Tribhuvan University: Faculty of Management

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Faculty of Management

Internship Project Report

Digital Marketing of “Pahuna Website”
Techroadians Offshore Base Pvt. Ltd.

For the partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor in

Information Management awarded by Tribhuvan University

Under the supervision of

Mr. Bishal Sunar

Submitted by
Harish Chand (T.U. 4619/12)
TU Registration No.: (7-2-282-174-2012)

Submitted to
Department of Computer Science
Bachelor of Information Management
Affiliated to Tribhuvan University
Maitighar, Kathmandu, Nepal
September 2016

The undersigned certify that they have read and recommended to the Department
of Computer Science for acceptance, a project proposal entitled “Digital Marketing
of Pahuna Website” submitted by Harish Chand (4619/12) for the partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer
Science and Information Technology awarded by Tribhuvan University.

…………………………….. …………………………….
Mr. Bishal Sunar External Examiner

Chief Executive Officer Tribhuvan University

TechRoadians Offshore Base

Mr. Vishnu Kumar Rana
Head Of Department
Department of Computer Science

It gives me immense pleasure to express my deepest sense of gratitude and sincere thanks to our
highly respected and esteemed guides Mr. Pramesh Karki, Chief Technology Officer and Mr.
Milan BK, Head of Digital Marketing Department (TechRoadians Offshore Base) for their
valuable guidance, encouragement and help for completing this work. Their useful suggestions for
this whole project and cooperation are sincerely acknowledged.

I owe my deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Bishal Sunar Chief Executive Officer at TechRoadians
Offshore Base for providing me an opportunity to carry out the Internship work at the organization.

Furthermore, I would like to thank Mr. Vishnu Kumar Rana Head of Department for whole
hearted support. I am also grateful to our teachers Mr. Jeetendra Manandhar (Senior Lecturer)
and Mr. Ganesh Yogi (Lecturer) for their constant support and guidance.

At the end we would like to express our sincere thanks to all our friends, colleagues and others
who helped us directly or indirectly during this project.

Harish Chand (012BIM015)


This report contains the details of the activities carried out during the internship conducted at
Techroadians Offshore Base Pvt. Ltd, Chakupat, Lalitpur for three months (May 3, 2016 – August
3, 2016) duration in digital marketing of the online Hotel Management Software named Pahuna.
The website of Pahuna Hotels was developed undergoing through different studies and research's.
The theme of the Pahuna Hotels is to provide better and reliable support as well as functioning for
the hotel managers.

In today's world all the files and records can be managed through the user of software's and this
stands out to be the most important part of manager's life. Nowadays technology is rapidly growing
and hotel management services has quite become complex and difficult to adjust with the
technology. In the meantime, hotels are following the trend to record their all data and information
about the bookings and other accounting services using filling system. Filing system is not quite
secure method to keep the information in the encapsulated form. So Pahuna Hotels, Hotel
Automation software will help to make it better all the information and details about hotels will be
automated through Pahuna Hotels.

The changes that take places in the Hotels, they have to adopt and implement the technology to
manage their information and services digitally. The world has grown of much importance and
people want easy and time saving services. The radical changes in the field of technology need to
be known and understood. For a proper and a smooth development in the society in the form of
product and services. Digitization of information stands to be very crucial in the 21st century. Easy
access to the daily ongoing changes needs to be known by the peoples in the reliable and accurate
form. People should be able to access different information for different development and changes.

This internship report describes different functionalities that the system includes. As a whole, the
internship period at Techroadians Offshore Base Pvt. Ltd provided me the opportunity to use my
theoretical knowledge into practice. The company supervisor guided and motivated me to enhance
my logical use of different web development tools and use of digital marketing, which in turn
helped me to gain job exposure.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................. i

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................ iii

LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................... vi

LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................... vii

ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................... viii

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Introduction to Internship ...................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Background ........................................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 2

1.4 Brief introduction to the industry .......................................................................................... 3

1.5 Brief Introduction of Organization ........................................................................................ 3

1.5.1 Organizational Hierarchy ............................................................................................... 5

1.5.2 Contact Details ............................................................................................................... 6

CHAPTER 2: ANALYSIS OF ACTIVITY DONE ................................................................... 7

2.1 Internship placement details .................................................................................................. 7

2.1.1 Organization Selection ................................................................................................... 7

2.1.2 Placement........................................................................................................................ 7

2.1.3 Duration .......................................................................................................................... 7

2.1.4 Roles and Responsibilities .............................................................................................. 8

2.2 Literature Review .................................................................................................................. 8

2.2.1 Overview of Traditional & Digital Marketing ............................................................. 10

2.2.2 Traditional Marketing versus Digital Marketing .......................................................... 10

2.2.3 Research on other Similar Current Websites ................................................................ 11

2.3 Specific Problem Analysis .................................................................................................. 13

2.3.1 Understanding the Existing System .............................................................................. 13

2.3.2 Development of Project Goals ...................................................................................... 13

2.4 Management Strategy .......................................................................................................... 14

2.4.1 Time Management Strategy.......................................................................................... 14 Prioritize tasks........................................................................................................ 14

2.4.2 Cost Management Strategy ........................................................................................... 15

2.4.3 Data Collection Strategy............................................................................................... 15 Interview ................................................................................................................ 15 Questionnaire ......................................................................................................... 16 Secondary Sources ................................................................................................. 16

2.5 Project Schedule .................................................................................................................. 16

2.5.1 Time Schedule .............................................................................................................. 16

2.5.2 GANTT chart ................................................................................................................ 17

CHAPTER 3: SOLUTION DESIGN ........................................................................................ 19

3.1 Project Management Plan.................................................................................................... 19

3.1.1 System Analysis ........................................................................................................... 19 Feasibility Study .................................................................................................... 19 Technical Feasibility ........................................................................................... 19

