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Atmospheric Profiling Using LiDAR On A Small Satellite Platform

Tanmay Sinha1 , Aneesh Bhardwaj2

Abstract-Global warming is a major issue which the world is

facing today, and one of the major causes for this is the It appears therefore necessary to find operational means
presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This paper and to assess the distribution of these gases from the
deals with the implementation of LiDAR on a Nano satellite LEO, to study the feasibility of operating a LiDAR on
platform to carry out atmospheric profiling of water vapor, board a small satellite to carry out a global survey of
CO2 and CH4. LiDAR provides data of very high accuracy these gases around its orbit.
and requires very little human dependence thus making it
optimum to carry out remote sensing of the atmosphere
from space. Laser pulses of known wavelength and intensity It appears therefore necessary to find operational means
are incident towards the atmosphere, on interaction with and to assess the distribution of these gases from the
the gaseous molecules in the upper level of the atmosphere; LEO, to study the feasibility of operating a LiDAR on
these rays undergo a shift in their wavelength in accordance board a small satellite to carry out a global survey of
to the Raman Scattering Effect. The scattered rays are these gases around its orbit.
received by the receiver assembly and the data obtained is
downlinked to the ground-station and is analyzed which in
turn reveals the properties of the particle from which the
beam was scattered.

I. Introduction
CO2, CH4 and water vapor are the primary greenhouse
gases present in the atmosphere. These three gases
account for the major cause of global warming. Since
there is no aerosol content in the upper realm of the
atmosphere LiDAR profiling provides a very good means
of the detection of these molecules. Unfortunately,
serious damage can arise if this issue is not checked.
Furthermore the profiling of greenhouse gases cannot be
done from the ground on a routinely basis due to cost and
time factors.

Mr. Tanmay Sinha is a 3rd year undergraduate student
pursuing Bachelor of Engineering course in Aeronautical
and Automobile Engineering at MIT,Manipal
Mr. Aneesh Bhardwaj is a 1st year undergraduate student
pursuing Bachelor of engineering course in Mechanical
and Manufacturing Engineering at MIT ,Manipal
This paper proposes to use a small satellite (<10 kgs) on This set up is a tradeoff between detection accuracy ,
low sun-synchronous polar orbit and a LiDAR for the detection surface and the field of view. The main idea of
detection of greenhouse molecules by backscattering. this particular design is to maximize the detection
The data acquired will then be transmitted to a ground capability.
station. This data encompasses the spatial location of the
molecule, height from the Earth’s surface, temperature,
and the degree of scattering. The aim of such an B. Transmitter Assembly
demonstration satellite would be to gauge the feasibility
of such measurements.
The transmitter assembly consists of the laser source and
the diffraction grating instrument, which is used to split
the single incoming laser beam into multiple beams of
the same intensity and wavelength. Thus due to this very
high data density is achieved.

1) Laser Source

Two laser systems are good candidates for a LiDAR

system of this type, Nd:YAG lasers and excimer
lasers. Both have had considerable success in several
systems. Although an excimer-based system has recently
been developed at Sandia National Laboratory, we
elected to use a frequency-tripled Nd:YAG laser in the
CART system. Nd:YAG lasers have four distinct
Source : advantages over excimer lasers namely , better beam
quality (needed for narrow-field-of-view operation),
Figure 2 : Light scattering in the atmosphere.
more readily polarized (needed for depolarization
measurements), no toxic gases required, and much lower
In Raman Scattering : λincident ≠ λscattered
cost for consumables and maintenance. Overall laser
This paper describes the expected performance of such a reliability is difficult to judge, although Nd:YAG lasers
have the significant advantage of not requiring corrosive
satellite and presents the acceptable trade-offs as a
gases and having no moving parts. Excimer lasers do
function of its parameters.
produce higher ultraviolet output power, but system
performance modeling indicates that the higher power
does not offset the other disadvantages, as in a satellite
II. Experiment power is one of the most decisive factors.

