PROPOSAL GERMAN - Bildungsantrag Fuer Maedchen

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o Bildungsantrag fuer Maedchen

Antragsteller: Women Encouragement HIV/AIDS Foundation

Adresse: P.O Box 7050, Arusha

Phone:+255(0) 754 966 601


Projektname: Foerderung der Bildung tansanianischer Maedchen

Projektgebiet: Arusha, Kilimanjaro und Manyara Region in


Projektdauer: 3 years (July 2018 – June 2021)

Kurzbeschreibung der Organisation

WEHAF ist eine tansaniansiche NGO, die sich als Ziel setzt Frauen im ganzen Land im
persoenlichen, familiaeren und gesellschaftlichen Bereich zu empower. Bei WEHAF ist es unsere
Aufgabe zu mobilisieren, motivieren und fuer diese gefaerdete Gruppe hinsichtlich Gesundheit,
sozialer Gerechtigkeit und wirtschaftliche Staerkung anwaltschaftlich zu vertreten.

Wir investieren unsere Geldmittel zum Training von Unternehmungsfuehrung, psychlogischer

Support, sowie Gesundheitserziehung der Frauen und ihren Gemeinschaften. Wir setzten uns
dafuer ein, um juristische, lobyistische Gesetze und Politik zu aendern, die die Rechte der
vulnerablen Wittwen, HIV/ AIDS Opfer und Kinder in Tansania betreffen.


Problem stement and analysis

The problem that this project seek to address is the lack of safety for girls in secondary schools
in the age of 14-23 which affect their participation in educational processes.

In 2001 the government embarked on primary education development program (PEDP) in its
efforts to improve access to education and its quality. Through this program mobilization of
children with eligible rights in primary school was done very well and facilitated appropriately to
enroll the schools in every village in Tanzania. This program was very successful leading to
progressive increase in enrollment for girls leading to 95.4% in 2010 with satisfactory gender ratio
of 50.1% and 49.9% for girls and boys respectively (National Bureau of Statistics).

Towards the end of 2015 intensive construction of classrooms was done of the existing ones and
new primary schools established in almost every ward to accommodate the increasing number of
primary school graduates delivered by the PEDP. This endeavor was financed by contributions
from communities and government funds. The number of government secondary schools all over
the country increased by 50.25% from 1,690 to 3,397, while the enrollment in government
secondary schools increased by 54% from 1,401,330 in 2010 to 2,606,708 in 2015.

The urgent need for secondary school expansions imposed the government to concentrate and
improve only on a few classrooms leaving others to still be insufficient. Most of the schools do
not have the accommodation facilities to enable pupils, especially children who lives far away
from their school are difficult to enable. Instead many students especially in rural and semi
urban areas have to cover long distances by foot to and from school daily due to lack of public
transport and affordability. In the regions of Kilimanjaro, Arusha and Manyara the pupils have to
walk up to 32Kms to and from the newly constructed schools.

Long distances to schools are one of the major problems affecting the participation of girls in
education. It puts the child at risk of being raped or forced to have sexual relationships in an
early age, resulting STI and HIV infection, early pregnancy, forced marriages and drop outs of
Most issues related to being a woman such as low status, discrimination and inability to support
themselves and their families arise as a result of social cultural imbalances and gender
imbalances that occurred when a woman was a child.

For greater concern on the matter, WEHAF is implementing this project to advocate for a safe
environment for girls in schools in the regions of Kilimanjaro, Arusha and Manyara. We aim to
reduce risks for the girls in education processes especially at secondary school level and
thereby enabling them to attend and participate in the learning session equally with boys. To
intensify efforts, coalition with other NGOs - Women’s Economic Group Coordinating Council
and Tanzania Education Network (TEN) - has been formed to advocate for better
implementation of education plans and policies that result into equitable participation of girls at
secondary level.

The organizations we created a coalition with managed to approach councilors and executives
in the three regions and sensitized them properly about the project. The project concept was
highly supported by the councilors committing to process it up to implementation. However, this
commitment is being hardly fulfilled due to the low capacity of councilors in exercising their
powers, weak negotiation skills and little amount of time to discuss the agenda in the district
level assembly.