3.1.2 System Design .............................................................................................................. 21 ER Diagram ........................................................................................................... 21 Use Case Diagram.................................................................................................. 22 Data Flow Diagram ................................................................................................ 24 System Sequence Diagram .................................................................................... 25

3.1.3 Work Breakdown Structure .......................................................................................... 26

3.1.4 Alternative Solution ...................................................................................................... 26

3.2 Technical Requirements ...................................................................................................... 27

3.2.1 Hardware Requirements ............................................................................................... 27

3.2.2 Software Requirements................................................................................................. 28

CHAPTER 4: IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES ............................................................. 29

4.1 Testing ................................................................................................................................. 29

4.2 Testing Screenshots ............................................................................................................. 29

CHAPTER 5: RESULT ANALYSIS ........................................................................................ 32

5.1 Result................................................................................................................................... 32

5.2 Critical Analysis .................................................................................................................. 33

5.3 Limitation of the System ..................................................................................................... 35

5.4 Recommendation to the Organization ................................................................................. 36

5.5 Recommendation to Internship Program ............................................................................ 36

CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION................................................................................................... 37

CHAPTER 7: REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................. 38

CHAPTER 8: APPENDIX ......................................................................................................... 40


Figure 1:Organizational Hierarchy ................................................................................................. 5

Figure 2: Contact Details of Techroadians ..................................................................................... 6
Figure 3: Gantt Chart .................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 4: Entity Relation Diagram ................................................................................................ 21
Figure 5: Use Case Diagram of Pahuna ........................................................................................ 22
Figure 6: Data Flow Diagram ....................................................................................................... 24
Figure 7: Sequence Diagram ......................................................................................................... 25
Figure 8: Work Break Down Structure ......................................................................................... 26
Figure 9: Organic Data Traffic ..................................................................................................... 27
Figure 10:SERP I .......................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 11: Traffic Sources ............................................................................................................ 30
Figure 12: Daily Traffic Details .................................................................................................... 30
Figure 13: Traffic Overview ......................................................................................................... 31
Figure 14: Dashboard of Pahuna................................................................................................... 40
Figure 15: Article Published in Pahuna ........................................................................................ 40
Figure 16: Heading and Title Analysis ......................................................................................... 41
Figure 17: Keyword Analysis ....................................................................................................... 41
Figure 18:Link Factor Analysis .................................................................................................... 42
Figure 19: Responsiveness Measures ........................................................................................... 42
Figure 20: Mobile View of Pahuna ............................................................................................... 43
Figure 21: Pahuna Web Application Dashboard .......................................................................... 44
Figure 22: Pahuna Room Lists Details ......................................................................................... 44
Figure 23: Monthly Reports .......................................................................................................... 45


Table 1: Time Duration .............................................................................................................................. 7

Table 2: Time Schedule ............................................................................................................................ 16


SEO - Search Engine Optimization

SEM - Search Engine Marketing

CMS - Content Management System

SMM - Social Media Marketing

SERPs - Search Engine

ERD - Entity Relation Diagram

TU - Trivhuwan Univiersity

BIM - Bachelors in Information Management

UML - Unified Modeling Language

DFD - Data Flow Diagram

PHP - Hypertext Preprocessor

HTML - Hypertext Markup Lanauge

CSS - Cascading Style Sheet

IT - Information Technology

ICT - Information Communication Technology

OTA - Online Travel Agency

CTO - Chief Technology Officer

PC - Personal Computer

ROI - Return on Investment

KPI - Key Performance Indicators

LTV - Life Time Value

B2B - Business Two Business

PPC - Pay Per Click


1.1 Introduction to Internship

Internship is one of the on-the-job training for the under-graduate students that helps to enhance
the practical and real world experience under the guidance of the supervisor or professional in
certain field and help to identify the potential career opportunities. The internship report is
prepared for the partial fulfillment of Bachelor in Information Management (BIM), an under-
graduate degree awarded by Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur. This internship carries 6 credit hours
out of 15 credit hours in the final 8th semester of BIM. The internship program is highly effective
for the students in order to attain the real world experience, understanding the organization
structure and their culture and to enhance their career opportunities. Taking about my personal
information, this program has given me the opportunity to work in the real world scenario and help
me to enhance my skill, knowledge and attitude.

The internship in the field of information technology helps to increase the exposure and in-depth
knowledge in the respective technical platform. The technical industry is growing rapidly and new
technology is emerging with the speed of time so, the skill and knowledge gain in the college is
not enough to compete in the market. We need some real world experience in the industry and the
internship program helps the students to gain the professional experience. In the BIM course, we
learn various subjects such as Web Technology, Database Management System, Java
Programming, Data Communication and Networking, Accounting, Business Finance,
Organizational Behavior, etc. and in the internship program we must try to implement those
learning in order to produce the fruitful outcome.

1.2 Background

An internship program is a special course that provides students with the opportunity to become
familiar with the organizational setting. It is designed to develop the students personally and
professionally. It allows the proper market and job exposure to the students and also enables them
to meet and build network with professionals. It enables the students to understand organizational

behavior and sharpen their practical knowledge and skill which will grant them confidence and
experience that can be used later in their career.

For the internship program the author chose to complete the internship program under Digital
Marketing at TechRoadians Offshore Base which was approved by St. Xavier’s College and
thereby completed the three months of internship in the Digital Marketing Department. The author
was assigned for the Digital marketing of the website of the project titled “Pahuna Hotels”. This
allowed author to gain SEO and digital marketing skills in promoting the overall project for public

Pahuna Hotels is a project initiated by TechRoadians Offshore Base. Based on overcoming the
current problems faced by hotel reservation system, Pahuna Hotels is the online hotel reservation
and automation service that provides its services through the website of Pahuna especially.