A. LiDAR description

LiDAR detection is analogous to SONAR. The principle

used here for measurement is to use a pulsed laser beam.
The reason for using this equipment is to increase the
detectability of molecules .
The laser source will be operated at a wavelength within D. Receiver Assembly
the visible spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, the
reason for which being; by the use of wavelengths The incoming scattered light with a shift in wavelength
pertaining to UV or IR discrepancies may occur in the firstly passes through a convex lens system which
results due to the fact that Earth reflects these type of converges it, a dichroic filter is provided behind the lens
radiations. assembly which blocks the unneeded wavelengths .
The filtered rays then pass through a dichroic prism
C. Raman Scattering assembly (Fig 1) wherein it is split into three parts
corresponding to the molecule observed. The surfaces
Raman LiDAR systems detect selected species by between the prisms are lined with dichroic filters which
monitoring the wavelength-shifted molecular return aid in the splitting of light.
produced by Raman scattering from the chosen molecule
or molecules. For water-vapor measurements, the CO2
Raman signal is observed simultaneously with the water-
vapor Raman signal; proper ratio of the signals yields the
water-vapor mixing ratio. Similarly, by simultaneously
recording the backscatter signal at the laser wavelength,
the ratio of the backscatter signal to the CO2 Raman
signal yields a quantitative measurement of the aerosol Figure 1
scattering ratio, and a variety of parameters can be
derived from this measurement.

In aerosol-free regions of the atmosphere, where the

satellite in fact will be taking the measurements, The split beams of received light then fall on a
temperature profiles can be derived from the optoelectronic counter, pertaining to the molecule
measurements obtained from the Raman signals. observed. The counters being very sensitive to incident
light convert this into voltage or current , which is then
transmitted to the on board computers in the satellite
Transmitter Characteristics: which then transmit this data to the ground control,
through store and forward mechanism.
Laser : Nd:YAG third harmonic
Wavelength : 527 nm
Energy/pulse : 400 mJ
Repetition rate : 30 Hz III. Interpretation Of Results

The data received on the ground is then extrapolated with

the readings generated by the GPS receiver , and the time
when the reading was taken, thus generating a point
cloud model. A sample graph is shown below for N 2 &
O2 :
VI. Conclusion

The aim of this satellite payload is to assess the

feasibility of atmospheric profiling using LiDAR
detection method. A group of such satellites , in
formation flying may also provide with more detailed
data. Another method would be to incorporate a telescope
in the receiver to generate more accurate data

[1] Estimation Of Atmospheric Water Vapour Flux

In The Nocturnal Unstable Urban Boundary Layer With
Doppler Sodar and Raman Lidar , 2001, M.P. Rao
IV. Choice Of Platform
[2] Atmospheric Profiling Using LiDAR , 2006, Geraint
Vaughn ,University Of Manchester
In order to assess the feasibility and designing of LiDAR
[3] Implementation of Raman Lidar for Profiling of
equipment for the measurement of greenhouse gases , it
Atmospheric Water Vapor and Aerosols at the
is of major interest to use a low cost and quick to orbit
Southern Great Plains (SGP) Cloud and Radiation
platform. This satellite can be launched as a piggyback
Testbed (CART) Site
payload on a big satellite.
J.E.M. Goldsmith, F. H. Blair, and S. E. Bisson
The mission duration is dependent on several factors but
Sandia National Laboratories
it should not be less than 6 months , in order to acquire
Livermore, California
sufficient experimental data.
[4] Raman Scattering Theory
David W. Hahn
The design is constrained by the use of a optical
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
assembly in the satellite which might pose a problem in
University of Florida, 2007
the structural parameters of the satellite.

V. Hindrances

The major difficulty is that the indtrument can take

readings only during the eclipse period, during which all
the systems of the satellite are shut, to avoid this there
had to be a very good battery backup, and shielding .

The jamming effects due to the earth, moon etc. may also
pose a minor problem.

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