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Food Chemistry 132 (2012) 549–553

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Food Chemistry
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Analytical Methods

Investigation of antiradical activity of plant material by thin-layer

chromatography with image processing
Marta Olech a, Łukasz Komsta b, Renata Nowak a,⇑, Łukasz Cieśla c,d, Monika Waksmundzka-Hajnos c
Department of Pharmaceutical Botany, Medical University of Lublin, 1 Chodźki Street, 20-093 Lublin, Poland
Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Medical University of Lublin, 4 Jaczewskiego Street, 20-090 Lublin, Poland
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Medical University of Lublin, 6 Staszica Street, 20-081 Lublin, Poland
Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Institute, 8 Czartoryskich Street, 24-100 Puławy, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A novel, easy, and cheap technique for preliminary quantitative evaluation of antiradical activity, based
Received 17 December 2010 on HPTLC, has been proposed. This method combines chromatographic separation of polar compounds,
Received in revised form 16 May 2011 present in plant extracts, with data analysis by means of image processing software. Bleaching of the pur-
Accepted 22 October 2011
ple DPPH colour, caused by substances with antiradical activity, was observed and recorded using a
Available online 9 November 2011
photo camera. ImageJ, a free and open source image processing program was used for quantitative mea-
surements. For evaluation of assay efficiency, the antiradical activity of rose flower extracts (from Rosa
rugosa Thunb.) was expressed as Standard Activity Coefficients (SACs), which are relative measures of
the activity to the four well known antioxidants; i.e., quercetin, gallic acid, protocatechuic acid, and Trol-
ImageJ ox. The method uses small amounts of free radical and is easily applicable – only a digital camera with
Radical scavenging activity freely available open source software is required.
Rosa rugosa Thunb. Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction TLC is a method of choice when screening plant extracts for the
presence of biologically active compounds (Waksmundzka-Hajnos,
A variety of methods are used to determine the radical scaveng- Sherma, & Kowalska, 2008). The role of bioautographic assays
ing capacity of pure individual compounds as well as crude plant using TLC plates is still growing due to several advantages; these
extracts. In vitro tests comprise a large group of antiradical capacity include speed of method development, high sample throughput
determinations and they still arouse scientists’ interest, as they are and flexibility. TLC also can provide quick access to information
very useful even for preliminary analysis (Karadag, Ozcelik, & Sa- concerning both the activity and the localisation of the activity in
ner, 2009; Paixão, Perestrelo, Marques, & Câmara, 2007). Generally, complex plant matrices (Simões-Pires, Hmicha, Marston, & Host-
the most popular are spectrophotometric methods, based on the ettmann, 2009). TLC combined with DPPH application for the
colour reaction between an antioxidant and a relatively stable rad- detection of free-radical scavengers was first introduced by Glav-
ical, for example ABTS+ (2,20 -azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6- ind and Holmer (1967). However, quantification of the free-radical
sulphonic radical cation) or DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl scavenging activity in situ, after dipping TLC plates in a DPPH solu-
radical) (Brand-Williams, Cuvelier, & Berset, 1995; Re et al., tion, is somewhat difficult. Conventional slit-scanning densitome-
1999). Their history dates back to the 1950s when the DPPH rad- ters operate serially; thus, they cannot be used for the quantitative
ical was described for the first time (Blois, 1958). Since then, many determination of radical-scavenging activity directly from the
variants of antiradical measurements, based on bleaching of the plate as concluded by Yrjönen, Peiwu, Summanen, Hopia, and Vuo-
purple colour of DPPH, have been suggested. However, determina- rela (2003). The reaction with DPPH is very time-instable and den-
tion of the antioxidant potential and radical scavenging activity for sitometric processing of such plates is almost unavailable, because
each individual compound contained in a complex mixture is it brings unpredictable results. The authors of the aforementioned
hardly a possible task. Therefore, the search for new, easy, rapid, paper have proposed a video-documentation system based on a
and cheap methods for screening a free-radical scavenging poten- CCD camera for detection and quantification of the radical scav-
tial of individual compounds contained within complex mixtures enging capacity. However, due to the lack of detailed descriptions
continues. related to quantitative processing techniques of such images, new
solutions need to be sought.
The videoscanning concept of TLC is a well-established topic in
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +48 81 742 37 03; fax: +48 81 742 38 05. the context of quantitative determination (Vovk, Prosek, & Kaiser,
E-mail address: (R. Nowak). 2001). Although densitometry generally has a better performance,

