Researchers:: Charmaine Princes A. Sombilon Janseen Dave Caruzca Jushua Navasquez Jhomary Caruz

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Charmaine Princes A. Sombilon
Janseen Dave Caruzca
Jushua Navasquez
Jhomary Caruz






Charmaine Princes Sombilon

Jushua Navasquez

Janseen Dave Caruzca

Jhomary Caruz


The study employ the qualitative research using phenomenological study of how premarital sex

affects teenagers. The purpose of this study is to know the effects and what could be the possible

outcomes of premarital sex among teenagers. The study was conducted in Casay National High

School. It has a population of 940 students and around 37 faculty and staff. Respondents of the

study were to selected students of Casay National High School.



First and foremost, we would like to thank God Almighty for giving us the strength knowledge,

ability, and opportunity to undertake this research study and to persevere and complete it

satisfactory without his blessings, the achievement would not have been possible.

We also express our sincere respect and gratitude to our subject teacher Mrs. Marivic Bejagan

who was given her valuable support, cooperation and suggestion from time to time in

successfully completing this research.

Our acknowledgement would be incomplete without thanking the biggest source of our strength,

our family who all made a tremendous contribution in helping us with the completion of our


We also express our heartfelt thanks to our friends who shares ideas and we have a great pleasure

in acknowledging our gratitude to ourselves who never gave up despite all the problems we’ve

encountered. During this research, we believed that mistakes are stepping from to success. They

are the paths we must take to achieve our dreams.


Table of Contents

Title Page

Abstract I

Acknowledgement II

Chapter I

Introduction VI

Philosophical Stance X

Statement of the Purpose XIII

Significance of the Study XIV

Scope and Delimitation XVI

Review of Related Literature XVII

Operational Definition of Terms XIX






Data Gathering

Data Analysis

Ethical Consideration

Acknowledge Bias


Chapter III XXIV



Interpretation of Data






References XXVII

Chapter I



Sex, just reading on saying the word demands attention. Sex is one of the most important

things in our species. Humans rely on sex for reproduction, affection, and pleasure. The surprising

things about sex is the amount of responsibility and consequences involved. The largest part

amount of responsibility aspect is the decision of when to have sex. One of the greatest issues for

a lot of people and politicians are sexual activities by teenagers. Yet through my research I believe

that society has seemed to overlook the morality sex is an issue for more than just teenagers. I do

not know of any religion that condone sex before marriage at any age.

It seems that moral of all kind looks down on premarital sex, yet it is the greatest or one of

the greatest epidemics that plagues modern society. Teenagers are definitely a great concern when

speaking of premarital sex. Yet, politician as well as society seem to care more about the problems

after the fact, like healthy and welfare costs. Ten percent of all 15 to 19 years old females become

pregnant each year. More than 10 percent of pregnant woman under age 17 who give birth and

keep their babies end up on welfare, costing society a staggering $21 billion a year ( Three Million


Angeles City, Philippines- A study released by the Commission on Population (Popcom)

revealed that Metro Manila and central Luzon have the most number of youth who have engaged

in premarital sex.

The 2013 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study (YAFS 4) covering 18,547

households, nationwide indicated that at least one of three Filipinos aged 15-24 had sex before

marriage, which is an increase of more than 20 percent compared to findings reported 10 years


The popcom regional office here released the results of the national study which is also

showed that 40% of the youths in Metro Manila admitted to having Premarital sex, followed by

39.1 percent in Central Luzon.

The survey also indicated that the youths who admitted having premarital experience, 35.5

percent were males while 28.7 percent were females. The study showed a smaller gap between

males and females as it noted that a similar study conducted 10 years ago indicated 31.2 percent

were males while 16 percent were females. YAFS 4 also reported that of those who have engaged

in premarital sex 78 percent did not use protection.

Dating is the primary cause premarital sex. Although other elements are included. Dating

is where it starts. What is dating actually? Really, dating is any social activity in which your

romantic interest is focused on one particular and that person’s interest is focused on you. Whether

on the phone or face to face, in the open or in secret if you and a friend have special romantic

understanding and communicate regularly, it’s dating.

The effects of premarital sex can cause individuals to take all life responsibilities that they

have not prepared for instance, a married couple may have intentions on raising kids and starting

a family. So with kids, being expect outcome of sex they make the right preparations to take on

these responsibilities where as a couple who are not married and have no intentions of married

unexpectedly have children then these responsibilities and forced upon them.

When we choose our married mates this include them in every aspects of our lives and

harmonize together, but in terms to those who engaged in activities meant for married couples then

find themselves forcing their lives upon one another.

defined as voluntary sexual intercourse between unmarried persons, is increasing worldwide.