Promotion of girls’ education in Tanzania is an advocacy project that will engage policy and
decision makers in capacity building and dialogue to influence provision of safe environments
for girls to enable them attend and participate in the learning sessions equally with boys.
Capacity building will be implemented to:

 Enhance their understanding of their roles, responsibilities and powers.

 Improve confidence and commitment to exercise powers to ensure provision of girls’
gender needs in education processes.

Dialogue will be carried out widely and continuously to raise awareness of the risks and unsafe
environment that surrounds a girl in the process of education and stimulates them to act

Secondary school girls are the primary beneficiary of this project while parents /communities
and the government are the secondary beneficiaries.

The project will be implemented in the 3 regions of Arusha, Kilimanjaro and Manyara and is
proposed to start in July 2020 for a period of 3 years.

Specific objectives:

 Specific gender needs for girls’ education are acknowledged by decision bodies in the
project areas.
 Enhance capacity of policy and decision makers at all district levels.
 Improve education environment for girls.


 Strategic plans for construction of girls’ dormitories/hostels in secondary schools

developed and adopted by the participating district councils.
 Policies, guidelines and plans on education.
 Improved cooperation of stakeholders in the development of education sector.

Performance measures

 Performance of coalition members in carrying out advocacy activities on girls’ education.

 Willingness of policy makers and government authorities to consider girls’ gender needs
for the secondary schools in the project area.
 Actions of the gender mainstreaming on education plans and programs.
 Activities of NGO coalition members with decision bodies in the project area.


Project implementation is planned to take off in July 2020, till that period, communities will be
mobilized to sensitize issues of girls in the process of education among others. IEC materials
with strong messages to improve environment for girls’ education shall be developed, produced
and disseminated in the project areas to motivate communities to improve education
environment for girls.

Capacity building training to councilors will be done immediately to prepare them towards
serious power execution. Training of gender mainstreaming section shall also be done to
empower them with knowledge on gender equality education plans that will benefit girls.
Dialogue with councilors and district executives will follow after capacity building training and
run continuously through meetings, telephone messages, backed up with appropriate IEC
materials. Interaction with project stakeholders will be done throughout the project period to
intensify project support. WEHAF shall disseminate the necessary information and facilities to
coalition members according to term references to ensure smooth implementation of the
planned activities and coordination of the project. Physical visits, mails and telephone contacts
shall be held continuously to establish progresses made towards project outcomes.

Capacity building to councilors and gender mainstreaming section

To ensure effective presentations, reception and provision of feedback on the project mission,
members of education sector committee (composed of councilors) will undergo a capacity
building process that will empower them with knowledge and confidence. It will involve training
in roles and responsibilities, negotiation skills, planning process and engagement of councilors
in order to achieve good results. To pursue this, a training program and materials will be
developed by the coalition member organizations in collaboration a resource person competent
in local government administration.

To realize the project, staff from the department of Community Development And Gender will
undergo training on gender mainstreaming as well to improve their capacity to contribute
appropriately in planning processes. The training will focus on;

- understanding of gender concept and related terms

- gender mainstreaming and key actors
- Engagement of community development department in planning processes to ensure
gender equity education plans/programs.

Dialogue with councilors and district executives

The coalition members will organize meetings with policy makers (councilors) especially the
social service committees (education, health and water sectors) to advocate for safety for girls
in schools. They will strive to actively engage policy makers to articulate girls’ specific education
needs in the education process in plans, policies and programs to promote diligence,
performance of the project. Participating councils shall furthermore be monitored carefully and

The coalition member-organizations will send representatives to the district council development
committee meetings to observe how the project concept is perceived after the implementation;
negotiations on development priorities and areas that need further lobbying for sufficient results
will be looked at and discussed. With good relationship that will have been established between
the NGO coalition members and the government, the NGO coalition members will be able to
follow up and get feedback on the progress made on education in the respective districts to
supplement the future plans.