0308-8146/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
550 M. Olech et al. / Food Chemistry 132 (2012) 549–553

videoscanning is preferred in many fields, especially when the sep- 2.2. Standard substance solutions and crude plant extracts
aration results on the TLC plate change in time after the develop-
ment. Because an illumination chamber and dedicated camera All reference substances were dissolved in methanol to prepare
are quite expensive, scientists search for cheaper alternatives pro- the stock solutions (1.0 mg ml1). From the stock solutions, various
viding similar performance. When the separated spots on TLC standard mixtures containing from 0.8 to 200 lg ml1 of known
plates can be detected under visible light, the plate can be scanned compounds were prepared by appropriate dilution with methanol.
by an office flatbed scanner or photographed with a digital camera. In addition, the methanolic solution (1 mg ml1) of Trolox (i.e., a
A successful approach with a flatbed scanner was first presented by water-soluble vitamin E analogue) was used as an external stan-
Soponar, Mot, and Sarbu (2008), who used the equipment for dard antioxidant.
quantitative determination of some food dyes. Unfortunately, the Flowers of R. rugosa Thunb. were collected in Elizówka (near
scanner cannot be used for creating digital images of wet plates, Lublin, Poland), in June 2009. The botanical material was authenti-
just from the DPPH solution, as it is not a waterproof (nor chemi- cated by Prof. Tadeusz Krzaczek and a voucher specimen was
cal-proof) device. An interesting alternative could be processing of deposited in the Department of Pharmaceutical Botany, Medical
pictures made with the use of a digital photo camera. Such a image University of Lublin, Poland. The plant material was dried at ambi-
can be processed by various commercial and free software pack- ent temperature and powdered according to the 6th European
ages such as MATLAB (with Image Processing Toolbox), GNU R or Pharmacopoeia (2007).
Scilab. Because the packages require programming (and chemo- Twenty-five grams of dried and pulverised rose petals were ex-
metric) knowledge by the operator, an interesting alternative pro- tracted four times (for 24 h each), at ambient temperature with
posed by us is the application of ImageJ software. It is an open 150 ml of 80% (v/v) aqueous methanol. During the last extraction,
source and free program written in Java (and therefore able to be a sonication step at 50 °C (30 min) was applied in order to achieve
used almost with any operating system) developed at the National exhaustive extraction. Extracts were combined, filtered and evapo-
Institutes of Health (NUH) in the United States Department of rated to dryness under vacuum. The residue was weighted and
Health and Human Services, especially for handling biological redissolved into 80% (v/v) methanol to obtain stock methanolic
images. This software is very easy to operate. In our study, it was solutions (M) at a concentration of 100 mg ml1.
employed for handling pictures taken after separation and immer- A part of the dry methanolic extract – 0.52 g (which corre-
sion of TLC plates in a 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical meth- sponds to 1 g of dried plant material) was hydrolysed in hot water
anolic solution. Such an approach for quantitative analysis of the bath with 20 ml of 1.2 M HCl in 50% (v/v) methanol for 1 h (Nowak
free-radical scavenging activity of crude plant extracts has not & Tuzimski, 2005). Four millilitres of the hydrolysed sample were
been described earlier. ImageJ software contains many built-in diluted with 6 ml of water and passed through an octadecyl SPE
