Question Bank Object Oriented Programming and Methodology CSE-III Semester Unit-I

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Question Bank

Object Oriented Programming and Methodology

CSE-III Semester

QUESTION-1: Write down the various concepts of OOP and define them.(RGPV Dec- 2001, 2003, June-2005)
QUESTION-2: What is the object? How can we do use object in a program. (RGPV Dec-2005)
QUESTION-3: What are the different elements of an object models? (RGPV Dec-2003)
QUESTION4: Write merits and demerits of OOP.
QUESTION-5: What are the different elements of an object model? (RGPV, Dec-2003)
QUESTION-6: Write short notes on I/O stream. (RGPV, June 2002)
QUESTION-7: Describe briefly the feature of I/O system supported by C++. (RGPV, June 2004, Dec-2006)
QUESTION-8: Compare OOP and procedure oriented language.
QUESTION-9: What is object modelling? Explain functional model.

QUESTION-1: Define and explain encapsulation? (RGPV June-2001, Dec-2001)
QUESTION-2: What is meant by data encapsulation? What are its advantages? (RGPV Dec-2001)
QUESTION-3: Explain the concept of data hiding in OOT. (RGPVDec-2003)
QUESTION-4: What is class? How does it accomplish data hiding (RGPV Dec-2003?)
QUESTION-5: What are the essential qualities of an object? How an object is related with class.
QUESTION-6: What is constructor? List the properties of constructor function. (RGPV Dec-2008)
QUESTION-7: What is destructor? List the properties of destructor function. (RGPV Dec-2008)
QUESTION-8: What are the stream class? What are the advantage of stream classes?(RGPV, June 2002)
QUESTION-9: Write short note on, static data member. (RGPV, Dec 2006)
QUESTION-1: What is the different kind of relationship among classes? (RGPV Dec-2004)
QUESTION-2: Give any example of association? (RGPV Dec-2002)
QUESTION-3: What is important of association? (RGPV Dec-2003)
QUESTION-4: Write short note on class diagram many-to-one association with example? (RGPVDec02)
QUESTION-5: What is an aggregation? Give an example. (RGPV Dec-2004)
QUESTION-6: Write a type of aggregation and properties. (RGPV June-2005)
QUESTION-7: What is the importance of association? (RGPV, June 2005)
QUESTION-8: What is an inheritance? What is different form of inheritance? (RGPV, Dec-2004)
QUESTION-9: Write short notes on inheritance. (RGPV, June-2002)
QUESTION-10: What are the benefits of inheritance? (RGPV, Dec-2004)
QUESTION-11: What is abstract class? (RGPV, 2001, 2003, Dec-2005, June-2006)
QUESTION-12: What is meant by abstract class? Can be creates object of an abstract class. (RGPV Dec-2007)
QUESTION-13: What are access control specifiers? Discuss the role of each one of them in inheritance. (RGPV,

QUESTION-1: Explain the term polymorphism in an object oriented concept with example. (RGPV Dec-2004)

QUESTION-2: What are the different types of polymorphism describe them.(RGPV, June-2001)

QUESTION-3: Describe run time and compile time polymorphism with example (RGPV, june-2002)
QUESTION-4: How polymorphism achieved at compile time and run time. (RGPV, June-2002)
QUESTION-5: What is parametric overloading? (RGPV, dec-2003)
QUESTION-6: Write short notes on inherited methods. (RGPV, Dec-2003)
QUESTION-7: Write difference between inherited method and redefined method (RGPV, Dec-2007)
QUESTION-8: What is virtual base class? (RGPV, Dec-2001, June-2005, Dec-2005)
QUESTION-9: List the operators which cannot be overloaded and why? (RGPV, June 2005)
QUESTION-10: What is importance of pure virtual function? (RGPV, June-2007)
QUESTION-11: Discuss about static and dynamic polymorphism? (RGPV, June-2001, 2002, 2004)
QUESTION-12: What is virtual function? (RGPV, June-2007)
QUESTION-1: What happens when an exception is thrown? (RGPV, June-2003)
QUESTION-2: What is the difference between Process and Thread?
QUESTION-3: What are the benefits of multi-threaded programming?
QUESTION-4: How does thread communicate with each other?
QESQTION-5: What is collection in java collection?
QUESTION-6: What is need of collection framework in java?
QUESTION-7: What are the advantages of collection framework?
QUESTION-8 : What is string in java? String is a data type.
QUESTION-9 : What are different ways to create String Object?
QUESTION-10 : Why is char array preferred over String for security sensitive information?

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