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Components Marks Instrument Guidelines Marks

1 Internal Evaluation 80
1.1 Initial Preparation 20
Report format 5 Report 3 – Default Format
0-2 – Filling details(S.No, date,
Machine data, circuit diagram)
Circuit diagram 10 Report 0-10 – Circuit diagram(Symbols, size,
neatness, Ratings of components and
meters, type)
Indent 5 Report 0-5 – Specifications and quantity
1.2 Connection 10
Arrangement of 5 Expt table 0-5 Layout, neatness,
Correctness of 5 Expt table 0-5 correctness, tightness, Cable Sizing
1.3 Conduction 15
Precautions 5 Report 0-5 initial condition, safety
Measurements/Meter 10 Report 0-5 no of readings, range of
Readings observation,
1.4 Result & 25
Calculation 15 Report 0-5 –Derive and Apply Formula
0-4 –steps in sample calculation
0-1 – Units
0-5 - accuracy of computation
Inference 10 Report 0-1 result,
0-4 observations,
1.5 Comprehensive Viva 10
(End Sem)

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