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Thought love makes life beautiful, but

what makes life worth living?

You heart aches because of the scars caused by them, you aren’t left
with any friend.
Your soul reaches out for her, but it doesn’t even matter, social circle
is getting toxic. You were rejected by people you wanted to be with.
It’s a Love failure or a heartbreak….

You are getting old, getting mature. But, that child in you is still
chasing dreams which were broken long ago. You were molested by
the society. You were molested by yourself more. And now you think
yourself culprit for dreaming big.
The things you are doing are no more interesting or exciting. You’re
in a loop which abuses that child of it’s notions
It happens when your dream breaks

But , still people live .. they still think life is worth living
Healing heartbreaks is possible
Dreaming again is possible …

BUT , when hope dies you’ll end you in despair

When your hope breaks ,
your eyes will not open in morning by itself,
you’ll waste timelooking stupid videos on youtube or scrolling
through the screen.
Your grades are down , you don’t even want to work on it.
You will create a mess of yourself and think what’s going wrong.
Living in past is what, you will do.
You will get envious of people, you’ll try to please others ,
you want people to say it to you face that you’re still alive .

You are the biggest failure you ever know…

Hating yourself , doubting yourself and abusing yourself is what
you’ll start doing…

You are not creating good memories, you are alone alone and alone.
Your grades are down …. Your hope is down …. The motivation is

You are financially broke.. you start earning good.. but wait , every
month you’ll still run out of money ..

You are uncomfortable talking about these shits , you stay quite
You act weird
They think you are an expressionless, depressed and a rude soul..
even those who once understood you silence…

They’ll sell your depression as humor , you will uncomfortable , you’ll

act more weird and they’ll not get social with you

You’ll be alone…

Going back to room , in front of mirror. Taking a deep breath in and

then out you’ll look at your waist , am I gaining wait?
You’ll smile out louder , and think was my laughter an awkward one?
Am I growing ugly …

Your insecurities will strike and you’ll end up being in body

dismorphic disorder…

You are now uncomfortable with you own self..

And now you are your least favorite being !

You think , You are HOPELESS !

It’s the stage when most of us die , because we are getting out of
hope ….
And hope is the thing which makes life worth living.


Once a depressed boy wrote it in a dark lonely night.

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