The main aim for the study is to be able to promote and globalize Pahuna that provides quality
service to its customers.

1.3 Objectives

The main objective of the internship program was to acquire practical knowledge regarding a
specific field by implementing the theoretical knowledge gained in the college in the
organizational setting and to gain exposure to the market and organizational professional. An
internship program has the following objectives:

1. To harvest the theoretical knowledge into practice.

2. To build a strong career path.

3. To understand and maintain organizational harmony and public relation.

4. To gain professional education with the blend of information technology and

managerial/marketing skills.

5. To analyze the real world problem and find the solution using knowledge obtained.

6. To get hold on roles and responsibilities at the job.

7. To enhance the academic performance.

8. To develop network and relationship with organizational professionals.

1.4 Brief introduction to the industry

Computer science is the study of principles and practices that underpin an understanding and
modelling of computation, and of their application in the development of computer system. At its
heart lies the notion of computational thinking; a mode of thought that goes well beyond software
and hardware, and that provides a framework within which to reason about system and problems.
This mode of thinking is supported and complemented by a substantial body of theoretical and
practical knowledge and by a set of powerful techniques for analyzing, modeling and solving

The software industry expanded in the early 1960, almost immediately after computer ere first sold
is mass-produced quantities. Universities, government, and business customers created a demand
for software. Many of these programs were written in house by full0time staff programmer. Some
wearer distributed freely between users of a particular machine for no charge. Others were done
on commercial basis and other firms such as computer sciences corporation (founded 1959) started
to grow. The computer/hardware markers started bundling operating systems, systems software
and programming environment with their machines.

The software market in Nepal is experiencing steady growth. Experts and professionals involved
in this business are taking this growth as a positive aspect of developing awareness related to
information technology in the country.

1.5 Brief Introduction of Organization

TechRoadians Offshore Base Pvt. Ltd has been established in 2009. Since the establishment of the
company, it is devoted to maintain a better understanding and cordial relationship with our clients.

Every single project of clients is accomplished in a way that nourishes our relationship with them
by making the necessary time and effort to understand the core expectation of the clients.

The TechRoadians Offshore Base Pvt. Ltd provides all kinds of media and IT solution under one’s
roof and preaches its slogan “Enlivening your Communication” as it takes care of its client’s need
and requirements. It focuses on its strength with the help of its affiliated specialists and also
provides the solution to its clients. Initially established with a firm determination to provide the
best designing and corporate branding solutions, it has now broadened its services to providing
web development facility and its own projects.

The TechRoadians look for digital marketing solution that can be presented as the best possible
solution to a company and the solution that company provide is vivid, timeless, extravagant,
unique, vibrant and innovative. The way company work is directed towards providing clients the
best possible creative solutions they require enhancing the brand image. TechRoadians Offshore
Base Pvt. Ltd works by understanding the client’s requirements, developing vibrant and fresh
designs that can communicate to the targeted customers and are able to be the extension of many
of our client’s business.

The services are especially targeted to the small businesses, which are seeking customers from
various states and countries. It not only designs, prints and hosts websites and e-commerce site but
also provides services like digital marketing, corporate/brand identity and communication.

1.5.1 Organizational Hierarchy

Figure 1:Organizational Hierarchy

The organizational hierarchy of TechRoadians consists of various levels of authority and post
which is shown below. Consider the given figure for a clear understanding of the hierarchy of the

1.5.2 Contact Details

Figure 2: Contact Details of Techroadians

[Image src: TechRoadians Offshore Base]


2.1 Internship placement details

2.1.1 Organization Selection

The four-year degree of BIM allows us to attain knowledge on various aspects of Information
Technology. The seven semesters of rigorous theoretical knowledge gaining are put to test and
further polished in the last semester through practical implementation in the real world scenario.
At the same time the internship is one of the major highlight of the program to expose the students
to the professional world. Among the various criteria and sectors provided to us internship
prerequisite statement, digital marketing was chosen. Various organizations were short listed and
approached out of which the organization with the best lucrative offer and environment was
selected. I selected “TechRoadians Offshore Base” as my intern organization.

2.1.2 Placement

During the internship tenure, the author was provided with work space at the organization, not
only that the author was treated as trainee staff with the access to the very information of the
organization, its organizational resources, information and equipment. As per the norms of the
organization the author was provided with the monthly allowances for travel and lunch fares.
Needless to say, there was a strong support and help from my supervisor to grasp the technical
knowledge required for the development of the digital marketing of the website of the company.

2.1.3 Duration

Table 1: Time Duration

Start Date : 3rd May

End Date : 3rd August
Office Hours : 10:00 am – 6:00 am

Working Hours : 8 Hours per day
Working Days in a week : 5 days
Total Working Hours in a Week : 40 Hours
Internship Period : 3 months

2.1.4 Roles and Responsibilities

During the internship period at TechRoadians Offshore Base, the roles and responsibility that the
author had to perform during the internship period were specified. The roles and responsibilities
as a SEO analyst and digital marketer were not limited in the website of the organization. The
analysis of the website of the Pahuna Hotels was performed. Along with the analysis of the website,
content review was performed of all those contents written for Pahuna Hotels website. The author
was also responsible for the website posts review through WordPress framework and plugins. The
involvement in the preparation of the internet marketing plan for the TechRoadians was another
important role of the author as an intern.

2.2 Literature Review

A Systematic Literature Review is defined by Kitchenham as, “A systematic literature review

(often referred to as a systematic review) is a means of identifying, evaluating and interpreting all
available research relevant to a particular research question, or topic area, or phenomenon of

The literature review work is influenced by Qualitative approach; keeping this in view study of
literature was conducted. The study was also focused in finding the suitable process for optimizing
hotel automation software. Literature review was carried out to gather theoretical data of different
researches in the area of our interest and to have insight of philosophical perspective, for better
understanding in the study area.

