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Mahavir and His Teaching (Folder No. 5019J)
Main Title
Editorial Note----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Contents ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
I. Jaina Literature ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1. Jaina Exegetical Literature and the History of the Jaina Canon – L. Alsdrof -------- 1
2. Kaviliyam : A Metrical Analysis of the Eighth Chapter of The Uttaradhyana Sutra –
K. R. Norman ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
3. The Barsa Anuvekkha of Kundakunda – Chandrabhal Tripathi & Bansidhar Bhatt21
4. Jivakacintamani, A Channel of Mahavira’s Teachings – Dr. Miss V. Muthugcumaru35
5. On some non canonical Subhasita collections in Jaina Literature –…. ------------- 41
6. Variant Forms of the Locative in Middle Indo-Aryan – L.A. Schwarzschild--------- 77
7. Towards a Lexicon of Old Gujarati – Ernest Bender ------------------------------------ 89
II. Religion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 95
8. Bhavytva & Abhavyatva – A Jain Doctroine ‘Predistination’ – Padmanabh S. Jaini95
9. Fasting Unto Death According to Ayarangasutta and to som Panniyas …-------- 113
10. Jaina Mysticism – Kamalchand Sogani -------------------------------------------------- 119
11. Relevance of Jaina Ethics in the present Age – Shashibhushan Prasad Sinha 134
12. Jainism and Influences from Western social reformer’s in Gandhiji’s Weltanschauung –
Heimu Rao --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 145
13. Hindu & Jaina Concept of Mahapralaya V/s. Modern Science – G. R. Jain ----- 157
14. How it Works – H. Gajapathi---------------------------------------------------------------- 167
III. Mahavira --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 181
15. In Jainism O Rejoice (Poem) – Leona Smith Kremser ------------------------------- 181
16. Mahavira, The Great Propounder of Jainism – A. L. Basham ---------------------- 185
17. Lord Mahavira and the Anyatirthankars – J. Deleu ------------------------------------ 187
18. The Age of Mahavira – Adris Banerji ----------------------------------------------------- 195
19. “Thus Spake Mahavira” – A. S. Gopani -------------------------------------------------- 199
20. Vardhamana Mahavira – K. R. Chandra ------------------------------------------------- 209
21. Lord Mahavira and His Teachings -------------------------------------------------------- 213
22. Lord Mahavira (Poem) - Tara Singh (Komal) ------------------------------------------ 223
IV. Philosophy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 225
23. The Jaina Logic of Sevenfold Predication – R. N. Mukerji--------------------------- 225
24. Consideration of self in Jaina Philosophy – B. J. Jhaveri ---------------------------- 235
25. Concept of Substance in Jainism – Bashistha Narayan Sinha --------------------- 243
26. Niyativada (Pre-destination, Fatalism, Determinism) A Study – V. M. Kulkarni 253
V. History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 259
27. Accounts of the Jainas Taken from Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Authors –
R. Williams --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 259
28. The Gensis of Digambara-Svetambara Split – Buddha Prakash ------------------ 271
29. Patronage to Jainism by the Silharas of Kolhapur – V. V. Mirashi----------------- 287
30. The Ascendency and Eclipse of Bhagvan Mahavira’s cult in the Tamil Land –
V. Ramsubramaniyam ‘Aundy”------------------------------------------------------------------ 297
31. Agasthya – V. G. Nair ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 347
32. Antiquity of Jainsm in Tamilnad – V. G. Nair-------------------------------------------- 349
VI. Art ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 371
33. Further Observation on the Iconography of Parsvanatha – Klaus Bruhn -------- 371
34. Earliest Jaina Inscription from Maharashtra – H.D. Sankalia ----------------------- 389
35. Jaina Metal Images In the State Museum, Lucknow – N. P. Joshi ---------------- 395
36. Jina Images in the Archaeological Museum, Khajuraho – Prasad Tiwari -------- 409
37. Mahavira Icon and Indian Archaeology – B. Upadhyay ------------------------------ 429
38. Farther-Eye in the East Indian and Nepalese Paintings – Anand Krishna ------- 437
39.Is Jainism an Opponent of Hinduism ? – D. N. Shukla -------------------------------- 457

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