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Test Copper complex Chromium complex

Colour and shape Blue crystal (shiny) Dark green crystal (fine
Solubility and colour
I. Before Heat: Water I. Before Heat: Water
i. Water
Colourless to light blue Colourless to dark
solution, soluble green, soluble
After Heat: After Heat:
Cloudy light blue Dark green color
solution remain unchanged, no
precipitate and soluble
ii. HCl

II. Before Heat: HCl I. Before Heat: HCl

Colourless to blue Colourless to dark
cloudy solution green, soluble

After Heat: After Heat:

iii. NaHCO3
Cloudy solution with Dark green, no
no precipitate and precipitate and soluble

III. Before Heat: NaHCO3 II. Before Heat: NaHCO3

Colourless to blue, Colourless to dark
soluble green, soluble

iv. NaOH After Heat: After Heat:

Blue colour, no Dark green colour, no
precipitate and soluble precipitate and soluble

i. Before Heat: NaOH I. Before Heat: NaOH

Colourless Colourless to green.
After Heat: After Heat:
produce blue black Green colour, cloudy
precipitate and insoluble

Isomerism Trans, colour changes Cis. colour changes from

from dark blue to light dark green to grey colour.
blue. It also does not It dissolved with the
dissolve in that solution. solution.
Confirmation test Red brick colour formed. Green cloudy solution.
Thus, copper present Chromium does not
Solution pH pH 6 pH 2
Flame test Blue flame produced Purple flame produced

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