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The Philosophy's class is taken by Mrs.Rajshree Vasudevan, a quiet

and a humble teacher. It started with the blessings of almighty and
positive energy everywhere. A breif introduction of Philosophy-its
scope and nature was discussed. The word philosophy in India is
known as Veda(to know).It helps in the level of thinking. Scope of
philosophy is endless. The concepts of autism infidels and nyaya
was interacted.Philosophy is used by each and everyone at their
each and every moment.

The class beginned with a phrase "I am what I am and I

become what I think" and a peaceful prayer.The concept of
Badanayana-classification of things was actively taught and
classification and orgin of vedas was discussed. The difference
between Hindu and other religions is that all religions have
prophets, founders-an orgin but Hindu doesnt have any orgin.
Philosophy is classified into three-Metaphysics,Epistemology and
Axiology. The topic of Metaphysics deals with reality and
apperance; time,space and causation. Time-cosmogony:Space-
cosmology;Causation -ontology-all these three are extremes but
they are discussed as a topic in philosophy.Axiology deals with
values and axis of life. The three universal values of life -truth(logic)
,beauty(aesthetics) and goodness(ethics) - are to be followed by
individuals without arguing on it.Few differences on indian and
western philosophy were made.

The class started with a prayer. Theology-a systematic study

of gods was learnt and compared with Metaphysics which says a
systematic study of the physical world. A conflict between reality
and apperance was raised as to what is real is not to be appeared.
Reality is of three types monoism,dualism and pluralism. Monoism
studys the existence of the world made by mental/physical minds.
Dualism is the proof of existence of both-reality and appearance.
Pluralism means everthing is real and different. There is an
exception of monoiwsm in pluralism which states though
everything is differnt ther is sonmething unifying.

The class was asusual begun with a prayer. The concept

of epistomology was discused in breif. It means knowledge;it tells
that knowledge is a process in between a knower(subject) and
known(object).Ego refers the ignorance of knowledge thinking that
"I know that 'I know' and I know that 'I dont know'". Studys on
Lunetics ,Herios and Logical syllogism was discoverd.

The class begun with a prayer.Ethics and Aesthetics were

the spot light. Ethics which deals with right/wrong, good/bad ,
ought to/ought not to and Aesthetics deals with the beauty in right,
good and ought to. There are two kinds of study: Normative and
Descripyive. Normative deals with Ethics it is against science it only
talks on humans and their beleifs. Descriptive study deals with facts
and statements.

The class was started by a prayer. This class was based

on the study of western philosophers and their works. A breif
introduction of western Philosophers was given. The next hour of
class was: critical reading and analysis. We all read a text from the
book "My experiments with truth" and analysed breifly in contact
with the texts of Metaphysics, Epistomology and Axiology. We
ended our class with a few seconds of silence.

The class started with a prayer.The western

philosophers work and thought were studied in detail.All the
western philosophers wanted to find reason to things but our
Indian philosophers detailed the things from the past in an
extreme.The Indologist(one who theolises and study india)- Max
Mullab proclaimed that Aryan was a race and arose conflicts
between Hindu and Muslim. But the word Aryan only refers to
'noble equalitie's. Indian philosophers who beleive veda as their
ultimate authority are called as Vaidika and one who beleive
conversely are called as Avaidika. The concepts of sravana and
smriti was known.

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