To gather literature of interest, different resources and databases was gathered available for free
on internet and also direct interview was conducted to collect some primary data about the
methodologies and best practices of responsiveness.

The review was started with the extraction of related information about the need of current
software and website in public and selection of proper tools and process which could accomplish
the requirement of the customer. The software and the website is regarding the hotel management
system and which must be responsive in accordance with the customer request. Some useful
technologies were referenced from similar kinds of projects which were already developed. Those
needs were referenced to reduce the paper work by collecting the feedbacks from customers and
understanding the actual easiness the users search for. The requirement for the information and
easy access is the primary requirement for any software and website. The website and software
design was already prepared. The digital marketing plan and strategies were prepared. First the
available resources were analyzed to know about the current potentiality of the organization in
terms of human resource and available expertise in the current field. The level of complexity of
the plan and marketing strategies were decided according to the level of knowledge of users and
dynamic software and website.

After the needs for the digital marketing of the website was finalized through various tools, the
research and work related to Search Engine Optimization was performed. Search Engine
Optimization plays an important role in helping for the Digital Marketing of the certain

The text book The Art of SEO, 2nd Edition, S. Eric Enge, Stephan Spencer, Rand Fishkin (2012).
O’Reilly Media, gives the depth knowledge about comprehending SEO’s many intricacies and
complexities. This text book fully assisted to explore the underlying theory and inner workings of
search engines. It helped to understand the role of social media, user data and links. It also helped
to discover tools to track results and measure success.

2.2.1 Overview of Traditional & Digital Marketing

Traditional marketing refers to any type of promotion, advertising or campaign that has been in
use by companies for years, and that has a proven success rate. Methods of traditional marketing
can include print advertisements, such as newsletters, billboards, flyers and newspaper print ads.

In simplistic terms, digital marketing is the promotion of products or brands via one or more forms
of electronic media. Digital marketing differs from traditional marketing in that it in the use of
channels and methods that enable an organization to analyze marketing campaigns and understand
what is working and what isn't-typically in real time.

Digital marketers monitor things like what is being viewed, how often and for how long, sales
conversions, what content works and doesn't work, etc. While the Internet is, perhaps, the channel
most closely associated with digital marketing, others include wireless text messaging mobile
instant messaging, mobile apps podcasts, electronic billboards, digital television and radio
channels, etc. [5]

2.2.2 Traditional Marketing versus Digital Marketing

The difference between Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing can be done on the basis of
4 points below:


Every business strategy engages to budget, so does both strategies. There is some difference in the
cost between traditional marketing and online marketing. Traditional marketing promotes the
products of a brand through ads on paper, billboard, television, radio, and more. This marketing
strategy spends huge cost to keep the promotion running as the schedule. Online marketing can
also carry a cost, but there are numerous online marketing strategies that are virtually free.


In traditional marketing, coverage of your product will be printed on paper media or aired on
television and radio. Unfortunately, the exposure your products will get is very often momentary.
For example, the newspaper where your high-cost advertisement appeared in is going to throw the
next day. On the other way, your online coverage will be always there for like forever. It will be
archived on the internet and ready to be found easily whenever your customers need it.


Traditional marketing is more effective for target customer which out of reach of internet. They
are people who do not connect to the internet on daily basis. Senior citizens or low-end economic
citizens who are internet illiterate are the best target for traditional marketing strategy. O the other
way, people who are never without internet in their reach, such as teenagers and businessmen, are
easier in to reach through online marketing


It is difficult to keep track of your traditional marketing strategy. You need to put a lot of effort
and time-consuming research to get information how your customer behavior against your
products. On the other hand, online marketing is easy to track. Email marketing software can tally
the number of people who view your message. Moreover, it can the number of advertisements that
lead to purchases on online sales. [6]

2.2.3 Research on other Similar Current Websites

OYO Rooms

OYO Rooms, is an Indian aggregator for standardized inexpensive hotel rooms. It currently
operates in more than 170 Indian cities and in Malaysia. Service provided by OYO Rooms are:

OYO ensures that hotels provide standard features including free WiFi and breakfast, flat-screen
TVs, and so on. These rooms range from 999 ($16) to 12000 rupees ($165). The aggregator
provides property owners with support such as standardized supplies and service training. [7]


Agoda Company Pte Ltd is an Online Travel Agency (OTA) based in Singapore that offers
accommodation booking services through its website and mobile app. is reported to
be the only Asia-based online travel company to hold a spot within the top sis, according to data
from industry observer, Skift. It offers its service in 38 different languages, with various types of
accommodations included in its inventory, from hotels and b&bs to beach resorts, rest houses and
home stays. [8] is an American company and a commercial website that claims to help users obtain
discount rates for travel-related purchases such as airline tickets and hotel stays. The company is
not a direct supplier of these services, instead it facilitates the provision of travel services by its
suppliers to its customers. It is headquartered in Norwalk, Connecticut, United States, is wholly owned by The Priceline Group. [9] is an online accommodation booking website started as a small start-up in Enschede

in 1996, based in Amsterdam, Netherlands and since 2005 owned and operated by United States
based Priceline. Its operations center is located in Amsterdam. has over 989,000 properties globally under contract and that it deals with more than
900,000 room nights’ reservations each day. In 2013, it accounted for more than two thirds of
Priceline's revenue. is available in more than 41 languages. [10]

2.3 Specific Problem Analysis

2.3.1 Understanding the Existing System

The system here refers to the search engine friendly websites. Currently there are a considerable
websites and software that functions in the field of online hotel management. Those websites are
either not responsive or filled with too much functionalities that makes the viewer/user to view the
website more complex and time consuming. Many organizations and industries working in the
field of hotel management are not aware and not even shown interest about the online hotel
management websites. The reason behind this is that they are unable to make the reach and gain
popularity of online hotel management related website among the customers. Customers feel
uneasy and find it difficult to use the use the system.

