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Janis K Joseph

Guided by,

Dr.Manju M.S Dr.Arun K Tangirala

Asst.Professor Professor
Dept. of Chemical Engg. Dept. of Chemical Engg.
GEC Thrissur IIT Madras

June 30, 2018

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1 Introduction

2 Literature Review

3 Objectives

4 Methodology

5 Observations

6 Conclusion

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Internal Model Control (IMC) principle states that “Control can be
achieved if and only if the control system summarizes either implicitly
or explicitly, some representation of the process to be controlled”.[5]

Schematic representation of internal model control

Prediction error:
ˆ = [Gp (s) − Gm (s)]U (s) + d(s)
d(s) (1)
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Model Plant Mismatch (MPM)
Discrepancies between the model and process in model based controllers
is known as MPM. Performance of any model-based controller depends
on the quality of the model and hence on MPM.

Closed loop transfer function

Gc (s)Gm (s)
Gcl = (2)
1 + [Gp (s) − Gm (s)]Gc (s)

Characteristic equation

1 + [Gp (s) − Gm (s)]Gc (s) = 0 (3)

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Literature Review
Studies on mismatch directions and thresholds
Suggests a systematic approach to determine the thresholds of
Tufa and Ka, 2016 [19] mismatches. Investigates the effects of direction of mismatch
with respect to gain, time constant and delay.
Studies on root cause of poor control loop performance
Presented a method for uni-variate systems using cross corre-
Stafenlj et al., 1993 [17]
lation to distinguish between disturbances and modeling error.
Proposed methodology uses certain closed loop relations for
Badwe et al., 2010 [2] isolating the root cause of performance degradation. Method
requires setpoint excitation
Developed a new quantity called plant model ratio(PMR).
Selvanathan and Tangi- Proposed method is able to determine the absence or pres-
rala, 2010 [16] ence of MPM even in the presence of poorly tuned controller
or unmeasured disturbances(UD).
Comparison between statistical distributions of nominal out-
put and nominal error are used to capture the source of poor
Batelho et al., 2015 [4] performance(MPM or disturbance). Proposed method is in-
dependent of setpoint, hence flexible to different MPC struc-

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To distinguish between MPM and UD, proposed comparison

Batelho et al., 2016 [3] of statistical distributions of nominal output and modelling
Studies on MPM detection
Introduced three MPM detection indices for detection and iso-
Jiang et al., 2006 [9]
lation of MPM for multivariate systems.
Webber and Guptha, Extended cross correlation approach in [17] to detect specific
2008 [20] mismatched models in multivariate control systems.
Detects MPM from closed loop operating data using partial
Badwe et al., 2008 [1] correlation analysis between model residuals and manipulated
Using Pmr methodology theroretical conditions to diagnose
Selvanathan and Tangi-
mismatches among gain, time constant, delay and combina-
rala, 2010 [16]
tion of these are developed.
Developed a method for detection and diagnosis of MPM for
Kaw et al., 2014 [10] SISO systems with minimum possible efforts. Hypothesis test-
ing is used to detect mismatch and its causes.

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Proposed MPM evaluation based on nominal output sensitiv-

Batelho et al., 2015 [4] ity function. Method is independent of setpoint perturbation
and the data based identification procedure
Proposed method diagnose the presence of MPM and also pin-
Tsai et al., 2015 [18]
points the exact MPM affected elements.
Developed a method for detection and diagnosis of MPM for
Ling et al., 2017 [11] SISO systems with minimum possible efforts. Hypothesis test-
ing is used to detect mismatch and its causes.
Generalized the PMR approach to multivariate control sys-
Yerramilli and Tangi-
tems. Two threshold-based hypothesis tests are presented for
rala, 2016 [21]
diagnosing mismatch in gain and dynamics.

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To study the effects of MPM directions on FOPTD systems.

To study which directions of MPM are important.

To investigate whether plant model ratio (PMR) gives better way

of representation of MPM directions.

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MPM Direction
Mathematically MPM can be expressed in two ways:

1 Additive uncertainty

∆G(s) = Gp (s) − Gm (s) (4)

where mismatch in gain, time constant and delay are:

∆K = Kp − Km ; ∆τ = τp − τm ; ∆D = Dp − Dm
2 Multiplicative uncertainty
Gp (s) Kp τm s + 1 −(Dp−Dm)s
GP M R (s) = = e (5)
Gm (s) Km τp s + 1

where mismatch in gain, time constant and delay are taken as:
Kp τp Dp
Kα = ; τα = ; Dα =
Km τm Dm
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(GP M R or ∆G)

R magnitude MPM representation

GP M R or ∆G is a complex number, which can be represented

using polar coordinate system.

