evaluation studies, 492– 14
93 Gender differences
Finding Hope and Help program, suicide anorexia nervosa, 306
prevention, 454 anxiety disorders, 168
Firearms major depressive disorder, 9, 27
availability, suicide and, 434, 435, 441 substance abuse treatment, 562
restriction programs, 466–69, 467t–468t substance use, 345–46
First (initial) onset, definition, xxxv, 58 suicide, 436
Flashback, 371 Gene expression, hormones and, xxxi
Flow state Generalized anxiety disorder, 195
in positive psychology, 508 comorbidity, 169, 169t
in positive youth development, 510 description, 166
Fluid abnormalities, in eating disorders, 276t genetics, 180, 180t
Flunitrazepam abuse, 370 signs and symptoms, 166t
Fluoxetine treatment, 189t, 214tin adults, 194–95
for bulimia nervosa, 293 in children and adolescents, 195–98
for generalized anxiety disorder, 197 maintenance of gains, 215
for major depressive disorder management of partial response and
in adults, 42 nonresponse to, 218
in children and adolescents, 44, 45t, 47–48 Genes, susceptibility
with substance use disorder, 409 in anorexia nervosa, 311–12
for obsessive-compulsive disorder, 208 in schizophrenia, 103–6
for panic disorder, 202 and adolescence, 105–6
for phobia, 201–2 identification, 103–5
for post-traumatic stress disorder, 210 in substance use disorders, 385
for selective mutism, 189t, 194 Genetic counseling, in schizophrenia, 107
for suicide attempters, 483–84 Genetics, xxxii
Flupenthixol, for schizophrenia, 122t anorexia nervosa, 311–12
Fluphenazine, for schizophrenia, 122t, 125 anxiety disorders, 180–81, 180t, 225
Fluvoxamine bipolar disorder, 24, 25t
for major depressive disorder, 42 bulimia nervosa, 314–15
for obsessive-compulsive disorder, 207–8 depression, 24, 25t
for panic disorder, 202 schizophrenia, 82, 101–7, 153–54
802 Index

Genetics (continued ) Hematopoietic abnormalities, in eating disorders,

substance use disorders, xxviii, 384–89, 415–16 276t
suicidal behavior, 439 Heroin use
Genome scans behavioral therapy, 396
in schizophrenia, 102–3 clinical aspects, 347–49, 347t, 349t
in substance use disorders, 385 detoxification, 403–4
Georgia Home Boy, 369–70 genetics, 388
Geriatric depression, 32 medications for long-term treatment, 406
Glucocorticoids, in stress response, 25–26 withdrawal, 348–49, 349t
Glutamate, in drug addiction, 377 Heschl gyrus, in schizophrenia, 91
Gonadal hormones, and adolescent behavior, Heterocyclic antidepressants, for major
xxxi, 96 depressive disorder, 43
Gordon, Robert, xxxiv, 57–58 High-risk studies, in schizophrenia, 142, 144, 146–
Gray matter volume 48, 150t, 153–54
developmental changes, xxix, 85–86, 87f Hippocampus
in schizophrenia, 86–88, 91 in anxiety disorders, 186–87
Great Ormond Street criteria for eating disorders, developmental changes, xxix
263 Hispanic Americans
Great Smoky Mountain Study, comorbidity depression, 39–40
findings, 547 female suicide attempters, emergency
Group therapy department interventions, 473, 474t,
for bipolar disorder, 49 476
for suicidal youth, 480t, 481 substance use, 345
Growth hormone, in major depressive disorder, suicide rate, 436
27 Home and Away, 542
Growth retardation, in anorexia nervosa, 277 Homosexuality, suicidal behavior and, 438–39
Guanfacine, for post-traumatic stress disorder, Hopelessness, suicidal behavior and, 438
213 Hormonal changes. See Neuroendocrine
Guidance counselors, 450, 452t, 599, 604, 604t changes
Gymnastics, anorexia nervosa and, 311 Hormone replacement therapy, in anorexia
nervosa, 280
Hallucinogens, 370–71 Hospitalism, 13
Haloperidol HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis. See
with lithium, for bipolar disorder, 53 Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)
for schizophrenia, 122t, 123t, 124t axis
Happiness, “authentic,” in positive psychology, HPG (hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal) axis, 96
508 Human potential, in positive psychology
Harm avoidance, and vulnerability to depression, movement, 506–7
10–11 Hyperactivity. See Attention-deficit/hyperactivity
Harvard Twin study, 388 disorder
Hawaii, reform initiatives on delivery of evidence- Hypokalemia, in bulimia nervosa, 279
based practices, 557 Hypomania, in bipolar disorder, 18
Headache, depression and, 9 Hyponatremia, in anorexia nervosa, 275
Health insurance Hypophosphatemia, in anorexia nervosa, 275,
adolescent 279
call to action, 620–21 Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis
lack of, 564, 610 activation in puberty, xxxi, 96
managed care in anxiety disorders, 178
behavioral, 554–55 in mood disorders, 25–26
“carve-outs” for mental health care, 580, in schizophrenia, 96–97
620 in schizotypal personality disorder, 97
public, policy shift to, 554 Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, 96
Health weight regulation (HWR) model, for
eating disorder prevention, 320–21 Iceland, depression prevention program, 64–65
Help-seeking behavior Identity, positive, 505
perceived effectiveness, 535–36, 536t I’m Still Here, 542
role of stigma, 536–37, 537t–538t Imaging studies. See Neuroimaging
Index 803