algorithms, which are – according to our investigation – sufficient column (500 mg, JT. Baker Inc., Philipsburg, USA). First, the SPE col-
to process the images of TLC plates correctly. umns were conditioned with methanol, water, and 0.1 M HCl in
In this report, we describe a useful method, with a new way of 20% methanol and the diluted sample (10 ml) was transferred to
data processing, to examine quantitatively the free radical scav- the column, washed with water to remove sugars liberated during
enging activity of plant extracts. For this purpose, two types of Rosa hydrolysis and then eluted with 5 ml of methanol. The collected
rugosa Thunb. (rugosa rose, Japanese rose) flower extracts were eluates were evaporated to dryness and redissolved in 80% (v/v)
analysed. R. rugosa Thunb. was chosen because a variety of antirad- methanol to obtain the hydrolysed extract H, at concentration of
ical compounds have been reported in this species (Hashidoko, 100 mg of plant material ml1. Both extracts M and H were pre-
1996; Nowak & Gawlik-Dziki, 2006). Furthermore, it is a cultivated pared in duplicate.
plant, commonly used for food, medicinal and cosmetic purpose.
Our previous study findings have shown that rugosa rose could
2.3. Chromatography and DPPH radical derivatisation
be of further interest (Nowak & Gawlik-Dziki, 2006).
All experiments were carried out at a stable temperature of
24 °C ± 1 °C. The plates were developed with methanol–water-o-
2. Experimental section
phosphoric acid (45:54:1 v/v) in a saturated twin trough chamber
(10  20 cm, DS, Poland) to the distance of 80 mm (developing
2.1. Apparatus and reagents
time 55 min), dried at ambient temperature for 15 min and im-
mersed for 3 s in freshly prepared 0.1% (m/v) DPPH radical meth-
Standards of gallic (GA), gentisic (GTA), protocatechuic (PCA),
anolic solution. After immersion and removal of DPPH excess, the
and ferulic acids (FA), as well as quercetin (Q), Trolox (T) and
plates were immediately photographed daylight. The photos were
2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH) were purchased
stored as JPG files for further image processing with method, as de-
from Sigma–Aldrich Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO, USA). Isoquercetin
scribed below.
(IzQ) was purchased from LGC standards (Dziekanów Leśny,
Poland). Ethanol, methanol, and hydrochloric acid were obtained
from Polish Reagents – POCH (Gliwice, Poland). All chemicals were 3. Results and discussion
of analytical purity grade. TLC was performed on the 10 cm 
10 cm glass-backed RP-18W HPTLC plates (Merck, Darmstadt, 3.1. Optimisation of chromatographic conditions
Solutions of all test substances and plant crude extracts were The prepared extracts from petals of R. rugosa Thunb. contain
applied to the chromatographic plates band-wise by means of a substances of high polarity, mainly polyphenols. Resolution of this
Desaga AS-30 automatic TLC sampler (Heidelberg, Germany) and group of natural compounds raises several difficulties. Some of the
developed in the horizontal DS chambers (Chromdes, Lublin, Po- compounds present in crude extracts remain unresolved when sil-
land). Chromatograms were documented using a Canon EOS ica gel layers were applied for their chromatography in preliminary
350D digital camera with standard 18–35 mm lens (Tokyo, Japan). experiments. Highly polar compounds strongly adsorbed to the
The pictures so obtained were processed using the ImageJ 1.43u surface of silica gel and did not move from the point of application.
image processing program (Wayne Rasband, National Institutes Some substances also tailed on the TLC plates, despite the use of
of Health, USA; acidic mobile phases. Thus, it was decided to separate the
M. Olech et al. / Food Chemistry 132 (2012) 549–553 551