2.3.2 Development of Project Goals

Considering the problems mentioned in the above section, the internship project is aimed to
develop a digital marketing for a website to flow the right amount of information and responsive
to users.

For developing a digital marketing for a website, we need to make sure that we have some
objectives in place. A simple, increase traffic or rank better is not specific enough but, having said
that, creating goals that are so specific they exclude any recognition of improvement across the
board are similarly limiting.

Pahuna website is a website that helps to book the seats for the specific hotels online and many
more. The overall goal is to increase the conversions on website and increase the user’s
interactions. The strategy goals for the project are:

 Promote the website of online hotel seats booking system – Pahuna Hotels.

 Creating the various social media events, pages, groups as a part of promotion.

 Provide the information that is easily understood by users i.e. increasing the readability

 Information sharing facilities through social medias like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus,
Reddit, etc.

 Provide newsletter facility to new and existing customers.

 Provide the information regarding the latest events conducted by the organization regarding
particular subject.

2.4 Management Strategy

2.4.1 Time Management Strategy

Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the
amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or
productivity. Time management may be aided by a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to
manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects, and goals complying with a due date.
Initially, time management referred to just business or work activities, but eventually the term
broadened to include personal activities as well. A time management system, in the case of digital
marketing, is a designed combination of SEO, SEM, traffic building, conversion analysis, email
marketing, content management system (CMS), social media marketing, and integration of Offline
Marketing. Time management is usually a necessity in any project development as it determines
the project completion time and scope. Prioritize tasks

The tasks to be performed for the completion of the project should be listed and prioritized
according the functionality early during start of the project. The tasks include research, study of
the requirement, SEO, Marketing, Blogging, CMS, SMM and maintenance etc. High priority tasks
such as Search Engine Optimization were given more time, resources and emphasis and completed

14 Regular meeting

Regular meeting and discussion with supervisor was conducted. This enables the project to be
scheduled in time and maintain the punctuality and in turn helped to focus the objective of the

2.4.2 Cost Management Strategy

The strategy helps to determine the benefits that can be obtained from the system by comparing
them with the various costs. If the benefits are higher than the cost, then the system is considered
to be economically feasible to be developed. Else it is easily understanding that the system is not
economically feasible and certain things are to be worked out and modified in order to acquire the
desired cost strategy. For minimizing the developed cost, we have used WordPress framework.
WordPress enables the programmers to implement the complex solutions with the help of its
framework. WordPress framework helped for managing the cost for the development of this
project because it’s freely available to use. The current website is hosted through WordPress.
WordPress offers great flexibility and the functionality.

2.4.3 Data Collection Strategy

The demand for administrative information is increasing, as are the demands on quality in statistics
and analyses, At the same time, one of data collection’s goals is to reduce the burden caused by
damages caused from lack of data. The challenge for data collection is to collect more information
of a higher quality at a lower cost that will help a lot in developing the digital marketing for Pahuna. Interview

During the data collection process, interview with the supervisor and the sponsor of the site was
conducted to collect information and requirement regarding how much easy accessible to make
the website and what kinds of marketing strategies and social media strategies must be applied.

15 Questionnaire

Along the internship program many questions were asked to the supervisor and the mentor to gain
knowledge about the tools and marketing strategies used for digital marketing of the whole
website. Questions were asked to the supervisor and CTO of the company to learn the effective
way to create the responsive website. Secondary Sources

The other sources of data collection during the internship program were through other similar
websites and through the internet.

2.5 Project Schedule

Project schedule is a schedule prepared to focus certain level of activities in the project with respect
to time.

2.5.1 Time Schedule

The time schedule gives a detailed description of how the project was carried out, planning,
analysis, preliminary research and other variable steps. Time schedule shows the task name, days
and hours spent or to be spent on that task along with the start and finish date of the task.

Table 2: Time Schedule

Task Name Start Date Duration End Date

Planning for the project 5/3/2016 6 5/8/2016

Discussion with organization 5/9/2016 3 5/11/2016

Understanding the requirement 5/12/2016 4 5/15/2016

Preliminary research on the project and requirement 5/16/2016 7 5/22/2016

Preparing the Gantt chart 5/23/2016 2 5/24/2016

Problem identification 5/25/2016 4 5/28/2016

Preparing for the project proposal 5/29/2016 4 6/1/2016

Research to prepare for Internet Marketing 6/2/2016 5 6/6/2016

Organizational review of Internet Marketing 6/7/2016 4 6/10/2016

SEO review by organization 6/11/2016 5 6/15/2016

Development & Implementation of Internet Marketing 6/16/2016 25 7/10/2016


Final review Internet Marketing 7/11/2016 7 7/17/2016

Documentation 7/18/2016 5 7/22/2016

Total 81

2.5.2 GANTT chart

Gantt chart is a type of bar chart developed during the 1910’s by Henry Gantt. Gantt chart
represents the project schedule predefined. In internship period the project work is carried out in
different phases at different time, considering one major phase in a particular designated time
frame. The time schedule is shown in the Gantt chart below:

In the first phase of requirement gathering and analysis is being conducted and the code flow of
the website has been studied. In the second phase research work is carried out for the project. Then
the website testing and optimization review is carried according to the level of access.
Documentation process is carried from the early state of the project.

Figure 3: Gantt Chart


3.1 Project Management Plan

Project Management Plan includes a framework or blueprint of step by step approach to achieving
the goal of the project.