Imipramine Interpretative threat bias, in anxiety disorders, 174

for major depressive disorder, 44, 45t Interventions in adolescence. See also specific
for panic disorder, 203 types, e.g., Cognitive-behavioral therapy
for separation anxiety disorder, 199 effectiveness, 618
Immunology, in anxiety disorders, 178 pharmacological. See Pharmacotherapy
Impulse control disorder, in drug addiction, 373– positive. See Positive youth development
74, 373f preventive. See Prevention programs
Impulsivity psychosocial. See Psychosocial therapy
bulimia nervosa and, 313 settings, xxxvii–xxxviii
suicidal behavior and, 438 types, xxxiii–xxxvii
Indicated prevention programs, xxxv Interview
anxiety disorders, 237–38 motivational, in substance use disorders, 397–
definition, xxxiv, 58 98
major depressive disorder, 62–63 psychiatric, in schizophrenia, 110–11
suicide, 472–86 Ipecac abuse, in bulimia nervosa, 278
Infant, depression in, stress and, 13
Infertility, in anorexia nervosa, 278 Job satisfaction, 559
Information processing, in schizophrenia, event- Juvenile drug courts, 577
related indices, 92–95, 93t Juvenile justice system, substance abuse services,
Inhalant abuse, 368–69 565, 570
Initial onset, definition, xxxv, 58
Innovation, diffusion of, organizational context Kentucky
findings, 557–60 anti-marijuana campaign, 419
Inpatient treatment reform initiatives on delivery of evidence-
anorexia nervosa, 295–96 based practices, 556
bipolar disorder, 49 Ketamine, 371
substance use disorders, 393–94
Institute of Medicine, report on prevention of Lab-to-clinic translatability, of evidence-based
mental disorders, xxxiv, xxxv, 57–59, 61– mental health services, 548
62 Labels, stigma and, 537–38
Insurance. See Health insurance Lamotrigine, for bipolar disorder, 50
Intelligent quotient, in children of schizophrenic Language delay, in schizophrenia, premorbid
parents, 140–41, 140f abnormalities, 137, 138f
International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Leadership, organizational, 559
Revision (ICD-10), 78 Learning theories, in anxiety disorders, 170–72
Internet interventions/surveys Legal issues, in suicidal behavior, 440
anxiety disorders, 236 Life Goals Program, for bipolar disorder, 49
eating disorders, 322 Life satisfaction, in positive youth development,
reducing stigma of mental illness, 541–42 510
suicidal behavior, 459t, 460–61, 462 Life Skills Training Program, 418
Interpersonal relationships Life stress, early
alcohol use disorders and, 361 hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
anorexia nervosa and, 310–11 hyperactivity, 26
depression and, 15–17 major depression and, 12–15, 24–25
suicidal behavior and, 440 Linkage disequilibrium studies, in schizophrenia,
Interpersonal skills, as outcome of positive youth 103–5
development, 503–4 Linkage studies
Interpersonal student conflict, school in schizophrenia, 102–3
professional findings, 602, 602t in substance use disorders, 385
Interpersonal therapy Lithium
for bipolar disorder, with social rhythm for anorexia nervosa, 292
therapy, 48–49 for bipolar disorder
for bulimia nervosa, 289, 290, 296–97 in adolescents, 51–52, 52t
for major depressive disorder in adults, 50
in adolescents, 38–40 with antipsychotics, 53
in adults, 31–32, 33 with divaloproex, 53
for schizophrenia, 114 maintenance therapy, 54
804 Index

Lithium (continued ) Maternal depression

for major depressive disorder, 43 and offspring depression, 9, 10, 16–17
for schizophrenia, 126 and response to cognitive-behavioral therapy,
for suicide attempters, 483 36, 36f, 37
Locker searches, 565 Maternal-infant therapy, for depression, 32
Locus ceruleus, in anxiety disorders, 178, 186 Maternal malnutrition, anorexia nervosa and,
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), 370–71 308
Maudsley method, in anorexia nervosa, 287–88
MacArthur Foundation Youth Mental Health MDMA. See “Ecstasy” (MDMA) use
Network, 555 Meaning, pursuit of, in positive psychology, 508
Macrosystem, 501 Media. See Mass media
Magnetic resonance imaging Medicaid
brain volumetric, in schizophrenia, 86–88 behavioral managed care, 554–55
functional, in anxiety disorders, 179 expansion of mental health services, 554
in mood disorders, 26–27 funding in schools, 610, 614
morphometric, in anxiety disorders, 178–79 Medical disorders, depression and, 9
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy, in anxiety Melancholic features, depression with, 6
disorders, 179 Menarche, early, bulimia nervosa and, 313
Magnetoencephalography, in schizophrenia, 95 Mental health disorders, xxv–xxvi. See also specific
Maintenance/interventions, definition, xxxii, 58 disorders, e.g., Anxiety disorders
Major depressive disorder. See Depression, major call to action, 618–22
Males. See Gender differences drug treatment of depression, 618
Malnutrition early detection and treatment as prevention
maternal, anorexia nervosa and, 308 strategy, 619
medical complications, 275–78, 276t future directions, 622
Maltreatment, depression and, 14, 15 insurance coverage, 620–21
Managed care research needs, 621–22
behavioral, 554–55 universal prevention, 620
“carve-outs” for mental health care, 580, 620 confidentiality issues, 462, 566–67, 569
Mania. See also Bipolar disorder diagnostic classification, research gaps, 547–48
age of onset, 17–18 failure to treat, consequences, 598
comorbidity insurance coverage, 564, 610, 620–21
anxiety disorders, 23 interventions
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, 22– pharmacological. See Pharmacotherapy
23 positive. See Positive youth development
conduct disorder, 23 preventive. See Prevention programs
substance abuse, 23 psychosocial. See Psychosocial therapy
diagnostic criteria, 18 school-based. See Schools
mixed, 18–19 settings, xxxvii–xxxviii
Marijuana use types, xxxiii–xxxvii
anxiety and, 229 misinformation about, 539–40
clinical aspects, 353–56 in primary care setting. See Primary care setting
in gateway theory, 413–14 stigma of, 532–43
genetics, 388 in community attitudes, 532–34, 534t
mass media prevention campaigns, 419, 420 consequences, 534–35
prevalence, 344f factors contributing to, 537–40
in schizophrenia, 118 reducing, 540–42, 621
treatment, 392, 394, 397, 399 role in help-seeking behavior, 535–37, 536t–
withdrawal, 355 538t
Marital behavioral therapy, for major depressive suicidal behavior and, 437–38
disorder, 31 treatment, 618
Mass media definition, xxxiv, 58
drug abuse prevention campaigns, 418–21 effectiveness, 58
misinformation about mental illness, 539–40 evidence-based. See Evidence-based mental
for reducing stigma of mental illness, 541–42 health services
suicide coverage, 440 impact of stigmatization, 534–35
Index 805

inadequacy of resources, 589, 593–94, 610, in schizophrenia, 126

614 seasonal, 6
minor consent for, 566–67 suicidal behavior and, 437
Mental Health Parity Act, 555 trait vulnerability factor common to, 10–11
Mental health professionals treatment, 30–54
physician collaboration with, 589 Mood stabilizers, 296–300, 298t–299t. See also
referral to specific drugs, e.g., Lithium
primary care physician practices, 586, 587t, for bipolar disorder
588, 591–92, 591t, 593 in adolescents, 51–52, 52t
school practices, 598, 606, 607–08, 607t in adults, 50
Mental health services combination therapy, 53–54
access to for schizophrenia, 126
cultural barriers, 552–53 Moral competence, as outcome of positive youth
in schools, 598–599, 604–5, 604t, 605t development, 504
survey findings, 589, 593–94, 610 Motivational interview, in substance use
system barriers, 551–52 disorders, 397–98
delivery systems. See Service delivery systems, Motor deficits, in schizophrenia, 83–84, 137–38,
mental health 138f, 139f, 145t, 146, 147, 148–49
evidence-based. See Evidence-based mental Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children
health services (MASC), 233
in primary care settings. See under Primary care Multidimensional family therapy, for substance
setting use disorders, 396
school-based. See under Schools Multisystemic therapy, for substance use
settings, xxxvii–xxxviii disorders, 395
substance abuse–related, 565, 570 Mutism, selective, 193–94
Mescaline, 371 maintenance of gains, 215
Mesosystem, 501 treatment, 189t, 194, 214t
Methadone, for opioid addiction, 403, 406 Myelinization
Methamphetamine dependence, 349–53. See also brain, xxix, 86, 87f
Stimulant abuse in schizophrenia, 86–88, 91
Methodological Epidemiologic Catchment Area
Study, 19–20, 21t Naltrexone
Mexican Americans for alcohol use disorders, 405
access to mental health services, 553 for opioid addiction, 406
depression in, 61 Narcotic abuse. See Opioid abuse
Michigan, reform initiatives on delivery of National Alliance for Mental Illness, 547
evidence-based practices, 556 National Annenberg Risk Survey of Youth
Microsystem, 501 (NARSY), 533, 534t
Minnesota Twelve-Step model, for substance use National Comorbidity Survey, 342–43
disorders, 393–94, 398 bipolar disorder, 19
Minor consent for services, 566–67 depression, 7–8, 8f
Molecular genetic studies, in schizophrenia, 106–7 National Household Survey on Drug Use and
Molindone, for schizophrenia, 122t Health (NHSDUH), 342
Monitoring the Future (MTF) study, 342 National Institute of Mental Health Center for
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, for major Prevention Research, 57
depressive disorder, 43 National Registry of Effective Practices (NREP),
Mood disorders, xxv. See also Bipolar disorder; 555
Depression National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, 419–
age of onset, 4–5 21
biology, 24–27 Native Americans
comorbidity substance use, 345
alcohol use disorders, 362 suicide prevention programs, 464
eating disorders, 272, 273 suicide rate, 436
epidemiology and definitions, 4–27 Nefazodone, for major depressive disorder
relationship to schizophrenia, 102 in adults, 43, 47
research agenda, 70–74 in children and adolescents, 44–45, 45t
806 Index