Use of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials

Various materials including calendars, posters, booklets fliers and diaries will be designed and
distributed to the project target groups and stakeholders to reinforce verbal communication,
broaden coverage and perpetuate project concept in the project area. Short, clear and striking
factual statements describing safe environment for girls’ education shall be printed. The
statement will give messages to different groups according to their positions on the project.
Decision/policy makers will receive materials with messages regarding their roles and
responsibilities concerning girls’ education, their potential to improve the situation, a call to
exercise their powers, message to students and communities will incite them to communicate
their concerns to their representatives (village leaders and councilors) and to demand for action.
School boards shall be provided with materials with messages describing and informing about
issues of girl education.

Interaction with project beneficiaries

Efforts to mobilize beneficiaries to support their project will continue. Communication with
communities shall be done to encourage them to continuously raise their concerns on education
environment for girls through local leaders and their representatives. Contacts with students
attending community schools shall be done to gather their views on education environment and
needs for improvement. Feedback will be integrated in the reports of coalition members to be
submitted every quarter.

Project coordination

WEHAF shall coordinate the project. It will work with coalition members to develop annual and
quarterly operational plans and follow up on implementation through telephone conversations,
mails and visits. The current project will be under supervision of the program coordinator. The
project officer will be responsible for day to day execution of the project. WEHAF will liaise with
all stakeholders to ensure smooth running of the project and proper information flow.

Monitoring of project implementation

Mail, telephone and personal contacts shall be held continuously to follow up practices of the
target group to establish progress made towards project outcome. Meetings for coalition
members shall be organized twice in the first year and once in each following years to discuss
progresses and challenges encountered in a previous period as well as planning for the
following period (reporting and planning). This will enable the organization to learn on
experience of each other and act promptly on issues that need immediate action. The meetings
will be held in the first week of every sixth month of the year throughout the project period. This
will ensure timely submission of reports to the donor.
Project sustainability

Sustainability is a major consideration guiding the strategy, approach and set up of this project.
Focus is on the continuity of advocacy activities which shall be championed by the coalition
members in their respective areas. Efforts to make this a continuous activity for the NGO
coalition members shall be made. The NGO coalition members will be advised to mainstream
the advocacy issues on girls’ education in their various organizational programs after the three-
year project period. Capacity and relationship building which is a component in the project
implementation strategy aim to create conducive atmosphere for the NGOs to approach the
policy makers and government authorities for dialogue and advisory discussions.
Sourcing for funds to build a demonstrative school, to illustrate a conducive learning
environment for adolescent girls and provision of basic requirements to vulnerable girls in rural
schools will also contribute to continuity of the project.

Specific activities

1. Coalition member-meetings to discuss progress and plan.

2. Capacity building training to councilors.
3. Conducting dialogue/advocacy meetings with councilors and executives in the project
4. Capacity building training to community development department to strengthen their
capacity on gender equity education plans/programs.
5. Production and dissemination of IEC materials on equal participation of girls in
education to the project target group and stakeholders.
6. Sourcing out funds to build a demonstrative school, to illustrate a conducive learning
environment for adolescent girls.
7. Monitoring of project activities.
8. Budget

Details Of First Yeah Budget For The Girl Empowerment Project

Description Unit of measure Unit Cost Quantity Frequency Amount

Staff and salaries benefits

Project officer Salaries&benefits 740,,000 1 person 12 months


Time of WEHAF Program coordinator 50% salary 575,000 1 person 12 months


Sub-total salaries and benefit


Project administration

Communication costs to facilitate project coordination Monthly charges 120,000 1 lumpsum 12 months

Local transport to facilitate administrative tasks m/v mileage 2,200 35km 12 months

Office supplies Office stationery 110,000 1 lumpsum 12 months


Sub-total Administration

Recruitment of a project officer

Post advertisement Space 750,000 2 1 occasion

newspaper 1,500,000

Transport cost for shortlisted applicants Bus fare 35,000 3 persons 1 occasion

Meals and accommodation for potential applicants Per diem 45,000 3 persons 2 days