While traditional values, religious instructions and the laws of some countries continue to

prescribe abstinence until marriage, the rapid societal changes that have occurred across all

regions during the past half-century have resulted in the growing prevalence and acceptability of

premarital sex.

A global survey conduct several years ago involving 40 countries, covering three-fourths of the

world’s population, found a minority, 46 percent, saying that sex between unmarried adults was

morally unacceptable. However, a distinct split in attitudes concerning the acceptability of

premarital sex was observed between developed and developing countries


Philosophical Stance

A Philosophical Stance is the basis of conducting the research the standpoint of being

subjective since the study is qualitative study. It was asserted by Campbell about the importance

in ensuring the validity of the research undertaking to the use of appropriate questions in asking

the informants and knowing the informants differences in terms of their personality, their views

and their opinions with the certain undertaking.

Furthermore, Phenomenology is the philosophical study of the structures of experience

and consciousness. When we say consciousness, it is the state or quality of awareness, or, of being

aware of an external object or something within oneself. According to Husserl’s conception,

Phenomenology, a primarily concerned with the systematic reflection on and study of the

structures of consciousness and the phenomena that appear in acts of consciousness. It also

approaches and explores the world of the participants by gaining the thoughts, insights, and

perception to a particular phenomenon.

In Phenomenology, the researcher tries to investigate an individual’s thoughts and

perceptions and find the common ground to every experienced. This is what we called essence in

which every researcher wants to identify and describe. The partcipants relive their experiences in

order to obtain the very essence of these thoughts and perceptions.

This study touches about Axiology in which it is the philosophical study of value. It is

either the collective term for ethics and aesthetics, philosophical fields that depend crucially on

notions of worth, or the foundation for these fields, and thus similar to value theory and meta-


Axiology studies mainly two kinds of values: ethics and aesthetics. Ethics investigates

the concepts of “right” and “good” in individual and social conduct. Aesthetics studies the concepts

of “beauty” and “harmony”. Formal axiology, the attempt to lay out principles regarding value

with mathematical rigor, is exemplified by Robert S. Hartman’s science of value. It significance

lies (1) in the considerable expansion that it has given to the meaning of the term value and (2) in

the unification that it has provided for the study of a variety of questions – economic, moral,

aesthetic and even logical – that had often been considered in relative isolation

Furthermore, axiology is the philosophical study of value. It is either the collective term

for ethics and aesthetics philosophical fields that depend crucially in notions of value or the

foundation for these fields, and thus similar to value theory and meta-ethics. It is an objective

format for measuring intangible attitudes and values. Moreover, axiology measures the level of

development and the types of perceptual biases in one’s thinking.

This study also touches about epistemology in which it studies the nature of knowledge,

justification, and the nationality of belief. Much debate in epistemology centers of four areas. The

philosophical analysis of the nature of knowledge and how it relates to such concepts as truth,

belief, and justification. It is the study of knowledge in which epistemologist concern themselves

with a number of tasks, which we might sort into two categories.

First we must determine the nature of knowledge; that is what does it mean to say that

someone knows, or fails to know something? This is a matter of understanding that knowledge is,

and how to distinguish between cares in which someone knows something. While there is some

general agreement about some aspects of this issue. We shall see that this question is much more

difficult than one might imagine.


Second, we must determine the extent of human knowledge; that is, how much do we,

or can we know? How can we use our reason, our senses, the testimony of others and other

resources to acquire knowledge? Are there limits to what we can know? For instance, are some

things unknowable?

Furthermore, Epistemology is a theory of knowledge especially with regard to it’s

methods validity and scope. It is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from


Statement of the Purpose

The purpose of this phenomenological study is to know how premarital sex affects

teenagers. Through this study that we conducted, it can help aware teenagers the effects of

premarital sex.

Specific Questions

Specifically, the research sought to answer the following questions.

1. What are the factors that affects premarital sex?

2. What are the effects of premarital sex among teenagers?

3. What intervention that can be established or proposed based on the findings of the study?

4. What are the issues and concerns about premarital sex among teenagers?

Significance of the Study

This study is very important for it helps to prevent the prevailing issue about premarital

sex. In this study they can obtain many ideas on how to be aware to the effects of premarital sex

among teenagers and also to prevent on how it affects among teenagers. As a researcher, we must

look forward.

The study of How Premarital Sex Affects Teenagers will benefits the following:

High School Students

This study’s purpose is to lessen the delinquency of high school students which are the

midst of teenage hood when it comes to the said topic. This study will give them social awareness

of what has really been going on in the society today.