Negative affectivity bulimia nervosa and, 313–14

bulimia nervosa and, 313 depression and, 9
and vulnerability to depression, 10–11 professionally administered weight loss
Negative cognitions, and vulnerability to programs for, 316–19
depression, 11–12 as risk factor for eating disorders, 315–19, 331–
Negative life events 32
anorexia nervosa and, 310 Obsessive-compulsive disorder
social support and, 231 in children and adolescents, 205–6
suicidal behavior and, 439–40 description, 164, 166
Negative self-talk, reduction, for anxiety plus eating disorders, 272, 273
disorders, 185 genetics, 180t
Negative symptoms, in schizophrenia, 82 PANDAS subgroup, 205–6, 209
Networks of care, interorganizational, for rating scale, 235
substance abuse treatment, 575–76 signs and symptoms, 165t
Neuregulin 1, as schizophrenia susceptibility treatment, 190t–191t, 214t
gene, 104 in adults, 204–5
Neuroanatomic studies, in schizophrenia, 85–88 in children and adolescents, 206–9
Neurobehavioral deficits, in schizophrenia, 83–85 investigational, 209
Neurobiology maintenance of gains, 216
anxiety disorders, 176–81, 186–87 management of partial response and
schizophrenia, 82–97, 142 nonresponse to, 218–19
substance use disorders, 372–84 Obstetrics-gynecology, and early detection and
Neurochemistry, anxiety disorders, 178 screening of anxiety disorders, 235
Neuroendocrine changes OCD. See Obsessive-compulsive disorder
during adolescence, xxxi, 96 Ohio, reform initiatives on delivery of evidence-
child abuse and, 26 based practices, 556
in eating disorders, 276t Olanzapine
in schizophrenia, 95–97 for anorexia nervosa, 292
Neurogenesis, postnatal, xxxi for bipolar disorder
Neuroimaging in adolescents, 52–53, 52t
in anxiety disorders, 178–79 in adults, 50–51
in mood disorders, 26–27 for post-traumatic stress disorder, 219
in schizophrenia, 86–88 for schizophrenia, 121t, 123t, 124t, 125
in substance use disorders, 380–84 Ondansetron, for bulimia nervosa, 294
Neurologic signs, in schizophrenia, premorbid Onset
abnormalities, 145t, 146, 148, 149 first (initial), definition, xxxv, 58
Neuropsychological deficits, in children of risk of, versus risk of relapse, xxxv, 59
schizophrenic parents, 153 Opioid abuse
Neuroticism behavioral therapy, 396
as risk factor for psychopathology, 11 clinical aspects, 347–49, 347t, 349t
and vulnerability to depression, 10–11 detoxification, 403–4
Neurotransmitter systems. See also specific types, genetics, 388
e.g., Serotonin medications for long-term treatment, 406
in anxiety disorders, 187 withdrawal, 348–49, 349t
maturation, xxxi Opioid pain relievers, 347t, 348
New York, reform initiatives on delivery of Opioid system, alcohol abuse and, 387–88
evidence-based practices, 556 Oppositional disorder, plus anxiety, 170
Nicotine receptors, smoking and, 386 Organizational context, impact on service
Nicotine-replacement therapy (NRT), 405 delivery, 557–60
Novelty, amygdala response to, 176–77 Organizations
Np (processing negativity), in schizophrenia, 93t, climate, 558
94 culture, 558
Nurse, school, 605t effectiveness studies, 559
Nurse practitioner, school-based, 605t leadership, 559
readiness to change, 559
Obesity structure, 558
anorexia nervosa and, 308 work attitudes, 559
Index 807

Osteopenia, in anorexia nervosa, 278, 279–80 in adults, 42

Outward Bound, 393–94, 517t in children and adolescents, 44, 45t
Overanxious disorder. See Generalized anxiety for panic disorder, 202
disorder Partnership for a Drug-Free America, 419
Overweight children and adolescents, Patterson’s developmental theory of substance
professionally administered weight loss abuse, 414–15
programs for, 316–18 PCP (phencyclidine), 371–72
P50–early sensory gating endophenotype, in
P300 (late positive component), in schizophrenia, 90, 106
schizophrenia, 91–92, 93t, 94 Peer relations, xxxiii
P1/N1 asymmetry, in schizophrenia, 93t, 94 alcohol use disorders and, 361
Pacific Islanders, suicide rate, 436 anxiety disorders and, 228–31
Pain relievers, opioid, 347t, 348 in children of schizophrenic parents, 148, 150
PANDAS, 178, 205–6, 209 depression and, 16
Panic attacks, neuroticism and, 11 smoking and, 366
Panic control treatment, 190t, 202, 203–4 Pemoline, for ADHD plus substance use disorder,
Panic disorder 408
in children and adolescents, 203 Penn Resiliency Program, 62–63, 516t
comorbidity, 169, 169t Perfectionism, bulimia nervosa and, 313
bipolar disorder, 23 Performance-limited social anxiety, 164
bulimia nervosa, 273 Perinatal events, anorexia nervosa and, 307–8
description, 166–67 Personal Assessment and Crisis Evaluation
genetics, 180, 180t (PACE) clinic, 111–12
prevention, 237–38 Personal Growth Class (PGC), 472
rating scales, 233–34 Personality
signs and symptoms, 165t anorexia nervosa and, 308
suicidal behavior and, 437 bulimia nervosa and, 313
treatment, 190t, 214t in children of schizophrenic parents, 153
in adults, 202–3 genetic contributions, 181
in children and adolescents, 203–4 major depressive disorder and, 10–11
maintenance of gains, 215–16 smoking and, 366–67
management of partial response and Personality disorder(s)
nonresponse to, 218 borderline, plus suicidal behavior, dialectical
Parent(s) behavioral therapy for, 477
depressed cluster C, plus anorexia nervosa, 272–73
and offspring depression, 9, 10, 16–17, 65–66 schizotypal, 78, 153
and response to cognitive-behavioral HPA axis in, 97
therapy, 36, 36f, 37 movement abnormalities, 84
firearms counseling programs, 466–69, 467t– Pessimistic attributional style
468t suicidal behavior and, 438
physician likelihood of discussing adolescent and vulnerability to depression, 11–12
mental health problems with, 586, 586t Pharmacotherapy, xxxv–xxxvi
substance use by, and offspring substance use, for anorexia nervosa, 291–92, 297–98
392 for anxiety disorders
suicidal, and offspring suicide, 439 with cognitive-behavioral therapy, 187–88
Parent-child interaction rationale, 186–87
in anxiety disorders, 225–27 recommendations, 214t
in suicidal behavior, 439 research agenda, 251
Parent-child interaction treatment (PCIT), state- for bipolar disorder
level implementation, 556 in adolescents, 51–54, 52t
Parenting dimension in adults, 50–51
in alcohol use disorders, 361 combination therapy, 53–54
in anxiety disorders, 227–28 maintenance therapy, 54
in depression, 15–16 for bulimia nervosa, 293–94, 298
Parity, mental health service, 555, 620 for eating disorders, 291–94, 297–98, 328–29
Paroxetine for generalized anxiety disorder, 189t, 194–95,
for major depressive disorder 197–98
808 Index

