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Standard state heat capacities of aqueous

electrolytes and some related undissociated

Loren G. Hepler and Jamey K. Hovey

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Abstract: Uses of heat capacities of solutions of electrolytes are reviewed, with a particular emphasis on the standard state
partial molar heat capacities and their applications to calculations of the effects of temperature on equilibrium constants,
electrode potentials, enthalpies, and entropies. Methods of obtaining these standard partial molar heat capacities are summarized,
followed by comparisons of values obtained in different ways. Many of the "best" such heat capacities are collected and then
used as the basis for establishing single-ion heat capacities based on the convention that c p O ( ~ + = )0, followed by illustrations of
the convenient use of these quantities. Finally, there is brief discussion of theoretical analysis of these standard partial molar heat
capacities in relation to ion-solvent interactions.
Key words:heat capacities, electrolytes; aqueous solutions, heat capacities; thermodynamics, electrolytes.

RCsumC : On prksente une revue de l'utilisation des capacitCs calorifiques de solutions d'Clectrolytes en insistant d'une faqon
particuliere sur les capacites calorifiques molaires partielles dans 1'Ctat standard et leurs applications aux calculs des effets de la
temperature sur les constantes d'equilibre, les potentiels d'klectrode, les enthalpies et les entropies. On rksume les methodes
d'obtenir ces capacites calorifiques molaires partielles standard et on prksente ensuite un comparaison des diverses valeurs
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obtenues d'aprks les diverses manieres. Plusieurs des ccmeilleuresa propriCtCs, comme les capacitks calorifiques, ont CtC
rassemblCes et ont ensuite CtC utilisees comme base pour I'Ctablissement des capacitks calorifiques d'un seul ion en se basant sur
la convention que c,'(H+) = 0; elles sont suivies par des illustrations sur l'utilisation commode de ces quantitks. Enfin, on
presente une breve discussion de I'analyse thiorique de ces capacitks calorifiques molaires partielles standard en relation avec les
interactions ion-solvant.
Mots ~16.7: capacitks calorifiques, electrolytes, solutions aqueuses; thermodynamique.
[Traduit par la rCdaction]

Introduction Although it has been known for a long time that similar cal-
culations for aqueous solutions of electrolytes could be useful,
Knowledge of heat capacities of pure substances is useful the general paucity of required experimental results severely
because such heat capacities can be used in a wide variety of limited these kinds of applications. In recent years, however,
thermodynamic calculations, many of which involve the advances in calorimetry have made it practical to obtain reli-
effects of changing temperature on other thermodynamic able and accurate heat capacities of dilute aqueous solutions,
properties such as Gibbs energies and related equilibrium con- thereby leading to the partial molar heat capacities needed for
stants, enthalpies, and entropies. The principle of these calcu- the kinds of calculations mentioned above.
lations and methods of carrying them out have been reviewed In the remainder of this Introduction, we will provide words
in many texts dealing with chemical thermodynamics. and equations (to be used later) to call attention to some of the
uses of partial molar heat capacities: (i) We provide a review
of experimental methods and illustrate methods of calculating
the standard state partial molar heat capacities that will form
Received October 3 1, 1995.
the principal part of the rest of this paper. (ii) We provide a
L.G. Hepler? Department of Chemistry, and Department of critical review of standard state partial molar heat capacities of
Chemical Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, aqueous inorganic electrolytes (also acetate ion, Ac-) and a
AB T6G 2G2 Canada. few non-ions such as HAc(aq), NH,(aq), CO,(aq), SO,(aq),
J.K. Hovey. Institut fur Mineralogie und Petrologie, H,S(aq), and H,PO,(aq, undissociated). (iii) We select "best"
Sonneggstrasse 5, Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule
values of standard state partial molar heat capacities and pro-
(ETH)-Zentrum, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland.
vide specific illustrations of some of their uses. (iv) We refer
' This paper, part of which was presented by L.G.H. at the briefly to uses of heat capacities in connection with theoretical
"Taube Fest" on 7 October 1995 at the University of attempts to improve or extend knowledge of ion-solvent inter-
Saskatchewan, is dedicated to Henry Taube. actions.
"uthor to whom correspondence may be addressed. To introduce the need for the heat capacities that are the
Telephone: (403) 492-2762. Fax: (403) 492-823 1. focus of this paper, we begin with the van't Hoff equation:

Can. J. Chem. 74: 639439 (1996). Printed in Canada / Imprime au Canada

Can. J. Chern. Vol. 74, 1996

Equation [9] corresponds to a nonlinear dependence of In K

on 1/T. Further, it can be shown by differentiating eq. [9] with
Making the approximation that the standard state enthalpy of respect to temperature and setting the resulting derivative
reaction, AJlo, is a constant (independent of temperature), equal to zero that there is some temperature at which In K is
integration of eq. [ l ] leads to either a minimum or a maximum, which is a very substantial
improvement over eq. [2]. It will be shown later that using a
constant (independent of temperature) value of A,Cpo leads to
remarkably accurate calculations of equilibrium constants
in which I is a constant of integration. over wide ranges of temperature, which justifies part of our
Equation [2] is often useful over small ranges of tempera- focus on heat capacities at just one temperature (298.15 K). It
ture, but is generally inadequate for wide or even moderate will also be shown that such calculations can be extended to
ranges of temperature. One illustration of the inadequacy of much wider ranges of temperature by making use of heat
this equation is provided by the observation that In K is (for capacities that have been measured over relatively small
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temperature-independent AJIO) predicted to be a linear func- ranges of temperature.

