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Revision of guided self-studies


1. Circle the correct verb form.

1. This system is / has been used for several years, but we believe it is still valid today.

2. I am an assistant professor at the Department of Robotics where I am working / have been working
for the last two years.

3. We believe / are believing that this is the first time that the problem is / has been addressed.

4. At the moment I am working / have been working on a new project.

5. This is the first time we experience / have experienced a problem like this.

6. Don’t worry! I am / have been in the office since 8.0.

7. Fortunately we don’t have / haven’t had this problem for a while now.

8. How long are you / have you been here for – since last year or the year before?

9. How long are you / have you been here for – till the end of this year or next?

10. This is / has been the second time today that the computer crashes / has crashed.

I had a terrible trip. It all (i) started / had started while I (ii) checked /was checking into my hotel in So fi

a late at night and I (iii) found / had found out that my credit card (iv) was / had been cancelled and I (v)

didn’t bring / hadn’t brought enough cash to pay a deposit. I (vi) phoned / had phone the bank and they

(vii) admitted / had admitted their computers (viii) made / were making / had made a whole series of

errors. What’s more, while I (ix) was discussing / had discussed the problem with the hotel receptionist,

the fi re alarm (x) went / had gone /was going off and we all had to evacuate the building. And then

while we (xi) were waiting / waited outside, someone (xii) stole / had stolen my briefcase. It (xiii) had /

was having / had had my passport in it and my pen-drive with the presentation on. Then the next day I
(xiv) caught / had caught the flu and (xv) spent / was spending the rest of the trip in bed with a raging


2. Fill in the correct verb form

1. When we reach Land’s End we will have walked 1,500 km. (walk)

2. I just remembered that I have not paid the rent yet. I’m surprised that the landlord has not rang me
up and reminded me. (not pay, not ring)

3. It’s a beautiful drive. I am sure you will enjoy the scenery. (enjoy)

4. The car does not start. If you get in Tom and I will give you a push. (not start, give)

5. I put the five-pound notes into one of the books; but the next day it took me ages to find it because I
forgot which book I had put it in. (take, forget, put)

6. He has been played the bagpipes since six this morning. He just stop. (play, just stop)

7. My son has not start work yet. He’s still at High School. – How long has he been at school? - He has
been there for six years. Before that he has spent five years at primary school. (not start, he be, be,

8. Mary: I wonder what he is saying now. Ann: Well, his girlfriend comes from Japan too, so I suppose he
is speaking Japanese. (say, come, speak)

9. When I first met him he was studying architecture. (study)

10. While we were fishing someone broke into the house and left us this note. (fish, break, leave)

11. It won’t be easy to get out of the country .The police are watching all of the ports. (watch)

12. If I catch some fish, will you cook them for me? (you cook)

13. He will not forget to come. (not forget)

14. It has being raining for the last two hours so the game has being postponed. (rain, be postponed)

15. When I saw him he was printing a picture of his wife. Do you like it? (see, paint, you like)

3. Underline the correct answer

1. The consumption in / of one apple for / per day precludes the need for / of using medical services.

2. Why do some countries produce so much more output for / per worker than others?

3. The effect among / of clinical guidelines in / on medical practice.

4. Influence by / of education and occupation on / onto the incidence of /by Alzheimer’s disease.

5. Trends of / in defining the specifications for / per educational software.

a / an , the, zero article (Ø )

4. Underline the correct answer

1. In an / the examination room students are only allowed a / the monolingual dictionary.

2. A / The dictionary I use the most is an / the online one called Word’s Worth.

3. In the 1950s a / the television changed the way advertising was done.

4. This paper investigates the role of the / Ø church and the media in the UK by analyzing how many
people go to the / Ø church every Sunday in relation to how many have a / the television.

5. All the patients had been operated either on the / Ø eyes or on the / Ø nose.

Note: First guided study evaluation will be based on the grammar areas suggested from recommended
grammar exercises. Prepositions and articles are added as an additional practice.

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