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LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Razna Topic or Theme: Fruits

Class: KG1 Date & Duration: 40 minutes

Trainee Personal Goals

I will work on classroom management and incorporating different strategies to use in the classroom.

Lesson Focus

Counting from 1 to 20.

Counting objects related to the theme.

Lesson Outcomes

K. Students will be able to count from 1-20.

Links to Prior Learning

English: Identify the fruits colour.

Science: Recognize the fruits are healthy or non-healthy.

21st Century Skills

1.Critical thinking: Student will think while they are counting the fruits.

2.Creativity: The student will create a supermarket by using blocks and put the fruits on it. Also, they
will create fruits by using tissue paper.

3.Collaboration: The student will work in pair and help each other when they are doing the activity that
I give it to them.

4.Communication: The student will talk with each other and share their ideas when they will finish the
activity about what did they learn.

5.Media literacy: I will play a song of numbers by using the computer.

6.Social Skills: The student will be able to talk with each other when they are working in groups.

7. Initiative: I will ask the student who want to turn off the light.
Key vocabulary

Fruits, apple, box, healthy, non-healthy.

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

1. Student didn’t pay attention. 1. Raise my voice without shouting, show the sticker
2. Student didn’t understand English very and give it to the student who sit nicely and be
well. attention to the teacher.

2.Translate to the student some words in Arabic.

Resources/equipment needed

Fruits, boxes, crayon colours, blocks, papers, tissue paper, oil colours.

& Time
Students will count the number of the Teacher will let one student to come and
kids in the classroom, the absent and count the number of students in the
the number of students in the classroom and number of students is
classroom. absent.
10-15 minutes
Students will say: Our theme is fruits. Teacher will say: What is our theme? Our
theme is Fruits.
Students will sing with song. Do you think fruits are healthy or non-
Students will count by using their
fingers. Students 1 will count from 1 Teacher will play song of numbers for
to 10 student 2 will complete counting students.
with his/her fingers from 10 to 20.

Teacher will let students let two students

to come in front and will let each of them
to count their fingers students 1 will count
from 1 to 10 student 2 will complete
counting with his/her fingers from 10 to

Teacher will say: Now we will play with

each other, we will jump and count while
we are jumping from 1 to 20. Teacher will
play a music to motivate the students then
teacher will stop the music when the
students count to 20.

I used content differentiate in this activity

by playing a song of numbers for kids.

Main activities
& Time
Students will put the fruits in the box, Teacher will put 3 boxes in front of the
when they hear the music stop, they classroom, teacher will ask how many
20 minutes will stop putting fruits on the box. boxes is here? Now I want two students to
Students will count the number of
fruits that they have it. They will count Teacher will say: We will play a game,
from 1 to 20. Students will say the these two students will take fruits from the
number of fruits. middle box and put in the box that I give it
to you, I will play a music and you both
Students will say the classroom rules. keep take fruits and put it in your box I
“Eyes looking, ears listening, be quiet, want you to count while you put it in the
good sitting”. box.

Teacher will stop the music after that will

Focus group: Students will work in let them to count their fruits.
pair they will count the number of
fruits. They will count from 1 to 20. Teacher will say: How many fruits in your
Students will talk and share how many box? So, now I will put it all with each
fruits did they have, and they will other and we will count from 1 to 20.
count with each other as well
This activity I used product by let the
Art centre: students doing the same thing.

Student will follow steps that the Teacher will let students to say the
teacher will put it in front of them. classroom rules before they go to the
centers. “Eyes looking, ears listening, be
1. Frist students will have a tree and
quiet, good sitting”.
there is will be a number above the
tree they will say what is this number.
Focus group:
2. They will draw apples in the tree
depends of the number above the Teacher will have box of fruits. Teacher will
take the fruits and count it with students
from 1 to 20.
3. Students will count how many
apples did they draw in the tree. In pair: Students will take the fruits and
count it from 1 to 20.
For example, if the student has a tree
and there is number 5 above the tree Students will talk and share how many
so, he/she will draw 5 apples then fruits did they have, and they will count
count how many apples did they draw with each other as well, after that they will
it. draw the fruits.

Students will have a card numbers Art centre:

from1 to 20 they will count this
numbers in the cards. I will give the students A3 paper and tissue
paper, then I will let them to put the glue
Building centre: in tissue paper (red colour) and stick it in
In pairs: Two students will build a the paper to make apple and strawberry.
supermarket for fruits, they will have They will also create orange and banana by
fruits in box, they will count fruits using tissue paper. They will count the
while building. number of fruits they did it.

Teacher will let students to build with Building centre:

blocks from 1 to 20. In pair: Two students will build a
supermarket for fruits, they will have fruits
in box, they will count fruits while building.

Teacher will let students to build with

blocks from 1 to 20.

These activities are process because they

are all counting numbers but in a different
Differentiation activities (Support)

Students will be able to count numbers from 1-10.

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

Students will be able to count from 1 to 20.

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

5 minutes Students will clean up. Teacher will play a song clean up.

Students will come in front and count Teacher will give stickers to the students
the number of fruits in the box. that sit nicely.
Student will say: 20 fruits.
Teacher will pick randomly name of
Student will pick his favorite fruit and students, then teacher will give the
say what is the color of the fruit and student box of fruits. Teacher will say: can
did he think fruits is healthy or non- you count it the number of fruits in the
healthy. box? “there is will be 20 fruits on the box”.
Students will sing with song. Teacher will keep pick students to come
and count from 1 to 20 to assess the
students and make sure that they know
how to count from 1 to 20.

Teacher will let emerging students to

come and count the fruits from 1 to 5 or
Also, will let developing and master
students to count from 1 to 20.

I used content differentiate by let the

students to participate and count the
numbers of fruits but depends of levels of

Teacher will play song of numbers.


Assessment Teacher will assess the students in the end to see did the students know to count
Strategies: from 1 to 20.

☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment


☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback



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