tion of 1/T, increasing or decreasing forever as the temperature Rather than carry out the differentiation of eq. [9] as men-
increases or decreases, which is contrary to the reality that val- tioned above to obtain the temperature at which the value of K
ues of K and thence In K for many reactions involving aqueous passes through a maximum or minimum, we proceed in
electrolytes pass through a minimum or maximum with chang- another way. Integrating eq. [3] between limits of T = 298 K
ing temperature. The explanation for this kind of failure of eq. and some T,, at which the value of K goes through a maximum
[2] is that AJlo is not generally a constant (independent of or minimum, we obtain
temperature), but depends on temperature as shown below.
Effects of temperature on AJlo and also on A,F are AJIO(at T = 298 K) = A,Cpo(T,,
[lo] AJlo(at T,) - - 298)
described by the following equations:
Setting AJlo(at T,) = 0 (because this corresponds to a maxi-
mum or minimum in In K vs. 1/T), we obtain the following
simple equation that relates the temperature at which the value
For personal use only.

of K passes through a maximum or minimum to the values of

Here we have used ArCpOto represent the change in heat AJlo and ArCpoat just one temperature (298 K):
capacity for a chemical reaction, which is related to the heat
capacities of the reactants and products of reaction by

Much of the rest of this paper is devoted to collection of CpO

values for T = 298.15 K, with a few illustrations of their uses;
For aqueous solutes, the relevant heat capacity denoted by Cpo we will also cite measurements leading to Cpovalues at other
is the standard state partial molar heat capacity. temperatures and their uses.
Equations [3] and [4] shows that AJIO and A S o are indepen- Although the focus in this paper is on the standard state par-
dent of temperature only in the special (unusual!) case in tial molar heat capacities represented here by C O non-stan-
P. '
which Arcp - 0. Because heat capacities generally depend on dard state (for tn > 0) partial molar heat capacities are also
temperature, consider various approaches to making use of eq. useful. Here we only mention that these non-standard state
[3] in combination with eq. [I]. One approach (others are dis- partial molar heat capacities are related to the temperature
cussed later) is to express the heat capacity of each substance dependence of enthalpies of dilution and thence to the temper-
or ion in terms of an empirical power series, such as ature dependence of activity coefficients and osmotic coeffi-
cients, as reviewed by Millero (1).

Combination of equations [5] and [6] leads to Experimental and calculation methods
One approach to obtaining standard state partial molar heat
capacities is to solve eq. [ I ] for AJIO, differentiate with
We now illustrate the principle of making use of heat capac- respect to temperature, and combine with eq. [2] to obtain
ities by cutting off eq. [7] after the Aa term, which means that
we are (for now) considering A,Cpo to be independent of tem-
perature. In this case, integration of eq. [3] leads to
Because of the magnification of uncertainties and errors asso-
[8] AJIO = AH, + (Aa)T
ciated with two differentiations, this approach is useful only
in which AHi is a constant of integration. Insertion of eq. [8] in when there are very accurate values for the equilibrium con-
eq. [ l ] and integration leads to stant over a wide range of temperature. Our focus here is on
other methods of obtaining standard state partial molar heat
capacities of solutes.
Most of the standard state partial molar heat capacities that
in which I is another constant of integration. we will be considering have been derived from calorimetric
Hepler and Hovey