compounds on the surface of octadecylsilica gel (RP18, reversed- same light conditions. In practice, it means that one would have
phase system). First, the chromatographic conditions were opti- to construct the illumination chamber analogous to commercial
mised for a prepared mixture of standards composed of Q, IzQ, videoscanning equipment. In the proposed approach such a
FA, GTA, PCA, GA in concentrations 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0008, 0.004, step is not needed, because all the chromatograms (i.e.,
and 0.1 mg ml1, respectively. Different concentrations of stan- obtained those for calibration purposes as well as for samples
dards in the mixture were related to different radical scavenging and references) are documented on the same photo. Several
capacity presented by these compounds. The concentrations were plates can be photographed on the same picture, but they must
proportional to the recorded signals in a separated zone on the be developed with DPPH in the same time as the colour reac-
TLC plate. Five microlitres of this standards’ mixture were applied tion changes quickly. A photo cannot be overexposed.
to RP-18W HPTLC plate as a 8-mm band. The best resolution was 2. The plates must be photographed parallel to the photo borders.
obtained with the application of the following mobile phase: meth- A photo cannot be skewed. The focal length should be sufficient
anol–water-o-phosphoric acid (45:54:1 v/v). The inclusion of a to avoid a barrel distortion. The light should be enough to avoid
strong mineral acid was essential to suppress the ionisation of a noise or movement, and must be as ambient as possible. Inho-
acidic compounds being chromatographed. The incorporation of mogeneous illumination will cause a significant baseline drift
formic or acetic acid was insufficient to suppress the ionisation and result in quantitative problems (Vovk & Prosek, 1997).
of the analysed compounds in the aqueous mobile phase. The opti- The drifting baseline can lead to problems in manual integrat-
mised chromatographic conditions were then used to analyse both ing of the areas under the common peaks.
standards and active constituents of R. rugosa Thunb. flower ex- 3. The photo resolution, in megapixels, plays a secondary role
tracts. A good separation of active plant constituents was achieved here. However, the photos should be saved in the best quality
(see Fig. 1). The active antiradical constituents appeared as yellow- possible (smallest compression) to minimise JPG compression
ish, white spots, produced by bleaching the purple colour of the artifacts.
DPPH reagent. A stronger radical scavenging capacity resulted in 4. The chromatograms must be applied as bands, not spots,
more intensive area around the bleached spot on the TLC plate. because in the latter case the width of the track would play a
dominant role in evaluation of peak areas.
3.2. The image processing methodology
After dipping the plates in the DPPH solution, the chromato-
As already mentioned, the results can be documented using a gram should be immediately documented by means of a camera
compact digital camera. However, the analyst must adhere to some
requirements in order to retain the usability of the data:

1. The chromatograms visualised on different photos cannot be

used for comparative analysis because they do not ‘‘match’’ in
the chemometric sense due to spatial differences (e.g., a dis-
tance between the camera and plate) (Russ, 2006). To make
them match, one would have to put the camera on the tripod,
placing the plates precisely in the same place and distance.
The photos would them have to be taken in the same exposition
(i.e., no automatic exposure time or aperture) under exactly the

Fig. 1. Radical-scavenging constituents of Rosa rugosa Thunb. flower extracts.

Chromatogram after treatment with DPPH solution, Track assignment: 1 – extract
M; 2 – mixture of standards; 3 – extract H. Mobile phase: methanol–water-o- Fig. 2. An example of a raw univariate densitogram extracted from image before
phosphoric acid (45:54:1 v/v) (RP18 HPTLC). denoising (a), after denoising (b) and after denoising and baseline drift removal (c).
552 M. Olech et al. / Food Chemistry 132 (2012) 549–553

and for data handling, the ImageJ software is applied. The built-in of interest defines a closed area. The area under the individual
gel option should be used, which was originally designed to ana- peaks was measured by clicking inside the peak with the ‘Wand
lyse one-dimensional electrophoretic gels. Tool’.
Two main problems can deal with a well done photo and in- After extracting the univariate videodensitogram, the baseline
clude the noise removal and baseline drift correction. A CCD noise should be marked by a line tool as one line from the start to the
(present both in videoscans and photographs) is almost white and end (without connecting the valleys between peaks, as shown in
easy to cope with (Komsta, 2009a). The extensive comparative Fig. 3).
study of many popular algorithms recommends the use of a med-
ian filter as the best (and very simple) approach (Komsta, 2009b). 3.3. Evaluation of radical scavenging capacity
The ImageJ software has the median filter (Process/filters/median)
implemented; therefore, applying such a filter with a 5–10 pixels Image processing of the chromatograms denotes radical scav-
width should be the first step in image processing (Fig. 2a and b). enging constituents as negative peaks. The proposed quantitative
The next preprocessing step is to remove the baseline drift methodology is based on measurements of TEA (Total Extract
caused by inhomogeneous illumination. Many solutions have been Area); i.e., the total area under a videoscan of an extract (approxi-
reported in the literature and the most promising technique is mation of the sum of all the peaks) which can be considered as the
based on multidimensional tensors of splines (Kaczmarek, Walc- sum of antiradical activities of all extract ingredients. The TEA va-
zak, de Jong, & Vandeginste, 2005), but these complicated algo- lue is compared to areas obtained for standards, and then calcu-
rithms are necessary only in the case of 2D electrophoresis. For lated using the experimentally determined formulae. Only one
peak-based quantification, a rollerball algorithm or high-pass 2D requirement is working inside the linear range of the peak area re-
filter is fast and sufficient. Yet, the rollerball algorithm did not sponse, both for the standard and extract measured.
work well in this study. In fact, it requires only black and white To determine the linear range, different amounts per band of
images. The high-pass 2D filters worked well and are implemented four standards (GA, PCA, Q, T) and rose extracts (M and H) were
in ImageJ without any plugins (Process/FFT/Bandpass Filter, the chromatographed to examine the peak area response against the
second parameter should be set to 0); they can be applied after applied amount of antioxidant. All aliquots were applied in tripli-
denoising by the median filter. In our case, the cutoff value of cate. The reference standards (GA, PCA, Q, T) were selected because
‘‘large structures’’ was chosen in the range of 50–100 (Fig. 2c). of their well-known radical scavenging capacity and frequent use
After denoising and removing the baseline drift, the rectangular as reference substances during the estimation of antioxidant activ-
selection tool was used to outline the desired track on the plate’s ity. The experimental linear ranges for the calibration curves and
picture. The width should be as large as possible, while preserving the statistical evaluation are given in Table 1, which also contains
the homogenous thicknesses of the bands (i.e., not marking round the limits of detection (LOD) for the reference compounds, evalu-
borders of the spots). The ImageJ software can compensate auto- ated as the smallest amounts causing the visibility of the spot.
matically for differences in the track width. The option ‘Select First Having the linear calibration curve for a reference compound and
Lane’ was therefore applied. Furthermore, the ‘Plot Lanes’ option working in the linear range of an extract, one can compute the equiv-
was used to generate the line profile plots, followed by the alent amount of the standard, giving the same antiradical activity
‘Straight Line Selection Tool’ to draw baselines so that each peak (TEA) as the extract. This can be called the standard activity coeffi-
cient (SAC). For example if the SAC equals 2, this mean that the dry
extract is twice as active as the pure reference compound.
where mS and mE are the quantities of standard and extract, respec-
tively in lg/spot; mS, mE are in the linear range, and both have the
same antiradical activity TEA.
The standards and crude extracts cannot be applied at levels
resulting in the same TEA, because of different linearity ranges.
Additionally, at lower concentrations, some antioxidant com-
pounds can be applied below the detection limit. Furthermore,
both samples are spotted in the middle of their linearity range
and the SAC is calculated from the formula containing the TEA of
an extract and calibration curve coefficients of a standard:
S  mE
Fig. 3. An example of quantitative integration of peaks in the case of complex and where TEA – total extract area; I – intercept from the standard’s
not fully-separated plant extracts. curve equation; S-slope from the standard’s curve equation;

Table 1
Statistical evaluation of the linearity response of standard solutions and plant extracts.

Sample Linear range [lg] Slope Intercept p (Mandel’s test) LOD [lg] r
M 15.0–62.5 297.1 585.8 0.09 – 0.9527
H 2.50–15 1169 302.4 0.43 – 0.9979
GA 0.25–3.0 4956 11418 0.39 0.25 0.9683
Q 0.25–3.0 4937 3026 0.25 0.25 0.9920
T 0.50–2.5 2399 543.1 0.87 0.5 0.9897
PCA 0.01–0.2 11274 4054 0.21 0.01 0.9822
M. Olech et al. / Food Chemistry 132 (2012) 549–553 553

Table 2
SAC values of the extracts.

Sample M H
Standard 20 lg 25 lg 40 lg Mean RSD% 10 lg 12 lg 14 lg Mean RSD%
GA 0.35 0.41 0.38 0.38 8.45 0.74 0.80 0.73 0.76 5.12
Q 0.43 0.48 0.43 0.45 6.14 0.92 0.94 0.85 0.91 5.47
T 0.94 1.03 0.91 0.96 6.14 2.01 2.03 1.82 1.95 5.83
PCA 0.18 0.21 0.19 0.19 6.22 0.39 0.41 0.37 0.39 5.34