Pharmacotherapy (continued ) Positive prevention, 524–25, 527

for major depressive disorder. See also Positive psychology
Antidepressants definition, 527
in adolescents, 43–47, 45t as goal of prevention programs, 59, 524–25
in adults, 42–43 integration with positive youth development
augmentation therapy, 43 field, 507–10
combination therapy, 43 as outcome target for anxiety prevention
with psychotherapy, 47–48 studies, 241
for panic disorder, 190t, 202–3, 204 principles, 506–7, 508
for phobia, 190t, 200, 201–2 Positive rehabilitation, 525–27
for post-traumatic stress disorder, 191t, 210, Positive youth development, xxxvi–xxxvii, 498–
213 527
for schizophrenia, 119–32 for at-risk and troubled youth, 524–27
acute treatment, 120–25, 121t–124t description, 500–506
adjunctive agents, 126–27 future directions, 521–27
antipsychotic, 120, 121t–124t, 125, 128, gaps, 499
129t–131t glossary of terms, 527
continuation and maintenance treatment, goals, 502–6, 508–9
127–28, 129t–131t history, 498–99
preventive, 155 indicators of, 511
for selective mutism, 189t, 194 institutions that enable, 510–11
for separation anxiety disorder, 190t, 199 integration with positive psychology
for social anxiety disorder, 188, 189t, 191–92, movement, 507–10
193 natural history studies, 522–24
for substance use disorders, 401–10 overview, 498–500
for suicide attempters, 482–85 versus problem-centered approaches, 500–501
Phencyclidine (PCP), 371–72 programs, 511–19
Phenomics, 82 methodological issues, 511–14
Phobia model, 515, 516t
in children and adolescents, 200 outcome studies, 515, 517t–519t
comorbidity, 169, 169t resiliency in, 502, 503
description, 164 for substance abuse prevention, 422, 426
genetics, 180, 180t summary of current knowledge, 519–21
neuroticism and, 11 working assumptions, 499–500
signs and symptoms, 166t Post-traumatic stress disorder
social. See Social anxiety disorder alcohol use disorders and, 363
treatment, 190t, 214t in children and adolescents, 210–11
in adults, 200 description, 167
in children and adolescents, 200–202 neuroticism and, 11
maintenance of gains, 215 prevention, 237, 244
management of partial response and rating scales, 234–35
nonresponse to, 218 signs and symptoms, 165t
Physical abuse, suicidal behavior and, 439–40 social support and, 230–31
Physical activity modifications, in youth, 316–17 substance abuse and, 229
Physician treatment, 191t, 214t
primary care. See Primary care setting in adults, 209–10
school-based, 605t in children and adolescents, 211–13
Pimozide, for schizophrenia, 122t maintenance of gains, 216
Pindolol, augmentation effect, in panic disorder, management of partial response and
218 nonresponse to, 219
Pleasure, pursuit of, in positive psychology, 508 Postpartum depression, 6, 32
Political interventions, for prevention of major Poverty
depressive disorder, 67 depression and, 14, 60
Popular culture, influences, xxxiii school mental health services and, 610
Population stratification artifact, 103 Prefrontal cortex, developmental changes, xxix,
Positive emotions, 510, 527 175–76
Positive identity, 505 Prefrontal-striatal circuitry, in schizophrenia, 99
Index 809

Pregnancy prevention programs, 517t Problem-solving therapy

Premature birth, anorexia nervosa and, 307–8 for anxiety disorders, 185
President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental for major depressive disorder, 32–33
Health (2003), 598, 614–15 for schizophrenia, 114–15
Prevalence for suicidal adults, 478
lifetime, 266 for suicide attempters, 40–41
point, 266 Project STAR, 418
Prevalence rate, 266 Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies
Prevention program, 516t
definitions, xxxiv–xxxv, 56–59 Promotion programs, 521. See also Positive youth
early detection and treatment as strategy for, development
619 Propanolol, for post-traumatic stress disorder,
positive, 59, 524–25 213
Prevention programs, 521. See also specific Prosocial involvement, as outcome of positive
disorders youth development, 505–6
anxiety disorders, 236–40 Prosocial norms, 506
eating disorders, 319–23 Prospective studies, in schizophrenia, 142–43,
goals, 58–59 144, 146–48, 150t
historical context, 56–59 Protective factors, definition, xxxv, 58
major depressive disorder, 61–67 Pruning process
pregnancy, 517t in brain development, xxix–xxx, 85–86, 87f,
schizophrenia, 110–12, 154–56 175
stages, 61–62 in schizophrenia, 86–88, 91
substance use disorders, 417–26, 423t–425t Psilocybin, 371
suicide, 442–93 Psychiatric interview, in schizophrenia, 110–11
types, xxxiii–xxxiv Psychiatric symptoms, in schizophrenia,
Primary care setting premorbid abnormalities, 144, 145t, 148
adolescent mental health problems in, xxxviii, Psychiatry, and early detection and screening of
580–95 anxiety disorders, 235–36
identification, 583–84, 584t, 589–91, 591t, Psychobehavioral influences, in alcohol use
592–93 disorders, 361–62
physician knowledge, 582–83 Psychodynamic therapy, brief, for major
physician responsibilities, 581–82, 582t depressive disorder, 32
prevalence, 590–91, 591t Psychoeducation. See also Training
priority during physical exams, 582, 583t anxiety disorders, 185
referral practices, 586, 587t, 588, 591–92, bipolar disorder, 49–50
591t, 593 depression, 67
screening, 580, 585, 585t eating disorders, 320–22
stigma concerns, 588–89, 593 for reducing stigma of mental illness, 540–41
treatment schizophrenia, 110–11, 115–17, 155
collaborative relationships, 589 substance abuse, 418
perceived effectiveness, 585 suicide prevention, 446–56, 447t–449t, 451t–
poor rate of, 580 453t
practices, 585–88, 586t–588t Psychological characteristics, of positive youth
resources, 589, 593–94 development, 510
adolescent substance use problems in, Psychological climate, 558
identification, 563, 566, 584 Psychological debriefing, 244
physician survey Psychological factors, in smoking, 366
findings, 581–92, 582t–588t Psychologist
methodology, 594–95 referral to, primary care physician practices,
sample characteristics, 581, 581t 588
summary and conclusions, 592–94 school, 599, 605t
Primary prevention, xxxiii Psychology, positive
Problem behavior theory of substance abuse, integration with positive youth development
414 field, 507–10
Problem-centered approach to youth principles, 506–7, 508
development, 500–501 Psychopharmacotherapy. See Pharmacotherapy
810 Index