They will be aware of the effects of their symposiums and orientations that they are giving

the students on the said topic on the High School Students and so to improve their ways of teaching

if ever their approach is not effective.


This study will serve as their basis to help one another and to lessen the issue of premarital

sex in the community. They can obtain informations that will guide the community to avoid the

issue of premarital sex. Through this study, community will give assistance to support teenagers

with regard to this problem. It will also have an assembly or a symposium in regards with the

awareness of premarital sex among teenagers.


Being the first teacher of their children on the said topic, parents can think of ways on

what kind of approach they would give their children as guidance in making this sexuality

decisions. This can also help the parents have a sense of trust for their children which can result to

a much more open relationship with each other.


As we all know, our dear motherland, the Philippines is faced with many problems these

days and one of which is over population. When teenagers become aware of this socio-economical

issues, they can help lessen the population or even improve our economic status when they make

the right decisions for the future of our country belongs to them.

Future Researcher

The study will benefit the future researchers by the results it will give. The results of the

study will help the future researchers to enhance their analysis of the situation wherein premarital

sex is involved. They will be able to give accurate information about the premarital sex and it’s

causes and effects. They will be aware of the extent of the social issue that is happening nowadays,

especially in their homes, schools, and in the community.


Scope and Delimitations

This study covers the Effect of Premarital Sex Among Teenagers of the Municipality of

Dalaguete for the year 2018-2019.

This investigate on How Premarital Sex Affects Teenagers especially those teenagers who

were engaged in this phenomenon, Through this, it will enlighten their minds from what is wrong

and what is right in premarital sex. This study covers the effect of premarital sex among those

teenagers who were engaged in premarital sexual intercourse.


Review Related Literature

Nepal, as in other Asian countries, the issue of sexuality still remains a taboo. Despite this

fact, an increasing number of sexual activities is being reported by Nepalese students, This trend

warrants serious and timely attention. Due to the sensitivity of the topic of premarital sexuality,

youth receive inadequate education, guidance and services on reproductive health. The main

objectives of this paper are to explore the sexual behavior especially focusing on prevalence of

premarital sex among college men and to investigate the factors surrounding premarital sexual


A cross-sexual survey of college students was conducted in April- May 2006. A self-

administered questionnaire was completed by 573 male students. Association between premarital

sex and explanatory variables was assessed in bivariate analysis using chi-square tests. The

association were further explored using multivariate logistic analysis. Despite the religious and

cultural restrictions about the two-fifths of survey respondents (39%) reported that they have had

premarital sex. The study has also shown that substantial proportions of students indulge in sexual

activities as well as risky sexual behavior, sex with commercial sex workers, multiple sex partners,

and inconsistence use of condom with non- regular partner was common among students. Less

than two in five male students (57%) had used condoms at the first sexual intercourse. The

prevalence of premarital sex varied on different settings. Older students aged 20 and above were

more likely to have premarital sex compared with younger students aged 15-19. Men who had

liberal attitude towards male virginity at marriage were almost two times more likely to have

engaged in premarital sex compared to their counterparts who have conservative attitudes towards

male virginity at marriage. Moreover, students who believe in Hindu religion were more than two

times (OR=2.5) more likely to have premarital sex compared with those who follow other


Furthermore, those men who have close unmarried friends who have experienced

premarital sexual intercourse were eight times (OR=8.4) more likely to be sexually active

compared to those who did not have such sexually active friends. Prevalence of premarital sexual

intercourse and risky sexual behavior are not uncommon in Nepal. Young people are exposed to

health hazards sue to their sexual behavior, hence sex education should be provided. School or

college based sexuality education could benefit even out-of-school youths, because their partners

are often are students.


Operational Definition of Terms

Premarital Sex is define as sexual activity practiced by people before they are married. It

refers to sexual relations between two people prior to marrying each other.

Society is define as a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a

large social group sharing the same geographical or social territory, typically subject to the same

political authority and dominant cultural expectations.

Adolescent refers to a transitional stage of physical and psychological development that

generally occurs during the period from puberty to logical adulthood.

Parent is define as the person from whom the individual inherits his or her genes. It refers

to the caregiver of the offspring in their own species.


Chapter II


The study employ the qualitative research using phen omenological study of how

premarital sex affects teenagers. Qualitative research is concerned with non-statistical methods

of inquiry and analysis of social phenomena. It draws on an inductive process in which themes

and categories emerge through analysis of data collected by such techniques in interviews,

reservations and videotapes.


The study was conducted in Casay National High School and it has a population of 940

students and around 34 faculty and staffs. Casay National High School is a public school that

was established last year 1968. It is located in Casay,Dalaguete,Cebu.