mE-applied microgram of extract. Due to introduction of parameters References

from the standard’s curve equation, the SAC becomes independent
of the applied amount of extract. Blois, M. S. (1958). Antioxidant determinations by the use of a stable free radical.
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extracts were applied as 8-mm bands on an HPTLC plate. The
antioxidants by the stable free radical alpha, alpha-diphenyl-betapicrylhydrazyl.
SAC values for four reference compounds were obtained (Table 2). Journal of American Oil Chemists Society, 44, 539–542.
Table 2 also contains the computed values from other amounts of Hashidoko, Y. (1996). The Phytochemistry of Rosa rugosa. Phytochemistry, 43,
spiked extracts as a means to evaluate the robustness of the
Kaczmarek, K., Walczak, B., de Jong, S., & Vandeginste, B. G. M. (2005). Baseline
method. The robustness is expressed as the relative standard devi- reduction in two dimensional gel electrophoresis images. Acta
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amounts of an extract. Karadag, A., Ozcelik, B., & Saner, S. (2009). Review of methods to determine
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ity of plant extracts is easy and convenient in practice. The chro- layer videoscans: A comparison of several algorithms. Journal of
matographic response is a direct function of quenched DPPH Chromatography A, 1216, 2548–2553.
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(and an observed negative peak is indeed a peak of DPPH, but its videodensitometry. Optimization of several image-denoising techniques. Acta
area depends on the antiradical capacity of the compound). Thus, Chromatographica, 21, 355–367.
all peaks can be directly compared against their antiradical Nowak, R., & Gawlik-Dziki, U. (2006). Polyphenols of Rosa L. leaves extracts and
their radical scavenging activity. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C – Journal of
activity; the total antiradical activity can be linearly added and ex- Bioscience, 62, 32–38.
pressed as some equivalent of the reference compounds. Moreover, Nowak, R., & Tuzimski, T. (2005). A solid-phase extraction-thin-layer
there is no need to work in the UV range, and the plate can be pho- chromatographic-fiber optical scanning densitometric method for
determination of flavonol aglycones in extracts of rose leaves. Journal of
tographed in visible light.
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Paixão, N., Perestrelo, R., Marques, J. C., & Câmara, J. S. (2007). Relationship between
4. Conclusions antioxidant capacity and total phenolic content of red, rose and white wines.
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Re, R., Pellegrini, N., Proteggente, A., Pannala, A., Yang, M., & Rice-Evans, C. (1999).
The method is simple, fast and efficient for free-radical scaveng- Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization
ing activity analysis of phytochemicals and crude plant extracts. It assay. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 26, 1231–1237.
Russ, J. C. (2006). The Image Processing Handbook (6th ed.). Boca Raton: CRC Press.
could be an easy way to assess antiradical potential of herbal ex- Simões-Pires, C. A., Hmicha, B., Marston, A., & Hostettmann, K. (2009). A TLC
tracts and any other plant food products, enabling separation and bioautographic method for the detection of a- and b-glucosidase inhibitors in
detection of their active constituents simultaneously. This method plant extracts. Phytochemical Analysis, 20, 511–515.
Soponar, F., Mot, A. C., & Sarbu, C. (2008). Quantitative determination of some food
is easy, rapid, cheap and could be available for almost every analyt- dyes using digital processing of images obtained by thin-layer chromatography.
ical laboratory. Further advantages of the procedure are its relatively Journal of Chromatography A, 1188, 295–300.
high reproducibility as well as short analysis time. Furthermore, in Vovk, I., & Prosek, M. (1997). Reproducibility of densitometric and image analysing
quantitative evaluation of thin-layer chromatograms. Journal of Chromatography
HPTLC DPPH decreased amounts of dangerous radical can be used
A, 768, 329–333.
during analysis compared to the classical UV-based method. Vovk, I., Prosek, M., & Kaiser, R. E. (2001). A retrospective view for the third
One of the most important drawbacks is the necessity to pre- millennium. In Sz. Nyiredy (Ed.), Planar Chromatography (pp. 464–488).
pare fresh DPPH solution during each analysis, which, however Budapest: Springer Verlag.
Waksmundzka-Hajnos, M., Sherma, J., & Kowalska, T. (2008). Thin Layer
is typical of all experimental work related to radicals. Chromatography in Phytochemistry. Boca Raton: CRC Press, Francis and Taylor.
Yrjönen, T., Peiwu, L., Summanen, J., Hopia, A., & Vuorela, H. (2003). Free radical-
Acknowledgement scavenging activity of phenolics by reversed-phase TLC. Journal of the American
Oil Chemists’ Society, 80, 9–14.

This work was financially supported by the Polish Ministry of

Science and Higher Education (Grant No. N N405 617938).

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