Psychosocial assessment, in schizophrenia, 79–80 Race/ethnicity

Psychosocial rehabilitation, 526 and access to mental health services, 551–53
Psychosocial therapy. See also specific types, e.g., anorexia nervosa and, 307
Cognitive-behavioral therapy eating disorders and, 271
for anorexia nervosa, 284–88, 296 substance use and, 345
for anxiety disorders suicide and, 436
with pharmacotherapy, 187–88 Rapid Response (RR) emergency department
rationale, 184–86 intervention for suicidal adolescents,
recommendations, 214t 475t, 476
research agenda, 251 Rating scales, anxiety, 232–35
for bipolar disorder, 48–50 Reaction Index, 234
for bulimia nervosa, 288–91, 296–97 Readiness to change, organizational, 559
for eating disorders, 284–91, 294–97, 327–28 Reconnecting Youth (RY) Prevention Research
for generalized anxiety disorder, 189t, 194, 195– Program, 421, 460, 472
96 Refeeding, in anorexia nervosa, 279
lab-to-clinic translatability, 548 Referral practices
for major depressive disorder primary care physicians, 586, 587t, 588, 591–
in adults, 30–34 92, 591t, 593
in children and adolescents, 34–42 schools, 598, 606, 607–08, 607t
with pharmacotherapy, 47–48 Regulatory practices, in evidence-based mental
preventive, 38, 62–65 health services, 553–54
for obsessive-compulsive disorder, 190t–191t, Rehabilitation, positive, 525–27
204–5, 206–7 Reimbursement, for substance abuse screening,
for panic disorder, 190t, 202, 203–4 566
for phobia, 190t, 200–201 Relaxation exercises, for anxiety disorders, 185
for post-traumatic stress disorder, 191t, 209– Religious participation, for positive youth
10, 211–13 development, 515, 518t
for schizophrenia, 112–19, 127 Research agenda, 621–22
for selective mutism, 189t, 194 anxiety disorders, 248–53
for separation anxiety disorder, 189t–190t, 198– bipolar disorder, 73–74
99, 214t eating disorders, 326–32
for social anxiety disorder, 188, 189t, 192–93 evidence-based mental health services, 547–50
for substance use disorders, 393–401 major depressive disorder, 70–73
for suicide attempters, 40–41, 476–82, 479t– mood disorders, 70–74
480t schizophrenia, 158
Psychotherapy. See also Psychosocial therapy substance use disorders, 428–29
for major depressive disorder suicide prevention, 488–93
cognitive-behavioral analysis system of, 47 Resiliency
with pharmacotherapy, 47–48 in children of depressed parents, 65
for suicidal behavior, 40–41, 476–82, 479t– as goal of prevention programs, 59
480t as outcome of positive youth development,
Psychoticism, in schizophrenia, 82 502, 503
Psychotropic drugs, xxxvi. See also specific type, Respiratory system, in panic disorder, 178, 224
e.g., Antipsychotics Restrained eating, definition, 304
for eating disorders, 293 Restricting subtype, of anorexia nervosa, 260,
Pubertal delay, in anorexia nervosa, 277 260t
Pubertal status Retrospective studies, in schizophrenia, 143–44,
anorexia nervosa and, 306–7 148–49, 150t
major depressive disorder and, 7 Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale
Public health insurance, policy shift to, 554, (RCMAS), 233
580 Reward center dysregulation, 337, 338
Purging, in anorexia nervosa, 260–61, 260t allostasis and, 378
animal models, 372–77, 373f, 374f
Quantum Opportunities Program, 516t imaging studies, 380–84
Queensland Early Intervention and Prevention of pharmacotherapy for, 402–3
Anxiety Project, 516t Risk factors, definition, xxxv, 58
Quetiapine, adjunctive, for bipolar disorder, 53 Risk of onset, versus risk of relapse, xxxv, 59
Index 811

Risperidone pharmacological management, 120–32, 122t–

augmentation effect, in obsessive-compulsive 124t
disorder, 218–19 psychotic relapses after, 120
for bipolar disorder treatment of residual symptoms and
in adults, 51 comorbid syndromes, 126–27
with lithium, 53 treatment-refractory, 126
for schizophrenia, 121t, 123t, 124t, 125, 155 genetic counseling, 107
Ritual prevention, for obsessive-compulsive genetic studies, 101–7, 153–54
disorder, 190t–191t, 204–5, 206–7 of association, 103–5
Rogers, Everett, 557–58 and disease mechanisms, 105
Rohypnol abuse, 370 endophenotypes for, 82, 106–7
Roofies, 370 of familial aggregation, 101
Route-of-administration principle, addictiveness future directions, 107
and, 338 of linkage, 102–3
of psychiatric disorders transmitted, 102
Sample size, for prevention studies, 66 susceptibility genes, 103–6
Schizophrenia, xxviii–xxx twin, 101–2
adolescent-onset, developmental precursors, magnetoencephalography, 95
142–56 motor deficits, 83–84, 137–38, 138f, 139f, 145t,
age-at-onset, 78, 135, 135f 146, 147, 148–49
brain circuitry in, 97–101 natural history, 81f
frontal-temporal, 98–99 negative symptoms, 82, 125
implications for adolescence, 99–100 neuroanatomic studies, 85–88
prefrontal-striatal, 99 neurobehavioral deficits, 83–85
brain developmental abnormalities and, 141, neurobiology, 82–97, 142
153 neuroendocrinology, 95–97
children at risk for, longitudinal studies, 142, outcome studies, 119
144, 146–48, 150t, 153–54 overview, 78–82
cognitive deficits, 84–85 pathophysiology, in adolescence, 100–101
pharmacotherapy, 125 pharmacotherapy, 119–32
premorbid, 140–41, 140f, 146–48, 147f, 149, acute treatment, 120–25, 121t–124t
151 adjunctive agents, 126–27
comorbid syndromes, adjunctive treatments, antipsychotics, 120, 121t–124t, 125, 128,
126–27 129t–131t
defining, 78–107 continuation and maintenance treatment,
depression in, 102, 126 127–28, 129t–131t
diagnostic criteria, 78–79 preventive, 155
duration of untreated psychosis, outcome and, phenomenology, 79–81
111, 132 and genetics, 82
early interventions and neural basis, 81–82
effectiveness, 154–56 research questions, 80–81
preventive strategies, 110–12 positive symptoms, pharmacotherapy, 125
early-onset, 78, 80 premorbid abnormalities, 135–56
educational interventions, 110–11, 115–17, 155 age specificity, 144, 145t, 146–48
electrophysiology, 88–95 behavioral problems, 139–40, 144, 145t, 146,
emotion-processing deficits, 85 150, 151–52
endophenotypes birth cohort studies, 143, 148, 150t
definitions based on, 82 cognitive deficits, 140–41, 140f, 146–48,
gene-finding utility, 106 147f, 149, 151
molecular genetic studies, 106–7 consistency of findings, 148–49, 150t
research findings, 144, 145t, 148, 149–50 developmental milestones, 137–38, 138f,
etiology, 82–97 139f, 149
event-related potential studies, 88–95, 93t. See follow-back studies, 143–44, 148–49, 150t
also Event-related potentials (ERPs) high-risk studies, 142, 144, 146–48, 150t,
first-episode 153–54
acute treatment, 120, 122t–124t, 125 implications for preventive intervention, 151–
maintenance treatment, 127–28, 129t–131t 52
812 Index