results expressed in terms of apparent molar heat capacities, Several publications (5-8) have reported consideration of
C,,,, which are defined in terms of measured quantities as and remedies for small systematic errors that may be present
in flow calorimeters. In one of these papers Desnoyers et al.
(5) also provide a useful summary of CpOvalues that were
obtained during the first few years of use of the Picker calo-
In this defining equation, Cp(soln) represents the heat capacity rimeter in Desnoyers' laboratory.
of a solution containing n l moles of water and n, moles of sol- Use of eq. [I61 for evaluation of C O from measured values
ute and C,,," represents the molar heat capacity of water. The of C at several molalities requires tRat we know the value of
apparent molar heat capacity is related to the partial molar heat AC 8m: the Debye-Hockel theory. Because Ac depends on
capacity of solute (C,) by the second derivative of the dielectric constant of water with
respect to temperature, there have been some uncertainties in
choosing a "best" value. We therefore review briefly the
results of several recent calculations.
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At infinite dilution we have n, = 0 and thence the important Before going on to consider specific results, it is well to
relationship point out that some previous authors have written another ver-
sion of eq. [16] in terms of Ac(c)"' in which c represents con-
centration (molarity) rather than in terms of molality and
~ ~ ( p ~ ~ ) " ' ( r n as
) " in
' our eq. [16]. Further, some authors have
in which CpOrepresents the standard state partial molar heat derived Debye-Huckel parameters that are appropriate to par-
capacity of solute and CR+orepresents the value of the appar- tial molar properties, while others have derived these parame-
ent molar heat capacity t at IS obtained on extrapolation to n, = ters to be appropriate to apparent molar properties as in our
0 , corresponding to extrapolation to a composition of zero eq. [16]. It is necessary to consider these complications and
molality. also lack of uniformity in symbols used to represent various
Apparent molar heat capacities of dilute solutions of strong quantities in making use of results of different authors.
electrolytes are represented accurately by equations of the Because our eq. [16] contains the product ~ ~ ( p , ~we ) "will
~ ,
form express results of various calculations in terms of this
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Leduc et al. (9) have used published dielectric constants and
densities of water to obtain values of ~ ~ ( p , ~for ) ' "several
in which CpOrepresents the value of C , , at rn = 0 (see eq. temperatures, including the value 28.95 J K-I m ~ l - ~kgi1' l , for
[15]), Ac is derived from the Debye-Huckel theory and the 25°C. Similar calculations have been reported by Perron et al.
dielectric constant of water, p10 represents the density of (10) for several temperatures; they have reported nearly the
water, rn represents the molality, Bc is an adjustable parame- same value as above for 25°C. More recently, Pitzer and co-
ter, and o is defined by workers (I I), Ananthaswamy and Atkinson (12), Archer and
Wang (13), and Spitzer et al. (14) have reconsidered the tem-
perature dependence of the dielectric constant of water and
have carried out calculations of the various parameters to be
in which the v, are the subscripts in the chemical formula used in Debye-Hiickel equations for heat capacities and also
Av+Bv-and the z, are the formal charges of the ions. other thermodynamic properties for wide ranges of tempera-
The experimental problems associated with obtaining accu- tures. Results of all of these later calculations (1 1-14) arecon-
rate values of C,,, for dilute solutions are formidable because sistent with a "best" value of A , ( ~ , ~ ) " 'from about 12-23%
the difference between C,(soln) and n,Cp*14: is very small com- larger than the value from ~ e s n o ~ e and r s colleagues (9, 10)
pared with either C (soln) or nICp,,*.It follows that accurate that is given above.
values of C , , for %lute solutions can be obtained only from In the favourable cases of electrolytes of I: 1 charge type for
the results of extremely accurate measurements or from results which we have accurate values of c,,+for sufficiently dilute
of accurate measurements that lead reasonably directly to val- solutions, choosing different reasonable (in the range cited
ues of the difference represented by [C,(soln) - n Cps-1 in the above) values of Ac(plO)"' leads to very small differences in
numerator of eq. [13]. The twin calorimeters designed, built, calculated values of Coo, but for higher charge type electro-
and used by Randall, Rossini, Gucker, and a few others, as lytes (14) or when resblts of accurate measurements are not
reviewed by Parker (2), provided data of this kind and permit- available for sufficiently dilute electrolytes, choice of value
ted the evaluation of the first reasonably accurate values of for the Debye-Hiickel parameter can have a significant effect
C,,,O for aqueous electrolytes. on the value of the derived CpO.
More recently, however, the Picker flow calorimeter (3) has As will be seen later, most of the CpOvalues that are selected
permitted more accurate measurements to be made more rap- as "best" for T = 298.15 K are based on measurements with
idly, leading to most of the Cp,+and derived CpOvalues to be Picker-type calorimeters and data analysis based on eq. [16] or
considered here. The clever pr~ncipleof the original Picker similar equations. A simple and commonly adopted procedure
calorimeter that was designed and built for measurements at or for using eq. [16] is based on rearranging to obtain
near 25°C has been adapted by Picker for measurements up to
about 150°C and by Smith-Magowan and Wood (4) and others
to permit measurements to much higher temperatures (and
pressures). A graph of the quantity represented by the left side of eq. [18]
Can. J. Chem. Vol. 74, 1996

against i n leads to a straight line, with the intercept at m = 0 had recognized an important problem, but did not continue
being the value of CpO. with any detailed thermodynamic calculations.
Another approach that has proven useful is based on eq. [3] The first specific considerations and applications (22,23) of
and enthalpies of reaction that have been measured at several relaxation contributions to the measured heat capacities of
temperatures. Early applications (15, 16) of this method aqueous solutions were followed by many more, which will be
involved calorimetric measurements leading to the standard cited later in connection with specific electrolytes. Here we
enthalpies of ionization of aqueous benzoic acid at several call attention to general treatments by Mains et al. (24) and
temperatures (10-40°C). More recently and of more impor- Blandamer et al. (25).
tance for our present purpose, Cobble, Criss, and others have The principle of a relaxation contribution to a measured
used a method based on eq. [3] to obtain useful values of CpO heat capacity can be illustrated by consideration of a simple
for several electrolytes over wide ranges of temperature, as imaginary system in which there is a temperature-dependent
first reported by Criss and Cobble (17). Their calorimetric equilibrium between two isomeric forms of the same "sub-
measurements led to values of the standard state enthalpy of stance," with these two isomeric forms mixing to form an
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solution, ASH0, of sodium chloride in water as represented by ideal solution so that we need not be concerned here with such
complications as activity coefficients, enthalpies of dilution,
or the difference between A$l and A$lO. The chemical equi-
librium in this imaginary system is represented by
at 13 temperatures ranging from 0.02"C to 95.18"C. The val-
ues of AsCpoobtained as the derivative of ASHowith respect to
temperature (see eq. [3]) can be expressed as
in which f represents the fraction of total substance that is in
the B isomer form. The measured heat capacity of a system
containing one mole is
in which C O(Naf,C1-) and CpO(NaC1)represent the standard
state partiaf molar heat capacity of aqueous sodium chloride
and the molar heat capacity of NaCl(cr) at the temperature of
For personal use only.