The Respondents of the study were the students of Casay National High School. In order

to give some information that will be able them to enlighten their minds, we will create a

symposium or a program which contains how really premarital sex affects among teenagers and

how it really leads to an unconscious situation. We can keep assure respondent that the

information we gathered will be on private.



Interviews schedule is used in this study. The question were made by the researchers with

the guided of the principles of philosophical studies, the questions that are just easily to be

guided for the respondents.

Data Gatherings

Prior to the approval to conduct their study, I sat letter to the informant, which were

closer on the basis of criteria and informed them of the purposed the research undertakings and

asked for their cooperation in answering to semi structured interview schedule. I personally

administered the interview by meeting the informants at their homes. We gave the proper

instructions of the informants before we talked the interview. I served this study by writing down

all the responses of the informants.

Data Analysis

In the analysis of the data I used the collaizzi’s method of analysis. The collaizzi’s

method of analysis involves on the following steps. First, each transcript should be read and

reread in order to obtain a general case about the whole content. Second, for each transcript,

significant statements that pertains to the phenomenon under the study should be extracted. Their

statements must be recorded on a separate sheet moving their pages are lines numbers. Third,

meanings should be formulated from their significant statements. Fourth, the formulated

meanings should be posted into categories, clusters of themes. Fifth, the findings of the study

should be immigrated into an exhausted a description of phenomenon should be described; and

seventh, finally validation of the findings should be bought from the research informants to

compare the researchers, description results with their experience.

Ethical Consideration

In the conduct of the study, I took into consideration through ethical concerns by

conducting the study that permit it promote ethically and knowing that I will be dealing subjects.

I anticipated that conducted. To protect the informants of the study, I development the trust with

them, promoting the integrity of the research. Additionally, respecting the rights, needs, values,

reputation, and identities of the informants must be confidential since the findings of the study

could be shared with other people and organization.

Acknowledge Bias

We uses effective to prevent some biases of the study Biases were prevented through the

use if the semi-structured interview guide by using subjective and the need to comprehend well

the date taken on the basis of the interview. By acknowledging my bias, I entered the field

without preconceived ideas of the subject, of what may be discovered information which may

affect understanding.


In conduction of research we used effective strategies to enhance the trustworthiness of

the study. We will ensure trustworthiness in providing rigor and strength to the study validly and

reliably in all stages including data collection, data analysis with no descriptions.

Trustworthiness approaches like credibility, dependability, and authenticity will be undertaken

through the study process.


Chapter III

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Chapter 3 gives the presentation, analysis and interpretation the study is divided into

three parts the first part deals with what premarital sex. The second part were the effects of

premarital sex among teenagers. The third part deals with the possible interventions and benefits

of premarital sex.

How Premarital Sex Affects Teenagers

The first part of the chapter deals on how premarital sex affects to teenagers and their daily lives.

It includes their attitude and positive outlooks in like despite all the circumstances they faced.


Attitude refers to the characteristics of a person or how a person do and take actions. Life might

be hard but you have to stood up and be one. Despite all your mistakes, don’t ever give up.

Positive Outlooks

One of the significant themes taking from one response of the informants is that having a

positive outlook in like always think positive, remove all those negative thoughts that stick on

your mind. Keep on thinking in positive way despite now your problem affects you have a strong

determination. Keep conquering and stirring.


Chapter IV

Summary, Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations


The purpose of this study is to know the premarital sex affects among teenagers in Casay

National High School from academic year 2018-2019. The areas of concern includes the


Quality sources of the student who engage in this type of problem encountered by the teenagers.

The study employed the qualitative design. The respondents on the study were 10 students of

Casay National High School who were engaged in Premarital Sex.


The following were the importance findings in the study:

The finding of our study revealed that most all of the teenagers nowadays are engaged in

premarital sex. The informants revealed that they uses sex as fun, as a sign of expressing their

love to each other. The informants revealed that they are lack with a guide with their parents in

which guide is important with the growth of their children wherein they know already how to

choose the right path.



From the facts presented in the study, conclusion is drawn that premarital sex has a huge

effect among teenagers. They uses sex as fun, as a sign of expressing their love from one another

either they are couples, nor friends they do sexual intercourse. Premarital sex gives position and

negative effects to teenagers. In negative, they don’t think all the consequences right after and

the women will get pregnant and regrets will know. In a positive way, both of the couples

became stronger in their relationship. Premarital sex is common nowadays base on the

information that we’ve gathered.


The following recommendation are offered based in the findings of the study.

1 Create a symposium in regards with premarital sex.

2 Conduct a forum to the youth about now premarital sex affects teenagers.

3 The school administrations/staff must create an orientation with a content of the effect of

premarital sex among teenagers.









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