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Name : Maisya Hanifah Salsabila

Class/ attendee's number: 1-61 / 22

Topic : Favorite Place to study in PKN STAN.

Main idea : Best place to study is library
a) The ‘good atmosphere’
 No distraction
 Positive vibes
b) Large Space for Self- and Group-Learning.
 Minilab for Group-Learning
 Many books for academic researches.

There are a lot of favorite places in STAN to study and it depends on the studying habits.
If someone doesn't like a quiet situation, they would rather study in a coffee shop or a cafe. But, I
am the type who doesn't like hustle because it is hard to get focused on when the conditions is
too crowded. So I choose library as my favorite place to study due to various reasons. The first
reason is ‘the good atmosphere’ that we can get only in library. I can consentrate more in
studying without any distractions which usually happen in our home such as game or a tv show.
Moreover,we also get positive vibes from the other students who have spirit on learning. And
something about being surrounded by books and the positive vibes makes me want to be more
studious too. The second reason is library has a large space for self- and group-learning. In PKN
STAN Library there is ‘Minilab’ which is usually used for Group-Learning or we called it as
‘TENTIR’. The rooms are small but functional. Group members can discuss assignments or
review the material. We can also find book or latest journal for academic researches easily. For
these reason, I think library is a best place for students who think learning in class is not enough
and still want to increase more time to study.

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