Schizophrenia (continued ) School nurse, 605t

key precursors, 152–54 School refusal. See also Separation anxiety
language delay, 137, 138f disorder
motor deficits, 137–38, 138f, 139f, 145t, 146, and detection of anxiety disorders, 234
147, 148–49 Schools. See also Colleges
neurologic signs, 145t, 146, 148, 149 counseling programs, 450, 452t, 599, 604, 604t
psychiatric symptoms (nonschizophrenic), drug testing programs, 565–66
144, 145t, 148 educational interventions
research needs, 150–51 drug abuse, 418
research strategies to identify, 142–50, 150t eating disorders, 320–21
and vulnerability hypothesis, 141–42 for reducing stigma of mental illness, 540–41
prevention efforts, 134–56, 521 schizophrenia, 110–11, 155
effectiveness, 154–56 suicide prevention, 446–47, 447t–449t, 454–
strategies, 110–12, 134–35 55
targets for, 151–52 health resources, 604–5, 605t
primary care physician findings, 584, 584t mental health professional survey
prodromal symptoms, 80, 80t, 81f, 135–36 findings, 601–13, 602t, 604t–607t, 609t, 611t–
acute treatment, 120, 121t, 125 612t
characteristics, 119, 152–53 methodology, 599–601, 600t, 601t, 615
early treatment projects, 111–12 sample composition, 600, 600t, 601t
maintenance treatment, 127–28 summary and conclusions, 613–15
psychosocial assessment, 79–80 mental health services, xxxvii–xxxviii
psychosocial treatment, 112–19, 127 availability, 598–599, 604–5, 604t, 605t
cognitive-behavioral therapy, 112–13, 126 barriers to receiving, 610
cognitive remediation therapy, 113–14 effectiveness, predictors of, 611–13, 612t
compliance therapy, 117 evaluation of, 610–11, 611t
family-oriented, 115–17 identification procedures, 608–09, 609t
interpersonal therapy, 114 job responsibilities, 605–7, 606t, 607t
preventive, 155 in low-income versus high-income schools,
social skills training, 114–15 610
relapses, 120 referral procedures, 598, 606, 607–08, 607t
research agenda, 158 time with students, 607
residual symptoms, adjunctive treatments, 126– positive youth development programs, 513,
27 516t, 518t
risk factors postvention programs, 465–66
developmental perspective, 142–50, 150t problems reported by school professionals, 601–
and prevention strategies, 134–35 3, 602t
simple, 78 screening programs, 608
spectrum of, 102 anxiety disorders, 232–35
stigmatization, 533, 534t, 539 substance use, 564–66
substance abuse and, 79, 117–18 suicide prevention, 456–62, 457t–459t
suicidal behavior in, 126–27 treatment process, mental health problems,
symptoms 606–7, 607t, 608
assessment, 79 treatment programs, suicide attempters, 472–
dimensional groupings, 82 73
early, and illness course, 80, 80t, 81f Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional
heterogeneity, 80 Disorders, 233
treatment, 110–32 Screening
very early-onset, 78, 80 anxiety disorders, 232–36
Schizotaxia, 134, 153 in primary care settings, 580, 585, 585t
Schizotypal personality disorder, 78, 153 in psychiatric care settings, 235–36
HPA axis in, 97 substance use, 565–66. See also Substance use,
movement abnormalities, 84 identification
School-basedhealthcenters(SBHCs),598,605t,614 substance use disorders, 563, 568–69
School factors suicidal behavior, 456–62, 457t–459t
in anxiety disorders, 228–31 Seasonal affective disorder, 6
in suicidal behavior, 440, 442 Secondary prevention, xxxiii–xxxiv
Index 813

Sedative use, genetics, 388 Serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors,

Selective mutism, 193–94 selective, for major depressive disorder,
maintenance of gains, 215 42
treatment, 189t, 194, 214t Serotonin reuptake inhibitors, selective. See
Selective prevention programs, xxxv Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
anxiety disorders, 238–39 Serotonin transporter polymorphism
definition, xxxiv, 58 anxiety disorders and, 181
major depressive disorder, 64–66 and depression after exposure to child abuse,
suicide, 464–86 xxxii, 14
Selective serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake Sertraline
inhibitors, for major depressive disorder, for generalized anxiety disorder, 197–98
42 for major depressive disorder
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in adults, 42
for anxiety disorder, with substance use in children and adolescents, 44, 45t
disorder, 409–10 for obsessive-compulsive disorder, 208
for bulimia nervosa, 293 for panic disorder, 202
for generalized anxiety disorder, 195, 197–98 for post-traumatic stress disorder, 210
for major depressive disorder Service delivery systems
in adults, 42 mental health
in children and adolescents, 44, 45–46, 45t barriers, 550–55, 571–72
with substance use disorder, 409 organizational context findings, 557–60
for obsessive-compulsive disorder, 207–8 recommendations, 560
for panic disorder, 202, 204 reform initiatives, 555–57
for phobia, 201–2 settings, xxxvii–xxxviii
for post-traumatic stress disorder, 210, 213 substance abuse, 572–76
for separation anxiety disorder, 199 emerging trends, 576–77
suicidal ideation and, xxxvi, 43–44, 435, 485, limited assessment practices, 572–74
618 limited scope and appropriateness, 574
for suicide attempters, 483–84 step-down, 575
Self-determination, 504 system change considerations, 575–76
Self-efficacy, 504–5 Services for Teens at Risk (STAR) Center Outreach
Self-esteem/social competence (SESC) model, for program, 465
prevention of eating disorders, 320–21 Sex differences. See Gender differences
Self-harm, school professional findings, 601, Sex hormones, and adolescent behavior, xxxi, 96
602t Sexual abuse
Seligman, Martin, 506 anorexia nervosa and, 310
Seligman program, for prevention of depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and, 211–12
62–63, 516t suicidal behavior and, 440
Sensitization victim identification, primary care physician
pharmacological, 337 findings, 584, 584t
to stimulants, 353 Sexual assault, depression and, 14
Sensory gating, in schizophrenia, 90, 106 Sexual behaviors, high-risk, alcohol-related, 359
Separation, depression and, 13 Sexual orientation, suicidal behavior and, 438–39
Separation anxiety disorder Short stature, in anorexia nervosa, 277
comorbidity, 169, 169t Sibling influences, in alcohol use disorders, 361
description, 164 Sibutramine, for bulimia nervosa, 294
genetics, 180–81 Signal transduction, in drug addiction, 377–78
signs and symptoms, 165t Signs of Suicide (SOS) Program, 446, 448t, 450
treatment, 189t–190t, 198–99, 214–15, 214t Skeletal abnormalities, in eating disorders, 276t
Septal-hippocampal system, in anxiety disorders, Skills, Opportunities, and Recognition program,
186–87 516t
Serotonin Skin abnormalities, in eating disorders, 276t
in alcohol use, 387 Slim body ideal
in anorexia nervosa, 292, 311 anorexia nervosa and, 309
in anxiety disorders, 187 bulimia nervosa and, 314
in smoking, 386 Smoking
in suicidal behavior, 439, 482 and anxiety disorders, 228
814 Index

