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Lesson 1: Using Context Clues in

Understanding a text
Grade 9


 Learn techniques for vocabulary

 Give meanings of words through using
dictionary and context clues.
 Build prior knowledge to assist with comprehension of text

Task 1: Reading a Text

By: Olivia Coolidge

A long time ago, in a place called Lydia, lived the most talented spinner and weaver
named Arachne. She was so talented that her tapestries looked life-like and were very
colorful, not monochrome. When others watched her weave, they thought she was
incredible! They often compared her to the goddess Athena, who was also fantastic at
spinning and weaving. Some credible people even said Athena must have trained

Arachne was very proud and arrogant

about her weaving skills, so being compared
to Athena made her really mad! She thought
people should give her credit for being
talented. Arachne reflected on this and
decided she did not want anyone to think she
was inferior to Athena. One day, if someone
wrote her biography, she didn’t want it to even
mention Athena! She was sure that Athena
couldn’t produce the quality of work she did
and was determined to dictate that to
everyone who would listen!

The news swiftly traveled to Athena

that Arachne thought herself to be a superior
weaver. Athena was very mad, but decided to
try to make a constructive visit to Arachne and
give her a chance to explain herself. Athena
disguised herself as an old woman, and when
she approached Arachne, she warned her to
speak kindly of gods and goddesses.
Arachne did not care what the disguised Athena was saying. She was willing to
contradict anyone who claimed Athena was a better weaver than she and said so in a
long monologue. Arachne even challenged Athena to a weaving contest. Upon hearing
this, Athena revealed her true identity and told Arachne the challenge was on: Athena
versus Arachne!
Both weaved all day. Finally it
was time to present each tapestry. First
Athena showed off her attractive scene
of gods and goddesses doing good
deeds. Then Arachne revealed her
controversial cloth that made fun of the
gods and goddesses.

Athena was enraged by

Arachne’s version of the life of gods and
goddesses, and she was shocked by
her arrogance! She destroyed
Arachne’s tapestry and loom and made
her feel tremendous guilt for being so
arrogant. Arachne couldn’t take the
guilt, so she hanged herself. Since Athena did not think Arachne would kill herself, she
felt terrible and decided to turn Arachne into a spider that could weave beautiful webs

Task 2: Comprehension Check (Small Group Differentiated Activities)

 Form 3 Groups, and work your assigned task.

 Remember to share your ideas, and experiences with the class.
 Each Group will share their output in the class.

Group 1: Image Makers

Discuss your answer to these questions:

1.) What caused Arachne’s fears and failures?

2.) How did Arachne try to fight her fear and conditions of the challenge?
3.) How does she feel in her weaving skill?

Group 2: Justifiers
Discuss your answer to these questions:

1.) What is the nature in the conflict of Arachne?

2.) What character traits is clearly shown by Arachne?
3.) What happens to her as she lives through her experiences?
Group 3: Theme Builders
Discuss your answer to these questions:

1.) Does the story help you understand the value of dealing the challenges?
2.) What generalization or statement about human experiences (theme) does the story
3.) Ponder on the title “Arachne”. In what way does it relate to the theme of the

Task 3:
Directions: After you read the story of “Arachne” pick eight (8) words. According to the
root and the way the word is used in the sentence (context clues), tell me what the word

Word Root Definition Meaning of the Word

Monochrome Mono One One chrome or one


Task 4:

Read the following sentences form Arachne, and think about the italicized
1. I have a challenged her to a contest, but she, off course, will not come.
2. They were terribly afraid as they realized that they stood in the presence of Athene.
3. Surely, Athene herself must have taught her.
4. Therefore, when she heard them murmur, she would stop her work and turn around
5. Arachne was immensely proud of her skill.

Work in small groups of five (5) and answer the following questions:
1.) What do the italicized words/phrases have in common?
2.) Do they help in giving emphasis to the action? Prove your Point.
Task 5: Speaking (Drama/Script Play)

 Divide the class into six groups.

 Using the framework of speech bubbles. Use the information in the story to fill up
the speech bubbles. You can add your own information in the speech.
 You are going to present the play in the class.

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