Teks Wawancara

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Problem A.

1. What government policies troubleshooting time in the economic field?

a. Fiscal policy is government policy that is done by changing the state revenues
and expenditures.
b. Monetary policy; namely the government's policy of the Central Bank to increase
or decrease the amount of money in circulation in order to control the economy.
c. Not fiscal policy, not monetary, consisting of:
• Control policy demands increase in workers' earnings. â € ¢ Policies to
encourage employers to improve production efficiency
• Donate policy infrastructure.
• Make regulations conducive

2. Any ill effects of inflation?

1. Level of prosperity slump
2. Prospects for long-term economic development worsens
3. Reducing productive investment
4. Reduce exports and increase imports
5. Slowing economic growth
3. One of the problems the economy is unemployment. Mention what are the causes
and consequences of unemployment unemployed? Tell!
Causes of unemployment:
Factors â € "factors that cause unemployment
Unemployed because they want to seek another job better.
The incongruity between the actual skills of workers with the skills required in the
As a result of unemployment:
Unemployment bad result
Reducing the level of income, reducing the level of wealth (in terms of
people, cause social and economic problems to the experience)
If the unemployment situation in a very bad state?
The cause of unemployment
1. The desire to work low
2. Low educational level but wants minimal environmental circumstances
3. Limited job opportunities
4. Skill (skill) that a person has a low
â € ¢ As a result of the occurrence of poverty rampant unemployment, crime arise,
â † 'prosperity diminished.
Anticipation of unemployment
1. Bring up the idea of a person to create new job opportunities.
2. Improving skills
3. Provide education and training to people who are unemployed
4. In Indonesia, many problems â € "economic problems are hard to solve one of
which is the problem of rising prices of goods every religious festivities.
Particularly for 9 basic goods, is of major significance for housewives, how do
you think the right solution to tackle the price fluctuations of the essential goods?
tell !
So far the government only market operations. the actual shape of this settlement
go round shape of the settlement is not directly hit the core of the problem.
Should the government have the ability to determine the market price of goods.
not haanya observation and control on the market and counseling that is not

5. What is meant by under-population and overpopulation and mention each way

to eliminate these problems!
a. Underpopulation: the population of a region that is less and optimum
Overpopulation: the population of a region that exceeds or too much

b. How to remove underpopulation:

1. Efforts to enhance the birth rate, for example, giving a boost ataupu other
forms of reward for everyone who has a large number of families
2. Inviting immigrants or open the door wide to immigration How to eliminate
the overpopulation:
1. Production or importation of capital goods are more in order to increase the
productivity per capita
2. Lowering the birth rate
3. encourage emigration

Problem B.
1. In your opinion, what is the difference GNP and GDP? Though both are equally
gross product, which means they are considered gross or dirty?
2. There is one factor that affects the national income, namely demand and
aggregate supply. Explain from such understanding and whether the decline in
demand and aggregate supply will lead to unemployment in a country will be even
1. Gross National Product (GNP)
GNP (Gross National Product) or GNP includes the value of the product in the form
of goods and services produced by the population of a country (national) for one
year; including the production of goods and services produced by the citizens who
are abroad, but excluding the production of foreign companies operating in the
territory of the country.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Gross domestic product (Gross Domestic Product) is the amount of product in the
form of goods and services produced by the production units within the boundaries
of a country (domestic) for one year. In the calculation of GDP, including the
production of goods and services produced by companies / foreigners operating in
the territory of the country concerned. Produced goods including capital goods
which have not been taken into account depreciation, hence the amount obtained
from the GDP is considered to be gross / dirty.
What is the difference of the two explanations above? GNP is that it includes the
value of goods and services produced by a resident of a Contracting State for one
year (excluding the production of foreign companies operating in the country).
While the GDP it represents the amount of goods and services produced by the
unit-unti production within the territory of a State (domestic) for one year (this
includes the production of foreign companies operating in the country).
2. The aggregate demand shows the relationship between the overall demand for
goods and services according to the price level. Aggregate demand is a whole list
of goods and services to be purchased by economic sectors at various price levels,
while the aggregate supply shows the relationship between the overall offer of
goods and services offered by the companies to the price level is
tertentu.Konsumsi the factors affecting national income. If there is a change in
demand or aggregate supply, then the change will lead to changes in the price
level, the unemployment rate and the level of overall economic activity. Yes, it will
increase unemployment in a country. Because if the aggregate demand to decline
then, rising prices and national income in a country will decline as well, and it will
increase unemployment in the country. Similarly, the decline in aggregate supply
due to a decrease in the level of aggregate supply tends to raise prices, but it will
reduce national output (national income) and add to unemployment.
3. What besaranya percentage rate or the rate of inflation if known the price of certain
types of goods in November of 2012 USD. 50,000 and Rp price in the base year.
40,000 if the CPI in November 2011 was 115.34%?

• To calculate the amount of inflation must first know the consumer
price index (CPI).
With the formula:
current price
CPI = x 100
then: Prices in the base year
CPI = ---------- x 100% = 125%
• Then to calculate the inflation rate is: With the formula:

Inflation Rate Period n = CPI - CPI of the previous year

Then the inflation rate = 125.30% - 115.34% = 9.96%

4. a. What is the difference between the GNP by the GNP at current prices according
to constant prices?
b. In the base, a country has a value of GNP by 5867 and CPI of 100. What is the
value of GNP in constant prices in the next year that has a value of GNP by 5987
and a CPI of 104?
a. GNP according to current prices is the value of GNP at market prices that
occurred in the current year, while the GNP according to according to
constant prices the share of GNP when measured or assessed by the level of
prices prevailing in the base year.

b. GNP in constant prices ºð = ð 'ð' ƒ ð 'SD' 'ð'> ð 'ð ¢' YD '¢ ð' ¡ð
¼ð »ð ¾â'ð '> ð' |ð 'Ž â" ZD' ZD 'YD' 'ð' Ž ð 'ð' 'ð'> ð 'ð' -d 'YD' - ð 'ð' ð 'YD' ™ ð 'ZD' ~ð '¢ ð' ¥ 100

= ð '¥ 100
= 5757
5. In 1988 the price of rice type A in Bantul Rp 800 per kg. While the 1989 s / d in
1993 the price of rice with the same kind in a row at Bantul: USD 880; Rp 1,000;
USD 1080; Rp 1200 per kg.
Determine the type of a rice price developments in Bantul? Answer: By using
the formula:
current price
CPI = x 100
Prices in the base year

From the information above data, it can be seen the development of a type of rice
prices from 1989 s / d in 1993 as follows:
IH Pn / Po x 100 Pn / Po Year (n)

110 1.10 x 100 880/800 = 1.10 1989

125 1.25 x 100 1000/800 = 1.25 1990
135 1.35 x 100 1080/800 = 1.35 1991
150 1.50 x 100 1200/800 = 1.50 1992

A kind of rice price index in 1992 with base year 1988 was 150. This means that
during the 1988 s / d in 1992 the price of rice type A increased by 50%.

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