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Carol (Paula): Hi friends, I´ve got a plan for tonight ask for permission to sleep in
my house, that my parents will set off today

Natalia (Lorena): A totally agree, and we can take advantage and go dancing

Elvira (Sofia): We have to be careful to avoid being found out by our mothers

Natalia (Lorena): I have everything under control, Don´t worry

Mafe (Valentina): What are we going to get organized (arrange) for the pajama

Carol: I´d love to watch terror movies and to buy too much food

Elvira: Of course; it´s October and that would be the perfect theme

Mafe: See you at 8:00 p.m. at Paula ´s house

Natalia: I hope you to bring along with your bes pajama. I have a new one which is
so sexy to put on

Carol: Ready girls, let´s do it

At night…..

Elvira: Knock the door

Carol: (opens) It girls, what did you bring?

Natalia: I brought some food

Mafe: I brought a couple of movies

Elvira: I have variety of games to pick out

Carol: I admit it is a good idea

The Phone Rings….

Natalia: Really? Ok, I´ll tell you right away thanks

Natalia: Girls, I´ve got a Bette plan, leave all of that

Elvira: What are you thinking?

Natalia: Itilary just called me and she told me that we can get into Milenio from
9:00 pm there will be a disguise party. What do you think?
Mafe: What time is it?

Carol: It´s 8:45

Natalia: What are we waiting for? Let´s go

Carol: Girls, Do you think this is so luxury for the disguise?

Elvira: Not at all. It looks nice to you

Mafe: Are you ready?

Natalia: Yes, wait, I end up this make up a little, and we leave

(They leave the house) and they arrive to the disco.

Mafe: Vodka for us, please

(After many cups)

Carol: Lorena, get on the table and star dancing

- Everybody laugh

Elvira: Come on, do it

- (She gets up and start dancing)

(All uhhh- That´s it)

Lorena begins to throw up and they help her to come down

Elvira: Come on Lorena, let´s avoid an accident sit down

Valentina help me out

Mafe: I´m sorry, I can´t help you, I dislike the vomit

(Sofia looks uphy?

Carol: And then, what do we do?

Mafe: Let´s leave her there, and let´s go on enjoying the night

Elvira: She is our friend, we can´t leave her alone

Natalia: You go, while I rest

(The look at each other) (The girls leave and leave her alone)
(After an hour end a half (1:30) the girls go for Lorena and the got to the

Mafe: It was one of the best nights but it would have been great if it had lasted
more time

Elvira: It´s late, we have to sleep, Paula´s mom is about to come we have
to keep the good girls image. Good night. I love you

(We all love you)

(Weeks later)

Natalia: I think I am pregnant

Carol: Are you sure?

Natalia: I don´t know, my monthly has not come, what can I do?

Carol: First, Calm down and second you have to be examined to be sure

Natalia: Ok, when can you do it?

Carol: This afternoon, as sooner as better

Natalia: Ay thanks

Carol: That´s why are finds aren’t we?

Natalia: Yes

(They huge each other)

(They go to the doctor and leave with the result)

Natalia: It´s positive. I wan´t bear it

Mafe: And do you think to abort? I think it´s a bad decision, it was your mistake,
you didn´t control yourself, suffer the consecuenses

Natalia: But, I can´t, I am a teenager, my parents will kill me if I fell them

Mafe: They will understand you, don´t be afraid, a child will be good for you, we will
be with you and we will take care of you, you have our support

Natalia: That´s why I love you girls thanks they hug.

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