Smoking (continued ) Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale, 233

cessation Sports participation, anorexia nervosa and, 311
behavioral therapy, 396–97 SSRIs. See Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
pharmacotherapy, 405 State, reform initiatives on delivery of evidence-
research, 404–5 based practices, 556–57
clinical aspects, 363–67 State Children’s Health Insurance Program
determinants, 365–67 (SCHIP), 554, 572
genetics, 366, 385–86 Stature, short, in anorexia nervosa, 277
and communication of risks, 416 Stigma of mental illness, 532–43
and nicotine dependence, 364–65 anxiety prevention programs and, 244–45
prevalence, 344f in community attitudes, 532–34, 534t
zero-tolerance policies, 565 consequences, 532, 534–35
Social anxiety disorder factors contributing to, 537–40
in children and adolescents, 192 in primary care settings, 588–89, 593
description, 164 reducing, 540–42
plus eating disorders, 272, 273 role in help-seeking behavior, 535–37, 536t–
rating scales, 233 538t
signs and symptoms, 165t Stimulant abuse, 349–53, 352t
treatment, 188–93, 189t, 214t alcohol and, 352
in adults, 188, 191–92 clinical aspects, 351–53, 352t
in children and adolescents, 192–93 genetics, 388
maintenance of gains, 214 medical complications, 353
management of partial response and treatment, 406–7
nonresponse to, 217–18 withdrawal, 352, 352t
Social Anxiety Scale for Children–Revised, 233 Stranger fear, absence of, schizophrenia and, 146
Social competence, as outcome of positive youth Strengthening Families Program, 418, 421
development, 503–4 Streptococcal prophylaxis, for PANDAS, 209
Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Stress
Children, 233 anxiety disorders and, 186–87
Social rhythm therapy, interpersonal therapy brain substrates, 186–87
with, for bipolar disorder, 48–49 drug addiction and, 376
Social skills hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
deficits hyperactivity and, 25–26
depression and, 16 major depressive disorder and, 12–15, 24–25
schizophrenia and, 146, 153 prepartum exposure to, 13–14
as protective factor in suicide, 442 suicidal behavior and, 440
training Stress-diathesis model, of depression, 11–12
for major depressive disorder, 40 Stress disorder
for schizophrenia, 114–15 acute, 237
Social support post-traumatic. See Post-traumatic stress
anorexia nervosa and, 310–11 disorder
anxiety disorders and, 230–31 Striatal-prefrontal circuitry, in schizophrenia, 99
Social worker, school, 599, 605t Stroop task, 173
Societal emphasis on thinness, 307, 312 Structure, organizational, 558
Societal factors, in alcohol use disorders, 360–61 Student assistance programs (SAPs), 564, 598,
Society for Adolescent Medicine, eating disorders 605t
treatment guidelines, 300–301 Study of Cognitive Reality Alignment Therapy in
Socioeconomic status Early Schizophrenia (SoCRATES), 113
depression and, 14, 60 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
school mental health services and, 610 Administration, National Registry of
Socioenvironmental factors, in smoking, 366 Effective Practices, 555
Sociotropy, depression and, 14–15 Substance use
Span of apprehension, schizophrenia and, 147, brief interventions, 563
147f data sources, 342–43
Special-education system, substance abuse drug testing programs, 565–66
identification in, 565 evolution, 339–42
Speedballing, 348 identification, 562–69
Index 815

confidentiality, 566–67, 569 developmental theories, 413–16

in emergency rooms, 563–64 drug-related cues, 382–84
financing, 569 epidemiology, 339–47
lack of, reasons for, 566–67 genetics, xxviii, 384–89, 415–16
in primary care settings, 563, 584 identification, 563, 568–69. See also Substance
in schools, 51 use, identification
system change considerations, 567–69 mediating factors, 417, 417t
training programs, 568–69 molecular aspects, 377–78
international comparison, 346 neuroadaptations, 378
locker searches, 565 neurobiology, 372–84
multiple agents, 392 overview, 336–39
parental substance use and, 392 pharmacotherapy, 401–10
prevalence and trends, 343–46, 343f–345f, abstinence and relapse prevention, 404–7
345t–346t comorbidity and, 407–10
school professional findings, 601, 602t detoxification, 403–4
subgroup differences, 345–46 to reduce drug reward and craving, 402–3
versus substance use disorders, 563 prevention programs, 417–26
zero-tolerance policies, 565 future directions and challenges, 422, 426
Substance use disorders, xxviii indicated, 421
animal models model, summaries and reviews, 422, 423t–
biological research based on, 372–74, 373f, 425t
374f multilevel, 421–22
of conditioned drug effects, 376–77 selective, 421
of drug reward, 374 theoretical and conceptual models, 412
genetic contributions, 384–85 universal, 417–21
of motivational effects of withdrawal, 375 psychosocial therapy, 393–401
anxiety disorders and, 170, 228–29 assessment issues, 399
brain executive inhibitory circuitry defects, comorbidity and, 399–400
379–80 disease model approaches, 398
brain reward center dysregulation, 337, 338 evaluation studies, 393–94
allostasis and, 378 inpatient approaches, 393–94
animal models, 372–77, 373f, 374f motivational approaches, 397–98
imaging studies, 380–84 multisite studies, 399
pharmacotherapy for, 402–3 multisystem approaches, 395–96
clinical aspects, 347–72 outpatient approaches, 394
alcohol, 356–63, 357t process research and mechanisms of action,
club drugs, 372 399
cocaine/stimulants, 349–53, 352t randomized clinical trials, 394–99
“ecstasy” (MDMA), 367–68 research agenda, 428–29
GHB, 369–70 risk factors and protective factors, 412–13
hallucinogens, 370–71 schizophrenia and, 79
heroin/opioids, 347–49, 347t, 349t suicide and, 434, 437
inhalants, 368–69 treatment, 392–410, 618–19
marijuana, 353–56 access to
PCP, 371–72 barriers, 569–71
rohypnol, 370 for step-down services, 575
tobacco, 363–67 system change considerations, 571–72
comorbidity credentialing process, 570–71
anxiety disorders, 409–10 financing mechanisms, 571, 572
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, 408 gaps, 562
bipolar disorder, 23, 408–9 gender differences, 562
data sources, 342–43 matched to clinical prototypes, 573
depression, 9, 37, 409 obstacles, 392–93
eating disorders, 272, 273 recommended expansion of capacity, 571–72
treatment, 392, 399–400, 407–10 service delivery systems, 572–76
definitions, 336, 568–69 emerging trends, 576–77
detoxification, 403–4 limited assessment practices, 572–74
816 Index