interest. Because values of CpOfor NaCl(cr) were already in which Cp,,* and Cp,,:': represent the heat capacities of the
known, Criss and Cobble (17) were able to obtain values of pure isomeric forms A and B, respectively. Because the
CpO(Na+,C1-)that were reported over the temperature range changes in temperature in most measurements of heat capaci-
from 0 to 100°C. Gardner et al. (18) have carried out similar ties of solutions are small, it is common to replace (AflAT)
measurements at 114.25, 149.90, and 199.50°C and have com- with the differential equivalent, (dfldT), and thence obtain an
bined these results with those from Criss and Cobble (17) to analytical (rather than an equally useful and correct nuineri-
obtain values of CpO(Na',Cl-) that are reported over the 0- cal) representation of the relaxation contribution to the total
200°C range of temperatures. The method used in these two heat capacity. There is also the intangible matter of scientific
investigations (17, 180 and also others to be cited later has beauty, which some of us see in an analytical representation.
been called the "integral heat" method. To evaluate the relaxation contribution, which is the last term
Bernarducci et al. (19) used still another method of obtain- on the right side of eq. [22], we begin by solving eq. [2 11 for f
ing a value for CpO,based on combining a value of Cp,+for a and then differentiating with respect to temperature to obtain
concentrated solution (relatively easy to measure) w ~ t hthe
temperature dependence of the enthalpy of dilution to m = 0 [23] dj7dT = (dK/dT)/(l + K)" ((KK)(dWd7-)/(1 + K)'
for this same concentrated solution. They have applied this = K(d In K/dT)/(l + K)' = KAP/RT'( 1 + K)'
method to FeCl,(aq). Although their reported uncertainty
(+30 J K-I molFr) in CpOfor 25°C is considerably larger than Using this last expression with the last term in eq. [22] and rec-
uncertainties attributed to values of C O for many electrolytes ognizing that AJiF = A$l for this ideal solution system, we
based on results of measurements witg the Picker calorimeter obtain
or as derived from several applications of the "integral heat"
method, it is likely that the method used by Bernaducci et al.
(19) can also be applied usefully to some systems.
Analysis of heat capacity data for systems in which there is for the (always positive) relaxation contribution to the heat
an identifiable chemical equilibrium requires consideration of capacity.
what is now often called the "relaxation" contribution to the Evaluation of ~ p ' e for
l systems of nonideal electrolytes must
total heat capacity. An early example was provided by McCo- include considerations of activity coefficients and their depen-
llum (20), who measured heat capacities of the system in dence on temperature (related to enthalpies of dilution) and to
which the equilibrium represented by N20J(g) = 2 N02(g) the distinction between A$l and A$1° (also related to enthalp-
contributes to the total measured heat capacity. Later, Randall ies of dilution), but the general principle is the same as out-
and Taylor (21) wrote "If a reaction -for example, the disso- lined here for our simple imaginary ideal system. After values
ciation of bisulfate ion into hydrogen and sulfate ions - is of c,'"' have been calculated for an electrolyte system, these
more complete at a higher temperature than at a lower, then the values are then subtracted from the experimental values of
heat corresponding to the additional fraction of bisulfate dis- Cp,+to obtain the Cp,+(species)values that are then combined
sociated at the higher temperature will be measured as though with some version of the Debye-Hiickel theory (such as eq.
it were a part of the heat capacity of the solution." They (21) [16]) to obtain the standard state partial molar heat capacities
Hepler and Hovey

represented by C O to be used in various thermodynamic cal- The enthalpies of solution at several temperatures measured
culations of equilPbriurn constants, etc. by Criss and Cobble (17) led them to C = -79.1 J K-' mol-I
Because the details of calculation of ~ , ' eare' different for Ly
for NaCl(aq) at 25°C. The compilation Desnoyers et al. (5),
nearly every system that has been investig&ed, we do not try to based only on measurements in their laboratory, lists CpO=
illustrate any "typical" calculation. Instead, each reference -84.4 J K-I mol-' for NaCl(aq); their tabulated conventional
cited here that involves an specific calculation of c,'elis fol- single ion heat capacities lead to a calculated CpO= -84 J K-'
lowed by the symbol (Cpr e 7) In the list of references. mol-I. Criss and Millero (26) have analyzed several sets of
reported values of Cp,(band have obtained C,,: = -82.85 J K-'
mol-I; their tabulated single ion heat capacltles lead to a cal-
Values of standard state partial molar culated CpG= -83.3 l J K-l mol-l. Hovey (27) has cited five
heat capacities of aqueous solutes for values of CpOranging from -83.7 to -85.5 J K-' mol-I, with
T = 298.15 K and some of their uses an average CpO= -84.3 J K-' mol-'; his tabulated single ion
heat capacities lead to a calculated CpG= -84.4 J K-' mol-I.
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As background for our selection of "best" values for CpOof Clarke and Glew (28) have reviewed heat capacities and also
aqueous solutes for 298.15 K, we begin by considering proba- other thermodynamic properties of NaCl(aq) over a range of
ble accuracies and uncertainties in values obtained in different temperatures and have selected CpO= -83.94 J K-I mole' for
ways. NaCl(aq) at 298.15 K as the best value for overall consistency.
It is now clear from experimental results and analysis Altogether, it now seems reasonable to select Cpo = -84 J
reported in several publications already cited, in a recent anal- K-' mol-I as a "best" value for NaCl(aq) at 25"C, with a total
ysis by Criss and Millero (26), and in other publications to be uncertainty + 1 J K-I mol-'. It therefore follows that the total
cited later that nearly all of the CpOvaluesderived from results uncertainty in the CpO= -79.1 J K-I mol-I reported by Criss
of measurements with the Picker calorimeter have smaller and Cobble (17) is at least 2 4 J K-I mol-I. Further consider-
uncertainties than do CpOvalues derived from earlier measure- ation of the calculations reported by Clarke and Glew (28)
ments cited by Parker (2). Although we are not making use of lead to the more specific estimate that the CpOvalues from
the heat capacities for dilute solutions that have been cited by Criss and Cobble (17) for NaCl(aq) at temperatures up to
Parker (2), it is worth emphasizing that many of the results she about 100°C have probable uncertainties larger than 2 5 J K-'
For personal use only.

