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A self-rating scale
You are invited to rate the extent to which you and your school employ the various strategies
described in the book. Alternatively, if you are not a classroom teacher, you could rate a teacher or
a school with whom you are familiar.
Strategies for Enhancing Learning: Teacher Questionnaire
Strategy Very often Often Occasionally Rarely/never
1 I use mixed-ability cooperative group teaching.
2 I use peer tutoring.

3 I teach my pupils appropriate social skills.

4 I actively cooperate with other professionals and
5 I actively involve parents in their children’s programme.
6 I teach my pupils cognitive strategies, i.e., problem-
solving strategies.
7 I regularly help my pupils to define goals for
themselves, monitor their own behaviour, make
personal action plans, self-evaluate their progress
toward achieving their goals, and adjust their goals and
action plans accordingly.
8 I teach my pupils a range of memory strategies.
9 In my lessons I regularly review and practise the key
ideas of previous lessons.
10 I assist my pupils to improve their reading
comprehension by predicting, questioning and
summarizing texts.
11 I use behavioural approaches in my teaching, especially
in the case of pupils with behavioural difficulties.
12 In the case of pupils’ undesirable social behaviours, I
analyze what purposes they serve and design ways of
changing them.
13 I help my pupils to change negative ways of thinking
about themselves and refer them for professional help if
these problems are severe or prolonged.
14 I employ teacher-directed, explicit, systematic teaching
based on scripted lesson plans, expect high levels of
success (90 per cent) and carry out frequent
15.1 I evaluate all pupils’ progress during lessons and adjust
my teaching as a result.
15.2 I provide feedback to all pupils in my class.
16/17 I use available information and communications
technology, including assistive technology for disabled
18 In the case of beginning readers, I teach phonological
processing (e.g., listening skills and phonics).

19 My classroom environment (e.g., lighting, ventilation,

sound) is optimal for learning.
20 I provide multiple means of representation (vision,
hearing, touch), action, expression and engagement for
my pupils.
21 My school tracks the progress of all pupils, identifies
those whose achievement is significantly below their
peers, and makes decisions about the intensity and the
likely duration of interventions based on individuals’
response to instruction across multiple tiers of
23.1 My school has a strong commitment to accepting and
celebrating diversity, is sensitive to cultural issues, and
sets high, but realistic, standards.
23.2 My school has programme of School-wide Positive
Behaviour Support, which emphasizes the prevention
and reduction of chronic problem behaviour, the active
instruction of adaptive skills, a continuum of
consequences for problem behaviours, and interventions
for learners with the most intractable problem
24 I try to create a classroom climate that is safe,
predictable and motivating.
24 I encourage my pupils to set goals and to evaluate their
own progress in achieving them.
25.1 My school’s leadership is committed to the underlying
philosophy of inclusive education and is willing to
implement it.
25.2 Pupils with special educational needs living in my
school’s neighbourhood attend this school and are
placed in age-appropriate classes.
25.3 I adapt the curriculum to suit the abilities and interests
of all my pupils.
25.4 I adapt assessment methods to suit the needs of all my
25.6 My school recognizes the right of learners with special
educational needs to be educated in general education
classrooms and to receive equitable resourcing.
25.7 My school provides adequate physical access to and
within classrooms for persons with disabilities.
25.8 Teachers in my school are provided with adequate and
appropriate professional support from a specialist
advisers, therapists and other professionals, and
assistant teachers/ paraprofessionals/ teacher aides.
25.9 My school is provided with adequate and appropriate
equipment and appropriate levels of staffing to work
with pupils with special educational needs.
27 I try to ensure my pupils have adequate time for

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