Sub-total recruitment of a project officer


Coalition members meeting to develop MoU &

Venue cost Daily charge 100,000 2 days 1 occasion

Transport for the meeting participants Bus fare 30,000 10 people 1 occasion

Meals and accommodation for potential participants Per diem 45,000 10 people 3 days

Writing materials Assorted 3,000 10 people 1 occasion

stationery 30,000

Sub-total coalition members annual meetings


Gender mainstream staff training

Transport Bus fare 40,000 25 people 1 occasion


Meals and Accomodation Per diem 45,000 25 people 2.5 days


Venue cost Daily charges 100,000 1 session 2 days


Stationery Assorted items 5,000 25 people 1 occasion


Facilitators fees Daily charges 350,000 1 session 2 days


Subtotal gender mainstreaming staff training


Production and dissemination of IEC materials

Leaflets Pieces 120.00 1200 3 districts

copies 432,000

Magazines Pieces 300.00 700 3 Districts

copies 630,000

Newspaper Pieces 450.00 700 3 Districts

copies 945,000

Fliers Pieces 250.00 1200 3 Districts

copies 900,000

Subtotal of production and dissemination of IEC materials

Mobilisation of communities to sensitize
candidates on safe environment for teenage girls

Transport to distribute IEC materials in schools Bus fares 240,000 1 lumpsum 3 districts

Meals during the distribution of IEC materials Per diem 150,000 1 lumpsum 3 district

Subtotal distribution of IEC materials in schools



Purchase of a laptop to facilitate documentation Item 1,650,000 1 piece 1 occasion


Purchase of a printer Item 250,000 1 piece 1 occasion


Subtotal Acquisition/Infrustructure

Monitoring of project activities

Transport to the project area m/v mileage 2,200 432km 1 occasion


Meals and accommodation during visits Per diem 65,000 6 persons 10 days

Allowance for supportive staff Subsistence 22,500 6 persons 120 days

allowances 16,200,000

Financial Auditing Consultancy fees 1,350,000 1 entity 1 occasion


Sub total monitoring of project activities




Details Of Year Two Budget For Girls Empowerment Project

Description Unit of measure Unit cost Quantity Frequency Amount

Staff salaries and benefits

Project officer Salary and 865,000 1 person 12 months

benefits 10,380,000

Time of WEHAF programs coordinator 50% salary 630,000 1 person 12 months


Sub total salaries and benefits


Project administration

Communication costs to facilitate project Monthly charges 132,000 1 lumpsum 12 months

coordination 1,584,000

Local transport to facilitate administrative tasks m/v mileage 2,450 35 km 12 months


Office supplies Office stationery 123,000 1 lumpsum 12 months


Sub total administration


Dialogue with councilors&district executive to

advocate for intervention

Communication cost Telephone calls 45,000 3 12 months

organisations 1,620,000

Local transport to facilitate meetings with policy Bus fare 120,000 3 4 quarters
makers organisations 15,120,000

Meals for participants during the meetings Lunch 8,500 60 persons 4 quarters

Transport for participants Bus fare 10,000 60 persons 4 quarters


Sub total dialogue with councilors &district executives


Coalition members annual meeting to share on

project progress and planning
Venue cost Daily charges 130,000 2 days 1 occasion

Transport for the meetings participants Bus fare 30,000 10 people 1 occasion

Meals and accommodation for meeting participants Per diem 50,000 10 people 3 days

Writing materials Assorted 6,000 10 people 1 occasion

stationery 60,000

Sub total coalition members annual meetings


Capacity building training for councilors

Venue cost Daily charges 150,000 2 sessions 1 occasion


Transport for participants Bus fare 17,500 40 people 1 occasion


Meals and accommodation for participants Per diem 45,000 40 people 2 days

Writing materials Assorted 6,000 40 people 1 occasion

stationery 240,000

Facilitators fees Daily charges 400,000 2 sessions 1 occasion


Transport for project coalition members Bus fare 20,000 6 people 1 occasion
representative 120,000