has cited for more concentrated solution are still quite useful mol-I but smaller than t 10 J K-' mol-I. Although these esti-
for other purposes. mated uncertainties for CpOvalues obtained by the integral
Our considerations of the differences between CnOvalues heat method are larger than estimated uncertainties in CpOval-
for the same solute reported by different users of picker calo- ues based on results of modern flow calorimetry, it is clear that
rimeters and for a few solutes by the same users at different CpOvalues based on the integral heat method are accurate
times provide one basis for estimating the experimental uncer- enough to be very useful.
tainties to be associated with these "slues. Another contribu- Further support for the estimated uncertainty range for val-
tion to the total uncertainty of CpOvalues comes from the ues of CpGbased on the integral heat method is provided by
method of extrapolation to rn = 0. As stated earlier in this comparison of Cpc' values for CsI(aq), for which we have
paper, one common method for doing this extrapolation is - 153.1 J K-I mol-I from Mitchell and Cobble's (29) applica-
based on eqs. [16] and [18]. But it should be recognized that tion of the integral heat method and the probably more accu-
other extrapolations that are consistent with the Debye- rate - 145.0 J K-I mol-I from flow calorimetry (5).
Hiickel limiting law can also be justified; one such method of The comparisons of values of C O from the integral heat
extrapolation, based on equations developed by Pitzer, has method with values of CpOfrom mocfern flow calorimetry that
been used by Criss and Millero (26) because that formulation we have cited have been chosen partly because of the impor-
is well suited to combination with other thermodynamic quan- tance of NaCl(aq) and partly to provide illustrations to support
tities for calculation of the effect of temperature on activity our estimates of uncertainties; it should not be assumed that
coefficients. The difference in values of CpOobtained by way these reasonable estimates of uncertainties represent estab-
of different extrapolation procedures is very small when there lished or even probable errors in the values of CpObased on the
are values of CP,+for sufficiently dilute solutions, but becomes integral heat method. For example, Mastroianni and Criss (30)
larger when such values are unavailable and extrapolations have applied the integral heat method to obtain values of C @

must be based on experimental results for less dilute solutions. for NaClO,(aq) over the range 0-95"C, including CpO=1 7 . 8 ~
All of these considerations lead us to suggest that total uncer- K-I mol-I for 25"C, which is in good agreement with Cpo =
tainties in a few values of CpObased on measurements with the 15.2 and 16.6 J K-I mol-' from two sets of measurements (3 1,
Picker calorimeter may be as small as 2 1 J K-I mol-I. but 32) with Picker flow calorimeters.
most of these total unlertainties are in the range t 2 to 1 4 J Jekel et al. (33) measured enthalpies of solution of
K-I mol-I for temperatures close to 25°C. For those systems GdCl,(cr) at several temperatures and used these results to cal-
for which it is necessarv to make measurements on solutions of culate CpO= -435 J K-l rnol-l for GdCl,(aq) at 25°C. Xiao
mixed electrolytes or for which cpre' is large, total uncertain- and Trernaine (34) have made measurements with a flow cal-
ties may be larger than t 4 J K-' mol-'. orimeter, leading to Cpc' values for Gd(ClO,),(aq),
An illustration that provides partial justification for the La(ClO,),(aq), and LaCl,(aq), which in turn lead to a calcu-
uncertainty estimates above and that also leads to an estimate lated C p O =-452 J K-' mol-' for GdCl,(aq) at 25°C. The dif-
of uncertainties to be associated with values of Cpc'obtained by ference (17 J K-I mol-l) between these two values of CpOfor
application of the "integral heat" method can be based on con- GdCl,(aq) that have been obtained in different ways is consis-
sideration of values of CpOfor NaCl(aq) at 25°C. tent with estimates of uncertainties already given here for 1: 1
Can. J. Chem. Vol. 74. 1996