3.1.1 System Analysis

System Analysis under this project covered the evaluating and inspecting of the feasible resources
for the completion of this project. Feasibility Study

A feasibility study is an analysis of how successfully a project can be completed, accounting for
factors that affect it such as economic, technological, legal and scheduling factors. Technical Feasibility

Technical feasibility was to make sure that the enhanced or optimized site would be able to work
in the existing infrastructure and integrate with the company’s rations. We can strongly say that it
is technically feasible, since there will not be much difficulty in getting required resources for the
enhancing the website as well. All the resources needed for it as well as the maintenance of the
same is available in the organization. Economic Feasibility

In order to analyze the economic feasibility of the system, cost/benefit analysis is to be carried out.
This tool helps to determine the benefits that can be obtained from the system by comparing them
with various costs. If the benefits are higher than the cost, then the system is considered to be
economically feasible to be developed. Else we can easily understand that the system is not

economically feasible and certain things are to be worked out and modified in order to acquire
based on budget and the cost estimation made by the team of Digital Marketing of TechRoadians
Offshore Base. Legal Feasibility

Legal feasibility considered the facilities and restrictions per the law for and against this project.
As being an information disseminating system it rarely faced any legal obstacles. Operational Feasibility

Operational feasibility is a measure of how well a proposed system solves the problems, and takes
advantage of the opportunities identified during scope definition and how it satisfies the
requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase of system development. Suppose for a
moment that technical and economic resources are both judged adequate. The systems analyst must
still consider the operational feasibility of the requested project [12]. Operational feasibility is
dependent on human resources available for the project and involves projecting whether the system
will operate and be used once it is installed. Schedule Feasibility

A project will fail if it takes too long to be completed before it is useful. Typically, this means
estimating how long the system will take to develop, and if it can be completed in a given time
period using some methods like payback period. Schedule feasibility is a measure of how
reasonable the project timetable is. Some projects are initiated with specific deadlines. We need to
determine whether the deadlines are mandatory or desirable.

3.1.2 System Design ER Diagram

ER diagram shows the entities of the system, the interrelationship between them and the cardinality
of the relationship between them.

Figure 4: Entity Relation Diagram

There is a total of 4 entities in the above ER diagram: Organization, Supervisor, Content & SEO
Analyst and Clients. Also these entities have their own attributes. They work in association with
one another for the completion of digital marketing plans and procedures. The company selects,

discusses and makes a deal with the clients in a co-operative manner. The company then interacts
and explains the whole deal and its working areas to the supervisor who designs and assigns job
to the content and SEO manager. The supervisor is very much responsible in evaluating the task
and bringing necessary changes anytime needed so that no further complaints and disapproval of
contents won’t be raised.

The content and SEO manager works accordingly to the job given and goes through a couple of
research activities to create fruitful and satisfactory contents to meet the schedule requirements
too. The auditing of websites and analyzation of the network traffic is another responsibility to be
handled properly. More frequent the auditing, more network traffic involvement, thus making any
website organic is the major aspect of search engine optimization. The job completed is now
delivered to the clients and page manager. Finally, the optimized contents are posted and shared
in various social media platforms, clients search for it, and the users determine the workability of
the contents and provide the needed improvements. Use Case Diagram

Use case diagram explains the different users participating in the system and access levels,
privileges to the system’s modules and subsystem functionalities.

Figure 5: Use Case Diagram of Pahuna

The use case diagram of Digital Marketing usually encompasses three actors. They are: Client,
Audience and Content & SEO Analyst. Digital Marketing deals with the organization and product
visibility in various digital media platforms. We, here deal with the product availability in search
engines with the optimized content and mapping with the related social media page. The client’s
demand is the foremost who wants to promote their products. They come up with a strong will to
reach to as many people as possible and indulge them in making the use of products or relying in
their company services for profit maximization. The growth of a business depends upon the ideas
and strategies a client possesses, so the description of the necessary requirements should be
forwarded to the content & SEO manager via the marketing company.

The Content and SEO Analyst is in charge of building up the optimized contents that can satisfy
the people for long term. Only content writing is not enough. Sharing of those ready content needs
to be shared in different social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon, Tumblr,
Flipboard, etc. Here the interaction and involvement of the users is prime. The visibility of
company increases with proper auditing of social media pages and Google ranking in search
engines. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) concept is used for better ranking of websites in
search engines that make these websites feasible to offer easy access to the users. Thus, making
the use of helpful and relevant contents, social media platforms and creating organic visibility of
a particular webpage in search engine results pages (SERPS) along with the regular updates of
traffic sources, onsite and offsite SEO, inbound links and keyword density determination, and
more are of essence here.

The concept of digital marketing is applied for resulting in loyalty to the brand/product. The use
of digital marketing has to persuade the audience with the convincing contents. Grabbing audience
attention requires a series of research that involve information on overall market structure,
competitors’ target market, selling techniques, marketing strategies, existing online partnerships
and key phrases. Brand awareness strategies, website traffic, customer satisfaction, internet
performance and traffic funneling/ converting are the key factors to be looked upon to seek
improvements in user increment and user-friendly environment. Hence, the purpose of the use case
diagram is to point out the works done by actors with the assistance of digital marketing.

23 Data Flow Diagram

The DFD is a graphical representation of the flow of data through an information system. It is an
efficient tool for drawing and representing a model of the system. The Figure 6 below represents
the Data Flow Diagram of the system.