ϕ is the direction of mismatch or MPM direction.

How does performance change with R and ϕ?

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To create mismatches of different directions, spherical coordinate
system or polar coordinate system of mismatch parameters can be
   
Kα r sin θ cos φ
Mα =  τα  =  r sin θ sin φ  (6)
   
Dα r cos θ
Process transfer function can be written as

(Km × Kα )e−(Dm ×Dα )s

Gp = (7)
(τm × τα )s + 1

If ∆M is considered:

(Km + ∆K)e−(Dm +∆D)s

Gp = (8)
(τm + ∆τ )s + 1

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Performance metrics used are ISE and IAE

Z ∞
ISE = e2 (t)dt (9)
Z ∞
IAE = |e(t)|dt (10)
Normalized values of integral errors

ISEN = (11)
IAEN = (12)
ISE0 and IAE0 are integral errors of a properly tuned controller

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Vector Parameters as Multiplicative (Mα )
Gain and Time Constant Mismatch
" # " # (
Kα r cos θ r>0
Mα = = (13)
τα r sin θ θ ∈ (00 , 900 )

(Kα ,τα )

Mismatch in gain and time-constant as polar coordinates

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Gain and Delay Mismatch
" # " # (
Kα r cos θ r>0
Mα = = (14)
Dα r sin θ θ ∈ (00 , 900 )

Time-Constant and Delay Mismatch

" # " # (
τ r cos θ r>0
Mα = α = (15)
Dα r sin θ θ ∈ (00 , 900 )

Gain, Time-Constant and Delay Mismatch

    
Kα r sin θ cos φ  r>0

Mα =  τα  =  r sin θ sin φ  θ ∈ (00 , 900 ) (16)
   
Dα r cos θ

 φ ∈ (00 , 900 )

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Vector Parameters as Additive (∆M )
Gain and Time Constant Mismatch
" # " # (
∆K r cos θ r < min(Km , τm )
∆M = = (17)
∆τ r sin θ θ ∈ [00 , 3600 ]

Gain and Delay Mismatch

" # " # (
∆K r cos θ r < min(Km , Dm )
∆M = = (18)
∆D r sin θ θ ∈ [00 , 3600 ]

Time Constant and Delay Mismatch

" # " # (
∆τ r cos θ r < min(τm , Dm )
∆M = = (19)
∆D r sin θ θ ∈ [00 , 3600 ]

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FOPTD system is considered from [8]
Gp = e−5s
10s + 1

Set-point considered for simulation

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(a) ∆K% (b) ∆τ %

(c) ∆D%
IAE variation for gain, time constant and delay mismatch %
Janis K Joseph (GEC Thrissur) MPM DIRECTIONS June 30, 2018 17 / 32
Gain and Time Constant Mismatch

Vector parameters as multiplicative (Mα )

ISEN and IAEN variation with GP M R

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ISEN and IAEN variation Kα and τα

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Vector parameters as additive (∆M )

(a) (b)
IAEN variation with (a) GP M R and (b) ∆M
Janis K Joseph (GEC Thrissur) MPM DIRECTIONS June 30, 2018 20 / 32
Gain and Delay Mismatch

Vector parameters as multiplicative (Mα )

(a) (b)
IAEN variation with (a) GP M R and (b) Mα

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Vector parameters as additive (∆M )

(a) (b)
IAEN variation with (a) GP M R and (b) ∆M

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Time-Constant and Delay Mismatch

(a) (b)

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Gain, Time-Constant and Delay Mismatch

IAEN variation
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IMC controller allows good set-point tracking and gives good

disturbance rejection especially for the process with a small
time-delay/time-constant ratio.

Filter time constant plays a vital role to obtain better trade off
between robustness and disturbance rejection and stability.

Increase in the filter time constant reduces the overshoot to an

acceptable limit, but however reduces the disturbance rejection i.e.,
desired noise suppression capability.

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Plant model ratio (PMR) gives better way of representation of

MPM directions.

More accurate results are obtained when vector parameters are

considered as multiplicative.

It is observed that the performance is decreasing when ∠GP M R

decreases or increases from zero, but both are not symmetrical.

Performance is highly affected when ∠GP M R i.e., direction of

MPM decreases from zero.

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Thank you

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