electrolytes because of the larger uncertainties in extrapolatingculate T , = 557 K (250°C) as the temperature where the equi-
to m = 0 for 3: 1 electrolytes than for 1: 1 electrolytes. librium constant for ionization of water passes through a
One use of standard state partial molar heat capacities is maximum. This calculated temperature is about 35O higher
illustrated by beginning with calculation of A,CpOfor ioniza- than the actual temperature (37) at which K passes through a
tion of water as in maximum. Here we are not concerned with the small effect of
the difference between p = 1 atm (or I bar) and the saturation
pressure for t > 100°C, which has been discussed elsewhere
For this calculation we use It is possible to improve on the calculations summarized
above by recognizing that CpOvalues for electrolytes do
depend on temperature and that A,CpOalso depends on tem-
perature. Using A,CpO=f(T) in eq. [3] leads to a more compli-
cated version of eq. [8], which is then substituted in eq. [ l ] to
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Singh et al. (35) have applied eq. [26] by using their CpOvalues obtain a more complicated version of eq. [9]. Later in this
for the electrolytes (HCI, NaCl, NaOH), (HBr, NaBr, NaOH), paper we cite some examples of such calculations, but it is
(HCl, KCl, KOH), and (HBr, KBr, KOH) to obtain A,CpO= worth emphasizing now that the simpler calculations
-214.1, -215.7, -215.4, and -215.8 J K-' mol-'. Later C O described here, which are based on a constant (independent of
values from Singh et al. (31) for aqueous HClO, and ~ a ~ 1 6 , temperature) A,CpO,are accurate enough over wide ranges of
led to A,CpO= - 2 13.8 J K-' mol-I. Also, CPovalues from Enea temperature to be useful for many purposes.
et al. (36) for aqueous HNO,, NaNO,, and KN03 led to A,CpO Tables I 4 contain our selections of what we regard as
= -214.7 and -214.6 J K-' mol-'. The average of all seven of "best" values for standard state partial molar heat capacities
these values is A,CpO= -214.9 J K-' mol-'. Because all of the (Cpo)for T = 298.15 K for a large number of inorganic elec-
heat capacities used in these calculations were obtained in the trolytes and for a few "neutrals" (undissociated H3P0,, C 0 2 ,
same laboratory, using the same flow calorimeter and the same SO,, H,S, NH3) and one organic (acetic acid) that are related
experimental procedures, followed by the same kind of extrap- to electrolytes under consideration in this paper. All of the
olations to m = 0, some of whatever systematic errors were heat capacities listed in these tables are based on heat capaci-
For personal use only.

present have been cancelled in the subtraction of CpOvalues ties of solutions that have been measured relative to the heat
shown in eq. [26]. capacity of pure water, using modern flow calorimeters of the
It should also be mentioned that Allred and Woolley (7) type developed by Picker et al. (3). Although we believe there
have made flow calorimetric measurements in another labora- are good reasons for basing our selections of best standard
tory, leading to values of CpOfor HCl(aq), NaCl(aq), and state partial molar heat capacities on heat capacities measured
NaOH(aq) at 25°C (also two other temperatures). Their values with flow calorimeters, we emphasize that heat capacities
of Cpolead to A,CpO= -216.8 J K-' mol-' for ionization of obtained in other ways are also useful. Some illustrations of
water at 25"C, in satisfactory agreement with the values listed such alternative heat capacities are provided in the following
in the preceding paragraph. paragraphs.
On the basis of the eight value for A,CpOof ionization of Allred and Woolley (44) have used flow calorimetry to
water cited ( 7 , 3 1,35,36) in the two preceding paragraphs, we obtain standard state partial molar heat capacities of
choose A C = -215 J K-I mol-I as the best available value NHdfC1-(aq) and NH3(aq); their results have been heavily
,. p
for ionization of water at 298 K. Because conventional single- weighted in selecting the values for these solutes that are listed
ion heat capacities are based on CpO(Hf)= 0 and the molar heat in Tables 1 and 4, respectively. Allred and Woolley (44) have
capacity of pure water is known with excellent accuracy, this used their heat capacities in obtaining A,Cpofor
chosen best value for A,CpOleads directly to a "best" conven-
tional value for C O(OH-) and is therefore a helpful start on
compiling a usefuf collection of these single-ion heat capaci-
ties, to which we turn after one illustration of a use of heat at three temperatures. We select A,CpO= 9 J K-I mol-' as the
capacities. best value (independent of temperature near 298 K) that can be
Earlier, we derived eq. [9] for the dependence of the equi- derived from their results. We also note that Oloffson (65) has
librium constant on temperature when A!CpO is taken to be a made calorimetric measurements leading to A$ZO for reaction
constant, independent of temperature. Using the known value [27] at seven temperatures in the range 2 7 8 4 1 8 K and has
of A,HOat 298.15 K in eq. [8] permits evaluation of the con- derived (using eq. [3]) a temperature-independent A,CpO=1 1 J
stant of integration AH,. Using the chosen value of A,CpO=Aa K-I P. Although it is likely that the uncertainty in the A,CpO
with the known value of the equilibrium constant K at T = from measured heat capacities is slightly smaller than the
298.15 K permits evaluation of the other constant of integra- uncertainty in the value derived by application of eq. [3] to
tion (I)and thence yields an equation that permits calculation enthalpies of reaction at several temperatures, the comparison
of a value for the equilibrium constant at any temperature T. cited here provides convincing evidence that the "integral
We carried out these calculations for several temperatures in heat" method based on eq. [3] can provide first-rate results.
the range 273-573 K (0-300°C) and found that the values of Allred and Woolley (44) also used flow calorimetry to
pK(calcu1ated) differ by less than 0.02 from the best experi- obtain standard state partial molar heat capacities of
mental values previously selected (37) for this temperature Naf,Ac-(aq) and HAc(aq). On the basis of their results, we .
range. We also use our selected value of A,CpO= -215 J K-' have selected (Table 4) C (HAc) = 170 J K-I mol-' as the best
mol-' and A,HO= 55 815 J mol-' (37, 38) in eq. [11] to cal- available value for 298. ~ P KTwo. earlier calorimetric investi-
Hepler and Hovey

Table 1. Standard state partial molar heat capacities (C,")" of 1:l aqueous electrolytes at
298.15 K.

Solute C
: References Solute References
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 09/03/19
For personal use only.