Accommodation for coalition members Per diem 45,000 6 people 2 days

representatives 540,000

Sub total capacity building training for councilors


Production and dissemination of IEC materials

Posters Piece 1,300 100 copies 3 Districts


Leaflets Piece 200 500 leaflets 3 Districts


Calendars Piece 1,000 100 copies 3 Districts

Booklets Piece 600 100 copies 3 Districts

Sub total production and dissemination of IEC materials


Gender mainstreaming staff training

Bus fare Fare 20,000 25 people 1 occasion


Meals and accommodation Per diem 45,000 25 people 2.5 days


Venue cost Daily charges 150,000 1 session 2 days


Writing materials Assorted 3,000 25 people 1 occasion

stationery 75,000

Facilitators fees Daily charges 380,000 1 sessions 2 days


Sub total gender mainstreaming staff training


Monitoring of project progress

Transport to the project area M/v mileage 2,450 432km 1 occasion


Meals and accommodation Per diem 45,000 3 persons 10 days


Allowance for supportive staff Subsistence 25,000 3 persons 60days

allowance 4,500,000

Financial auditing Consultancy 1 entity 1 occasion

1,050,000 1,050,000

Sub total monitoring of project progress




Details of Year Three Budget For Girls Education Project

Description Unit of measure Unit cost Quantity Duration Amount

Staff salaries and benefits

Project officer Salary and 904,000 1 person 12 months 10,848,000


Time of WEHAF program coordinator 50% salary 655,000 1 person 12 months 7,860,000

Sub total salaries and benefits 18,708,000

Project administration

Communication cost to facilitate project Monthly tel 136,000 1lumpsome 12 months 1,632,000
coordination charges

Local transport to facilitate administrative tasks m/v mileage 2450 34 km 12 months 999,600

Office supplies Office stationery 125,000 1 lumpsome 12 months 1,500,000

Sub total project administration 4,131,600

Dialogue with councilors and district executives to advocate for intervention

Communication costs for coalition members Telephone calls 47,000 3 12 months 1,692,000

Local transport to facilitate meetings with policy Bus fare 123,000 3 4 quarters 1,476,000
makers organization

Meals for participants during the meetings Lunch 8,500 60 people 4 quarters 2,040,000

Transport for participants Bus fare 11,000 60 people 4 quarters 2,640,000

Sub total dialogue with councilors and district executives


Coalition members annual meeting on project progress and planning

Venue cost Daily charges 140,000 2 days 1 years 280,000

Transport for the meeting participants Bus fare 35,000 10 people 1 years 350,000

Meals and accommodation for meeting Per diem 53,000 10 people 3 days 1,590,000

Writing materials Assorted 6500.00 10 people 1 occasion 650,000


Sub total coalition members annual meetings 2,770,000

Capacity building training to councilors

Transport for participants Bus fare 17,500 40 people 1 occasion 700,000

Meals and accommodation for participants Per diem 45,000 40 people 2 days 3,600,000

Venue costs Daily charge 150,000 2 sessions 1 occasion 300,000

Writing materials Assorted 6,500 40 people 1 occasion 260,000


Facilitators fees Daily charge 420,000 2 sessions 1 occasion 840,000

Transport for project coalition members reps. Bus fare 20,000 6 people 1 occasion 120,000

Accommodation for coalition members rep. Per diem 50,000 6 people 2 days 600,000

Sub total capacity building training to councilors 6,420,000

Monitoring of project activities

Transport to the project areas m/v mileage 2450 432km 1 occasion 1,058,400

Meals and accommodation Per diem 45,000 3 person 10 days 1,350,000

Allowance for supportive staff Subsistence 26,500 3 person 60 days 4,770,000


Financial auditing Consultancy fees 1,100,000 1 entity 1 0ccasion 1,100,000

Sub total monitoring of project activities 8,278,400

Evaluation of the project

Transport to the project area m/v mileage 2450 432 km 1 occasion 1,058,400

Meals and accommodation during field work Per diem 45,000 3 person 10 days 1,350,000

Consultancy fees Daily charges 850,000 1 person 15 days 12,750,000

Subtotal evaluation of the project 15,158,000



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