Substance use disorders (continued ) psychopathology, 437–38

limited scope and appropriateness, 574 sexual orientation, 438–39
step-down, 575 substance abuse, 437
system change considerations, 575–76 in schizophrenia, 126–27
trends in adolescents seeking, 344, 345t–346t scope and demographics, 434–36, 435f
vulnerability to substance abuse and, 434, 437
in adolescents, 378–80 summary of knowledge about, 488–91
agent characteristics, 338 tracking, 435–36
D2 dopamine receptors and, 381–82 treatment programs
environmental factors, 339 emergency department, 473–76, 474t–475t
genetic, xxviii pharmacological, 482–85
host factors, 338–39 posthospitalization, 485–86
withdrawal, 337 psychotherapy and psychosocial therapy, 40–
animal models, 375 41, 476–82, 479t–480t
treatment, 337 violence exposure and, 61
Suicidal ideation Suicide Options, Awareness and Relief (SOAR)
antidepressants and, xxxvi, 43–44, 435, 485, program, 450, 452t
618 Sunnylands Adolescent Mental Health Initiative
help-seeking behavior for, perceived primary care physician survey, 580–95
effectiveness, 535–36, 536t school mental health professionals survey, 598–
Suicide and suicidal behavior, xxvii–xxviii 615
alcohol abuse and, 359 Surgeon General’s report on mental health, 58–
in anorexia nervosa, 274 59
etiology, 436–42 Surveys
firearms availability and, 434, 435, 441 comorbidity, 7–8, 8f, 19, 342–43
gender differences, 436 Internet. See Internet interventions/surveys
prevention programs of primary care physicians who treat
emergency department, 473–76, 474t–475t adolescents, 580–95
evaluation studies, 491–93 of school mental health professionals, 598–615
firearms restriction, 466–69, 467t–468t Susceptibility genes
gatekeeper training, 451t–453t, 453–54 in anorexia nervosa, 311–12
indicated, 472–86 in schizophrenia, 103–6
for Native American youth, 464 and adolescence, 105–6
overview, 442–43 identification, 103–5
pharmacotherapy, 482–85 in substance use disorders, 385
posthospitalization, 485–86 System of Care model, 550
psychotherapy and psychosocial therapy,
476–82, 479t–480t Teen Outreach Program, 516t
research agenda, 488–93 Television. See also Mass media
school-based programs for suicidal students, adolescent viewing time, 539
472–73 for reducing stigma of mental illness, 542
screening programs, 456–62, 457t–459t Temperament. See Personality
suicide awareness and education, 446–56, Temporal-frontal circuitry, in schizophrenia, 98–
447t–449t, 451t–453t 99
universal, 446–62 Temporal gray matter volume, developmental
for youth exposed to suicide, 465–66 changes, xxix
protective factors, 441–42 Tertiary prevention, xxxiv
racial/ethnic differences, 436 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 353
rates, 434, 435f Texas, reform initiatives on delivery of evidence-
risk factors, 437–41, 437t based practices, 556
availability of means, 441 Text Anxiety Scale for Children, 235
biological factors, 439 Therapeutic community, for substance use
contagion, 440, 465 disorders, 393–94
family environment, 439 Thinness, societal emphasis on, 307, 312
genetic factors, 439 Threat, amygdala response to, 176–77
negative life events, 439–40 Threat bias, in anxiety disorders
previous suicidal behavior, 438 attentional, 172–74
Index 817

interpretative, 174 Universal prevention programs, xxxv, 620

Tobacco. See Smoking anxiety disorders, 239–40
Tolerance definition, xxxiv, 58
alcohol, 357 eating disorders, 319–21
marijuana, 355 major depressive disorder, 64
pharmacological, 337 substance use disorders, 417–21
reverse, 337 suicide, 446–62
stimulant, 353 University of Illinois, suicide attempter treatment
Topiramate, for bulimia nervosa, 294 programs, 486
Traffic Light Diet, 316, 317
Training. See also Psychoeducation Venlafaxine
gatekeeper, for suicide prevention, 451t–453t, for generalized anxiety disorder, 195
453–54 for major depressive disorder, 42
on identification of chemical dependency, 568– Verbal memory deficit, in children of
69 schizophrenic parents, 147–48
on identification of mental health problems, Vietnam War, drug use and, 340
608 Violence
social skills exposure to
for major depressive disorder, 40 depression and, 60–61
for schizophrenia, 114–15 post-traumatic stress disorder and, 61, 210–
Training for Trainers (T4T) program, suicide 11
prevention, 454 prevention programs, 517t
Transcription factors, in drug addiction, 377–78 school professional findings, 602, 602t
Trauma, stress after. See Post-traumatic stress Vitamin D supplementation, in anorexia
disorder nervosa, 280
Trazodone, for major depressive disorder, 43 Vomiting, in bulimia nervosa, 262, 279
Treatment and Intervention in Psychosis (TIPs)
project, 111–12
Treatment development Web-based interventions. See Internet
research-based deployment and dissemination interventions/surveys
models, 557 Weight-bearing exercise, in anorexia nervosa,
research gaps, 547 280
Treatment of mental health disorders Weight gain
definition, xxxii, 58 fear of, as criterion for anorexia nervosa, 260
effectiveness, 58 inappropriate behaviors to prevent, as criterion
impact of stigmatization, 534–35 for bulimia nervosa, 262
inadequacy of resources, 589, 593–94, 610, 614 Weight loss. See also Dieting
minor consent for, 566–67 as criterion for anorexia nervosa, 259–60
Tricyclic antidepressants interventions, for children and adolescents,
for generalized anxiety disorder, 195, 197 316–17
for major depressive disorder professionally administered
in adults, 43 effects on eating behavior, 317–18
in children and adolescents, 45, 45t effects on psychological status, 318
for panic disorder, 203 research with adults, 318–19
Trifluoperazine, for schizophrenia, 122t unhealthy behaviors, 304
Triodothyronine, with antidepressants, for major Weight restoration, for eating disorders, 280–81
depressive disorder, 43 White matter volume
Truancy, school professional findings, 602, 602t developmental changes, xxix, 86, 87f
Twelve-Step Minnesota model, for substance use in schizophrenia, 86–88, 91
disorders, 393–94, 398 Work attitudes, 559
Twin studies
in schizophrenia, 101–2 Youth development
in substance use disorders, 385 applications, 501–2
ecological approach, 501
ULifeLine program, 461 positive. See Positive youth development
United States Air Force, suicide prevention problem-centered approach, 500–501
program, 456 Youth Mental Health Network, 555
818 Index

Youth-Nominated Support Team (YST), for Zero-tolerance policies, 565

suicide attempters, 485–86 Zinc supplementation, for anorexia nervosa,
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System 292
eating disorders, 270–71 Zuni Life Skills Curriculum, 464
substance abuse, 342
suicide attempts, 435–36

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