"Units for Cooare J K-' mol-I

gations (66, 67) led to CpO(HAc)= 165 and 167 J K-' mol-I, the CpO(Na+,Cl-)listed in Table 1 to calculate a value for
each with larger uncertainty than the value we have selected, Cp(Cl-). There are, however, other routes to obtain these
but in satisfactory agreement with the selected value. Allred Cpo(ion) values. For example, the value for CpO(Hf,C1-)leads
and Woolley (44) used their heat capacities in calculating directly to a value for CPo(C1-), which can then be used with
ArCp0= (- 143 ? 3) J K-' mol-' for the reaction represented by CpO(Naf,C1-)to obtain a value for CpO(Naf).We have consid-
ered a large number of these alternative routes to values for
various Cpo(ion) and have selected those values that give the
best overall fits to the CpOvalues listed in Tables 1-3, with
Olofsson (68) made calorimetric measurements leading to val- allowance made for estimated uncertainties in the CP0values.
ues of A$F at five temperatures in the range 274-373 K and We have already illustrated how C O values (only for T =
used eq. [3] to derive ArCpO= (- 143 ? 5) J K-I mol-I for reac- 298.15 K) can be used in calculating t i e equilibrium constant
tion [28]. Once again a comparison shows that calorimetrically for ionization of water over a wide range of temperatures.
measured heat capacities and calorimetrically measured Similar calculations, using only CpOvalues for T = 298.15 K,
enthalpies at several temperatures can lead to results that are in have been carried out for other equilibria in several of the ref-
excellent agreement with each other, it being probable that the erences (for examples see refs. 43, 50, 54, and 56) already
uncertainties are smaller for directly measured heat capacities cited.
than for heat capacities derived by way of eq. [3]. Although we have chosen here to carry out calculations of
Table 5 contains our selections of "best" standard state par- equilibrium constants over a wide range of temperature by
tial molar heat capacities for single ions, all based on the com- combining eqs. [I], [3], and [8] to obtain eq. [9], this same cal-
mon convention that sets CpO(Hf)= 0. Using our previously culation can be done by combining eq. [8] with
selected ArCpO=-215 J K-' mol-' for ionization of water with
this convention and the accurately known molar heat capacity [29] A S 0 = AS, + ArCp0In T
of water leads to Cpo(OH-) = - 140 J K-I mol-I. Then the value
for CpO(Naf,OH-) listed in Table 1 leads to a value for that is based on integration of eq. [4], to obtain ArGO= A P -
CpO(Na+).A further step is to use this value for CpO(Naf)with TA,So. Further use of this ArGOin A,GO = -RT In K permits
Can. J. Chem. Vol. 74, 1996

Table 2. Standard state partial molar heat capacities (CpO)"

of 1:2 and 2:l aqueous
electrolytes at 298.15 K.

Solute CpO References Solute CpO References

Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 09/03/19

"Units for CPOare J K-' mol-'

For personal use only.

Table 3. Standard state partial molar heat Table 4. Standard state partial molar heat
capacities (CpO)"of 1:3, 1:4, and 3:l aqueous capacities (CpO)"of "neutrals" in aqueous
electrolytes at T = 298.15 K. solution at T = 298.15 K.

Solute References Solute CpO References

3Na+,POd3- H,PO,(aq, undissoc.) +94 50

3K+,Fe(CN);- co2(aq) +243 52
4K',Fe(CN),"- SOz(aq) +I95 52
~1",3C1- H2S(aq) +I78 43
A13+,3N0,- NH,(aq) +75 44
Cr",3~0< H Ac(aq) +I70 44
"Units for CPOare J K-' mol-'

"Units for C,O are J K-' mol-I. such measurements permit evaluation of the parameters in
'The calculations of C,O reported in this paper were various equations for CpO=f(T),which then permit extrapola-
based on measured heat capacities that were reported tion to much higher temperatures. The Helgeson-Kirkham-
by Hovey and Tremaine in ref. 64. Flowers (69) and Holmes-Mesmer (70) equations have been
used many times for this purpose. An example of this kind of
calculation using CpOvalues for the temperature range 10-
calculation of K = f(T)as already done in another way. Simi- 55°C for calculations that extend to 350°C is provided by
larly, combination of A,GO= A$f0 - TAJO for a cell reaction Hovey et al. (55) for the second dissociation constant of sulfu-
with A,GO = -nFEO permits convenient calculations of stan- ric acid.
dard state cell potentials (EO) over wide ranges of tempera- A clear illustration of the predictive power of the Helgeson-
tures. Kirkham-Flowers (HKF) and Holmes-Mesmer (HM) equa-
tions mentioned above is provided by consideration of values
Heat capacities of aqueous solutions at of CpOINa+,A1(OH),-1.Hovey et al. (49) measured these heat
temperatures other than T = 298.1 5 K capacities at four temperatures in the range 10-55°C and used
the HKF equation to estimate heat capacities at much higher
Heat capacities of solutions of several electrolytes have been temperatures. Then Caiani et al. (71) measured these heat
measured over temperature ranges from 10 to 55°C. Results of capacities at five temperatures in the range 53-245°C. Still
Hepler and Hovey

