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Table of Contents
I. Cover ------------------------------------------------------------ 1
II. Table of Contents
III. Chapter
1. The Problem and Its Background
Introduction------------------------------------------------------------ 2 - 4
Background of the Study ------------------------------------------------- 5 - 6
Statement of the Problem------------------------------------------- 6
Hypothesis --------------------------------------------- 7 - 8
Scope and Limitations----------------------------------------------- 9 - 10

Significance of the Study--------------------------------------------- 11

Definition of Terms--------------------------------------------------- 12- 13

2. Review of Related Literature

Traditional Exposure Therapy: An Overview------------------------------------------ 14 – 15

Common Pitfalls in Traditional Exposure Therapy ---------------------------------- 15 – 19

Contextual: Virtual Reality Technology and Psychiatric Therapies--------------- 20 -- 23

Application of Virtual Reality Technology to Psychiatric Therapies -------------- 24 -- 26

Clinical Process of Virtual Reality Technology----------------------------------------- 27 -- 30

Reported Success Rate of VR Technology and Current Promotions -------------- 31 -- 35


3. Research Design and Methodology

Introduction-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36

Research Design -------------------------------------------------------------------- 36 -- 37

Flow Chart of Steps ---------------------------------------------------------------- 38

Detailed Explanation for Figure 1 (Flow Chart) ----------------------------- 39 - 41

Beneficiaries ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 – 43

4. Appendix

List of Expenditures and Project Budget

Timeline of Project: 3 Years

Possible Income Return --------------------------------------------------------- 45
5. Bibliography ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 46 – 48
6. Curriculum Vitae ------------------------------------------------------------------ 49 -- 53

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