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Research Methodology

Part 2: What is a research

Dasapta Erwin Irawan

Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology Institut Teknologi Bandung

17 April 2014

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Outline I

1. The basics of research

1.1 Definition
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Motivation
1.4 Characteristics
1.5 Types
Descriptive vs analytical
Applied vs fundamental
Quantitative vs qualitative
Conceptual vs empirical
1.6 Criteria of a good research

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Outline I

2. Reproducible research: Why is it important?

3. Reproducible research: How do we do it?

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Outline I

4. Workflow

5. Components
5.1 Question
5.2 Background
5.3 Hypothesis
5.4 Hypothesis testing
5.5 Data analysis
5.6 Conclusion drawing
5.7 Comparison: Hypothesis vs conclusion

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What is a research?

There are so many definitions. But the simplest definition is based

on the original words ”re” and ”search” or ”re-do” the ”search”.

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The definition of research

I Mirriam Webster Dictionary: The systematic investigation

into and study of materials and sources in order to establish
facts and reach new conclusions.
I Advanced Learners Dictionary: A careful investigation or
inquiry specially through search for new facts in any branch of

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The objectives of doingresearch

There are several common objectives:

I To gain familiarity with a phenomenon (exploratory
I To portray accurately (descriptive research);
I To test a causal relationship between variables
(hypothesis-testing or correlation research).

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The motivation of doing research

I to get a degree: this is likely to happen

I to get intellectual joy: this is unlikely to happen to a normal
I to face the challenge: awards, prize, etc
I to be of service to society: community empowerment, social
I to get a respect (unlikely): however one may expect a
reputation from his/her research experience.

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The characteristics of research

I Objective: unbiased, however one may have different

interpretation from others.
I Systematic and logic: follow a procedure, one way road but
I Emipical: based only on data and facts,
I Reproducible: can be re-do by others
I Public: this is why we need to publish our research, to be
used elsewhere, to be commented, to be corrected, to be
improved etc.

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Types of research

I descriptive vs analytical
I applied vs fundamental
I quantitative vs qualitative
I conceptual vs empirical

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Descriptive vs analytical

I Descriptive research:
I surveys and fact-finding
I hence no control over the variables
I describing and reporting the current condition of a topic.
I often use in: earth science (geology, including hydrogeology),
social science, and business research
I Analytical research:
I using collected facts or information already available
I hence with some control over the variables
I analysing and critically evaluating data

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Applied vs fundamental

I Applied research
I aims at finding a solution for an immediate problem
I problem in society, industrial/business, organisation
I specific scope
I Fundamental research
I aims in finding generalisation, formulating a theory.
I based on many results from applied research.
I no longer immediate problem
I broad scope

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Quantitative vs qualitative

I Quantitative research
I based on the measurement of quantity or amount.
I using known units.
I variables can be expressed in terms of quantity.
I Qualitative research
I based on subjective measurements.
I using self made units.
I variables can’t be expressed in terms of quantity

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Conceptual vs empirical

I Conceptual research
I related to some abstract idea(s) or theory.
I used to develop new concepts or to reinterpret existing ones.
I usually consists of many experimental research.
I Empirical research (or experimental research)
I relies on experience or observation alone (data based).
I sometimes it follows the acknowledge the theory.
I sometimes it disregards the theory (anomaly).
I conclusions verified by observation or experiment.

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Criteria of a good research I

From: James Harold Fox, Criteria of Good Research,

Phi Delta Kappan, Vol. 39 (March, 1958).

I Systematic:
I structured
I in a specific sequence
I well defined set of rules
I Logical:
I logical reasoning
I logical process
I induction and deduction
I Empirical: ...
I Replicable: ...

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Criteria of a good research II

I Empirical:
I concrete data and facts
I sufficient data and facts
I real situation or experiment
I Replicable (or reproducible):
I can be re-do
I can be re-evaluate
I conclusion can be re-drawn

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Reproducible research: Why?

I Replication in science - very important element

I Research - expensive - low impact
I Data - important for later use and method - must be
I Result - must be improved and conclusion - can be re-drawn
I Subjective = different skills and knowledge

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Reproducible research: How?

I Raw data must be made available

I Method must be clear and detail
I Softwares must be made available and multiplatform (open
I Complete file versioning

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Basic research workflow

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Basic research components

I Question
I Background
I Hypothesis
I Hypothesis testing
I Data analysis
I Conclusion drawing
I Hypothesis vs conclusion comparison
I Results communication

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Research Methodology in LATEXbeamer Dasapta Erwin Irawan 23

Hypothesis testing


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Data analysis


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Conclusion drawing


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Comparison: Hypothesis vs conclusion


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