Table 5. Conventional" standard state partial molar heat for hydrolyzed and unhydrolyzed solutions of aluminum chlo-
capacities" of aqueous ions at T = 298.15 K. ride by Conti et al. (75). We also mention that researchers at
Brigham Young University have made calorimetric measure-
Ion C," Ion CpO Ion CPO ments leading to values of ArHOfor several reactions at high
temperatures and thence to useful values of ArCp0for these
H+ Pb" high temperatures. All of these (and other) heat capacities for
Li' uozz+ high temperatures are now sufficient in number and quality to
Na' AI~+ justify a detailed review that cannot be included here.
K+ Cr3+
Rb' La3+ Theoretical considerations of heat
Cs' Gd" capacities of aqueous electrolytes
NH,t OH-
Ag+ F Theoretical analysis of CpOvalues for aqueous electrolytes can
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 09/03/19

Mg" c1- contribute to our knowledge of ion-water interactions. Early

Ca2+ Br- efforts in this direction were reported by Zwicky (76) and by
Si+ I- Everett and Coulson (77). More recent reports by Leyendek-
B a" NO,- kers (78) and by Sen (79) illustrate two other approaches.
Mn" c10,- Wood et al. (new work and a review are included in ref. 73)
Fe" C10,- have worked on both theory and measurements to obtain
Co2+ Br0,- information about partial molar heat capacities (also other
Ni?+ thermodynamic properties) for aqueous electrolytes over a
cu2+ HCO; range of temperatures and pressures, including near and above
zn2+ HSO; the critical conditions for water. One theoretical prediction
Cd2+ HSO; and experimental verification (80) is that the partial molar heat
Hg2+ H S- capacities of electrolytes approach -m as Tc is approached
from lower temperatures and approach +m as Tc is approached
For personal use only.

"Based on CpO(H+)= 0. from higher temperatures. We also mention that Oelkers et al.
"Units for CpOare J K-I mol-'. (81) have reviewed and extended earlier work by Helgeson
and colleagues, such as that leading to the HKF equation (69).
more recently, Chen et al. (72) have measured A J F at five Jolicoeur and Mercier (82), Conway (83) Tremaine et al.
temperatures in the range 100-150°C for the reaction repre- (84), French and Criss (85), and Abraham and Marcus (86)
sented by have reported methods of estimating "absolute" (rather than
conventional) values of single ion heat capacities. It has been
pointed out clearly and correctly in several of these papers that
it may be appropriate to consider conventional ionic heat
and applied eq. [3] to obtain values of A,CpOand thence values capacities when only ions of these same charge are being com-
of CpOINa+,Al(OH),-)I. Although the complete collection of pared with each other (for example, to learn about the effects
CpOvalues based on these three sets of calorimetric measure- of ionic size on heat capacity), but it is necessary to consider
ments leads to the most accurate representation of the thermo- "absolute" ionic heat capacities when comparing ions having
dynamic properties of this system, it is important to note that different charges or when one is concerned with any quantita-
the high-temperature heat capacities predicted (49) on the tive theoretical analysis of heat capacities of hydration.
basis of measurements over the relatively narrow range 10- We also mention that Abraham and Marcus (86) and Criss
55°C are in good agreement with the heat capacities that were and Millero (26) have provided useful reviews of standard
measured or calculated via eq. [3] later. state partial molar heat capacities of aqueous electrolytes. The
As previously mentioned, we have not tabulated CpOvalues first of these reviews (86) that was published in 1986 was con-
from Criss, Cobble, and colleagues obtained by way of the cerned with both inorganic and organic electrolytes. Although
integral heat method in selecting the "best" values for T = parts of this review are now out of date because of research
298.15 K because we believe that values based on modern done in the past decade, the part that is devoted to organic
flow calorimetry are more accurate. But it should be recog- electrolytes is still the best available review. In addition, there
nized that their values for C O for several electrolytes are the is a detailed discussion of the effects of ion-water interactions
best values available for T > 398 K and can be used for various (hydration) on heat capacities. The more recent report by Criss
calculations of the sort already described here and that have and Millero (26) was concerned only with 1: 1 electrolytes and
been described by Criss, Cobble, and colleagues. is focussed on using heat capacitiei over a range of composi-
Wood and colleagues at the University of Delaware have tions as part of the evaluation of activity coefficients and
used a flow calorimeter of the type described in 198 1 (4) for osmotic coefficients as a function of both temperature and
measurement of many heat capacities at high temperatures and composition.
also at various pressures, including measurements at tempera-
tures above the critical temperature of water. Many of their Acknowledgements
results have been cited by Wood et al. (73). Other measure-
ments have been reported for (H+,C1-) to 140°C by Tremaine et We thank the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
al. (39), for [Na+, OH-] to 250°C by Simonson et al. (74), and Council of Canada for support of our research on heat capaci-
Can. J. Chern. Vol. 74. 1996

ties. J.K.H. thanks the Swiss National Science Foundation for 31. P.P. Singh, K.G. McCurdy, E.M. Woolley, and L.G. Hepler. J.
support via grant 2100-037559-93-1. Finally, we are pleased Solution Chem. 6, 327 (1977).
to thank our colleagues, who have been cited in several refer- 32. A. Roux, G.M. Musbally, G. Perron, J.E. Desnoyers, P.P. Singh,
ences, for all of their direct and indirect contributions to our E.M. Woolley, and L.G. Hepler. Can. J. Chem. 56, 24 (1978).
33. E.C. Jekel, C.M. Criss, and J.W. Cobble. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 86,
work in his area.
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For personal use only.
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3. Tatiana P. Dadze, Galina A. Kashirtseva, Mikhail P. Novikov, Andrey V. Plyasunov. 2018. Solubility of calcium molybdate in
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