Figure 6: Data Flow Diagram

The major and basic work of SEO is to understand the search engine and client requirements. The
visibility of company is the need of clients, so making contents organic and convincing is the target
to be met. The placement of keywords that make a good impact among the users of digital media
platforms is to be analyzed and is the most essential. Optimizing the website of any company is
the major task to be performed here, the mapping, auditing and pay per click are the focused
aspects of SEO. SEO submission is the act of mapping the page to enhance the flow of traffic in a
website. Link building is the process of increasing data traffic in one website via someone else’s
website in which the link is provided to get to another website. Finally, the reporting is completed
and in the final stage, the analysis of website is done to accomplish the whole task. System Sequence Diagram

System sequence diagram explains the sequence flow the system follows while using different
modules. Some of them are:

Figure 7: Sequence Diagram

3.1.3 Work Breakdown Structure

Work breakdown structure covers the breaking down of the tasks of development and management
of the system into different staffs of the organization, in case of “Digital Marketing of Pahuna
Website” is explained below:

Figure 8: Work Break Down Structure

3.1.4 Alternative Solution

Digital Marketing is a constantly advancing operation, and much of what is read in a passing
introduction to the subject is outdated in later course of time. Some alternative solutions this to
discuss several digital marketing operations. Once the optimization of the site is performed, some
analytical tools can be kept as alternative backhanders to continue to pursue optimizations.

Figure 9: Organic Data Traffic
The alternative solutions to effective digital marketing performed on the company’s site are
given below [13]:

 Right keyword for right mode of business.

 Submission to the right search engines, blogs, and directories.

 Time endurance

 Committed link building

 Favorable technical changes to the website

 Tracking, reporting and adjustments

3.2 Technical Requirements

3.2.1 Hardware Requirements

 Internet accessible workstation/ simple PC.

 Website hosting server

3.2.2 Software Requirements

 A front end designing program (PHP).

 Content Management System (WordPress).

 Rank Tracker and Word Tracker.

 Graph Generation/Webmaster Tools (Google Bot Crawling, Google Rank Checker).

 Google Analytics, Google Adwords, Google

 Semrus



4.1 Testing

System Testing is a level of the software testing process where a complete, integrated
system/software is tested. The purpose of this test is to evaluate the system compliance with the
specified requirements. system Testing is the process performing a variety of tests on a system to
explore functionality or to identify problems. System testing is usually required before and after a
system is put in place A series of systematic procedures are referred to while testing is being

In case of search optimization and digital marketing, the testing can be done with the keyword
search on the search engine to find out how effectively the optimization of the website has been
carried out.

4.2 Testing Screenshots

Figure 10:SERP I

Since the Pahuna Hotels project is yet to be launched, the content of the Pahuna is properly indexed
in search engine. So, the keywords “Pahuna” and “” are mostly indexed. So if we

search through the following two keywords, we find the website at the top of the first page of

Figure 11: Traffic Sources

The company has chosen a list of keywords that can be searched on the search engine, with their
respective encoding. The analytical table shows the list of those keywords along with their

Figure 12: Daily Traffic Details

Figure 13: Traffic Overview


5.1 Result

This major work of this project has been completed. Only some minor things are to be finalized
developer team. The for digital marketing all the plan have been made. This web application is
currently live and running on New features and bug fixing will be done time to time.
This system is platform independent so it can have accessed from any corner of the world if there
is the presence of internet.

This system has been a success as it has been able to fulfill the client requirements and
expectations. Now this system can be used by any hotel management users. The author has done
digital marketing and search engine optimization of the web application and website. During the
intern period the author has gained depth knowledge about search engine optimization and digital

The application is named as “Pahuna Hotel Automation System” and the main objectives of the
software are as follows:

 To provide users a fully functional web application where hotel users can manage their
daily data’s.
 To provide an interactive user interface to manage all the hotels and their every
 To automate the flow of the hotels information over the globe.
 To make it accessible hotels information each and every location with authorized access.
 To provide the management of the content.

Results are the expected outcomes that are accomplished after the completion of any work. The
expected outcomes depend upon the objectives that were mentioned in the earlier stages. These
objectives have a foundation in achieving desired results and determines the success of any project.

Hence, the above objectives were the expected outcomes / results of this project which was
successfully achieved.

5.2 Critical Analysis

How the data is structured is critical to enable accurate analysis and reporting. It will allow to build
five advanced, but simple, SEO analyses that can be performed with visitor intelligence.

Laying the Groundwork – Choosing the Right Systems

Almost every SEO solution will give the search volumes, keyword ranks and even traffic volumes;
these matter to the clients.

Most B2B marketers care about leads and opportunities, while every business cares about revenue.
What are the KPI’s (key performance indicators) and more importantly, what are they being
measured by? Is it leads, opportunities, ROI, annual revenue or LTV (life time value)? Whatever
it is, it should be made sure SEO plan has a clear path focusing on how to bring users there.

The right system will provide a comprehensive solution, giving the ability to report and analyze
data in one place. It might take some upfront work to setup the systems and customize them to
optimizer’s liking, but every minute spent upfront will save hours of work later. [14]

Building the Analysis

It’s often easier to plan and build an analysis if first look at the final product – the recommendations
are done. It might sound counterintuitive to think about analysis from the recommendation aspect,
since users run an analysis to come up with a recommendation, but most studies start with a
hypothesis, so a simple SEO analysis should follow the same logic. This exercise will also help
one rationalize some of the metrics and KPI’s user initially thought were important, and uncover
a few they might have overlooked

When SEO keyword analysis is performed, a specific set of tools is used to identify and analyze
keyword already in use by the client and their competitor. Next, another set of SEO keyword tools
(Like Google AD word Keyword Tool) is used to identify a larger list. There are six critical factor
in identifying the ultimate set of target keyword. [15]

1. Relevancy

2. Search Stage

3. Traffic

4. Competitiveness (depends on Organic Traffic)

5. Search Value and Market Value


This should be fairly obvious, but the goal is not to simply increase traffic, but to increase qualified
traffic. There are lots of keywords that might bring traffic based on curiosity but how likely are
people searching for those terms to buy the service or product.

