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PTE Academic Marks Distribution

Speaking Writing Reading Listening Enabling Skills Legends: Prepared by:

# Tasks Min-Max Avg. Q. Points
Base Final Base Final Base Final Base Final Content Fluency Pronunciation High Priority Tauhidul Islam Tanin
1 Read aloud 6-7 6 6*15 90 22.2 30 22.1 5 5 5 Semi-High Priority
2 Repeat sentence 10-12 10 10*13 130 32.1 30 19.7 3 5 5 Medium Priority
3 Describe image 6-7 6 6*15 90 22.2 5 5 5 Least Priority
4 Re-tell lecture 3-4 3 3*15 45 11.1 15 9.9 5 5 5
5 Answer short question 10-12 10 10*1 10 2.5 10 6.6 1 Yes Yes

Form Written General

# Tasks Min-Max Avg. Q. Points Speaking Writing Reading Listening Content Vocabulary Grammar Spelling Remarks
(Length) Discourse Linguistic
1 Summarize written text 2-3 2 2*7 14 10.4 14 10.3 2 1 2 2 Yes
2 Write Essay 1-2 1 1*15 15 11.2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2

1 R: MCQ - Single Answer 2-3 2 2*1 2 1.5 1 mark for each correct option
2 R: MCQ - Multiple Answer (2-3) 2-3 2 2*2 4 3.0 1 mark for each correct option and -1 for wrong option
3 Reorder paragraph (4) 2-3 2 2*4 8 5.9 Each pair of correct adjacent boxes
4 R: Fill in the blanks (Drag) (5) 4-5 4 4*5 20 14.8 1 mark for each correct blank
5 R & W: Fill in the blanks (5-6) 5-6 5 5*6 30 22.3 30 22.1 Yes Yes Yes 1 mark for each correct blank

1 Summarize Spoken Text 2-3 2 2*10 16 11.9 20 13.1 2 2 2 2 2

2 L: MCQ - Multiple Answer (2-3) 2-3 2 2*2 4 2.6 1 mark for each correct option and -1 for wrong option
3 L: Fill in the blanks (4-5) 2-3 2 2*5 10 7.4 10 6.6 Yes Yes 1 mark for each blank
4 Highlight Correct Summary 2-3 2 2*1 2 1.5 2 1.3 1 mark for each correct option
5 L: MCQ - Single Answer 2-3 2 2*1 2 1.3 1 mark for each correct option
6 Select Missing word 2-3 2 2*1 2 1.3 Yes 1 mark for each correct option
7 Highlight Incorrect Word (4-6) 2-3 2 2*6 12 8.9 12 7.9 Yes 1 mark for each correct option and -1 for wrong option
8 Write from Dictation (10-15) 3-4 3 3*12 36 26.8 30 19.7 Yes Yes Yes 1 mark for each word in a sentence
Total Points (Base/Final) 365 90 121 90 122 90 137 90

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