Search Stage

People using ore advanced vocabulary are getting closer to the point of purchase. It also means
that any of the competitors that optimized for keywords away from the close, spend effort/money
to educate customers.


Most of the people select their SEO keywords based on their instinct, without checking their value
on search engines. The search terms require to be analyzed through Google AdWords Keyword
Planner. It gives basic view of the keywords search result. Keyword selection process have been
done through Google AdWords or Keyword Planner.


There are 10 spots valuable on the first page of a Google Search result. The greater the number of
competitive pages, the more difficult it is to get a first position. The following rages are used to
gauge the level of SEO competition and established SEO pricing.

Search Value

These are keywords that have been tested via Keyword Selection tools – Google Keywords where
competitors are paying good money to advertise. It is assumed that they are paying attention to
ROI. Therefore, if a keyword has a higher Pay Per Click (PPC) value, it’s probably better for
business than one with a lower PPC value.

Understanding the SEO strategy of a competitive website is a acritical component of SEO

campaign. Both traditional the company’s sales and marketing teams often come across and
keyword those that rank for target keyword phrases in search engines marketers should seek to
understand about their competition include keyword and content strategy, inbound link
information, and social media presence. [16]

5.3 Limitation of the System

In internship period internee was able to understand the real working environment of IT
organization. As per internee idea IT department is concerned with development of application
software. This department is responsible for project planning, resource allocation, cost and effort
estimation, and risk management, monitoring and controlling and testing quality of software.
Internee was assigned the website of the company to be optimized during internship placement
and the digital marketing of the respective website, which was related to Online Hotel
Management. This report is prepared on the base of overall website system design process. The
main procedure starts with identification of current system ranking and end with optimization

5.4 Recommendation to the Organization

Nobody is perfect at all, so during internship placement author faced multiple problems. The
problems were both; usual and unusual. The usual problem used to be timing whereas unusual
problem were the obstacles on website optimization process. There was a confusion regarding
what to expect from the internship due to lack of guidance and proper supervisor on behalf of the
organization. There was also the limited access as the admin of the website which made author
difficult to keep the screenshots of necessary portions. But overall, the environment was good and
sound for the internship to be performed.

5.5 Recommendation to Internship Program

The internship program for BIM program helps the student to compete in the real world after the
college life. They get the real exposure through the organization and they are able to face different
kinds of real world problem. After the internship they are able to know the organizational behavior
and their working pattern.

Student should follow the rules and regulations of the internship program. The time frame seems
to be insufficient to the student since this period should be increased so as to learn more. Student
should choose the organization according to their filed of interest. So, there should be more
internship opportunity to the student. Research oriented internship is necessary rather than
programming or networking.


From internship program the author is much benefited by having real world experience in the
Software and Web Development Company where author can implement concepts and logics that
learned during study period. Within this short span of time, web development and analysis
activities has been observed and learnt, which taught the significance of relation, leadership traits
and other managerial and advertisement skills.

The greatest things that was learned doing internship is how to accomplish the task by doing it in
team, how to make best use of internet, how to use different tools to gain efficiency, how to do
code so that are in standard according to coming new technologies. The website was effectively
optimized so that its presence had been highly significant on the search engine, with a good
content, proper placement of keywords, and appreciable number of visits to inbound links, hits,
clicks and impressions.

The exposure to the practical environment has increased experience and confidence to deal with
various organizational communications with the customer. The system developed; or more
precisely the website optimized by studying the existing system and client expectation has
improved and given more boundaries for the author to analyze and system to develop software.
The author has learnt to perform amazingly at the presentation and has developed his
demonstration skills as well. With this, the author has gained the knowledge of the practical
environment of the organization that he has been part of which has boosted him the wisdom of the
organizational discipline and time management.

Finally, internship program has increased the skill to communicate and report to those parties in
time regarding any kind of issues that are dealt in the organization and buildup the confidence
level to work in team and real world projects.


[1] ‘Mainstream Marketing: Traditional Marketing’ [Online] Available:

[2] ‘Freelance Folder: Online Marketing Is Great – But What About Traditional Marketing?’
[Online] Available:

[3] ‘Marketing Proof: Don’t Abandon Traditional Marketing Methods: Integrate and Interact’
[Online] Available:

[4] ‘Traditional marketing vs Digital marketing’ [Online] Available:

[5] ‘Digital Marketing’ [Online] Available:

[6] ‘Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing’ [Online] Available:

[7] ‘Oyo Rooms’ [Online] Available: "Why A 21-Year-Old Is Building OYO As An Uber (And
Not An Airbnb) For Hotels In India". Forbes. Retrieved 2015-11-05.

[8] “Agoda Co Pte Ltd". Bloomberg Business. October 2015. Retrieved 2 October 2015.

[9] ‘’ [Online] Available:

[10] "" [Online] Available:

[11], [Online].

[12] webmasterworld,, [Online]

[13] quicksprout,,


[14] Johns Hopkins University, Critical Analysis to SEO, Career Center Garland Hall, January,
2006, 1-2 page

[15] – Napisha Binti Harun, “SEO Factors Management System (E-SSAM)”, Bachleor of
computer Science (Software development), project report, University Tenknikal Malaysia, 2008,

[16] – Mydhili K Nair, Dr. V. Gopalakrishna, “Generic SEO Service: A step towards Greeen
Computing”, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Vol. 1 (3) 2009,


Figure 14: Dashboard of Pahuna

Figure 15: Article Published in Pahuna

Figure 16: Heading and Title Analysis

Figure 17: Keyword Analysis

Figure 18:Link Factor Analysis

Figure 19: Responsiveness Measures

Figure 20: Mobile View of Pahuna

Figure 21: Pahuna Web Application Dashboard

Figure 22: Pahuna Room Lists Details

Figure 23: Monthly Reports


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